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li O. u .oot.. McaiiiSu wichman a - University of Hawaiʻi · 2015. 5. 30. · at 5 o'clock p. m.,...

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" ' 'MP?" . . ' t i.'guH to n Livi' )! li Vol. TV.-J- No. 175. ' HONOLULU, II. I., TUESDAY EVENING, JULY n), 1892. .oot.. JA iiii "mm BDLifflr'iOceaicStBaisliiiCa McaiiiSu Rales O. wichman u a irvinTbwpur. "f 'K -- 18 I'UIIUSIIKU ! (I l.tllTI.) R'ft.. Fs . .i . jtBMOett dffSSft, 'I V" V; I' I- - - r 7- - uYoi-- Aiternoon Excopt Sundays At tlii, Ollloe, Queen street, Honolulu, 11. I DANIEL LOGAN Editor & Mannnoi F011T1IK Daily Bulletin Publishing Company, (Limited.) NUHNClUl'TIONlS: Daily Bulletin, I your C 00 " " 0 months 3 00 " per month (de- livered GS Wkicki.y Bullktin Summauy, 1 year , 94 00 foreign. C 00 4 Until Tc1c1oiicm No. 5. n flAddrcs nil business communica tions "Managkh Daily Bullktin." G3TAddress all matter for publica- tion "Editou Daily Bullkyin." I. O. Ilox Mil. Honolulu. II. I ALFRED MAGOON. . J . Attorney at Law and Notary Public. No. 42 Merchant stieet, llouo- - ulu. U W. SCHMIDT & SONS, O.. luiioiter8 & Coinmlsslon .Me- rchants. Kort stiect, Honolulu. 01 HHACKFELD fc GO , Commission Agfints. Coiner Foit uud Queen streets, Hono- lulu, II. 1. GW' MAOFARLiANE & Co., Importers and Commission .ileiehauts. Queen street, Honolulu, 11. I. 1-- fi onsalves & Co., JT Wholesale Qrocois and Wine Merchants. Beaver Block, Honolulu, 11. I. 91 I OHN T. WATERHOUSE, tl Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise. Queen street, llouolulu, ILL 91 WILDER & CO., in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materials of every kind. Corner Fort and Queen streets, Honolulu. 91 EWERS & COOKE, L Impoiters and Dealers lu Lum- ber and all kinds of Building Materials. Fort street, Honolulu. 1-- HONOLULU IRON WORKS, Honolulu, i I H. I, Steam Engines, Sugar Mills, Boilers, Coolers; Iron, Urass and Load Castings; Machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to Ship's Blacksinithing. Job Work ex- ecuted at short notice. 01 J NO. S. SMITHIES, Auctioneer & General Business AGBN 'X Sluliuliium, Koliulu, Hawaii. WENNER & GO., MANUFACTURING AND importing Jewelers. 92 Fort Street, Honolulu Atlas Assume Comply OF l.OXUON. H. W. SCHMIDT &. SONS, Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. j KiiiC Mlrvttt. Honolulu. Excellent accommodation for patients. DR. A. It. RO WAT, V. S. Olllco Hours 7:30 to 10 a. m.; 12:30 to 2 p. in. ; 4 :!i0 to C p. m. Telkpiionks: Bell 90, Mutual 183. V. O. Box 320. 192tf New Cottage io Rent ! FINE Cottage with I'm lor, Hull, 4'Laigo llcdiooins, Bath, I'nuti', Kitchen and all modem Impioveineuts. ISoictuula sheet-cur- s 4.ibs tho door, Reiit 935, KB For fuither Information apply to o. j. McCarthy, 298 tf 85 Merchant street. CHAS.T. CULICK, Notary Public for the Island of Oahu. Agent to Tako Acknowledgments to La- bor Contracts. Agent to Uiunt Mairlago Licenses, no-uolu- Oahu. Agent for tho Hawaiian Islands of Pitt & Scott's Freight ii Parcels Expi ess. Agents for tho Builiugton Route. Real Estate Broker & JEJJJE1 BellTele. 139. P.O. Box 4 IB. & Okfick: No. aSMcruluuit street, Honolulu, Oaliu, II, I. an 92 Australian Mail Seivice! FOR SAN FKAXCINUO. The Now and Fine Al Slcol Steamship "MARIPOSA," Of the Ocunnlc Steamship Company will be duo at Honolulu fioni Sydney mid Auckland on or about July 23, 1892, And will leave for tho above port with malls and passengers on oi about that date. For Sydney and Auckland 1 The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship "ALARflEDA," Of the Oceanic Steamship Company will be duo at Honolulu from Sau Francisco on or about July 29, 1892, And will have piompt dispatch with mails and passengers for the above pints. tSy The undersigned ai e now pre- pared to Issue Tlnough Tickets from this city to all points in tho United States. ISF" For further particulars regarding Fi eight or Passage, apply to Wm. Q. IRWIN & CO.. L'd, 01 General Agents. Wilder';; BteamsMD Co.'s TIME TABI.K: CLARKE, CommanJjr, Will leave Honolulu at 2 o'clock p. w., touching at Lahaina, Maalaca Bay and Mukenu tho same day; Mahu-kou- a, Kawttihao and Laupuhochoe the following day, arriving at Hilo at midnight. LEAVES HONOLULU. Friday July 2Jth Tuesday,; Aug. 9th Friday, 19th Returning leaves Hilo, touching at Laupiilioehoo samo day; Kawaihao A. m. ; Mahukona 10 a. m.; Makona 1 p. m. ; Maaluea Hay C p. ii. ; Laha-in- a 8 p. m. the following day ; arriv- ing at Honolulu C a. m. Wednesdays and Saturdays. ARRIVES AT HONOLULU. Wednesday, July 27th Saturday, Aug. Gth Wednesday " 17th Saturday, " 27th g)SF" No Freight will bo received after 12 noon of day of sailing. STMR.'CLAUDINE.' DAVIES. Commander, Will leave Honolulu ovory Tuesday at 5 o'clock p. m., touching ut Kahu-lu- i, Huolo, Hana, Humoa ami Kipa-hul- u, Maui, antl Paauliau, Hawaii. Boturning will arrive at Honolulu overy Sunday morning, gJF No Freight will bo rccoived after 4 p. m. on day of sailing. Consignees must bo at tho landings to receive their freight, as wo will not hold ourselvcn responsible after suoli freight has been lunded. Wliilo tho Company will ubo duo diligonco in bundling live stock, wo decline to any responsibility in case of tho loss of samo, and will not bo responsible for inonoy or jewelry unless placed in tho caro of Pursers, W. O. WILDER, Preeidont. 8. B. ROSE, Secrotury. CAPT. J. A. KING, Port Sunt. ll ThOS. LINDSAY, MANUFACTURING Jo-wele- r $z WtiUsliimilEur, KUKUI JEWELRY a SPECIALTY. King Street, Honolulu, II. I. t&" Pmtieular attention paid to all kinds of icpalrs. Island. Shells and Curios 1 WHOLESALE and ictall, cheap for Fort sticot, between ... .1... ...!. '.1 i 1. killer' ueru's Bliou stoie. 863 tf 'J1. TANNA'IT. r j j KUK SAI.K III iUTn3H6?(I 111 Special Rates For Families and Parties, The Volcano House rates from and after this date will be : Round Trip, up and return by same route, 7 days $50 Up by way of Kau, return by way of Hilo, 11 days $70 Up bv way of Hilo, return by way Ka'u, 14 days $80 Bo.ird and Lodging at Volcano House, ifll per day. To lloldeis of Round Trip" Tickets staying over, and any one staying over live days, $U a day for all excess over ii u days. To families or parties of four and upwards, holding tickets and staying over, oi staying after live days, $2.50 per day. Children under live, with parents, quarter rates. Children between live anil ten, half rates. KILAUEA VOLCANO HOUSE CO. June 24, 1892. 450 15t 20 4t Pacific Mail SteaisMs Go. AND T1IK Occidental & Oriental S, S. Go. For Yokohama & Hongkong. Steamers of tho above Companies will call at Honolulu on their way to tho above ports on or about tho following dates : Stmr. "Oceanic" Aug. 23, 1B92 Stmr. Oct. 3, 1892 Stmr. "Oceanic" Nov. 1, 1892 Stmr. "China" Doc. 12, 1892 S'tnr. "Oceanic" Jan. 11, 1893 Stmr. "China" Feb 20, 1893 Stmr. "Gaelic" April 11, 1893 For San Francisco. Steamers of the abovo Companies will call at Honolulu on their way from Hongkong and Yokohama to tho above poit on or about the following dates: Stmr. "Oceanic" July 2G, 1892 V3T Round Trip Tickets to Yokohama ami return, $:i;0. B& For freight and passagti, apply to H. HACKFELD & CO., 2G7 tf Agents. Oceanic oieaisnij) Go.'s TIMK TAltliK: LOCAL LINE. S. S. AUSTRALfA'. Arrive Honolulu Leave Honolulu from S. F. for S. F. July 12 July 20 Aug 9 Aug 10 Sept (5 Sept 13 Oct 4 Oct 11 Nov 1 Nov 8 iutouaii link. From San Francisco Fi oin Sydney for ior byuuey. San Francisco, Arrive Honolulu. euve Honolulu. Alameda.. July 29 Mariposa .July 28 Mariposa. .Aug 20 Monowai .Aug 25 Mono wui. .Sopt 21 Alameda. .Sept 22 Alameda, . Oct 21 Mariposa. .Oct 20 MuripoHu. .Nov 18 Monowai . .Nov 17 T. I'. Hl.VI'.lllN. A. W, llOLSThll, ALOHAGALLERY Fort Street, over F. Gertz't Shoe Store. View, Landscape & Portrait! Views of tho Island Constantly on'Hand bUCH AS Natives Making Pol, Glass Ilou&es, Stlo Riding, Huliihula Dancers, Cocoanut Groves. Palm & Date Groves, Stieet Views & Buildings, War Vessels, Shipping & Marine Views, Etc., Etc. JQT Also a Largo Collection of all Prominent and Interesting Views of the Huwnilau Islands either Mouutcd or Unuiouutud. BOOKS OF HAWAIIAN VIEWS Made up to oulcr ut the most Rea- sonable Rates In Honolulu. Cabinets $6 and $5 a Dozen 4001 VST P. O. BOX 498 i rt' C. B. RIPLEY. AllOH ITKOT. I ft Oifick: Room S, Sprockets' Block. Mutual Telephone 208. New Designs 1 Modern Buildings I Complete plans and siiccillcdtlonB for every description of building. Contracts ditiwu and careful stipeilnteudence of construction irlveu when icoulred. Call and exuuiluo ulans. ' 'apr291y" t V 4 um JJfeSJrW. OH-- i DAILYBELETICO Aro Receiving New Invoice! of BOOK AND JOB STOCK i , BY EVERY STEAMER !ti t at their STEAM PRINTING OFFICII NO. 71 QUEEN STREET, Where they are fully prepared to do all kinds of work in the latest stylus, at the shortest notlco and nt tho most Reasonable Bates. Fine Job Work in Colors a Specialty I POSTER PRINTING t v: lull Executed In the Most Attractive Manner. BILLHEADS. LBTTERHBADS, STATEMENTS, NOTEHEADS, ' MEMORANDUMS, IETO. Read the following partial list of spec- ialties and get tho Bulletin's pi Ices be- fore placing your orders. By so doing you will save both time and money. Letter Heads, Note HcadB, Bill, Heads, Memorandums, Bills of Lading, Statements, Circulars, Contracts, , Agreements, Shipping Contracts, Check Books, Legal Blanks, Calendars, Wedding Cards, Visiting Cauls, j Busiiiess Cards, Funeral Cards, Admission Curds, Fraternal Curds Time Oardn, Milk Tickets, Meul Tickets, Theatre Tickets, Scholarship Certificates, Corporation Certificates, Marriage Certificates, Receipts of all kinds, Plantation Oidors, ProiniBhory Notes, Pamphlets, Catalogues, Programmes, Lubels of evory variety, Petitions in uny language, Envelopes &. Letter Ciioulars, Sporting Scores A Records, Porpotuul Washing Lists, ' ' Genoral'llook Woik, Eln.. Etc., Etc., Etc, Printed, uud Blocked when dcBlrcd.- - Qr No Job is allowed to leavo'tho of-- II ec until it gives satisfaction. Address, BULLETIN PUBLISHING CO,, 71 tBeen Mtxyet. Uoaolula. H. I. SILVER HAIR PINS In the pierced work ilow so popu- lar nud at prices which you will consider EXCEEDINGLY LOW For Such High Grade Goods, H. F. WICHMAN JUST RECEIVED PER BARK' y "J. C. PFLUGER" And Other Iiato Arrivals: Holsten Beer, Flensbnrg Beer, Elbschloss Beer, Porter, Etc.. Etc., St. (Louis & Milwaukee Beer, qfs and pts RED RHINEWINES. t ' , Qparts iuiiI Pints? u . , Chue'tort Vli!e. Shefry,' Swedish I'uueii. uognae, Whiskey, Etc., Etc. Also, HAVANA CIGARS ! KOIl SAI.K 11V II. AV. SCl'lMlDT & SONS. 400 lw Kow Landing EX BARIC "J. O. PFLUGER" A New Supply of tho Celebiated Harzur SaMtanen 1 FOR b'VLli BY - H. HACKFELD & CO. . , 103 , 2w . PIONISlflU STEAM CANDY FACTOR! ,AD .JtAJtEItY. tn ' WffiSWi F. HOIfctf, Practical Coufeetlouer, Pastry Cook A Baker. 71 Hotel St. -l- HQr-1-91 Telephone 74. mm &3L Metropolitan Mleat Company -- j ,81 KING STREET, , G. J. WALLER, - - Manager. Wholesale & Retail Butchers ' AND NAVY CONTRACTORS. ni BEAVER gjk SALOON The Best Lunoh in Town, i 'ii ji Tea and Ooffoo at 111 Horns The Finest Brands of iiwri'"' lKi-- : i ToUacct 4r ' a, A.lwayn on llund, II. U. NOIrii 1.01 initio V i. 'tiMioiic, PARAFclNE VMH C0.'8 COMPOUNDS and ROOFING, HCEO'S PMENT Pelt Steam Pipe Covering, ail siics. FERTILIZERS : WOOL DUST, lioNE MEAL, FISH QUNO ALSO HOOK & OlIXiANDT'B High Grado Chemical Cane Manure. GRASS SEEDS : COCKSFOOT, RYE GRASS. And CLOVER.- - Refined Sugars, Fairbank Canning Co.'s Corned Boef, 1 and 2 lb. Una. ' SALMON IN BARREL!-- . 01 FIKE, LIFE AND MARINE INSURANCE. Harturd Fire Insuranoe Co., Assets, $6,219,458.98. London &. Lancashire Fire Ins. Co. Assets, $4,317,052. Thames & Mersey Marino ins. Co, (Limited;, Assets, $6, 124,057. New York Life Insuranoe Co., Assots, $125,947,290.81 C.O.BEEGEE, HONOLULU. General Agent for Hawaiian Islands. 91 In. G. MI & CO., (MJtlTKO.) Wm. G. Irwin. ...President & Manager Chins Sprockets Vice-Preside- nt W. M. G I ffurd.... Secretary &Treasuier Theo. G. Potter Auditoi SUGAR FACTO iS Commission Agents, AOKNTS OK THE mm Mm Goon), (If Hun FranrlHi-n- , C'ul. " i ML CASTLE & COOKE, Lite, Firo & Marino Insurance A&ents ! AUBNTS FOll N6U England Mutual LKb Ins. Co., QV IIOSTON, Etna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford, UNION Insurance Compan y . OK SAN PUANOISOO, CAI.IFOltNIA. 01 C. BREWER & C0 (M3IlXi:i), General Mercantile ANU Commission Agents. LIST OK OKHIOKllS: J. O. Carter President & Munager G. 11. RoberUon. Tieasure, E. F. Bishop , ..Seeretan W. F. Allen Auditoi imtKOTons; Hon. O. R. Hlshop, S, O. Allen, II. Watcrhouso. For ftlouUlingH, FnunoH, PitHtelH, ArtotypcB, Photo- - rruviirus, JstchingB ana ovory thing in tho lino of pictures, go to King Bros,, Hotel street t iF NOTICE TO MARINERS. During the process ot deepening tho channel al tiie entrance to Honolulu liiubor the Dredger will ho in opera- tion night and day. At night there will be n danger signal placed on the forward denick of Dredger about SO feet above cen level, which can be seen by all vot-tol- iippin.tcliuig the hatbor. The signal coiiaiKfo Red Red of lliiee ml lights and a white light us in the diagram, White the ted lights being about 3 feet apart with the white light "mi the center. Red All hteamcrs crossing the bar will lop at a safe distance from the Dred- ger and give one blusl of their whistle which will ho answered by a single blunt from the Dredger, to be fol- lowed by tlnee bl.if.ts from the Dredg- er when the ptiMMige is clear and they can piiiceetl. I he Tug will be on hand whou not utlierwise engaged to abbist bailing craft in passing the Dredger when neces- sary. C. N. SPENCER, Minister of the Intel ior. Interior Office, March U, I8U2. UGO- -lf The Minister of Finance approves of the following list of persons to act as Deputy Assessors 'and Collectors for the year 1892 : OAHU. Honolulu T. A. Lloyd Ewa and Waiaime S. Hookano Wuialua P. Mahuulu Koolaupoko No. 1 Asa Kauliu Koohiupoko No. 2 E. P. Aikue Koolauloa L. J. Aylclt MAUI. Lahaina David Taylor Wailuku Win. T. Robiuton Makawao David Morton Hana J. P. Sylva Molokui ami Lanai J. Nakaleka HAWAII. Hilo and N. Hilo A. C. Willfong Ilaniaktia Chas. Williams South Kohala. . Wilmot Vredenburg North Kohala Eben I'. Low Noi th Kona J. Kaclcmakulo South Kona Tlios. 11. Wright Kau O. T. Shipinan Puna J. E. Elderts KAUAI. Waiinea and Niihiiu Th. Brandt Koloa A. K. M tka Lihue J. B. Huuaiko K.i waihtiu S. Kaui Humilei W. E. Doveull 11. A. WIDEMANN, Minister of Finance. Finance Department, Juno 22, 1892. dft'Ml WATER NOTICE. Honolulu, Juno 21, lS'.):r. lu accordance with Sec. 1 of of tho Laws of 1880. All persons holding water privileges or those paying water rates, aro heie-b- y notified that the water rates for tho lorni ending December III, 1802, will bo duo and p.iynblo at tho ollico of tho Honolulu Water Works, on tho llrstday of July, 1892, All such rates remaining unpaid for fifteen days after they are due, will bo subject to an additional 10 per cent. Rales aro payable at tho ollico of the water works in the Kupuaiwa building. JOHN O. WHITE, Sunt. Honolulu Witter Works. 152 21)1 Irrigation Notice. Honolulu, H. I., Dee. 2, 1891. Holders of water privileges, or thoso pitying water rates, are hereby noti- fied that tho hours for using water for irrigation purposes aro from Ii to 8 o'clock a, m and 1 to 0 o'clock m. until further notice. JOHN O. WHITE, Supt. Honolulu N ater Works. Approved : C. N, Sl'ENOKU, Minister of the Interior. 281 tf When you want a Portrait Enlarged cull on King Bros., got their price liHt antl beo sample. They eau't bo beat 11 i
Page 1: li O. u .oot.. McaiiiSu wichman a - University of Hawaiʻi · 2015. 5. 30. · at 5 o'clock p. m., touching ut Kahu-lu-i, Huolo, Hana, Humoa ami Kipa-hul-u, Maui, antl Paauliau, Hawaii.

