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Lemon Grass Cures Cancer and as Detox

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Lemon grass health and benefits
A lemongrass plant in all its blooming glory Be It Ever So Humble, There Is No Grass Like A Lemon Grass. A Very Useful Medicinal Plant And A Tasty Food Flavoring. Lemon Grass Or The Local Tanglad (Scientific Name: Cymbopogon Ciatrus) Is One Of Those Wondrous Herbs That One Can Always Associate With Asian Cooking Thai, Malaysian And Vietnamese Homegrown Meal Enthusiasts Always Have This Tropical Grass At Hand For Its Aromatic Citrus Flavor With A Trace Of Ginger. Few People Know That Its Other Popular Name Is Citronella - The Common Scent You Usually Find In Candles, Perfumes And Soaps. Citronella Is Known For Its Calming Effect That Relieves Insomnia Or Stress. It Is Also Considered As A Mild Insect Repellant. But More Than Scent, Tanglad Or Lemon Grass Provides A Lot Of Health Benefits. Studies Have Shown That The Lemon Grass Has Antibacterial And Antifungal Properties. Mixed With Pepper, It's A Home Therapy For Menstrual Troubles And Nausea. Drank As Tea, It Is an Effective Diuretic. The Lemon Grass Is A Good Cleanser That Helps To Detoxify The Liver, Pancreas, Kidney, Bladder And The Digestive Tract. It Cuts Down Uric Acid, Cholesterol, Excess Fats And Other Toxins In The Body While Stimulating Digestion, Blood Circulation, And Lactation; It Also Alleviates Indigestion And Gastroenteritis. It Is Said That Lemongrass Also Helps Improve The Skin By Reducing Acne And Pimples And Acts As A Muscle And Tissue Toner. Also, It Can Reduce Blood Pressure. Just Make A Concoction By Boiling Some Lemon Grass Leaves, Let It Cool For A While And Drink The Liquid.
Page 1: Lemon Grass Cures Cancer and as Detox

A lemongrass plant in all its blooming glory

Be It Ever So Humble, There Is No Grass Like A Lemon Grass. A Very Useful Medicinal Plant And A Tasty Food


Lemon Grass Or The Local Tanglad (Scientific Name: Cymbopogon Ciatrus) Is One Of Those Wondrous Herbs That One Can Always

Associate With Asian Cooking Thai, Malaysian And Vietnamese Homegrown Meal Enthusiasts Always Have This Tropical Grass At

Hand For Its Aromatic Citrus Flavor With A Trace Of Ginger. Few People Know That Its Other Popular Name Is Citronella - The

Common Scent You Usually Find In Candles, Perfumes And Soaps. 

Citronella Is Known For Its Calming Effect That Relieves Insomnia Or Stress. It Is Also Considered As A Mild Insect Repellant. But

More Than Scent, Tanglad Or Lemon Grass Provides A Lot Of Health Benefits. Studies Have Shown That The Lemon Grass Has

Antibacterial And Antifungal Properties. Mixed With Pepper, It's A Home Therapy For Menstrual Troubles And Nausea. Drank As Tea, It

Is an Effective Diuretic.

The Lemon Grass Is A Good Cleanser That Helps To Detoxify The Liver, Pancreas, Kidney, Bladder And The Digestive Tract. It Cuts

Down Uric Acid, Cholesterol, Excess Fats And Other Toxins In The Body While Stimulating Digestion, Blood Circulation, And Lactation;

It Also Alleviates Indigestion And Gastroenteritis. It Is Said That Lemongrass Also Helps Improve The Skin By Reducing Acne And

Pimples And Acts As A Muscle And Tissue Toner. Also, It Can Reduce Blood Pressure.

Just Make A Concoction By Boiling Some Lemon Grass Leaves, Let It Cool For A While And Drink The Liquid. 

The Leaves And Base Of This Tender Perennial Are Used As A Food Flavoring, Particularly In Fish And Poultry Dishes, And Its

Essential Oils Are Used Medicinally. Its Distinctive Flavor Balances Hot Chillies And Contributes To The Elaborate, Multi-Layered

Flavors Of Many Dishes In South East Asian Cuisine. 

Page 2: Lemon Grass Cures Cancer and as Detox

As The Long, Thin, Grey-Green Leaves Are Tough And Fibrous, The Outside Leaves And The Tips Are Usually Chopped Very Finely

Or Discarded From The Dish Before It Is Served. The Base Is Often Ground. Citral, An Essential Oil Also Found In Lemon Peel, Is The

Constituent Responsible For Its Taste And Aroma. 

Lemon Grass, Also Known As Sweet Rush And Sometimes Called Fever Grass In The Caribbean, Can Be Used As A Remedy For

Ague, Fevers, And Colds. 


A Recent Study By The Food And Nutrition Research Institute Of The Department Of Science And Technology ( DOST ) Claims That

Every 100g Of Edible Tanglad When Boiled Can Contain Up To 24.205 Micrograms Of Beta-Carotene The Anti-Oxidant That Scientists

Believe Can Help Prevent Cancer. Another DOST Study Shows That Lemon Grass Oil Has The Potential As A Tropical Eye Medication

Against Keratomycosis, An Inflammation Of Cornea Often Associated With Burning Or Blurring Of Vision.

Family   •   Gramineae

TangladAndropogon citratus   DC.


Scientific names Common namesAndropogon citratus   DC. Balioko (Bis.) Andropogon schoenanthus   Blanco. Barani (Ilk.)Cymbopogon citratus   Staph. Paja de meca (Span.)Andropogon flexuosus Zacate limon (Span.)  Tanglad (Tag., Bik., Bis.)  Salai (Tag.)  Sai (Mbo., Mand., Sul.)  Salaid (Tag.)  Lemon grass (Engl.)  Sweet rush (Engl.)  Ginger-grass (Engl.)

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BotanyTufted and perennial grass. Leaves grow to a length of up to 1 meter, about 1-1.5 cm wide, scabrous, flate, long-acuminate, and smooth. Panicles0 are 30-80 cm long, with noding branches and branchlets. Spikelets are linear-lanceolate and pointed, about 6 mm long.

DistributionCultivated commercially for its fragrant leaves.

Constituents   Distillation yields lemon-grass oil, verbena and Indian Molissa oil. Plant contains small amounts of methyl heptenone and terpenes (limonene and dipentene).Contains citral, an aldehyde found in lemon peel oil and other natural essential oils.Main constituents of essential oil are citral (aldehydes geranial and neral) and terpenes (myrcrene, monoterpene and geranial - terpenic alcohol).

PropertiesThe oils are reddish-yellow with an intense odor and taste of lemons.Carminative, tonic, stimulant, diuretic, purgative, sudorific.

Parts utilizedLeaves

UsesFolkloric· Diarrhea: Boil 10 leaves in 2 glasses of water for 10 minutes; add a tablespoon of sugar and one small piece of crushed ginger.· For adults: 1 cup, 3 times daily and after each loose bowel movement.· Children: (Babies) 1 tablespoon 3 times daily and after each loose bowel movement; 2-6 years, 1/4 cup 3 times daily and after each loose bowel movement; 7-12 years, 1/2 cup three times daily and after each loose bowel movement.· Suob: One of the 10 herbal ingredients in the decoction/bath in the post-partum ritual of suob. (See:Suob)· Hot decoction of roots for toothaches. Roots also used as a diuretic.· A stomachic for children.· The oil, mixed with equal amounts of coconut oil, is used as a liniment for back pains, rheumatic complains, neuralgia, sprains and other painful afflictions.· Decoction of leaves used as stomachic, diuretic, and refrigerant.· In various traditional systems, leaf infusions used as antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and sedative.· In Cuban folk medicine, used to lower blood pressure and as anti-inflammatory.

