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LEGEND - Politecnico di Milano · Green Roof (G.R.) A green roof or living roof is a roof of a...

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Green Infrastructure Green infrastructure uses vegetation, soils, and natural processes to manage water and create healthier urban environments. At the scale of a city or county, green infrastructure refers to the patchwork of natural areas that provides habitat, flood protection, cleaner air, and cleaner water. At the scale of a neighborhood or site, green infrastructure refers to storm- water management systems that mimic nature by soak- ing up and storing water. In addition to reducing polluted and managing stormwa- ter runoff, GI practices can also positively impact energy consumption, air quality, carbon reduction and sequestra- tion, property prices, recreation and other elements of community health and vitality that have monetary or other social value. Green infrastructure can help to maximize the environ- mental, economic, and social benefits of the area. In the sector of environmental benefits, managing the stormwa- ter runoff, improving the air quality, reducing CO2, reduc- ing urban heat island and improving habitats are contained in this project. Moreover, in the sector of economical benefits, this project could gain the large amount of electricity demands by considered solar panels in the project to have more economical result from this project. Also, many new jobs offered for this area like working on restaurants, bars, greenhouses and fish farming. All this project attempt to make safe and healthy atmosphere for habitants to gather and enjoy their life. In order to name the green infrastructure practices used in this project, first of all, could consider all this path as green roof since it act as green roof in urban scale. Another practices like tree planting, bioreten- tion and infiltration, permeable pavement and water harvesting, applied on this path and also on whole project. In this project, two kind of GI considered to apply. First is Nature Based Solutions (NBS) and the second is Semi Natural and Sustainable elements. This categorising includes Tree Planting, Green Roof, Green Wall, Bioretention and Infiltration in the sector of NBS and Permeable Pavement,, Photovol- taic cells and Green House in the sector od Semi Natural and Sustainable Elements. Nature Based Solutions (NBS): Semi Natural and Sustainable Elements: Tree Planting (T.P.) By planting more trees, the City will also help reduce citywide building energy use, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve air quality, provide outdoor amenities, and create green jobs. Here there is an array of economic. environmental and social benefits to understand Tree Benefits – or “Ecosys- tem Services” Environmental benefits: - Improve air quality by absorbing and filtering pollutants. - Reduce greenhouse gases by direct carbon sequestra- tion and through avoided carbon emissions from reduced energy use. - Mitigate overall air temperature extremes and reduce urban “heat island” effect. - Help manage stormwater, reduce flooding, and improve water quality. - Support wildlife populations and overall biodiversity. - Reduce ultraviolet radiation levels. Social benefits: - Promote public health and well-being. - Encourage physical activity by creating attractive, shaded outdoor spaces. - Discourage crime and create safe places to gather. - Strengthen community engagement and revitalise neighbourhoods. - Promote social equity and environmental justice for neglected communities. - Supply healthy edibles – fruit and nuts. - Provide solace, spiritual sustenance, and a sense of place. Economic benefits - Save energy and cut costs for summer cooling (shade) and winter heating (windbreak). - Increase property values, benefiting homeowners and increasing local tax revenues. - Boost commercial district activity. - Support green industry jobs. - Reduce costs to taxpayers for traditional “grey” infra- structure. - Supply wood products – ranging from recycled material such as mulch, to hardwood furniture, and fuel for energy production. Green Roof (G.R.) A green roof or living roof is a roof of a building that is partially or completely covered with vegetation and a growing medium, planted over a waterproof- ing membrane. It may also include additional layers such as a root barrier and drainage and irrigation systems. Researches have identified the following benefits for green roofs: Environmental: - Stormwater management - Increase biodiversity and habitat - Decrease urban heat island - Urban agriculture - Increase air quality - Decrease noise pollution Social and economic: - Aesthetics and Quality of life - Job generation and economic development They effectively utilise the natural functions of plants to filter water and treat air in urban and suburban land- scapes. It is possible to consider this green path, acting like green roof since it has more or less same function in environ- mental benefits, and also the detail of the elements on this path are similar to details of green roofs since in some- where on this path, elements designed of asphalt of street. So, waterproof membrane on asphalt and then drain- age and growing medium are consid- ered for this path. Green Wall (G.W.) Installing green façades and living walls can result in many benefits to the environment, buildings and human welfare. The list below provides more detail on what benefits can be realised with urban green- ing solutions in general and how these are achieved. Environmental benefits: Air purification Noise reduction Dust suppression Urban heat island reduction Increase Biodiversity Water management introduced urban farming Balance natural humidity Social and economic benefits: Increase urban aesthetic point of view Health & wellbeing Create jobs Water harvesting (W.H.) Rainwater collection affects the environment posi- tively in two major ways: 1. Rainwater harvesting it is an alternative (and for many reasons better) water supply to the normal surface water based supplies from reservoirs or groundwater based supplies from wells tapped into underground aquifers. 