" ''MP?" . . ' t i.'guH to n Livi' )!

li Vol. TV.-J- No. 175.'

HONOLULU, II. I., TUESDAY EVENING, JULY n), 1892. .oot..JA iiii "mm BDLifflr'iOceaicStBaisliiiCa McaiiiSu Rales O. wichman u a irvinTbwpur.

"f 'K -- 18 I'UIIUSIIKU ! (I l.tllTI.) R'ft..Fs . .i . jtBMOett dffSSft,




I- - -


7- -

uYoi-- Aiternoon Excopt Sundays

At tlii, Ollloe, Queen street, Honolulu,11. I

DANIEL LOGAN Editor & Mannnoi


Daily Bulletin Publishing Company,(Limited.)

NUHNClUl'TIONlS:Daily Bulletin, I your C 00

" " 0 months 3 00" per month (de-

livered GS

Wkicki.y Bullktin Summauy, 1

year , 94 00

foreign. C 00

4 Until Tc1c1oiicm No. 5. n

flAddrcs nil business communications "Managkh Daily Bullktin."

G3TAddress all matter for publica-tion "Editou Daily Bullkyin."

I. O. Ilox Mil. Honolulu. II. I

ALFRED MAGOON..J . Attorney at Law and Notary

Public. No. 42 Merchant stieet, llouo- -


U W. SCHMIDT & SONS,O.. luiioiter8 & Coinmlsslon .Me-

rchants. Kort stiect, Honolulu. 01


Commission Agfints.Coiner Foit uud Queen streets, Hono-lulu, II. 1.

GW' MAOFARLiANE & Co.,Importers and Commission

.ileiehauts. Queen street, Honolulu,11. I. 1--

fi onsalves & Co.,JT Wholesale Qrocois and Wine

Merchants. Beaver Block, Honolulu,11. I. 91

I OHN T. WATERHOUSE,tl Importer and Dealer in GeneralMerchandise. Queen street, llouolulu,ILL 91

WILDER & CO.,in Lumber, Paints,

Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materialsof every kind. Corner Fort and Queenstreets, Honolulu. 91

EWERS & COOKE,L Impoiters and Dealers lu Lum-ber and all kinds of Building Materials.Fort street, Honolulu. 1--


Steam Engines, Sugar Mills, Boilers,Coolers; Iron, Urass and Load Castings;Machinery of every description made toorder. Particular attention paid toShip's Blacksinithing. Job Work ex-ecuted at short notice. 01


Auctioneer & General Business


Sluliuliium, Koliulu, Hawaii.


importing Jewelers.92 Fort Street, Honolulu

Atlas Assume ComplyOF l.OXUON.


Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.


KiiiC Mlrvttt. Honolulu.Excellent accommodation for patients.

DR. A. It. RO WAT, V. S.Olllco Hours 7:30 to 10 a. m.; 12:30

to 2 p. in. ; 4 :!i0 to C p. m.Telkpiionks: Bell 90, Mutual 183.

V. O. Box 320. 192tf

New Cottage io Rent !

FINE Cottage with I'm lor,Hull, 4'Laigo llcdiooins,

Bath, I'nuti', Kitchen and all modemImpioveineuts. ISoictuula sheet-cur- s4.ibs tho door, Reiit 935,

KB For fuither Information apply to

o. j. McCarthy,298 tf 85 Merchant street.

CHAS.T. CULICK,Notary Public for the Island of Oahu.

Agent to Tako Acknowledgments to La-bor Contracts.

Agent to Uiunt Mairlago Licenses, no-uolu-

Oahu.Agent for tho Hawaiian Islands of Pitt &

Scott's Freight ii Parcels Expi ess.Agents for tho Builiugton Route.

Real Estate Broker & JEJJJE1

BellTele. 139.P.O. Box 4 IB.

& Okfick: No. aSMcruluuit street,Honolulu, Oaliu, II, I. an 92

Australian Mail Seivice!

FOR SAN FKAXCINUO.The Now and Fine Al Slcol Steamship

"MARIPOSA,"Of the Ocunnlc Steamship Company will

be duo at Honolulu fioni Sydneymid Auckland on or about

July 23, 1892,And will leave for tho above port with

malls and passengers on oiabout that date.

For Sydney and Auckland 1

The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship

"ALARflEDA,"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company will

be duo at Honolulu from SauFrancisco on or about

July 29, 1892,And will have piompt dispatch with

mails and passengers forthe above pints.

tSy The undersigned ai e now pre-pared to Issue Tlnough Tickets fromthis city to all points in tho UnitedStates.

ISF" For further particulars regardingFi eight or Passage, apply to

Wm. Q. IRWIN & CO.. L'd,01 General Agents.

Wilder';; BteamsMD Co.'s


CLARKE, CommanJjr,

Will leave Honolulu at 2 o'clock p. w.,touching at Lahaina, Maalaca Bayand Mukenu tho same day; Mahu-kou- a,

Kawttihao and Laupuhochoe thefollowing day, arriving at Hilo atmidnight.


Friday July 2JthTuesday,; Aug. 9thFriday, 19th

Returning leaves Hilo, touching atLaupiilioehoo samo day; KawaihaoA. m. ; Mahukona 10 a. m.; Makona1 p. m. ; Maaluea Hay C p. ii. ; Laha-in- a

8 p. m. the following day ; arriv-ing at Honolulu C a. m. Wednesdaysand Saturdays.


Wednesday, July 27thSaturday, Aug. GthWednesday " 17thSaturday, " 27th

g)SF" No Freight will bo receivedafter 12 noon of day of sailing.


Will leave Honolulu ovory Tuesdayat 5 o'clock p. m., touching ut Kahu-lu- i,

Huolo, Hana, Humoa ami Kipa-hul- u,

Maui, antl Paauliau, Hawaii.Boturning will arrive at Honoluluovery Sunday morning,

gJF No Freight will bo rccoivedafter 4 p. m. on day of sailing.

Consignees must bo at tho landingsto receive their freight, as wo will nothold ourselvcn responsible after suolifreight has been lunded. Wliilo thoCompany will ubo duo diligonco inbundling live stock, wo decline to

any responsibility in case of tholoss of samo, and will not bo responsiblefor inonoy or jewelry unless placed intho caro of Pursers,

W. O. WILDER, Preeidont.8. B. ROSE, Secrotury.

CAPT. J. A. KING, Port Sunt.ll



Jo-wele- r $z WtiUsliimilEur,KUKUI JEWELRY a SPECIALTY.

