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.. .. ·. I .. 'lfie· R /t SQUIRES, I SOLlt ' JTOR, fresh and full Stock or . . of.oll ki7UU, Gooda, all kindt now iD stock. FunneHing, Stove Fit- tings, Fire Screens -aupplied pnuapl\y and ebeaply.- Are You Boat-Buildi n g?- r The Standard Office. der a Tin from Your Groce1l G. E. Stevenson, Cadiz _fj alt. Tar. Pitch, Fi s hery Supplies, &c. Beach Premises,: H• rbor Grace . B ranc h Business at Labra dor. \
Page 1: lfie· - collections.mun.cacollections.mun.ca › PDFs › hgstandard › HarborGraceStandard19050… · I .. 'lfie· R /t SQUIRES, ll~:, I SOLlt'JTOR, fresh and full Stock . or .





.. 'lfie· R /t SQUIRES, ll~:, I


fresh and full Stock or . .

~ of.oll ki7UU, Gooda,

0£ all kindt now iD stock.

FunneHing, Stove Fit­tings, Fire Screens

• -aupplied pnuapl\y and ebeaply.-

Are You Boat-Building?-

r The Standard Office. O~ der a Tin from Your Groce1l G. E. Stevenson,

Pro~sior.1s, GI~oceries;

Cadiz _fjal t . Tar. Pitch, Fishery Supplies, &c.

Beach Premises,: H •rbor Grace. Branch Business at Gr~dy. Labrador.


Page 2: lfie· - collections.mun.cacollections.mun.ca › PDFs › hgstandard › HarborGraceStandard19050… · I .. 'lfie· R /t SQUIRES, ll~:, I SOLlt'JTOR, fresh and full Stock . or .



.. • t

' MaJdl!.g one mile

on the pedals of ;~~~~~~ .a bicycle c~es ! the rider ove.r six to nine miles of road .. . ..

I ' . The new bicycle

ma"kes the going comfor-table guarant'ees the cyclist c<:>mplete control over the . wheel. .,.


Company, ltd. ~

... Pa\1

-~tl•-. • \be we'llp•e yoa &be bah. He aeftl' kiaowa or beard ot•oy reclprooaJ trade re· laliune that had been eater.d ln&o hetween &bl• Colc•aJ aad lbe Ual· \"d S&atea t • baYe enr J,..o lol· lowed by1•10d reealte. There wae oothlna w preveot the Amerloane t~lt&alnlag aU \be h"'IL they wanted. On the Suutltand We,.t Co.,t where &lu, Treaty of 1818 wae in operation they bad a rlghll(l ft11b along the tttran•J, and alltaQogb tbe Treaty K"' e tbem nu tlJtecifto riahl.Jo et~Ler the inlet.>, 8t11l, a rguing rrom a romn1on Mn~ legal et.andpohoL, tbe cl,;bt to do any prlhtil" '' l.hlng in· · halt!ll the right to rto anything in· ci<ll'nlal tlter!lto, therefore, he con· .-idt~red th~&l Acnllrican fllbermen were en&hle•l to enter the creekl, herhono, and oovee alon1 tboee cu"ste (flr the porpo"e or catching .uul curin~ 611h. How were we to JlffiVent OUt HWO 11enple (ft'10ljtO(nl( hy train from tbe Bay o(Ielande to Portao1·8\-quu,take the" BriU'e' ' there fot S.rdoey. ,liip on (>oard Ameria.ne th"re, and return to tbe Bay or Ialande end catob herring• (or the New ~;ngland ft1bermeo. Of couree in tbh1 ••Y native ft.llber· m~n would be notbiog but •• hew· ~~>t. or wood aud drawera or water'' inetee.d of now being able to aell at th~ir own reJula\ion price. Buob " muaure a• we now propote to coa.woold, be believed, bring "bn mbination~be Prenob "nd erlcent, an e tlaloL flerre a hue for baiL ,..,.,.,.bleb •o~ome Jt"C)epen· Ieney of the lJiiTted S&at4, and re· ~ult rn the ultimate clettrQotion or ••ur Winter Herring ll'leberr_,

Second reading or Fori go Fiabing Veeaels Bill.

Mr. 0AIB1N said be reh the keen· -et pleaaure in eopporUng tbe 'meodmeo& brougbl fqrward by the ttonnrable leacler of the Oppoeltioo. Wbep, eome ehc ~noo~bs ~&go, be ,.., tUclted to reprlllent the lm portant Dletript of ll'erryland, 1L ,.., •ilh the uoc!ere$andinl that ••e ehou1!'1 col\lltru and earttguard rr,fllntel'etle ur ble many friend• 111d supporters in that conl\itu­~"cy. If he heeltated ln oppoeilig

A SPRING NEED. Tac !Noooo LJ-;;-~,. WJNT.IR 11

HARD ow 'l'8ll Ha.u.Tq.

