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REPUBLICAN HEADQUARTERS. The Bonte "Ulilch Will Be Occupied by the National Committee. New Vorlc l'les" Tlie headquartcra chosen by the Republi- can National Committee at 518 Fifthavenue is farther from Madison square than nny ever before occupied. Tiiis is not the fault of the committeenieu, however. They made a diliscnt search for a building nearer tn the center of the town, but none was to be obtained. The houso finally selected is a fine family residence of the style of 15 years ago. It Is amply large and will give each onnr.it- teeman a room to himself, besides plenty of room fur clerks and stenegra&bera. The headquarters will be fitt-d un with unusual eleganee, and will probably De ready lot occupancy Tliursday. INVITATIONS TO SMILE. The brutality of Englis ) electors is shock- ing. They often bear a candidate so that lie is laid up for days. In civilized America we merely blast his reputation for life and let fiiuigo.—New YorK Herald. How lie Wa* Cornered. lie—l know it's awfully impertinent, bu'. tell me, are you encaged? She— lcould tell better if you were to ask me anotLer Questiou first.— Truth. Too Mack for the Editor. She was a pretty clr! and she blushed a bit as she stepped into editor's room. "I suppose you don't care for poetry here, <lo you?" she inquired. "No," said the editor, diplomatically, "Ican't say we do." "I guessed as much from the verse you pub- lished," she rejoined. And then she v\a> gone.— Washington Star. Ills St«t« »f Feeling. "Well, my boy, how did you feel when you proposed "I felt lor my hat."— Truth. Rpcomintr Acquainted. ' He called her miss. And she called him mister: They continued tnts Till one lilgbt he kissed her. Then their bashfalcess They perceived was folly; Now he rails her Hess And she calls him Cbolly. —New York Press. DMn't Htup to Kxitmiue. She— Your parents had always objected, eh?" He-Yes. She— l3nt when you came to ask her pa- rents for their consent you found tbat ihe shoo was on_the other foot, eh?" lie (simply)—ldidu't stop to see which foot it was Truth. An Ingenious Scheme. Mrs. Keyboard— Why did you always sit at the hotel piano? You can't play a ante. Old Neithercan any oue else while I'm here.— Brandon Banner. 15y tlie IVay of a Hint. Ethel— George, you are like an hour- Rlass. George— ln what respect? Ethel The more time given you, the less sand you seem to have.— Or I>tller<>iit Set. "No," said one chicken to another, "t» don't speak to her. She wasn't batched from the same lot of esigs that we were." "Oh, I see. She's frcm a different st-t, isu't she?"— Washington Star. An Old- Fashioned Sermon. "Well, I'd be ashamed of myself if I were you," said .Mrs. Cuiuso to her husband. "You didn't get to church this morning till the sermon was half over." "Oh, I was there long before that," re- plied Cumso. "I got t!;eie just as the preacher said, 'Finally, brethren, one word more.' "—Judge. Not a Bit M»llcloiif. Jeannette— Does Miss Boardmr.n get her lovely complexion from her father or her mother? Gladys (sweetly)— Froni her father. He's iu the drug business. Chicago >iews- ltecord. Encouragement. "No, Mr. Gilgal," she said, kindly, *T am sure I could nevpr learn to love you." "Oh, maybe you could," rejoined Gilsal. "Never too old to learn, you know."—Life. A l.o».l)«wii Trick. "Well, if that ahi't mean," exclaimed the prisoner. ''livery durneu one o' the stories iu thts here paper they've R.;nme to rend is continued ! An' me to be hung next week 1" Indianapolis Journal. Onsht to Be Grateful. "Come to think of it," said Willfe Wlsh- ington, "I saved my t utuah a weal deal »] money." ' -How?" "By not being twins."— Washington Star. A Distinction. "I'm going to get a hair-cut this after- noon." "You'dbetter get several." "Several hair-cuts?" "Xo; several hairs cut."— Puck. A Summer .I'-kr. "I don't care for lawn-tennis," said the sky as it boosted the sun up a ways, "but 1 have a remarkably good blazer."—Wash- ington Stai\ Just before a thunder shower at HliU- boro. Or., one night last week millions ol large insects gathered about tha electric lights, completely surrounding the one at the corner of Main and S-rond streets and putting out the light. Pedestrians were struck in the face by the frantic iesa and the entire brick building ou the corner was covered with them. Where they came from and where they went to is a mystery. A Fresno wo au recently made an unsuc- cessful effort to get police assistance in bringing her husband home from the Salva- tion Army. She alleged that her spouse was neglecting his home and work iu hUeutha- siastic attendance at their mcetißga. A t J.-v.-r !»...!-«>. The Philadelphia cirls have discovered a new dodge, or at least the Music and Drama of tlmt tiiy tliiuks they have, for it tnsU this little BODOIofEiM into the mouth of one of its townswonien: "Ob, no, it isu'i un- tied; it's aa fad to iiavrt them that way," she said, with a smile, M he offered to tie tho laces of her neat little low shoes. "You see, the girls like to have the men notice their feet—if they are shapely or small," she continued, growing confidential, **so imi woman, irore ingenious than her sis- ters, thought of the scheme, aud now when you pass us M the street you take the sec- ond look when you lind our shoelaces are trailing on the ground." French peasants will keep a goose fresh for 11 months by cutting the bird into joints, placing it in an earthen pot and tilling all the interstices with hog's lard. When they feel an nnpeilto for gooso they withdraw as innch as they want from the pot. carefully filling the cavity with inoru lard. TTTE MORNINO CALL, SAX FEANCISCO, SATITHDAV, AUGUST r,, 1892-EIOHT PAGES. 5 REAL ESTATE FOB SAUB BY THOS. liibßlj, Real Estate Agent, And Publisher "Beal Estate CircaUr." No. 20 Montgomery Street, orrosiTK LICK icouse. DESIKABLK PROPERTT. OLAHOE FINE VAN NESS AVE. OOKNKBS, L> liOxlUO iu size, with improvement*: paying good income. - -.:. tills St., bet. I'owell mid Mason; 50x137 :'j \u25a0>.: party walls: cheap: If buyer boilila have teuant Who will piy good n-iitand ta<:e JU years' lease. Keuts $450: 000: downtown Inves: ment: 3- story brick outuiing and lot 34:4x1374; rented Steady to tenants wliohavx been there for years; :i »ery fine buy; isush st., bet. Montgomery au<l Kearny. Geary St.. i.ear Kearny; rents $140; lot Uaj 2 fronts and brisk bulldlnes; $70,000. Golden Uato ave., >. side, - J blocks from Market: 60x137 :t> and rr:>im< buildion: J»t reasonable price rcne»p: $13,000: Filth and Harrison sts.. iil-.:\ 80 and 2-story lraino with store on comer; reut $60: balance o the lot vacant. Keduced to $7500— Jackson St., bet. Montgomery and Sansoiue: 30x60: niukiug 2 coruers and i; fronts; pays $10 ground rent. Howard St., bet. 3U and 4th; 01x78. and brici bulidlDK; $30.500. $.000 casn. balance easy terms; $7500: Hush St.. bet Mocktounad fowcll,2-story basement h«as«; 11 rooms and modern conveniences; lot has \u25a0'& fronts. Cheap; redncert to $13,000: Valencia «t . west Slae, near Jlat: 38x1 10, and nno bow-window resi- dence; uooii, growing hmlnim property. l'iercc St.: two tine new bouses: M rooms and every convenience in each; rent $->0; lot;i7:6x ] 105; a very fine buy ; $10,'-;'»0; bet. Golden Uale ave. and Turk st. Haipht-st. Bats, bet Webster and Fillmore: BTa 137 V.' tlit-t of 5 and ti rooms, and Rood 3-storv \u25a0 house of I'l rooms In re;«r: rents $98 50 in a>> : brick foundation; cable-car* pa«; $12. U00. Grove, bet. WilwUr »ud ITllUuore; 37:6x107;6; $47a0; very cheap, •- '-.•\u25a0 '- -.% BOOMS t() LET-CQNTI>rEI>. Royal HOUSE m ELLIS STREET —NEW house: just opened; incandescent ll^ht In every room: flrst-ciass readins-room, co:itaitilnu alidiity papers: open all nlsUt; rooms per nis-h Bscto $1 50; week. $1 75-iq $7; mouth. #7 to $31) jy2» tt rj jt) KIXIS— LABOB, SUNXV, NEATLY FUR. * ILi nlshedrms.; also single: reasonable. jy2Blot "I O(* SEVENTH— VERY NICE SONNY KKONT JOU room, fnrnlblied; rent reasonable. Jy'<>B tf Q7 SECOND (WKlili HOUSE) -FURNISHED 0 i rooms: day, week, montu, traugient. j>J3 lm A*)l BRYANT— NICELY FURNISHED SUNNY -I*- t rooms, batli, gag, from $4 np. iy.i: 7t* 79«.> UROVE—3 UNI'URNISUEI} ROOMS TO I L.— let. jy2l tf mHAYES-"THE GIKI-ORD"; SUITE IUR- i- ±O i)i-she<l; hoiisckeepins rooms: single. jyls tf rpilE ESMOND. 43 SIXTH ST.. COB. MISSION— -L Nicely. furnished sunny rooms; with or without board; just opened. J. F. SWEENEY, late of Gait House. . jy 17 lm 2'Jll TAYLOR HANDSOMELY FURNISHED «->vJ sun. ly front suite, $v.*s; other rooms.jyl4 lm "I (\fiQl MISSION (THE AVON)—NEW HOUSE; IVUO? new furniture; pleasant rooms, suite or yln^le: also bomeiteeplng; home comforts. je2a3ro ryt\K ABBUT»rOiU>, NW. COR. LARKIN ANU x Broadway— Nice, qulat, genteel and homelike; lurrushed or uniurntshed sunny ruoms at extremely moderate prices; light houiekeepiug permltted.4tt 282 *] X '' ',' - BINOI^ AND DOUBLE FUR. «-iA? r.lshed rooms; reasonable. jylOlm A^nJ" 1 !!,^ 10 *"* 110U »E. 127 KEARNY -PLEAS- x\ ant sunny rooms, on suite and single; tint-ei-iM In every respect: terms reasonable. jaiotr Y OSKMITE HOUSE, 1045 MAREBT ST BET Six tli an<i Seveutb; 35c to Si l>er night: per week. >1 uo to $5: single ami «n snita? lanitHftn.^^tt li<>A»;l>lN« AM) KOD.US FOLSOM (LATHAM 1 1 rnolTirj,T; \JOU anil Hlngle sunny rurnished rooms: board optional: large, sunny yard. auij 3t* 11 TURK NEWLY FURNISHED HT7r;SE, I JLU routn-t en suite and single, with board. auti 3t I^LKGANT FURNISHED ROOMS; WITH OR lJ without board; terms reasonable. 417 Van Ness avenue. au4 7t I^URNISHED BOOMS AND liOAKD r"OK (iEN- \u25a0 tlcman and wife or 1! single gentlemen. At - J-j.i7 J&ckson st. a u3 7t* 1 1 1 l\ OCTAVI —LAROE SUNNY FRONT X IX\J alcove suite, with board. jy3l 7t» | f\o OOLDKN GATE AVE.. ONE BLOCK FROM IVWCRJ Hall Furnished roouit, with board: terms reasonable: table board. " \u25a0 JjrlS lm \IONTUOMERY*3 TEMPERANCB HOTEL. U7 aU and V.'y Second «.— Slnjle meals 25e; hnardi-il rcom per day. 7&c to si \u25a0 by the wee*. »4 to 55: (rat Ccaea to and from t.'io bo>.el. ac-l- CHILDKKN r.o\.ci>| I). MI I) 1) LE- A (HcfrTvoifANT EXPEBIBNCBD IM care or childreii, pleasant home in Aiameda, would take 20r3 to board. A. U. U, 1312 Oak St., Aiameda. antf 3t* TTNEXCKFTIONAL HOME FOR 2 OR 3 lII.E U children at 402 San Joso ave. Iy2S 15t* STORKS TO L.ET. %Vn BTOR * >yirirV^to7)M^r^i?iTAmlE '.. ' '• branch bakery or delicatessen-store. L. LANU, 'SO I'ajre St., key npstalrs. nn>> 2t* Ol •> POLK—3 VI.KYNICESTORES; ROOMS IN Z.X») rear; $15 and f'-!0; central. auti 7t <T? DA 47a VALENCIA st. «y«JU. $35-204'-' Sixteenth St. $\u25a0_'-.> 50-113i Valencia st. *250-508Maritet st. 940—1169 Howard St.; two floors. CiIAS. ASiITn.N, 411 MonUomory -it. JV3I 14t I'_>/« 4TII— LAKUE STORE: UASEMENT; SUIT- .I « m » able furcrificprv <>r furniture boaloeee. j24 tt OFFICKS TO LKT. 9 1 GEARY, OPP, ONION BQUARB BLB- L• I if gantly furnished rm-.; doctors' offices. jy3otf BTABI.ES TO LKT. TO LET—LARGE ; STAHI.E ON .M Oll kTs^AVeT; 8 stalls. 429 Sixth Bt. an'-' st» ASS! -S'KM' >OTICKS. ]\JOTICE OV ASSESSMENT SILVER HILL. i-> Mining Company. Location of principal place of business. San Francisco, t'.iiirornla: location of works. Gold Hill. Storey County, Nevada. -Notice Is hereby Riven that at a meeting of the Board of Directors, neld on the 2«l day of Auftuit, 1892, an assessment (No. SI) of five (5) cents per share was levied upon tbe capital stocic of tlie corporation, payable Immediately In ; uitea States gold coin to the Secretary at the office of the company, room 79. Nevada block, 30a Montgomery street. San Francisco. California. Any st.tck upon wktea Ibis assess;nent snail re- main anpaldon the 6tb d.iv of Sei mber, 1892. w,it be flelin 'in.-lit aud advertised ror >ale at public auc- tion, aud. u-.iles< payment Is made before, willbo sold on THURSDAY. the 27th day of September, 1892, to [My the delinquent assessment together with costs of advertising and CT;ieiis©s of sale, liy order of the lioard of Directors. I). C. KATES, Secretary. Offlce—Room 79, Nevada block. 309 Montgomery St., San Franclsro, California. au3 td "VTOTICE OF ASSESSMENT. fcXCHEOCEB X' Mining Company— Location or principal place of business, San Francisco. Cal. Location of works. 6o d Hill. Storey County. Nev. Notice i* bereby Rlvea tiiat at a meeting of the boat : of directors, helti on tuo twenty-seventh (27) day of July IB9'J, a:i assessment. No 33, of ten (iO) cents per suare was lavled upon the capital stock of the corporation, payable Immediately in L'n.ted States ft old cola, to the secretary, at ths office of tue t i.-riis>aiiy.room 73.Nevada block. No. 309 Alout- gomery St., Ban I ranclii-o, Cal. Any stock upon which this assessment shall re. main nnpatd <>u the thirty-firstday ot August, 1892, will bedellnque t and advertised fur sale at pabl c suction; and unless payment Is mad* before, will be rold on TUESDAY,ttie twentltth day of >ep. tamber, 1892, to pay the delinquent acsesatneafc, together wish the cost ot adveitlsir:^ aud expenses u. sale. By ord< rof the board or directors. CHAS. K. ELLIOT. Secretary. Offlce—Rcom 79. Nevada block, No. 309 Mont- gomery St., san Francisco, Cal. Jj2B td t'STICE MINING COMPANY— LOCATION O9 prli eipal place of biulnees San Francisco, Cal. ; location or works Uold Hill MiningDistrict, Storey Cou:;ty, NevaiU. Notlre is hereby glvnn tbat at a meeting or the board of directors held on tne 26th riayofJniy, Itj'j-, *a assessment (No. M) ot ten (10) cents per ire was levied upon tbe capital stock of the cor- peractaN, parable Immediately in United State* gold colu, to tne secretary, at the office or the com- pany. 410 t'.illf'jrnia St.. room 3. Sau t'rauclsco, CaL A., stock upon which this usse^srnent s!;a!l re- main unpaid on ths 31st day of August, 1892, will be delinquent and advertised for sale at public auc- tion, and, unless p,k>-inent Is mu'ie before, will be sold on MON HAY. the 19th day ol September, 18»a, ta pay the d»tlcqneiit assessment, together with Tbe cost of advertising and expenses or sale. By order of the boar J of directors. R. E. KELLY. Secretary. omce— 4l9 Califorula St.. room 3, Sau Francisco, Cat. }>-27 td \u25a0V"OTICE OF ASSESSMENT— PEER MININO •X> Company. locatloa or principal place ofbust- new San Francisco, CalUornia; location of worts, Qnljotoa. Arizona. N<tlte is herei>y clven tbat at a meeting of tne Board of Directors, held on the 19th day of July, 18y2, an as cs«ment. No. 13, of 10 cent* per share was levied upou the capital stock or ibe corpora- tion, payable Immediately In l'nlted States gold coin to t!ie Secretary, at the office of the company, 301* Montgomery street. No. I*3, Nevada Block, Saa Francisco, California, Any stocic upon which this assessment «hall re- main onpali on the »3th day of Anjnst. 1892, will be delinquaut and advertised for sale at public auc- tion: and unless payment is made beture will be sold on nsi>A\, iho 22vl day of September, lt>92. to pay t:io deliuiiuent assessment, together witii the costs of advertising and expenses of sale. By order of the Board or Directors. ALii.AYATKRMAN, Secretary. Office—No. 23, Nevada Block, 309 Montgomery street, San Franelsco. CalUornia. }y2tf td Y'>!l>i- OV ASSESSMENT— UNION OONSOLI- 1> dated Silver MinUift compatiy. I ocatlon of principal Dlace of business, San Francisco, ('al. ; location of works. Virginia MlnlagDistrict, Storey County, SevA.Lv Notice is hereby given tbat at a meeting of the Board or Directors, held on the 18th day or July, 1832, an assessment. No. 48. of 25 cenU per share, was levifd ou the capital stock of the comoratlon, payable Immediately In United States goldcoin, to to the secretary, nt tr.e ofaoe of the company, room 11, 303 California St., Sau Francisco. Qal, Any stock upon which this assessment shall re- main unpal'l on tlie 2-Jth day of August. ISO2. will be delinquent and advertised for sale at public auc- tion: and dales* payment is made before, will be sold on TUESDAY, the 13th day of September. 1592, to pay the delliitjueiit assessment, together with the costs of advertising and expenses of sate. By order of tbe Board of Directors, A. W, BARROWS. Secretory. Offlce—Room 11. 303 California St., San Fran- cisco. Cal. jyl9 td YOTICE OF ASSESSMENT— KENTUCK CO!*- lv solldited Mining Company. Location of prin- cipal place of business, San FrancUco, CallfornU; location of works, Uold Hill, Storey County, Ne- vada. tlce Is hereby given that at a meeting of the Board of Directors, neld on the 16th day of July, 1802. an assessmeut (No. 4) of ten (10) cents per share was levied upon the capital stoct of tbe corporation, payable Immediately In Unltei States gold < ci-i to the Secretary at the offlce or ths eoinp:iiiy.. . ii)l'iru< street, rooms 15 and 17, San Fraucisco, California. Any stuck npon which this assessment shall re- main unpaid on the ISth day or Aucust.lB93, willdelinquent and advertised for sale »t , u:>lle auc- tion, and. onlrs< payment is made before, willbe sold on THURSDAY,the Htb day of September. ltj'i-', to pity ti.o delinquent assessment tngetber with costs of advertising and expenses of sale. By order of tbe Board of Directors. 4. >v. PEW, Secretary. or.lcc— 10 Pine street, rooms 15 and 17,S*n Fran. Cisco, California. jyl6 VOIIIt AsSiiMsMEM'-I'IvfiKLESS MIN- -*-' ing Company. Location of principal place of bustnrss, Sun It.itic.sco, CaL ; location of works, Vuljotoa, Ariz. Notice iierci'v Riven that at a meeting of tbe Board ot Directors, held ou ti o 6th day of July, 1892. an assessment (No. 18) of 6 cents p«r share was levied upon the capital ttock of the corporation, payable Immediately InL'ntted States gold coin to the Secrotary. at the office of the company, room 23. Nevada block. No. 309 Mont- gomery street, S.in Fiaucisco, California. Any stock upou which this assessment shall re- main unpaid on t:ip 11th day or August, 1892. will b* deMn.inent ami advertised for sale at pnbllcauction, and unless payment Is made berore will be sold on \> KHN K.s day. the 7tb day September. 180-', to pay the delinquent assess- ment, together with sts or advertising and ex- penses of sale. By order of the Board of Directors. AUG. WATEKMAN, Secretary. Oflice-R^om 23. Nevada block, 309 Montgomery tt . S.i;i 1 -r.-i- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0l«c-\ CqilforTiln. *v7 t.l CONTKACTOUS .\ M> HUII.I>KKS. VTLAWRENOE,CARp r ENTiiR AT^DHBTfILDKTr . 61W baci-amento at. : cabinet worn and nttiugay promptly attended: teleuhoue *»IH». mltJtt si:KEr,riN(t KOOMS— CON'TIMJBD. rf[ \ I" 1 J Missi neab Second -si nny- *J\JX'i back rooms furnisticil ror lisrßt honsekeep <»'g. __^ an 3t*_ 1f)X NEW MONKJOMKKY— NICE FURNISHED X\JO housekeeping and single rooms cheap.ntf C7A FOLSOM—2 NICELY FCRN, KOOMS, ColT vJ I \J pleto for housekeeping: $10 month. au(s ot* 1 I'Z SILVER. NEAP. FOURTH— FURNISHED ±yj*J rooms housekeeping. « auts .H* 9 UNFUR. LIGHT HOUSEKPG RMS: MAN AND wife; no children; $7. 