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LESSON Color Your Language

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Color Your Language L E S S O N Break a leg! He is a dark horse in this election.
Page 1: LESSON Color Your Language

Color Your Language


Break a leg!

He is a dark horse in this election.

Page 2: LESSON Color Your Language

Topic 언어의 다양한 표현

Communicative Functions

•설명 요청하기 Whatdoyoumeanbythat?

•오해 지적하기 That’snotwhatImean.

Language Forms

•Wheneverawhiteelephantwasfound,it was given


•Theideacomesfromthe belief thatcrocodilesweep


Before You Begin

What do you think about the meaning of each expression in the pictures? Think about the effect of using English expressions like the ones in each situation.

Lesson FlowReady to Communicate설명을 요청하고 오해를 지적하는 대화를 듣고 말해 


Read동물 비유 표현의 의미와 유래를 설명하는 글을 읽

고, 그 표현이 언어를 어떻게 풍부하게 하는지 생각

해 봅시다.

Communication Task아는 사람을 생각하며 떠오르는 이미지를 써 봅시다. 


Project그림으로 나타낼 수 있는 재미있는 영어 표현을 써 



Think and Write우리말에 있는 동물 비유 표현을 써 봅시다.


Study Points

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A Guess and Listen

B Listen and Answer1. What are the speakers talking about?

the reason why the girl is upsetwhat present to buy for Jiseongthe way Nana takes care of her cat

2. Listen again and complete the sentence.

• “Let the cat out of the bag” means telling people a .

Dialog 1

1. What does the boy think about Hana?

He thinks she can’t see well.He thinks she ignores the details.He thinks she does not understand the whole situation well.

2. Listen again and complete the sentence.

• If someone can’t see the forest for its trees, they focus on .

Dialog 2

Ready to Communicate



Guess the situation. Then listen and complete the dialog.

1. 2.

A: It’s raining cats and dogs.B: A: I mean it is raining heavily.

A: My grandma has a green thumb. B: Did she paint her thumb green?A:

I mean she is good at gardening.

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• What does that mean?

• I’m afraid that’s wrong.

More Expressions

1. Why does the boy feel uncomfortable?

Science class is difficult for him.His group members are shy and silent.His group members don’t include him in their work.He hasn’t had enough time to get to know his group members.

2. Listen again and complete the dialog.

e.g. A: I think a panda describes me pretty well.

B: What do you mean by that? Do you mean you are cute?

A: No, that’s not what I mean. I mean I have dark circles

around my eyes.

D Write and Speak

Eric: I feel like a out of in my group.

Kami: What do you mean by that?

Kami: Oh, so don’t they you in what they do?

Eric: No, that’s not what I mean. Actually, they are very nice and always ask my opinion.

Small Talk Is there any Korean expression that means “being uncomfortable”? Talk about it with your partner.

Choose an animal that describes you best. Talk about it with your partner.

C Listen and Write

Animals Meanings

a panda

a dolphin

a bee

– I have dark circles around my eyes.

– I like being in the water.

– I like sweet things.

Your Own Your Own

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Guess Who

Listen to the lecture and fill in the blanks of the note.STEP


Read a description of a person and talk about the appropriate meaning with your partner.



e.g. My aunt can swim like a fish.

1. My sister eats like a horse.

2. My cousin is as big as a whale.

3. My uncle is as strong as an elephant.

She swims very well. He is really big and tall. She is always hungry and eats a lot. He can lift the heavy box that no one can lift.

e.g. A: What do you mean by “My aunt can swim like a fish”?

B: It means “She swims very well.”


• Today we’re going to talk about a useful way to explain an idea.

• Let’s look at the words of a pop song.

• a useful way to explain an idea: comparing two things that are – express ideas clearly – get the of readers or listeners

e.g. “You are the su nshine of my life.” the person is as as the sun

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Self-check 비유 이미지에 대한 강의를 듣고, 세부 내용을 파악할 수 있다.

