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" ; ..» •<-• •j».^«.«,x«.-*.-*MV-MirfMa*«&* %•*-»-•»»' Jb..****>-. a.j.r^ J S^S^1S«'a,--^C^S52S^S .1^ ^ ,t. d •»*ii»'«iM>wwimi*<»j>w>i ». waff 71 i ii l| «ii ft , , .,,,,,,,-r.™**^-^ f Reds Take Leper Solony From Priest 1 HLtatg KMIC—(Special)—C&ina's faaioas Gate of Hesvea j leper colony i*as beaa takea over by the C«mmH»ists and the: man ksaown tao tboasaads of Americans as "Big Joe" Sweeney bu hesen dUpo*«tied. C^OtSlS^pilIe^A^ »nMriw»wn»n.»iLirtiii>n^mJ ii i TIIIIHH'I wt IJITHIDIH m. wiftii^iiM»'ilWJiff»''tM«i^i'liit'Wi*tW!li*linfi|-' Bed officiates JornaaQy took ovtr f&e operation of the cotosay, after refralniaig f u s s interfer- em* tor almost two years. For Father- Jaaente A. Sweeney. 56- year old Mauryknoll Sllsstomer from New Earttain, Conit, this metis the closing dawn of his Ufe work eanong **the mamb ones' 'of South Chlria. A localj typhoon struck the Island. The leper colony at <3*e Moon, 30 ro&sa sosth ot Sun Wtri on an, Island te a* sso«th ol the Kong- l moan River . PATH£K SWKEStKf' cleared; the grows! himself and began ta erect permanent buiidliigs. On ! Sept. 2.1937. when Gate of Heav- en was but half completed. aj *m—m****m*&*mti'*i&!!!i* IBiwMWifemmJUijj wwutyim w%fe;1 #•?» Treasures From Deslfskfllif •r^j^&jjA-ta^t'i. 'iiW^W^ji^BpljlJlfrjiniiiiiliilnt Communist rt*s been placed In charge, and t h e Connecticut priest no longer has amy control over the lepra* asylum he found- ed and twice rebullt. wind reacted a velocity of 164 mlka per hour, the higaeai ever | recorded in the region, end flat-1 tened every structure in thei settlement. i FATHEB SWTEEXEY and hu! Father Sweeney rebuilt Gate I assistant, F a t h e r Carroll I of Heaven. It opened in the sum- Qulnrs of Baltimore, Md.. are mer of 19®. Witfcln a tew years.: •till living a t the colony In;he was earing for nearly 450; formed circle* In Hans Kong feel I patients, comfortably housed in i that the misaaonera will only be j screened, brick - and - concrete i allowed to remain at the colony buildings. I ai long u *unds hold out. j DISASTER AGAIN struck the Wtsen the money is iron*, it I colony, in the form oi Japanese' la felt that tfae priest* will be ex-1 goidlers, on March 23, IMS. They pelled, and t±»e colony shut down. (iTKrn out , nose \ e pn n who couW ] There U apprehension for ihfLjj, J^J }tii|ea the rest They, aalety ol tb« lepers, and many bumcj t^o 0 j the 18 buildings,; believe that the colony patients. converted the cpapcl into a' will toe put to death by the Reds. st able. and used the remaining j IT WAS IN 1933 that Father J structures as barracks until the Sweemey started to work among j war's end. the leperi ot the Kongmoon sec- tion of South China. Already a f^ipfe Cebbrdte »»*d*4 m *m. * mt*tisir of *te monk*. As a t*»t 61 good f»»h * track w*» load** with twa* vm and mm in Mom* aecotn' panttid by two ttwntas. When the Di*S»iMi. toM htm the CMffipni «« Its »»t* ajtrfwdl waached veteran of twelve years in the missions ol China, Korea and! Manchuria, he had prepared lor Ii mew tjsfcs by aturtles In Dam ' len leper cokmg on Moloka! In j the Hawaiian Islands, In China's asyliun al Sheklung. and tn the . Icderal leprosarium in Louisiana The first leper group he minis ' tered to lived In a dark bamboo gro-ve near the city of Tui Shaan "Sitting around tn thai )unfile darttness v^ere deformod crea tures with only stumps where, hands or feet should have been." \ he recalls. "Many had distorted faces. I saw one afflicted, Chinese woman, hideous to be hold, with a beautllul clfrht ; mcHT»th*old baby girl in her arms. The child, as Is often the case with c-hfldren of lepers, was spotless" When htas group errew too largo for the bamboo grove Father 8v«»««n»y moved to the hills north of Toi Shaan. to the Sun Wnl grsvelsnds. Alter three yemrs then? the Chinese govern ment recognized his work and granted him 300 acres