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Letters from public officials and people in power stating they can do nothing in the form of over...

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  • 8/14/2019 Letters from public officials and people in power stating they can do nothing in the form of over sight



    IN R0[]~ld Olin. PhD

    Ouetof Pchce

    April 20 2006

    Sarah Swain at Law

    601 Missouri. Suite

    lawrence. KS 66044

    Dear Ms. Swain

    you and Ottlcer Bialek

    and CarrieFederal

    Officer Bialek

    and has iniormed them of

    have been in contact

    at the federal level

    will no t release the identity or

    the case

    case should be directed to

    iivou need to correspond with 21')lon8 if I me

    so In a

    sothat it rnav oe routed and

    to aoorees your correspcnoence to me

    Very truly yours,

    /11\,""U ~

    W Olin, Ph.D

    Chiei of


    Pkwv > L;"vrence, KS

    L.1w Enforcement Center. :' [11 S"',~;:! Lawrence. KS

    Citv H~li 11E.,,; (,Ih S,reel L:lwrencc. KS (i("}"-1 735) : : 132 3000

  • 8/14/2019 Letters from public officials and people in power stating they can do nothing in the form of over sight










    September 19, 2007

    Guy and carrie Neighbors

    1104 AndoverLawrence, KS 66049


    Dear Mr. and Mrs. Neighbors:

    The City of Lawrence continues to receive numerous complaints from you regarding the

    conduct of members of the Lawrence Police Department as well as employees of many

    other agencies including the United States Justice Department. Many of the complaints

    appear to be similar to prior complaints that you have filed with the Police Department.

    It is my understanding that you are currently facing prosecution in the United States

    District Court for the District of Kansas in a pair of cases. As I have stated to you in

    previous letters, we must ensure that our internal affairs investigation does not

    jeopardize the independence of the criminal justice process. Therefore, the

    investigation of your complaints related to those cases is being withheld until the

    conclusion of those cases.

    Please be advised that the City of Lawrence has no disciplinary authority over and no

    responsibility for the acts of other governmental entities. You should file complaints

    against Federal law enforcement agents and prosecutors with their respective agencies.

    Finally, due to the sheer number and overlapping nature of the complaints that youhave filed, if you would like to prepare a complaint document with all of your complaints

    in one document, it would help us ensure that we are addressing all of your concerns at

    the appropriate time.

    C City Commission

  • 8/14/2019 Letters from public officials and people in power stating they can do nothing in the form of over sight






    December 15,2006

    Guy and Carrie Neighbors

    1104 Andover

    Lawrence, KS 66049


    DEPARTMENT DATED 12/13/2006

    Dear Guy and Carrie Neighbors:

    The City of Lawrence City Manager's Office is in receipt of the complaint that you filed

    on 12/13/2006 regarding the actions of the Lawrence Police Department. In addition. we

    have received from you or have been made aware of several other letters of complaint

    regarding the Police Department's actions that you have issued. I want to assure you that

    I take every complaint against. a department of the City very seriously.

    As a general matter, the City's policy is that the investigations of complaints against the

    Police Department in cases that result in criminal prosecution are conducted after all such

    prosecution is completed. The purpose of the policy is to prevent the City from taking

    actions that might negatively influence the independence of the process. In addition, the

    judicial process allows a neutral fact finder to resolve some of the disputed factual issues

    that Me inevitably associated with such it complaint.

    It is my understanding that each of you is currently under indictment in the United States

    District Court for the District of Kansas in case number 06-20l71-0l/02~CMI1PO as a

    result of the investigation in question. Once all the proceedings that result from the

    investigationin question are complete. we will conduct a diligent review of your


    JZ /L~David L. c G : :City Manager

  • 8/14/2019 Letters from public officials and people in power stating they can do nothing in the form of over sight


    U.S. Department of Justice

    Civil Rights Division

    Coordination ana Review Sec/ion - NYA

    950 PenllsylvonillAvenue, N. W .Washington, DC 20530

    Doc #268427

    Yellow House Store Inc.

    1904 1''1055Lawrence, KS 66046

    A U G - 1 2 0 0 7

    Dear Sir or Madam:

    Your letter was received by the Coordination and Review

    Section of the Civil Rights Division of the Department of

    Justice. We have considered carefully the information you have

    provided, but the matter does not appear to be within the

    jurisdiction of our office.