529 Sixth st. au6 3t* (Mni'"WKiX-.i BUN NT housekeeping via*/ rooms: gas and bath; $25. aus 2t* 9^l SIXTH ST.—NICE SUNNY FRONT AND *Jj housekeeping rooms. au6 2t* P4Q HOWARD OR 3 FURNISHED BOOMS, v i" complete housekeeping. ai:6 2t* 58'? TEVENs>o!< - a ROOMS; FURNISHED; *ju+. housekeeping; also single rooing. au6 3t» H10 JESSIK ' UKT - POUBTH AND FIFTH-2 oiU rooms: t«nrasaad; aon«e«eeplng. * <)'<) FOLBOM, NEAR SIXTH— I OR 2 ROOMS- OOP furnished: housekeeping. Utt " nooM» \u25a0 AilA CLEMENTINA, NEAB SIXTH - 1 OR 2 S\J X rooms: furnlshedjjiousekee;>lng: cheap. 1 I Q TENTH BAXDSOMB ROOMS; SINGLE X-l <j or double, with kitchen; private family. IAAO POWELL—ROOM.S COMPLETE FOR XUV/^ housfckefplng: flna Tlew: use piano. 5 lot K9Q PINE— SUNNY BASEMENT; 4 ROOMS O+.O furnished ror housekpg: unole floor.aus 4t* fJI Q POST— BACE PARLOR. WITH PLEAS- t XO aut kitchen, for light housekeeping. ans st* 9| FELL— UN RNISHED HOUSEKEEPING \u25a0— *- rooms; range; hot and cold water: $10. a5 3t» OOA EDDY—2 ROOMS PARTLY FURNISHED OOP for beoaakeeplng. aus 3t* A&A sna-25 na-2 HEAR sunny BOOMS com- tr«J X" ptete Tor housekeeping. aus 2t* 1O(i FERN avk FURNISHED FLAT OP S X*J\J rooms for housekeeping; 914. aus 3t* 7(«^1 HOWARD a FURNISHED ROOMS, »W< withkitchen, ror homeiteepln?. aus 2t* OL'Q MISSION—3 LARGE SUNNY ROOMS PUR- OUO nl3bed complete for housekeeping, auj -t* 9 PEARL, BKT. MARKET AND RIDLEY 2 sunny rooms, BBfornlsbeo, bath. aul 3t* 1 O'>7 MISSION FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPI -* ' '— I ing, also double and single rooms, cheap.3* A «_»O JKSSIE. KEABOF MINT—LARGE SUNN Y XtJO iioustkeeplng rooms, also single. aul st* 1 KiIAMA - % HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, OOP cheap. aui -it* QA'J THIRD SUNNY FRONT FURNISHED O\JO rooms for housekeeping. au4 :it* O9A MINNA— SUNNY BEDROOM AND KITCH- «J— v/ en. complete foi housekeeping. an 131* j I OI.IVEAVE.. NR. LARKIN AN1) ELLISSTS.— XI2 furnished housekeeping rooms, $10; hot and cold water; ur>\ lloor. aul4t* 1 JIALYON. NR. SUTTER— 2 ROOMS: r UR- -1 "I 1\J nijlie.l complete housekeeping; JlO. 34f 1 '/<V(I MISSION—4 UNFURNISHED Hnl'Sl> -«-—\u25a0^»" keeping rooms; bath. \u2666 auJ st« ri'H WASHINOTON UNFURNISHED UV/— housekeeping rooms; running water. au2 7t* r.|f)Ml>NA RNISHED BOOMS FOR *J'i\J housekeeping. jy24 tf \ (\(\ EIGHTH—HOUSEKEEPING AND SINGLE: L\JU furniibt-i room3: ven rea*oi Jy'26 tf 1 i')(\ TENTH nny FRONT BOOMS. FUR- XLAJ nlshed tor housekeeping. Jy22 tf I '-^01 SACBAMBSTO— PLEASANT SUNNY. I OV'l unfurnished housekeeping rooms. jy2l tf lA'J] MISSION FL'KNisii: D ROOMS FOR ±\Jt)l housekeeping; rent modor:*te; quiet. 21 tr 71 p: F.DDY— HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS; ALSO i XO alcove. j>-2 tr '_> 1 Q MI N NA SUNNY KOO.U FURNISHED OXO complete for housekeeping. |e23 tf JO X GEAIU a OR 3 SUNNY FURNISHED t*J*J housekeeping; other roonas; yard. jyaitt r MOSS. NR. SEVENTH. OFF HOWARD -\EAt7 <' ly furnished rooms for housekeeping; terms very reasonable qnletbome; nochLldreu. jySl 7t* ') FURNISHED BOOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING. «J 13 Mosi sr,. Ofl llowaiil, near Seventh. jv3l 10t* BOOUS TO LET. 197 MONTGOMERY GARLAND HOUS E; LLi I lttely chauged hands: thoroughly renovated; elegantly furnished suites: double and sin. rms: day. week, month: reasonable MRS. GARL.ANI>.auS lni QTRANGKRS AND OTHERS DESIRING i I K- -0 nlßhed . \u25a0\u25a0ins. etc.. pease consult our list: no ree. SWKETSER A BRIGGS, 10jiy Market St. (J«jOTo9i-j; SUNNY ROOMS; GAS; BATH; WU Nineteenth »t- ; ctrlc-cars. half b|.«k. SWEETSER A BRIGGS. 10Jiya Market St. 11 A*> POWJ6LL— FRONT SI'NNY .SINGLE 1 xVO rooms neatly furnished: 95 np. au6 2t* 7 A POLSOM— NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM. 1 ID private family: *•; month. ~- \u25a0. 171^ HOWARD-FURNISHED DOUBLE AND X I 1' ' single rooms; private: gas; bath, auO lot* (]()({ JONES. NEAR BUSH-E"LEGAN"TLY~FU"R^ •Jj-*' nlshed fro:it suite suitable 'J fentleaiea.B 5* '[• II Kl 1 SUNNY UNFURNIHHED ROOMS WITH 1 use of b.itU; convenient to Hayes aad Oak st. cars: rent $12. Addraas D., box 161, Call Braaeb.* >-,-- fuurth—furnTsiiei) BOOMS. " ') \u0084-:"\u25a0• \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ' 0 HARUIET— NICE SINGLB ROOJI: f j * «J| an6 3t* 1 j'Jl FULL- SUN NY. FINELY FURNISHED .1 I «J^ single room: private tamtiy. an6 2t* l\\ C| POWKM ELEGANT FURNISHED SUN- \J LO;,y sulta of rooms; sjas; hath; $25. auR 2t* I 7 LAI GE-1 UB a FURNISUED ROOMS; X I private fa.mi:y: no other roomera. au»i at* ~\ 1 H MINNA - LOWER Lai 8 bUNNY O'iU rooms and j in). anti 3t* Q9 SECOND— FINELY FURNISHED FBONT O— suite and other rooau cheap. at; \u25a0 2t* IT A ELLIS-SIfNNY FRONT AN BACK PA R- IXv lor: 2 other roouis: nicely furnished. . io 31* I (Q HFTH—SUNNY DOUBLE AND SINGLE I'iO rooms reasonibie. auC .*t 99 SOUTH PAKK BASEMENT OK 3 ROO MS; —— uufur:ilahed: $10. auo 3t* I7 A 7MISSI ON BAY-WINDOW SUNNY II X t rooms; grate and bath; $10. au6 si* 7 THIRD-KOOMS EN Sl'lTE AND SINGLE; X I nicely furnished : reasonable. aus 2t* 190 TURK NICE SUNNY SUITE; ALSO J—O large sunny room for hoiisekeeiiini;. auti 2t* 9J9 TAYLOR-NICKLY FURNISHED SUNNY 1 paricr: reasonable. au6 21* 1 101 HOWARD i UNFURNISHED ROOMS- xxOX aui>4t* 1111 MCALLISTER 2 LARUE UNFUR- Xx 1 X nlshed sunny rooms: >8. au6 St* 9O 1 ELEVENTH - 2 VERY nice IN ruß. \u25a0^-•'1 nlshed rooms; marlile mautel and bath- bay-window. ao6 Ut* j ')i\\ FIFTEENTH. COR. IIOWARI>-'J UN- I— VI furnUtied rooms; use kitchen. :_• ;' C| I PACIFIC-3 LARGE FRONT FURNISHED k)XI rooms. j 4Ut> 'Jt* VEW ANTON; 715 HOWARD. NR. THIRD i-i —Sunny roimin sultoand single; gaa; raaalag water each room; 60c day; 9J week upward. a5 if 3>>7l THIBD— DOI AND SINGLE BOOMS; t)^ I ti rilc<«i\ furnished; cheap. bus 3t* tO A BRVANT—SI'NNY 1 tONI ROOMS ALSO *lU'lMii-ll rooms; ulceiy furnished; use bath; reasonable." aus 2t* 7(\7 MONTGOMERY AYE. NK'KLY FUR I \J Inisneil sunny rooms; gas: bath ; 9!' up. 5 ."it* I»J HIiItItARD— FURNISHED ROOMS \r ti JLO aad 95 a month. aus 3t* O9A FOLSOM—FURNISUED ROOMS; 91 WKKK* V up. aus tt I (y> HYDE— PBONT BOOM FOR 2 1 V* > gfiits. f 12; also 1 large back room, *105 3t* 7 A Q TAYLOE— FUBNISHED SUNNY HALL Ivu aedrooat ; SO. aus 3t* 1 'All SIXTH-LARGE FRONT BAY-WIM>OW lull room: cheap. aus 3t* Q'lO ELLIS—NICELY FUBNISHED SUNNY U suite; bath; first-class; gentlemen. anS 6t* 199 POBT—SUNNY SINGLE AND DOUBLE X^-^j rouius; 91 60 per week and upward. ans 3* 1 7 KEARNY ELEGANT FURNI 111 i.onis; single or double; also housekeeping rooms. aus lm f\ATv ELLIS—NICELY FURNISHED APART- OUu nirnts: kitchen If desired. aus 4t* Oy CLKMBNTINA— LARGE UNFURNISHED *iO rooms. »n5 2t* ' (WA IIUW \KD FURNISHED ROOM S : U— double and single and housekeeping. aus 3t* \''7 GEARY—FURNISHED BOOM; S3. «'- <t aus 2t* OOA lIINNA NIOE SUNNY PARLOR; SS; *MJ\f private family. aus 2t* /'\u2666i.jFKLL 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO Ul1let for housekeeping. aus 6t" QQ ELLIS 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, t)«)O water, gas; sultablo ror light housekeep- >ng. aul_6t* 39,j SUITER -2 LARGE. SUNNY FRONT »>— 1 rooms, nicely furnished; also housekeeping roonig. aul 4t* J()| »'OST-NIC'ELY FURNISHED SUN NY COR. TvJ*rncr suite, 3 rooms: permanent gentlemen onlr. ; aui4t* OQ(1 HOWARD, COB. SIXTH(THE ORLANDO) UOO Sunny rooms, single and en suite; rooms sfd ana upward : transient. 60 cent* and 91. an tst *J-n ELLIS (ROSEDALK) HANDSOMELY *J— X furnUhe I aaltes aad single rooms, au4 Tt* IO 17 MARKET, COK. GUERRERO FRONT JOil sunny siugie room, uicely rurntshod; gent*. au4 3t* 71 O'IARRELL-KLEGANTLY FUKNIS-'i|) I XO pirior suite; alao other rooms. »ui lot. I1('E'O II T II UN N Y IMI BNISHKD iIU rooms, suitable for housekeeping. bu4 4t* 1 l^Ol HARRISON—a NICE SUN.NY FRONT \u25a0L 1 —O* r 01113; $4. aul 3t* 9I"IAII O W A D— 4 HANDSOME SUNNY L>X.1 O front tn.lurn. rooms: rent reasonable^ 3* 1 A1 9 CLAY— HOUSEKCEFINU AND OTHER 1 '"'•\u25a0 r'ms: conveniences: marine view: >anl,a* . 7/M 1 HOWARD-SUNNY FURNISHED BAY- \u25a0 I\J 1 window room, suit gentlemen; others. 45* 1 QTURK-LARGE SUNNY FRONTROOM. ALSO l Hln«tl» rooms : gas, bnth. au4 3t* UN U RNISHED. 3 SUNNY BOOMS; 910. IS ) Lowts st.. t .|t Taylor, ne ir Post. au4 ot* QIQSUTTfcR ELEGANTLY FURNISHED UXUenaay room ror gentleman; bath, aus lm 99 GEARY (RICHELIEU) -FURNISHED BOOMS - tUy, wfok, mouth; unfurnished ollices; ciub- rooms. ' au3tit* 1 l) r \C\ HOWARD-NICE SINGLE AND IH)U I LE X\JU\J furntehed rooms; also housekeeping, a Iso OA9 MONTGOMERY Kam-S'.MKLY fiii. °v- nlshed rooms . 91 50 to S3 50 per \veek.a2 7Q9 MARKhT-OFFICE AND MCE. PLEAS- I <-/«-> aut rooms for doctor or dentist, au2 i»t |'||W JONES— 2 LARGE. SUNNY FRONT ROOMS \J\JO nicely furnished: bath. au2 7t* l^ii/jIAKKIN, COR, HUSH-SUNNY FUrt- -I»«\'\/ ii.shrd front room, $6: back rooms, $1.2 10 1 - 1»> LAKKIN I.ARI.K. BUNMI ALCOVB lul room, iitatiyfurnished; lor 2 persons, 'i tf 777 MARKET— SUNNY RNISHBD II rooms:' suites; slug.es; oßices; also house- keeping. jy3l lm IJO SEVENTH AT THE GIRARD HOUSE I i^i hindsiitiii! sitnay wntni; single and <tou' : light boßseiceplng II desired. MRS. PRA II U 7t n SEVENTH—SUNNY NICSLI FURNDRMS; private tanilly: 10. 9i-'.f 14: gents 0u1y.31 7* C1 A POWELL LAROB, RLEOANTLY Kl'c- »iw iiixhed sunnv Ironl room; aUo Itagle fur- I nished roouis; reasuuablo. jyJ'iU \u25a0 ' _ OAKLAXn It K A L. ESTATB. ' T\O>'T PAY RENT. " "~ "~~~~ ~^ V>E WILLBUILD TO YOUR OWN PLANS. COTTAGES FKOM I'JOO TO $2509, ONLY 9100 TO $500 CASn. BALAM'E 15 To 9J5 PES MONTII. STONE TRACT! ~ STONE TRACT. ON SAN LEAN ELECTRIC ROAD. TWENTY MINUTES TO OAKLAND. FRUIT lEBEI ON EVERY LOT. tiRAND AVLMK 100 FEET WIDE, LOTS 50x150. LOTS 50x150: UNPRECEDENTED OPPORTUNITY. CALL WITHOUT DELAY. POSITIVELY BEST PROPEBTY NEAR OAK- LAND. A. H. BREED * CO., 410 NINTH ST., OAKLAND. Iv2l tf ALAIIKDA KEAL ESTATE. to 90, 0f 1 *lUST SELL POSITIVELY IN 10 *u.i*.u\j\j. days; new cottage: 6 rooms; all mod- ern Improvements: lot 40x130: fine barn: chicken- bonse; only 2 blocks from Willow Station; rare bargain. Apply to owi:er. 1812 Willow St.. near Buena Vista »ve , Alameda. aus 4t« 4^l F,A 2-BTORY HOUSE OF 9 ROOMS: <2OIO\J. lot 50x207. 93500— cottage: new. 93150— 6-room cottage and stable. S3soo— New 6-rooin cottage. «> lots, each 33x100, $100 to f 500 apiece. .sxlso— corner lot; Central avenue. BbxlM -Caatral avenue; line Dargaln. , lir rent— 4 new Baad 0 room houses: all modern ImproTeaießte; new. E. D. judo, 1413 Park st, Alam pda. an -j 71 V l.u B-ROOM HOCSE AND BATH;WEST SIDE -J-^ larkavp : street BO reet wide; street work all aoue; lo: 50x153; nicely Improved; for tho low price of 171M1 : worth $6000; $2000 down, balanea on mortgage inquire at Baird'a Ur.ji Estate orbce. Morton Station. Alameda, Cal. jy3l7t ABARGAIN. ' •^V * tl "3lM new. modern 2-story house; rooms and bath; spe»ki:i tunes; clothes chute: electric bells; stationary wasUtubs; all roiBM redwood flu- i-.ie.i; street naeadaaiUed an<i eaaseai sidewalks: exceptionally Bn« neighborhood; sunny slila of street: hear station; lot 60x150; 91000 rash, hal- aiM'o 950 per mouth. Apply to IJ. P. MORKAL, 1482 Part gt.. AlameiU. Jy27 tf VH E COTTAGE: B ROOMS; WELL FURNISH. -»-' od; rent >:{5. Also your own tern. s on ilaa new 5-room cottge: only S1500; positive bargala. J. S. HANLEY.-. 1 tt, 1351 Park St.. Alameda. 14 tr C? 1 -.(in OD Lot AND 5-ROOM HOUSE] « L«/VV. *2100-30-root lot. room house: ? t <Ooo-50-tooi lot: 5 rooms and hath: all first-class locations; Alameda. Oakland ar.d San Francisco prup«ri.v : to exehaajge for outside Unds: furnished aad unfurulsiicd bVtnsa; rooms for resit, with or without board. MRS. I. H. CHANDLER, 1329 Park St.. Masonic btili.tlng.Aianieda. je22 tf A>% KK'SNKWS FOR 5 CENTS-THE WEEKLY l'*n.Inwrapper, ready for matting. LORTN RI IX ESTATE. BRAND NEW fr-ROOM COTTAGE, AL; KOt> ern improvemenU, In heart or Lorm; $100 down. $20 a mouth: large lot: great bargain; raust sold. Ingatre of W. C, MOHAN, Lorla (Sooth Berkeley), or j. H. STORY. 1782 7th tt.. Oak- ' ar "'- »n.: tr BKUKELEY KKAL ESTATE. riAACHOICE BUILDING LOTS BSM AND '""' upward; near Berkeley train: electric roads l-ass Baal the | \u25a0\u0084•,.;(•\u25a0,: values sure to double; tense— S years. ca*y pnyiuo/its; boases built to suit <iu Installaie 3 new cottages now r-;«.|y and for sale. Write or call on F. BOEGLE, owner, Golden Gate. Cal. jy.j lf BEBi IiLEY j HOUSES io Lt;r. NEW 7-KOOM. lUNJIY HOUSE: MODERN IM- proveaents; water free; *30 per month. Apply t.> a. HARTLETT. corner of Fulton Bad Blake sts,, near Dwlght way. F.ant Berketay. a;is at* HOV9KS iU LKT. - I '<\u25a0 \u25a0'- BATH '-'- LAI iDEI i IN THOB- I oiii:n repair; convenieni to cable-cars: virv desirable, quiet neighborhood; low rent. DEMP- STKR. 3ri Gien P»rk ave.. off Twelfth st.]y3o SaS tf UART OF HOUSE ROOMS. BATH AND 1laundry: $25; very pleasant loeatloa: rouven- leot to cable-cars; 17 minutes rrom Montgomery aud Martet; will take only small, quiet family without childreu. laijulre or DE.MP.siKh 204 Market st. ]t25 SaSn tf ])AI(E OPPORTUNITY— HOUSE OF 10 ROOMS Xl' to rent; good modern furniture and carpets tor sale at a hargata <>ii account of owner leaving the city. Apply on ttie premises, 014 Eddy st. aus 3t* /COMPLETELY FUBNISHED HOTEL OK 70 y ' rooms; bar BIM restauraut attached: scj>ai"aiß or together: clieap to responsible i'»rty. NE. ror. l'aritlc and Paasonie -t-< . Palmer House. an3 7t» Q ll\ 10 BOOMS; BATH;NEWLY FRESCOED; Q*i \'. water free. 713 Fulton St. jy3l tr ><•'", HOUM-:, t. ROOMS; BATH; LIiiBT '--''\u25a0 basement: 709 Fulton st. fr3l ti V I A REAR HOUSE. 4 ROOMS AND CELL\K. «T lU. '- Howard., nr. Ihlrd; no childre:i.3l tr Q IQ ootj NATOMA: 5 ROOM9 ~~ fJilO. «U<-xio Satoma: 5 rooms. *--' 50— X07 Nntoinn: 5 rooms aad Inth. CHAS. ASIITON. 4:i .Montgomery st. JylO lm Q'-M 23 Kt'SS —'• ROOMS AND BATH: »ii. large basement. CHAS. ASH lON, 411 Montgomery at. jylo lm Q* OX AA~I42S EU.IS —tf ROOM.S AND •u. »-«J. \J\J. bath: largo tas-ment and yard. CHAS. aSHTOn. 411 MouUomerv st. jylOlm QXA 1. .o GOLDEN GATK AVE. 10 ROOMS «_« M '- aad bath; l;irc« p m:>l basement, CHAS. ASHTON. 41l Moutgomury st. jylo lm SUNNY' BAY-WINDOW HOUSI 6 ROOMS; tilth good basement: .-.\u25a0.'.; r emeata. I Hampton place, oLl Folsoai at., u-t. Second and Third. Jy-^8 U 39. » TWELFTH— TENEMENT OF 3 ROOMS, —— appar part, for easaH family. Jyl4 tr \u25a0 ANITARY PLUM AND GAS-FITTER; joi>b;ng of all kind< work gn&rantced or no clarjf. CHAS. .MKI'.HAN. t..'r-» - .-i i nt.i-nto fll «m ISHKD HOUSES. L'LEGANT W ALN"ITTTKT?Ro7TM"^E^rT^vTRD! I * rob?, eaap-chahra, Unissels carpets (3 rooms), dtalbg-tabli Model raas part or whole ; cheap: bay-window Hat; rent $12 50. SO'.t» .j Valencia. 63* I". RNISBED HOUSETaioTIAIGHT; B ROOMS X ati.l bath: iii'Kleru improvements; reut $150- -water ff \u25a0«•. MADI>ONa BURKE, t;jts M.arket.9 3t L"lRNII t»F 7 KOOMS AT A SACRIFICE: I nn;-i be before the lOlhof Ausiist; fl.it to lat. Call after 1. 729 l-.l l. at. ans st* corrAOKs ro list. / o; rAOE; 1 I 'oms I \>...k YABD SU yjColllngwoo'l st.. near Twennetn. au« 4t* QI Q HOUSE OF C ROOMS. APPLY AT 325 QiO. Fitta st. jy^l tf HANDSOME (OTTACE OF 0 |;im\|s i\|i batn. 1017 Elgliteenth. nr Colllugwood.Jy29 tf <li» CHEAP; NICE 5-ROOM CuTTAGE AT 0 IV. Ocean View: lot 50x100: cklcken-boaeaa etc. McEwcx BROS.. 41tf Montgomery sL au4 tf riOTTAGE, S ROOMS] BATH, GAS. 024 GROVE \J street. aul 7t* lit I "ROVE. NR LYON-UEAR: COTTAGE; -* VJJL «' 3 large tunny rooms: $12. aul 3t* COTTAGE: 5 i: iiv- 107 rWENTY-SIXTH, vy_nr. Mission: 51 1: water free. aul7t* Ql r.— SI7— COTTAGES: 4 AND 5 RMS; BATH. 0 I 'Mixmifnt. yard. 15th a ii. l PoU>r«-». j»ii« Ht* FLATS TO I Kr. \l'' ! ITU: FLAT, b ROOMS, BATH. AM -»-> Grove St.. near Oct.«vla; $27 50. a-i6 7t* I'l .AT-6 NICE SUNNY BOOMS, BATH; CHEAP __'-' stciner St.. near H»lrJ>t. auU 7t* 2 VERY HANDSOME FLATS; 0 BOOMS. BATH- +• tine location. 209y a Polk St.: $27 50. auti 7t Q9A FLAT6 BOOMS, BATH: ALL MODERN *-V. Improvements. 22»V*i Hickory ave.: key at— Pacast. L. LANG. aaSZt* I A BOOMS AND BATH; TWKLFTH Sl'. THOR- i \J oughly rapalrea: Mtanlnuas paveateat: <iuiet iieiehborhood; low reoU DEMPSIER. 3tJ Qiea Park ave. j>2 tf SaSu L*LAT 4 ROOMS BATH, fM IVY AVE.. NR. I Octavuand Hayes; $18. an.% st* "I?INE n \i 5 RO()MS, BATH. 10 GROVE ST., J' nf.tr i'v Hal). ans 7t* I^LAT O* 3 ROOMS. 17 WASHINGTON AVE. J austf KLAT OF 6 ROOMS AND BATH;FIRST FLOOR: all aaodera improvementa 210 R<«e ave. 5 St* 1 Vr, 1 Y-l 'lIIKDST., COB. OASTBO— X *i_. i Lovely upper tlat; B rooau and bath: rent $18; water tree; key at 1522. au4 St ATKW HOUSE; 30X CHESTNUT, NEAR STOCK- \u25a0I.I ton: 5 »a: batb: basiment: $25. au!7t* T^LAT.6 BOOMS AND UATH: *25. 211) WEB- -I 1 ster st.. near Hatght wu4 7t« L'LAT OF 3 UNFURNISHED ROOM.S. 210 -i Golden Gate avf. \u25a0 --\u0084-.;• au4 3t* VI W FLAT 5 ROOMS; MODERN IMPROVE- XI tnfnts;rentcheip. Apply IBS Hatch t nu3 tr 1 " J A)'\ KDUY-OGOOD ROOMS. BATHANDALL J *J\JO modern liapta,; $2*. K. corner. au2 7t« 1 99ft BACRAMBNTOJ NOBHILL; FINB FLAT J —— y/ of 7 rooms aad bath. au2 61* T/LAT-B LABGE SUNNY ROOMS; *20. 8 AN- J' tonlo , ofT Jones, near Elm. an'2 7t* Ottr. IMT7 GKARY ST.. 7 BOOMS AND BATH. •CTtJ.9^O 4(H . Tehama St., I rooms Bllg bath. 9--.>O-471 Valfin iast., 5 ruoinsaud aath, 9 ; *O-48l Bieocla (it.. (I rooms and bath. 9l«-l:t Hollls Rtrect. 5 rooms Bad bath. $2o— l> '.5 Valie;o St., »J rooms and bath. $21 50 1102 Valencia *t, rooms and l.atii. Ma—IGI3H Slitter st, H rooms and bath. *:i. 50—172I'Mc.Miisterst.,8roomgand batn. $35—1723 M.Alhjter St.. H rooms and hath. 940-ivo McAllister st, t> rooms and bath. $J5-t>sl Vatlejit st. tlat 8, 5 rooms and bath. CHAS. ASHTOX. 411 Montgomery st. Jy3l bl 7'H\ KK '• NEAR FILLMORK— BBOOMS * «-"anu bath: Htoreroom. yard; uuuuy side: rent IT. J>3l 7t* A~\ '>! THIRD. BKT. lIAICKISON AND PERRY— XJ «->2 Lower Hut. 8 room*, batu; all Ltte Improve- ruents. Apply 417 V^. Jv3l 7t* 9 FLATS. 5 ROOMS BACH. 70« BIRUH AVE., &t near Buchanan *t.; rent $15 each. ]y3l tr« -t Ol LANGTON- SUNNY UPPER FLAT; 0 1I U'» rooms »nd \u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0th. . jy3i 7t* JJ« 1 O FIRST FLOOR; MNE HOUSE; FEW *4P 10. blocks to Kearny. 411 O'Farrell st. Jy>'B tr T^riCE S-BOOM FLAT; HODBBN IMPROVE- XI meuts; cheap rent. 619'.,j oak st. Jy24 tf 0; 4 JA FLAT a BOOMS; MODEKN IMPROVE- <JT»>v/. tneuts. $20— Flat 4 rooms: gas. \u0084*, 1 .?." nil 914-Klsu 4 rooms each; vard- cellar. 1213 Bush st. " j y 1 1 tr norSEKEKI'IXG KOOMS. OjFii FOLSOM— 3 LARGE SUNNY ROOMS FOR 0 ltJj Housekeeping ; 918. au« it* 1111 I'OWELL-3 ~SU N N Y FURNISHED xxx^ housekpg rm<. $14; other rooms, $'J.aO 2t» 99,"\ WASHINGTON SUNNY UOUBEK.BI —*J Ing rooms, nicely rurulshed, $5 up. ant) 2t* IHI POWELL— HOUSEKPG BOOMS, XUXCJ neatly tarnlsbed. $15; other nns. «4.a8 2* QOO POST— a nny ROUSES BOOMS *»•— \J and kitchen, unrurulsbed; cbeap. auß st* 7O*» MISSION- H«)USEKI'.EPINO, ALSO . 1 yJt) other slucie ro.tun. from 9> up Ql V MISSION—a NKWI.Y' FURNISHED HUN- isl *J\! ny rooms tor housekeeping: first Bat. tt 3t* J_\ 7 FIFTH—4 ROOMS; LARGE YARD; WATER xllfree. auu 3l» OAKi.