Noh:uctli'llck-bat ao' feell~_1 quite well. That'a the 1prl1111ee1 .. log. Tbe reaeon-cloee oonftne­m~nl indoora during \he winter month•, breatbin1 \be impure air o( badly yentiJate(J hoUMI. ofllcill aod worhboPf. The trouble ma1 manifttd ltnir io a variable appe· lite, lhtle pimplea or erupUone ot \be •kloJ • fteJlo« or wearineei, and peraape ao occealoaal bead· ache, or a twinl(e ot neuralaia or rbenmatlem. Perbape you 1biok the trouhle will pate away-but It won't uple11 you drive H out ortbe •J•tem by puUln1 the blood rlahl "itb a bealtb·,SYlna tonic, And there Ia ool1- one abeolu&ely oer­~n. blood-reoewln1, nery•reetor· lok tooic-Dr. Wllllame• Pink Pille

• he BJII now berort t~e Hou1e, he foil t~at he woqld be reoreanl to •lilat tru~t, apd d!lrellotin ble du~y. One pr the wore~ featq,.. of the oontem)JII~-d'lJ41W'J ~ that. "•hileL H entailed.aluee offflj(),OO() •n a lat1~numt>.r of aeber,pen, i&

lefL them 'JJ~uq& Nil 09Qipenea· lion whateYIIl'.

Ae the herring Oebery was a pro· fttabl11 ondertaklog, \be Gloucester 'i~tlo • nw ""'"~I' l l! wil! ilt be induced to o))&aln th11ir crewe ~t Sydney or St. t , .. ,.... tho f"RlJ of which would be a rich h161YM~ rtaped b,1 lltraol(t Di ufY our own ooa~te, wbilet •nr fl~ht~rtnl'!n 11tanll idly by \11 ~tarre. All 1)01 or tbe ri'UOnll j!:lven for the introduction of the For~l~tn f-"illhil,v y,.,. .,.l t~ Bill wt~ hiad llf'eh told bJ the aight Jfon. the Pn!mit'r

P.tt. People. Thooaaod1 or gra&etul people han teet8ed lbat thee• pUla are the beet or alleprioa medloln•, They actually malri new blood i they braoe tbe oervee and elreogLben ever7 OI'J&D o( &be body. TbeymabUred.dePftiMd alllng men, women aod ohildreo brlgb'- aotlve and etrong. Hh. M. J'er~tUIOn, ~b8eld, N.&, I&JI:­" for Ule beaellt It 'ma1 be to ol.ben I take muob ·pleuare lD •Jlol &ba& I hue louod wooderiQ) bU• tiL from U!e u" of. Dr. WUllame' Pink fille. When I bepa taking tbeJP l wu 10 b.dly run down thtt l oould~lJ go about the howe. I wu al1o troubled with palpitation or the heart and week 1pel11, "' \he fill• haYe fully re­etored me and am now enjoying bet.ter beahb than l ever e~peoted to na•e agaln."

lr "109 want to be healthy h~ eprln1 cJou't dose yourulf tri~ l>"'lfMYee:-they ooll "eakeo­Lh!ly oaq1L cure. Don t e~p.rimeot with other IQ·called tonioe. Take Pr. WIIJiame' rink Pille at once and see bow quickly tbe,1 will ban· tab all flpria l{ ailmeuta, and make you active a•td etrong.

Sold by all dealere ln medicine, or will be f !llll byohnall , poa& paid, At 60 centll per box, or el, l~on11 f(>r a210 ~ alltlnaeiua \I e•i re. 'f Mo· Murd?.~ Ou, 8~ tf•lbn'll, ~hole.~al agents lor N~"fuund and.

• ' ·•ur Jue~tl ! Qprly nf baH f"IUI runnln~t ehort li I!Qeh wer11 lbe oaee •11uecl torr. Oa'!bln, the Am~ ent•att~ •. uhf vttr•· well do' wlthOQ\ h. On the f1emhch Cap a unique mode oJ 0111•1\l ri ujr the etaple w oUt In vn~1111 'fh,.rt• Ib n cut off i'llJilll

fleh -"'It palt ~l H. '"'ld vut H on th~lr trawl• . n ..... a nurlnll~ and unf!Xplalnf'd fMi th~ t tl11" l nrn·N'Id~<~ devoured wltb avidity cl111 (cl' .. h '*'- U.e1arnr au,cl•u)Arior lf~&~~~li


'l',ROUBU'!S-NO F .UUlJ Y C.,\:-: ~FI!QJlDTO QE WlT ijQU1'J'r.

WANTED I ._, , A• Local Salesman for HARBOR

GRACB and aunounding territory to repre:teat

C.nada's Greatest Nurseries. N01reat Varieties and Specialties in

Hardy FJUi._ SmaU FruitJ, Shrubs, Or­namentals. ~ Roses, 1uitable planting in N01rfoundland.

A permanent &ituation .IQd tmitory reserYed for the riabt man. Pay weeJt. ly. Handiome outfit free. Write fur particulan, and seod asc. for our poe. ltet ml~pe ; just the thlng to use In CllaiDlnmg trees aad plaats for iJJ. ted~.

STONE & WBWNGTON, foathUl Nww.iei, (over 8oo ac:ree:)


. OARD. ....... _ Mr. 0. H. KEARNEY,

llliltlr, ~~ lotarr PI~ k. Comllllaeioner of A1!iduita of the

8aPr&me Court of Newfolllldlat~d. O!ice ·~ reaicJeoc:e. oppotlte &_t.

Paal'e Q~ureh, Harbor Grace.


· .

Da~wgave ·Butter

mankind would have to Invent mllk. Mllk Is Na-· ture's em ullion-butter put In shape for dia-es­tion. Cod liver oil ls ex­tremel,y nourlahlna-, but It has to be emulsified before we can dla-est it.