King Street, Honolulu, II. I.t&" Pmtieular attention paid to all

kinds of icpalrs.

Island. Shells and Curios 1

WHOLESALE and ictall, cheap forFort sticot, between....1... ...!. '.1 i 1.killer'

ueru's Bliou stoie.863 tf 'J1. TANNA'IT.

r j j KUK SAI.K III iUTn3H6?(I 111

Special Rates For Families and


The Volcano House rates from andafter this date will be :

Round Trip, up and return bysame route, 7 days $50

Up by way of Kau, return byway of Hilo, 11 days $70

Up bv way of Hilo, return byway Ka'u, 14 days $80

Bo.ird and Lodging at VolcanoHouse, ifll per day.

To lloldeis of Round Trip" Ticketsstaying over, and any one stayingover live days, $U a day for all excessover ii u days.

To families or parties of four andupwards, holding tickets and stayingover, oi staying after live days, $2.50per day.

Children under live, with parents,quarter rates.

Children between live anil ten, halfrates.


June 24, 1892.450 15t 20 4t

Pacific Mail SteaisMs Go.


Occidental & Oriental S, S. Go.

For Yokohama & Hongkong.Steamers of tho above Companies will

call at Honolulu on their way to thoabove ports on or about tho followingdates :

Stmr. "Oceanic" Aug. 23, 1B92

Stmr. Oct. 3, 1892Stmr. "Oceanic" Nov. 1, 1892Stmr. "China" Doc. 12, 1892S'tnr. "Oceanic" Jan. 11, 1893Stmr. "China" Feb 20, 1893Stmr. "Gaelic" April 11, 1893

For San Francisco.Steamers of the abovo Companies will

call at Honolulu on their way fromHongkong and Yokohama to tho abovepoit on or about the following dates:

Stmr. "Oceanic" July 2G, 1892

V3T Round Trip Tickets to Yokohamaami return, $:i;0.

B& For freight and passagti, apply to

H. HACKFELD & CO.,2G7 tf Agents.

Oceanic oieaisnij) Go.'s


S. S. AUSTRALfA'.Arrive Honolulu Leave Honolulu

from S. F. for S. F.

July 12 July 20Aug 9 Aug 10Sept (5 Sept 13Oct 4 Oct 11Nov 1 Nov 8

iutouaii link.From San Francisco Fi oin Sydney for

ior byuuey. San Francisco,Arrive Honolulu. euve Honolulu.

Alameda.. July 29 Mariposa .July 28Mariposa. .Aug 20 Monowai .Aug 25Mono wui. .Sopt 21 Alameda. .Sept 22Alameda, . Oct 21 Mariposa. .Oct 20MuripoHu. .Nov 18 Monowai . .Nov 17

T. I'. Hl.VI'.lllN. A. W, llOLSThll,

ALOHAGALLERYFort Street, over F. Gertz't Shoe Store.

View, Landscape & Portrait!Views of tho Island

Constantly on'HandbUCH AS

Natives Making Pol, Glass Ilou&es,Stlo Riding, Huliihula Dancers,

Cocoanut Groves. Palm & Date Groves,Stieet Views & Buildings, War Vessels,Shipping & Marine Views, Etc., Etc.

JQT Also a Largo Collection of allProminent and Interesting Views of theHuwnilau Islands either Mouutcd orUnuiouutud.BOOKS OF HAWAIIAN VIEWS

Made up to oulcr ut the most Rea-sonable Rates In Honolulu.

Cabinets $6 and $5 a Dozen4001 VST P. O. BOX 498 i rt'


I ftOifick: Room S, Sprockets' Block.

Mutual Telephone 208.

New Designs 1 Modern Buildings I

Complete plans and siiccillcdtlonB forevery description of building. Contractsditiwu and careful stipeilnteudence ofconstruction irlveu when icoulred. Calland exuuiluo ulans. ' 'apr291y"

t V 4 um JJfeSJrW.

OH-- i


Aro Receiving New Invoice! of


i ,


!ti t

at their



Where they are fully prepared to do allkinds of work in the latest stylus, at

the shortest notlco and nt tho

most Reasonable Bates.

Fine Job Work in Colors a Specialty I


t v: lullExecuted In the Most Attractive




Read the following partial list of spec-

ialties and get tho Bulletin's pi Ices be-

fore placing your orders. By so doingyou will save both time and money.

Letter Heads,Note HcadB,

Bill, Heads,Memorandums,

Bills of Lading,Statements,

Circulars,Contracts,, Agreements,

Shipping Contracts,Check Books,

Legal Blanks,Calendars,

Wedding Cards,Visiting Cauls,j

Busiiiess Cards,Funeral Cards,

Admission Curds,Fraternal Curds

Time Oardn,Milk Tickets,

Meul Tickets,Theatre Tickets,

Scholarship Certificates,Corporation Certificates,

Marriage Certificates,Receipts of all kinds,

Plantation Oidors,ProiniBhory Notes,


Programmes,Lubels of evory variety,

Petitions in uny language,Envelopes &. Letter Ciioulars,

Sporting Scores A Records,Porpotuul Washing Lists, ' '

Genoral'llook Woik,Eln.. Etc., Etc., Etc,

Printed, uud Blocked when dcBlrcd.- -

Qr No Job is allowed to leavo'tho of-- II

ec until it gives satisfaction.



71 tBeen Mtxyet. Uoaolula. H. I.




In the pierced work ilow so popu-lar nud at prices which you willconsider


For Such High Grade Goods,




"J. C. PFLUGER"And Other Iiato Arrivals:

Holsten Beer, Flensbnrg Beer,

Elbschloss Beer, Porter, Etc.. Etc.,St. (Louis & Milwaukee Beer, qfs and pts

RED RHINEWINES.t ' , Qparts iuiiI Pints? u . ,

Chue'tort Vli!e. Shefry,'Swedish I'uueii. uognae,

Whiskey, Etc., Etc. Also,



II. AV. SCl'lMlDT & SONS.400 lw

Kow LandingEX BARIC


A New Supply of tho Celebiated

Harzur SaMtanen1 FOR b'VLli BY -



2w .PIONISlflU


,AD .JtAJtEItY.tn '


F. HOIfctf,Practical Coufeetlouer, Pastry Cook A


71 Hotel St. -l-HQr-1-91 Telephone 74.

mm&3L Metropolitan

Mleat Company--

j ,81 KING STREET, ,

G. J. WALLER, - - Manager.Wholesale & Retail Butchers




The Best Lunoh in Town,i 'ii ji

Tea and Ooffoo at 111 HornsThe Finest Brands of

iiwri'"'lKi-- :i ToUacct4r'


A.lwayn on llund,II. U. NOIrii


initio V i. 'tiMioiic,PARAFclNE VMH C0.'8



Pelt Steam Pipe Covering, ail siics.





High Grado Chemical Cane Manure.




Refined Sugars,Fairbank Canning Co.'s Corned

Boef, 1 and 2 lb. Una.





INSURANCE.Harturd Fire Insuranoe Co.,

Assets, $6,219,458.98.

London &. Lancashire Fire Ins. Co.

Assets, $4,317,052.

Thames & Mersey Marino ins. Co,(Limited;,

Assets, $6, 124,057.

New York Life Insuranoe Co.,

Assots, $125,947,290.81


General Agent for Hawaiian Islands.91

In. G. MI & CO.,(MJtlTKO.)

Wm. G. Irwin. ...President & ManagerChins Sprockets Vice-Preside- nt

W. M. G I ffurd.... Secretary &TreasuierTheo. G. Potter Auditoi


Commission Agents,AOKNTS OK THE

mm Mm Goon),(If Hun FranrlHi-n- , C'ul.

" i ML


Lite, Firo & Marino

Insurance A&ents !


N6U England Mutual LKb Ins. Co.,


Etna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford,

UNIONInsurance Compan y .


C. BREWER & C0(M3IlXi:i),

General MercantileANU

Commission Agents.LIST OK OKHIOKllS:

J. O. Carter President & MunagerG. 11. RoberUon. Tieasure,E. F. Bishop , ..SeeretanW. F. Allen Auditoi

imtKOTons;Hon. O. R. Hlshop, S, O. Allen,

II. Watcrhouso.

For ftlouUlingH, FnunoH,PitHtelH, ArtotypcB, Photo- -rruviirus, JstchingB anaovory thing in tho lino ofpictures, go to King Bros,,Hotel street t


During the process ot deepening thochannel al tiie entrance to Honolululiiubor the Dredger will ho in opera-tion night and day. At night therewill be n danger signal placed on theforward denick of Dredger about SO

feet above cen level, which can be seenby all vot-tol- iippin.tcliuig the hatbor.The signal coiiaiKfo Red Redof lliiee ml lightsand a white lightus in the diagram, Whitethe ted lights beingabout 3 feet apartwith the white light"mi the center. Red

All hteamcrs crossing the bar willlop at a safe distance from the Dred-

ger and give one blusl of their whistlewhich will ho answered by a singleblunt from the Dredger, to be fol-

lowed by tlnee bl.if.ts from the Dredg-

er when the ptiMMige is clear and theycan piiiceetl.

I he Tug will be on hand whou notutlierwise engaged to abbist bailing craftin passing the Dredger when neces-sary.

C. N. SPENCER,Minister of the Intel ior.

Interior Office, March U, I8U2.UGO- -lf

The Minister of Finance approvesof the following list of persons to actas Deputy Assessors 'and Collectorsfor the year 1892 :


Honolulu T. A. LloydEwa and Waiaime S. HookanoWuialua P. MahuuluKoolaupoko No. 1 Asa KauliuKoohiupoko No. 2 E. P. AikueKoolauloa L. J. Aylclt


Lahaina David TaylorWailuku Win. T. RobiutonMakawao David MortonHana J. P. SylvaMolokui ami Lanai J. Nakaleka


Hilo and N. Hilo A. C. WillfongIlaniaktia Chas. WilliamsSouth Kohala. . Wilmot VredenburgNorth Kohala Eben I'. LowNoi th Kona J. KaclcmakuloSouth Kona Tlios. 11. WrightKau O. T. ShipinanPuna J. E. Elderts


Waiinea and Niihiiu Th. BrandtKoloa A. K. M tkaLihue J. B. HuuaikoK.i waihtiu S. KauiHumilei W. E. Doveull

11. A. WIDEMANN,Minister of Finance.

Finance Department, Juno 22, 1892.dft'Ml


Honolulu, Juno 21, lS'.):r.

lu accordance with Sec. 1 of of

tho Laws of 1880.All persons holding water privileges

or those paying water rates, aro heie-b- y

notified that the water rates fortho lorni ending December III, 1802,will bo duo and p.iynblo at tho ollicoof tho Honolulu Water Works, on thollrstday of July, 1892,

All such rates remaining unpaidfor fifteen days after they are due,will bo subject to an additional 10 percent.

Rales aro payable at tho ollico ofthe water works in the Kupuaiwabuilding.

JOHN O. WHITE,Sunt. Honolulu Witter Works.

152 21)1

Irrigation Notice.Honolulu, H. I., Dee. 2, 1891.

Holders of water privileges, or thosopitying water rates, are hereby noti-fied that tho hours for using water forirrigation purposes aro from Ii to 8o'clock a, m and 1 to 0 o'clock m.until further notice.

JOHN O. WHITE,Supt. Honolulu N ater Works.

Approved :


Minister of the Interior.281 tf

When you want a PortraitEnlarged cull on King Bros.,got their price liHt antl beosample. They eau't bo beat



Page 2: li O. u .oot.. McaiiiSu wichman a - University of Hawaiʻi · 2015. 5. 30. · at 5 o'clock p. m., touching ut Kahu-lu-i, Huolo, Hana, Humoa ami Kipa-hul-u, Maui, antl Paauliau, Hawaii.

? r ' "gg!?!g!L


Tomlurs lor Purchase olHawaiian Government


Notice is hereby ghen thnt undeiauthority of Chapter 38, Session Lawnof 1888, "An Act to give greater securi-ty to Depositors in tho Hawaiian PostalSavings Bank' tho Postniabloi-Ge- n

efal oll'ora for sale $50,000 of CouponBonds-o- f tho Hawaiian Government,such bonds to be in the deno-

mination of One Thousand Dollarseaeh, redeemable in not less than liveyears nor niuio than twenty years,with inleresl at six per cent, per un-

man, payable semi-annuall- principaland interest payable in U. S. goldcoin, the bonds to e.xptess on theiiface that they aio issued as seeuritfor the Postal Savings Bank Deposits.

Tenders for the purchase of thewhole or any pait of said bonds will

be icceived at the ofllco of the Kogis-ir.i-r

uf Public Accounts, Finance De-

partment, up to l"2 o'clock on FRI-

DAY, the 1st day of July, 181)2.