\M) MCAI. MMTMIWm. IDE BVEE AND bUUbS THIS, A GOLDEN Ori'ORTUNITY. OFFERED IN THK FANNY DAYENTOUT TRACT. FRONTS DIRECTLY ON SAN LEANDRO ROAD. THE GREATEST HIGHWAY IN AND OUT OF OAKLAND. &OH2O-FOOT LOTS ARE III.KE OFFERED ON AN OPTION TO PUBCHASB ON A LEASE OF 5 YEARS, AT |SSi PEE MONTH. NO CASU PAYMENT REQUIEED. STATE AND COUNTY CAXEB AND STREET ASSESSMENTS PAID Bl' OWNER, IMMEDIATE POSSESSION GIVEN. FIVE OPTIONS GIVEN TO PURCHASE at THE SMALL COST OF *2 92 PER MOh'TII AT AN TIME WITHIN 11VK YEARS. DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE. FULL PARTICULARS" AT THE OFFICB OF CLOUGU 4 BAKER, 1002 BROADWAY. Jyls tf aed BETWEEN IQTn AND 11TH L'..nr\Al.i; AVENUE'S CHOICEST RKSI- F dence for sale; large, new. modern design; a:i moderin Improvement*; BpMtoaS and elegant grounds: lawas, cardrns, fruits and la wars; a aa» feet geotiesoan's home; will be sold at a bargala: either furni-ibed or unfurnished: don't let this Rrealettt opportaalty or a lifetime escape you ! coiue and see It. Apply Twenty-third Avenue Land Cass> pany. 1153 Twenty-third ave.. Oakland. i> .4 14t Ql \l\t\ I!(. BABGAIN; NEW COTTAGE, O^ "il'v/.aear two stations, with hair hourly trains to San Francisco: alao near the Berkeley electric road and the Ban Pablo ave. cab e-cars ; corner lot 40x100: lnii«t be sold: don't delay; cill at once. A. 11. BREED a 0.. 460 Ninth st Oak. land. Jy23 tf dfrO&CASH—SI CASH. f^.i ««tJ __ Cnolco lots near Piedmont cable; 40xlG0. This property within the city limits or Oakland. Al speculation or grand opportunity for a bouio lot. Prices only $10 to 915 per rront root. 1 ets 160 reet deep. Name y. Br own teratl of payment. A. it. breed & ( 0., 460 Ninth st., Oakland.2l tf j -ACRE LOTS. SUTER TBACT. Situated on the Redwood road, near Frultvale ave. and San Leandro electric-road: grand oppor- tunity ror a rate "peculation; this property i»n be tut into iot> and Bold at oace; oae ol the aaaat liumc sites In Aimnoda U»iinty. A. 11. BBEEO 4 CO., _ jelO tf 4CO Mnth St., Oakland. A FULL ACRE; CHANCE Op A LIFETIME: -*A bargain price. Call quick on RUSSELL A PROSSER. Twenty-third-avo. Stattoa, East oak- laad. JylSlm J> AUGER PARK LOTS. -l-> lose to the jir»»fiit and closer to the ruture center or Oakland; strecM la order and ready for building; within about 0110 block or local ferry. electric and horse cars: sewerage perfect and terms to suit ever? .i-r; 50 lots. SO reet front, from *Mio to 1000 each; should ba seeu to be appreci- ated. Appep to T. W. BADGER. owner, on the nraiasane. or ti> VON RHEIN <t CO., 503 California Mn-et. ]yI2lm LA DIES J _ _ LADIES! LADIESt """ LADIES! LADIES! ~Z-Z1 LADIES! LADI __ 2, eWU>r a ' TO THE LADIES. IMPORTANT TO EVERY I.ADYI WHAT YOU CAN DO WITH •3 PBB MONTH. WE WANT EVERY LADY WHO WISHES TOIN- VEST IN REAL ESTATE TO READ THIS PROPOSITION. HOW YOU MAY BECOME A REAL ESTATE OWNER INYOUR OWN RIGHT: We hive induce! »IR. FRANKLIN MOSS to allow us make >oe special offerlag al lou in tbe tbe beautiful Moss iract TO THE LADIES! For 10 day«. commencing kTONDAT. AUGUST 1. ana endlnc WEDNESDAY, August 10. ou unpre- cedented terms. ONLY 85 CASH AS FIR9I PAYMENT. BALANCE96 PER MONTU. AL: LOIS '.35. # PBICES RANGE FBOMSISSTOSSSt PER LOT. We hara aothlng to conceal and will give yon a few ra ti aud fLrures, couvinclng yoa that thU l<i beyond any question the grandest o:*.-r ever pro- seuted to you &lcag th<s Oakiaad, Saa Lcaudro and Hay wards Electric Raiiroad. which will soon bave a double track, mailing this property tho most ac- cessible along this great highway. Ist. The Moss Tract Is The hltlmt aiaialf gaaat or land lying on this road L/ot»eeu Oakland aud San Lcandro. Bd. We renpectfully solicit you to take onr price* we are offering this property for aud compare with, any otber tract or laad atoag tall great highway. ML We grade the streets at our own expense. 4th. We la] tl;e city water-mains In tbe streets at our expense. sth. Tl.e Moss Tract Is but 18 minutes to the business center or Oakland, one-hair tho time from Berkeley to Oaklaud. (ith. On* living in the Meal Tr.» t can boy a er>m- mutation-ticket to Oakiaad ror 9.< per mouth, mak- luß Ibe fare only 5 cents eacn way. 7th. ThehTxeaaraaaH by tho present owner nntll your property ispaid r. r la fu 1. Bth. The title perfect, a ru.l search at our offlc© for convenience or. purchasers. 9th. Several new re'ideure-4 are now under course of constructloa ana many more to follow liiiino- d lately. 10th. The Mom Tract i-on,inands a fine view or Oakiaad, Alasaada aad Baa laaaaTa Bay. No s.tnd •i'MKis, but every lot level and ready to build npon. I lth. WhUe the pavment Is only $5 per month tue f.nr( h.i«<T has the privilege of paying any amount ne desires at auy time. Possesslou given at once. 12th. Over 250 lots have been sold to bona fide pnrcbnsers In this tract. THERE IS Mil il MORI COULD BE SAID IN BEHALF OF THIS TRACT IFSPACE Will I.D PERMIT. CALL EABLY AND SECURE A CHOICE LOCA- TION : THE MOSS TRACT IN TWO YEARS WILL BE A TRACT OK HANDSOME HOMES. OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS, For maps and full particulars apply to M. J. LAYMANCE * CO., 46C EIGHTHST., OAKLAND. CAT* jyiTfTt . ; CM Q 7^A BUSINESS LOT IN TUB BUSl- tjpxO.I O\J. ness center or Oakland; conld be uuilt upon and leased readily: 00 reet rrontage; an A1 property. A. 11. ItRKKD A CO., 400 Ninth St., Oakland. jy3o tf ©1 Cwnn SAN I'ABLoAVE.; BUSINESS LOT; . liiwu. west side; 40x100: will double In a few yetrs. A. H. BREED 4 CO., 460 Ninth «t.. Oakland. . j t 30 tf A WEEK'S NEWS FOR S CENTS— THE WEEKLT C'aui, in wrapper, ready ror mailing. OAKLAND « I lIMli UK HALE. , 7 p » cRNri TjitrTtou^v A NTOOOD ' ANDcIIKAP. Js»eH. H;HELLHAAH. 408 Eleventh st. de6 tf eod OAKLAND kooyjs and ItOWtul.Mi. TO LET FOR skkkkping— 7 nicely fub- ulshed rooms and b»tn: good neighborhood* l'-'OJ Elsbtb »t.. 'J blocks from Adeline station; rcrereuco; pr.c* 9 uu& eod lm city i;::al kstatk. ** FINE investment. f'22.%00— 3 elessnt 2-story bay-window houses of 9 rooms. . bath, laundry, servantsj^room. and unfin- ish.Ml basenaßt each, on o'Farr*cll street: have al- ways been | t >:isi'ft for $180 per month; tho bouses are in liuo shape, aad «iiyi»;ie looking for good solid iiivrstuif.it paying a handsome return should see this ai once: lot t)8:9xl37:B. EASTON, EL- DUIDGE A CO., BSB Market st. au6 3t Q9QAA "-' COTTAGES JUST FINISHED, '.. ''V/. with roeaM amd bath in each; large aaaesßeat; N. side 01 26th st.. 100 feet W. of Cas- tro; *.-><»\u25a0) ( nsi). balance 'iisialioieats. Apply »u premises. K. VANDERVEKEN. auO 2t* CM •Sfm lOR SALE-HOUSE ANDLOT.WEST- <*. l*/vfVf. crn Addition, nr. G. G. Park: 7roosaa, bath, laundry. Addres3 11.. box 137. Call Brch.6 2t* Ql A (UK) \ AI. 1 Ai-.t.1. <liv PROPERTY V I V7. V/V.l'. for sale: willaccept Oakland resi- dence on cable-car line in part paymeat. W. M. BRANDON. 420 Montgomery st. aoG 3t <Linnn lot &o_rjo: N. lineofjst.. i> tjpXXjyjKJ. i,i,. 704; bet. Thirty-second aud llilrty-tlurd ave.; l.ait caafa. Imiuire &2First- 03» TONES, ALLEN _, COMPANY'S NEW TRACT. ONLY 1- LOTS LEFT. 42 LOTS 43 OB THE ELECTRIC KOAD THAT U NOW RUNNING BBAB 31ST ST. PERFECTLY LEVEL, AND BEADI FOR IUILIUNQ. 5360. ?-;(H). *54>0. fOjO EACH. :>0 FEET FRONTAGE. A FBW DOLLARS DOWB AM' $10 MONTHLY. JONES, ALLEN 4: CO., Jy3l SuWcSa " ~ 630 Market st \\ rAS TEli—HOUSE AND LOT OR LOT UN »' small street north of Market st. WOODRUFF, Sll Market St. MS 3t* QOA MONTHLY— COTTAGE OK 4 ROOMS. %H _-v/ bay wind inBerkeley; lot 35x86. J22s— Lot HOxlSft, with cieeli. $250— Lot 2ox luo. at station. 72U0—Lot 25x100: ?5 cash, f5 monthly. $600— Lot 40x100, sewen ; aad macadaniizod. <H.vs. A. BAILEY, owuer, 20 Montgomery elreet. au3 tf ONLV TWO LEI 1. ~ J UST LOOK AT THIS. Only 87600 for a first-class new modern residence of 10 rooms and fluislied seiuent, within 100 leet <-f the park; t;jc>.- 3 houses aro nearly completed; see owner on premises about special inducement* on _sale._Lott St., oet. Hnyei aud the iar_.3l 8* IiICIIMONDBARGAINS. Lots on Calirornlast. 22dave.. Bth. 13th, 14lh and M.th aves, $325 to S'H'OO. cash cr any terms; choice corners. <ilh and California its ami Point Lobos a:,.! Clemeni St.; I km \u25a0 t_is district and have bar- gains to sell; bay now and yon will secure choico Investments: call and i'ives:lg«te. ty7ItaJH.S.deROCHEBONT,4ISB . S I jO YOU WANT 1 BOPI RTT.CITT OB COUV ' ' try. In the prettiest valley or tho Slate? Apply to Napa Land Company, Napa, Cal.. for list of propertU-s. » c '_ ,tf fit"il tl I CASH, BALANCE SMALL MONTHLY tii'«J\_»v Installments— A large r ooin 2-story house on Noe St., bet. rwanty-flfth and Twoaty- sixth. <-ne block E. of Castro; full trice only*:UOO. F. NELS builder. jylt) tf Q I A ".A A BARGAIN; 50x125: ONLY TWO *yX \Jti\J. blocks lroin olectric cars, at Ocean View station; good hou«e. outbuildings, ste.; i!::«is very cheap and must be sold, as uer has to i.-.\ the city. McEWEN BROS.. 415 Montgomery.^! 7 Ji.. ACRES AND IMPROVEMEN I B. NKAR SAN "1 Mateo, for sale or lease. W. J. RAY, 12 C_ll- torotoat. au6 7t_ Q"| A AMONTH WILL BUT A HOMI IN SAUSA- CXUIIto. I-D. SPARROW. tf.H Market. jy'.« tr 'I N J|;v 1:1 \i KSTATK. r7^o~l^LL^ir!ofcTrTN7?irT^ . .. ;1 llTi I apj>ly to 11. WHITI 765 Mar_ot st. rpo EXCHANGE—IiO ACRES ALL LEVEL LAND Xnear Irvincton. 4 miles from Niies. 0:1 -...!-\u25a0\u25a0 Railroad: sell cheap or exchaogc. W. M. BRAN- I>ON. 42U Montgomery au4 3t QOXAn 14 ACRES IN FOOTHILLS OVER. *- \u25a0 lixikiiig .Monterey Bay: young orchard of GOO trees, ordinary farm buildiugs. livingwater: brnutiful locatioii; >>u table tor summer residenca or home ffir rttired business man. Address owner G. W. BRADLEY, Watsonville. Santa «'rm County. au2 ':* L'< ' LITTLE HOMES AND SMALLFARMS SEE r I>. H. TWINQ. St»noma City; Cal. jyl2tf CONOMA COUNT? LAND SALE OR EJT Oc_auge: vtrite luily. ANDREW PRICB. Heaids bsnrg, Cai. ieutr_ SCHOOL LANDS, ?1 60 TO »3 AN ACRB; '\u25a0< »- vrry eai 'eriiu; sola by th» Stats In tracts ti suit; uo residence or Improvements required; i.l _ln;ls cf lain!*, la in:uiy diDvrea'. counties; sen 1 ft*?i!P ftr list; opea day aud eve_iu__ F. \f. LAKK. t Flood Buildin. latf. GOVERNMKNT LANDS! I 1 FOR HOBE OB INVESTMENT! IN CALIFORNI I Mnest level f-rmiuglands. Rich b:»r_ soil, ready to plow. I.j:. fine valley; railroad taron;nl_ Water ditchrs now bulidlu:. Mild cllina:*. free fuel, cheap lum'jer. Work at good wages there now. 1.a.-.ii eaa i.e. taken wit-out - \u25a0\u25a0lea. Send \r stamp for full lafeeaaattoa to F. w. LAKE. « Flood building. San Francisco. Cal.apl4 tf CALIFORNIA I\< lIAN'.K BUREAU] 4HI y> Ninth .Oakland, exchance all kinds of prop- erty; send for catalogue. UREEN, CULLOM * CO. iu>-_2 tt DENTISTS. DRTEr^SHEFARD, DI iTst7T34"6'mXrlceT ' ' St.— All work strictly first cuss. au.i 3in Q7 PER SET; TO PLEABB OH NO CHAI V * filling »1; ext. 50c. DR. PERRY, S Mason, tf Dl: ALIRED S. HILL HAS REMOVED TO 424 O'Farreil St.. nr. Jones; painless fillingand ex- tractinif; work giiaran teed; consultation free.jy7 tf (UN DENTALASSOCIATION, 9WB BARKBI ' 8t ' I)R| BARLEB W. DECKER. JeS tf DR. H. R. M"RTON.Me DENTIST. 31S KEARNY St.. S. F. Hours— 9l2 a. u., 1-5. 7-8 r. \u25a0 jel 3m 11. ti. YOUNG-EXTRACTION PAINLESS; pla:e-work, triiige-work, teetn withuut plates, a specialty. IS4I Polk It, my 14 tr A'O PAIN—EXIRACTINO OK TEETH BAD! -.> easy, iOc and ti ; artificial teath from $5; n.i- ing from *i CHouME Dental Association. 7iß Market St., bet. Third and Fourth. apl_ tt R. RKA. 023 MaTjKEI', EXT. TEETU 50o; *J_ wlthpasgl; flllltitfn low; open evenings. Ja.t tr J EEK DENTAL COLLEGE: CHARGES ONLY Xj for material njcrt. Room 107. 1170 -Market. Jitf \ >Y~CH h.U" KNOWS" GAS IH DANUEBOUS: -"\ Ly my weoderfol secret local application to Ilif guiiii aoy to. in may extracted or tilled palnleaaly: nuie Brat arises awarded mt for tineit fiiilugs. plate and bridge v.-orK: i.ace apaa evon- lnfi»-nd Sundays. DR. O. W. 1.K1.K. S O'FarrelLtt B»<7 A hLI *\u25a0< K TEETH; WARBANTED A»" »v pood as can be made: nlllns fl. DR. SIMMS, dentist. B3'J Market st . next baldwla Tnrater.oalt? I |K. A. LUDLUB HILIT 144.MARg.ETST., NKAft XJ lUavent-: no rtuirge for extracting wb«a piar.os air m&de. old plat«z irade over u«e new; iee(a Irctn per set; •xtractln. 6UO: gas given. 4;: Dr. C. 11. WILSON, DKNTIHT' 92» MAaaaF XJ St.. bet. Fifth aud Slitn. odd. M-soa. del3:C ASIKUI.OI.V. MBS v- J RolbTnsOnl Tl: A N CErTrEST^AND i't business medium. 2943 Howai st. auB 7t* U ONDERFUL SEER AND CLAIRVOYANT IN ' T life-rradlng; has no enual; iee 50c. i»32V_ Howard at., b-sement. ans 3t* AjME. bCHBIDT VIENNA; Musi RE- i'i Downed; reTaaltoa future events: ladle* »1 gentlemen $i, by mall J3. onice 85ti Ml«sloo.3l lm MME. MORE U, 7J FOI RTH ST. KOKTI nk- elier; cl^lrvoy-tit; life reader; fee 25c. j:«l St* I>ALMISIRY-VOUR RNTIR] LIFE REVEAL- X sd: ladles. »l;gents. $1BU 213 Maton. jy29 Ira MRS. WILSON TELLS PAST. FUTURE. PRES. -*• ent; ladles. 60c: fents, $1. u>- Eighth.jy2B 8m VI \u25a0;!.. DR. THOMAS, lENTIFIC REVSALBB iTi byeggsandcard^: telU entire life. p»st, pr<»s- eDt. foture; eonaaltatiaas oa all affairs, nothing ex- cepted; i.nineglTeii. valu«bl« advice and sure help- raat4 res lost love by sympathy; mistake ii:ipossibie : dUeases cured; lee «1; letter 82, Kearny. 13 iy t|ME. EXODIUS. <I.>. n; voy NT. HAS 3 BB- i»l in'»v...i to 11 Turk it.. Itoom 9: f> 60c. o2t it SriIIITUALI.s3I. YOU BHOI LD ( ONSI 1,1 INDIA'S KaH-FaMM) seeri-NS, t!ie Jiypsy W'leen. «25 (ieary. asySS ? ra \jl.s. j J. WHITNEY, CLAIRTOTANt; TEST -ITI roeqinni and life reader. 21H Stockton. ,Jjtf \s>\ KaITISINO. IF »OD^WISH~TO~7DVE^riSir^NITH^ L'VEUY OML INNEED OF INFORMATION' Of So-V ?, ?n 2f fOvertwla, WUI uo we* ti omSJ copy of -Book for AdvertHers." 36a pajtes, p-.ot 1 «1; mailed. p.,*taico paid, on receipt of price 00" Uln« a eateful eomj.iiatloa from the Aiuermaa Newspaper Directory of all the best pap." aid Class Journals; lv«. tb» circulation rating or every oox, and a good deal or 1 information about rale, » cth.r mMtrrs pert* Blag to ico builneis of alvor- ami'u f- I^'™ K V W J eLII ADVBBI'ISINJ* BJU O 1 > -DTttOSt.. JUw »ork. _ult ly FISASVI \l . AT 126 KKAKNV. ROOM ».*TOU CAN HORROTf money at low rntei: private room* forlalln* pledtes for sale; take elevator. mrltt ' V^A> FRANCISCO COLLATERALLOAN BAMsT %~< aSMt Kearny st., tho o:.iy corporation Uiat lea-Xi SSaa*> «n diamonds. W-tcnca: low Infrost. oc4;C r TVI'EWICITKItS. ~ SPEED CONT^ST'foR CA L?(SRAPII OPBB- /V aterswill be held in Ssn Frauclsco within a few weeks; valuable prizes will be awarded; threo '•I«»'m, Boasaiareial srators, telegraph operators, student cperalors: Oall for p^rtlcuUrs and regiiter for the contest; ample tune for practice. "II AUI.r s F.. N VI."B. general agent, 1W Mo;ittrnin<>rv. j<»18 ir AIT(»i;M.VN-AT-I.AW. Al»vi« K FBEBOM All. LEGAL MATTKKS. «;. A W. HOWE A CO.. atfysat 1aw.850 Market.ll tr \y W. DAVIDSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 420 '" . California st.. rooms 14-15; advice frea. d3 tf CiIAHI.I.S It. Darwin, \u25a0lllt.NhV-AT.UW, Clay it, r mi 17 lKanl 19. Jy2 6m KA. CKOTUEKS. ATTOBMXT-AT-LiAW, Hi Xi. clay st. no3tt HIOSKT TO LOAN. LOANS ON REAL BBTATX; NOTES. BDsTtB _wareiM*uae. J.S.HOW.MAN. 323 Mootgoniery. ABARRHL OF MONET 0.1 lsr OB -TTmoUt" _ gage; 8 prr emit; no delay. .T. L..41 1 U-Farrell. ly VI EY LOANED rKOM fl UPWARD AT -l»l Security Loan Bank, llOtt Market ,nr. Mason: arlTßte eutrkaco 7 lark. N. J. FR__NJ_Ll.i*CO.tf_i •I MWI >s CIIANCKS-CONTINUKn. CIDIIH HOTEI LND BAR! 4B ROOMS: ALL Vf\J\J. filled; BO steady boarders; large tran- sient custom; well-knowu and popnlar mechanics' house; lnapleudid loraiion; puormoiis bar trade; cheap r.-!U: other in:.>r.'.st cause or selllag open to x't 1 , J '"yestlßation : positively a nrst-class barcaln, M. I.KSS. 5 Fourth St. 1 Q>i^f| SAUSAGE FACTORY: HORSE AND «iIUUU. wagon; old-established business; clear- IBs over 9200 a month, which willaa rroven on Investigation; trial glveu to convince aay bona-Bda purchaser: a chance or a lifetime: no such bargain ever heard of; don't miss It. M. LESS. 6 Fourth st.l Q'>."\A SALOON IN A BOOD LO4 ITIORT, —cJU. with tne best class ot trade aud a profit- able bnsiuess; don't miss the chance of a iifcl.iiie. M. LESS. B Fourth st. 1_ QOXflrt TRANSFER BUSINESS, 18 HORSES. «^»>i)UU.o wsgons; clearing *!<>\u25a0> a month; t'i:.< is a rare chance for a inaa who wishes to In- vr-t in n t;ood naylng business; a trial given. M. LKSS. 5 Fourth st. 1 Q,"Afl PARTNEB WANTED in SALO<»N « ir\f\t.doing business ciearinc t J5O a mouth: trial civen Co satisfy tbe right man that everything Is just as I say. M.LESS. 5 Fourth st. " KARE CHANCE MOKNING PAPER ROUTE; XV bargain. Apply 940 Bryant at. aul ru GROCERY AND BAB; LIVING-ROOMS; \ * cheap. Apply this of9ce. au4 3t* T7*OR SALE-GOOD SALOON ON CITY FRONT, J inquire 525 East St. a «U 3t« r>ESTAURANT AT A BARGAIN IF TAKEN JA this month. Apply 211 Eieventn St aa4 7t* HOMK BAKERT Foi SALE; DOING BOOD store trade Call Branch Offlaa. aiU 7t* KESTAI KANT FOB SALK AND STORE TO XV let. 319 Ellis st. ; IIU tf GOOD- LOCATED SALOON FOR BALI 124 tourtu st. _ U 4 at* OALOON-MUST SELL THIS WEEK; RARE k-J chance. 525',-f, Sansame st. BU4 3f *<")(rl) DELICACY AND PROVISION STOKE; y uvvr. sacrifice: going East: I livine rooms; low rent: sn:ip for man and wife. HIS eary. a 2 7* VOU SALE— NICE MILLINEKYBUSINESS; J lease, stock, fixtures; will exchange fora nice lot: cknesa the cause fot selling. Apply five days only 1160 Market St.. next door to the Maze. jy27 tf EXCHANGES Ol BUSINESS HOUSES AM) X-i real eatai . J. H. PAIGE. 935 Market. j>l7 lm Q'^XA SALOON; 3 FURNISHED BOOBS; » . »tl\». good stock; c-.-.li bar.alu. 936 Foutom btreot. nn2 7t* QX.*.A fOK SALE FINE CANDY-S I'ORE; «4 *J*)\J. good lorattou; bargain; most oesold lm- mcdiately. 1225 Market at, " au2 7t* Ui . near cm; be»t ItAKi.AI.N ever offered; $1401). EICHENLAUB. 769 afkt. 27* I a.l roßi FOR SALE: SUITABLE 1 OB FUR- -I nlture or mill work. 611 Turk s_ au2 7t» L BENCH LIQUOR-STORE, UOOD LOCATION I for competent party. In the center of city; good cellar: 3500 gal iims «if cooperage In good order; coi.'d bar and Oxtures; Osx-class llqgors: .^i-iou. Inquire CIU Montgomery st. or 901 Montgomery -venue. jyao 7t* j ARBI BHOP FOB SALE HKA] 921HAR- I > ris St.: cheap rent. aui 3t» rOK SALE—NICE SALOON. 45 THllTlt ST., -I tiesr M:;rk.-t v. Mi St* PIANOS, \ i'.»i ins \M> 11 IT MUSIC. L" 1 N E U PKIOH ERFECT 1 OWNER X leaving t |ty; bargain. 1037 Union. Oakland.o 3» EUPRIUHT PIANO: HALF price. Inquire Palaca Hotel, Cth floor, 613. 3* VOL' KNOW A BARGAIN WHEN YOU SEE IT! _1 Look at BYRON MAUZY'S. 303 Post st. j>2ltf I WNOVKH BROS ' PIANOS, THE ARTI-TS' V./ favorite: call and $ee for yourselves. F. W. SPENCEB *CO.. sole atreuts. 7-3 Market St.. His- tory building, second floor. j}'l7 tf L W. SPENCER A: CO.. HISTORY BUILDING. X I . second floor. 723 Market ft., have a number of second-hand pianos of leading .... good as uew; btdrock prices. jyi7tf QI- / 1 PRIUH 1. 