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Library of Congress€¦ · CITY ITEMS..>-HoVlMktTTa OP LlMlrNAST-URK. SCoTT.-Tho ^eienuiloldier,...

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CITY ITEMS. .>- HoVlMktTTa OP LlMlrNAST-URK. SCoTT.-Tho ^eienui loldier, though tulleriug from iudiapoailiuii, -ceired a nanibcr tf viaitoie ycaterday. BBMBg ^hom were the Hon. Mr. Bi.ncroft, K.vC.-. |atb, _cn. Mckiria, I'toi. Webatcr, Mujor Lea&e L'. 6. A., tjii l'rcaident Kiug of Columhia College. Xha iieaerai did not leave hia apartmeute duiing tle fery, ,»d will not addrew any puMic bodiea. aa the gn-atti Mrtion of time wii: be eugaged iiimakiiy prcj BB gtkui* for hi* depbrture on Saturday. 'Seuator Sumner called yeiterday afterao. c, bal iMGenentl* iaugltar inforuiing bim thut be waa .jiecp, he took hia dei#artiire. Mauy of the Ceueral'g Briaflfllfl hnve endeavoted Bl ntrauadehim toaccept an etcort on Suturday, und it b probable tbat lo w iti do bo. ..? Jk:T> rofl thk Lotai. in Nokth Caf.o'. nia..The |ev. M. N. Tayh.r, lotal rai-tor ofthe Hatta l--r«b, N. C*i ai.d tl.e Rcv. Xhaa Wa Conway, C uplam of lha Mh -MglBMBl M. Ta S. V., with the; jeTport of whofevieit to tbia c;,y ourreaderaa.e ajready aeqiutinted, have bOBB invited to BBBflBBl f be grge-t cluim* of ihe Nortb Carolina commuuitiee at B pa'.lic uieeting. There ia abaoluto nct.taiiy for jgioiedi ,te OOOAl-Mitvio-g of money and food to prevent |ka loyul fatnilieH ueor Hatterrut from atarvation, and of btids und ummuuition to enuble them to protoct |Leir Uvea from tho dreudful petaecutiom which the (yceaaioniate have iu atore for them, and ulrei.Jy Bfmmenced. Tbe appoal* of *uvh gallant bo! \,ei)erala Anderaon aud Burniide, am! CoL Meagher, ggd auch beloved cit'ueue aa Mr. Ikyant, will. uo doubt, be liateued to by one of the graadect audi- guct-a that haa ever l.e.u gatbered in the great liall of ihe Cooper lueiitute: Nbv.Yi.rb. OcA M, f»r H*f. Tbobai W. Cotw.t, rA_/./oiM <4f 1 BapfaaaaJ V. 1 N. »'.. and th* Rn. M. N. XXTIOB, Votlvt gf HuiUru* I Awrc*. iV. r. GBBT-BM-Bi Cnderatnuding thut >on have ar- rirtd iu tbia riiy foi th* pu.p et ul Br**.n_g aid for tb* loyal riopl* of Noilb CaroU_*, who 1) ...., :r bim .1 !..,v,ca lo tlie aioa b.va been eut ofl ircin ali .uji-jii-. by th.- R at.prClfully b*g tb»t von v. Ili u.ert tba citii-B. of New-York (taPl'Ui.lC M*ki:nv,. for Ibe pnrpo.e sf *a*b1iag tr.em to «xpr*M their .ya n* by foi :.'.. li lagettagB.d *._* tvut.tTTinan. aind to hea. iuch itatc.leuti a* t* .te.- graaaat i aa fi'.m your iiitl'. v acgu.iBiu.ie with tUuui you aill oe able (o glta. Vourt. i^ar-eclfoiij, tTi-t U Marahail, GoJiaa C. Verplaiic.,, WoV-itt Oibba. "iold, Muni-K-v aa, A. B. WoUaor*, J., I.ori, Alex. T. S av. _rl, KOwafd La't.!op, i . w.rt Browo, A A. I. V. IIao '.!!.! im-.l n.adiey, Bbbt* W. BoOawa, Wil iam A Hoota, J.'bt. bt MialWB, * Uilaa Ad* a. >'. S. Winatoo, H. A.-.ur, Tbo i.i. De V\ lit, 1'. i r, I «¦:.-.- U ali.h Btapba- il 1 yug, W ... t. .\oyet, V !;»_i B. Hodga, Pmu.-i. n otiir t»B~* wilii tl,i. Irvriiuiui: r<.i)ne*t, a j ¦«at_Nj a . i.L ii tii. (on'ii i-leTiiBTxenTbcbobatBvaa* im,. Noy. 7. 1M.I. at:. , ,k 7 gontltaieii who conir ,,u thi* errand of mercs . f.i'a.Jwarm _iJor.eni.-it f Pra* bl W_n .I t)i?*KTMBNT. aud of Aliijor (..r..... IV*** . Tta Hvb. ObuKIIB Kam i.i.ii will gaadda aud .Jdreiie. v.i* made by th* H?v. .M. N. T-T-oa oi .N'.rlh t _. .. *. < .tplatr. T. VV. COSWAT Of Bew-Voik <Ah lieuie.t (l oi. _ __*_**) uowatl. Robbbi A.TDtat. NofKac u .. (.'¦. A. B. BrasMPB aBbade Ialaudi C*l.Tboba* (X V-ucu BB-aaaa, i't-.i Kui*i_.l L. limw.,1, W*. . CllvM UhVAN.'. PiatT RtoiM'M BaBBVAB'l U. S. Shi',' Ui...Lieut W. Winkhrop (a biolbtr of Mnjor Wiu- tkrop, wbofellat Oreat Hethel), apee.ally deti.ikd taai Waahington on rtcruitiog aerviee for tl.i- rei;i- pent, haarocruited a equad of BBBBh BBBrBBBBM m lic Adirouda.k region, and wih leave with ihtui for naehington on Novemher 14 Aiy able-bodied g^B, Bkilled iu the nae of the riCe, whj may with to «in thia aquod aud i.iTHeecl at once to tLe leat of war, aill apply onor btforu tli*. abote d_te, t.t tLe L-»n- iral bcadquartcra of the regiiuent, ut \S cebawken, «tx the ofBc*) of Winthrop St. l.iiile, No. 43 'NVaii jtreet. y OlIVIR ClIUltlCK DBPBSBa HI9 CHARACTrn.. * for 9eyntl day» pad a aoaph-M baa been peudiug '"' ukieJetferaou Muilttl'oliee Court in ratal r tlntio^iapbicalchtiniB of Mr. OMverH. Charlick, ia! httcandidute frrSeuator in thoTUth D-drieA. It afpta-a that Dr. Abijith I-.gram baa, duiing tbe rt- etm political cauvaia iu thia city, written a BMJaa ol hicgrapbic-l *!.etcht8 ofthe VBrtaMI enndi'u'th f. r tapeopl*BBufl.a_e.«. One of tbcue wa? q devoied to the Lfe aud character of Oliver Charlu-k. Tbeixactnatuieof ihaBOO-fldM n.rtiie Ly Mr. C. Wore tbe Conrt waa BM revefled until llldM-BJ, tka iaformation havir.^ h»en wi-h'td f OM tl« :e- portara. That doeumeut aeta fath iu laaal BBtBM tlaDr.lngram had been fdBj of lit*l. tl..t th* Maj-phaad ahotoh aforeaald waa "gnady bbalow and aiculated to injure Lim (Mr. Cbarlak) at tLe poUa." l)[. la^ram wa> Bf-Odai and held to ba'-l ll.OOOto aniwe- Mr. Tylerthe prinur. Bfii Mr. J.'haWilli-ni* lhapreaan.au,boiaf wqaJialta ai- pttria Court oa witneaaea. BtLL'a Hbad..Nottvithpfundini'Die cnrrjriflrative- lrligjbt aopply ot boaf eattle on aalg thi.- ai "1 _jak»t floeed rary bari, lodag aoai ihe do** all lha f a-vgaoe g_ine_ .¦* lu® opt-niug, when them were -J tW2,300 head offreeb *'<":k cn mJo, aad a n wMdpaetod tbat witb all toatdvi ibatatalfcrtha f at*)k would not reach over 3,'tK). It apf.ear*, how- *rer,lhat it did reach tyB8_,flai aoue of thoao ar- H rit-ionWednttday aid almit a* low ua the aame ) «,!¦_% the previoua Wedueod_y. At h hite bour in * th* day th* i.roap*,' t of *ellmgont afl iu tbe lale-pei.a '3 foakad verv dull. Tne hnUlt>n are fuil of m£>at fcft orer from tbe gre-t anxk of tLe pravkim we*k. n .^. BB z A DtigRViK- Chakiti..ln the uudiit of ao BMBy friodeT iLtert»u, fhe tfMk are probably hardly awar* of a bumble charity which for many yeara Aaa been doiuv Ha labor of love among tbe poor of our ng ° 3 dta iT We allude to tbe Eaat River Indnitnal Scbool (So.m Eaet Fortieth areet, neur Third aventie). IU manugera h-ting it in eharge find great diflieulty iu eanyinfrit on. To cl'«e tLia achool would he a g;t*i g_»_,rtune to the poor of tbat quarter. Many jxior iridow*, a* well a* tbe wivea af volunteera, and L[1 ^*vj ieatitBto laboring poople, eend tbeir childrtn tiert, aud de{»tn'l on the aimple meaJ und the little U -u-t-aeoof uboea aod clotbing to carry them through Ir tleWhter. W'ubout tLe achool, lha cbiidien would I A* drivan out apon the etreet to beg, cr make a liv- i-ar ae they b-». could. Many of them, no donbt, * *04_d fall into Irad couraea of lif ., and many won!d ,j *-ta from oold and hangi-r during the apprnai hing _1 lV'inBr. Tbia charity u_* done iu work witb but b'.de wiIbb ia the worid, yet Luudreda of well-tra nt I ' aod re*p-ct_hle youag girle amoug the wrvants and tl factorygirhi of tbe city, aaved from B-Aory gnd want, _. ¦ t!ow it*good itflutnee. Vt-iy lew, iudeed, of Bb u, ectiolir* have eva boBOBM cbitrg. able on the puhlic, - i wbeli^i' fo» *icOvr poverty. Tto expenaca bre a* ( a'.'g_.-ouly .ota<' »Vl l»er aunum.while the pipfla, j. aetiOiled andclotbednj fed for the year, aaa '. i _. . _»b. w ithout liberAv.He;.a_Me, the aekool munt be E. «i.«tv_. _un»ly, even , t_e»* tiUie» of war, there will be ->_* "to revmi^.,,)^ jujdrchildieu' be- fviv Wiutar aad hungA^u,. upon t(ieui, Doiuv- Tut Cmabbbr or CtaahLs<_jn. -^mLW aieetmgof ihe Cbaiuoer af Cl^. ,-ffl ,uke plaaa .> I tb___, ** ! 0'C,0Ck* WheU troateea will be _5 ____!-. ^M 'M ,M,uber'' ^rg-uiao the new ^.re^^'^^^^^wtomakea TJ \tZ u_4_ ^"'""'^-^enfor aea life. !" ¦~'Ul,Ta»B*xpr«ed toloaaca frB- _.ml ...,. be aelccted for tbia mauHgemeot. meu wbo appre ciate tbe wania of the merctutilo raanue uud know bow to bring abont yatctuulic edncauju for a clasa hitberio_BB t wiihout ediuation. Ti.Aori.r IB Cami'.- I.t(.| -'ridfiy, ir, tbe OBaB he KeOk1un Rillce. at Fuctorvville, Siaten lalanl, u remonuter took pla. e bttween Capt. Fi aud BBBBBB U.iveiiport, bofaaajfagtl ( ait Vaogbai laBoMBT. Capt. o Iiiien larboi-bdargod hia revolver, holn bulb't lodgtaf in the tuJe of Duvenpoit, jtiat l.tlow .I le..rt. Bargfaa] ai.l BM 1 .-ocured, but tho woumled man »ti!l Ih k iu u Britfaal eadftfaa at a houae in the vilwge. Tbe aflair i* un- dorgoiag taxaBigilioB. Yo* ~" Fpcm Sr. TaoMAI..Tbo acboonrr Viririnia Price, Capt. Kldr.dge, ar.ived yeWeiJay, briniiuig datc. t') Oit ". Six Cc-nfedernte Commiaeiunerg pniaed through St. Thomae faoB Uurope, for (Yha. Lf0O_ Cnited Stalca BBBBB weie iu the CatMiBI S.m, erabtng. (' p_ f.Jie.igc aaw no privateera oa the paaaji aal m hoine, aad aaaajoata tbat iiritiab obb* ne!e B c B BBB/ fa BBB to adeet freigh'e iu Aimr- haa battoaa* _aRRiCARGr "-K4IM1I ai. ami BtathtioalBo* ctiiTV..A regnlar BMttagof t'.iia Bocfaty will bi l.eld lUl evei.ity, al Cliutcu Ilull, fer tbe IBBtiiWI tion of a new cods of by-luwe whfah vvill neccfi- late an election at the aame time. AllBBa*M_aa_TRa" in ibi CbotobOxfici .The CroBa AqaodaB lt',ard appet-ted, wbe.i it OOflBBBBOOd buYtnefe ii.uiiy yeara BgD, wbat ia BBlbd a ' Ke« et*.-," in tbe ebxpe and perecn of an old ai.d tateeiiiod lilciid, Revo ('. Uunce, ee<|., wbo now iv--- laid aay he long oontinue to be.the hlthfal execu. tlvooi ile Rettiatayhraachof that im.imotli !>«>. partBBOta Oorobieel ta ollndtag to thia fa totafJaa ihe CratOB Board that .Mr. BoBOOb not the Rufiitrr tthe book m wl.icb a rejs-irtei or record ia k.pt; aa u pari.'u r--,-i.fr-r, <u h .'.«.', :.a oi leumen, or the cua- M.Bl of the Crotoa Board). but a R nittrar taa ofticer who baa tlie keeping of the regiater, or the publie taeoido). Ti.in ritxwak. ti'le bas been im- l*r**d long mm$% ma Mr. Haaea, aadaa are not eure an a*tioti would not iieagoinr-t the t'ouimfafaoa* ere for tbe B.BBBB. l'boy aigfal aa weil atyle Mr. I'ruven the Cbiof Iv |ine, < r Mr. TapptB a Commia- Monof tb. B ard. Dl kt it be altervd, for tbe B'.kc of our moibor Lr-gli-n. [Am. Gaa-Light Jour. MOBl BriROBBI..Thi Surveyor of tbe Port aa-i-rd. yr.trid.T. ihe al ip W**te_ Merritt, Ibr** tMr'y- eeeoada t«I w .;. ta a-e ownen l.j WUIlam Kun* ei.rl AleiaiJ-r McNell af »w-01e« . alao, .be bria Oeoaral Beiley two .'xteentl . f wb < h *r» ownr.l bv .' oha I'.ichtm ef 8t. lfarka, I la ai .1 Ihe bri| Wappta. en« .Lteentb cf wbkb la oauri bj O'-orga Ailr' af i B leetoa, S. 0, [hloaBaanlJ A I»r.iTii-f.iow to Si.avi.iiy..'I be bondage «1 i .*, tii.l.^r, |be roor .»*aherw.,t..an erriv aa.-rk baa tertn' u.aiel. afiLB'atJ K. miai-eaaaaaaRaaaa ae. a,.lr»i..*. tbe dav ot i-.il lo o, . 01* baal'h',,1 a.er,.!... It ia al.n tb. aioetecon. oileal Boai' in ua Kol.l by ^loceii ere.yi.brie. [Adrenlaetoent-J TbeBrntvatnitorLira ri wxu aalLtaD Ti»:r-. *> ill b* m. rh li.b'e'.ed by b.Y'ir .,'*' Iba ri^bt p.r- ,: ;; I.i a .'..!. A I"- I ll 1 I*', Bl - No. .> I bio. r».v vrlil tell .* Uur jiiace i,i l.fe. LXW INTELLIG1 tSl'lIi 8TATF!I CTRCITT (.TRT-Bot 8,-E*f*ie Judge* Nbi».,-> and ch.i hi». TitiAi. oi aoBBoa. A: 1 o'croc1*. t'i. bbob of N'atlianiel (t,,rt!yn, ii.dirted for piiaey in be'rp; eii'.'ftge.l fa tbe Bluvc-trade o:i tbe abin Erit, waacr.lled on. Mr. Smiih a* p. aud oa ha* la_ of tl.e _ 'V. i- iio'tt, and cx-Ju.Ikc l>ean aud P. J. Joacl.im.i.n fcr the UMBMl ct'tne difRculty wm exierienccd iu piOeBX.OJ a Ju.y, Ba pgfataar. coun- .*1 c\al!engitg each aitley were .; Ibd. '1 Bj .,- f-ipal iciiiiiv to tbohniB waowaothwthey raaa rl.iily papera.Thi TbibbbI iu j.arti. :Ur. hv .lud'ne l)ean aakel one of the jurora if be read the fi'ti. le in refeteii". to thie BM "' "r BBB, lobt tiieil Intlir Couit, which nprenred iu I Bl '1 IB1 .> on "he Kriday beforo tbia term rn: BBB Tbr im r hud foiyotteu. Mr. Db n auid it \va» tlie mo-t autnlooa aitfili on r n ti ealBag f"r ihe ueavhika i ui... "jrf oa lafa Caarta OaoMtoriild bo waa oonet-tanrikwaly opfiood t^ " arwwiMg BB a man." Ho wm ex,-'-,-" i. Aft«r two boura' laber, a.luiy BJWJ impannekd, ¦tedof tbe i llowii.ggenilemen; Ba_o*IM Iget, Oaorga Moeliar, >.u....l lirnn.er. v\ ¦> , barry, Ja-e* < .¦¦ 1>. tbri.iUnaon, Alfred W. Bhadbolt, Jr.. W .... Ili,.oi.au, II -rn ai.n KuieiiAal.ii, Kdwt.,1 Vv ... i. - nith opoaod tbo carte lor tbe Government t»nd ihe Court then adjouine.l. BOBP1B0 er Piu/a rn.'."' -. : i-.. iBBtaajeeB-the >cb aaaiClBBihia-aal aaaaa* M ,-i beaa-Oi tba ilifaaBi of tb. , i*tnB*d. mii*. ... .'. O.-oV 0 01 Lt l.r UA >L >f_ ^ ^ ;,.'.r_._ i.rj, .luiwiigi'. penahable i.'.on, -w , jie of It. , A..l.tant M :ri.* Attor.'.ey V.o.foi." or n*m tha applh " *»¦-.. " - l""r*r r01" ',n J.1 paaea !i io i.i. iheeareB, thr oteaej to 1^ ralJ uitoCouit t await t. c..,._ ccun-.i, %-,.