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Essential Oils for Abundant Living Course

by Dr. Eric & Sabrina Ann Zielinski

Copyright © 2018 by Biblical Health Publishing.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be re-produced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means – electronic, mechanical, photographic (photocopy-ing), recording, or otherwise – without prior permission in

writing from the author.

The products and statements in this book have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administra-tion (FDA) and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. All information provided in this book is for

informational purposes only, and is not intended as a substi-tute for advice from your physician or other health care pro-fessional. You should not use the information in this book for

diagnosis or treatment of any health problem.

The recipes featured in this transcript book are part of Dr. Z’s bestseller, The Healing Power of Essential Oils.

Get your copy today! http://HealingPowerOfEssentialoils.com

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Dr. Z: Dr. Z here.

Mama Z: And Mama Z. Welcome to Lesson 2: Setting the Foundation, Essential Oil Inha-lation Guide and Safety Tips.

Dr. Z: In this lesson, we’re going to cover the power of smell, how inhaling essential oils can literally change your brain chemistry and how it could help you achieve the abundant life. Let’s get ready.

Katie Peters: In our house, we use oils to set a tone or a mood. When I finally get the house empty but I need to get some work done, I can diffuse some blends that will keep me motivated and focused on what I’m doing. And it just helps my brain trigger to stay in that zone instead of getting distracted by the millions of things I have to do.

Tiffany Crumbs: There are a lot of oils that I diffuse for different purposes. But my favorite would be my night blend. It’s a lavender blend. And by diffusing it, it tells my brain that it’s time to stop thinking so much, stop working, and to start relaxing.

Before I started using this blend, it would take me forever to fall asleep. And now, it’s a trigger. I smell it. My brain says, “Okay, I know exactly what I need to do.” And I’m asleep like a baby every night.

Dr. Z: Hello, hello, hello. Welcome to Lesson 2. We’re going to discuss how to properly in-hale essential oils and why it even matters for us today.

Well, inhaling essential oils is what most people consider aromatherapy. But as we learned in the last lesson, aromatherapy means a lot more. The reason why we really want to focus on inhaling essential oils the right way today specifically is because of all the fragrances that are out there that are full of chemicals that have literally been linked to autoimmune disorders, neurocognitive diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia, and even cancer.

It’s literally impossible—impossible!—to get away from harmful chemicals that are in the air. Everywhere you go, whether it’s at the mall, whether it’s at the restroom at the local



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gas station, they have smells all over the place. And we need to remember, unless they’re pure essential oils, they are synthetic. And those chemicals are harmful.

So what we’re going to learn about today is the power of smell and why inhaling volatile organic compounds has a direct effect on the brain and the body. We’re going to talk about tips and using diffusers and spritzers and inhalers and all the great techniques that you can use and also some safety guidelines. Are you ready? Let’s get started. And be sure you’ve got your workbook out because you’re going to want to take some notes.

Because they directly affect the part of your brain known as the limbic system, inhaling essential oils can be quite powerful. Did you know that inhaling grapefruit oil can de-crease food intake and even stimulate fat breakdown? And that orange oil can help with depression?

Enjoying inhaling the volatile organic compounds of plants is as old as civilization. And the therapeutic benefits sometimes seem endless. For example, inhaling peppermint oil can boost energy levels. Inhaling Clary sage can decrease cortisol. And rosemary can increase memory. Inhaling lemon oil can decrease nausea. And neroli can decrease pain. And the list goes on and on and on.

Now, here’s why this works. When you smell flowers, for example, the volatile organic com-pounds that being emitted from the plant dissolve in the mucous lining of the roof of your nasal cavity. There, the molecules stimulate olfactory receptors. And olfactory sensory neurons carry the signals from the receptors to your olfactory bulb in your brain which filters and begins processing the input signals of the floral scent.

Mitral cells then carry the output signals from the olfactory bulb to the olfactory cortex which allows you to perceive and recognize the sweet scent of the flower. Interestingly, the mitral cells do not only lead to the olfactory cortex. They also carry the signals from the floral scent to other areas of the brain’s limbic system. Some mitral cells actually connect to the amygdala.

The limbic system is your primal brain where your mood, your emotions, and your memo-ry are. This explains why smells are often linked to specific memories and can even trigger posttraumatic stress. Please keep this in mind as you use essential oils because you’ll nev-er really know how your body will respond until after you expose yourself to the aroma.

Now, there are several ways that you can enjoy inhaling those volatile organic compounds that we know and love as essential oils. You can use them through diffusers. You can use

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them through simply just opening up the bottle and just smelling. It’s actually a very pow-erful tool. You can put a drop in your hand. And this technique is called cupping. And all you do is rub your hands together, and you take a breath. And that is very effective for people that battle anxiety attacks, stress, and even nausea.

