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Lesson Plan Science

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Lesson PlanScienceGrade 4Lesson Plan in ScienceLesson Plan in Science 4Free Lesson Plan
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Date: _______________ I. Identify some bones that make up the skeletal system II. Identifying the bones that make up the skeletal system Beam Learning Guide Basic Learning Competencies and Resource Guide for the Gifted Ppt. Presentation, model of a skeleton and cut out names , metacards III. A. Do the dancercise – b. Present some bone samples through ppt. c. Setting the standards for group activity d. Activity proper: 1. Pupils feel their body from head to toe. 2. Observe and trace the shape of your body with your hands. What gives your body a shape? 3. Present the model of the skeletal system. Distribute the metacards and ask pupils to tack the name with the correct part. 4. Divide the class into groups. Distribute the disconnected bone parts. Let them put the disconnected part to form the skeletal e. Post Activity 1. posting of group outputs 2. naming and describing bones in the skeletal system f. Application 1. What will happen to a body without skeletal system? What supports the body? IV. Identify each bone: 1. ______________ 2. _______________ 3. __________________ 4. ______________ Assignment:

Date: _______________

I. Identify some bones that make up the skeletal system

II. Identifying the bones that make up the skeletal systemBeam Learning GuideBasic Learning Competencies and Resource Guide for the GiftedPpt. Presentation, model of a skeleton and cut out names , metacards

III. A. Do the dancercise –

b. Present some bone samples through ppt.

c. Setting the standards for group activity

d. Activity proper:

1. Pupils feel their body from head to toe. 2. Observe and trace the shape of your body with your hands. What gives your body a shape? 3. Present the model of the skeletal system. Distribute the metacards and ask pupils to tack the name with the correct part. 4. Divide the class into groups. Distribute the disconnected bone parts. Let them put the disconnected part to form the skeletal e. Post Activity 1. posting of group outputs 2. naming and describing bones in the skeletal systemf. Application 1. What will happen to a body without skeletal system? What supports the body?

IV. Identify each bone:

1. ______________ 2. _______________ 3. __________________ 4. ______________

Assignment:What enable the skeletal system to move? Bring the ff. Materials – card board, scissors, needle and thread, crayons

I. Identify some bones that make up the skeletal system

II. Identifying the bones that make up the skeletal systemBeam Learning GuideBasic Learning Competencies and Resource Guide for the GiftedPpt. Presentation, model of a skeleton and cut out names , metacards

III. A. Do the dancercise –

b. Present some bone samples through ppt.

c. Setting the standards for group activity

d. Activity proper:

1. Pupils feel their body from head to toe. 2. Observe and trace the shape of your body with your hands. What gives your body a shape? 3. Present the model of the skeletal system. Distribute the metacards and ask pupils to tack the name with the correct part.

4. Divide the class into groups. Distribute the disconnected bone parts. Let them put the

disconnected part to form the skeletal

e. Post Activity

1. posting of group outputs

2. naming and describing bones in the skeletal system

f. Application

1. What will happen to a body without skeletal system? What supports the body?

IV. Identify each bone:

2. ______________ 2. _______________ 3. __________________4.____________ 5. ______________

Date: ______________I. Identify some bones that make up the skeletal system

II. Identifying the bones that make up the skeletal systemPELC 1.1.1, Beam Learning Guide

Ppt. Presentation, model of a skeleton and cut out names , metacards

111. A. Do the dancercise – b. Present some bone samples through ppt.c. Setting the standards for group activityd. Activity proper: 1. Pupils feel their body from head to toe. 2. Observe and trace the shape of your body with your hands. What gives your body a shape? 3. Present the model of the skeletal system. Distribute the metacards and ask pupils to tack the name with the correct part. 4. Divide the class into groups. Distribute the disconnected bone parts. Let them put the disconnected part to form the skeletal e. Post Activity 1. posting of group outputs 2. naming and describing bones in the skeletal systemf. Application 1. What will happen to a body without skeletal system? What supports the body?

IV. Identify each bone:3. ______________ 2. _______________ 3. __________________ 4.

______________V. Assignment:

What enable the skeletal system to move? Bring the ff. Materials – card board, scissors, needle and thread, crayons

Date: _______________I. Identify some bones that make up the skeletal system Create a model of skeletal system with its part

Cite the importance of the skeletal system

II. Identifying the bones that make up the skeletal system PELC 1.1.1, Beam Learning Guide

Ppt. Presentation, model of a skeleton and cut out names , metacards

Chart, modelling clay, scissors

III. A. Song—ten bonesB. Review, show the model with numbered parts, let the pupils name partC. Group activity Create a model of the skeletal system, label its partsFD. Group presentationE. What are the parts of the skeletal system? F. Why is skeletal system important?

IV. Name the parts of the skeletal system below


Make a model of the skeletal system . refer to BEAM activity sheetsDate: ___________

I. Identify some bones that make up the skeletal system Create a model of skeletal system with its part

Cite the importance of the skeletal system

II. Identifying the bones that make up the skeletal system PELC 1.1.1, Beam Learning Guide Ppt. Presentation, model of a skeleton and cut out names , metacards

Chart, modelling clay, scissors

III. A. Song—ten bonesB. Review, show the model with numbered parts, let the pupils name partC. Group activity

Create a model of the skeletal system, label its partsFD. Group presentationE. What are the parts of the skeletal system? F. Why is skeletal system important?

IV. Name the parts of the skeletal system below. Choose your answer from the box

Date: _________________

I. OBJECTIVEDemonstrate how the skeletal system enables us to move.

ll. SUBJECT MATTERA. Topic: How Some Bones Make Us MoveB. Reference: PELC 1.1.2 Science and Health 4, p.29C. Materials: model of skeleton, enlarged picture of joint, cardboard,

pair of scissors, needle and thread or paper track, crayons or colored pens

D. Science Ideas/ Concepts;The skeletal system which give support to the body is made of separate bones connected together by movable joints which enables the body to move freely. Some bones are connected by immovable joints.

