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LG Refrigerator

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  • 7/24/2019 LG Refrigerator


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  • 7/24/2019 LG Refrigerator




    Important safety instruction

    Identification of parts

    Where to install

    Door removal

    Door replacement

    Feed water pipe installation

    Height adjustment


    Adjusting the temperatures and functions

    Refreshment center (Applicable to some models only)

    Shelf (Applicable to some models only)

    Wine holder (Applicable to some models only)

    Egg box (Applicable to some models only)

    Humidity control in the vegetable compartment

    Convert into a vegetable or meat compartment (Applicable to some models only)

    Deodorizer (Applicable to some models only)

    Miracle Zone Temperature Transition Corner (Applicable to some models only)

    Temperature Change at Miracle Zone (Applicable to some models only)

    Miracle Zone (Applicable to some models only)

    Location of foods

    Storing foods

    How to dismantle parts

    General information


    Trouble shooting

    Table of contents




    Suggestion onfood storage

    Care andmaintenance



























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  • 7/24/2019 LG Refrigerator



    The model and serial numbers are found on the inner case or back of refrigerator

    compartment of this unit. These numbers are unique to this unit and notavailable to others. You should record requested information here and retainthis guide as a permanent record of your purchase. Staple your receipt here.

    D ate of purchase :D ealer purchased from :

    D ealer address :

    D ealer phone no. :

    M odel no. :

    Serial no. :

    B efore it is used, this refrigerator m ust be properly installed and located in accordancew ith the installation instructions in this docum ent.

    N ever unplug your refrigerator by pulling on the pow er cord. Alw ays grip plug firm ly andpull it straight out from the outlet.

    W hen m oving your appliance aw ay from the w all, be careful not to roll over the pow ercord or to dam age it in any w ay.

    A fter your refrigerator is in operation, do not touch the cold surfaces in the freezercom partm ent, particularly w hen your hands are dam p or w et. Skin could adhere tothese extrem ely cold surfaces.

    U nplug the pow er cord from the pow er outlet for cleaning or other requirem ents. N evertouch it w ith w et hands because you can get an electric shock or be hurt.

    N ever dam age, process, severely bend, pull out, or tw ist the pow er cord becausedam age the pow ercord m ay cause a fire or electric shock. You have doubts on w hetherthe appliance is properly grounded.

    N ever place glass products in the freezer because they m ay be broken due to expansionw hen their contents are frozen.

    N ever allow your hands w ithin the ice storage bin of the autom atic ice m aker. You couldbe hurt by the operation of the autom atic ice m aker.

    The appliance is not intended for use by young children or infirm persons w ithoutsupervision.

    Young children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play w ith the appliance.

    N ever allow anyone to clim b, sit, stand or hang on the refreshm ent center door. Theseactions m ay dam age the refrigerator and even tip it over, causing severe personal injury.

    If possible, connect the refrigerator to its ow n individual electrical outlet to prevent it andother appliances or household lights from causing an overload that could cause a pow eroutage.

    The refrigerator-freezer should be so positioned that the supply plug is accessible forquick disconnection w hen accident happens.

    If the supply cord is dam aged, it m ust be replaced by the m anufacturer or its serviceagent or a sim ilarly qualified person in order to avoid a hazard.

    D o not m odify or extend the Pow er Cord length. It w ill cause electric shock or fire.



    Important safety instruction

    Dont use an

    extension cord

    Accessibility ofSupply Plug

    Supply CordReplacement


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    Identification of parts

    D AN G ER: Risk of child entrapm ent.Before you throw aw ay your old refrigerator or freezer:Take off the doors but leave the shelves in place so that children m ay not easily clim binside.The appliance is not intended for use by young children or infirm persons w ithoutsupervision.Young children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play w ith the appliance.

    D ont store or use gasoline or other flam m able vapor and liquids in the vicinity of this orany other appliance.

    In the event of an electric short circuit, grounding (earthing) reduces the risk of electricshock by providing an escape w ire for the electric current.In order to prevent possible electric shock, this appliance m ust be groundedim proper use of the grounding plug can result in an electric shock. Consult a qualifiedelectrician or service person if the grounding instructions are not com pletelyunderstood, or if you have doubts on w hether the appliance is properly grounded.

    Child entrapment


    Dont store

    Grounding (Earthing)

    If you found som e parts m issing from your unit, they m ay be parts only used in otherm odels. (i.c. the Refreshm ent centeris not included in all m odels)


    Freezercom partm ent

    Refrigeratorcom partm ent

    M ilk product corner

    D oor rack

    Space plus

    Lam p

    Autom aticice m aker

    Shelf(steel or glass)


    D oor rack

    D raw er

    D oor rack

    Low er cover

    Lam pShelf

    D oor rack(1piece or 2piece)

    D oor rack(1piece or 2piece)

    D oor rack


    Snack draw er (O ptional)

    Shelf (Folding or N orm al)Refreshm ent center(O ptional)Egg box

    Vegetable draw er(1 or 2)

    M iracle Zone (O ptional)Fresh com partm ent(O ptional)

    Conversion sw itch(M eats/Vegetables)(O ptional)

    H um idity sw itch

    W ine holder(Plastic or w ire)

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  • 7/24/2019 LG Refrigerator



    Select a goodlocation

    Where to Install

    1. Place your appliance w here it is easy touse.

    2. A void placing the unit near heat sources,direct sunlight or m oisture.

    3. A ir m ust circulate properly around yourappliance to ensure efficient operation. Ifyour appliance is placed in a recessedarea in the w all, allow at least a 12 Inches(30 cm ) or greater clearance above theappliance and 2 inches (5 cm ) or m orefrom the w all. The appliance should beelevated 1 inch (2.5 cm ) from the floor,especially if it is carpeted.

    5. D on't install the appliance below 5C . It m ay cause affect the perform ance.

    4. To avoid vibrations, the appliance m ust be leveled.

    Disposal of theold appliance

    This appliance contains fluid (refrigerant, lubricant)and is m ade of parts and m aterials

    w hich are reusable and/or recyclable.

    A ll the im portant m aterials should be sent to the collection center of w aste m aterial

    and can be reused after rew ork (recycling). For take back, please contact w ith the

    local agency.


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  • 7/24/2019 LG Refrigerator




    Door removal

    Failure to do so could result in death or serious injury.

    If your access door is too narrow for therefrigerator to pass through, remove the

    refrigerator door and pass the refrigerator laterally.

    Electric Shock HazardD isconnect electrical supply to refrigerator before installing.

    Rem ove the low er cover by lifting upw ard, andrem ove clip, and then pull up the feed w ater tubew hile pressing area show n in the figure to theright.

    Remove lowercover and

    then feed watertube


    Remove thefreezer



    Remove therefrigerator


    1) Rem oving the hinge cover by loosening thescrew s. Separate all connection w ires exceptfor the earth line after.

    2)Rem ove the keeper by rotating it counter

    clockw ise ()and then lifting the upper

    hinge up ().

    3) Rem ove the freezer com partm ent door bylifting it upw ard. This tim e, the door should

    be lifted enough for the feed w ater pipe tubeto be com pletely pulled out.

    1) Loosen the hinge cover screw s and rem ovethe cover. Rem ove connection w ire,if any,except for the earth line.

    2) Rem ove keeper by rotating it clockw ise ()and then rem ove the upper hinge by liftingit up ( ).

    3) Rem ove the refrigerator com partm ent doorby lifting it up.

    If a tube end is deform ed or abraded, cut the part aw ay.


    W hen rem oving the upper hinge, be careful that the door does not fall forw ards .


    M ove the refrigerator com partm ent door passing through the access door and layit dow n, but be careful not to dam age the feed w ater pipe tube.


    Low er cover

    Low er hinge

    Low er hinge


    Feed w ater tube

    Connectionw ires

    H ingecover

    U pper hinge

    KeeperU pper hinge

    Earth line

    U pper hinge

    C onnectionw ires

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  • 7/24/2019 LG Refrigerator




    Door replacement

    Feed water pipe installation

    Pass the refrigerator laterally through the accessdoor as show n in the right figure.

    A utom atic ice m aker operation needs w ater pressure of 147~ 834 kPa (1.5~ 8.5kgf/cm 2) (That is, an instant paper cup (180 cc) w ill be fully filled w ithin 3 sec.).

    If w ater pressure does not reach the rating 147 kPa (1.5 kgf/cm 2) or below , it isnecessary to purchase a separate pressure pum p for norm al autom atic icing andcool w ater feed.

    Keep the total length of the feed w ater pipe tube w ithin 8 m and be careful for thetube not be bent. If the tube is 8 m or longer it m ay cause trouble in w ater feedow ing to the drain w ater pressure.

    Install the feed w ater pipe tube at a place free from heat.

    C onnect to potable w ater supply only. R efer to instructions w ith w ater filter kit for installation.

    M ount them in the reverse sequence of rem oval after they pass through the accessdoor.

    Pass therefrigerator





    M ax


    R EFTE M


    M in



    M ax

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  • 7/24/2019 LG Refrigerator




    Height adjustment

    Level the door by inserting flat(-type) driver into the groove of the left height adjustingscrew and rotate it clockw ise ().

    Level the doorby inserting flat(-type) driver into the groove of the right heightadjusting screw and rotate it clockw ise ().

    The refrigerator doors w ill close sm oothly by heightening the front side by adjusting

    the height adjusting screw . If the doors do not close correctly, perform ance m ay be


    If the freezercompartment door

    is lower than therefrigerator

    compartment door

    If the freezercompartment dooris higher than the

    refrigeratorcompartment door

    After leveling thedoor height

    Next 1. W ipe off all dust accum ulated during shipping and clean your appliance thoroughly.

    2. Install accessories such as the ice cube box, cover evaporating tray, etc., in theirproper places. They are packed together to prevent possible dam age during shipping.

    3. Connect the pow er supply cord (or plug) to the outlet. D on't double up w ith otherappliances on the sam e outlet.

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    StartingW hen your refrigerator is first installed, allow it to stabilize at norm al operatingtem peratures for 2-3 hours prior to filling it w ith fresh or frozen foods.If operation is interrupted, w ait 5 m inutes before restarting.

    Adjusting the temperatures and functions


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    You can adjust temperature of and freezer room and refrigerator room.

    W henever pressing button, setting is repeated in the order of (M iddle)(M iddle Strong) (Strong) (W eak) (M iddle W eak).