The nice thing about cupping is that you can bring it on the go. And that is an inhaler. This is what’s known as an aromatherapy inhaler which has a cotton tube in the middle. And we’ll have recipes for all this. All you do is you soak this cotton with essential oils. And whenever you need it, you’ve got on-the-go aromatherapy. It can fit in your purse, your pocket, at your office. It’s great.

And something like this usually lasts about three to six months. And then every once in awhile, you’re going to want to re-add essential oils to bring it to full capacity. All you do is you can just smell.

We have so many inhaler recipes in my book, The Healing Power of Essential Oils, be-cause it works, again, for specifically anxiety, stress, nausea, pain, and so many other things, even mood boosting.

I want to walk you through how to use essential oil diffusers because there are two prima-ry ones that are on the market right now. The most popular is an ultrasonic diffuser. And this ultrasonic diffuser actually has a vibrating disk in the middle. And this vibrates at such a high speed that it literally breaks up the volatile organic compounds and the water that you put into it and disperses it out in millions of little droplets in the air. And you can see it right behind me, one that’s running.

What you do is you simply add 100 or 150 mL, usually, of water. And you’ll see a fill line. It’s right to the top. I like having something like this handy because, trust me, I sometimes make a mess. And if you have a little cup that you can put—a measuring cup, whatever it might be—it’ll help you keep it clean and simple.

All you do is you put the water right up to the fill line. And this essential oil diffuse is 150 mL capacity which means you’re going to want to add maybe six, seven drops of essential oil. And you just put the oils on top of it, right on top of the water. Again, we’re doing six or seven drops. You put the lid on, and voila! You just press the “on” button. And next thing you know, you literally will have millions of air particles being dispersed.

Now, it’s important to remember. This isn’t diluted. This is still highly concentrated essen-tial oils. It’s just because they’re broken up that they’re being dispersed throughout the air.

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I say that because this can actually sometimes stain a wall or can leave a residue on your counter if you’re putting a diffuser right on your countertop. That has actually happened to us.

And here’s a tip. And I didn’t realize it. We recently just bought a house. And we diffuse all the time throughout the day. And we had a cleaning company clean the fans that are in our home. Well, because of all the dust that collected on top of the fan, the oil interacted with the dust. And when the cleaning company cleaned it, some of the dust fell on the carpet. And guess what? It stained the carpet because the dust was saturated with oil that was emitted through the air. Just something to consider. So don’t make the mistake that we did. Make sure you’re professional cleaning company or you clean your ceilings. And make sure you clean your fans. And make sure there is no dust that falls on the floor.

The other diffuse that’s really popular and something that’s more potent is the nebulizer. This, as you can see, doesn’t have a water capacity. You literally put straight essential oils in this. This will take about 30 to 40 drops of essential oil. This is for concentrated aromat-ic purposes.

So what you do for this is you put the oils in. And you take the lid off. And you can actually just sit next to and enjoy the volatile organic compounds for a max 15, 20 minutes at a time. For your ultrasonic diffuser, you can let this thing run all day. And we oftentimes do.

Another technique that people use is using a spritzer. And I love this. This is our go-to hand sanitizer, our beautiful aromatic spray, a number of ways you could do this. And a simple recipe is just getting a nice little 2-ounce spray bottle. You can get this on Amazon for only a couple bucks.

And you can put some witch hazel, a few drops. Typically, my recommendation is ten drops of witch hazel and ten drops of organic grain alcohol because you need something to help the oils and the water mix. Again, if you don’t, you’re going to have oils on top. And that’s not going to work. You’re going to have to always shake it up. And that’s not going help.

So you get ten drops of witch hazel, ten drops of organic grain alcohol 190 proof or above. And you can add about six to ten drops of essential oil per ounce of water. And all you do is you just spray it.

And I like this for a number of different reasons. I like using spritzers, especially at bedtime where you can spray the pillow. It’s a great way of getting yourself and getting the room

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ready for just nighttime. I like this for on-the-go. Again, if I don’t have an inhaler or if I want something even more powerful, I like for on-the-go mood boosting, nausea help, for anxiety and stress, like that, and also just to smell good. Ever since I learned about the healing power of essential oils, I threw away all of my expensive Armani and other colognes because they’re actually quite harmful. And I started to use spritzers and other essential-oil-based products to give me a nice smell throughout the day.

And to wrap this up with the inhaler, as easy as this is, the best approach I could share with you is you can get these on Amazon. Again, they’re only a couple dollars. And what you do is you put 20 drops of essential oil on the cotton swab. And it’s all you do. You put 20 drops of essential oil. You can put it in a bowl. Let the cotton swab absorb the essential oil. You put in your inhaler. And then you wrap it up. It’s super easy peasy.