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· In Brazil, used as sedative, for gastrointestinal maladies, and as febrifuge.· In Malaya, used as a potion after childbirth.· In various folk medicinal use: oil used for cough, cold, hemoptysis, rheumatism, back pain, bladder problemsCulinary · Culinary: Commonly used as a stuffing ingredient in pig spit-roasting to improve the flavor and decrease the grease-taste.· Also used to flavor wines, sauces and spices.· The roots have a ginger-like flavor and used as a condiment and adding fragrance to gogo hair-washes.Others• Volatile oil, called Lemon grass oil, consists mainly of citral and used in perfumery, soap, cosmetics, pharmaceutical, insecticide and food industries.• In India, cultivated around houses to repel snakes.• Scavon Vet Spray: Andropogon citratus is one of the ingredients in a spray used for parasitic mite, Demodex bovis, that causes demodectic mange in cattle.Recent uses and preparations:Stomach discomfort, toothache, sprain, vomiting and ringwormPreparation :Liniment: Boil equal amounts of chopped leaves and roots with freshly made coconut oil. Also use as insect repellant.Infusion: Mix four ounces of the grass to one pint of boiling water. To keep away mosquitos, plant it around your house or place crushed leaves on your window sills.

Studies• Antibacterial / Antifungal: (1) Studies have shown antibacterial activity, comparable to penicillin. (2) Various studies has shown activity against C albicans, C pseudotropicalis, Mycrosporum gypseum and A niger.• Neurobehavioral Effects: (1) Study of myrcene in rats suggests anxiolytic activity. (2) Study of essentail oil produced marked CNS depression in mice, similar to chlorpromazine effect. Also, it increased sleepness time, similar to a thiopental effect.• Antinociceptive / Analgesic: Myrcene extract from the essential oil has been shown to have an antinociceptive effect.• Antitumoral: (1) Study showed a-myrcene possess antimutagenic activity in mammary cells. (2) Plant compounds, a-limonene and geraniol showed inhibition of liver and intestinal mucous membrane cancer in mice. (3) Study in Thailand showed inhibition of colorectal neoplasia in mice. (4) Study showed inhibitory effects on early phase hepatocarcinogenesis in rats after initiation with diethylnitrosamine.• Insect repellent / Insecticidal: Studies of plant oil and powder have shown insect repellent and insecticidal activity. Essential oil has shown activity against Anopheline mosquitos, A culicifacies and A quinquefasciatus and certaindevelopmental phase inhibition of A aegypti.• Mosquito repellent: Study on the mosquito repellency properties of volatile oils derived from lemongrass (C citratus), citronella grass (cymbopobon nadus) and May chang (Litsea cubeba) against Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefascitus showed no significant difference on repellency.

AvailabilityWild-crafted.Cultivated for culinary use.

Additional Sources and Suggested Readings


LEMON GRASS: BOTANY, ETHNOBOTANY AND CHEMISTRY-A REVIEW / Pak J. Weed Sci. Res. 13(1-2): 129-134, 2007


POACEAE Cymbopogon citratus  


Recent uses / Philippine Inquirer. Monica Feria. Oct 6, 2007


Lemongrass (Cymbopogon spp.)   / Natural Medicine A-Z


Scavon Vet Spray for the treatment of Demodectic Mange in Calf / B R Ravikumar et al / Veterinary World. Vol 2(2):65


Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf : chemical composition and biological activities / Negrelle RRB. Gomes EC / Rev. Bras. Pl. Med.,

Botucatu, v.9, n.1, p.80-92, 2007.

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Effi cacy of Volatile Oils Derived from Cymbopogon citratus, C nardus and L cubeba against Mosquitoes   / Oramon Santiwitchaya /

Thesis / 

Discovery of a Cancer Patient    While I was undergoing chemotherapy for ovarian cancer, my oncologist,Dr. Cecilia Llave, suggested that I try tanglad (lemon grass)

for a drink, a tip she got from one of her patients.

That’s what I have been doing the past three years. I don’t know if tanglad has something to do with it but so far I’m okay.

A few weeks ago, an article on the medicinal powers of tanglad went the rounds of internet. There’s no harm trying this. A bunch of

tanglad is ten centavos. Or you can plant it in your backyard for a steady supply.

The article is by Allison Kaplan Sommer:‘At first, Benny Zabidov, an Israeli agriculturalist who grows  greenhouses full of lush spices on a pastoral farm in Kfar Yedidya in the

 Sharon region, couldn’t understand why so many cancer patients from around  the country were showing up on his doorstep asking for

fresh lemon  grass.

‘It turned out that their doctors had sent them. ‘’They had been told to drink eight glasses of hot water with fresh

 lemongrass steeped in it on the days that they went for their radiation  and chemotherapy treatments,’ Zabidov told ISRAEL21c. ‘And

this is the place you go to in Israel for fresh lemon grass.’ ‘It all began when researchers at Ben Gurion University of the Negev

 discovered last year that the lemon aroma in herbs like lemon grass kills cancer cells in vitro, while leaving healthy cells unharmed.

‘The research team was led by Dr. Rivka Ofir and Prof. Yakov Weinstein,  incumbent of the Albert Katz Chair in Cell-Differentiation and

 Malignant Diseases, from the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at BGU.

‘Citral is the key component that gives the lemony aroma and taste in several herbal plants such as lemon grass (Cymbopogon

citratus), Melissa (Melissa officinalis) and verbena (Verbena officinalis. )

‘According to Ofir, the study found that citral causes cancer cells to ’commit suicide: using apoptosis, a mechanism called programmed

cell death.

‘A drink with as little as one gram of lemon grass contains enough citral to prompt the cancer cells to commit suicide in the test tube.

‘The BGU investigators checked the influence of the citral on cancerous  cells by adding them to both cancerous cells and normal cells

that  were grown in a petri dish. The quantity added in the concentrate was  equivalent to the amount contained in a cup of regular tea

using one gram  of lemon herbs in hot water. While the citral killed the cancerous

 cells, the normal cells remained unharmed.

‘The findings were published in the scientific journal Planta Medica, which highlights research on alternative and herbal remedies.

Shortly afterwards, the discovery was featured in the popular Israeli press.

‘Why does it work? Nobody knows for certain, but the BGU scientists have a theory. ‘’In each cell in our body, there is a genetic

program which causes programmed cell death. When something goes wrong, the cells divide with no control and become cancer cells.

In normal cells, when the cell  discovers that the control system is not operating correctly - for example,  when it recognizes that a cell

contains faulty genetic material  following cell division it triggers cell death,’ explains Weinstein. ‘This research may explain the medical

benefit of these herbs.’

‘The success of their research led them to the conclusion that herbs containing citral may be consumed as a preventative measure

against certain cancerous cells.

‘As they learned of the BGU findings in the press, many physicians in  Israel began to believe that while the research certainly needed

to be  explored further, in the meantime it would be advisable for their  patients, who were looking for any possible tool to fight their

condition, to  try to harness the cancer-destroying properties of citral.

‘That’s why Zabidov’s farm - the only major grower of fresh lemon grass in Israel - has become a pilgrimage destination for these

patients.  Luckily, they found themselves in sympathetic hands. Zabidov greets visitors with a large kettle of aromatic lemon grass tea, a

plate of  cookies, and a supportive attitude.

