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Libop Calculator for Android Features

Date post: 14-Jul-2015
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Libop Calculator Copyright Woodgates E.I.R.L. All Rights Reserved.
Page 1: Libop Calculator for Android Features

Libop Calculator Copyright Woodgates E.I.R.L. All Rights Reserved.

Page 2: Libop Calculator for Android Features

numbers and operations are stored in a list. use them with a touch. common operations always available. specific operations accessed at the functions buttons stripe.

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Constant Creation

Constant Selection

Main Settings Help

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b c


d e


a: Number List. Here you will find all the numbers you have enter and the results of your operations. You can manipulate this numbers or use them for list operations as summatory or mean. b: Function Spinner. You can select the operations that will be available at the Operations Stripe (e). c: Number of Decimals: You can select the default number of decimals. You can do swipe over a number to see more or less decimals d: Intro Stack: Here’s were you will see the number you type. e: Operations Stripe: It will show operations according to Function Spinner (b). f: General Operations: This operations will be always available. You can perform the secondary operation (in yellow) with Longclick.

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lock it and reuse it Lock a number so it will stay on the list after you use it.

You can perform several operations with the locked number without having to enter it again. Very useful to compare results or to find a target.

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personalized constants Longclick any number to save it as constant with the name you want.

Note: Libop Calculator Free has a three constants limit .

1. Constant creation.

2 The Constant Creation screen will appear. You can store the constant with the name you want. If you touch an existing constant it will be updated and the value will be stored on it.


1 Long click a number to save it as constant

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personalized constants Click on the light blue stack to

open the Select Constant screen. 1 2

2. Constant Selection. At the Select Constant

screen click the constant you want to use.

3 The constant will appear on the main screen

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unit conversion Libops unit conversion is very straightforward

Enter the value. 1 2 Select its unit. 3 Select the target unit

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formulas and variables Libop Calculator has finance and statistic distribution formulas. To calculate them you have to store values on the variables.


Longclick over a variable to store a value on it.


2 The stored value will appear over the variable.

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formulas and variables Example 1 with finance formulas.

You are asking for a 500USD loan at 24 months. The bank offers you a monthly interest of 1%. How much will be the monthly payment?

Period (n) = 24 Interest (i) = 1% Loan (Present Value PV) = 500 Payment (PMT) = ??

1 Set the variable values with Longclick

2 Click on PMT to get it’s calculated value

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formulas and variables Example 2 with finance formulas. You are evaluating a project with the following cash flow:

1 Enter the cash flow

Year Cash Flow

0 -650 000

1 200 200

2 230 450

3 320 000

4 220 000

Calculate the Net Present Value considering a discount rate of 16%

Year 4 3 2 1 0

Discount rate

2 Click on Net PV to get it’s calculated value

Note: Net Present Value is available only at Libop Calculator Full.

and set the rate

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formulas and variables Example 3 with Normal Distribution.

Consider a Normal distribution with: Mean : 24 Standar Deviation : 10 Calculate the cummulative probability of 36.2

1 Select Normal in Distributions Function

Note: Normal Distribution is available only at Libop Calculator Full.

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formulas and variables Example 3 with Normal Distribution. Mean : 24 Standar Deviation : 10 Cummulative probability of 36.12?

Note: Normal Distribution is available only at Libop Calculator Full.

2 Store 24 at Mean (µ) and 10 at St Dev (σ) with Longclick

3 Write 36.12 and press F(x)

4 The result is 88,72%

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some interesting features Swipe for decimals You can swipe the number left or right to see more or less decimals

Cancel the Operation In Normal Mode you can click over the operation to cancel it.

Deg / Rad Mode Click on DEG to change it to RAD and viceversa.

Use it when Lock If you cellphone locks every x time you can set this option so you don’t have to unlock the phone to continue using Libop. RPN Mode Reverse Polish Notation. The operator goes on the end. Example: 50 [Enter] 40 [+] = 90

Help Libop has a complete Help section were the main features are explained.

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free versus full Feature Free Version Full Version

Constant Creation Limited to three. No Limit

Finance operations Loan: Payment, Present Value, Future Value

Loan: Payment, Present Value, Future Value, Interest Rate, Periods. Cash Flow: Equivalent Annual Cost, Net Present Value.

Statistic Distributions Poisson. Normal, Poisson, Exponential, Gamma, Binomial, Cauchy, T-Student, F, Weibull and Geometric.

Ads Not Yet Never

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Libop Calculator Copyright Woodgates E.I.R.L. All Rights Reserved.

https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jorgeyoma.libop.free http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00ETS6IZ0


Free Version

Full Version
