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Letter to a Friend - Sunday Monday

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  • 8/10/2019 Letter to a Friend - Sunday Monday



    Peter Ote

    Dear Friend

    A letter I have not written for perhaps years, that is not counting all the bodgie

    letters of application for positions I almost always did not want yet invariably felt a strange

    disappointment when those which were answered really were a refusal. Also I do not count those

    two brief messages to my parents. I mean a Real Letter, such as the ones I used to write to my

    brother. Perhaps I shall write another one one day, perhaps never. So let this be the one, the last


    I have nothing to say to you since you already know it all. Of course I could write on

    particulars, such as my current personal situation. I could elaborate on my present immediate

    position, sitting once again at my red-green-and-yellow tablecloth covered desk. About the calling

    voices and my waiting. I could tell you at length about my daily activities and my overall objectives.

    The methods I use (illustrated by individual anecdotes) to achieve my goals or just to uphold some

    kind of ethics in my existence. I could tell you how unpleasant it was when I decided not to ask for

    any more money after I did an extra small job for a guy after he paid me for the finished oneand

    he gave me no tip.

    So whatever I shall tell you is going to be a subjective revelation, whichever way I

    present it. The ups and downs which are so hard to level out, the repeated failures to follow out my

    decisions without compromise. The little discoveries I made after years of struggle discoveries

    which manifested themselves to me yet I still fail to grasp much of their significance or even apply

    them to my advantage.

    One of these discoveries is the presence of a peculiar rhythmicity in the behaviour of

    people around me. This at any rate consumes the greater part of the total attentions which I pay to

    my environment. Living, being alive, is also a political process. A process of judgemental relating to

    my fellow humans, and to everything else around me. Am I biased? Yes, incurably so in favour of

    finding out essential truths.

    Yet the possibility of being wrong always exists. I remember the expressions on thefaces of some troops photographed during a break in fighting in World War I. They were crowding

    around a couple of smiley enemy women, one of which had a toddler in her arms. The men looked

    good! Kind, proud, serene. Friendly. I detected no sign of malice or brutality in the face of any of the

    several soldiers photographed. I know another man who lives in my area. He has a chilling grey look

    in his eye, a sort of fierce mercilessness. But from our interactions I experience him essentially to be

    a just and fair man.


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    Why do I look so good to me

    When I gaze at my

    Own reflection in the bathroom mirror?

    As if the horror of what I saw

    Yesterday afternoon in the passenger

    Seats rear vision mirror had

    Been forgotten . The menacing thin

    Capillaries showing through the pink

    Thin skin on the tip of my nose.

    Will this disease that keeps

    Returning to gnaw at my entrails

    Ever leave me for good never

    To return or is it to

    Stay with me as some kind ofSurrogate lover for ever?

    Shall I go or should I remain?

    And how on earth and where?

    Am I hearing the cow again? No, this is an aeroplane. It is the sound of a high flying

    jet, up up somewhere up in the night sky. Above the roof, the roof of my house. There, it is gone. But

    the darkness out there lingers on.

    I is past eight oclock in the evening and before I forget yes, I did hear a cow just

    then. Once, and once more . Again, and again. And on and on the rain keeps falling, dribdrumming

    above my head. Its monotony is surrounding me and has a somewhat soothing effect on me too,

    when I come to consider it. But I really want to say more about the cow and the mooing. Actually

    there are two bovine beasts in the paddock right now. Throughout the day I have been distracted by

    them. One of them might be a bull, a bully muscular, not at all a mean looking creature. And (I am

    surprised at finding that out about cattle for myself) somewhat truly dumb. No, he has not been

    usurping his bovine mates, at least not when I looked.

    So why all this complaining boomooing? I thought of possible causes, but how does

    one go about being analytical and not ending up with a diagnosis of a situation . Anyway, the bully

    (I believe it is) sounds to me really pissed off about something, and being very loud about it. The girl

    he liked might have been suddenly taken away from him when he was brought here, and now he is

    raging in his new-found aloneness. He may be also upset by finding himself in unfamiliar

    surroundings, perhaps he even misses his mother, despite having a company of his own kind.