‘’My father died of cancer, and my wife’s sister died young because of cancer,’ said Zabidov. ‘So I understand what they are dealing

with.  And I may not know anything about medicine, but I’m a good listener.

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And so they tell me about their expensive painful treatments and what they’ve been through. I would never tell them to stop being

treated, but  it’s great that they are exploring alternatives and drinking the lemon grass tea as well.’

‘Zabidov knew from a young age that agriculture was his calling. At age 14, he enrolled in the Kfar Hayarok Agricultural high school. 

After his army service, he joined an idealistic group which headed south, in the Arava desert region, to found a new moshav

(agriculturalsettlement) called Tsofar. ‘’We were very successful; we raised fruits and vegetables, and,’ he  notes with a smile, ‘We

raised some very nice children.’ ‘On a trip to Europe in the mid-80s, he began to become interested in

 herbs. Israel , at the time, was nothing like the trend-conscious  cuisine-oriented country it is today, and the only spices being grown

commercially  were basics like parsley, dill, and coriander. ‘Wandering in the Paris market, looking at the variety of herbs and

 spices, Zabidov realized that there was a great export potential in this niche. He brought samples back home with him, ‘which was

technically  illegal,’ he says with a guilty smile, to see how they would grow in his  desert greenhouses.

Soon, he was growing basil, oregano, tarragon, chives, sage, marjoram  and melissa, and mint just to name a few.

‘His business began to outgrow his desert facilities, and so he decided  to move north, settling in the moshav of Kfar Yedidya, an hour

and a  half north of Tel Aviv. He is now selling ’several hundred kilos’ of  lemon grass per week, and has signed with a distributor to

package and put  it in health food stores.

‘Zabidov has taken it upon himself to learn more about the properties  of citral, and help his customers learn more, and has invited

medical  experts to his farm to give lectures about how the citral works and why.

‘He also felt a responsibility to know what to tell his customers about  its see. ‘When I realized what was happening, I picked up the

phone  and called Dr. Weinstein at Ben-Gurion University , because these people  were asking me exactly the best way to consume the

citral. He said to  put the loose grass in hot water, and drink about eight glasses each  day.’

‘Zabidov is pleased by the findings, not simply because it means  business for his farm, but because it might influence his own health. 

‘Even before the news of its benefits were demonstrated, he and his family had been drinking lemon grass in hot water for years, ‘just

because  it tastes good.'’

Lemon grass helps detoxify liver, pancreas, kidney, bladder &

digestive track.  

The lemon grass is a good cleanser that helps to detoxify the liver,pancreas,kidney,bladder & the digestive tract. It cuts down uric acid, cholesterol, excess fats and other toxins in the body while stimulating digestion, blood circulation, and lactation; it also alleviates indigestion and gastroenteritis. It is said that lemon grass also helps improve skin by reducing acne and pimples and acts as a muscle and tissue toner.Also it can reduce blood pressure..JUST MAKE ACONCOCTION BY BOILING SOME LEMON GRASS LEAVES, LET IT COOL FOR A WHILE AND DRINK THE LIQUID....it's 100% effective when i suffered gastroenteritis..


Health Benefits of Lemon Grass or TangladPosted on August 31, 2010 by lifein

My three siblings and I spent the long weekend with my parents in our Cavite home. It was one of the best weekends I’ve ever had. On

Saturday evening, we chatted the night away while lying in bed. We took a trip down memory lane. Our room got filled with laughter and

loud voices. Before we knew it, it was already 4:00 a.m. But I digress. What I really want to share are the health benefits of lemon grass

or tanglad.

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Aside from the distinct flavor it gives to Asian dishes,tanglad has many health benefits that only a few people know or cared to know.

I only read about them online, and so when my mom complained of hip and back pains last weekend (which seemed to be a case of

UTI to me), I did not hesitate to advise her to drink some fresh lemon grass tea. The next morning, the pains stopped.

Here are some of the many health benefits of lemon grass or tanglad I gathered online:

• helps to detoxify the liver, pancreas, kidney, bladder and the digestive tract

• cuts down uric acid, cholesterol, excess fats and other toxins in the body while stimulating digestion, blood circulation, and lactation

• alleviates indigestion and gastroenteritis

• helps improve the skin by reducing acne and pimples

• acts as a muscle and tissue toner

• reduces blood pressure

• can be used as a remedy for ague, fevers, and colds

• every 100g of edible tanglad when boiled can contain up to 24.205 micrograms of beta-carotene the anti-oxidant that scientists

believe can help prevent cancer

• helps boost the immune system

• helps in menstrual troubles

• helps reduce cellulite

• acts as sedative for the central nervous system

• relieves arthritic pain and rheumatism

Overwhelming, right? That’s why I plan to make lemon grass tea a part of my diet from this day onwards. How about you?

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(Andropogon citratus DC)

Tanglad or lemon grass is a commercially-viable plants that is cultivated mainly for the fragrance that it produces. It can be easily found in most Asian countries,tanglad is a permanent or perennial plants,and the benefits of which are not restricted to its fragrance .The utility of tanglad basically lies in its leaves. where all the benefits derived. What can be seen in this plant  are mainly its leaves, which allows easy to access to the main part that is needed in order to enjoy tanglad’s health benefits.

Benefits of Tanglad/Lemon grass in our Health

Studies show that tanglad helps ease stomach discomforts and aids in lessening, if not totally curing,the pain cause of toothache and pain.

Lemon grass also displays anti-bacterial activities and anti-fungal properties, thus ,indicates ring worms. like malungay ,lemon grass can also be applied to sprain for easy healing.

In order to enjoy this benefits of tanglad, one needs to prepare a liniment. this can be done by chopping four ounces of the leaves  and roots of tanglad and boiling them, a long with fresh coconut oil. If it is infusion that an individual to achieve, use one pint of water to boil a tanglad leaves with. this plants may also serve as insect repellent, particularly mosquitoes.

One can achieve an effect to this end either by applying liniment, or by placing crushed tanglad leaves in strategic places at home including the window sills. It is also an option to plant tanglad around the house so that placement of crushed leaves would no longer be needed. Another health benefit which can be derived from tanglad, is the calming effect derived from its scent. Thus, lemon grass can aid an individual if such person is suffering from insomnia or stress.

The plant also has therapeutic value, which allows it to be used by women who are suffering from menstrual problems or dysmenorrhoea, and from usual bouts of nausea.

Tanglad also has cleansing properties, which makes it a good option to detoxify the various internal organs, like the liver.

Lemon grass reduces the level of uric acid and of other toxins, as it detoxifies the body.

This can result to better blood circulation and better digestion, as excess fats and cholesterol are cut down from the body. When taken in, tanglad affects the tissues in such a manner that there would be a significant reduction and avoidance of acne and pimples.

Also, it tones the muscles and the tissues, and thus makes the skin firmer.Like saluyot, exposure of an individual to the benefits of tanglad is greatly increased because of the nature with which it can be used. As saluyot can be taken in as part of one’s usual viand and dish, tanglad’s properties on the other hand, allows it to be used as food flavorings. Lemon grass is incorporated in a multitude of Asian cuisines and dishes,

And in the Philippines it is even made part of commercial beverages. So aside from the oil that can be extracted from lemon grass leaves,

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The fluid that is obtained from the boiled leaves of this plant proves to have medicinal purposes as well.

Such lemon grass leaves can also be used in its raw form by mixing directly with the food before it is served. Such dishes include, and are especially good, when the primary ingredient is fish or poultry. Besides the health benefits, tanglad balances the chili flavorings in dishes, which makes eating a more enjoyable experience.

