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LFN 1130 Module 05 -Prasentations

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  • 7/30/2019 LFN 1130 Module 05 -Prasentations


    Information CommunicationTechnology Centre

    Waymba University of Sri Lanka Makandura


    Introduction to PresentationPowerPoint 2007 -2010

    LFN1130 Module 05

    Name:. ..

    Practise Dates

    By IK

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    Introduction .............................................................................................. 1

    Design Guideline ...................................................................................... 1

    Design ................................................................................................... 1

    1. Compose Slides ............................................................................ 1

    2. Use Consistency ........................................................................... 1

    Colours ................................................................................................. 1

    3. Use Contrast ................................................................................. 1

    4. Apply Brilliance ........................................................................... 2

    Text ....................................................................................................... 2

    5. KISS ............................................................................................. 2

    Images .................................................................................................. 2

    7. Add Images ................................................................................... 2

    Animations & Media ............................................................................ 2

    8. Dont Be Silly ............................................................................... 2Target & Content .................................................................................. 3

    9. Keep Your Audience in Mind ....................................................... 3

    10. Practice ....................................................................................... 3

    Write a script. ....................................................................................... 3

    One thing at a time, please. ................................................................... 3

    No paragraphs. ...................................................................................... 4

    Pay Attention to Design. ....................................................................... 4

    Use Images Sparingly ........................................................................... 4

    Our First Presentation ............................................................................... 5

    Script .................................................................................................... 5The PowerPoint Window .......................................................................... 6

    Creating a New Presentation .................................................................... 8

    Select a Design ..................................................................................... 8

    Select a Slide Layout ............................................................................ 9

    Change the Font and Size ..................................................................... 9

    Save the Presentation ............................................................................ 9

    Add new Slide ...................................................................................... 9

    Insert Pictures ....................................................................................... 9

    Adding Animation .................................................................................... 9Slide Transition .................................................................................... 9

    Custom Animation .............................................................................. 10

    Animate the Individual Items ......................................................... 11

    Insert Headers & Footers ........................................................................ 12

    Insert Movies and Sound ........................................................................ 12

    Setup the Slide Show .............................................................................. 12Set the Resolution ............................................................................... 12

    Present on a Wide screen .................................................................... 13

    Save as a Slide Show .......................................................................... 13

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    Graphical Presentation


    Presentations whether they are made with PowerPoint or other

    applications, are a great way to support a speech, visualize complicated

    concepts or focus attention on a subject.However, a bad presentation can achieve the opposite. Badly designed

    slides with too much text orbad graphics can distract or worse, irritate

    the audience.

    Heres is a short guide that will help you create presentations with a pro-

    fessional look and concise content, avoiding the most common mistakes

    Design Guideline


    The first thing that gives a professional touch to any presentation is thedesign.

    Whether you download a free template or create your own, keep the fol-

    lowing in mind:

    1. Compose Slides

    Dont copy & paste slides from Different sources.

    Keep the design very Basic and Simple.

    Pick an Easy to ReadFont. San Serif Fonts

    Carefully select font sizes for headers and text. Leave Room for highlights, such as images or take home mes-


    Decorate scarcely but well.

    2. Use Consistency

    Consistently use the same font face and sizes on all slides.

    Match colours.

    You may use your company logo, highlight headers, create a special

    frame for figures/images or the whole slide but dont overload yourslides with these elements.


    A poor choice of colours can shatter the presentation. If youre unsurewhich colours match best, test it to get a set of matching colours.

    3. Use Contrast

    Black text on a white background will always be the best but al-so the most boring choice.

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    If you want to play with colours, keep it easy on the eyes and

    always keep good contrast in mind so that your readers do not

    have to strain to guess what youve typed on your slide.

    4. Apply Brilliance

    Carefully use colour to highlight your message!

    Dont weaken the colour effect by using too many colours at aninstance.

    Make a brilliant choice: match colours for design and good con-trast to highlight your message.


    5. KISS

    Keep It Straight and Simple.