    However none of them cattle is trying to escape, to get away from here before it is too late for them.

    Only yesterday one of them did get out of the fenced-in paddock. A big fat-bellied

    heifer. She found herself in my yard, and then on the road. Did she like being out at last, out of the

    narrow confines of her almost certain destiny? I hoped for a moment she did. Nonetheless, all the

    evidence I gathered from observing her behaviour pointed out to me she hated in distress being out

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    of her board-and-lodging concentration camp, the place of her insurmountable family attachments,

    and was forevcer looking for a way to come back.

    No, I dont want my writing to be like the appearance of modern motorcars of the

    millennium frontier: to my first look stunning, slick, smoothly hoo-whooshing on the road, but

    whenever I caught a glimpse of the driver something froze inside me of shock and something felt

    elated with knowing. With their commonplace glitter and smug the superpersonal disguises of these

    vehicles conceal in their hollowness irredeemably shallow satisfaction.

    I had done enough of plagiarising and now at last I am gathering sufficient resolve to

    be an iconoclast. A breaker particularly of all that I have been keeping at every moment as given and

    accepted norms and formats for all manner of transactions with my world. The automatic piloting by

    my behavioural blueprint consists of a sort of self-perpetuating circular system of referencing, whose

    main features, I must admit, have been conceit and complacency.

    My mother no longer exists within the boundaries of my easily reachable proximity.Yet I have come to realise her actual existence here with me is not necessary in order that I keep on

    functioning in a manner effectively initiated by her in me since the moment of my conception. I had

    acquired, by some way of bodily induction, all of her knowledge before I was born. And now this

    same knowledge remains to be a contributing factor to making up the veil covering all the events of

    day and night. It was somewhere in my far past when thoughts and feelings vibrated every cell of

    her body and kept enveloping me with no hope of respite for nine long months. At the end of them I

    too was buzzing with the same, very similar frequency. My given, induced state was so

    overwhelming, so utterly convincing and irrefutable - I was engulfed by it like a moth in the glare of a

    light globe.


    Today I was once again interrogated. I dread being interrogated. I dread mainly on

    behalf of the other person, the interrogator. I dread of having to be subtly rude, of having to play the

    diplomatic game and act as if I did not comprehend what is being asked of me. Saying enough in

    response to personal questions and yet saying nothing, not giving myself away. After all, had I not

    given enough? Hadnt I been personally present for the eternity of a sunny day that now I should be

    subjected to this demeaning torture of my sole existence?

    Are you married, Peter? (The dreadful moment is here. It almost paralyses me and

    brings me on the verge of fury.) What on earth will she benefit from knowing either way? The

    irrelevance of her asking clawed me raw. She is so utterly inappropriate to the situation.

    Are you married, Peter!?

    She really wants to know what she to me does not need to. I detest such

    personalities. My judgement is they want to get hold of a piece of personal information and pin me

    down to it. Perhaps she just wants me to become more tangible to her, so that then she could haveme down to what counts, the nitty-gritties of her real life.

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    I circumvent the questions and instead of answering her directly talked to myself,

    semi-aloud, but at the same time appearing as if giving an answer. Yet I was saying truthful things,

    things that were pertinent in a roundabout way, though apparently schizoid.

    Me-e? Now the worry is: I can hardly spot thinking that. Can think of what I should

    be saying .

    For the time being I snatched myself from her confining queries. Too late did I

    realize she had a trump card and kept it for the moment when I least expected a comeback. It was

    her man, her husband, an individual and her partner in sexual energy investments. He asked me

    identical questions, and this time I felt obliged to supply pertinent answers. I gave him my answers

    freely, in a noncommittal manner. Yes, yes, no, no. Has mess, foes tow. I hold a shadowy suspicion.

