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Lesson 1.1 Why Music Theory is Important

Date post: 12-Aug-2015
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Why is Music Theory Important
  1. 1. Why is Music Theory Important
  2. 2. Brief History of Music Theory As long as their has been music, their have been those studying music. Writings and Treatises go back as far as ancient Greece with philosophers such as Plato, Aristotle, and Archytas.
  3. 3. Brief History of Music Theory As history progressed, more people wrote about music How to write it What its purpose What constitutes good music and what is bad Whats new in music And so on and so forth
  4. 4. Brief History of Music Theory Today we consider music theory as an analytical tool as oppose to a set of rules to follow or instructions for music.
  5. 5. So why learn theory Theory today still has a place in music. Some of its practical reasons are as followed: Make you a better interpreter of music. Allows you to better understand the music you listen to. Gives insight into the minds of the composer. Gives you tools to be a better composer.
  6. 6. Interpretation When a musician performs classical music, how the music is played is greatly influenced by music theory analysis. Phrasing of the melody requires analyzing both harmony and melody. Tempo and performance variation and requires knowing where cadences are. Music theory also plays into performance practice and improvisation.
  7. 7. Analysis The obvious reason for learning music theory is being able to analyze music. This is important for a few reasons: Gives you the ability to understand the music you listen to or read. Gives you the ability to spot musical patterns and understand music that strays from said pattern.
  8. 8. Insight Music theory gives insight into the minds of composers by breaking down the notes they used and why they used them. Composers traits and style become known through an analysis of their music as well. Additionally, traits of a particular era are also defined through the analysis of music.
  9. 9. Tools For composers, music theory can increase you compositional tools. Keep in mind, music theory does not make you a more creative composers. But it can help you understand your own music. Music theory can make you a more purposeful composer in some ways.
  10. 10. Person Reasons No matter how many reasons I can give you about why you should learn music theory, it all really comes down to you: What do you want to learn? What do you hope to gain? How do you think it will effect you as a musician or composer?
  11. 11. Why is Music Theory Important