*¦ oi tbe gOTB.BX rOt'RT-G-^KBAr Tbkji.-N..T. 6.-BrfoX Ju-tior. (iikii, Itrtai ai.ii bbI A_bx. liro(NTVi:*iT or BxaaiBBBJ laetlea. Tlir Wt!II.'s ISfAMli prit'HAsr. JJaaaain _W ottir mfk Tbe Bayer, ha Tl e rlcfendai.ta i'.iieal Iro-u B jadgmerrl of tbi. ¦ J.,ly 14, iMb, reqniiing the;., lo B*vtbaaa_ » '41 '.-i 22 to tl.e J.i..r.l.fl lor a tiad of land aa IV ai J 1.,'and. .adaifendautaeial. that uo 1. r.i routiaet »aa eu laredist. .ralioa, aad tbat tbe jii.'.mifl waa aul rblr lo aivt- n cl.-ar tlur. 'i'l.r c.ar ba* beea la ibe ' ourt. «.» r.i year*, aad ba* raw .' ''" i '*. ". ii. iiil.'-rw,n ai.d Mo«e_.:iy lor 'apueilaat. i Oanel Lold Aiulrrrnii ai.d Mo»e_>iy lor apueilaat. i llanel Aavia aod B ;.lcM«;.o:, lor tcapondeata. ?-- BtTPa._I CJOBIT.Ba*BBBaa-»Bia; R.BeBa Ju..irf laaaAaaa. ni ctnoaSa Daafal D. T.CharfaBagi **aH*_a_ly«lah. B»la*eaceaid, Raai-ab.eea. Wm. C. ll.rirrty etal ».t. Stmaai ( Ill.b tbe S.me gi B. Wti.krr et al. | V- A Hovt el ai. a." B. Mr Keaga. Jaceb l'«rl**er aal. Jordau llov/uluu; Joiiu Made rt al. ecl. V% m. r. Jcnnli^.rtal.Motloi.a (ran.rd. .-i_.drraoii.tal. a»'- BaBBB Br. Ilyetruan.. Motlot drnitd. Beforr l-atbe Aiibv Wm. Loeaehif'h et nl Bgt Joaeph L. Orvie.-Mo ''a" r_n5ia I- BBL l.r el D. Cordlt; Ha.ard Pa.dr. Corn L_i_l T "J Haaaei a Wtem *«». ». C. Boaeoeial ¦_ ba,a. . a'l. J K M.rd et .1.: A. f-ith all- t.B ilri'e l_e.''lry.r jr agt. C. 6. M.t.i,, Jo. lToxi. .«. T. W.'dra ilo'lou. giaui.'d. J. Uj.B at J. Al*c_-ileferenc* to Cbarle. A. Peabody '"Jlanorer Ure I.,.i.ra..re Cnu.pany agt laaao P. Bnow, jr. .. . .'1,'ioa rrailed for raferrace. ... . ._ I) I' trret al. agt. O. W. Co_)toth et aL-Iletoienoe t< MiaUc"*ir_r_ l""»xt N. J. S.earuhaat Cornp«.y.-M-tlot \§Q3LwVllmmmml ^ B. C. Thoru. et BA-B-M. I'T'"!.*^.00.""''.!. BftC. CongraT^-MoUoB granledfoi l*T». Or_Ih BfL 8. ». B- Norton.-Moiion for refereaet ''i". Jo'iejibl agt Cbarle. O.born et al.-Motlon for judgoia-l lg-.n,d ^ COIPT CALKMiAB- Tai. Dat. R. PBRBI Col in.(i-MiiAi. Ttiia..Preferred.. Noa. U 24. 7,il, TB. Bi B, '2', 26, Ti. B, 31, 33. _, 1I4, ii, 36. Kumnrrated -Nea. 7, _, 16, 17, IU, 1«, 22, M. U4 ¦.ir. Co. in Cikc lit..Part L.BBB B ,,, Wei.Uy, a i IB, 14~. 11 'ia, 1141 adJ. d. BoPRRioa C'.-bRT..I'art I..Noa. Mffla BM, '3S7 1CM, Zo.'.*,. BII, 2171. 1043. 2.W, 1141, 2M. 1447. BB BM. P*.l 11.-No*. lir.u, 14J7, 14.*. 144», I4lu, 141',, 1., I, 804, 1421, ir_. M, 1213, 2«U. Pabt L.Noi. 1488.1396,1319, VI "'¦' I, II 1, ItXU, 1.'"., 1173, 14.7. farf' 11. N *. ' 0110, -213J, 2i40, B., 2o4l, .. BB. Tu, - \ Wumak.-Tlie iu'|iieaf on the *JaaaBeehaaaa foondouTue«riiyiiio,i.lnHYYiti. acui,alfiro.MBaaaaa .ne.t, J....) t ity. aaa.aa- B .'.:* Coronei (.al.eT yoa'eiday * leiuo n. BBf ,,. a. 'l.t tb. **:.,*"! ut her lliiJAt witb a r.i,r wtiilc 1>.'.2. tu bt d i. itl. ber iiiMiiand **.d a yo "i"4 l.'faut, aud .t wa. not 'lia o,. r.u .,..,i ni. -..aai.eany e.i.u.t. A verdlct uf ca.tbl.Y au.cide. **Mie!.boiing tiLdci laiuporary abeiratiou ol lulud, »..»,*.dc aJ. _^___¦_* B'"»rAL. tiu\. i-l-ixiti- (a Oi Wbbat cloaed fi ra. a»lr,2',,"H.i buab. kl +1 04. Ckir lowei; aalei 11,000 bo.B .-- t 'l.e In.ldefguie. Pi-bi'.iit. Brrn. !¦.. I, Hour, 14,ono buah. Wheat N.OOOli ah Carit Kxi-uii-ra--li.i.n bbla Ploor, 170,000 buah. Wle-, 1V2 i«"0 iiuab. torn, 7.UIJ bual. Bailey. PillLBUKLPBIA, No.. 6.-KI01M dull but uiiilia..g.-d actlvei Wbite, *I r.. *, 4.'. R..!, 01 tf.ifo 1 X,, ( il \ leUvei Yellov/ afloat, «V,. Wmibkt d.ll at llc. bOhTiJH BANK STATKMKNT. KoaTON, Tueaday, Wor i, 1*>I fhefolloaluili-eTVeakly Baak Btajero-aat: ^.R,Knnn toa-b .". *..«-231 7.*J>..et-.','..rrt,«.k.. 0.7.0 A(>*0 l.oi,,.* aud dl*. -..ut. bb,>/» 7i*lll»*pa.lt..»4 m*6 .,!,,;.. 7 0ui.0O0J'.lia'jl*t.* ti.lM.'BX lfuafei tlbillBBli a>o"..'w»l THI I.OPIUOPI rifflKB OP* TBI ©K. I.VC/lrAM PltlMKB 15 AinfHICA. P.-o:n au (JocaaLiBa! Cor e*j>.._Ji'.t. Ln-..., Ort. I ', IS61, OathooeaaahM flfthaaUagof Pr.naiu'i vieit at OoatTptagaa, Tht Ltmitm 'i'.mct pabflBbaiaaaM iaay glwBl ','le- e;- OB th "I t ld* "f ihe Chaanel. .' >, TtmrmJd .' l..^- r, In it* turn, ah-raatariBai Tht Timtt writaM aa pa * k whoeo bottda were poi*ontd by g n. funl whooo [*: * \set'- -tapad 'tito in".I. v . . [pa a:e onlj iutenr!..! f.i i.i ' ad pnblio ¦...riionaJitiiii i- inl b_aie ^*allrT*fi*aitt*<l"gPpV*fMg- Ho-.i** 8'itiar« io tlie Tuileriei. There asiMfl beyoad the F.eiieh frontieib nogreatei gycopbaat of tho Mun gf DaaBB-Mr ilaa Tht Ltmitny ZYaM, and ita aer- \ue ar.; the moie iiiviiluable, ti.e uiote tintt papa now and then ur.uuiea the tone and tl.e :iiiof h OatB BBBBM toward il I CaMBI. 1TU IVbMI had fflt BkOBlbl loapad taaalt apaa Prtada. lMBia*/tag lha tuiaet ahle MuedomtJdaf'.iBir, h had told Prueaia that En- -l.ifi.i aaaM halghd Ibbm BBMaflttaofthaBbeaiab IVaa/tataa from the bar-araai awny of the lioheu- /.ollern to the enlight. i.ed de*po(i*m of a Puntipnrte. lt had not only BSBflpflflBB d the Pru**iun dyaaaty, hal lha Pnaataa paaata. It haiardBaa Beara Ba liaa of an Ai.glv-l'rtir.ibii u'.lihut e in ciiwe of a l'ru»- daa BBBB-B wlth PnaBBa U bud Btiainel all it_ p-iivcia to oaatf-BN PnaMa that ahe had nothing to ln; . trvi.ii I'ti, i.uul, BB 1 'bat t'.ie Iiext teat tliii _7 tht aaaM do aaald Le t., i*aatoMBMaaiflffll-Biiai w ith PtaBOOa fl hen ut Inei tl.e weak und tiiiu:i:ii,g Monnrvh of Prumia MBaHai upon the vieit at Com- BBBABBa Tht Tt'nrt BOflM pioudly exrlairn: "quo- »>,,.. %mpan fi..." but c*w- the tfaBalaialM airited for tl iiioiatiug Jiotn the meiiiory of the Bd-bhtha fmiiLat T.'-e Taaaalad boaatla path- findi-r of ii.e Praari-B flaaaara_a Btaaoatha roarof Ita tln atrii b1 thundera. BaaM tbe counttr roara of tbe r4***i awartBd Je FMwtfirtM f_g T.¦nhrld now retoteied ita pOflhtoBflf 'he iflB-a] fitragcniet nf BoBapBtt-BB, au.l, tl.erefoie, the paWBB ol leudiug ita uid totbe Man of Deteuiher. An occaaion eoon otfered. L'iui» Uonur-arte in, of citiite, moat tonchy wlui..M-r the laBOWBOf rivul I pe!t..!era ta tle Fr, nch ciown i* BOaOOiaoi, Bfl ¦ai aaiaaad btaMslf with rhflada ia the atfair of tiie Dbbbd'Aiimuie'ipaaphtal ega.f.nt PlaaPioa, auJ. lv 1 il pg cee.Hnir*. had IggM BMN ia fnrlhtiance of theOileaui»t BBBB ihnu ull tbe Otletmiat partiwiui laoahtooi. Ay. iu, in theae. Utter daya, tl.e French people were crtlled upon to draw a paral'.el bet-veen Plou Plou and the Otleuii* pk-BMB WlM fl I*l.»n Plon a-.-* r' for AaggrlflBi tLcie were c.itiruturc.- cin -nhitt-d iu tl.e luulj-.urg St. Aut'.ine repreten'injr him aa B fut mnn iu to.ireh tt a crowi., but pn.leseiing at the *iuie time tobo a BBBB inofTcnuive Uaialat, whh 'a jeciliur uvorni.'u to ihe amell uf pawiaa Wl.ilu Plou Plou ia retniuing M Frauce with no more Jaui. la il'Uti he pdbarai la the t riu.ea and in liuly, tho Piii..-. * '.! ftrKui" BMM the Atlantic tuke iwtvi. e iii ti.e rank* d the.Viit.. il i,r-. g Ign i.t -t h lha BBBB] ait.et camp. lt wi"'.! n't.l.. to give v-nt M B '-t BBgar Ihra d M-'ftl I |.reee of Pari*. The Iiuperialiet (. arB Witi'd thna :-nly l-etrayid, tl..- pitu.pl.l.-t n«: ¦'. rnrwol, atid cdtii.4 e..in| *tu»oii* -iw.-en exiled - who f:Kit uuii-r 'i.e iapahfleBB baaaM uguioi't tLe laglaiMaaf aoahtag MillgaB B bI bb* ol'ier exiled Pl .me, wuo bud nn-elf gworn in aa an BJBgltdi *|:eeinl gflflflflBhil to al aie in tbe n put ing down an Englieb wor'.legnrtr i. ¦ ni. a Wl ahould extiieate tl e Man gf It.- « i.her ont of ¦ thi»di!eniiiiB I Who but Tht Ion.iun Tmn t If tlie MBM 2 I Wa -«..'' [laad ttaef Oatobag,lflfli, hai i.na»-d BM lhaJarja.-TiarBflfiaFttmfirt,hyI Btriv'turea on tbe vint at Coiiipie-iu' .f lhat vary eilti.e ( B(. r el.oi.l 1 c u ( i.t on l! e I 10 wiih u nie.e !ee*on..lu.igiit tn the Oiieaua iriu'c*, boaBaaaaf ti.eircuiiKtu.c-.i tatboMaha af aha Bav I thoaBkl Army of t>. I BBBag, B ald I.oii* Honaphrte not huve ptovcd Li* taie atamat tl e Or- i leuna Pii.iv e* ? Would Tht TCaag li.. - Bd I" done iiiUi Fraocb, roiamented upon b.. lb< IVrii , purt-)*, p.nt by the PrtJH dr VoUtt u> ull the y Bk*> iialv 'i ali Ihl iacaj-B* mn, au-i i..i-uhtted t',,1 «g|a ctit tLe whole oi Fiunoe, nt the iin; at: ;.l flflBteBM | t'_**«d by Tle l*)nion JVfl ., u,e j*re..i,.. 1Z' .".'. ' L..ui* P.iiiiiiju.ite, upontln.- la.t poaaaaiBBga af tha ijOriaaBwPiliiiMl il,"^«T",,,,l>' lh'r duy bat; BOBM out with fl BB I ": B ' .,n -MM piinei*. l/.uij BoaaparM i*. of bobbm, Bm flaaai d ahad BflBBflMB taflhan Ub taildal bltadneM in lagard lo " the A-.tric-n war of tle BBa-ial pabttl o.i-.iyn- tii ..''.:..!«. Ho know* lh,.: the tr.ie i».o|.|.-o! I hukd ' of 1'n.ure, of (ierii.tiiiy, M E-l ;>'', con* der tbe .' eause cf tbe I'mted Stuua arf tbeir own cuii**, the jcjnee ¦.! !,.,e:tv, h. Baafl paii Mpl.irtiy, they couei.lcr tbe H>il nf ihe t'niied StahB lld Baa eoil of the larnlleiin ailliaBB of WtKOft, al tbair l»ud f df rroriii.o. now to be iafcadB-Baaad m hatd, fr.ni ' tho aoii.'id giar-p of tbe .Ltveholdtr. i-ouia Nup'.- leon knowa, uioreovtr, lhat iu PBBBM the imieee toniiect tLe light for the maiDterance of Ihe Union with the fight of their lorelathirB for tb* foundution of Auian.au independi uce, aad thut wlth th. m *vt ry i-rcu. iiiuii drawtaf bieewoni for tlie MbBb-BbI Oov- ernmenl Hppearb only to t-Attute _M boajflBfll of Lu- 'fajellt'. li,ii..!...!'e, ti.er. toie, know thut if any- ll,ing be utlo t<. witi tbe Orlt-ana MflBBfl good tgf-dOBfl from tLe FreniL i*.pl*, il will be their enliatuieut iu the BBBflB of the nuLonul army of tbe L'uited 8ute«. He abaddera ut ilna vory uoliou, uud aeaaeoaa.tly Tht IdadM Tum*, biareneoriou* fljaa* phuiit, laOa l*-duy the Oilcana priacea that "they will drrive no iiH-rcuse of j^pulurity with thu Kuiich BBtMB fiom atooping to *erve on thia i>o*> b'.c firldvf action." Lcuia nupol-on know* that ull ihe war* wugel in Kuroi»* between bottile nntion* eince Lia ttttf d ttat, bave been mock wam, ground- leea, wantou, aud carried on ou lalae pittene**. The Iiiii-iaii wur, and tha Itolmn war, not to ppeak of thepiratirul expedition* ugu'iiet Chini, Cot hiu-China, and ao fotth, never enlieted tLe *yiu|)utliie* of the French people, inatiuctively awute liiut both ware wereaarried ou only with the view to atrengthening the i liitina fotged by the oup dttat. The lirat grand war af cot«;_ipoi__t'Oui hiiloryia the Auierlcau war. The people of Kurope know that the RBB-BBB elaveocruey commenred that war with tbe igflflBB* atiou that the ooniinuunce of *l_\cocrttcy wu* no louger c»ui|Atible with Ihe coiituiuitnct- of tbe L'nion. Couaequeutly, the people of Europe ktiow that a tigLt for the rontinuame of the Union il a fight uguiiiMthe lOiitiuuauce of tha alaveociacy.lhat iu tbia contt»t the bigheat forui of popular aelf-gv-vetu- iiieiit till now aa_flaoitagaTta| l.bltle tothe ni-ttne«t and moat ahamileaa formof mau'a enslavmg reeorded in tbe uuuula oi hktory. Ixmie Ronnpurte feela, of eou-ae, BBtBtaatly a'>rry tbat the Orleana Pr.ncea diould emhutk in jtmt auch a war, eo iiiatingui*he4l, by thu v_atue*a ol ita dimen- tion* uud the giandi ur of ita enda, fiotn the ground- ieaa, wanton und diminntive wara Kurope haa paaeed through lince 18-1'J. Coneequently, The Ltmitm Tnm:t iniiat tie.-le decrure' " To overlook the differ- euce between a wa* wagod hy h.Mtile nation*. and thig ni'.*t gronndleaa and wanton civil eontlut ol wbieb hmtory give* ti* any acco'inf, ia B BBSOiM d ..il'.iline. ijon ..-1 |,iii>lu: Uioritl*." Tht Tttm BB, of courae, Ijoun J to win 1 up ita ->n- »laught on th* Orlouna Pt-BBM bo.atia* of their " atooping to aervo on BBBbBB iKtioble liold of ac- -oti." Wiih a d«*]> bow bef.re '.ho vicl jr if BBtrB-- Mpd BBd H iltriiio, " It ih -Jiitvuv.," aitya T%t Lon- I." /»**«*. j> ulin.1 ifj,;» t MMpMBBM hatapBaa aacli ociiouB na Spr:nt;lielii and Maitaaaaa, aad the fxpb.ita nf Seva*topol and 8olferino." Tho bexl nnil wiii t siify lo tbo preme'lilute.1 use Baaa of Lflfa Lflaaara urticle by tho laaaa_.~ .i ii A friend in tia.eaef oeed il | lUlMB.Hy BOftha the BU d fr ieridr, fa limeeof pro«p. iBj BB all. ,-i' Ti t.'j.vhn Timutt iajiiatnow very badli < If. wmw fflMoB, backerl by tt dtartb of fp-ain: a ranan bl nfah -.'titicl wi;b ia ijafaaBaial a. Ht.,1 |.,.'li..f tlein cuiibined wi'h h rtiJue- i.. p ef C'-.e, ii, revonuee ond u monetary enibarraa*r BBB io'ii].olliiir: l! tf Baal "f afMBM towiew ila r.-it.) of di-. bbI la_x f ..'.-nt, loBaaortatatrBBBQa tioi.i wt'.i Bulhaa.dl an.l liuriiijr fr ¦ loan of two milliomt aterlir.g on tbe London m.iikct, to pawn abioad French OatBBBlent ato. k, fuid with ull ibat BlhoW bul a reac-va ti 1.,i)0(i,ih)0 H^niudt llUH* t:es amotintitig to more tban .H,0"0,<'03. Sueh a, -Into of eeonomic. afl'aiiB preparea juat the BBB.M Brrfaal p.etenderalo atnke double. Abeady tbere bave be-n Itrrud-riotB in tbe Faabourg St. An'oiue. aud tbi* of alI tiiuea ia tberefore tbe BBB iniippro- prittte time for ullowing Orleaim Prmcea to cateh poaabBBJa Heu.