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Letter25 of the Piarist Viceprovince of Cameroon Mars 2011

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LETTER 25 OF THE PIARIST VICEPROVINCE OF CAMEROON MARS 2011 / NEW STAGE: ISSUE Nº 16 Hi everyone, At the beginning of this new period of four years 2011-2014, we are here again with you to share through this new Letter 25 the life of this young Piarist demarcation: the Viceprovince of Cameroon. We start with a proposal to use during this time of Lent. We present a webpage of the Dominican Brothers in Lille that offers a road to follow during these forty days: one Word from the Scriptures and one reflection each day. It is an invitation to go deep inside… The site is in French (as you know, in these pages we use both languages: English and French… and sometimes Spanish). Its Internet address is: www.retraitedanslaville.fr We paste here bellow the first paragraphs offered the first day and we invite you to walk with us this Lenten path, which is already going towards the sixth day… There is time to catch up! Courage ! NETTOYAGE DE PRINTEMPS « Quand tu pries, retire-toi au fond de ta maison, ferme la porte, et prie ton Père qui est présent dans le secret. » Évangile de Jésus-Christ selon saint Matthieu, chapitre 6, verset 6. C’est bientôt le printemps, et il faudrait m’enfermer ? Le soleil donne enfin, et j’irais me cacher ? S’enterrer chez soi, quand tout nous invite à sortir, voilà une drôle de façon de commencer le carême. Moi qui voulais enfin fuir ce qui s’empile et s’encrasse au fond de la maison, sous le lit, sur mon bureau : Les livres que je n’ai pas lus, les chaussettes non triées, la vaisselle pas rangée. Un amas de choses qui ne sont pas bien en ordre, qui attendront plus tard et qu’on aimerait tant oublier. Au fond de mon cœur aussi, il y a bien des choses empilées : des querelles qui couvent, des pardons en attente, des blessures mal refermées. On n’aime pas toujours se retirer dans ces coins-là de nos vies, on préfère ignorer ces lieux terrés en nous, cachés derrière des portes fermées à double tour. Pourtant c’est là, précisément, que le Seigneur me demande d’aller aujourd’hui : dans les recoins cachés de ma vie. « Retire-toi au fond de ta maison ». Ne reste pas là, sur le seuil, franchis une à une les portes, les plus faciles à ouvrir d’abord. Retrouve ces lieux où il fait bon séjourner : ces pièces familières, accueillantes. Celles qu’apprécient tes amis, ta famille, où brillent tes qualités. Puis continue, et atteins d’autres chambres, plus intimes : les sentiments que tu ne partages qu’à peu de monde, les secrets, les faiblesses. Et au fond, tout au fond, parviens jusqu’à cette porte fermée. L’ouvrir te semble peut-être
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Hi everyone,

At the beginning of this new period of four years 2011-2014, we are here again with you to share through this new Letter 25 the life of this young Piarist demarcation: the Viceprovince of Cameroon.

We start with a proposal to use during this time of Lent. We present a webpage of the Dominican Brothers in Lille that offers a road to follow during these forty days: one Word from the Scriptures and one reflection each day. It is an invitation to go deep inside… The site is in French (as you know, in these pages we use both languages: English and French… and sometimes Spanish). Its Internet address is: www.retraitedanslaville.fr

We paste here bellow the first paragraphs offered the first day and we invite you to walk with us this Lenten path, which is already going towards the sixth day… There is time to catch up! Courage !


« Quand tu pries, retire-toi au fond de ta maison, ferme la porte, et prie ton Père qui est présent dans le secret. » Évangile de Jésus-Christ selon saint Matthieu, chapitre 6, verset 6.

C’est bientôt le printemps, et il faudrait m’enfermer ? Le soleil donne enfin, et j’irais me cacher ? S’enterrer chez soi, quand tout nous invite à sortir, voilà une drôle de façon de commencer le carême. Moi qui voulais enfin fuir ce qui s’empile et s’encrasse au fond de la maison, sous le lit, sur mon bureau : Les livres que je n’ai pas lus, les chaussettes non triées, la vaisselle pas rangée. Un amas de choses qui ne sont pas bien en ordre, qui attendront plus tard et qu’on aimerait tant oublier.

Au fond de mon cœur aussi, il y a bien des choses empilées : des querelles qui couvent, des pardons en attente, des blessures mal refermées. On n’aime pas toujours se retirer dans ces coins-là de nos vies, on préfère ignorer ces lieux terrés en nous, cachés derrière des portes fermées à double tour.

Pourtant c’est là, précisément, que le Seigneur me demande d’aller aujourd’hui : dans les recoins cachés de ma vie. « Retire-toi au fond de ta maison ». Ne reste pas là, sur le seuil, franchis une à une les portes, les plus faciles à ouvrir d’abord. Retrouve ces lieux où il fait bon séjourner : ces pièces familières, accueillantes. Celles qu’apprécient tes amis, ta famille, où brillent tes qualités.

Puis continue, et atteins d’autres chambres, plus intimes : les sentiments que tu ne partages qu’à peu de monde, les secrets, les faiblesses. Et au fond, tout au fond, parviens jusqu’à cette porte fermée. L’ouvrir te semble peut-être imprudent. Tout ce qui, derrière, est si mal rangé ne risque-t-il pas de me tomber dessus, de me blesser, de me salir ?