~tl's fmulsion combines ' the best oil with the valuable hypo­phosphite& so that . It Is easy to digest and does far. more good than the oll alone could. That makes Scott•s Emulsion the most strengthening, nourlshln.r food - .medi­cine In the world.

Send for free eample.

SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemletl Toronto, Ont.

80o. and at .oo. All dru,raleta

~ave· 0 ·n . ' Pau1

. -tors . .goc "II~ Bl ~

11 Ul/1/fJ

•· •••'•Indian Root Pil: ~ It THEY VI tht R1mtJ1 th•t .J.IIt

I bount1011a b111d of nature /Jt.1 J."tlrldltl fdr all dl1tam Brl&lr.g {rcfl IIPURE BLOOD. • ~ ....

••••• Morse's .,.. ............. ru lo

OC II:Xllllj. ll ltADA f n .. J~auoo.no~ • .t" .:t:

P'JI ~l~~~~ o .. .-u , 1 s frl ULr "IU. IUU A

9. H, COISTOCI. ~ttr. (/.YT.


~ ...



Page 3: lfie· - collections.mun.cacollections.mun.ca › PDFs › hgstandard › HarborGraceStandard19050… · I .. 'lfie· R /t SQUIRES, ll~:, I SOLlt'JTOR, fresh and full Stock . or .

. ..


_...,., , -------~----~~~~~~ ..... ~~~~~~~~--~-


) ., lind we {tni\RJ'\tce to serve thetu pro­perly. When we tell you lhl\t \Ve will enciPee tbem with the celebrated

Dr. MORSE'S INDIAN ~=~~r~-CN__.., .. u

Root Pills. Dr. Morse's Indian

ROOT PILLS Or. Morse's

Indian Root Pill~

~:~;·p~::~t.:~~:::~~ r13::~~ff!.!l~~~~~~~ii premn 10, wba' &b~~1-!llojrw~:_: I;~=~===~M= I r•t~ul&. and wd the dtOll'ion ~C · 'f•Y.·&IIltl8Diri1t.·· liitfilll.jaa iiiijiOWID;. <A•ur& unanimoUll. A leo a der;.Yed lll&tt>nHmt u{ &he feet, coallMtd uther moni•ll 1•id lbto Atbi1ralnrt.

WUn~eA, Accouo.ta, If all and ••eTI u1,.n .. connect·

..,, wjtb eACb aDd every Arbllra ti•m. and if ~re are •ny billa out· ~land lug an.r',ptiJNUd, or any claii'IUI ML JM 1nefeired agahut the Gov­~romf!~' iu r~p!'Cl of the ~ame.

lfc.if. llr. Gu:alf&asked the Hon L•n.der · of Lhf!t G·•veroUJent for a r.lll'V of alJ CilrrellpontleUC8 be· tAI'I'~I thfl • Olivf!mm~nL •nd tbe owuer of the Lake Barhor Whale Far\4\ry in ref.;rence to the IU.• p~n·lnn Jut .rear or operatlona ai, or in connection with 'b• faotorJ.

HI1D. )lr. Ga&QB uked &be Hon. leader· of \he OoYernmen' ror " copy of all Comapondence be tweAn tho .Uriti11b Commodore or the Comm.tnrlt~re of any of &be War Sloi1• nn the Station and the Go'f· t>rnmt~ut.in rttfenonce t•l interrerence ~'f Freaob or Brltl•h war 11bipe "'kb our Fi~hernum wbilar pro­-~utlnr tt.e 8aher1 on the eo·oall· ~ FceaCb "Sbore.

liou. Mr. Gaau11: aated ibe Leader ~(\be Go•ernment (or copJ of aU corrupC)bdeoce between \he •ewfounrtland Cold .&orege' and

Redue\lon CompaDJ with rerereace 1.o \be ol'eraUoa of their Charter.

In r'Jilllo 'tie aho•e qoetLlona. Br liOWLiso •tated that the

•ftlliooAN ...... b C0111H or f'INpara• wobld be readr at an

'fM.mnltlnli.olllon. Vr. K!lowuxa &btt blll wae rea•l a fit' time aod urde f(l to be re-1d a Dd dme to-morrow,

Hou. Mr. Kirowutrci d oo the talole 'be aonu"l rea.or& of tbe De­partnumc or ~Iarine and J'bberil8.

Hcm. Mr. Oauaa ~~We aoUoe :that he would on to ai~w a· k the hon. tbe1earler oC the Gotem· m~~nt. lr the O"vernmeni had ob· ' "i•IPd Ute Of•lnlnn of tbe Mlniater nr Ju11tlee u to whether AmeriC*l ft~!ltornUJD Lad a rl~bt onder 'be I (tn'VI'Il\hm (If 1818 0( entry and fttthl'i{ in '"'v of the ~.1' and, ertelt; nn the Trl'aty COaal

Ou motion uf Hou. Mr. Kxow· J.I~G •he houee then adjnu~ned ua; ua ~l·mclay utxt et .f 80 . .

