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Lfb 1010 French for Beginners Lecture Notes Trim 2 2012-13

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  • 7/28/2019 Lfb 1010 French for Beginners Lecture Notes Trim 2 2012-13




    Lecture notes by Nolwenn Jarnoux (MMU Melaka)

    Lecturer: Julien Pierre

    Email :[email protected]

    Office : FCM ER3043

  • 7/28/2019 Lfb 1010 French for Beginners Lecture Notes Trim 2 2012-13




    Getting started! ......................................................page 3Lalphabet

    La prononciation

    Annexe : les articles.................................................page 4

    Les salutations ........................................................page 5Hellos and goodbyes

    How are you ?


    Se prsenter (1) ......................................................page 7

    Le nomLa nationalit, ladresse

    Annexe : Les nationalits et les pays ......................page 8

    Les verbes irrguliers (1) ........................................page 10

    Les nombres ...........................................................page 12

    Les dates ................................................................page 14

    Lheure ...................................................................page 16

    Se prsenter (2) ......................................................page 18Lge, la date de naissance et lanniversaire

    La profession

    Prsenter quelquun ..............................................page 22Les couleurs ............................................................page 24

    Dcrire quelquun (1) : Le visage .............................page 26

    Dcrire quelquun (2) ..............................................page 28

    Annexe : les adjectifs ..............................................page 30

    Les verbes rguliers : -ER ........................................page 32

    La famille ................................................................page 35

    la maison .............................................................page 39

    Dans la ville ............................................................page 41

    Les verbes irrguliers (2) .........................................page 43Les activits ............................................................page 45

    Annexe: La ngation ...............................................page 48

  • 7/28/2019 Lfb 1010 French for Beginners Lecture Notes Trim 2 2012-13



    Getting started!Lalphabet

    A B C D

    A H B A Y S A Y D A Y

    E F G H

    E R E F F J A Y A S H

    I J K L

    E E H J E E H C A R E L

    M N O P

    E M E N O H P A Y

    Q R S T

    C O O A I R E S S T A Y

    U V W X

    O O H V A Y D O O B L E R V A Y I X

    Y Z

    E E H G R E C Z E D

    La prononciation

    Letter/ Lettre Pronunciation/Prononciation

    Example/ Exemple

    A [ah] Un avion a planeB [bay] Un bb a babyC [say] Un cadeau / une cerise a gift/ a cherryD [day] Un docteur a doctorE [er] Une fentre a windowF [eff] Une fleur a flower

    G [jay] Un gnral/ un gateau a general/ a cakeH [ash] Un hpital an hospitalI [eeh] Unele an islandJ [jeeh] Unjouet a toyK [car] Un kangourou a kangarooL [el] Un lapin a rabbitM [em] Une maison a houseN [en] Une nuit a nightO [oh] Une oreille an earP [pay] Un professeur a teacherQ [coo] Une quantit a quantityR [air] Un rsum a summaryS [ess] Un sac a bagT [tay] Une table a tableU [ooh] Une usine a factoryV [vay] Une voiture a carW [doobler vay] Un week-end a week-endX [ix] Un xylophone a xylophone

    Y [eeh grec] Un yaourt a yoghourtZ [zed] Un zoo a zoo

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    Annexe : Les articles

    As you can see in the table from the previous page, each word is preceded by an article: un or une.Now, both of these words have the same translation in English: a.How can one word in English have two different translations to French?

    Well, here it is. In French language, each and every object has a gender; that is to say

    that everything is either masculine or feminine, male or female, neutral words do notexist. And most of the time this gender cannot change. If a word is masculine, it willalways be masculine; you cannot change the gender to your convenience.There is no easy way for you to know if a word is either masculine or feminine, the onlyway you have to know the gender is by looking at the article of a word. The article is theshort word that comes before the object (in English: a, the, this, my, your...).In French, the article will be different for masculine and feminine objects:

    UNmarks the masculine for the word that follows

    UNEmarks the feminine for the word that follows

    But both of them are translated by a in English.

    For example: atable is feminine in French and will always be: une tablea restaurant is masculine in French and will always be: un restaurant

    then,the table becomes la tablethe restaurant becomes le restaurant

    That is why , when you learn the vocabulary, i t is very important that yo u also learn the art ic le l inked to it , so

    that you wil l kno w wh at gender it is .

    Now, coming to the plural of things. In French both the noun and the article have to carry the mark of the plural whichis (most of the times) -S.When it comes to plural, the articles dont take into account the gender anymore, as:the tables become les tables, andthe restaurants become les restaurants

    As for the indefinite articles, they dont have a plural in English, as you would say: a table becomes (in a plural form)tables. You can notice the absence of article for the plural. In French, we have an article for the indefinite plural: des.

    So that, tables become des tablesand restaurants become des restaurants

    Attention: when you use the singular definite article in front of a noun that begins with a vowel or a H, you have toretrieve the last vowel of that article:

    Le oiseauloiseau (the bird)La amielamie (the female friend)Le hpital lhpital (the hospital)

    Mascul ine a un the le

    Feminine a une the la

    Plural des the les

    Be careful to learn your

    vocabulary with theappropriate article so

    that you know if a

    word is masculine or


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    Les salutations

    Hellos and goodbyes :Bonjour Hello(good morning, good afternoon)Bonsoir Good eveningSalut Hi, goodbye (informal)

    Au revoir Goodbye

    A demain See you tomorrowA lundi See you MondayA bientot See you soonA plus tard See you later

    Bonne journe Have a good dayBonne soire Have a good evening

    How are you? :

    Comment allez-vous? (formal)Comment vas-tu? (informal)Comment a va?a va?

    Je vais bien. I am fine.Je ne vais pas bien. I am not fine.Je suis fatigu. I am tired.a va bien. Its going ok.Et toi ? And you ? (informal)Et vous? And you? (formal)

    Miscellaneous :

    Bienvenu Welcome

    Enchant Nice to meet you (if the person talking is male)Enchante Nice to meet you (if the person talking is female)

    Sil vous plait Please (formal)Sil te plait Please (informal)

    Merci Thank youMerci beaucoup Thanks a lot

    De rien Youre welcomeJe vous en prie Youre welcome

    Excusez-moi Excuse meJe suis dsol I am sorryJe suis en retard I am late

    Madame MadamMademoiselle MissMonsieur Sir

    Oui YesNon No

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    Exercice 1. Complte les dialogues avec le vocabulaire de la leon:1.Didier : Bonjour !Pierre : _______________

    ____________________ ?

    Didier : Je vais bien, et toi ?Pierre : _________________Didier : Oh ! Je suis dsol, je suis en retard. Je dois partir.

    _________________Pierre : A plus tard !


    2.Benjamin : Bonsoir Valrie !

    Valrie : Hey, salut Benjamin_______________________________ ?Benjamin : Je ne vais pas bien, je suis trs fatigu

    Et toi ?Valrie : _______________________________Benjamin : Je vais voir le docteur maintenant.

    _____________________.Valrie : Au revoir.


    3.Monsieur Dujardin : Bonjour mademoiselle.Mademoiselle Corine : Bonjour monsieur, comment allez-vous ?Monsieur Dujardin : ___________________________ ,

    _____________________ ?Mademoiselle Corine : a va bien

    Voici votre table et votre menu.Monsieur Dujardin : Merci.Mademoiselle Corine : ____________________. Je reviens dans une minute.

