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Liberton Kirk Magazine May 2013

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Magazine ‘Our aim is to draw closer to God and to each other, so that, through us, He can make known to all people the joys and challenges of following Jesus’ Vision Statement 2009 Libertonkirk.net May 2013 No 621


‘Our aim is to draw

closer to God and to each

other, so that, through

us, He can make known to all people the joys and

challenges of following

Jesus’ Vision

Statement 2009




No 621

2 Liberton Kirk Magazine No.596 Page 2 Liberton Kirk Magazine No.621

page Bible Readings for the month 6 Change of Address form 22 Christian Aid back cover Congregational News 10 Crèche Rota 11 Crossword for May 9 Crossword - April answers 22 Elder’s Sunday Duties 14 Evening Service Rota 11 Fifty years ago in the magazine 10 Flowers 11 Fresh Start 8 Guild News 5 Guild Appeal 8 History of Upper Liberton 14 June Diary 14 Liberton Names and addresses 23 May Diary 12 Messy Church 8 Minister’s letter 3 Ministry in China 5 Neighbourhood Scheme 21

Our page 7 Senior Citizens Club 6 Sermon Recordings 7 Take time to Pray 2 Turn on the tap for Africa 10 Useful ‘phone numbers 21 Web Addresses 21 Welcome Desk Rota 11 Youth Report 4

Adverts Alan Johnstone Plumbing 19 Ascot Decorators 16 Bluebird Care 18 Cello Lessons 22 HCC Electrical 17 John Cameron Blacksmith 16 Julie Bell Piano Care 17 Lemon Squeezy Driving School 18 Local Garden Services 20 Soup Pot 20 Toddlers Groups 19


Take Time to Pray


Web Address www.libertonkirk.net Scottish Charity Number SC011602

Let the flame of your love never be quenched in our hearts, O Lord. Waking or sleeping, living or dying let us delight in your presence. Let the flame of your love brighten our souls and illumine our path, and let the majesty of your glory be our joy, our life and our strength now and for ever. Amen. Johann Arndt (1555-1621)

Forgive us when our dreams of the future are shaped by anything other than glimpses of a kingdom of justice, peace and an end to poverty.

Make us content with nothing less than a world that is transformed into the shape of love, where poverty shall be no more.

Inspire us with the vision of poverty over, and give us the faith, courage and will to make it happen. Source: Christian Aid

September 2010 3 May 2013 page 3

From the Minister

It started out as a fairly straight-forward plan for a free afternoon – Lindsay and I would drive over to Morningside and meet our son and his girlfriend for tea and a catch-up. It was when we got there that things got complicated!

We had paused opposite a cafe on Morningside Road so that I could nip across and check if it was open. As I opened the driver’s door, it was caught by a gust of wind, and swung open with real force. We heard a loud crack, and try as we could, we couldn’t get the door to shut. There we were, parked on a very busy and narrow main road into town, with the driver’s side door jammed wide open and obstructing the passing traffic.

This was not the gentle, joyful and relaxed afternoon outing we had planned. We did all the sensible things. I put up our EU regulation warning triangle, so that drivers could see that something was wrong, and I wrapped a luminous visi-vest around the door so that it was easy to spot. Then all we could do was phone rescue and recovery and sit and wait.

Given the reactions of the pass-ers by, that time spent waiting in the car was both mildly embarrass-ing and highly informative. A small number of drivers took it upon

themselves to give us advice. This tended to be of the loud and offensive variety, accompanied by

some enthusiastic hand gestures and shakes of the head. Clearly they were assuming that we had chosen to sit in our car on a windy day with the door wide open just to annoy them! Most people, however, after a curi-ous glance, simply ignored us and walked on by.

I was reminded of the story of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10.25-37), where Jesus challenges us to be prepared to get involved in other people’s lives, even complete strang-ers, when they are in need. I know from our experience of living abroad, that if this had happened in the global south we would soon have been surrounded by a group of strangers, eager to put things right.

Not so here! So, why is it that we live in a society where people are more and more reluctant to stop and help?

Perhaps it’s a combination of fear, frustration, and general indifference. Sometimes, (and I include myself in this), we are afraid to stop and help people on the road because of all the stories we hear of people being attacked and robbed, but more often it’s because of the inconven-ience of getting involved. Sometimes we are too quick to judge someone’s situation and give advice from a distance, when there might be more complicated factors at work. Sometimes we are too wrapped up in our own plans and priorities to even consider putting them to one side for the sake of others. And so we walk or drive on, and try to put it out of our mind as quickly as we can.