2. Rainwater harvesting helps manage stormwater runoff to prevent erosions, flooding, and poor water quality in our lakes and streams Water harvesting is defined as the redirection and productive use of rainwater by capturing and storing it onsite for irrigation, toilet flushing and other potential uses. The benefits come from water harvesting are: - Reduces stormwater runoff - Increases available water supply - Increases groundwater recharge - Reduces energy use - Improves air quality - Reduces atmospheric CO2 water harvesting tanks for this project designed in two forms of locating on ground (W.H.O.) and underground (W.H.U.). underground ones are located under Piazza Rogoredo and on ground tank considered to locate under corvette overpass. Rectangular vault which are Creepers Supports (C.S.) and have system of water misting in order to make pleasure atmosphere in summer. They cause improving pathways, creating places to gather and providing shade during warm weather. These vaults provide beauty and privacy, which improve community aesthetics. They help to reduce sound transmission and reduce local noise pollution level. Water Misting (W.M.) provide to moder- ate the air during summer. Misting system considered to locate on creeper supports and solar trees. Photovoltaic cells (PV) A photovoltaic system converts the sun's radiation into usable electricity. It comprises the solar array and the balance of system components. using PV system has effects n environmental aspects like: - Solar reduces air pollution: Generating electricity with solar panels produces no greenhouse gasses whatsoever. - Solar reduces water pollution: Solar photovoltaic cells don't need water to generate electricity. - Solar reduces the need for finite resources: Solar energy is renewable. The sun is the world's most abundant energy source, producing an amazing 173,000 terawatts of solar energy every second. PV system used in this project are in two kinds of photovoltaic glasses (PV1) and solar panels (PV2). Solar panels used for restaurants, solar trees and light poles. Photovoltaic glasses are used for greenhouse and the roof for gathering space. Permeable pavement (P.P.) Permeable pavement allow rain and snowmelt to seep through the surface down to underlying layers of soil and gravel. the benefits comes from permeable pavements are: - Permeable pavements help reestablish a more natural hydrologic balance and reduce runoff volume by trapping and slowly releasing precipitation into the ground instead of allowing it to flow into storm drains and out to receiving waters as effluent. This same process also reduces the peak rates of discharge by preventing large, fast pulses of precipitation through the stormwater system. - Permeable pavement can reduce the concentration of some pollutants either physically (by trapping it in the pavement or soil), chemically (bacteria and other microbes can break down and utilise some pollutants), or biologically (plants that grow in-between some types of pavers can trap and store pollutants). - By slowing down the process, permeable pavements can cool down the temperature of urban runoff, reducing the stress and impact on the stream or lake environment. - By controlling the runoff at the source, such as a park- ing lot, permeable pavement can also reduce the need for or the required size of a regional BMP, such as a wet detention pond, which saves money and effort. Permeable pavers come with small joints or spaces between every block paver which lets water drain through. The gaps are filled by sweeping rocks into them instead of using solidifying agents such as polymeric sand or mortar. With the small rocks, a driveway or patio surface is kept solid while letting water to trickle through the spaces. Grass known as completely permeable material that could catch runoff water and effect of air quality. Some of the grass environmental benefits are: -improve air quality - Reduces Atmospheric CO2 - absorbs heat - provides the environment for a micro ecosystem creation The system of planting grass on this path has the same detail with plant- ing grass on roof gardens, with waterproof membrane and drainage layer. Permeable pavements in this project, by their drainage system, lead rain water to harvesting tanks PV2-2 Linear ground light to emphasize the direction and the total pattern of the green path. The required electricity for this lightning comes from solar energy PV2-3 Street light pole with PV system. second skin used for moderating the light and spreading light through the pole PV2-1 Using solar tree as an urban furniture. These solar trees could provide required light in this part, and also, is a place to sit and use the plugs prepared on seats to use laptop or charging cellphones and so on. Electricity for plugs come from solar panels on solar tree. PV1-1 small piazza designed for small events and gatherings. light and demanded electricity comes from PV glasses. P.G. Combination of pavement and grass designed for the path on the overpass. The lines on the ground emphasize the form of faced under the overpass. P.P. 4 concrete grid pavers (CGP) Connection bewtween areas and for places that pedestrain could walk on the grass To have more pleasant atmosphere in this part, considered to have Ground Water Misting (G.WM.) that make attractive place for children and also for adults. Water misting could help to improves air quality and reduces Urban Heat Island. Green House (G.H.) Some advantages of greenhouse: - Fresh greens, vegetable and fruit - A warm place to go in the middle of a cold, gray winter - Ability to grow things you wouldn’t otherwise be able to grow (exotic flowers, tropical fruit) - No more battles with squirrels and insects - visual appeal to a landscape Since it is expensive to heat greenhouse and also greenhouse utilise