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Matter : Set
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LESSON PLAN Unit of Education : SMP Subject : Mathematics Class/Semester : VII/One Subject Matter : Set Times : 1 meeting (2 JP) A. Main Competences 1 : Respect and appreciate the teachings of their religion (Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya) 2 : Respect and appreciate the honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, caring (tolerance, mutual assistance), polite, confident, in interacting effectively with the social and natural environment in a range of socially and existence Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli (toleransi, gotongroyong), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya.) 3 : Understanding knowledge (factual, conceptual, and procedural) based on his curiosity about science, technology, arts, culture and events related 1


Unit of Education : SMP

Subject : Mathematics

Class/Semester : VII/One

Subject Matter : Set

Times : 1 meeting (2 JP)

A. Main Competences

1 : Respect and appreciate the teachings of their religion

(Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang


2 : Respect and appreciate the honest behavior, discipline,

responsibility, caring (tolerance, mutual assistance), polite,

confident, in interacting effectively with the social and

natural environment in a range of socially and existence

Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin,

tanggungjawab, peduli (toleransi, gotongroyong), santun,

percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan

lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan

dan keberadaannya.)

3 : Understanding knowledge (factual, conceptual, and

procedural) based on his curiosity about science,

technology, arts, culture and events related phenomena

seem by eyes.

(Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan

prosedural) berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu

pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena

dan kejadian tampak mata.)


B. Basic Competence and Indicators of Competency


No Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

1. 2.2 Curious, confident, and interest in mathematics and have confidence in the power and usefulness of mathematics, which is formed through the learning experience.( Memiliki rasa ingin tahu, percaya diri, dan ketertarikan pada matematika serta memiliki rasa percaya pada daya dan kegunaan matematika, yang terbentuk melalui pengalaman belajar.)

2.2.1 Having confidence in solving problems

2. 3.2 Explain the meaning of set, subsets, complements of the set, the operatioins of set, and shows examples and not examples(Menjelaskan pengertian himpunan, himpunan bagian, komplemen himpunan, operasi himpunan danmenunjukkan contoh dan bukan contoh)

3.5.1 Explain the concept of the meaning of the set

3.5.2 Menyajikan himpunan3.5.3 Explain the concept of

universe set and Venn Diagram

3.5.4 Determining the cardinality of the set

3.5.5 Explain the concept of empty set

3.5.6 Determine the relation between the sets

C. Learning Objective

1. Given some examples of sets in daily life, students can deduce

and explain the meaning set

2. Given a set, student can present it in 3 different ways

3. Given some sets, students can explain the universe set and

draw the Venn diagram


4. Given a set, students can determine the cardinality of the set

5. Given a problem of set, student can explain which one is the

empty set

6. Given sets, students can determine the relationship between

the sets

D. Subject Matter

1. The meaning of set

2. How to serve set

3. Cardinality of set

4. Universe set and Venn diagram

5. Empty set

6. Relation between sets

E. Learning Method

1. Scientific approach

2. Discovery Learning

F. Learning Recources

1. Sinaga, Bornok, dkk. 2013. Matematika. SMP/MTs Kelas VII.

Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Jakarta : Politeknik

Negeri Media Kreatif.

G. Learning Instructions

Tools and Materials



Power point

Props set consisting of:

1. Colorful nails (a nail consists of 2 different colors)

2. Styrofoam board


3. Colorful rope

H. The Steps of Learning Activity

Preliminary Activities (10 minutes)

Phase 1 : Stimulation

1. Teachers prepare students to follow the learning process

2. The teacher reminds students that since childhood we have

been taught that humans are social beings, can not live

alone and always need other people. Even in the holy book

Qur'an, Allah mentions humans as "Al Nas" which shows the

function of humans as social beings who can not live alone.

Humans need to maintain good relations with other human

beings. From the beginning of creation, a human came from

a pair of men and women. This shows that humans should

live as siblings and help each other. Because of that,

human tend to form groups or communities to perform an


3. Through questioning, the teacher asks the students to give

examples of groups or communities that exist around us.

4. Teacher shows a picture of a map of Indonesia on the

computer and then ask the students, what groups we can

see from the map? (For example, a group of cities in the

island of Java, the group districts in the city of Surabaya,

and so on) and ask the student to mention the other

example of group according to map of Indonesia.


5. The teacher asks the students if anyone knows what

material would be studied today in connection with the

discussion that has been discussed at the beginning of the


6. Teacher tells learning objectives

Main Activity (65 minutes)

Phase 2 : Problem statement

7. The teacher divides students into groups ( maximum consist of 5 people

for each group), then the teacher distributed a set of student worksheets

(appendix 3) and learning media (colorful nails, colorful ribbons,

styrofoam boards, colorful markers) for each group.

8. The teacher asks the students to read and comprehend literature on Student

Worksheet (Observing Phase)

Phase 3 : Data collection


9. The teacher asks the students to work on the first part of worksheets

according to the instructions that have been written and answer the


Phase 4 : Data P rocessing

10. After the students have finished the first part worksheets, teachers guide

students to analyze what they have done and also guided to the student

handbook (Associating Phase)

Phase 5 : Verification

11. Teachers create an atmosphere of questioning so that students can create

their own conclusions of the material that has been discussed (Questioning


12. The teacher asks the students to continue their work to the next section.

Phase 4 : Generalization

13. The teacher asks some students to summarize and generalize the overall

material they have discussed

14. The teacher asks some students to make an example that includes all of the

material on that day (Experimenting Phase)

15. Teacher commanding students to do individual task (Appendix 2)

Closing (5 minutes)