A hazardous Half-hour

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Youth Report from Andy

Saturday evening, 13th April 2013 will go down in my memory for many years. My commissioning service for my part time post with Young Life was a wonderful occasion. I am deeply thankful to everyone from Liberton Kirk and from the Big Idea churches for the warmth, appreciation and love shown to Nyree and myself during and after the service. Although this new partnership is well under way, my weekly duties cannot change until we find the right Children's Worker to replace my Young Life hours. At the time of writing that process is still ongoing and we value your prayers as we seek God's person for this post. That said, Alex and I had the excitement of co-ordinating a video project over Easter to put a 5 minute report together on all that Young Life is doing in Scot-land so far. This includes the work with our close friends at Gorebridge Parish Church; with teen mums in Dundee; with the Church of the Nazarene in Erskine; and at Letham St Mark's Church in Perth. In Perth they have successfully run their first day camp mission to local high school pupils. They modelled all their work on the success we have had with our

three local Stage’n’Slam missions. They had the joy of seeing 60 local teens getting involved, of whom one gave their life to Christ. And they have made many new relationships

with a dozen local teens who came in off the streets, never having had any church contact before. This was tough work, but we join with our Perth brothers and sisters in praying that this will ultimately be very rewarding.

Members of our Delta, Crazy Crosses and BBC clubs have once more taken part in the youth engagement projects run by Liberton Gilmerton Neighbourhood Part-nership. Together with over 100 pupils in Liberton and Gracemount High Schools, we have mapped our South Edinburgh Area and produced a video about local youth facilities. It is great to have a strong Christian voice in this forum. The process culminated in a large event hosted by the Faith Mission, where our views were presented to members of the local council who make the decisions that affect us most.

The alternative, of course, is much more risky, but also much more re-warding – to put all our fears and frustrations to one side, and to get involved. In the long half hour before the rescue and recovery van arrived, one person did stop. He jumped out of his car and asked if he could help. In the event there was little he could

do, but his small act of kindness changed our mood completely. It restored our faith in humankind, and reminded us of the power of com-passion when it comes to making a differ-ence, whatever the situation. Much love

September 2010 5 May 2013 page 5

Thanks again to everyone who took part in such a successful Sunday Club Open Day. Such events cannot happen without the combined efforts of the children, Sunday Club leaders, parents, and the whole church family as we descend upon the halls to eat and to share fellowship together in order to raise money for our friends abroad. These times are such sweet moments! We love sharing our Sunday Club fun, we love raising money and we love the deep joy that only a bacon roll, broth and a chocolate crepe can bring!

This past week, Alex and I have been praying with renewed vigour about the work he has been doing with boys in Gracemount High School's Football Academy. We have longed to see a growth in the number of boys in our church clubs as a result of this, but progress has been slow. It seems that few are more reserved in learn-ing to trust new adults than teenage boys. But this weekend we had our first boy along to Delta. And he brought a friend. And they both came the next day for an outdoor afternoon with Alex! Let's pray that this is the beginning of a new move of God among our boys.

The Guild

The Evening Guild Annual Outing on Monday 6th May is to Luss Parish Church on the banks of Loch Lomond. When we arrive we will have lunch in the village and then Rev Dane Sherrard will welcome us and

give some history of his church with its beautiful stained glass windows and uniquely timbered roof. We will then have time to enjoy a Sound and Light Show, explore the Heritage Centre, watch tartan being woven on an old loom, walk the Glebe Pathway before having afternoon tea

in the Manse. We will leave Liberton Bank at 10.30 am and return by 6.00 pm. The Afternoon Guild Annual Outing on Wednesday 15th May is a visit to Abbey Church in North Berwick for Afternoon Tea. Anyone wishing to go on this trip should contact me on 6661200 for details. Moira Cocksedge, Secretary

Ministry in China

On Wednesday 8th May there is an opportunity to hear about Christian work in a vast country on the other side of the world. The Justice & Peace Group are holding an open evening at St. John Vianney’s Church Hall, 40 Fernieside Gardens, on Wednesday 8`May, beginning at 7pm. Admission is £1, payable at the door, or from Sandra McAllister or Ruth Davies. The main item of the evening will be an illustrated talk by Jenny Sepuleai about a Coffee Shop Ministry in China, and there will also be refreshments, tombola, and a Traidcraft stall. The Justice & Peace Group is supported by all the SEECAT churches – please come along and make sure Liberton Kirk is well represented. Ruth Davies, 664 3608

6 Liberton Kirk Magazine No.596 Page 6 Liberton Kirk Magazine No.621

Bible Readings for May

Week beginning 2nd June

Exodus 6:1-36 Exodus 17:1-16 1 Chronicles 16: -36 Psalm 96:1-13 Philippians 4:4-20 Colossians 3: 2-17 Revelation 4:1-11

Week beginning 19th May

Leviticus 23:15-21 Joel 2:28-32 Mark 16:15-20 Acts 2: -13 Acts 2:14-21 Acts 2:22-41 1 Corinthians 12:5-8