The I'ostmaster-Ceneiu- l does notbind himself to accept any tender, oithe whole of any tender.

WALTEll HILL,I'oslnuistei-Genei.i- l

Dated May 28, 18J2.Appro ed :


Minister of Finance.Samuul I'AUKEK,

Minister of Foieign Allaire.C. N. Sl'UNCKH,

Minister of Interior.V. Austin Whhing,

Attorney-Genera- l.

133 tf

Sale of a Strip of GovernmentLand at Kalapana,

Puna, Hawaii.

On SATURDAY, July 23, 1S92, at12 o'clock noon, at the front entranceof Aluolaui Hale, will bo sold .it Pub-

lic Auction, a Strip of tho GovernmentLand at K.ilapan., Puna, Hawaii, con-

taining an area of 10 acres, a littlemore or less.

Upset Price, $2.00 per acie.C. N. SPENCER,

Minister of the ltiteiior.Interior Ollice, June 24, 1892.

450 3t

Sale of a Part of the Govern-

ment Land of Eolo, S.

Kona, Hawaii.

On SATURDAY, July 23, 1892, at12 o'clock noon, at the front entranceof Aliiolani Hale, will bo sold at Pub-

lic Auction 2(30 acres of tho Govern-

ment land in Kolo, South Kona, Ha-

waii.Upset Price, $500 00.

C. N. SPENCER,Minister of tho Interior.

Intciior Office, June 21, 1892.45(5 3t


Parties having or holding unpaidbills agai'ist tho Boaid of Health foi

services l endured or supplies pur-

chased during the Biennial Periodending March 31, 1892, aio herebyrequested to leave all such bills atthe ollice of the Boaid of Health,otherwise they could not be paid.

DAVID DAYTON,President Board of Health.

Honolulu, July 18, 1892.

474 31-- 30 3t

Restoration Day, July 31nt, fallingthis year on Sunday, MONDAY,August 1, 1892, will bo observed as aNational Holiday, and all Govern-

ment Oillces throughout tho King-

dom will bo closed on that day.C. N. SPENCER,

Minister of tho Interim.Interim Office, July 19, 1892.

475-- 3t

C1IAS. T. GULIOK, Esq., has thisday been appointed Commissioner of

Private Ways and Water Rights forthe District of Kona, Island of Oiihu,vice Pieno Joiuv, leagued.

O. N. SPENCER,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Ofllco, July 14,1892.471-- 31

P. M. KALUNA, Esq., has this daybeen appointed a Notary Public forthe Second Judicial Circuit of thuKingdom,

C. N. SPENCER,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Ollice, July 18, 1892.474-3- t


Clean white rags suitable forbandages are wanted for use at thoBishop Homo and the Boys' Homo,Leper Settlement, Molokai. Ring up281 Mutual telephone and they willbo sent for, or leave tho same at theollice of lite Board of Health or at J.T, Watei house's,

.Queen street.

MH.JtfJ'.fc3BBgF. li WSH Ti yTTTSiiimmmtu

r i x-- ;

Pirtijii'd to uttth'r Urct no fi?ty,Hut established for the hrnttxl of all.

1UESDAY, JULY 10, 18D2.

Mr. loscpa would scorn, from hisinterpolation of the Minister of theIntciior, to be contemplating thoestablishment of nn advertisingagency. He can have the Bulletin'srates on application, and is assuredin udvnnce he will not be chargedmore than the Government, besideshaving agent's commission.

Colonel Norris a while ago adver-

tised that he would give away a largequnnlily of wood for firewood or

charcoal making purposes to Portu-

guese. He had no application for

the wood and is not a little surprisedin view of the hard times at the

ignoring of an opportunity for a freespeculation in fuel. Perhaps thoseto whom the oiler was made were

afiaid thai the labor in gatherim; thewood and cost of transpoi'.a ionwould leave them a margin of profit

loo small to he woith the seeking.

The Californian Illustrated Maga-

zine for July is a fine number in des-

criptive articles. "Pompeii," fully

illustrated by recent photographs, is

contributed by J. J. Pealficld. "Inthe Yosemite," by Charles T. Gor-

don, is illustrated from paintings byTlior, Dahlgren and Brown, and fromphotographs by Tabor. Other lavish-

ly embellished articles are: "Phre-ni- x,

Arizona," by E. S. Gill, Adju-

tant General of Arizona ; "A South-

ern California Mountain Railroad(Pasadena)," by Olaf Ellison ; "TheSchools of San Francisco," by Fred.II. Hackett; "My Studio at Mon-

terey," by Paul Vandyke; "ThroughLake County in a ," byGeorge Charles Brook. There is asecond instalment of the importantdiscussion, "Shall We Educate ourPoliticians?"' which might be usefulto Hawaiian students of politics, byCaspar T. Hopkins. In fiction andpoetiy the magazine maintains itsusual brightness. Both in literaryability and aitistio illustration theCalifornian, although only in itssecond volume, takes rank with thechief magazines of the United States,which nobody denies lead the world.


Counter Suit or Col. Xnriin Against3Iuiluuie de Ilcrlilny.

Wong Kwork Hang was convictedof embezzlement by a foreign jurybefore Judge Dole at term this morn-ing. A. S. Hartwell assisted thepiosceution, while C. W. Ashfordconducted the defense.

This aftei noon the famous Hcrb-Iay-Norr'- i3

case, in reversed older, isbeing heard before a foreign juiy.Samuel Norris had final judgmententered against him a while ago, atthe suit of Emily Ilerblay of NewYoik, for a large sum, being princi-pal and interest for a loan alleged tohave been made many years ago inNew York. After the suit was en-

tered Col. Norris advertised his pro-perty in this kingdom for sale. Inresponse to this the plaintiff broughtsuit to have the defendant placed inbankruptcy so that his propertycould not be sold while the suit waspending. Now Col. Norris becomesplaintiil for $5000 damages againstEmily de Ilerblay for the attempt toput him in bankruptcy. There is ahugo raft of counsel on either aide,drawing two legal lights from theirlegislative diitie3. For the plaintiffthere are Hartwell, Hatch and David-son; for the defendant, Neumann,Thurston and Frear.


The following names, not Includ-ing steerage passengers, are register-ed at the ollice of W. G. Irwin & Co.,to leave by the S. S. Australia to-

morrow for the Coast:Miss M Crowley, J Groig, E M Mar-

shall, Miches Mclutyie, Miss A Maud,Mrri M M Scott and 3 ehildien, TBrown, Ch.iiliu Cowan, Miss A Kelly,Mrs 8 Taylor and 2 children, Mrs 11

riponuur, Mrs Layton, Miss Brodie,.Miss B Ramsdell, Miss B CumiuiugK,Richard N Webster, F Tin rill, Prof JKeep, D W Kiator, G Vorlsman, RIlalstead, Chas llydo, II Earlsclifl'e,Mrs Beckwith, J B Athertou, MrsPeterson, Mrs Thos Maddock, F M

Soincrs, Mis V Spaulding and maid,Mm M J Kellv, Geo E Fairohihl andwire, Arthur Baldwin, T O'Brien, WA Chance, W H Chanco, Mies Gould,Ben llollidav, tho Misses Fairchild,DrW W Winter and wife, Geo IIMixer, S Cunningham and wifo, MissGenie Leckie, Mis Hamilton Spoucer.

The Prohibition Convention at Cin-

cinnati has nominated General JohnHidwell of Caljfornia for l'resideutand Dr. J. JL CranfilJ of Texas forVice-Preside- Tho plutforji) re-

fused to indorse free coinage aftera spirited debate,


Fur Mouldings, Frames,Pastels, Arte types, Photo-gravures, Etchings andeverything in the line ofpictures, go to King Bros.,Hotel street.

ihi-- -


Pedplp nt the Hlnnchtcr Ifotiftc Mdirt.li-i- l by tho Arrival of tho MIsnIIc.

There was a large group fromshore to seo tho life-lin- o throwing onboard the Oceanic Co.'s steamerAustralia at 9:30 this morning;. HisExcellency Samuel Parker, Ministerof Foreimi Affairs, lions. W. II.Cornwall and John Richardson, Capt.IloutUette of the Australia, Messrs.Henry Waterhouse, Sam. Carter, W.C. King, Fred. Turrill, CommodoreKing and Capt. Davies of Wilder'sS. S. Co., Mr. Fred. Whitney ofthe Oceanic S. S. Co.'s office, andthe editor and the reporter of theBulletin among othcis viewed theoperation. Chief Olllcer Lawless ofthe Australia was gunner for the oc-

casion. He loaded a neat little brassmortar with four ounces of powderthe smallest charge used and a longbullet coue-ahape- d at each end, at-

tached by a piece of wire to a coil ofsmall hempen line wound up in atub outside of the ship's rail. Thegun was pointed to throw the linoover the cattle pen in the directionof the beach close to the slaughterhouse at Iwilei. It was supposedfrom former experiments that thebullet would fall in the water midway between, the cattle pen andslaughter house. A boat's crewwas therefore awaiting at one sideof that point the arrival of themissile. The mortar was lashed to therail and sand bags were placed to re-

ceive the recoil. When all was readythe spectators were directed to standaside and watch for the flight of thebullet. Mr. Lawless inserted a shortfuse and lit it. Iu a few secondsthere was a sharp detonation and theline was seen to break halfway to thecattle pen, while the bullet with avibratory motion was visible career-ing over the reef. Then a cloud ofdust was observed' flying as high asthe slaughter hou3o a few yards east-ward of the building on the beach.A parcel of dogs in the localitydarted off, scattering in all direc-tions, and a moment later a numberof people emerged from the slaughterhouse as if stricken with some sud-

den alarm. Capt. Crane of thewater works service was in the vicin-ity on horseback, and securing themissilo brought it into town and tothe police station. The bullet is 15inches long and weighs 17 pounds.Another experiment was going to betried with tho mortar turned iu adirection where it would not endangerany people on shore, but Hon. W. G.Irwin arriving on board ordered thatfurther experiments should be con-

ducted on the reef at the quarantinestation, so as to be absolutely devoidof danger to the public. The dis-

tance traversed by the bullet wasfully half a mile, and it went so far,no doubt, on account of losing allchecks except natural ones bjr thebreaking of the line. It was thelink of wire that broke, what neverhappened in previous experiments.


i:nmliintloiiH in I'roirri'HH---- KiueNpi'clnieiirt ol I) nwlnc.

Examinations iu the lower gradesof St. Louis College commenced yes-

terday and were continued to-da- Avisit was paid the examination hallthis morning for an inspection ofdrawings and penmanship by thediffeient classes. There were free-hand drawings of animals, armoredwarriors and woodland scenes, alsocolored maps of the different islandsin the group. Special mention mustbe made of fiee hand drawings byFrank Kuroda and James Lane, whograduate this year. Kuroda exhi-bited two exceptionally beautifuldrawings of two bucks, fighting witheach other, in one scene, and, in theother, when both are dead, after theconflict. These scenes were drawnby Kuioda at home without the as-

sistance of the drawing master,Brother Frank. A woodland sceneby moonlight drawn by James Lanolooks as natural as the original andrellects great credit on the youngartist. J. Crowder, J. Lino, B.Apiki, Cooper and otheisof the firstclass had also on exhibition some ex-

cellent reproductions of the pen andpencil. The map drawings were ex-

cellent illustrations of the proficiencyof the young artists. There are fourclasses in drawing and penmanship,taught by Brothers Frank, Martiii,Joseph and Michael, and these teach-ei- s

merit great praise for tho youngartists' splendid progress.

At the time of tho reporter's visitthe 2d grammar class, under BiotherHenry, was being examined in Eng-lish grammar, geography local andforeign mental arithmetic, the different lessons being interspersed withrecitations and instrumental selec-tions piuno and violin by thepupils. The declamations by thelittle fellows were good, and thequick and correct answers to mentalproblems were very creditable. Adialogue between two nalivo boyswas laughable iu tho cxtrcmo andwas thoroughly enjoyed. Tho Bro-

thers were courteous us usual.


Mrs. J. II. Heist takes this meansof returning to Mr. Alex. Lylo herheaitfelt thanks for his activity injumping into tho water to savo herlittle daughter, and for bringingwhat sadly proved to be its lifelessbody ashore; also, her deepest grati-tude to the ladies whose tender andwilling hands prepared the body forburial, and to all the kind friendswho in many ways showed their sym-

pathy with her in fcr great and sud-

den alllietion.

The beat spring medicine is a doseor two of St. Patrick's Pills. Theynot only physio but cleanse the wholesystem and purify tho blood. Forsale by Henson, binith & Co., Agents.



V.x Ilptimoro."

The Pacific Hardware Co., Ld.,have just received from England an

invoice of tho well-know- n Doulton

Ware, comprising Breakfast and Din-

ner Sots, Toilet Sets, Cups and Sau-

cers, Jugs, etc., etc.

Their supply of Plantation Tools

and Supplies is very complete, as also

of Lubricating Oils.

Cnrbolincum Avcnailus by the bar-

rel, case or smaller quantity.

