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Lemp 2015 updated small

Date post: 04-Aug-2015
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RETAIL BANKING ACADEMY Empowering Bankers. Serving People. www.retailbanking-academy.org EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME London | 2015
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Empowering Bankers. Serving People.


ExEcutivE ManagEMEnt PrograMME

London | 2015

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Executive Management Programme 2015 Dates:

9 – 12 March29 June – 2 July5 – 8 October

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the Retail Banking Academy believes that retail banking should be a recognised profession like accountancy and law.

We are committed to:

• MakingtheCertifiedRetailBankerqualification(CRB) therecognisedstandardforprofessionalretailbankersworldwide

• Thoughtleadershipandresearch• Havingaglobalreachandtheinfrastructuretosupportit• Beingthevoiceoftheprofession• Workinginalliancewiththeretailbankingindustry• Workingcloselywithourmembersandstudentsthroughalumni


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DaY 2DaY 3DaY 4 The London Executive Management Programme will begin with the first

of three Academy dinners. The topic of this first dinner will be The Origins

of Retail Banking. This will be your first opportunity to meet with the other

participants in the programme as well as prominent retail bankers, members

of the RBA Advisory Board and other influential leaders.

DaY 1

WElcoME DinnEr

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Retail Banking EducationTheExecutiveManagementProgrammeisafour-dayintensiveprogrammeinLondonthatprovidesleadingretailbankerswithaccesstocurrentbestpracticesinretailfinancialservices,withanemphasisonretailbankingleadership.Italsoprovidesdelegateswithaccesstoanunmatchedinternationalnetworkoffellowprofessionalsandaretailbankingresearchresourcethatcanbeaccessedatanytime.SuccessfulcompletionofthisprogrammewouldqualifyaparticipantformembershipoftheRBAanddesignationasHonoraryMember.

Preparation for the ProgrammeInordertogetthemostofthishigh-levelprogramme,wewillbesendingeachparticipantavarietyofreadingmaterialspriortothesessionsinLondon.Itisimportantthatyoumakeyourselffamiliarwiththesecoretextsinordertoensurethatthecoursetimeisdevotedtovalue-addeddiscussionofthebasictopics.

Participants in the RBA LondonExecutiveManagementProgrammewillreceive:

• Alllecturesdeliveredbyprofessionalswithmorethan20years’industryexperience

• TextbookscreatedexclusivelyfortheRBA

• AccesstokeyLaffertymanagementreports

• AsubscriptiontoLafferty Retail Banking Insights

tHE lonDon ExEcutivE ManagEMEnt PrograMME

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Module 1Majortrendsaffectingretailbanking

Module 2Business

strategies in retailbanking

Module 3Achievingprofitablegrowth

Module 4Casestudy:Nedbank–anewethos




academy Dinner



On day two of the London Executive Management Programme we will start

to explore the most important issues facing today’s retail banking leader.

Through a combination of high-level discussions, case studies and the RBA’s

exclusive curriculum, the executives on the course will be able to gain a new

understanding of global best practices in retail banking.

DaY 1

DaY 3

DaY 4

DaY 2

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08:30–09:00 Coffee

09:00–10:00Major trends affecting retail banking

• Regulation• The low interest rate environment• Rapid consumer adoption of technology• Adapting to changing technologies

10:00–12:00Business strategies in retail banking

• How to create a robust business strategy• Customer convenience strategies• How to execute strategy successfully• Linking proper KPIs to monitor progress


12:00–13:30Working Lunch

Global briefing: retail banking strategies in action • The overall strategies of the world’s leading banks • How they define themselves in terms of their retail/corporate/investment activities• Banks’ priorities for the year ahead for their retail business • Unique, successful and particularly unsuccessful strategies

13:30–15:30Achieving profitable growth

• Achieving higher profit and service excellence by streamlining the product portfolio• Possibilities for increasing market reach and growth• Pros and cons of new distribution channels• Key considerations for successful expansion into new markets

15:30–15:45 Coffeebreak

15.45–17:00Case study: Nedbank – a new ethos

“As a leader, sometimes you see the shift you need to make and you have got to be prepared to make yourself vulnerable by knowing you’re going to a place no one recognises that they need to be.” – Ingrid Johnson, Managing Executive, Nedbank Retail and Business Banking

19:00–21:30 Working Dinner

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Module 1Leadershipinretailbanking

Module 2Governance andethics

Module 3Operationalexcellenceinretailbanking

DaY 1

DaY 2

DaY 4Break



case studyING-DiBa

On the third day of the London Executive Management

Programme, global industry leaders with more than 20 years’

retail banking experience will go deeper into various topics

that are critical for the success of the executive level retail


DaY 3

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08.30–9.00 Registration and coffee09.00–11.00Leadership In Retail Banking

• What are the elements of leadership that create a strong corporate culture?• How do you gain credibility and trust – and what is the role of emotional intelligence?• How do you achieve high employee engagement?