Minard'• IJolmoot relle e1 neor&Jcl• .........- • Tl1e iru~:.ral Chiaetie fiehermea ia

humo: w;~.\era make rafta of bamboo jOtDl--d together with retda and long ~:raseca. cover tbe&e curious atrac­turc:,;s witt1 soil. plan~ the.lr "e~re­tabl .. -. oo tl1e reaulhng artlfiaal floating i~huult a nd tow them from plt\~tu place ~::r or lake.

t:H ,utnRRl •. \JN'S COIJOR' RE~DY 'NlC R•:t~'l' A:O. 0)10~T POJ.>OUA.R. ":\fqthera louy It lor croopy cbllclroo.

r:lllrolld ftiC'D bu~· St for eeo11lro coucb• and elderly J)l(lplu buy It for Ja .,lrlppo," .,..v Mooro llroe., E ldon, lowe. We tell mur11 of Ch"mberl•tn•~ Cltu~b R~medy t htttl an_,· othl'r ldoll. 1t •eetn• tO ba-.re t•kcn lh~ l•i&lt onr nveral 6tbol' •oocl br .. nll•." 'l'hcr<J I• no qoe.lloq ba& tbt. m•dlrtuo I• the w~tlb110t e>&D bO prooared tur .... u;ll~ and tt~ltl•, IPhetber h bo a e:.u.t ''' an a<Jult thacla JUlllated. n al· '""' • '"''"• an(l c-urt:ll qnlok~·'' .

I )J.,r Mil l>)' \V. 11. 'l'bODJ n ct Co.. I Bar bOT Or'"; W. B. BDift arboaeM,•

~'t.~.t-=::~ Tb&u...-..N ll'fe1 eadNI;rpft."

So ofteu OJir bean. l'fOW cold I Oar apiritaarure laaptabes. Oar eaeqy din wltb oar IIC&L We know, ltat fail to do tbe better part. .. 0 utiefJ u earlJ wltl( TbJ mercy, lbat we may rejoice and be elad aU oar daJa." Fill oar hearts with Thy loft. Tbaa poueu eYery ~ of our belac. a.ad eathue u• wltb Ttlae OWD life aad ~will. " A a t e bart paatetb a.t'ter tlie water-brooka. ao p,aateth toy aoul after Thee. 0 God. • "We loYe. be· eaaac Thou but ao Joyed us. ..

• 0 Lon, tbd willDOl,lot 111e10, I ree' my weary JOQ.lta Tboe; I aiYO Thee bao'lt the life I owe. Tlialln Thlaeoeeaa deptb1lt11 l101r,

M•J' rlaber, fuller be.•

April 8. t90i 4-t---·--"--Voa:.


;.'d~=-~;;~~~~~:;. by ODe

ano\blr. Should• lbe amended olaDH beoome a law, the wire or buabaad maJ call in a gendarme to ~t ber or bla mate whoae af· recti6oa are Dl)t up to the lea&l II&Ddarcl.


-Th• Bell Telephone Company, ae well u &be dUrereat telearaph

electric compeaiee. have elg­olfied their atroos dntre to have all wird placed ~1•der lfOODd. The Montreal Ll1bt, Bed ct Power Company bu inUmated to tbeolty that h Ia prepared ~ once to place ita whta in coaduite, onder certain condiUona.

p1-.at." Ia •ore eqalpmeot for ea~ at aacb a tl111e. Some aweet W ~rla •n aa aafa•orable laa or.. tluoap andae aazletJ •bOat what leaf.reuioa the1 are lll&klar. 'A MJ -conecioaa peraoa ia aelclOm Ia· tere&ting. Perhapa ·aa ae&dJ a ceaeral hi at ae 'ODe C&D . ·.rite for acbieYiag popularity Ia, t0 bo ceoll• hael7 intereatcd iu wha~ ia roiar 011 about you. read1 to do yoar part Ia promotlnl' the reaeral happiaeaa­aad not to think about wbCtber you are popular or not.


Chic:ap. 'Matd123-After a eeriaa of battle. and• fierce baad to haad to h1111d eacountera. coYering a per­iod o{ twenty-four houra, and oc:­currine- OYer a wide ezpanee of ter· ritoty, Frank PopiUnalri Callaa Kni­ger leader of the murder.,aa bandit pag, that killed Fritz Krueger Ia the aalooa at 811th North Robe1 atreet, le under arreat.

The par.ait aa<t capture of the gang is oue of the moat thtilUag pie~s of pollee work ia Cle recorda or the Chi~ department. and ranka with the capture of the c:ar­·barn baa~lta.

The atory · begina with a pitch· fork battle at a lonely farmhouae far out on tbe old Wheeling road, in wbl~ Mar1 Miehikl. the bandit cbleh aweetheart. Sg'urea. a fiaoht with W•acbeatera, the ahootTag l'ater of ttte ringleader at hia father• home. aad the confeuion of one of the baad'l& that Jed later to the cap­ture of two 9thera ia the olfht their homea.

The climax of this aeriee or nents came to-day when DetectiYea Balli· "a a ad Lanoa went to 783 Noble atreet, where Popillaalri'e bro&het· ha·law, one Keller. II~

The detecthee peered tbrourh a window and aaw the maa lhu wanted seated at the dialog table. Without atoppiag to kaoc:k. the two oflicera ruabect at the froat door. emaahed it ia and rtabbcd their mao before be could recoYer from hia aurprlae aafllcieatly to make re-aiataoce. . ,

At the Ra.w~a atreet atatloa In· epecl.or Rnere ideatifled the lll&a aa tlie one wanted. .Ht Ia alirht11 wounded oa hla right ear. Popilia· tki baa a long pollee record. He haa K"ed lime for oameroae olfen.'Ca.