Tanglad | Lemon Grass

Tanglad or they call it lemon grass is a commercially-viable. It can be easily found in most Asian countries, and it found in widely

tropical areas. By nature, tanglad is a permanent or perennial plant, and the benefits of which are not restricted to its fragrance. The

utility of tanglad basically lies in its leaves, where all the benefits are derived. What can be seen of this plant are mainly the leaves,

which is easy to access to the main part that is needed in order to enjoy tanglad's health benefits. 

It constitutes most of this plant above ground, as the leaves grow up to one meter in length, and are flat in shape.

Medicinal Treatment:

• The lemon grass can aid an individual if such person is suffering from insomnia or stress. 

• The plant also has therapeutic value, it allows to used by women who are suffering from menstrual problems or dysmenorrhoea. 

• Tanglad also has cleansing properties, which makes it a good option to detoxify the various internal organs, like the liver. 

• Lemon grass reduces the level of uric acid and of other toxins, as it detoxifies the body. The results is better blood circulation and

better digestion, as excess fats and cholesterol are cut down from the body. When it's taken, tanglad affects the tissues in such a

manner that there would be a significant reduction and avoidance of acne and pimples. 

• It is also tones the muscles and tissues, and makes the skin firmer.

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Benefits and use:

Like saluyot, exposure of an individual to the benefits of tanglad is greatly increased because of the nature with which it can be used.

As saluyot can be taken in as part of one’s usual viand and dish, tanglad’s properties on the other hand, allows it to be used as food

flavorings. Lemon grass is incorporated in a multitude of Asian cuisines and dishes, and in the Philippines it is even made part of

commercial beverages. So aside from the oil that can be extracted from lemon grass leaves, the fluid that is obtained from the boiled

leaves of this plant proves to have medicinal purposes as well. Such lemon grass leaves can also be used in its raw form by mixing

directly with the food before it is served. Such dishes include, and are especially good, when the primary ingredient is fish or poultry.

Besides the health benefits, tanglad balances the chili flavorings in dishes, which makes eating a more enjoyable experience.

Health Benefits of Lemongrass

Lemongrass, also known as local tanglad or Citronella, is a fantastic, aromatic citrus flavored herb that has added essence to many

oriental cuisines and has been extensively used to odorize candles, perfumes and soaps. A tropical plant with wondrous benefits, this

perennial tall grass with lemon like fragrance is extensively used in Thai recipes, to add the zesty lemon flavor, so much so that it has

been associated with Thai cuisine today. However, there is much more to this flavored herb than just zest. Lemongrass is known to

have several health benefits and can be combined with other spices like chilies and garlic, for a shot of taste and health. Studies

have revealed that lemongrass works effectively against colds, flu, and even cancers. The grass is considered a diuretic, tonic and

stimulant. It encourages good digestion, eases out menstrual troubles and nausea and is also known to encourage perspiration and

reduce fever. Lemongrass features in Indonesian, Malaysian, Sri Lankan and Indian cooking and is widely used in savory dishes and

meat, poultry, seafood and vegetable curries. Read on to know the nutritional value and benefits of lemongrass.

Nutritional Value of Lemongrass


Amount of Lemon Grass: 1 cup

Total Weight of Lemongrass: 67 g 


Nutrients Amount

Basic Components  

Protein 1.2 g

Phytosterols 4.5 mg

Water 47.3 g

Ash 1.2 g


Total Calories 66.3

Calories From Carbohydrate 60.6

Calories From Fat 2.7

Calories From Protein 3.0


Total Carbohydrate 17.0g

Fats & Fatty Acids  

Total Fat 0.3 g

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Saturated Fat 0.1 g

Polyunsaturated Fat 0.1 g

Total Omega-3 Fatty Acids 20.8 mg

Total Omega-6 Fatty Acids 92.4 mg


Vitamin A 4.0 I.U.

Vitamin C 1.7 mg

Niacin 0.7 mg

Vitamin B6 0.1 mg

Folate 50.2 mcg

Riboflavin 0.1 mg


Calcium 43.6 mg

Iron 5.5 mg

Magnesium 40.2 mg

Phosphorus 67.7 mg

Potassium 484 mg

Zinc 1.5 mg

Copper 0.2 mg

Manganese 3.5 mg

Selenium 0.5 mcg


Nutritional & Health Benefits Of Eating Lemongrass Antibacterial

Lemongrass is known to have antimicrobial properties that help to avert all kind of viral, fungal and bacterial infections, thus offering a

strong resistance against both internal and external microbes. It tenders protection against all kind of microbial infections in urinary

tracts, respiratory tracts, colon, stomach and wounds. What more, it is used to treat skin diseases and works fine against ailments like

malaria, typhoid, food-poisoning etc. Lemongrass also consists of antipyretic property that helps to bring down high fever.



Lemongrass helps the body to detoxify by increasing the regularity and extent of urination. It assists the body to get rid of unwanted

toxic substances and uric acid and helps the liver, digestive tract, kidney, pancreas, bladder and so on to stay clean and healthy. This

effective diuretic helps to cleanse the system and helps in weight loss too. If mixed and consumed with pepper, lemongrass can offer

relief from menstrual troubles and nausea too.



Lemongrass helps in digestion and works best against flatulence and gastroenteritis. Lemongrass is known to relax the abdominal

region of the body and allows the air trapped inside to move down easily, thereby reducing the affect of belching and stomach pain.


Blood Pressure

Since lemongrass is best known for its detoxifying properties, it aids the body to get rid of cholesterol, harmful toxins, uric acid and fats.

It boosts blood circulation and eases all problem of the blood pressure. Drinking a glass of lemongrass juice can bring down your blood

pressure considerably.


Nervous System

Lemongrass oil provides a soothing effect to the agitated nerves and offers relief against several neuro disorders. Essential oils

obtained from lemongrass help to boost the nervous system and work against nervous disorders like vertigo, nervousness, convulsions,

shaking limbs, Parkinson’s diseases. Alzheimer’s disease and other nerve related issues. Lemongrass is known for its calming effect

and is hence used to treat insomnia and stress too.

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Lemongrass is known to be a great analgesic that helps to offer relief against all kinds of inflammation and irritability related to pains

and aches. If you have toothache, muscle ache, joint pain or any other pain, just remember to munch on lemongrass for instant relief

from pain.

Health Benefits of Lemon Grass and Some Bits and Pieces On Being a WAHM

posted by Jennie on Oct 10

To be honest I am amazed at how the lemon grass juice has worked for our family. Aside from the fact that everyone enjoys the taste, it really is very beneficial to our health.Even my father was surprised that Lemongrass a.k.a. Tanglad (in our vernacular) can be used more than just for cooking our local dishes and regular viands. This wonderful smelling herb has always been associated to great Asian dishes like Thai, Malaysian and Vietnamese. And who could miss out the relaxing smell of a lemon grass scented candle.Fact is the health benefits of Lemon grass are countless. First, studies have shown that it has antibacterial and antifungal properties. It is also known to help cleanse anddetoxify the liver, pancreas, kidneys, bladder and the digestive tract. I could perhaps even point to this juice why I don’t have arthritis attack lately despite the legumes and nuts in my diet. It is also known to cut down uric acid, cholesterol, fats. For those breastfeeding mothers, it also aides in lactation. Topically, it can also help in eliminating acne when used as toner. It can also be used as remedy to the deadly Malaria, fever and colds. I can personally vouch for it as an effective cold remedy. It worked for my three year old. The day he had colds, he would sneeze non stop coupled with bad runny nose. I had him take the juice every meal and the next day, no sign that he ever had the colds the previous day. Amazing!Amazed enough? The list goes on and on. There are weeks when I get too lazy to do the Lemon grass concoction. The truth is I have no opportunity to get lazy ever. I don’t move a finger in a day and our house could possibly collapse, seriously. All I really need is to remind myself that it’s no more than cutting the sheaves about an inch and soaking them in vinegar for five. Rinse and then dunk everything to the boiling water. Once a week. That would yield to three liters of juice. Just that thought and I can get to my feet.Allow me to digress. Working from home can really have its set backs. First, I really can’t tell my kiddo that mama is working. Even if I do, he will not completely understand why I cannot just attend to him whenever he wants. That was something I had to learn (and still learning) to manage and handle right. So I shift from working online to doing my chores to taking care of my kid and back again to the endless sweet cycle.Shifting and juggling can be the craziest thing. When I was back in the corporate world, my officemates would call me “Flash”, because I would do all my tasks ahead of everyone else. I cannot seem to relax until I am all done with things that I need to do. And of course I also want to relax. So that’s the ultimate goal, work before pleasure.