A traveling man who chanced tobo In the store of E. V. Wood, atMcKees Rocks, Pa., says while hewas waiting to see Mr. Wood, a littlegirl came In witlnan empty bottle la-

beled Chamberlain's Pain Balm andsaid : "Mamma wants another bot-

tle of that medicine; she says it isthe best medicine for rheumatism sheever used." 50 cent bottles for saleby all dealers. Benson, Smith &Co.,Agents

Golden Rule Bazai

W. F. REYNOLDS, PuoiMUirron.

Solo Agent for tho

Domestic Sewing; MacMie

This Machine ib now improved oas to make either Chain Stitch ohLock Stitch. It stands at tho head

NEEDLES and ATTACHMENTSfor all kinds of Machines.

Sewing Machines of all kinds

Promptly Repaired.

BJ3F" Don't forget that this is posi-tively HqCASII STORE no privateindividual can obtain Ciedit. Every-thing therefore Ciii:ai

Stationery and Blank Cooks!


Furneaux's Beautiful Views of theIslands.

Lawn Tennis Rackets and Balls.Base Balls and Bats.

Popular Bound BooksAt 35 Cents Each.


jfP?"Special Arrangements for schoolsupplies. 4G0-t- f


ITort Street.

Is open now and offers an un-

excelled Stock of Fancj' Goods.We make a specialty of

Stamping Patterns and are now

ready to take ordcis in that line.A brand new stock of Silk Em-

broideries, Art Linens, Tassels,Fringes, Draperies and otherartistic goods arc-- offered to theladies of Honolulu.



lyorc Mtroot.T. l SKVKUIN. A, W. II (1 1.81X11,

ALOHAGALLERYFort Street, over F. Gcrtz's Shoo S'oro.

View, Landscape & Portrait 1

Views of the IslandConstantly. on Hand

suon asNatives Mukiii'; Pol, Grass Iloiues, Ha-

waiian Stylo Killing, llnluliulii Ounceis,Coeoanut Gloves. Palm & Hate Gloves,Stieet Views & Uulldlngs, War Vessels,Shipping & Marino Views, Etc., Etc.

BSir Alno a Largo Collection of allProminent and liitcicstlng Views of theHawaiian Islands either Mounted orUnmounted.HOOKS OF HAWAIIAN VIEWS

Made up to older at the most Kca- -sonable Kates hi llouolulu.

Cabinets $6 and $5 a Dozen.4fi(Jl tor P. O. UOX 138 rtf

Desirable Residences

TO LISTCOTTAGE on Eiiiina street, lately oc-

cupied by Mr. McCarthy. Rent $30per month and water rate.

COTTAGK on King street, Kowalo,lately occupied by Mr, ClaioncoCrabho, Rent $25 per mouth andwater rato. 44a I in

rPHE WEEKLY BljLLltlN-2- 81 columns of Interesting reading

matters. 'Mailod to foreign countries.J r. IbIaiiHs i. " - r- -

. TTTa. ' t jfcxfc "'Ht Ms

Aiifitlon Sabs by James F. Morgan.


Leases of Mkm Site


At my Salesroom, bv order of II. M.KAPIOLANI, I will sell at

Public Auction,"



Residence SitesAT WA1KIKI,

Adjoining tho residence of Mr. W. P.Tolcr on the east.

The Lots have a frontage of about81 feet on the Waikiki road, are about131 feet deep, with a lino frontage of81 feet on the beach.

The Lots all have a fi outage on anunrivaled clear sandy beach. Thebathing is first-clus-c, being among thobest at Waikiki,

fl5ff" Tho Lots are staked outmarked fiom A to E.

gjSF" For fui (her particulars applyto

J AS. P. MORGAN,100 13t Auctioneer.


Desirable Residence !

On SATURDAY, July 2'3d,AT 12 U'ULUVK X4OV.

At my Salesroom. Queen street, I willsell at Public Auction,


'At Palama, adjoining the icidcnee ofMr. C. U Dwiglit. and being a portionof the propci ty of the Estate of Mai laKing, deceased.

The Lot lias a frontage of I'l feet onthe lane, and Is 100 feet and is 100 feetdeep. There is a

CONVENIENT COTTAGKOn the Lot containing 5 Jtooms Dining-roo- m

and Kitchen, etc. The Lot'is allfenced: water laid on. An unusual

to obtain a Convenient Resi-dence.

Qr" For further particulars apply to

JAS. F. MORGAN,408 IU Auctioneer.

Auction Sales by Lowis J. Levey.

LANDLORDS SALE!H heieby given that in ac-

cordance Willi the law in such casesuiado and piovided, I will cause to hesold the following m tides of lloongChang Tong, taken by me in destraiuiugfor lent, to wit:

1 Clock, 1 Medicine Cutter, 1 BambooLounge, IStcp I,addur, 1 KoldlngTublo,iiSqunie 'fables, 2 ( hairs, 2 Stools, 1

Lamp and a quantity of Medicines andIJnigs.

Said sale will take place at theAuction Salesiooius of Lr.wib J. Lr.vr.v,Auctioneer, corner of Foit and Queenstieets, on FJUD.vY, July 2!lth, at 10a. in. NG GOON.

472 lS't




AN 01'

Genie Italian Beers!

Comprising the following Cele- - thinted iirauds:





Now being landed ox "J. C. Plluger."1(17 2w


rpVO Nicely Furnished1 Rooms centrally located.

Eiiqulio J!ui.u:tin O llltu.:irH tt


R& 1M JOELY Fui nished CottageJt'yXU IN at Maklki near Heieta-bSSsSB- J1

nla-stre- et ear. Rent 10.00.Apply this olljeu. 401 tf


PREMISES, UlIteretania stieet, opnor

site Ap-R- .

ply to I. LILLIK,882 tf At Then. 11. niwle ,V Co,


.imjt, NICE CottJgo on Ilere-ffz- &

J,. tanla stieet near PllLoliSSSMOe stieet, containing I'uilor, TwolicdruoiiiN, llathroom, Diiiln'ioom,Pantry and Kitchen; Servant's Room,Can laire House. Stable, etc. Traincarspass every 20 ifllmites. Apply ofllco of

' tills paper, ' ' ' " " Wtl'



We Will Sell THIS WEEK at Reduced PricesBOYS' CLOTHING!






New Goods ! -:- - New Goods I

Pongee I)rapeiii,., 1'oitirio, I'lut-appl- Ti"mit Satteens,White Dress Goods in Checked and Mripod.


TATiTno1 nniTTiDinT'aliMllGD UaiLUABll 0

gX& A Great Variety and Low Prices. jS2!A FINE LINE IN ZEPHYRS, CRETONNE, ETC., ETC.

TSntlniiig- - !sr?aitt isn 4. Jo i.Co si j3.b!1 Wool!For Ladies, Gents and Children.

tif Call and see our New Goods

B. F. EHLERS & GO., 99 FORT SW3 UrPRHmaMuK undnr the inniiiigpinptit of MISS OLATUt.


New China, Glass & Furniture Saleroom

On Kaahunianu Street, Ground Floor, ith a

Large Assortment if to Goods u "Bohum."


Royal Worcester, Crown Derby,

Wedgewood & Other Fine "Ware.

lew Rugs Sl Carpets,English Furniture,

Rattan Ware.




Etc. Etc.

gns JP JR, 1 0 JMW


Port Street,



Gurnuy ReiiipraiAND

ic CHESTS,Ornamental! Economical & Durablu!

Eddy's Old Estaiii.ishkd

Ice Chests & RefflEBrators,

China, Crockery & Glassware,

Plantation Tools, Implem wis & Supplies

Paints, Oils & Varnishes.

Yacuum OH Co.'s Lu'irtcatlug Oils!

Always tho sumo; iniulo hv a specialpiocess and ahvuys enable.


Ml !







Fort Street,

Tn,. fill. A - tt Vl

" rr "JWrr' 'I:W '.IT -






EILRLIC1I &Corner Koit &



Etc., Etc.,



mmiml .


ia w. --..jVijd.i,T... -j- .Brw - 4TCWBFSHJ3 3R'JSiFT5' ' ttWT


Carbolincum Avenarius in Quantities to

PACIFIC 1IAKDWABBNow Block, Fort& Mei chant stieets.


Just Received a New Invoice the


' StockingsGuaranteed to bo Fast Color and Absolutely Stainless

rFor Ladies, Gent'e'nen, Misses & Children,

kvjj amp a.uoiiue Jiiapu.BEVHMHUKi-SQ-



CO.,Hotel tri'ifs




CO., L'd.,


atocKingeAayoAtue , i5et juaaefx v ?.f, KiA.i.MflLrfa.iag.ijjHra sttnatamfxmmmmmm i.Tl.fcf;


Page 3: li O. u .oot.. McaiiiSu wichman a - University of Hawaiʻi · 2015. 5. 30. · at 5 o'clock p. m., touching ut Kahu-lu-i, Huolo, Hana, Humoa ami Kipa-hul-u, Maui, antl Paauliau, Hawaii.

Wi-- W 0gtf1MiMW



iiio.n am Ai'nm I'liit. i. iwicr.

HJLTfcA.IjNJ-- .i

A.M. A.M. I'.M, P M.Lsavo Honolulu. ..0:15 1 :15 4:3BjArilvo llonouItuli..7:2C i):f7 2:57 Bs.VitLinvo Hpnnnllull..7::0 10:43 ilsll fiil'ifArrlvo Honolulu. ..8 :',15 11:15 4:55 0:501


Loave Honolulu 5:2U ....Arrive Poarl (illy 5 ;5S ....Lcuvo "car1 City.. (1:00Arrive Honolulu... .(1:40

Sundays excepted,t Saturdays only.

Siiturihys excepted.

Tlili-M- . Hun nml Moon.I1Y 0. J. LYONS.

- e, r o a,K Etl O 3 c o

DAY. e & e'5 g B g r

'PH.-- 6rJ p S h

p.m. li.iii. u.iii. run.Ainu. 18 oash lu 4 45, ft : r. 51 n u a stiTucs. in l en ,5 io ti :o :. 21 u 41 l :;

iii.in. i

Weil. 20 1 SO'U'JO I'. 15 S20 ft 2'.l 0 41 2 lilTllllls. 21 2 101 1 20 fi lOl S fiO ft Bil 0 11 :t US

Kli. 22 3 40, 1 40 7 211 10 80 A 20 (I 411 4 10

But. 2.1 3 :io it oo fi 20 11 :io ft :w 13 " oft

sun. 21I I ool ;i :io 8 4o;n io ft .w i 7 ao

Now Moon on tlio 2: tl at 111 Qui p. in,

rr fci js

Sjailti 'jJuTUt'iH

TUESDAY, JULY 10, 18!2.


Nor sh Morning Light, Johmison, HornNewcastle, NSW


Haw sohrLIltu, Hitelttleld, for Mierone- -sia.

Stmr L'laudiiio for .Maui and Paauhau, at5 p in.

Stmr U It Itisliop for Wnianae and Wai- -almi and Kaliuku at 'J a in

'Stmr Waialealo for Lahaina, Kukulhacleand Houokaa at !) a in.

fttmr Kiuau for Maui and Hawaii at 2p m.

Stmr Mikahila for Kauai, at 5 p inSchr Liholilio for Wahne.i.Sehr Mile Morris for Koolati.Schr Sarah and Eli.a for Koolau


S S Australia, Houdlette, for San Francisco at 12 in.

v. Am schr Alice Cooke, Penhnllow, forSan Francisco.

Am schr Transit, Jorgenson, for SanFrancisco


ForLaliaiua and llauiukua per stmrWaialcalu, July 1!) - Mr Hanger and 0dpek.

For Maui and Hawaii per stmr Kiuau,July 19 For the Volcano: Mrs bclmien-ber- g,

Miss Kate Gllinei, Miss A V. Wcs',A II Glasscock, Mrs Glasscock, Mrs XV

W Hall, Virginia Calhoun, Ki-.- and rsL'sborne, A A Moore Jr.. Ii Woltner, IvyUrns Wilson, C O Wise. Miss King, MissMirgo, Miss Fulton, Miss Stoicy, A A

and Mrs Moore. MissMoore, Judge Ilen-sha- w.

H M Htzgerald. F Andrew, andI' II Kltcat. For way ports: Miss Ap-plet-

and Mis Matson, MissKuapp, Master Vanlta,. Miss Julia Cur-tis, A MSproull T 1 Mossman.wife andservant, V W Damon, feliau Yau, theHisses Woods, Masters Woods, GBrown. J Mugulre, W D Sclmildt, JlisS O Wilder, Mrs J W Moanauli, T M

Dattc and 70 deck.


II 1 M Hiei, Mori, fioni JapanUSS Boston, from San Frauclsco, July

25Am bktue Wrestler, Ilurguiau, from Syd-

neyGer bk J C Glade, from Liverpool, June

15-8- 0

Haw ship Helen Biewer, from Glasgow,duo Aug 15

Am bk Mnigarct from Newcastle, NSW. . Bk (Jreta from Newcastle, N S W


The trading schooner Llliu, CaptainHitclttield, will likely get away thisevening for Micronesia lu the SouthSeas.