    I darkly suspect the woman of deliberately getting the man involved, of directly instructing him: Go

    and ask him. I could not get a clear word out of him. She probablywhispered it to him during a

    moment of my brief absence. I fancy that for an instant she even became animated with the

    gnawing desire of a genuine assassin.

    Or were both of them equally interested in my peter actions? The way he walked me

    out when I was leaving there was something deliberate and surreptitious, something of a stalking

    manoeuvre about it. But now, enough of these concerns. I used to chew over a topic time after there

    was nothing left of it, not a bone. And as I entered deeper into that minus space of narration the

    substance of my story would become so dilute, the core of it so withered, that it eventually fizzled

    out to a haze of nothingness.

    Of how much value has acting out the wee-dough been to me, anyway? On daily

    basis, I probably never let a single such opportunity slip by without mentally attending to it;habitually I keep reacting by being emotional one way or another. My body does not and cannot

    hide the evidence of the after-effects. My reason cherishes being lazy and agnostic.

    When I get to the core of being rationally unable to account for feeling so spastic

    today I know that some elusive but undeniable part of me had lost its density and tautness, with

    much of my internal lustre gone. Neither ticks nor denial for the do-her wee-dough has brought me

    peace of mind.

    I am still baffled, long time after I put down last Wednesdays edition of the local

    newspaper. This one was considerably smaller, thinner than what the papers normally are. It was

    something about the overall content that affected me and made me feel stumped. The faces of the

    people in black and white photos? Yes, they all seemed content, smiley, as if their owners had truly

    achieved something worthwhile. But I should not forget the other faces the faces, half and full

    bodies of prostitutes, numerous women and one man. All still appearing young and in the possession

    of sufficient energy to project out to me a promise of sensuous melodrama.

    I also remember the balding heads of older men and the impressive hairdos of old

    women. An advertisement for male sexual potency tablets offering satisfaction for life. With that,

    embarrassment and sorriness set claws into my entrails. So, that they have all had! Perhaps they are

    having it even now. And I fool have missed out by miles! These must be the last echoes of my dying

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    regrets. My boat has been leaking, yet it still floats. So long as I am capable of moving Ill keep

    tossing out bucket after bucket, and stay under sail.

    Nails of a new human being,

    Ridgecapping exposed to the cold.

    You rarely find

    School upon a hill.

    Outstanding good food

    A lonely place in wilderness.

    So easy to succumb to sleepiness.

    But Tanya did cross my path

    On three pages

    Of outer suburbs.


    Now I get to a very important point for any storyteller and receiver alike the hero

    of my letter. He was not ever a hero in the sense of a somebody who accomplished extraordinary

    deeds in the eyes of his fellows. If anything, his daring was looked upon as foolery. Still, at least one

    of his associates derived inspiration from him, the memory of which will live on in him for the rest of

    his days. That inspired person was I.

    During the course of our association Hans gave accounts, often at my request, of his

    invariably thrilling exploits. At that time those accounts did not seem exaggerations to me. Only

    considerably later in my life did I come to fully appreciate my tendency to be gullible. Nonetheless I

    still consider my friend a man of extraordinary character and someone not altogether bound by the

    conventions of others. After many years of separate ways I remember his stories as tales of

    persecution and escape.

    One autumn day I saw him running in the distance and waved to him to attract his

    attention. I was in an area away from houses, among grassy fields and clumps of trees. It was out of

    a large forest area nearby that I first saw my friend emerge. He noticed me too, looked over his

    shoulder and turned, heading in my direction. It was mid-afternoon, the air was clear, but the

    evening chill had not arrived yet. Soon he stood panting in front of me. He took his bag off his

    shoulders and let it drop to his feet.

    I felt amused at the sight of my fellow guy, standing here so out of breath, visibly

    frightened, but with no one else around, as far as I could see. The closest possible place of

    concealment for any would-be pursuer was perhaps four hundred metres away, in the forested area.