Week beginning 26th May

Genesis 2:25- 3:10 Genesis 20: -5 Matthew 7:1-6 Acts 5:1-11 Acts 13: 1-12 Galatians 2:11-14 1 Timothy 4:1-5

Week beginning 12th May

Numbers 12:1-16 Psalm 25:8-14 Isaiah 66:1-2 Joel 2:12-17 Acts 14:8-20 James 4:1-10 1 Peter 5: -11

Week beginning 5th May

Acts 1:1-26 Acts 2:1-47 Acts 3:1-26 Acts 4:1-36 Acts 5:1-42 Acts 6:1-15 Acts 7:1-59

Senior Citizens Club

Our meetings for the year are coming to a close again, but we look forward to meeting members and friends on Thursday 2nd May for entertainment from from 2 to 4 pm in the Anderson Hall, Kirk Centre, Kirkgate. (Doors open at 1pm)

On Sunday 5th May we have our Church Service at 11am, and on Thursday 9th May we are looking forward to our Closing party with playing on the piano.

We look forward to welcoming all senior citizens and their friends back to our meetings when they restart in August. Further details next month. Mrs P Grant, President

September 2010 7 May 2013 page 7

May 29th Bona was born in Pisa, Italy in 1156. When she was 14 she made her first journey, going to see her father who was fighting in the crusades near Jerusalem. On

the way back she was captured by pirates in the Mediterranean. Rescued, she set out again, this time taking with her a large number of pilgrims to make the 1,000 mile journey to the shrine of St James at Compostella in Spain. Bona became an official guide on this famous pilgrimage route and made the journey 9 times, "full of energy, helpful, and unselfish, ready to reassure with her smile those who were sick." In recent times St Bona has come to be associated as the patron saint of travellers along with St Christopher; and in particular of couri-ers, guides and air-hostesses.

There are lots of journeys recorded in the Bible. Can you find the an-swers to these travel questions? Answers at the bottom of the page.

1. Where Paul was ship-wrecked on his journey to Rome (Acts, chapt. 27)?

2. Where was there no room for Mary and Joseph when they journeyed from Nazareth?

3. Which country did Joseph’s brothers travel to find food? (Genesis, chapt.42)

4. Why does the Bible always say that people were ‘going up’ to Jerusalem?

5. When Moses led the people out of Egypt, what did he take with him? (Exodus, chapt.13)

6. Which of the 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse rides a red horse?

Hop in!


Answers: 1.Malta 2.in the inns of Bethlehem 3.Egypt 4.because Jerusalem is built on a hill, so whatever direction you come from,

Sermon recordings

CDs of Sunday Sermons are available from Derek Jardine.

Phone 664 7112; text 07913 265 912; email [email protected]

8 Liberton Kirk Magazine No.596 Page 8 Liberton Kirk Magazine No.621

Guild Appeal on behalf of the Borders

General Hospital Oncology Department.

We are still collecting plastic bottle tops marked with a triangle, and either a 2 or a 4, which should be left in the collection basket in the Offering House. So far £1000 has been raised for the hospital and the first wave of equipment has been installed. For your interest, this sum repre-sents around 6 million bottle tops - 4 tonne of plastic!

Fresh Start

Firstly, I would like to thank everyone who has been able to give to Fresh Start in these difficult times, I realise just how hard everyone is finding things at the moment, but I urge you to help in anyway you can with Fresh Start as they still require Volunteers at the Fresh Start premises in Ferry Road as well as any household items that you or your neighbours, friends and relatives may no longer require. Please spread the word about Fresh Start.

Secondly, I have an idea that I would really like everyone’s feedback on. I was thinking of starting a competition for the children in the Church to see how much they could collect for Fresh Start, and the winner could receive vouchers to spend in a shop of their choice. I would do this on a 3 monthly basis. I think it would be good for the children to learn about the plight of the homeless, and help them to see how they could help the homeless with their first homes. I would also see if we could get the child/children a visit to the Fresh Start premises so that they could see for themselves what the charity does. What do you think? Let me know at my email address. For those who don’t know what Fresh Start is please go to their website at www.freshstartweb.org.uk, Fresh Start is an organisation that helps individuals and families who have been homeless and works in partnership with churches, local communities and volunteers. Thank you so much. Jacqui Donald, 440 2373, Mob 07960 704 816, Email: [email protected]

W o r k i n g t o e n d h o m e l e s s n e s s

Messy Church

The next Messy Church is on Saturday 25th May, from 4pm-6pm in the Kirk Centre, fun, fellowship worship and food specially for young families. Sorry but no adults allowed without children, and no children without an adult. Ruth Davies (Messy Church logo © BRF2012)