Lemongrass Iced Tea – Our Family’s New Fave

posted by Jennie on Aug 23

Page 13: Lemon Grass Cures Cancer and as Detox

Okay, so I tried and tried, but the hubby just have so many excuses not to drink my sweet potato tops iced tea/juice, at least not more than half of a glass a day. I figured I should be calling it iced tea, because the procedure in doing the concoction is really more of making tea. But then again, I also poured in calamansi juice, so maybe I could call it either. With the sweet potato tops juice, it always ends up getting consumed by me and my sis. But with this lemongrass concoction that I made yesterday, it was a different story. The hubby actually asked for a second glass and kind of complained when our little guy drank up the last glass of the batch. I failed to take a picture of the actual juice. It definitely was hotter than pancakes (although it’s actually ice cold). They drank it all up before I was able to grab the cam.  Here’s how I found out about this refreshing drink. Ate Debbie has been coming around the house almost everyday since last week and in her every visit have served her my sweet potato tops juice and liked it! She’s been blessed with support from several church members and got to talk to one former member who is a breast cancer survivor. She reinforced to Ate Debbie the health properties of sweet potato tops juice and told her to drink it everyday. She further said to also drink “tanglad” juice. This lady has been into cancer counseling sessions which included learning about the healthiest of all diets. Apparently, the sweet potato juicing that I have been doing is included in the most recommended daily diet. I am not surprised, because the properties of this juice is vast, which includes boosting the immune system to treating the deadly Dengue. So having no idea what a “tanglad” is, I just cleaned the sheaf thoroughly and while doing so I was happy to have found out that what I was holding in my hands is lemongrass. I was able to tell with the sweet yummy flavor it gives out. And why do I know what a lemongrass smells like? It’s the current scented candle I’m using in my bath and the scent of my little guy’s all natural insect repellent from GIGA.

Tanglad (Lemongrass) Juice(modified from FOODIE magazine, vol 2 no 1)

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3 cups water6 stalks lemongrass1/2cup mint leaves1/2 cup sugarjuice of 3-4 calamansi or 1 lemon

Slice lemon grass about 1/4" in length and pound white part.In a pot, bring water and lemongrass to a boil. Lower heatand simmer for 15 minutes. Turn off fire and add mint leaves.Steep for 15 minutes then strain.

Heat sugar and 3 TBSP water until sugar is dissolve. Add toinfused liquid and stir in calamansi juice. Cool completely.

To serve, fill glasses with ice and pour tanglad juice.Garnish with stalk of lemongrass and mint leaves on top.I also tried using spearmint and it tasted ok.

Here are the therapeutic properties of Lemongrass (Madagascar lemongrass)

Cymbopogon citratus

Internal use

Treats problems with the digestive system, usually in children and is also useful for relieving muscle spasms.

It furthermore has a positive effect on nervous conditions and provides a gentle boost when exhausted.

External use

Lemon grass can be used externally to treat ringworm, lice, athletes foot, arthritis and scabies.

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It is used to normalize and balance overactive oil glands, dandruff and similar skin problems.

Aromatherapy and essential oil use

This reviving oil will re-energize a person and helps the body recover after illness by invigorating the glandular system and boosting the digestive system.

It eases muscle pain and cramps and helps to remove lactic acid and increase circulation.

For jet lag this oil is a must.

On the skin, it helps to balance oily conditions and to clear inflammation and fights fungal infections.

It has antidepressant, antiseptic, bactericide, carminative, deodorant, digestive, diuretic, fungicide, galactagogue, insecticide, prophylactic, stimulant and tonic properties.

You drop the clean cut leaves (into 1″) into boiling water. Leave for around 5 minutes. Allow it to cool and flavor with lemon and honey. That’s it! 

Tanglad | Lemon Grass(Andropogon citratus DC)


Tanglad or lemon grass is a commercially-viable plant that is cultivated mainly for the fragrance that it produces. It can be easily found in most Asian countries, and is widely cultivated in tropical areas. By nature, tanglad is a permanent or perennial plant, and the benefits of which are not restricted to its fragrance. The utility of tanglad basically lies in its leaves, where all the benefits are derived. What can be seen of this plant are mainly its leaves, which allows easy access to the main part that is needed in order to enjoy tanglad's health benefits. It constitutes most of what appears of this plant above ground, as the leaves grow up to one meter in length, and are flat in shape.

Health Benefits of Lemon Grass | Tanglad

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Studies show that tanglad helps ease stomach discomforts and aids in lessening, if not totally curing, the pain caused by toothache and sprain. Lemon grass also displays anti-bacterial activities and anti-fungal properties, thus, eradicates ring worms. Like malunggay, lemon grass can also be applied to sprains for easy healing. In order to enjoy these benefits of tanglad, one needs to prepare a liniment. This can be done by chopping four ounces of the leaves and roots of tanglad and boiling them, along with fresh coconut oil. If it is infusion that an individual wishes to achieve, use one pint of water to boil the tanglad leaves with. The lemon grass plant may also serve as an insect repellant, particularly of mosquitoes. One can achieve an effect to this end either by applying liniment, or by placing crushed tanglad leaves in strategic places at home including the window sills. It is also an option to plant tanglad around the house so that placement of crushed leaves would no longer be needed.

Another health benefit which can be derived from tanglad, is the calming effect derived from its scent. Thus, lemon grass can aid an individual if such person is suffering from insomnia or stress. The plant also has therapeutic value, which allows it to be used by women who are suffering from menstrual problems or dysmenorrhoea, and from usual bouts of nausea. Tanglad also has cleansing properties, which makes it a good option to detoxify the various internal organs, like the liver. Lemon grass reduces the level of uric acid and of other toxins, as it detoxifies the body. This can result to better blood circulation and better digestion, as excess fats and cholesterol are cut down from the body. When taken in, tanglad affects the tissues in such a manner that there would be a significant reduction and avoidance of acne and pimples. Also, it tones the muscles and the tissues, and thus makes the skin firmer.

Like saluyot, exposure of an individual to the benefits of tanglad is greatly increased because of the nature with which it can be used. As saluyot can be taken in as part of one’s usual viand and dish, tanglad’s properties on the other hand, allows it to be used as food flavorings. Lemon grass is incorporated in a multitude of Asian cuisines and dishes, and in the Philippines it is even made part of commercial beverages. So aside from the oil that can be extracted from lemon grass leaves, the fluid that is obtained from the boiled leaves of this plant proves to have medicinal purposes as well. Such lemon grass leaves can also be used in its raw form by mixing directly with the food before it is served. Such dishes include, and are especially good, when the primary ingredient is fish or poultry. Besides the health benefits, tanglad balances the chili flavorings in dishes, which makes eating a more enjoyable experience.