Tlio American four-mast- er Transit Isunloading tiic Danish bark J J Lotx, ofsome lumber. When she lias accom-plished this slin will leave lor the Coast.Captain Jorgciiscu expects neverthelessto get away w.

The Noiwegian ship Northern Lightarrived from Newcastle, NSW, thismorning, coal laden, and anchored in thenaval row.

The schooner Liholilio will leave thisafternoon for Wahnca, Kauai, with onebundled tons of coal.

The Auieiicau four-inast- ed schoonerAlice Cooke, Captain P Penlial ow mas-ter, will leave for the Coastwith n full load of sugar.

uiio steamer v u nan win uu uuofrom wiudwaid pmts on Friday after-noon.

The German biuk Paul lsenbeig ly-

ing at 111 ewer's wharf will bo throughdlscliaigiug lu a day or so, and willawait sugar for the Const.

The American baik Foret Queen,Captain Nelson, left San Fiauelseo onJuly 1) for Honolulu and is consequentlyten days out.


The Royal Hawaiian Military Baudunder the leailer&hip of Piofussor II.Merger will givo a concert this even-ing at the Hawaiian Hotel, at 7:30o'clock. The followjug is. tlio 'pro-

gram :

PAHT I,M arei "Dalhoune" , . . . , AnonQycrture "La Dame lilipiche"

IioleldlcuFinale-t'Luercj- cia Borgia" . . . , Doiilzetiiilteinlnisceiices of Bcliu". . ..Goilficy(One, Two Tlnee, Four." t'Maul Girl "'

"Wal Aulaul."f

I'AItT II."Variations on a German Song,1...Oi'bsMa.urka -- "Spezzia". ConeggioWaltz htmles" StiaussMcdley-"K- ed Hot" Beyer

Hawaii l'ouol.

im&i:foiik-- .; A3ft'iB-.-


Diamond Ukap, 3 p. in. Weatherclear, wind light northeast.

Tun 3. S. Australia will sailat noon for San Francisco.

Tiikiu: will bo a reception on hoardtlio U, S. flagship 8an Francisco ihKevening.

The S. S. Australia will carry alargo ninnbir of pus'Ongtrc

for the Coast.

Tun Royal Hawaiian band willplay at the llawiiiian Hotel tlii even-ing for llio bi'iiclir of departing tour-ists by tbo Australia.

A liAiiai: miniber of tourists left ontbo steamer Kin mi this afternoon forn pleasiue tiip to the Volcano. Theparty was a lively one.

A max named Donovan va filled1 in tbo Police Court thin morning

for drunkenness. All other easeswere lemauded to future dates.

Tin: new power press in the newBulletin building was .tried yester-day afternoon Willi tbo electric motuiand ran smoothly and without a jan

Mikh Virginia Calhoun was a pas-senger by the steamer Iiinaii todayfor the Volcano. Eveiybudy wantedto catch a glimpse of the popularschool teacher.

Tin: Hawaiian Quintet Club gavesovoial selections, liotli vocal ami in-

strumental, at the Hawaiian Hotelyesieiday evening for Hie edificationof visiting tourists.

Fhi:d. M. Sumkiih, a welll-uow- n liter-ary man of San Francisco, will iclurnby the S. S. Austialia JMr.Soniors has visited all tlio points ofinterest in the Islands.

Ten native policemen wero dismiss-ed yesterday for signing a petition toHie Legislature against being com-pelled to drill when off duty. A fewothers withdrew their signatures intime.

Tin: lease for twenty years of fiveseaside lots at Waikiki were sold to-

day by J. F. Morgan at public mictionto Governor A. tf. Cleghorn for $1000The sale of the property on .Millerstreet was withdrawn.

The St. Louis College band willgive a concert on the college groundson Thursday afternoon, when allfriends of tbo college will be welcome.Tlio commencement exercises willtake place on Fr day at 10 a. m.

Hisu Majesty the Queen granted anaudience to Monsieur Vizzavona, Act-ing French Commissioner, at thePalace, this morning, on which occa-sion bo presented to the Queen anautograph letier from President Car-nu- t.

Life-siz- e paintings of His lateMajesty the King and Queen Liliuo- -

kalani arc banging in the oluceoi theMinister of Finance. They are tbcproductions of Mr. Cogswell theartist. Crowds of people ilock to seethe beautiful paintings.

Mn. A. Ascheim is buffering frommental aberration, which it is earn-estly hoped will only prove tempo-rary, from anxiety over the market-ing of a large amount of new goodslately bought by him for his firm inEurope, lie is in the care of a phyri-cia- n.

Mabthii Scott, son of Prof. M. M.Scott, will bo a passenger by the S. S.Australia to attend a courseof civil engineering at Ktanfoid Uni-versity, California. O. Sorenson willleave by the next trip of Iho steamerfor the same school and a similarcourse.


C. J. McOaktiiy lias lots on Lilihasticet for sale. li-- tf

Afteu shaving uso Cucumber Skin'Ionic. Benson, Smith & Co., Agents.

' tf

Siot.uun relieved at once by Cu-

cumber Tonic. BeiiKm, Smith ife Co.,Agnulh. l- -l f

Ladies' shampooing and hair dress-ing done at their houses by MissWolf, 7!5 Deretania street, MutualTelephone O'JIJ.

DEi.tcioub coilce and chocolate willho reived every morning early at thePalace Ice Cream Par!ort, Ludwigson,& Cron. Hotel street. tf

"Would you do it?" is the questionaddrcssod io all interested in agricul-tural development by the HawaiianIlardwaie Company.

Tin: Temple of Fashion is sellingat reduced rates, Ibis week, boys'clothing, waists and shoes, also ladies',men and children's shoes.

New goods have been leccived byB. F. Fillers & Co., and ladies will dowell to lead the lint, given in thispaper, of some of the leading lines.

HiiHTACK & Co, will sell AlguiobaFirewood at $11 a cord casli deliveiedfree between the following limits:Punchliowl, School and Liliha streets.

llwDit. LcLknnan has iv moved to

Alakca street, opposite the Y. M. C.A. hall, premises lately occupied byDoctor Lutz. Oilice hours,'.) to 12,2 to 1 and evenings 0 to 7. Sundavs :

10 to 1. Bell Telephone, li)7, Mutual,C82. 2-- lf

Hkstokation Day, July III, fallsthis year on Sunday, tlmreforo itscelebration is proclaimed for Monday,AugUBt 1, by the Minister of tlio In-

tel ior. All Government officesthroughout the kingdom will bo closedon that day.

Miss Mahv Lyi'Ki lately book-keep- er

with Fgan it Ouiin, is t" dustenographing and typo-writin- g atmoderate rates. (Jraduatu of Heald'sBusiness College, Han Fiaucisco,Oilice with U. J. McCaithy, .'15 Mer-cha- nt

street. ii-- lin

WIumi you waiiii a PortraitEnlarged call on Kiuir Bros,,gft ituiir initio UhL and neepaitinlcH, They oanM. Iio boat.



ToEsnAT, July 10, 1892.

Ilot'iilnir Ntmlim.Assembly convened at 10 o'clock.

Prayer by Chaplain and reading ofminutes by Cleik and Interpreter.

The foUowing petitions were pre-sented and tef erred:

By Hup. Kanealii, from llio flfllidistrict of Honolulu, 'thai the Gov-ernment pay the ohuielios at Kalililand Moanaiua damages for certainland taken lor road purposes To(Jomtniltce on Public Lauds.

By Hep. I'tia from the Hull dis-

trict Honolulu. (1) 1'hatS 10,000 beappropriated for improving the westside of Kanieliamelia IV road. (2)That S8000 be appropriated for im-

proving the east sidii or the Katueha-uich- a

IV road. To Committee onPublic Lands.

By Hep. Bush a petition signed byGO (said to be) mechanics of Hono-lulu, praying that the Governmentsupply them with means to leave thecountry. To Committee on ForeiguRelations.

Hep. Smith from the SanitaryCommittee presented reports as fol-

lows: ( 1 ) On a petition that a licenseto practice medicine be granted toone Young Tain l'ung; the Commit-tee stale that the power to grant theprayer of petitioner is with theBoard of Health and Minister of In-

terior and without the authority ofthe Assembly. The committee re-

commend that the petition be tabled.Report adopted. (2) On bill No.2-- relating to the suppression of dis-

eases amongst animals, the commit-tee recommend the bill pass, lleporttabled for consideration with thebill. (3) Bill No. 53, relating tothe keepers of stallioii3. The com-

mittee believe the proposed measurea proper one. Report tabled for con-

sideration with bill.Hep. Wilder from the Committee

on Commerce presented a report onbill 01, relative to creating liana onMaui and Makuwcli on Kauai, portsof entry. The committee say theycan sec no reason why one plantationlanding should have an- - preferenceover any and all other plantationlandings, and should tins bill passin its present form it would establishthe principle that all plantation land-ings that should ask for it shouldhave their landings made ports ofentry.

The committee further sa1: "Ifthis policy is adopted what wouldbe the result? Perhaps in some casesit would save the planters a smallamount per ton in shipping theirsimar to San Francisco, but is theicno other interests that would beinjured as much or more thanthe planters would derive. Ifthis policy should be carriedout it means the transferring of agreat share ot the inter-islan- d freight-ing business to foreign ships and for-

eigu owners. There is invested atpiesent over SI, 000, 000 in steamersand schooners to do the inter-islan- d

business and every cent of thisamount is owned in Hawaii. The'pay the Government a large revenuein taxes, licenses, wharfage, etc.,besides canying all the inler-islau- d

mails." The committee conclude,however, by saying that "they are ofthe opinion that Makuwcli on theIsland of Kauai is sucli or soon willbe such a center of trade as yourcommittee recommend should bemade a port of entry; we theteforerecommend that the bill be amendedby striking out the words, 'Hana,Maui,' and with this amendment thatthe bill pass." Signed by all themembers of the committee. Reporttabled tor consideration with the bill.

Minister Wideinann presented ans-

wers to questions relative to thenumber, names and pay of schoolsand school teachers, and stated thatfuller information would shortly bepresented in the report of the Boardof Education.

Minister Spencer presented an-

swers to questions relative to theownership of the landing at Koloa,Kauai, and to the effect that thelanding at Koloa, Kauai, was on pri-

vate property. The Governmenthad not to his knowledge expendedany money on it, for its repair ormaintenance.

Noble Thurston said that he con-

sidered that there was more back ofthis matter than appeared on the sur-face, lie thought that the Govern-ment did have a claim on the lauding.

Hop. Bush knew that there hadbeen appropriations made for the re-

pairs of the landing and building ofthe wharf. It was intended to befor the benefit of the public. Therewas no necessity of having the portof Koloa a port of entry if privatoparties only were to be benefited.

Hep. Smith said that there hadbeen considerable controversy in thepast relative to tills lauding. Thefapls is he knew them are that theproperty is private, that small appro.prialions have been made but notused. The Koloa Plantation hudspent a great deal of money in repairson the landing. The corporationwas opposed to the landing of liquorand therefore charged a higlifor wharfage. This' caused, 'the. con-troversy. He personally had notthe remotest interest in the Planta-tion.

Minister Widemauu said that thesaying that the "wharf-laudin- g be-

longed to the Koloa Plantation wasas old as the hills." Ho thoughtthat the moment the corporation com-

menced to cliaige for the use of thelauding then it wua lime to object.It was impossible for the KoloaPlantation to own the lauding, it wasassisted by public funds and tliopublic hud a riqbl thereto.

Minister Spencer nlso presentedreply to questions relative to howmuch had been expended on thebridges and other items of expensein opening Kuakint street, and tlioreasons for leaving the work uncom-pleted; stated (1) Slillo.U badbeen spent; (2) work discoid iuuodso that available funds could be ustdon more important work, tyid uponroads where tratllc was greater.

Minister Spencer in answer toquestions of Hep. Iosepa relative to(1) list of newspapcis in which Gov-

ernment notices had been printedfrom February to July, 1892, withnames of owners, and (2) llio stateincut of moneys paid ; said thatadvertisements' had been publishedand paid as follows: In Ka Leo,815.50, J. K. Bush, proprietor;Klele, S12J, Ilui ; Ka Lei Alii, Hui ;

Hawaii llolomua, S17 50, Corpora-tion; Daily Bulletin, 574.75, Cor-porati-

; O Luso Hawaiiano, Hui ;

Aurora Hawaiiano, Hui ; P. C Adver-tiser and Hawaiian Gazette, $10.Corporation.

Rep. Aki read for tlio first time abill to divide the district of Hono-lulu iuto tlvc taxation districts.

At 11:03 on motion the Order ofthe Day was moved and the majorityand minority reports on Bill No. 33,"relating to duties" were read, andtabled to await tiie presentation ofan amended bill numbered 33a.