Sache pourtant que la plus belle des rencontres t’attend derrière la porte. Car le Christ s’y tient caché. Il a déserté le jardin ensoleillé, le séjour accueillant, l’appartement témoin. Il te devance là, dans la pièce retirée.

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Ouvrirai-je ?.....

We paste also the Open Letter sent by some of the young Piarists to the Viceprovincial Chapter...


Jaca, Spain, 27/12/2010

Dear brothers,

Happy Christmas from the depth of our hearts to each and every one of you. It might be just a coincidence but it is providentially significant that we celebrate our vice provincial chapter in the Octave of Christmas.: God becomes man in the Incarnation, Emmanuel; God with us. We strongly pray that this chapter be an occasion to reincarnate our Calasanzian charism and religious life style in the African context in general and in Cameroon in particular, so that our life and mission may touch the lives of the people with whom we live and work and bear good fruits in the Spirit. We wish to reiterate our solidarity and deep communion with you in this historic event in the life of our Vice Province. We might not be there physically but we vibrate with life or pain, joy or sorrow at the impulse of life in the vice province, (the sick, the death of a family member, transfers, new projects and even when thieves visit us). We are not and cannot be indifferent because what you live, decide, do or leave undone affects us too.

Dear brothers, we are making history and posterity will judge us whether we make or mar. We are part of this history making event and even though far away, we send you our encouragements, considerations and reflections on the following points:

1. Community Life.

We believe strongly that community life is the life engine of our life and mission. A religious who does not belong to a community is a religious danger in danger, that is, he risks the ruin both of his religious life and of leading astray those who look on to him, he is a danger to mission because our mission is always received from the order of from the community. However, a religious does not belong to a community by the mere fact that his name appears on the list, he has to accept and feel accepted by that community as a brother, he has to feel that sense of belonging that comes with the care, trust and responsibility conferred on him by his brothers, on his part is has always to be conscious that he receives his mission from this community and has therefore a duty to render account of his activities to his brothers. All works belong to the community and the community has a right to be informed on how things are progressing in each work. In the Community nobody is above this law of life, there are not those who command and those who obey, there are no untouchables, we all must be submitted to each other in the supreme law of charity and our only and greatest competition should be as St Paul say, to outdo each other in the show of love. How do we evaluate this aspect of our life? First, we ask ourselves, how often to we have our community meetings and how do we organize them, what are the things treated in them. Secondly, how is our community spirit of prayer, do we feel sent by Christ as disciples two by two with whom we have to meet to thank and praise the Father that the evil spirits summit to us but above all that our names are written in the book of life, or are we just efficient businessmen and politicians? Do we read and pray with our constitutions daily?

2. Administration: Responsibility and accountability.

This second point stems from the first, if we are conscious of the fact that the responsibility we hold comes from the Church, the Order, the vice province or from the community and ultimately from God, then we have to be responsible and accountable in conscience before the people of God. It is sad to hear at times that some religious fake account or miss manage projects given to them, too sad, we hope these things do not happen among us. A religious who lies in the presentation of his accounts is STEALING FROM THE POOR. WE ARE POOR AND ALL WHAT WE HAVE COME FROM THE POOR AND IS FOR THE POOR. We have had the chance to participate in different fund raising campaigns in different schools in the province, those who contribute more to our works are primary school children. It is therefore appalling and disrespectful to cheat on them. We propose that in the Vice province there be no experts, specialists and therefore permanent administrators, people should learn to move from class room to posts of administration, to change roles from time to time. We also propose that a system of both internal and external auditing should be put in place. Internal auditing will consist of

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different community members interchanging their accounts for co-responsible cross checking. External auditing will consist of a commission of religious and lay experts who will go from community to community twice or thrice a year to help audit the accounts of each work or project. It is not a lack of trust in brothers, transparency and accountability before the people of God oblige us to help each other. This is what is called in the province today, Quality Control.

3. Vocations and Formation.

We strongly believe that the vocational pastoral ministry and formation is our heart beat and our future. Without vocations and a solid formation we are heading to ruin and extinction. Here we just wish to thank and praise the work that is done so far in this line, on the whole we are on a positive footing. We wish to encourage everyone to feel involved and know that our life and testimony is the first vocational campaign to be made. We propose that in the follow up of our candidates right from high school, they should be encouraged to know that teaching involves learning, so that at the end we can demand not only the minimum points for university entry but a certain standard that does not make them feel that with the piarists no standards are required. This neither encourages hard work nor does it attract serious vocations. We have to set standards that show the seriousness of our ministry. Do not be deceived to think that the easier it is the more vocations we shall have, YOUNG PEOPLE OF OUR DAYS LOOK FOR SERIOUS THINGS AND THEY LOVE DIFICULT CHALLENGES. This does not however cancel the fact that every case and person should be treated as an individual according to the circumstances.

A) Initial Formation

- We propose that from the very beginning of formation our candidates should be introduced to the missionary reality of the piarist Order and that places of formation and the curriculum should be planed and systematized in such a way that they learn as many languages and ways of life as to break their cultural resistance and open them up to the big piarist world where they can be called to work at any time if need be.