E. Process Skills: Observing, inferring, comparing, demonstratingF. Value Focus: Appreciation of the importance of the skeletal system

Leg femur phalanges tarsal metacarpals humerus pelvic girdle Shoulder girdle carpals metatarsals breast bone phalanges


III. PROCEDUREA. Pre-Activities

1. Review: What bones make up the skeletal system? Have pupils identify some bones of the skeletalsystem model and let them think what these bones do to the body.

2. Motivation: Perform Free Hand Exercise. Ask pupils why they can stand or turn around.

B. Activity Proper:1. Pupils move their arms and legs any way they want to. Describe

the movements that can be done by their arms and legs. Compare the ways in which they can move the different parts of the body. Why do you think some of the bones move?

2. Show the model of the skeletal system. Focus their attention the shoulder and arms bones. Why are the ends of these bones fit? Compare the movements that the bones in the different parts of the body can do. What makes the movements different?

3. Sketch and cut two paper dolls on cardboard. One of the dolls will have separate parts. With needle and thread, sew together the separate parts of doll B. Which doll could not move/ could move? What do you think makes it easy for this doll to move? Do you think our bodies could move if the skeletal system is made up of only one long continuous bone structure? What acts as the thread which connects our separate bones together? Show enlarged picture of joint.

C. Post Lab Discussion1. Reporting by groups2. Discussions of pupils’ answers3. Concepts formation

D. ApplicationFeel and move the different parts of the body. Which parts could you move separately from the rest? Point out that these are the location of the joined areas. Show skeletal model and let the pupils identify the location of the joined areas.

IV. EVUALATION: Choose the correct answer.1. Which joint enables you to move your arms freely?2. What kind of joint is the knee?3. Bone joints which are capable of movements are4. What helps bones move smoothly?5. What prevents two bones with a joint from separating?

V. ASSIGNMENTS:Make an arm model using two popsicle sticks. Insert a fastener through the holes. In what way can you move the sticks?

Date: ___________

I. Identify the bones that protectIllustrate the internal organs protected by the bonesExpress ways of caring for the bones and body organs

II. Identifying the bones that protect the internal organsPELC. Science and Health IV, pp. Powerpoint presentationChart, activity sheets

Science ConceptsSkull – Sensory organs, brainRib cage – heart, lungsSpine – spinal cordPelvic bones – kidneys, organs of the abdomen

Processes:Observing and inferring

III. A. SongB. Why do you think skull is situated in the head?C. Show the skeletal system through the ppt.d. Brain storming/discussion

What organs are found in the head? What do you think is the function of the brain? What bone protects these organs in the body? What is inside the backbone? What organs are protected by the ribcage?

e. ActivityGroup 1 - Draw the organ protected by the skull.

Choose a reporter to explain how it protects

Group 2 – Draw the organ protected by the ribcage. Present, explain how and why it protects.

Group 3 – Draw the organ protected by the spinal column Present, explain how and why it protects

Group 4 – Draw the organs protected by the pelvic bones.

Present and explain how and why it protects.f. What internal organs are being protected by the skeletal system?

Is the skeletal system important to our body? Why?

IV. Evaluationa. Illustrate and describe how the bones that the body organs


5- Complete and correct information is given4 – A few information is missing3 – The drawing shows only few ideas about the bones that


V. Assignment

Date: ______________

I. Identify kinds of bone injuriesIllustrate different kinds of bone injuriesTell ways to properly care for the bones

II. Identifying kinds of bone injuriesPELC , Science and Health 4 pp.Videos of bone injuries, metacards

III. A. SongB. What are the bones that protect the internal organs?C. Present a video on bone fracture

What are the kinds of bone fracture? Describe each kind of bone fracture?

D Group presentationGive activities sheets per group with the following

instructionGroup I – Draw an open fracture

Describe an open fractureGroup 2 – What is a closed fracture?

Illustrate itGroup 3 – What is dislocation?

Describe dislocation

a. Group presentation - teacher will do the processingb. How will you take care of yourself to avoid having fracture

IV. Assessment is through group activity


V. Research for the different illnesses that affect the skeletal system

Date: ___________________

I. Describe proper ways of caring for the skeletal system Demonstrate proper ways of caring for the skeletal system Tell the importance of caring for the skeletal system

II. Describing proper ways of caring for the skeletal systemPELC, Educational Videos through you tubeChart

III. A. Dance B. Present a downloaded video from youtube C. What benefit can we get if we dance or have some exercise every day? D. present the concepts, using their book or through the power point presentation E. Group Activity 1 – Drama about having proper diet

2 – Dance Exercise

3 -- mini talk show 4 – campaign to care for one’s skeletal system

F. Presentation Processing

g. Why should we take care of the skeletal system

IV. Assessment will be based from the group presentation

10 – caring for the skeletal system is shown, the presentation was convincing , and entertaining9 – caring for the skeletal system is presented, a few mistakes were observed8 – caring for the skeletal system was shown, the presentation was not so convincing

V. Reasearch—Muscular system and its partsDate: ________________________

I. Describe proper ways of caring for the skeletal system Demonstrate proper ways of caring for the skeletal system Tell the importance of caring for the skeletal system

II. Describing proper ways of caring for the skeletal systemPELC, Educational Videos through you tubeChart

III. A. Dance B. Present a downloaded video from youtube C. What benefit can we get if we dance or have some exercise every day? D. present the concepts, using their book or through the power point presentation E. Group Activity 1 – Drama about having proper diet