The following bills were then readfor a second time and referred :

Bill 101, to regulate the slaughter-ing and the sale of beef. To SanitaryCommittee.

Bill 4, to amend the law "to pro-vide for and regulate the internalpolice of the Kingdom," was, aftersome little discussion and on an ayeand nay vote, passed to engrossmentand to third reading on Saturday.

Bill 105, to impose specific dutiesupon rice, was referred to SpecialCommittee on Rice.

B II 10G, to icgulate the carryingof passengers and freight. To Jud --

ciary Committee.Bill 107, relating to the descent pf

properly of deceased persons ; toJudiciar' Committee.

Bill 83, to establish the oilice ofpublic administrator and lo define hisduties. To Judiciary Committee.

Bill 83, relating to Representativesof the Kingdom, to a special com-

mittee consisting of Nobles Young,Walbridge, Berger, Marsden andHep. Bush.

Bill 85, to establish a college forthe Hawaiian Kingdom. To Com-

mittee on Education.Bill 80, relating to internal taxes;

to Finance Committee.Bill 87, relating to the crime of

murder. To the Judiciary Commit-tee.

Bill 93, defining duties of the Min-

isters of the Crown iu the purchaseof articles ; lo the Judiciary Commit-tee.

Bill 94, to license tramcar drivers;to Judiciary Committee.

Bill 95, relating to1 a Constitu-tional Convention ; to a special com-

mittee of nine to be appointed by thechair.

Bill 9G, relating to a tax on sala-ries of Government olllcials. Tabled.

At 12 noon the Assembly took re-

cess until 1 :30 p. in.


The Scottisb Thistle Club lastnight promoted Geo. L. Dail fromChieftain to Chief, iu an election tofill a vacancy caused by the removalof Chief Geo. Sandeinan to Hilo.Win. Eadie was elected Chieftain inplace of Mr. Dall. W. A. Mackaywas elected Treasurer in place ofMr, Smith, resigned. Votes of thankswere passed to Thomas Lindsay forservices us temporary Chief and tothe retiring Chief for his former ex-

cellent services bolh.iu presidingand in working for the club. TheSecretary, Mr. McDowall, reporteda snug balance on hand after payinglast quarter's expenses. He wasvoted means for posting papers fromthe reading room to country mem-

bers, of whom there arc manythroughout the group. A pleasantspell of speeches, songs, etc., fol-

lowed business.


Steamship Comp'y


The A-- Steamship

"AUSTRALIA"Will leave Honolulu for the above

port on


A.rr NOON.Bay Tiu undersigned are now pre-

pared to issue Through Tickets fromthis city to all points in the UnitedStates.

H3r For further particulars regardingFreight or PasMige, apply to

Wm. Q. IRWIN & CO., L'd,470 51 General Agents,


LETTBH of Credit on ClansrV. Sprcckels & Co. The Under willplease return to the Bank and receiveleward. 472 21

FOIl KENT or LEASErMIK PreinUea on Linina

L street lately occupied bym A. B Naoiie, a Nmv andDesirable House containing Kitchen,Bathroom, eto , etc. Also, Outhouseson the premises, will bo . rented orleucd. Possession given m o July,Apply oil the premises,

466 1m A. B. NAONE.'w '1

Ttey. Evidently Like 11 !

-- &5iiTA W!L

IF WOT; WHY NOT ?I'lcpared daily from Fresh Fruit, it

cannot ho otherwbo than wholesome,rclrei-hin- g and delicious.

Our leading flavors are Pineapple,Orange, Strawberry and Grape Juice.We have all the others but ourspecialties arc those named. IceCream Soda has also proved verypopular.

As wo manufacture our own SodaWater from Pure Bicarbonate Soda,we claim it is belter than that madeWilli marble dust. Those who havetried it, concur with our statements.

Having perfected the Ice Box wearc enabled to pioduce colder sodathan heretofore.

All ll.ivors with lee Cie.iin, 10, ;

Vichy Water, 5c; Saueibiuniicu Watciand Hunyaili Water.


DIU'tiGIS') M.

Coi'iu'V 1 i I Vr Jvlntr innlH.



A jPUy,




I herewith appoint Mu. M. GOLD-BERG, igent for tlio sale of myGenuine Sanitary Underclothing inthe Hawaiian Islands. Beware ofimitation. Signed,

PROF. DR. G. JAEGER.Stuttgart, the 19th of September, '90.



AT the annual meeting of stock-holders of the llanalci Sugar

Mill Co. hold this day, the followingolliccrs were elected for tlio ensuingyear:

President. .Clias. L. Carter, Kn ,

Vice- - PresidentHon. J. N. S. Williams,

Secretary J.O.Carter,Tieasurer. . . .Geo. H. Robertson,Auditor I. O. Curler,

Who arc also Directors of tbo Com-pany.

J. O. CARTER,Secretary II. S. M.Co.

Honolulu, July 18. 1892. 474-- 1 in


Okkick : Room 5, Sprcckels' Block.Mutual Telephone 208.

Now Design I Modoin Buildings 1

Complete plans and specllleations forevery description of building. Contractudrawn and careful supoilutendence ofconstruction given when required. Callnml examine nlaua. apr 2!) 1 v

Algeroba Firewoodat mo i'i:it uoito

Bl3f Delivered free iu any part ofHonolulu.

L. J. LEVEY,472 lw Corner FortA Queen sts.

Island Shells and Curios !

WIIOLKSALF. and retail, cheap forFort sticet, between

Killers' dry goods btoro and Frankueii.s siiou stole.

358 tf 'I'. TANNATP.

A N N U A L ni 13 Ell N G.

npilK Annual Meeting of the Stoek-W-

.1 holders ot C. Irwin fc('o(L'd). will taku nlacu at Its oltleo onMONDAY, July 25th, at 10 o'clock a. m,

Secretary V. (L L ii Co., (L'd).1711 lw


'IMIK undersigned heiehy gives notice1 that ehu Is the sole owner of the

jeweby buslines lieretoloro conductedfor her on Furl street, Honolulu, byJoseph Hiibash, That she bus deter-mined to clow out said buM nes and tocall lu all outstanding accounts, where-to c all parties owing accounts for goodspurchased or woik done at tier store tirolieruby untitled to make prompt paymentof the same to C. V. Ashford, at hisolllco on Merchant u'tieet. Mr. Ash-fold- 's

receipts will bu good acquittancefur all such account'',

MRS. K. BATOI1ELOR.Honolulu, July 14, 18U2. 471 2w


HAWAIIAN HARDWARE CO.,Fort street, Sprcckels'



IOJ .fort Street.


Choice MWE HAVE Till!

ats, Bonnets




Kill Jw

of and

a of

And !,

At 40 a4(111-- 1 in


frour Finoon i llkol fur sale.

The Lots have a of 1)1 feet onand are L'OU feet are

laid out iu fruit and treesand are all withlaid on Tlio of

Lots and thethat iiu

to theall

I can ho J.V.S. F.'20U



If to up the youwere to n

vou do itH.i w .uld I.If lonin you wero

to como outyou do it Yei-- ?

So I

nil areahoi nil but I

ineii to have areto by.

if ever for andt y you were ti diu

"ou do it Yi-..-

SoIt's time wo ,'omo

bin nib rera- back lo

yonSo 1.'file lu:n our foil up

In- - and andtrue.

Ii I Miid themore any two,

vou soSo I.


r I 8





Unequaled Paper

II. I.


Toques I


I !


Special Reduction in School HatsSJ-- FOR I WEEK



.'went t'e-io-'-t- s

Quantities to Suit!


HA0KFELD & 00.

C. BKJTO,Smith lCing


Keeps Compluto Lino


Every Steamer, Also

Fresh Vaialua and Kona Butter

Cents Pound.

IIIiVVK Residencestreet,


fioiitagoPhkol street deep,

shadecovered grass; water

throughout. situationthcfu limited makeIt Intending chasersshould niiiku caily applicationiiiiderslirueii, from whom imrtlculars

had. .MORGAN.tf

Picture Fruinu.s nuuloorder from latost stylomotildingri. Koiiovutlonold piolurort HpeoialtyKing Hotel street

keep with fashionluked ting song,

Would Ye?

upon current topicsaskfd strong,

wouldSomo think public matters

bore,Like opiiiion? they

standNow your Conn- -


Wi.nliiwould I.

stopped peoplefMin fleeing llaWMii's purse,

Sunn Lugi-liiii- wantntirro.

ihem Yes?would

plows whichshould light strong

"IIbnmiy Bukakku's"worth than

Wmild think Yes?would

oppo. Bank, Honolulu.






IV. IP. J.







Fort street,


ONLY -- l


L.Corner Streets,











mmBeg to announce tlio arrival of the

German Bark

U J.C. PFLUCER"11!) Days from Bremen, with a Full

Assortment of

DRY GOODS,Groceries,

Oils & Puinta,Bags & Bagging,

Market Baskets,

K. O IP IS ,

Demijohns,Comout & Fire Clay,

Hails, Tanks

HARDWARE,Vienna Furnituro,

Liquors,Minoral Wators,

Crockory,Etc., Etc, Etc.



Dprislit EiioG & Boiler !



.; :.MkkSIofi5LCEit$

Page 4: li O. u .oot.. McaiiiSu wichman a - University of Hawaiʻi · 2015. 5. 30. · at 5 o'clock p. m., touching ut Kahu-lu-i, Huolo, Hana, Humoa ami Kipa-hul-u, Maui, antl Paauliau, Hawaii.


Srfi?. 3L.O CJ1S9 MO.



PureiMalt and Highest Grade Hops !

6&-- No Com or Com preparations used in place of Malt, as is done

by other Eastern Hreweries, in order to cheapen the cost of their Beer,

and to compute with our wond-renownu- d and justly famed article.

With the Completion of the Mew Brewhouse,the Brewing Capacity is the Largest

of any Brewery in the World.Brewing Capacity: G kettles every 24 hours, G,000 Barrels, r 1,800,000

Bands per year.Consumption of Material: Malt, 12,000 bushels per day 8,600,000

bushels per year. Hops: 7,500 lbs. per day 2,250,000 lbs. per year.No Corn or Corn are used in the manufacture

of the Anheuser-Busc- h Beer. It is, therefore, the highest priced but theTirit wholesome and really the least expensive for its superior quality.

Annual Shipping Capacity : 100,000,000 Bottles and 5,000,000 Kegs, o

The Anlieuter-Buse- h Co. have carried off the highest honors'and the

highest class gold medals wherever they have competed. At all of the

International Exhibitions, throughout the world, their Beer excelled all


This Company have prepared a special brand of their highest grade

Beer, for the Hawaiian Islands, known as " SPECIAL BREW," with

a handsome label and in white bottles, which with their best " EXPORTAN1IEUSER" in dark bottles, heretofore inported, we will now

supply to the trade in quantities to suit.


U. W. MAOFARLANE & CO.,4J5"! Assent for ilie Iliiwiiiisui Island. tf

INSUREf D a e a f,! aeqygTaose Liie ass

Society of the United States.

An Eminently Conservative and Safe Company.



$ 26,292,980.56

FINANCIAL STRENGTH.The consideration of llrst importance in judging of the condition of

any financial institution (and notably of a life assurance company, the ma-

jority of whose contracts extend over long periods of years) is its surplusstrenyth. The Equitable has, over and above all liabilities, a larger sur-

plus than any other assurance company.

Assets, Dec. 31, 1891, - - $136,198,518.38

LIASILiriES, including tho Reserve on all existing Policies, (4

per cent. Standard) and Special flesorvo (toward tho es-

tablishment ol a Zi per cant, valuation) ol $1,500,000 109,905,537.82


This Surplus remains aftor making provision for every obligation, on a

rigid calculation ol Liabilities based on the standard preset ibed by the In-

surance Law of the State of New Yoik, which assumes that Assets will be'invested so as to realize interest at tho rate ol 4 per cent, per unnura. Inaddition to this, in a spirit of conservatism, the Directors of the Society,

on tho recommendation of its Finance Committee, have set asido a Special

Additional Reserve, looking towards even a more stringent ami conservativefuture standard of valuation than the law now prescribes.

ALEX. J. CARTWRIGHT,General Agent for Hawaiian Islands.

C. J. MCCARTHY,NKW OUMJIINb' Blook, Wehoiiant SntEET.


Route Collected and Houses Rented.

g"ST Any buBinesa entrusted to mo will receivo prompt attention.novH-0- 1

(Ty V" ",T" 1"!?-- , - hsbvj . je vmmi.

jifiLi nf a in 'ii i f" ''i'"""?S,wr'

Golta Hi Baasar !

W. F. REYNOLDS, Promuktoii.

Solo Agent for the

This Machine is now improvedas to muko either Chain Stitch onLook Stitch. It stands at the head,

NEEDLES and ATTACHMENTSfor all kinds of Machines.

Sewing Machines of all kinds

Promptly Repaired.

gjgr Don't forget that this is posi-

tively a CASH STOKE no privateindividual can obtain Credit. Every-thing therefore Chkai-- .