-e tbe tierce forward rueh of The Lohdnn Ttwe*. TO EXU11IIT0R8. IMKR.VATIONAL EXHIBII'ION' Of YVOKK8 of iNursruv anu art, To b" hrU «'. I.oi don in IBR The laderaigned. baving be.n nppointtd by the ProMdoatof the United BuBa* uuder tbeautbority i.f ('..ngroc*. OeaBBBBBBBB to reprcaent the inter- tatiof an.'h Ameikiinciii.ena aa may deaire tc be- .'ou'e ixhlbitori at the Extibitioa of tbe Induatry of all Nati'.ta, to 1* Leld in Lomlon, W2, iuvite tbe coo,eniiiou of tbeir fa.BBx iti-uua iu carrying out the objecteof tbeir iippi.intiiit-.it. Tbi aiti.lea exliibited -will bc dividcd into the fot- low ing claeaee: .MTIOK la iMInlnt. Q.ai'Tlng MrU'lurgv and Mlnnal Pmdiicte. t tir,i.i, .1 Babataa -xt ai.d l'i .-dccH, ai.d fa..BBaBB ,1 Pnie'.ea. 1. ¦aheeaaeaa i.aedTor Ko.,d, includh-y in*.. 4 Aniiiial ai-d PoBetabla Babatai 0** uaed lo M.tifacturea. IBC1 OB .1. 8 Ral'ray Pl.ni, luciuding heBOaBBR Ei:»*l»e*, and C«tr.».*e.. .hii,.-. i i ni.ectrd wilh R«ll or Tr.n. __B.I 7. Ma: Bfe. Bl.| M d '.n ai.U '1 oola. K. M*rl....*ry ln (ri.eral. P ApkiiltoralaadIIortleoltai_Ma«hiae.andIni| 1i.li.iI Rag.aar.a 1 labBaidaaal aud Buiuli..g CeaBt- Y.l.r**. ILMili'sry Enrtneerli.g, Aru.ot and Accouterment., Ord- BBBB '.'-d rj_.*:l Aiiu*. 11. N.ral Anlilteeluie Bbip'a Ta. I'.I 13, i bUoeephicel ln.tr,i,..ert. ai.d Procer«>. dep, ndlng oj- oa iheir lae 11 l'i.. t agtBBht* Apr-aretii.BBd Pbotogit; Uy. ]j. Uaralafleal laaraBietita l.. bfaeleal laatiBBiaelB, 17. b'uig.cal .aUun.rnta and Ap| lianc**. BB47TIOB IU. 18. ( otton. 19 1 lal and Ileiup. N '. » ti Val.i IL U.o.maud UofieJ. Inch.dlng Mited lab-icgruera ly. H < a|»'.i. \s,,.. | '.l.rdLaM Pabtic., v»han .hown a. . I aBBBMBM ul i'.i.,il. | or Jiyalng. »4 Tarea*iY. La e aod R-iMaUery. . . . I Paatbera aa A llai. iii 1^....' b.Idlery aad H 17. Ar'i.ir. of I ih.i... TB. I'a"...**.»' 'n.iy, Vlli 'Ing and rtooabindlsg. IB tr Uo a ,. iimii, 1|. a -a. ... aadl'pl ...i. .),.... ...il.,g I'aj.i Haiigti-.' anJ Ptii.r . II Iraa aad laaaeral ffardarar* .2 0.al .dloi'iy. ,.__.___ . , 3, w, l:»i_i a-t ^e.: l.nil')B*, aug J. w- 34 01 ¦'¦ ..-rr. 3B. Miau i'l ,:.i **l Ifli ioded lo pr*rleo. alaa .* *. ii ^ ir,.Ir-BBR aui*. tt- Aj Bb falu.Ua* i" 'II al d W'aler t .ot,. ar.d PraxlngA. . ll'* M..1 B| .'.J Ii.'.j ». 4. I I. 'la/a a'd I . r'.a^lrg.. l , .1 lledab, ~il l e girea in . ud ii. bm i.one in Boo.sa a. |Vr>« 11 * ol eontribntiuif mu#t havo tbeir utkboentcrtd wBhoM tbtay. aadaeaBPtod, ua all VQio e, _ . t i.t 'nt Ne\v-\..rk bv tl e t ¦> alsauary, lt-BI. A hriaf doaerlptfafl f tho ottbla tha «j .¦». they m ill 11 > e exl Ibltt .! in Bet tioua I, -', Ul.'i il ll.nrt I l\* eel. / rt.al.. B. f 1830. Aiti. I. a i.r.. ded oxl ibHioo ii Bi "b i rt. ira .-!.¦: br I't C'*m u.irBion*r*lo k S| h_1 .: ib.ii oara number, oonobiiag oi 'l.e Ii. 1 uwar I V.^t.e'i ef BuBoBi Bvhert B. bia* IB *m.',i KeW'York,ond bii Wbitaoy aaq.,of v.-". -l'uieu, io wi "m artbu wiii ad <a uaLtoobp U-'i.llCKli'I.-. Ap| Ii" .tion* for adniia*ionof artie'ja f.r ex1 il ior. u.uel »!'.;». ib>- rnii, I unU .'.., amdsr W_ch BBeh ur- Itlobawsa Ieaaa. aad Ihaaaaee or oxaa im Bajaoxa lfeot)re.|ul. plaeincror baaxiBgtbeaa.taa J , , bl I... i ,.*rv ra'd re. pttofl f UN ( .nuiu ol ll e Kxei B> ilve t'emmittee et V abington or eithor of tba . i or A, tl a ,1 bi low, who will forward tbi nereaiary papm lo bo axocBod by the appUrant. Plrtlcalarittetttion ll tlllod lotbg ro* f Ler iliijirty'i Ctxn iaalo-erB. Ti.e l'i;.,aingb tho roquiron.Bl iu reLtiou toeutiied iroui toitign.ouuti, ..... ..,., rr. «lll coirmi r.kato only i ... ., v.ui.1, tb* Oi ve, ..ij ry n iy rppolnl nd t.n o.iuit ariU N udmnud . i'li^.l IMe mnctmn of iuh Cow .... Ho mii le, tberefore, from (bia oounti-y will be ad- inrtted by ber _i..j«.tv * t'ouwii-ioiicra tothe _xhi- bition I.BB Ihaj 'ball be npprovtd orauiboii..1 by ihie COaabafaB, a*a wBl a.,y Agaui. Bepceoaatae live, or t'ouuuirMoi.er. oiber i1 un BBB aa may be oppoiuttd or ae reUiiAd by tbia t'ommieeijn, be racognised by theas. ._._. Ii ir e..|*. t-tl ll at a veaeel will be f::nii.,hi_ by tbo Qaran.BBl for conveying to l.oi.d ,n aud re- turn, Ir," of ehargoe, thi BttBB ett'-r .1 uud ip* provtd for tbe Kxi tbi.a, Tbe importbiii u of »ur country being fafly repie- lectedot thb _ahihitbab aeat m-niieat. a_ee tbo l-.-vhibiiion ol 1 £*al tbe ia| "». BBBBO i.i lbi.4 c.ui.tryiu iaplaaoBa, aaB_aay,and lu-i.iufiu-ture* have, ll il Lelitiv.id, haa BBI oBOBl B d ll ih a duty we owe to onreelvea, ua well ub to tbe .o.u.tiica a lho01d.WBld.tlBt tbom hapoaooaaafa aVoald bo exbibite.1 lor ibo boi.elil ol .11. \U l"'-l tbai iu tbia reapect wo tball not bo gfaappotated. The anderaigiied i ,:.ke tht Ir appeal to their fauoa BBaaaa iu iuil ooaideaeo t a, oar oaotry will i .. properly repreaenttd in tbi- BTOOJ K\bi..,.i..;,. AaiYoonue tbeentire BgOMtioai adooted blf be: Mujeaty'B (iiu.uur.ioiiera are n-. ifld Ihoj Bill M i.iil.lial.nii au.t furoiabad to all wbo may ib Bra tbem. ' WM II. St.WAMi, JAMM » r.Alllll!I...K. CALRB H. H.Mi'itl *' I.av.M'N < (JLKMAN, iiiWAiu. Kvim.rr. B. __['HNfON, ROllT. II. MIN'i'l'RN. B. WAI.LA1 II. Vrl'll IIKNltV. \S IV. M.MOV. IL KL11-PART. lUWHrtHtY, J C. Ii. RBNNKUV. BBaMBjBa Oct. u. isoi- Nuiiieaol t.'omuiUMoiiora and Au-ent* wbo mny be hddie«e«d by jaeraoua deeiriug to t_I il it: CommutwHtia.' BBB Kibbatt, Ho.tou. Eu W I'n yxi, rMi., N.*llii«ii, (cun. R B. BlBTI a.v, .'<..« \ .ik. h. P. Joaa.oa. All.aiy. N. Y. J. II KdrrAKT, t'n.'.iuliu*, Obio. J. 11 pABik i.(.B Baltimore. II. DawbobCoLaaua, 1'mu.ylYBnia. iomtA.J. W. Uert, MaaUoi.. WI. Day.i, p.Tia, Bleoa |te.. III. J. \V. 11. a.*."!,. La.loga. Iad J.a. U. -1..K, St l'aul, Mi.,Mag',. It. l.oaa. lowa. I.bi.amu f rA.Yi.iKi', P in Pran.lar i, Cal. Jaciih Al. II»w uii>, f'elrolt. Sln b. E.oeativa Coamittao, ofli.« fa the uopartBaB ol the initiioi, Wu-!iiu|{toii (No. 10 rateuiOflicoBuild- lag)i B. P. I..M*J.iix.t'h*lrn,an. Rrof. Jo.Bru IIkniit. J. K. 1'ai imi.aB, Sei.vtaiy. W. W. 6*aio>. J. i O. Rb.ybbit. i DrtTH Or THE I.4"T ReViiL'TION AttV |*BB IIORRI M Niiw-llAMi'MiiiiB..VYo leani fnun ;t cor- leapoiideiit ibat Lieut. Joil Mi (Jregorydiedin Nnw- port, N. H., Oaaaaartl, Hge<i oaa haadrad ycum, ofatia tiK'U'hii aad i.in** ib.ya. Lieut. McOre.ory waa b"ni in I.i.fleld, Cenn.", _M NonaMB, lTHi il. volunteeied in tbr. army of Ihe BevOt-tiflS. waa IB.Im prironer und tK-i.lined iu ihe " Old Hngar II.., e, Kew-Torh, ior eigbt iii.intba. Hi* fare wha banly atitflcient to auatain life, ihougl. Ihrtag uuin.al* werv abundunt on and BBOai bfaa. He baa .i.-.-ed good heulth iii hia laat yeara, thou^b hie ...uiil ha-beeu lou.ewl'iil iuipain.1. lu oliicu time hework.iiiil BOJl laabag. oy buud, und i.ua made taeki ao *n all he could pui one thou-unid of tbem in mi eggahcll. For many yeara be hua received a penuon, wl.ich, witb w hat be laid l.y iu kfa youi.-er i-.n, t.aa made bia deotfaaBfl yeara peaceiul aiul li.ip;.v. it ia euppeael lhat heiatbo laat ku.viviiiu Kovolutinnary Bltuer ia Now-Ho.pahlro. All ii ,,i i, i > bfa aa' » y, aud p_u>o aj bi aai.aa, i'ERdONAU .Oar tWHrvp-Hidcint at Psri* writee ue that Panl Duggan, a well-known artiat of thn, city, and Pro- feaaor of Drawing in the Free Atvideniy, died there oa the l'.th ult. He waa watrhed in bi* laet thiy* hy tbe btadry etfentiong of old frienda eapeeially by Cta-M h flfld May. A!l thut could be iflBB wai <l"iie bl them and newly-enlialed eordial fiienda. Old tVieiid*. and all who ever knew him loved him ae a -.. '. und will he g!ad to know thut, with theiHielp, aailBT-rtaaaf hi.*l-ean!if'il uioralnature and the dagd-l claracter of Lia diwaee (a eomewhat pecu- !iur ioriu of puluionni v conetiir.pfion), be went down chevifiilly and with little aufl'eiing to bi* longainre cHlmly aotieipatod iaath. fll- flBBjlMln. rB.. BBB been engagcd to de- liver three lectureo, on Fridny evcnings, at Provi- ¦!eii- -. R. L, eoinniencing tba BBbI wiih hi* new proee lectnre entitlad " Uiight Sidee of the War which will be followed by u poothal one called " Truo Independeuce; or Tho Spirit of TaH-OO Doodle," nnd, laat, a new pioa-) 1-cture entitled " Part aai Pktiea-" . The Sulurday Review eaya that in tlie great art of B-ytag BOthiag Lord Palmt-raton ia, indeed, unap- proachahle. JNcither layman nor clerk can even rliatantly iniitate that BBBfllMM compound ol a ttut, claptrap, und blaruoy, which the Prime Miniater BBB I>our fortli in auy ipiimtitiee at a mumeut'i notice. FROM UBERIA. Coneipendeive of Tlia N. T. Trlbona Ho-BOVIA, Libbbia, W. C. A.. S-pt. tf,, 1861. Hnving juat arrived iu thia city, aud tinding that ti.e hurk Kdwnril will leave iu a few -BBBB for yotu port, I aend you a few more fact* relativo to the ut- taek made upon flfl Ly the Spaniarda. Tho Ppauiah gnn-boat that made the nttack, men- lioncl i'i my hut, waa aiippoatjdto be tbo "Cerea.' Mr. A. Waahington, one of onr citizena now in Siena Leoue, aritafl that a Spnniah man of-war put into tbat port lor rcpt-ira, being ba-Uy dumaged He *aya the Spat.iarila preaerved the greuteut h-< Ifl v, a* regarls tho ntunncr iu which ihe injury waa reeeived. I a!--«> learn, frcra htura reeeived (Sflpf Palcma, that BB Knglieb vr-Htel tt thai ptaoofaportahavtagflMl a Bpaaaa aaa tttwtK on her w.iy to Bk tra UMM !".' r.-t uirs, ard upon BM- ing tle lanae of tbeir mjn-iee, ihe Bpont_dl Md lhayhaihaaa hailtd iu lha mM by tle Engbafa ¦an-of-wai Torah. m.d bM gtv-bf uny BJiBwar, they trgrg :..-, ,1 into aud budlj iujured hy tl.e Tbrch. BO 11 MMM tha* the Spaoiardl M ti.e w..rr« ol tbebat- tle, iu thtir ergagement wiih l.iheiiu'a raw u.-ti.lory BBBB. . . ,. . An EBgBah veeael ut Cupe. Pal_uu>, from BM-BBflO PB, rapotta that the reaa-.-n why tho Spaniah gun- Loat waa aai ap to rlnk the (Jju.il, w«» baeaaaa bo hud Uen iutoru.ed tliat tho ve-ael we had cru tur.-d otOaU-Baawaa a Bpaakh atoreal.ip, .md ti.at tha ,¦.. bad ploadorod l.er of all her atoit«l l BOppoM tLe ahtver* told bim that tule, ll.at they BUght ba raveogad for the lor* of thin v.-ael by ihe cu| ture of th* Qiiail, for it t-eetii!- th, ir Intentiou wa* to .nrry tht Qaatl oti, und uot to tink l.er, ua IflflflBd iu uij laat. ____________________ Q-gaWOflUU AM> WATtlt-WollKS IM 1 II » Bl The Amerieati QmLifU Jo.rn.tl, the offlcial gazette for raatten pertainingto theae Btati*- .iv * rive*, in tbe IS'ov. 1 iit.mb.-r, the fullowirg inter- .Mtag iataflfli Oi.-U.Kf II TB« Hbbbi. Sr*T*«.-fn tniwer .> re p»a-»d lii.l¦ nri *l to ib* I¦. uiber ..t .-.I woikt in t_e t«B r-. lataajWepii a*tIb* i.... wiug laat; f.ultil.i I Carttal. .* > ii-!. \'a-B>J-iI,!T75 3. Augu.ta tla. " * ..'.< T. T (J.... l(f»l .- i..7- 00 34. Saa Aatoalo, Tax. 7f. 'a<l * i,» ut N ... U.aalM. .«.T_u..h, Oa. MM I ia:ki»l.l-. i'eni... iial.'ijO ;». >*:.iia, A.a. B '",... 4I.L.I i .-.,.. ItaoBl tt, Vbkiburg. Mlia... B ..... -ii 40. Wa.btflg i. M .. .. ..,.,' N 11,000 4.-. Wl !i m .i .-.- '. a. M U. HonUTtlle.. Ala.... 7. r. t& WOatngtoa, N C. 1.1. Jitn..ii Mlaa. MilM M, \SUcbaal*f. Va... >. ri*., i." f- - '' -, tTJit-) Total. " '. t ;,r 1:- L'-er,l.ir«'v* ... TixaaJ, _Be_PTTtrtATT« !'.-. Siaoon 0,:...... 1».m\ tta,*. O..WB- ,ifell r.i.e... 90O.-5 1. AI.....B....4... ,. ia) *. A-k.ti .......... ».W« II »lol..e, Ai..IW,oMl A riena.'.¦.. ,' -t muj, AU. 100.000 4 (leor.i*.l'".7*l^ -iu* ibbi.' ro ' fv..!----»-- |--'i-,. M 2.. Nau-liei. M.... W,«» A MlM_arpgt _*... 2I9,0eo '?-. S«v»:.i.. '. 92,000 7. N l';,r. .'.'.*..*.... ni..or». ...- .-,,*, I...! .'Uii.OOOl H. S Carolina..'*.... :l \.. PO ¦-...' 9 i'eunea««>e...4.... '..,...-<. t i... IM. -"; ''" Ti 'ai.,.... ). l4.mi.tt- S4i.il.- U. ti.glola*.. .9.... 848,475 ,,,l Va... IB'.oao .- tAt%,S.C. '''.''. ty' Tottl.M«BMM,BB |(» u'i al e d O-k-tlgBI C,v,., I"*. Fobli.h*d Jot-16. i, it Rpp.-ata lhat the ».-'- work* au.j.l....t*i.ita!..». oa*-vrv.k» uiKebelButc*..«.CagltaL. L*avligtt. *oik. Ie :uj»1 State. .937... CasBaL.Btf.twl IM II Wotkttm Ou Ktbtt .S'fj'ri.Tb. lullowing llit U wite; wu:ka wili-iii tb-lii.i.t. of i.^ejed frtaie* will uitere.t aon.e u! o j." te.vlt ra iu cuin.e. lon v. Ub tb* aboy*. 1 PayeteyllU N.C.. g'J.i JOO'Petai.buri;, V».*'.'5 "¦" .' m hbuit, Va.... 60,1 (*> Ric'j.noiid, Va. iSi.i7.. I. IfobUa, AJa. 9C4),tae BaTaaaah, Oa. 4 Na-vil.a. ler.n ... M».»*>IWiBO-evttaT, Va. b»,'H*. I. M*« (,.leana,La..l,4lO,lX.u| .. Tviial.aJ,5-4',- BBCAItTVI ITIBB. I. Alabania. \ '.>¦ '"uue.w*. 1 l. Orrg,*. Il* ^'-t'ui»"._ 3. Louitlioa. J 4. .Nortb ('.-clln*. U Tnlal.' Oartablaaof watar-worka, pabUabtd Ju l, 1MI pateiOfi. yoi II .boare.d ibat th^ie wer* M AuMuicau aalerwoil rrL,l ei«U. alth . oapUaJ o:...:.. . aM.»H079 01 *hfchBaraMItaBibilIBIflkwthaaaBa*tt J.a^'u.D I lrailn*Wwal*r«oik. Iu loya! r*tat. a-ca;ital. ,BM M4.I M '»..i|..e.ViT,-:livil-,'!'