September 2010 9 May 2013 page 9

1 Overpowered (Deuteronomy 11:4) (11) 9 ‘The — are mantled with corn’ (Psalm 65:13) (7) 10 ‘Each man—a sword to his side’(Exodus32:27)(5) 11 On the death of Jesus the curtain in the temple was torn from— to bottom (Matthew 27:51) (3) 13 Stagger(Isaiah 28:7)(4) 16 ‘Anyone,then,who knows the good he ought——and doesn’t do it, sins’ (James 4:17) (2,2) 17 Stir up or provoke(Acts13:50)(6) 18 Burden(Luke11:46)(4) 20 ‘As far as the east is from the—,so far has he removed our transgressions from us’ (Psalm

103:12) (4) 21 Sign(Luke23:38)(6) 22 ‘After that,Jesus poured water into a basin and began to—his disciples’

feet’ (John 13:5) (4) 23 The nature of the seven ears of corn which swallowed up the good ears

in Pharaoh’s dream (Genesis 41:23) (4) 25 Has(anag.)(3) 28 ‘This is the account of Shem,Ham and Japheth,—sons’ (Genesis 10:1) (5) 29 ‘I will...make them drunk,so that they...sleep for—and— awake’ (Jeremiah 51:39) (4,3) 30 Paul said of him,‘he often refreshes me and is not ashamed of my chains’ (2 Timothy 1:16) (11)

2 Worth (Matthew 13:46) (5) 3 ‘A bruised — he will not break’ (Matthew 12:20) (4) 4 ‘Suddenly a great company of the heavenly — appeared with the angel’ (Luke 2:13) (4) 5 Slip (anag.) (4) 6 ‘Take an awl and push it through his — — into the door, and he will become your servant for

life’ (Deuteronomy 15:17) (3,4) 7 Bountiful (2 Corinthians 8:2) (11) 8 ‘Therefore, as we have — , let us do good to all people’ (Galatians 6:10) (11) 12 Acquire(2Timothy2:10)(6)

14 Container cover(Numbers19:15)(3)

15 ‘He...became obedient to death,even death on——!’ (Philippians 2:8) (1,5)

19 Refrain(1Peter2:11)(7)

20 ‘She began to—his feet with her tears’(Luke7:38)(3)

24 One who worships Brahma,Vishnu or Shiva(5)

25 ‘Give to everyone who—you’(Luke6:30)(4)

26 ‘I lift up my eyes to the hills;where does my—come from?’ (Ps121:1) (4)

27 One of those whom the Lord said would be taken from Jerusalem and Judah as judgment on them (Isaiah 3:2) (4)


The Bible version used in the

crossword is the NIV.

Crosswords reproduced by kind permission of BRF and John Capon, originally published in Three Down, Nine Across, by John Capon (£6.99 BRF).

Answer next month

10 Liberton Kirk Magazine No.596 Page 10 Liberton Kirk Magazine No.621

If you have any items of interest about members, or their friends, that you would like to share, please pass details to the Editor, for inclusion

in the Congregational News section of the Magazine.

Congregation News

I am sorry to announce the death of another member this month, and send my sympathies to the relatives and friends of , Liberton Place.

Turn on the tap – for Africa Don’t take the tap in your kitchen for granted: millions of people in the developing world would love to have such access to clean water. Samaritan’s Purse is working to end water poverty in Africa by providing access to clean water, making dirty water safe to drink, and pro-moting health, hygiene and proper sanitation. In Africa millions of people lack access to clean, safe water. Women and girls walk miles each day (risking sexual attack) to bring back dirty water; children fall sick, latrines are few and very public; and girls walking for water mean they cannot go to school.

On the other hand, some help can achieve so much: £15 can provide an entire family with access to a nearby well; £36 can provide a family with their own latrine; £48 can give a family clean water for life through a BioSand water filter in their own home. If you would like to help, visit: http://www.turnonthetap.org.uk/

50 years ago . . .

�� All men interested in playing Tennis were invited to a practice evening, prior to the club’s first league match against Arniston.

�� The fellowship for young mothers thanked all for their support at their Cafe Musical on 3rd April, and announced that they intended to hold a crèche during the morning Communion service in June.

�� 93rd A Guides and Brownies thanked all who had supported their April coffee morning which raised the sum of £22.

�� The Country Dance section of the Woman’s Guild donated the pro-ceeds of their recent dance, £15, to the Inter Church Famine Relief Fund..