8225: STEIN WAY &SONS; tji 1 O\J. alio new pianos at tacu >. \ pnem easy term. At FAY'S Piano Factory, 1729 MJ*tlon.jyl_ t_ II A1.1.hl DAVIS AND KIMBALL PIANO AND XJ Organ Agency. W. q BADGER. 7"J5 M-rkei.tr. 1 VECKER & SON PIANOS. LEADING. -I' BCHAEPFEB pianos, medium pricai 10-ceut sheet mnslc. At MAUYAlS', 763 Market St.. S. K. ap23 tf A LOT OF SECOND-HAND SQUARE PIANOS: Cne condition; at a tacriflce. KOIILEU _ CHASE, 28 OFarreil st. jy29 tf KOIILER I CHASE, 26. 28 AND30 O'FARKELL St.: lea'litg plaaos and organs: o' df«t masio- -cufe; largest stocn; easy terms: low prices. ap33;f QTECK, CUICKEKING Jc SONS. VOSE AND 0 other pianos so'd on aio InstaUaaata, BENJ. CCKTAZ &SON, sole agenu, 20 U'F-rrell st. »p3 tf X? L. NEUMANN PIANOS: FIRST-CLASS IX 1 » tone a:..i wor-wianshlp. B2 Ninth «t. ao7 tf lIOItSKS. Q E V E R A L >V ETL?irRT^"TIXiTET^^~<nc LLK 0 Ings: cheap. 24ti Third st. autJ 3t* L'«)K SALE— . BRKEDPERC'HI B WORK- ± horse', broken: 4 to e years o d: weighing from 1-OU to 1300 pound* : raised in the hiil* and thera- fore h.irdy. with rood reet. .'. 11. SCHNEIDER; Cornwall. Contra Costa County, Cal. jy3l l;n Ii YOU VAM TO BUyT'sELL OB TRADE X horses. wagot:«, bu-glfs. carts, harness, etc . go to Grai.d Arcs Horse Market, 327 Sixth hi. auc- tioi. sale next Wednesday at 11 a. m. Satisfactory trials pivpu; tha s(;uare»t horse-dealing establlsli- nient on tne coast. SULLIVAN & DO. LE, r.virle- tora. S.WAT KINS, r.ucttonecr. iu) I tt pENTENNIAL STABLES— CARRIAGES. ROCK- VV aways. victorias, buggies, etc. ; 1521 California ft., bet. Lark in and Polk; ttlepbone tfiJx. M. CON- LO.n. proprietor. n,ri;-> tf WAGONS AND CAIIKIAGKS. VKW ANIISE<(>NIjIIANDI;AKi:RsXNirrXI?N"- ---' dry wagons, uhaeton.rocxaway. k_s Harrlson.7* "I SECOND-HAND EXPRESS WAGON .T 24 J Bea.'ost. A.W.SAMIOHSR }e!4 tf Foil BA.L.K—M i SCEL LA NEiI LS. 0- lTT^and" walnut tn I goid ornaincnted, sizes from 10x12 to 18x24 laches; alsocvai picture frames. f>_mc»lzes and prices; wiuilow shades -Oc: cunata poles *JOc; close at 8: ''J. .to.NKS. 7!>7 M:s-lo:i »t. »u»5 4t» Ql ]/j BAFBTT BICTCI PERFECT CONDl- QXtiU.tioii. for $35. 329 Golden Gate ave, 24 3m SATE, SCALE. LETTEK-PRKSS, STOHE-TBUC-f aad money-till: c_eap 10- Clay st. au7 tf SECOND-HAND BOILERS ENGINES, PUMr_» k. Shafting, pulle.ys, beltiriir. water pipe-i. etc. i!Mtf IN TOSH * WOLPMAN. 137 Bea!*s_ QHEPARD'S FOOT AND POWER LATHRS C; planrrs. <lri!l-r>rn^->« '"____ "' «. »n27tX EDI'CATIOXA L. 171OL1N AM' FRENCH CONVERSATION^ 50c % per ion, one hour. PKOF. LOUIS MEKKI, 10^- Howard St.. near Sixth. aus lin DANCING-BALLROOM AND STAGE DANCES taught. IRVINE'S, Bt. George's iJall 90J" 2 M'« : . st.. bet. Fifth and Sixti. aul at* GERMAN PROFESSOR OF THE PIANO; MOST KMimproved method. 82 Ninth st. au3 3m 1) KO F. D. MANSFIELD, MANDOLIN. GUI i AR. banjo, composition. Studio 1705 Market. au3 3m pBOF. CHARLES GOFF-U-^ 1430 WEBSTER; -I continues giving violin \u25a0 \u25a0 .in. au3 7t» ANCINO IN ALL ITS BRANCHES AT LOVE'S Academy. 607 Suiter st. }ylB tf EVEN -\u25a0!!<•' 659 MARKET;ROOM 63; 1-i typewriting done. Call day or evening. au2 3m \] M . GIFKARI) HAS RESUMED HI R FREN< •I'i classes; latest method. 1306 Plue tit, aul imo ERRILL COLLEGE SHORTHAND. VPK- writg. telegraphy; day and nl.ht classef.6s9.Mkt r/ISKA INSTITUTE. 1606 VAN NESS AVE.— AJ Frencb, German aiiJ English board aad <iay school: young ladtas and children: the _tith year opepsAug 1. MME. B /isKA. A.M., principal, lm I,'LOf I TiON MADE EASY BY THE "GREAT >Praock System 1 ; Professor Harry c. Franck, A.M., the originator or the only true system of elo- catlon, will give lessons iii city: oue course is sulhcient; .tailtfactlon guaranteed. For particulars call room 17. 850 Market st. jyl2 lui» I^UBOPJ LV HOME AND DAY BCBOOL FOR -i girls; 2127 Jackson st. board; Eu.llsh. French, German, music, dancing; $30 per month; new term begins July 11: coach calls or pupils. ]eJB tf C PEC! ALCOURSE INGENERA L LITERATURE i 01 lelence for strangers sumiaering here; class or private. MRS. iIi.NTON. Viti oeary st.. 3 to 'or. m je!7 3m UUOL CrVIU MINING, MEGB ANI4 AL. BLBO 0 trlcal englneerlnj. surveying, architecture, a«- s»yini{; tstab. iat)4. A. Van der Nalileu, . Market HtALD'S BUSOTESS OOLLE4B, POST Hit" Double-entry book-keeping, ptmnanjblp, short- ttna, type-writing, telegraphy, etc., ail -ueludwlla alseas conrse under oue fen o' »76 jeJUif FACIFIO BUSDrBBS cULLEwB, 33» POST it," i-lfe>choi»rMiiio. »75: dai aamaroatajß, oi-o>t PIIorOSALS. PBOPOSALB FOR REGISTRATION PLACES X W. A. Brown, Registrar ol Voters, willreceive proposals for rooms to be ased for rogtstratlon of voters In October next. Auyparth wishingto fur- nisb rooms for tiii- purpose will please call at the new City hall before the '-tith ilav of .Inly, 1892. jy 13eod 14 1 P: M SEALED PROPOSALS Foil iHK X fa!!owltigwork and materials w:II lie received bv tlie Boura of New City Hall Commlsilonert in the cnaasber or fje i*o»r>i cf Baaernsora on MON- DAY, the SRtd ay or Ai:,-iist. 18fX, batweea tbe hours of 11 a. M. aad 12 M. : Coutract No. 39—Police Courts In northwest wing,embodying all aeceasarj furniture a.«i fix- t re». stairways and grille w»rk raqaiatta to com- plete departments. To be completed November 1,1832. Coutract No. 40—Completion of NE. wing, em- body Inz all s;aniin:K Ddlshes, lathingand pUster- lag, carpenters' and |niaera' wor2, tc. Te be com- pleted Decemhet 1. IB'J'i. Contract No. 41 Wrongbt and c»M Iron specifi- cations, am bodying all iruii I'fanm and girders. iron stairways and coianns, grille work, etc., for com- pletion of >i K. wiiig. To be completed November I. 1892. Contract N". 42— Furnltnre ana fittln.s, emuody- lag kit utatlonary Cxtnres for ltibilcLibrary, <I'nin, wall racks, <\u25a0!/•.. hardwood fi-iiihes aeesssary to complete NE. wing, To be completed December 1, 189 V. Coutract No. A'.'. I'luuibing and git work, em- bodying all stationary nxlurei, ventilation, drain- age, siii!>:y, waste. «tc, rerjoltlte li» comulrte NE. wlnz. Ifnagtl work to •>» completed Bepteaihaf 16, IS9_. Contrnet to >e t ompietod Deeeasarrl. 18»_. Contract No Steeai or hot water heating work, Miii.O'lyinx .ill Ihiesau'l runs with tiilures and fittings, ladintors. etc. Illdi to be for steam aod bot water beatli.f »eparatn!y. P.i)ii?h work oonpleted September 15, lttO2. Contract completed Ditceml/cr 1. 1892. CoDtroct No. 45— Furniture and slanrtlpjr fixtures, xtalrwayand i>un<irr -Iterations and additions In Tax Collector's departments. To be completed Octob-r %rt, lxy.. Contrift No 46-Outstde painting, embodying the four towers and vaaUlattag shifts, «-tc , with sundries ntccm.iy to < o.uplete same. To be com- pleled Novembrr 1, 1892. The Secretary will I_nush blank rorins of proDO- eals tojatendlug bidders. »nd no bid willbe enter- tained uuleis made upon blanks so iuriii<iii«<j and unless same Is iwuj.aiilea with a cert. fled cbeck for iOprr cent or tlic total amnof tender ihe lioard reserves ttie rifrhl to rejael any or allbids. Payments w 11 be ma<le by audited demands on the Treasury drawn az_lust tUe New City Hal; Fund Ueor.o H. Banci».rson. T. J. L. Smiley »nd John H l/ur*t. Board o.' <ew Cltv Hall Commitsloiiers Jr2l 30t EDWARD 1. WOLFE. Secretary. WEI'K'SNEWSFORSCKNTS-TnE WEEKLY ' » Call. In wrapper, ready fnr mailing. ' ~~j HVHHKB KisiH.is ~ AUJIOONJIAV. "r. O BOX 30-BOA RDERS lii private f.-'inily ; lino rilmate and l>«»ch; 35 \u25a0alias rroai Ban Francisco; $7 week. au4 7t* ESORTB. SPRINGS AND BOTBU TlTi Jtpad&e Coast, with rate«. loeatlua. eto., ps> JiiljiU la tbe Hotel Guide. ltfO pages. For sale t>r xicwadealers. or send 25c In stamp* to w. _i. pa C- 'itPwSUN. tul/iUuer. 310 Post St., o, P. mrl I.OjXUNG HOUSES I'OK BALE. rota eT"mar k et st. ; n is •3 U\f. rooms aiwuya ruled: Mace worth double me money, but must be sold to-Uay accoant otaat lusiness. 11. LESS, 5 1 ai ta st. It* CjiXn 12 rooms; <:TTeTpest PLACE ever ollered. B. WHITE. 765 Market St. * Cii'r-.fi 13 KOOMS ELEGANTLYFURNISHED C ; OV. north of Market. B.WIUTE. 7C5 Markt.* B WHITE. 7«5 MARKET ST., HAS HOUSES .all alzrsand prices: easy payments aud for ex.* 3-si^RY~C)KNEH~NEAR UNION lisiX}J\Jy . square; . leare *\u25a0\u25a0<>. going East account sicfenea: always Mnanted; : wional men; rare ch.-.cf f. SWEh rSKR A BRUUiS. IU2I Market.* 1 ODGINU-HOUSES THAT MOST BE SOLD .1 i 84 rooms; Market 81 15000 •J4 mouis, <!eary 8t , 3000 12 rooins," Powell st \\" moo S rooms ami bath. Stockton st '.'.'.'.'. '.'.'.'. 4 00 <0 rooins. Mission. clearing $175 ~n " ' 1500 ___| SWEKTSER A BRIUQS JL U>2l V ? * Ma'rket. I OPGINti-UOUSKS AT GREAT BAROAINS 1j 4H room? $1500|17 rooins ...... $1,200 '.':-t rooms -.. 800 7 rooms . " j^O IO rorms 450 -H rooms '".' I.SOO 10 rooins 2JO|«7 rooms 2 000 Apply J. W. SILK & CO.. 777 Market st, V"h\Vl.Y FURNISHED HOUSE, 7 ROOMS- ALL ._> ro.ims full: Cheap if taken at on'-e; 1 bl>xkfroin c*b!e house •\u25a0'..!:\u25a0 and Broderlck Btl. Apply Call I'.r.iiiclionicp. au6 of <<l*>iW| LODCING-HOOSE: FULLOFIJOOM- u}I-iUu. ers; leaves on account sicknps-". 22 Hfth st. autjJT t^__ Q 1 t(,( , LODGING-HOI : 20 B OOM S ; M \J\J. ii,!,. y tarnished atid all full; good lo- ation: leavliift city; '.lin-J« a bargain ; see it. A>UUDHUFF A Co., 811 Market, room 1. an t if3:» C-"A(| LODIiINU-HOUSK, 13 ROOMS. CLOSE ''"\u25a0'. to Baldwin Hotel: always fall; this Ma bargain. VtOOPRUI-FA CO.. 811 Slarkt't. au'» lit* QOX(iA A NO. 1 LODGING-HOITBE, OK 40 O <J l "• rooms, ou Bro idw iy,OakUml. Apply to E. v.. \\u('i»>\ akli * CO., 3j2 Broailway, Oaklai'l. u 7t "I A-KOOM HOUSE CHEAP 11 APPLIED FOR IM- XvJ in \u25a0 \u25a0'\u25a0 lately. '.' Mason st. au4 St* FUKNITI7I.B FOlt BAUE. H u s^E^enSm^srwlarL^mtNiiifKTr^ sacrifice U sold at once. 7 Dale place, 111 Qoi- >'cn ti.itc ave., near Hyde st. au4 3t* GOOD BEDHOOM SETS, 7 PIECES; COMPLETE. i only $10. 760 Howard -t. ]y3l lin i^O V NT It V BUYERS WISHING 81 COS D HAND V. ; furniture or carpets at reduced prices; satisfae- tlcn <.r iiiouey iefundod;shlpped free.77.>.Markef. ly (I i.i R HOUSE FURNISHED I complete with furniture, carpet?, stoves, cur- tains, blankets, pictures and mirrors at cash prices, en e:i<v inS[:i!lmPiits; sm:»ll deposit. 51. FRIED- BAN a CO.. largest installment house ou the coast, S-S-230 Stockton St.. 237 Post; open evenings; prompt attention raid to country orders. 1tf w;| 1 BED-ROOM SET Ol 7 PlEi AT NEW- Cl^- MAN LROS.. 117 Sixth »t. ]>23 1-Jiu \u25a0V^OTICK— I AM NOW AT~l_9 FOCRTH~(Ni:W i J-> buildins), and offer a largs stock of general ttoudeludd furuituro a; reduced prices; 500 carpets, jowl as new; stOTSS, }t>: antique chamber suits, $16; i'i."icr salts, 5_5: c-sii or Installments: ail at bf<lrock prices. T. 11. NKl.vqn. lit; FonrUi «t- -1 t' \::i'i t CLEANING. A. \u25a0--.yard. 23 Jessie St.: telephone 5531. 30 tr I 'ARPETS THOROUGHLY - CLEANSED ANT» v' renovated same as new. S. S. tEUUUSUN jfc CO. 23 Tenth st: telephone :!Q:i(j Itf BAY CITY STEAM CARPET BEATING AM) Renovating Works are the best and cheapest; all wi.rk - irantt o Sice S Polk sl ; telephone Call W.'s. JUSTICE A C<>. jyp t f (I V8 CARPKT-BEATINU WOKKS. .i.ii \J UoMen ave.-. telephoua 2120. 12 tf CARPEIS place to get y IHE PRICES; a:ii*ais cl;e:ipe»t place to get yoi;r carpets cleaned is STKATTOVS, 453 Stevenson st.: tel. 3238. 24 tr / "AKPET-CLEANIN". 3 CfcNTS I'Elt YARD. AT __ MITCHELL'S. 2:itJ Fourteenth st. mr23 tf pI'lY STEAM CARPET BEATING AND REN(>- y.' vatlng Works 3S-iJ tiihth 8L; telephone SS^ nurl tt_ SPAULDINQ'S PIONEEB CARPET-BEATUra O Woris do the best wort. 8&3 to a&7 Tabasnaat.: te:fcpho!:e 3040. n'rl9tf CAIU'ETS, AjK^v~TTNir~BTruinrKXs^TAi?n^ ~lu.\\ : ed X> an.l laid; heavy fio.ir oilcloth. 25c; elegant linoleum. 50c. S. W. BHIREK, I'Mi Btocktoi St.; special attention to country orders. mrl7 6in pARPETS CLEANED AM> LAID. ALExi V,' WHILDEN, 2400 t.pary St.; telephone 10<J3; csrpets insured while Inmy care. my 18 3m ('AhPEIS- SMITH'S BRDSSELfI Csc A YAUdT yj lsitallment rrles elsewhere SI a yd. M. >KIKD- KA.'it'M.. >"JS-2:tO S.ictton. nv.'l .\u25a0;: Po;>L Ittf BI B KKSS CHAXC B, Q-/v/\ PARTNER WANTED;PLAIN, SEN^l^ «Jr«JUU. bie u:an to take orders In the store and Vr'.iit on customers in an old estalished cash l>u.si- l.ess la this city: no previous experience required, tut must be or sober habits: no lilght or Sunday work, but must be willing to devote 10 hours' at- tention each day to the business; a trial will tie al- lowed until you are ?aligtie<l: clears ?.-00 ]>t-r month: owner wants to exttnid the business. Ap- ply to K. KENNY,UKH Market st. * QOAA BUTCHER BUSINESS IN ONE OF he t^oUl/. principal markets; doing big trade; »>cst or re.isoi;s fur sellia^. ApplyK.KENNY,1004 Marke: sr. *__ Q7'A BLACKS3IMH, CABKIAGE AND *^ OX) . -«-a;on uikkcrs and repairers, attention— Firfct-class shop; best location: Leart of city; cheap rent; 2 fires; woodworking machinery; tool*: stoc* : lull of orders: oto 4 men on the jump all the time; clears ?250 t>cr in-.>nth: uever such an offer: is actually almost a gift it the price: *ee to- day: must sell; make an c-fier. GEO. STEWART <fc SON. l:>s Kearuy st. 1 QQ"ji EXTRA (iKAXD OPI'OKTLNITYFOR t^LfJy'. man and wife, or lady, or 1 or 2 men; cenrr.ii provision store: milk depot, branch bakery, teas, oi See. spices, dairy produce, confectionery, Jceert-aiu scda: no bar; everything In eating line; prestost cash store of it* sue to the city: gales fJO to $oO per day: clears J 150 T month: owi:er made a competence there, wanl to retire; offers an un- heard-of bargain: first-class location; cheat rent, vrllh i:ice living-rooms: for location, alee, c *an. \u25a0\u0084..\u25a0::.-• business ana !ull liue of goo is: don't fall to eee this at once: cheap at 81200. GEO. STEWART * SON. I*s liearnv st. 1 rpo SKLLOR EXCHANGE: BUSINESS OR PROP- -1 erty quickly. Apply B. \>IIITE.763 Market.* t«O; A 25c RESTAURANT WEST. ADDITION; Q>-'>v . bar^aii:. B. WHITE. 763 .Market. 1* C-OAA tXPRESS BUSINESS: CLEARS -75 A _'Mj. nionth. B. WHITE, 765 Market St. " O('f\Ci RESTAURANT:BARGAIN; THIS DaV. B. WHITE. 763 Market lit. « C«OriA CIGAR-STORK; RtCEIPTSSI4 A DAY; C— v/U. trial gtTea. B. WHITE,765 Market st. T; imatk payini, BUtINESs", an> kind. WHITE. 763 Markat s:. •_ I~)Ar.TNERMECHANI'.ALADVERTISINU BUSI- X nesa: no opposition; catinot run It alone: no so- Kcltiog. SWEETSKR A BRIGGS, 1021 y 3 Market.* QJIIII EIKST-CLA SS BAKERY AND DKLI- -1)l Daying $<i5O: 2 living rooms. 11 private rooD-s: rentj'JO: alarsala; also one for 8500 and one for #150; lakerySMGO. BWEETSER A BRIGGS. 10211,4 Mariet St. "VT^E HAVE CASH BUYERS TOR BUSINESS BAR- galuit. EKTSER a BRIGGS. 1021V;; Markt.* ~Cp)rC(\ PARTNER. FURNITURE BUSINESS, liLtLOy'. clearing S lB5 per month; sonnd propo- s:t:oii; full Value in Stock. BWEETBEI BKIGGS.* QO-.AA ESTABLISHED. PAYING LIQUOR O * ! * "\u25a0"• bualnesi; larpo wine-cellar; well stocked: horse and waron; 5 years' lease: ually ln- c uine I^B. SWEETSER A- BRIOUS. 1021^ i;t. * (,-,• ( I PARTNER WANTED INLABOE MAN"- -• .'»•'''. ufa:turlns and ooiitracMns; business: es- tr.blishc.l several years; lots or orders always on :.:\u25a0:.<!; employs »<-w-ral Bteo; duties of incoming partner will be to look after ami Keep men's tune. collect, etc. ; clears over >100 per month to «*ach lisrtner; no nlsbt or Sunday work; this Is an op- portunity lom met with. Full particulars at CITYBUSINESS EXCHANGE, 1027 Market st. 1 Q-J fl(\ GOOD SALOON: FIXTURES WORTH tJI«JU. more than price a^k«>d: n. us' be soM to- day: see this. WOODK.UPF.a4I Market st. ant; t* SALE. CHEAP— A GOOD SALOON. WITH J 10 finely furnlshea rooms: must sell on account of leaving the city. 638 Sacramento st. auS 3t* TTIRST-C1 saloon ior SALE cheap: \u25a0T family entrance 1048 Howard st. anC 3t* rpo LEI— AUSTRALIAN SALOON. SECOND st -- good business piaco; 3 living-rooms. au6 7i* II >RK FOB HALE: CHEAP; GOING TO Ei:r<»i>e. 87 Taylor St.. cor. Tnrfc. au6 7t* ALOON SALE. FOR PARTICULARS AP- plj at 233 ilith st. au6 6t« SINGER BEWINO MACHINE, IMPROVED: 1 worth f4O: for $*J. 22 Haieht st. au6 fit* AP.LISHK 1> BAKERY: «i<:Ol> BUSl- ness; eti cap: departure. Inquire Call Office. 6 7* PAYING cTrPENTER-SHOP roR SALE % jcheap; rare Chance for a good man. Apply this office. an6 tf 18ALJ NOTHING FINER -1/ soutn of San Francisco. Address box 5, Los Gato-. Cai. auo IQt CIGAR-STORE. LAUNDRY OFFICE: SKLL ( heap; sleeping-room. 30:>>^ Sixth st, autj 7t* C|(ini| BOARDING-HOI BE: POTBRR ' HAH- Q'Wu. gain. McLAUuIILIN. 26 Va Kearny.s 4* Q|?;A RESTAURANT; BOOD LOCATION; 3 •_ l uU. rooms and furniture; iioin? co^d msJ- ness: must be sold to-ii y. WOODRUVF, \u25a0,1 Market at. auj 3t* C;-.-;" EXPP.ESS BUSINESS: GOOD HORSE —— •' and waKon; doirr? good business: work- Ing for downtown houses. WOODRUFF, 841 Bap kttkU f_? 5 3t * VOB BALE—GOOD BOSINKSS; CLEAKIXO r «400 per month above all etpenses: easily run l.y one man; owner going Eau cause of xellliig. Apply all Branch Office. a«5 7t» OEREafPTOP.Y BALE ON ACCOONI OP ILL JC healtn: the 1 set paying liverystable In the city; owatng 40 iit-ad of liors*-*, 10 carriages. 10 l,ix^\i-n, wagotiS etc. : price $10,000: on easy tTnjs; *to<-k alone worth $13,000; willezchaa lor real estate. A'ltlr' Llv» box IS3. Call Branch. aus st* L'ok sale-large, fine conpectionert, X ic«-cream. Matloiii-ry and notion store; soda fountain: gooa busi-ies? street: noopposltloa; i»:g tar. Addre&s Candy, box 159, Call Branca. 6 3* "DARTNER WANTED IMBUTCHER BUSINESS J having good trade; ftrat-elass location; miui have cxi>erlence. Address A., bor 4, this oili'-e. au9 3t* J INLODGING-HOUSE; LaDY PKE- rerred, Scandinavian or Gorman. Address I'art- mr. box 80, Call Branch Ofßce. aus4t* pOOD IAVIM. BALOON NO. 1. LOCATION; VJ must I e sold; make an offer. BLUMENTHAL, lionor-dealers, 658 Mission st. aus 4t* C>r.A CHEAP A LOON : 4 ROOMS; 1 FUR. s| &O\J* uished. 417 I'aclncst. aus 3t» AK, STOCK AND FIXTURES OK CORNEB SA- -1 ' loon and a>i)oiuinK room: rent BIS; prlc- $2&0; >'W. cor. rwenty-thlrd and Alabama sts. aus 2t* T>AYING DAT SALOON: INVESTIGATK. AD- J dre-;s H..box 19. this offlce. aos 7t* JADY WHO HAS A GOOD OFFICE BUSINESS ' wants an htmest. smart man as partner, as she ram <>t attend to ail or the business; email capltaL 931 farket sL, rooaa 2. aus 7t CMiitNl.K CIGAR-STORE IN BALDWIN BLOCK; / v..rtli f 1200; willbe sold to-day for hair price; i-ccciiiit other business. Ai pie 41 Turk si. aus 4t* 77a .Ml: WANTED—FIRST-CLASS SALOON: 1 tood chance for man with small capital. 117 irrell 8t- aus sv* ( OOU CORNEB SALOON FOlt HALE; CEN- II trally located. Apply to CAKKOLL .t CAR- ROLL. 806 Market St. aiU 3t ])AKde KE»TAI BANT: STOCK i FIXTURES; 1" uew bniidlag; tf years' lease: transfer or olec- trlc cam. 791 Sau Jo*a ave.. cor 30th. aul 3:*. Ij^Oß SALE— LAUNDRY AND i FURNISHED J rooms; cheap. 920 Mission. - au4 3t* GOOD-PAYING REBTAI P. A NT, GOOD LOOAL- Ity, lorstle. 124 O'FarrelL au4 3t»
Page 1: Library of Congresschroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn94052989/1892-08-06/ed-1/seq-5.… · REPUBLICAN HEADQUARTERS. The Bonte "Ulilch Will Be Occupied by the National Committee. •