-"l'.'l' - ¦ -tri-worki are ti^t rnti.aly abatia-d bj tli* :ei ea.ion u.u**iuei.l. and ». lalaft ,..,."¦ .Ittba ga*aadwataraapil) ... !i.U f., (h- Nortb *t l.att Maiii '- *i ol l-lrve lubing. ai.d all otb«i -Mflili* «f**AM a ,:.. iJedly Irn- 1 ioy*.J d- ni»i J. B l.lch » ill coutwue *,.d lucre.i.* benc-iurh. * B_g * >«'.!" P»rt >'i V irgiul* ouly ¦. rel «l!i.u., tbe w**t*n. pa/t r- "--ii * l"J»! «o th,, LL,oa- PAIll'ON afl 1!l_ "PAKKIIIf.I. M..1U1H-. psarialMB lahaaaof BfhBMBhaopialaiy |_fl ,i'\, BkUd by iliiiti ajplie itiou from MBlBBB] Marray, u jarioa h .* aaaa ahtaiaai Bbm tho Preri- g| .; tl..- l i il. vl t^iutea fer Samuel Collinc, I^wia ¦Ma nnd John Dui.leiivy, the MBMBI BBB Iv. i.i ..I ni, i BaaBaaaai for the mbpbm af t'apt. C.eorge W. Pyke of the al,ip "(k-ueral Purkhill, who 'argaiitaaflBt BaMiawadaita B-Boltyoalba '.".'lh iiibt. The pardon wa*> reud to them in the BBflfl in tle Toaalfl ye*itrday u...(iiing by the Uuited ItatM Muiahal, und ruuacd them to mauil'eat great j. y und gratitude. Duriug the reading of the pre- .unhle a deHibly pallor overupread thu couuteuante* ofiho time tuui, bat when the elause " havo iou.- uuited and by lbct<o preaeut*" etc., waa rtachevi, their cmolion* of gratitude were very atrongly de- picted in theii fe.ee*. ln purananee of the terma of tl.e pardou they will be retnoved to Siug Sing with- outdeluy. Tht followiug i* tlwtext ol tba ollieiul il. MBBBBBl Abuauab Lincols, -Te.ldobl of tlia lulted Btata* cf > «. ,., i.-I.,** nll th't* pritnlt tkall come, yrtttrta ; .., it appeara tbat at a teio. uf tltal'ircult t'.Hi.t af tb* Uul-.rd Htati. of Auiei.ca for th« Soutbeni Malrlit ol New-V" k, a IbaBosoad ClrruII Logun aud i.eid at tbe ( it) en New Vura, nitluu aud fur tb* Wutriot aud Circult ai'or.i .aid, ou tlie Brat Alorduj iu Ai>ril. in tb* year of our tarl, ..ne thoi.aaud aigl.t buodred and ilxt> oa*. rfaruuel Colllni, L«wi. Keolh-ritoo*. and Jobn llunleavy, leaiiu-u )f tha cre v oftla Ain.-.l ..ii »ln|. '* OoBBftl l'aikblil." wero iudicta.lai.il eootlet*»lf.i. theuiurder of Ueorg* V\ I'vko, th*laptaiu ol ibe tald ilup. Bad on tbe 3dday oi Juoe A. I)., 1*>1, »«re bv iba .aid l ..ult >ru'.-i.i ed to ba bauged *B Kilvlaj, tba Wl Jj.)' ol Julv lu tlic «atue year. Au.l v. bi reaa tba (im* flied by tlia aald Oonrt for the cx«- sutioii of tb* aald .ti.teuoe va. by u.y v.tnaut .lalad (b.- l.di day of July, A D., Ii«.l, poitponad tili 1 nday, Ib* BBfe dty ol .Ngyrmber ln tli* t*i»* y**r. And wbereaa, aa txamiiialion of lh* ta-tioiury tUan al in* tiial nf tb* .aid S.uinel (Jollio*. Laaaia KeajliecMuo. aud Jobn Dunl.-uvy, abwaat it tobt ya.ua aud ooniradiulory. And v.herea.. ala.gr uuiuber of hli-ily r*ap*cl*ola cl'liena h.y* eariwatly bMCBgbt ...e to .xtendllie *-1""u';T'"._',";,.'f' t., thn *aid rSaui.ial Cfclliu., L«wl. P**lh*r.t<n .ot Johi. l),..,buvy, .ou t0u.il^.l«lh*M.ye.UT0( lii* wntuue* ia.- ^r*M- b* B toowa ttat J, Abttaff. UyB, P,*.i..,.,l ol ll.e I'.iittd iiiflaaof AluerieB.il. OolAldeialioii *f . ' ' ..i.~i.il._f *.~d aud luBiclaul i**»*u. me S^1?r___Srfflfe£sS '~fmtCb£." »5* "d ." "* ..'. I" n_li^f7 __?__ _?"*"" *»**»» raraB !. them tbe -,, nalty of deaih. oo co.dltlon thal they aod aaeb of thea 4m n_ "Te" *" la.orl.onrnrnt at haril Ubor In th. Utale Prtaon of *l* or New-Yi ber, A. D. lHh't, and of the InJejend. n,:e ol tbo ('i.ited Stalaa ti.eel-bty.iitb. <SI-_'di AlltAHAM I.INCOLN. Uy the i'leiui'V l*lg_ed| P. W. Sbwaku. AMlatnut -ecretary ol htata. Smiib'a BbaTl Bje View of St. Loni,*. Cairo, t_iBinhfa and tbe ctaintVy adjacent, embracing por* tionsof the 8tatoe of MierA-uri, Arkuneae, Kentueky, TaBOBOOi and Illinoia.m a colored cl_rt oi 24 incbee by 3!I, giving tle u"rt invporlant poin'a of lan.l and water iu tbe Weatern aeatoffvitr. It ieavuluaJjle adjunet lo pnpular and arieB'.e readinif* of tlie eub- ject. PaMfahai by J. C- _ Rae binith, No. 1*1 Niie.au at reel. illOYt.eats at tlrraa BBB.B TO DEPART. 8famin-.pt. ItBBB For. JlaMt Ar.lra.New-York.T.iYerpool .Nov. I Arae">.New-York.Barr*.Not. I C.ily of Baitituoie....N< w York.I.ivrpool..Nov. I (i laaitow.New-York.Llverpcol.Nov. I .'.,,-._.New-York.N»«auandBar.Nor. II Clty ol Now-Tet-_Ne*. York.Liverpoot.No». II Edbiuorgb.Nevi York.Liri-rpool.Sov. B TO ARRIVT. firea' Eartern.l.iYrrponl.New-York.tVrjt B rd.ubiiriih.I.lvrrpoel.New-York.Oct. M Cif of Wa*_)nirtoB..Ltverti-ol.New-York.Nuv. 1 BfXUTl'BB AlXABAl'. ,in-Ri*ea....6:.*|b>ti.4:M | Mooa-Seta.. »:M iiii.h -*tbk tbi. nxr. .ndy Hook..11:14 IOoy. i.land...U 04 Ue'.I Oata. I.B MARINE JOUltNAL. PORT Of NRW-IORR.Nov. R ClMBB.> fibip*. BbbbB.B, Robln.on, Londoa, T. Danbeaa; Bunna- .'r.i, BecBwitb, Rotterdain, Wm. Malem A Co.; bla-k Hawa. Doaue, .-au Piai.elaeo, 8uttoo k Co.: Zenobia, Peter., Oei.oa, J l). Baker k Co. \ Eaatern Qaeeu, Uolbrook, Havre, Metcahr k Duncau. Biika.fl. W. Hoiton, MaafBt. Caemartheu. YVal.h, (arear ChaBBI Jobn Kafe, Luther. U-eenatown for org.r., Tbo..a Donhatn D. .lo, floeanian. ilavana, J E. Waid k I'o Bii.-..S... Foarn, I'.oneham. Porto Plata. Mai'lAnd Phelp* h t',> Bavplaeh (ilr. i. Da.ar, St Me.-_ and l.aftl,»r*_a. C_-ar A I'auli; C. B. AUrn. Raa, Marariile*, Moore k He. ry j Prir,C**aRnv»l(Br.), Newbold, liermuda, Siuith, Jonea k Co. , I idv Ci,apri;-o (Bt I, Balii J, Jarntll, Kuuuardtk Co. ral- '.r.l, HimrecB, Cadl~. inaiter. Dilw nara flnaan Caan-rn Pagr, Rlrer Gainbla. w. C. *_ | ,i H ir.. k Co. Sar.ii, York. Portland. Wiu. lugall.i Loai Roue(rJr.», Kellrr. Na..au, Joh., R. B». on; Argo 'lo^ker. U.a Kaekett;M*rir_etPowe'i.Penton Hartferd, M bii.raACo.; Otier Each. La..*. i'urUand. 0. L.-...<_, Pilof. ifridr, I oker, Boaton. S. W. LewiiA Co.%. P'rmoatB Raek, B.rii, lloaton. J. C. Uayt.n A Co.; Ileleu M.r. N.,,ker- aoa .St.Jobn'., N. F. b r.S_.ll, Einm* 1-*.-:* vledmora, Na»a.u. N. P., J. II Woodhooae, A. B. 'ierry, Kldridge, Ha» "Sloer.j!V. 8OT.ent, Nortm.. Brl.leepert. H. B, Rarkett, Hte.sara.Raritaa, 8io»er, rbila.ia.|phia, Loperfc Kukprt- UbL Cailr,, PhilaJelobia. ? Arrived. Sbip Llliertr, Poat, London S.pt. M, Ib baliMt to J. IJ Bnltfa a Co. Oct. 10, l*r- 44, lon. _, apoka brix A.i.« Kianke Ua Kr., of Yarmoutb, N. 8.1. from Cieufueto. ior Kaln.outh. Bag Wdayaaal io.>hed herwBbprevlal r.; rrb, iat- 4J I .", pa.ied abip A'Hia U*o|.er. hruc* for 1-uropa. fjb.p Tallan an, Thome.. LondouOcl. i, ln ballaat toCnc_tx A U ilr.0, Oet 1 :. iat. -b 40,'ioo. Ii J0, |_**eAi th* Bbip Klora MeOaaald (af B.l'lmore), bourd W.. Hfth, ob th. <)ra_l Bal k. .p.«e fi.i.iog ariir. Alaiblehi.d (of Marbl'jUead), 0 w,.-i.;badtahaa4.0BBB , Bhip Y alcntU (ol Batb), Au.tin, Briitol Oct. 4 ria St JoIlB- N b., i'l.t, ml.a .d*l toioaater. O, t. j, lcn. Ii 1 f, -i«nal*4t . Ip Julla Laa renc*, boundE.; tftn, lon. l!> 13, aignalrd a.f li.t.cit, lim.ud B. - ._ Bhlp '11. ,..aa N. Cole (Br.. of Locdon). Magob, Londoa Rept- 11, in b.llaat to llanolui* tio.ueg Oet ii, 1*1 *0 'j% >. u. 14 .pokaai ip VI4II.tiof Batb), irom BoiJe*.,xfor haa- Y'oik, Bl dava -. _ ..... Ri ip Oli*ul il Uneeu (Swed.l, Prytz. Loadon .VI daya, ta Kuntb, Meinrk* b YVeuil!. Oct. 18 Iat. 41 B, lo_ le b.ik I arLiola, fiom Ueiiierara for I.oudou. aap- ir.l irr 1- Ib rorlalae* , siiipl ., ,l.i*r, Swift. UreepeoiadBya, md**. aa-Bpaaa. ,. - ,\. .,,.., 1. ..Nrpi.ew. Exp*rl«nteavery b-avy *r*a'.b*e * Vii'.p'Tlt'Hver.or. L.lh.m. Antwerp H day*. ln ballaet ta a_b i. o. EApeiiniced v.ry Leavy we.'.ber, »i. i,| HoT.r, Ar.twrrp T.day.. lu baU.t *nd 10 paaa. , B. *Xi~.r,o-c«d »UOi» galeaaud a lougB '""ip Ki'lYSinip*on, Hepbare, Antwerp 18 daya. mdae. M La_;V rya-^a-aah-e, Lcid, Lirerpool 34 daya, -it ta "fc i-_ir»c4_.gta. (Br.. ;";«'«3S»).*J% ';};_ pooi 40 d.y.. oai lo o. J-r. Ort. 25, i.t 4fl 40, lon. b. ~, .peBB LiTi,, l.ibartY frcn. Lir.ruo.1 f ,r New-loik. ... ...J. ti.Z:-.[Edwiii (ef 1-oiU.u.i, Liitlejohn, Card.uaa I daya. aogar. ".a to ma»t. r f-.Ut b ( ",.. '>..."; T-'.'lJ, Si. Siephen'a, N. B., « daaab, 1.tiii toJed Kiye. _ . _, _- I'erk S U. M. 'aoi. (Br ef Tarmoi.th, N. -.), Bobblaa, oalla.t to oidrr. . j Bark Ari.dne (Br.), Oardner, Antwerp 40 aay., In t allaatt. Fi neb, _l.lL.te k Weiidt. II, :< . o .*-ar,a (Aoit), -if*nii, I7**-re 4. daya. uid.r. and 7a ¦ider Experienerd iravy Yieatbrr »i lit «al,». *r. li.U M01 arcb llir, of l,urma«y), SuiokUud, Loudtia 41 day,.lYl.. I ,ttoH >.' Balley. Brig la.i.i.elPort.), Ce_ ua, Oporlo40_y.. ln oa_<ttol_ K. Am iuik Co. Uiu Ha'.n.li (Br., of Slirlburne, .V. 8 ), A 1*0, Arrceibo, F. I', Oot 14, .,,ir*r An., to E. I'-vr ,it-dl k ( o. Brig -BB Hi. (Ut.), lian.iit.j, Sew llaieu, lu b_.aat to F. I N-.i,. it Son. Riigtill^e BellelRr.), M.AIaion, Lingan, C. B., 12 daya, e. *l 10 P. I. NcyI.i* k _on. UrigTanreut, Tii.beta, PortEven. coal for Boaton. 8 bl. Sia. ll.r.. ef Ani.auolia), I'-.idy. AnsC.ye* r5.pt. *», .ia ms.ua O 1. tb, lofwood to Wilaoo k Canimann Ju.y Tt, oa tbe'crtwa.d 0_-0*. B-BBfc H"(.an, theap-k. __f_»__ Caaa.. a hUa drawlng . bocket of -at.r. iTl oYrrbo.r.i. ui «_T_ewaad Srnt. IH, ln A.x « ayea, Oecrae fui.ly, BiiB otticer, dled. .a«rl XI, he belonaed to Aonapolt.. Nov I lrt. '¦' U,u 7.24 i.ad the late galu fiom E. -. E., d'.lo& wbicR i,.< |,..rt ofdrikl. adof logw »..d-about *4 luna. Bchi il''- J-'ca (of New-Loudoul. t.ardn er St Jego ia CohaO. ll. aiidlilWallth. tobacco to 8. U. C.aue ot boa- ,- 1 Ut rt-, lon. 74, expe irn. rd a gale from E S. K. | !, ,t'oie.a..'n>_«j"b,ei,dipllt_ain.a_. "eBr. "i.... :: k i_i ,, ttlr, SadtvUle, N. B., 10d»yi,.tooa .!. J. Bl.B IB*.), Craive, PaiaLoro, N. 8., 10 day.. plaataa lrial(Br.), Sbield., Windaor, N. S., lOdiyt plaeler Bebr' JavuieaBartta, Bar.ag,Beet«aiaBj- jitetoTacAer, Cfro_! A-ii7 Trlce, Bli-ard, Wlluilngton, Del., | day., ootm V I'.xaoa. ,- , lir*rxe, Uulaa, Baiti.orr - daya, noor to MarrUl a ... r. Bir.na, Jobn.on, L'ttle Rgg Ha*!.or 1 daya, " | v 1. " DaaaMy. Leaia AbaaaaaB 2 d.y* wood. ,(.i__.e. <.*:,dy. PlillaJel| hia'2 daya. coal. s' hr Mi ae. V a'. Naiue. V an Nan.e B_iiinore ililaya. wooa ',,: N, BB rlrl (!"r ). ---, (oruw.liia. N. 8., potatoaa. .*.', hr. **a.ieit« liurr, Maod. \l arreo, B. I. - Ll Nrwlll.'oe ("arr. Banger, !>:::iherlo muatar. H. \ ir v Hab it, I ....i.t .1 for bUadelpl-B. -r... Ai.i.aSb.pi.eid Tn.-krr, Bri.Lrport. s. r Koa. iu-, l.ln.-nh. Tanuto.. 2 daya. naila. - ur. Aii" ti.'a Rayne.e, l'roYid*nce. n.daa. .*- br. A. ( I n. .1, S.ii.irr., Oreanport. I 1,8.01, K*ll KiYer. gehr. J. Y\ l.md »y. Tbouip.n, Fall Rlvec. <: r L llamod. nnlBiTY Naw-Hawaa. ; br O.-orge Kale*. Nicket.on. FroYldeuce. *., hr. » iBdereUa. Siern,.. I .ov.u.etowii, bah Hr. tib, l.ord, r'all lllrer. Bebr. Ma,r Atwat-r, O.u.uu. Prorldenee. Prbr. T1ii.e, UaiutM, Baltimore i day., wood. 8te urer Ito.to. .lohimm, Phila.lelphtati!- Cape May m_«. ai.l ._**. to K 1'rikii.a. Nov. i, on outward |«a^<». pa-i-d a aeha-a.lI aoulh al Ure»t Egg Uaibor, v»Ub only oue uiaaO "v Jl,lghlBI (U. 8. tranaport), Orainley, U»7uat BBm Vbbb.i IVm. ¦ oodward. Cuudlfl, Baltlwore. nidaa to B_. Data__B V. W. Broom*. Koater, B*l_.>w, mda*. to Wbb. "ste".Lr Laurel. Cba)e, BaUlniore, mJae. to VVil.u. Dal- "bteamar \V.alcheit-r, Jonea, PrOTidence. ro... to Eiwar* ".irli-er Coneerd. Norrnan. Pbl'adelpl.i*. mdaa to Laaa* * Ste_i!er _l__k Dl.ond, AJlen, Plfl I l|lll mdae. to J. B HAILED-Kov. S-fihlp. B.Hgawatrr, ItfettM. PoU*. .dN..» Uorld, Liieipool. Bcbr. Hj.'.g Mah(UM,.».***¦ 'rtVr 8-fit.*siu.hlp Afrlca (Br). LlYerpooL AUo .leauiahip __adiu (Br.). ttt Llv.rp>u. WIMU-AI ni.Dot, N Ba, with raln. Diaaaten, *r. BB.vni.B.I>p*Bay No».». 1*1- ll,e .obr. J«e. II. blr.np. of WflarfB^l^^^g ton foi I'l.llAdillhi. ll, l*_XI-_«. 0-"-^-_ar,* -J-^ OJBb be.we-n «,r-i» Ifl »«»»' «nd lk,r,0f'._Lr ^ |. , 0 ell up on tbe bt-cb, and mahaa uo «ate |gM_ ..-_-.- UerrALJ. t*-» >> BBBB th. hear, N. BfB of rrida, tbe f-Uowlo. are rrporti-J aabara up 10 4 p. '»;^i,^,0t>tAxio: R C_aF" beUia. Mail, nahor. Bt UaaitJteB, t>ala ~w " Artai;pa, M\. a.hore .1 ll«'»U.»». ^STt-^-talW S**-_. ..._,rtr.l aunk J W hargent, ou L leYeiano _,-I'rll«. 25 .d 1 .1101 u.ter>(Hlole, »»1J5^TOTW-B Qi Krte: Nortb Bar. aabor. ne^, PBgJ Squ.il. ol Detioii, aaliotaoB Falal F-IU^_ 1M( ___aBa with * -tokaa Tt* .le.ni.hln llamnionla arH'"^ ¦ ""«"¦ ¦oer. and would rapair. Mai-Ua, Oot ta. I**' . . »._ mil BBitly loadad «itn fruB, The brig Trad. Ulrul, of Blo. BU ¦P» w,.,.-.. Wy. fiJ « .v.w-York aiul u*BB^_r__i__ ", _ ^ rfu.. b-lil. ,verr,i thi. morulug te bave l»»o ^ #( iUe Jtl.a~ ij wlil, 1I1- uli..o.t ._'"'"".,_. - "-" !"",,8_, '_^W4^.«-... 1*a O'd-l Oaa«*» IU, l-ti.u vs. tfa-wo*- ***4»°**~*
Page 1: Library of Congress€¦ · CITY ITEMS..>-HoVlMktTTa OP LlMlrNAST-URK. SCoTT.-Tho ^eienuiloldier, though tulleriug from iudiapoailiuii,-ceired a nanibcr tf viaitoie ycaterday. BBMBg