    However, by the enclosed letter, we have referred the matter

    to the agencies that is most likely to assist you. If you haveany questions, please contact the Federal Bureau of Investigation

    at (202) 324-3000.


    A. Friedlander

    Coordination and Review Section

    Civil Rights Division


  • 8/14/2019 Letters from public officials and people in power stating they can do nothing in the form of over sight


    U.S. DeplII"fment or Justice

    Federal Bureau of Investigation

    In Reply. Please Refer I..,

    FileNo. 194-KC-C81080 1300 Summit

    JUly 7, 2006

    Sarah .G, Swain601 Missouri

    Suite 3Lawrence, Kansas 66044

    Dear Ms0 Swain:

    The Kansas City Office of the Federal Bureau of

    Investigation (FBI) is in receipt of your letter' to Special AgentWalter R. Schaefer, which was facsimiled to the Kansas City

    Division of the FBI on 30, 2006. The Kansas City Division

    of the FBI is also in of a facslmiled Affidavit which wasallegedly prepared by Laura on April 22, 20060 ThisAffLda vLt was received by the Kansas City Division of the FBI onJune 15, 2006.

    As you are Schaefer visited youroffice on April 19, your public allegationsand correspondence to Assistant United States Attorney, MariettaParker, that members of the Lawrence Police Department were

    conducting an .Lnvestigation and identifying themselves as FBIagents.

    On April 19, when SA Schaefer visited you in youroffice at GOl Missouri, 3, Lawrence, Kansas 66044, youadvised him that you had ten to tweLve witnesses who claimed that

    members of the Police Depe r t.ment identified themselvesas FBI agents nve stLqatI

    Schaefer requested those namesnot have the names and that your

    those lists of names 0

  • 8/14/2019 Letters from public officials and people in power stating they can do nothing in the form of over sight


    W. Ronald Olin, Ph.D.Chief of Police

    Mike WildgenCity Manager

    April 20, 2006

    Sarah Swain, Attorney at Law

    601 Missouri, Suite 3

    Lawrence, KS 66044

    Dear Ms. Swain:

    I am in receipt of email correspondence between you and Officer Bialek

    regarding the ongoing investigation involving your clients, Guy and Carrie

    Neighbors. It is my understanding that you wish to speak with the Federal

    investigators involved with the investigation of your clients. Officer Bialek

    assures me that he has contacted the agents involved and has informed them of

    your wish to be contacted. Additionally, I am aware you have been in contact

    with U.S. Attorney Marietta Parker who is handling this case at the federal level

    for prosecution. The Lawrence Police Department will not release the identity of

    any Federal investigator who is involved in the case.

    Your most recent email is of some concern, as it could be read as an

    attempt to report potential criminal activity. If this is your intention and the

    activities in question took place in the City of Lawrence, please feel free to file a

    police report with our department. If these activities took place elsewhere,

    please contact the appropriate law enforcement agency from that jurisdiction. I

    believe Sergeant Mike Pattrick from this department as well as Special Agent

    Bob Shaefer with the FBI has spoken with you in person about these very issues.

    Any further correspondence concerning this case should be directed to

    u.S. Attorney Marietta Parker. ii you need to correspond with anyone in theLawrence Police Department, please do so in writing, instead of emailing a

    specific officer so that it may be routed and handled appropriately. You are

    welcome to address your correspondence to me.

    Very truly yours,

    W. Ronald Olin, Ph.D.

    Chief of Police


    Investigation &Training Center 4820 Bob Billings Pkwy - Lawrence, KS 66049 (785) 830-7400Law Enforcement Center, Patrol &Records Division> II I East 11th Street- Lawrence, KS 66044 (785) 832-7501

    - - - - - -~ - ~---~~-

  • 8/14/2019 Letters from public officials and people in power stating they can do nothing in the form of over sight


    W R.,o~ld 0110. Ph D

    C,:,~[ of Poh~e



    April 20 2006

    Sarah Swain, Attorney at Law

    601 Missouri SUite 3

    Lawrence KS 6604-1

    Dear Ms. Swam:

