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Leveraging Social Media for Small Business Success

Date post: 08-May-2015
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Presented at the request of Raleigh SCORE, the presentation reviews marketing 101 basics, makes a case for using social media marketing for business, offers resources to choose which social media network to select for a business, underscores the importance of a business website as the center of social media marketing efforts, and provides some tips for Facebook and Twitter marketing. This is mostly a primer, but the tips for Facebook and Twitter near the middle of the presentation are useful to anyone.

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  • 1.Presented by: Stephen Peacock http://peacockcreative.net Twitter: @stephenpeacock LinkedIn Leveraging Social Media for Small Business Success

2. Todays Agenda 1. Review Some Marketing 101 Basics 2. Why Social Media Marketing Makes Sense 3. Your Website: The Center of Your Social Media Strategy 4. Review Tips and Strategies for Facebook and Twitter 5. Overview of Measuring Success 6. Identify Additional Resources 7. Time for Questions 3. Social Media #1 SOCIAL MEDIA HAS OVERTAKEN PORN AS THE NO. 1 ACTIVITY ON THE WEB We all knew social media was popular, but this popular? Apparently its the most common thing we do online From Fast Company 10 Surprising Social Media Statistics That Will Make You Rethink Your Social Strategy 4. Marketing 101 SBA Style In order to successfully grow your business, youll need to attract and then work to retain a large base of satisfied customers. Marketing emphasizes the value of the customer to the business, and has two guiding principles: 1. All company policies and activities should be directed toward satisfying customer needs. 2. Profitable sales volume is more important than maximum sales volume. To best use these principles, a small business should: Determine the needs of their customers through market research Analyze their competitive advantages to develop a market strategy Select specific markets to serve by target marketing Determine how to satisfy customer needs by identifying a market mix http://www.sba.gov/content/marketing-101-basics 5. Why Social Media Marketing Social Media has changed the way people connect, discover, and share information. Social networks, like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest are the places where social interactions happen (discovering & sharing). Social media marketing is the way to use that technology to build relationships, drive repeat business. and attract new customers through friends sharing with friends. Sound familiar? Thats because social media marketing is really just word-of-mouth powered by technology. http://www.socialquickstarter.com/content/1-why_social_media_marketing 6. Marketing Plan Develop goals for your marketing. What is it you want to achieve? Social media marketing should be one part of a larger marketing and communications strategy You should develop a budget that includes both funds to be set aside and considers other resources (e.g. staff time) http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/how-to-setup-a-social-media-business-strategy/ 7. Social Media Marketing Goals Social media marketing goals may include: Number of views, overall reach Engagement: number of likes, comments, and shares (+mentions, retweets) Number of friends/fans who follow links embedded in posts Growth of followers Qualified leads generated Growth in sales 8. Who is Your Audience 9. Create Personas A persona is a kind of mental modelan imaginary person with a name, history, and story who has a way of doing things. A persona should have enough psychological detail to allow you to conveniently step over to the personas view and see your products and services from her perspective. http://www.tronviggroup.com/customer-personas-what-sally-can-show-you/ 10. More Resources HubSpot provides a free Guide to Creating Personas Get HubSpots Guide to Creating Personas 11. Personas and Social Media Personas can help you decide which social media platforms to use to engage current and potential customers Personas help you develop engagement strategies by anticipating what your prospects will react to or interact with As you interact with customers and prospects on social media you will be able to further refine your personas based on results to better build relationships and drive conversions 12. Network Demographics Visit the Pew Research Internet Project to view the Demographics of Social Media Users Also view their Social Media Fact Sheet 13. Network Numbers Facebook 1.2 Billion YouTube 1 Billion Google+ 540 Million Twitter 240 Million LinkedIn 277 Million Instagram 150 Million Pinterest 70 Million Foursquare 40 million Google says about 1.5 billion photos are being shared on Plus each week. Facebook recently said about 350 million pictures are being shared per day, or more than 2.4 billion per week. Millions more are shared on Instagram, which Facebook bought last year. Read more: Daily News *these numbers are constantly growing and changing these are the most recent I could find 14. Your Social Media Marketing Strategy Starts with your website! 