    Monsieur Dujardin : Trs bien.


    Je dois partir I must leave

    Trs Very

    Voir To see

    Maintenant Now

    Voici Here is

    Je reviens I come back

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    Se prsenter (1)

    Le nom:

    Comment tu tappelles? How are you called?(informal)

    Comment vous vous appelez? How are you called? (formal)

    Quel est ton nom? Whatis your name? (informal)Quel est votre nom? What is your name? (formal)

    Je mappelle(+your name) I am calledMon nom est My name isJe suis I am

    La nationalit, ladresse:

    Quelle est ta nationalit? What is your nationality? (informal)Quelle est votre nationalit? What is your nationality? (formal)

    Je suis franais (e). I am French.malaisien (ne). Malaysianindonsien (ne). Indonesian

    Do viens-tu? Where do you come from? (informal)

    Do venez-vous? Where do you come from? (formal)

    Je viens de France. I come from France.de Malaisie. from Malaysia.dIndonsie. from Indonesia.

    O habites-tu? Where do you live? (informal)O habitez-vous? Where do you live? (formal)

    Jhabite Melaka. I live in Melaka.

    Jhabite en Malaisie. I live in Malaysia.Jhabite dans une maison. I live in a house.Jhabite dans un appartement. I live in a flat.Jhabite 25, rue de Lyon Paris. I live at 25 Lyons street in Paris.


    This is the most usual way French people

    will askaboutsomeones name.

    In French, the name is divided into 2

    parts: your own name (le prnom) and

    your family name (le nom de famille).

    In French,


    do not begin

    with capital


    But the

    names of

    countriesstill do!

    You can also use:

    Quelle est ton adresse?

    Mon adresse est 25, rue de Lyon Paris.

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    Annexe : Les nationalits et les pays

    1. Les nationalits:In French, according to the person you are talking about, you have to adapt the words you use.

    If you are a man, and you are talking about yourself, you will use the masculine form of the words; the same will happen if you are talking about another man.

    If you are a woman, and you are talking about yourself, you need to use the feminine form of the words; the same will happen if you are talking about another


    This works for a lot of situations, here we will just go through the nationalites.

    Name of the country

    (in French)







    Most of the nationality will follow one of these patterns:-AIS -AISELa France franais franaise French

    LAngleterre (fem.) anglais anglaise English

    Le Japon japonais japonaise Japanese

    Le Soudan soudanais soudanaise Sudanese

    Le Portugal portugais portugaise Portuguese

    Le Botswana botswanais botswanaise Botswanian

    La Thailande thailandais thailandaise Thai

    La Hollande hollandais hollandaise Dutch

    Taiwan taiwanais taiwanaise Taiwanese

    LIrlande (fem.) irlandais irlandaise Irish

    LOuganda (masc.) ougandais ougandaise Ugandan

    -IEN -ENNELa Malaisie malaisien malaisienne Malaysian

    LIndonsie (fem.) indonsien indonsienne Indonesian

    LItalie (fem.) italien italienne Italian

    Le Brsil brsilien brsilienne Brazilian

    Le Vietnam vietnamien vietnamienne Vietnamese

    La Core coren corenne Korean

    LIran (masc.) iranien iranienne Iranian

    LInde (fem.) indien indienne Indian

    Singapour singapourien singapourienne Singaporean

    LAustralie (fem.) australien australienne Australian

    Some nationalities will follow the normal transformation to feminine :

    add an extra -ELa Chine chinois chinoise Chinese

    LAmrique (fem.) amricain amricaine American

    La Jamaique jamaicain jamaicaine Jamaican

    Le Maroc marocain marocaine Moroccan

    LAllemagne (fem.) allemand allemande German

    LEspagne (fem.) espagnol espagnole Spanish

    La Mongolie mongol mongole Mongolian

    Le Nigria nigrian nigriane Nigerian

    Some nationalities will be the same for masculine and feminine

    (when the masculine already ends with E)

    La Belgique belge belge Belgian

    La Suisse suisse suisse Swiss

    2. Les pays:In the chart above, you also have the names of countries. Most of them are quite similar to the English versions, but you have to be careful with the spelling.

    You can notice that the countries also have genders. Most countries are feminine, but some of them as you can see here are masculine.

    This will lead to some changes in the way you use the names of countries in sentences.

    There will be two major moments when you need to take the gender into account:

    1. You will say:Jhabite en France. (La France being a feminine country)And Jhabite auJapon. (Le Japon being a masculine country)

    2. You will say : Je viens de France.And Je viens du Japon.

    Attention! Singapour, Taiwan are special cases in French,

    it will be considered as the name of a town,

    therefore, you will use it the way you use the name of a town

    Jhabite Singapour.Je viens de Singapour.

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    Exercice 1. Complte les dialogues avec le vocabulaire de la leon.

    Agns : Bonjour!Tania : ______________________

    Je mappelle Tania.

    __________________________ ?Agns : Je mappelle Agns.Tania : Enchante !

    Agns : Et ________________________ ?Tania : Je suis Vietnamienne, ____________ ?

    Agns : ________________Franaise.Oh ! Je suis en retard ! _____________

    Tania : Bonne journe !


    Monsieur Bernard : Bonjour docteur !Madame Pinot : ____________ monsieur.

    ___________________________________ ?Monsieur Bernard : Je ne vais pas bien. Je suis malade.Madame Pinot : Oh, je vois. Quel est votre nom ?Monsieur Bernard : _________________________________Madame Pinot : Trs bien. Et do venez-vous monsieur ?Monsieur Bernard : _________________________ de Suisse.


    Malade - sick/ill

    Je vois - I see

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    Les verbes irrguliers (1)

    Here are a few very important verbs that you must learn.There are a few differences in French when using verbs (action words):

    There are 2 you : - tu is informal and singular,- vous is formal and/or plural.There are 2 they: - ils is used to refer to a masculine group or a mixed group.

    - elles is used to refer a female group.

    tre: to be

    je suis I amtu es you areil/elle est he/she is

    nous sommes we arevous tes you areils / elles sont they are

    avoir : to have

    jai I havetu as you have

    il/ elle a he/ she has

    nous avons we havevous avez you have

    ils/ elles ont they have aller: to go

    je vais I go/ I am goingtu vas you go/ youre going

    il/elle va he/she goes / he/she is going

    nous allons we go/ were goingvous allez you go / youre goingils /elles vont they go/ theyre going

    Be careful!!!

    In French there is onlyone present tense.That is to say that:

    I am going = I go

    Je vais

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    Exercice 1. Complte avec la correcte forme du verbe tre, puis traduis en anglais.

    Je _______________ indonsien.________________________________________________Vous _________________ australien.

    ________________________________________________Ils ________________ japonais.________________________________________________Tu ___________ malaisienne.

    ________________________________________________Elle ____________ soudanaise.

    ________________________________________________Nous _______________ anglais.


    Exercice 2. Complte avec la correcte forme du verbe avoir, puis traduis en anglais.

    1. Elle ________________ un bb.________________________________________________

    2. Nous _______________ une maison.________________________________________________

    3. Je _______________ un lapin.________________________________________________

    4. Vous __________________ une voiture.________________________________________________

    5. Elles _______________ une fleur.________________________________________________

    6. Tu ________________ un sac.________________________________________________

    Exercice 3. Relie la traduction correcte de chaque verbe.