September 2010 11 May 2013 page 11

Welcome Desk

Church Rotas

Crèche 28th April Nyree Chittick 5th May Zoe Ross 12th May Amaia Carmichael 19th May Anne Shepherd 26th May Amaia Carmichael

May Flowers

28th April Christine Logan 664 4165 Jessie Burns 664 4193 Linda Haggerty 664 3353 5th May Evelyn Ogilvie 664 1171 Grant Cook 664 1581 David Colley 663 3757 12th May Chris Young 664 6615 Lindsay Young 664 0367 Betty Foster 668 4410 19th May Fiona Knight 672 1041 Louise Ogilvie 448 2544 Jane Thomson 664 1512 26th May Bill Mercer 664 2152 Ann Morgan 672 2063 Jill Snowden 07823 335584

Anne Shepherd 664 4756

Evening Service Rotas

Tea and Coffees Sound and Vision

5th May Barlees Eck 12th May George and Claire John and David 19th May Urquharts Eck 26th May Youngs Derek 2nd June Barlees Eck

Web Address www.libertonkirk.net Scottish Charity Number SC011602

May Flowers

5th May Mrs Helen Whyman, 57 Gracemount Avenue and Mrs Dorothy Parr, 41 Buckstone Hill in memory of Aileen and Jim Whyman 12th May Mrs Helen Hodgkinson, 5 Backlee in memory of Janet McGregor 19th May Mrs Agnes Morgan, 15 Southhouse Road in memory of Margaret Barrow 26th May Mrs Ann Weir, 137 Captains Road in memory of Hamish Weir

12 Liberton Kirk Magazine No.596 Page 12 Liberton Kirk Magazine No.621

May 2013

Wednesday 1st 10.00am-12noon – Coffee at the Soup Pot 12 noon-1.30pm – Soup/Sandwiches at the Soup Pot 6.00-9.00pm – Libbi’s Cafe

7.00-8.00pm – Minister available @ Libbi’s Cafe

8.00pm – Gathering for Praise in the KirkThursday 2nd 7.00pm – Alpha Course @ LKC Saturday 4th ‘Listening Prayer’ day in the Kirk

th (Scots communion) (with Creche & BBC)

Theme: Loving your enemies (Acts 27) Preacher: John Young

10.20am – Prayer Time in the Elder’s Room (All welcome)

2.30pm – Service at Ellen’s Glen House (SEECAT)

Theme: Searching Issues – New Age Spirituality? Audio-visual reflection led by Rob Holden

Monday 6th 10.00am – 12.00 noon – Monday Café 7.30pm – World Mission Team meeting

Tuesday 7th 10.00am – 12.00 noon – Coffee Shop 3.00pm – Pram Praise in the Small Hall 6.00-9.00pm – Libbi’s Cafe in the Foyer

Wednesday 8th 6.00-9.00pm – Libbi’s Cafe in the Foyer 7.00-8.00pm – Minister available @ Libbi’s Cafe 7.00pm – SEECAT Justice & Peace Group evening

@ St John Vianney’s Thursday 9th 2.00pm – Senior Citizen’s closing party

7.00pm – Alpha Course @ LKC

th (with Crèche, Sunday Club, CC & BBC)

Theme: Being humble (Acts 14.8-20) Preacher: Ruth Davies 10.20am – Prayer Time in the Elders Room 3.00pm – SEECAT planning meeting at St Catherine’s

Come and hear about SAT7 Radio

Monday 13th 10.00am – 12.00 noon – Monday Café 7.30pm – Kirk Session & District Visitors meet in LKC

Tuesday 14th 10.00am – 12.00 noon – Coffee Shop 6.00-9.00pm – Libbi’s Cafe in the Foyer

September 2010 13 May 2013 page 13

Wednesday 15th 2.30pm – Service @ Braid Hills Nursing Home 6.00-9.00pm – Libbi’s Cafe in the Foyer 7.00-8.00pm – Minister available @ Libbi’s Cafe 8.00pm – Gathering for Praise in the Kirk

Thursday 16th 2.00pm-3.30pm – Seniors Alpha Course in the Small Hall 7.00pm – Alpha Course @LKC


(with Crèche, Sunday Club, CC & BBC) Theme: Is there life without the Spirit? Preacher: John Young 10.20am – Prayer Time in the Elder’s Room (All welcome) 1.00pm-6.00pm – in Princes St. Gardens

An evening with the Waldensians

Monday 20th 10.00am – 12.00 noon – Monday Café Tuesday 21st 10.00am – 12.00 noon – Coffee Shop

6.00-9.00pm – Libbi’s Cafe in the Foyer Wednesday 22nd 11.00am – Pram Praise in the Small Hall

6.00-9.00pm – Libbi’s Cafe in the Foyer Thursday 23rd 2.00pm-3.30pm – Seniors Alpha Course in the small Hall

7.00pm – Alpha Course @ LKC th

4.00pm – 6.00pm – Messy Church @ LKC


(with Crèche, Sunday Club, CC & BBC) Theme: Trying to be someone you’re not (Acts 13.1-12) Preacher: John Young 10.20am – Prayer Time in the Elder’s Room (All welcome) 2.30pm – Service at Liberton Hospital (SEECAT)

Outreach night with: Neil Bain (Lothian & Border’s Police)

Monday 27th 10.00am – 12.00 noon – Monday Café Tuesday 28th 10.00am – 12.00 noon – Coffee Shop