Stationery and Blank Books!


Furneaux's Beautiful Views of theIslands.

Lawn Tennis Rackets and Balls.Hnsu Balls and Bats.

Popular Sound BooksAt 35 Cents Each.


f.fc" Special Arrangements? for hchoolMipphes. KiOtf

PliOl'. DlLfflBtT GJAEGinTs


V-7- Sr




I herewith appoint Mil. M. GOLD-BERG, Agent for the sale of myGenuine Sanitary Underclothing inthe Hawaiian Islands. Beware ofimitation. fSigned,

PROF. DR. G. JAEGER.Stuttgart, the 19th of September, '90.


297 tf



ITort Stroot.

Is open now and offers an un-

excelled Stock of Fancy Goods.We make a specialty of

Stamping Patterns and are nowready to take orders in that line.A brand new stock of Silk Em-

broideries, Art Linens, Tassels,Fringes, Draperies and otherartistic goods- are offered to theladies of Honolulu.



Ifort Street.

Desirable Residences

aeo tiichc :

COTTAGE on Emma slreot, lately oc-cupied by Mr. McCarthy. Rent 930per mouth and water rate.

COTTAGE on King street, Kownlo,lately occupied by Mr. ClarenceCrabbe. Kent 825 per month andwater rate. 448 lni


Jobbing promptly atteuded to.

84 Berctania SI. "&XVST Bell Tclo. 280.451 3m


ht GasASPKINGFIKLD working orderand guaranteed. Will ho sold uponfavorable terms lo tho purchaser. Alfcoa few Handsome Fixtures. Apply to

JOHN PHILLIPS,H90 tf King street.

Tho best thing to send toyour friends abroad Is KingBros.' Illustrated Souvenirof Hawaii, which is gottenup lor the purpose and isnot an advertisement.

.. m&mjmmK ju.rMMH-i1- ! nwWjj" ftw8'igJi'iaiJwilL.JWgVYl "JW

THE LteiiAflE


Mokdat, July 18, 1892.

Afternoon HiitNlon.

The Assembly reconvened at 1

o'clock and general business was pro-

ceeded with.Rep. losepa presented questions to

the Minister of the Jntenor to the ef-

fect: (1) What ollleial notices arepublished in the local papers? (2)Stute tho names of the papers andthe owners of the papers. (3) Theamouit paid for publishing noticessince February, 1891.

Rep. Katnauoha offered a resolu-tion that the Board of Education berequested to supply the names ofteachers, the amounts paid as salaryand the number of pupils taught byeach teacher. Resolution referred tothe Minister of Finance.

Rep. Akina presented questions tothe Minister of Interior relative tothe wharf at Koloa, Kauai, thus: (1)Does the Government or the KoloaSugar Co. own tho landing? (2)Why are people, residents there,compelled to pay freight? (55) Hasthe Government any interest in saidwharf?

At 1 :17 Rep. Waipuilani movedthe Order of the Day and desiredthat he be exempted from a call tothe chairmanship of the Committee.

At 1 the Assembly resolvedinto Committee of the Whole, Rep.Kaunaumuo in the chair, and lookup consideration of items in theAppropriation Bill and in the De-

partment of the Attorney-Genera- l.

The item, "pay of police of Ha-

waii, 830,000," as recommended bythe Ways and Means Committee, wasread by the Clerk, but action wasdeferred. Other items were passedas follows:

Salary Deputy Sheriff, Wailuku,recommended at 21 CO, passed at$2-10-

Salary Deputy Sheriff, Makawao,passed at $2400, but only after considcrablc controversy and after threedistinct and separate votes had beentaken.

Salary Deputy Sheriff, Lnhaina,$1920.

Salary Deputy Sheriff, liana,$1920.

Salary Deputy Sheriff, Molokai,1200.Salary Deputy Sheriff, Lihtie,

Kauai, $1920.Salary Deputy Sheriff, Kawaihau,

S15G0.Salarv" Deputy Sheriff, llaiialei,

$1500.Salary Deputv Sheriff, Koloa,

$1500.Salary Deputy Sheriff, Waimea,

82100.On motion at 4:10 o'clock the

Committee rose, the chairman report-ed back the work accomplished andthe report was approved.

Noble Baldwin gave notice of ameeting of the Finance, and Rep.Smith notice of the Sanitary Com-

mittee.At 4:10 the Assembly adjourned.


The second ballot on the amend-ment of Sir Charles Tupper, theCanadian High Commissioner, to theresolution by Medley, presented tothe Congress of the Chambers ofCommerce of the Empire, resulted intho defeat of the amendment, Atthe first day's session Medley offereda resolution declaring the fiscal unionbetween Great Britain and the Colo-

nies, by preferential duties basedupon protection, would be politicallydangerous and commercially disas-trous; that an arrangement thatwould best conduce to intimate com-

mercial union would be for thecolonies to adopt, as

closely as circumstances would per-mit, a ve policy withGreat Britain. Sir Charles Tupper'sproposed amendment declared nsmall differential duty should beadopted by Great Britain and hercolonies against foreign imports.When the amendment came up itwas defeated, 79 to ill. Sir Charleschallenged thp vote, and a secondballot was taken nest morning. Theamendment was again defeated, 38to 55.

Mr. ,1. P. Blaize, an extensive realestate dealer in Des Moines, Iowu,narrowly escaped oun of the severestattacks of pneumonia while In thenorthern part of that stato during arecent blizzard, says the SaturdayJleuiew. Mr. lilaize had occasion todrive several miles during the stormand was so thoroughly chilled thaiho was uiiublu to get warm, and in-

side of an hour after his return hewas threatened with a severe case ofpneumonia or lung fever. Mr. Hlaizosent to the nearest ding sloro andgot a bottle of Chamberlain's CoughRemedy, of which lie had oftenheard, and took a number of largodoses. IIu says tho effect was won-derful and that in a short time howas breathing quito easily. Ho kepton taking the medicine and the nextday was ablo to comp to Des Moines.Mr. Iilnizc regards his cure as simplywonderful. Fifty cent bottles forsale by all dealers. Honson, Smith& Co., Agents.

ATrille Shopworn "Can I dareI ask that little hand for my own?"pleaded the smitton young man, "Itis only an second baud,"the young widow, deprecatingly.

Reversing tho order Gasket Ihave decided to marry and set-tle up, Dolley Most people marryand settlo down. Gasket Hut I amgoing to marry tho rich Miss Roxynnil nnv lira InhlqMV l'.J J VWfc.


wmwm y'

..' t -- i i f- -

I m ITBfl

In socking a medium wherein to adver- -Use your


Don't he deceived by the declarations ofunscrupulous publishers, but

examine Into tho


Of the two English dailies. You willllml that while the Hui.lktin Is

not continually boasting,


In a way very gratifying to advertisers.

Ml in LaciioiiYBs.

" ""?fFS"T - e

The uildorsigued 'having1 been appointeesole agents for the llnwuiiau


For the Celobrated

From the works of

BURHAM, WILLIAMS & CO.,l'liiluilolphin, I'emi.,

Are now prepared to give estimates andreceive orders for these engines, of anysize and style.

The Baldwin Locomotive Worksare now manufacturing a style of Loco-motive particularly adapted

For Plantation Purposes,

A number of which have recently beenreceived at these Islands, and we willhave pleasure in furnishing plantationagents and managers with particularof same

The superiority of these Locomotivesover all other makes Is not ouly knownhere but is acknowledged throughoutthe United States.

Wm. G. IRWIN & Co., L'd.Sole Agents for Hawaiian Islands.

F U R LEAAt Haualei, ilsiil Kiual

The Princeville Plantation Co,'s

Sugar Plantation

Now in possession of Chas. Koellhuj.

This is a Complete Sugar Kitale, withNew Diffusion Works, capable of mak-ing 12 tons of sugar each 24 hours.

Tho Lands are all fenced, and Ditchesand flumes are all In order for Irrigat-ing.

There are louses for Manager, andOverseers, and Laborers; Hail Tracksfor transportation, and Implements, Allwill be leased for a term of years.

There are 2.")0 Acres of Plant Cane and2)0 Acres of First Rattoons to cut offin December and January next. AlsoOxen and Mules, all of which can bopuiehused.

tar Possession to ho given July 1,181)2.

This affords a tine opportunity for acompany to be organized.

t&f For terms, which will be com-mensurate to the times, apply to

W, P. ALLEN,President P. P. Co., over lilshop &

Co.'s Hank. S4-- 4t



White & Black SandWhich wo will sell at tho very lowest

market rates foi oasu.Bell Tolo. 414. -- aoier Mutual Tele. 19,

my 20-9- 2

Mhhhi'h. King Bros, areshowing a lints lino ol Bam-boo ami other stylo ParlorEjihoIh, Wall BraolcotH andWindow Cornices at prices

1 to meet HlH times.

HNIinportor and

Steel ml ton Ranges,


Housekeeping Goods &, Kitcken Utensils,AGATE WARE IN LARGE VARIETY.


Crockery, Rubber Hose, Lift and Force Pumps,

Water Closets, Water and Soil Pipes,

Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet iron Work,nm .! KloU." Wow. V?5 Ac S'5' KU&'. mm-(-

Builders' & Genet al Hardware,

Agricultural Implements,




Cllt General lerctouise,

Blake's Steam Pumps,

Westoix's Centrifugals,WILCOX & GIBB'S, AND REMINGTON

bEWING MACHINES.wimw wuima mw

p. o. box 480. : Mm WSL

"Went Cor. JNiinsiun



- Saturday


Telephones, 17fv

Dcalor in

Stoves ifl Fixtures,





C3 OooCO

C3. ttCO

Ml : mutual tel. 90.

Ss Iin !tioetH.


Evenings till 9 o'clock.- -

3&g& -- P. O. Box 372.

a n m

Mil. HI MM

- -- Cor. Edinburgh & Queen StB.


-- P. O. Box 297.

--Telephono No. 92.


SP7 If you want to save time and money buy your Furniture", etc., at thoI. X. L., corner Nuuaiiu and Iiln street- -

Bgy- - Found the place to buy .Now and Second-han- d Furniture of all kinds atlowest prices, the I. X. L., comer Nnuanii and King streets.

Vc& Ucdrooni Sets, Waulrobes, Ice Boxes, Stoves, Chairs, Hanging Lamps,Rugs, Bureaus, Chcffoniers, etc., sold cheap for cash at the I. X. L., corner Nuu-au- u

and King streets.tt&" Steamer and Veranda Chairs, Sofas, Bed Lounges, Baby Cribs, Clothes

Baskets-- , Sewing .Machines, Whatnots, .Meat -- afes, Trunks, etc., sold at the lowestcash prices at the 1. X. L., New and Second-han- d Furniture Ilouse, corner Nuu-au- u

and King streets.o

S. W.

Store Open

No. Ill)

Jm. nummts, lihuuhi diuuk,King Street, bet. Fort & Alakea Streets, ' '"


Groceries, Provisions, Flour & Feed.Fresh California Boll Butter & Island Butter


New Goods received by every steamers from San Francisco.gj& All orders faithlully attended to and satisfaction guaiantecd. Island

orders bolicited and uueked with earn.

No. &g&j--j .

$ If





ij.ilifornia Wheat, Oat Hay, in largo and compressed bales ; Barley, Rolled4 Ground Hurley, California & Now Zealand Oats, Middlings, Bran, Corn,

Cracked Corn, Wheat, Etc, Etc., Etc., Etc. Also,

Drifted Snow and Victor Flour: IP Sil li, rX' I .L. I 55 IS JLfc H s

Vo keop constantly m stock tho celebrated Fortilizors manufactured by Mr.X. Haas of San Francisco, viz.: Bono Meal, Wool Dust and High GiadoSuper Phosphates, all of which can be had at bedrock prices.

$JSF Island orders solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. jBfi?

Telephone 240.

LEWIS & CO., Ill Fort Street,HONOLULU, H. I.,

Importers, Wholesale & Retail Dealers in Groceries & Provisions,uar on iok -

By each steamer of tho O. S. S. Co. from California fresh Calafornia RollButter, Frozen Oysters and Fresh California Fruits, Fish, Game, Vegotableb,etc., otc. A complete lino of Crosso & Blackwell's & J. T. Morton's Canned& Bottled Goods uhvuys on hand. Also, just received a fresh lino of GermanPates and Potted Meats and Bottled Preserved Fruits, Lowis & Co.'s MalteseBrand Sugar Cured Hams and Bacon, Now Breakfast Coreals, Cream OatFlakes and Cream Wheat Flakes, Sicily Lemons and California RiversideOranges, Oregon Burhauk Potatoes, Etc., Etc.. Etc. Satisfaction guaranteed.

P. O. Box 145..





Groceries, Provisions and Feed,EAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS.

oNow Goods received by ovory paekot from Eastern States and Europe,

Fresh California Produce by ovory steamer. All orders faithfully attendedto and Goods delivered to any part of tho city free of 'charge. Island orderseolioitod, Satisfaction guaranteed. 1--

