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lia Patterns in welldressed - Library of...

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v Tr u- I F f 0 1 SEMIWEEKLY INTERIOR JOURNAL VOL XXVIII STANFORD KY FRIDAY MAY 11 1900 9 A M NO 20 JNEWS OF THE VICINAGE Tbo Red Men will meet in Danvlllo noxt year May 8 and D MUs Itulhy Mason has been appoint ¬ cd postmaster al Ivy Dell county Judgo l1 Morrow roe been Invited I to deliver the decoration day address at Nashrlljo Ira Dorry was run over by a K C train at Red Houso and killed Ho mar ricd a Miss Shearer who survives Dr H G Colson a nophow of Col D G Colson died at Sonora Texas dwhere married Miss Nannie Boggs or Madl ¬ son OlTulta planing mill at Lebanon burned together with all the macbln cry patterns and a lot of dressed turn bar Loss 10000 Insurance 2000 Mr W G McRobaru an old Dan vlllo lad Is now holding a pleasant po sltlon with Hooker Co extensive vehicle and Implement dealers In San Francisco TMShermin the cashier of the company Is from Lincoln coun ty Advocato Mr Gilbert Is trying to obtain deal lone In tho court of claims on lobo claims of John Motes heirs Jcssatnlno county 1000 John L Walker Boylo I county 2700 Jae F Edwards Uoyle county 1500 T M Arnolds heirs I Garrard county 500 IMATRIMONIAL MATTERS Pulaikl Teen died of grief caused by the loss of bis I wife 11Jobn Brice son of too dead million ¬ t alma senator of Ohio married a chorus I girl In tho Itoundora Co at Cambridge Mass Joseph Love yardmaster of the Q ft O at Somerset and Mss Ellen Payne of tbo same city wore married at Lex ¬ ington 1Huroh Wade a Cleveland 0 youtb through tho head when the girl beloved told him she cared nothing for him In Munolo a man aged 84 years married a miss aged 61 years They have bona lovers for 40 years but love s young dream saver became n reality until this weekb novel entitled How Ho Loved Her or All tho Dam Fools aro Not Dead Louis Boon handsome and wealthy went toLoganport fed form Indian ¬ three months ago and asked lobo itbreak hospital physicians to his Jogs and make them straight Ho bad a pronounced curvature In both limbs below the knees and was deter- mined to undergo the operation because bU sweetheart made sport of tboI bow Ho waa chloroformed and placed on the operating table Tbo flesh and skin wero out at tho polo Is where tho break woro detlrcd and the bones wero notched clear around with a chisel altar which they wero easily snapped In two The young man suf fered Intensely for weeks before the bones began to knit Ho will be dis ¬ charged soon a full Inch taller than when he entered the hospital Ibo l straightening of the bones having made that gain In his stature As soon as bo out bo will marry the girl who objected to his bow legs PREVENTIVE OF BLACKLEG BURUXOTON Wis May 0 Seeing an article In your paper on blackleg and other diseases among cattle writt- en by Dr Steele Halley I request tho privilege of stating to you and tho cc- t tie raisers of your vicinity what I ka ° about dlBcaso In cattlo Blackleg An ¬ I thrax Rinderpest Lung Plaque Texas fever and Tuberculosis are all duo germs that multiply oti the surface of the body and enter tho flesh throu the punctures made by biting Insect- This I can prove and will also bo will 7veterinarian Icy that I am right If cattlo raisers wish to prevent tho dleoaaas and also tho dlseaso cau8ln premature births they must learn dip their cattle three or four times a year to keep thoso germs oil tho flesh In a solution of some kind strong enough to kill the germs Thoso no can not rlso In Lice air BO those dise es aro not caused by tho eating drink ¬ log and Inhaling of lobo germs Three years ago I proved to tho mon of our experiment station at Madison that Tuberculosis was not caused by t eating drinking or inhaling of t germs In human kind or animals Tiioy thanked inn und bought u herd of tu ¬ bercular cuttlo at once to axporlraoht on cud thus far I havo not heard wh headway they havo mado I am svl log to answer any question In regard to what I bavo said Vaccination torI thoto diseases Is useless Respectfully Miss M CUNNINGHAM I RED HOT FROM THE GUN Vtu the b NeiI Irk Mich IMcem tint ni raiment helped for 20 tan Then Jlucklen Arnica Tdalre turOO hlw Cures CUI llruliw Jlurtu llolli Feloni Curui Skin Enip I llwUiltCurjonMrtb 2k tot