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LESSON 30 30 - AlasPazarlama.com

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Review of the passive Review of the passive The passive is a verb or sentence which has as its subject the person or thing to which an action is being done. It receives the action. Active sentence: Columbus discovered America. Passive sentence: America was discovered by Columbus. The object in an active sentence becomes the subject in a passive sentence. The subject in an active sentence is the object of by in the by-phrase in a passive sentence. This is also called the agent. By is used in most passive sentences but it isn’t always necessary to use by. The form for all passive verbs is be + past participle. Be can be in any of its forms: am, is, are, was or were. A transitive verb is a verb that is followed by an object. Only transitive verbs can be used in the passive. An intransitive verb is a verb that is not followed by an object. These verbs can not be used in the passive. Some examples of these verbs are: to come to go to rain to sit to sleep Example: John Grisham wrote the book The Firm. The book The Firm was written by John Grisham. Water surrounds an island. _________________________________________ LESSON 30 LESSON 30 314 Lesson Lesson Review lessons 19-27 Review lessons 19-27 30 30 Exercise 1: Rewrite the sentences in the passive. Active Passive Simple present Norwegians eat a lot of fish Fish is eaten by a lot of Norwegians. Simple past People grew rice more than Rice was grown more than 1000 years ago. 1000 years ago.

Review of the passiveReview of the passiveThe passive is a verb or sentence which has as its subject the person orthing to which an action is being done. It receives the action.Active sentence: Columbus discovered America.Passive sentence: America was discovered by Columbus.

The object in an active sentence becomes the subject in a passive sentence. The subject in anactive sentence is the object of by in the by-phrase in a passive sentence. This is also called theagent. By is used in most passive sentences but it isn’t always necessary to use by.

The form for all passive verbs is be + past participle. Be can be in any of its forms: am, is, are,was or were.

A transitive verb is a verb that is followed by an object. Only transitive verbs can be used in thepassive.

An intransitive verb is a verb that is not followed by an object. These verbs can notbe used in the passive. Some examples of these verbs are:to cometo goto rainto sitto sleep

Example: John Grisham wrote the book The Firm.The book The Firm was written by John Grisham.

Water surrounds an island._________________________________________



Lesson Lesson Review lessons 19-27Review lessons 19-273030

Exercise 1: Rewrite the sentences in the passive.

Active PassiveSimple present Norwegians eat a lot of fish Fish is eaten by a lot of

Norwegians. Simple past People grew rice more than Rice was grown more than

1000 years ago. 1000 years ago.

In America people speak English._________________________________________

Christopher Columbus discovered America._________________________________________

The telephone was invented by Graham Bell._________________________________________

Stephen Spielberg directed Jurassic Park._________________________________________

Mimar Sinan built the Blue Mosque._________________________________________

People use the Pound Sterling in England._________________________________________

Many people read the newspaper._________________________________________

Material Girl is sung by Madonna._________________________________________

Review of prepositionsReview of prepositionsAlong, over, up and down are prepositions used to show movement.The boys walked up the street.The girls walked down the street.The store is over that hill!The boys walked along the boardwalk.

Review of polite questionsReview of polite questionsWe can begin questions with would, could or can. These are polite ways to ask questions. Please

can be added to these questions.Can you tell me where the bank is?

Could you show me the way to the airport, please?

Would you help me find the bus stop, please?

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These words can also be used to begin indirect questions.Direct question = Where is the taxi station?Indirect question = Can you tell me where the taxi station is?

Direct question = When does the train leave?Indirect question = Can you tell me when the bus leaves, please?

We can also begin a question with "Do you know if…………?"Do you know if there is a bus station here?Do you know if the bus driver is Japanese?

Review of gerundsReview of gerundsA gerund is the –ing form of a verb. It is used as a noun.Exercising is good for stress.I enjoy working.Architects are good at designing buildings.The doctor is thinking about going to Alaska.

You can have a verb + gerund:He likes traviling

You can have a preposition + gerund:Architects are good at designing buildings.

A gerund can be the subject of a sentence:Exercising is good for stress.

Example: Hikers often go __hiking_____ in the mountains.

______________ sinks is a plumber’s job.

______________ a tool box is important for a plumber.

A farmer enjoys _____________ in his field.

A farmer always thinks about _____________ his cows.

A taxi driver is good at _____________

A taxi driver should be interested in _______________with his customers.

Psychologists like _______________ people.

Musicians are good at ______________songs.

