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Lesson 4a – Control Essential Question “Propaganda was the main way in which the Nazis...

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Lesson 4a – Control Essential Question “Propaganda was the main way in which the Nazis controlled the German people.” How far do you agree with this statement. Learning Outcomes - Students will: Preview - Dictator Fill out your paragraph Success Criteria I can prepare and write out my oral presentation 1 les son f or this Quest ion
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  • Lesson 4a Control Essential Question Propaganda was the main way in which the Nazis controlled the German people. How far do you agree with this statement. Learning Outcomes - Students will: Preview - Dictator Fill out your paragraph Success Criteria I can prepare and write out my oral presentation 1 lesson for this Question
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  • Preview Do not litter Which do you think is more effective? Do not smoke Which is more effective?
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  • Vocab No Vocab
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  • Note-taking Check! What I will check? 1. Vocab definition? 2. Did you take notes for today? 3. Did you answer the essential question?
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  • Assessment You will write a paragraph explaining which was more influential for Hitlers control over Germany Terror? Propaganda? You will give an oral presentation explaining how Hitler was able to control Germany Terror? Propaganda?
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  • Review How did Himmler use terror to control Germany? How did Goebbals use propaganda to control Germany? Which do you think was more influential? Which do you think changed peoples action more?
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  • Persuasive Argument Step 1 Prepare Who do you think had more impact? Himmler/Terror or Goebbals/Propaganda 3 Which was most important? - 3 Gestapo? Film? Etc Evidence 3 pieces Use the sources in the book, video, own knowledge Save the best for last Why is the other side wrong? Pick an argument from the other side Using a fact, explain why they are wrong Write it out You may find resources on the internet, but make sure you save the website!!!!
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  • Persuasive Argument Step 2 Organize your speech Sentence 1 Summarize your argument I will argue that Terror was most influential for controlling Germany because reason 1, 2, 3. Sentence 2~5 Give reasons + evidence Sentence 6~8 Why is the other side wrong? Last Sentence Summarize your argument In conclusion.because . Write it out
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  • Oral Scoring 7 Extremely clear presentation supported by facts (some outside sources) comfortably using vocab AND answers teachers question with fact not used in presentation already 6 Extremely clear presentation supported by facts (some outside sources) comfortably using vocab OR answers teachers question with fact not used in presentation already 5 Clear presentation supported by strong facts and vocab AND answers teachers question with fact 4 Clear presentation supported by strong facts and vocab OR answers teachers question with fact 3 all requirements AND answers teachers question 2 all requirements OR answers teachers question 1 missing requirements AND unable to answer teachers question
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  • Persuasive Argument Step 2 Organize your speech Sentence 1 Summarize your argument I will argue that Terror was most influential for controlling Germany because reason 1, 2, 3. Sentence 2~5 Give reasons + evidence Sentence 6~8 Why is the other side wrong? Last Sentence Summarize your argument In conclusion.because . Write it out 7 Extremely clear presentation supported by facts (some outside sources) comfortably using vocab AND answers teachers question with fact not used in presentation already 6 Extremely clear presentation supported by facts (some outside sources) comfortably using vocab OR answers teachers question with fact not used in presentation already 5 Clear presentation supported by strong facts and vocab AND answers teachers question with fact 4 Clear presentation supported by strong facts and vocab OR answers teachers question with fact 3 all requirements AND answers teachers question 2 all requirements OR answers teachers question 1 missing requirements AND unable to answer teachers question
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  • What I will check? 1. Vocab definition? 2. Did you take notes for today? Which was more influential: Terror or Propaganda? What reasons did you give? Why is your argument stronger than the other side? Did you add a vocab word? Note-taking Check! If we do not answer the essential question in class, your HW is to add 1~2 sentences after each class
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  • Lesson 4b Control Essential Question Propaganda was the main way in which the Nazis controlled the German people. How far do you agree with this statement. Learning Outcomes - Students will: Preview What makes a good speech Learn the requirements of the paragraph Success Criteria I can begin my paragraph 1 lesson for this Question
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  • Preview How to give a great speech? What do you think?
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  • Writing Task Propaganda was the main way in which the Nazis controlled the German people. How far do you agree with this statement. Give a 2 paragraph explanation Requirements 2 paragraphs Introduction and Conclusion Connectors Evidence Bibliography
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  • Writing a paragraph Part of Hitlers rise to power can be attributed to factors outside of his control. The wall street crash in 1929 hit Germany very hard because Germany relied on US loans, but now they were recalled and taking much needed money out of the German economy. This led to many German businesses closing down. This caused 6 million people to lose their jobs. As a result of these events, support for the communists grew as well making the German communist party as the second largest in Europe. Hitler did not cause any of these events and, since many Germans feared the communists, the Nazi party seemed like the only option in the 1932 elections. Therefore, outside factors helped lead to the rise of Hitler. Facts Facts and more Facts How do these facts support your thesis? Topic and Concluding Sentence 5~7 sentences? Use 3 different colours for this This meant that This led to It enabled him to He could now This resulted in This meant that This led to It enabled him to He could now This resulted in Why do we use these connectors?