    The actual inner tem perature varies depending on the food status, as theindicated setting tem perature is a target tem perature, not actual tem peraturew ithin refrigerator.

    R efrigeration function is w eak in the initial tim e. Please adjust tem perature asabove after using refrigerator for m inim um 2~3 days.

    M iddle(-19 0C)M iddle strong(-22 0C)Strong(-23 0C)W eak(-150C)M iddle w eak(-170C)

    M iddle(3



    M iddle strong(2






    W eak(6



    M iddle w eak(4



    You can select water or ice.

    Please select w ater, slice ice and square iceby pressing button as you desire.

    Please press the push button lightly bycatching and pushing in cup.

    The border line is indicated for the selectedfunction,

    "Tak!" sounds if 5 seconds pass after icecom es out.It is sound that the outlet of ice is closed.

    How to adjust thetemperature in

    the freezercompartment

    How to adjust thetemperature inthe refrigerator


    Dispenser useselection









    Reference :Please w ait for 2-3 seconds in order to takefinal ice slices or drops of w ater w hen takingout cup from the pressing sw itches after takingice or w ater.


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  • 7/24/2019 LG Refrigerator




    The icem aker can autom atically m ake 8 pieces of ice cubes at anyone tim e,approxim ately 80 pieces per day. H ow ever these quantities m ay vary according tocertain conditions. E.g. the duration and am ount of tim es the refrigerator door isopened.

    The Ice m aking proceeds ceases autom atically w hen the ice storage bin is full.

    If you choose not to use the autom atic ice m aking function, repositioned the

    icem aker selection sw itch to the off position or the on position for reselection. N ote:The m anual selection function is only applicable to som e m odels only.

    Ice is lumped together

    W hen ice is lum ped together, take the ice lum ps out of the ice storage bin, breakthem into sm all pieces, and then place them into the ice storage bin again.

    W hen the ice m aker produces too sm all or lum ped together ice, the am ount of

    w ater supplied to the ice m aker need to adjusted. Contact the service center. If ice is not used frequently, it m ay lum p together.

    Power failure

    Ice m ay drop into the freezer com partm ent. Take the ice storage bin out and discardall the ice then dry it and place it back. After the m achine is pow ered again, crushedice w ill be autom atically selected.

    The unit is newly installed

    It takes about 12 hours for a new ly installed refrigerator to m ake ice in the freezercom partm ent.

    Automatic icemaker

    When ice makerdoes not operate


    Please select this function for prompt


    "O n" is repeated w henever pressingbutton.

    The arrow m ark graphic rem ains at the O nstatus w hen selecting S pecial R efrigeration"O n".

    Super freezer function autom atically turnsoff if a fixed tim e passes.

    Express freezer

    It is norm al that a noise is produced w hen ice m ade is dropped into the ice storage




    This button stops operation ofdifferent button.

    Locking or R elease is repeated w heneverpressing the .

    Pressing the other button w hen selectingLO CK, the button does not operate.



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  • 7/24/2019 LG Refrigerator




    How to usedispenser

    Select one am ong crushed ice, w ater, and cubed ice and slightly press the pushsw itch w ith a glass or other container.

    The otherfunctions

    Door open warning

    3 tim es of w arning sounds at the interval of 30 seconds if a m inute passes w ith thedoor of refrigerator and the hom bar door opened or com pletely closed.

    Please contact w ith the local service center if w arning continue to sound even afterclosing the door.

    Diagnosis (failure detection) function D iagnosis function autom atically detects failure w hen failure is found in product duringthe use of refrigerator.

    If failure occurs at product, it does not operate though pressing any button and norm alindication is not done. In this case, do not turn pow er off but im m ediately contact w iththe local service center. A lot of tim e are need for service engineer to detect the failedpart if turning it off.

    Crushed ice

    Light the crushed iceindicating lam p bypressing the selection

    button.Crushed ice w ill bedispensed by pressing thepush sw itch w ith a glass.


    Light the w aterindicating lam p bypressing the selection

    button.W ater w ill be dispensedby pressing the pushsw itch w ith a glass.

    Cubed ice

    Light the cubed iceindicating lam p bypressing the

    selection button.Cubed ice w ill be dispensedby pressing the pu shsw itch w ith a glass.

    W ater is cooled w hile stored in the w ater tank in the refrigerator com partm ent, andthen sent to the dispenser.Ice is m ade in the autom atic ice m aker and sent to the dispenser divided into crushedor cubed form ice.

    How ice/coldwater is supplied

    It is norm al that the w ater is not very cold at first. If you w ant colder w ater, add

    ice into the glass.


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  • 7/24/2019 LG Refrigerator




    Throw away the ice (about 20 pieces) and water (about7glasses) first made afterrefrigerator installation.

    The first ice and w ater m ay include particles or odor from the feed w ater pipe or feedw ater box. This is necessary in case that the refrigerator has not been used for a longtim e.

    Keep children away from the dispenser.

    Children m ay push sw itch incorrectly bad or dam agelam ps.

    Be careful that food is not block the ice passage.If foods are placed at the entrance of ice passage, icem ay not be dispensed. The ice passage m ay also becovered w ith ice pow der if splinter ice is used only. Thistim e, rem ove the ice pow der accum ulated.

    Never store beverage cans or other foods in icestorage bin for the purpose of rapid cooling.

    Such actions m ay dam age the autom atic ice m aker.

    Never use thin crystal glass or crockery to collect ice.

    Such glasses or containers m ay be broken.

    Put ice first into a glass before filling water or other beverages.

    W ater m ay be splashed if ice is added to existing liquid in a glass.

    Never touch a hand or other tools on ice outlet.Touch m ay cause a part breakage or hand injury.

    Never remove the ice maker cover.

    Sometimes level the surface so that the ice storage bin is fully filled with ice.

    Ice is piled up just near the ice m aker. So, such status m ay be considered, by the icem aker, that the ice storage bin is fully filled and ice m aking operation m ay stop.

    If discolored ice is dispensed, immediately contact service center, stopping use.

    Never use too narrow or deep glass.

    Ice m ay be jam m ed in ice passage and, thus, the refrigerator m ay be failed.

    Keep the glass at a proper distance from ice outlet.

    A glass too close to the outlet m ay hinder ice from com ing out.


    As dem onstrated below , it displays the m onths left in units of 30 days until the filterreplacem ent is required, starting from w hen the refrigerator pow er usage isauthorized.

    After 6 m onths, the follow ing sentence and w ill appear on the filter conditionpart of the LED . "Press for 3 seconds after replacing filter"

    After 6 m onths have passed, and if the filter has been replaced or you w ant to resetthe filter condition display, press the filter replacem ent button for m ore than 3

    seconds and it w ill reset to the initial Pow er O n state.

    6 Filter condition(filter replacement

    cycle) displayfunction

    (Applicable tosome models only)

    After 6 m onths have passed the filter change icon w ill appearon the display.

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  • 7/24/2019 LG Refrigerator




    Refreshment center(Applicable to some models only)

    Open the refreshment center door.

    You can access the refreshm ent centerw ithout opening refrigerator door and thussaving electricity.

    Inner lam p is lit in refrigerator com partm entw hen the refreshm ent center door opens.Thus it is easy to identify the contents.

    N ever use the refreshm ent centerdoor as achopping board and take care not to dam age itw ith sharp tools.

    N ever rest your arm s or severely press on it.

    The refreshm ent centercan not functionnorm ally w ithout the cover.

    N ot only can the refreshm ent centerdoor m aybe dam aged, but also children m ay be hurt.

    How to use

    Never placeheavy items on

    the refreshmentcenter door or

    allow children tohang it on.

    Never take outthe inner

    refreshmentcenter cover

    Use therefreshment

    center door as astand

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  • 7/24/2019 LG Refrigerator




    Egg box(Applicable to some models only)

    N ever use the egg box as an ice storage bin. It can be broken.

    N ever store the egg box in the freezer com partm ent or fresh com partm ent.


    Shelf (Applicable to some models only)

    Wine holder (Applicable to some models only)

    You can store taller item s such as a gallon container or bottles by sim ply pushing infront half of shelf underneath back half of shelf. Pull tow ard you to return to a full shelf.

    Folding Shelf

    In case of inserting the wine holder :P ull the w ine ho lde r do w nw ard as in after inserting it into the side anchoringpart of the shelf as in by catching itupw ard as in .

    In case of separating the wine holder :Pull the w ine holder inw ard as in after

    holding it upw ard as in by catching it.

    Bottles can be stored laterally w iththis w ine corner.This can be attached to any shelf.

    Wine holderadjustment

    (Type 1)

    (Type 2)

    [Type-1] [Type-2]

    You can m ove the egg box to w herever you w ant.

    B ottles can be stored laterally w ith thisw ine rack.

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    Humidity control in the vegetable compartmentThe hum idity can be controlled by adjusting the hum idity control sw itch to theleft/right w hen storing vegetables or fruits.



    High humidity

    Low humidity

    Convert into a vegetable or meat compartment(Applicable to some models only)

    The m eatcom partm ent m aintains the tem perature at a low er point than therefrigerator com partm ent so that m eat or fish can be stored fresh longer.

    The bottom draw er in the refrigerator can be converted into a vegetable or m eatcom partm ent

    Vegetables or fruits are frozen if the conversion sw itch is set to m eats

    com partm ent. So, be sure to check it before storing foods.


    Deodorizer (Applicable to some models only)

    This system efficiently absorbs strongodors by using the optical catalyst. Thissystem do es h ot have any affect onstored food.

    Since it is installed already installed onto the cool air intake duct from the fromthe refrigerator com partm ent, you need no separate installation.

    Please use closed containers to store food w ith pungent odors.O therw ise, this oder can be absorbed by other food in the com partm ent.

    How to use thedeodorizing


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  • 7/24/2019 LG Refrigerator




    Miracle Zone Temperature Transition Corner(Applicable to some models only)

    Miracle Zone (Applicable to some models only)

    By pressing the button, store vegetables,fruits or other types of food such as m eat tobe defrosted, raw fish, etc.

    Temperature Change at Miracle Zone(Applicable to some models only)You can select optim umtem perature range depending ontypes of foods stored.

    - 3-step of tem perature selectionincluding -3C, -1C and 4C isavailable. Vegetables/fruits and cold

    storage foods requiring hum iditym aintenance and m eats/fishes canbe m ore freshly stored depending on type of foods stored.

    First, rem ove the vegetable bin.