16. The teacher asks the students to collect individual tasks after a timeout

17. The teacher asks some students to retell what they have done today

briefly and then ask the other students to do exercise at student;s

handbook page 29

18. Teacher tells the next matter and close the class

I. Assesment

1. Social Attitudes

a. Assessment techniques : Tests

b. Form of Instruments : Questionnaire


c. Grating :


Attitudes / values Item of Instrumen

1. Confident 1Instrument: See Appendix 1

2. Knowledge

a. Assessment techniques : Tests

b. Form of Instruments : Essay

c. Grating :


Indicator item of Instrument

1. Explain the concept of the meaning of the set


2. Express the set in 3 different ways 23. Explain the concept of universe set and

Venn Diagram3

4. Determine the cardinality of set 45. Explain the concept of empty set 56. Determine the relation between the


Instrumen: See Appendix 2


Appendix 1

Sample Instrument of Social Attitudes

Sample of Confidence Assessment Questionnaire

No Statements 1 2 3 4

1 Being able to collaborate with others

2 Placing themselves well in a variety of


3 Active in discussions in class

4 Get good grades

5 Have a role in the school environment

6 Careful in work on the problems

7 Mediate in the debate in the discussion

in class

Information of Value

Always = 4

Often = 3

Rare = 2

Never` = 1


A = Total Score 12-16

B = Total Score 8-12

C = Total Score 4-8

D = Total Score 4


Appendix 2

Example of Knowledge Instruments

Instructions :

1. Pray before work on the problems

2. Please answer on the answer sheet that has been provided

3. Complete the following questions shortly and clearly

Question :

1. A = { car, motor cycle, plane, rabbit }

B = { duck, chicken, bird, table }

C = { 1,3,5,7,9 }

D = { A, I, U, E, O}

E = { AB, A, O, B, L, Z}

a.) From the above, which one is called set? And why?

b.) If any of them is not a set, can you turn it into a set? Which

elements should be used as not element of the set?


Express that set by registering elements (enumeration), declare

the properties owned by its elements, and write the notation of

set forming !

3. C = {1,3,5,7,9}

F = {2,4,6,8}

G = {1, 4, 9}

Draw those set into Venn diagram and determine the universe !

4. Determine the cardinality of these sets !

I = The set of all positive integer less than 10

J = The set of the member of Cherrybelle

K = The set of odd number between 1-10

5. Read back the question on number 3, make 1 example of empty

set of that universe

6. L = { The set of even number between 1 – 5}

M = { The set of natural number between 0- 10}

January, June, July


N = { The set of positif integer less than 11}

Can you explain what are the relationships that exist in those


Guidelines for Knowledges Instruments Assessment

Question Answer Scor


No. 1 a.) C and D are sets because the elements in C

or D have the same characteristics or well-


b.) A = { car, motor cycle, plane }, rabbit ∉ A

B = { duck, chicken, bird}, table ∉ B

E = { AB, A, O, B, L, Z}, L, Z ∉ E



No 2.

registering elements (enumeration) :

A = { January, June, July}

declare the properties owned by its elements :

A = months names starting with the letter J

write the notation of set forming :

A = { z | z is months names starting with the

letter J }




No. 3

S = the set of positif integer/Natural

number/rasional number between 0 and 10



No. 4 n(I) = 9

n(J) = 9




n(K) = 5 5

No. 5 The set of squares number between 5 and 8



No. 6 M = N

L ⊂ M

L ⊂ N




Calculation of final grade in the scale of 0-100, as follows :

Final Score = acquisition Score X (100)

Total Maximum Score


Appendix 3

Worksheet 1

Main Matter : Set

Day/Date : ............................/.......................................

Time : 50 minutes

Class : VII .....

No of group/Name : ........./....................................

Note the props that you get and read the instructions below:

The nails are likened to sample some of the people who live in the

major islands in Indonesia. Body color nail describe the place where

he lived and the color of the nail heads described their work

Body color of nails :

red: stay on the island of Sumatra

Blue: stay on the island of Java

Yellow: Stay on the island of Kalimantan

Green: staying on the island of Sulawesi

White: Staying on the island of Irian

Color nail heads :

White: Police

Yellow: PNS

Red: Doctors

Blue: TNI

Green: Merchant

The steps:

1. Separate multiple spikes in body color nail according to

information given


2. Plug nail into Styrofoam boards and classified according to the

color of each group then surrounded spikes body with the same

color with the same color ribbon as well as the body spikes

3. Consider one group of nails then grouped again nails the head

without removing the appropriate color ribbon ties initial group

Answer these questions in accordance with the opinion of each of


1. See on the Styrofoam board? What can you call for each group?






2. Disscus with your friend how to serve the set !






3. See on the Styrofoam board, discuss with your friend if the

Styrofoam board is a container that filled by the set of people

who stay in Sumatera, Jawa, Kalimantan, dll, so what is the

container called?






4. Can you move what you do on a styrofoam board to the top of

the paper so it resembles the shape of the diagram?







5. Calculate the number of nails that is in the ribbon, then you will

get a number. What it is called?






6. Can you find a group of people that work as Mafia in any island?

Why? What it is called in math?






7. Concentration in a group of people who live in one of the islands !

you find again a group inside it. What your opinion about that?






8. If I ask you to call the people who work as police in Sulawesi, how

many ways can you make to bring the people? May you bring

none of them? So, what it is called in set?







9. Find the same group among them. why do you call them the














Sinaga, Bornok, dkk. 2013. Matematika. SMP/MTs Kelas VII.

Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Jakarta : Politeknik Negeri

Media Kreatif.