11.00–11.15 Coffee break11:15–13:00Governance And Ethics

• Understanding corporate governance as an agency problem• Identifying effective corporate governance instruments in retail banking• The issues surrounding prudential supervision• Lessons for boards of directors

13:00–14.30 Working Lunch14.30–16:15 Operational Excellence In Retail Banking

• Effective multi-channel management as key to front-end efficiency• The merits of customer service guarantees• An enlightened view of the back office and its impact on RAROC• The potential effects of silo thinking on performance• The importance of a data warehouse and data mining

16:15–16.30 Coffee Break

16:30–18:00Case study: ING-DiBa

Casestudy:ING-DiBaThe success of ING-DiBa is not the result of a single business process or technology deployment. The story of ING-DiBa illustrates the importance of the ING customer-centric philosophy and its coincidence with the peculiar historical context of retail banking in Germany and customer adoption of internet banking.

• How did ING-DiBa achieve superior operational excellence?• What is the link between operational advantage and a profitable growth strategy?• Can a bank achieve superior customer satisfaction through offering relatively high deposit rates?

18.30–21:00 Optional Working Dinner

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Module 1











On the final day of the programme, we will take an in-depth

look at the current state of the retail banking sector worldwide.

DaY 1

DaY 2DaY 3

DaY 4

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08.30–09.00 Registrationandcoffee

09.00–11.45Risk And Capital Management

• An introduction to duration and convexity• Effective interest rate risk management to increase the ability to absorb market shocks• Consideration of the impacts of new capital and liquidity rules• Evaluation of advanced capital allocation methods• The role of risk governance in a retail bank• The impacts of regulation on profitability and ROE

10.30–10.45 CoffeeBreak11:45–13:00Basel III Simulation Game: Round One

Objective: Restructure a bank’s balance sheet to optimise gross earnings without violating Basel III conditions and respecting the Board of Directors’ risk limits derived from the bank’s risk appetite statement.

13:00–14:00 Lunch–ParkviewRoom14:00–15.00Basel III Simulation Game: Round Two

Round Two

15:00–15:30 CoffeeBreak15:30–16:00 Debriefandreportingofresult

16:00–17:00Retail Banking

TheBranchIsDead–LongLiveTheBranch:AWalkDownTheUK’sFinancialHighStreetGood branch design and banking hall management can transform branch profitability, and significantly improve customer service metrics.All UK banks are currently rolling out new “best practice” branch models, and Keyfact’s virtual tour of these branches highlights what works – and what does not.

17:00–17:30Closing Session

Closing words from the RBA founding partners

18.30–21:00 Farewelldinnerandpresentationofscrolls

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tEStiMonialSFeedback from recent RBA Executive Management Programmes

“Very interesting instructors – and very well organised overall!”Member of the Management Board, Erste Bank

“The Academy programme provided me with access to the latest financial services best practices, with an emphasis on retail banking leadership. All the Retail Banking III modules were highly relevant to me in my current position as the consumer banking head in the bank”Head of Retail Banking, Maybank

“Thank you for a truly fabulous, informative and constructive 4-day programme brimming with tools to take my business to the next level! I’m thrilled to be a part of this programme and this tremendous network.”Head of Retail Banking at Al-Rajhi Bank

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“This has been an incredibly rewarding week – it has been a privilege to be included.“Head of Card Acquiring, Standard Bank

“Faculty members are passionate with practical suggestions. Very well done!”Chief Commercial Officer, SNS Bank

“It was a wonderful week. I really appreciated the constructive sessions – good speakers and good content.”SVP and Marketing Channel Strategy, Royal Bank of Canada

“What I liked best about the programme was the exchange of views from different parts of the world. The networking was amazing – and I realised that we face the same challenges.”Retail Banking Director, NIC Bank

“Thank you for a very inspirational week – high quality presentations and excellent discussions! I will certainly treasure the time we spent together and hope that we stay in touch and continue to share our experiences and best practice.”Divisional Executive of Business Banking, Nedbank

“Thank you for a great programme – well organised structure, high calibre and professional speakers. It was my pleasure to meet everyone and explore and exchange international experiences.”Head of Retail Banking, Invest Bank

“It was truly my pleasure to be part of this special programme.”AGM, Head of Sales and Channel Distribution, National Bank of Kuwait

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Coworth Park, AscotRelax from the moment you discover Coworth Park’s picturesque parkland.