high amount of electricity and water, so, it is designed to use PV glasses (PV1) for greenhouse to obtain required electricity. More- over, the water from water harvesting tanks in this site will use for this greenhouses. This area considered as Temporary Market (T.M.) that one part could sell the products from greenhouse, fish farms of this complex and another part for selling products come from somewhere else. Bioretention and Bioinfiltration (BR. - BI.) Bioretention practices, often called rain gardens, are small vegetated landscape practices designed to filter or infiltrate stormwater runoff. They have a relatively simplis- tic design that can be incorporated into a wide variety of landscaped areas. bio basins have several benefits such as: environmental benefits: - effects on water quality by its pollutant removal mecha- nisms including vegetative filtering, settling, evaporation, infiltration, transpiration, biological and microbiological uptake, and soil adsorption. - increase groundwater Recharge - reduced runoff - reduced soil erosion - reduced flooding - increased wildlife habitat - reduced urban heat island effects - improved air quality - reduced atmospheric CO2 social benefits: - improved mental health - improved health outcome - improved sense of community - reduced crime Urban Forest (U.F.) “Green infrastructure” utilises NBS to better manage and help the conventional grey infrastructure, such as water treatment plants and stormwater management systems. But with additional environmental, economic, and social benefits. Broadly defined, every tree and the entire urban forest can be considered green infrastructure, because they offer benefits across that “triple bottom line”– economic, environmental, and social. The Sustainable Urban Forest includes everything needed to assure that the entire forest system achieves and maintains a healthy overall extent and structure sufficient to provide the desired benefits, or ecosystem services, over time. The definition of urban forest which had been done in Italy in 2009 by NIF (National Inventory Report) and NFI (National Forest Inventory) indicate that the urban forest is define as a green area more than 5000 sqm which has trees inside with canopy of more than 10% of total area and trees have the height more than 5 meters. In this project tried to consider an area as urban forest in order to gain its benefits in the zone of Rogoredo Station. The area which is highlighted on the map by red dashed line is the area of about 7800 square meters with around 40% crown cover (the dimension of matured trees’ cano- pies had been calculated). The feature of trees which are used in this project are written on right. Name of trees used in the project: P.P. 1 B. & I. BR. & BI. G.H. P.P. 2 Permeable interlocking concrete pavers (PICP) The connection of the piazza Rogoredo to Green Path designed as a Pedestrian Bridge (P.B.) with 70 meters ramp, passing above existing streets. Shrubs and bushes considered to plant on the bridge. The aesthetic feature of this bridge from outside (car view from down) in order to determine that it is a green path, is using creeper plants hanging from the bridge. Tree Pots as urban Furniture (T.P.F.) considered to use in parts that metro tube pass under them Open space bar and restaurant (B&R) Bus Station BS Public Bicycle Stations PBS Tree guards and grates (T.P.G.) have an important role to play in maintaining healthy tree pit conditions. They can also be as aesthetically pleasing as they are functional, and offer a high quality visual design statement to any public realm or streetscape theme. Multi-functional space with shading of Convertible Umbrellas (C.U.), and water misting for summers G.H. PV 1 PV 2 P.P. 3 Permeable interlock- ing concrete pavers (PICP) Family: Acer Name: Acero americano Scientific name: Acer negundo Heigh(m): From 5 to 18 Time to ultimate Height (years): 5-10 Growing time (m./20 years): 6 Life Span (years): 25-50 Trunk Shape: Straight / Multi-Trunked Diameter (cm.): 30-60 Growing diameter (cm./20 years): 45.2 Canopy (m.) Density: Medium Texture: Medium Spread at Maturity (m.): From 5 to 8 Area (m2.): From 19.6 to 50.3 Color: Light Green, Yellow Family: Quercus Name: Quercia rossa americana Scientific name: Quercus rubra L. Heigh(m): From 10 to 25 Time to ultimate Height (years): 20-50 Growing time (m./20 years): 25 Life Span (years): +50 Trunk Shape: Straight / Single-trunk Diameter (cm.): 90-180 Growing diameter (cm./20 years): 36.3 Canopy (m.) Density: Dense Texture: Coarse Spread at Maturity (m.): From 15 to15 Area (m2.): From 176.7 to 176.7 Color: Green, Red Family: Prunus Name: Mirabolano, Ciliegio-Susino Scientific name: Prunus cerasifera Ehrh Heigh(m): From 5 to 8 Time to ultimate Height (years): 20-50 Growing time (m./20 years): 8 Life Span (years): -25 Trunk Shape: Curved / single trunked Diameter (cm.): 50 Growing diameter (cm./20 years): 33.3 Canopy (m.) Density: Dense Texture: Medium Spread at Maturity (m.): From 5 to 8 Area (m2.): From 19.6 to 50.3 Color: Purple, brown Family: Prunus Name: Ciliegio da fiore Scientific name: Prunus serrulata Lindl.Gr.Kanzan Heigh(m): From 4 to 8 Time to ultimate Height (years): 20-50 Growing time (m./20 years): 12 Life Span (years): 40-150 Trunk Shape: Straight / single trunked Diameter (cm.): 50 Growing diameter (cm./20 years): 33.3 Canopy (m.) Density: Moderate Texture: Medium Spread at Maturity (m.): From 5 to 8 Area (m2.): From 19.6 to 50.3 Color: Green, Yellow, Orange, Copper Family: Robinia Name: Robinia, Falsa Acacia Scientific name: Robinia pseudoacacia L. Heigh(m): From 2 to 25 Time to ultimate Height (years): 20-50 Growing time (m./20 years): 12 Life Span (years): 25-50 Trunk Shape: Straight / Ramified Diameter (cm.): 30-76 Growing diameter (cm./20 years): 37.3 Canopy (m.) Density: Dense Texture: Fine Spread at Maturity (m.): From 5 to 8 Area (m2.): From 19.6 to 50.3 Color: Green, Yellow Family: Celtis Name: Bagolaro, Spaccasassi Scientific name: Celtis australis L. Heigh(m): From 