-The total bank cleariaga ol all the cleariDg bouaes of the United Statu {or tbe. week eadidg March 18, amounted to the .rra,ad total of $3,031,364.814. apiaat$2.656. 766.051 tbe prerioua week. a ad $1, 918.560.· 549 tbe corrupolidlng week lut 1eor. The tremend'6ua Jncreaae over last 'ita 'a fi~re. it partly due to the tl1 iacreaKCI 'fnlume of 11pecu ion oa the atoc:k marketa. RetJewatof lntereet 1a real eatate ianatmeata a!fded ite quota to the acti'fc ~riod in clurlnf &ouaedrcles • B"t theae two factora were not

alone re"ponalble for the iacreue, u a larye pp bad to be filled· I a the le.-ened tnflic earninp due to the amall mo'ftmeot of wheat after laat ~aon,'s «OR failure. The country ia at preaent eujo1inr an era of an· paralleled pt-o.perity. cooeumptlon ao ac:ar)J all lhld huiar almoet oYertnken production, and aet a fe\·c:rlJih p:1ce \hatJ• with dilftcalty m.:t b.r the home eupplf.

~~~aan~,.IADlaleDt oane ,.,..,sa eowe.

I bellne VllU.RD'S LllflliENTwtll core nef7 cue ot IMpMierl&. Rln~ale. MRS. REUBEN BAKER.

I beltenMlNARD'SLINUIENT1riU prom.ota ~wtb of batr.

MRS. CBAS. ANDEIIUiON. StaoleJ, P. E.[. l beUne MINARD'S Lil'UIBNT la

tbe *' boGHbold remed.l' oo eartb. OU Ctt,y, ODt. KATTBJA6 POLEY.

• Tbe aoUoa ot Ooxe 81'0111 mey be th• caGH Qf t!le breattas: ap ot tbo coal truat &6d Jowor prl- for Ooalln cona• qneaao.

THE F.uni:YiiEoidiNB.

Trout Lata, ODt., Jaa. I, 1-. W. l!. CoXftOOZ. Broo.kYillL

Dear S!r:-Por a DIUDber ot 3'ean I baYO GMd atKI .old J'Onr "Dr:. Ill one .. lodlaa Root l'tue." I coaaldar tbaa the Yer:t bee& for • Fa~~ Uae,• ud all 1113' aualomer. 1poalt bfiiU3' ot them.

Yoora trulY, K. LAWIO~.

-In aeeordenae with the pqrammo for ellmlllat:lnc obeoleta ...... 11 troro tho Ror.al N&YJ', twen&J' 'tt'Uiblpo ban betll ecilcl.

WBOOPLNO COUGH. Fao11 P. 01nna, former!)' Proprietor of

tbo Oourler do SL BT&CIDtbo. Caulde. ,. Sneralmonth• a!Dae m:r deugbter,

teo :roan ot .,., wu taba wllb 'tt'llOQP­log conab to • Yetl' ~r_ra'f'i&ed form aullnothtac we aoald clo for her ""med In &DJ' 'tt'ey to rell..,.o ber •otrettag. We aUoqth doelded to try a botUe of DR. WIJTAa'a BAI.AAII or WILli Oaallll'r. In tbr .. boon atter alter abo bad. com. menoed nalu lt, ah• wu greatly , .. llOYed aDd In leu than tbrM dal' wu •attn\; cured, and ill now welL b&Y6 .U.ae rOGOmmonded tbt.Bale&m to many of IDJ' bt\abbon, who baY& uaed U, and Ia QO cucillan I koo1rn U to tall ot ef. f.oUoc a·~ cure.•• ~ eoc. aocS •• per bollle. SoJd b""

dealeraceuerallj, and by :r. McMq,rcJo ct Co., Si. Jobts ...

The big-gut crab eYer taken from the North Sea baa t>eea caught at Filey Brirg. It ia of a rich orange color. hea,.ily armoured. with an immenac a ad terrible act of nippers. and meaaarea two feet Kvea 111chea acroaa. _,

STOMACH AND LIVER T.RO'UBL'£1:1. Nr. AieL N: Pinn, lnlitormao1 N.B.t

1fl"ltoe :_.. 1 bno aaecl Dr. Cbul! a KJd· n~·Liver Pill• for deraa1emenu of. the. lrJ ne.)"' anclllYer end etomaeb troublea. ao can ecrU tv tbat they did mo • good deal of good. l caa h .. rtlly recommend tbom to an,one eutrertns u X did."

Tho onmber of~la etthe uol~r. altiH of Germany tbll wlator ~ wltbln 2IU of 40,000.

PAINS IN THE CHEST. ~Jr. John Cl•rk. Porl Bope, Ont.,

etate~:_..Lut wlater I wu eo btcl with a cold th•l l eoutJS not .peak abovo a \Ybltpor, and l•ld grea& palo• In the cbut. A trl.,od ldYiefd mo to h,:r Dr. OhllM'I l$yntp or Lln~CIC'd and 'l'orpen­tiDe a ad one bOl Ue ear~ my c:olcl wbJeh I beltoYo woal4hne pronn YOry 1erl· o.-11 I Md DOSIMd UiiiiiMIIIIiM/'


. ........ ,. ........... _ .. UIO •of • ..- .0.,. II" • . . \ .......... .,.1 .. ,. .......