^eienui loldier, though tulleriug from iudiapoailiuii,-ceired a nanibcr tf viaitoie ycaterday. BBMBg^hom were the Hon. Mr. Bi.ncroft, K.vC.-. |atb,_cn. Mckiria, I'toi. Webatcr, Mujor Lea&e L'. 6. A.,tjii l'rcaident Kiug of Columhia College. Xhaiieaerai did not leave hia apartmeute duiing tle fery,,»d will not addrew any puMic bodiea. aa the gn-attiMrtion of h» time wii: be eugaged iiimakiiy prcj BBgtkui* for hi* depbrture on Saturday.'Seuator Sumner called yeiterday afterao. c, baliMGenentl* iaugltar inforuiing bim thut be waa

.jiecp, he took hia dei#artiire.Mauy of the Ceueral'g Briaflfllfl hnve endeavoted Bl

ntrauadehim toaccept an etcort on Suturday, und itb probable tbat lo w iti do bo.


Jk:T> rofl thk Lotai. in Nokth Caf.o'. nia..The|ev. M. N. Tayh.r, lotal rai-tor ofthe Hattal--r«b, N. C*i ai.d tl.e Rcv. Xhaa Wa Conway,C uplam of lha Mh -MglBMBl M. Ta S. V., with the;jeTport of whofevieit to tbia c;,y ourreaderaa.eajready aeqiutinted, have bOBB invited to BBBflBBl f begrge-t cluim* of ihe Nortb Carolina commuuitiee at B

pa'.lic uieeting. There ia abaoluto nct.taiiy forjgioiedi ,te OOOAl-Mitvio-g of money and food to prevent|ka loyul fatnilieH ueor Hatterrut from atarvation, andof btids und ummuuition to enuble them to protoct|Leir Uvea from tho dreudful petaecutiom which the(yceaaioniate have iu atore for them, and ulrei.JyBfmmenced. Tbe appoal* of *uvh gallant bo!\,ei)erala Anderaon aud Burniide, am! CoL Meagher,ggd auch beloved cit'ueue aa Mr. Ikyant, will. uo

doubt, be liateued to by one of the graadect audi-guct-a that haa ever l.e.u gatbered in the great liallof ihe Cooper lueiitute:

Nbv.Yi.rb. OcA M,f»r H*f. Tbobai W. Cotw.t, rA_/./oiM <4f 1 BapfaaaaJ V. 1

N. »'.. and th* Rn. M. N. XXTIOB, Votlvt gf HuiUru*I Awrc*. iV. r.GBBT-BM-Bi Cnderatnuding thut >on have ar-

rirtd iu tbia riiy foi th* pu.p et ul Br**.n_g aid for tb* loyalriopl* of Noilb CaroU_*, who 1) ...., :r bim .1 !..,v,ca lo tlieaioa b.va been eut ofl ircin ali .uji-jii-. by th.- R

at.prClfully b*g tb»t von v. Ili u.ert tba citii-B. of New-York(taPl'Ui.lC M*ki:nv,. for Ibe pnrpo.e sf *a*b1iag tr.em to«xpr*M their .ya n* by foi :.'.. li lagettagB.d *._*tvut.tTTinan. aind to hea. iuch itatc.leuti a* t* .te.- graaaat

i aa fi'.m your iiitl'. v acgu.iBiu.ie with tUuui youaill oe able (o glta. Vourt. i^ar-eclfoiij,tTi-t U Marahail, GoJiaa C. Verplaiic.,, WoV-itt Oibba.

"iold, Muni-K-v aa, A. B. WoUaor*,J., I.ori, Alex. T. S av. _rl, KOwafd La't.!op,i . w.rt Browo, A A. I. V. IIao '.!!.!im-.l n.adiey, Bbbt* W. BoOawa, Wil iam A Hoota,J.'bt. bt MialWB, * Uilaa Ad* a. >'. S. Winatoo,

H. A.-.ur, Tbo i.i. De V\ lit, 1'. i r,

I «¦:.-.- U ali.h Btapba- il 1 yug, W ... t. .\oyet,V !;»_i B. Hodga, Pmu.-i.

n otiir t»B~* wilii tl,i. Irvriiuiui: r<.i)ne*t, a j ¦«at_Nja . i.L ii tii. (on'ii i-leTiiBTxenTbcbobatBvaa*im,. Noy. 7. 1M.I. at:. , ,k

7 u» gontltaieii who conir ,,u thi* errand of mercs .

*» f.i'a.Jwarm _iJor.eni.-it f Pra* bl W_n.I t)i?*KTMBNT. aud of Aliijor (..r..... IV***. Tta Hvb. ObuKIIB Kam i.i.ii will gaadda aud .Jdreiie.

v.i* made by th* H?v. .M. N. T-T-oa oi .N'.rlh t _. ..*. < .tplatr. T. VV. COSWAT Of Bew-Voik <Ah lieuie.t (l oi._ __*_**) uowatl. Robbbi A.TDtat. NofKacu '¦ .. (.'¦. A. B. BrasMPB aBbade Ialaudi C*l.Tboba*(X V-ucu BB-aaaa, i't-.i Kui*i_.l L. limw.,1, W*.. CllvM UhVAN.'.

PiatT RtoiM'M BaBBVAB'l U. S. Shi','Ui...Lieut W. Winkhrop (a biolbtr of Mnjor Wiu-

tkrop, wbofellat Oreat Hethel), apee.ally deti.ikdtaai Waahington on rtcruitiog aerviee for tl.i- rei;i-pent, haarocruited a equad of BBBBh BBBrBBBBM m

lic Adirouda.k region, and wih leave with ihtui for

naehington on Novemher 14 Aiy able-bodiedg^B, Bkilled iu the nae of the riCe, whj may with to

«in thia aquod aud i.iTHeecl at once to tLe leat of war,aill apply onor btforu tli*. abote d_te, t.t tLe L-»n-

iral bcadquartcra of the regiiuent, ut \S cebawken,«tx the ofBc*) of Winthrop St. l.iiile, No. 43 'NVaiijtreet.

y OlIVIR ClIUltlCK DBPBSBa HI9 CHARACTrn..* for 9eyntl day» pad a aoaph-M baa been peudiug'"' ukieJetferaou Muilttl'oliee Court in ratalr tlntio^iapbicalchtiniB of Mr. OMverH. Charlick,ia! httcandidute frrSeuator in thoTUth D-drieA. It

afpta-a that Dr. Abijith I-.gram baa, duiing tbe rt-

etm political cauvaia iu thia city, written a BMJaa ol

hicgrapbic-l *!.etcht8 ofthe VBrtaMI enndi'u'th f. r

tapeopl*BBufl.a_e.«. One of tbcue wa? qdevoied to the Lfe aud character of Oliver Charlu-k.Tbeixactnatuieof ihaBOO-fldM n.rtiie Ly Mr. C.

Wore tbe Conrt waa BM revefled until llldM-BJ,tka iaformation havir.^ h»en wi-h'td f OM tl« :e-

portara. That doeumeut aeta fath iu laaal BBtBM

tlaDr.lngram had been fdBj of lit*l. tl..t th*

Maj-phaad ahotoh aforeaald waa "gnady bbalowand aiculated to injure Lim (Mr. Cbarlak) at tLe

poUa." l)[. la^ram wa> Bf-Odai and held to ba'-l i«

ll.OOOto aniwe- Mr. Tylerthe prinur. Bfii Mr.J.'haWilli-ni* lhapreaan.au,boiaf wqaJialta ai-

pttria Court oa witneaaea.

BtLL'a Hbad..Nottvithpfundini'Die cnrrjriflrative-lrligjbt aopply ot boaf eattle on aalg thi.- ai

"1 _jak»t floeed rary bari, lodag aoai ihe do** all lhaf a-vgaoe g_ine_ .¦* lu® opt-niug, when them were

-J tW2,300 head offreeb *'<":k cn mJo, aad a

n wMdpaetod tbat witb all toatdvi ibatatalfcrthaf at*)k would not reach over 3,'tK). It apf.ear*, how-

*rer,lhat it did reach tyB8_,flai aoue of thoao ar-

H rit-ionWednttday aid almit a* low ua the aame

) «,!¦_% the previoua Wedueod_y. At h hite bour in* th* day th* i.roap*,' t of *ellmgont afl iu tbe lale-pei.a'3 foakad verv dull. Tne hnUlt>n are fuil of m£>at

fcft orer from tbe gre-t anxk of tLe pravkim we*k.n .^.BB

zA DtigRViK- Chakiti..ln the uudiit of ao BMBy

friodeT iLtert»u, fhe tfMk are probably hardlyawar* of a bumble charity which for many yeara Aaa

been doiuv Ha labor of love among tbe poor of our

ng °

3 dtaiT We allude to tbe Eaat River Indnitnal Scbool

(So.m Eaet Fortieth areet, neur Third aventie).IU manugera h-ting it in eharge find great diflieultyiu eanyinfrit on. To cl'«e tLia achool would he a

g;t*i g_»_,rtune to the poor of tbat quarter. Manyjxior iridow*, a* well a* tbe wivea af volunteera, and

L[1 ^*vj ieatitBto laboring poople, eend tbeir childrtntiert, aud de{»tn'l on the aimple meaJ und the little

U -u-t-aeoof uboea aod clotbing to carry them throughIr tleWhter. W'ubout tLe achool, lha cbiidien would

I A* drivan out apon the etreet to beg, cr make a liv-i-ar ae they b-». could. Many of them, no donbt,

* *04_d fall into Irad couraea of lif ., and many won!d,j *-ta from oold and hangi-r during the apprnai hing_1 lV'inBr. Tbia charity u_* done iu work witb but

b'.de wiIbb ia the worid, yet Luudreda of well-tra nt I' aod re*p-ct_hle youag girle amoug the wrvants and

tl factorygirhi of tbe city, aaved from B-Aory gnd want,

_.¦ t!ow it*good itflutnee. Vt-iy lew, iudeed, of Bb

u, ectiolir* have eva boBOBM cbitrg. able on the puhlic,- i wbeli^i' fo» *icOvr poverty. Tto expenaca bre

a* ( a'.'g_.-ouly .ota<' »Vl l»er aunum.while the pipfla,j. aetiOiled andclotbednj fed for the year, aaa '. i

_. . _»b. w ithout liberAv.He;.a_Me, the aekool munt beE. «i.«tv_. _un»ly, even , t_e»* tiUie» of war, there

will be ->_* "to revmi^.,,)^ jujdrchildieu' be-fviv Wiutar aad hungA^u,. upon t(ieui, Doiuv-

Tut Cmabbbr or CtaahLs<_jn. -^mLWaieetmgof ihe Cbaiuoer afCl^. ,-ffl ,uke plaaa

.> I tb___, ** ! 0'C,0Ck* WheU *» troateea will be_5 ____!-. ^M 'M ,M,uber'' ^rg-uiao the new

^.re^^'^^^^^wtomakeaTJ \tZ u_4_ ^"'""'^-^enfor aea life.