1 to 25 Time to ultimate Height (years): 10-20 Growing time (m./20 years): 3 Life Span (years): 50+ Trunk Shape: Straight / Single Diameter (cm.): 30-90 Growing diameter (cm./20 years):40.9 Canopy (m.) Density: Medium Texture: Medium Spread at Maturity (m.): From 10-15 Area (m2.): From 78.5-176.7 Color: Green, Yellow BS PBS PBS C.U. New car circulation New car circulation Parking T.P.F. Vertival connection to Porta Di Mare metro station P.B. P.P.4 PBS P.P.1 PV2-3 PV2-3 PV1-1 PV2-2 P.P.2 BI. BR. T.P.F PV2-1 PV2-2 PV2-3 P.P.4 PV2-1 G.H. - PV1 PV2-3 P.P.4 BR. B&R C.S. - W.M. P.P. 3 T.P.G. T.P. - U.F. P.P. 4 - Multifunctional space W.H. - Underground tanks Existing trees P.P.2 C.S. - W.M. C.S. - W.M. Existing trees G.WM. BR. PV1-1 P.P.4 BI. Existing trees Existing trees PART 1 NATURE BASED SOLUTIONS: T.P. + U.F. + BI. SEMI NATURAL AND SUSTAINABLE ELEMENTS: P.P. PART 2 NATURE BASED SOLUTIONS: T.P. + BR. BI. SEMI NATURAL AND SUSTAINABLE ELEMENTS: P.P. + PV. PART 3 NATURE BASED SOLUTIONS: T.P. + BR. + G.R. + G.W SEMI NATURAL AND SUSTAINABLE ELEMENTS: P.P. + PV PART 4 NATURE BASED SOLUTIONS: T.P. + BR. SEMI NATURAL AND SUSTAINABLE ELEMENTS: P.P. + PV + G.H. Rainfall interception (l./tree*year) 0-20 year CO2 sequestered (kg.) 0-20 year Total rainfall interception (l./tree*year) 0-20 year Total CO2 sequestered (kg.) 0-20 year number of trees Quercia rossa americana Mirabolano, Ciliegio-Susino Acero americano Ciliegio da fiore Robinia, Falsa Acacia 73721 19120 61870 29397 85166 810931 305920 2784150 529146 5535790 15642 2832 103770 21510 99320 1422 177 2306 1195 1528 11 16 45 18 65 Total 9965937 243074 Rainfall interception (l./tree*year) 0-20 year CO2 sequestered (kg.) 0-20 year Total rainfall interception (l./tree*year) 0-20 year Total CO2 sequestered (kg.) 0-20 year number of trees Mirabolano, Ciliegio-Susino Acero americano 19120 61870 458880 866180 4248 32284 177 2306 24 14 Total 1325060 36532 Rainfall interception (l./tree*year) 0-20 year CO2 sequestered (kg.) 0-20 year Total rainfall interception (l./tree*year) 0-20 year Total CO2 sequestered (kg.) 0-20 year number of trees Mirabolano, Ciliegio-Susino Acero americano Ciliegio da fiore 19120 61870 29397 535360 1051790 352764 4956 39202 14340 177 2306 1195 28 17 12 Total 1939914 58498 T.P. Total number of trees Total area of canopies Total area (sqm) U.F. 40% >10% 55 1555 1171848 7800 > 5000 Area of P.P.3 (PICP) (sqm) Area of P.P.4 (CGP) (sqm) Total area (sqm) P.P. 4030.4 7146.24 11176.64 8422715.9 Area of P.P.1 (sqm) Area of P.P.2 (PICP) (sqm) Total area (sqm) P.P. 2136.51 Area of P.P.4 (CGP) (sqm) 1310 1216.25 4662.76 3513856 Total area (sqm) Total runoff reduction (l) BI. 1613.75 1216122 Total area (sqm) Total runoff reduction (l) BR. 1327.9 1000705 Total area (sqm) Total runoff reduction (l) BI. 693.63 522719 Total area (sqm) Total runoff reduction (l) BR. 1344.79 1013433 Total area (sqm) Total runoff reduction (l) BI. 775.5 Total area (sqm) G.H. 755 568968 Total area(sqm) Total runoff reduction (l) BR. Gallons of runoff reduced annually (gal) Area of PV. 1 (sqm) Area of PV. 2 (sqm) PV. 81.9 Total areas (sqm) kWh produced from 1 m2 solar pannel in year (kWh/m2/year) 481.9 1820.7 400 877395.3 Total kWh produced in year (kWh/m2/year) Area of PV. 1 (sqm) Area of PV. 2 (sqm) PV. 12.2 Total areas (sqm) kWh produced from 1 m2 solar pannel in year (kWh/m2/year) 696.7 1820.7 684.5 1268481.7 Total kWh produced in year (kWh/m2/year) Area of P.P.1 (sqm) Area of P.P.2 (PICP) (sqm) Total area (sqm) P.P. 2458.68 Area of P.P.4 (CGP) (sqm) 535.62 582.12 3576.42 2695190 Gallons of runoff reduced annually (l) Area of P.P.1 (sqm) Area of P.P.2 (PICP) (sqm) Total area (sqm) P.P. 1930.8 Area of P.P.4 (CGP) (sqm) 94.62 424.97 2450.4 1846621 Gallons of runoff reduced annually (l) Area of PV. 2 (sqm) PV. 108 kWh produced from 1 m2 solar pannel in year (kWh/m2/year) 1820.7 196635.6 Total kWh produced in year (kWh/m2/year) Gallons of runoff reduced annually (l) T.P. Rainfall interception (l./tree*year) 0-20 year CO2 sequestered (kg.) 0-20 year Total rainfall interception (l./tree*year) 0-20 year Total CO2 sequestered (kg.) 0-20 year number of trees Mirabolano, Ciliegio-Susino Ciliegio da fiore Robinia, Falsa Acacia 19120 29397 85166 363280 1264071 2980810 3363 51385 53480 177 1195 1528 19 43 35 Total 4608161 108228 Plan-Section No. 2 Plan-Section No. 1 Plan-Section No. 3 Plan-Section No. 4 Plan-Section No. 5 Plan-Section No. 6 Plan-Section No. 7 Plan-Section No. 2 Scale 1:500 Plan-Section No. 3 Scale 1:500 Plan-Section No. 4 Scale 1:500 Plan-Section No. 5 Scale 1:500 Plan-Section No. 6 Scale 1:500 Plan-Section No. 7 Scale 1:500 Plan-Section No. 1 Scale 1:500 Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Photovoltaic panels Photovoltaic panels Photovoltaic panels Photovoltaic panels Combination of Pavement and Grass Permeable Pavement Permeable Pavement Permeable Pavement PV 1-1 PV 2-1 PV 2-2 PV 2-3 P.G. P.P. 1 P.P. 2 P.P. 3 Permeable Pavement Ground Water Misting Creeper Support Water Misting Bioretention Bioifilteration GreenHouse Temporary Market P.P. 4 G.WM. C.S. W.M. BR. BI. GH. T.M. Convertible Umbrellas Tree Pit Grate Tree Pots as urban Furniture Pedestrian Bridge Bar & Restaurant Bus Station Public Bicycle Station C.U. T.P.G. T.P.F. P.B. B&R BS PBS LEGEND TREES SPECIES Sections from Piazza Progoredo - Scale 1:500 Acero americano Bagolaro,Spaccasassi Ciliegio da fiore Robinia,Falsa Acacia Mirabolano,Ciliegio-Susino Quercia rossa americana South Elevation of Green Path - Scale 1:500 scale: 1:1000 POLITECNICO DI MILANO A.A. 2017/2018 GREEN PATH Scuola di Architettura Urbanistica Ingegneria delle Costruzioni Leonardo Campus Milano Master of Science in Architecture Supervisor: Prof. Arch. Andrea Tartaglia Tutor: Arch. Davide Cerati Student: Ala Firouzan - Personal number: 851319 09 MASTER PLAN
Page 1: LEGEND - Politecnico di Milano · Green Roof (G.R.) A green roof or living roof is a roof of a building that is partially or completely covered with vegetation and a growing medium,