One traditional way that people have enjoyed inhaling essential oils is through steam. And just think about when you’re sick. And my mom used to do this when I was a kid. She used to put Vick’s VapoRub in a pot. She used to heat the pot up with boiling water. And then I used to put a tent with a towel over my head. That sort of thing actually is very ef-fective for people that want to open up their airways. So you could do that.

Instead of using Vick’s VapoRub which isn’t actually quite healthy for you, you could get a nice pot of boiling water. You could get a nice pot of boiling water. You can put it down on a counter. You could put a couple drops of eucalyptus, couple drops of peppermint. And then you could tent it by putting a towel over your head and just enjoy that. That can open up, clear the sinuses.

Again, those are just straight ways that people have enjoyed inhaling essential oils. I’m telling you, folks. Inhaling essential oils is a powerful tool for your health.

Now as easy and safe and effective as inhaling essential oils is, they don’t come without their risk, especially when you using around pets and children. So a good rule of thumb is always use a diffuser in a well-ventilated room. The last thing you want to do is put a pet in a kennel and shut the door and have a diffuse running. This will not be good. And it will actually agitate the animal, if not hurt the animal.

The same thing with babies. I recommend essential oils are great. Diffusing them is fan-tastically safe around babies. But don’t put the diffuse right next to the crib. And make sure the door is open or even a window is open if it’s springtime or summer, and get some fresh air.

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Other than that, there aren’t many other safety tips to think about beside, again, remem-ber, you need to use what works for you.

And doing the work that I have done with women specifically that have been abused or that are grieving losses or have been in traumatic experiences, I’ve seen a re-trigger of an experience from a scent. So for example, if you’ve been traumatized and there was a floral scent in the air that reminds you of lavender, literally smelling lavender can re-trigger that event.

On the flipside, we can end on a positive note and say—let’s say the most beautiful day that you’ve ever had with your spouse, you were out in a rose garden. You just had a great memory. Well, smelling rose oil can re-trigger that and bring you joy.

Now, using these simple techniques, I kid you not, can make all the difference in the world. And up until about 150 years ago, this is all that people really enjoyed using essential oils. We’ve taken what our ancestors did by burning leaves and roots for incense. And now, we have these highly concentrated, plant-based compounds that have a direct effect on your brain and your body’s chemistry.

And now, let’s talk with Mama Z to get some real life application tips.

All right, Sabrina. We just covered inhalation 101. We went over the power of smell, how inhaling essential oils can affect the brain. I still can’t get over how powerful just smelling oils out of the bottle can be. And we talked about techniques, methods, tips, and safety, all that stuff. So just get you up to speed.

Because you are the queen of the house and because you’ve done such a good job since we’ve been married to really set the tone for the entire day, I’d like you to walk people through some of our routines. And because it’s so powerful, let’s start at bedtime.

Mama Z: Okay. Yes, bedtime is a special time over here. And we go upstairs with the kids. They are grabbing their blankets and stuff and setting up their beds while I set up the diffuse. And of course, I rotate our diffuse blends in our diffuser at night. And I love using chamomile and lavender; lavender by itself; lavender and peppermint; lavender, chamo-mile, and vetiver. So I have a few favorite go-to blends that we use with the kids.

But one of the kids favorite parts of bedtime is the essential oil massage. And our young-est son, Elijah, even if I put my hand on his shoulder, he’ll say, “Ooh, a massage.” It could be not at nighttime. But he gets so excited because he loves the essential oil massage at

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nighttime. And of course, I put the essential oil diluted on the spine, on the shoulders, bot-tom of the feet. And then I take whatever is left on my hands, and I always rub it on their hair and then let them [inhales] smell my hands.

Dr. Z: Cup it.

Mama Z: And I, yeah, cup it right over their mouths. And Elijah always like to tell me, “Ooh, that’s a good one, Mommy.” Or he’ll come up with something to rate whatever blend I’ve used in that evening. And so it’s definitely a very special part of the evening.

One of the things, though, that we always try to do is not turn the diffuser on until we’re done with everything because if we do, one or both of us or all of us will definitely be sleeping before the end of our nighttime routine. So the rule is, the last one out of the room turns on the diffuse.

Dr. Z: Yeah, I’m that sensitive to essential oils. Literally, nine times out of ten, if the diffuser is on for five or ten minutes, I’m out. And you just have to know that before you get into it. But I love it. I love it.

I like what you said. And we’re going to talk a lot about this in lesson 3, topical application. But just to give you a teaser, there’s a two-for-one benefit of using essential oils topically because you get the inhalation benefit, like Sabrina shared. She’s rubbing the oil lotion over the babies’ backs and on their feet, massaging them. But while the oils are penetrat-ing the skin—again, we’ll cover that next lesson—they’re smelling them. So I love, love, love topical application.