사람을 여러 이미지로 비유하고, 설명을 요청하는 말을 할 수 있다.

In groups, describe the characteristics of a famous person for the Guess Who Game. Think about three things that can describe him or her.



Famous person:




e.g. a lion, an ant, a tree, a book, a rainbow, sunny

Plus Think about characteristics of your friends and share them with your partner.

e.g. A: Let’s start the Guess Who Game. He is an actor. First, he is as cool as a lion.

B: Is he ss?

A: I’m afraid that’s wrong.

B: Is he dd?

A: Yes, that’s right. You got 3 points.

Guess Who GameSTEP



(1) Present the three characteristics your group made in class.(2) The team that guesses correctly from the first description gets 3 points, the

second 2 points, and the third 1 point. (3) After all the teams in class take turns, the team that scores the most points

wins the game!

e.g. A: dd is like a lion.

B: Do you mean he is brave and strong?

A: No, that’s not what I mean. I mean he is as cool as a lion.

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re You Read

A Look at the expressions and guess what each expression means. Share your guess with your partner.

B Guess the meaning of the phrase under each picture. Then complete each sentence with the appropriate phrase.

1. It will to get the tall building. 2. Listening to the loud music can of studying. 3. The audience may the sad ending of the film.4. His colorful hair always makes him in a crowd.

weep overstand out

get in the waycost a fortune

make a beeline

e.g. I think “make a beeline” means to stand in an orderly line.

crocodile tears

black sheepwhite elephant

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What do animals have to do with the English language? A whole lot! You’ll be surprised to know just how many English expressions involve animals. Consider some of the fascinating ways in which animals are involved in everyday English.

Let’s begin with a basic linguistic process, the analogy. An analogy is a comparison between two things and a convenient way for language to create new meanings. Animals are usually used because they are familiar to everyone. By way of analogy, animal expressions draw on the similarities between animals and humans. People who are not courageous are called “chickens,” while brave leaders are said to be “lionhearted.” In most cases, it is not hard to see the logic behind the comparisons.


Q2│Whatdotheexpressions“chickens”and “tobelionhearted”mean?

Animal Expressionsin English




Reading Strategy

훑어 읽기

글을 전체적으로 빠르게 읽고 요점을 

파악하는 방법이다.

• 글을 훑어 읽으며 파악한 주제를 

써 봅시다.

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Animal analogies are based on close observation of animal behavior. However, what if

the casual observation leads to false assumptions, or misinterpretation gets in the way? Interestingly, this has often been the

case with English animal expressions. “Crocodile tears” is a good example. One is said to weep “crocodile tears” if they pretend to be sad when they are not. The idea comes from the popular belief that crocodiles weep over the prey they kill. The fact is, crocodiles seem to cry while they eat, but this is because their eyes are stimulated when the muscles around the mouth move to eat. Their tears are only a physical response with nothing to do with feelings.

“Making a beeline” also belongs to the group of animal expressions based on flawed observation. “A beeline” typically means a straight line between two points. If you “make a beeline for” someone or something, you go straight toward your destination, ignoring everything else along the way. For instance, your mom might have told you to make a beeline home after school. Now you may wonder if bees really fly straight to where they want to go. The answer is, usually they do not. As you may have observed, they make irregular twists and turns in their flight. They often stop to rest and take a long way around. It is only when they return home with a load of honey that they make a straight line. In the case of the bee, only part of the truth came to represent the whole.

•observation[ábzəvéiʃən] •misinterpretation[mìsintəːprətéiʃən]•pretend[priténd] •prey[prei] •stimulate[stímjulèit]•flawed[flɔːd] •destination[dèstənéiʃən] •irregular[irégjulə]•getintheway •weepover








Thinking Critically


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Even though many people know that these analogies are not based on science, the expressions do not easily disappear in the language. In fact, partly due to these expressions, some people still hold the belief that crocodiles weep and bees always fly straight to their destination.