    Whats happening?

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    Looking in his face, the expression I was confronted with took me aback. I saw the

    eyes of a hunted animal, but these ones were not desperate or pleading for release. My friend kind

    of sniggered and giggled all at once.

    We took a detour on our way home, which was a much longer walk than I would

    normally go if I were on my own. We moved stealthily, often stopping and listening. A couple of

    times we stepped into the bushes beside the track and from there looked out, while remaining

    hidden from the view of any chance passer-by or anyone who might be pursuing us. But we met no

    one and it seemed nobody was following us either. We got to my place at twilight and Hans stayed

    on. There was cold bacon my mother bought that day and we ate plenty of it with hot mustard and

    real dark rye bread. I always liked the fat but my mother believed it was not good for my health! This

    time she just plainly came up to the table where Hans and I were sitting and eating and took away

    from the pile of bacon, and even from my plate, all those lovely fat strips. No objections of mine

    could stop her, my timid mother.

    Why were you running like mad out there, Hans?

    There was apparently a group of young men and women, five or six of them in all,

    who have been following him for some time. He said he first noticed them at least a year back. At

    times some of them got very close to him, but more often one or more just watched him or looked

    at from the distance. Or he noticed them first. None of them stood out in an obvious manner,

    seemingly being neither hostile nor friendly. But this autumn day Hans found himself with all of

    them on a crowded bus, and now he was about to narrate the event to me.

    On my way to the bus stop a guy stopped me and asked for light. He did not have a

    cigarette in his hand or in his mouth. Since I had none, I pointed out to him the nearby store wherehe could get what he wanted. He admitted he had no money, so I gave him some small change. I

    wanted to keep going, I was already late and remembered that the bus leaves on time. Instead of

    letting me go on account of my obvious hurry the citizen now asked for directions. I felt obliged to

    give them but I did so no good. I did not know the streets or their names well enough. But he

    definitely did not seem to mind receiving such ambiguous directions, as if the real issue for him was

    that I was forced to spend time with him talking. Although his face had much familiarity about it, I

    am certain I have never seen that man before. I left trotting for the bus stop.

    The bus was quite full, and the driver had the engine running. As I mounted the

    steps a female passenger in front of me appeared to be loosing her balance. She swayed a bit andthen stepped back down one tread in trying to regain her balance. She leaned backwards and

    towards me so close that I could not get on board. But the woman ignored that behind her there

    was me wanting to get on.

    Them two, I commented, the man who asked you for light and the swaying

    woman, they were in unison preventing you to catch the bus!

    Hans looked at me and made a face which seemed to say, in an amusing way: Were


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    But why, w-w-w-what for? I stuttered out. I felt strangely unsettled. Yet another

    typical Hans story, I thought. Not quite an other-worldly one, just lacking a sense of logic which can

    be read into most other stories. In fact, it later turned out to be a mini time warp.

    The bus was nearly chock-a-block, Hans continued. Several passengers stood in

    the aisle holding onto overhead or seat supports. There was still one vacant seat, close to where I

    stood. No one seemed about to take it, so I moved closer. The school kid who sat at the window next

    to it was sprawled out, with one of his legs on the vacant seat. I hesitated and at that moment the

    boy straightened up to look out of the window, taking his leg off the seat. I could see the dirt

    covering its Indian-red vinyl upholstery.

    Wont you sit down?, said someone beside me. I stood by thefilthy seat. The bus

    had been moving for a while now. More passengers got on board and a few got off. A woman in

    front of me turned her profile to me and with her free hand made a cleaning gesture towards me. It

    looked as though she was motioning me to go, clean the seat, and sit down.

    How did you end up running out there where I saw you before? I interjected.