This luxurious country house hotel on the borders of Windsor Great Park is high-end style without the stuffiness. It’s an idyllic place for a romantic retreat and a favourite with families seeking a relaxing break with a dash of adventure.

An understated palette of subtle colours lends an air of calm to the spacious rooms and suites. For

Georgian style with an eccentric decorative flair, stay in the Mansion House. If you prefer a little more seclusion, opt for the self-contained converted Stables and Cottages.

Restaurant Coworth Park’s Best of British menu shows true passion for the finest locally-sourced seasonal ingredients. If it’s comfort food you favour, sample The Barn’s rustic charm where diners are more than welcome to keep their muddy boots on.Take part in quintessentially English

activities such as tennis, croquet, go horse riding or take polo lessons with Guards Polo Club on one of Coworth Park’s two professional polo fields.

Head to the eco-luxury spa for a refreshing swim in the inviting indoor pool, work out in the gym or indulge in a relaxing treatment like an aromatherapy massage. Having worked up an appetite, enjoy a healthy bite to eat and a chilled glass of champagne at The Spatisserie.

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recent lEMP delegates come from banks that include

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WHat iS tHE rBa?

Consumer banking considers the customer relationship as its only real asset. All other traditional assets or balance sheet items are nothing but manifestations of this relationship

“Dr Stefan Kaminsky

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The Retail Banking AcademywasfoundedinLondonin2011toeducateretailbankersaroundtheworldtoahighprofessionalstandard.Itistheonlyeducationalandprofessionalacademyexclusivelydedicatedtoretailbankinganywhereintheworld.




• Fairness• Transparency• Respectforcustomersandcolleagues• Innovation• Creativity• Open-mindedness• Driveandpassion

Inthe1980s,LaffertyGrouphadthepleasureofworkingwiththelateDrStefanW.Kaminsky,thefounderofKKBBankinDüsseldorf–theworld’sfirstfor-profitconsumer-onlybank.Together,theypublishedthemanagementreportBeyond Retail Banking,possiblythemostimportanttreatiseonretailbankingevertobewritten.

Thisreport–nowupdatedunderthetitleReal Banks for Real People - A Roadmap to Managing a Retail-Only Bank –isanimportantsourceforthebasicconceptstaughtbytheRBA.

the retail Banking academy (rBa) has been founded with the objective of playing a leading role in the development and professionalisation of

consumer-oriented retail banking across the world.

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BEcoMing a cErtifiED rEtail BanKEr

Academycertification–andtherighttodescribeyourselfasaCertifiedRetailBankerandusetheCRBdesignation –isusuallyachieveduponsuccessfulcompletionofthreeseparateprogrammes,eachoneculminatinginanexam:

retail Banking iThosewhohavepassedtheRetailBankingIexaminationareawardedthestatusofAssociateInternationalRetailBankerandareentitledtousethelettersAIRBI.

retail Banking iiThosewhohavepassedtheRetailBankingIIexaminationareawardedthestatusofAssociateInternationalRetailBankerandareentitledtousethelettersAIRBII.

retail Banking iiiThosewhohavepassedexaminationsatallthreelevels:RetailBankingI,RetailBankingIIandRetailBankingIIIbecomeCertifiedMembersandareentitledtousethedesignationCertifiedRetailBankerandthelettersCRB.

retail Banking iii

retail Banking ii

retail Banking i Exam







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More details about the curriculum, financing and admissions can be found by contacting Evelyn Hunter-Jordan at +44 (0)20 3008 5283 or by email at [email protected]. Alternatively visit our website: www.retailbanking-academy.org

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Michael laffertyfoundedLaffertyGroupin1981whenhelefttheFinancial Times,wherehehadbeenresponsibleforcoverageofthebankingindustry.AcharteredaccountantandfellowoftheInstituteofCharteredAccountantsinEnglandandWales,hehadpreviouslyworkedonthepaper’sLEXteam,theCityDeskandbeenaccountancycorrespondent.LaffertyGrouphascometooccupyapreeminentpositionintheinternationalfinancialservicesindustry,providingtheindustrywitheducation,researchandintelligence,andcouncils.MichaelischairmanoftheRetail Banking Academy.