Sometimes, the meaning of analogies may not be obvious. For instance, what comes to mind when you hear the phrase “white elephant” or “black sheep”? Most people, hearing these phrases for the first time, cannot correctly guess their meanings.

The expression “white elephant” comes from Thailand. Long ago, in Thailand, white elephants were very rare. Whenever one was found, it was given to the king. The king would then give it as a royal “gift” to someone he did not like since the beautiful animal cost a fortune to take care of. Nobody could refuse such a present, but it could financially ruin its owner. Moreover, it was a serious crime to mistreat a present from the king. Even riding it was not allowed, so a white elephant was almost useless. The expression, introduced in England in the 18th century, turned out to be useful for describing costly but useless public buildings. Today, it is used to refer to anything that might be costly and useless to someone.





흰 코끼리

흰 코끼리는 불교에서 신성시한다. 

그 이유는 마야 부인이 여섯 개의 상

아가 달린 흰 코끼리가 오른쪽 옆구

리로 들어오는 꿈을 꾸고 석가모니를 

잉태했기 때문이다. 불교 국가인 태

국에서는 흰 코끼리가 수호신으로 모


박영수, 『세계 상징물 문화 유래 탐험

-아시아 대표 동물 및 관념 이야기』

dis- + appear disappear


Q5│  WhydidthekingofThailandgiveawhiteelephanttosomeonehedidnotlike?



Talk about It

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Black sheep, like white elephants, are not common, and they also mean trouble for their owners. The expression is from the English history of sheep farming. Long ago, black wool was worthless because it was almost impossible to dye. When a black sheep was born, the owners saw it as bad luck. Today the expression “black sheep” refers to an odd and unpopular member of a family or a group, perhaps because the unpopular black sheep stood out in a group of white sheep.

These interesting expressions are only a few examples of the English expressions having to do with animals. Watch for others as you learn more English. Be curious about them and research their roots. It is a fun way to learn the language.





Self-check Reading Time:  1st min. sec. 2nd min. sec.

훑어 읽으며 파악했던 글의 주제가 정확한지 확인해 봅시다.


본문에 어려운 부분이 있다면 표시하고 다시 읽어 봅시다.

•worthless[wə́ː θlis]•unpopular[ʌ̀npápjulə]•standout




Talk about It

마이클 매크로운, 『미국 해장술은 개털이다!?: 동물과 관계된 꼭 알아야 할 영어표현 150가지』

Susie Dent, What Made the Crocodile Cry?: 101 Questions about the English Language

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After You R


e.g. His golden shoes are white elephants.

A Review the text and fill in the blanks.

B Write a sentence that can describe each picture using an animal expression you learned. Then talk with your partner.

Analogy based on flawed observation

Expression Meaning Fact

weep crocodile tears

to to be sad Crocodiles’ eyes are stimulated when eating prey.

make a beelineto make a line between two points

Bees only fly straight when they return home with a load of honey.

Analogy based on history

Expression Meaning History

white elephant

a thing requires a lot of money to keep

A white elephant was a royal gift in Thailand and expensive to keep.

black sheepan odd and member of a family or a group

Long ago, a black sheep was trouble for its sheep farming owner.

몽골의 말

태국의 코끼리처럼 나라마다 특별하게 여기는 동물이 있다. 몽골에서는 말이 그런 동물이

다. 넓은 초원을 이동하는 수단으로 주로 말을 이용했던 몽골 사람들에게 말은 친숙하면서

일상을 함께하는 동물이 되었다. 따라서 몽골의 언어에는 자연스럽게 말과 관련한 어휘와

속담이 풍부하다. ‘말이 좋은지는 타 봐야 알고, 사람이 좋은지는 겪어 봐야 안다.’와 ‘사람

이 될 것은 어려서부터, 준마가 될 것은 망아지 때부터.’와 같은 속담들이 그 예이다.