p- guanuleeatwa 1 V 1enny Drugglm I BRIEF NEWS NOTATION IGeo Iantoleon Garcia an InMirirem leader has been crptured In North Lu roo The street car system of St Louis Is tljd up by u strike and much rioting attontis any attempt to run the cars A boy In Mlddletown Connecticut Is suffering from mump chicken pox and scarlet lever all ht the same time C J Piper wall killed In Wniron county by lightning making the fourth to dlo that way In Kentucky In two ay Twentyonu people have died In Simpson county within the phut few weeks whoso oats aggregate 1705 yearn At Frankfort Mrs Richard Fergu ¬ byleaplDjl her residence wallkilled against a building to shelter himself from the rata At Coalton 0 Walter Harris shot and dangerously wounded his 10 yea r old son because tho latter played an In ¬ nocent joke on him Tom 5ha key knocked out Joe Cho ynskl at Tattcrsalls In Chicago At the ound of the bell for the third round respondAn In ¬ vented a now shell which tested Tues- day ¬ In a sixInch gun bored a clean bolo through 14 incise of Uarveylzed armorDavid Clay aged 42 killed his moth ¬ laY8Jeue doubtless tell a sheriff to put bis neck In u halter Last Saturday was a great day for shod la Philadelphia The catch was ottlmated at 200000 and the pile ea ranged as low as 10 and 15 teats f Ono specimens Win Uoldrlcb a printer nCU Lo Moorman wont fishing In Hank Lie near Covlngton and took refugo from a thunder storm under a treo Light ¬ ning struck It and killed both James Levy ft Bro Cincinnati sold Kcstlcr k Co of Chicago 12000 arrels of Cedar Brook whUky D3 to 00 make for 1000000 cash It U the largest single transaction In whiskies ever made It Is estimated that during tbo past 14 months upward of lOftXX wolves have boon killed in Wyoming In addi ¬ tlon to mountain lions wild cats vax bear and coyotes A bounty Is paid by tho Stato for tho heads of each An nlcctrlo car line has been run from Lexington to Nlobolasvlllo Bcd the cost estimated at 100000 to build It and another 100000 to equip It Mayor Duncan Is trying to Interest Eastern capitalists In the matter Edward Clifford who killed tho rail ¬ dllchnrJredblm His friends spent over 100000 In per ¬ sistent efforts to save him and bo had been sentenced to death avo times Algulnaldo far from being dead Is sold to have again taken the Held w Gen Tlmo In North Luzon Ho has a considerable force and Is In the moun ¬ tale Brig Gen Young has naked for rconforcoiucnu In order to go after him The sealing licet to the Behrlng sea andr is Tho average catch per vessel was 1323 ort Canadlw In 1800 and 1804 basI the Havana post- ollleo Charles F Neoloy fprraer trcas Ine arrest Rea vice and Reynolds have been suspended and other arrests aro probable It Is said JulyIn 80The State council of Red Mon In Witto Ilq SachcmjGus G Ellerkump Louisville Great Saga ¬ more W C Pelham Augusta Junior Sagamoro W C Dlcdorlch Ashland WIas n ¬ John D Walker Lexington Great Keeper of too Wampu- mAICCttlutyA good democrat wr lted coupho tS g sestina It seems to me that all the power of the people and the press should bo brought to bear upon Gov asII should hazard nothing ln tics next State election A new and untried man will not bo a sate venture Wo need an experienced safe man one in whom tho people have entire confidence andI ono who was not too closely Identified with the events of the lust election McCreary wishes to become Senator and now la his chance Once governor no power can keep him out of the otherI position MT VERNON There arc several cases of mumps In town Mrs Higgins aged about 80 died at poorbouBO Tuesday The White Limo Co are preparing to manufacluro their own barrels Marshal Short has 10 men In our jail that ho will take to Co vl DC too soon MIIII Wood of Durca entertained our teloplionu subscribers Monday evening with some Ono snags over tbo wire There lia wond n pump on thoJudee Pish farm near this placo made by Howard tbnt has been In use for 35 yuan The Shlvuly company of Cincinnati have purchased a tract of stone quarry land just North of Longford and aro opening U up and placing machinery for developing an Immenio quarry Other enterprises are to follow It now bevies to look as though Ml Vernon will have two banks Messrs Richard and Green the originators of too question of a bank In this place have secured sutllclont subscriptions