1- ":._~ ... i ~ . ';1...

Ill.·;, \'t. .l ... . '..,. """ ... ' ...

1: l' .§.1. -; aa: e .:1 0 c..,

ii!l 1J ~ ; j; GUARDIAN·.


~S}lurnnu C!o'n. • I LJ lll'nCil.)



-. Fit, etyle and and Workman· ahip guaranteed.-.

Caatom work of all kinde execu ted at loweet prloea and with ct ... patch.

Meuure Carda eopplied on ap­pllcaUon. WATER ST., IURBOR GRAGE.

Dr-7. LEH~, .'Oenttst,

.Dtrtl4l PotWr-• and~ Oppo.lte T . M'Mord9 ct Oo'e. ebop

WATERBTREET,&.JOBN'S. ' .-Exolnefye right to nee the

Famoua Hale l(ethod of Painlae Deatiatry in St. l"ohh•e and .Harbor Grace • ._ •

OAIU) .. "·

&J.AMES 1iJ: MUNN. Dealer in &o.l ·:&tate, OommV­

fton. Ag~nt, OontJttyanur, A~, de.

Harbor ~~ - NtM)orm~d.

Patent Act NotiCe is hereby given that ~il

Knudsor~t or Sulitjelma, Norway, Eur­ope. who on the '9th day of Mar 1902, obtained Letters Patent or New: ' 'oundfand for,improved Process of any Ap~t~ for Treating Orcs, is re:tdy and ~lbug for a reasonable price to perm1t the manufacture, sale ond UJe ?(said invention in Newfoundland.

The invention is a valuable one nnd the Patent is for ule.

1 Apply to the patentee. or ~aY Car.sr, Ottawa, Can

Page 4: lfie· - collections.mun.cacollections.mun.ca › PDFs › hgstandard › HarborGraceStandard19050… · I .. 'lfie· R /t SQUIRES, ll~:, I SOLlt'JTOR, fresh and full Stock . or .

'arlW &Hane Standa.rA • £.D


OUB 1'1811 TL\DI WITH TBB U.MlTBD 8TA'l'ID8. .

Froaa the 6're. Preaa. we take tit• foDowtq eta Uetic.-of pecuHar IR• tenet aow thai' tile Jl'lalletr Protec­tloa ~Ma~llre Ia ea~ tlu! att.ea· tioa of the pablla.

l'or the fou 18M precedbac lJ, tlie Y&lae oar ezporta er1 prodsacta to the tralted Sta. ayerqecS aearl1 5 c:er ceat. of the total llabcry ezporta. for the aut 12 years uadu a Reciprocity Truty Jt a~ 6 per c:eat. · •

For the'tyeara foUowia&' · the"&b­roptlou ot the Treat;r. it agaie fell to aearly6 per ceat. l'or tJie firat 3 yearallll.der the Waahiagton Heci­prodtr'l'reat.Y whlcb C&11ile Ia force after fhe ?7eara of no JUeiprocity, it aa.ak to aot qalte two aad three qoarten per cent. Aad for the Jut three to Iaae 30th, 1904, uader the prunt arraupmat It hu daen to nearly ~ an.d three qaartera :Per ceat.

Some would deduce from tbeae figurea that reciprocity will not in· crea.ae oar fiah trade with the Uai· ted Statea ; but there are ao maa1 elementa eateri.ac iato the proper coaaideratJ.oa of the aabject Of oar trade witll the Unitecl Statu thatlt becomea oae to be careful of jamp­JDf tD coacla.toaa. Aa it hu beea aaid firarea aaay be made to proYe aaytbiog. We baY~ cot laforma. tioa eooarh at btocl to ·make aay dedactiou:a oanel,.... fnnD theae t*.- &p.,...


Jad(iag from reporta Ruasia ia boae.1-com~ if oae m&J aae aach a word. with diaa«ec:tioa. ThiDp likely are aoho bad u represeatea. ·Still they are bad eaourll" aad ap­pear to be plar from bad to worse. We do aot look for anytblor lib a ttueral uprlaiar of the populatiOD. 'l"be- a1tuation. howeyer, Ia Rrioaa eaoqh to make the bareaacrAtic ...a.a ol tla&f coao~ • ~ ,.. ...... .._,_ .. form• are aeceuary If oaly to ...-re a aupply of mea aad material for tbe propel' proaec:utioa of tile wu.


bud. Ollt raden tll&t!tbl* .. -= of t .. llii'iiiiU1iN •

...... ry to aaQe ... .,. -=to lbperieaee prona t!lat

lllhJ' act8. tboee clea1haC with the C..toai aad latoldrattq ~aon for aaaaJ»>e. laaft to be llaadt ft_f1 weepiag Ia their raare Ia order to be 1r0rth aaacb ~tbiUI the p&· per they are wriUea oa. Wt thlak that a ...,rlrable aad pnerally rood l'oJeat l'ire Act Ia of that cb&RC:ter. 'l'he rptrictioaa ahoald be made "ery reetrU:Ji"- Tbe Go•era~eat and the Coana ma1 be traatea to carry them oat wlthout workla~ mach bardahip oa the pubOc. 411 dueea bYe a great iatereet la tbe praenatJoa of oar foreeta. aacl it l' a totDmoa priacipl~ of law that the tat.ta&a ofiodiYiduala muat bow to the .-eaeral ialereata of a communi· ty, ..