2 – Dance Exercise 3 -- mini talk show

4 – campaign to care for one’s skeletal system

F. Presentation Processing

h. Why should we take care of the skeletal system

IV. Assessment will be based from the group presentation

10 – caring for the skeletal system is shown, the presentation was convincing , and entertaining9 – caring for the skeletal system is presented, a few mistakes were observed8 – caring for the skeletal system was shown, the presentation was not so convincing

V. Reasearch—Muscular system and its parts

Date: ______________I. Describe proper ways of caring for the skeletal system Demonstrate proper ways of caring for the skeletal system Tell the importance of caring for the skeletal system

II. Describing proper ways of caring for the skeletal systemPELC, Educational Videos through you tubeChart

III. A. Dance B. Present a downloaded video from youtube C. What benefit can we get if we dance or have some exercise every day? D. present the concepts, using their book or through the power point presentation E. Group Activity 1 – Drama about having proper diet

2 – Dance Exercise 3 -- mini talk show

4 – campaign to care for one’s skeletal system

F. Presentation Processing

i. Why should we take care of the skeletal system

IV. Assessment will be based from the group presentation

10 – caring for the skeletal system is shown, the presentation was convincing , and entertaining9 – caring for the skeletal system is presented, a few mistakes were observed8 – caring for the skeletal system was shown, the presentation was not so convincing

V. Reasearch—Muscular system and its parts

Date: _________________I. Describe proper ways of caring for the skeletal system

Demonstrate proper ways of caring for the skeletal system Tell the importance of caring for the skeletal system

II. Describing proper ways of caring for the skeletal systemPELC, Educational Videos through you tubeChart

III. A. Dance B. Present a downloaded video from youtube C. What benefit can we get if we dance or have some exercise every day? D. present the concepts, using their book or through the power point presentation E. Group Activity 1 – Drama about having proper diet

2 – Dance Exercise 3 -- mini talk show

4 – campaign to care for one’s skeletal system

F. Presentation Processing

j. Why should we take care of the skeletal system

IV. Assessment will be based from the group presentation

10 – caring for the skeletal system is shown, the presentation was convincing , and entertaining9 – caring for the skeletal system is presented, a few mistakes were observed8 – caring for the skeletal system was shown, the presentation was not so convincing

V. Reasearch—Muscular system and its partsDate: _________________

I. Identify the parts of the muscular system?Tell how muscles work.

II. The Muscular SystemPELCScience and Health Revised Edition pp 54-55Ppt. Presentation, chart

III. A. SongB. Dance ExerciseC. Viewing the ppt. Presentation

- How many muscles does an adult body have?-What makes up muscles?-How are muscles attached to the bones?

D. Let them do the activity – investigateLet the students observe as they bend their arm.-What do you notice with the muscles in the upper arm and lower arm?When you straighten your arm?How do muscles work?Can you name a muscle that works alone?

E. Think-Pair-Ink StrategyHow does muscle work?Illustrate a muscle in action

F. Presentation

IV. Answer briefly:a. How do muscles work?b. How will you describe the partnership of the bones and muscles for


V. Research: What are the different types of musclesGive an example for each kind.

Date: __________________

I. Identify the kinds of musclesGive examples and illustrate each kind of muscleShow appreciation on the kind of muscles and their features

II. Identifying the kinds of musclesScience and Health IVPELC IVAnimated video on the kinds of musclesChart

III. A. SongB. Dance exerciseC. Show the video and ask the students to take note of the kinds of

musclesD. Discussion:

a. What are the kinds of musclesb. What are examples of each kind of musclesc. Which organ of the body controls the skeletal muscles

E. Group activity – describing the different kinds of musclesGroup 1 – chanting Group 2- sing a songGroup 3- Sing and danceGroup 4- rap

F. PresentationG. What are the kinds of skeletal muscles?

How will you show appreciation on the features of these muscles?

IV. Assessment is through the group presentation


5 -excellet 4-very good



Date: _______________

I. Identify the kinds of musclesGive examples and illustrate each kind of muscleShow appreciation on the kind of muscles and their features

I. Identifying the kinds of musclesScience and Health IVPELC IVAnimated video on the kinds of musclesChart

II. A. SongIII. Dance exercise

Show the video and ask the students to take note of the kinds of musclesDiscussion:a. What are the kinds of musclesb. What are examples of each kind of musclesc. Which organ of the body controls the skeletal musclesGroup activity – describing the different kinds of muscles

Group 1 – chanting Group 2- sing a song

Group 3- Sing and danceGroup 4- rap

PresentationWhat are the kinds of skeletal muscles?

How will you show appreciation on the features of these muscles?

IV. Assessment is through the group presentation


V. Assignment:What are the ailments that would affect the muscular system?

Date: _______________

I. Demonstrate how muscles cause body movements

II. How muscles make the body parts moveScience and Health 4Animated video of the Muscular systemDance exercise video

III.A. Have you watched athletes play? How were they able to move as fast as that?

B. let the pupils watch an animated video about The Muscular System let the pupils dance to the beat of Macarena with video.

C. Were you able to move properly?What systems of the body allow you to move that way?

D. How do muscles move when your arms and legs are working?What happens to each muscle as the work?

E. let them dance once again using the video dance exercise.

IV. Answer briefly

How does your body move?What happens to each muscle as they work?

V. Assignment:

Date: ______________

I. Identify the injuries and diseases that can harm the skeletal and muscular system.

II. Identifying the injuries that can harm the skeletal and muscular system. PELC 3.3.1, Science and Health 4, pp.34 -36 Picture of diseases that can harm the skeletal and muscular system through the computer

III. a. Songa. Using the computer, show to the pupils pictures of diseases that can harm the skeletal

and muscular system through the computer c. Let the pupils identify , describe and make comparisons on the different injuries and diseases based from the pictures shown d. Discussion

- What are the causes or type of activities which will give rise to these injuries?

e. - How can you prevent injuries for the bones and muscles? - What are practical ways of taking proper care of your bones and muscles?