    After lifting the M iracle Zone case slightly, reachinside and pull it outw ard .

    W hen using the M iracle Zone as storage room of m eats, storing vegetables or fruitsm ay be frozen

    W hen using the M iracle Zone as storage room of m eats, keeping m eats or fishesm ay be spoiled and thus m eats or fishes m ust be kept at the F-room .

    If opening a door of the R -room , lam p turns on in the selected status and lam p turnsoff if closing it.

    (Vegetable/Fruit) (C old storage w hile m aintaining hum idity) (M eat) issequentially repeated w henever pressing the "Selection" button.

    When removingMiracle Zone

    Method to Use

    Fit the M iracle Zone case on to the ledge andgently slide it in .

    W hen forced, the connecting parts can be dam aged.

    When installingMiracle Zone

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  • 7/24/2019 LG Refrigerator



    Suggestion on food storage

    Location of foods(R efer to identification of parts)

    Store w ine.

    Store sm all foods such as bread, snacks, etc..

    Store various frozen foods such as m eat, fish,ice cream , frozen snacks, etc..

    Store sm all packed frozen food. Tem perature is likely to increase as dooropens.So, do not store long-term food suchice cream , etc..

    Wine holder

    Snack drawer




    door rack



    Milk productcorner

    Egg box





    door rack

    Vegetable drawer


    /meat drawerconversion corner

    Store m eat, fish, chicken, etc.. after

    w rapping them w ith thin foil. Store dry.

    Store m ilk products such as butter, cheese,etc..

    Place this egg box in the proper location.

    Store foods of frequent use such as beverage,etc..

    Store side dishes or other foods at a properdistance.

    Store sm all packed food or beverages suchas m ilk, juice, beer, etc..

    Store vegetables or fruits.

    Store vegetable, fruits, m eat to thaw , rawfish, etc.. setting the conversion sw itch asnecessary.Be sure to check the conversion sw itchsetting before storing foods.

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  • 7/24/2019 LG Refrigerator


    Suggestion on food storage


    Storing foods

    Store fresh food in the refrigerator com partm ent. H ow food is frozen and thaw ed is anim portant factor in m aintaining its freshness and flavor.

    D o not store food w hich goes bad easily at low tem peratures, such as bananas, andm elons.

    Allow hot food to cool prior to storing, placing hot food in the refrigerator could spoilother food, and lead to higher energy consum ption. W hen storing the food, cover it w ith vinyl w rap or store in a container w ith a lid. Thisprevents m oisture from evaporating, and helps food to keep its taste and nutrients.

    D o not block air vents w ith food. Sm ooth circulation of chilled air keeps refrigeratortem peratures even.

    D o not open the door frequently. O pening the door lets w arm air enter the refrigerator,and cause tem peratures to rise.

    N ever keep too m uch food in door rack because they m ay push against by inner racksso that the door cannot be fully closed.

    D o not store bottles in the freezer com partm ent - they m ay break w hen frozen. D o not refreeze food that has been thaw ed. This causes loss of taste and nutrient. W hen storing frozen food like ice cream for a long period, place it on the freezershelf, not in the door rack.

    D o not touch the cold foods or containers- especially m ade of m etallic -, w ith w ethands and place glass products in the freezer com partm ent.

    - Thats w hy you m ay have chilblains and they m ay be broken w hen their inner m attersare frozen, causing personal injury.

    A void placing m oist food in top refrigerator shelves, it could freeze from directcontact w ith chilled air.

    Alw ays clean food prior to refrigeration. Vegetables and fruits should be w ashed and

    w iped, and packed food should be w iped, to prevent adjacent food from spoiling. W hen storing eggs in their storage rack or box, ensure that they are fresh, and alw aysstore them in an upright position, w hich keeps them fresh longer.




    If you keep the refrigerator in a hot and hum id place, frequent openning of the door

    or storing a lot of vegetables in it m ay cause dew to form w hich has no effect on its

    perform ance. Rem ove the dew w ith dust cloth free from care.


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    Care and maintenance

    How to dismantle parts



    Dispenser lamp



    Door rack andsupport

    Space plus

    Ice storage bin

    After dispenseris used

    Separate the lam p by pulling it out, and thenrem ove the lam p. M ax. 15 W bulb forrefrigerator is used and can be purchased at aservice center.

    To rem ove a shelf, lift the left part of the shelfa bit, push it to the direction (),lift the rightpartto the direction (), and take it out.

    Lift the door rack holding both sides () andpull it out to ()direction.

    Lift the space plus ()and pull it out to ()direction.

    The w ater collector has no self-drainagefunction. So it should be cleaned regularly.Rem ove the cover by pulling the front of thew ater collector cover and dry it w ith a cloth.

    H old the ice storage bin as show n in the rightfigure and pull it out()w hile slightly lifting it().

    It is recom m ended not to dism antle the icestorage bin unless it is necessary.

    Be sure to use both hands w hen rem ovingthe ice storage bin, so as not to drop it on thefloor.

    If the ice storage bin does not fit w ell, slightlyrotate the rotating device.

    D ism antling is done in the reverse sequence of assem bly.B e sure to unplug the pow er plug before dism antling and assem bly.

    N ever apply severe force to dism antle parts. Parts m ay be dam aged.


    Separate the lam p by pulling it out()w hileslightly striking () and rotating ()the lam pcover.Turn the bulb counterclockw ise. M ax. 40 W bulbfor refrigerator is used and can be purchased ata service center.

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    Care and maintenance

    To rem ove the lam p cover, press the protrusion under the lam p cover to the front andthen pull the lam p cover out.Turn the bulb counterclockw ise. M ax. 40 W bulb for refrigerator is used and can bepurchased at a service center.

    Lamp inrefrigerator


    Separate the bin ()to upw ard. Separate the upper rack of the refreshm entcenter and then pull out the refreshm ent

    centercover (). The refreshm ent center can be rem ovedby pulling it upw ards.


    To rem ove the vegetable com partm entcover, pull out the vegetable com partm ent

    a bit to the front,lift the front part of thevegetable com partm ent cover as show n by

    , and take it out.



    Turn off the Ice m aker sw itch(off) after rem ove the Space plus, if you areon a long term vacation or dont use a ice.You w ant to use a ice, turn on the Ice m ake sw itch(on).

    Ice Maker

    Be sure to rem ove parts from the refrigerator door w hen rem oving the vegetablecom partm ent,snack draw er and refreshm ent center cover.


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    0 0 Suggestion on food storage


    Care and maintenance

    General information


    D uring average length vacations, you w ill probably find it best to leave the refrigeratorin operation. Place freezable item s in freezer for longer life.W hen you plan not to operate, rem ove all food, disconnect the pow er cord, clean theinterior thoroughly, and leave each door O PEN to prevent odor form ation.

    Vacation time

    Power failure

    If you move



    M ost pow er failures that are corrected in an hour or tw o w ill not affect yourrefrigerator tem peratures.H ow ever, you should m inim ize the num ber of door openings w hile the pow er is off.

    Rem ove or securely fasten dow n all loose item s inside the refrigerator.To avoid dam aging the height adjusting screw s, turn them all the w ay into the base.

    The outside w all of the refrigerator cabinet m ay som etim es get w arm , especially justafter installation.D ont be alarm ed. This is due to the anti-condensation pipe, w hich pum ps hot

    refrigerator to prevent sw eatingon the outer cabinet w all.

    Regular cleaning is recom m ended. W ash all com partm ents a baking soda solution or am ild detergent and w arm w ater. Rinse and dry.

    Please verify that the pow er cord is not dam aged, pow er plug is not overheated, orpow er plug is w ell inserted into the pow er consent.

    Alw ays rem ove pow er cord from the w all outlet prior to cleaning in the vicinity ofelectrical parts (lam ps, sw itches, controls, etc.).W ipe up excess m oisture w ith a sponge or cloth to prevent w ater or liquid fromgetting into any electrical part and causing an electric shock.N ever use m etallic scouring pads, brushes, coarse abrasive cleaners, strong alkalinesolutions, flam m able or toxic cleaning liquids on any surface.D o not touch frozen surfaces w ith w et or dam p hands, because dam p object w ill stickor adhere to extrem ely cold surfaces.

    It is im portant that your refrigerator be kept clean to prevent undesirable odors. Spilledfood should be w iped up im m ediately, since it m ay acidify and stain plastic surfaces if

    allow ed to settle.

    U se a lukew arm solution of m ild soap or detergent to clean the durable finish of yourrefrigerator.W ipe w ith a clean dam p cloth and then dry.



    After cleaning


    Caution You m ust check the O -R IN G , w hich is m ade by rubber and prevent electricspark.

    D ont touch the lam p, in case of light on the long tim e. B ecause it can be very


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    Care and maintenance

    Trouble shooting

    B efore calling for service, review this list. It m ay save you both tim e and expense.This list includes com m on occurrences that are not the result of defectivew orkm anship or m aterials in this appliance.

    Possible cause

    R efrigerator control is off.

    R efrigerator is in defrost cycle.

    Plug at w all outlet is disconnected.

    Pow er outage. C heck house lights.R efrigerator is larger than the previousone you ow ned.

    R oom or outside w eather is hot.

    R efrigerator has recently beendisconnected for a period of tim e.

    Large am ounts of w arm or hot foodm ay have been stored recently.

    D oors are opened too frequently or toolong.

    R efrigerator or freezer door m ay beslightly open.

    R efrigerator control is set too cold.

    R efrigerator or freezer gasket is dirty,w orn, cracked, or poorly fitted.

    Therm ostat is keeping the refrigeratorat a constant tem perature.


    Set refrigerator control. See setting thecontrols.

    This is norm al for a fully autom aticdefrosting refrigerator. The defrostcycle occurs periodically.

    M ake sure plug is tightly pushed intooutlet.

    C all local electric com pany.

    This is norm al. Larger, m ore efficientunits run longer in these conditions.

    It is norm al for the refrigerator to w orklonger under these conditions.

    It takes som e hours for the refrigeratorto cool dow n com pletely.

    W arm food w ill cause the refrigerator torun longeruntil the desired tem peratureis reached.

    W arm air entering the refrigeratorcauses it to run longer. O pen the doorless often.

    M ake sure the refrigerator is level.Keep food and containers fromblocking door. See problem section.O PE N IN G /C LO SIN G of doors.

    Set the refrigerator control to aw arm er setting until the refrigeratortem perature is satisfactory.