t begin business aud wo understand Iron local stockholders the matter will bo pushed London and Corbin parties have been hero working up a rival In stltutlon and It Is claimed they bavo met with encouragement Fritz Krueger U In Hydcn James Marot went over to Lancaster Wcdnes day and staid a couple of doge Allen Lnndrara is feeling proud over she re teat Improvements made In his ofllce at depot Willis Grlflln Is getting up the furniture and fixtures for the Royal Arch Chapter Miss Calllo Adams Is visiting relatives at Barbourvlllo Hugh Millers children are grieving over the lotS of their little trick dolt Grant Baker was laid up some days with toothache orCRAB ORCHARD Elder J G Livingston will fill tbo Sundak grounds of the springs beautifull cleaned and will soon bo in rcadlne for Invalids Wednesday was a very peculiar de a heavy cloud hung low upon tbo cart all day until at sunset the sky a cool wave came on and by Thured a morning a while front chilled too bop of tbo early gardeners yet wo trust serious damage will result to the gar dons but the troll will doubtless bo Injured The children of Crab Oro4a Springs Hotel and vicinity entertained themselves and others by a pleasant gathering Tuesday night a cako walk being the especial feature of the ovc nlng Mr Cochran of Lexington and Dr Dick furnished tho music for tho occasion Miss Bertha Hofmann and little Miss Bcsilo Haldeman of Louls villa won tho beautiful white cake Mr M Livingston of Chicago mado n short stay with Dr Doores and faml ly W A Boaxloy and wlfo visit ed Dr W S Beozloy at Lancaster Mrs Bessie McGee of Cincinnati Is with her mother Mrs McGee Morris Ear ¬ thrte and brother George aro with their mother who sustained palatal lnjprl from a full lost week Sho Is reed easily at this writing Though nom ° what Improved Dr J S Stapp contin ¬ ues qulto HI with grip Mrs Dr Door 8 and Miss Ila Holdara spent Wednesday In your town Carpenter Stuart of Hnlfcy Is with his father Mr Win i Stuart PREACHERSon Tho 65th annual convention of tho Southern Baptist church Is In session at Hot Springs The corner steno of too Christian church at Cynthlann will be laid with Imposing ceremonies on tho 23d Rev J B Crouch has gent to Fort Scott Kas to eon his brother and Dr Wm Sbelton will nil his pulpit at the Baptist church hero Sunday Ono bundroJ and nlnotythren havo been added to lobo church at Crawford vllle Ind since Bro Wallace Thai p began his work there 18 months ago Christian Guide Pastor J E Watson writes from Corbin Our mooting has just closed Wo hud 37 conversions and 37 addl fleas 28 by baptism and nine by to ter Baptist Recorder Rev J W Lackey Is having t minutes of the South Kentucky Color UaptUt Association printed at tbla oflluo and they arc the boss written and arranged that wo have handled Dr Eaton startled his congregation at Loulsvlllo Sunday by stating that It bad been discovered that their old Walnnt Street church recently sold joistsl blo Elder C C Cllno seems to bo In bet ter business than abusing the Roman Catholics now Ho writes to lobe Chili thin Guido that his meeting at rayon vllle led had 42 accessions 23 of whom were males 22 were heads of families and only hrca were Thero were baptized over 50 two whom were over 00 LANCASTER Rev J C Masee will preach at Mansfleld Ohio next Sunday Marshall Scottand Miss Nannio Lane Deeda ¬ Our kid base ball team Is Invincible It beat Stanford and Paint Lick lost week and this weak literally devoured DanvllloJ S Co shipped 12 horses to Memphis They bought tour horses in Richmond at 800 to 105 and three In Uarrodnburg at 835 to 8116 Mrs May R Patterson Informs mo that the W C T U convention for the Sin Kentucky district which was to have been hold at Livingston on May 10 was postponed for a short time Announcement of dates will bo made laterIt understood that Capt Herndon will welcome too Confederate veterans at the Gordon lecture on the 24th and Judge M C Saufley will respond Tbo liceo will bo crowded Go W McRohert and reserve a scat J E Stormcs doodad the beautiful Stormcs homestead on Richmond Ave nuo to R A Steno for 2700 Mr Stone sold a lot near tho railroad to J S Minor Son for 3J600 and they h ave begyo to build a large flouring and planing mill which will cost about 20000 Como over and get a sack of flour The Lancaster flouring mill