Green Infrastructure

Green infrastructure uses vegetation, soils, and natural processes to manage water and create healthier urban environments. At the scale of a city or county, green infrastructure refers to the patchwork ofnatural areas that provides habitat, flood protection, cleaner air, and cleaner water. At the scale of aneighborhood or site, green infrastructure refers to storm-water management systems that mimic nature by soak-ing up and storing water.

In addition to reducing polluted and managing stormwa-ter runoff, GI practices can also positively impact energy consumption, air quality, carbon reduction and sequestra-tion, property prices, recreation and other elements of community health and vitality that have monetary or other social value.

Green infrastructure can help to maximize the environ-mental, economic, and social benefits of the area. In the sector of environmental benefits, managing the stormwa-ter runoff, improving the air quality, reducing CO2, reduc-ing urban heat island and improving habitats are contained in this project. Moreover, in the sector of economical benefits, this project could gain the large amount of electricity demands by considered solar panels in the project to have more economical result from this project. Also, many new jobs offered for this

area like working on restaurants, bars, greenhouses and fish farming.

All this project attempt to make safe and healthy atmosphere for habitants to gather and enjoy their life.In order to name the green infrastructure practices used in this project, first of all, could consider all this path as green roof since it act as green roof in urban scale. Another practices like tree planting, bioreten-tion and infiltration, permeable pavement and water harvesting, applied on this path and also on whole project.

In this project, two kind of GI considered to apply. First is Nature Based Solutions (NBS) and the second is Semi Natural and Sustainable elements.This categorising includes Tree Planting, Green Roof, Green Wall, Bioretention and Infiltration in the sector of NBS and Permeable Pavement,, Photovol-taic cells and Green House in the sector od Semi Natural and Sustainable Elements.

Nature Based Solutions (NBS): Semi Natural and Sustainable Elements:Tree Planting (T.P.)

By planting more trees, the City will also help reduce citywide building energy use, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve air quality, provide outdoor amenities, and create green jobs.Here there is an array of economic. environmental and social benefits to understand Tree Benefits – or “Ecosys-tem Services”

Environmental benefits:

- Improve air quality by absorbing and filtering pollutants.- Reduce greenhouse gases by direct carbon sequestra-tion and through avoided carbon emissions from reduced energy use.- Mitigate overall air temperature extremes and reduce urban “heat island” effect.- Help manage stormwater, reduce flooding, and improve water quality.- Support wildlife populations and overall biodiversity.- Reduce ultraviolet radiation levels.

Social benefits:

- Promote public health and well-being.

- Encourage physical activity by creating attractive, shaded outdoor spaces.- Discourage crime and create safe places to gather.- Strengthen community engagement and revitalise neighbourhoods.- Promote social equity and environmental justice for neglected communities.- Supply healthy edibles – fruit and nuts.- Provide solace, spiritual sustenance, and a sense of place.

Economic benefits

- Save energy and cut costs for summer cooling (shade) and winter heating (windbreak).- Increase property values, benefiting homeowners and increasing local tax revenues.- Boost commercial district activity.- Support green industry jobs.- Reduce costs to taxpayers for traditional “grey” infra-structure.- Supply wood products – ranging from recycled material such as mulch, to hardwood furniture, and fuel for energy production.

Green Roof (G.R.)

A green roof or living roof is a roof of a building that is partially or completely covered with vegetation and a growing medium, planted over a waterproof-ing membrane. It may also include additional layers such as a root barrier and drainage and irrigation systems. Researches have identified the following benefits for green roofs:


- Stormwater management- Increase biodiversity and habitat- Decrease urban heat island- Urban agriculture- Increase air quality- Decrease noise pollution

Social and economic:

- Aesthetics and Quality of life- Job generation and economic development

They effectively utilise the natural functions of plants to filter water and treat air in urban and suburban land-scapes.

It is possible to consider this green path, acting like green roof since it has more or less same function in environ-mental benefits, and also the detail of the elements on this path are similar to details of green roofs since in some-where on this path, elements designed of asphalt of street. So, waterproof membrane on asphalt and then drain-age and growing medium are consid-ered for this path.

Green Wall (G.W.)

Installing green façades and living walls can result in many benefits to the environment, buildings and human welfare. The list below provides more detail on what benefits can be realised with urban green-ing solutions in general and how these are achieved.

Environmental benefits:

Air purificationNoise reductionDust suppressionUrban heat island reductionIncrease BiodiversityWater managementintroduced urban farmingBalance natural humidity

Social and economic benefits:

Increase urban aesthetic point of viewHealth & wellbeingCreate jobs

Water harvesting (W.H.)