Herbs Remedies | Alternative Herbal Medicine

This site is a guide to the medicinal uses of plants particularly, Philippine medicinal plant - An economical alternative medicine to treat many ailments which is beneficial to many Filipinos specially in this economic crisis. But take note that these herbal medications are similar to over the counter medicine that if symptoms persist, consult a doctor.

Before You Ever Do Anything…..

For each ailments shown in this site, there are several water and herbal treatments suggested to cure or alleviate suffering from it using medicinal plants. (You can find the links to the said pages in the bottom by scrolling down) So before you do anything, just follow the general rules below for guideline:

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1. Use only one medicinal plant at a time. In treating the ailment, use only one medicinal plant – the one available to you – where several are suggested in the links below.

2. Use only stainless steel or earthen cooking utensils. Where treatment calls for boiling any medicinal plant – leaves, flowers or barks – don’t boil it in an aluminum utensil. Aluminum reacts chemically with medicinal plants.

3. Don’t cover cooking utensil when boiling. This is done to release toxins, if there are any.4. Boil for a one-day supply only. Any concoction’s effectiveness is good for only 8 – 12 hours after

boiling.5. Take concoction either hot or cold. Strain concoction before taking it.6. Wash thoroughly any leaves, barks, flowers and roots with water before boiling or using it as

poultice.7. Do not use or boil two or more different herbal plants together, unless instructed to do so.8. Follow instructions carefully, especially the measurements and the dosage.9. Some individuals are sensitive and allergic to certain leaves and plants. If symptoms of allergy are

observed during and after the treatment, STOP the treatment immediately, and wash with water thoroughly( for skin applications). Symptoms of allergy are: Increased itching and swelling, nausea and vomiting, dizziness, and headache. Consult a physician immediately if symptoms persist.

10. Individuals known to be allergic to some plants are not encourage to use the herbal medications. They may still use the water treatments.

Home Remedies for Diarrhea

Diarrhea is a common symptom of gastrointestinal disease, characterized by increased frequency and fluid consistency of the stool.

Diarrhea Treatment Using Herbal Medications

1. Tanglad  leaves ( english: Lemon grass, Ginger grass, Sweet-rush) Boil 10 young leaves in 2 glasses of water for 10 minutes.

Add a tablespoon sugar and one small piece crushed ginger. Dosage:

Adults: 1 cup, 3 times a day and afer every loose bowel movement.Children: ( babies) 1 tablesppon, 3 time a day and after every loose bowel

movement.(2-6 yrs) 1/4 cup, 3 times a day and after every loose bowel movement.

(7-12 yrs) 1/2 cup, 3 times a day and after every loose bowel movement.2. Kugon  roots ( english: Cogon grass)

Boil 5 chopped fresh roots in 2 glasses of water for 15 minutes. Dosage:

Adults: 1 cup, 3 times a day and afer every loose bowel movement.Children: ( babies) 1 tablesppon, 3 time a day and after every loose bowel

movement.(2-6 yrs) 1/4 cup, 3 times a day and after every loose bowel movement.

(7-12 yrs) 1/2 cup, 3 times a day and after every loose bowel movement.3. Kaymito  leaves ( english: Star apple)

Boil 1 cup chopped leaves in 2 glasses of water for 15 minutes. Dosage:

Adults: 1 cup, 3 times a day and afer every loose bowel movement.Children: ( babies) 1 tablesppon, 3 time a day and after every loose bowel

movement.(2-6 yrs) 1/4 cup, 3 times a day and after every loose bowel movement.

(7-12 yrs) 1/2 cup, 3 times a day and after every loose bowel movement.

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4. Bayabas  leaves ( english: Guava) Boil 10 chopped leaves in 2 glasses of water for 10 minutes. Add a tablespoon sugar and

one small piece crushed ginger. Dosage:

Adults: 1 cup, 3 times a day and afer every loose bowel movement.Children: ( babies) 1 tablesppon, 3 time a day and after every loose bowel

movement.(2-6 yrs) 1/4 cup, 3 times a day and after every loose bowel movement.

(7-12 yrs) 1/2 cup, 3 times a day and after every loose bowel movement.5. Makahiya  leaves ( english: Sensitive plant, Mimosa)

Boil 1 cup chopped leaves in 2 glasses of water for 15 minutes. Dosage:

Adults: 1 cup, 3 times a day and afer every loose bowel movement.Children: ( babies) 1 tablesppon, 3 time a day and after every loose bowel

movement.(2-6 yrs) 1/4 cup, 3 times a day and after every loose bowel movement.

(7-12 yrs) 1/2 cup, 3 times a day and after every loose bowel movement.

JUDGE NOT THE UNRE- markable leafy clump of lemon grass or tanglad, scientifically called Cymbopogon citratus. A few years back, I was given its bulbous root to plant in a sandy pot under a sunny spot. Daily I would water it, impatient to let the short tender shoots grow and reach a decent length so I could cut them up and make the most refreshing of herbal teas ever. Never happened!

Daily, behind my busy back, something was chewing on the shoots.

I never did find out if the culprit was my neighbor’s dog or my own cats. These two animals have been verified in online articles and blogs to love lemon grass. The plant has fragrant oil and a

lemony taste that apparently drive them crazy.

Reluctantly, I pulled out the chewed off shoots and rooting bulb, giving euthanasia to the baby lemon grass, since I knew it never had a chance of growing in my apartment area where

dogs and cats abound. I resorted to buying fresh tanglad stalks at the grocery. I wasn’t lucky enough to have a yard where lemon grass could grow profusely as it normally does, and indeed, in

many countries it is considered a weed that must be uprooted and burned. Yet this weed is a favored culinary spice in Southeast Asia, particularly in Thailand and Vietnam. If you’ve tasted Tom Yun

Goon, it’s lemon grass that makes this soup deliciously unforgettable.


I became a fan of lemon grass due to its known antifungal property. I had decided to go into low-yeast diet, and part of it involved killing the yeast, or simple fungi, in my system. I wanted to stop

getting vaginal   yeast   infections , as they could also affect my urinary tract. Other signs that one has too much yeast in the body are when one often gets fungal diseases such as athlete’s foot,

ringworm, or dandruff. Since I love to eat bread and mushrooms, which are basically giant and edible fungi, I definitely had yeast overload.

Aside from tanglad, there are other spices and herbs that naturally kill yeast, especially Candida albicans, the particular yeast I wanted out of my system. These are basil, cinnamon, garlic, ginger,

oregano, taheebo, thyme and turmeric.

However, I chose to use lemon grass for my battle against yeast. It was an easily accessible remedy that was likewise convenient to make and ingest as an infusion, and it tasted yummy, as well. One

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just had to get hold of raw lemon grass stalks, wash them well, and slice them diagonally about half an inch to an inch long, enough to heap on a tablespoon. Then put them inside a non-metallic

container such as a ceramic coffee mug, and pour two cups of freshly boiled water and let it steep for 15 to 30 minutes. One can add honey to sweeten, but I take mine as it is. For hot days, you just need to double the amount of sliced tanglad, add the same amount of water and, when it’s steeped,

put in your sweetener then cool it with ice cubes.