REPUBLICAN HEADQUARTERS.The Bonte "Ulilch Will Be Occupied by

the National Committee. •New Vorlc l'les"

Tlie headquartcra chosen by the Republi-can National Committee at 518 Fifthavenueis farther from Madison square than nnyever before occupied. Tiiis is not the faultof the committeenieu, however. They made

a diliscnt search for a building nearer tnthe center of the town, but none was to beobtained.

The houso finally selected is a fine familyresidence of the style of 15 years ago. ItIs amply large and will give each onnr.it-teeman a room to himself, besides plenty ofroom fur clerks and stenegra&bera.

The headquarters will be fitt-d un withunusual eleganee, and will probably Deready lotoccupancy Tliursday.

INVITATIONS TO SMILE.The brutality of Englis ) electors is shock-

ing. They often bear a candidate so that lieis laid up for days. Incivilized America wemerely blast his reputation for life and letfiiuigo.—New YorKHerald.

How lie Wa* Cornered.lie—lknow it's awfully impertinent, bu'.

tell me, are you encaged?She—lcould tell better if you were to

ask me anotLer Questiou first.— Truth.

Too Mack for the Editor.She was a pretty clr!and she blushed a

bit as she stepped into editor's room. "Isuppose you don't care for poetry here, <loyou?" she inquired. "No," said the editor,diplomatically, "Ican't say we do." "Iguessed as much from the verse you pub-lished," she rejoined. And then she v\a>gone.— Washington Star.

Ills St«t« »f Feeling."Well, my boy, how did you feel when

you proposed "I felt lor my hat."—Truth.

Rpcomintr Acquainted.'

He called her miss.And she called himmister:They continued tntsTillone lilgbthe kissed her.

Then their bashfalcessThey perceived was folly;

Now he rails her HessAnd she calls him Cbolly.

—New York Press.n« DMn't Htup to Kxitmiue.

She— Your parents had always objected,eh?"

He-Yes.She— l3nt when you came to ask her pa-

rents for their consent you found tbat iheshoo was on_the other foot, eh?"lie (simply)—ldidu't stop to see which

foot it was Truth.

An Ingenious Scheme.Mrs. Keyboard— Why did you always sit

at the hotel piano? You can't play a ante.Old Neithercan any oue else while

I'm here.— Brandon Banner.15y tlie IVay of a Hint.

Ethel— George, you are like an hour-Rlass.

George— ln what respect?Ethel

—The more time given you, the less

sand you seem to have.—

Or I>tller<>iit Set."No," said one chicken to another, "t»

don't speak to her. She wasn't batchedfrom the same lot of esigs that we were.""Oh, Isee. She's frcm a different st-t,isu't she?"— Washington Star.

An Old-Fashioned Sermon."Well,I'd be ashamed of myself ifIwere

you," said .Mrs. Cuiuso to her husband."You didn't get to church this morning tillthe sermon was half over."

"Oh, Iwas there long before that," re-plied Cumso. "I got t!;eie just as thepreacher said, 'Finally, brethren, one wordmore.' "—Judge.

Not a Bit M»llcloiif.Jeannette— Does Miss Boardmr.n get her

lovely complexion from her father or hermother?

Gladys (sweetly)— Froni her father. He'siu the drug business.—

Chicago >iews-ltecord.Encouragement.

"No, Mr. Gilgal," she said, kindly, *Tamsure Icould nevpr learn to love you."

"Oh, maybe you could," rejoined Gilsal."Never too old to learn, you know."—Life.

A l.o».l)«wii Trick."Well, if that ahi't mean," exclaimed the

prisoner. ''livery durneu one o' the storiesiu thts here paper they've R.;nme to rend iscontinued ! An'me to be hung next week 1"Indianapolis Journal.

Onsht to Be Grateful."Come to think of it,"said Willfe Wlsh-

ington, "Isaved my tutuah a weal deal »]money." '

-How?""By not being twins."— Washington Star.

A Distinction."I'm going to get a hair-cut this after-

noon.""You'dbetter get several.""Several hair-cuts?""Xo; several hairs cut."—Puck.

A Summer .I'-kr."Idon't care for lawn-tennis," said the

sky as itboosted the sun up a ways, "but 1have a remarkably good blazer."—Wash-ington Stai\

Just before a thunder shower at HliU-boro. Or., one night last week millions ollarge insects gathered about tha electriclights, completely surrounding the one atthe corner of Main and S-rond streets andputting out the light. Pedestrians werestruck in the face by the frantic iesaand the entire brick building ou the cornerwas covered with them. Where they camefrom and where they went to is a mystery.

AFresno wo au recently made an unsuc-cessful effort to get police assistance inbringing her husband home from the Salva-tion Army. She alleged that her spouse wasneglecting his home and work iu hUeutha-siastic attendance at their mcetißga.

A t J.-v.-r !»...!-«>.The Philadelphia cirls have discovered a

new dodge, or at least the Music and Dramaof tlmt tiiy tliiuks they have, for it tnsUthis little BODOIofEiM into the mouth of oneof its townswonien: "Ob, no, it isu'i un-tied; it's a a fad to iiavrt them that way,"she said, witha smile, M he offered to tietho laces of her neat little low shoes. "Yousee, the girls like to have the men noticetheir feet—if they are shapely or small,"she continued, growing confidential, **soimiwoman, irore ingenious than her sis-ters, thought of the scheme, aud now whenyou pass us M the street you take the sec-ond look when you lind our shoelaces aretrailing on the ground."

French peasants willkeep a goose freshfor 11 months by cutting the bird intojoints, placing it in an earthen pot andtilling all the interstices with hog's lard.When they feel an nnpeilto for goosothey withdraw as innch as they want fromthe pot. carefully filling the cavity withinoru lard.



THOS. liibßlj,Real Estate Agent,

And Publisher "Beal Estate CircaUr."

No. 20 Montgomery Street,orrosiTK LICK icouse.

DESIKABLK PROPERTT.OLAHOE FINE VAN NESS AVE. OOKNKBS,L> liOxlUO iu size, with improvement*: payinggood income.

-• -.:.

tills St., bet. I'owell mid Mason; 50x137 :'j \u25a0>.:party walls: cheap: If buyer boilila have teuantWho will piygood n-iitand ta<:e JU years' lease.

Keuts $450: 000: downtown Inves: ment: 3-story brick outuiing and lot 34:4x1374; rentedSteady to tenants wliohavx been there for years; :i»ery fine buy; isush st., bet. Montgomery au<lKearny.

Geary St.. i.ear Kearny; rents $140; lot Uaj 2fronts and brisk bulldlnes; $70,000.

Golden Uato ave., >. side,-J blocks from Market:

60x137 :t> and rr:>im< buildion: J»t reasonable pricercne»p: $13,000: Filth and Harrison sts.. iil-.:\80 and 2-story lraino withstore oncomer; reut$60: balance o the lot vacant.

Keduced to $7500— Jackson St., bet. Montgomeryand Sansoiue: 30x60: niukiug 2 coruers and i;fronts; pays $10 ground rent.

Howard St., bet. 3U and 4th; 01x78. and bricibulidlDK; $30.500.$.000 casn. balance easy terms; $7500: Hush St..

bet Mocktounad fowcll,2-story basement h«as«;11 rooms and modern conveniences; lot has \u25a0'&fronts.

Cheap; redncert to $13,000: Valencia «t. westSlae, near Jlat: 38x110, and nno bow-window resi-dence; uooii, growing hmlnim property.

l'iercc St.: two tine new bouses: M rooms andevery convenience in each; rent $->0; lot;i7:6x

]105; a very fine buy ; $10,'-;'»0; bet. Golden Ualeave. and Turk st.

Haipht-st. Bats, bet Webster and Fillmore: BTa137 V.' tlit-tof 5 and tirooms, and Rood 3-storv

\u25a0 house of I'lrooms In re;«r: rents $98 50 ina>>:brickfoundation; cable-car* pa«; $12.U00.Grove, bet. WilwUr »ud ITllUuore; 37:6x107;6;

$47a0; very cheap, •- '-.•\u25a0 '--.%


Royal HOUSE m ELLIS STREET —NEWhouse: justopened; incandescent ll^ht In every

room: flrst-ciass readins-room, co:itaitilnu alidiitypapers: open allnlsUt;rooms per nis-h Bscto $150;week. $175-iq $7; mouth. #7 to $31) jy2» tt

rjjt)KIXIS—LABOB, SUNXV, NEATLY FUR.*ILinlshedrms.; also single: reasonable. jy2Blot"I O(* SEVENTH— VERY NICE SONNY KKONTJOU room, fnrnlblied; rent reasonable. Jy'<>B tf

Q7 SECOND (WKlili HOUSE) -FURNISHED0 i rooms: day, week, montu, traugient. j>J3 lmA*)lBRYANT—NICELY FURNISHED SUNNY-I*-t rooms, batli, gag, from $4 np. iy.i: 7t*

79«.> UROVE—3 UNI'URNISUEI} ROOMS TOIL.— let. jy2ltf

mHAYES-"THE GIKI-ORD"; SUITE IUR-i- ±O i)i-she<l; hoiisckeepins rooms: single. jyls tfrpilEESMOND. 43 SIXTH ST.. COB. MISSION—-LNicely.furnished sunny rooms; with or without

board; just opened. J. F. SWEENEY, late of GaitHouse. . jy17 lm


HANDSOMELY FURNISHED«->vJ sun.ly front suite, $v.*s; other rooms.jyl4 lm

"I(\fiQlMISSION (THE AVON)—NEW HOUSE;IVUO? new furniture; pleasant rooms, suite oryln^le: also bomeiteeplng; home comforts. je2a3ro

ryt\K ABBUT»rOiU>, NW. COR. LARKIN ANUx Broadway— Nice, qulat, genteel and homelike;lurrushed oruniurntshed sunny ruoms at extremelymoderate prices; light houiekeepiug permltted.4tt

282 *]X''

',' - BINOI^ AND DOUBLE FUR.«-iA? r.lshed rooms; reasonable. jylOlm

A^nJ"1!!, 1̂0 *"* 110U»E. 127 KEARNY-PLEAS-x\ ant sunny rooms, on suite and single; tint-ei-iMIn every respect: terms reasonable. jaiotr

Y OSKMITE HOUSE, 1045 MAREBT ST BET-» Six tli an<i Seveutb; 35c to Si l>er night: perweek. >1uo to $5:single ami «n snita? lanitHftn.^^ttli<>A»;l>lN« AM) KOD.US

FOLSOM (LATHAM 11 rnolTirj,T;\JOU anil Hlngle sunny rurnished rooms: boardoptional: large, sunny yard. auij3t*11 TURK


IJLU routn-t en suite and single, with board. auti 3t

I^LKGANT FURNISHED ROOMS; WITH ORlJ without board; terms reasonable. 417 Van Nessavenue. au4 7t

I^URNISHED BOOMS AND liOAKD r"OK (iEN-\u25a0 tlcman and wife or 1!single gentlemen. At


J&ckson st. au3 7t*1 11l\ OCTAVI —LAROE SUNNY FRONTXIX\Jalcove suite, with board. jy3l7t»|f\o OOLDKN GATE AVE..ONE BLOCK FROMIVWCRJ Hall

—Furnished roouit, with board:

terms reasonable: table board. "\u25a0 JjrlS lm

\IONTUOMERY*3 TEMPERANCB HOTEL. U7aU and V.'y Second «.— Slnjlemeals 25e; hnardi-ilrcom per day. 7&c to si \u25a0 by the wee*. »4 to 55: (ratCcaea to and from t.'io bo>.el. ac-l-

CHILDKKN r.o\.ci>| I).

MII)1)LE-A (HcfrTvoifANTEXPEBIBNCBD IMcare or childreii, pleasant home in Aiameda,

would take 20r3 to board. A. U. U,1312 Oak St.,Aiameda. antf 3t*

TTNEXCKFTIONAL HOME FOR 2 OR 3 lII.EU children at 402 San Joso ave. Iy2S 15t*


%Vn BTOR* >yirirV^to7)M^r^i?iTAmlE'..

—''• branch bakery or delicatessen-store. L.LANU,'SO I'ajre St., key npstalrs. nn>> 2t*Ol •> POLK—3 VI.KYNICESTORES; ROOMS INZ.X») rear; $15 and f'-!0; central. auti 7t<T? DA 47a VALENCIAst.«y«JU. $35-204'-' Sixteenth St.

$\u25a0_'-.> 50-113i Valencia st.*250-508Maritet st.940—1169 Howard St.; two floors.

CiIAS. ASiITn.N,411 MonUomory -it. JV3I 14t

I'_>/« 4TII—LAKUESTORE: UASEMENT; SUIT-.I« m » able furcrificprv <>r furniture boaloeee. j24 tt



BLB-L•Iifgantly furnished rm-.; doctors' offices. jy3otf


TO LET—LARGE;STAHI.E ON .MOllkTs^AVeT;8stalls. 429 Sixth Bt. an'-' st»



i-> MiningCompany. Location of principal placeof business. San Francisco, t'.iiirornla: location ofworks. Gold Hill. Storey County, Nevada.-Notice Is hereby Riven that at a meeting of theBoard of Directors, neld on the 2«l day of Auftuit,1892, an assessment (No. SI) of five (5) centsper share was levied upon tbe capital stocic oftlie corporation, payable Immediately In ;uiteaStates gold coin to the Secretary at the office of thecompany, room 79.Nevada block,30a Montgomerystreet. San Francisco. California.

Any st.tck upon wktea Ibis assess;nent snailre-main anpaldon the 6tb d.iv of Sei mber, 1892. w,itbe flelin'in.-litaud advertised ror >ale at public auc-tion, aud. u-.iles< payment Is made before, willbosold on THURSDAY. the 27th day of September,1892, to [My the delinquent assessment togetherwith costs of advertising and CT;ieiis©s of sale, liyorder of the lioard of Directors.

I). C. KATES, Secretary.Offlce—Room 79, Nevada block. 309 Montgomery

St., San Franclsro, California. au3 td


fcXCHEOCEBX' MiningCompany— Location or principal placeof business, San Francisco. Cal. Location of works.6o d Hill.Storey County. Nev.

Notice i*bereby Rlvea tiiat at a meeting of theboat :of directors, helti on tuo twenty-seventh (27)day ofJuly IB9'J,a:i assessment. No 33,of ten (iO)cents per suare was lavled upon the capital stock ofthe corporation, payable Immediately in L'n.tedStates ftoldcola, to the secretary, at ths office oftue t i.-riis>aiiy.room 73.Nevada block. No. 309 Alout-gomery St., Ban Iranclii-o, Cal.

Any stock upon which this assessment shall re.main nnpatd <>u the thirty-firstday ot August, 1892,willbedellnque t and advertised fur sale at pabl csuction; and unless payment Is mad* before, willbe rold on TUESDAY,ttie twentltth day of >ep.tamber, 1892, to pay the delinquent acsesatneafc,together wish the cost ot adveitlsir:^ aud expensesu. sale. By ord< rof the board or directors.

CHAS. K. ELLIOT. Secretary.Offlce—Rcom 79. Nevada block, No. 309 Mont-

gomery St., san Francisco, Cal. Jj2B tdt'STICE MINING COMPANY—LOCATION O9prlieipal place of biulnees San Francisco, Cal.;

location or works Uold HillMiningDistrict, StoreyCou:;ty,NevaiU.

Notlre is hereby glvnn tbat at a meeting or theboard of directors held on tne 26th riayofJniy,Itj'j-,*a assessment (No. M)ot ten (10) cents per

ire was levied upon tbe capital stock of the cor-peractaN, parable Immediately in United State*gold colu, to tne secretary, at the office or the com-pany. 410 t'.illf'jrniaSt.. room 3. Sau t'rauclsco, CaL

A., stock upon which this usse^srnent s!;a!l re-main unpaid on ths 31st day of August, 1892, willbe delinquent and advertised for sale at public auc-tion,and, unless p,k>-inent Is mu'ie before, willbesold on MONHAY.the 19th day ol September, 18»a,ta pay the d»tlcqneiit assessment, together with Tbecost of advertising and expenses or sale. By orderof the boar J of directors.

R. E.KELLY. Secretary.omce— 4l9 Califorula St.. room 3,Sau Francisco,

Cat. }>-27 td

\u25a0V"OTICE OF ASSESSMENT— PEER MININO•X> Company. locatloa or principal place ofbust-new San Francisco, CalUornia; location of worts,Qnljotoa. Arizona.

N<tlte is herei>y clven tbat at a meeting of tneBoard of Directors, held on the 19th day of July,18y2, an as cs«ment. No. 13, of 10 cent* per sharewas levied upou the capital stock or ibe corpora-tion, payable Immediately In l'nlted States goldcoin to t!ie Secretary, at the office of the company,301* Montgomery street. No. I*3,Nevada Block, SaaFrancisco, California,

Any stocic upon which this assessment «hall re-main onpali on the »3th day of Anjnst. 1892, willbe delinquaut and advertised for sale at public auc-tion: and unless payment is made beture willbesold on nsi>A\, iho 22vl day of September,lt>92. to pay t:io deliuiiuent assessment, togetherwitiithe costs of advertising and expenses of sale.By order of the Board or Directors.

ALii.AYATKRMAN,Secretary.Office— No. 23, Nevada Block, 309 Montgomery

street, San Franelsco. CalUornia. }y2tf td

Y'>!l>i- OV ASSESSMENT— UNION OONSOLI-1> dated Silver MinUift compatiy. Iocatlon ofprincipal Dlace of business, San Francisco, ('al.;location of works. Virginia MlnlagDistrict, StoreyCounty, SevA.Lv

Notice is hereby given tbat at a meeting of theBoard or Directors, held on the 18th day or July,1832, an assessment. No. 48. of 25 cenU per share,was levifd ou the capital stock of the comoratlon,payable Immediately In United States goldcoin, toto the secretary, nt tr.e ofaoe of the company, room11, 303 California St., Sau Francisco. Qal,

Anystock upon which this assessment shall re-main unpal'l on tlie 2-Jth day of August. ISO2. willbe delinquent and advertised for sale at public auc-tion: and dales* payment is made before, will besold on TUESDAY,the 13th day of September. 1592,to pay the delliitjueiitassessment, together with thecosts of advertising and expenses of sate. By orderof tbe Board of Directors,

A. W, BARROWS. Secretory.Offlce—Room 11. 303 California St., San Fran-

cisco. Cal. jyl9td

YOTICE OF ASSESSMENT— KENTUCK CO!*-lv solldited MiningCompany. Location of prin-cipal place of business, San FrancUco, CallfornU;location of works, Uold Hill, Storey County, Ne-vada.

tlce Is hereby given that at a meeting of theBoard of Directors, neld on the 16th day of July,1802. an assessmeut (No. 4) of ten (10) centsper share was levied upon the capital stoct oftbe corporation, payable Immediately In UnlteiStates gold <ci-ito the Secretary at the offlce or thseoinp:iiiy...ii)l'iru< street, rooms 15 and 17, SanFraucisco, California.

Any stuck npon which this assessment shall re-main unpaid on the ISth day or Aucust.lB93, willb«delinquent and advertised for sale »t,u:>lle auc-tion, and. onlrs< payment is made before, willbesold on THURSDAY,the Htb day of September.ltj'i-',to pity ti.o delinquent assessment tngetberwith costs of advertising and expenses of sale. Byorder of tbe Board of Directors.

4. >v. PEW, Secretary.or.lcc— 10 Pine street, rooms 15 and 17,S*n Fran.

Cisco, California. jyl6VOIIItU» AsSiiMsMEM'-I'IvfiKLESS MIN--*-' ing Company. Location of principal place ofbustnrss, Sun It.itic.sco, CaL; location of works,Vuljotoa, Ariz.

Notice i« iierci'v Riven that at a meeting of tbeBoard ot Directors, held ou tio 6th day of July,1892. an assessment (No. 18) of 6 cents p«rshare was levied upon the capital ttock of thecorporation, payable Immediately InL'ntted Statesgold coin to the Secrotary. at the office of thecompany, room 23. Nevada block. No. 309 Mont-gomery street, S.in Fiaucisco, California.

Any stock upou which this assessment shall re-main unpaid on t:ip 11th day or August, 1892.will b* deMn.inent ami advertised for sale atpnbllcauction, and unless payment Is made berorewill be sold on \> KHNK.s day. the 7tb daySeptember. 180-', to pay the delinquent assess-ment, together with sts or advertising and ex-penses ofsale. By order of the Board of Directors.