    C lean or change gasket. Leaks in thedoor seal w ill cause refrigerator to run

    longer in order to m aintain desiredtem peratures.

    This is norm al. R efrigerator goes on andoff to keep the tem perature constant.

    Runing ofrefrigerator


    does not run.

    Refrigeratorruns too much

    or too long


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    Care and maintenance


    does not run.


    Temperatures are

    too coldTemperature in thefreezer is too coldbut the refrigerator

    temperature issatisfactory.

    Temperature in therefrigerator

    is too warm butthe freezer

    temperature issatisfactory.

    Temperatures inthe refrigerator

    or freezer aretoo warm.

    Temperaturesare too warm

    Meat stored infresh meat

    drawer freezes.

    Food stored indrawers freezes.

    Possible cause

    Therm ostat is keeping the refrigeratorat a constant tem perature.

    Freezer control is set too cold

    D oors are opened too frequently or toolong.

    D oor is slightly open.

    Large am ounts of w arm or hot foodm ay have been stored recently.

    R efrigerator has recently beendisconnected for a period of tim e.

    R efrigerator control is set too w arm .

    R efrigerator control is set too w arm .R efrigerator control has som e effect onfreezer tem perature.

    Freezer control is set too w arm .

    R efrigerator control is set too cold.

    R efrigerator control is set too cold.

    M eat should be stored at a tem peraturejust below the freezing point of w ater(32F,0 C ) for m axim um fresh storage tim e.


    This is norm al. The refrigerator goes onand off to keep the tem perature constant.

    Set the refrigerator control to a coldersetting.

    A refrigerator requires som e hours tocool dow n com pletely.

    W ait until the refrigerator or freezerhas a chance to reach its selectedtem perature.

    W arm air enters the refrigerator/ freezerw henever the door is opened.O pen the door less often.

    Set the freezer or refrigerator control to acolder setting until the freezer orrefrigerator tem perature is satisfactory.

    Set the freezer or refrigerator control toa colder setting until the freezer orrefrigerator tem perature is satisfactory.

    It is norm al for ice crystals to form dueto the m oisture content of m eat.

    Set the refrigerator control to aw arm er setting

    See above solution.

    Set the freezer control to a w arm ersetting until the freezer tem perature issatisfactory.

    C lose the door com pletely.

    Temperature in therefrigerator is too

    cold and the freezertemperature

    is satisfactory.

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    Care and maintenance


    Sound and noise


    Louder soundlevels when

    refrigerator is on.

    Louder soundlevels whencompressor

    comes on.

    Moisture collectson the inside wallsof the refrigerator.

    Water/Moisture/Ice outsiderefrigerator

    Moisture formson the outside of

    the refrigeratoror between doors.

    Vibrating orrattling noise.

    Water/Moisture/Ice inside


    Possible cause

    Todays refrigerators have increasedstorage capacity and m aintain m oreeven tem peratures.

    Refrigerator is touching w all or cabinets.

    The w eather is hot and hum id w hichincreases the rate of frost buildup

    and internal sw eating.

    D oor is slightly open.

    D oor is opened too often or too long.

    W eather is hum id.

    D oor is slightly open,causing cold airfrom the inside the refrigerator to m eetw arm air from the outside.

    Floor is uneven or w eak.R efrigerator rocks on the floor w hen it ism oved slightly.

    Refrigerator operates at higher pressuresduring the start of the O N cycle.

    Item s placed on the top of the refrigeratorare vibrating.

    D ishes are vibrating on the shelves inthe refrigerator.


    This tim e, close the door com pletely.

    This is norm al in hum id w eather.

    W hen hum idity is low er, the m oistureshould disappear.

    See problem section opening/closing ofdoors.

    M ove refrigerator so that it does nottouch the w all or refrigerator.

    This is norm al.

    It is norm al for dishes to vibrate slightly.M ove dishes slightly.M ake sure refrigerator is level and firm lyset on floor.

    B e sure floor is level and solid and canadequately support refrigerator.

    R em ove item s.

    It is norm al for sound levels to be higher.

    This is norm al. The sound w ill level off asthe refrigerator continues to run.

    O pen the door less often.

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    Care and maintenance

    Odors in refrigerator


    Door(s) will notclose.

    Door(s) will notclose.

    Drawers aredifficult to move.


    Dispenser will notdispense ice

    Opening/Closing ofdoors/Drawers

    Possible cause

    Food is touching shelf on top of thedraw er

    Track that draw er slides on is dirty.

    Ice storage bin is em pty.

    Freezer tem perature is set too w arm .

    H ousehold w ater line valve is not open.

    Refrigerator or freezer door is notclosed.

    Refrigerator is not level. It rocks on thefloor w hen it is m oved slightly.

    Floor is uneven or w eak.R efrigerator rocks on the floor w hen itis m oved slightly.

    Refrigerator is touching w all or cabinets.

    Interior needs to be cleaned.

    Food w ith strong odor is in the refrigerator.

    Som e containers and w rapping m aterialsproduce odors.

    Food package is keeping door open.

    D oor w as closed too hard, causing otherdoor to open slightly.


    B e sure both doors are closed.

    O pen household w ater line valve and

    allow sufficient tim e for ice to be m ade.W hen ice is m ade, dispenser shouldoperate.

    Turn the freezer control to a highersetting so that ice cubes w ill be m ade.W hen the first supply of ice is m ade,the dispenser should operate.

    C lean draw er and track.

    B e sure floor is level and can adequatelysupport refrigerator.C ontact carpenter to correct sagging orsloping floor.

    M ove refrigerator..

    Keep less food in draw er.

    A djust the height adjusting screw .

    U se a different container or brand ofw rapping m aterials.

    M ove packages that keep door fromclosing.

    C lose both doors gently.

    C over food com pletely.

    C lean interior w ith sponge,w arm w aterand baking soda.

    W hen the first supply of ice is droppedinto the bin, the dispenser should operate.

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    Care and maintenance


    Dispenser willnot dispense


    Ice dispenseris jammed.


    Water has anodd taste

    and/or odor.

    Dispenser willnot dispense


    Possible cause

    W ater has been in the tank for too long.

    U nit not properly connected to coldw ater line.

    This sound is norm ally m ade w hen autom atically m ade ice is dropped into ice storage

    bin. Volum e m ay vary according to refrigerators location.

    This sound is norm ally m ade w hen ice m aker is supplied w ith w ater after droppingthe autom atically m ade ice.

    Please thoroughly read Autom atic ice m aker and dispenserin this m anual.

    Ice cubes are frozen together.

    Ice has m elted and frozen around augerdue to infrequent use, tem peraturefluctuations and/or pow er outrages.

    Ice cubes are jam m ed betw een the icem aker arm and back of the bin.

    Ice cubes that have been purchased orm ade in som e other w ay have beenused in the dispenser.

    H ousehold w ater line valve is not open.See problem Ice m aker is not m aking

    any ice.

    Refrigerator or freezer door is not closed.


    B e sure both doors are closed.

    D raw and discard 7 glasses of w aterto freshen the supply. D raw and discardan additional 7 glasses to com pletely rinseout tank.

    C onnect unit to cold w ater line w hichsupplies w ater to kitchen faucet.

    O pen household w ater line valve.

    U se the dispenser often so that cubes donot freeze together.

    O nly the ice cubes m ade by the ice m akershould be used w ith the dispenser.

    R em ove the ice cubes that are jam m ingthe dispenser.

    R em ove ice storage bin, and thaw andthe contents. C lean bin, w ipe dry andreplace in proper position.W hen new ice is m ade, dispenser shouldoperate.

    Sound of ice


    Sound of watersupply



    1. W hen this crossed-out w heeled bin sym bol is attached to aproduct it m eans the product is covered by the European D irective2002/96/EC.

    2.All electrical and electronic products should be disposed of separatelyfrom the m unicipal w aste stream via designated collection facilitiesappointed by the governm ent or the local authorities.

    3. The correct disposal of your old appliance w ill help prevent potentialnegative consequences for the environm ent and hum an health.

    4. For m ore detailed inform ation about disposal of your old appliance,please contact your city office, w aste disposal service or the shopw here you purchased the product.

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    Fontos biztonsgi elrsok

    A htszekrny kezelszervei s egysgei

    Az alkalmas hely megtatlsa

    Az ajt leszerelse

    Az ajt visszaszerelse

    A vzvezetkcs beszerelse

    Magassg belltsa

    A htgp elindtsa

    A hmrsklet s egyb funkcik belltsa

    Frissentart rekesz (nem minden modellen)

    Polcok (nem minden modellen)

    Borosveg tart (nem minden modellen)

    Tojstart (nem minden modellen)

    Pratartalom belltsa a zldsges fikban

    talakts hs- vagy zldsgtrol fikk (nem minden modellen)

    A szagtalant (nem minden modellen)

    VarzsznaVltoztathat hmrsklet sarok (nem minden modellen)

    Hmrsklet-szablyozs a Varzsznban (nem minden modellen)

    VARZSZNA (nem minden modellen)

    Az lelmiszerek elhelyezse

    Az lelmiszerek trolsa

    Az alkatrszek kiszerelse

    ltalnos informcik




    A kszlkfellltsa

    A htgphasznlata

    Javaslatok az


    pols skarbantarts



























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    A kszlk tpus- s sorozatszmt a htgp htoldaln vagy belsejbentallja. Ezek az azonost szmok csak erre a kszlkre vonatkoznak, gyegyediek. Krjk, rja fel ezeket a szmokat az albbi mezkbe, s rizzemeg a hasznlati tmutatt az esetleges ksbbi felhasznls cljbl.

    Krjk, csatolja ehhez az oldalhoz a vsrlst igazol szmlt is.Vsrls dtuma:A forgalmaz neve:A forgalmaz cme:Forgalmaz telefonszma:Modell szma:Gyrtsi sorozatszm:

    A kszlk hasznlata eltt, helyezze el s lltsa be a htgpet a hasznlatitmutatban elrt mdon.

    Soha ne a hlzati vezetknl fogva hzza ki a hlzati csatlakozt akonnektoraljzatbl.

    A kszlk elmozdtsakor gyeljen arra, nehogy elessen a hlzati vezetkben,vagy a kszlkben krt okozzon.

    Miutn a kszlket fellltotta a helyn, ne rintse meg a hideg felleteket,klnsen ne nedves kzzel. A br knnyen odaragadhat ezekhez a hidegfelletekhez.