Rainwater collection affects the environment posi-tively in two major ways:1. Rainwater harvesting it is an alternative (and for many reasons better) water supply to the normal surface water based supplies from reservoirs or groundwater based supplies from wells tapped into underground aquifers.2. Rainwater harvesting helps manage stormwater runoff to prevent erosions, flooding, and poor water quality in our lakes and streams

Water harvesting is defined as the redirection and productive use of rainwater by capturing and storing it onsite for irrigation, toilet flushing and other potential uses.

The benefits come from water harvesting are:

- Reduces stormwater runoff- Increases available water supply- Increases groundwater recharge- Reduces energy use- Improves air quality- Reduces atmospheric CO2

water harvesting tanks for this project designed in two forms of locating on ground (W.H.O.) and underground (W.H.U.). underground ones are located under Piazza Rogoredo and on ground tank considered to locate under corvette overpass.

Rectangular vault which are Creepers Supports (C.S.) and have system of water misting in order to make pleasure atmosphere in summer. They cause improving pathways, creating places to gather and providing shade during warm weather.These vaults provide beauty and privacy, which improve community aesthetics. They help to reduce sound transmission and reduce local noise pollution level.

Water Misting (W.M.) provide to moder-ate the air during summer. Misting system considered to locate on creeper supports and solar trees.

Photovoltaic cells (PV)

A photovoltaic system converts the sun's radiation into usable electricity. It comprises the solar array and the balance of system components.using PV system has effects n environmental aspects like:

- Solar reduces air pollution: Generating electricity with solar panels produces no greenhouse gasses whatsoever.- Solar reduces water pollution: Solar photovoltaic cells don't need water to generate electricity. - Solar reduces the need for finite resources: Solar energy is renewable. The sun is the world's most abundant energy source, producing an amazing 173,000 terawatts of solar energy every second.

PV system used in this project are in two kinds of photovoltaic glasses (PV1) and solar panels (PV2).Solar panels used for restaurants, solar trees and light poles.Photovoltaic glasses are used for greenhouse and the roof for gathering space.

Permeable pavement (P.P.)

Permeable pavement allow rain and snowmelt to seep through the surface down to underlying layers of soil and gravel. the benefits comes from permeable pavements are:

- Permeable pavements help reestablish a more natural hydrologic balance and reduce runoff volume by trapping and slowly releasing precipitation into the ground instead of allowing it to flow into storm drains and out to receiving waters as effluent. This same process also reduces the peak rates of discharge by preventing large, fast pulses of precipitation through the stormwater system.- Permeable pavement can reduce the concentration of some pollutants either physically (by trapping it in the pavement or soil), chemically (bacteria and other microbes can break down and utilise some pollutants), or biologically (plants that grow in-between some types of pavers can trap and store pollutants).- By slowing down the process, permeable pavements can cool down the temperature of urban runoff, reducing the stress and impact on the stream or lake environment.- By controlling the runoff at the source, such as a park-ing lot, permeable pavement can also reduce the need for or the required size of a regional BMP, such as a wet detention pond, which saves money and effort.

Permeable pavers come with small joints or spaces between every block paver which lets water drain through. The gaps are filled by sweeping rocks into them instead of using solidifying agents such as polymeric sand or mortar. With the small rocks, a driveway or patio surface is kept solid while letting water to trickle through the spaces.

Grass known as completely permeable material that could catch runoff water and effect of air quality.Some of the grass environmental benefits are:-improve air quality- Reduces Atmospheric CO2- absorbs heat- provides the environment for a micro ecosystem creationThe system of planting grass on this path has the same detail with plant-ing grass on roof gardens, with waterproof membrane and drainage layer.Permeable pavements in this project, by their drainage system, lead rain water to harvesting tanks

PV2-2Linear ground light to emphasize the direction and the total pattern of the green path.The required electricity for this lightning comes from solar energy

PV2-3Street light pole with PV system. second skin used for moderating the light and spreading light through the pole

PV2-1Using solar tree as an urban furniture. These solar trees could provide required light in this part, and also, is a place to sit and use the plugs prepared on seats to use laptop or charging cellphones and so on. Electricity for plugs come from solar panels on solar tree.

PV1-1small piazza designed for small events and gatherings.light and demanded electricity comes from PV glasses.

P.G.Combination of pavement and grass designed for the path on the overpass. The lines on the ground emphasize the form of faced under the overpass.

P.P. 4concrete grid pavers (CGP)Connection bewtween areas and for places that pedestrain could walk on the grass

To have more pleasant atmosphere in this part, considered to have Ground Water Misting (G.WM.) that make attractive place for children and also for adults. Water misting could help to improves air quality and reduces Urban Heat Island.

Green House (G.H.)

Some advantages of greenhouse: - Fresh greens, vegetable and fruit - A warm place to go in the middle of a cold, gray winter - Ability to grow things you wouldn’t otherwise be able to grow (exotic flowers, tropical fruit)- No more battles with squirrels and insects - visual appeal to a landscapeSince it is expensive to heat greenhouse and also greenhouse utilise high amount of electricity and water, so, it is designed to use PV glasses (PV1) for greenhouse to obtain required electricity. More-over, the water from water harvesting tanks in this site will use for this greenhouses.

This area considered as Temporary Market (T.M.) that one part could sell the products from greenhouse, fish farms of this complex and another part for selling products come from somewhere else.

Bioretention and Bioinfiltration (BR. - BI.) Bioretention practices, often called rain gardens, are small vegetated landscape practices designed to filter or infiltrate stormwater runoff. They have a relatively simplis-tic design that can be incorporated into a wide variety of landscaped areas.bio basins have several benefits such as:

environmental benefits:

- effects on water quality by its pollutant removal mecha-nisms including vegetative filtering, settling, evaporation, infiltration, transpiration, biological and microbiological uptake, and soil adsorption. - increase groundwater Recharge- reduced runoff- reduced soil erosion- reduced flooding- increased wildlife habitat- reduced urban heat island effects- improved air quality- reduced atmospheric CO2

social benefits:

- improved mental health- improved health outcome- improved sense of community- reduced crime

Urban Forest (U.F.)