IV. Read each situation and answer the situation:

1. A boy twisted his foot while running. He felt a sudden pain and saw that his foot was beginning to swell. What is the best thing he must do?What kind of injury did he have?

2. A boy fell down from a tree. The bone at his elbow got out of place. What injury did he have?

3. A child’s legs are bent and twisted. What disease affected the child’s bones?

4. While walking in the dark, a boy bumped his leg into a chair. The following morning, he saw a black –and- blue spot on the area which which hurts. What injury is this?

5. After washing clothes the whole day, Aling Rosa felt her muscles aching. What should she do to relieve the pain?

V. Name some first aid treatment of the common bone and muscle injuries

Date: _______________

I. Demonstrate first aid treatment for sprains, cramps and simple fracture

II. Demonstrating first aid treatment for sprains, cramps and simple fracture PELC 3.3.2, Science and Health 4, pp.25-26 Direction/guide for first aid treatment for sprains, cramps and simple fracture Towel, splint, bandage, improvised ice bag

III. A. Song B. What are some of the diseases that affect the skeletal and muscular system c. Present the materials to be used for the activity D. Group Activity Rescue Simulation Group 1 – using the splint Group 2 – using bandage Group 3 – using ice bag Group 4 – using ht compress E. process what has transpired during the group presentation F. - What is first aid for? - Why is it important to provide first aid? - Who will provide first aid? - How should it be provided?

IV. The assessment is based in the RUBRICS ( for approval and definition )


4-very good3-good


V. Assignment:Interview with a clinic in-charge on how should first aid be conducted

Date: _________________________

I. Show concern and right attitude toward physically handicapped persons.

II. Showing concern for the handicapped

PELC3.3.3 Science and Health 4, p.69 Video of handicapped persons

III. a. Song b. review on injuries that affect the skeletal and muscular system c. Show the video of handicapped persons

- let the pupils say something about it

d. Discussionstrategy – brainstorm – pair – shareGuide questions:

- What activities can handicapped persons do?- How should regular children treat them?- What institutions helped/provided assistance to

them.( Include the celebration of NDPR )

e. What will you do if you see a blind person crossing the street?

I. How do you show concern for physically handicapped persons?

Indicators yes no

1. Do you tell others that the physically persons are helpless and useless?

2. Do you give them a chance to work at home and in school?

3. Do you make fun with them?

4. Do you be friend them?

5. Do you avoid their company?

II. Write a promise which contains your sentiments to the physically handicapped persons.

Date: _________________I. Demonstrate first aid treatment for sprains, cramps and simple fracture

II. Demonstrating first aid treatment for sprains, cramps and simple fracture PELC 3.3.2, Science and Health 4, pp.25-26 Direction/guide for first aid treatment for sprains, cramps and simple fracture Towel, splint, bandage, improvised ice bag

III. A. Song B. What are some of the diseases that affect the skeletal and muscular system c. Present the materials to be used for the activity D. Group Activity Rescue Simulation Group 1 – using the splint Group 2 – using bandage Group 3 – using ice bag Group 4 – using ht compress

E. process what has transpired during the group presentation F. - What is first aid for? - Why is it important to provide first aid? - Who will provide first aid? - How should it be provided?

IV. The assessment is based in the

RUBRICS ( for approval and definition )


4-very good3-good


V. AssignmentInterview with a clinic in-charge on how should first aid be conductedDate: ______________________

I. Show concern and right attitude toward physically handicapped persons.

II. Showing concern for the handicapped PELC3.3.3 Science and Health 4, p.69

Video of handicapped persons

III. a. Song b. review on injuries that affect the skeletal and muscular system c. Show the video of handicapped persons

- let the pupils say something about it

d. Discussionstrategy – brainstorm – pair – shareGuide questions:

- What activities can handicapped persons do?- How should regular children treat them?- What institutions helped/provided assistance to

them.( Include the celebration of NDPR )

e. What will you do if you see a blind person crossing the street?

III. How do you show concern for physically handicapped persons?

Indicators yes no

6. Do you tell others that the physically persons are helpless and useless?

7. Do you give them a chance to work at home and in school?

8. Do you make fun with them?

9. Do you be friend them?

10.Do you avoid their company?

IV. Write a promise which contains your sentiments to the physically handicapped persons.

July 23, 2010

I. Measure pupils’ mastery on the content skills taught for the whole week through a weekly test.

II. Weekly test Test Chart, Teacher’s test Plan

III. A. Song

b. Setting of Standards

c. Giving directions

d. Test Proper

e. Checking of test results

f. test interpretation

- recording of scores

g. Giving feedback to students

Date: ______________

I. Name the parts of the digestive system Draw the digestive system and label its parts Tell the importance of the digestive system

II. Naming the parts of the digestive system PELC, Science and Health Book for Grade 4 pp Chart

III. a. Dance

b. Show unripe mango c.What do you feel when you see the unripe mango? d. present the chart of digestive system - let the pupils identify as many as they can e. Group activity

-drawing the parts of the digestive system and labelling them f. Presentation

g. What are the parts of the digestive system? What is its importance?

IV. Name the parts of the digestive system as presented in the chart. Please write your answer only.

Assignment: Research for the functions of the parts of the digestive system.

Date: _____________________

I. Name the parts of the digestive system Draw the digestive system and label its parts Tell the importance of the digestive system

II. Naming the parts of the digestive system PELC, Science and Health Book for Grade 4 pp Chart

III. a. Dance

a) Show unripe mango c.What do you feel when you see the unripe mango? d. present the chart of digestive system - let the pupils identify as many as they can e. Group activity

-drawing the parts of the digestive system and labelling them f. Presentation

g. What are the parts of the digestive system? What is its importance?