- We also praise the new measure taken to ensure that our younger brothers study philosophy of Education. However we wish to suggest that it should not be the only way, chances should be offered for some during this year to study in Private Teacher’s Training Colleges. Those who have done the philosophy of education will agree with us that, from the theory of education to the practice of teaching there is a big gape. We therefore add that, those who do not have that formation in a Teacher’s Training, should have a year of practice in our schools. Our candidates are everyday younger, this is an advantage, there should be no hast to therefore to ordain people and send them to communities where they feel lost, let us train Piarist, not diocesan priests.

B) Ongoing Formation.

- We encourage the idea that there should be a general plan of formation and specialization for the Vice Province. We propose that the major superior should keep record of each religious and his plan and history of formation and specialization so that each new superior should not start afresh, there should be continuity according to the talent, curriculum and history of each religious. This does not in any way take away the truth that each religious has to be open and flexible to form himself for some specific and urgent need of the Vice Province or even the Order that may arise.

- We also propose that for all those who go to Europe or America for formation, there should be a well laid out plan of work and studies. The first part to study more and adapt to the new environment, with little but progressive participation in the pastoral ministry and a second part of more active participation in ministry and works of the province with studies reducing towards the end. At times we try to do both and end up neither studying nor fully participating in the life and ministry of the demarcation where we are found.

4. The laity

We believe in a shared mission between the religious and lay faithful of God because our Charism is a gift from God through St Joseph Calasanz to the Church and not only to a few religious. We also believe that in this vine yard of the Lord while working hand in hand, we must first define our identities and roles so that there is no confusion. We therefore hold that the lay ministry while being an integral part of every charism in the church is at the same time different in form and style, there should be no mixing up therefore until each form and life style is well mature and defined. The religious must not depend on the lay and the lay must not feel that the religious are to take care of

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them; on the contrary, all must be inter-dependent and all for the good of the mission and not for personal gain, neither on the part of the religious nor on the part of the laity. We therefore propose that adequate time be given to formation and we should not rush to imitate the European model of some mixed communities because we do not have the same history and maturity nor is the context the same, if we do, we shall only have ourselves to blame.

5. Restructuration and Revitalization.

We strongly hold that the church by its very definition is universal and therefore missionary and prophetic at the same time. Our religious congregation therefore has to give a good example to our social and political neighbors of our capacity to change and adapt to the different circumstances of our times. We are aware of the fact that we have to given new life and vitality to our communities and works but we are also aware of the fact that this is a necessity not only for our demarcation but for our neighboring demarcations and for the Order as a whole. This therefore calls us to reorganize ourselves not only to meet our needs but also to be but to be missionary, exemplary and efficient as piarist followers of Christ and Calasanz called to meet the needs of the people of God wherever we are needed and our means can permit. Generosity therefore is the key word in the process of restructuring in order to revitalize. We therefore:

1. Propose that a joint pastoral commission be set up to coordinate and harmonize ministry in our different schools and works so that a clear Piarist identity and similar way of functioning can be seen in all our schools, so that each new director does not start from crash or try to invent all afresh. This can also be supported by inter-school activities where students from our different schools start participating in joint and organized activities.

2. Agree and support the idea of the Father General that time has come for us to think and take concrete steps towards working with other African demarcations especially our neighbors Equatorial Guinea- Gabon Vicariate. We are aware of the socio-political difficulties that exist, the increasing difficulties to get a visa and cross from one country to the other, the reticence of others to leave their countries and work in other lands and on the other hand, the reluctant of the others to accept “strangers” in their land, whom the might consider as invaders and dominators. These difficulties are real but fear of the other is not a Christian value and nothing good comes easy, so brothers let us trust God in faith and take up the challenge now.

3. We even go one step forward to ask you to think even bigger and wider. Why not to start with an All African Province and from there start dividing if we grow bigger? All the Calasanzian Sisters in the world have become one province, all the Jesuit Fathers in Spain, who are more than 5000 are about to become a single province and are even working towards a united European demarcation. Brothers we have to read the signs of our times: Europe has become stronger since the European Union and the Euro currency was formed, Africa dreams also of a United Africa since the African Union is still weak and struggling. Every proof, brothers, show that unity is strength. Why are we afraid of each other? We religious we are supposed to be prophets of unity for our brother politicians in Africa, if we cannot work together how on earth do we expert politicians to work together? If our European brothers are looking for ways to come back together as a single province why should we deceive ourselves and start with small and regional fractions? Where on earth do we think we shall avoid problems or difficulties? We can pretend to be strong and in the process of growth, we can say that Europe looks for unity because they have vocational crisis, it might be true but it’s not an adequate reason not to look the other side of things. The European Union has not been formed for lack of means, on the contrary, the desire to grow, help the weaker nations to attain development so that together they remain strong. To think that Africa has vocations and therefore no need to unite is a big fallacy, all the strong and proud empires of the world have collapsed because they are build on rivalry, suspicion, fear and consequently the need to dominate each other and show who is stronger. If we don’t come out of this umbilical cord logic, brothers, we are doomed. How many vocations do we have in Guinea Equatorial? How many in Gabon? None. How many do we have in Ivory Coast after so many years? Two and a few in formation. And how many do we have in Senegal after more than half a century? Bear also in mind that Senegal is predominantly Muslim, that most of the vocations come from almost the same region. Do think brothers that as time go by we shall be having more or less vocations from our demarcations? Do we think that this is data to be proud of? Have we received the Piarist Charism to let it die in our hands? Africa, the whole of Africa needs our Charism for its complete transformation. We have no excuse, difficulties of language and difficulties of transportation and travel are real but not impossible to overcome. With the help of technology we can have video conferences and move less. Moreover, until this present date, all of us who have

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wanted to travel to Equatorial Guinea, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Ivory Cost, Cameroon and others or for mission or for studies have done so without any major problems, because where there is a will there is a way.