for a nc* Jubilee In Jail Statevtlle, IH- — (NO — An Illinois Catholic couple who have spent their entta* wedded life in jail celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary here. Both their children have spent most of their lives In Jail too. Tho couple are Sir. and Mrs. Joseph Ragra. Mr. Ragea has been warden of StatevUle pris- on for almost SO years. Before thst he uaa warden at Menard State prison and sheriff of Clin- ton County The Bagen children lure spent their live* at the county Jail at Cartyie. IIL. sod the Stair pris- on* at Menard and Statevllle except when attending school. \\ Ulaxn Is now student at St Ambrone College, Davenport, Iowa. Jane, a graduate of SL Msryu College, Notre Dame, IndL. Is society editor of the Joliet Herald Newt Wrrden and 'Jim. Bagen are members of the Kt. Raymond Cathedral parish, JolieC front line was t« b * laid thxovujli the town of Casatoa Colonel Schkftl kniwpdjUfly realteed. that thin wight mean serious damage to tfi* ahbey. founded by S t BentdlcttoOXt, which had already been destroyed three times in its long history. It was Impossible for htm to al- tcr the commander's decision asd he set about persuading th* monks as discreetly as posulbJ* to leave the shbey and amvs Its* precious contents. -OF WHAT GOOD would It be to the world if, after the building had beer, destroyed, the two sides begun to accuse one an- other of baving brought about the loaa of Europe"! moat prec- ious c u l t u r a l kerltastV he writes. He first approached Abbot Gregorlo Diamare. "a roost ven- erable man over 80 years ot age," on October 14. 1943. "1 could not reveal any mili- tary secrets to him and tell him that in a short while the front line would run through his sb- B^BwiKiiytimiimflnit'itia.sr (NCS}~-A nan p*mer officer has <t«s«iibe4 of Moot* C*wiw> Mom Uw alley's detitrticUott % Wo them lo the Vatic**. Lt CoL Juliu? Schlerel tell* tht story London A s p *Wr*K» 8t mm ne decided to aalvage U» tzwwurea at great per*mtl ria* by «iv- tag aws^'tnfjormatiori when his commander, General CotittA of the Hermann Goerliut Pwaar 9m. Abbot. susjtldowt ftsayy vanl«toe4 and h« «H»d th« Ger- man nS^t ts M& hto all he coul4 COLONSU SOUUH.SL bti- mediately ocjtanlwdl a carpen- ter's shop in the abbey, vrtiere * few German toldlera and aomt Italian refugees ma4e hundred* of boxes and ca«es to contain paintioga ana other works of art, A nuriflstr of German t)ryck« were provided and wen sent «M to the Vaticsa loaded witrj price- less treasurers. E^ach mm ac- companied by two monka. In this way, the colonel telli, "I succeeded tn saving soma 90,000 volumes from the library and the archtvtjs. Amdae them were the whole Pauhia Dlaconui collection dating from the eighth Vatican Receives Finnish Minister Rome - tRNSi - - Ake Henrik Gartz, new Finnish Minister to the Vatican, presented hie cre- dentials to Pope 1*1 us XII at an bey," the German ofuoex relates » um e nce |„ W e F»apal summer To have done ao »-ould have | r,.^^,,^ at csstel Gandolfo. meant a court-martial — all the | A n nnUh legation was estab- more ao as I had said nothing , Ushed ln VaUcan Oty in IM2, to my commanding g e n e r a l bvU ^ nxx 1947 onlv g charge about my proposal" j &lkttmlrtt ^ ^^^ ln authority HE TOOK HIS courage in both , herc hands and saw «j» Abbot but, formerly Finnish could not Impress htm with the 1 ' idea of any serioui danger. He' Minister of Foreign Affair*, alto tried several times more as the , will represent hU country In Allied front line rolled nearer ( Switzerland, dividing his time be- and the danger became more iro-1 ^ m fta^ ^ Beme. mlnent and eventually had to r^.,.,.. . ^ . , _ _ <-„,<«,»„ tK . teU him flatly that If the attack ' ° uUlde the Iro " Curtate - the era Isunced s fulUcale assault t on ^ European countries still un- or succeeded in landing In the, represented at tbe VaUcan are German's rear the monastery 1 Sweden, Norway. Denmark, would