15. Your 2014 Website Must Haves Responsive your site works well and looks great no matter what device is used to view it. Social Sharing buttons allows visitors to easily share your content on social media Original and engaging content that speaks to your audience (personas) SEO optimized keywords in title, url, h tags, meta data, alt image tag etc Blogging capability so you can publish new content easily 16. Social and SEO Your Website Instagram Twitter FBGoogle+ LinkedIn Social signals are emerging as ranking factors as search engines determine how to leverage our social interaction and behavior. Danny Sullivan, Search Engine Land 17. Local Mobile Searches = Sales http://searchengineland.com/study-78-percent-local-mobile-searches- result-offline-purchases-188660 18. 10 Commandments of Social Media 1. Thou Shalt Socialize, Not Advertise 2. Thou Shalt Be a Human Being, Not a Company 3. Thou Shalt be Passionate About Ones Vocation, but Not Be a Salesman 4. Thou Shalt be a Good Listener 5. Thou Shalt Contribute http://www.kunocreative.com/blog/bid/86184/The-10-Commandments-of-Social-Media-Marketing 19. 10 Commandments of Social Media 6. Thou Shalt Play Well with Others 7. Thou Shalt Empower Thy Community 8. Thou Shalt Share Thy Expertise 9. Thou Shalt Praise Others 10. Thou Shalt Respond in a Timely Manner http://www.kunocreative.com/blog/bid/86184/The-10-Commandments-of-Social-Media-Marketing 20. Set Your Goals and Measure Progress 21. Facebook Tips Read more about the following tips in an article by Belle Beth Cooper on the Fast Company website 22. Facebook Tips - Photos Photos get 53% more likes, 104% more comments and 84% more click-throughs on links than text-based posts. 23. Facebook Tips Photo Galleries Wishponds data says that overall, photo posts get 120% more engagement than the average post, and photo albums actually get 180% more engagement 24. Facebook Tips Post Length Shorter posts under 250 characters get 60% more engagement 25. Facebook Tip Emoticons Emoticons ( :D :) :-O ) increase comments by 33% and get 57% more likes 26. Facebook Tip Ask Questions Questions containing should, would, which or who increase engagement 27. Facebook Tip Pick Your Days Engagement rates on Thursday and Friday are 18% higher 28. Facebook Tips Encourage Fans 42% of fans like a page to get a coupon or discount 29. Lets Talk Twitter The following tips are from Belle Beth Cooper on the Buffer Blog 30. Twitter Tips Twitter engagement for brands is 17% higher on weekends If youre posting tweets with links, Dan Zarrellas research shows that 120130 characters will be your sweet spot. 31. Twitter Tips Twitters fastest growing demographic is 5564 year-olds Tweets with hashtags get 2x more engagement 32. Twitter Tips Twitter users who mostly use a mobile device are 181% more likely to be on Twitter during their commute Your tweets have a 12x higher chance of being retweeted if you ask for it, and 23x higher if you actually spell out the word retweet 33. Measuring Social Media You must measure social media campaigns to gauge their effectiveness. Install Google Analytics (free) on your website Use Googles Url Builder (also free) Use Facebook Insights (free) Use Twitter Analytics (free) Try Third Party Analytics (not all free) 34. Use Googles Url Builder Campaign Source (utm_source) Required. Use utm_source to identify a search engine, newsletter name, or other source. Example: utm_source=facebook Campaign Medium (utm_medium) Required. Use utm_medium to identify a medium such as email or cost-per- click. Example: utm_medium=cpc Campaign Term (utm_term) Used for paid search. Use utm_term to note the keywords for this ad. Example: utm_term=running+shoes Campaign Content (utm_content) Used for A/B testing and content-targeted ads. Use utm_content to differentiate ads or links that point to the same URL. Examples: utm_content=logolink or utm_content=textlink Campaign Name (utm_campaign) Used for keyword analysis. Use utm_campaign to identify a specific product promotion or strategic campaign. Example: utm_campaign=spring_sale 35. Custom Campaign Tips If you are building many custom campaign urls you can use an excel spreadsheet template created by Google. Link below Custom Campaign Urls work with url shortening services such as bit.ly, owl.ly Consistency in using custom campaign Urls is critical to this method of evaluating your marketing efforts. http://www.google.com/analytics/apps/about?app_id=1276007 36. Facebook Insights Facebook provides a wealth of data to administrators of pages with 30 likes or more. 37. Twitter Analytics Twitter also provide analytics data but to track url clicks you must use custom campaigns or use Twitter Cards 38. Additional Resources Social media not working? Great article on Social Media Examiner 7 Ways Brands Are Using Social Media to Build Customer Loyalty in 2014 Social Media Today 12 Awesome Social Media Tutorials on HubSpot Social Media Tutorials from Socialbrite LoyalBlocks added after the presentation because we discussed social customer loyalty apps in the session. 39. Get this presentation online: http://www.slideshare.net/stephenpeacock