-We l~a i."-t aaoUa.er JJ_arbor Gracito, Mr. Allaa .~tra~~t.:~t'!~ our old friend. Mr. Job.. "' the ia about to enter tbe raalce . • Beae<li~ The fair bride to be • " a Oai~tateayoaat lady.• adlool teacher by profeiuion. aad like Mr. StTatble -who ia Superintendent of a Preabyterian Sabbath &:bool. &e· the11 eapged In Suaday School work. Mr. Stratble'a maoy friend• wiah them botla much bappiaeaa Ia their pro.~cti•e aaloo.

Tbe Re\'. Ra.Jpb Stratbie Ia now irt cbarge of a Bouriabiatr Preaby­terian Church at Sammenide. P. E. Ialand. We hue no donbt that be Ia aa popular there •• be waa at Truro, N.S. ,__ ___ _

-Don't for1 e1 1~ ... _.,.,, 1>00lt ble md En&er~menL to ~ held In Cou.blan Ball, .Noaday, AprlllN.Ih, under the au· ~lcelof tbeJOancl~letofthe" Neth~ dlat Aid." ·Zooopbone Hlecllone b7 ':.f.~S:tmour WU1 be amoq Ul~ aloo

dan· Rocaaa

Mow ilia

aot Mow wu too late-forlaaarrectloiL Oa

ac:cout of Ute Dl&lice ol the prieata aad nalera. 8• laa4 a.oldecl colbalon wtUa tbealla tbtlr atroarhold~ for Ble boar Ud aaoc tMa co~q. l'tow &Ia boar had ooaae. Bt bol411 .. me to Jerualnl to ptat Bi...U Ia their pqwer, Bt taiP DO~' to deepoa· cJeDc7 bat Ia trlaasP-~a- Be ca .. e to .Dah the wrath cif .... to praise Hi-. IUid Dl&D 'a crlaae the world 'a aalntloa. • /- MoRPRY r11. NU.PIJY Ia • · ca" t9

1e.ld drew fort~ ahoata of wbic:h it was decided tbat Ia pf'Q~ate pralM tlaat Bia· dlll'ht feel actiona a defendant that bu decid· the thrlD of doi.W t i!ae ante Ia, aot 'o call wltaeakt and who dellr-bt to do. H'e eaaphaaiaed the lateada to coateat bi~qself wit)l mlofatry of ' aplrltaal IODf. It ia crou-enmiaiuf the witnea.­aot oaly a joy, bat It eaaoblea tbe should 2i•e notsce to aucb el!ect to beiar. lt polata upward aad lifts tbe pt:ilntiff. lf be plead• traud upward. Mualc aad pralae are aad undue itlflueace a ad fail a to llap­Wiap of the aoal, eaabllag aa to port the aame, be will hue to pay

l with oar bopea &ad upliatioaa. cotta. Q fll the aao.t beaatJfal featurea

the...., Jt eJae Jl!!l~layed ia tbe Mia11 Noel. Priacipal of St. Pau.l't uaad oeleW.tlOta f»r ~e E~!ldren. High School. haa reai;aed ber poti·

)C.b' ., are aiiiOif tJaj IA&JJJ "' ~IJ,: tion_and leuee town bJ Satarday'a .,, .. ~ aeetlel tJa 14 ~ t~q. fqr Moatrul, where abe l11· Temple. • l to• b•

04 er- te,.cla eqtenov the vo7al Victoria arma. Otben' cl ar er reaa. Dl' r· t! ., X

Other .. taad Ia vo""::.oa. _!bolr f~• lfCMII ••I Jq •• .,dy ~,.1 aur9e. Miaa beam with a Urht aot o7 ~rth-eo ::b!r~:a':r~t: :~~i\~a;3;~~~ pure. 10 jo7oua. 10 eiacere I Tbe1 aa weU'a' the lkbool ~r4 ~~ ~rr7 catc:h tbe meaolag of tke abouta. i.cS oart with her. Her m~1 f,ieqctf They aJdp aad daade like lamba. al.O r~"'ret her departure, aod ·jO!IJ gamboUar Ia the ~ le14• of io wlabiug !ter much happiaeaa aa apriagtime. By aa iaapiratioa llll• the • •jde a~here of usefafaeaa abe kaowa before. {bet...:·r •• the 119°1' baa acsopte • l of Mpeelt and the b. ·• Miaa .tloe ~ ~ r:rJI1at thia

The attitude of ~rlet• to tlaeae .,._, Clf an add reM atJd a. ~tt~daome yoaar cboriatera la~atill mo.- beaa· pn~sdt ftpm th~ Su q_lu~C!.! tiful aad more importaat. Tbe aad tcadae,• It/ ~t. Paul'• S.b~ PllariMea acowled apoa them. ikbo.>l with w!Jt~ 4J3e hu been Ieaaa eaailed a ad aald, "Of auch ia ld .. tiMd u a acbolar m P"i.a .. the kiapom of God." "Oat 9f the taktar q1J eJIIcient teacbu. mouth of b&blle &ad aackUap thOII . _ ..... ,.,.,... ...... " XluN't lilt'~"""~ ....