be damaged. A German' Greece and Turkey. However, monk. Dom Emanuel Mundlng.: Greece and Turkey are reported and the prior, Gaetano FoTnari, in process of establishing dlpkv backed up his arguments. ma tic relations with the Holy The Abbot was at fast per- See «<M«I>VU»eB|hlUl wahe^HttrvihfJSt. Gw*t„ and, th« I4r*r wfth rwtae tn the J»»dwrjitint St, TH&msa Aquinas. Sott* «t otber diocwitmJta carried the «•«}• ot Robert ' Gulaeard, 5Hog«f a( ScUy, the Nortnatt Dv*t« «| Apulia ar4 many Fo|>a« aj»i tsom, n mm NOTWXG 10 &%« . •raj Cotvirad; of wtiat Ivra*d6lnn unui m$ task **» ear adymneed, Spat whett t #1 ao, not without *ome trepidation, t was MAT. aJsle to conviivce hirh ot the !RV portance ot the work, and b* twt otily itve wd€ta that it ihouM be co»Unyt4 but sent addUtowl kt'pat*. * "This was very neceaaary lw caase to addition to the abbey* own treasures the content* ot •evttral covefl)ment*owne4 laUef. Mt had been deposittd there tor safe custody. Among #m palnl« tegs were on* by teonardo VSnd, two by Raibail three by Tltttn, and a*vewil by Tlatorelto, GhlrUndalo. Piettr Brtugh*l and others. Trier* wert ajio the pm* tous vasea from Pompeii and the armor oi the aCmperor Chafl« The government-owned proper- ty was moved to • caatle In Spateto. At the Abbot's request the colonel ate transporled some TO refugee nuns to the Vatican. The latter convoy bombed, but without casualties. os^^f u upaffcasaV eassasjft jaba^a^i^Aebtiaaaataaa^aa^ *raj ««w*«t W W wVPsnMWIIMstWV ky the sate tra^istereace el tM see*y*a Meat taerei ftmtm IB^MHsa «se» (ftUl thtt*aalHII wM MeL ePCfaVtHCli M j l VriNfWVl Bs7i||f* I^L ~T**+* wtr* r*vwwMly ^^e^^wjs^Pen sn sjs) s^s^stssiwsje ^F^SW 1 SBeSfl^p fern ealag pat eate a tnKk." Once all the treasures had been removed the Abbot ctle- brsted a special High Mass and presented the panzer officer with a parchment of thanks written In Latin and bearing the seal al the Abbey of Monte Casatno. The Ab- bot also gave him in enamd irvd gold-plated medal. |.^ijii«i1i«H. ^- a^^*^% 'Wat CoWfaHi -^fattalaAla^laBBBS aartflaaa Si& llttsfl (•*naJS tfl-fl^w^ra i^l^a, 1 ^*"^?**?!^ wit »S iMiwIttf ^tfiti wplst ^ saV I t f t f t B a l ^aatfaasr9a asa^ a^taWlaVsJ- <*fg*&- ^w SFSS^^^S^SJ ^^ssae^s^^sj, SSWK.- ^#sfls/jsssflaaL' ^iKas^a' daaawafeaa ' aai "*- y u ^ : < »* ^••?SSB«|SIB^B»SB^ Vsaa) •ff'ff &• .vJW^p^. "*^, CSaafkl ' i #iti| mfalaV s%M 'ttbaat MM^^M^^ •J** llff* ^(^•WjRH^F s"Jfc |Wi j^Pf^^JT ! ^W 44^ llaa^iaa^a^' -^^k^m^^m ^jfit^LL* ^**^e ^*P*^*^^Tjp^e ^•^^^ss^e^jss^^ss^j '^a^a^erP?! It M ^ba Wa*fc af IWaeMskaMse -'||BtjfVmJL^^ u^ukKaka VfaUMaaa -S^k^^^^^^M ^P^*»fl^BMjfc ya^SBsaj(p ^T^HJ.y« : ^^^^•^^"^T^F* ^ # HfaWaaf W'Ajjgb' 'la^^A^^^, ,^^|^^ ^PWk Owrf «VeWe»t vle^W"? w^piP^ IBjPP 1 "^BF^W a t i ^BSff^aj ^^ *aaa^a&aia^as^sa^SBa^| tfaj^^^asaajF^a^F 1 ' aklsi ^ f ftias^ell 4%Mal'la« Itaaiet ^Vai.- «P3fl||*" wsW *#eTPP-^»ie PIW^BJ «•*» "-#feTeW -HI**' aysJya-fc Matai J-^lML^htt ^J. A^IVW f#K IlWflflWlfM •a* flVlaf^BafTePaB •a^sWWfc jf tWs*sJ"eFilwBrTBsV < Marks iumiv«ri*i7 Mary*!***, tf. *". •-* <«ped*J) A Tlfttto lay IlttMhtr irom Havunst. Cut;*, Brother AkyHua Mollner. will observe the SXh annlvsrssrv af hist #ntranctJnts the Marj-knoll foteltH >nf»*4«»n ao- rieiy CHI NovemWr 3Cfetes*&6 1* Msxyknoira aefikNf »ro4her. When Broths AJorahaa |el«e4 MarytmoU. In ltll, tht aockty Itself *s« only five yearf o14, Th»n 17, hi wat ©tie of thf flrai young man apply far m&W tanc* Into lh* Ittoth^ aM te«»y is lb* oteeit Maryta«« ftfathef In tiotet «t »#rvics. Foe Of Viiskaw Do«lg«t UM €1" ^Murder^ Tom, | | M s * « . „ ( N C ) ~ l t t U l f t ' s CaUaollo pcajsa ir tka naaa at arjatfllsW tUkakteaT "' ^^^^^ I^^^^^^^F ^p^ ^F^^^^* ^^s^^F^ag ^paaaa^^^v^^s^gjp lam whkh foUftwad UM t*ent 1 II la the asMnae a* Mas I -r-_*rr ~-.->. --.-.---^-.- -^ fftlld j M M m tajeiaaaaaea,^ m am M & .tn4 «r«uh CMk^* *'***»*- •gta 4 Mtoi>pwii*:. ,._ Kveei the social *mm wwid «U»w that«, «ifcii *•»>. l¥P<mcturttt«theskuu.