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Lessons in Grammar from EL Paper 1 (Prelims 2010)

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Compiled by Mr Syamsul, Bukit View Secondary School
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Language Accuracy Lessons from EL Paper 1 Prelims (2010) Compiled by Mr Syamsul

Language Accuracy

Lessons from EL Paper 1 Prelims (2010) Compiled by Mr Syamsul


We were miffed when he let the cat out

of the bag about the surprise party!

An idiom’s meaning cannot be deduced from its individual


Malformed Idioms

Aria turned to deaf ears when they tried

to advise her.

Aria turned a deaf ear to all the advice

that was given.

We are taught not to look for a gift horse in the


We are taught not to look in the mouth

for a gift horse.

Wrong understanding ���

of idiom

Aisyah saw a degree as a stepping stone to

a bright future

When Aisyah received criticism, she took it as

a stepping stone

Literal use of idiom

He saw the light when...

He saw the light when...

... his fingers found the

correct switch.

He saw the light when...

... he made time to understand the notes.

So do not use an idiom unless you are

ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN of ���how to use it

Missing articles

Articles are words like���a/an, the

Situation at home got worse as our parents

were constantly bickering.

The situation at home got worse as our

parents were constantly bickering.

Wearing correct dress makes a difference.

Wearing the correct dress makes a



Pronouns are words used in place of nouns e.g. he, she, they, ���

myself, themselves

I just could not resist myself from munching


I just could not resist myself from munching


I just could not resist munching the cookies

I went to the party by myself

I myself am unsure ���how to use the ���

microwave oven.

“I” vs “Me”

The girl and me then became close friends.

The girl and I then became close friends.

Those books were bought by ���

my mother and I.

Those books were bought by ���

my mother and I.

Those books were bought by my mother

and me.

My mother and me bought those books.

My mother and I bought those books.

My mother and me bought those books.

Those books were bought by

my mother and I

My mother and I bought those books.

Those books were bought by

my mother and me.

“I” is used as the subject of ���a sentence; ���“me” is not!

Missing subject

How my brother acted in difficult situations has

not only opened my eyes but also (??who?) to become a stronger

person inside.

How my brother acted in difficult situations has

not only opened my eyes but also enabled

me to become a stronger person inside.

I tried to calm him but failed to do so and ���(??what??) led him pushing me aside.

I tried to calm him but failed to do so and this led him to pushing me


Missing verbs

Every sentence must have a verb!

e.g. I love ice-cream

Shouts and screams here and there.

Shouts and screams could be heard here

and there.

Inaccurate choice ���of verbs

We really wanted to graduate quickly in

order to prevent the presence of that arrogant Oscar.

We really wanted to graduate quickly in order to avoid the

presence of that arrogant Oscar.

They exhausted their reserves. ���

They depleted ���their reserves.

I was exhausted after the race. ���

I was depleted ���after the race.

Lie vs Lay confusion

He laid down and went to sleep right away.

He lay down and went to sleep right away.

I have to lie down now. ���

I lay down earlier. ���

I have lain since noon.




I have to lay the blanket on the floor. ���

I laid it before I left. ���

I have laid it for some time now.




Hanged vs Hung confusion

That is where we must hang the paintings���

I hung the paintings there this morning. ���

The walls were hung with our paintings.




The mob is planning to hang the murderer���

The mob hanged the murderer this morning. ���

The murderer was hanged by the mob.




Punctuation in dialogue

"Don't you want to enjoy tonight?" , he asked. ���

"Please take me home, "���, I pleaded. ���

"Don't you want to enjoy tonight?" he asked. ���

"Please take me home,"���I pleaded. ���


I questioned him, knowing there wouldn’t be a good


Use contractions only in dialogue!


In secondary school, we are asked to do CIP.

In secondary school, we are asked to do the Community Involvement Programme


Hockey was my CCA. ���

Hockey was my ���Co-Currricular Activity


Local expressions

The void deck was filled with people.

The ang moh got kicked out of the bar. ���

The mamak made some prata for me.


There is only one person who would appear in my mind, my grandmother. ���

It was difficult at first, I got grumpy easily.

There is only one person who would appear in my mind, my grandmother. ���

It was difficult at first, I got grumpy easily.

Commas are only used to separate items ���

in a list.

Colon ���


The colon is used to introduce a list or an


There is only one person who would appear in my mind, my grandmother. ���

There is only one person who would appear in my mind: my grandmother. ���

Semi-colon ���


A semi-colon is used to link two sentences

that are closely related or continue the same


There is only one person who would appear in my mind; my grandmother. ���

Semicolon is wrongly used because “my grandmother” is not a sentence

It was difficult at first, I got grumpy easily. ���

It was difficult at first; I got grumpy easily.

I really wanted some ice-cream, however, I

settled for a drink. ���

I really wanted some ice-cream; however, I

settled for a drink.


We cannot control which family we are born to, what

skin colour we will have ���etc etc

She wanted to get the baby some clothes, toys

and so on.

Less or Few?

He has less friends ���than me

He has less friends ���than me���

He has fewer friends than me

Few is used for countable nouns���

Less is for uncountable nouns

lesser means not of great importance

compared to others!

Alphabet vs Letter confusion

He likes to write the alphabets XYZ wherever he goes.

The English alphabet is made up of 26 letters

He likes to write the letters XYZ

wherever he goes.

Best Wishes!