Click on Culture


Onthe Web


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Language in UseG



(houses, build, in the 1800s)

Say It Look at the pictures below and talk with your partner.

•Wheneverawhiteelephantwasfound,itwas giventotheking.•Englishis spokeninmanycountriesaroundtheworld.

•Theeventwas canceledbecauseofheavysnow.


Write It Complete the sentences by arranging the given words in the correct order.

1.Ilike .

2.Thetestscoreis .

3. surprisedme.

4.Thedecisionisbasedon .

(twiceayear / that / aschoolfestival / wehave / theidea)

(that / theproof / togotouniversity / heisready)

(thenews / theteam / lostthegame / that)

(that / willgetbettersoon / thebelief / oureconomy)

•Theideacomesfromthe belief thatcrocodilesweepoverthepreytheykill.•Iagreewiththe opinion thathighschoolstudentsshouldwearschooluniforms.

•The idea thatmakingalotofmoneybringshappinessisnotalwaystrue.


e.g. A: What was done on the land?

B: Houses were built in the 1800s.

(the first apple festival, hold, in 1980)


(many apples, sell, last year)


(apple trees, plant, in the 1900s)


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Think and Write Writing about Korean Animal Expressions

B Organize Ideas

A BrainstormThink about animal expressions that are often used in Korean and choose one of them.

Answer the following questions about the Korean animal expression.

1. What Korean animal expression did you choose?

e.g. I chose the expression, “Birds hear words during the day and mice hear words at night.”

2. What does the expression mean?

e.g. It means that there is always a risk of being heard, so be careful of what you say.

3. When is the expression used?

e.g. It can be used when you warn someone that it is not safe to speak because other people might be listening.

4. Is there any English expression that has a similar meaning?

e.g. In English, the expression “Walls have ears” has a similar meaning.



Birds hear words during the day and mice hear words at night.

The sun shines even into the mouse hole.

a mouse in front of a cat

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Read the blog post about a Korean animal expression.

C Study the Writing Sample

Write a blog post about a Korean animal expression.

D Write on Your Own

Korean Animal Expressions

There are many animal expressions in Korean. Today I will introduce the

expression, . It means that


It can be used when


In English, the expression has a

similar meaning.

Korean Animal Expressions

There are many animal expressions in Korean. Today I will introduce

the expression, “Birds hear words during the day and mice hear words at

night.” It means that there is always a risk of being heard, so be careful of

what you say. It can be used when you warn someone that it is not safe to

speak because other people might be listening. In English, the expression

“Walls have ears” has a similar meaning.



English expression


Peer-check1. 우리말 속담에 대한 적절한 정보를 제공했다.   

2. 글의 흐름이 자연스럽고 말하고자 하는 바가 명확하다.   

3. 글에서 좋았던 점과 보완해야 할 점을 친구에게 말해 봅시다.

● Get your partner’s feedback and rewrite the whole paragraph. YES NO

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Making a Picture Dictionary

In groups, choose one category.

body food plants weather color other:


e.g. A: There is an English expression “to have a sweet tooth.”

B: What does it mean?

A: It means to love to eat sweets.

Search for English expressions in your category and find their meanings. Talk about situations where you can use each expression.


With a partner, act out the dialog for each expression in your picture dictionary. STEP4


Draw pictures of the expressions and make a dialog for each expression.

Picture Dictionary for Body Expressions

have a sweet tooth


• to love to eat sweets


• It is used for describing someone who eats too many

sweet things.

A: Did you eat all the candies and cookies?

B: Yes, I did. I have a sweet tooth. I couldn’t help eating


YES NOGroup-check

1. 완성한 그림 사전을 사용해 영어 표현의 의미를 잘 전달했다. 

2. 모둠의 모든 구성원들이 각자의 역할을 잘 수행했다. 

3. 프로젝트를 하면서 이 단원의 의사소통 기능과 언어 형식을 활용했다. 

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A Listen and answer the questions.