    Il va

    Tu vas

    Nous allons

    Je vais

    Elle va

    Vous allez

    Ils vont

    Elles vont

    I am goingShe is going

    We are going

    They are


    He is


    You are


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    Les nombres

    In French, most of the numbers follow a regular pattern.

    Nevertheless, the numbers below 17 are irregular. You must learn them very carefully.

    Now from 20 to 69, things are quite easy and regular

    Now when we come to 70 +, there are some changes to follow :

    70 soixante-dix71 soixante-et-onze72 soixante-douze73 soixante-treize

    74 soixante-quatorze75 soixante-quinze76 soixante-seize77 soixante-dix-sept78 soixante-dix-huit79 soixante-dix-neuf

    80 quatre-vingt81 quatre-vingt-un82 quatre-vingt-deux83 quatre-vingt-trois

    84 quatre-vingt-quatre85 quatre-vingt-cinq86 quatre-vingt-six87 quatre-vingt-sept88 quatre-vingt-huit89 quatre-vingt-neuf

    90 quatre-vingt-dix91 quatre-vingt-onze92 quatre-vingt-douze93 quatre-vingt-treize

    94 quatre-vingt-quatorze95 quatre-vingt-quinze96 quatre-vingt-seize97 quatre-vingt-dix-sept98 quatre-vingt-dix-huit99 quatre-vingt-dix-neuf

    1 un2 deux3 trois4 quatre5 cinq6 six7 sept8 huit9 neuf

    10 dix

    11 onze12 douze13 treize14 quatorze15 quinze16 seize17 dix-sept18 dix-huit19 dix-neuf20 vingt

    21 vingt-et-un22 vingt-deux23 vingt-trois24 vingt-quatre25 vingt-cinq26 vingt-six27 vingt-sept

    28 vingt-huit29 vingt-neuf30 trente

    31 trente-et-un32 trente-deux33 trente-trois34 trente-quatre35 trente-cinq36 trente-six37 trente-sept

    38 trente-huit39 trente-neuf40 quarante

    50 cinquante60 soixante

    100 cent

    1000 mille

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    Exercice 1. Ecris les nombres avec des lettres :

    14 : _____________________________25 : _____________________________77 : _____________________________

    85 : _____________________________99 : _____________________________

    173 : _____________________________634 : _____________________________1975 : _____________________________

    2012 : _____________________________24189: _____________________________

    196 458 : _________________________________________________________

    Exercice 2. Quels sont les numros de tlphone que vous entendez ?

    Exemple : 06 66 78 89 01

    a. 01 42 86 16 47

    b. 02 51 79 15 46

    c. 02 51 19 25 66

    d. 02 61 19 25 36 1. ___________

    e. 01 23 18 23 14 2. ___________

    f. 03 45 19 67 28 3. ___________

    g. 01 43 18 23 15 4. ___________

    h. 03 44 19 57 28 5. ___________

    i. 04 63 09 06 16 6. ___________

    j. 04 33 09 10 13

    k. 01 82 96 11 07

    l. 01 42 96 13 47

    In France, handphone numbersall start with 06. Landlines

    numbers are divided into 5areas:

    Important phone numbers in France:

    15 : SAMU (ambulance)17 : Police18 : Pompiers (Fire Brigade)

    Here are a few interesting questions that willneed numbers as answers:- Quel est ton numro de tlphone?- Quel est ton numro de passeport ?- Combien a coute ?- Quelle est ta taille/ ta pointure ?

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    Les dates

    Exercice 1 .Ecris les dates avec des lettres :1. 5 / 10 / 1978 : ________________________________________________________2. 24 / 9 / 1981 : ________________________________________________________3. 31 / 3 / 1714 : ________________________________________________________4. 18 / 6 / 2015 : ________________________________________________________5. 7 / 4 / 1983 : _________________________________________________________

    Exercice2.Relie :a. avant le lundi 1. vendredib. aprs le mardi 2. mardic. avant le dimanche 3. samedid. aprs le jeudi 4. dimanchee. avant le mercredi 5. mercredif. aprs le samedi 6. jeudig. avant le vendredi

    Les jours de la semainelundi Monday

    mardi Tuesday

    mercredi Wednesday

    jeudi Thursday

    vendredi Friday

    samedi Saturday

    dimanche Sunday

    Les mois de lannejanvier January

    fvrier February

    mars March

    avril Aprilmai May

    juin June

    juillet July

    aot August

    septembre September

    octobre October

    novembre Novemberdcembre December


    Un jour a dayUne semaine a weekUn mois a monthUn an a yearLe matin the morningLe midi noonLaprs midi the afternoonLe soir the eveningLa nuit the night

    Avant beforeAprs afterHier yesterdayAujourdhui todayDemain tomorrowUn rendez-vous an appointment


    Quelle est la date aujourdhui?

    Quand vas-tu la maison ?

    Quel jour tu as rendez-vous avec le docteur ?

    Be careful!

    In French,

    days and

    months do

    not begin

    with capital


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    La frquence:

    une (deux/ trois/quatre...) fois par jour (semaine/ mois/anne...)

    one (2 / 3 / 4...) time per day (week / month/ year...)

    Tous les lundis every Monday

    Chaque lundi each Monday

    Du lundi au vendredi from Monday till Friday

    Le lundi on Mondays

    Lundi dernier last MondayLa semaine dernire last week

    Lundi prochain next MondayLa semaine prochaine next week

    Exercice 1 Relie.

    Exercice 2. Rponds par Vrai ou Faux.

    Vrai Faux

    1. Paul a rendez-vous avec Aline mardi.

    2. Aline travaille le mercredi.

    3. Paul travaille du mercredi au jeudi soir.

    4. Aline va la fac le vendredi matin.

    5. Paul va travailler le samedi aprs-midi.

    FAC is a short form for Facult. It s a

    slang word in French for university.

    RV stands for Rendez-vous.

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    - Quelle heure est-il?

    - quelle heure tu as rendez-vous avecJoseph ?

    - quelle heure tu vas luniversit ?

    - quelle heure commence le film ?


    tre en avance to be early

    tre lheure to be on time

    tre en retard to be late

    You have 2 different ways to tell the time.

    1. You can use a 12 hours clock in which case you have to give the time with a specification such as am or

    pm. In French, we do not use these, instead we use the moment of the day.

    For example, 7am will be 7 in the morning (du matin) and 7 pm will be 7 in the evening (du soir).When you use a 12 hours clock you can give the time using quarters and half.

    For example, 7.30pm could be half past seven or 7.45pmcould be quarter to eight.

    2. You can use a 24 hours clock which is an official one (train schedules, important appointments...) in

    which case 7 pm will become 19.00. If you use a 24hrs clock, you will give the time with numbers only.

    For example 7.45 pm (quarter to eight) will become 19.45 (nineteen forty-five)

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    Exercice 1.Complte avec lheure exacte.

    Il est sept heures et quart. Il est treize heures vingt-cinq.

    Il est dix-huit heures cinquante. Il est trois heures moins le quart.

    Il est vingt-et-une heures trente. Il est neuf heures moins vingt-cinq.

    Il est six heures et demie. Il est quinze heures quarante.

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    Se prsenter (2)

    Lge, la date de naissance et lanniversaire:

    Quel ge as-tu? How old are you? (informal)

    Quel ge avez-vous? How old are you? (formal)

    Jai____ ans. I am _____ years old.