And so we have nighttime nailed down. Now, what about your morning routine? Because as you prepare for the upcoming Mrs. Georgia Pageant, you have a great exercise rou-tine. You’re getting up at ungodly hours which, by the way, I’m not the early riser of the family. She is. And so, what are you doing in the morning?

Mama Z: Sure. I really plan out our morning and our daytime blend. Just like when I go up-stairs at night, I use the similar diffuse blends. So I’ll have a diffuser blend I use throughout the whole upstairs in one evening. And then I vary it. Same kind of thing on the main level during the day.

And sometimes I know if I have a really early 5 a.m. workout and I’m waking up at 4, then a lot of times I’ll preset all of the diffusers on the main level and then just turn them on in the morning. If not, then I’m going to put them on when I come down in the morning and

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fill them and turn them on all at the same time.

But it really does set the tone for everything in the day. And I love using peppermint. It definitely wakes you up. I use the Performance Booster that has peppermint and orange in it on the way to my workout. So I use it in a variety of different places. But really whatev-er one I use in the diffuse of my diffuser blends does set the tone for the day. So whether it’s the immunity boosting or peppermint. And I love using the citruses with peppermint. I make all different kinds of blends. But it really does start the day. And it can really change the environment completely.

Dr. Z: It is. I love walking downstairs and just having the ambiance set. It’s just like an en-vironment—it really is—that you create. It’s the atmosphere.

One thing to note, if you caught what Sabrina shared. She mentioned peppermint for both the nighttime and the morning routine. Now, that might seem counterintuitive. But it’s actually not.

I don’t know if you know this, but essential oils have a really unbelievable, uncanny abil-ity that I believe was designed by God to give the body what it needs at that moment. They’ve been actually shown, the same essential oil—like lavender for example, has been shown to calm, relax people. But it has also been shown to excite and stimulate people.

What does that mean? It means that you just have to find what works for you. And you have to experiment a little bit. And realize that these oils, like good, healthy food, will give your body what your body needs. So we find that we wouldn’t want to put two “excit-ing” oils together at bedtime, like peppermint and maybe spearmint or something that’s known to excite people.

But then again, if you combine an oil like peppermint, that’s traditionally an invigorator, with something calm and soothing like lavender or something else, that could really bal-ance each other out.

So just remember, it’s very fascinating this whole science of aromatherapy. And it all boils down to how your body reacts to them.

Mama Z: Yeah, that peppermint/lavender blend, I really feel like the peppermint is open-ing up those airways. And then that lavender just seals the deal. And they go to sleep really fast. So if they’ve had a crazy—

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Dr. Z: Deep breathing.

Mama Z: Yeah, racing around day, that’s usually my go-to blend, the peppermint and lavender together.

Dr. Z: And also to really exemplify what you’ve done and how we really create this en-vironment throughout the house every day without even having to work too much, it’s because of the five Ps.

Mama Z: Right.

Dr. Z: Remember.

Dr. Z and Mama Z together: Proper planning prevents poor performance.

Mama Z: So really what I try to do is when I have the same blends all throughout the main level during the day, preset them, I take a big cup of water and fill all the diffusers. That way, you’re not unplugging all these diffusers and doing all this stuff at the same time as well.

Dr. Z: So imagine you’re groggy in the morning, especially if you’re a coffee drinker. And the last thing in the world you want to do when it’s dark out and you’re trying to get ready for work is to fumble with oils and water and all that stuff. It’s just so easy to go down-stairs, push the little button because you already got everything ready the night before. And you can just enjoy your day.

It’s another thing. Get your clothes ready before the day. Have your lunches packed before the day. Proper planning prevents poor performance in so many areas of life. And we be-lieve that’s one of our secrets to why we experience the abundant life in so many areas of our household.

So I absolutely love that. And I love—love, love, love—topical application. I can’t begin to tell you how excited I am about the next lesson because it is by far the most effective way of using essential oils if done the right way.

So stay tuned. And get your pencil and notepad ready because we’re going to get busy.

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Meet the ZsDr. Z & Mama Z have pioneered natural living and Biblical health education since 2003. Knowing what it’s like to be sick from a young age and having recovered from several chronic diseases in their early 20s, they have been on a mission to sharing the evidence-based approach to natural living that allowed them to re-gain control of their health with the world.

Trained as a aromatherapist, public health researcher and chiropractor, Dr. Z started his online ministry in 2014 along side of Mama Z with DrEricZ.com to help people learn how to use natural remedies like essential oils safely and effectively. Now visited by more than four million natural health seekers every year, it has rapidly become the #1 source for Biblical Health and non-branded essential oils education online.

An accomplished researcher with several publications and conference proceed-ings, Dr. Z currently sits as a peer-reviewer for multiple journals. The Z’s live in Atlanta with their four children.

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