IV. Name the parts of the digestive system as presented in the chart. Please write your answer only.

Assignment: Research for the functions of the parts of the digestive system.

Date: ________________

I. Trace the path of food in the digestive system and the changes the food undergoes. Present an illustration how food is being digested Show appreciation on the wonder that the digestions processes presents II. Tracing the path of food at the digestive system PELC 4.2.2 Science and Health pp.76-80 Video, Computer

III. a. Review on the parts of the digestive system b. show the video of the digestive system c. Group activity

1- Draw and explain how digestion happens in the mouth2 –Draw and explain how digestion happens in the esophagus3 –Draw and explain how digestion happens in the stomach4- Draw and explain how digestion happens in the small intestine5-Draw and explain what happens in the large intestine

d. Group presentation

e. Teacher’s processing and feedback f. How does digestion happens? What happens to the food as undergoes digestion processes?

IV. Complete the activity sheet presented .

I. label the parts of the digestive system2. trace the path of the food as it is being digested.

V. Assignment Research:

What are the illness that affect the digestive system.

Date: _______________

I. Trace the path of food in the digestive system and the changes the food undergoes. Present an illustration how food is being digested Show appreciation on the wonder that the digestions processes presents II. Tracing the path of food at the digestive system PELC 4.2.2 Science and Health pp.76-80 Video, Computer

III. a. Review on the parts of the digestive system b. show the video of the digestive system c. Group activity

1- Draw and explain how digestion happens in the mouth2 –Draw and explain how digestion happens in the esophagus3 –Draw and explain how digestion happens in the stomach4- Draw and explain how digestion happens in the small intestine5-Draw and explain what happens in the large intestine

d. Group presentation

e. Teacher’s processing and feedback f. How does digestion happens? What happens to the food as undergoes digestion processes?

IV. Complete the activity sheet presented .

I. label the parts of the digestive system2. trace the path of the food as it is being digested.

V. Assignment Research:

What are the illness that affect the digestive system.

Date: ___________

I. Trace the path of food in the digestive system and the changes the food undergoes. Present an illustration how food is being digested Show appreciation on the wonder that the digestions processes presents II. Tracing the path of food at the digestive system PELC 4.2.2 Science and Health pp.76-80 Video, Computer

III. a. Review on the parts of the digestive system b. show the video of the digestive system c. Group activity

1- Draw and explain how digestion happens in the mouth2 –Draw and explain how digestion happens in the esophagus3 –Draw and explain how digestion happens in the stomach4- Draw and explain how digestion happens in the small intestine5-Draw and explain what happens in the large intestine

d. Group presentation

e. Teacher’s processing and feedback f. How does digestion happens? What happens to the food as undergoes digestion processes?

IV. Complete the activity sheet presented .

I. label the parts of the digestive system2. trace the path of the food as it is being digested.

V. Assignment Research:

What are the illness that affect the digestive system.

Date: _____________________

I. Trace the path of digestion Describe the digestion process that takes place in the large intestine

II. Tracing the path of digestion Describing the digestion processes PELC, Science and Health 4, video from the internet Chart

III. A. Exercise ( AGADO) B. Review - How does digestion happen in the mouth, esophagus , stomach and small intestine? C. Show the video of digestion process that takes place in the small intestine - What is chyme? - How does digestion happen in the small intestine? D. Group Activity

- Illustrate and explain the path of digestion that takes place in the large intestine?

E. Presentation by group F. How does digestion happen in the large intestine?

IV. Draw the part of the intestine and explain how digestion take place here.

V. What are the proper ways to take care of the digestive system ?

Date: _____________ I. Identify the diseases that affect the digestive system

II. Identifying the diseases that affect the digestive system. PELC 5.5 , Science and Health 4 pictures Chart

III. a. Song b. Present picture to the students C. Let them say something about the picture. D. what are the diseases that harm the digestive system? E. Activity: Let the make the K-W-L Chart about diseases that harm the digestive system

What you know? What you want to learn What you learned

F. PresentationG. ProcessingF. What are the diseases that harm the digestive system?

III. Identification:

Name the disease of the digestive system being described.

1. Inflamation in the salivary gland. _______2. It is characterized by severe stomach ache and irregular bowel movement. _________3. This is characterized with difficulty of removing/illuminating undigested products from the body. _____________4. It occurs when the lining of the stomach swell.5. When teeth is painful.

V. How to prevent this diseases?

Date: ____________ I. Name ways of preventing and controlling common ailments of the digestive system II. Preventing and controlling common ailments of the digestive system PELC 5.5.1 Science and Health p. 88-89 Pictures of persons with ailments Chart

III. a. Song b. Why does food have to be digested properly? What will happen if food is undigested? c. Show pictures of people with diseases in the digestive system. d. what can you say about the picture? e. Present the different illnesses of the digestive system and elicit from them the best ways to treat this illnesses. f. Group presentation: Each group will present ways to prevent or cure such

1 – toothache ---advertisement2 – gingivitis --- advertisement3 – mumps --- talk show4 – diarrhea -- talk show5 – gastritis --- advertisement6 – constipation --- advertisement7 – appendicitis -- talk show

g. Presentation

Rubrics 5 --- Excellent 4 --- very good 3 -- good 2 --- poor 1 --- needs improvement