is being supplied with now tnacalnery throughout Seats arc selling rapidly for A Ken tacky Hero to bo given at the opera bouse Tuesday night May 15 Harry Leonard the veteran comedian with good Lancaster talent will render the popular comedy In a highly acceptable manner It promises to be one of the strongest attractions of tho season The ilaveeed parade slid band promise 5yQ Although Jailer David tau Is one of threee prisoners sowed two bars 2 Inches squareb ¬ dday night They wero singing and duoclog during the day and It le be thenao serving time for a mledemeanorAltred Preston charged with house breaking and Robt Currier charged with horse atrd Nicbolasvllle once Thoy will likely be arrested In a short time Mrwontto Bishop took his tomakank Lexington to represent our wigwam In the stood meeting of Red 101Llvlnllaten McRorerts and J S Owsley Jr kern hero Wednesday G M Patterson has sane to Louisville to hurry up tho new dynamo for tho 2lth and 25th Mrs Durham of Middlebnrg Is the guest of her daughter Mrs L S Wesley Drs Wesley Klcnalrd Acton and probably more of our physicians attended too State Medical Society at Georgetown ropubag was man Ho J Hunt MoMurtry and oth ers made speeches condemning the Goebel law and democratic measures generally and approving republican lam throughout Resolutions wero adopted consistent with their views on public questions and endorsing Brad ¬ Icy Collier Taylor and all other lead ing republicans Tho delegates wero Instructed to vote for Collier for rile ¬ trict delegate and Bradley Denny and Taylor for the Stateatlarge Tho ma jorlty report of tho committee on reso ¬ lutions did not Instruct for Taylor but Capt Horndon a member of the com mince on resolutions brought In a ml notify report adding the name of Tay- lor Ho made a speech urging the Addition of his name to which fbo con vcntlon consented Alter ton mooting Mr J E Robinson asked if a resolu tlon was passed condemning too assas ¬ sination of Gov Goebel and added that It should be done nt all public meetings REPUBLICAN DISTRICT CONVEN ¬ tTION beJudge W E Varnon who attended the republican convention ut Nicholas villa as a delegate tells us that Capt Speed of Spencer was made chairman and T M Cardwell uf Mercer score tary Tbo resolutions endorse MoKln ley and Instruct for him and endorse and sympathize with Taylor and his martyr band Gen D R Collier of Garrard and T J Ballard of Ander son wore njiraed tar district delegates to ton Philadelphia convention and J T McCllntock of Madison fur district elector with a colored brother Woods of Boyle for assistant W J Wil more was retained as district commit teeman John W Yorkcs made too best speech ho ever made In his lire thqof tlon law has got to be repealed j Summers Beginning I youknow helpful Serge Suits Fancy Light Suits New Patterns in Trousers Negligee Shirts Belts Thin Underwear New Summer Neckwear Straw Hats Canvas Shoes welldressed nice things MERCHANTTAILORINGCleaning THE GLOBE Your Money Back If Youre Not Satisfied Miller Hirsch Danville Successors to J L Frohman < Co TALL FAPEB For 4 Cents T- In my Store Paperprices We Hang the Paper Cheaper than Any Place in Kentucky You see the paper matched up Just as It will look on the wall and get it at once SupIJI1e8 ¬ t Ae E GIBBONS DANVILLE KYN- o 300 Main Street I W C GREENING IRCS ONVIILE KY Ices just opened and hm ready for your inspection a splendid stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE Including a full andcomplete tine of aARDJVAaE I lIe also carries Brick Lime Cement Fertilizer Old Hickory Wagons rtc IIo will both Ana manufacture Oil and Spirit Staves and Is always in the market for ISUnmJES He will exchange his goods for anything that he can convert Into money Call on him and take him your produce When You Need Paints Oils C nsult Craig Hocker Stanford Ot ItHeHl A C SNEICO- NTRACTOR i BUILDER STANFORD KENTUCKY I make close estimates on work and guarantee perfect satisfaction as towork manship and material as will be attest jjj ed by any one of the many parties for f yearsthat I carry a full stock of Doors Sash 1 Blind Metal Roofing Rough and Dressed Lumber nth Shingles Etc I will duplicate any prices offered N to 11tik W tl llt ll0l t iRA tti l American Wire Fence CI The Best Made Try It And You Will Be Sure Tb Like It Geo H Parris Co