!" ¦~'Ul,Ta»B*xpr«ed toloaaca frB- _.ml ...,.

be aelccted for tbia mauHgemeot. meu wbo appreciate tbe wania of the merctutilo raanue uud knowbow to bring abont yatctuulic edncauju for a clasahitberio_BB t wiihout ediuation.

Ti.Aori.r IB Cami'.- I.t(.| -'ridfiy, ir, tbe OBaBhe KeOk1un Rillce. at Fuctorvville, Siaten lalanl,u remonuter took pla. e bttween Capt. Fi

aud BBBBBB U.iveiiport, bofaaajfagtl ( ait

Vaogbai laBoMBT. Capt. o Iiiien larboi-bdargodhia revolver, holn bulb't lodgtaf in the tuJe ofDuvenpoit, jtiat l.tlow .I le..rt. Bargfaa] ai.l BM1 .-ocured, but tho woumled man »ti!l Ih k iu u Britfaaleadftfaa at a houae in the vilwge. Tbe aflair i* un-

dorgoiag taxaBigilioB.Yo* ~"

Fpcm Sr. TaoMAI..Tbo acboonrr Viririnia Price,Capt. Kldr.dge, ar.ived yeWeiJay, briniiuig datc. t')Oit ". Six Cc-nfedernte Commiaeiunerg pniaedthrough St. Thomae faoB Uurope, for (Yha. Lf0O_Cnited Stalca BBBBB weie iu the CatMiBI S.m,erabtng. (' p_ f.Jie.igc aaw no privateera oa the

paaaji aal m hoine, aad aaaajoata tbat iiritiab obb*ne!e B c B BBB/ fa BBB to adeet freigh'e iu Aimr-haa battoaa*_aRRiCARGr "-K4IM1I ai. ami BtathtioalBo*

ctiiTV..A regnlar BMttagof t'.iia Bocfaty will bil.eld lUl evei.ity, al Cliutcu Ilull, fer tbe IBBtiiWItion of a new cods of by-luwe whfah vvill neccfi-late an election at the aame time.

AllBBa*M_aa_TRa" in ibi CbotobOxfici.The CroBa AqaodaB lt',ard appet-ted, wbe.i itOOflBBBBOOd buYtnefe ii.uiiy yeara BgD, wbat ia BBlbda ' Ke« et*.-," in tbe ebxpe and perecn of an old ai.dtateeiiiod lilciid, Revo ('. Uunce, ee<|., wbo now iv---laid aay he long oontinue to be.the hlthfal execu.tlvooi ile Rettiatayhraachof that im.imotli !>«>.partBBOta Oorobieel ta ollndtag to thia fa totafJaaihe CratOB Board that .Mr. BoBOOb not the Rufiitrrtthe book m wl.icb a rejs-irtei or record ia k.pt; aa u

pari.'u r--,-i.fr-r, <u h .'.«.', :.a oi leumen, or the cua-

M.Bl of the Crotoa Board). but a R nittrar taaofticer who baa tlie keeping of the regiater, or thepublie taeoido). Ti.in ritxwak. ti'le bas been im-l*r**d long mm$% ma Mr. Haaea, aadaa are noteure an a*tioti would not iieagoinr-t the t'ouimfafaoa*ere for tbe B.BBBB. l'boy aigfal aa weil atyle Mr.I'ruven the Cbiof Iv |ine, < r Mr. TapptB a Commia-Monof tb. B ard. Dl kt it be altervd, for tbe B'.kcof our moibor Lr-gli-n. [Am. Gaa-Light Jour.

MOBl BriROBBI..Thi Surveyor of tbe Portaa-i-rd. yr.trid.T. ihe al ip W**te_ Merritt, Ibr** tMr'y-eeeoada t«I w .;. ta a-e ownen l.j WUIlam Kun* ei.rl AleiaiJ-rMcNell af »w-01e« . alao, .be bria Oeoaral Beileytwo .'xteentl . f wb < h *r» ownr.l bv .' oha I'.ichtm ef 8t.lfarka, I la ai .1 Ihe bri| Wappta. en« .Lteentb cf wbkb laoauri bj O'-orga Ailr' af i B leetoa, S. 0,

[hloaBaanlJA I»r.iTii-f.iow to Si.avi.iiy.. 'I be bondage«1 i .*, tii.l.^r, |be roor .»*aherw.,t..an erriv aa.-rk baa tertn'u.aiel. afiLB'atJ K. miai-eaaaaaaRaaaa ae. a,.lr»i..*.tbe dav ot i-.il lo o, . 01* baal'h',,1 a.er,.!... It ia al.n tb.aioetecon. oileal Boai' in ua Kol.l by ^loceii ere.yi.brie.

[Adrenlaetoent-JTbeBrntvatnitorLira ri wxu aalLtaD

Ti»:r-. *> ill b* m. rh li.b'e'.ed by b.Y'ir .,'*' Iba ri^bt p.r-,: ;; I.i a .'..!. A I"- I ll 1 I*',

Bl - No. .> I bio. r».v vrlil tell.* Uur jiiace i,i l.fe.


Judge* Nbi».,-> and ch.i hi».

TitiAi. oi aoBBoa.A: 1 o'croc1*. t'i. bbob of N'atlianiel (t,,rt!yn, ii.dirted

for piiaey in be'rp; eii'.'ftge.l fa tbe Bluvc-trade o:i tbeabin Erit, waacr.lled on. Mr. Smiih a* p. aud oa ha*la_ of tl.e _ 'V. i- iio'tt, and cx-Ju.Ikc l>ean aud P.J. Joacl.im.i.n fcr the UMBMl ct'tne difRculty wmexierienccd iu piOeBX.OJ a Ju.y, Ba pgfataar. coun-

.*1 c\al!engitg each aitley were .; Ibd. '1 Bj .,-

f-ipal iciiiiiv to tbohniB waowaothwthey raaa v»

rl.iily papera.Thi TbibbbI iu j.arti. :Ur. hv.lud'ne l)ean aakel one of the jurora if be read thefi'ti. le in refeteii". to thie BM "' "r BBB, lobttiieil Intlir Couit, which nprenred iu I Bl '1 IB1 .>

on "he Kriday beforo tbia term rn: BBB Tbrim r hud foiyotteu. Mr. Db n auid it \va» tlie mo-t

autnlooa aitfili on r n ti ealBag f"r ihe ueavhikai ui... "jrf oa lafa Caarta

OaoMtoriild bo waa oonet-tanrikwaly opfiood t^" arwwiMg BB a man." Ho wm ex,-'-,-" i.

Aft«r two boura' laber, a.luiy BJWJ impannekd,¦tedof tbe i llowii.ggenilemen;

Ba_o*IM Iget, Oaorga Moeliar, >.u....l lirnn.er. v\ ¦>

, barry, Ja-e* < .¦¦ 1>.tbri.iUnaon, Alfred W. Bhadbolt, Jr.. W .... Ili,.oi.au,

II -rn ai.n KuieiiAal.ii, Kdwt.,1 Vv ... i.

- nith opoaod tbo carte lor tbe Governmentt»nd ihe Court then adjouine.l.

BOBP1B0 er Piu/a rn.'."' -.

: i-.. iBBtaajeeB-the >cb aaaiClBBihia-aal aaaaa*M ,-i beaa-Oi tba ilifaaBi of tb.

, i*tnB*d. mii*. ...

.'. O.-oV 0 01 Lt l.r UA >L>f_ ^ ^ ;,.'.r_._ i.rj,.luiwiigi'. penahable i.'.on, -w

, jie of It., A..l.tant M :ri.* Attor.'.ey V.o.foi." or

n*m tha applh " *»¦-.. " - l""r*r r01" ',n J.1paaea !i io i.i. iheeareB, thr oteaej to 1^ ralJ uitoCouit tawait t. c..,._ ccun-.i, %-,.*¦ oi tbe

gOTB.BX rOt'RT-G-^KBAr Tbkji.-N..T. 6.-BrfoXJu-tior. (iikii, Itrtai ai.ii bbI A_bx.

liro(NTVi:*iT or BxaaiBBBJ

laetlea.Tlir Wt!II.'s ISfAMli prit'HAsr.JJaaaain _W ottir mfk Tbe Bayer, ha

Tl e rlcfendai.ta i'.iieal Iro-u B jadgmerrl of tbi.¦ J.,ly 14, iMb, reqniiing the;., lo B*vtbaaa_

» '41 '.-i 22 to tl.e J.i..r.l.fl lor a tiad of land aa IV ai J1.,'and. .adaifendautaeial. that uo 1. r.i routiaet »aa eu

laredist. .ralioa, aad tbat tbe jii.'.mifl waa aulrblr lo aivt- n cl.-ar tlur. 'i'l.r c.ar ba* beea la ibe ' ourt. «.»

r.i year*, aad ba* raw .' ''" i '*. ". ii.iiil.'-rw,n ai.d Mo«e_.:iy lor'apueilaat. i Oanel LoldAiulrrrnii ai.d Mo»e_>iy lor apueilaat. i llanel Aavia aod B

;.lcM«;.o:, lor tcapondeata.?--

BtTPa._I CJOBIT.Ba*BBBaa-»Bia; R.BeBa Ju..irflaaaAaaa.ni ctnoaSa

Daafal D. T.CharfaBagi **aH*_a_ly«lah.B»la*eaceaid, Raai-ab.eea.Wm. C. ll.rirrty etal ».t. Stmaai ( Ill.b tbe S.me gi

B. Wti.krr et al. | V- A Hovt el ai. a." B. Mr Keaga. Jacebl'«rl**er aal. Jordau llov/uluu; Joiiu Made rt al. ecl. V% m. r.

Jcnnli^.rtal.Motloi.a (ran.rd..-i_.drraoii.tal. a»'- BaBBB Br. Ilyetruan.. Motlot

drnitd. Beforr l-atbe AiibvWm. Loeaehif'h et nl Bgt Joaeph L. Orvie.-Mo

''a" r_n5ia I- BBL l.r el D. Cordlt; Ha.ard Pa.dr. CornL_i_l T "J Haaaei a Wtem *«». ». C. Boaeoeial¦_ ba,a. . a'l. J K M.rd et .1.: A. f-ith all- t.Bilri'e l_e.''lry.r jr agt. C. 6. M.t.i,, Jo. lToxi. .«.T. W.'dra ilo'lou. giaui.'d.

J. Uj.B at J. Al*c_-ileferenc* to Cbarle. A. Peabody'"Jlanorer Ure I.,.i.ra..re Cnu.pany agt laaao P. Bnow, jr... . .'1,'ioa rrailed for raferrace. ... . ._

I) I' trret al. agt. O. W. Co_)toth et aL-Iletoienoe t<

MiaUc"*ir_r_ l""»xt N. J. S.earuhaat Cornp«.y.-M-tlot

\§Q3LwVllmmmml ^ B. C. Thoru. et BA-B-M.

I'T'"!.*^.00.""''.!. BftC. CongraT^-MoUoB granledfoil*T». Or_Ih BfL 8. ». B- Norton.-Moiion for refereaet

''i". Jo'iejibl agt Cbarle. O.born et al.-Motlon for judgoia-llg-.n,d ^

COIPT CALKMiAB- Tai. Dat.R. PBRBI Col in.(i-MiiAi. Ttiia..Preferred..

Noa. U 24. 7,il, TB. Bi B, '2', 26, Ti. B, 31, 33. _, 1I4, ii, 36.Kumnrrated -Nea. 7, _, 16, 17, IU, 1«, 22, M. U4

¦.ir. Co. in Cikc lit..Part L.BBB B,,, Wei.Uy, a i IB, 14~. 11 'ia, 1141 adJ. d.BoPRRioa C'.-bRT..I'art I..Noa. Mffla BM,

'3S7 1CM, Zo.'.*,. BII, 2171. 1043. 2.W, 1141, 2M. 1447. BBBM. P*.l 11.-No*. lir.u, 14J7, 14.*. 144», I4lu, 141',, 1.,

I, 804, 1421, ir_. M, 1213, 2«U.Pabt L.Noi. 1488.1396,1319,

VI "'¦' I, II 1, ItXU, 1.'"., 1173, 14.7.farf' 11. N *. ' 0110, -213J, 2i40, B., 2o4l,

.. BB.

Tu, - \ Wumak.-Tlie iu'|iieaf on the*JaaaBeehaaaa foondouTue«riiyiiio,i.lnHYYiti.

acui,alfiro.MBaaaaa .ne.t, J....) t ity. aaa.aa-B .'.:* Coronei (.al.eT yoa'eiday * leiuo n. BBf

,,. a. 'l.t tb. **:.,*"! ut her lliiJAt witb a r.i,r wtiilc 1>.'.2.tu bt d i. itl. ber iiiMiiand **.d a yo "i"4 l.'faut, aud .t wa. not 'liao,. r.u .,..,i ni. -..aai.eany e.i.u.t. A verdlct uf ca.tbl.Y

au.cide. **Mie!.boiing tiLdci laiuporary abeiratiou ol lulud,»..»,*.dc aJ. _^___¦_*

B'"»rAL. tiu\. i-l-ixiti- (a Oi Wbbat cloaed fi ra.

a»lr,2',,"H.i buab. kl +1 04. Ckir lowei; aalei 11,000 bo.B.-- t 'l.e In.ldefguie. Pi-bi'.iit. Brrn. !¦..I, Hour, 14,ono buah. Wheat N.OOOli ah

Carit Kxi-uii-ra--li.i.n bbla Ploor, 170,000 buah. Wle-,1V2 i«"0 iiuab. torn, 7.UIJ bual. Bailey.PillLBUKLPBIA, No.. 6.-KI01M dull but uiiilia..g.-d

actlvei Wbite, *I r.. *, 4.'. R..!, 01 tf.ifo 1 X,,( il \ leUvei Yellov/ afloat, «V,. Wmibkt d.ll at llc.

bOhTiJH BANK STATKMKNT.KoaTON, Tueaday, Wor i, 1*>I

fhefolloaluili-eTVeakly Baak Btajero-aat: ^.R,Knnntoa-b .". *..«-231 7.*J>..et-.','..rrt,«.k.. 0.7.0 A(>*0l.oi,,.* aud dl*. -..ut. bb,>/» 7i*lll»*pa.lt..»4 m*6.,!,,;.. 7 0ui.0O0J'.lia'jl*t.* ti.lM.'BXlfuafei tlbillBBli a>o"..'w»l


P.-o:n au (JocaaLiBa! Cor e*j>.._Ji'.t.Ln-..., Ort. I ', IS61,

OathooeaaahM flfthaaUagof Pr.naiu'i vieit at

OoatTptagaa, Tht Ltmitm 'i'.mct pabflBbaiaaaM iaayglwBl ','le- e;- OB th "I t ld* "f ihe

Chaanel. .' >, TtmrmJd .' l..^- r, In it*turn, ah-raatariBai Tht Timtt writaM aa pa * kwhoeo bottda were poi*ontd by g n. funl whooo [*: *

\set'- -tapad 'tito in".I. v ..