“Green infrastructure” utilises NBS to better manage and help the conventional grey infrastructure, such as water treatment plants and stormwater management systems. But with additional environmental, economic, and social benefits. Broadly defined, every tree and the entire urban forest can be considered green infrastructure, because they offer benefits across that “triple bottom line”– economic, environmental, and social.

The Sustainable Urban Forest includes everything needed to assure that the entire forest system achieves and maintains a healthy overall extent and structure sufficient to provide the desired benefits, or ecosystem services, over time.

The definition of urban forest which had been done in Italy in 2009 by NIF (National Inventory Report) and NFI

(National Forest Inventory) indicate that the urban forest is define as a green area more than 5000 sqm which has trees inside with canopy of more than 10% of total area and trees have the height more than 5 meters.

In this project tried to consider an area as urban forest in order to gain its benefits in the zone of Rogoredo Station.The area which is highlighted on the map by red dashed line is the area of about 7800 square meters with around 40% crown cover (the dimension of matured trees’ cano-pies had been calculated). The feature of trees which are used in this project are written on right.

Name of trees used in the project:

P.P. 1

B. & I.

BR. & BI. G.H. P.P. 2Permeable interlocking concrete pavers (PICP)

The connection of the piazza Rogoredo to Green Path designed as a Pedestrian Bridge (P.B.) with 70 meters ramp, passing above existing streets. Shrubs and bushes considered to plant on the bridge. The aesthetic feature of this bridge from outside (car view from down) in order to determine that it is a green path, is using creeper plants hanging from the bridge.

Tree Pots as urban Furniture (T.P.F.) considered to use in parts that metro tube pass under them

Open space bar and restaurant (B&R) Bus Station BS

Public Bicycle Stations PBS

Tree guards and grates (T.P.G.) have an important role to play in maintaining healthy tree pit conditions. They can also be as aesthetically pleasing as they are functional, and offer a high quality visual design statement to any public realm or streetscape theme.

Multi-functional space with shading of Convertible Umbrellas (C.U.), and water misting for summers

G.H. PV 1 PV 2

P.P. 3Permeable interlock-ing concrete pavers (PICP)

Family: AcerName: Acero americano Scientific name: Acer negundo

Heigh(m): From 5 to 18Time to ultimate Height (years): 5-10Growing time (m./20 years): 6Life Span (years): 25-50

TrunkShape: Straight / Multi-TrunkedDiameter (cm.): 30-60Growing diameter (cm./20 years): 45.2

Canopy (m.)Density: MediumTexture: MediumSpread at Maturity (m.): From 5 to 8Area (m2.): From 19.6 to 50.3Color: Light Green, Yellow

Family: Quercus Name: Quercia rossa americana Scientific name: Quercus rubra L.

Heigh(m): From 10 to 25Time to ultimate Height (years): 20-50Growing time (m./20 years): 25Life Span (years): +50

TrunkShape: Straight / Single-trunkDiameter (cm.): 90-180Growing diameter (cm./20 years): 36.3

Canopy (m.)Density: DenseTexture: CoarseSpread at Maturity (m.): From 15 to15Area (m2.): From 176.7 to 176.7Color: Green, Red

Family: Prunus Name: Mirabolano, Ciliegio-Susino Scientific name: Prunus cerasifera Ehrh

Heigh(m): From 5 to 8Time to ultimate Height (years): 20-50Growing time (m./20 years): 8Life Span (years): -25

TrunkShape: Curved / single trunkedDiameter (cm.): 50Growing diameter (cm./20 years): 33.3

Canopy (m.)Density: DenseTexture: MediumSpread at Maturity (m.): From 5 to 8Area (m2.): From 19.6 to 50.3Color: Purple, brown

Family: PrunusName: Ciliegio da fioreScientific name: Prunus serrulata Lindl.Gr.Kanzan

Heigh(m): From 4 to 8Time to ultimate Height (years): 20-50Growing time (m./20 years): 12Life Span (years): 40-150

TrunkShape: Straight / single trunkedDiameter (cm.): 50Growing diameter (cm./20 years): 33.3

Canopy (m.)Density: ModerateTexture: MediumSpread at Maturity (m.): From 5 to 8Area (m2.): From 19.6 to 50.3Color: Green, Yellow, Orange, Copper

Family: RobiniaName: Robinia, Falsa AcaciaScientific name: Robinia pseudoacacia L.

Heigh(m): From 2 to 25Time to ultimate Height (years): 20-50Growing time (m./20 years): 12Life Span (years): 25-50

TrunkShape: Straight / RamifiedDiameter (cm.): 30-76Growing diameter (cm./20 years): 37.3

Canopy (m.)Density: DenseTexture: FineSpread at Maturity (m.): From 5 to 8Area (m2.): From 19.6 to 50.3Color: Green, Yellow

Family: CeltisName: Bagolaro, SpaccasassiScientific name:Celtis australis L.