    Tisztts alkalmval s karbantartskor hzza ki a hlzati vezetket akonnektoraljzatbl. Soha ne rjen a hlzati vezetkhez nedves kzzel, mert az

    ramtst okozhat.Soha ne szerelje, hajltsa vagy csavarja meg ersen a hlzati vezetket, mert azramtst vagy tzet okozhat. Ellenrizze a kszlk helyes fldelst.

    Ne tegyen a htbe vegbl kszlt trolednyeket, mert azok elrepedhetnek,ahogy a tartalmuk kitgul.

    Soha ne tegye kezt az automatikus jgksztbe, mert az balesetet okozhat.

    gyeljen arra, hogy fiatal gyerekek ne jtszanak a htgppel.

    Soha ne lpjen fel, vagy msszon fel a frissen tart rekesz ajtajra. Ilyenkor ahtgp krosodhat, vagy akr fel is borulhat, ezzel komoly balesetet okozva.

    Ha lehetsges, csatlakoztassa a htgpet kln konnektoraljzatba, hogy elkerlje az

    elektromos hlzat tlterhelst.A fagyaszt-htt gy kell elhelyezni, hogy a hlzati csatlakoz knnyen elrhetlegyen, hogy adott esetben baleset bekvetkezsekor knnyen ki lehessen hzni acsatlakozt.

    Ha az ramellt kbel megsrl, akkor azt gyrtval, szerelvel vagy hasonlankpzett szakemberrel ki kell cserltetni, hogy elkerljk a balesetveszlyt.

    A csatlakozzsinrt ne mdostsa s nehasznljon hosszabbtt. Ez elektromos ramtst vagy tzet okozhat.

    Ne hasznljon

    hosszabbttA hlzati


    Az ramelltkbel cserje




    Fontos biztonsgi elrsok

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    Egy res htszekrny veszlyes csbtst jelenthet egy gyermek szmra. Rgi, vagyhasznlaton kvl helyezett htszekrnyrl tvoltsa el az ajtszigetelst, a reteszt vagyaz egsz ajtt, azonban a polcokat hagyja benne, ezzel megakadlyozva, hogy agyerekek a htgpbe mszhassanak.A htk gyerekek nem hasznlhatjk felgyelet nlkl. gyeljen arra, hogy gyermekeinem jtszanak a htgppel.

    Ne troljon a htgpben, s ne hasznljon a htgp kzelben benzint vagy msgylkony anyagot.

    Elektromos zrlat esetn fldelssel megelzhet, vagy cskkenthet az ramtsveszlye. Az ramts veszlyeinek elkerlse rdekben megfelel mdon fldeljehtgpt. Bizonytalansg esetn keresse fel a legkzelebbi villanyszerelt vagyszakembert.


    hely gyermekekszmra

    Ne troljon ahtgpben

    A kszlkfldelse


    MEGJEGYZSElkpzelhet, hogy egyes rszek hinyoznak az n kszlkbl. Ezek a rszek

    ms modelleken tallhatk, vagy opcionlisak (pl. frissen tart rekesz).

    Fagyaszt Httr

    Tejtermk polc


    Plusz hely



    Polcok(Acl vagy veg)







    Ajtrekesz (1 darab vagy 2 darab)

    PolcokFik (opcionlis)

    Frissen tart rekesz (opcionlis)Polc (oszthat vagy norml)


    Ajtrekesz (1 darab vagy 2 darab)

    AjtrekeszPratartalom kapcsol

    Varzszna (opcionlis)/Zldsgtart-fik(opcionlis)

    Zldsgtart-fik (1 vagy 2)

    Trol zemmdkapcsol (Hsok/Zldsgek)(opcionlis)

    Borosveg tart(Manyag vagy drt)

    A htszekrny kezelszervei s egysgei

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    Vlasszon ki egymegfelel helyet

    A kszlk fellltsa


    Az alkalmas hely megtatlsa

    1. Knnyen megkzelthet helyre tegye a htgpet.

    2. Lehetleg ne tegye a kszlkethforrs vagy kzvetlen napfnykzelbe.

    3. A kszlk rendeltetsszermkdshez megfelel szellzsszksges. Ha a htszekrnyt szkhelyre, vagy falba beptve helyezi el,akkor hagyjon legalbb 30 cm tvolsgota teteje s a mennyezet kztt, illetve5cm-t a htoldalnl. A kszlket 2,5 cm-re emelje fel a padltl, klnsen akkor,ha sznyeg van alatta.

    4. A rezgsek kikszblse rdekben a htgpet szintbe kell lltani.

    5. Ne hasznlja a kszlket 5o

    C-nl alacsonyabb hmrsklet helyisgben, ez ahatsfok leromlst okozhatja.

    Min.30 cm

    Min. 5 cm


    eellrrtt ttvvoollssggookkaatt

    Rgi kszlkrtalmatlantsa

    A kszlk folyadkokat tartalmaz (htfolyadk, kenanyag), ezen kvl szmosalkatrsze s rszegysge jra felhasznlhat s/vagy jrafeldolgozhat.

    Valamennyi fontos anyagot s rszegysget hulladkgyjt-kzpontba kell kldeni,ahol gondoskodnak az jrahasznostsrl/feldolgozsrl. Ezzel kapcsolatban krjentjkoztatst a helyi kpviselettl.

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    Az ajt leszerelse

    ramts veszly.A kszlk szerelse eltt hzza ki a hlzati vezetket a konnektoraljzatbl.Ennek elmulasztsa balesetet okozhat.Ha az ajt, melyen a htgpet t szeretn

    vinni, tl szk, szerelje le a htgpajtkat, sprblja meg a kszlket oldalirnybantvinni.Felfel emelve tvoltsa el az als fedelet, tvoltsael a szortt s az () terletet az bra szerint

    jobbra nyomva tolja fel a vzbevezet tmlt.

    Tvoltsa el afedelet, majd a



    A fagyasztajtajnak


    A ht ajtajnakleszerelse

    A kszlk fellltsa


    1) Az ajtpnt levtele eltt laztsa meg acsavarokat, majd vlassza szt a

    vezetkeket a fldvezetk kivtelvel.

    2) Vegye ki az ajttartt () annak ramutatjrsval ellenttes irny elfordtsval sa fels pnt () megemelsvel.

    3) Vegye le a htgp ajtajt annak felfelemelsvel. Hzza fel az ajtt, mg avzvezetkcs teljesen ki nem jn.

    1) Az ajtpnt levtele eltt laztsa meg acsavarokat, majd vlassza szt az esetlegesvezetkeket a fldvezetk kivtelvel.

    2) Vegye ki az ajttartt () annak ramutatjrsval ellenttes irny elfordtsval sa fels pnt ( ) megemelsvel.

    3) Vegye le a htgp ajtajt annak felfelemelsvel. Hzza fel az ajtt, mg avzvezetkcs teljesen ki nem jn.


    Ha a vzvezetkcs vge deformldott vagy elkopott, akkor azt a rszt vgja le.


    A fels pnt leszerelsnl vigyzzon, nehogy az ajt leessen.

    MEGJEGYZSVigye a htgp ajtajt a msik helyisgbe, s fektesse le, gyelve arra, nehogy

    megsrtse a vzvezetkcsvet.

    Als pnt

    Als pnt



    Emelje kiteljesen avzvezetk-





    Fels pnt

    Fels pnt

    Ajttart Fels pnt

    Als dszkszb


    Earth line

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    Az ajt visszaszerelse

    A vzvezetkcs beszerelse

    Az brn lthat mdon oldalirnyban vigye taz ajtn a htgpet.

    Az automatikus jgkszt mkdshez 147-834kPa vznyoms szksges(1,5-8,5kgf/cm2). (gy a 2dl-es pohr 3mp alatt teletlthet.)

    Ha a vznyoms nem ri a 147kPa-t, akkor egy kln vzpumpt kell vsrolnia azautomatikus jgkszt s a hidegvz adagol mkdshez.

    A vzvezetkcs hossza ne legyen 8m-nl tbb. Az ennl hosszabb cs gondotokozhat a vznyomsban.

    A vzvezetkcsvet htl vdett helyen vezesse a htgphez.

    A vzvezetkcsvet kizrlag ivvzvezetkhez csatlakoztassa. A automatikus jgksztt csak szakember szerelheti be. Beszerels eltt olvassa el a vzszrre vonatkoz elrsokat.

    Szerelje vissza az ajtkat a fent lert lpseket fordtott sorrendben elvgezve.

    A ht tvitelemsik helyisgbe

    A beszerelseltt






    R EFTE M P





    A kszlk fellltsa

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  • 7/24/2019 LG Refrigerator



    Magassg belltsa

    Az ajt magassgnak belltshoz tegyen egy lapos csavarhzt a bal oldalimagassgbellt csavarba, s csavarja azt az ramutat jrsval megegyezirnyban ().

    Az ajt magassgnak belltshoz tegyen egy lapos csavarhzt a jobb oldalimagassgbellt csavarba, s csavarja azt az ramutat jrsval megegyez irnyban().

    A htgp ajti most jl zrdnak. A rosszul belltott ajtk a htsi teljestmnyromlst okozhatjk.

    Ha a fagyasztajtaja

    alacsonyabbanvan, mint a ht

    Ha a ht ajtajaalacsonyabban

    van, mint afagyaszt

    Az ajtkmagassgnakbelltsa utn

    A kszlk fellltsa

    Ezutn 1. Trlje le a szllts sorn a htgpre rakdott port, s tiszttsa ki a htt bellrl.

    2. Tegye a tartozkokat (jgkocka tart, prologtat tl, stb.) a helykre. A tartozkokegy csomagban tallhatk, a szllts sorn bekvetkez srlsek elkerlserdekben.

    3. Csatlakoztassa a hlzati vezetket a konnektoraljzatba. Ne hasznljon a htgpfali csatlakozjnl elosztt.



    Baloldali magassgllt csavar

    Jobboldali magassgllt csavar



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  • 7/24/2019 LG Refrigerator



    A htgp elindtsa

    Els hasznlatakor a friss vagy fagyasztott telek bepakolsa eltt, hagyja ahtgpet 2-3 rig mkdni, hogy elrje az zemi hmrskletet.Ha a htgp mkdse megszakad, vrjon 5 percet az jraindts eltt.