YQ'f 4pri1 ~. ~llcloa-·Boa:ae au~atqe4 . tin

JlaiaqenJ~aa ttl~r, ~t­Prea.ter1 •lio repiJIIJC ~ltlll· Op~lt OQ tq tf1 4 YOte p~

cea1are. New York-&eqet IR•ffilln of

..\Qdr,~ a..ruerie'e farorite alece, NuteJ, to f&JJtl11 cqaohmfq 11 ~r ~ ,.. &IJDOifDc,d 1'-~1· Th!' IIJiJJioq. atre Ia ret:QIJcilec'!. 4eclarlar tlfaJ a JQQd lMJJ Jll !Je~~ ~&A a wortblnt 4q-e. , '1\QJPo-pe~~RC C!¥1RlJIItiC ~rqte.t

to J'raace, Jfo etherfakf~. eer 11 atlU at I(&Qtr BtJ· n i• • ed bere that~ IJ:JfP4t tq atq them ia the bar'Nir. • S~etenbur(-S'reah 41aordera

oec~V.: 7ester~1 at Putro~olf wor lOOO atrlkora realatiQf poh~. pel nr them with p•ecea or lroa. Ruolatloaaty party bu aow aac· c:eeded Ia circulatlnr ia8ammator7 lit¢rature a moue Imperial Gaarda. . ~o~e-J'ood aapplJ of maayltal· 1aa atiea ia now threatened- b7 rail­way •trike.

Madl10a, Wi.a.-State Le(iala. tare paued bill malriq tipplal' ~~tel waite~ nUIWlll portera 11\d ~'P,Jl~ a cr•ll}iaal ~ce.

· We renet to learq of the death uader tatJaef aad ci~~etaucea of tbe ~te Bobe~ Brawn. bead book· It~ ,.1~ !lfeaare. ~.Jaa 4 04y. of paYI-ta. llfr. Brown came oat to rbor G~ce aboat 35 yeara aro to ~ Rutherford aad retnaiaed Ia Ufelr oflice for aQme year• till he ~ted a \Ike ~11itioo wlth MeaarL Ridle7 t Co. After tiJe failure of that firm he ~ad bit famll.r remoftd ~'!. 'aayia~ w~e!e tte liyed till bla

~f ftro,.,ll inied ,.-hlle "ere a Qeice of p1e etlf'- Rutherford, 141,_ ~arrap:t f:Qreror, ~aci J~Y._ betl~ a .,uto,., ~yera• ~- ~ad daaaliten, tQ aUgf 1f~oaa •• ~r OfJr .111111'~ll1· .

-Hojtah.-tcy peral•t• t~t there trere ~t~o bo&ta ia the North ~ U111t 111- •hlpa were ecdaarer­e4. that be had to a&Te pia ahip. aacl he diet. ~ Paria COIJI~laaloa aay that there were ao torpedo boats there, aa~ the Britlab Board o( Trade iaqairy jaat pabliabed aa­aerta Ia tbe atroageat terma tb~ot there were no torpedo boata there, that the 4lrlar on the t"-wlera waa a mo.t uaproYOired occurreace, and coatiaued after tbe Raaaian searcb-1&2Jata had elao,.-a tbat they were fliblal' fteaela.

'F~e flf~eraLq£ ~r. ~. !!ra.o•8~1d. :1" qf Afr· ~· ·lJF&~e14, toqk P.la~ ra.f"tl,~~~~~cJ~I?,~'~ or:~v ~~:-sr. or ~. \Vrn: S1dae/ by faliliiit- otlf:a \*141 ~.,._. taat., toe ...Ue of paer o the D. Coal Co. Macb a 1m. ,'of a lOp; patbJ Ia felt for the famil7 tJ111a • ~fe&Yed. • A& U'llll&ad Con, oo the 16

- lee~ J f.C:~ ~M 61 ,.an. '1'Q OUBK A OO~lN Ol'JB.,AY Al U OO.e,oo thel6&b Int i ..

Tab' LAXA'l!i.n .;~140 q11IlfllfBI BllDbi Blllley, rtllct or J'obo Hat-;r~~~o~ JNP,fD~~·~-r .. {',"a~'Oot._e,oa Aprii ,Uth, it , <iffl!'!••.,.NIU1l~""' ~rtltf NlfOt ~"'!Ulla111t .,.Se:l

~ ~


C. AlFRED AMES, M.D. Oftlce Houre -9 to 1 f a,m.

' -4 to 6 p.m.

BanM1111a1& Hau», Harbor Grau

S.O,E. DANCLNG ASSEMBL 'f ia tbe Academy Ball. on Thun:t!a1 etenlq, 25th iaat. Oaly limited Qq•bef or ticlceta, to be bad from W. 4 Ol!e, Pa~l Binftla. Charles n. Qarlll\d. Clare ace Spence, Gtorro Gor<ton, Arthur Heath aad

. T . q. FORD. Str. Com.

Public Notice. Tbo public are ~crcbf n,otilitd

that bJ tbe provi11iuns o Chapter 56 of tlle Consolidated Statute., ~d aeriea. they are required to keep their

Yards and Premises free from all aoxloua aainac:ea aad filth. which are likely to In jure the. public health.

'r.bere will be

A Thorough Inspeot\PP. of the town oa tbe l~t~ o( ~a~ aad from da~ 'tQ day \l~t\\ it \1 COffiP]~te4: • '

Tbe owqe.~ of pt~\ae• found Ia ~ pqqdlljoq w' U ~ hab\e to a fiq~ Af .

Tw .. enty·flve Dol~lara. · 4 ~ SEYMO ,

$_ti~ ~a · trate. Pollee QEce, Barbof Grac:t\