2.30pm – Service @ Guthrie Court 3.15pm – Service @ Guthrie House 5.45-7.15pm – Prayer for the Scottish Parliament @ the

Parliament Building 6.00-9.00pm – Libbi’s Cafe in the Foyer

Wednesday 29th 6.00-9.00pm – Libbi’s Cafe in the Foyer

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Elder’s Sunday Duties

Wednesday 29th 7.30pm – Presbytery Local Review meeting 8.00pm – Gathering for Praise in the Kirk Thursday 30th 2.00pm-3.30pm – Seniors Alpha Course in the small Hall

7.00pm – Alpha Course @ LKC

June 2013

Saturday 1st 9.30am – Spiritual Growth Planning Group @ LKC nd (with Crèche),

(with real wine) Theme: ‘Being Thankful’ (Exodus 16&17) Preacher: John Young 10.20am – Prayer Time in the Elders Room (All welcome)

2.30pm – Service at Ellen’s Glen House (SEECAT)

Theme: Science and Christianity Preacher: Derek Jardine

The Barony of Upper Liberton extends from the Braid Burn in the north, to the edge of Mortonhall in the south, and from the Braid Hills in the west, to beyond Liberton Kirk in the east, including what was Lesley Park, remembered now as Park Crescent. The name Liberton appears

to be derived from the leopard, which was part of a seal of John Leper dated 1st September 1189 showing a chevron between three Leopards heads. The Little family of Liberton who owned much of this land for several centuries, have for a crest a, Leopard’s head and the motto “Magnum in parvo”.

9-30am service East door east area Chris Young Stuart Fleming West door west area Fiona Knight Eric Brown north door plate Tom Baxendale Ken Logan

11-00am service West door extreme west Jeannie Robinson Jane Thompson East door extreme east Helen Colley Bill Robb North door centre west Brenda Lamb Christine Johnson front gate centre east David Colley Chris Brandie Gallery west gallery west Rink van Dijke Susan Jardine &west plate Gallery east gallery east Jill Niven Derek Jardine

Any elder unable to attend must arrange a substitute. Alison Walker 664 3631

.A History of Upper Liberton

September 2010 15 May 2013 page 15

The lands of Over Liberton were gifted by David 2nd, to John Wigham, who at a later date, granted a charter to David Libbertoun of the office of Sergandrie of the Constabulary of Edinburgh, with the lands of Over Liberton. John Dalmahoy had a charter of part of the lands of Upper Liberton in 1453. Robert Dalmahoy with the consent of his wife Janet Robertson, granted a charter of certain lands in Upper Liberton to Thomas Liberton, burgess of Edinburgh dated 13th August 1455. Robert died in the reign of James 3rd, leaving a son Alexander as successor.

Andrew Dalmahoy is recorded as a sergeant at the Parliament from 1524 to 1542, and from 1544 to 1546. At this time the lands around the Tower were known as Sergeant’s Lands until the late 1700s. William de Liberton was Provost of Edinburgh in 1425, 1426, 1429 and 1432. Alexander Dalmahoy by a charter dated 15th December 1587, granted a part of Over Liberton to William Little, who became Provost of Edinburgh from 1586 to 1591. William lived on the east side of an open court in the Cowgate, and built into the walls was a moulded and deeply recessed stone panel with the words “William Litil 1570”. Also on the corbels of the crow stepped gables, were the initials “W. L.” This house was demolished in 1835, and many of the carved and lettered stones were removed to Inch House. In 1580, Clem-ent Little gave all his books consisting of 300 volumes to start a library at Edinburgh University. His wife’s name was Maria Fleming. William Little mar-ried Margaret, daughter of John Murray of Blackbarony, who died at Flodden on 9th September 1513.

Part of the barony to the west of the Kirk was called Vicar’s Acres, and

these lands were conveyed by Sir Adam Sanderson to John Carketill, and by him to the Littles. The Winrams of the Inch possessed part of Over Liberton before the Littles became proprietors of the barony. The tithes in 1630 were shared by George Win-ram and William Little. George Winram was a son of James Winram, proprie-tor of Nether Liberton. Gabriel Little was grandson of William, Provost of Edinburgh, and was proprietor of Up-per Liberton, and became a burgess on 2nd December 1724, and died in 1737. The portrait of William Charles Little of Liberton is in the Scottish National Portrait Gallery, he was an original Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland in 1780, wrote a historical account of the Hammermen of Edinburgh, and died in 1686.

Liberton Tower is 590 feet above sea level, 45 feet high, and was proba-bly built no later than the 14th century. The entrance is via a door in the east side 16 feet above ground, and a moat probably surrounded the building. The old cottages near the tower were built near the end of the 17th century, and an old charter mentions that a chapel was nearby.