v Tr u-







Tbo Red Men will meet in Danvlllonoxt year May 8 and D

MUs Itulhy Mason has been appoint¬

cd postmaster al Ivy Dell countyJudgo l1 Morrow roe been Invited

I to deliver the decoration day address atNashrlljo

Ira Dorry was run over by a K Ctrain at Red Houso and killed Ho marricd a Miss Shearer who survives

Dr H G Colson a nophow of ColD G Colson died at Sonora Texasdwheremarried Miss Nannie Boggs or Madl ¬

sonOlTulta planing mill at Lebanon

burned together with all the macblncry patterns and a lot of dressed turn

bar Loss 10000 Insurance 2000Mr W G McRobaru an old Dan

vlllo lad Is now holding a pleasant po

sltlon with Hooker Co extensivevehicle and Implement dealers In SanFrancisco TMShermin the cashierof the company Is from Lincoln county Advocato

Mr Gilbert Is trying to obtain deallone In tho court of claims on lobo

claims of John Motes heirs Jcssatnlnocounty 1000 John L Walker Boylo

I county 2700 Jae F Edwards Uoylecounty 1500 T M Arnolds heirs

I Garrard county 500


Pulaikl Teendied of grief caused by the loss of bis


11Jobn Brice son of too dead million ¬

t alma senator of Ohio married a chorusI girl In tho Itoundora Co at Cambridge

MassJoseph Love yardmaster of the Q ft

O at Somerset and Mss Ellen Payneof tbo same city wore married at Lex ¬


1Huroh Wade a Cleveland 0 youtbthrough tho head when

the girl beloved told him she carednothing for him

In Munolo a man aged 84 yearsmarried a miss aged 61 years Theyhave bona lovers for 40 years but love syoung dream saver became n realityuntil this weekbnovel entitled How Ho Loved Heror All tho Dam Fools aro Not DeadLouis Boon handsome and wealthywent toLoganport fed form Indian ¬

three months ago and asked lobo

itbreak hospital physicians tohis Jogs and make them straight

Ho bad a pronounced curvature In bothlimbs below the knees and was deter-mined to undergo the operation becausebU sweetheart made sport of tboI

bow Ho waa chloroformed andplaced on the operating table Tboflesh and skin wero out at tho polo Iswhere tho break woro detlrcd and thebones wero notched clear around witha chisel altar which they wero easilysnapped In two The young man suffered Intensely for weeks before thebones began to knit Ho will be dis ¬

charged soon a full Inch taller thanwhen he entered the hospital Ibo

l straightening of the bones havingmade that gain In his stature Assoon as bo out bo will marry the girlwho objected to his bow legs


BURUXOTON Wis May 0 Seeingan article In your paper on blacklegand other diseases among cattle writt-en by Dr Steele Halley I request thoprivilege of stating to you and tho cc-

t tie raisers of your vicinity what I ka °about dlBcaso In cattlo Blackleg An ¬

I thrax Rinderpest Lung Plaque Texasfever and Tuberculosis are all duogerms that multiply otithe surface ofthe body and enter tho flesh throuthe punctures made by biting Insect-

