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LFW Portfolio Assignment

Date post: 12-Apr-2017
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Major: Criminal Justice Portfolio Assignment Name: Justine Schuler “I am a strong, loving, loyal and courageous woman.”
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Major: Criminal Justice

Portfolio Assignment

Name: Justine Schuler

“I am a strong, loving, loyal and courageous woman.”

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Discussion: “Stress”

Discussion: “Cognition Principles”

Assignment: “Community Service Learning Project”

I really enjoyed this discussion because it helped me put a lot of my daily stress into perspective. Before watching this video I had never realized the amount of damage stress could have on my body. I am now more conscientious of the things

I choose to stress about.

This discussion was meaningful to me because it made me realize that my past problems and

struggles I had with learning were not because I was “dumb,” but because I was using the wrong learning strategies. By developing some of these learning skills I have seen many improvements in my course grades this semester. If only I had learned these skills years ago, school just might

have been easier for me.

Denison Animal Welfare Group (DAWG) is an amazing place that provides shelter to the

homeless dogs in their area. This assignment was my favorite because it allowed me to

give back to the community in some way. This was my first time to ever volunteer at an

animal shelter and after having the experience I know I will be continuing to offer

my time and service to them.

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Ch: 2 Journal Entry 8

Ch: 6 Journal Entry 23

Ch: 9 Journal Entry 33

Before this assignment I had never truly had a “real” conversation with myself. In this

journal entry I learned how to actually talk to myself. I also learned that my thoughts,

emotions, and past behavior were the cause of most of my setbacks.

In this journal entry I learned that I am way to critical of myself. I also learned that I knew more about my personal obstacles than I

thought I did, and I had known how to overcome these obstacles all along, I just needed to train my thoughts. This journal

entry opened my eyes up to the things I know I can change about myself and my life.

I really enjoyed this journal entry because I learned how much I have actually changed

just within these eight weeks. I learned that I need to let go of fear and push past my

discomforts in order to achieve success. I have accepted my current situation and I now have the energy and efforts to change certain

aspects of my life.

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Discuss which week you liked the most and why

The week I have enjoyed the most is “Week 8,” and it’s not just because it is the final week of this course,

although that is one perk. I enjoyed doing this “Portfolio Assignment” and the “Letter to the Next Class,”

because it has helped me discover everything that I have learned throughout this entire course. Often times

I forget most material learned after a course has finished, but actually getting the chance to write down what I have learned from certain discussions or journal entries and display them in a slideshow has helped me

refresh the skills that I am taking with me from this course. I also enjoyed writing a letter to the future

students of this class. This course was tough for me at times when trying to “dive deep” into my thoughts, but

I would recommend this course to anyone no matter what their future profession may be.

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Three lessons that I will carry with me from this course

Lesson 1: To always stay conscious of the wise choices I

must consistently make in order to live a more prosperous and

rewarding life. Lesson 2: Even though I may fail or encounter bumps in the road, I will never give up on my hopes

and dreams.Lesson 3: Believe in myself, and

know that I am the one who determines my own success.

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1. Accepting personal responsibility

2. Discovering self-motivation

3. Mastering self-motivation

4. Employing interdependence

5. Gaining self-awareness

6. Adopting lifelong learning

7. Developing emotional intelligence

8. Believing in myself

















First FinalScores Scores

I have discovered so many important things about myself throughout this

course. I have learned to accepted my current situation and I now have the energy and efforts to change certain aspects of my life. I can now admit to myself, “yeah, I messed up” and then

work towards fixing whatever it may be. I discovered that I didn’t know how to

manage my emotions successfully. Now, I talk to myself more and before I make abrupt decisions I try to take a moment to think about the correct approach or

response. I discovered that I need to set more realistic goals and dreams for

myself and believe in myself enough to achieve them.

Self-assessment Scores

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Who would I be?My “Best Life”

Who I imagine being with me…

“Dad & Step Mom”“Niece”



U.S. Air Force Police Detective

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I would have…

If I accomplished all of my goals I would be…



My “Best Life”



I would live in the mountains of Ruidoso, New Mexico



Big House