Liberton House was built by the Little family soon after their arrival in Liberton, and the earliest date is 1675. Round the top of a sundial is the motto “As the Sun runs, so death comes”. Above the sundial is a carved scroll containing the Little arms and the initials “W.L. 1683”. There have been many alterations, and during these was found a stone bearing the date 1605. Source material comes mainly from “Liberton in Ancient and Modern Times”, by George Good, 1893.

John Rennie, March 2013

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September 2010 17 May 2013 page 17

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18 Liberton Kirk Magazine No.596 Page 18 Liberton Kirk Magazine No.621

Lemon Squeezy Driving School Learning to drive? Lemon Squeezy is the easy learn to drive system. From sitting in the driving seat for the first time all the way to passing your test, we’ll make it easy every step of the way. Already passed your test but haven’t driven for a while? Book some refresher lessons and we’ll soon restore your confidence. We’ll even give you your first 2 hour lesson at half price. What are you waiting for? Book your lessons today! Tel: 07961 095 607 Email: [email protected] www.lemon-squeezy.co.uk

Standard Rate Adult £22/hour Student £21/hour Block of 10 Lessons Adult £210 Students £200

September 2010 19 May 2013 page 19

Alan Johnstone Plumbing & Heating

* Central Heating systems * Boiler Change over * Bathroom Installation * Kitchen Appliances * Fires * Servicing of all Gas heating & Appliances * Any leaks and General plumbing repairs . . . . .


33 Liberton Gardens, Edinburgh, EH16 6JU Tel: 0131 258 3534 Mobile: 07866 632234

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.alanjohnstone.net


Toddler Groups in LIBERTON KIRK

HALLS Tuesday Group 1.30-3.30pm Organiser: Laura Robb

07815 951658

Wednesday Group 10.00am–12 noon Organiser: Janice Blackley 0131 478 9971

or contact Liberton Kirk Office 664 8264

20 Liberton Kirk Magazine No.596 Page 20 Liberton Kirk Magazine No.621

Lawn Maintenance Paths Turfing Borders

Tree cutting / Pruning Fences

Hedge Trimming Slabbing

Decking & Patios Planting

Grass Cutting Snow Clearing

Garden Tidy ups Bark & Chip spreading

Leaf Clearing Weed control

Garden Makeovers Strimming


Contact John Gallagher for a free estimate - Today -

On 07828 874 603 or 0131 477 6973

With over 40 years greenkeeping and landscaping experience, I can bring a wealth of knowledge

and high quality workmanship to all your garden maintenance needs


Morning Coffee 10am to 12 noon

Soup and sandwich lunch 12 noon to 1:30pm

Carrot and Coriander, Lentil, Tomato, Courgette etc

Egg and Cress, Cheese and Tomato, Ham and Salad, etc

September 2010 21 May 2013 page 21

Neighbourhood Scheme

If you need help with shopping or with small jobs,

please contact Morag on 664 1458.

Editors note Material for the issue

(covering June July and August) should be in my hands

The deadline for the Parish wide) issue is

Information can be left in my box in the Offering House on any

Sunday, or sent to me at 8 Fairmile Avenue, 477 9156.

email to @blueyonder.co.uk

More useful numbers

BT Faults 0800 800 151 Virgin Media faults 0845 454 1111

(151 from a Virgin landline) Electricity - power loss 0845 2727 999 Gas Emergency 0800 111 999 Scottish Water 0845 600 88 55

Police Howdenhall 0131 666 2222 Police Oxgangs 0131 441 1518 Police HQ 0131 311 3131

Royal Infirmary (all depts) 0131 536 1000 Sick Children’s Hospital 0131 536 0000 NHS24 08454 24 24 24

Edinburgh City Council 0131 200 2323 Clarence (Road Faults) 0800 23 23 23 Council Special Uplift 0131 529 3030 Council House Repairs 0131 200 2345 Scottish Government 0131 556 8400

First Edinburgh - Buses 08708 72 72 71 Lothian Buses 0131 555 6363 Train Times / Enquiries 08457 48 49 50

Websites �� Liberton Kirk www.libertonkirk.net ���� Church of Scotland www.churchofscotland.org.uk �� Bethany www.bethanychristiantrust.com �� Bethany Christmas Trees www.caringchristmastrees,com �� Fresh Start www.freshstartweb.org.uk �� Healing Rooms www.healingrooms-scotland.com �� Mission Aviation Fellowship www.maf-uk.org �� City Council www.edinburgh.gov.uk �� What’s on in Edinburgh eventsedinburgh.org.uk �� Edinburgh Leisure www.edinburghleisure.co.uk �� Scottish Executive www.scotland.gov.uk �� Train times www.nationalrail.co.uk �� Bus times lothianbuses.com �� Bus tracker (city bus times) www.mybustracker.co.uk or, from your mobile . . mobile.bustracker.co.uk �� Airport arrivals www.edinburghairport.com �� Weather information www.metcheck.com/V40/UK/HOME �� Road traffic information www.trafficscotland.org