This I can prove and will also bo will

7veterinarianIcy that I am right

If cattlo raisers wish to prevent thodleoaaas and also tho dlseaso cau8lnpremature births they must learndip their cattle three or four times ayear to keep thoso germs oil tho fleshIn a solution of some kind strongenough to kill the germs Thoso no

can not rlso In Lice air BO those disees aro not caused by tho eating drink ¬

log and Inhaling of lobo germs Threeyears ago I proved to tho mon of ourexperiment station at Madison thatTuberculosis was not caused by teating drinking or inhaling of tgerms In human kind or animals Tiioythanked inn und bought u herd of tu ¬

bercular cuttlo at once to axporlraohton cud thus far I havo not heard whheadway they havo mado I am svl

log to answer any question In regardto what I bavo said Vaccination torIthoto diseases Is useless

RespectfullyMiss M CUNNINGHAM


IMcem tint ni raiment helped for 20 tan ThenJlucklen Arnica Tdalre turOO hlw Cures CUIllruliw Jlurtu llolli Feloni Curui Skin Enip I

llwUiltCurjonMrtb 2k tot p-guanuleeatwa 1 V 1enny Drugglm I


IGeo Iantoleon Garcia an InMiriremleader has been crptured In North Luroo

The street car system of St Louis Istljd up by u strike and much riotingattontis any attempt to run the cars

A boy In Mlddletown ConnecticutIs suffering from mump chicken poxand scarlet lever all ht the same time

C J Piper wall killed In Wnironcounty by lightning making the fourthto dlo that way In Kentucky In two

ayTwentyonu people have died In

Simpson county within the phut fewweeks whoso oats aggregate 1705yearn

At Frankfort Mrs Richard Fergu ¬

byleaplDjlher residence

wallkilledagainst a building to shelter himselffrom the rata

At Coalton 0 Walter Harris shotand dangerously wounded his 10 yea rold son because tho latter played an In ¬

nocent joke on himTom 5ha key knocked out Joe Cho

ynskl at Tattcrsalls In Chicago At theound of the bell for the third round

respondAn In ¬

vented a now shell which tested Tues-day


In a sixInch gun bored a cleanbolo through 14 incise of Uarveylzed

armorDavid Clay aged 42 killed his moth ¬

laY8Jeuedoubtless tell a sheriff to put bis neckIn u halter

Last Saturday was a great day forshod la Philadelphia The catch wasottlmated at 200000 and the pile earanged as low as 10 and 15 teats fOno specimens

Win Uoldrlcb a printer nCU LoMoorman wont fishing In Hank Lienear Covlngton and took refugo froma thunder storm under a treo Light ¬

ning struck It and killed bothJames Levy ft Bro Cincinnati soldKcstlcr k Co of Chicago 12000

arrels of Cedar Brook whUky D3 to00 make for 1000000 cash It U the

largest single transaction In whiskiesever made

It Is estimated that during tbo past14 months upward of lOftXX wolveshave boon killed in Wyoming In addi ¬

tlon to mountain lions wild cats vaxbear and coyotes A bounty Is paid bytho Stato for tho heads of each

An nlcctrlo car line has been runfrom Lexington to Nlobolasvlllo Bcdthe cost estimated at 100000 to buildIt and another 100000 to equip ItMayor Duncan Is trying to InterestEastern capitalists In the matter

Edward Clifford who killed tho rail ¬

dllchnrJredblmHis friends spent over 100000 In per¬

sistent efforts to save him and bo hadbeen sentenced to death avo times

Algulnaldo far from being dead Issold to have again taken the Held wGen Tlmo In North Luzon Ho has aconsiderable force and Is In the moun ¬

tale Brig Gen Young has naked forrconforcoiucnu In order to go afterhim

The sealing licet to the Behrlng seaandrisTho average catch per vessel was 1323ortCanadlwIn 1800 and1804basIthe Havana post-ollleo Charles F Neoloy fprraer trcasInearrest Rea viceand Reynolds have been suspended andother arrests aro probable It Is saidJulyIn80The State council of Red Mon InWitto Ilq