[pa a:e onlj iutenr!..! f.i i.i' ad pnblio

¦...riionaJitiiii i- inlb_aie ^*allrT*fi*aitt*<l"gPpV*fMg-Ho-.i** 8'itiar« io tlie Tuileriei. There asiMfl beyoadthe F.eiieh frontieib nogreatei gycopbaat of tho MungfDaaBB-Mr ilaa Tht Ltmitny ZYaM, and ita aer-

\ue ar.; the moie iiiviiluable, ti.e uiote tintt papanow and then ur.uuiea the tone and tl.e :iiiof h OatBBBBBM toward il I CaMBI. 1TU IVbMI had fflt BkOBlblloapad taaalt apaa Prtada. lMBia*/tag lha tuiaetahle MuedomtJdaf'.iBir, h had told Prueaia that En--l.ifi.i aaaM halghd Ibbm BBMaflttaofthaBbeaiabIVaa/tataa from the bar-araai awny of the lioheu-/.ollern to the enlight. i.ed de*po(i*m of a Puntipnrte.lt had not only BSBflpflflBB d the Pru**iun dyaaaty,hal lha Pnaataa paaata. It haiardBaa Beara Baliaa of an Ai.glv-l'rtir.ibii u'.lihut e in ciiwe of a l'ru»-daa BBBB-B wlth PnaBBa U bud Btiainel all it_p-iivcia to oaatf-BN PnaMa that ahe had nothing to

ln; . trvi.ii I'ti, i.uul, BB 1 'bat t'.ie Iiext teat tliii _7 thtaaaM do aaald Le t., i*aatoMBMaaiflffll-Biiaiw ith PtaBOOa fl hen ut Inei tl.e weak und tiiiu:i:ii,gMonnrvh of Prumia MBaHai upon the vieit at Com-BBBABBa Tht Tt'nrt BOflM pioudly exrlairn: "quo-i« »>,,.. %mpan fi..." but c*w- the tfaBalaialM

airited for tl iiioiatiug Jiotn the meiiiory of theBd-bhtha fmiiLat T.'-e Taaaalad boaatla path-findi-r of ii.e Praari-B flaaaara_a Btaaoatha roarofIta tln atrii b1 thundera. BaaM tbe counttr roara oftbe r4***i awartBd Je FMwtfirtM

f_g T.¦nhrld now retoteied ita pOflhtoBflf 'he

iflB-a] fitragcniet nf BoBapBtt-BB, au.l, tl.erefoie,the paWBB ol leudiug ita uid totbe Man of Deteuiher.An occaaion eoon otfered. L'iui» Uonur-arte in, ofcitiite, moat tonchy wlui..M-r the laBOWBOf rivul

I pe!t..!era ta tle Fr, nch ciown i* BOaOOiaoi, Bfl¦ai aaiaaad btaMslf with rhflada ia the atfair of tiie

Dbbbd'Aiimuie'ipaaphtal ega.f.nt PlaaPioa, auJ.lv 1 il pg cee.Hnir*. had IggM BMN ia fnrlhtiance oftheOileaui»t BBBB ihnu ull tbe Otletmiat partiwiuilaoahtooi. Ay. iu, in theae. Utter daya, tl.e French

people were crtlled upon to draw a paral'.el bet-veenPlou Plou and the Otleuii* pk-BMB WlM fl I*l.»n Plona-.-* r' for AaggrlflBi tLcie were c.itiruturc.- cin -nhitt-diu tl.e luulj-.urg St. Aut'.ine repreten'injr him aa B

fut mnn iu to.ireh tt a crowi., but pn.leseiing at the*iuie time tobo a BBBB inofTcnuive Uaialat, whh'a jeciliur uvorni.'u to ihe amell uf pawiaaWl.ilu Plou Plou ia retniuing M Frauce with no more

Jaui. la il'Uti he pdbarai la the t riu.ea and in liuly,tho Piii..-. * '.! ftrKui" BMM the Atlantic t» tukeiwtvi. e iii ti.e rank* d the.Viit.. il i,r-. g

Ign i.t -t h lha BBBB] ait.et camp. lt wi"'.! n't.l..to give v-nt M B '-t BBgar Ihra d M-'ftl

I |.reee of Pari*. The Iiuperialiet (. arB Witi'd thna:-nly l-etrayid, tl..- pitu.pl.l.-t n«: ¦'. rnrwol,atid cdtii.4 e..in| *tu»oii* -iw.-en exiled

- who f:Kit uuii-r 'i.e iapahfleBB baaaMuguioi't tLe laglaiMaaf aoahtag MillgaB B bI bb*ol'ier exiled Pl .me, wuo bud nn-elf gworn in aa an

BJBgltdi *|:eeinl gflflflflBhil to al aie in tbe n

put ing down an Englieb wor'.legnrtr i. ¦ ni. a

Wl ahould extiieate tl e Man gf It.- « i.her ont of¦ thi»di!eniiiiB I Who but Tht Ion.iun Tmn t If

tlie MBM 2 I "¦ Wa -«..''

[laad ttaef Oatobag,lflfli, hai i.na»-d BMlhaJarja.-TiarBflfiaFttmfirt,hyIBtriv'turea on tbe vint at Coiiipie-iu' .f lhat varyeilti.e ( B(. r el.oi.l 1 c u ( i.t on l! e I 10wiih u nie.e !ee*on..lu.igiit tn the Oiieaua iriu'c*,boaBaaaaf ti.eircuiiKtu.c-.i tatboMaha af aha Bav

I thoaBkl Army of t>. I BBBag, B ald I.oii*

Honaphrte not huve ptovcd Li* taie atamat tl e Or-i leuna Pii.iv e* ? Would Tht TCaag li.. - Bd I"

done iiiUi Fraocb, roiamented upon b.. lb< IVrii

, purt-)*, p.nt by the PrtJH dr VoUtt u> ull the y Bk*>iialv 'i ali Ihl iacaj-B* mn, au-i i..i-uhtted t',,1 «g|actit tLe whole oi Fiunoe, nt the iin; at: ;.l flflBteBM

| t'_**«d by Tle l*)nion JVfl ., u,e j*re..i,.. 1Z' .".'.' L..ui* P.iiiiiiju.ite, upontln.- la.t poaaaaiBBga af thaijOriaaBwPiliiiMl il,"^«T",,,,l>' lh'r

duy bat; BOBM out with fl BB I ": B '

.,n -MM piinei*.l/.uij BoaaparM i*. of bobbm, Bm flaaai d ahad

BflBBflMB taflhan Ub taildal bltadneM in lagard lo"

the A-.tric-n war of tle BBa-ial pabttl o.i-.iyn-tii ..''.:..!«. Ho know* lh,.: the tr.ie i».o|.|.-o! I hukd

' of 1'n.ure, of (ierii.tiiiy, M E-l ;>'', con* der tbe.' eause cf tbe I'mted Stuua arf tbeir own cuii**, h« the

jcjnee ¦.! !,.,e:tv, h. Baafl paii Mpl.irtiy,they couei.lcr tbe H>il nf ihe t'niied StahB n» lld Baaeoil of the larnlleiin ailliaBB of WtKOft, al tbair l»ud

f df rroriii.o. now to be iafcadB-Baaad m hatd, fr.ni' tho aoii.'id giar-p of tbe .Ltveholdtr. i-ouia Nup'.-

leon knowa, uioreovtr, lhat iu PBBBM the imieee

toniiect tLe light for the maiDterance of Ihe Unionwith the fight of their lorelathirB for tb* foundutionof Auian.au independi uce, aad thut wlth th. m *vt ry

i-rcu. iiiuii drawtaf bieewoni for tlie MbBb-BbI Oov-ernmenl Hppearb only to t-Attute _M boajflBfll of Lu-

'fajellt'. li,ii..!...!'e, ti.er. toie, know thut if any-ll,ing be utlo t<. witi tbe Orlt-ana MflBBfl good

tgf-dOBfl from tLe FreniL i*.pl*, il will be theirenliatuieut iu the BBBflB of the nuLonul army of tbeL'uited 8ute«. He abaddera ut ilna vory uoliou, uudaeaaeoaa.tly Tht IdadM Tum*, biareneoriou* fljaa*phuiit, laOa l*-duy the Oilcana priacea that "theywill drrive no iiH-rcuse of j^pulurity with thuKuiich BBtMB fiom atooping to *erve on thia i>o*>b'.c firldvf action." Lcuia nupol-on know* that ullihe war* wugel in Kuroi»* between bottile nntion*eince Lia ttttf d ttat, bave been mock wam, ground-leea, wantou, aud carried on ou lalae pittene**. TheIiiii-iaii wur, and tha Itolmn war, not to ppeak of

thepiratirul expedition* ugu'iiet Chini, Cot hiu-China,and ao fotth, never enlieted tLe *yiu|)utliie* of theFrench people, inatiuctively awute liiut both ware

wereaarried ou only with the view to atrengtheningthe i liitina fotged by the oup dttat. The lirat grandwar af cot«;_ipoi__t'Oui hiiloryia the Auierlcau war.

The people of Kurope know that the RBB-BBBelaveocruey commenred that war with tbe igflflBB*atiou that the ooniinuunce of *l_\cocrttcy wu* no

louger c»ui|Atible with Ihe coiituiuitnct- of tbe L'nion.

Couaequeutly, the people of Europe ktiow that a

tigLt for the rontinuame of the Union il a fightuguiiiMthe lOiitiuuauce of tha alaveociacy.lhat iutbia contt»t the bigheat forui of popular aelf-gv-vetu-iiieiit till now aa_flaoitagaTta| l.bltle tothe ni-ttne«t

and moat ahamileaa formof mau'a enslavmg reeordedin tbe uuuula oi hktory.Ixmie Ronnpurte feela, of eou-ae, BBtBtaatly a'>rry

tbat the Orleana Pr.ncea diould emhutk in jtmt aucha war, eo iiiatingui*he4l, by thu v_atue*a ol ita dimen-tion* uud the giandi ur of ita enda, fiotn the ground-ieaa, wanton und diminntive wara Kurope haa paaeedthrough lince 18-1'J. Coneequently, The LtmitmTnm:t iniiat tie.-le decrure' " To overlook the differ-euce between a wa* wagod hy h.Mtile nation*. andthig ni'.*t gronndleaa and wanton civil eontlut ol

wbieb hmtory give* ti* any acco'inf, ia B BBSOiM d..il'.iline. ijon ..-1 |,iii>lu: Uioritl*."

Tht Tttm BB, of courae, Ijoun J to win 1 up ita ->n-

»laught on th* Orlouna Pt-BBM bo.atia* of their" atooping to aervo on BBBbBB iKtioble liold of ac-

-oti." Wiih a d«*]> bow bef.re '.ho vicl jr if BBtrB--Mpd BBd H iltriiio, " It ih -Jiitvuv.," aitya T%t Lon-I." /»**«*. j> ulin.1 ifj,;» t MMpMBBM hatapBaa

aacli ociiouB na Spr:nt;lielii and Maitaaaaa, aadthe fxpb.ita nf Seva*topol and 8olferino." Thobexl nnil wiii t siify lo tbo preme'lilute.1 use

Baaa of Lflfa Lflaaara urticle by tho laaaa_.~.i ii A friend in tia.eaef oeed il | lUlMB.HyBOftha the BU d fr ieridr, fa limeeof pro«p. iBj BB

all. ,-i' Ti t.'j.vhn Timutt iajiiatnow verybadli < If.

wmw fflMoB, backerl by tt dtartb of fp-ain:a ranan bl nfah -.'titicl wi;b ia ijafaaBaial

a. Ht.,1 |.,.'li..f tlein cuiibined wi'h h rtiJue-i.. p ef C'-.e, ii, revonuee ond u monetary enibarraa*rBBB io'ii].olliiir: l! tf Baal "f afMBM towiew ilar.-it.) of di-. bbI la_x f ..'.-nt, loBaaortatatrBBBQatioi.i wt'.i Bulhaa.dl an.l liuriiijr fr ¦ loan oftwo milliomt aterlir.g on tbe London m.iikct, to pawnabioad French OatBBBlent ato. k, fuid with ull ibatBlhoW bul a reac-va ti 1.,i)0(i,ih)0 H^niudt llUH*t:es amotintitig to more tban .H,0"0,<'03. Sueh a,

-Into of eeonomic. afl'aiiB preparea juat the BBB.MBrrfaal p.etenderalo atnke double. Abeady tberebave be-n Itrrud-riotB in tbe Faabourg St. An'oiue.aud tbi* of alI tiiuea ia tberefore tbe BBB iniippro-prittte time for ullowing Orleaim Prmcea to cateh

poaabBBJa Heu.-e tbe tierce forward rueh of TheLohdnn Ttwe*.



To b" hrU «'. I.oi don in IBRThe laderaigned. baving be.n nppointtd by the

ProMdoatof the United BuBa* uuder tbeautborityi.f ('..ngroc*. OeaBBBBBBBB to reprcaent the inter-tatiof an.'h Ameikiinciii.ena aa may deaire tc be-.'ou'e ixhlbitori at the Extibitioa of tbe Induatry ofall Nati'.ta, to 1* Leld in Lomlon, W2, iuvite tbe

coo,eniiiou of tbeir fa.BBx iti-uua iu carrying out

the objecteof tbeir iippi.intiiit-.it.Tbi aiti.lea exliibited -will bc dividcd into the fot-

low ing claeaee:.MTIOK la

iMInlnt. Q.ai'Tlng MrU'lurgv and Mlnnal Pmdiicte.t tir,i.i, .1 Babataa -xt ai.d l'i .-dccH, ai.d fa..BBaBB ,1

Pnie'.ea.1. ¦aheeaaeaa i.aedTor Ko.,d, includh-y v» in*..4 Aniiiial ai-d PoBetabla Babatai 0** uaed lo M.tifacturea.

IBC1 OB .1.8 Ral'ray Pl.ni, luciuding heBOaBBR Ei:»*l»e*, and

C«tr.».*e...hii,.-. i i ni.ectrd wilh R«ll or Tr.n. __B.I

7. Ma: Bfe. Bl.| M d '.n ai.U '1 oola.K. M*rl....*ry ln (ri.eral.P ApkiiltoralaadIIortleoltai_Ma«hiae.andIni|1i.li.iI Rag.aar.a 1 labBaidaaal aud Buiuli..g CeaBt-

Y.l.r**.ILMili'sry Enrtneerli.g, Aru.ot and Accouterment., Ord-

BBBB '.'-d rj_.*:l Aiiu*.11. N.ral Anlilteeluie Bbip'a Ta. I'.I13, i bUoeephicel ln.tr,i,..ert. ai.d Procer«>. dep, ndlng oj-

oa iheir lae11 l'i.. t agtBBht* Apr-aretii.BBd Pbotogit; Uy.]j. Uaralafleal laaraBietital.. bfaeleal laatiBBiaelB,17. b'uig.cal .aUun.rnta and Ap| lianc**.

BB47TIOB IU.18. ( otton.19 1 lal and Ileiup.N '. » ti Val.i '¦

IL U.o.maud UofieJ. Inch.dlng Mited lab-icgruera ly.H < a|»'.i.

\s,,.. | '.l.rdLaM Pabtic., v»han .hown a.. I aBBBMBM ul i'.i.,il. | or Jiyalng.

»4 Tarea*iY. La e aod R-iMaUery.. . . I Paatbera aa A llai.iii 1^....' b.Idlery aad H17. Ar'i.ir. of I ih.i...TB. I'a"...**.»' 'n.iy, Vlli 'Ing and rtooabindlsg.IB tr Uo a ,. iimii, 1|. a -a.

... aadl'pl ...i. .),.... ...il.,g I'aj.i Haiigti-.' anJPtii.r .¦ .

II Iraa aad laaaeral ffardarar*.2 0.al .dloi'iy. ,.__.___ . ,

3, w, l:»i_i a-t ^e.: l.nil')B*, aug J. w-

34 01 ¦'¦..-rr.

3B. Miau i'l ,:.i **l Ifli ioded lo pr*rleo. alaa .*

*. ii ^ ir,.Ir-BBR aui*.tt- AjBb falu.Ua* i" 'II al d W'aler t .ot,. ar.d PraxlngA.

. ll'* M..1 B| .'.J Ii.'.j ».

4. I I. 'la/a a'd I . r'.a^lrg..l , .1 lledab, ~il l e girea in

. ud ii. bm i.one in Boo.sa a.|Vr>« 11 * ol eontribntiuif mu#t havo tbeir

utkboentcrtd wBhoM tbtay. aadaeaBPtod, ua allVQio e, _ . t

i.t 'nt Ne\v-\..rk bv tl e t ¦>

alsauary, lt-BI. A hriaf doaerlptfafl f tho ottblatha «j .¦». they m ill 11> e exl Ibltt .! in Bet tioua I,

-', Ul.'i il ll.nrt I l\* eel. / rt.al.. B. f 1830.Aiti. I. a i.r.. ded oxl ibHioo ii Bi "b irt. ira .-!.¦: br I't C'*m u.irBion*r*lo k S| h_1

.: ib.ii oara number, oonobiiag oi 'l.eIi. 1 uwar I V.^t.e'i ef BuBoBi Bvhert B. bia*IB *m.',i KeW'York,ond bii Wbitaoy aaq.,ofv.-". -l'uieu, io wi "m artbu wiii ad <a uaLtoobpU-'i.llCKli'I.-.

Ap| Ii" .tion* for adniia*ionof artie'ja f.r ex1 il ior.u.uel »!'.;». ib>- rnii, I unU .'.., amdsrW_ch BBeh ur-Itlobawsa Ieaaa. aad Ihaaaaee or oxaa im Bajaoxalfeot)re.|ul. plaeincror baaxiBgtbeaa.taa

J , , bl I... i ,.*rv ra'd re. pttofl f UN( .nuiu ol ll e Kxei B>

ilve t'emmittee et V abington or t» eithor of tba. i or A, tl a ,1 bi low, who will

forward tbi nereaiary papm lo bo axocBod by theappUrant. Plrtlcalarittetttion ll tlllod lotbg ro*

f Ler iliijirty'i Ctxn iaalo-erB. Ti.el'i;.,aingb tho roquiron.Bl iu reLtiou toeutiiediroui toitign.ouuti,

..... ..,., rr. «lll coirmi r.kato onlyi... ., v.ui.1, tb* Oi ve, ..ij

ry n iy rppolnl nd t.n o.iuit ariU N udmnud. i'li^.l IMe mnctmn of iuh Cow


Ho mii le, tberefore, from (bia oounti-y will be ad-inrtted by ber _i..j«.tv * t'ouwii-ioiicra tothe _xhi-bition I.BB Ihaj 'ball be npprovtd orauiboii..1 byihie COaabafaB, a*a wBl a.,y Agaui. Bepceoaataelive, or t'ouuuirMoi.er. oiber i1 un BBB aa may be

oppoiuttd or ae reUiiAd by tbia t'ommieeijn, beracognised by theas. ._._.