*»diHtfi d*<^i»ll^rttta*»e^blr||st • * * sJtiifaMim arfsl f l a a sa JL*. •a^aVaaaaaatt ^isstl^ialasaaasl Walt A M i l yow are »«.«**.»** . iletit jBiuast eaU It aea^Mtaiasr jwdBfl #lBl R *ttff^W> "TW •Wfjjl e"Wpe«Jf %^^*")*« t<^*y< •«•••: JTfTR ^**. p ^ JISBjaar" tna* ] | thf Htt «t a jwratta,».. 4 v n n k , lataisa««eal ,, ae*feai'iaa . T^^*^™<** <f**W»v*J*lr*^^W w^^B^aaBBj a^a^ae, •^awaa^s^ssaa^a^BT aanj S^BS^BT a^ian^R ^^^^^^^^ff^ ! MBB% k^aasa ^Al^^Jr, A^a^y^aUft ^bav aP"^™" Tr'aWBre*' ^P"W"^^s^Swj| We^^m^paaaajp '"i^aw aha laatar keaaaal) *at ataaaa JV*er- ' • • * * « "^*aajP"b HPa^V^a^Pe. -^'^j Pa. ffaw^rp^e^w^5' -,'.* -ii^i * ttitjj' ''Itat" jBa^BafiBaaaBK ^jaiBu j^^P^PIw- ^t' a^jK j|k^L h j ^ k k j i a a . ilaast laatt AjaWk. Itlsa^am^L aaMat|aaAWba •*!"*• Olje'flS' •T" ,e™W^I^ ttaW leat tak*' ^' Wit Wt i in* T ^"sTHlF *^BP>^^^^' 1™^WPT W^*^P* ^•"••aaBBBM. ^ffaa^Bg a^a, arsaaaaajavS^BTi. .aa^a_SpwaiaaaaHiear ^^^pa^ ^ii»W a* a*%4sae aY-waaia' < aaa\. asaaaB^BaaiB^pi '^BB^ saas^F^^^^p a^K.> j ^^waM^SBj j^^a^^* x^ajp ^S^BB^BS^^MrtB^S^^BBV. ^JBBP|aa *^BBF" pr,. ™*T .-B^BBBt t Bf^p Vrllhaitil ail atisatiisiliill e,"Plltff"* 5r*- 'SwWw' T**WP"**™m' MlliAMiiuat -^'Ijh4t# tfcia< "j iilsBiMlleasat %*• linottC* WJJtlTt 99' 1I9|PM9>1 #n mm*$k tb$ »hmi*t\l{*x*m wit* ^iMfUlt 'ttf iiaiTta^eifalf*' tM'>Ja^alll gk|>JUU| ar^u^miT'^^'^tyiatS" ainVAtl* sHllfa^ Ii* fefegi m^^JBakat ; »}*t*W^ •%{ %Httfa. |H ^\*iBt*tff -|T»»a» ^A ^_^^^j_, •riaaaadalaaV paaaajp>^gg, t^tit»wlww>a!H"wf« i yL. •B^JSij^i^a izaaaMaal nllKWatil ItfVtn ^^-^ ' ^^Ljb^j^l^ ^^^^s^^^-t >^.^^tiby|V^^. s^aj^^s. ^Rr^eaaaaFa|B^f^_ _ i ^ap^^^^ar^^^^ # a^^^B^p^aaRrjp"' -^^^BaBp'» ^Bss^p^^ajja,. ^psPi- 3 ^Pifr aata. wM. a ^ eaaHsahiileai* at .^TW^CTfc T»y?rT= ^ r v ^ i f ^ »l.-aai-^B^^e j "B d '?i ^a^eii -e^^ IHa^h .i^^aaajLvaa '^3f ' kyL'a^kgMjj^gw i & j t lasalaa'ei^alf • \ s i ^ M L W 1 k i » ^Laasfe .^u4aLy^'-^is^M|Jf ttaaUkaas afttaW Pe * TR"T*^PP*TW ^^^^^™#* T*T*^FT* '^Paaapa jjjea^pa^'ajs* i^aae^ ^ ; i : IIMWW ilOTaU Tit # „„,.— *HS, a *V Msy^^j^Su"**^jjjJ2 ,''^jr. l * v ^jjjjMffp" (pf^l^'wP^P"**?^ 1 ''v^flfc^se iaaBBjr rBw^^eat V^aMa^slaV *^a*lbaia; M^^lgvft'. .^a^da^faaa^/ -^i^^aaj, |9P|^rn|w jpPpi *W^P "^^^^^* W|W)c- ^y^g^^ t ^t^^^_ 4feafe l l J a J r ^ , | £ | j a | || ^^^^^uav jt^jt^ ' -iAAaaaW '^aaaa^a^iaAaaaaa ! " '-M^A '^s^baaeat^aak^ aa^flpa^i jjBBis^B^ ^Bpsaajpaa^Ba^a^ ^a^^p '^B^p^B^er^a?'' ajaasaast~ tae^aiiaaf 4MLa%A|ja^t^hW||a^^-tif aBB^Bt^aiB^baaRakaB r^ssarteealkasi al tia* Taeaf* ei It. wa^Psaap|^|BBap^j^^^R ^aa* J^"*Tr W •wBp^W ^Fft 'J^^F ' %a1iaaB«Ba>^st i).Mif.:*« * » r * ,^ a little mother can keep her doll clean, her pretty and pressed with toash-day toys that reMg ififl <& Mblcy, yndssay & Ctrrr Company Kochester 4, New York Please send n\e: __— ironing board and iron @ 2J8 Trimble UoH Bath @ 3-98 IVAJHE 1 ADDRESS qjv 11/22 cc #23 STATE O Charge O Check D CO-D. ! * « J ironing board and electric iron 2.98 Every day will be ironing fay for the little hotisekeep«r who has this miniature colUpaiW* ironinjr bo»rd and real electric iron, just like mother's. Iron i* warm enoujfh to keep every ruffle of dolly'* drew crisp, but absolutely safe for tiny finjrer*, (Approved by Urtder- writers Laboratories.) Metal board In 26" loiif, W high. *\* Trimble doll buthinette net 3 CMI »aiV«H»BWBb!W«'«hettinf hn-ooflwaWfe •eieWwr *Ha> *iw|l|lp^ati|l|. jffa|H M^m^Rf ^aaoaj ^st aaaa^^ias^iaatp^^ '•enHferfa^^^JJF Ja™*Wja^*W^-^^sT Ts"^^BP*^Pi!P»wa^lr^"J'^^MPjR ^•»"i^B^aB^ aaaaaap^K. a^vpaiaH, i off elmiMD. ^botiMki a " ^ --» •» % ,-^t i W ritf or r*lone H.\nulton 4000 Order Department Open at I . . . Sibley, Lintteay & CIETT Co. - \ V Hf 1 '*. •' : -^^^.fi^^i:^
Page 1: lib.catholiccourier.comlib.catholiccourier.com/1951-august-1952-january-catholic-courier... · wedding anniversary here. Both their children have spent most of their lives In Jail