Architects enjoy __________________ buildings.

Veterinarians love _______________ care of animals.



Exercise 2: Choose the correct gerund.

Review of determinersReview of determinersAnother means one more out of a group of similar items.The other means the last one in a specific group.

Paul ate another apple.Sara ate one apple. Leon is going to eat the other.

We can use another in different ways.Paul ate another apple.Paul ate another one.Paul ate another.

We can use the other in different ways.Leon is going to eat the other.Leon is going to eat the other apple.Leon is going to eat the other one.

Example: My coffee isn’t sweet enough. Can I have __another_____ cube of sugar?

I drank one glass of tea. Can I have ______________, please?

Mike has two balls. He is playing with one. Jill asks," Can I play with ______________ ball?"

Do you have _______________ book for me to read?

I talked to one student. Can you talk to _______________ students?

I found ________________ shell on the beach.

I need ______________ pen. This one is empty.

I have one key. My mother has ________________ key..

Can I have _________________ cookie, please?

There are two classrooms. One isn’t available. ________________ classroom can be used.

I would like to read ________________ book because I finished the last one.

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Exercise 3: Fill in the blanks. Use another or the other. Choose the correct gerund.

Review of so, too, Review of so, too, either and neither.either and neither.The first two sentences have the same meaning.The word order is:

subject + auxiliary + tooso + auxiliary + subject

Sue cooks and Tom does, too.Sue cooks and so does Tom.

The last two sentences have the same meaning.The word order is:

subject + auxiliary + eitherneither + auxiliary + subject

Sue doesn’t cook, and Tom doesn’t either.Sue doesn’t cook and neither does Tom.

A positive helping verb is used with neither.

I like macaroni and my brother does, __________________.

I like macaroni and ________________________ does my brother.

I don’t like that recipe, and my father doesn’t, _______________________.

Rita doesn’t eat French food, and Marie doesn’t, ______________________.

I don’t eat ice cream and __________________________ does Frank.

My aunt can’t cook liver and ________________________ can my grandmother.

Review of say and tellReview of say and tellLet’s look at the difference between say and tell.I told John to answer the phone.I said, “answer the phone.”

I told Ken to take a message.I said, “take a message.”

With the verb tell, we always have to include the listener. In the first sentence, John is the listener.When we use say, we don’t have to refer to the listener.



Exercise 4: Complete the sentences with so, too, either or neither.

In the second sentence, we don’t include the listener.We can include the person with say if we use a preposition.I said to Jerry to take a message.

We can also use ask in the beginning of a sentence.Ask Paula to call Mark.

Example: I __said_______ I was sorry.

________ Craig to take a message next time!

Please _________ something to Andy. He’s been on the phone for two hours.

The teacher ___________ to be quiet.

She ___________ him a secret.

They will ___________ us what to do.

They ___________ we have to be on time.

I will __________ my prayers tonight.

Don’t __________ anything.

Did you __________ a lie?

I ___________ he was lazy.

Review of tag questionsReview of tag questionsTag questions are questions that are added to the end of a question or a statement.The museum is there, isn’t it?The art gallery doesn’t open at 11:00, does it?Let’s go to the theater, shall we?She can buy the tickets, can’t she?

A helping verb is used in a tag question. When the main verb is positive, the tag question is nega-tive. When the main verb is negative, the tag question is positive. When a question begins withlet’s, the tag question is shall we?

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Exercise 5: Fill in the blanks with say or tell.

Example: There isn’t enough time, _is there_______?

Let’s go to the museum, __________?

Patty wasn’t at the art gallery, _____________?

We can go to the musical, ____________?

We should go early, _________________?

He didn’t go to the concert, ______________?

They were late, ______________?

Bill goes to school on Mondays, ________________?

She will come, _______________?

We could ride our bikes, _______________?

He should be at work, _______________?

Review of present perfectReview of present perfectThe present perfect is used to express an activity that began at an unspecified timein the past. It began before now. It has continued into the present. The activity may be repeatedmany times. Yet, already and just are used frequently with the present perfect.The museum has opened.We have lived near the cinema for ten years.The Arnold family has opened a new gallery.The musical hasn’t finished yet.

Example: I _haven’t bought______ my tickets yet.

The ticket office ________________ yet!

The janitors _________________ the restrooms!

I __________________ my coat in the lobby!

The play _______already ______________.

The curtains ______________ yet.



Exercise 6: Fill in the blanks. Use tag questions.

