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Library IT in DK

Date post: 11-Apr-2017
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Library IT in DK and Dokk1

Library IT in DK and Dokk1

Agenda• Historical facts

• Library system (FBS)

• Intelligent Material Management System (IMS)

• Websites, apps and infrastructure

• Interfaces in Dokk1

Historical facts• 98 municipalities in DK

• Monopoly for School Libraries

• Monopoly for Public Libraries

• Slow development rate

• 30+ CMS systems

• Expensive

• Overly complex systems

Library System (FBS)

Library System (FBS)• Supports school and public libraries

• Web-based and modular

• Service Oriented Architecture

• Standard API’s for CMS, Apps, national library services

• The libraries own the system

• The libraries defines new features, development rates

Library System (FBS)

Intelligent Material Management System (IMS)

• Where are books and other library materials?

• Where are they most needed?

• Are there enough books on the shelves?

• How can loans of materials and returned library materials be handled most efficiently?

Intelligent Material Management System (IMS)

• Intelligent distribution of items – books and other library materials will be returned to libraries where there is space available.

• Exact information on the current location of any book or other library materials - making it easy to find without having to waste time searching.

• Full access to historical data/logs.

• Monitoring material requirements.

• Ad hoc reporting.

• Electronic picking lists on hand held devices.

CMS, apps and infrastructure

• TING -> DDB = Danish Digital Libraries.

• 98 libraries participate (voluntarily).

• Common Data Well (repository), CMS, apps and other infrastructure.

• Community for library dissemination and negotiation with rights holders, publishers etc.

• It’s all OpenSource and shareable.


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Interfaces in Dokk1• Tool for dissemination on screens.

• Controls all screens, channels, slides

• Wayfinding

• What’t going on (today, on location, in this room etc.)

• Integrated with our Exchange platform.

• Used throughout the city

Library systemCMSAppsNational servicesIMSData well

Library IT-overview

Sharing and collaboration made

the difference

“All for one, and one for all ”

Thank you for listening

Bo Fristed [email protected] Phone: +45 2014 2612 Twitter: Fristed Skype: bofristed