Dick HarryvanisaformermemberoftheexecutiveboardofAmsterdam-basedINGGroup.DickstartedhiscareerasamanagementtraineeatNationale-Nederlandenin1979.From1980-1989,heheldvariousmanagementpositionsinING’sUSandCanadianinsurancebusinesses.In1989,DickmovedbacktotheNetherlandsandwasappointedamanageroftheInternationalDivisionofNationale-Nederlanden.In1993,hewasappointedgeneralmanagerofBancassuranceattheInternationalDivisionofAmsterdambasedINGBank.From1995-2006,DickservedasgeneralmanagerofINGDirectwherehewaschieffinancialofficer/chiefriskofficerofINGDirectglobally.DickwasthenappointedtotheINGGroupexecutiveboardandbecameCEOofINGDirect.HemaintainstwoboardpositionsatINGDirectinCanadaandGermany.Dickisco-chairmanoftheRetail Banking Academy.

Dr. abdul H. rahmanisaprofessorofeconomicsandfinanceandTelferteachingFellowattheTelferSchoolofManagement,UniversityofOttawa.HewaspreviouslyassociatedeanattheJohnMolsonSchoolofBusiness,ConcordiaUniversityinMontreal.Hehasbeenpublishedinseveralacademicjournalsincludingthe Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Asset Management, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. Hehasconsultedforglobalfinancialinstitutionsinretailbanking,commercialbanking,assetmanagement,privatebankingandlifeinsurance.AbdulistheacademicdirectoroftheRetail Banking Academy.

Evelyn Hunter-Jordan ischiefexecutiveofficeroftheRetail Banking Academy.Aformerballetentrepreneurandclassicalballetdancer,shejoinedLaffertyGroupin2007.Fromaninitialroleasassistanttothechairman,shebecameLaffertyGroupgeneralmanagerin2008andhasplayedamajorroleinthedevelopmentofthe Retail Banking Academy.EvelynholdsaDiplomainBalletfromtheUniversityofCapeTown,SouthAfrica,andisaregisteredteacheroftheRoyalAcademyofDance.

academy Partners

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Norman GealychairmanoftheRBAAwardsBody.NormanhasspecialisedineducationalmeasurementsincegraduatinginExperimentalPsychologyfromOxfordUniversityin1975.HeworkedforThePsychologicalCorporationintheUSandforCity&GuildsintheUKbeforehelpingtosetupanindependentconsultancyinLondonin1986.Hismainfieldsofworkhavebeenvocationalandprofessionalqualifications,andhisclientshaveincludedalloftheprofessionalaccountancybodiesintheUKaswellasnumerousotherbodiesprovidingprofessionalqualificationsrelatedtofinance.HehasworkeddirectlyfortheUKgovernment,bothasanagent,intheprovisionofconsultancyoverseas,andasanadviser,havinghelpedtodeveloptheframeworkbywhichallEnglishqualifications(schoolandvocational)wereregulatedfrom2004.Recentlyhehashelpedtodevelopnewprofessionalqualificationsinfacilitiesandinprojectmanagement,aswellascontinuingtocontributetonationalqualificationpolicies.

ian lindsey isanexperienced,professionallyqualifiedbankdirectorwithdirectexperienceoflending,riskmanagement,complianceandcorporategovernance.Since2002hehasbeentheseniorindependentnon-executivedirectorofVanquisBankLimitedwherehechairstheaudit,risk,remunerationandcompliancecommitteesoftheboard.HeisacareerbankerhavingprogressedfrombranchbankingtobecomemanagingdirectorofpersonalbankingatCityofLondoninvestmentbankRobertFleming&CoLimited.HewasalsoadirectoroftheFlemingfundsmanagementsubsidiarySave&ProsperGroupforoveradecade.Sinceretirementhehasheldseveralnon-executivedirectorshipswithinthefinancialandtelecomssectors.HehasalwaysundertakencharitableactivitiesevidencedbyservingonthecouncilsoftheCharteredInstituteofBankersandtheUniversityofNottingham,theboardofthearmedforcestradingcompanyNAAFIandiscurrentlyatrusteeoftheRoyalBritishLegionwherehechairsitsfinanceandpropertycommittee.

