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Lesson 43 Zakah (Alms) - Sources. Zakah, the third pillar of Islam, is obligatory for every Muslim...

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Lesson 43 Zakah (Alms) - Sources
Page 1: Lesson 43 Zakah (Alms) - Sources. Zakah, the third pillar of Islam, is obligatory for every Muslim possessing a “nisab”, the minimum unit that necessitates.

Lesson 43

Zakah (Alms) - Sources

Page 2: Lesson 43 Zakah (Alms) - Sources. Zakah, the third pillar of Islam, is obligatory for every Muslim possessing a “nisab”, the minimum unit that necessitates.

Zakah, the third pillar of Islam, is obligatory for every Muslim possessing a “nisab”, the

minimum unit that necessitates zakah. Those who deny it are considered disbelievers, and regarding those who abstain from paying it, zakah should be taken from them by force,

otherwise, they will be fought.

Page 3: Lesson 43 Zakah (Alms) - Sources. Zakah, the third pillar of Islam, is obligatory for every Muslim possessing a “nisab”, the minimum unit that necessitates.

The wisdom behind zakah is that it is the means of achieving Muslim social

solidarity, purification of the self from miserliness and greed, redistribution of wealth and activation of the economy.

Page 4: Lesson 43 Zakah (Alms) - Sources. Zakah, the third pillar of Islam, is obligatory for every Muslim possessing a “nisab”, the minimum unit that necessitates.

Sources of zakah

Kinds of wealth liable to zakah: a) Gold and silver, their equivalent of liquid money, trade wealth, any relevant

metals or buried treasure.b) Cultivated land crops.

c) Grazing livestock cattle - camels, cows and sheep

Page 5: Lesson 43 Zakah (Alms) - Sources. Zakah, the third pillar of Islam, is obligatory for every Muslim possessing a “nisab”, the minimum unit that necessitates.

Zakah of gold/silver


Zakah of gold/silver or their equivalent is 2.5% of wealth exceeding nisab, to be

paid annually. Nisab is equal to 85 grams of pure gold or 624 grams of silver

Page 6: Lesson 43 Zakah (Alms) - Sources. Zakah, the third pillar of Islam, is obligatory for every Muslim possessing a “nisab”, the minimum unit that necessitates.

Zakah of Trade Wealth

 zakah of trade wealth is like that of its monetary equivalent.

Page 7: Lesson 43 Zakah (Alms) - Sources. Zakah, the third pillar of Islam, is obligatory for every Muslim possessing a “nisab”, the minimum unit that necessitates.

Zakah on Debts

  Zakah on a debt: if it is liable to be redeemed at any time, then it is counted

with its equivalent of gold/silver and trade zakah; if not, its zakah of only a

year is paid once it has been redeemed.

Page 8: Lesson 43 Zakah (Alms) - Sources. Zakah, the third pillar of Islam, is obligatory for every Muslim possessing a “nisab”, the minimum unit that necessitates.

Zakah of a Buried Treasure


The zakah of a buried treasure is 20% of it and should be paid once found.

Page 9: Lesson 43 Zakah (Alms) - Sources. Zakah, the third pillar of Islam, is obligatory for every Muslim possessing a “nisab”, the minimum unit that necessitates.

Zakah of Metals

The zakah of metals is 20% like the buried treasure. As for raw gold and

silver extracted from the ground, their zakah are either like buried treasure or

like gold and silver.

Page 10: Lesson 43 Zakah (Alms) - Sources. Zakah, the third pillar of Islam, is obligatory for every Muslim possessing a “nisab”, the minimum unit that necessitates.

Zakah of Cultivated Land Crops

It is paid once the crop has ripened and has been harvested. Its nisab is 612 kilos, which equals 1,346.40 lb. There is no

zakah on production that is less than this amount.

Page 11: Lesson 43 Zakah (Alms) - Sources. Zakah, the third pillar of Islam, is obligatory for every Muslim possessing a “nisab”, the minimum unit that necessitates.

If the production depends only on rainwater, or without any human labor or irrigation, the due zakah is one-tenth of the total. If equipment and tools are

used for irrigation, then the zakah due is half of one-tenth of the total production.

Page 12: Lesson 43 Zakah (Alms) - Sources. Zakah, the third pillar of Islam, is obligatory for every Muslim possessing a “nisab”, the minimum unit that necessitates.

Zakah on Industrial Production

Zakah on industrial production and the return of land and estates: There are two schools of thought: to consider it either as

trade wealth i.e., the zakah is 2.5%, or like cultivated crops, that is, one-tenth on

the invested wealth produced without effort, or half one-tenth, if effort is


Page 13: Lesson 43 Zakah (Alms) - Sources. Zakah, the third pillar of Islam, is obligatory for every Muslim possessing a “nisab”, the minimum unit that necessitates.