    1am .n receipt 01email corresoonoence between you and Orncer Bialek

    regarding the ongoing Investigation involving 'lour clients. Guy and Carrie

    Neighbors It IS my understanding that you wish to speak with the Federal

    ~nves!lgators Involved with the investigation of your clients. Officer Bialekassures me that he has cornecteo the agents Involved and has informed them at

    your wish to be contacted. Aoolnonany. I am aware you have been in contact

    .v-th J S Attoroev Marietta Parker who is handling this case eune federal level

    'or prosecvnoo. The Lawrence Ponce Department will not release the identity of

    any Federallnvesllgator who is mvoiveo in the case

    Your rnos! recent email IS0' some concern. as it could be read as an

    attempt 10 report potential cornlnet activity. II this is your intention and the

    activities in Question took place in :he City 01 Lawrence. please reeltree to liIe a

    police report with our oeoartmeru. If these acuvmes tOOK place elsewhere

    crease can lac: the approorlate tav, enlorcement agency from that Junsdictior,. I

    oeteve Sergeant fvlike pattnck frorn this department as well as Scectal Agent

    Bob sneerer '.'11ththe 1=81has spoken wun yeu m person about tnese very Issues

    Any runner correspondenct;, concerning thrs case should be cuecteo 1O

    u S Attorney Manena Parker il you neec to correspond with anyone inthe

    Lawrence Police Department, ptease do so In wnnnq. instead of amalling a

    specific officer so that it may be routed and handled appropriately You are

    wetcome to address your correspcndence to me

    Very truly yours.

    ftf"",,,U ~

    W Ronald Onn P"".D

    Cruet of Ponce


    lo,~~u~auon & Tr;lintng Center 4820 Bol' Billings Pk"'~' L;'I'ren.:e. KS 660.9' : "785) 83()7JOO

    LJw Enforcement Cente". P~lrol & Re"'lrd~ Di";sicn' 1\ I'E~$I : 'II, Slt":~l' t.cwrence. KS 66()4.1 ,~!l5) 832-~50!

    Cily H~U' Ii E."; 61h Streel Lawrence. KS r,(,,~J.l 785, ::13::3000

    www !awrene~pI

  • 8/14/2019 Letters from public officials and people in power stating they can do nothing in the form of over sight


    U.S. Department of Justice

    Eric F. Melgren

    United States AttorneyDistrict of Kansas



    Wichita, Kansas 67202-4812

    Topeka Office

    444 Quincy


    Topeka, Kansas 66683-3592

    TEL (3/6) 269-6481

    FAX (316j 2696484

    TDD(316) 269-6586

    Kansas City Office



    Kansas City, Kansas 66101-2433

    July 26, 2007

    Professional Delivery Services

    1104 Andover

    Lawrence, KS 66049

    Your inquiry received July 25, 2007 requested information regarding filing a complaint.

    Since the complaint you wish to file is against the United States Attorney's Office for the District

    of Kansas Isuggest you file the complaint with the main office of the Department of Justice at950 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C. 20530.

    Sincerely yours,

    Eric F. Melgren

    United States Attorney

    District of Kansas


  • 8/14/2019 Letters from public officials and people in power stating they can do nothing in the form of over sight



    Kathleen Sebelius, Governor

    O F FIC E O F T H E G O VE R NO R www.governor.ks.gov

    July 20, 2007

    Mr. Guy Neighbors1904 Massachusetts

    r ,8\NTenCe, KS 66046

    Dear Mr. Neighbors:

    Thank you for your letter regarding your concerns with the Lawrence Police Department.

    I appreciate the time you took to contact me about the problems you have encountered.

    Unfortunately. local law enforcement and legal issues are not a matter in which my office

    has jurisdiction. I would encourage you to work through higher officials within the localdepartment; they may have a complaint process in place. I would also encourage you to

    contact your local elected city officials, as they may also have jurisdiction over this

    matter. lfyou have exhausted these avenues, it may be appropriate to work with an

    attorney to resolve this issue.

    Thank you again for your letter and I am sorry you have been treated unjustly. 1 regret

    that I am not able to intervene at this time. However, if for any other reason, this office

    can be of service to you, please call us at 1-877-KSWORKS (1-877-579-6757).


    Kathleen Sebelius

    Governor of the State of Kansas

    KGS: bh