" ;

..» •<-• •j». «.«,x«.-*.-*MV-MirfMa*«&* %•*-»-•»»' Jb..****>-. a.j.r^JS^S^1S«'a,--^C^S52S^S .1^ ^

, t . d •»*ii»'«iM>wwimi*<»j>w>i

». w a f f 7 1 i ii l | «ii ft , , .,,,,,,,-r.™**^-^ — f

Reds Take Leper Solony From Priest 1

HLtatg KMIC—(Special)—C&ina's faaioas Gate of Hesvea j leper colony i*as beaa takea over by the C«mmH»ists and the: man ksaown tao tboasaads of Americans as "Big Joe" Sweeney b u hesen dUpo*«tied.

C^OtSlS^pilIe^A^ »nMriw»wn»n.»iLirtiii>n mJ ii i TIIIIHH'I wt IJITHIDIH m. wiftii iiM»'ilWJiff»''tM«i i'liit'Wi*tW!li*linfi|-'

Bed officiates JornaaQy took ovtr f&e operation of the cotosay, after refralniaig fus s interfer-em* tor almost two years. For Father- Jaaente A. Sweeney. 56-year • old Mauryknoll Sllsstomer from New Earttain, Conit, this met is the closing dawn of his Ufe work eanong **the mamb ones' 'of South Chlria. A localj typhoon struck the Island. The

leper colony at <3*e Moon, 30 ro&sa sosth ot Sun Wtri on an, Island te a * sso«th ol the Kong- l moan River .

PATH£K SWKEStKf' cleared; the grows! himself and began ta erect permanent buiidliigs. On !

Sept. 2.1937. when Gate of Heav­en was but half completed. a j

*m—m****m*&*mti'*i&!!!i* IBiwMWifemmJUijj

wwutyim w%fe;1

# • ? »

Treasures From Deslfskfllif • r ^ j ^ & j j A - t a ^ t ' i . 'iiW^W^ji^BpljlJlfrjiniiiiiliilnt

Communist rt*s been placed In charge, and the Connecticut priest no longer has amy control over the lepra* asylum he found­ed and twice rebullt.

wind reacted a velocity of 164 mlka per hour, the higaeai ever | recorded in the region, end flat-1 tened every structure in thei settlement. i

FATHEB SWTEEXEY and hu! Father Sweeney rebuilt Gate I assistant, F a t h e r Carroll I • of Heaven. It opened in the sum-Qulnrs of Baltimore, Md.. are • mer of 19®. Witfcln a tew years.: •till living at the colony In;he was earing for nearly 450; formed circle* In Hans Kong feel I patients, comfortably housed in i that the misaaonera will only be j screened, brick - and - concrete i allowed to remain at the colony buildings. I ai long u *unds hold out. j DISASTER AGAIN struck the

Wtsen the money is iron*, it I colony, in the form oi Japanese' la felt that tfae priest* will be ex-1 goidlers, on March 23, IMS. They pelled, and t±»e colony shut down. (iTKrn o u t , n o s e \epnn who couW ] There U apprehension for i h f L j j , J ^ J }tii|ea the rest They, aalety ol tb« lepers, and many bumcj t^o 0 j the 18 buildings,; believe that the colony patients. converted the cpapcl into a' will toe put t o death by the Reds. stable. and used the remaining j

IT WAS I N 1933 that Father J structures as barracks until the Sweemey started to work among j war's end. the leperi ot the Kongmoon sec-tion of South China. Already a f ^ i p f e C e b b r d t e

»»*d*4 m *m. * mt*tisir of *te monk*. As a t*»t 61 good f»»h * track w*» load** with twa* vm and mm in Mom* aecotn' panttid by two ttwntas. When the