Zakah on cattle that are freely grazed:

a) There is no zakah on camels unless there are five of them grazing freely, and they have been in one's possession for a year. When the camels are five, their zakah is

one sheep. Thus, every time they increase by five, zakah due on them is one more


Page 14: Lesson 43 Zakah (Alms) - Sources. Zakah, the third pillar of Islam, is obligatory for every Muslim possessing a “nisab”, the minimum unit that necessitates.

However, when they reach twenty-five, due zakah is a one-year she-camel

that is starting its second year. The zakah changes further according to the increase in camels, as detailed in the


Page 15: Lesson 43 Zakah (Alms) - Sources. Zakah, the third pillar of Islam, is obligatory for every Muslim possessing a “nisab”, the minimum unit that necessitates.

b) The nisab of cows is thirty heads, and its zakah is equal to a one-year old calf, for

up to forty heads. Afterwards, zakah changes to be a two-year old cow, when

the number reaches forty.

Page 16: Lesson 43 Zakah (Alms) - Sources. Zakah, the third pillar of Islam, is obligatory for every Muslim possessing a “nisab”, the minimum unit that necessitates.

If they increased more than that, their zakah is a one year old calf for every

thirty heads and a two-year old cow for every forty heads.

Page 17: Lesson 43 Zakah (Alms) - Sources. Zakah, the third pillar of Islam, is obligatory for every Muslim possessing a “nisab”, the minimum unit that necessitates.

c) The nisab of sheep and goats is forty heads and their zakah is a six month (or more) old sheep, two heads of sheep for

every 120 heads, three heads of sheep for every 200 heads, and a sheep for every hundred when the amount reaches 300


Page 18: Lesson 43 Zakah (Alms) - Sources. Zakah, the third pillar of Islam, is obligatory for every Muslim possessing a “nisab”, the minimum unit that necessitates.

Evidence from Qur’an and Sunnah

Page 19: Lesson 43 Zakah (Alms) - Sources. Zakah, the third pillar of Islam, is obligatory for every Muslim possessing a “nisab”, the minimum unit that necessitates.

Obligation of zakah:

 Allah says:

م� ﴿ ه� ر� ت�ط�ه� ة� د�ق� ص� م� ال�ه� و� م�أ� م�ن� ذ� خ�

ا ب�ه� م ك�يه� ت�ز� ﴾و� : [103التوبة]

Page 20: Lesson 43 Zakah (Alms) - Sources. Zakah, the third pillar of Islam, is obligatory for every Muslim possessing a “nisab”, the minimum unit that necessitates.

This means:

“Take Sadaqah (alms) from their wealth in order to purify them and sanctify them

with it.”

(At-Taubah: 103)

Page 21: Lesson 43 Zakah (Alms) - Sources. Zakah, the third pillar of Islam, is obligatory for every Muslim possessing a “nisab”, the minimum unit that necessitates.

Allah says:

ك�اة ﴿ الز وآت�وا الة� الص يم�وا ق�أ� ﴾و�

: [20المزمل]

Page 22: Lesson 43 Zakah (Alms) - Sources. Zakah, the third pillar of Islam, is obligatory for every Muslim possessing a “nisab”, the minimum unit that necessitates.

This means:

“And perform As-Salah (Iqamat-as-Salah) and give zakah”.

(Al-Muzzammil: 20)

Page 23: Lesson 43 Zakah (Alms) - Sources. Zakah, the third pillar of Islam, is obligatory for every Muslim possessing a “nisab”, the minimum unit that necessitates.

The Messenger of Allah (SAWS) said: “Islam is raised on five (pillars): The testification

that there is no god but Allah, that Muhammad is His bondsman and Messenger, the

establishment of prayer, the payment of zakah, performing pilgrimage to the House of Allah

(Ka`bah), and fasting during Ramadan.”        (Reported by al-Bukhariyy and Muslim)

Page 24: Lesson 43 Zakah (Alms) - Sources. Zakah, the third pillar of Islam, is obligatory for every Muslim possessing a “nisab”, the minimum unit that necessitates.

The Messenger of Allah (SAWS) said: “I have been commanded to fight against people

until they testify that there is no god but Allah, that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah,

perform prayers and pay zakah. If they do that, the protection of their blood and property will be guaranteed by me, except when justified by

law, and their affairs (regarding truthfulness of faith) is decided by Allah.”