AUG. WATEKMAN,Secretary.Oflice-R^om 23. Nevada block, 309 Montgomery

tt . S.i;i 1-r.-i-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0l«c-\ CqilforTiln. *v7 t.l

CONTKACTOUS .\ M> HUII.I>KKS.VTLAW RENOE,CARp rENTiiR AT^DHBTfILDKTr. 61W baci-amento at.:cabinet worn and nttiugay

promptly attended: teleuhoue *»IH». mltJtt

si:KEr,riN(t KOOMS—CON'TIMJBD.rf[\I" 1


Missi neab Second -si nny-*J\JX'i back rooms furnisticil ror lisrßt honsekeep<»'g.


an 3t*_1f)X NEW MONKJOMKKY—NICE FURNISHEDX\JO housekeeping and single rooms cheap.ntf

C7A FOLSOM—2NICELY FCRN, KOOMS, ColTvJI\J pleto for housekeeping: $10 month. au(s ot*1I'Z SILVER. NEAP. FOURTH— FURNISHED±yj*Jrooms housekeeping. « auts .H*9 UNFUR. LIGHT HOUSEKPG RMS: MAN AND—

wife; no children; $7. 529 Sixth st. au6 3t*(Mni'"WKiX-.i BUNNT housekeepingvia*/rooms: gas and bath; $25. aus 2t*9^l SIXTH ST.—NICE SUNNY FRONT AND*Jj housekeeping rooms. au6 2t*

P4Q HOWARD OR 3 FURNISHED BOOMS,v i"complete housekeeping. ai:6 2t*

58'? TEVENs>o!< -a ROOMS; FURNISHED;*ju+.housekeeping; also single rooing. au6 3t»

H10 JESSIK ' UKT-POUBTH AND FIFTH-2oiU rooms: t«nrasaad; aon«e«eeplng. *

<)'<) FOLBOM, NEAR SIXTH—IOR 2 ROOMS-OOP furnished: housekeeping.Utt



AilACLEMENTINA, NEAB SIXTH-1 OR 2S\J X rooms: furnlshedjjiousekee;>lng: cheap. •


BAXDSOMB ROOMS; SINGLEX-l<j or double, withkitchen; private family. •IAAOPOWELL— ROOM.S COMPLETE FORXUV/^ housfckefplng: flna Tlew:use piano. 5 lot

K9Q PINE—SUNNY BASEMENT; 4 ROOMSO+.O furnished rorhousekpg: unole floor.aus 4t*

fJIQ POST— BACE PARLOR. WITH PLEAS-t XO aut kitchen, for lighthousekeeping. ans st*

9| FELL— UN RNISHED HOUSEKEEPING\u25a0— *- rooms; range; hot and cold water: $10. a5 3t»OOA EDDY—2 ROOMS PARTLY FURNISHEDOOP for beoaakeeplng. aus 3t*A&Asna-25 na-2 HEAR sunny BOOMS com-tr«J X" ptete Tor housekeeping. aus 2t*1O(i FERN avk FURNISHED FLAT OP SX*J\J rooms for housekeeping; 914. aus 3t*7(«^1 HOWARD


»W< withkitchen, ror homeiteepln?. aus 2t*OL'Q MISSION—3 LARGE SUNNY ROOMS PUR-OUO nl3bed complete for housekeeping, auj -t*


2sunny rooms, BBfornlsbeo, bath. aul 3t*


FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPI-*''— Iing,also double and single rooms, cheap.3*

A «_»O JKSSIE. KEABOF MINT—LARGE SUNN YXtJO iioustkeeplng rooms, also single. aul st*



SUNNY FRONT FURNISHEDO\JO rooms forhousekeeping. au4 :it*

O9A MINNA—SUNNY BEDROOM AND KITCH-«J— v/ en. complete foi housekeeping. an131*jIOI.IVEAVE..NR. LARKINAN1) ELLISSTS.—XI2 furnished housekeeping rooms, $10; hot andcold water; ur>\ lloor. aul4t*1JIALYON.NR. SUTTER—2 ROOMS: rUR--1 "I1\J nijlie.lcomplete housekeeping; JlO. 34f

1 '/<V(IMISSION—4 UNFURNISHED Hnl'Sl>-«-—\u25a0^»" keeping rooms; bath. \u2666 auJ st«ri'HWASHINOTON UNFURNISHEDUV/— housekeeping rooms; running water. au2 7t*r.|f)Ml>NA


*J'i\J housekeeping. jy24 tf

\ (\(\ EIGHTH—HOUSEKEEPING AND SINGLE:L\JU furniibt-i room3: ven rea*oi Jy'26 tf1 i')(\ TENTH


XLAJ nlshed tor housekeeping. Jy22 tf

I'-^01 SACBAMBSTO— PLEASANT SUNNY.IOV'l unfurnished housekeeping rooms. jy2ltflA'J] MISSION


±\Jt)l housekeeping; rent modor:*te; quiet. 21 tr

71 p: F.DDY—HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS; ALSOiXO alcove. j>-2 tr

'_> 1Q MINNA—

SUNNY KOO.U FURNISHEDOXO complete for housekeeping. |e23 tf


a OR 3 SUNNY FURNISHEDt*J*J housekeeping; other roonas; yard. jyaittr MOSS. NR. SEVENTH. OFF HOWARD -\EAt7<' ly furnished rooms forhousekeeping; terms very

reasonable qnletbome; nochLldreu. jySl7t*') FURNISHED BOOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING.«J 13 Mosi sr,. Ofl llowaiil,near Seventh. jv3l10t*



GARLAND HOUS E;LLiIlttely chauged hands: thoroughly renovated;elegantly furnished suites: double and sin. rms: day.week, month: reasonable MRS. GARL.ANI>.auS lni

QTRANGKRS AND OTHERS DESIRING iIK--0 nlßhed . \u25a0\u25a0ins. etc.. pease consult our list: noree. SWKETSER A BRIGGS, 10jiy Market St. •(J«jOTo9i-j; SUNNY ROOMS; GAS; BATH;WU Nineteenth »t-; ctrlc-cars. half b|.«k.SWEETSER A BRIGGS. 10Jiya Market St.

•11A*> POWJ6LL— FRONT SI'NNY .SINGLE1 xVO rooms neatly furnished: 95 np. au6 2t*

7 A POLSOM— NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM.1IDprivate family: *•;month. ~-\u25a0.

•171^ HOWARD-FURNISHED DOUBLEANDX I1' 'single rooms; private: gas; bath, auO lot*(]()({JONES. NEAR BUSH-E"LEGAN"TLY~FU"R^•Jj-*' • nlshed fro:itsuite suitable 'J fentleaiea.B 5*'[•IIKl1 SUNNY UNFURNIHHED ROOMS WITH1use of b.itU; convenient to Hayes aad Oak st.cars: rent $12. Addraas D.,box 161,Call Braaeb.*>-,-- fuurth—furnTsiiei) BOOMS.

"— — ') \u0084-:"\u25a0• \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'


«J| an6 3t*1 j'Jl FULL-SUNNY. FINELY FURNISHED.1 I«J^ single room: private tamtiy. an6 2t*

l\\C| POWKM ELEGANT FURNISHED SUN-\J LO;,y sulta of rooms; sjas; hath; $25. auR 2t*I7 LAI GE-1 UB a FURNISUED ROOMS;X Iprivate fa.mi:y: no other roomera. au»i at*

~\ 1H MINNA-

LOWER Lai 8 bUNNYO'iU rooms and j in). anti 3t*

Q9 SECOND— FINELY FURNISHED FBONTO— suite and other rooau cheap. at; \u25a0 2t*ITA ELLIS-SIfNNY FRONT AN BACK PAR-IXvlor:2 other roouis: nicely furnished. . io31*I (Q HFTH—SUNNY DOUBLE AND SINGLEI'iOrooms reasonibie. auC .*t99 SOUTH PAKK


uufur:ilahed: $10. auo 3t*


BAY-WINDOW SUNNYIIX t rooms; grate and bath; $10. au6 si*

7 THIRD-KOOMS EN Sl'lTE AND SINGLE;X Inicely furnished :reasonable. aus 2t*

190 TURK—

NICE SUNNY SUITE; ALSOJ—O large sunny room for hoiisekeeiiini;. auti 2t*9J9 TAYLOR-NICKLY FURNISHED SUNNY—


paricr: reasonable. au6 21*1 101 HOWARD i UNFURNISHED ROOMS-xxOX aui>4t*1111 MCALLISTER

—2 LARUE UNFUR-Xx1X nlshed sunny rooms: >8. au6 St*


2 VERY nice INruß.\u25a0^-•'1 nlshed rooms; marlile mautel and bath-bay-window. ao6 Ut*j')i\\ FIFTEENTH. COR. IIOWARI>-'J UN-I—VI furnUtied rooms; use kitchen. :_• ;'

C| IPACIFIC-3 LARGE FRONT FURNISHEDk)XI rooms. j4Ut> 'Jt*VEW ANTON;715 HOWARD. NR.THIRDi-i—Sunny roimin sultoand single; gaa; raaalagwater each room; 60c day; 9J week upward. a5 if

3>>7l THIBD—DOI AND SINGLE BOOMS;t)^Iti rilc<«i\ furnished; cheap. bus 3t*tOA BRVANT—SI'NNY 1 tONI ROOMS ALSO

*lU'lMii-llrooms; ulceiy furnished; use bath;reasonable." aus 2t*7(\7 MONTGOMERY AYE.


I\J Inisneil sunny rooms; gas: bath;9!' up. 5 ."it*

I»J HIiItItARD—FURNISHED ROOMS \r tiJLO aad 95 a month. aus 3t*


I(y>HYDE— PBONT BOOM FOR 21V*> gfiits. f12; also 1 large back room, *105 3t*



U suite; bath; first-class; gentlemen. anS 6t*

199 POBT—SUNNY SINGLE AND DOUBLEX^-^jrouius; 91 60 per week and upward. ans 3*17 KEARNY


111 i.onis; single or double; also housekeepingrooms. aus lm

f\ATv ELLIS—NICELY FURNISHED APART-OUu nirnts: kitchen If desired. aus 4t*Oy CLKMBNTINA— LARGE UNFURNISHED*iOrooms. »n5 2t*'(WA IIUW \KD

—FURNISHED ROOM S:U— double and single and housekeeping. aus 3t*

\''7 GEARY—FURNISHED BOOM; S3.«'- <t aus 2t*OOA lIINNA


*MJ\f private family. aus 2t*/'\u2666i.jFKLL


Ul1let for housekeeping. aus 6t"


3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS,t)«)O water, gas; sultablo ror light housekeep->ng. aul_6t*39,j SUITER -2 LARGE. SUNNY FRONT»>— 1 rooms, nicely furnished; also housekeepingroonig. aul 4t*

J()| »'OST-NIC'ELY FURNISHED SUNNY COR.TvJ*rncr suite, 3 rooms: permanent gentlemenonlr. ; aui4t*OQ(1 HOWARD,COB. SIXTH(THEORLANDO)

—UOO Sunny rooms, single and en suite; rooms sfdana upward : transient. 60 cent* and 91. an tst*J-n ELLIS (ROSEDALK)


*J— X furnUhe Iaaltes aad single rooms, au4 Tt*IO 17 MARKET, COK. GUERRERO


JOil sunny siugie room, uicely rurntshod;gent*. au4 3t*

71 O'IARRELL-KLEGANTLY FUKNIS-'i|)IXO pirior suite; alao other rooms. »ui lot.I1('E'O IIT II

—UNN Y IMIBNISHKDiIUrooms, suitable for housekeeping. bu4 4t*

1 l^Ol HARRISON—a NICE SUN.NY FRONT\u25a0L 1 —O* r 01113; $4. aul3t*

9I"IAIIOW A D— 4 HANDSOME SUNNYL>X.1O front tn.lurn. rooms: rent reasonable^ 3*1A19 CLAY—HOUSEKCEFINU AND OTHER1'"'•\u25a0 r'ms: conveniences: marine view: >anl,a* .7/M 1 HOWARD-SUNNY FURNISHED BAY-\u25a0

I\J1 window room, suit gentlemen; others. 45*1 QTURK-LARGESUNNYFRONTROOM. ALSO•l Hln«tl» rooms :gas, bnth. au4 3t*

UN URNISHED. 3 SUNNY BOOMS; 910. IS) Lowts st.. t.|t Taylor, ne irPost. au4 ot*QIQSUTTfcR


UXUenaay room ror gentleman; bath, aus lm

99 GEARY (RICHELIEU) -FURNISHED BOOMS—-tUy, wfok, mouth; unfurnished ollices; ciub-rooms. '


1l)r\C\ HOWARD-NICE SINGLE AND IH)UI LEX\JU\J furntehed rooms; also housekeeping, a Iso


Kam-S'.MKLY fiii.°v-nlshed rooms . 91 50 to S3 50 per \veek.a2 5»

7Q9 MARKhT-OFFICE AND MCE. PLEAS-I<-/«-> aut rooms for doctor or dentist, au2 i»t

|'||W JONES— 2 LARGE. SUNNY FRONT ROOMS\J\JO nicely furnished: bath. au2 7t*l^ii/jIAKKIN,COR, HUSH-SUNNY FUrt--I»«\'\/ ii.shrd front room, $6: back rooms, $1.2 101



lul room, iitatiyfurnished; lor 2 persons, 'itf

777 MARKET— SUNNY RNISHBD• IIrooms:' suites; slug.es; oßices; also house-keeping. jy3llm


AT THE GIRARD HOUSEIi^ihindsiitiii!sitnay wntni; single and <tou' :lightboßseiceplng IIdesired. MRS. PRAIIU 7t

n SEVENTH— SUNNY NICSLI FURNDRMS;private tanilly: 10. 9i-'.f14: gents 0u1y.31 7*


LAROB, RLEOANTLY Kl'c-•»iw iiixhed sunnv Ironl room; aUo Itagle fur-Inished roouis; reasuuablo. jyJ'iU \u25a0



T\O>'T PAY RENT." "~"~~~~ ~^









A. H. BREED * CO.,


ALAIIKDAKEAL ESTATE.to90,0f 1 *lUST SELL POSITIVELY IN 10*u.i*.u\j\j.days; new cottage: 6 rooms; all mod-ern Improvements: lot 40x130: fine barn: chicken-bonse; only 2 blocks from Willow Station; rarebargain. Apply to owi:er. 1812 Willow St.. nearBuena Vista »ve,Alameda. aus 4t«

4^lF,A 2-BTORY HOUSE OF 9 ROOMS:<2OIO\J. lot 50x207.93500— cottage: new.93150— 6-room cottage and stable.S3soo— New 6-rooin cottage.

«> lots, each 33x100, $100 to f500 apiece..sxlso— corner lot;Central avenue.BbxlM -Caatral avenue; line Dargaln.

, lirrent— 4 new Baad 0 room houses: all modernImproTeaießte; new. E. D. judo, 1413 Park st,Alam pda. an-j71Vl.u B-ROOM HOCSE ANDBATH;WEST SIDE

-J-^ larkavp :street BO reet wide; street work allaoue; lo:50x153; nicely Improved; for tho lowprice of 171M1: worth $6000; $2000 down, balaneaonmortgage inquire at Baird'a Ur.jiEstate orbce.Morton Station. Alameda, Cal. jy3l7tABARGAIN.


•^V *tl"3lM new. modern 2-story house; roomsand bath; spe»ki:i tunes; clothes chute: electricbells; stationary wasUtubs; allroiBMredwood flu-i-.ie.i; street naeadaaiUed an<i eaaseai sidewalks:exceptionally Bn« neighborhood; sunny slila ofstreet: hear station; lot 60x150; 91000 rash, hal-

aiM'o 950 per mouth. Apply to IJ. P. MORKAL,1482 Part gt.. AlameiU. Jy27 tfVHE COTTAGE: B ROOMS; WELL FURNISH.

-»-' od; rent >:{5. Also yourown tern.s on ilaa new5-room cottge: only S1500; positive bargala.J. S. HANLEY.-. 1tt,1351 Park St.. Alameda. 14 trC? 1 -.(in OD Lot AND 5-ROOM HOUSE]« L«/VV. *2100-30-root lot. room house:?t<Ooo-50-tooi lot: 5 rooms and hath: all first-classlocations; Alameda. Oakland ar.d San Franciscoprup«ri.v :to exehaajge for outside Unds: furnishedaad unfurulsiicd bVtnsa; rooms for resit, with orwithout board. MRS. I. H. CHANDLER,1329 ParkSt.. Masonic btili.tlng.Aianieda. je22 tf

A>% KK'SNKWS FOR 5 CENTS-THE WEEKLY/» l'*n.Inwrapper, ready for matting.


BRAND NEW fr-ROOM COTTAGE, AL; KOt>• ern improvemenU, In heart or Lorm; $100down. $20 a mouth: large lot: great bargain; raustb« sold. Ingatre of W. C, MOHAN,Lorla (SoothBerkeley), or j. H. STORY. 1782 7th tt.. Oak-'ar"'- »n.: tr


riAACHOICE BUILDING LOTS BSM AND'""'upward; near Berkeley train: electric roads

l-ass Baal the | \u25a0\u0084•,.;(•\u25a0,: values sure to double;tense— S years. ca*y pnyiuo/its; boases built to suit<iu Installaie 3new cottages now r-;«.|y and forsale. Write or call on F.BOEGLE, owner, GoldenGate. Cal. jy.jlf


NEW 7-KOOM. lUNJIY HOUSE: MODERN IM-proveaents; water free; *30per month. Apply

t.> a. HARTLETT. corner of Fulton Bad Blake sts,,near Dwlght way. F.ant Berketay. a;is at*

HOV9KS iU LKT.-I '<\u25a0 \u25a0'- BATH '-'- LAI iDEI i IN THOB-Ioiii:n repair; convenieni to cable-cars: virvdesirable, quiet neighborhood; low rent. DEMP-

STKR. 3ri Gien P»rk ave.. off Twelfth st.]y3o SaS tf


ROOMS. BATH AND1laundry: $25; very pleasant loeatloa: rouven-

leot tocable-cars; 17 minutes rrom Montgomeryaud Martet; will take only small, quiet familywithout childreu. laijulre or DE.MP.siKh 204Market st. ]t25SaSn tf •

])AI(EOPPORTUNITY—HOUSE OF 10 ROOMSXl' to rent; good modern furniture and carpets torsale at a hargata <>ii account of owner leaving thecity. Applyon ttiepremises, 014 Eddy st. aus 3t*/COMPLETELY FUBNISHED HOTEL OK 70y 'rooms; bar BIM restauraut attached: scj>ai"aißor together: clieap to responsible i'»rty. NE. ror.l'aritlc and Paasonie -t-< . Palmer House. an3 7t»

Q ll\ 10 BOOMS; BATH;NEWLY FRESCOED;Q*i\'. water free. 713 Fulton St. jy3ltr

><•'", HOUM-:, t. ROOMS; BATH; LIiiBT'--''\u25a0 basement: 709 Fulton st. fr3ltiV IA REAR HOUSE. 4 ROOMS AND CELL\K.«T lU. '-• Howard., nr. Ihlrd; no childre:i.3l tr

QIQ ootj NATOMA: 5 ROOM9~~

fJilO. «U<-xio Satoma: 5 rooms.*--'50— X07 Nntoinn: 5 rooms aad Inth.CHAS. ASIITON. 4:i .Montgomery st. JylO lm

Q'-M 23 Kt'SS —'• ROOMS AND BATH:»ii. large basement. CHAS. ASH lON,

411 Montgomery at. jylo lm

Q*OX AA~I42S EU.IS —tf ROOM.S AND•u. »-«J. \J\J. bath: largo tas-ment and yard.CHAS. aSHTOn. 411 MouUomerv st. jylOlm

QXA 1. .o GOLDEN GATKAVE. 10 ROOMS«_« M'- aad bath; l;irc«p • m:>l basement, CHAS.ASHTON. 41l Moutgomury st. jylolm

SUNNY' BAY-WINDOW HOUSI 6 ROOMS;tilth good basement: .-.\u25a0.'.; r emeata.

IHampton place, oLl Folsoai at., u-t. Second andThird. Jy-^8 U

39. »TWELFTH— TENEMENT OF 3 ROOMS,— —appar part, foreasaH family. Jyl4 tr \u25a0

ANITARY PLUM AND GAS-FITTER;joi>b;ng of all kind< work gn&rantced or no

clarjf. CHAS. .MKI'.HAN. t..'r-»-

.-i int.i-nto fll«mISHKD HOUSES.

L'LEGANT W ALN"ITTTKT?Ro7TM"^E^rT^vTRD!I*rob?, eaap-chahra, Unissels carpets (3 rooms),dtalbg-tabli Model raas part or whole;cheap:bay-window Hat; rent $12 50. SO'.t» .j Valencia. 63*I". RNISBED HOUSETaioTIAIGHT; B ROOMSX ati.l bath: iii'Kleru improvements; reut $150--water ff \u25a0«•. MADI>ONa BURKE, t;jts M.arket.9 3tL"lRNII t»F 7 KOOMS AT A SACRIFICE:Inn;-i be before the lOlhof Ausiist; fl.it tolat. Call after 1. 729 l-.l l. at. ans st*

corrAOKs ro list./ o; rAOE; 1 I 'oms I \>...k YABD SUyjColllngwoo'l st.. near Twennetn. au« 4t*QIQ HOUSE OF C ROOMS. APPLY AT 325QiO. Fitta st. jy^ltf

HANDSOME (OTTACE OF 0 |;im\|s i\|ibatn. 1017 Elgliteenth. nr Colllugwood.Jy29 tf

<li» CHEAP; NICE 5-ROOM CuTTAGE AT0 IV.Ocean View: lot 50x100: cklcken-boaeaaetc. McEwcx BROS.. 41tf Montgomery sL au4 tfriOTTAGE,S ROOMS] BATH,GAS. 024 GROVE\J street. aul 7t*

litI "ROVE. NR LYON-UEAR: COTTAGE;-* VJJL «' 3 large tunny rooms: $12. aul 3t*

COTTAGE: 5 i: iiv- 107 rWENTY-SIXTH,vy_nr. Mission: 51 1: water free. aul7t*

Ql r.—SI7—COTTAGES: 4 AND 5 RMS; BATH.0I'Mixmifnt.yard. 15th a ii.lPoU>r«-». j»ii«Ht*


\l'' ! ITU:FLAT, b ROOMS, BATH. AM-»-> Grove St.. near Oct.«vla; $27 50. a-i6 7t*I'l.AT-6 NICE SUNNY BOOMS, BATH;CHEAP__'-' stciner St.. near H»lrJ>t. auU 7t*

2 VERY HANDSOME FLATS; 0 BOOMS. BATH-+• tine location. 209ya Polk St.: $27 50. auti 7t

Q9A FLAT6 BOOMS, BATH: ALL MODERN*-V.Improvements. 22»V*i Hickory ave.: keyat— Pacast. L. LANG. aaSZt*IA BOOMS ANDBATH;TWKLFTH Sl'. THOR-i\J oughly rapalrea: Mtanlnuas paveateat: <iuietiieiehborhood; low reoU DEMPSIER. 3tJ Qiea

Park ave. j>2 tf SaSuL*LAT 4 ROOMS BATH,fM IVY AVE.. NR.IOctavuand Hayes; $18. an.% st*

"I?INE n \i 5 RO()MS, BATH.10 GROVE ST.,J' nf.tr i'vHal). ans 7t*


KLATOF6 ROOMS ANDBATH;FIRST FLOOR:all aaodera improvementa 210 R<«e ave. 5St*

1Vr, 1 Y-l'lIIKDST., COB. OASTBO—X *i_.iLovelyupper tlat; B rooau and bath: rent$18; water tree; key at 1522. au4 StATKW HOUSE; 30X CHESTNUT, NEAR STOCK-

\u25a0I.I ton: 5 »a: batb: basiment: $25. au!7t*

T^LAT.6 BOOMS AND UATH: *25. 211) WEB--I1ster st.. near Hatght wu4 7t«L'LAT OF 3 UNFURNISHED ROOM.S. 210-i Golden Gate avf. \u25a0 --\u0084-.;• au4 3t*VIW FLAT 5 ROOMS; MODERN IMPROVE-XItnfnts;rentcheip. Apply IBS Hatch t nu3 tr


J *J\JO modern liapta,; $2*. K. corner. au2 7t«199ft BACRAMBNTOJ NOBHILL;FINBFLATJ

— —y/ of 7rooms aad bath. au2 61*

T/LAT-B LABGE SUNNY ROOMS; *20. 8 AN-J' tonlo , ofT Jones, near Elm. an'2 7t*Ottr. IMT7 GKARY ST.. 7 BOOMS AND BATH.•CTtJ.9^O 4(H . Tehama St., Irooms Bllgbath.

9--.>O-471 Valfin iast., 5 ruoinsaud aath,9;*O-48l Bieocla (it.. (Irooms and bath.9l«-l:t Hollls Rtrect. 5 rooms Bad bath.$2o— l> '.5 Valie;oSt., »J rooms and bath.$21 50

—1102 Valencia *t, rooms and l.atii.

Ma—IGI3HSlitter st, H rooms and bath.*:i.50— 172I'Mc.Miisterst.,8roomgand batn.$35—1723 M.AlhjterSt.. H rooms and hath.940-ivo McAllister st, t> rooms and bath.$J5-t>sl Vatlejit st. tlat 8, 5 rooms and bath.

CHAS. ASHTOX. 411 Montgomery st. Jy3l bl

7'H\ KK '• NEARFILLMORK— BBOOMS*«-"anu bath: Htoreroom. yard; uuuuy side: rent

IT. J>3l 7t*A~\ '>! THIRD.BKT. lIAICKISON AND PERRY—XJ «->2 Lower Hut. 8 room*, batu; all Ltte Improve-

ruents. Apply417 V^. Jv3l 7t*

9 FLATS. 5 ROOMS BACH. 70« BIRUH AVE.,&t near Buchanan *t.;rent $15 each. ]y3ltr«-t Ol LANGTON-SUNNY UPPER FLAT; 01IU'» rooms »nd \u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0th. . jy3i7t*JJ« 1 O FIRST FLOOR; MNE HOUSE; FEW*4P 10. blocks to Kearny. 411 O'Farrell st. Jy>'B tr

T^riCE S-BOOM FLAT; HODBBN IMPROVE-XI meuts; cheap rent. 619'.,j oak st. Jy24 tf0; 4JA FLATa BOOMS; MODEKN IMPROVE-<JT»>v/. tneuts.$20—Flat 4 rooms: gas.\u0084*,1.?."nil914-Klsu 4 rooms each; vard- cellar.1213 Bush st.