Exercise 7: Use the correct verb in the present perfect.

We ______________________our seats yet.

Our friends _________ already ______________.

The lights ________ already ____________ out.

The actors _______________ on stage yet.

The doors _______ already ____________.

Review of too much and too manyReview of too much and too manyNow, let’s review the difference between too much and too many.We use too much and too many when there is more of something than is necessary.We use too much for non-count nouns. We use too many for count nouns.There are too many buses here!Willy said there was too much noise on that train.

The double-decker bus has _____________ passengers.

It visits _____________ tourist places.

It costs ________________ money.

There are _____________ brochures and _______________ information in them.

You have ____________ complaints!

Review of indirect questionsReview of indirect questionsIndirect questions begin with Could you………?Can you………………….? Would you………………………..?They come before a direct question.Where is the bus station? = direct questionCan you tell me where the bus station is? = indirect question

Who is the pilot?Could you tell me who the pilot is, please?

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Exercise 8: Fill in the blanks with too much or too many.

Are there green taxis in Istanbul?__________________________________________________

How much does it cost to go to the airport?__________________________________________________

Why are people so friendly here?__________________________________________________

How much is the tourist bus?__________________________________________________

What time does it leave?__________________________________________________

What time does it return to the hotel?__________________________________________________

How can I get to the hotel?__________________________________________________

Review of past continuousReview of past continuous

The past continuous expresses an activity that was in progress at a certain point in the past or atthe time of another action. The form is was / wasn’t or were / weren’t + -ing verb

The man was eating at the party.

The woman was drinking at the festival.

Jack and Ken were smoking cigars at the anniversary party.

The doctor wasn’t talking to the nurse at the office party.



Exercise 9: Change the questions to make indirect questions.

Review of time clausesReview of time clausesA time clause is a part of a sentence that begins with:beforeafteruntilwhen

If a sentence begins with a time clause, there must be a comma after the time clause.The verb form after a clause beginning with while should usually be in the past continuous.He went to the party after he left work.

He can go to he party when he finishes workHe finished his work before he went to the party.The party started while he was working.

Example: All the people stood up when__the bride and groom walked in __

Jane could go to the party ________________________ she finished work.

Before ___________________________, my mother bought a birthday cake.

The bride was nervous until _______________________________

While ___________________________, the groom was dancing with his mother.

People were watching when _________________________________

They danced until ________________________________

They went home after _________________________________

While _______________________, my mother was talking to my friends.

My friends sang a song before _____________________________

We ate cake after ____________________________

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Exercise 10: Write a time clause for each sentence. Use the past continuous where necessary.


1). What is Pat’s favorite activity?

2). How does he attract beautiful women?

3). Do his guests often complain?

4). Who is coming over for dinner tonight?

5). What is Pat’s specialty?

6). What is Pat’s only complaint about Julie?

7). What does Pat know will happen with Julie?

8). What kinds of food does Julie love?

9). What kind of food was Pat considering making?

10). Why wouldn’t Julie approve of this meal?



C ooking is Pat’s favorite activity. He is adentist but loves to entertain beautiful

women by demonstrating his cooking skills. Hehas never received a complaint from any of hisguests. He has never received a no for anoth-er date at his apartment either.

Pat has asked Julie to come over for dinnerthis evening. He has invited her over severaltimes in the past. She is interested in Europeancuisine and that is his specialty. His only complaint about her is she always comes upwith an excuse to leave early. That’s okay, too. At least, he has her company forseveral hours.

Pat hasn’t decided what to make for dinner tonight. Julie loves rich food so hewas thinking about some anise soaked French duck with cheese and nuts. Maybethat wouldn’t be good. She had mentioned many times that she had been trying tolose weight. A calorie-filled dinner like that wouldn’t be good for a weight consciouswoman, would it?

Read the story and answer the questions.

ANSWER KEY Lesson 30

Exercise 1: Rewrite the sentences in the passive.An island is surrounded by water.English is spoken in America.America was discovered by Christopher Columbus.Graham Bell invented the telephone.Jurassic Park was directed by Stephen Spielberg.The Blue Mosque was built by Mimar Sinan.The Pound Sterling is used in England.The newspaper is read by many people.Madonna sings Material Girl.