    Quand est ton anniversaire? When is your birthday? (informal)Quand est votre anniversaire? When is your birthday? (formal)

    Mon anniversaire est le 5 janvier. My birthday is the 5th of january.

    Quand es-tu n? (masculine) When were you born? (If you ask a boy)Quand es-tu ne? (feminine) When were you born? (If you ask a girl)

    Je suis n le 5 janvier 1989. (masc.) I was born on the 5th of january.Je suis ne le 5 janvier 1989. (fem.) I was born on the 5th of january.

    Be careful! As yourbirthday happens everyyear, you cannot give theyear of your birth in thissentence. If you want togive your date of birth, youhave to use anothersentence as follows.

    You can also use another set of questions, such as:

    -Quelle est la date de ton anniversaire?

    -Quelle est ta date de naissance ?

    Be careful! In French,you cannot use the

    verb tre (to be) whengiving your age. You

    must use avoir (tohave).

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    Exercice 1. Ecris quelques phrases pour dcrire les personnes comme dans lexemple:

    1. Joseph, Je mappelle Joseph.franais, Je suis franais.20 ans, Jai 20 ans.13 janvier, Mon anniversaire est le 13 janvier.Paris, France. Jhabite Paris en France.

    2. Daniela, _____________________________________________indonsienne, _____________________________________________33 ans, _____________________________________________24 avril, _____________________________________________Jakarta, Indonsie. _____________________________________________

    3. Rafael, _____________________________________________espagnol, _____________________________________________25 ans, _____________________________________________

    18 juillet, _____________________________________________Madrid, Espagne. _____________________________________________

    4. Vincent, _____________________________________________amricain, _____________________________________________19 ans, _____________________________________________15 octobre, _____________________________________________Chicago, Amrique. _____________________________________________

    Exercice 2. Complte le dialogue avec le vocabulaire de la leon :

    Marc : Bonjour.Jean : ___________________

    Je mappelle Jean, ___________________________?Marc : ________________Marc et je suis Espagnol.

    _________________________________ ?Jean : Moi, je viens dItalie, je suis Italien.Marc : Tu habites en Italie ?Jean : Non, _______________________ Paris.

    Et toi, _____________________________ ?Marc : Jhabite Madrid, cest la capitale de lEspagne.

    Jean : Oui, je sais. Et_____________________, Marc ?Marc : Jai vingt-cinq ans. Et toi ?Jean : _____________________trente _______Marc : Et quand est _____________________ ?Jean : Mon anniversaire est le 20 juin. Et toi ?Marc : Oh ! Moi aussi ! Quelle surprise !!


    Moi me

    Moi aussi me too

    Je sais I know

    Quelle surprise ! What a surprise !

  • 7/28/2019 Lfb 1010 French for Beginners Lecture Notes Trim 2 2012-13



    Les professionsThere are a lot of professions and obviously, we cannot have a complete list here. Well still try to see some common ones.Usually, when you are referring to a man you will use the masculine and the feminine when you refer to a woman. In French, the professions will usuallyhave the 2 forms, masculine and feminine. So the spelling of the word will depend on who you are referring to.The basic transformation from masculine to feminine is to adde at the end, but there will be some exceptions... As always!

    For example: Un avocat is a male lawyer.Une avocate is a female lawyer.

    Here are a few examples of other transformations into feminine:Un tudiant une tudiante a studentUn infirmier une infirmire a nurseUn boulanger une boulangre a bakerUn caissier une caissire a cashierUn serveur une serveuse a waiter/a waitressUn coiffeur une coiffeuse a hairdresserUn vendeur une vendeuse a salesman/saleswomanUn danseur une danseuse a dancerUn acteur une actrice anactor/an actressUn agriculteur une agricultrice a farmerUn musicien une musicienne a musicianUn chirurgien une chirurgienne a surgeonUn magicien une magicienne a magicianSome are irregular ones:Un chanteur une chanteuse a singerSome dont change whether they are used to refer to masculine or to feminine, because the masculine form already ends with an E, only thearticle will help us find out:Un comptable une comptable an accountant

    Un journaliste une journaliste a journalistUn dentiste une dentiste a dentist

    Un pilote une pilote a pilot

    And some exception words are only used in masculine (even if you are talking about a woman!):Un professeur un mdecin un crivain

    A teacher a doctor a writer

    We also have some special ones:Un homme daffaire une femme daffaire a businessman / woman

    Un homme au foyer une femme au foyer a house husband(?) / wife


    Quelle est ta profession?

    Que fais-tu ?

    Je suis tudiant (e) en droit /en commerce / en informatique

    / en mdecine / en biologie /en finance...

    Je suis tudiant (e) ingnieur.

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    Exercice 1.Relie chaque image sa profession.

    Exercice 2. Complte le dialogue avec le vocabulaire de la leon.

    Vronique : Bonsoir !Christophe : ______________

    ______________ est Christophe. Comment vous vous appelez ?Vronique : ______________________________________Christophe : Enchant Vronique !Vronique : Et ____________________________ ?Christophe : Je suis infirmier, et vous ?

    Vronique : Oh, je vois. Moi, je suis ________________Jhabite Marseille dans le sud de la France.O _______________________________ ?

    Christophe : _________________ Lille dans le nord de la France.Mais ______________ belge.Vous tes franaise?

    Vronique : Non, je suis ________________

    Exercice 3. Rponds aux questions suivantes.

    - Comment tu tappelles ? _______________________________________________________________

    - Quelle est ta nationalit ? ______________________________________________________________- Do viens-tu ? ______________________________________________________________________- Quel ge as-tu ? _____________________________________________________________________- Quand est ton anniversaire ? ___________________________________________________________- Quand es-tu n (e) ?__________________________________________________________________- O habites-tu ? ______________________________________________________________________- Quelle est ta profession ? ______________________________________________________________

    Un musicien

    Une coiffeuse

    Un danseur et une danseuse

    Une serveuse

    Une infirmire

    Un professeur


    Mais but

    Cest It is

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    Prsenter quelquun

    Le nom :

    Comment il sappelle? Il sappelleComment elle sappelle? Elle sappelle (+Nom)

    Quel est son nom? Son nom est.

    La nationalit :

    Quelle est sa nationalit? Il est/ Elle est (+Nationalit)

    Do vient-il? Il vient de (+Pays)Do vient-elle? Elle vient de

    Lge :

    Quel est son ge? Il a ans./ Elle a ans.

    Quand est son anniversaire? Son anniversaire est le

    Quand est-il n ? Il est n le (+Date)Quand est-elle ne ? Elle est ne le

    Le domicile, ladresse :

    O habite-t-il? Il habite O habite-t-elle? Elle habiteQuelle est son adresse ? Son adresse est...