    A htgp hasznlata


    Lock : Hold 3 Secs



    Lock : Hold 3 Secs


























    Frissen tart rekesz fogantyjaVz/jgadagol

    Adagol nyomkar

    Adagol jelz(a vezrlpanel legals lmpja)

    Frissen tart rekesz

    (nem minden modellen)


    Adagolautomatavlaszt gomb


    Szrllapot-visszallt gomb

    A htszekrnyhmrskletllt gombja

    A fagyaszthmrskletllt gombja


    Adagolautomatavlaszt gomb

    A htszekrnyhmrskletllt gombja

    A fagyaszthmrskletllt gombja

    A hmrsklet s egyb funkcik belltsa

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  • 7/24/2019 LG Refrigerator



    A htgp hasznlata



    3. tpus

    n bellthatja a mlyht s a htszekrny hmrsklett.

    A gomb minden egyes megnyomsakor a bellts az albbi sorrendbenlehetsges: (Kzepes) (Kzepesen ers) (Ers) (Gyenge)(Kzepesen gyenge). A tnyleges bels hmrsklet fgg a kszlkben trolt lelmiszer llapottl,

    vagyis a belltott hmrsklet az elrend maximumot jelenti, s nem ahtszekrnyben mrt tnyleges hmrskletet.

    A htfunkci eleinte kisebb kapacitssal mkdik. 2-3 nap elteltvel lltsa bejra a htszekrny hmrsklett a fenti mdon.

    Vlaszthat funkcik: vz vagy jg. A megfelel gomb megnyomsval vlassza ki a

    kvnt funkcit: vz, jgksa vagy jgkocka

    A poharat behelyezve nyomja meg enyhn apohrral az adagolautomata nyomkapcsolt. A kivlasztott funkcinak megfelel

    szeglyvonal megjelenik a kijelzn, Klikk" hang hallatszik 5 msodperccel azutn,

    hogy a jg kijtt.Ez jelzi, hogy a jgadagol-nyls bezrdott.

    A mlyhthmrskletnek


    A htszekrnyhmrskletnek











    Jtancs : Az adagols befejezse utn vrjon mg 2-3msodpercet, mieltt a poharat kivenn, hogy ajgksa-darabok vagy vzcseppek maradktalanulkijhessenek.


    Kzepes(-190C)Kzepesen ers(-220C)Ers(-230C)Gyenge(-150C)Kzepesen gyenge(-170C)

    Kzepes(30C)Kzepesen ers(20C)Ers(00C)Gyenge(60C)Kzepesen gyenge(40C)

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  • 7/24/2019 LG Refrigerator


    A htgp hasznlata


    Az automata jgkszt egyszerre 8 db jgkockt tud elkszteni, naponta pedigmaximum 80 darabot. A fent megadott mennyisgek klnbz krlmnyektl pl. milyen gyakran nyitogatjk a htszekrny ajtajt fggen vltozhatnak.

    A jgkszts lell, amikor a jgtart-doboz megtelik. Ha nem kvnja hasznlni az automata jgksztt, lltsa a jgkszts

    kapcsolgombjt OFF-llsba. Figyelem: a manulis vlasztsi funkci csak egyes

    tpusoknl ll rendelkezsre.

    Ha a jgkockk sszetapadtak, vegye ki a darabot a jgtartbl, trje ssze kisebbdarabokra, majd tegye vissza jra a tartba.

    Ha a automata jgkszt tl apr vagy sszetapadt jeget kszt, mdostani kell ajgksztbe jut vz mennyisgt. Ennek rdekben vegye fel a kapcsolatot a

    szervizzel. Ha nem hasznl rendszeresen jeget, a jgtartban lv jgkockk


    ramsznet ramsznet esetn elfordulhat, hogy a jg elolvad s a mlyht-rszbe cspg.

    Ilyen esetben vegye ki a jgtartt, tvoltsa el belle a jeget, trlje szrazra a tartt,majd tegye vissza a helyre. Amikor a berendezs jra ramot kap, a jgksa-kszts funkci indul el automatikusan.

    Elszr zembehelyezett berendezs jonnan beindtott kszlk esetben a jgkszts kb. 12 rval a bekapcsols

    utn indul meg.


    Ha a jgksztnem mkdikmegfelelen

    Azonnali gyorsfagyasztshoz vlassza aExpressz mlyhts" funkcit. A fagyaszt az gomb minden

    megnyomsval be/ki kapcsolhat. A nyllal jelzett grafikus brzols az On

    llapotban marad, amikor a SpecilisMlyhts is On pozciban van.

    A gyorsfagyaszts funkci automatikusankikapcsol, ha a belltott id lejr.


    Kisebb zaj hallhat, amikor az elkszlt jgkocka beleesik a tartba. Eztermszetes jelensg.







    Ezzel a gombbal lezrhatjuk egy msikgomb mkdst. A LOCK" funkci a gomb egyszeri

    megnyom sra bekapcsol, jblimegnyomsra pedig kikapcsol .

    Ha a LOCK" lezr) funkcikivlasztsval egyidejleg egy msikgombot is megnyomunk, a gombot ezzellezrjuk, s az nem fog mkdni.





    3 SECS


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  • 7/24/2019 LG Refrigerator



    A htgp hasznlata

    Az adagolkarhasznlata

    Vlasszon ki egyet a jgksa, vz vagy jgkocka funkcik kzl, majd nyomja megenyhn a nyomgombot a pohrral vagy jgtartval.


    Nyitott ajt figyelmeztets Harminc msodperces idkznknt, 3 alkalommal figyelmeztet hang szlal meg, ha

    a htszekrny vagy a mlyht ajtajnak kinyitsa ta tbb mint egy perc telt el, saz ajt mg nem csukdott be jra.

    Amennyiben a figyelmeztet hang az ajt becsuksa utn is megszlal, hvja aszervizt.

    Diagnosztika funkci (hibakeress) A diagnosztika funkci automatikusan megkeresi a kszlk mkdse kzben

    esetlegesen fellp hibkat, rendellenessgeket. Amennyiben a berendezsben valamilyen meghibsods lp fel, a kezelgombok

    nem mkdnek s a kijelzkn nem jelenik meg informci. Ilyen esetben soha nekapcsolja ki a kszlket, hanem azonnal hvja a szervizt . Sokkal hosszabb idbe telika szerelnek a hiba feltrsa, ha a berendezst kikapcsoljk.

    JgksaA kivlasztgombmegnyomsvalvlassza ki a megfelel

    funkcit (a JGKSAjelzs kigyullad), majdenyhn nyomja meg apohrral anyomgombot.

    VzA kivlasztgombmegnyomsvalvlassza ki amegfelel funkcit (aVZ jelzs kigyullad),majd enyhn nyomjameg a pohrral anyomgombot.

    JgkockaA kivlasztgombmegnyomsvalvlassza ki a megfelel

    funkcit(a JGKOCKA jelzskigyullad), majd enyhnnyomja meg a pohrrala nyomgombot.

    A vz lehtse a htszekrny-rszben tallhat vztartlyban trtnik, a hideg vzonnan kerl az automata adagolba.A jgksa s jgkocka az automata jgksztben kszl, s onnan kerl t azadagolba.

    Jgkszts/htttvz szolgltats

    Termszetes jelensg, hogy a vz kezdetben nem teljesen hideg. Ilyenkor adjonhozz egy kis jeget is.


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  • 7/24/2019 LG Refrigerator



    A kszlk els hasznlata utn ksztett jeget (20 kockt) s vizet (7 pohr) dobja kiAz els hasznlat utn kszlt jg s vz a vzcsbl s a vztartlybl szrmaz aprmanyagdarabokat tartalmazhat s esetleg szaga is lehet. Tegyen ugyangy, ha ahtgpet hossz ideig nem hasznlta.

    Gyermeket nem hasznlhatjk az adagoltA gyereket rosszul nyomhatjk meg agombokat vagy elronthatjk a jelzket.

    gyeljen arra, hogy tel ne akadlyozza ajg kiadstHa az adagol nylsba telt tesz, a kszlk

    nem adja ki a jeget. Ha a jgadagol nylsnjgpor halmozdik fel, tvoltsa az el.

    Soha ne tegyen italokat a fagyasztba a gyorslehts cljblEz a fagyaszt meghibsodst okozhatja.

    Az adagol ne hasznlja vkony kristlypohrral vagy koktlpohrralEzek az vegpoharak knnyen eltrhetnek.

    Jeget az ital eltt tegyen a pohrbaHa a pohr tele van a jg kiadsakor, a benn lv ital kifrcskldhet.

    Ne nyljon a kiadnylsbaEz az alkatrszek meghibsodst vagy kzsrlst okozhat.

    Semmilyen krlmnyek kztt se vegye le a jgkszt fedeltIdnknt igaztsa el a jgtartban felhalmozdott jegetHa a jg kis kupacban halmozdik fel a tartban, akkor a jgkszt azt rzkelheti, hogya jgtart mr tele van, s ekkor a jgkszts megll.

    Ha a kiadott jg elsznezdtt, azonnal forduljon szakszervizhez s dobja ki a jeget

    Ne hasznljon tl szk vagy tl mly poharakatA jg beleszorulhat az adagolba.

    Tartsa a poharat az adagolnylstl megfelel tvolsgbanHa a poharat tl kzel teszi az adagolhoz, akkor ezzel akadlyozhatja a jgkockakiadst.


    A htgp hasznlata



    Ahogyan az az albbiakbl kitnik, a kijelz a szrcsere esedkessgig htralv idtjelzi ki 30 napos egysgekben. A kijelzs a berendezs ram al helyezsekor indul.

    6 hnap elteltvel az albbi mondat s jelenik meg az LED-kijelz szrllapot-jelz rszn. A szrcsere utn nyomja 3 msodpercen t".

    Miutn a 6 hnap letelt, s a szrcsere megtrtnt, vagy n vissza kvnja lltani aszrllapot-kijelzt, tartsa lenyomja a szrcsere-gombot tbb mint 3 msodpercent. Ekkor a kijelz visszall a kezdeti Bekapcsolva" (Power On) helyzetbe.

    6 szrllapot(szrcserlsi

    kr) kijelzfunkci

    Hat hnap elteltvel a Szrcsere (Filter change) ikonmegjelenik a kijelzn.

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  • 7/24/2019 LG Refrigerator



    Frissentart rekesz (nem minden modellen)

    A htgp hasznlata

    Nyissa ki a rekesz ajtajt A frissentart rekeszt a htgp ajtajnak

    kinyitsa nlkl is elrheti, ezzel energittakarthat meg.