Exercise 2: Choose the correct gerund.Fixing sinks is a plumber’s job.Having a tool box is important for a plumber.A farmer enjoys working in his field.A farmer always thinks about milking/feeding his cows.A taxi driver is good at driving.A taxi driver should be interested in talking with his customers.Psychologists like helping people.Musicians are good at writing/singing/playing songs.Architects enjoy designing buildings.Veterinarians love taking care of animals.Exercise 3: Fill in the blanks. Use another or the other.Can I have another please?Can I play with the other ball?Do you have another book for me to read?Can you talk to the other students?I found another shell on the beach.I need another pen.My mother has the other key.Can I have another cookie, please?The other classroom can be used.I would like to read another book because I finished the last one.Exercise 4: Complete the sentences with so, too, either or neither.I like macaroni and my brother does, too.I like macaroni and so does my brother.I don’t like that recipe, and my father doesn’t, either.Rita doesn’t eat French food, and Marie doesn’t, either.I don’t eat ice cream and neither does Frank.My aunt can’t cook liver and neither can my grandmother.

Exercise 5: Fill in the blanks with say or tell.

Tell Craig to take a message next time!Please say something to Andy.The teacher said to be quiet.

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She told him a secret.They will tell us what to do.They said we have to be on time.I will say my prayers tonight.Don’t say anything.Did you tell a lie?I said he was lazy.Exercise 6: Fill in the blanks. Use tag questions.

Let’s go to the museum, shall we?Patty wasn’t at the art gallery, was she?We can go to the musical, can’t we?We should go early, shouldn’t we?He didn’t go to the concert, did he?They were late, weren’t they?Bill goes to school on Mondays, doesn’t he?She will come, won’t she?We could ride our bikes, couldn’t we?He should be at work, shouldn’t he?Exercise 7: Use the correct verb in the present perfect.

The ticket office hasn’t opened yet!The janitors haven’t cleaned the restrooms!I have left my coat in the lobby!The play has already started.The curtains haven’t opened yet.We haven’t found our seats yet.Our friends have already arrived.The lights have already gone out.The actors haven’t come on stage yet.The doors have already closed.Exercise 8: Fill in the blanks with too much or too many.

The double-decker bus has too many passengers.It visits too many tourist places.It costs too much money.There are too many brochures and too much information in them.You have too many complaints!Exercise 9: Change the questions to make indirect questions.Could you………?, Can you………………….? Would you………………………..?

Are there green taxis in Istanbul?Could you tell me/Can you tell me if there are green taxis in Istanbul?

How much does it cost to go to the airport?



Can you tell me/Could you tell me/ Would you tell me how much it costs to go to the airport?

Why are people so friendly here?Can you tell me/Could you tell me/ Would you tell me why people are so friendly here?

How much is the tourist bus?Can you tell me/Could you tell me/ Would you tell me how much the tourist bus is?

What time does it leave?Can you tell me/Could you tell me/ Would you tell me what time it leaves?

What time does it return to the hotel?Can you tell me/Could you tell me/ Would you tell me what time it returns to the hotel?

How can I get to the hotel?Can you tell me/Could you tell me/ Would you tell me how I can get to the hotel?

Exercise 10: Write a time clause for each sentence. Use the past continuous where necessary.Your answers might be different.

Jane could go to the party after she finished work.Before the party started, my mother bought a birthday cake.The bride was nervous until the wedding started.While the bride was dancing with her father, the groom was dancing with his mother.People were watching when they cut the cake.They danced until the music stopped.They went home after the party finished.While I was dancing, my mother was talking to my friends.My friends sang a song before I could open my presents.We ate cake after I opened my presents.

ReadingReading1). What is Pat’s favorite activity?

Cooking is his favorite activity.2). How does he attract beautiful women?

He cooks for them.3). Do his guests often complain?

He has never received a complaint.4). Who is coming over for dinner tonight?

Julie is coming over for dinner.5). What is Pat’s specialty?

European cuisine is his specialty.6). What is Pat’s only complaint about Julie?

She always has an excuse to leave early.7). What does Pat know will happen with Julie?

He knows he will have her company for a few hours.8). What kinds of food does Julie love?

Julie loves rich food.9). What kind of food was Pat considering making?

He was thinking about making anise soaked French duck with cheese and nuts.10). Why wouldn’t Julie approve of this meal?

Julie has been trying to lose weight.

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vocabulary listvocabulary listNOUNS VERBS ADJECTIVES ADVERBS PREPOSITIONSarchitect complain favorite frequently alongguest design simple byhill leave forinventor own fromtrain station settle in


CONJUNCTIONS QUESTION WORDSand how longor how many