    You can notice that we are using almost the same

    questions and sentences that you use to introduce

    yourself except for a few changes:

    - Instead of using tu or vous, we now useil or elle

    - Instead of using ton or ta, we now useson or sa

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    Exercice 1.Ecris quelques phrases pour dcrire les personnes comme dans lexemple:

    a. Suresh, Il sappelle Suresh.indien, Il est indien.professeur Il est professeur.34 ans, Il a trente-quatre ans.25 novembre, Son anniversaire est le 25 novembre.Mumbai, Inde. Il habite Mumbai en Inde.

    b. Linda, ____________________________________________________coreenne, ____________________________________________________chanteuse ____________________________________________________42 ans, ____________________________________________________14 avril, ____________________________________________________Incheon, Core. ____________________________________________________

    c. Bert, ____________________________________________________marocain, ____________________________________________________

    tudiant, ____________________________________________________19 ans, ____________________________________________________18 aot, ____________________________________________________Rabat, Maroc. ____________________________________________________

    Exercice 2. Ecris quelques phrases pour dcrire ton meilleur ami / ta meilleure amie :________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


    Exercice 3. Ecris quelques phrases pour dcrire ton chanteur prfr / ta chanteuse prfre :________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


    Mon meilleur ami my best friend (if my friend is a boy)

    Ma meilleure amie my best friend (if my friend is a girl)

    Mon chanteur prfr my favorite singer (if the singer is male)

    Ma chanteuse prfre my favorite singer (if the singer is female)

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    Les couleurs

    In French, the colours have to take the genderof the object they are related to.If the colour refers to a masculine object, the colour will also be masculine.If the colour refers to a feminine object, the colour will have to take the feminine form, as shown below.

    In French, the colour will usually come after the object it refers to.

    A white bag Un sac blancThe purple flower La fleur violette

    Masculine : Feminine : English :

    Usual ly , to transform from mascul ine to femin ine, you add an extraE at the end of the m ascul ine word, as youcan see in th is f i rs t group of co lours:

    vert verte greengris grise greybleu bleue bluenoir noire black

    But, some co lours here al ready end wi th aE at their masculine form. In these cases, there wont be any change

    needed from m ascul ine form to femin ine form:

    rouge rouge redrose rose pink

    jaune jaune yelloworange orange orange

    And, of course, it would be too simple if it was all regular! Here are three main exceptions which dont follow the

    normal ru le:

    blanc blanche white

    violet violette purplemarron marron brown (never changes)

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    Exercice 1. Traduis les expressions suivantes.

    A red tomato A yellow banana_________________ ________________

    A blue car A green table___________________ _________________

    An orange sun_____________________

    A pink house


    A brown guitar____________________

    Exercice 2. Traduis les phrases suivantes en franais.

    I have a green car. ____________________________________________________________________

    We has a purple toy. __________________________________________________________________We have a pink cake. ____________________________________________________________________The night is black. _______________________________________________________________________The car is white and grey. _________________________________________________________________

    Exercice 3. Traduis les phrases suivantes en anglais.

    Tu as une maison jaune et bleue. ___________________________________________________________Jai une cerise rouge. _____________________________________________________________________Nous avons une table verte. ________________________________________________________________Le sac est violet et noir. ___________________________________________________________________Le lapin est gris. _________________________________________________________________________


    Une tomate a tomato

    Une banane a banana

    Un soleil a sun

    Une guitare a guitar

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    Quelle est la couleur de tes cheveux?Quelle est la couleur de tes yeux ?Quelle est la couleur de tes lunettes ?Tu as des lunettes ?

    Dcrire quelquun (1) : Le visage

    When you want to describe someone, you would want to talk about the colour of the eyes, of thehair, the size of the nose maybe, or even if he or she has a

    big mouth! Here is some vocabulary to help you.

    Vocabulaire :

    Les yeux (the eyes)

    (the mouth)La bouche

    Les cheveux (the hair)Loreille

    Le nez

    Des lunettes Une moustache

    Une barbe

    If you want to say that your friend has a black moustache, the colour (here, black) will go afterthe objectExample: Hehas a black moustache. Il a une moustache noire.

    The colour will take the sign of the feminine, if it refers to a feminine object (Here, unemoustache, une barbe, une bouche) and the sign of the plural if it refers to a plural object (Here,les cheveux, les yeux, des lunettes).Example: She has black eyes. Elle a les yeux noirs.

    For the hair, you will have extra colours : blond, brun, roux. These are used only when yourefer to the hair. To describe the hair, you can use: longs (long), courts (short), raides(straight), friss (curly)... Normally the adjectives come before the word they refer to, but for thehair it comes after.Examples: She has long hair. Elle a les cheveux longs.

    We have long black hair. Nous avons les cheveux longs et noirs

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    Exercice 1.Relie les phrases qui se correspondent.

    Exercice 2. Traduis les phrases suivantes en franais.

    1. I am called Lucie, and I have blue eyes. ___________________________________________2. She is called Vronica, she has black hair. _____________________________________________

    3. Damien and Christophe have brown eyes. ____________________________________________

    4. You have brown hair and black eyes. ________________________________________________

    5. My best friend has blond hair. ______________________________________________________

    Exercice 3. Ecris quelques phrases pour parler de ton meilleur ami.(Nom, ge, nationalit, couleur des cheveux...)










    Tu as les yeux bleus.

    Nous avons les yeux marron.

    Il a les yeux verts.

    Elle a les cheveux marron.

    Jai les cheveux blonds.

    Vous avez les cheveux roux.

    Elles ont les cheveux noirs.

    I have blond hair.

    We have brown eyes.

    You have blue eyes.He has green eyes.

    They have black hair.

    You have red hair.

    She has brown hair.

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    Dcrire quelquun (2)Avoir:

    Les cheveux: courts/ longs

    noirs/ blonds/ marron/ roux.raides (straight)/ friss (curly)

    Les yeux: noirs, marron, verts, bleus, gris

    Des lunettes, une moustache, une barbe.


    Masculine FeminineEnglish

    Agrable Agrable Nice

    Amoureux Amoureuse In love

    Amusant Amusante Funny

    Bavard Bavarde Talkative

    Beau Belle Beauti fu l / handsom e

    Blond Blonde Blond-haired

    Brun Brune Dark-haired

    Clbre Clbre Famous

    Courageux Courageuse Brave

    Dangereux Dangereuse Dangerous

    Difficile Difficile Difficult

    lgant lgante Smart (well-dressed)

    Embtant Embtante Annoying (for someone)

    nerv nerve Irritated / angry

    Ennuyeux Ennuyeuse Boring

    trange trange Strange

    Facile Facile EasyGentil Gentille Kind

    Grand Grande Tal l (for som eone) / big (for something )

    Gros Grosse Fat

    Heureux Heureuse Happy

    Honnte Honnte Honest

    The most



    have beenbolded!


    Tu es grand?Elle est sympathique?

    Vous tes amoureux ?Ils sont courageux ?

    ....Another way to ask the same questions :

    Est-ce que tu es grand?Est-ce quelle est sympathique ?Est-ce que vous tes amoureux ?Est-ce quils sont courageux ?...

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    Impatient Impatiente Impatient

    Intelligent Intelligente Clever

    Intressant Intressante Interest ing

    Jaloux Jalouse Jealous

    Jeune Jeune YoungJoli Jolie Cute

    Joyeux Joyeuse Glad

    Laid Laide Ugly

    Malheureux Malheureuse Unhappy

    Marrant Marrante Funny

    Mince Mince Thin

    Paresseux Paresseuse Lazy

    Patient Patiente Patient

    Petit Petite Small / short (height)

    Peureux Peureuse Fearful

    Poli Polie Polite

    Roux Rousse Red-haired

    Srieux Srieuse Serious

    Simple Simple Simple

    Sportif Sportive Athlet ic

    Surpris Surprise Surprised

    Sympathique Sympathique Friendly

    Timide Timide Shy

    Travailleur Travailleuse Hard-working

    Triste Triste Sad

    Vieux Vieille Old

    Remember: If you are talking about a man, you should use the masculine of theadjectives. If you are talking about a woman, you should use the feminine.