4. Besides all of these issues, we cannot forget too that not only the Pious Schools of Aragon but the whole aging Pious Schools of Europe, who gave birth to the African Pious Schools now need our revitalizing energy. This calls for a preparation both academically and psychological and the creation of cultural, mental and geo- spatial receptive structures that answer these needs both from the African and European view point.

We are even frightened as we say all these things to you. We know it is an uphill task. We know that some will say that the ideal is perfect but very far from the reality. That very true, but the Christian has always been a man of very high ideal but never a perfect man. Are we Christians? When the prophet says this is the way, he does not say that it is a bed of roses, which is why many prophets die; because the way to righteousness is narrow. May be if we do not have martyrs today it is because there are no prophets. The prophetic Christian way of life has and never will be easy.

Dr. professor Bernard Fonlon once said, “nothing will ever be done if a man waited until when he could do it so perfectly that no one will have to complain”. There is no perfect time brothers, the moment is now, let us be generous in listening to the voice of the Spirit and our generosity will be blessed with good and abundant fruits for the pious Schools in Africa and in the world at large.

May the mother of the New Born child, the God-Man, who like Abraham obeyed without knowing just how far she could go, be our model, so that like Mary we may trust God, walk the difficult path of faith and bring Christ again and daily to our needy world.

P. Jude Thaddeus Vegah King Sch.P.

P. Bertrand Fotsing Sch.P.

P. Gerald Obasi Sch.P.

P. Agendia Nchenga Sch.P.

Always waiting for more items of news and pictures coming from communities and works, and inviting again each one of you –especially the ones abroad- to share your experiences, here you have some items of general information from our Viceprovince.

We start these items of news recalling the special time shared in our VICEPROVINCIAL CHAPTER. We enjoyed in Bamenda a time of grace, of revitalizing brotherhood and discernment. We showed in those days our maturity in the seriousness and depth of our words; our joy because of our youthfulness and our growth; our richness coming from our variety... Many important points were discussed and some votes were written and sent to the Province. As the Acts of our Chapter are already in your communities, you can see them (better: you must see them). There you can follow the Relation of the Viceprovincial (Analysis of the Reality) and its reactions and the Propositions and Suggestions for a better future FOR THE GLORY OF GOD AND THE SERVICE OF OUR NEIGHBOUR!

As you know we have a new Viceprovincial Congregation for this period 2011-2014. Fr. Provincial, after considering the votes of the members of the Viceprovince, the discernment of the Provincial Congregation and the acceptation of the General Congregation, sent to us the names of the new Viceprovincial and his Assistants. This is the content of the ‘Breaking News’ sent on the 2nd February 2011 from Ephemerides Calasanctienne about the appointment:

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Viceprovincia de Camerún.- Designación de la nueva Congregación Viceprovincial

El P. Javier Negro, Provincial de Aragón, comunica la composición de la nueva Congregación Viceprovincial, designada tras conocer el resultado del escrutinio de los votos realizados en los Capítulos Locales:

P. Viceprovincial: P. Mariano GRASSA ANSÓN de la Virgen del Pilar

PP. Asistentes Viceprovinciales:

1. P. Evaristus AKEM NDI de la Madre de Dios

2. P. Félicien MOUENDJI MASSONGO de San Agustín

3. P. Justine GHANI SUNJOH del Amor de Dios

4. P. José Pascual BURGUÉS DALMAU de la Asunción

Deseamos al nuevo equipo viceprovincial la claridad y el acierto necesarios para que su gestión contribuya a consolidar e incrementar la fraternidad y el trabajo escolapio en la Demarcación. Y agradecemos la disponibilidad y entrega generosa del equipo saliente durante el cuatrienio pasado.

Que San José de Calasanz continúe inspirando los esfuerzos de nuestros jóvenes hermanos de Camerún por crecer cada día en Piedad y Letras en sus diferentes actividades.

Direcciones de la nueva Congregación Viceprovincial:

P. Mariano GRASSA [email protected]

P. Evaristus AKEM [email protected]

P. Félicien MOUENDJI [email protected]

P. Justine GHANI [email protected]

P. José Pascual BURGUÉS [email protected]

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Here you have a picture of the five members of the new Viceprovincial Congregation…

We thank the service of our brothers leaving the Congregation: Antonio, Emilio, Christian, Albert (and Bertrand). We appreciate very much their engagement these past four years in the coordination of the Viceprovince and we count on them to continue giving their best in this new period. E-million thanks!

We know also the new Congregation of our sister Piarist Viceprovince of Senegal: Fr. Joseph Artigas is the Viceprovincial and Frs. Christian Thierry Ehemba and Samson Djitaba Ehemba his Assistants. They have been chosen during their Viceprovincial Chapter. May God bless their service to the Order in this task! Welcome brothers!