Di*S»iMi. toM htm the C M f f i p n i «« Its »»t* ajtrfwdl waached

veteran of twelve years in the missions ol China, Korea and! Manchuria, he had prepared lor Ii mew tjsfcs by aturtles In Dam ' len leper cokmg on Moloka! In j the Hawaiian Islands, In China's asyliun al Sheklung. and tn the . Icderal leprosarium in Louisiana

The first leper group he minis ' tered to lived In a dark bamboo gro-ve near the city of Tui Shaan

"Sitting around tn thai )unfile darttness v^ere deformod crea tures with only stumps where, hands or feet should have been." \ he recalls. "Many had distorted f a c e s . I saw o n e afflicted, Chinese woman, hideous to be hold, with a beautllul clfrht ; mcHT»th*old baby girl in her arms. The child, a s Is often the case with c-hfldren of lepers, was spotless"

When htas group errew too largo for the bamboo grove Father 8v«»««n»y moved to the hills north of Toi Shaan. to the Sun Wnl grsvelsnds. Alter three yemrs then? the Chinese govern ment recognized his work and granted him 300 acres for a nc*

Jubilee In Jail Statevtlle, IH- — (NO — An

Illinois Catholic couple who have spent their entta* wedded life in jail celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary here. Both their children have spent most of their lives In Jail too.

Tho couple are Sir. and Mrs. Joseph Ragra. Mr. Ragea has been warden of StatevUle pris­on for almost SO years. Before thst he uaa warden at Menard State prison and sheriff of Clin­ton County

The Bagen children lure spent their live* at the county Jail at Cartyie. IIL. sod the Stair pris­on* at Menard and Statevllle except when attending school. \ \ Ulaxn Is now • student at S t Ambrone College, Davenport, Iowa. Jane, a graduate of SL Msryu College, Notre Dame, IndL. Is society editor of the Joliet Herald Newt

Wrrden and 'Jim. Bagen are members of the Kt. Raymond Cathedral parish, JolieC

front line was t« b * laid thxovujli the town of Casatoa

Colonel Schkftl kniwpdjUfly realteed. that thin wight mean serious damage to tfi* ahbey. founded by S t Bentdlct to OXt, which had already been destroyed three times in its long history. It was Impossible for htm to al-tcr the commander's decision asd he set about persuading th* monks as discreetly as posulbJ* to leave the shbey and amvs Its* precious contents.

-OF WHAT GOOD would It be to the world if, after the building had beer, destroyed, the two sides begun to accuse one an­other of baving brought about the loaa of Europe"! moat prec­ious c u l t u r a l kerltastV he writes.

He first approached Abbot Gregorlo Diamare. "a roost ven­erable man over 80 years ot age," on October 14. 1943.

"1 could not reveal any mili­tary secrets to him and tell him that in a short while the front line would run through his sb-


(NCS}~-A nan p*mer officer has <t«s«iibe4 of Moot* C*wiw> Mom Uw alley's detitrticUott % Wo them lo the Vatic**. L t CoL Juliu? Schlerel tell* tht story London Asp *Wr*K» 8t mm ne decided to aalvage U» tzwwurea at great per*mtl ria* — by «iv-tag aws^'tnfjormatiori — when his commander, General CotittA of the Hermann Goerliut Pwaar

9m. Abbot. U» susjtldowt ftsayy vanl«toe4 and h« «H»d th« Ger­man nS^t t s M& hto all he coul4

COLONSU SOUUH.SL bti-mediately ocjtanlwdl a carpen­ter's shop in the abbey, vrtiere * few German toldlera and aomt Italian refugees ma4e hundred* of boxes and ca«es to contain paintioga ana other works o f art, A nuriflstr of German t)ryck« were provided and wen sent «M to the Vaticsa loaded witrj price­less treasurers. E ach mm ac­companied by two monka.

In this way, the colonel telli, "I succeeded tn saving soma 90,000 volumes from the library and the archtvtjs. Amdae them were the whole Pauhia Dlaconui collection dating from the eighth

Vatican Receives Finnish Minister

Rome - tRNSi - - Ake Henrik Gartz, new Finnish Minister to the Vatican, presented hie cre­dentials to Pope 1*1 us XII at an

bey," the German ofuoex relates » u m e n c e |„ We F»apal summer T o have done ao »-ould have | r,.^^,,^ a t csstel Gandolfo. meant a court-martial — all the | A n n n U h legation was estab-more ao as I had said nothing , U s h e d ln VaUcan Oty in IM2, to my commanding g e n e r a l bvU ^nxx 1947 o n l v g charge about my proposal" j &lkttmlrtt ^ ^^^ ln authority