IV. The rating in the presentation will be used in the assessment.

V. Prepare for chapter test

Date: ________________

I. Measure pupils’ mastery on the content skills taught for the whole week through a weekly test.

II. Weekly test

Test Chart, Teacher’s test Plan

III. A. Song

b. Setting of Standards

c. Giving directions

d. Test Proper

e. Checking of test results

f. test interpretation

- recording of scores

g. Giving feedback to students

Dat: ______________________

I. Measure pupils’ mastery on the content skills taught for first unit through a review test.

II. Review test

Topic: The skeletal system

Test Chart, Old test papers for first grading period

III. A. Song

b. Setting of Standards

c. Giving directions

d. Review discussion Q and A style Test Proper

e. Checking of test results

f. test interpretation

g. Giving feedback to students

August 18, 2010

I. Measure pupils’ mastery on the content skills taught for Second unit through a review test.

II. Review test

Topic: The Muscular System

Test Chart, Old test papers for first grading period

III. A. Song

b. Setting of Standards

c. Giving directions

d. Review discussion Q and A style Test Proper

e. Checking of test results

f. test interpretation

g. Giving feedback to students

August 20, 2010

I. Measure pupils’ mastery on the content skills taught for Second unit through a review test.

II. Review test

Topic: The Digestive System

Test Chart, Old test papers for first grading period

III. A. Song

b. Setting of Standards

c. Giving directions

d. Review discussion Q and A style Test Proper

e. Checking of test results

f. test interpretation

g. Giving feedback to students

Date: ___________

I. Identify animals hatched from eggs

II. Animals hatched from Eggs PELC 1.1.3 Science and health text pp.97 Pictures of Animals hatched from eggs PPT. Presentation

III. a. Let them watch a short video on hatching b. What have you observed? c. Strategy: Gallery Walk -form 7 groups. - let each group observe the gallery presented and take note from them

- let them answer the following:

1. What animals are presented?

2. How are they produced?

3. Name other animals that are hatched from eggs.

d. Presentation

e. What are the animals that are hatched from eggs.

IV. Put a check on animals that are hatched from eggs.

__________1. Chicken ___________6. Fish

_________ 2. Elephant __________-7. Turtle

__________3. Frog ___________8. Kangaroo

_________4. Goat ___________9. Eagle

________ 5. Duck __________10. Crocodile

V. What are some animals born as baby animals?

Date: _________________

I. Identify animals born alive.

II. Identifying the animals that are born alive. PELC II.1.2, Science and Health p.98 Video, ppt. Presentation Concept: animals that are born alive are developed inside the mother’s womb

III. a. Song b. Were you babies before? How do you came to life? Did you see your mother/any woman being pregnant? c. Present a video of baby animals - Hoe do these animals came to life? c. PPT. Presentation

Naming animals and their babies: - dog -cat - pig -goat -carabao -cow

d. Were these animals laid from eggs? How did they develop? Where did they develop? e. Picture catch: call selected pupils... let them draw pictures from the box and let them tell how the animal is produced? f. What do you do to the newly born animals?

IV. Read the given animal names, copy only the animals that are born alive.

Turtle pig carabao bird chicken goat dog rabbit cow lizard snake cat

V. Make a picture study. Draw a picture of an animal that’s been born alive and describe how it developed

Date: ___________

I. Identify animals hatched from eggs

II. Animals hatched from Eggs PELC 1.1.3 Science and health text pp.97 Pictures of Animals hatched from eggs PPT. Presentation

III. a. Let them watch a short video on hatching b. What have you observed? c. Strategy: Gallery Walk -form 7 groups. - let each group observe the gallery presented and take note from them

- let them answer the following:

1. What animals are presented?

2. How are they produced?

3. Name other animals that are hatched from eggs.

d. Presentation

e. What are the animals that are hatched from eggs.

IV. Put a check on animals that are hatched from eggs.

__________1. Chicken ___________6. Fish

_________ 2. Elephant __________-7. Turtle

__________3. Frog ___________8. Kangaroo

_________4. Goat ___________9. Eagle

________ 5. Duck __________10. Crocodile

V. What are some animals born as baby animals?

Date: _________________

I. Identify animals born alive.

II. Identifying the animals that are born alive. PELC II.1.2, Science and Health p.98 Video, ppt. Presentation Concept: animals that are born alive are developed inside the mother’s womb

III. a. Song b. Were you babies before? How do you came to life? Did you see your mother/any woman being pregnant? c. Present a video of baby animals - Hoe do these animals came to life? c. PPT. Presentation

Naming animals and their babies: - dog -cat - pig -goat -carabao -cow

d. Were these animals laid from eggs? How did they develop? Where did they develop? e. Picture catch: call selected pupils... let them draw pictures from the box and let them tell how the animal is produced? f. What do you do to the newly born animals?

IV. Read the given animal names, copy only the animals that are born alive.

Turtle pig carabao bird chicken goat dog rabbit cow lizard snake cat

V. Make a picture study. Draw a picture of an animal that’s been born alive and describe how it developed

Date: ______________________________

I. Discuss life cycle of some animals

II. Life Cycles of Some animals PELC, Science and Health 4 Pictures, ppt. Presentation

III. A. Song

B. Tell where it comes from ( game ) Call some pupils and have then blind folded Let them pick animal picture from the basket and let them guess

C. Present the life cycle of the butterfly and let the students describe it.

D. Group activity ( experts ) Present and discuss the life cycle of the following Form groups of 4 and assign experts for each. Let them report to the expert groups and ask them to find out life cycles of some animals After 5 mins. All experts will be going back to their home group and answer the activity chart

E. How do some animals like butterfly, mosquitoes, frog and cockroach develop?

IV. Illustrate and discuss life cycle of the following:

Choose 1 : Butterfly




V. What are the effects of Mosquitoes to man?

Date: ______________________

I. describe the life cycle of some animals.

II. Describing the life cycle of some animals PELC, Science and Health 4 Pictures of animal life cycle and related videos

III. A. Dance exercise B. Trivia At what stage is the butterfly most active? At what stage is the butterfly most desctructive? C. Let the students watch the video about the life cycle of the butterfly.