    A frissentart rekesz ajtajnak kinyitsakora ht lmpja vilgtani kezd, hogygyorsan megtallhassa a keresett telt.

    Ne vgjon fel lelmiszereket a frissentartrekeszt ajtajn, s ne srtse fel az ajtt lestrgyakkal.

    A frissentart rekeszt csak a fedllel egyttmkdik rendeltetsszeren.

    Ezzel nemcsak a htgpben tehet krt,hanem balesetveszlyes is.


    Ne tegyen nehztrgyakat afrissentart

    rekesz ajtajra,s ne hagyja

    gyermektfelmszni r

    Ne vegye le afrissentart

    rekesz belsfedelt

    A frissentartrekesz ajtajtcsak tartnak


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  • 7/24/2019 LG Refrigerator


    Ne hasznlja a tojstartt jgkocka tartnak, mert eltrhet..Ne tegye a tojstartt a fagyasztba vagy a frissen tart rekeszbe.


    A htgp hasznlata


    Borosveg tart (nem minden modellen)

    Palacktart rgztse :

    Felfel tolva (. bra) akassza be apalacktartt a polc oldaln tallhatrgztpecekbe (. bra), majd hzza a tarttlefel ( . bra).

    Palacktart kivtele :

    Nyomja felfel a palacktartt (. bra), majd

    hzza a htszekrny belseje fel (. bra).

    Ezen a palacktart-llvnyon a borospalackokoldalukra fektetve trolhatk.

    A borosveg tartt brmelyik polcra akasztvaborosvegek vzszintes trolsrahasznlhatja.

    A borosvegtart


    (1. tpus)

    (2. tpus)

    A behajthat polc segtsgvel n magasabb dolgokat (nagymret vegek,stb.) is trolhat a htszekrnyben. Nyomja be egyszeren a polc ells felt ahts al, s mris megnvelte a helyet. Ha ismt a teljes polcra van szksge,hzza az els rszt sajt maga fel.

    Oszthat polc

    Polcok (nem minden modellen)

    [1. tpus] [2. tpus]

    Tojstart (nem minden modellen)A tojstartt tetszleges helyre teheti a htben.

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  • 7/24/2019 LG Refrigerator



    A htgp hasznlata

    Pratartalom belltsa a zldsges fikbanA zldsges fikban bellthatja a trolt lelmiszernek megfelel pratartalmat.





    Magas pratartalom

    Alacsony pratartalom

    talakts hs- vagy zldsgtrol fikk(nem minden modellen)

    A hstrolban alacsonyabb a hmrsklet, hogy a hsok tovbb maradjanak frissek.

    A htgp als fikja hs- s zldsgtrol fiknak is hasznlhat.


    Ha a kapcsolt hstrol llsban hagyja, a zldsgek megfagyhatnak.

    Ellenrizze a kapcsol llst, mieltt lelmiszert tesz a fikba.



    Ellenrizze akapcsolt!

    A szagtalant (nem minden modellen)

    Az Optikai Kataliztornak ksznheten eza berendezs hatkonyan nyeli el az ersszagokat, mikzben nem rtalmas a trolt

    lelmiszerekre nzve.

    Mivel a szagtalant mr be van szerelve a ht rszbl jv htleveg beramlnylshoz, nnek semmilyen szerelst nem kell vgeznie.

    Krjk, hogy az ers szag teleket zrt ednyben trolja, klnben a tbbilelmiszer is tveszi a szagot.

    A szagtalanthasznlata

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  • 7/24/2019 LG Refrigerator


    A htgp hasznlata


    Varzszna Vltoztathat hmrsklet sarok(nem minden modellen)

    VARZSZNA (nem minden modellen)

    A gomb megnyomsval troljon ittzldsget, gymlcst vagy olyan tpuslelmiszert, mint kiengedni kvnt

    fagyasztott hs, nyers hal stb.

    Hmrsklet-szablyozs a Varzsznban(nem minden modellen)

    n a klnbzlelmiszertpusoknak megfelelenvlaszthatja ki az optimlis htsihmrskletet.

    -3-fokozat hmrskletvlaszts: 3 C, 1 C s 4 C llrendelkezsre. Tovbb megrzikfrissessgket a Varzsznbantrolt zldsgek, gymlcsk,tovbb az lland pratartalmat ignyl httt lelmiszerek, hsok, halak.

    Elszr vegye ki a zldsgtart-rekeszt. Emelje meg kiss a Varzszna tokjt , nyljon be

    s hzza ki .

    Amikor a Varzsznt hs vagy hal trolsra hasznlja, az ott trolt zldsg sgymlcs megfagyhat.

    Amikor a Varzsznt zldsg vagy gymlcs trolsra hasznlja, a hst s ahalat mindig a mlyht rekeszben helyezze el, ellenkez esetben azokmegromolhatnak.

    A htszekrny kinyitsakor a jelzfny a tjkoztatja nt a Varzszna llapotrl.Az ajt becsuksakor a jelzfny kialszik.

    A (Zldsg/gymlcs) (Httt trols, lland pratartalom mellett) s a (Hs) trolsi mdok belltshoz nyomkodja felvltva a Selection" gombot.

    A varzsznakivtele


    Illessze a Varzszna tokjt a szeglylcre, sknnyedn nyomva cssztassa be .

    Ne erltesse, mert az sszekt elemekmegsrlhetnek.

    A varzsznabehelyezse

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  • 7/24/2019 LG Refrigerator


    Javaslatok az lelmiszerek trolsval kapcsolatban


    Az lelmiszerek elhelyezse(Olvassa el a klnbz rszek elnevezsrl szl rszt.)

    Bor trolsra.

    Kismret lelmiszerek trolsra, mint pldulkenyr, szendvicsek, stb...

    Sokfle fagyott lelmiszer trolhat itt, mint pldulhs, hal, jgkrm, fagyasztott szendvics, stb...

    Kis, csomagolt fagyasztott lelmiszerekhez.

    A hmrsklet az ajt nyitsval megemelkedhet. Ittne troljon hossz lettartam lelmiszereket.Pldul: fagylalt, stb...

    Hs, hal, csirke, stb. trolsra, miutn vkony flibacsomagolta ket.

    Szrazanyagok trolsra.

    Tejtermkek trolsra, mint pldul vaj, sajt, stb...

    Helyezze a tojstartt a megfelel helyre.

    Gyakran hasznlt lelmiszert, italt troljon itt.

    Krtseket, vagy ms lelmiszert troljon itt kelltvolsgban.

    Kismret csomagolt lelmiszert, italt troljon itt, mintpldul tej, gymlcsl, sr, stb...

    Zldsg vagy gymlcs trolsra.

    Zldsg, gymlcs, kiolvasztsra kerl hs, nyershal, stb. trolsra. lltsa be a konverzis kapcsoltszksg szerint. Ne felejtse el ellenrizni a konverziskapcsol belltst az telek trolsa eltt.


    Szendvics fikSzendvics fik




    Tejtermk rsz




    Httri polc


    Zldsges fik

    Zldsgesfik/hstrolfik, konverzis


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  • 7/24/2019 LG Refrigerator



    Az lelmiszerek trolsa A friss lelmiszert ajnlatos a httrben trolni. Az lelmiszer frissessgnek s

    zletessgnek megrzsben rendkvl fontos szerepet jtszik a fagyaszts, s azazt kvet felolvaszts mdja.

    Az llagt gyorsan elveszt lelmiszereket (pl. bann, dinnye) nem szabad alacsony

    hmrskleten trolni. Forr telt nem szabad a htszekrnybe helyezni. A htszekrnybe helyezett forr

    tel a tbbi lelmiszer megromlshoz, illetve magasabb fogyasztshoz vezethet!

    Trols eltt az lelmiszert csomagolja be fliba, vagy tegye zrhat dobozba. Ezzelmegakadlyozhatja a nedvessg tvozst az telbl, s elsegtheti az z s atprtk megrzst.

    A leveg keringet nylsokat ne takarja el a behelyezett tellel. A httt levegakadlytalan keringse biztostja az egyenletes hmrsklet eloszlst a httrben.

    Ne nyissa ki tl gyakran a htszekrny ajtajt. Az ajt kinyitsakor meleg levegramlik a htszekrnybe, amely a httr hmrsklett megemeli.

    Soha ne tartson tl sok lelmiszert az ajtrakod polcon, mert a bels polcoknekinyomdva esetleg nem engedik becsukdni az ajtt.

    A fagyaszttrben ne troljon italos palackokat - megfagyskor a palackokeltrhetnek.

    A felolvasztott lelmiszert ne fagyassza le jra. Az ismtelt fagyaszts z- stprtk vesztesget okoz.

    A hosszabb ideig fagyasztott llapotban trolt lelmiszereket (pl. fagylalt) afagyaszt ajtrakod polc helyett a fagyasztpolcra kell helyezni.

    Ne nyljon vizes kzzel a hideg lelmiszerekhez, vagy fleg fmbl llkontnerekhez, s ne helyezzen vegtrgyakat a mlyht rszlegbe.

    - Ez elbbi fagys okozta gyulladshoz vezethet, az vegtrgyak pedig eltrnek,amikor a bennk lev anyagok megfogynak, ami szemlyi srlst okozhat.

    A magas nedvessgtartalm lelmiszereket ne tegye mlyen be a trol polcra.Az ilyen lelmiszerek a beraml httt leveg hatsra megfagyhatnak.

    A htszekrnybe helyezs eltt tiszttsa meg az lelmiszereket. A zldsget sgymlcst meg kell mosni, majd szrazra trlni, az elrecsomagolt lelmiszertpedig megfelelen t kell trlni. Ezzel a kzelben trolt tbbi tel megromlstelzheti meg.

    A tojstartban mindig friss tojst troljon, s gyeljen arra, hogy a tojsokfggleges helyzetben lljanak. gy a tojsok hossz ideig megrzik frissessgket.



    Javaslatok az lelmiszerek trolsval kapcsolatban


    Ha meleg, prs helyen tartja htszekrnyt, akkor az ajt gyakori kinyitsa,

    vagy tl sok zldsg trolsa lecsapd vzcseppeket eredmnyezhet, melyeknincsenek hatssal a mkdsre. A htszekrny polsa rdekben tvoltsael a vzcseppeket egy ronggyal.