HE TOOK HIS courage in both , h e r c

hands and saw «j» Abbot but, formerly Finnish could not Impress htm with the 1 ' idea of any serioui danger. He' Minister of Foreign Affair*, alto tried several times more as the , will represent hU country In Allied front line rolled nearer (Switzerland, dividing his time be-and the danger became more iro-1 m fta^ ^ Beme. mlnent and eventually had to r^.,., . . .^ . , _ _ <-„,<«,»„ t K . teU him flatly that If the attack ' ° u U l d e t h e I r o " C u r t a t e - t h e

era Isunced s fulUcale assault ton^ European countries still un-

or succeeded in landing In the, represented at tbe VaUcan are German's rear the monastery 1 Sweden, N o r w a y . Denmark, would be damaged. A German' Greece and Turkey. However, monk. Dom Emanuel Mundlng.: Greece and Turkey are reported and the prior, Gaetano FoTnari, in process of establishing dlpkv backed up his arguments. ma tic relations with the Holy

The Abbot was at fast per- See

«<M«I>VU»eB|hlUl wahe^HttrvihfJSt. Gw*t„ and, th« I4r*r wfth rwtae tn the J»»dwrjitint St, TH&msa Aquinas. Sott* «t otber diocwitmJta carried the «•«}• ot Robert ' Gulaeard, 5Hog«f a( ScUy, the Nortnatt Dv*t« « | Apulia ar4 many Fo|>a« aj»i

tsom, n mm NOTWXG 10 &%«.

•raj Cotvirad; of wtiat Ivra*d6lnn unui m$ task **» ear adymneed, Spat whett t # 1 ao, not without *ome trepidation, t was MAT. aJsle to conviivce hirh ot the !RV portance ot the work, and b* twt otily i tve wd€ta that it ihouM be co»Unyt4 but sent addUtowl kt'pat*. *

"This was very neceaaary lw caase to addition to the abbey* own treasures the content* ot •evttral covefl)ment*owne4 laUef. Mt had been deposittd there tor safe custody. Among #m palnl« tegs were on* by teonardo d» VSnd, two by Raibail three by Tltttn, and a*vewil by Tlatorelto, GhlrUndalo. Piettr Brtugh*l and others. Trier* wert ajio the pm* tous vasea from Pompeii and the armor oi the aCmperor Chafl«

The government-owned proper­ty was moved to • caatle In Spateto. At the Abbot's request the colonel a t e transporled some TO refugee nuns to the Vatican. The latter convoy w« bombed, but without casualties.

os^^f u upaffcasaV eassasjft jaba^a^i^Aebtiaaaataaa^aa^ * r a j « « w * « t W W w V P s n M W I I M s t W V

ky the sate tra istereace el tM see*y*a Meat taerei ftmtm IB^MHsa «se» ( f t U l thtt*aalHII wM MeL

e P C f a V t H C l i M j l V r i N f W V l B s 7 i | | f *

I L ~T**+* wtr* r*vwwMly ^^e^^wjs^Pen s n sjs) s^s^stssiwsje ^F^SW1 SBeSfl p

fern ealag pat eate a tnKk." Once all the treasures had

been removed the Abbot ctle-brsted a special High Mass and presented the panzer officer with a parchment of thanks written In Latin and bearing the seal al the Abbey of Monte Casatno. The Ab­bot also gave him in enamd irvd gold-plated medal.

| . ^ i j i i « i 1 i « H .

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'Wat CoWfaHi -^fattalaAla^laBBBS aartflaaa Si& l l t t s f l

(•*naJS t f l - f l ^ w ^ r a i ^ l ^ a , 1 ^ * " ^ ? * * ? ! ^

wit »S iMiwIttf ^tfiti wplst ^

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daaawafeaa ' aai " * - y u ^ : < »* ^••?SSB«|SIB^B»SB^ Vsaa) • f f ' f f &• .vJW^p^. " * ^ ,

C S a a f k l ' i # i t i | m f a l a V s%M 'ttbaat MM^^M^^ • J * * l l f f * ^ ( ^ • W j R H ^ F s"Jfc | W i j ^ P f ^ ^ J T ! ^ W

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"^BF^W ati ^BSff^aj ^ ^ *aaa^a&aia^as^sa^SBa | tfaj^^^asaajF^a^F1'

a k l s i ^ f ftias^ell 4 % M a l ' l a « I t a a i e t ^Vai.-« P 3 f l | | * " wsW *#eTPP-^»ie PIW^BJ « • * » "-#feTeW - H I * * '

a y s J y a - f c Ma ta i J -^ lML^ht t ^ J .

A^IVW f#K IlWflflWlfM

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Marks iumiv«ri*i7 Mary*!***, tf. *". •-* <«ped*J)

— A Tlfttto lay IlttMhtr irom Havunst. Cut;*, Brother AkyHua Mollner. will observe the SXh annlvsrssrv af hist #ntranct Jnts the Marj-knoll foteltH >nf»*4«»n ao-rieiy CHI NovemWr 3C fetes* &6 1* Msxyknoira aefikNf »ro4her.

When Broths AJorahaa |el«e4 MarytmoU. In l t l l , tht aockty Itself * s « only five yearf o14, Th»n 17, hi wat ©tie of thf flrai young man t» apply far m&W tanc* Into lh* Ittoth^ aM te«»y is lb* oteeit Maryta«« ftfathef In tiotet «t »#rvics.