godfrey Banks hasauniqueblendofretailbankingexperienceandhands-oninvolvementwithawardingorganisationsandtheregulatorofqualificationsinEngland(Ofqual).AftergraduatingwithanhonoursdegreeinmodernlanguagesfromLondonUniversity,GodfreyjoinedMidlandBank(whichbecamepartofHSBC).Aspartofthebank’splanningdivisionherolledoutthefirstbranchcredit-scoringsystem.GodfreylefttoworkfortheLondonChamberofCommercewherehetookchargeoftheoperationalsideoftheirawardingorganisation.AftertwosuccessfulyearshejoinedtheBritishgovernment’sQualificationsandCurriculumAuthority(QCA),theforerunnerofOfqual.ThereheworkedonallaspectsofqualityaudittogetherwiththeawardingorganisationsthatdeliverqualificationsintheUKandoverseas.Thisrangedfromspecialinvestigationsandmethodsofassessmenttothecreationofnewauditsystemsandproceduresforrecognitionasanawardingorganisation.

awards Body

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limitations: Registration fees are only valid for RBA courses delivered in London and are subject to change.

registration fee: Registration fees cover four nights’ hotel accommodation, course attendance, light refreshments, lunch, dinner and access to course materials. The fee does not include travel.

Payment: Payment must be received prior to the start of the course.

cancellation: Substitutions can be made in writing at any time and will incur no penalty fee. Cancellations without a substitute delegate received on or before 20 working days prior to the course will be subject to a 75% administration charge. Delegates cancelling after this date without a substitute delegate will be required to pay the full fee and no refund will be given. Cancellations must be received in writing or by email and will not be accepted over the phone.

Data Protection: The information you have provided will be safeguarded by the Retail Banking Academy who may also use your data to keep you informed of relevant products and services. If you object to being contacted, please tick the appropriate box: telephone , mail and email .

We may wish to make your details available to other reputable organisations. Please tick this box if you would prefer your details to remain confidential.

tErMS & conDitionSlondon Executive Management Programme

rEgiStration fEE

I agree to the terms and conditions as set out on this page

fee (uS$) number of delegates total

fEE PEr DElEgatE $9,995

Fees are on a per person basis.

PaYMEnt DEtailS

credit / Debit card AmericanExpress MasterCard Visa Other ________________________

Cardnumber cccc cccc cccc cccc

CVC/Securitynumber: cccc Expirydate: / Cardholder’sname:

Please invoice me(pleaseincludeyourcompanyVATnumberifyourorganistationisEU-based)VAT Number:

Please complete your details below * Scan the completed form and return to [email protected] or fax back to +44 (0)20 3008 8426Please indicate which programme date you would like to attend: 9 – 12 March / 29 June – 2 July / 5 – 8 October


Jobtitle: Company:


City: Postcode:


Email: Telephone:


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the academy is international – previous delegates at its Executive Management Programmes include:

Head, Retail ProductsAbsa Bank

SVP - Consumer LendingAbu Dhabi Commercial Bank

Head of Retail Banking Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank

Executive Head, Retail Banking Agricultural Development Bank Senior Manager Retail Banking Al Rajhi Bank - Kuwait

Head of Retail and SME Banking BancABC

Chief Executive Officer Bank Mandiri

Managing Director Bank OCBC

Head of Branch Distribution Commercial Bank International

Head, Portfolio Management PBC Global Credit ProductDeutsche Bank

Head, Direct Sales Diamond Bank

Member of the Management Board Erste Bank

Director of Consumer Banking Fidelity Bank

Chief Operating Officer, Investment ProductsFirst National Bank

Head Consumer Banking Ghana Commercial Bank

Executive Manager, Consumer Banking Gulf Bank

Global Head Retail Banking HSBC

Head of Retail Banking Invest Bank

Group Head - Products and Analytics, Retail BankingKeystone Bank

Executive Director, Retail Banking Keystone Bank

UKRB Products & IntermediariesLloyds

Head, Consumer Finance Maybank

Director, Analytics and Decision Models Unit Millennium bcp

SVP, Retail BankingNational Bank of Canada

AGM, Head of Channels and Sales Distribution National Bank of Kuwait

Managing Executive for Retail Banking ServicesNedbank Retail Banking Director NIC Bank

Member of Management Board Privredna Banka Zagreb

SVP, Marketing & Channel StrategyRoyal Bank of Canada

Risk Oversight - Head of DepartmentSantander UK

Group Head Retail Banking Skye Bank

Chief Commercial Officer SNS Bank

Head of Retail Banking, Algeria Société Générale

Chief Financial Officer: Postbank South Africa Post Office

Head, Personal & Business Banking Standard Bank

Director, Personal and Business Banking & COOStanbic bank

Director of Equity Retail Sucorninvest