SachcmjGusG Ellerkump Louisville Great Saga ¬

more W C Pelham Augusta JuniorSagamoro W C Dlcdorlch AshlandWIas n ¬

JohnD Walker Lexington Great Keeperof too Wampu-

mAICCttlutyA good democrat wrltedcoupho tSg

sestina It seems to me that all thepower of the people and the pressshould bo brought to bear upon GovasIIshould hazard nothing ln tics next Stateelection A new and untried man willnot bo a sate venture Wo need anexperienced safe man one in whomtho people have entire confidence andIono who was not too closely Identifiedwith the events of the lust electionMcCreary wishes to become Senatorand now la his chance Once governorno power can keep him out of the otherIposition


There arc several cases of mumps Intown

Mrs Higgins aged about 80 died atpoorbouBO Tuesday

The White Limo Co are preparingto manufacluro their own barrels

Marshal Short has 10 men In our jailthat ho will take to Co vl DC too soon

MIIII Wood of Durca entertained ourteloplionu subscribers Monday eveningwith some Ono snags over tbo wire

There lia wond n pump on thoJudeePish farm near this placo made byHoward tbnt has been In use for 35yuan

The Shlvuly company of Cincinnatihave purchased a tract of stone quarryland just North of Longford and aroopening U up and placing machineryfor developing an Immenio quarryOther enterprises are to follow

It now bevies to look as though MlVernon will have two banks MessrsRichard and Green the originators oftoo question of a bank In this placehave secured sutllclont subscriptions tbegin business aud wo understand Ironlocal stockholders the matter will bopushed London and Corbin partieshave been hero working up a rival Instltutlon and It Is claimed they bavomet with encouragement

Fritz Krueger U In Hydcn JamesMarot went over to Lancaster Wcdnesday and staid a couple of doge AllenLnndrara is feeling proud over she reteat Improvements made In his ofllceat depot Willis Grlflln Is getting upthe furniture and fixtures for the RoyalArch Chapter Miss Calllo Adams Isvisiting relatives at BarbourvllloHugh Millers children are grievingover the lotS of their little trick doltGrant Baker was laid up some dayswith toothache


Elder J G Livingston will fill tboSundakgrounds of the springs beautifullcleaned and will soon bo in rcadlnefor Invalids

Wednesday was a very peculiar dea heavy cloud hung low upon tbo cartall day until at sunset the skya cool wave came on and by Thured amorning a while front chilled too bopof tbo early gardeners yet wo trustserious damage will result to the gardons but the troll will doubtless boInjured

The children of Crab Oro4aSprings Hotel and vicinity entertainedthemselves and others by a pleasantgathering Tuesday night a cako walkbeing the especial feature of the ovcnlng Mr Cochran of Lexington andDr Dick furnished tho music for thooccasion Miss Bertha Hofmann andlittle Miss Bcsilo Haldeman of Loulsvilla won tho beautiful white cake

Mr M Livingston of Chicago madon short stay with Dr Doores and famlly W A Boaxloy and wlfo visit edDr W S Beozloy at Lancaster MrsBessie McGee of Cincinnati Is withher mother Mrs McGee Morris Ear ¬

thrte and brother George aro with theirmother who sustained palatal lnjprlfrom a full lost week Sho Is reedeasily at this writing Though nom °what Improved Dr J S Stapp contin ¬

ues qulto HI with grip Mrs Dr Door 8

and Miss Ila Holdara spent WednesdayIn your town Carpenter Stuart ofHnlfcy Is with his father Mr Win iStuart

PREACHERSonTho 65th annual convention of tho

Southern Baptist church Is In sessionat Hot Springs

The corner steno of too Christianchurch at Cynthlann will be laid withImposing ceremonies on tho 23d

Rev J B Crouch has gent to FortScott Kas to eon his brother and DrWm Sbelton will nil his pulpit at theBaptist church hero Sunday

Ono bundroJ and nlnotythren havobeen added to lobo church at Crawfordvllle Ind since Bro Wallace Thai pbegan his work there 18 months agoChristian Guide

Pastor J E Watson writes fromCorbin Our mooting has just closedWo hud 37 conversions and 37 addlfleas 28 by baptism and nine by toter Baptist Recorder

Rev J W Lackey Is having tminutes of the South Kentucky Color

UaptUt Association printed at tblaoflluo and they arc the boss writtenand arranged that wo have handled

Dr Eaton startled his congregationat Loulsvlllo Sunday by stating that Itbad been discovered that their oldWalnnt Street church recently soldjoistslblo