"jy 11tr

norSEKEKI'IXG KOOMS.OjFiiFOLSOM—3 LARGE SUNNY ROOMS FOR0 ltJjHousekeeping ;918. au« it*1111 I'OWELL-3 ~SU NNY FURNISHEDxxx^housekpg rm<. $14; other rooms, $'J.aO 2t»99,"\ WASHINGTON

—SUNNY UOUBEK.BI—*J Ingrooms, nicely rurulshed, $5 up. ant) 2t*

IHI POWELL— HOUSEKPG BOOMS,XUXCJ neatly tarnlsbed. $15; other nns. «4.a8 2*QOO POST— a nny ROUSES BOOMS*»•— \J and kitchen, unrurulsbed; cbeap. auß st*7O*» MISSION- H«)USEKI'.EPINO, ALSO.1yJt) other slucie ro.tun. from 9> up

•Ql V MISSION—a NKWI.Y' FURNISHED HUN-isl*J\! ny rooms tor housekeeping: first Bat. tt3t*

J_\ 7 FIFTH—4 ROOMS; LARGE YARD;WATERxllfree. auu 3l»















L'..nr\Al.i; AVENUE'S CHOICEST RKSI-F dence for sale; large, new. modern design; a:imoderin Improvement*; BpMtoaS and elegantgrounds: lawas, cardrns, fruits and la wars; a aa»feet geotiesoan's home; will be sold at a bargala:either furni-ibed or unfurnished: don't let thisRrealettt opportaalty or a lifetime escape you !coiueand see It. ApplyTwenty-third Avenue Land Cass>pany. 1153 Twenty-third ave.. Oakland. i> .4 14t

Ql \l\t\ I!(. BABGAIN; NEW COTTAGE,O^ "il'v/.aear two stations, with hair hourlytrains to San Francisco: alao near the Berkeleyelectric road and the Ban Pablo ave. cab e-cars ;corner lot 40x100: lnii«tbe sold: don't delay; cillat once. A. 11. BREED a 0.. 460 Ninth st Oak.land. Jy23 tf

dfrO&CASH—SI CASH.f^.i««tJ

—__Cnolco lots near Piedmont cable; 40xlG0.This property within the city limitsor Oakland.Al speculation or grand opportunity for a bouio

lot.Prices only $10 to 915 per rront root.1 ets 160 reet deep.Name y.Br own teratl of payment.A. it. breed & ( 0., 460 Ninth st., Oakland.2l tf

j-ACRE LOTS. SUTER TBACT.Situated on the Redwood road, near Frultvale

ave. and San Leandro electric-road: grand oppor-tunityror a rate "peculation; this property i»n betut into iot> and Bold at oace; oae ol the aaaatliumc sites In Aimnoda U»iinty.

A. 11. BBEEO 4 CO.,_ jelO tf 4CO Mnth St., Oakland.

A FULL ACRE; CHANCE Op A LIFETIME:-*A bargain price. Call quick on RUSSELL A

PROSSER. Twenty-third-avo. Stattoa, East oak-laad. JylSlm

J> AUGER PARK LOTS.-l-> lose to the jir»»fiit and closer to the ruturecenter or Oakland; strecM la order and ready forbuilding; within about 0110 block or local ferry.electric and horse cars: sewerage perfect and termsto suit ever? .i-r; 50 lots. SO reet front, from*Mioto 1000 each; should ba seeu to be appreci-ated. Appep to T. W. BADGER. owner, on thenraiasane. or ti> VON RHEIN <t CO., 503 CaliforniaMn-et. ]yI2lm





LADI __ 2, eWU>r a'








We hive induce! »IR. FRANKLIN MOSS toallow us t» make >oe special offerlag al lou in tbetbe beautiful Moss iract


For 10 day«. commencing kTONDAT. AUGUST 1.ana endlnc WEDNESDAY, August 10. ou unpre-cedented terms.


AL: LOIS '.35. #


We hara aothlng to conceal and will give yon afew ra ti aud fLrures, couvinclng yoa that thU l<ibeyond any question the grandest o:*.-r ever pro-seuted to you &lcag th<s Oakiaad, Saa Lcaudro andHay wards Electric Raiiroad. which will soon bavea double track, mailing this property tho most ac-cessible along this great highway.

Ist. The Moss Tract Is The hltlmt aiaialf gaaator land lyingon this road L/ot»eeu Oakland aud SanLcandro.

Bd. We renpectfully solicit you to take onr price*we are offering this property for aud compare with,any otber tract or laad atoag tallgreat highway.

ML We grade the streets at our ownexpense.

4th. We la] tl;e city water-mains In tbe streetsat our expense.

sth. Tl.e Moss Tract Is but 18 minutes to thebusiness center or Oakland, one-hair tho time fromBerkeley to Oaklaud.

(ith. On* living in the Meal Tr.»t can boy a er>m-mutation-ticket to Oakiaad ror 9.< per mouth, mak-luß Ibe fare only 5 cents eacn way.

7th. ThehTxeaaraaaH by tho present owner nntllyour property ispaid r.r la fu 1.

Bth. The title l«perfect, a ru.l search at our offlc©for convenience or.purchasers.

9th. Several new re'ideure-4 are now under courseof constructloa ana many more to follow liiiino-dlately.

10th. The Mom Tract i-on,inands a fine view orOakiaad, Alasaada aad Baa laaaaTa Bay. No s.tnd•i'MKis, but every lot level and ready to build npon.

Ilth. WhUe the pavment Is only $5 per monthtue f.nr( h.i«<T has the privilege of paying anyamount ne desires at auy time. Possesslou given atonce.

12th. Over 250 lots have been sold to bona fidepnrcbnsers In this tract.






For maps and fullparticulars apply to




. ;

CM Q 7^A BUSINESS LOT IN TUB BUSl-tjpxO.IO\J. ness center or Oakland; conld beuuilt upon and leased readily: 00 reet rrontage; anA1 property. A. 11. ItRKKD A CO., 400 Ninth St.,Oakland. jy3otf

©1Cwnn SAN I'ABLoAVE.;BUSINESS LOT;. liiwu. west side; 40x100: will double In afew yetrs. A. H. BREED 4 CO., 460 Ninth «t..Oakland. . jt30 tf

AWEEK'S NEWS FOR S CENTS— THE WEEKLTC'aui, in wrapper, ready rormailing.

OAKLAND « IlIMli UK HALE. ,7p »cRNriTjitrTtou^v ANTOOOD

'ANDcIIKAP.Js»eH. H;HELLHAAH.408 Eleventh st. de6 tf eod

OAKLAND kooyjs and ItOWtul.Mi.

TO LET FOR skkkkping—7 nicely fub-ulshed rooms and b»tn: good neighborhood*

l'-'OJ Elsbtb »t.. 'J blocks from Adeline station;rcrereuco; pr.c* 9 uu& eod lm

city i;::al kstatk.

**FINE investment.

f'22.%00— 3 elessnt 2-story bay-window houses of9 rooms. .bath, laundry,servantsj^room. and unfin-ish.Ml basenaßt each, on o'Farr*cll street: have al-ways been |t>:isi'ft for $180 per month; tho bousesare in liuo shape, aad «iiyi»;ie looking for goodsolid iiivrstuif.itpaying a handsome return shouldsee this ai once: lot t)8:9xl37:B. EASTON, EL-

DUIDGE A CO., BSB Market st. au6 3t


—''V/. with

•roeaM amd bath in each; largeaaaesßeat; N.side 01 26th st.. 100 feet W. of Cas-tro; *.-><»\u25a0) ( nsi). balance 'iisialioieats. Apply »upremises. K.VANDERVEKEN. auO 2t*

CM•Sfm lOR SALE-HOUSE ANDLOT.WEST-<*. l*/vfVf.crn Addition, nr. G. G. Park: 7roosaa,bath, laundry. Addres3 11.. box 137. Call Brch.6 2t*QlA (UK) \ AI. 1 Ai-.t.1. <liv PROPERTYV IV7.V/V.l'. forsale: willaccept Oakland resi-dence on cable-car line in part paymeat. W. M.BRANDON. 420 Montgomery st. aoG 3t

<Linnn lot &o_rjo: N. lineofjst.. i>tjpXXjyjKJ.i,i,. 704; bet. Thirty-second audllilrty-tlurdave.; l.ait caafa. Imiuire &2First- 03»




42 LOTS 43






5360. ?-;(H). *54>0. fOjO EACH.



Jy3l SuWcSa" ~

630 Market st

\\rASTEli—HOUSE AND LOT OR LOT UN»' small street north of Market st. WOODRUFF,SllMarket St. MS 3t*QOA MONTHLY—COTTAGE OK 4 ROOMS.%H _-v/ bay wind inBerkeley; lot 35x86.J22s— Lot HOxlSft, with cieeli.$250—Lot 2ox luo. at station.

72U0—Lot 25x100: ?5 cash, f5 monthly.$600— Lot 40x100, sewen ;aad macadaniizod.<H.vs. A. BAILEY, owuer, 20 Montgomery

elreet. au3 tf




THIS.Only 87600 for a first-class new modern residenceof 10 rooms and fluislied seiuent, within 100 leet<-f the park; t;jc>.- 3 houses aro nearly completed;see owner on premises about special inducement*on _sale._Lott St., oet. Hnyeiaud the iar_.3l 8*IiICIIMONDBARGAINS.

Lots on Calirornlast. 22dave.. Bth. 13th, 14lh andM.th aves, $325 to S'H'OO. cash cr any terms; choicecorners. <ilh and California its ami Point Lobosa:,.! Clemeni St.; Ikm \u25a0 t_is district and have bar-gains to sell; bay now and yon will secure choicoInvestments: call and i'ives:lg«te.ty7ItaJH.S.deROCHEBONT,4ISB . S

IjO YOU WANT 1 BOPI RTT.CITT OB COUV''try. In the prettiest valley or tho Slate? Applyto Napa Land Company, Napa, Cal.. for list of

propertU-s. »c'_ ,tf

fit"iltlICASH, BALANCE SMALL MONTHLYtii'«J\_»v Installments— A large rooin 2-storyhouse on Noe St., bet. rwanty-flfth and Twoaty-sixth. <-ne block E. of Castro; fulltrice only*:UOO.F.NELS builder. jylt)tf

QIA".A A BARGAIN; 50x125: ONLY TWO*yX\Jti\J. blocks lroin olectric cars, at OceanView station; good hou«e. outbuildings, ste.; i!::«isvery cheap and must be sold, as uer has to i.-.\the city. McEWEN BROS.. 415 Montgomery.^! 7

Ji.. ACRES ANDIMPROVEMEN IB. NKAR SAN"1 Mateo, for sale or lease. W. J. RAY,12 C_ll-torotoat. au6 7t_Q"| A AMONTH WILLBUT AHOMI INSAUSA-CXUIIto. I-D. SPARROW. tf.H Market. jy'.«tr

'I N J|;v 1:1 \i KSTATK.

r7^o~l^LL^ir!ofcTrTN7?irT^ . .. ;1 llTiIapj>ly to 11. WHITI 765 Mar_ot st.•

rpo EXCHANGE—IiO ACRES ALLLEVELLANDXnear Irvincton. 4 miles from Niies. 0:1 -...!-\u25a0\u25a0Railroad: sell cheap or exchaogc. W. M. BRAN-I>ON. 42U Montgomery au4 3t

QOXAn 14 ACRES IN FOOTHILLS OVER.*- —\u25a0 • lixikiiig.Monterey Bay: young orchard

of GOO trees, ordinary farm buildiugs.livingwater:brnutiful locatioii; >>u table tor summer residencaorhome ffir rttired business man. Address ownerG. W. BRADLEY, Watsonville. Santa «'rmCounty. au2 ':*L'<


—SALE OR EJTOc_auge: vtrite luily. ANDREW PRICB. Heaids

bsnrg, Cai. ieutr_SCHOOL LANDS, ?1 60 TO »3 AN ACRB; '\u25a0<»- vrry eai 'eriiu; sola by th» Stats In tracts tisuit; uo residence or Improvements required; i.l_ln;ls cf lain!*, la in:uiy diDvrea'. counties; sen 1ft*?i!P ftr list; opea day aud eve_iu__ F. \f.LAKK.t Flood Buildin. latf.


INCALIFORNIIMnest level f-rmiuglands.Rich b:»r_ soil, ready to plow.I.j:. fine valley;railroad taron;nl_Water ditchrs now bulidlu:.Mild cllina:*. free fuel, cheap lum'jer.Work at good wages there now.1.a.-.ii eaa i.e. taken wit-out


Send \r stamp for full lafeeaaattoa to F. w.LAKE.«Flood building. San Francisco. Cal.apl4 tfCALIFORNIA I\< lIAN'.K BUREAU] 4HIy> Ninth .Oakland, exchance all kinds of prop-erty; send for catalogue. UREEN, CULLOM *

CO. iu>-_2 tt


DRTEr^SHEFARD, DI iTst7T34"6'mXrlceT''St.—All work strictly first cuss. au.i 3in


*filling»1; ext. 50c. DR. PERRY, S Mason, tf

Dl: ALIRED S.HILL HAS REMOVED TO 424O'Farreil St.. nr. Jones; painless fillingand ex-

tractinif; work giiaran teed; consultation free.jy7 tf


DR. H.R. M"RTON.Me DENTIST. 31S KEARNYSt.. S. F. Hours— 9l2 a. u., 1-5. 7-8 r. \u25a0 jel3m

11. ti. YOUNG-EXTRACTION PAINLESS;pla:e-work, triiige-work, teetn withuut plates,

a specialty. IS4I Polk It, my14 tr

A'O PAIN—EXIRACTINO OK TEETH BAD!-.> easy, iOc and ti;artificial teath from $5; n.i-ing from *i CHouME Dental Association. 7ißMarket St., bet. Third and Fourth. apl_ tt

R. RKA. 023 MaTjKEI', EXT. TEETU 50o;*J_ wlthpasgl; flllltitfnlow; open evenings. Ja.t tr

J EEK DENTAL COLLEGE: CHARGES ONLYXjformaterial njcrt. Room 107. 1170 -Market. Jitf\ >Y~CHh.U"KNOWS" GAS IHDANUEBOUS:-"\ Ly my weoderfol secret local application to

Ilifguiiiiaoy to. in may b« extracted or tilledpalnleaaly: nuie Brat arises awarded mt for tineitfiiilugs. plate and bridge v.-orK: i.ace apaa evon-lnfi»-nd Sundays. DR. O. W. 1.K1.K. S O'FarrelLttB»<7 A hLI *\u25a0< K TEETH; WARBANTED A»"»v •

pood as can be made: nlllns fl. DR. SIMMS,dentist. B3'J Market st . next baldwla Tnrater.oalt?I|K. A.LUDLUB HILIT144.MARg.ETST., NKAftXJ lUavent-: no rtuirge for extracting wb«a piar.osair m&de. old plat«z irade over u«e new; iee(aIrctn per set; •xtractln. 6UO: gas given. 4;:

Dr. C. 11. WILSON, DKNTIHT' 92» MAaaaFXJ St.. bet. Fifth aud Slitn. odd. M-soa. del3:C


MBS v- J RolbTnsOnl Tl:ANCErTrEST^ANDi't business medium. 2943 Howai st. auB 7t*U ONDERFUL SEER AND CLAIRVOYANT IN'

T life-rradlng; has no enual; iee 50c. i»32V_Howard at., b-sement. ans 3t*

AjME. bCHBIDT VIENNA; Musi RE-i'iDowned; reTaaltoa future events: ladle* »1gentlemen $i,by mall J3. onice 85ti Ml«sloo.3l lm

MME. MORE U, 7J FOI RTH ST. KOKTInk-elier; cl^lrvoy-tit;life reader; fee 25c. j:«lSt*I>ALMISIRY-VOUR RNTIR] LIFE REVEAL-X sd: ladles. »l;gents. $1BU 213 Maton. jy29 Ira

MRS. WILSON TELLS PAST. FUTURE. PRES.-*• ent; ladles. 60c: fents, $1. u>- Eighth.jy2B 8mVI \u25a0;!.. DR. THOMAS, lENTIFIC REVSALBBiTi byeggsandcard^: telU entire life.p»st, pr<»s-eDt. foture; eonaaltatiaas oa all affairs, nothing ex-cepted; i.nineglTeii. valu«bl« advice and sure help-raat4 res lost love by sympathy; mistake ii:ipossibie:dUeases cured; lee «1; letter 82, Kearny. 13 iyt|ME. EXODIUS. <I.>.n;voy NT. HAS3 BB-i»l in'»v...i to 11 Turk it.. Itoom 9: f> 60c. o2t it


YOU BHOI LD( ONSI 1,1 INDIA'S KaH-FaMM)seeri-NS, t!ie Jiypsy W'leen. «25 (ieary. asySS ?ra

\jl.s.j J. WHITNEY, CLAIRTOTANt; TEST-ITI roeqinni and life reader. 21H Stockton. ,Jjtf

\s>\ KaITISINO.IF »OD^WISH~TO~7DVE^riSir^NITH^L'VEUY OML INNEED OF INFORMATION'OfSo-V ?, ?n 2f fOvertwla, WUI uo we* tiomSJcopy of -Book for AdvertHers." 36a pajtes, p-.ot1 «1; mailed. p.,*taico paid, on receipt of price 00"Uln« a eateful eomj.iiatloa from the AiuermaaNewspaper Directory of all the best pap." aidClass Journals; lv«. tb» circulation rating or everyoox, and a good deal or

1information about rale, »cth.r mMtrrs pert* Blag to icobuilneis of alvor-ami'u f-I^'™ KV WJeLII ADVBBI'ISINJ*B»BJU O 1> -DTttOSt.. JUw »ork. _ultly

FISASVI \l.AT 126 KKAKNV.ROOM ».*TOU CAN HORROTfmoney at low rntei: private room* forlalln*pledtes for sale; take elevator. mrltt


V^A> FRANCISCO COLLATERALLOAN BAMsT%~< aSMt Kearny st., tho o:.iy corporation Uiat lea-XiSSaa*> «n diamonds. W-tcnca: lowInfrost. oc4;C


SPEED CONT^ST'foR CAL?(SRAPII OPBB-/V aterswill be held in Ssn Frauclsco within afew weeks; valuable prizes willbe awarded; threo'•I«»'m, Boasaiareial srators, telegraph operators,student cperalors: Oall for p^rtlcuUrs and regiiterfor the contest; ample tune for practice. "IIAUI.rsF.. N VI."B. general agent, 1W Mo;ittrnin<>rv. j<»18 ir


Al»vi« K FBEBOM All.LEGAL MATTKKS. «;.A W. HOWE A CO.. atfysat 1aw.850 Market.ll tr\y W. DAVIDSON,ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 420'". California st.. rooms 14-15; advice frea. d3 tf

CiIAHI.I.S It. Darwin, \u25a0lllt.NhV-AT.UW,Clay it,r

—mi 17 lKanl 19. Jy2 6m

KA. CKOTUEKS. ATTOBMXT-AT-LiAW, HiXi. clay st. no3tt


LOANS ON REAL BBTATX;NOTES. BDsTtB_wareiM*uae. J.S.HOW.MAN. 323 Mootgoniery.

ABARRHL OFMONET 0.1 lsr OB -TTmoUt"_ gage; 8prremit; no delay. .T.L..411U-Farrell. lyVI EY LOANED rKOM fl UPWARD AT-l»l Security Loan Bank, llOttMarket ,nr. Mason:arlTßte eutrkaco 7 lark. N.J. FR__NJ_Ll.i*CO.tf_i

•I MWI >s CIIANCKS-CONTINUKn.CIDIIH HOTEI LNDBAR! 4B ROOMS: ALLVf\J\J. filled; BO steady boarders; large tran-sient custom; well-knowu and popnlar mechanics'house; lnapleudid loraiion; puormoiis bar trade;cheap r.-!U:other in:.>r.'.st cause or selllag • open tox't 1,J'"yestlßation :positively a nrst-class barcaln,M.I.KSS. 5 Fourth St. 1Q>i^f| SAUSAGE FACTORY: HORSE AND«iIUUU. wagon; old-established business; clear-IBs over 9200 a month, which willaa rroven onInvestigation; trial glveu to convince aay bona-Bdapurchaser: a chance or a lifetime: no such bargainever heard of;don't miss It. M.LESS. 6 Fourth st.l

Q'>."\A SALOON IN A BOOD LO4 ITIORT,—cJU. withtne best class ot trade aud a profit-

able bnsiuess; don't miss the chance of a iifcl.iiie.M. LESS. B Fourth st. 1_QOXflrt TRANSFER BUSINESS, 18 HORSES.«^»>i)UU.o wsgons; clearing *!<>\u25a0> a month;t'i:.< isa rare chance for a inaa who wishes to In-vr-t inn t;ood naylng business; a trial given. M.LKSS. 5 Fourth st. 1Q,"Afl PARTNEB WANTED in SALO<»N« ir\f\t.doing business ciearinc t J5O a mouth:trialciven Co satisfy tbe right man that everythingIs just asIsay. M.LESS. 5 Fourth st.

