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Letting Go and Moving On

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Ultimately we only find peace when we choose to let go and move on.
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Letting Go and Moving On

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Letting go and moving on can be a painful experience, but not letting go and moving on is just as equally as painful and a potentially more torturous experience. We may feel torn between these two paths but ultimately we only find peace when we choose to let go and move on.

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Life is a curious event. It is like enormous, interactive, abstract art piece in which us, the users, participate and engage with and are supposed to observe and form our own conclusions and understanding of. Life does not come with a standard introductory note and neither does it have a user manual.

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The entire phenomenon of life and living is so obscure that its brilliant. Brilliant in the sense that through its obscurity and the demand for user participation, we are forced to experience and ideally learn the lessons bestowed by life.

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From this perspective that life itself is both a work of art and a teacher, we become the artists and students of our own, personal lives and lifestyles, so through our own experiences of being the artist and creating the life of our dreams, we are also simultaneously the student and learning life’s lessons that have been tailored personally for each of us.

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Human beings are inherently creative. We are all essentially artists and as with all artists, tools are needed to help us create our visions. A painters tools are his paint, paintbrushes and paper, and a musicians tools are his guitars, drums and pianos. One of the greatest tools we will ever need for creating our personal masterpiece, our Ultimate Lifestyle, is learning the art of letting go and moving on.

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When we learn to let go and move on, we are stepping into our faith. Not religious faith, but faith that there are better days ahead, more opportunities to come and more adventures to be had. Faith that as one door closes, others open for us, and as one chapter ends, another begins. Faith that everything happens for a reason even if those reasons are not immediately evident. Letting go is trusting this process and allowing it to eventuate by focusing on today and continuing to dream and working towards our future.

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The first step in letting go is acknowledging that the time has come, but this is sometimes the hardest part of letting go because we really do not want to acknowledge it. We feel the guidance to move on, but our emotions and feelings are so heavily invested that our minds struggle with the thought and we only feel torn, confused, anxious and sick. This is why it takes courage to have faith, courage to move past our fears and courage to take a metaphorical leap of faith.

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Good times come and pass, just as bad times come and pass also, but while we want to forget and move on from the bad times, the good times we hang onto because we never want those times to end. We try to artificially preserve the good times even after they have gone stale and putrid and this causes friction and conflict in our lives. Life is moving but we stop moving with it. We are clinging onto what has been and potentially living in fear that nothing more will come.

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Often, the clearest indication that it is time to let go, is when we experience suffering, when things that were once so easy and natural, no longer have that feel to them. However, occasionally suffering is not a clue to move on, but an opportunity for us to practice compassion and forgiveness and to grow wiser and stronger through the experience. So learning when to let go and move on and when to stay still and grow is part of life’s lessons too.

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Everyone’s life is absolutely unique to them and so all of our experiences and perceptions will be different. For this reason, there is never a black and white answer for life’s dilemmas and no one else can tell you when the time is right for letting go and moving on, only you can know when the time has come.

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Just as we can not learn how to be happy by reading an article, or learn how to make love by reading a magazine column, we can not learn how to let go and move on just by reading the words on this page. We can be guided and directed but it is something that we have to learn from our own experiences and through our own trials and errors. Remember, only through our own experiences does true wisdom develop.

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As we master the art of letting go and moving on, we master the tools for our own lives. We become a virtuoso at dealing with whatever life throws our way. We learn to appreciate the good times, and how to bid farewell with love when the good times have passed, knowing that life heals a broken heart and more experiences and opportunities are to come; and we take the lessons and just deal with the hard times knowing that better days are ahead. We transition and evolve through life as we are meant to.

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Ultimately life is a journey, to be experienced and enjoyed. Sometimes we need to let go of our own fears and insecurities to live the life of our dreams, sometimes letting go of painful experiences, disappointments and heartaches is needed to open us up to new experiences and opportunities, one day we will all need to let go of our youth and embrace aging, and sometimes we might have to let go of something that we dreamed of sharing with someone just because they let go first.

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