    Hans continued to explain. The guy behind him who spoke to him before and the

    profiled woman in front of him somehow seemed in a bizarre way determined to make him take the

    seat. The man leaned forward and brushed all the dirt off it with his rolled-up newspaper, then

    stood back without sitting himself down. The woman now stood so close to Hans she was practically

    upon him. To get out of her way he was forced to somewhat edge into the vacant seat space and

    then, against himself wishing to, with an unexpected bus manoeuvre, he felt being impelled into the


    Was he being put on or was this a genuinely uncanny coincidence? He became

    bemused, remaining alert for consequential developments. Everybody else, including the two Hans

    considered the culprits of his current situation, appeared to be at ease and altogether oblivious to

    him. To them everything was normal. Hans considered his position and decided to get off the bus

    before his usual stop and to walk the rest of the way.

    He started to move towards the exit. The man with the rolled-up newspaper and his

    male companion seemed all of a sudden to become alarmed. They made gestures. They turned their

    heads one way and then the other. They fretted, moved their eyes and blinked them, and scratched

    themselves repeatedly. For a brief moment Hanss attention became blued to their curious

    behaviour. The woman moved sideways as if to make passing room for him but then as he walked

    past her she stuck one foot out behind her which made him stumble over it. To stop himself from

    falling among the passengers he reached out, grasped onto somebodys dress and managed to

    regain his balance.

    By then he felt so awkward that he pulled the bell and quickly jumped off. To his

    surprise and bewilderment the four people he interacted with on the bus the two women and the

    two men swiftly followed suit and got off the bus as well. He saw them coming towards him;

    without loosing a moment he turned and set off running. He moved away with speed and kept going

    for perhaps twenty minutes till he came upon me.

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    You got scared of something and ran like a dog! But are you saying that those

    people are after you? I asked half in jest.

    I really dont think that, Hans replied. But everything looked as though they were

    doing just that. Thats why I did not waste my time on further speculations and got out of there


    They could have been there planted on purpose, perhaps to stop you, or to help

    you? Well, they successfully deviated you from your course, and yet managed to get out of it

    themselves looking thoroughly innocent. How could you possibly not suspect any of them of

    deliberate scheming? The timing and execution of what they did was so flawless, as if guided by

    some unfailing computer program. You just walked into it and there it was, all ready and made to

    fit perfectly.

    Yet despite of all that appearance, they had no idea of anything, I am pretty certain

    of that, Hans replied, going for a brief moment into deeper thought. I am convinced I now knowwhat really transpired with my friend on that crisp autumn day. He happened to get himself into the

    transacts of uncommon small-time social forces and for some time remained and moved through

    such a succession.


    Well dear friend, now I must also tell you the story of a modern day Cuauhtemocand a modern-day Cortes.

    The roar of a 6-cylinder diesel has reached my ears, realized Cuauhtemoc with an

    unpleasant feeling. He stood by the window of a well-lit room, outside it was already night. Cortes

    is coming! Almost involuntarily he lifted up the lower edge of the window curtain. And quickly let

    his hand pull it back down, not wanting the approaching adversary to notice his presence. After all,

    I am an Indian, and he a stupid whitie, with a tinge of satisfaction he mused to himself. It was a

    short-lived feeling of victory. He saw the clear outline of the shadow of his own head projected on

    the white linen of the curtain. Owe know, I fumbled once again! he lamented and had to exert

    himself considerably in order not to fall prey to the creepy despair, ever present in some darkenedcorner of his mind.

    Hilarious. The pettiness of Cuauhtemocs discomfort seems immense and the

    terrible annoyance it gave rise to what a bloat! But Cortes pressed on, seemingly unaware of the

    emotional drama his mere presence engendered in the soul of Cuauhtemoc. He passed by the house

    in his Dodge, checked his horses, and left again into the night, headlights on. But does Cortes know

    that money hasnt got the power to take away his misery? That all it can do is distract him for a while

    from paying attention to the course of his unyielding fate?