" •

KARE CHANCE MOKNING PAPER ROUTE;XV bargain. Apply940 Bryant at. aul ru


*cheap. Apply this of9ce. au4 3t*

T7*OR SALE-GOOD SALOON ON CITY FRONT,J inquire 525 East St. a«U 3t«r>ESTAURANT AT A BARGAIN IF TAKENJA this month. Apply211 Eieventn St aa4 7t*

HOMK BAKERT Foi SALE; DOING BOODstore trade Call Branch Offlaa. aiU7t*



U4 at*

OALOON-MUST SELL THIS WEEK; RAREk-J chance. 525',-f, Sansame st. BU4 3f*<")(rl) DELICACY AND PROVISION STOKE;yuvvr. sacrifice: going East: Ilivine rooms;low rent: sn:ip for man and wife. HIS eary. a 27*VOU SALE— NICE MILLINEKYBUSINESS;J lease, stock, fixtures; will exchange fora nicelot: cknesa the cause fot selling. Apply five daysonly 1160 Market St.. next door to the Maze. jy27 tf

EXCHANGES Ol BUSINESS HOUSES AM)X-ireal eatai . J. H. PAIGE. 935 Market. j>l7lmQ'^XA SALOON; 3 FURNISHED BOOBS;» .»tl\». good stock; c-.-.li bar.alu. 936 Foutombtreot. nn2 7t*


FINE CANDY-SI'ORE;«4 *J*)\J.good lorattou; bargain; most oesold lm-mcdiately. 1225 Market at,

"au2 7t*

Ui. near cm; be»t ItAKi.AI.Neveroffered; $1401). EICHENLAUB. 769 afkt. 27*Ia.l roßi FOR SALE: SUITABLE 1 OB FUR--I nlture or mill work. 611 Turk s_ au2 7t»L BENCH LIQUOR-STORE, UOOD LOCATIONI forcompetent party.Inthe center of city;goodcellar: 3500 gal iims «if cooperage In good order;coi.'d bar and Oxtures; Osx-class llqgors: .^i-iou.Inquire CIU Montgomery st. or 901 Montgomery-venue. jyao 7t*j ARBI BHOP FOB SALE HKA] 921HAR-I> ris St.: cheap rent. aui 3t»rOK SALE—NICE SALOON. 45 THllTlt ST.,-I tiesr M:;rk.-t v. MiSt*

PIANOS, \ i'.»i ins \M> 11 IT MUSIC.L"1NE UPKIOH ERFECT 1 OWNERX leaving t|ty; bargain. 1037 Union. Oakland.o 3»

EUPRIUHT PIANO: HALFprice. Inquire Palaca Hotel, Cth floor, 613. 3*



V./ favorite: call and $ee for yourselves. F. W.SPENCEB *CO.. sole atreuts. 7-3 Market St.. His-tory building,second floor. j}'l7tfL W. SPENCER A: CO.. HISTORY BUILDING.XI. second floor. 723 Market ft.,have anumber ofsecond-hand pianos of leading .... good asuew; btdrock prices. jyi7tf

QI- / 1 PRIUH 1. 8225: STEINWAY &SONS;tji1 O\J. alio new pianos at tacu >. \ pnem easyterm. At FAY'S Piano Factory,1729 MJ*tlon.jyl_ t_

IIA1.1.hl DAVIS ANDKIMBALLPIANO ANDXJ Organ Agency. W. q BADGER. 7"J5 M-rkei.tr.1VECKER & SON PIANOS. LEADING.-I' BCHAEPFEB pianos, medium pricai

10-ceut sheet mnslc.At MAUYAlS',763 Market St.. S. K. ap23 tf

A LOT OF SECOND-HAND SQUARE PIANOS:Cne condition; at a tacriflce. KOIILEU

_CHASE, 28 OFarreil st. jy29 tf

KOIILERICHASE, 26. 28 AND30 O'FARKELLSt.: lea'litg plaaos and organs: o' df«t masio-

-cufe; largest stocn; easy terms: low prices. ap33;fQTECK, CUICKEKING Jc SONS. VOSE AND0 other pianos so'd on aio InstaUaaata, BENJ.CCKTAZ &SON, sole agenu, 20 U'F-rrell st. »p3 tfX? L. NEUMANN PIANOS: FIRST-CLASS IX1 » tone a:..i wor-wianshlp. B2Ninth «t. ao7 tf


Q EVER AL >VETL?irRT^"TIXiTET^^~<ncLLK0 Ings:cheap. 24ti Third st. autJ 3t*L'«)K SALE— . BRKEDPERC'HI B WORK-± horse', broken: 4 to e years o d: weighing from1-OU to 1300 pound*:raised in the hiil*and thera-fore h.irdy. withrood reet. .'. 11. SCHNEIDER;Cornwall. Contra Costa County, Cal. jy3ll;n

Ii YOU VAM TO BUyT'sELL OB TRADEX horses. wagot:«, bu-glfs. carts, harness, etc . go toGrai.d Arcs Horse Market, 327 Sixth hi. auc-tioi. sale next Wednesday at 11 a. m. Satisfactorytrials pivpu; tha s(;uare»t horse-dealing establlsli-nient on tne coast. SULLIVAN& DO.LE, r.virle-tora. S.WAT KINS,r.ucttonecr. iu)I ttpENTENNIAL STABLES— CARRIAGES. ROCK-VV aways. victorias, buggies, etc.; 1521 Californiaft., bet. Lark in and Polk; ttlepbone tfiJx. M. CON-LO.n. proprietor. n,ri;-> tf

WAGONS AND CAIIKIAGKS.VKWANIISE<(>NIjIIANDI;AKi:RsXNirrXI?N"----' dry wagons, uhaeton.rocxaway. k_s Harrlson.7*"I SECOND-HAND EXPRESS WAGON .T 24J Bea.'ost. A.W.SAMIOHSR }e!4 tf


0-• • lTT^and"

walnut tnIgoid ornaincnted, sizes from 10x12to 18x24 laches; alsocvai picture frames. f>_mc»lzes

and prices; wiuilowshades -Oc: cunata poles *JOc;close at 8: ''J. .to.NKS. 7!>7 M:s-lo:i »t. »u»5 4t»

Ql ]/j BAFBTTBICTCI PERFECT CONDl-QXtiU.tioii.for $35. 329 Golden Gate ave, 24 3m

SATE, SCALE. LETTEK-PRKSS, STOHE-TBUC-faad money-till: c_eap 10- Clay st. au7 tf

SECOND-HAND BOILERS ENGINES, PUMr_»k. Shafting, pulle.ys, beltiriir. water pipe-i. etc.i!Mtf INTOSH *

WOLPMAN. 137 Bea!*s_

QHEPARD'S FOOT AND POWER LATHRSC; planrrs. <lri!l-r>rn^->« '"____ "'«. »n27tX


171OL1N AM' FRENCH CONVERSATION^ 50c% per ion, one hour. PKOF. LOUIS MEKKI,10^- Howard St.. near Sixth. aus lin

DANCING-BALLROOM AND STAGE DANCEStaught. IRVINE'S, Bt. George's iJall 90J"2M'«:. st.. bet. Fifth and Sixti. aul at*

GERMAN PROFESSOR OF THE PIANO; MOSTKMimproved method. 82 Ninth st. au3 3m

1)KOF. D. MANSFIELD, MANDOLIN.GUIiAR.banjo, composition. Studio 1705 Market. au3 3mpBOF. CHARLES GOFF-U-^ 1430 WEBSTER;-I continues givingviolin \u25a0 \u25a0 .in. au3 7t»


EVEN -\u25a0!!<•' 659 MARKET;ROOM 63;1-i typewriting done. Call day or evening. au2 3m\]M . GIFKARI) HAS RESUMED HIR FREN<•I'i classes; latest method. 1306 Plue tit, aul imo


SHORTHAND. VPK-writg.telegraphy; day and nl.ht classef.6s9.Mkt

r/ISKA INSTITUTE. 1606 VAN NESS AVE.—AJ Frencb, German aiiJ English board aad <iayschool: young ladtas and children: the _tith yearopepsAug 1. MME. B /isKA. A.M.,principal, lm

I,'LOf ITiON MADE EASY BY THE "GREAT>Praock System 1 ; Professor Harry c. Franck,

A.M., the originator or the only true system of elo-catlon, will give lessons iii city: oue course issulhcient; .tailtfactlon guaranteed. For particularscall room 17. 850 Market st. jyl2lui»

I^UBOPJ LV HOME AND DAY BCBOOL FOR-i girls; 2127 Jackson st. board; Eu.llsh. French,German, music, dancing; $30 per month; new term

begins July 11: coach calls or pupils. ]eJB tfCPEC! ALCOURSE INGENERA LLITERATUREi01 lelence for strangers sumiaering here; classor private. MRS. iIi.NTON. Viti oeary st.. 3 to'or. m je!7 3m

UUOL CrVIUMINING,MEGBANI4 AL. BLBO0 trlcal englneerlnj. surveying, architecture, a«-s»yini{; tstab. iat)4. A. Van der Nalileu, . Market

HtALD'S BUSOTESS OOLLE4B, POST Hit"Double-entry book-keeping, ptmnanjblp, short-

ttna, type-writing, telegraphy, etc., ail -ueludwllaalseas conrse under oue fen o' »76 jeJUif

FACIFIO BUSDrBBS cULLEwB, 33» POST it,"i-lfe>choi»rMiiio. »75: dai aamaroatajß, oi-o>t



X W. A. Brown, Registrar ol Voters, willreceiveproposals for rooms to be ased for rogtstratlon ofvoters In October next. Auyparth wishingto fur-nisb rooms for tiii- purpose willplease call at thenew City hall before the '-tith ilav of .Inly,1892. jy13eod 141

P: M SEALED PROPOSALS Foil iHKX fa!!owltigwork and materials w:II lie receivedbv tlie Boura of New City Hall Commlsilonert inthe cnaasber or fjei*o»r>icf Baaernsora on MON-DAY,the SRtd ay or Ai:,-iist. 18fX, batweea tbehours of 11 a. M. aad 12 M.:

Coutract No. 39—Police Courts In northwestwing,embodying all aeceasarj furniture a.«i fix-t re». stairways and grillew»rk raqaiatta to com-plete departments. To be completed November1,1832.

Coutract No. 40—Completion of NE. wing, em-body Inz all s;aniin:K Ddlshes, lathingand pUster-lag, carpenters' and |niaera' wor2, tc. Te be com-pleted Decemhet 1. IB'J'i.

Contract No. 41—

Wrongbt and c»M Iron specifi-cations, am bodyingall iruii I'fanm and girders. ironstairways and coianns, grille work, etc., for com-pletion of >i K. wiiig. To be completed NovemberI.1892.

Contract N".42— Furnltnre ana fittln.s, emuody-lag kit utatlonary Cxtnres for ltibilcLibrary, <I'nin,wall racks, <\u25a0!/•.. hardwood fi-iiihes aeesssary tocomplete NE. wing, To be completed December 1,189 V.

Coutract No. A'.'.—

I'luuibing and git work, em-bodying allstationary nxlurei, ventilation, drain-age, siii!>:y,waste. «tc, rerjoltlte li» comulrte NE.wlnz. Ifnagtl work to •>» completed Bepteaihaf 16,IS9_. Contrnet to >e tompietod Deeeasarrl. 18»_.

Contract No—

Steeai or hot water heatingwork, Miii.O'lyinx.illIhiesau'l runs with tiiluresand fittings, ladintors. etc. Illdi to be for steamaod bot water beatli.f »eparatn!y. P.i)ii?h workoonpleted September 15, lttO2. Contract completedDitceml/cr 1. 1892.

CoDtroct No. 45— Furniture and slanrtlpjr fixtures,xtalrwayand i>un<irr -Iterations and additions InTax Collector's departments. To be completedOctob-r %rt, lxy..

Contrift No 46-Outstde painting, embodyingthe four towers and vaaUlattag shifts, «-tc , withsundries ntccm.iy to < o.uplete same. To be com-pleled Novembrr 1,1892.

The Secretary willI_nush blank rorins of proDO-eals tojatendlug bidders. »nd no bid willbe enter-tained uuleis made upon blanks so iuriii<iii«<j andunless same Is iwuj.aiilea with a cert. fled cbeckfor iOprrcent or tlic total amnof tender ihelioard reserves ttie rifrhl to rejael any or allbids.Payments w 11 be ma<le by audited demands on theTreasury drawn az_lust tUe New City Hal; FundUeor.o H.Banci».rson. T. J. L. Smiley »nd John Hl/ur*t.Board o.' <ew Cltv Hall CommitsloiiersJr2l 30t EDWARD 1. WOLFE. Secretary.

WEI'K'SNEWSFORSCKNTS-TnE WEEKLY'» Call. In wrapper, ready fnr mailing.'

~~j HVHHKB KisiH.is~

AUJIOONJIAV."r. O BOX 30-BOA RDERSliiprivate f.-'inily; lino rilmate and l>«»ch; 35\u25a0alias rroai Ban Francisco; $7 week. au4 7t*

ESORTB. SPRINGS AND BOTBU TlTiJtpad&e Coast, with rate«. • loeatlua. eto., ps>JiiljiUla tbe Hotel Guide. ltfO pages. For sale t>rxicwadealers. or send 25c In stamp* to w. _i. pa C-'itPwSUN. tul/iUuer. 310 Post St., o, P. mrl

I.OjXUNG HOUSES I'OK BALE.rota eT"mar ket st.;


is•3 U\f.rooms aiwuya ruled: Mace worth doubleme money, but must be sold to-Uay accoant otaatlusiness. 11. LESS, 5 1 aita st. It*CjiXn 12 rooms; <:TTeTpest PLACE ever

ollered. B. WHITE. 765 Market St. *Cii'r-.fi 13 KOOMS ELEGANTLYFURNISHEDC ;OV. north of Market. B.WIUTE. 7C5 Markt.*

B WHITE. 7«5 MARKET ST., HAS HOUSES.all alzrsand prices: easy payments aud forex.*


lisiX}J\Jy.square; . leare *\u25a0\u25a0<>. going East account

sicfenea: always Mnanted; : wional men; rarech.-.cff. SWEh rSKR A BRUUiS. IU2I Market.*1 ODGINU-HOUSES THATMOST BE SOLD.1i84 rooms;Market 81 15000•J4 mouis, <!eary 8t , 300012 rooins," Powell st \\" mooS rooms ami bath. Stockton st '.'.'.'.'. '.'.'.'. 4 00<0 rooins. Mission. clearing $175 ~n

" '1500


IOPGINti-UOUSKS AT GREAT BAROAINS1j 4H room? $1500|17 rooins ...... $1,200'.':-t rooms -.. 800 7 rooms . "

j^OIO rorms 450 -H rooms '".' I.SOO10 rooins 2JO|«7 rooms 2 000Apply J. W. SILK &CO.. 777 Market st,

•V"h\Vl.Y FURNISHED HOUSE, 7 ROOMS- ALL._> ro.ims full: Cheap iftaken at on'-e; 1 bl>xkfroinc*b!e house •\u25a0'..!:\u25a0 and Broderlck Btl. Apply

Call I'.r.iiiclionicp. au6 of<<l*>iW| LODCING-HOOSE: FULLOFIJOOM-u}I-iUu.ers; leaves on account sicknps-". 22Hfth st. autjJT t^__Q1 t(,(, LODGING-HOI : 20 B OOM S;

M \J\J. ii,!,. y tarnished atid all full; good lo-•ation: leavliift city; '.lin-J« a bargain ; see it.A>UUDHUFF A Co., 811 Market, room 1. an tif3:»C-"A(| LODIiINU-HOUSK,13 ROOMS. CLOSE• ''"\u25a0'. to Baldwin Hotel: always fall; this Mabargain. VtOOPRUI-FA CO.. 811 Slarkt't. au'» lit*


—<J l"• rooms, ou Bro idw iy,OakUml. Apply

to E. v.. \\u('i»>\ akli * CO., 3j2 Broailway,Oaklai'l. u 7t"IA-KOOM HOUSE CHEAP 11 APPLIED FOR IM-XvJ in\u25a0 \u25a0'\u25a0 lately. '.' Mason st. au4 St*


H us^E^enSm^srwlarL^mtNiiifKTr^sacrifice U sold at once. 7 Dale place, 111 Qoi-

>'cn ti.itcave., near Hyde st. au4 3t*

GOOD BEDHOOM SETS, 7 PIECES; COMPLETE.ionly $10. 760 Howard -t. ]y3llin

i^OVNTIt V BUYERS WISHING 81 COS D HANDV.;furniture or carpets at reduced prices; satisfae-tlcn <.r iiiouey iefundod;shlpped free.77.>.Markef. ly

(Ii.iR HOUSE FURNISHEDIcomplete with furniture, carpet?, stoves, cur-

tains, blankets, pictures and mirrors at cash prices,en e:i<v inS[:i!lmPiits;sm:»ll deposit. 51. FRIED-BANa CO.. largest installment house ou the coast,

S-S-230 Stockton St.. 237 Post; open evenings;prompt attention raid to country orders. 1tfw;| 1 BED-ROOM SET Ol 7 PlEi AT NEW-Cl^- MANLROS.. 117 Sixth »t. ]>23 1-Jiu

\u25a0V^OTICK—IAM NOW AT~l_9 FOCRTH~(Ni:W iJ-> buildins), and offer a largs stock of generalttoudeludd furuituro a; reduced prices; 500 carpets,jowl as new; stOTSS, }t>: antique chamber suits,$16; i'i."icr salts, 5_5: c-sii or Installments: ailatbf<lrock prices. T. 11. NKl.vqn. lit;FonrUi «t- -1 t'

\::i'it CLEANING.

A.\u25a0--.yard. 23 Jessie St.: telephone 5531. 30 tr

I'ARPETS THOROUGHLY - CLEANSED ANT»v' renovated same as new. S. S. tEUUUSUN jfcCO. 23 Tenth st: telephone :!Q:i(j Itf

BAY CITY STEAM CARPET BEATING AM)Renovating Works are the best and cheapest;

all wi.rk - irantt oSice S Polk sl;telephoneCall W.'s. JUSTICE A C<>. jypt f

(I V8 CARPKT-BEATINU WOKKS. .i.ii\J UoMen ave.-. telephoua 2120. 12 tf

CARPEIS place to get yIHE PRICES;

a:ii*aiscl;e:ipe»t place to get yoi;r carpets cleaned isSTKATTOVS, 453 Stevenson st.: tel. 3238. 24 tr/ "AKPET-CLEANIN". 3 CfcNTS I'Elt YARD. AT__ MITCHELL'S. 2:itJ Fourteenth st. mr23 tfpI'lYSTEAM CARPET BEATING ANDREN(>-y.' vatlng Works 3S-iJ tiihth 8L; telephone

SS^ nurl tt_

SPAULDINQ'S PIONEEB CARPET-BEATUraO Woris do the best wort. 8&3 to a&7 Tabasnaat.:te:fcpho!:e 3040. n'rl9tf


AjK^v~TTNir~BTruinrKXs^TAi?n^ ~lu.\\:edX> an.l laid; heavy fio.ir oilcloth. 25c; elegantlinoleum. 50c. S. W. BHIREK, I'MiBtocktoi St.;special attention to country orders. mrl7 6inpARPETS CLEANED AM> LAID. ALExiV,' WHILDEN, 2400 t.pary St.; telephone 10<J3;csrpets insured while Inmy care. my18 3m

('AhPEIS- SMITH'S BRDSSELfI Csc A YAUdTyjlsitallment rrles elsewhere SI a yd. M. >KIKD-KA.'it'M.. >"JS-2:tO S.ictton. nv.'l .\u25a0;: Po;>L Ittf


Q-/v/\ PARTNER WANTED;PLAIN, SEN^l^«Jr«JUU. bie u:an to take orders In the store andVr'.iit oncustomers in an old estalished cash l>u.si-l.ess la this city: no previous experience required,tut must be or sober habits: no lilghtor Sundaywork, but must be willing to devote 10 hours' at-tention each day to the business; a trial willtie al-lowed until you are ?aligtie<l: clears ?.-00 ]>t-rmonth: owner wants to exttnid the business. Ap-ply to K. KENNY,UKH Market st. *QOAA BUTCHER BUSINESS INONE OF het^oUl/. principal markets; doing big trade;»>cst or re.isoi;s fursellia^. ApplyK.KENNY,1004Marke: sr. *__Q7'A BLACKS3IMH, CABKIAGE AND*^ • OX). -«-a;on uikkcrs and repairers, attention—Firfct-class shop; best location: Leart ofcity; cheaprent; 2 fires; woodworking machinery; tool*:stoc* :lullof orders: oto 4 men on the jump allthe time; clears ?250 t>cr in-.>nth: uever such anoffer: is actually almost a gift it the price: *ee to-day: must sell; make an c-fier. GEO. STEWART<fc SON. l:>s Kearuy st. 1QQ"ji EXTRA (iKAXDOPI'OKTLNITYFORt^LfJy'. man and wife, or lady, or 1or 2 men;cenrr.ii provision store: milk depot, branch bakery,teas, oi See. spices, dairy produce, confectionery,Jceert-aiu scda: no bar; everything Ineating line;prestost cash store of it*sue to the city: gales fJOto $oO per day: clears J150 Tmonth: owi:er madea competence there, wanl to retire; offers an un-heard-of bargain: first-class location; cheat rent,vrllh i:ice living-rooms: for location, alee, c *an.

\u25a0\u0084..\u25a0::.-• business ana !ull liue of goo is: don't falltoeee this at once: cheap at 81200. GEO. STEWART*SON. I*s liearnv st. 1

rpo SKLLOR EXCHANGE: BUSINESS OR PROP--1erty quickly. Apply B. \>IIITE.763 Market.*t«O; A 25c RESTAURANT WEST. ADDITION;Q>-'>v .bar^aii:. B. WHITE. 763 .Market. 1*C-OAA tXPRESS BUSINESS: CLEARS -75 A

_'Mj.nionth. B. WHITE,765 Market St."


C«OriA CIGAR-STORK; RtCEIPTSSI4 A DAY;C—v/U.trialgtTea. B. WHITE,765 Market st.

•T; imatk payini, BUtINESs",

an> kind. WHITE. 763 Markat s:. •_I~)Ar.TNERMECHANI'.ALADVERTISINU BUSI-X nesa: no opposition; catinot run Italone: no so-Kcltiog. SWEETSKR A BRIGGS, 1021 y3 Market.*

QJIIII EIKST-CLASS BAKERY AND DKLI--1)l Daying $<i5O: 2 living rooms.11 private rooD-s: rentj'JO: alarsala; also one for8500 and one for #150; lakerySMGO. BWEETSERA BRIGGS. 10211,4 Mariet St.



liLtLOy'.clearing S lB5 per month; sonnd propo-

s:t:oii;full Value inStock. BWEETBEI BKIGGS.*


— *!* "\u25a0"• bualnesi; larpo wine-cellar; wellstocked: horse and waron; 5 years' lease: ually ln-cuine I^B. SWEETSER A-BRIOUS. 1021^ i;t. *(,-,• (IPARTNER WANTED INLABOE MAN"--•.'»•'''. ufa:turlns and ooiitracMns; business: es-tr.blishc.l several years; lots or orders always on:.:\u25a0:.<!; employs »<-w-ral Bteo; duties of incomingpartner will be to look after ami Keep men's tune.collect, etc.; clears over >100 per month to«*achlisrtner; no nlsbt or Sunday work; this Is an op-portunity lom met with. Full particulars atCITYBUSINESS EXCHANGE, 1027 Market st. 1

Q-J fl(\ GOOD SALOON: FIXTURES WORTHtJI«JU. more than price a^k«>d: n.us' be soM to-day: see this. WOODK.UPF.a4I Market st. ant; t*

SALE. CHEAP— A GOOD SALOON. WITHJ 10 finely furnlshea rooms: must sell on accountofleaving the city. 638 Sacramento st. auS 3t*TTIRST-C1 saloon ior SALE cheap:\u25a0T family entrance 1048 Howard st. anC 3t*rpo LEI—AUSTRALIAN SALOON. SECOND

st-- good business piaco; 3 living-rooms. au6 7i*

II>RK FOB HALE: CHEAP; GOING TOEi:r<»i>e. 87 Taylor St.. cor. Tnrfc. au6 7t*ALOON SALE. FOR PARTICULARS AP-pljat 233 ilithst. au6 6t«

SINGER BEWINO MACHINE, IMPROVED:1 worth f4O: for $*J. 22 Haieht st. au6 fit*

AP.LISHK1> BAKERY: «i<:Ol> BUSl-ness; eticap: departure. Inquire Call Office.6 7*

PAYING cTrPENTER-SHOP roR SALE%jcheap; rare Chance for a good man. Apply this

office. an6 tf

18ALJ NOTHING FINER-1/ soutn of San Francisco. Address box 5, LosGato-. Cai. auo IQt

CIGAR-STORE. LAUNDRY OFFICE: SKLL( heap; sleeping-room. 30:>>^ Sixth st, autj 7t*

C|(ini| BOARDING-HOI BE: POTBRR ' HAH-Q'Wu. gain. McLAUuIILIN.26 Va Kearny.s 4*Q|?;A RESTAURANT; BOOD LOCATION; 3•_ luU. rooms and furniture; iioin? co^d msJ-ness: must be sold to-ii y. WOODRUVF, \u25a0,1

Market at. auj 3t*C;-.-;" EXPP.ESS BUSINESS: GOOD HORSE—— •' and waKon; doirr? good business: work-

Ing fordowntown houses. WOODRUFF, 841 BapkttkU f_? 53t

*VOB BALE—GOOD BOSINKSS; CLEAKIXOr«400 per month above all etpenses: easily runl.yone man; owner going Eau cause of xellliig.Apply all Branch Office. a«5 7t»

OEREafPTOP.Y BALE ON ACCOONI OP ILLJC healtn: the 1set paying liverystable Inthe city;owatng 40 iit-ad of liors*-*,10 carriages. 10 l,ix^\i-n,wagotiS etc. :price $10,000: on easy tTnjs; *to<-kalone worth $13,000; willezchaa lor real estate.A'ltlr' Llv» box IS3. Call Branch. aus st*L'ok sale-large, fine conpectionert,X ic«-cream. Matloiii-ry and notion store; sodafountain: gooa busi-ies? street: noopposltloa; i»:gtar. Addre&s Candy, box 159, Call Branca. 63*"DARTNER WANTED IMBUTCHER BUSINESSJ having good trade; ftrat-elass location; miuihavecxi>erlence. Address A., bor 4, this oili'-e. au9 3t*

J INLODGING-HOUSE; LaDY PKE-rerred, Scandinavian or Gorman. Address I'art-mr. box 80, Call Branch Ofßce. aus4t*pOOD IAVIM.BALOON NO. 1. LOCATION;VJ must Ie sold; make an offer. BLUMENTHAL,lionor-dealers, 658 Mission st. aus 4t*

C>r.A CHEAP ALOON: 4 ROOMS; 1FUR.s| &O\J* uished. 417 I'aclncst. aus 3t»

AK,STOCK AND FIXTURES OK CORNEB SA--1' loon and a>i)oiuinK room: rent BIS; prlc- $2&0;

>'W. cor. rwenty-thlrd and Alabama sts. aus 2t*T>AYING DAT SALOON: INVESTIGATK. AD-J dre-;s H..box 19. this offlce. aos 7t*

JADY WHO HAS A GOOD OFFICE BUSINESS'wants an htmest. smart man as partner, as sheram <>t attend to ailor the business; email capltaL931 farket sL, rooaa 2. aus 7t

CMiitNl.K CIGAR-STORE INBALDWIN BLOCK;/ v..rtlif1200; willbe sold to-day for hair price;

i-ccciiiitother business. Ai pie41 Turk si. aus 4t*77a .Ml:WANTED—FIRST-CLASS SALOON:1 tood chance for man with small capital. 117

irrell8t- aus sv*(

• OOU CORNEB SALOON FOlt HALE; CEN-II trally located. Apply to CAKKOLL .t CAR-ROLL. 806 Market St. aiU 3t])AKde KE»TAI BANT:STOCK iFIXTURES;1" uew bniidlag; tf years' lease: transfer or olec-trlccam. 791 Sau Jo*a ave.. cor 30th. aul 3:*.Ij^Oß SALE—LAUNDRY AND i FURNISHEDJ rooms; cheap. 920 Mission.

-au4 3t*

GOOD-PAYING REBTAI P. ANT, GOOD LOOAL-Ity, lorstle. 124 O'FarrelL au4 3t»