D. Group activity

- Illustrate and describe the life cycle of the butterfly

E. Presentation


criteria 3 2 1

Neatness No erasure and the illustration is clear

1 or 2 erasures 3 or more erasures and not clear

Completeness The ideas are complete about the life cycle

The ideas are not well presented

F. Why is it important to know the life cycle of the butterflies?

IV. Assessment will be from the group presentation

V. Reseach about the life cycle of frogs

Date: ___________________

I. Describe the life cycle of some animals

II. Identifying the life cycle of frogs PELC, Science and Health 4 Pictures of animal life cycle and related videos

III. A. Song B. What is the most destructive stage of the butterfly? The most inactive? C. How frogs came to be? D. Let them watch the video of life cycle of the frog. E. Group activity: Rotating experts Create groups of seven. Each member will be assigned as expert.All experts with the same group number will meet and student 1 stage of the frog’s life cycle... After studying and discussing expert groups, everyone will go back to their home teams.

F. Processing and presentation. Let each group post their work at the board and ask reporters from each group for stage .

G. How do describe the life cycle of the frog?

IV. Illustrate and discuss the life cycle of the frog.

criteria 3 2 1Neatness No erasures 1-2 erasure is seen Dirty workContent Complete

information is presented

1-2 information is missing

3 or more info is missing

V. Research on the life cycle of the mosquito.

Date: _______________________

I. Describe the life cycle of a mosquito

II. Describing the life cycle of the mosquitoes PELC, Science and Health 4 Pictures of animal life cycle and related videos

III. . A. Song B. What is the most destructive stage of the mosquito? C. How moswuitoes came to be? D. Let them watch the video of life cycle of the mosquito. E. Group activity: Rotating experts Create groups of seven. Each member will be assigned as expert.All experts with the same group number will meet and student 1 stage of the mosquitoes’ life cycle... After studying and discussing expert groups, everyone will go back to their home teams.

F. Processing and presentation. Let each group post their work at the board and ask reporters from each group for stage .

G. How do describe the life cycle of the mosquitoes ?

IV. Illustrate and discuss the life cycle of the mosquitoes.

criteria 3 2 1Neatness No erasures 1-2 erasure is seen Dirty workContent Complete

information is presented

1-2 information is missing

3 or more info is missing

V. Research on the life cycle of the fly.

Date: _______________

I. Discuss the life cycle of a fly

II. Life cycle of a Fly PELC, Science and Health 4 Pictures of animal life cycle and related videos

III. A. Song B. Watch the video – Life cycle of a fly C. How flies came to be? D. Let them watch the video of life cycle of the fly E. Group activity: Rotating experts Create groups of seven. Each member will be assigned as expert.All experts with the same group number will meet and student 1 stage of the fly’s life cycle... After studying and discussing expert groups, everyone will go back to their home teams.

F. Processing and presentation. Let each group post their work at the board and ask reporters from each group for stage .

G. How do describe the life cycle of the fly?

IV. Illustrate and discuss the life cycle of the fly.

criteria 3 2 1Neatness No erasures 1-2 erasure is seen Dirty workContent Complete

information is presented

1-2 information is missing

3 or more info is missing

V. Research on the useful and harmful animals

Date: _______________________

I. Identify useful and harmful animals Tell how animals become usefull/harmful

II. Identifying useful and harmful animals PELC, Science and Health 4 Pictures and charts, video

III. A. Show the video of a snake swallowing a while chicken B. To whick type of animals are snakes? - Could you name some other animals that are harmful/useful? C. Do it yourself ( group activity ) Strategy: reporting Make groups of 3, let them draw a topic for their report. In ten minutes, let them draft their report, present the rubrics for the body’s approval

D. Presentation and processing - Discuss further the good points; let the audience ask questions or the reporters to their classmates

E. What are the useful animals? Harmful animals?

IV. Read the short story, identify the animals mentioned as useful and harmful

Tao, Animal’s Friend One sunny day, Tao was working on his field. He worked with his carabao. After a few days work, Tao went again to his farm and saw some birds singing. They gave music to the hot sunny day. In the farm, there were also some white ants, bettle, butterflies, spiders, caterpillar and frogs. They all have a happy life as they live on the farm,

V. Make a wall decor on useful and harmful animals..

Date: ___________________

I. Describe the life cycle of flowering plants beginning from seed stage.

II. Changes in seeds as it matures Science and Health 4 p. 125 PElC. Real seed, powerpoint presentation

III. A. Song B. Show a real seed. - How should this seed develop?

c. Show a video about the life cycle of a seed/plant

D. How do we describe the life cycle of the plant with seed?- could you think of another seed that grows very similarly with what has

been presented?

E. Let the students out and get some seeds of nearest fruit bearing tree

F. Let them examine the seeds, illustrate and report their observation

G. Presentation- What kind of seeds did you use?

- How would you describe its life cycle?

IV. Assessment will be based from the presentation: An agreed rubric will be used to rate the students

V. Bring the following materials for the activity

- seeds- small pot-soil

Date: __________________________

I. Illustrate the changes of seeds as it matures.

II. Illustrating the changes in seeds as it matures Science and Health p 125 PELC, real seeds, chart, video

III. A. Song B. Show a video on plant cycle...

- What happens to the seed as it matures?- How do you describe the plant cycle?

c. Activity proper:1. fill the container with soil2. choose a condition where seeds could be placed3. Let them perform the activity

D. How did you find the activity?- What hypotheses can you make?

E. How important is it to work in groups?

IV. Assessment is based from how they perform the activity. There will be a rubric that will be agreed by the students.

V. Conduct an observation and record it for 3 days

Date: _______________

I. Explains the role of pollination in plant reproduction Identify/name agents of pollination

II. Explaining the role of pollination in the plant reproduction PELC 1.2 , Science Txt, video of pollination Chart, picture

III. A. Song B. Recall -- parts of the flower C. Show the video of pollination - What flowers has only male reproductive parts/female reproductive parts? - What do you call them? How can pollination be possible? - Why is there a need for pollination

D. What is self-pollination? Cross pollination? How are they possible? Who aids in pollination? How important is pollination to plant reproduction?