Coming from Equatorial Guinea, Frs. Pedro Aguado and Pierre Diatta (Frs. General and Assistant for Africa) visited our demarcation. They were among us from the 9th to the 17th December 2010 and passed through all the communities (we had a meeting with each one!) and the Juniorate of Yaoundé. Fr. General found time to speak with everyone who manifested his interest, and especially with the young people in formation. We held also an Extraordinary Assembly, which was very helpful in the subject of Restructuration. Even when they were running without stoping for a rest (and the computer of Fr. General ‘died for a while’), their experience has been magnificent. Thank you for your encouragement!

The Executive of the Itaka Cameroun Foundation held a meeting on the 13th of January, in Bafia. After reminding and underlining that the Foundation is not only an Office of Research de Resources, we discussed about many subjects: agreement and relationship between Itaka and the Viceprovince; budgets et balances; list and priorisation of projects; restructuration of Itaka-Escolapios; propositions for the upcoming period; demand of including other Centers in the global agreement (Cultural Centers; Non-Formal Educative Centre in Kumbo and Secondary School in Messa Mendongo); container to come from Spain; projects of self-reliance; etc. A good and rich time of sharing! And there is still much work to be done…

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Even when they were the ones to send some news, I cannot stop saying that the Nazareth Centre participated in the COMECE Agro Pastoral National Show held in Ebolowa, around the 19th January. We won two first prices: in selection of piglets and in production of rabbits! Some money and material were given as an appreciation of our good work. Congratulations ‘Nazarenes’!

On the 1st and 2nd February, the former Viceprovincial Congregation enjoyed in Limbe their last meeting as a team… There were two days of resting and sharing. The swimming was nice (some of us were learning to do it on the spot) and the fish tasty… It was a wonderful way to thank these five nice people for their effort during this past period!

As it is usual in Cameroon, the 11th February we celebrated the National Youth Day. Many of our educative Centres took part in the local celebrations in the various activities and ‘parades’. You can see them in the attached pictures...

The Priestly Ordination of Frs. Moses Kongmi and Francis Kpubermo, in Jakiri, Kumbo, on Saturday 12th February 2011 was wonderful! The ceremony was solemn, simple and lived in a joyful and prayerful atmosphere… Thanks to all who made possible such a good moments! We thank specially the Parish Priest there and the local Christian community… We felt and feel as brothers! You can receive now, in the pictures attached, the souvenir card of our brothers. Pray for them!

The Thanksgiving Masses started and they are not yet finished… Surely they are tired, but happy. That their lives may become an open witnessing of the Good News for youths and children, through ‘Piety and Literacy’!

Coming back to Yaoundé, our brother Salvador Obama, from Ecuatorial Guinea, received the sad news that some members of his family suffered a very grave accident in his country. As a result, one of his sister and his niece died, and his brother in law continues in the hospital. We join our brother and his family in these moments of sorrow and pray for them! Courage, Salvador: Lent advanced its encounter with your people, may you all –starting by the ones who have gone before- experience the joy of the resurrection!

A Meeting of Demarcational Administrators of the African Circumscription was held in Dakar from the 15th to 18th of February. Representatives of Cameroun (Frs. Justine and Leonard), Guinea and Senegal gathered together with Fr. Vincent, the General Econome, and two technicians from the Provinces of Emmaus and Catalunya with the objective of improving and restructuring our financial system in order to follow the recommendations of the General Secretariat. The work to be done was explained. ‘Financial Solidarity’ is one of the strategies for the revitalization of the Order. According to what our brothers explained to us the task is heavy, but we will try to follow the indications discussed there, especially the system of ‘Reporting’ now instituted for the whole Order and for all the Demarcations.

One member of Manos Unidas, Mr. Emilio Rico, and his wife Covadonga, spent some days in Cameroon following the projects in which their NGO is collaborating. Mariano accompanied them from the 17th to 22nd February. They visited our communities in Bandjoun, Bamendjou, Bamenda, Kumbo and Bafia stopping to see more in depth the CTC and the Nazareth Centre. They appreciated very much our journeying together… We thank all that Manos Unidas has done and continues doing for us, which is quite a lot!

Fr. Provincial, Antonio Serrano and the Construction Technical Team of the Province (Joaquin and Javier) paid a visit to our Demarcation from the 23rd February to the 1st Mars. They visited all the communities to be familiar with each one of our projects and our needs for the near future and to know the local method of construction. They gave already some good advices and took the data to draw some designs of the edifices we should build. They have already sent some plans for the new Noviciate… Thank you for your time, your effort and your collaboration! It was a pleasure to walk with you!

The 2nd March, after leaving them in Yaoundé, and on the way back to Bafia, Mariano had a problem with the Hilux of the Viceprovince. It stopped in Ombessa… and was carried till Bafia, afterwards to Bafoussam and it is already repaired! The disk of clutches was finished… may be these three times to visit Kumbo, to and fro, in the last month were too much (or the way of driving of the chauffeur). Ashia!

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Fr. Edwin Zamah is already in Veracruz, Mexico. After many bureaucratic difficulties he reached our community there and he has started his learning of Spanish. The road has been a complicated one, including a passing-by Nigeria, full of surprises which took quite a lot of time… but Edwin is already there. The messages received from Edwin show that he is well and very happy with his new community brothers… The experience is being worthwhile! Thank you Edwin for your openness and availability!

On the 4th March, Friday, all the managers of the Educative Works enjoyed a meeting in Bamenda with the Team of Itaka to evaluate the educative activities in the different projects and discuss any difficulty. They follow up also some financial matters. We thank specially the work of George and Sorel going ‘to the field’ to give a helpful hand… Thank you very much, managers, for your service so difficult, sensible and important!