    Keywords only.

    No sentences!

    Never read your slides, talk freely.

    Remember that your slides are only there to support, not to replace your

    talk! Youll want to tell a story, describe your data or explain circum-

    stances, and only provide keywords through your slides. If you read your

    slides and if you do it slow and badly, the audience will get bored and

    stop listening.


    Images are key elements of every presentation. Your audience has earsand eyestheyll want to see what youre talking about, and a good vi s-ual cue will help them to understand your message much better.

    7. Add Images

    Have more images in your slides than text.

    But do not use images to decorate!

    Images can reinforce or complement your message.

    Use images to visualize and explain.

    A picture can say more than a thousand words.Animations & Media

    In animations, there is a fine line between a comic and a professional

    impression. However, animations can be rather powerful tools to visual-

    ize and explain complicated matters. A good animation can not only im-

    prove understanding, but can also make the message stick with your au-dience.

    8. Dont Be Silly

    Use animations and media sparingly.

    Use animations to draw attention,

    Use animations to clarify a model or emphasize an effect.

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    Target & Content

    Target your audience, defines the content of your presentation

    for them. For example, you wont be able to teach school kids

    about the complicated matters of economy. However, you may be able to

    explain what economy is in the first place and why it is important.

    9. Keep Your Audience in Mind What do they know?

    What do you need to tell them?

    What do they expect?

    What will be interesting to them?

    What can you teach them?

    What will keep them focused?

    Answer these questions and boil your slides down to the very


    In your talk, describe the essentials colourfully and choose your

    weapons i.e. text, images and animations wisely (see above).

    If you lose the attention of your audience, everything will be lost it

    wont matter how ingenious your design is or how brilliantly you picked

    colours and keywords.

    10. Practice

    A well-prepared and enthusiastic talk will help you convince your audi-

    ence and maintain their attention. There are some key points that define agood talk.

    Know your slides inside out.

    Speak freely.

    Speak with confidenceloud and clear.

    Dont speak too fast.

    Maintain eye contact with the audience.

    Write a script.

    A little planning goes a long way. You should know what you intend to

    say and then figure out how to visualize it. Unless you are an expert at

    improvising, make sure you write out or at least outline your presentation

    before trying to put together slides.

    And make sure your script follows good storytelling conventions: give it

    a beginning, middle, and end; have a clear arc that builds towards some

    sort of climax; make your audience appreciate each slide but be anxiousto find out whats next.

    One thing at a time, please.At any given moment, what should be on the screen is the thing youre

    talking about. Our audience will read slide as soon as its displayed . if

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    you have the next four points you plan to make up there, theyll be three

    steps ahead of you, waiting for you to catch up rather than listening with

    interest to the point youre making.

    Plan your presentation so just one new point is displayed at any given

    moment. Bullet points can be revealed one at a time as you reach them.

    Charts can be put on the next slide to be referenced when you get to thedata the chart displays. Your job as presenter is to control the flow ofinformation so that you and your audience stay in sync.

    No paragraphs.

    Your slides are the illustrations for your presentation, not the presenta-

    tion itself. They should underline and reinforce what youre saying as

    you give your presentation you can use notecards, a separate word

    processor document. Just dont put it on the screen and for goodness

    sake, if you do for some reason put it on the screen, dont stand with your

    back to your audience and readit from the screen!Pay Attention to Design.

    PowerPoint and other presentation packages offer all sorts of ways to addvisual flash to your slides: fades, swipes, flashing text, and other an-

    noyances are all too easy to insert with a few mouse clicks.

    Avoid the temptation to dress up your pages with cheesy effects and fo-

    cus instead on simple design basics:

    Use a sans serif font for body text. Sans serifs likeArial, , Calibri tendto be the easiest to read on screens.

    Use decorative fonts onlyfor slide headers, and then onlyif theyreeasy to read. Decorative fonts are hard to read and should be reserved

    only for large headlines at the top of the page. Better yet, stick to a

    classy serif font like Georgia orBaskerville.