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    He probably senses it just as Cuauhtemoc senses something more about this same

    spot at other times when he doesnt feel so pinned down. Something which belongs to the realm of


    The truest view of this kitchen

    And out of the window.

    I had looked around here before

    But never remember the light

    Of the evening sky glowing so.

    Pale and unnotable western horizon

    Closer than I ever knew.

    Breeze swaying slender eucalyptus branches.

    A fly landed on a window pane

    And flew off again.

    This is a wild country.

    Its a slow go.

    Theres plenty of heat

    Lots of snow

    And moss-covered boulders

    In the rivers flow.

    Despite the picturesqueness of scenery I used to fancy the country around here to

    be oozing with gloom. To me an invisible yet sensible presence that was not people-made, butrather generic to the area, pervaded it. All that has changed, the dismal feelings no longer claim


    To the west and running parallel to the ocean shore there is a chain of low hills

    covered by large with native trees: tall spotted gums, ironbarks, turpentines and she-oaks. From the

    sea-side the closest are within a couple of hours walk through suburban build -up. There are no

    corner store, only the occasional block of mixed shops and services, with vehicle parking next to it.

    The majority of homes look very neat. Their lawns mowed regularly, well-kept flower beds,

    decorative shrubs and letterboxes of various designs and colours.

    The dogs are ubiquitous here. At time I see one or more on the street but more

    often I hear them barking behind a gate or fence. The ones on the run dont seem to bother with the

    passer-by as often or as much as those restrained. These sooner or later invariably bark or yelp.

    Many are either frighteningly savage or plainly annoying. I have met indifferent dogs, however a

    friendly dog I come across very rarely. A dogs behaviour suggests to me the kind of treatment it

    receives if it renders to its master such a telling service.

    As for me, here at last come my parting words to you:

    Soggy bread today.

    Tonight I tear it away

    From what remains

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    Of millions of grains

    Thousands of them.

    No longer alive

    They keep me alive.




    Reflection on Truth and Self-delusion

    I finished this letter at the beginning of 2001 and sent copies to a number of literary journals with

    the hope of getting it published. However I received no offers and eventually gave up on the idea. In

    stead, my interests at that time became focussed on continuing to research and learn from the work

    of Carlos Castaneda. Four and half years later, in September 2005, I was surprised at receiving in my

    mail a returned copy of my submission to Mooltan Press, advising me the journal Australian Short

    Stories was no longer published. This also incidentally became the only copy of the letter that had

    survived the passage of time. It puzzled me in a marvellous way. I kept it and did not know what to

    do with it. I felt tossing it was wrong as was trying to rework it or approach other publishers. It wasnot until the end of 2014 that the solution came to me to publish it online. So thirteen years later

    the identity of this undertaking is finally established with me and released. Incidently, I left the area

    where the letter was written in my thirteenth year of residency.

    I am here concerned with the truth of the letters content. The feelings it describes and generates

    are true. There are also many literal truths but their arrangement does not necessarily reflect their

    chronological sequence. So in that respect I have deluded myself by constructing perhaps not a fully

    fictional but nonetheless a virtual reality. The danger of such endeavours is they reflect back to us

    with the potential of controlling us in such a way that we may end up believing them more than the

    factual reality of how things really happened.

    While I find this realisation disquieting I also make it the reason for this afterword, because I dont

    want to fool myself into reconstructing my experiences in a self-deluding way. Yet it seems that

    telling literal truths would not be as effective in conveying the essence of my experiences as is

    treating them slightly allegorically. So while the letter is not an outright lie, it is a fabrication.

    I would not write about the same issues todays in exactly the same fashion as I did thirteen years

    ago. So what has changed? I think that back then I took myself and my self-image much more

    seriously. Presenting myself as a somebody mattered. This letter then bears testimony to this fact

    and I am putting it on record. But as a result of this publication process I have also become conscious

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    of a secret motto of mine - mystery, humour and good company. I conclude with attaching some

    semi-logically and non-linearly relevant images.

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