Because of a scheduled trip to Palawan, I found another use of lemon grass. I was wary of catching malaria, even if the travel agent assured me I wouldn’t, since I would be up north, in Coron, and malaria was prevalent elsewhere, and only in wild areas. I would be staying in a developed place. Still, I wanted to take precautions, short of getting vaccinated. I found a locally made mosquito-repellent spray with a natural lemon grass base. The plant’s aromatic constituent, citral, is often

used for perfumes. A cousin of citronella, another natural mosquito-repellent, citral is also found in lemon peel, and other plants with lemony aroma and taste.


Citral shows promise as a cancer cure. Israeli researchers discovered in lab trials that it causes cancer cells to kill themselves, without harming the healthy cells. The amount of citral they used in

research, one gram, is the same concentration normally found in a cup of lemon grass tea. However, scientific studies on actual humans remain to be done. The 2005 study by the Israelis was published in Planta Medica, a journal on alternative remedies. They used cancer cells found in the blood, such

as leukemia.

There has already been one caveat issued on lemon grass’ anti-cancer properties, according to the inspire.com website, under their Research Findings category. One contributor, who was taking chemo, posted in April 2009 that she consulted about citral with her oncologist, who responded:

“Since citral can reduce glutathione levels, drinking lemon grass tea while taking carboplatin could cause an increase in side effects from the carboplatin.” However, citral seems not to have an

adverse effect for chemo medicines such as gemcitabine, which do not need glutathione for their metabolism.

It’s best to consult medical professionals before you resort to using lemon grass not just for cancer treatment but for any other health reasons. For example, in my case, since I tend to have an allergic reaction to plants, I only use lemon grass, as well as other plant-based remedies, sparingly. Because

of the healing splendor in lemon grass, I don’t avoid it totally.

Ginger speeds up metabolism, promotes sweating

Philippine Daily Inquirer

DateFirst Posted 22:05:00 08/03/2010


Why more and more are using therapeutic tapes

How patients can benefit from integrative medicine

Garlic and fish oils, ginger help fortify one’s immune system

Page 20: Lemon Grass Cures Cancer and as Detox

IN JUST seven days, you can feel better and look better. While there are no instant remedies, take your pick from the following wellness options.


A cleansing and detox regimen is not advisable for pregnant women. So, it’s best to consult a doctor.

Rate yourself now.

How would you rate your present diet?

Very healthy—3 points

Fairly healthy—2 points

Poor—1 point

How are your energy levels today?

High—3 points

Average—2 points

Low—1 point

Describe your activity level.

Regular exercise regimen or active job/life—3 points

Moderate exercise but a sedentary job—2 points

No exercise and a sedentary life—1 point

How much water do you consume daily?

8-10 glasses—3 points

(3 pints/2 liters)

3-4 glasses—2 points

Less than 3 glasses—1 point

How much vegetables/fruits do you consume daily?

5-6 portions—3 points

2-4 portions—2 points

None—1 point

How much coffee/tea or canned drinks/sodas do you drink daily?

4-6 units—3 points

8-12 units—2 points

15 units—1 point

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Add up your scores.

If you scored above 14 points, start the program now.

If you scored below 14, start exercising, drinking more water, reducing alcohol intake, reducing coffee/tea and carbonated drinks by half, and increasing vegetable and fruit intake.

Mental picture

Imagine yourself at your ideal weight. Keep that picture in your mind.

Physical preparation

Have on hand the following:

Air-tight food containers

Steamer (for veggies/fish)

Loofah/skin brush or rough towel

Salt, sugar, olive/virgin coco oil


Location/place to exercise


Blender or juicer

Grocery list

Vegetables—carrot, sugar beets, sweet potato

Fruits—coconut, apple, guava, lemon, black grapes

Beans (mung, chickpeas, alfalfa)

Hot spices—chili, cayenne, ginger, lemon grass

Water—filtered or bottled

Apple cider, vinegar or native (not factory-made) vinegar


Day 1

Take cold showers which stimulate the lymphatic systems.

Drink a cup of hot water with a squeeze of lemon juice first thing in the morning before breakfast.

Drink 10 to 12 glasses of water daily.

Have regular meals minus the red meat.

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Exercise 15 minutes daily.

Day 2

Continue with your day one, but include:

One raw, fresh salad a day plus three servings of fresh fruit

Drop red meat and pork from your diet.

Day 3

Continue days 1 and 2. Increase raw salad to two servings a day (one portion is about 1/2 cup).

Have two portions of fish, nuts and 1 to 2 tbsp of olive, grape seed or rice bran oil daily.

Remove white rice/bread/pasta. Replace with brown rice, multi-grain bread/pasta.

Day 4

Continue days 1 to 3 plus liver tonics—Juice 1 sugar beet and 1 carrot and drink up daily.

Eat one cup of black grapes.

Drink 1 to 2 cups of lemon grass or ginger tea.

Hot spicy tea

Grate two fingers fresh raw ginger minus the skin. Place in a small pot of boiling water, stir and drink. Speeds up metabolism, promotes sweating. Add a dash of chili or drink your own chili tea (1/4 tsp in a pot of hot water).

Day 5

Continue days 1 to 4 plus kidney tonics. Drink daily one glass of fresh coconut water, cranberry (check for allergy). Sip one tsp of fresh honey in a cup of warm water. Add 1 tsp of fresh honey in a cup of warm water. Add 1 tsp apple cider or native vinegar. Eat half a medium-sized melon—note melon cannot mix well. All these are either too acidic, starchy, fattening, high in fungus, salty.

Carry on

If you feel better after seven days, continue until the 14th day then carry on until you have reached your ideal weight and feel-good goal. Though they always go together.

Love and light!

Now open: CQ Wow, SM North Edsa—(632)3556402; CQ Wow, SM Baguio—(074)4244041

Reference: “Detox yourself” by Jane Scrivner

Insect pests are an intimate part of every home.

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In the air, carpet, counter or cupboard, every home shares it's resources with these tiny, often unseen invaders. Pesticides are available for most common household insect pests, but these potent chemical compounds may be

more harmful to you and the environment than the pests.

Here are some natural, non-toxic ways to control household insect pests. 

The first line of defense is to remove the attractants: keep counters free of crumbs and sticky spots. Cover the sugar and put the honey jar in a plastic baggie. Cut off water sources such as drips or dishes left soaking


If the ant invaders persist, try these simple measures:

Keep a small spray bottle handy, and spray the ants with a bit of soapy water.

Set out cucumber peels or slices in the kitchen or at the ants' point of entry. Many ants have a natural aversion to cucumber. Bitter cucumbers work best.

Leave a few tea bags of mint tea near areas where the ants seem most active. Dry, crushed mint leaves or cloves also work as ant deterrents.

Trace the ant column back to their point of entry. Set any of the following items at the entry area in a small line, which ants will not cross: cayenne pepper, citrus oil (can be soaked into a piece of string), lemon juice, cinnamon or coffee grounds.

Mix one liter of water, one teaspoon of Borax and a cup of sugar. Soak cotton balls in the solution and place them in a small yogurt container with holes punched in the lids to allow ants access. Place container in a location where ants are present. Ants will carry the bait back to their colonies where it will eventually kill the colony. Important: use indoors only; must be kept away from pets and children.

Leave a small, low wattage night light on for a few nights in the area of most ant activity. The change in light can disrupt and discourage their foraging patterns.

Ants on the deck? Slip a few cut up cloves of garlic between the cracks.

Clove oil-based commercial ant deterrents are available online. 

Dust Mites

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Microscopic dust mites are everywhere in the home - in our beds, clothing, furniture, book shelves and stuffed animals. For people with allergies or asthma, dust mites are a problem. 