    Put dark text on a light background. Again, this is easiest to read. Ifyou must use a dark background

    Align text left or right. Centred text is harder to. Line up all your textto a right-hand or left-hand baselineit will look better and be easier to


    Avoid Clutter. A headline, a few bullet points, maybe an image any-thing more than that and you risk losing your audience as they sort it allout.

    Use Images Sparingly

    Use images only when they add important information or make an ab-

    stract point more concrete.

    Have a hook.

    Ask questions from your self,


    Finally break the rules if it really required.

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    Our First Presentation

    ScriptTitle Computer HardwareOutline

    IntroductionInput DevicesProcessing DevicesMemory DevicesOutput DevicesStorage DevicesCommunication DevicesBussesBodySlide 1Computers are used toProcess inputStore input or outputTransfer input or outputSlide 2Input DevicesAnalogue DigitalExample picturesSlide 3Processing DevicesRow Data informationExample pictures

    Slide 4Memory DevicesKeep input out put temporaryExample picturesSlide 5Output DevicesDigital AnalogueExample picturesSlide 6Storage DevicesPermanent storageExample picturesSlide 7Communication DevicesCommunicate with computersExample picturesSlide 8BussesTransfer DataExample picturesAudience: A/L leaversCount: 50Environment: A Classic LectureHallType: Lecture

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    The PowerPoint Window

    Open PowerPoint 2007

    Start>all Programs>Microsoft office>PowerPoint


    The Status bar generally appears at the bottom of the window. The Sta-

    tus bar displays the number of the slide that is currently displayed, the

    total number of slides, and the name of the design template in use or the

    name of the background.

    The Outline tab displays the text contained in your presentation. The

    Slides tab displays a thumbnail of all your slides. You click the thumb-

    nail to view the slide in the Slide plane.

    1 Status Bar 6 Vertical & Horizontal Bars

    2 Outline Tab 7 Minimize Button

    3 Slides Tab 8 Maximize/Restore Button

    4 View Buttons 9 Close Button

    5 Zoom

    Slide plane

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    The View buttons appear near the bottom of the screen. You use the

    View buttons to change between Normal view, Slider Sorter view, and

    the Slide Show view.

    Normal View

    Normal view splits your screen into three major sections: the

    Outline and Slides tabs, the Slide pane, and the Notes area.The Outline and Slides tabs are on the left side of your window.

    They enable you to shift between two different ways of viewing

    your slides. The Slides tab shows thumbnails of your slides. TheOutline tab shows the text on your slides. The Slide pane is lo-

    cated in the centre of your window. The Slide pane shows a

    large view of the slide on which you are currently working. The

    Notes area appears below the Slide pane. You can type notes to

    yourself on the Notes area.

    Slide Sorter Vi ew

    Slide Sorter view shows thumbnails of all your slides. In Slide

    Sorter view, you can easily add, delete, or change their order ofyour slides.

    Slide Show

    Use the Slide Show view when you want to view your slides, asthey will look in your final presentation. When in Slide Show


    Esc Returns you to the view you were using previously.

    Left-clicking Moves you to the next slide or animation effect. When you

    reach the last slide, you automatically return to yourprevious view.



    Opens a pop-up menu. You can use this menu to navigate

    the slides, add speaker notes, select a pointer, and mark

    your presentation.

    Zoom allows you to zoom in and zoom outon the window

    You can click and drag the vertical and horizontal splitter bars to

    change the size of your panes.

    You use the Minimize button to remove a window from view. Whilea window is minimized, its title appears on the taskbar. You click the

    Maximize button to cause a window to fill the screen. After you

    maximize a window, clicking the Restore button returns the window

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    to its former smaller size. You click the Close button to exit the win-

    dow and close the program.

    1 Slide

    2 Placeholders

    3 Notes

    Slides appear in the centre of the window. You create your presenta-tion on slides.

    Placeholders hold the objects in your slide. You can use placeholdersto hold text, clip art, charts, and more.