1. How does the girl feel about the acting club?

satisfied excited disappointed uncomfortable

2. Complete the sentence based on the listening.

• The girl is not about her acting because she is the only one who doesn’t have acting in her club.

B Complete the dialog with the sentences. Then act it out with your partner.

It means that she told Peter the secret about his birthday present. No, that’s wrong. She did it on purpose to surprise him herself. It’s because Jennifer let the cat out of the bag.

A: Why are you so upset?B: A: What do you mean by that?B: A: She might have told him accidentally.B:

C Read the passage and answer the questions.

Sometimes, the meaning of analogies may not be obvious. (A) , what comes to mind when you hear the phrase “white elephant” or “black sheep”? The expression “white elephant” comes from Thailand. Long ago, in Thailand, white elephants were very rare. Whenever one was found, it was given to the king. The king would then give it as a royal “gift” to someone he did not like since the beautiful animal cost a fortune to take care of. Nobody could refuse such a present, but it could financially ruin its owner. (B) , it was a serious crime to mistreat a present from the king. Even riding it was not allowed, so a white elephant was almost useless. The expression, introduced in England in the 18th century, turned out to be useful for describing costly but useless public buildings. Today it is used to refer to anything that might be costly and useless to someone.

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•이 단원의 의사소통 기능을 활용해서 문장을 만들어 봅시다.

설명 요청하기:   

오해 지적하기:   

Reflection •이 단원을 공부하면서 새롭게 배운 것을 써 봅시다.   

•어려운 점이 있었다면 무엇이었고, 왜 어려웠는지 써 봅시다.   

Language Forms •이 단원의 언어 형식을 활용해서 문장을 만들어 봅시다.

Whenever a white elephant was found, it was given to the king.


The idea comes from the belief that crocodiles weep over the prey they kill.


1. What are the most appropriate words for the blanks (A) and (B)?

For example – As a result For instance – Moreover In other words – Furthermore On the contrary – In sum

2. Complete the sentence based on the passage.

In the past, a white elephant from the king was not a welcomed gift. Today “white elephant” means anything and to someone.

D Write a blog post about the English expression based on the given information.

“A piece of cake” can be used when you describe .

In Korean, .

It is based on the fact that .

English Expression│ a piece of cake

Meaning│ something that is easy to do

Korean Expression│ eating a rice cake while lying down

The fact│ Almost everybody likes sweets and so having a slice of this sweet dessert is easy.

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Lesson 1 - Lesson 2

1. I’m afraid that I (agree / disagree) with your opinion. 2. People think our water supply is (limit / limitless) but it is not.3. You should consider any other (use / useless) of the database.4. What would happen if humans suddenly (appeared / disappeared) from the

earth?5. She cannot sleep at all these days and worries about another (sleep / sleepless)

night.6. The committee’s final decision (satisfied / dissatisfied) the members and they

accepted it.

Look at how these words are formed and choose the correct word for each sentence.

perfect regret unpopular wonderfulinspiration mistreat crime fascinating

enthusiastic painful anxiety outstandingsuccess flawed excitement worthless

Find the words which belong to each group.





appear – disappear

agree – disagree

limit – limitless

use – useless

dis- Verb (the opposite meaning of the V.)Noun -less Adjective

46 Words Plus 1

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out of shape a number of refer to

1. He planted oak trees around his cabin to celebrate Earth Day. At that moment people were standing in line waiting for the ferry.

2. What does the purple line on the graph ? Does “the man” in the second sentence John Goddard?

3. He was so that I could not recognize him. Running is the simplest way to start exercising when you are .

Choose the expression that is suitable for both blanks.

achieve explorer enthusiasm analogy worthless describe

Complete the puzzle.


3. v. to say what someone or

something is like

5. a. of no use or value

6. n. a comparison made to show

the similarity between things


1. n. someone that travels to

little-known places

2. v. to gain with effort

4. n. great interest or passion

1 2





Words Plus 1 47