From the 5thto the 6th Mars, in Bamenda, we held the first meeting of the new Viceprovincial Congregation. The program was loooong and some decisions were taken. We share with you some of them:

1.- Different domains of work and responsible members of the Congregation for each of them:






2.- ORGANIGRAM OF THE VICEPROVINCE: these domains are helped by the creation of some SECRETARIATS (Laity; Education; Pastoral of Vocations; Permanent Formation; Administration; Juridical Matters; Communications) –some of them already working-; by some COUNCILS (Rectors; Formators; Parish Priests; Economes) and by the COMMISSION OF RESTRUCTURATION –with a temporal objective: fusion with the Guinea-Gabon Vicariate -. The working of the ITAKA-CAMEROUN FONDATION will be in coordination with the Secretariats of Education, Laity and Administration. Also the PROJECTS OF PIARIST PRESENCE must be developed in each place where we are… A graphical structure is going to be produced and shared with you.

3.- Nomination of charges for the Viceprovince for the new period. The major part of the people responsible in some aspects of the Viceprovince will continue till the end of this school year 2010/11. Only the Secretary of the VP will take their engagement immediately. Some other appointments could come in the future…

Master of Novices: Evaristus Akem

Master of Prenovices: Justin Ghani (to be replaced by Gerald Obasi)

Secretary of the Viceprovince: José Burgués (starts immediately)

Econome of the Viceprovince: Léonard Nsairun

Coordinator of Itaka-Cameroun: Albert Todjom

Secretariat of Pastoral of Vocations: Justin Ghani (to be replaced by Gerald Obasi)

Secretariat of Laity: Peter Mbidzenyuy

Secretariat of Permanent Formation: Antoine Sala

Secretariat of Education: Cyrille Mbarga

Secretariat of Juridical Matters: Justin Ghani and Christian Mboudou

Secretariat of Communication: Albert Todjom

Responsible of the Quinquenium: Antoine Sala and Christian Mboudou

Responsible of the Archives : Ángel Valenzuela (to be replaced by José Burgués)

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Responsible of the Cameroonian Volunteers: Albert Todjom

Responsible of the Volunteers coming from abroad: the welcoming community

Responsible of the Demarcation History: José Burgués

4.- We started thinking about some changes in the community and ministerial responsibilities and in the composition of the different communities according to the possibilities and needs of this coming period. We offer here the principal objectives we took as the lines of discernment for this ‘internal’ restructuration (in French) : « développer notre travail ministériel ; favoriser la spécialisation ; assurer des bonnes communautés de formation ; créer la communauté de Menteh ; favoriser la communication et le travail en équipe ; garantir un travail satisfaisant et fort pour chacun ; offrir un changement à ceux qui sont depuis longtemps dans la même communauté ; accueillir des jeunes Piaristes ; procurer la stabilité dans la période que nous allons commencer ; analyser les difficultés d’être à côté de la famille ; faire possible les nouvelles fondations ; aider au Vicariat de la Guinée-Gabon ; renforcer la relation avec la Province de l’Aragon… ». Fr. Viceprovincial has already started the contacts and conversations to explore the possible changes…

5.- We took some decisions in order to start the development of the propositions and suggestions coming from the Viceprovincial Chapter (we should always wait for the approval of the Provincial Congregation):

To create the Commission of Restructuration to plan the procedure towards the fusion with the Vicariate of Guinea-Gabon formed with some members of both demarcations.

To change the siege of the Viceprovince and of the Itaka-Cameroun Foundation to Yaoundé, transforming the house of H-10 to welcome these functions temporally.

To introduce the year of community and ministry experience between the cycles of Philosophy and Theology.

To accept, in accord with the community, some changes proposed for the CTC Bandjoun about the design of the buildings and the academic branches.

To make possible the starting of a Bilingual Primary and Nursery School in Bafia next school year. The community of Bafia will ask the due permissions, establish the Curriculum and propose the timing.

To construct the buildings of the new Noviciate and the new Non Formal Educative Centre (two branches: Carpentry and Sewing & Tailoring) in Romajai, Kumbo. The starting of the first, after studying the plans sent from Spain, is imminent; the second needs the elaboration of the complete educative project according the guidelines of Itaka and ask and wait for funds...

To propose the construction of a Community House in Menteh and the enlargement of the one of Bafia.

To prepare the development of Projects of Piarist Presence in each of our communities. It is the system to coordinate the action carried out by the religious and lay Piarists in all the different institutions: parish, schools, cultural centers, etc.

…All the ideas of the Viceprovincial Chapter will be written down in the Pluriannual Planning of the Demarcation (with objectives, strategies, activities, time, people in charge… and also with the Vision of our Piarist Viceprovince).

6.- We studied as well the Ordinary and Extraordinary Budgets, the situation of some Projects, some juridical matters, the way of working in coordination with Itaka-Cameroun, the content of the Administrators meeting in Dakar… and we discerned about some items to propose to two upcoming meetings, very important for us: the Chapter of Aragon in Peralta and the Meeting of Piarist MM.SS. of Africa with the Formators in Yaoundé.

7.- Some other items in the Calendar were agreed on are:

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The Viceprovince Annual Recollection to take place from the 20th to the 25th June, in Ndop or in Koutaba. We will be directed by our brother Fernando Negro... Thanks in advance!