    You can use the notes area to create notes to yourself. You can refer tothese notes as you give your presentation.

    Creating a New Presentation

    Office Button>New> Blank Presentation>Create

    Select a Design

    Design Tab> Designs on themes Group>

    Preview can be seen by placing mouse on the available designs.

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    Select a solstice design

    Select a Slide Layout

    Home>Slides>Layout> Title Slide

    Change the Font and Size

    Change the font to Arial Black

    Select the title

    Home>Font> select the Arial

    Black, Size 50


    Click on font in the left side of the themes group and select a font

    Save the Presentation

    Click on the save button on the quick access tool bar or press Ctrl + S

    Save as Dialogue Box will appear

    Create a folder if you want

    Supply a name


    Add new Slide

    Home >slides>new Slide>

    Select a suitable layout to

    your content and click on it

    (Select Title and Content


    Complete the slide

    complete all slide

    Insert Pictures

    Insert>pictures on


    Select the picture

    Or copy & past the picture

    Adding Animation

    Slide Transition

    When the presentation is on, the way slide are change is the slide transi-

    tion. Slide transition is used to add pause or a change to the on-goingpresentation. Use the same transition thought whole presentation or if the

    presentation is large use different transition on different section of the

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    presentation. Use simple transitions only. Do not let to diffuse the im-

    portant of your presentation using funny transition although they are

    available in the software.

    Select the slide

    Animations> Transition to This slide

    Then keep mouse on a transition type for a while to see a previewTo apply a selected transition to selected slide click on the selected type

    To add the transition to all slide click on Apply to All

    To change the speed select the speed Fast Medium or slow

    To see the preview click on the button.

    Animations> Uncover Down on Transition to

    This slide

    Then Apply To All and change the speed to medium

    Custom AnimationIndividual items in a slide can be animated using custom animation. But

    use the same animation thought the whole presentation. Keep in mind to

    use simple animations only.

    Select the item or items


    Once the custom animation is click custom animation plane is displayed

    on the right side of the window.

    Click Add Effect> Place the mouse on Entrance >

    click on Fly In

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    Emphasis, Exit, Motion paths are also available but very complex avoid

    using complex custom animation. Use them

    on if really they are required only.

    Now Animation plane let you to modify the

    added animation. Start method, direction,

    Speed can be change.Modify the direction from Top and speed to


    You can further change the animation.

    Identify the animation item and thenumber from the animation plane.

    Click on the arrow head

    You can change the available option.

    Select all other outline

    items and add



    Animation to the Second Slide

    Select introduction


    Animations on Animation


    Add Effects> Entrance>

    Fly In

    Modify Direction to

    From bottom and Speed to


    Animate the Individual ItemsSelect all three Items

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    Add Effects>Entrance>Fly In

    From the custom animation plane

    Change the Direction to From Right

    And Speed to Fast

    You can see all three items are having the animation Number 2 this

    means all three items fly in togetherTo change them One By One

    Click on the second Item Store Input, Output

    Select Start On Click

    Repeat for the other two items

    Insert Headers & Footers

    To add headers, footers,

    date, Slide numbers user

    Insert>Headers &

    Footers on Text


    Now you can add date, SlideNumber and Footer

    Headers cannot be added to Slides

    but it can be added to notes and

    HandoutsAdd slide numbers and footer as

    CCAS 2010 Module 05

    Insert Movies and Sound

    Insert>Movies or sound

    on Media Clips

    Setup the Slide Show

    You can change the setting of the presentation slide show setting usingSlide Show>Set Up

    Side Show on the

    setup group

    Then Set Up Show

    will appear

    See the available


    Set the Resolution

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    Important to change the resolution to a supported value by your Projector

    Present on a Wide screen

    By default PowerPoint use 4:3 format for the presentation View. If you

    need to change it

    Design> Page Setup

    Change the Slides Size For to

    On-Screen Show (16:9)

    Save as a Slide Show

    If you want, you can

    save this as a Slide