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  • 7/24/2019 LG Refrigerator



    Az alkatrszek kiszerelse

    Vlassza kln a lmpt kihzva (), mikzbenenyhn megemeli a lmpaburt (,).Fordtsa el az izzt az ramutat jrsvalellenttes irnyba. Maximum 40W adatokkalrendelkez izzt hasznljon, melyetkereskedelmi forgalomban szerezhet be.

    A fagyaszttrilmpa

    Az adagollmpja



    Space plus

    Jgtrol tartly

    Miutn hasznltaaz adagolt

    Vlassza kln a lmpt kihzva, majdtvoltsa el az izzt. Maximum 15W adatokkalrendelkez izzt hasznljon, melyetkereskedelmi forgalomban szerezhet be.

    Egy polc eltvoltshoz emelje meg egy kicsita polc bal oldalt, nyomja az () irnyba,emelje meg a jobboldali rszt a () irnyba,majd vegye ki.

    Emelje meg az ajtrekeszt mindkt oldalon(), s hzza ki () irnyba.

    Emelje fel a Space plus-t () s hzza ki a

    () irnyba.

    A vzgyjt-tlca nem rendelkezik nrtfunkcival. Emiatt rendszeres idkznknt kikell tiszttani. A vzgyjt-tlca rcsnak elejtkifel hzva tvoltsa el rcsot, majd trlje ta helyt szraz trlkendvel.

    Fogja meg a jobboldali brnak megfelelen ajgtrolt, majd hzza ki (), mikzben kissmegemeli ().

    A jgtrol tartlyt nem tancsos leszerelni,hacsak nincs r szksg mindenkppen.

    Ne felejtse el mindkt kezt hasznlni ajgtrol eltvoltsnl, nehogy leessen afldre.

    Ha a jgtrol nem illeszkedik teljesen, akkoregy kicsit fordtsa el a forgat eszkzt.


    A sztszerels az sszeszerels sorrendjvel pontosan ellenttesen trtnik. Ne felejtse el

    megszntetni a hlzati csatlakozst sztszerels vagy sszeszerels eltt. Soha ne fejtsen

    ki tl nagy ert az alkatrszek sztszerelse kzben, mert az alkatrszek krosodhatnak.

    pols s karbantarts


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    pols s karbantarts


    A lmpabra eltvoltshoz nyomja elre a lmpabura alatt tallhat kidomborodrszt, majd hzza ki a lmpaburt.Fordtsa el az izzt az ramutat jrsval ellenttes irnyba. Maximum 40W adatokkalrendelkez izzt hasznljon, melyet kereskedelmi forgalomban szerezhet be.

    A httri lmpa

    Nyomja a dobozt () felfel.

    Vegye le az dtitalos rekesz felsrcst, majd hzza ki az dtitalosrekesz fedelt ().

    Az dtitalos rekeszt felfel hzvatudja kiemelni.


    A zldsgtart rekesz fedelnekeltvoltshoz hzza egy kiss elre azldsgtart rekeszt (), emelje fel azldsgtart rekesz els rszt egy kicsit a()-nek megfelelen, majd vegye ki.

    Zldsgtartrekesz fedele


    Mindig tvoltsa el az lelmiszereket a htszekrny ajtajbl, amikor eltvoltja

    a zldsgtart rekeszt, a szendvics fikot vagy a frissen tart rekesz kzpsfedelt.

    Ha hosszabb idre elutazik vagy nem kvnja hasznlni a jgksztsfunkcit, a Space plus eltvoltsa utn kapcsolja ki (OFF) ajgkszt kapcsoljt.


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    pols s karbantarts

    ltalnos informcik


    tlagos hosszsg tvollt esetn valsznleg nem tartja szksgesnek ahtszekrny kikapcsolst. Ilyenkor a fagyaszthat lelmiszert tegye t afagyaszttrbe a hosszabb lettartam rdekben.Ha tvollte vrhatan hosszabb idt vesz ignybe, vegye ki az sszes lelmiszert,

    hzza ki a hlzati csatlakoz dugt a fali konnektorbl, alaposan tiszttsa meg ahtszekrny belsejt s hagyja NYITVA az ajtkat a kellemetlen szagokkialakulsnak megelzse rdekben.

    Hosszabb tvollt


    Ha ahtszekrnyt



    Az egy vagy kt rnl nem hosszabb hlzati feszltsg-kimarads ltalban nincshatssal a htszekrny bels hmrskletre.Ilyenkor azonban a minimlisra kell korltozni az ajtnyitsok szmt.

    Vegye ki, vagy rgztse biztonsgosan a htszekrny belsejben lv sszesmozgathat tartozkot.A szintbellt csavarok srlsnek elkerlse rdekben csavarja be teljesenezeket az alaplemezbe.

    A htszekrny kls burkolata - klnsen az zembe helyezst kveten -felmelegedhet.Nincs ok az aggodalomra. A fenti jelensget a prsodsgtl rendszer okozza,amely forr htkzeget szivattyz a prsodsgtl csatornba, ezzel meggtolva akls burkolat izzadst".

    A htszekrny bels tere rendszeres tiszttst ignyel. Az sszes bels rekesztmossa t kml tiszttszeres melegvizes oldattal. bltse le, majd trlje szrazra amegtiszttott felleteket.

    Krjk, ellenrizze, hogy hlzati vezetk nem krosodott, a hlzati dug nincstlmelegedve, s a hlzati dug megfelelen van a csatlakoz aljzatba helyezve.

    Mieltt az elektromos rszek (lmpk, kapcsolk, szablyzk, stb.) krnyknektiszttsba kezdene, mindig hzza ki a hlzati csatlakoz dugt a fali konnektorbl.A tisztts utn a felleten maradt nedvessget azonnal trlje le szivaccsal vagyszraz ruhval, gy megelzheti a vz vagy a tiszttfolyadk bejutst az elektromosrszekbe, amely egybknt ramtst idzne el.Ne hasznljon fmes srol rongyot, keft, durva szemcss tiszttszert, ers lgosoldatot, gylkony vagy mrgez tiszttszert.Ne rintse meg a fagyott felleteket vizes vagy nedves kzzel, mert a nedves trgyakhozzragadhatnak a klnsen hideg felletekhez.

    A kellemetlen szagok keletkezst megelzheti, ha a htszekrny tisztasgtfolyamatosan fenntartja. A kimltt telt vagy italt azonnal trlje fel, mert hosszabbvrakozs esetn a kimltt anyag esetleges savtartalma maradand foltot hagyhat ahtszekrny burkolatn.

    Kml szappanos vagy tiszttszeres langyos vzzel tiszttsa meg a htszekrnykls burkolatt.A tiszttshoz hasznljon enyhn megnedvestett, tiszta trlruht, majd trljeszrazra a felletet.

    Kls Burkolat

    Bels tr

    Tisztts utn


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    pols s karbantarts


    Mieltt a szervizhez fordulna, ellenrizze ezt a listt. Pnzt s idt takarthat megvele. Ez a lista gyakran elfordul hibajelensgekre hvja fel a figyelmet, melyek nema hibs gyrts vagy anyaghiba eredmnyei.

    Jelensg Lehetsges ok Megolds

    A hfokszablyz ki van kapcsolva.

    A htszekrny leolvasztsi fzisbanvan.

    A hlzati csatlakoz vezetk nincsbedugva a fali aljzatba.

    ramkimarads. Ellenrizze, hogygnek-e a lmpk a laksban.

    Ez a htszekrny nagyobb, mint az nelz kszlke.

    A helyisgben vagy kint tl meleg van.

    A htszekrny elzleg egy ideigzemen kvl volt.

    Mkdik az automatikus jgkszt.

    Elzleg nagyobb mennyisg meleglelmiszert helyezett a htszekrnybe.

    A htszekrny ajtajai tl sokszor, vagytl sokig vannak nyitva.

    A ht vagy a fagyaszt rsz ajtajanyitva van.

    A hfokszablyz tl alacsonyhmrskletre van lltva.

    A ht vagy a fagyaszt rsz tmtsekoszos, kopott, megrepedt, vagy nemilleszkedik megfelelen.

    lltsa be a hfokszablyzt. Lsd afunkcik belltst.

    Ez teljesen normlis egy nleolvaszthtszekrny esetben. A leolvasztsrendszeres idkznknt trtnik.

    Ellenrizze, hogy a csatlakoz vezetkmegfelelen be van-e dugva akonnektorba.

    Hvja a helyi ramszolgltatt.

    Ez normlis. A nagyobb, hatkonyabbkszlkeknek tbb idre van szksgk.

    Ilyenkor teljesen normlis, ha ahtszekrny tovbb mkdik.

    Ilyenkor eltarthat nhny rt, amg ahttr teljesen lehl.

    A jgkszt mkdse okozhatja ahtgp kicsivel tbb mkdst.

    A meleg lelmiszer miatt a

    htszekrnynek tovbb kell mkdniea megfelel hmrsklet elrshez.

    A meleg leveg beramlsa ahtszekrny hosszabb mkdstokozza. Ritkbban nyissa ki az ajtkat.

    Ellenrizze, hogy a htgp stabilan,vzszintes felleten ll-e. A htgpbenlv lelmiszereket gy rendezze el,hogy ne akadlyozzk az ajtbezrst. (Lsd mgAJTNYITS/AJTZRS)

    lltsa a hfokszablyzt magasabbhmrskletre, amg a htgpmkdse megfelel nem lesz.

    Tiszttsa meg vagy cserlje ki a tmtst.Ha a tmts nem megfelel, ahtszekrny hosszabb mkdseszksges a kvnt hmrskletelrshez.

    A htszekrnymkdse

    A htszekrnykompresszoranem mkdik

    A htszekrnytl sokat vagy

    tl sokigmkdik

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    pols s karbantarts

    Jelensg Lehetsges ok Megolds

    A htszekrnykompresszoranem mkdik

    Tl alacsonyhmrsklet

    A fagyaszt rszbentl alacsony a

    hmrsklet, mg aht rszben


    A ht rszbentl magas a

    hmrsklet,mg a fagyaszt

    rszben megfelel

    A fagyaszt vagya ht rszben a

    hmrsklet nemmegfelel

    Tl magashmrsklet

    A friss telfikban trolt hs


    A fikokban troltlelmiszer megfagy

    A hfokszablyz llandhmrskleten tartja a htteret.

    A fagyaszt rsz hfokszablyzja tlhidegre van lltva.

    A htszekrny ajtajai tl sokszor,