Heigh(m): From 1 to 25Time to ultimate Height (years): 10-20Growing time (m./20 years): 3Life Span (years): 50+

TrunkShape: Straight / SingleDiameter (cm.): 30-90Growing diameter (cm./20 years):40.9

Canopy (m.)Density: MediumTexture: MediumSpread at Maturity (m.): From 10-15Area (m2.): From 78.5-176.7Color: Green, Yellow

BSPBSPBSC.U. New car circulation

New car circulation

Parking T.P.F.Vertival connection toPorta Di Mare metro station

P.B.P.P.4 PBSP.P.1PV2-3PV2-3PV1-1PV2-2 P.P.2 BI. BR.T.P.F PV2-1 PV2-2PV2-3P.P.4PV2-1G.H. - PV1PV2-3 P.P.4BR. B&R C.S. - W.M. P.P. 3 T.P.G. T.P. - U.F.P.P. 4 - Multifunctional spaceW.H. - Underground tanks

Existing treesP.P.2C.S. - W.M. C.S. - W.M. Existing treesG.WM.BR. PV1-1P.P.4BI. Existing treesExisting trees






0-20 year


(kg.)0-20 year

Total rainfallinterception(l./tree*year)

0-20 year

Total CO2sequestered

(kg.)0-20 year

numberof trees

Quercia rossa americana

Mirabolano, Ciliegio-Susino

Acero americano

Ciliegio da fiore

Robinia, Falsa Acacia


























Total 9965937 243074


0-20 year


(kg.)0-20 year

Total rainfallinterception(l./tree*year)

0-20 year

Total CO2sequestered

(kg.)0-20 year

numberof trees

Mirabolano, Ciliegio-Susino

Acero americano19120










Total 1325060 36532


0-20 year


(kg.)0-20 year

Total rainfallinterception(l./tree*year)

0-20 year

Total CO2sequestered

(kg.)0-20 year

numberof trees

Mirabolano, Ciliegio-Susino

Acero americano

Ciliegio da fiore
















Total 1939914 58498


Total number of treesTotal

area of canopies

Total area(sqm)



55 1555


> 5000

Area of P.P.3 (PICP) (sqm)

Area of P.P.4 (CGP) (sqm)

Total area (sqm)






Area of P.P.1 (sqm)

Area of P.P.2 (PICP) (sqm)

Total area (sqm)



Area of P.P.4 (CGP) (sqm) 1310




Total area (sqm)

Total runoffreduction





Total area (sqm)

Total runoffreduction





Total area (sqm)

Total runoffreduction





Total area (sqm)

Total runoffreduction





Total area (sqm)

Total runoffreduction



775.5Total area (sqm)




Total area(sqm)

Total runoffreduction



Gallons of runoff reduced annually (gal)

Area of PV. 1 (sqm)

Area of PV. 2 (sqm)



Total areas (sqm)kWh produced from 1 m2 solar pannel in year(kWh/m2/year)




877395.3Total kWh produced in year (kWh/m2/year)

Area of PV. 1 (sqm)

Area of PV. 2 (sqm)



Total areas (sqm)kWh produced from 1 m2 solar pannel in year(kWh/m2/year)




1268481.7Total kWh produced in year (kWh/m2/year)

Area of P.P.1 (sqm)

Area of P.P.2 (PICP) (sqm)

Total area (sqm)



Area of P.P.4 (CGP) (sqm) 535.62



2695190Gallons of runoff reduced annually (l)

Area of P.P.1 (sqm)

Area of P.P.2 (PICP) (sqm)

Total area (sqm)



Area of P.P.4 (CGP) (sqm) 94.62



1846621Gallons of runoff reduced annually (l)

Area of PV. 2 (sqm)



kWh produced from 1 m2 solar pannel in year(kWh/m2/year) 1820.7

196635.6Total kWh produced in year (kWh/m2/year) Gallons of runoff reduced

annually (l)



0-20 year


(kg.)0-20 year

Total rainfallinterception(l./tree*year)

0-20 year

Total CO2sequestered

(kg.)0-20 year

numberof trees

Mirabolano, Ciliegio-Susino

Ciliegio da fioreRobinia, Falsa Acacia














Total 4608161 108228

Plan-Section No. 2

Plan-Section No. 1

Plan-Section No. 3

Plan-Section No. 4 Plan-Section No. 5

Plan-Section No. 6

Plan-Section No. 7

Plan-Section No. 2 Scale 1:500

Plan-Section No. 3 Scale 1:500

Plan-Section No. 4 Scale 1:500

Plan-Section No. 5 Scale 1:500

Plan-Section No. 6 Scale 1:500

Plan-Section No. 7 Scale 1:500

Plan-Section No. 1Scale 1:500

Section 1Section 2

Section 3

Section 4

Section 5

Section 1

Section 2

Section 3

Section 4

Section 5

Photovoltaic panels

Photovoltaic panels

Photovoltaic panels

Photovoltaic panels

Combination of Pavement and Grass

Permeable Pavement

Permeable Pavement

Permeable Pavement

PV 1-1

PV 2-1 PV 2-2

PV 2-3


P.P. 1

P.P. 2

P.P. 3

Permeable Pavement

Ground Water Misting

Creeper Support

Water Misting




Temporary Market

P.P. 4 G.WM.







Convertible Umbrellas

Tree Pit Grate

Tree Pots as urban Furniture

Pedestrian Bridge

Bar & Restaurant

Bus Station

Public Bicycle Station










Sections from Piazza Progoredo - Scale 1:500

Acero americano Bagolaro,SpaccasassiCiliegio da fiore Robinia,Falsa AcaciaMirabolano,Ciliegio-SusinoQuercia rossa americana

South Elevation of Green Path - Scale 1:500

scale: 1:1000POLITECNICO DI MILANOA.A. 2017/2018

GREEN PATH Scuola di Architettura Urbanistica Ingegneria delle CostruzioniLeonardo Campus MilanoMaster of Science in Architecture

Supervisor: Prof. Arch. Andrea TartagliaTutor: Arch. Davide CeratiStudent: Ala Firouzan - Personal number: 851319 09MASTER PLAN