    Example: He is tall. Il est grand.She is tall. Elle est grande.


    Un peu a little

    Assez quite

    Trs very

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    Be careful!

    If an adjective

    already ends

    with E at the


    form, there will

    be no change

    for the


    Be careful!

    If a word already

    ends with S at

    the singular, there

    is no need to

    change for the

    plural. Same if the

    word ends with X

    or Z.

    Annexe: Les adjectifs

    1. Feminine

    The adjectives are the words that you use when you want to describe someone or something. For

    example when you say:Jean has a big grey house.

    b ig is an adjective. grey is also an adjective. They both are used to describe the house,meaning that both of them are in relation to the word house.

    Now, as you know, in French all nouns, objects have a gender (masculine or feminine).Here, a house, in French, is feminine: une maison

    Well, the adjectives will have to follow the gender of the object/ person they aredescribing.

    Therefore, here, big and grey, as they are referring to the house, will have to be usedin their feminine forms, which give us: grande and grise

    Another important point is, in French, the colours will always be placed after the nounthey are describing. Whereas, most of the time, the other adjectives will be placed before the

    noun, same way as in English.

    Therefore, if we translate this sentence it will give us:

    Jean a une grande maison grise.

    2. Plural

    Now lets take another example, if I say:

    Jonathanand Daniel are tall.

    What is the adjective in this sentence? ... It is tall.And who is tall? In other words, to which words refers tall in thatsentence?...

    Well, Jonathan and Daniel are the ones who are tall, agreed?So, as we modify the adjective when it refers to a feminine noun, we will alsomodify it when it refers to a plural.

    Therefore, here, we will have:

    Jonathan et Daniel sont grands.

    So, the impo rtant points to rem ember about the adject ives:

    1. f ind who or wh at the adject ive refers to, and use the right form of the wordaccordin gly (mascul ine-feminin e; singular-p lural)

    2. the colours wil l always be placed after the word they describ e

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    Exercice 1. Traduis le mot entre parenthse et accorde.(fminin/masculin ; singulier/pluriel).

    1. Sophie est (thin) ___________ et elle a les cheveux (short) ______________.2. Jonathan est (hard-working) ______________ mais il est (shy) _______________.3. Je suis (brave) ______________ et (honest) ________________________.4. Ils sont (serious) ___________________et aussi (clever) _____________.5. Vanessa et Jennifer sont (polite) _________________ mais (lazy) ______________.

    Exercice 2. Remets les mots dans le bon ordre.

    1. longs / j/ suis / et / ai /les / Je / cheveux / grande. ___________________________________________________________________

    2. mais / assez / Il /sympathique / il / paresseux / est / est.___________________________________________________________________

    3. courts / sommes / avons / grands / nous / les/ trs / Nous / cheveux / mais.___________________________________________________________________

    4. a / assez / Elle / grands /petite / elle / les / est / mais / yeux.___________________________________________________________________

    5. et / sont / aussi / Elles / marrantes / bavardes.___________________________________________________________________

    Exercice 3. Traduis les phrases en franais.

    1. I am tall and I have long and black hair.___________________________________________________________________

    2. Joshua is quite small and he has blue eyes.___________________________________________________________________

    3. Martina and Vincent are very kind, but they are impatient.

    ___________________________________________________________________4. She has grey eyes and she is very cute.___________________________________________________________________

    5. You are tall and you have a beautiful moustache.___________________________________________________________________

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    The infinitive of a verb is like its name.In English, you can recognize the

    infinitive because it comes as thefollowing form:

    -to eat

    -to work

    -to dance

    -totravelto is the mark of the infinitive.

    In French, the mark of the infinitive isthe ending of the verb:




    You can see that the to part is not

    translated in French, but you can find

    its equivalent in the ending of the


    Be careful! In French,there is only one

    present tense. Thatmeans that:

    I am playing = I play

    je joue

    Les verbes rguliers : -ER

    In French, the verbs are divided into three groups. Theverbs from the first 2 groups are to be conjugated in aregular way. The third group is filled with all the irregularverbs. The verbs from the 1st group are the verbs with theinfinitive ending with: -ER. These are the ones we aregoing to discuss now.

    A lot of verbs in French are from the first group:Danser (to dance), chanter (to sing), regarder (to lookat), travailler (to work), voyager (to travel), manger (toeat), jouer (to play), aimer (to like), dtester (to hate),appeler (to call), acheter (to buy), parler (to speak),habiter(to live)

    These verbs are composed of 2 parts:

    - First the beginning (or the stem), which is the partthat will not change at the beginning of the word.

    - Second is the ending which will change accordingto which pronoun you are using.

    For example: Jouer is composed of jou as thebeginning and er as ending.If we conjugate the verb, jouwill not change, only the ending er will, as you can see in

    the example.

    jouer to playjejoue - I play

    tujoues - you playil/ellejoue - he/she plays

    nousjouons - we playvousjouez - you play

    ils/elles jouent - they play

    As you can see, you just have to change the ending of the verb,according to the subject. You replace the infinitive ending -ER with

    the proper ending. Therefore, you mostly need to learn the endings that will beused for all those verbs, which are:

    -E -ES -E -ONS -EZ -ENT

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    Verbes du premier groupe:

    Autoriser to allow

    Aider to helpAccepter to acceptArriver to arrive

    Complter to completeCommencer to beginCasser to breakCouter to costCouper to cut

    Changer to changeChanter to singChercher to look for

    Demander to askDonner to giveDcider to decideDessiner to drawDanser to dance

    Entrer to come incouter to listenEmbrasser to kissEsprer to hopetudier to studyEssayer to try

    Fermer to closeFumer to smoke

    Gagner to win / to earn

    Laisser to letLaver to wash

    Manger to eatMarcher to walkMontrer to show

    Nager to swim

    Partager to sharePrfrer to preferPayer to payPenser to thinkPorter to carry, to wear

    Regarder to look atRegretter to regretRessembler to look likeRigoler to laugh

    Soigner to heal

    Trouver to find

    Utiliser to use

    Visiter to visit

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    Exercice 1.Complte avec la forme correcte du verbe.

    1. Je ______________ (travailler) dans une banque.

    2. Joel _____________________ (aimer) regarder la tl le soir.3. Valrie et Monique ____________________ (dtester) le chocolat.

    4. Nous _________________ (regarder) un film le samedi.

    5. Tu _________________ (jouer) avec ton ami.6. Son meilleur ami _________________ (chanter) trs bien.

    7. Nadge et Mathieu __________________ (dessiner) une belle voiture rouge.

    8. Mon acteur prfr ________________ (habiter) San Francisco.9. Je ________________ (voyager) pendant les vacances.

    10.Tu ________________ (parler) le franais avec ton professeur.

    Exercice 2. Traduis les phrases suivantes en franais.