E. Present a diagram from pollination to mature ovary ( fruit)

IV. Illustrate and explain 1. How does pollination happen?

2. How important is pollination to plant reproduction

V. Bring some stems of plants that may be replanted


I. Identify important part of flower for the development of the seeds

II. Parts of the flower PELC, Science Book, Science video Real flower Ppt. Presentation, chart

III. A. Song B. Let them identify parts of the flower through the chart Identify the male reproductive part/ female reproductive part

C. Show them the video-Which parts of the flower are needed for reproduction?

-How does it take place?

D. Examine closely the parts of the male and female reproductive part using a real flower

-What parts of the flower contribute to the development of the seeds?

E. What should we do the flowering plants? How should we take care of them?

IV. illustrate the parts of the flower that are responsible for reproduction

V. Observe the ovary as it develop Record your observation

Date: _________________

I. Explains how plants can be propagated from seeds II. Seed dispersal PELC, Science and Health pp. 128 Chart, real seeds

III. A. Song B. Pre-test C. What are the parts of the seeds? -Which part becomes a young plant? D. Observe seeds from a mature fruit

- Will it possible grow? E. Explain the concept of dispersal

-What are agents of dispersal? F. In what ways can seeds be dispersed?

IV. Explain briefly:

1. How animals help in seed dispersal?

2. In what other ways can seeds be dispersed?

V. Bring real seeds

Date: _____________

I. Describe ways of growing plants by asexual reproduction

II. Describing ways of growing plants by asexual reproduction PELC, Science and Health txt Video, chart and real plants

III. A. Science song – photosynthesis B. Describing the structure and tell how is it being dispered - guava - chico santol - lanzones -mango -acacia

C. watch a video of how can plants be grown in different way - describe ways of growing plants – asexual reproduction - how are plants being reproduced? D. show some real plants - which parts are used for replanting?

E Round-robin: describe the ways of growing these plants asexually - gabi -kangkong - bamboo -san Francisco F. What’s the importance of knowing these artificial reproduction?

IV. Describe how these plants can be replanted

1. banana 2. Cactus 3. ginger 4. Onion 5. kangkong

V. Tell which parts of these plants are used for replanting: 1. gabi 2. Magic flower 3. cactus 4. Ginger 5. cassava 6. Santan 7. katakataka 8. Garlic 9. pineapple 10. Ube

Date: __________________

I. Describe artificial ways of propagating plants

II. Artificial ways of propagating plants Lesson Guide Science and Health PELC, video Real plants

III. A. Science song B. Checking of the assignments C. Telling the parts of plats to be used to grow asexually D. Present the video - How were the plants propagated? E. What do plats need in order to grow well? F. Show a real plant - teacher will illustrate * marcotting budding grafting layering

G. What are the artificial ways of growing plants

IV. Each group will illustrate how plats be grown artificially 1- budding 2 – marcotting 3. layering 4 – grafting

( rubrics will be agreed by the class )

V. Bring your own plant for actual artificial repeoduction

Date: _________________

I. Demonstrate artificial ways of propagating plants

II. Demonstrating artificial ways of propagating plants PELC, Science and Health Real plants

III. A. Song B. Describe : Marcotting - budding- grafting - layering stem cutting

C. Group pefromance - Let them show their plant samples - assigne each group a particular artificial plant reproduction to perform.

D. presentation - What artificial propagation method did you do? - How did you do it?

E. How important are these artificial plant reproduction? Why do children need to learn about these artificial reproduction?

IV. Rubrics on their performance

For approval

Criteria 3 2 1Performance Performs the

best1-2 missing 3 or more

Neatness Very neat work Some dirt are observe

Very dirty work

Cooperation/discipline Everyone helped and cooperated

1-2 did not help and cooperate

3-more did not help and participated

V. Prepare for a long test

Date: __________________

I. Describe how chemical substances can pollute land, water and air

II. Describing how chemical substances can pollute land, water and air. PELC, Into the Future Text Lesson Guide pp. 48-49

III. A. Song B. Let them present their pictures - describe your picture

- Do you think the garbage can affect land, air and water C. Reading the text

- What happens to the plants if lang is polluted? The air? The water?- What diseases are caused by these pollution?

D. Group activityIllustrate the pollution brought by harmful chemicals.

E. Presentation F. How can chemical substances affect land, soil and air?

IV. RUBRICS in group output

Criteria 3 2 1Performance Performs the

best1-2 missing 3 or more

Neatness Very neat work Some dirt are observe

Very dirty work

Cooperation/discipline Everyone helped and cooperated

1-2 did not help and cooperate

3-more did not help and participated

V. How can man cause pollution?

December ___________________

I. State that improper handling of household substances like pesticide, kerosene and other chemical can cause pollution

II. Causes of pollution PELC 4.3 , Into the Future pp.128-129 Lesson Guide pp.51 Real House substances like zonrox, etc.

III. A. What are the effects of pollution into the land, air, and water? - How can it affect man?

B. Show some household substances, ask the children at their usage? C. recall and note: How do people use the following: - Insecticides -toilet bowl cleaner - kerosene - detergent - hair spray - paint thinner

D. Presentation and discussion - What are some improper ways of handling household substances Affect our natural resources?

IV. Name 5 household substances, which may cause pollution, if not handled properly.

V. What are the different ways of preventing pollution