(Reported by al-Bukhariyy and Muslim)

Page 25: Lesson 43 Zakah (Alms) - Sources. Zakah, the third pillar of Islam, is obligatory for every Muslim possessing a “nisab”, the minimum unit that necessitates.

The Prophet (SAWS) said to Mu`adh when he sent him to Yemen:

“You will go to the People of the Scripture. So, when you reach there, invite them to

testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah, and that

Muhammad is His Messenger. And if they obey you in that, tell them that Allah has enjoined on them five prayers in each

day and night.

Page 26: Lesson 43 Zakah (Alms) - Sources. Zakah, the third pillar of Islam, is obligatory for every Muslim possessing a “nisab”, the minimum unit that necessitates.

And if they obey you in that, tell them that Allah has made it obligatory on them to pay zakah

which will be taken from the rich among them and given to the poor among them. If they

obey you in that, then avoid taking the best of their possessions, and be afraid of the curse of an oppressed person because there is no screen

between his invocation and Allah.” (Reported by al-Bukhariyy and Muslim)

Page 27: Lesson 43 Zakah (Alms) - Sources. Zakah, the third pillar of Islam, is obligatory for every Muslim possessing a “nisab”, the minimum unit that necessitates.

Abu-Bakr as-Siddiq (RA) said:“By Allah, I would definitely fight against him

who separated prayer from zakah, for it is the obligation upon the rich. By Allah, I

would fight against them even to secure the cord (used for hobbling the feet of a camel) which they used to give to the Messenger of

Allah (as zakah).” (Reported by al-Bukhariyy)

Page 28: Lesson 43 Zakah (Alms) - Sources. Zakah, the third pillar of Islam, is obligatory for every Muslim possessing a “nisab”, the minimum unit that necessitates.

The zakah of gold and silver:

The Prophet (SAWS) said:“Nothing is incumbent on you, that is, on

gold, till it reaches twenty dinars. When you possess twenty dinars and one year passes on them, half a dinar is payable.

Whatever exceeds, that will be reckoned properly. No zakah is payable on property

till a year passes on it.” (Reported by Abu-Dawud)

Page 29: Lesson 43 Zakah (Alms) - Sources. Zakah, the third pillar of Islam, is obligatory for every Muslim possessing a “nisab”, the minimum unit that necessitates.

The Prophet (SAWS) said:

“No zakah is due on property mounting to less than five Uqiyahs (128 grams. It may

be less or more according to different countries) (of silver).”

(Reported by al-Bukhariyy and Muslim)

Page 30: Lesson 43 Zakah (Alms) - Sources. Zakah, the third pillar of Islam, is obligatory for every Muslim possessing a “nisab”, the minimum unit that necessitates.

The zakah of buried treasure:

The Prophet (SAWS) said:“No blood money (or retaliation) will be charged if somebody dies in a mine or in a

well or is killed by an animal; and if somebody finds a treasure in his land, he has

to give one-fifth of it (as zakah).” (Reported by al-Bukhariyy)

Page 31: Lesson 43 Zakah (Alms) - Sources. Zakah, the third pillar of Islam, is obligatory for every Muslim possessing a “nisab”, the minimum unit that necessitates.

The zakah of fruits and grains:

Allah says:

ط�ي�ب�ات� ﴿ م�ن وا ق� أ�نف� ن�وا آم� ال ذ�ين� ا ي-ه�� أ ي�ا

ض� ر�األ� م�ن� ل�ك�م ن�ا ج� ر� خ�

أ� ا م و�م� ب�ت�م� ك�س� ا م�﴾

[267البقرة] :

Page 32: Lesson 43 Zakah (Alms) - Sources. Zakah, the third pillar of Islam, is obligatory for every Muslim possessing a “nisab”, the minimum unit that necessitates.

This means:

“You who believe! Spend of the good things which you have (legally) earned, and of that which We have produced from the

earth for you.”

(Al-Baqarah: 267)

Page 33: Lesson 43 Zakah (Alms) - Sources. Zakah, the third pillar of Islam, is obligatory for every Muslim possessing a “nisab”, the minimum unit that necessitates.

Allah says:

اد�ه� ﴿ ص� ح� ي�و�م� ه� ق ح� ﴾وآت�وا[141األنعام] :

Page 34: Lesson 43 Zakah (Alms) - Sources. Zakah, the third pillar of Islam, is obligatory for every Muslim possessing a “nisab”, the minimum unit that necessitates.

This means:

“Pay the due thereof (its zakah, according to Allah's Orders 1/10th or 1/20th) on the day

of its harvest.”