    1. We like to eat a lot.


    2. My best friend hates to work.


    3. The house costs thirty thousand euros.


    4. I hope to be a doctor._________________________________________________________________

    5. I am studying in France.


    6. We like to work in Paris.


    7. She thinks that (=que) she is very clever._________________________________________________________________

    8. Jonathan is very shy but he likes to have a lot of friends.


    9. They (masc.) live in New York, but they prefer Paris.________________________________________________________________

    10.You (informal/singular) are eating with your best friend Wednesday.


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    La Famille

    English French English French

    A father un pre A mother une mre

    A brother un frre A sister une soeur

    A son un fils A daughter une fille

    A husband un mari A wife une femme

    A grandfather un grand-pre A grandmother une grand-mre

    A grandson un petit-fils A granddaughter une petite-fille

    A cousin - male un cousin A cousin - female une cousine

    An uncle un oncle An aunt une tante

    A nephew un neveu A niece une nice

    As you can see, all the men in the family vocabulary are masculine words (UN pre, UNoncle...). It means that even if you are a woman, your father is still a man and therefore the wordpre will always remain a masculine word. That is to say that you will always have a masculine

    article preceding the word.

    un pre (a father) / mon pre (my father) / ton pre (your father) / son pre (his/her father)

    The same goes for the women in the family. The words will always be feminine (UNE mre,UNE soeur...). That is why these words will always be preceded by a feminine article.

    unemre (a mother)/ ma mre (my mother) / ta mre (your mother) / samre (his/her mother)

    Then if you have to use the plural, it gives you this:


    un pre des parents une mremon pre mes parents ma mreton pre tes parents ta mreson pre sesparents sa mre

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    Additional vocabulary

    maman mum (mummy)

    papa dad (daddy)

    mamie / mm granny

    papy / pp granddad

    une sur ane an older sister

    une sur cadette a younger sister

    unesur jumelle a twin sister

    des soeurs jumelles twin sisters

    un frre an an older brother

    un frre cadet a younger brother

    un frre jumeau a twin brother

    des frres jumeaux twin brothers

    une belle-sur a sister-in-law

    un beau-frre a brother-in-law

    des beaux-parents parents-in-law

    une belle-mre a step-mother / a mother-in-law

    un beau-pre a step-father / a father-in-law

    une demi-sur a step-sister / a half-sister

    un demi-frre a step-brother / a half-brother

    lamie de mon pre my fathers girl friend

    lami de ma mre my mothers boyfriend

    mari(e) married

    Ils sont maris. They are married.

    fianc(e) engaged

    clibataire single

    divorc(e) divorced

    spar(e) separated

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    Exercice 1. Complte les phrases ci-dessous et dessine dans les cadres.

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    Exercice 2. Traduire en Franais.

    My family.

    I have a quite big family. My father is called John. He is 54. He has grey hair and blue eyes and he is quite tall. He is

    very hard-working. The name of my mother is Martine. She is 49. She has black hair and brown eyes. She is quite

    small. I have a brother and two sisters. My brother is called Daniel. He has blond hair and green eyes. He is very

    lazy. My sisters are called Fabienne and Julia. They have brown hair and blue eyes. They are shy. They like to travel







    Exercice 3.Traduis les phrases suivantes.1. In my family, there are seven persons.


    2. Your father is called Jean.


    3. I have three brothers and they are not friendly.


    4. Your father has blue eyes and black hair.


    5. His niece is studying in Paris.

    ________________________________________________________________________6. Her parents like to watch TV.


    7. Your sister is called Dominique and she is fourteen.


    8. The birthday of my mother is on the 27 august.________________________________________________________________________

    9. Your grand mother is quite small but she has long hair.


    10.My sisters are not very happy today.


    11.Her grand-father is very friendly and patient.


    12.She has a very big family.


    13.My sister is married and she has a daughter.________________________________________________________________________

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    lappartement the appartmentla maison the house

    lentre (fem.) theentrance (hall)le salon the living roomla cuisine the kitchenle bureau the office / studyla salle manger the dining roomla salle de bains the bathroomla salle de jeux the games roomla chambre the bedroomles toilettes (fem.plur.) the toilet

    la douche the showerla cave the cellarle garage the garagele jardin the gardenle balcon the balconyle couloir the corridorle grenier the attic

    la maison

    en ville / in town

    la campagne / in the countryside

    To describe :

    chez.... at (someones place)

    il y a there is / there areil ny a pas de there is not/ there are notAu sous-sol in the basementAu rez-de-chausse on the ground floorAu premier tage on the first floorAu deuxime tage on the second floor

    To describe :

    chez.... at (someones place)

    il y a there is / there areil ny a pas de there is not/ there are notAu sous-sol in the basementAu rez-de-chausse on the ground floorAu premier tage on the first floorAu deuxime tage on the second floor

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    Exercice 1.Traduis ce texte.

    Chez moi

    Jhabite en ville, Melaka, dans un appartement,au septime tage. Mon appartement est assezpetit.Dans mon appartement, il ny a pas de balcon,mais il y a un grand salon. Il y a aussi une entreavec un couloir, un petit bureau, une salle manger et une jolie cuisine.Il y a trois chambres parce que nous sommes troispersonnes dans lappartement.Et chez toi, cest comment?



    Exercice 2. Dcris la maison ci-dessous.











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    La mairie / the town hallLa gare / the train stationLa banque / the bankLa pharmacie / the pharmacyLa librairie / the bookshopLa bibliothque/ the libraryLa boulangerie / the bakeryLa piscine / the swimming poolLa discothque / the night clubLa mosque / the mosque


    Le tribunal / the justice courtLe comissariat de police / the police stationLe magasin / the shopLe bureau de tabac / the newspaper andcigarettes shop

    Le salon de coiffure / the hairdresserLe restaurant / the restaurantLe march / the marketLe thtre / the theaterLe cinma / the cinemaLe caf / the coffee shopLe bar / the bar- the pubLe stade / the stadiumLe temple / the templeLe muse / the museum


    Lhpital (masc)/ the hospital

    Lcole (fem) / the schoolLuniversit (fem)/ the university

    Lglise (fem) / the church

    Dans la ville

    In French, when you want to say that youre goingsomewhere, you need to use a sort of translation forto.This translation will be different according to the gender ofthe place youre talking about.

    Example 1:I am going to the swimming-pool.Je vais la piscine.

    La pisc inebeing feminine, we use la.

    Example 2:I am going to thecinema.Je vais au cinma.

    Le c inma being masculine, we use au.

    Example 3:I am going to thehospital.Je vais lhopital.

    When the word starts with a vowel (a,e,i,o,u), we do not need to make a differencebetween masculine or feminine: for both, you have to use l


    O vas-tu?

    O es-tu?

    When you want to say where you are, you have to use the same rule.

    Je suis au cinma. Im at the cinema. Je suis la piscine. Im at the swimming-pool.

    Je suis lhopital. Im at the hospital.

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    Exercice 1.cris quelques phrases suivants le modle.

    1. Le lundi, je vais au cinma.2. Le mardi, ______________________________

    3. ______________________________________

    4. ______________________________________

    5. ______________________________________

    6. ______________________________________

    7. ______________________________________

    Exercice 2.Traduis les phrases suivantes.

    1. You like to go to the swimming pool with your friends.


    2. We are going to the restaurant tomorrow.


    3. My family lives in a big white house in the countryside.


    4. In my house, there are three small bedrooms.

    ________________________________________________________________________5. At my uncles place, there is no garden.


    6. In my town, there are two police stations and one justice court.


    7. She likes to live in Kuala Lumpur, because there are a lot of cinemas.


    8. Your sister likes to go to the night-club on Saturday.


    9. Sasha and Jonathan hate to go to the hospital._______________________________________________________________________

    10. You are going to the train station now.




    Parce que...