Elder C C Cllno seems to bo In better business than abusing the RomanCatholics now Ho writes to lobe Chilithin Guido that his meeting at rayonvllle led had 42 accessions 23 ofwhom were males 22 were heads offamilies and only hrca wereThero were baptized over 50 twowhom were over 00


Rev J C Masee will preach atMansfleld Ohio next Sunday

Marshall Scottand Miss Nannio LaneDeeda ¬

Our kid base ball team Is InvincibleIt beat Stanford and Paint Lick lostweek and this weak literally devouredDanvllloJ

S Co shipped 12 horsesto Memphis They bought tour horsesin Richmond at 800 to 105 and three InUarrodnburg at 835 to 8116

Mrs May R Patterson Informs mothat the W C T U convention forthe Sin Kentucky district which wasto have been hold at Livingston onMay 10 was postponed for a short timeAnnouncement of dates will bo madelaterIt

understood that Capt Herndonwill welcome too Confederate veteransat the Gordon lecture on the 24th andJudge M C Saufley will respond Tboliceowill bo crowded Go W McRohert andreserve a scat

J E Stormcs doodad the beautifulStormcs homestead on Richmond Avenuo to R A Steno for 2700 MrStone sold a lot near tho railroad to JS Minor Son for 3J600 and theyhave begyo to build a large flouringand planing mill which will cost about20000 Como over and get a sack offlour The Lancaster flouring mill isbeing supplied with now tnacalnerythroughout

Seats arc selling rapidly for A Kentacky Hero to bo given at the operabouse Tuesday night May 15 HarryLeonard the veteran comedian withgood Lancaster talent will render thepopular comedy In a highly acceptablemanner It promises to be one of thestrongest attractions of tho seasonThe ilaveeed parade slid band promise5yQAlthough Jailer David tau Is one ofthreeeprisoners sowed two bars 2 Inchessquareb ¬

dday night They wero singing andduoclog during the day and It le bethenaoserving time for a mledemeanorAltredPreston charged with house breakingand Robt Currier charged with horseatrdNicbolasvllle once Thoy will likelybe arrested In a short time

Mrwontto Bishop took his tomakankLexington to represent our

wigwam In the stood meeting of Red

101LlvlnllatenMcRorerts and J S Owsley Jr kernhero Wednesday G M Patterson hassane to Louisville to hurry up tho newdynamo for tho 2lth and 25th MrsDurham of Middlebnrg Is the guest ofher daughter Mrs L S Wesley DrsWesley Klcnalrd Acton and probablymore of our physicians attended tooState Medical Society at Georgetownropubagwasman Ho J Hunt MoMurtry and others made speeches condemning theGoebel law and democratic measuresgenerally and approving republicanlam throughout Resolutions weroadopted consistent with their views onpublic questions and endorsing Brad ¬

Icy Collier Taylor and all other leading republicans Tho delegates weroInstructed to vote for Collier for rile ¬

trict delegate and Bradley Denny andTaylor for the Stateatlarge Tho majorlty report of tho committee on reso ¬

lutions did not Instruct for Taylor butCapt Horndon a member of the commince on resolutions brought In a mlnotify report adding the name of Tay-lor Ho made a speech urging theAddition of his name to which fbo convcntlon consented Alter ton mootingMr J E Robinson asked if a resolutlon was passed condemning too assas ¬

sination of Gov Goebel and addedthat It should be done nt all publicmeetings

REPUBLICAN DISTRICT CONVEN ¬tTIONbeJudge W E Varnon who attendedthe republican convention ut Nicholasvilla as a delegate tells us that CaptSpeed of Spencer was made chairmanand T M Cardwell uf Mercer scoretary Tbo resolutions endorse MoKlnley and Instruct for him and endorseand sympathize with Taylor and his

martyr band Gen D R Collier ofGarrard and T J Ballard of Anderson wore njiraed tar district delegatesto ton Philadelphia convention and JT McCllntock of Madison fur districtelector with a colored brother Woodsof Boyle for assistant W J Wilmore was retained as district committeeman John W Yorkcs made toobest speech ho ever made In his lirethqoftlon law has got to be repealed





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