22 Liberton Kirk Magazine No.596 Page 22 Liberton Kirk Magazine No.621

Change of Address If you have moved house recently, or are about to move, please fill in the address slip below and either hand it to your elder, or mail it to the Roll Keeper, Gary Ross, Liberton Kirk Office, 30 Kirkgate, Edinburgh, EH16 6RY Thanks very much Name (s) OLD Address

NEW Address NEW Telephone

Moving date

April crossword

Please note that the inclusion of an adver-tisement in the Magazine does not imply a recommendation - they are provided for information only. Contacts made with

advertisers are done at your own risk and no liability will be accepted by Liberton Kirk.


to CELLO LESSONS this year!

From enthusiastic qualified teacher

Beginners of all ages welcome

Instruments available for trial

For more information, tel. 0131 664 3119

September 2010 23 May 2013 page 23

Hours of Services : 9-30am and 11am

Services are recorded from time to time for distribution to the housebound. It may be possible to record a service on a one-off basis. Please contact

John Young or Ruth Davies if you have a special request. The Minister is usually available in the McDonald Room at the Kirk Centre,

on Wednesday evenings between 7pm and 8pm. Appointments can be made by telephone to see him at other times,

but please note that he is available on Fridays.

Liberton Kirk - names and addresses

Minister: Rev JOHN N YOUNG, PhD MA BD(Hons), Liberton Manse, 7 Kirk Park, EH16 6HZ. Tel 664 3067. email: [email protected]

Reader: Ruth Davies, 4 Hawkhead Grove, EH16 6LS. Tel 664 3608. email: [email protected]

Pastoral Support Worker: Ray Bain, 43 Hawthornvale, Newhaven, Tel 477 4785, Mobile 07982 241 598

Youth Worker: Andy Chittick, 15 Gilmerton Dykes Terrace, EH17 8LU. Tel 468 0326

Student Youth Worker: Alex Richards, Tel 07969 647 848, email: [email protected] Session Clerk: Christopher Brandie, 1F1 20 West Savile Terrace, EH9 3EA

Tel 668 1850, email: [email protected] Deputy Session Clerk: Rink Van Dijke, 21 Kirk Park, EH16 6HZ,

Tel 664 2178, email: [email protected] Treasurer: Judy Weston, 28 Longformacus Rd, EH16 6SE. tel 664 5684. Freewill Offering and Deed of Covenant Treasurer: E J Brown, 14

Liberton Drive, EH16 6NN. Tel 664 5008 Editor of the Magazine: John C Gill, 8 Fairmile Avenue, EH10 6RN,

Tel 477 9156, email: [email protected] Organist: Calum Gubby, 19 North Gyle Terrace, EH12 8JT.

tel 07952 902 292. email: [email protected] Sunday Club Secretaries: John and Linda Skinner 12 Alnwickhill Terrace

Tel 258 2889 Church Officer: William Mearns, 30 Kirkgate, EH16 6RY, Tel 664 4779. Convener of Visitors to the Elderly: Morag Fowlie, 7 Gilmerton Station Road,

EH17 8RZ, Tel. 664 1458 Hall Secretary and Church Secretary: Jacqui Tait, Church Office, Kirk Centre,

Kirkgate, EH16 6RY. Tel 664 8264. email: [email protected]

Please note that there is a letterbox at the Office door, if Jacqui is unavailable

Printed at The Dolphin Press, Tel 01592771652 www.dolphinpress.co.uk Data/Publisher/LibKirkMay13.pub Published 28th April 2013

Web Address www.libertonkirk.net Scottish Charity Number SC011602

Over the past few years CIPCA has helped more than to secure legal ownership of the land

they have lived on for generations. This in turn has protected them from local cattle ranchers and mining and logging companies who had been trying to drive them off their land, often destroying their crops or intimidating their families. With rights to the land, communities are now able to look forward to a more secure future and are able to invest their time and efforts in caring for the land and forest in which they live.

CIPCA is also helping them to increase the amount of food they have while con-tinuing to protect the forest and the rich resources it holds. By developing new sustainable businesses, such as growing the region's high-quality cocoa and teaching the communities how to keep hens and wool-less sheep, fear and hunger are being replaced by safety and abundance.

By providing each family with seeds or saplings for 52 different types of crops, CIPCA is helping them to diversify their agriculture, ensuring that they are not reliant on just a few crops. While some crops, such as rice or maize, are ready to harvest within a year, the communities can plan ahead and plant cocoa saplings or citrus trees for harvesting after a few years. They also plant their own hardwood trees, which may take 30 years to mature but can then be sold or used to build their children’s homes, further protecting their forest environment and futures