Foe Of Viiskaw Do«lg«t U M € 1 " ^Murder Tom,

| | M s * « . „ ( N C ) ~ l t t U l f t ' s CaUaollo pcajsa ir tka naaa at arjatfllsW tUkakteaT "' i» ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ I ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ F ^p^ ^ F ^ ^ ^ ^ * ^^s^^F^ag ^paaaa^^^v^^s^gjp

lam whkh foUftwad UM t*ent 1 II la the asMnae a* Mas I -r-_*rr ~-.->. - - . - . - - - ^ - . - - ^ fftlld jMMm tajeiaaaaaea, m am M

& .tn4 «r«uh CMk^* *'***»*-

•gta 4M to i>pwii*:. , . _ Kveei the social *mm wwid «U»w that« , «ifcii *•»>.

l¥P<mcturttt«theskuu.*»diHtfi d*<^i»ll^rttta*»e^blr||st • * * sJtiifaMim arfsl f l a a sa JL*. •a^aVaaaaaatt ^ isst l^ ia lasaaasl

Walt A M i l yow are »«.«**.»** . i l e t i t jBiuast eaU It aea^Mtaiasr •

jwdBfl #lBl R *ttff W> "TW •Wfjjl e"Wpe«Jf %^^*")*« t<^*y< • « • • • : J T f T R ^ * * . p ^ JISBjaar"

tna* ] | thf Htt «t a jwratta,».. 4 vnnk, lataisa««eal,,ae*feai'iaa

. T^^*^™<** <f**W»v*J* l r *^^W w^^B^aaBBj a^a^ae, •^awaa^s^ssaa^a^BT aanj S^BS^BT a^ian^R ^^^^^^^^ff^ ! M B B % k ^ a a s a ^ A l ^ ^ J r , A ^ a ^ y ^ a U f t ^bav aP"^™" Tr'aWBre*' ^P"W"^^s^Swj| We^^m^paaaajp '"i aw

aha laatar keaaaal) *at ataaaa JV*er- ' • • * * « "^*aajP"b HPa^V^a^Pe. -^'^j Pa. ffaw^rp^e^w^5'

— -,'.* - i i^ i * ttitjj' ''Itat" jBa^BafiBaaaBK ^jaiBu

j^^P^PIw- ^ t '

a^jK j | k ^ L h j ^ k k j i a a . ilaast

laatt AjaWk. I t l s a ^ a m ^ L

a a M a t | a a A W b a

•*!"*• Ol je ' f lS' • T " ,e™W I ttaW leat t a k * ' ^ '

Wit Wt i in* T

^ " s T H l F * ^ B P > ^ ^ ^ ^ ' 1 ™ ^ W P T W^*^P* ^•"••aaBBBM.

^ffaa^Bg a^a, arsaaaaajavS^BTi. .aa^a_SpwaiaaaaHiear ^^^pa^

^ i i » W a* a*%4sae aY-waaia'<aaa\. asaaaB^BaaiB^pi '^BB^ saas^F^^^^p a^K.>j^^waM^SBj j^^a^^*

x^ajp ^S^BB^BS^^MrtB^S^^BBV. ^JBBP|aa *^BBF"

p r , . ™*T .-B^BBBt t Bf^p

Vrllhaitil ail atisatiisiliill e,"Plltff"* 5 r * - 'SwWw' T * * W P " * * ™ m ' M l l i A M i i u a t - ^ ' I j h 4 t # tfcia< " j iilsBiMlleasat % * •

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-|T»»a» A ^ _ ^ ^ ^ j _ , „ •riaaaadalaaV


t^tit»wlww>a!H"wf« iyL.

•B^JSij^i^a izaaaMaal nllKWatil ItfVtn

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-^^^BaBp'» ^Bss^p^^ajja,. ^psPi- 3^Pifr

aata. wM. a ^ eaaHsahiileai* at .^TW^CTfc T»y?rT= ^ r v ^ i f ^ »l.-aai-^B^^ej"B d '?i a^eii -e^^ I H a ^ h .i^^aaajLvaa '^3f ' • kyL'a^kgMjj^gw i & j t lasalaa'ei^alf

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; i



Tit # „„,.— * H S , a *V

Msy^^j^Su"**^jjjJ2 ,''^jr.l*v^jjjjMffp" (pf^l^'wP^P"**?^1 ''v flfc^se iaaBBjr rBw^^eat V^aMa^slaV *^a*lbaia; M^^lgvft'. .^a^da^faaa^/ -^i^^aaj, | 9 P | ^ r n | w j p P p i * W ^ P " ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ * W | W ) c -^ y ^ g ^ ^ t ^ t ^ ^ ^ _ 4feafe l l J a J r ^ , |£| ja| | | ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ u a v

j t ^ j t ^ ' -iAAaaaW '^aaaa^a^iaAaaaaa!" ' -M^A '^s^baaeat^aak^ aa^flpa^i jjBBis^B^ ^Bpsaajpaa^Ba^a^ ^a^^p '^B^p^B^er^a?''

ajaasaast~ tae^aiiaaf 4MLa%A|ja^t^hW||a^^-tif aBB^Bt^aiB^baaRakaB

r ssarteealkasi al tia* Taeaf* ei I t . wa^Psaap|^|BBap^j^^^R ^aa* J ^ " * T r W • w B p ^ W ^Fft ' J ^ ^ F '

%a1iaaB«Ba>^st i ) . M i f . : * «

* »

r * ,^

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