Here's how to reduce the dust mite population in your home:

Vacuum mattresses and pillows. For people with sensitivities to dust mite allergens, dust mite bedding is available with zippered, allergen-impermeable encasings designed to block dust mites. Wash bedding at 55 degrees Celsius (130F) or higher. Detergents and commercial laundry products have no effect on mites unless the water temperature is high. Keep books, stuffed animals, throw rugs and laundry hampers out of the bedroom of allergy sufferers. Wash stuffed animals occasionally in hot water. Tannic acid neutralizes the allergens in dust mite and animal dander. Dust problem areas with tannic acid powder, available at health food stores and pet centers. Cover mattress and pillows with laminated covers which prevent penetration by dust mites. Avoid fabric-covered headboards. Cover heating ducts with a filter which can trap tiny dust particles smaller than 10 microns.

Avoid using humidifiers. Dust mites thrive on warmth and humidity.


The best defense against cockroaches is a clean kitchen and bathroom. If roaches are a problem in your home or apartment, vacuum well and wash the area with a strong soap. Dispose of the vacuum cleaner bag in a sealed container. 

It is a little known fact that roaches like high places. If you put boric acid on TOP of your kitchen cabinets (not inside), if space allows between ceiling and cabinets, the roaches will take the boric acid to their nests, killing all of them. Boric acid is toxic by mouth - keep away from children and pets.

Diatomaceous earth is a safe alternative which can be sprinkled in areas where roaches congregate, especially hidden areas such a cabinet tops and behind appliances. Harmless to people, the tiny particles cut the waxy exoskeleton and kills the insect within 48 hours. For a week or so after the treatment, the dehydrating insects will

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search more actively for water. Therefore, do not be surprised if you see roaches more often after the treatment. Most roaches should be killed within two weeks of application. more info or to purchase

Catnip is a natural repellent to cockroaches. The active ingredient is nepetalactone, which is non-toxic to humans and pets. Small sachets of catnip can be left in areas of cockroach activity. Catnip can also be simmered in a small amount of water to make a "catnip tea" which can be used as a spray to apply around baseboards and behind counters. This natural repellent should only be used in homes without cats! (A site visitor who has tried this sends the following comments)

Keep a spray bottle of soapy water on hand. Spraying roaches directly with soapy water will kill them.

In an empty one pound coffee can, place 1 or 2 pieces of bread which have been soaked thoroughly with beer. Place in areas known to have roach infestations.

Leave bay leaves, cucumber slices or garlic in the affected area as deterrents.

The fruit of the Osage orange tree, the hedgeapple, is a natural roach repellent. Leave one hedgeapple per room for effective deterrence up to two months. You can learn more about hedgeapples for pest control at hedgeapple.com.

Bathe and comb your pet regularly. Use mild soap, not insecticides. If fleas are found on the comb, dip the comb in a glass of soapy water.

Citrus is a natural flea deterrent. Pour a cup of boiling water over a sliced lemon. Include the lemon skin, scored to release more citrus oil. Let this mixture soak overnight, and sponge on your dog to kill fleas instantly.

Add brewer's yeast and garlic, or apple cider vinegar, to your pets' food. However, it is not advisable to use raw garlic as a food supplement for cats.

Cedar shampoo, cedar oil and cedar-filled sleeping mats are commercially available. Cedar repels many insects including fleas.

Fleas in the carpet? The carpet should be thoroughly vacuumed especially in low traffic areas, under furniture, etc. Put flea powder in the vacuum cleaner bag to kill any fleas that you vacuum up, and put the bag in an outdoor garbage bin.

Trap fleas in your home using a wide, shallow pan half-filled with soapy water. Place it on the floor and shine a lamp over the water. Fleas will jump to the heat of the lamp and land in the water. The detergent breaks the surface tension, preventing the flea from bouncing out.

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In the yard or garden, plant fleabane (Fleabane Daisy Erigeron speciosus) to repel fleas. This is an annual growing 16-24" tall with violet, daisy like flowers.

Nontoxic flea traps are available commercially.

Flea Control Nematodes can be used to control fleas in outdoor areas your pets frequent.


The first line of defense against mosquitos is to seal their point of entry. Mosquitos are most active in the early morning and early evening. They seek areas of still air because they are hampered by breezes. Close windows

and doors on the side of your house which are opposite the breeze. Then try:

The most important measure you can take is to remove standing water sources. Change birdbaths, wading pools and pet's water bowl twice a week. Keep your eavestroughs clean and well-draining. Remove yard items that collect water.

In a New England Journal of Medicine study, oil of eucalyptus at 30% concentration prevented mosquito bites for 120.1 minutes, while Bite Blocker with 2% soybean oil kept bites away for 96.4 minutes. (the eucalyptus oil

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must have a minimum of 70% cineole content, the active therapeutic ingredient.) Citronella, a common alternative to DEET, performed poorly, warding off bugs for only 20 minutes.

If you're using the barbeque, throw a bit of sage or rosemary on the coals to repel mosquitos.

An effective natural bug repellent, mix one part garlic juice with 5 parts water in a small spray bottle. Shake well before using. Spray lightly on exposed body parts for an effective repellent lasting up to 5 - 6 hours. Strips of cotton cloth can also be dipped in this mixture and hung in areas, such as patios, as a localized deterrent.

Neem oil is a natural vegetable oil extracted from the Neem tree in India. The leaves, seeds and seed oil of the Neem tree contain sallanin, a compound which has effective mosquito repelling properties. Neem oil is a natural product and is safe to use. Look for new Neem Oil-based commercial products on the market.

Planting marigolds around your yard works as a natural bug repellent because the flowers give off a fragrance bugs and flying insects do not like.

Campers often report that the very best mosquito repellent is Avon Skin-So-Soft® bath oil mixed half and half with rubbing alcohol.

Lemon grass repel mosquitoes(Cymbopogon citratus) is a natural and effective mosquito repellent. It contains the natural oil, citronella, which is safe and

effective; in fact, lemon grass citronella is considered more effective than true citronella as an insect repellent.

You can buy Thai lemon grass at garden centers and supermarkets, and it grows readily into a clump about 15" across and about 2ft tall. To use as a mosquito repellent, break a stalk off from the clump, peel off the

outer leaves, until you find the scallion-like stem at the base. Bend the stem between your fingers, loosening it, then rub it vigorously between your palms - it will soon become a pulpy, juicy mass. Rub this over all exposed

skin, covering thoroughly at least once. You can also make a tincture using alcohol, for spray applications. 

Plantings around the patio will also help repel mosquitoes. 


Use mint as a fly repellent. Small sachets of crushed mint can be placed around the home to discourage flies. Bay leaves, cloves and eucalyptus wrapped in small cheesecloth squares can be hung by open windows or


Place a small, open container of sweet basil and clover near pet food or any open food in the house.

A few drops of eucalyptus oil on a scrap of absorbant cloth will deter flies. Leave in areas where flies are a problem.

Page 28: Lemon Grass Cures Cancer and as Detox

You can make your own flypaper with this simple recipe: Mix 1/4 cup syrup, 1 tbsp. granulated sugar and 1 tbsp. brown sugar in a small bowl. Cut strips of brown kraft paper and soak in this mixture. Let dry overnight. To hang, poke a small hole at the top of each strip and hang with string or thread.

A site visitor suggests a light spray of Pine Sol on affected areas will deter flies.

Safe, nontoxic, pheromone-based outdoor and indoor fly traps are available.

For outdoor infestations, the best trap you can use is the Flies Be Gone trap, now available in our online store.