The volunteers to come from abroad to help us in the Holiday Programs of July: one group of Setem-Aragón to Bafia or Bamendjou; another one from Setem-Aragon as well to Kumbo; one group of Itaka to Bamenda (under the leadership of Alberto and Inma)...

Elias, Dieudonné and Jason, after discernment of the communities and Demarcacional Congregations, will be the young Cameroonian Piarists to represent us and to enjoy the international Course of Preparation for the Solemn Profession from the 17th to the 31st

July (or from the 24th July till the 7th August) in Rome and Peralta.

We decided also, confirming the decision of the previous Congregation, that Christian Mboudou, Gerald Obasi and Andrew Berinyuy will be the persons to go and participate in an Encounter of Young Piarists in the first seven years of their Solemn Profession to be held in Rome, from the 24th July to the 7th August (Bertrand Fotsing will also go, but representing the Province of Aragon).

Next Congregation meeting on Saturday, 19th March, in Bandjoun, at 9:00 AM.

Some volunteers have come during these months to spend a time with us: Andrea and Claudia, from Mexico, from the Viceprovince of the Californias to help in the schools and with the youths in Bamenda; and Paula and Borja, from the Basque Country, from the Province of Emmaus to explain and start some projects of bio-digesters in the Nazareth Centre, Menteh and the School Care Project in Futru. Two of them: Claudia and Borja are already back in their countries. The other two continue their work among us… Thank you for your decision, your time and your energy! Feel at home!

In these last months quite varied sessions of formation for our teachers in our schools, pastoral agents in the parishes, etc. have been carried out. There are not many news about them but you can see some pictures attached…

A meeting of the Commission of Laity (from now on: Secretariat of the Laity) was held in Bandjoun on the 12th of March. Presidents and secretaries of all our groups were invited. Representatives of five communities were there (Yaoundé was absent… but Kumbo started its participation) to evaluate, to present their Internal Rules and Regulations of each group, and to plan towards the future. A good time and a promising future in sharing the Charism!

As I am writing we are going to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the Foundation of Itaka in Bafia. The Cameroonian volunteers of Yaoundé and Bafia are going to join the Lay Piarist of Bafia and Andrea and Paula, the volunteers in Bamenda, to have a session of formation and sharing on Sunday, 13th March.

The Provincial Chapter of Aragon is coming soon. Mariano, Felicien and Romeo are going to go to Spain to participate. They will fly on the 12th April and come back at the end of the month. Jude will join them as the person elected in his community, Peralta. We remain attentive to the elections, discussions, plans, to be discerned there… And we pray for the event to be successful!

José Pascual has already started the writing of the History of our Demarcation… The first very practical consequence is that we are elaborating the Catalogue of the Religious of the Viceprovince. We attach again the document to these pages in order that everybody can see the pieces of information about himself and write and send what it lacks or the corrections to do (or a better picture!). You can send the bits of information to these two email addresses: Jose Burgues [email protected] or/and [email protected]

Darek continues in contact with us. We thank him for his strong desire of remaining united to us... and of coming back here some day. You are very much appreciated. Welcome any time to your home! And, for the moment, we will continue receiving and enjoying your regular news and messages …

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Together with this Letter we attach the ‘Hojita’, Letter of information of the Vicariate of Guinea-Gabon.


This year, I continue teaching in our schools. I teach religion at upper sixth, I’m in charge of pastoral of vocations in my community and I collaborate in the pastoral of “Colegio Calasancio” (and I collaborate as well in the pastoral team of the province).

Teaching religion the way it’s done here in Spain was really new for me at the beginning. It’s really exciting to discuss, argue and explain in a systematic way our religion to youngsters. The studies of humanism hold a very important aspect into it. In that section, we study great thinkers who go against the doctrine of the church and also those who try to explain rationally the reasons of their belief. All the students are awake because it deals with scientists well known as Freud, Nietzsche, Blaise Pascal… Sharing the reasons of our hope and cooperating with the truth is a truly Calasanzian ministry!

Another satisfaction for me this year is the mass for children. I’m in charge of the masses for children in our parish… Parents usually come on Saturday evening to program what we have to do, on Sunday they come 30 minutes before mass to arrange everything and prepare their children not only to behave well during mass but also to participate in everything. On Friday evening, they make a rehearsal of the songs…

I also wish that you should know that I’m currently studying Social Sciences at the University of Zaragoza. My option is Social Work. There we have subjects as Psychology, Economics, Social Work, Anthropology, Communication, Sociology, Law, Politics, Statistics… Though it’s very demanding, I feel very happy for the stuff given. I think that it is a very useful study to be made for our demarcation. It can be applied mostly for non formal education, formal education, in parishes… In fact, it’s a global view of every social problem! (…and I add –it’s Mariano who writes- that he has had some excellent results! In such a way that some subjects will be free of charge next year…)

Finally, I collaborate with the diocesan team of emigration. There, I usually join the team to organize activities for immigrants such as masses (in French, English and Spanish), recollections, outings, visits… And, since last December, I’m the confessor of the Augustinian Sisters in Zaragoza and I teach religious life to the young African Sisters who are in the Juniorate there. It's very demanding due to my charged program but it also makes me rediscover the depth of Religious Life. The sisters are from Kenya.