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    Les verbes irrguliers (2)

    Here is a second batch of very important, but irregular verbs.

    Faire (to do, to make)je fais I dotu fais you do

    il / elle fait he / she does

    nous faisons we dovous faites you doils / elles font they do

    Pouvoir(to be able to, can)je peux I cantu peux you canil / elle peut he / she can

    nous pouvons we canvous pouvez you canils/elles peuvent they can

    Vouloir (to want)je veux I wanttu veux you wantil / elle veut he / she wants

    nous voulons we wantvous voulez you wantils / elles veulent they want

    Venir(to come)je viens I cometu viens you comeil / elle vient he / she comes

    nous venons we comevous venez you comeils / elles viennent they come

    Devoir (must)

    je dois I musttu dois you must

    il / elle doit he / she must

    nous devons we mustvous devez you mustils / elles doivent they must

    Savoir (to know smtg)je sais I knowtu sais you know

    il / elle sait he / she knows

    nous savons we knowvous savez you knowils / elles savent they know

    Devenir(to become)

    je deviens I becometu deviens you becomeil / elle devienthe / she becomes

    nous devenons we becomevous devenez you becomeils / elles deviennent they become

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    Exercice 1. Traduire les phrases suivantes.

    1. She wants to be happy.___________________________________________________________________

    2. I dont know.___________________________________________________________________

    3. She thinks that (=que) she can have a big house.___________________________________________________________________

    4. We come from Italy but we live in Australia.___________________________________________________________________

    5. I like to laugh with my friends.___________________________________________________________________

    6. My parents want to go to Canada (masc.) soon.___________________________________________________________________

    7. The mother of my friend can dance.___________________________________________________________________

    8. Your uncle is coming tomorrow.


    9. We are going to wash your car today.___________________________________________________________________

    10. I want to help my brother.___________________________________________________________________

    11. She hopes that she can pay.___________________________________________________________________

    12. We must go to the school with Patricia.___________________________________________________________________

    13. Jacques knows that I am lazy.___________________________________________________________________

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    Les activits

    Les sports

    In French, as in English language to a certain extent, there are sports you play, and

    others that you do.

    For example, you play football, but you do boxing the verbs will be used almost in

    the same way in French (meaning that the sports you play in English will be the same inFrench).

    We have already seen the different verbs to play (jouer) and to do (faire), but it might beuseful to recall here how they are conjugated:

    Faire (to do)

    Je faisTu fais

    Il/ elle faitNous faisonsVous faites

    Ils/ elles font

    Jouer (to play)

    Je joue

    Tu jouesIl/ elle joueNous jouonsVous jouez

    Ils/ elles ouent

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    le badminton badmintonle basket-ball basketballle football footballle golf golfle handball handballle hockey hockeyle ping-pong table tennisle rugby rugbyle volley-ball volleyball

    le tennis tennis


    In French, when you are using jouer relating to a sport

    or any game, you will need to use after the verb. As

    in English, you use to look at, in French, will always

    come after jouer. Once again the gender of the word

    is very important.

    When you are using the name of a sport or a game

    which is feminine, it will remain as its usual self.

    For example:je joue labelote (la belote is a

    card game)

    When you are using the name of a sport or a game

    which is masculine, youwill have to change it to au.

    The rule is that, whenever you find le in a sentence,

    you have to replace it by au.

    For example: je joue le au football

    I. Sports / games you play

    Exercice 1. Ecris la phrase correspondant chaque image.

    Tu ______________________________________________

    Nous _________________________________________

    Il ________________________________________

    Je ___________________________________

    Exercice 2. Traduis les phrases suivantes.

    1. I like to play basketball._____________________________________________________________________

    2. My sister plays badminton with Josephine today.


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    le cyclisme cyclinglquitation (fem) horse ridingla gymnastique gymnasticsle judo judola natation swimmingle VTT mountain bikingla boxe boxinglescalade (fem) moutain climbingla planche voile windsurfingle patin glace ice-skatinglathltisme (masc) athleticsle ski ski


    Well, things will work almost the same way for faire

    Faire in French is always followed with de

    As we have seen before, the feminine doesnt imply

    any changes.

    For example:Je fais de laboxe.

    Whereas, the masculine will induce the change from

    de le into du

    For example: je fais de le du judo.

    II. Sports / games you do

    Exercice 1. Ecris la phrase correspondant chaque image.

    Il _______________________________________________

    Elle ____________________________________________

    Nous _____________________________________

    Vous ________________________________

    Exercice 2. Traduis les phrases suivantes.1. We want to go to the swimming pool Sunday.


    2. They do horse-riding two times a month._____________________________________________________________________

    3. His mother likes to do boxing once a week.


    4. You do mountain-climbing very often._____________________________________________________________________


    toujours alwayssouvent oftenparfois sometimes

    jamais never

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    Annexe: La ngation

    A negative sentence is not a sentence that says something bad!

    Here is an example of the transformation to a negative sentence in English:

    I am tall. I am nottall.

    In French, the negative form works in two parts: Ne.. Pas

    The rule is that you have to put NePas on each side of the verb.So, of course the first thing that you need to do is to find the verb ( the action word) inthe sentence.

    For example:

    Je suis grande. Je ne suis pas grande.

    Subj. Verb Adjective Subj. ne Verb pas Adjective

    Now, if it was that simple, it wouldnt be fun!Sometimes, you will have to be careful when building a negative sentence.

    Problems happen when you are using the verb avoir

    For example:

    Jai une maison. Je nai pas de maison.

    Tu as un chien. Tu nas pas de chien.

    Nous avons des voitures. Nous navons pas de voitures.

    So you can notice here that the articles un , une and des when put into anegative sentence are transformed into de

    BBuutt tthhiiss hhaappppeennssoonnllyy wwhheenn yyoouu hhaavvee aa sseenntteennccee wwiitthhaavvooiirr,, aanndd oonnllyy wwiitthhuunn,,uunnee,, ddeess..

    Attention !Il y a Il ny a pas (de)

  • 7/28/2019 Lfb 1010 French for Beginners Lecture Notes Trim 2 2012-13


    Exercice 1. Transformez la forme ngative.

    1. Vous avez une belle maison.__________________________________________________________

    2. Il y a une grande voiture dans le garage.__________________________________________________________

    3. Vous regardez beaucoup la tl.__________________________________________________________

    4. Jaime jouer au rugby avec mes amis.__________________________________________________________

    5. Ils ont trois enfants.__________________________________________________________

    6. Tu aimes manger au restaurant le week-end.__________________________________________________________

    7. Il va la piscine deux fois par mois.__________________________________________________________

    8. Je suis Franaise et je parle trs bien langlais.__________________________________________________________

    9. Mes amis vont en Indonsie pour les vacances.

    __________________________________________________________10.Damien aime danser en discothque.__________________________________________________________

    11. Il a un beau sac gris.


    12. Je suis heureux de visiter la Malaisie.


    13. Daniel et moi, nous regardons beaucoup la tl.

    __________________________________________________________14. Il habite Kuala Lumpur.


    15 Ils ont une voiture bleue et rouge