(Al-An`am: 141)

Page 35: Lesson 43 Zakah (Alms) - Sources. Zakah, the third pillar of Islam, is obligatory for every Muslim possessing a “nisab”, the minimum unit that necessitates.

The Prophet (SAWS) said:“On a land irrigated by rain water or by

natural water channels or if the land is wet due to a nearby water channel, `Ushr (i.e. one-tenth) is compulsory (as zakah); and on the land irrigated by the well, half

of an `Ushr (i.e. one-twentieth) is compulsory (as zakah on the yield of the

land).”(Reported by al-Bukhariyy)

Page 36: Lesson 43 Zakah (Alms) - Sources. Zakah, the third pillar of Islam, is obligatory for every Muslim possessing a “nisab”, the minimum unit that necessitates.

The Prophet (SAWS) said:“There is no zakah payable (on grain or

dates) on less than five camel-loads (A camel-load is about 33 liters).”

(Reported by al-Bukhariyy and Muslim)

Page 37: Lesson 43 Zakah (Alms) - Sources. Zakah, the third pillar of Islam, is obligatory for every Muslim possessing a “nisab”, the minimum unit that necessitates.

Animals zakah:  Abu-Sa`id al-Khudriyy (RA) narrated:

“A bedouin said, ‘O Allah's Messenger! Inform me about the emigration.’ The Prophet said, ‘Wayhaka (may Allah be merciful to you)!

The question of emigration is a difficult one. Have you got some camels?’ The bedouin said,

‘Yes’ The Prophet said, 'Do you pay their zakah?' He said, 'Yes.’ The Prophet said, ‘Go on doing like this from beyond the seas, for Allah will not let your deeds go in vain.’”(Reported by al-Bukhariyy and Muslim)

Page 38: Lesson 43 Zakah (Alms) - Sources. Zakah, the third pillar of Islam, is obligatory for every Muslim possessing a “nisab”, the minimum unit that necessitates.

The Prophet (SAWS) said:“If any owner of camels does not pay what

is due on him, and of his due in that (camels) is (also) to milk them on the day when they come down to water, when the Day of Resurrection comes a soft sandy plain would be set for him, as extensive

as possible, (he will find) that not a single young one is missing, and they will

trample him with their hoofs and bite him with their mouths.

Page 39: Lesson 43 Zakah (Alms) - Sources. Zakah, the third pillar of Islam, is obligatory for every Muslim possessing a “nisab”, the minimum unit that necessitates.

As often as the first of them passes him, the last of them would be made to return

during a day the extent of which would be fifty thousand years, until judgment is

pronounced among servants.”

(Reported by Muslim)

Page 40: Lesson 43 Zakah (Alms) - Sources. Zakah, the third pillar of Islam, is obligatory for every Muslim possessing a “nisab”, the minimum unit that necessitates.


The Prophet (SAWS) said:“For twenty-five camels, five sheep are to be

paid. If they exceed by one, a she-camel in her second year is to be given. If there is no

she-camel in her second year, a male camel in its third year is to be given, up to thirty-five.

If they exceed by one, a she-camel in her third year is to be given, up to forty-five. If

they exceed by one, a she-camel in her fourth year is to be given.”

(Reported by Ahmad and Abu Dawud)

Page 41: Lesson 43 Zakah (Alms) - Sources. Zakah, the third pillar of Islam, is obligatory for every Muslim possessing a “nisab”, the minimum unit that necessitates.


Mu`adh Ibn-Jabal (RA) narrated:“When the Prophet (SAWS) sent him to Yemen, he ordered him to take a year old male or female calf for every thirty cattle

and a cow in its third year for every forty.”

(Reported by Abu-Dawud)

Page 42: Lesson 43 Zakah (Alms) - Sources. Zakah, the third pillar of Islam, is obligatory for every Muslim possessing a “nisab”, the minimum unit that necessitates.

The Prophet (SAWS) said:

“Regarding cattle, a yearling bull calf is payable for every thirty, and a cow in her

third year for forty.”

(Reported by at-Tirmidhiyy)

Page 43: Lesson 43 Zakah (Alms) - Sources. Zakah, the third pillar of Islam, is obligatory for every Muslim possessing a “nisab”, the minimum unit that necessitates.


The Prophet (SAWS) said:“When the herd counts forty freely grazing heads at the end of the year, its zakah is one sheep. This is applicable until the number

reaches 120, at which point, up until 200, the zakah is two sheep. From 201 to 300, their zakah is three sheep. When the number is

above 300, one additional sheep is added for each increment of one hundred.”

(Reported by Abu-Dawud)