Apart from these above mentioned activities, I also collaborate in many other little activities without names…

In reality, I feel very happy and grateful to God and to the Order for the experience I’m going through. It’s with pleasure that I sometimes feel suffocated with the lack of time for myself.

These are the few experiences I wanted to share with you my brothers.

May God bless us all.

Bertrand Fotsing


Vous avez, en attachée, le rapport d’activités de l’année 2010 de la Fondation. C’est le document qu’on présente au Gouvernement come résumé de ce qu’on a fait… Vous avez, là bas, quelques pages pour vous informer de notre action dans ce champ d’action si important pour nous.


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Au Collège, elles ont été précédées par la messe de fin du trimestre et la prisse des bulletins par les parents des élèves, qui a eu lieu, une fois finie cette messe, le 17 décembre.

La Chorale du Cartier nous a fait passer une soirée très agréable du samedi18, avec un grand concert très varié. Tout cela nous a invité à célébrer la messe de la Nuit de Noël à 20h. Même si SONEL a été constant avec la coupure de tous les jours, les gens du Cartier sont venus nombreux avec la clarté de la lune et de petites torches. Et ils n’ont pas manqué, à la fin, les chants de Noël autour du Petit Enfant, avec l’offrande de bombons et biscuits, de la part des assistent.

Le matin du 25, après la messe de Noël, grandes et petits, tout le monde a dégusté le Cous – Cous de l’Enfant Jésus. Joyeux Noël !!!

Les deux Communautés de Bandjoun et Bamendjou, ont célébré cette fête ensemble avec en repas fraternel, à Bandjoun ; les sœurs de Bamendjou nous ont accompagné aussi, en apportant grande variété musicale du folklore de Noël.

Comme grand Cadeau de Noël, le Collège T Calasanz a reçu le TERRAIN SPORTIF, qui a comblé de joie ELEVES et PROFESSEURS, et les enfants du Cartier.


JOURNEE DE LA VIE CONSACREE Le 5 février à Babete : Messe de la lumière, après une conférence ; Présentation de l’Exhortation apostolique, « VERBUM DOMINI » du Pape Benoit XVI. Repas fraternelle apportée par les Sœurs et arrosée avec la boisson des hommes.

La JOURNEE DE JEUNESSE, le 11 février, a mis point final à une semaine très intense de préparation pour le défilé : Tous les ateliers ont rivalisé pour bien avoir au point tous les instruments qu’ils vont apporter au défilé : les filles de ESF des gâteaux très appétissants ont montré au publique très nombreux de la Mairie.

Il y a quelques photos, en attaché, qui témoignent de tout ça…

Attached documents:

Catalogue de la Viceprovince

Rapport des Activités de la Fondation Itaka 2010

Hojita Vicarial de Guinea-Gabón

After so many pages, and asking pardon to the ones who never appeared in the section coming bellow because of the time in silence, we offer at this point the dates of the birthdays and feast days of the members of our Viceprovince as a clear invitation for us to contact them.

In MARS... 1: Ángel Miguel García (F); 3: Felicien Mouendji & Peter Kebei-Ghonson (B); 5: Rauch Berinyuy (B); 7: Louis Njodzela (B); 11: Agendia Nchenga (B); 15: Stephen Verla (B); 17: Marcel Kengem (B); 18: Julius Ngalim (B); 19: Cyrille Mbarga (B); 25: Elias Sengka (B); 26: Leonard Nsairun & Jean Sylvain Ottou (B); 28: Alain Guibert Alama (B).

In APRIL... 3: Antoine Thierry Edang (B); 22: George Nkomo Tsala (B); 23: Cornelius Banah & Florent Engamba (B); 25: Mark Nguemo (F).

In MAY... 6: Elvis Werdzeka Mbinkar (B); 11: Hippolyte Wirnkar Tanfen (B); 16: George Nkungsii Ndim (B); 24: Serge Akoumou Bikoe (F); 27: Patrick Foumane (B); 28: Gerald Obasi (B).

We include also, some of the ones near and dear to us

In MARS... 4: Kazimierz Chowaniec (F); 5: Patrice Martin Sagna (B); 7: Nazaire Wiré Diatta (B); 8: Jean de Dieu Ehemba (F); 9: Samson Ehemba (B); 16: Domingo López (B); 19: Joseph M.

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Balcells, José Luis Monge, José María Zamanillo, Joseph Artigas & Joseph Adeoko (B); 23: Bertrand Diémé (B) & Victorien Manga (F); 27: Victor Emmanuel Diouf (B); 29: Jovino Obama (B).

In APRIL... 2: Joseph Calassanç Diatta (B); 17: Daniel Hallado (B); 19: Sébastien Sambou (B); 20: Pacôme Gnadau Guim (B); 22: Alexandre Badiane (F); 25: Fernando Negro (B); 27: Pierre Canisius Badji & Elisée Manga (B).

In MAY... 4: Sylvain Senghor (F); 5: Salvador Obama (B); 7: Henry Sambou (B); 8: Stanislaw Chowaniec (F); 11: Miroslaw Wodja (B); 13: Daniel Eyene (F); 15: Christian Taleluka & Bienvenu Manga (B); 16: Roger Babène (B); 17: Celestino Pulido (B); 18: Félix Cirstóbal (F); 21: Nfumu Didier Kololo (F); 22: Gabriel Tekam (B); 26: Bernardo Ndong (B); 30: Ferran Sans (F).