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  • Task Propaganda was the main way in which the Nazis controlled the German people. How far do you agree with this statement. Give a 2 paragraph explanation We know how to Write a paragraph Use connectors What we need to know Write an introduction and conclusion Reference
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  • Writing Rubric Scoring 7 - all requirements + always uses STRONG facts + vocab + presents a balanced argument, supported and developed expertly 6 - all requirements + always uses STRONG facts + vocab + presents a balanced argument 5 all requirements + always uses facts + vocab + attempts a balanced argument 4 all requirements + some facts + Vocab 3 all requirements 2 all written requirements but referencing incorrect 1 missing written requirements Requirements 2 paragraphs Introduction and Conclusion Connectors Evidence Bibliography Use Pg. 62~63 for HELP
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  • Groups Presenters Writers In groups of 4, students will move to the edge of the class/outside to give their speeches All other students will write their paragraphs
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  • Lesson 4c Control Essential Question Propaganda was the main way in which the Nazis controlled the German people. How far do you agree with this statement. Learning Outcomes - Students will: Learn how to reference using MLA Continue work on their speech/paragraph Success Criteria I can reference my sources using MLA 3 lessons for this Question
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  • Lets Look at our book 1. Who is the Author/s? 2. What is the Title? 3. Where was it published? (City) 4. Who is the publishing company? 5. When was it published? 6. Print or Website? Fiehn, Terry, Russia and The USSR 1905-1941: A Study in Depth. London: Hodder Education, 2013. Print. What is in different font? What type of punctuation is used? Where did I leave a space?
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  • Lets Look at our book 1. Who is the Author/s? 2. What is the Title? 3. Where was it published? (City) 4. Who is the publishing company? 5. When was it published? 6. Print or Website? Banham, Dale, et al, Germany 1918-1945: A Study in Depth. London: Hodder Education, 2013. Print.
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  • Lets Look at the Internet Website 1. Who is the Author/s? 2. What is the Title? 3. Where was it published? (City) 4. Who is the publishing company? 5. When was it published? 6. Print or Website? 7. When did you see it? Trueman, Chris, "Adolf Hitler, " HistoryLearningSite.co.uk. 2014. Web. 14 April 2014 Sometimes, not all the information is available Your turn. Choose a history website (computer, phone) and source it. Where did I leave a space? What is in different font? What type of punctuation is used?
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  • Help Purdue Owl Link - MLA Link
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  • Bibliography - Books Lastname, Firstname. Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Medium of Publication. Example Gleick, James. Chaos: Making a New Science. New York: Penguin, 1987. Print. Gillespie, Paula, and Neal Lerner. The Allyn and Bacon Guide to Peer Tutoring. Boston: Allyn, 2000. Print. Wysocki, Anne Frances, et al. Writing New Media: Theory and Applications for Expanding the Teaching of Composition. Logan: Utah State UP, 2004. Print. Encyclopedia of Indiana. New York: Somerset, 1993. Print. Foucault, Michel. Madness and Civilization: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason. Trans. Richard Howard. New York: Vintage- Random House, 1988. Print. 1 author 2 authors 3 or more no author Translatio n
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  • Bibliography - Websites Editor, author, or compiler name (if available). Name of Site. Version number. Name of institution/organization affiliated with the site (sponsor or publisher), date of resource creation (if available). Medium of publication. Date of access. Example Goya, Francisco. The Family of Charles IV. 1800. Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid. Museo National del Prado. Web. 22 May 2006. Wheelis, Mark. "Investigating Disease Outbreaks Under a Protocol to the Biological andToxin Weapons Convention." Emerging Infectious Diseases 6.6 (2000): 595- 600. Web. 8 Feb. 2009 Authors Name or Posters Username. Title of Image or Video. Media Type Text. Name of Website. Name of Websites Publisher, date of posting. Medium. date retrieved. Shimabukuro, Jake. "Ukulele Weeps by Jake Shimabukuro." Online video clip. YouTube. YouTube, 22 Apr. 2006. Web. 9 Sept. 2010 Picture form Web Journal
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  • Bibliography - Videos The Usual Suspects. Dir. Bryan Singer. Perf. Kevin Spacey, Gabriel Byrne, Chazz Palminteri, Stephen Baldwin, and Benecio del Toro. Polygram, 1995. Film. Gaitskill, Mary. Interview with Charles Bock. Mississippi Review 27.3 (1999): 129-50. Print. Amis, Kingsley. Mimic and Moralist. Interviews with Britains Angry Young Men. By Dale Salwak. San Bernardino: Borgo, 1984. Print. Film Interview s
  • Slide 27
  • Writing Task Propaganda was the main way in which the Nazis controlled the German people. How far do you agree with this statement. Give a 2 paragraph explanation Requirements 2 paragraphs Introduction and Conclusion Connectors Evidence Bibliography
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  • Writing Rubric Scoring 7 - all requirements + always uses STRONG facts + vocab + presents a balanced argument, supported and developed expertly 6 - all requirements + always uses STRONG facts + vocab + presents a balanced argument 5 all requirements + always uses facts + vocab + attempts a balanced argument 4 all requirements + some facts + Vocab 3 all requirements 2 all written requirements but referencing incorrect 1 missing written requirements Requirements 2 paragraphs Introduction and Conclusion Connectors Evidence Bibliography Use Pg. 62~63 for HELP
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  • Groups Presenters Writers In groups of 4, students will move to the edge of the class/outside to give their speeches All other students will write their paragraphs