Ii ir e..|*. t-tl ll at a veaeel will be f::nii.,hi_ bytbo Qaran.BBl for conveying to l.oi.d ,n aud re-

turn, Ir," of ehargoe, thi BttBB ett'-r .1 uud ip*provtd for tbe Kxi tbi.a,Tbe importbiii u of »ur country being fafly repie-

lectedot thb _ahihitbab aeat m-niieat. a_eetbo l-.-vhibiiion ol 1 £*al tbe ia| "». BBBBO i.i lbi.4

c.ui.tryiu iaplaaoBa, aaB_aay,and lu-i.iufiu-ture*have, ll il Lelitiv.id, haa BBI oBOBl B d ll ih a dutywe owe to onreelvea, ua well ub to tbe .o.u.tiica alho01d.WBld.tlBt tbom hapoaooaaafa aVoald boexbibite.1 lor ibo boi.elil ol .11. \U l"'-l tbai iutbia reapect wo tball not bo gfaappotated.The anderaigiied i ,:.ke tht Ir appeal to their fauoa

BBaaaa iu iuil ooaideaeo t a, oar oaotry will i ..

properly repreaenttd in tbi- BTOOJ K\bi..,.i..;,.AaiYoonue tbeentire BgOMtioai adooted blf be:

Mujeaty'B (iiu.uur.ioiiera are n-. ifld Ihoj Bill M

i.iil.lial.nii au.t furoiabad to all wbo may ib Bra tbem.'WM II. St.WAMi, JAMM » r.Alllll!I...K.CALRB H. H.Mi'itl *' I.av.M'N < (JLKMAN,iiiWAiu. Kvim.rr. B. __['HNfON,ROllT. II. MIN'i'l'RN. B. WAI.LA1 II.Vrl'll IIKNltV. \S IV. M.MOV.


BBaMBjBa Oct. u. isoi-Nuiiieaol t.'omuiUMoiiora and Au-ent* wbo mny be

hddie«e«d by jaeraoua deeiriug to t_I il it:CommutwHtia.' "» BBB Kibbatt, Ho.tou.

Eu W I'n yxi, rMi., N.*llii«ii, (cun.R B. BlBTI a.v, .'<..« \ .ik.h. P. Joaa.oa. All.aiy. N. Y.J. II KdrrAKT, t'n.'.iuliu*, Obio.J. 11 pABik i.(.B Baltimore.II. DawbobCoLaaua, 1'mu.ylYBnia.

iomtA.J. W. Uert, MaaUoi.. WI.Day.i, p.Tia, Bleoa |te.. III.J. \V. 11. a.*."!,. La.loga. IadJ.a. U. -1..K, St l'aul, Mi.,Mag',.It. l.oaa. lowa.I.bi.amu f rA.Yi.iKi', P in Pran.lar i, Cal.Jaciih Al. II»w uii>, f'elrolt. Sln b.

E.oeativa Coamittao, ofli.« fa the uopartBaB olthe initiioi, Wu-!iiu|{toii (No. 10 rateuiOflicoBuild-lag)i

B. P. I..M*J.iix.t'h*lrn,an. Rrof. Jo.Bru IIkniit.J. K. 1'ai imi.aB, Sei.vtaiy. W. W. 6*aio>.

J. i O. Rb.ybbit.


DrtTH Or THE I.4"T ReViiL'TION AttV |*BBIIORRI M Niiw-llAMi'MiiiiB..VYo leani fnun ;t cor-

leapoiideiit ibat Lieut. Joil Mi (Jregorydiedin Nnw-port, N. H., Oaaaaartl, Hge<i oaa haadrad ycum,ofatia tiK'U'hii aad i.in** ib.ya. Lieut. McOre.orywaa b"ni in I.i.fleld, Cenn.", _M NonaMB, lTHiil. volunteeied in tbr. army of Ihe BevOt-tiflS. waa

IB.Im prironer und tK-i.lined iu ihe " Old HngarII.., e, Kew-Torh, ior eigbt iii.intba. Hi* farewha banly atitflcient to auatain life, ihougl. Ihrtaguuin.al* werv abundunt on and BBOai bfaa. He baa.i.-.-ed good heulth iii hia laat yeara, thou^b hie...uiil ha-beeu lou.ewl'iil iuipain.1. lu oliicu timehework.iiiil BOJl laabag. oy buud, und i.ua madetaeki ao *n all he could pui one thou-unid of tbem inmi eggahcll. For many yeara be hua received a

penuon, wl.ich, witb w hat be laid l.y iu kfa youi.-eri-.n, t.aa made bia deotfaaBfl yeara peaceiul aiul

li.ip;.v. it ia euppeael lhat heiatbo laat ku.viviiiuKovolutinnary Bltuer ia Now-Ho.pahlro. Allii ,,i i, i > bfa aa' » y, aud p_u>o aj bi aai.aa,


.Oar tWHrvp-Hidcint at Psri* writee ue that Panl

Duggan, a well-known artiat of thn, city, and Pro-

feaaor of Drawing in the Free Atvideniy, died thereoa the l'.th ult. He waa watrhed in bi* laet thiy* hytbe btadry etfentiong of old frienda eapeeially byCta-M h flfld May. A!l thut could be iflBB wai <l"iiebl them and newly-enlialed eordial fiienda. OldtVieiid*. and all who ever knew him loved him ae a

-.. '. und will he g!ad to know thut, with theiHielp,aailBT-rtaaaf hi.*l-ean!if'il uioralnature and the

dagd-l claracter of Lia diwaee (a eomewhat pecu-!iur ioriu of puluionni v conetiir.pfion), be went downchevifiilly and with little aufl'eiing to bi* longainrecHlmly aotieipatod iaath.

fll- flBBjlMln. rB.. BBB been engagcd to de-liver three lectureo, on Fridny evcnings, at Provi-¦!eii- -. R. L, eoinniencing tba BBbI wiih hi* new

proee lectnre entitlad " Uiight Sidee of the Warwhich will be followed by u poothal one called" Truo Independeuce; or Tho Spirit of TaH-OODoodle," nnd, laat, a new pioa-) 1-cture entitled" Part aai Pktiea-". The Sulurday Review eaya that in tlie great art

of B-ytag BOthiag Lord Palmt-raton ia, indeed, unap-proachahle. JNcither layman nor clerk can even

rliatantly iniitate that BBBfllMM compound ol a ttut,claptrap, und blaruoy, which the Prime Miniater BBB

I>our fortli in auy ipiimtitiee at a mumeut'i notice.


Coneipendeive of Tlia N. T. TrlbonaHo-BOVIA, Libbbia, W. C. A.. S-pt. tf,, 1861.

Hnving juat arrived iu thia city, aud tinding thatti.e hurk Kdwnril will leave iu a few -BBBB for yotuport, I aend you a few more fact* relativo to the ut-

taek made upon flfl Ly the Spaniarda.Tho Ppauiah gnn-boat that made the nttack, men-

lioncl i'i my hut, waa aiippoatjdto be tbo "Cerea.'Mr. A. Waahington, one of onr citizena now in

Siena Leoue, aritafl that a Spnniah man of-war putinto tbat port lor rcpt-ira, being ba-Uy dumagedHe *aya the Spat.iarila preaerved the greuteuth-< Ifl v, a* regarls tho ntunncr iu which ihe injurywaa reeeived. I a!--«> learn, frcra htura reeeived

(Sflpf Palcma, that BB Knglieb vr-Htel tt thai

ptaoofaportahavtagflMl a Bpaaaa aaa tttwtK on

her w.iy to Bk tra UMM !".' r.-t uirs, ard upon BM-

ing tle lanae of tbeir mjn-iee, ihe Bpont_dl Mdlhayhaihaaa hailtd iu lha mM by tle Engbafa¦an-of-wai Torah. m.d bM gtv-bf uny BJiBwar, theytrgrg :..-, ,1 into aud budlj iujured hy tl.e Tbrch. BO11 MMM tha* the Spaoiardl M ti.e w..rr« ol tbebat-tle, iu thtir ergagement wiih l.iheiiu'a raw u.-ti.loryBBBB. . . ,..

An EBgBah veeael ut Cupe. Pal_uu>, from BM-BBflOPB, rapotta that the reaa-.-n why tho Spaniah gun-Loat waa aai ap to rlnk the (Jju.il, w«» baeaaaa bohud Uen iutoru.ed tliat tho ve-ael we had cru tur.-dotOaU-Baawaa a Bpaakh atoreal.ip, .md ti.at tha

,¦.. bad ploadorod l.er of all her atoit«l l

BOppoM tLe ahtver* told bim that tule, ll.at theyBUght ba raveogad for the lor* of thin v.-ael by ihecu| ture of th* Qiiail, for it t-eetii!- th, ir Intentiou wa*to .nrry tht Qaatl oti, und uot to tink l.er, ua IflflflBdiu uij laat.


Q-gaWOflUU AM> WATtlt-WollKS IM 1 II » BlThe Amerieati QmLifU Jo.rn.tl, the

offlcial gazette for raatten pertainingto theae Btati*-.iv * rive*, in tbe IS'ov. 1 iit.mb.-r, the fullowirg inter-

.Mtag iataflfliOi.-U.Kf II TB« Hbbbi. Sr*T*«.-fn tniwer .> re

p»a-»d lii.l¦ nri *l to ib* I¦. uiber ..t .-.I woikt in t_e t«Br-. lataajWepii a*tIb* i.... wiug laat;

f.ultil.i I Carttal..* > ii- !. \'a-B>J-iI,!T75

3. Augu.ta tla. " * ..'.< T. T (J.... l(f»l.- i..7- 00 34. Saa Aatoalo, Tax. 7f. 'a<l

* i,» ut N ... U.aalM. .«.T_u..h, Oa. MM!¦ I ia:ki»l.l-. i'eni... iial.'ijO ;». >*:.iia, A.a. B

'",... 4I.L.I i

.-.,.. ItaoBltt, Vbkiburg. Mlia... B

..... -ii 40. Wa.btflg i. M..

.. ..,.,' N 11,000 4.-. Wl !i m .i .-.- '. a. MU. HonUTtlle.. Ala.... 7. r. t& WOatngtoa, N C.1.1. Jitn..ii Mlaa. MilM M, \SUcbaal*f. Va...

>. ri*., i."f- - ''

-, tTJit-) Total." '. t ;,r

1:- L'-er,l.ir«'v* ... TixaaJ, _Be_PTTtrtATT«!'.-. Siaoon 0,:...... 1».m\ tta,*. O..WB-,ifell r.i.e... 90O.-5 1. AI.....B....4...

,. ia) *. A-k.ti .......... ».W«II »lol..e, Ai..IW,oMl A riena.'.¦.. ,'

-t muj, AU. 100.000 4 (leor.i*.l'".7*l^-iu* ibbi.' ro ' fv..!----»-- |--'i-,. M

2.. Nau-liei. M.... W,«» A MlM_arpgt _*... 2I9,0eo'?-. S«v»:.i.. '. 92,000 7. N l';,r. .'.'.*..*.... ni..or».

...- .-,,*, I...! .'Uii.OOOl H. S Carolina..'*....:l \.. PO ¦-...' 9 i'eunea««>e...4....

'..,...-<. t i... IM. -"; ''" Ti 'ai.,....). l4.mi.tt- S4i.il.- U. ti.glola*.. .9.... 848,475

,,,l Va... IB'.oao .-

tAt%,S.C. '''.''. ty' Tottl.M«BMM,BB|(» u'i al e d O-k-tlgBI C,v,., I"*. Fobli.h*d Jot-16.

i, it Rpp.-ata lhat the ».-'-work* au.j.l....t*i.ita!..».

oa*-vrv.k» uiKebelButc*..«.CagltaL.L*avligtt. *oik. Ie :uj»1 State. .937... CasBaL.Btf.twl IM

II Wotkttm Ou Ktbtt .S'fj'ri.Tb. lullowing llit Uwite; wu:ka wili-iii tb-lii.i.t. of i.^ejed frtaie* will uitere.taon.e u! o j." te.vlt ra iu cuin.e. lon v. Ub tb* aboy*.1 PayeteyllU N.C.. g'J.i JOO'Petai.buri;, V».*'.'5 "¦"

.' m hbuit, Va.... 60,1 (*> Ric'j.noiid, Va. iSi.i7..I. IfobUa, AJa. 9C4),tae BaTaaaah, Oa.4 Na-vil.a. ler.n ... M».»*>IWiBO-evttaT, Va. b»,'H*.I. M*« (,.leana,La..l,4lO,lX.u| ..

Tviial.aJ,5-4',-BBCAItTVI ITIBB.

I. Alabania. \ '.>¦ '"uue.w*. 1l. Orrg,*. Il* ^'-t'ui»"._3. Louitlioa. J4. .Nortb ('.-clln*. U Tnlal.'Oartablaaof watar-worka, pabUabtd Ju l, 1MI pateiOfi.

yoi II .boare.d ibat th^ie wer* M AuMuicau aalerwoilrrL,l ei«U. alth . oapUaJ o:...:.. . aM.»H07901 *hfchBaraMItaBibilIBIflkwthaaaBa*tt J.a^'u.D

I lrailn*Wwal*r«oik. Iu loya! r*tat. a-ca;ital. ,BM M4.I M'»..i|..e.ViT,-:livil-,'!'-"l'.'l' - ¦ -tri-worki are ti^t

rnti.aly abatia-d bj tli* :ei ea.ion u.u**iuei.l. and ». lalaft,..,."¦ .Ittba ga*aadwataraapil)

... !i.U f., (h- Nortb *t l.att Maiii '- *i oll-lrve lubing. ai.d all otb«i -Mflili* «f**AM a ,:.. iJedly Irn-

1 ioy*.J d- ni»i J. B l.lch » ill coutwue *,.d lucre.i.* benc-iurh.* B_g * >«'.!" P»rt >'i V irgiul* ouly ¦. rel «l!i.u., tbe w**t*n.

pa/t r- "--ii * l"J»! «o th,, LL,oa-

PAIll'ON afl 1!l_ "PAKKIIIf.I. M..1U1H-.

psarialMB lahaaaof BfhBMBhaopialaiy|_fl ,i'\, BkUd by iliiiti ajplie itiou from MBlBBB]

Marray, u jarioa h .* aaaa ahtaiaai Bbm tho Preri-g| .; tl..- l i il. vl t^iutea fer Samuel Collinc, I^wia

¦Ma nnd John Dui.leiivy, the MBMBI BBBIv. i.i ..I ni, i BaaBaaaai for the mbpbm af t'apt.C.eorge W. Pyke of the al,ip "(k-ueral Purkhill,who 'argaiitaaflBt BaMiawadaita B-Boltyoalba'.".'lh iiibt. The pardon wa*> reud to them in the BBflflin tle Toaalfl ye*itrday u...(iiing by the UuitedItatM Muiahal, und ruuacd them to mauil'eat greatj. y und gratitude. Duriug the reading of the pre-.unhle a deHibly pallor overupread thu couuteuante*

ofiho time tuui, bat when the elause " havo iou.-

uuited and by lbct<o preaeut*" etc., waa rtachevi,their cmolion* of gratitude were very atrongly de-picted in theii fe.ee*. ln purananee of the terma oftl.e pardou they will be retnoved to Siug Sing with-outdeluy. Tht followiug i* tlwtext ol tba ollieiulil. MBBBBBlAbuauab Lincols, -Te.ldobl of tlia lulted Btata* cf

> «.

,., i.-I.,** nll th't* pritnlt tkall come, yrtttrta ;

.., it appeara tbat at a teio. uf tltal'ircult t'.Hi.t aftb* Uul-.rd Htati. of Auiei.ca for th« Soutbeni Malrlit olNew-V" k, a IbaBosoad ClrruII Logun aud i.eid at tbe ( it)en New Vura, nitluu aud fur tb* Wutriot aud Circult ai'or.i.aid, ou tlie Brat Alorduj iu Ai>ril. in tb* year of our tarl,..ne thoi.aaud aigl.t buodred and ilxt> oa*. rfaruuel Colllni,L«wi. Keolh-ritoo*. and Jobn llunleavy, leaiiu-u )f tha cre v

oftla Ain.-.l ..ii »ln|. '* OoBBftl l'aikblil." wero iudicta.lai.ileootlet*»lf.i. theuiurder of Ueorg* V\ I'vko, th*laptaiu ol

ibe tald ilup. Bad on tbe 3dday oi Juoe A. I)., 1*>1, »«re bv iba.aid l ..ult >ru'.-i.i ed to ba bauged *B Kilvlaj, tba Wl Jj.)' ol

Julv lu tlic «atue year.Au.l v. bi reaa tba (im* flied by tlia aald Oonrt for the cx«-

sutioii of tb* aald .ti.teuoe va. by u.y v.tnaut .lalad (b.- l.di

day of July, A D., Ii«.l, poitponad tili 1 nday, Ib* BBfe dty ol.Ngyrmber ln tli* t*i»* y**r.And wbereaa, aa txamiiialion of lh* ta-tioiury tUan al in*

tiial nf tb* .aid S.uinel (Jollio*. Laaaia KeajliecMuo. aud Jobn

Dunl.-uvy, abwaat it tobt ya.ua aud ooniradiulory.And v.herea.. ala.gr uuiuber of hli-ily r*ap*cl*ola cl'liena

h.y* eariwatly bMCBgbt ...e to .xtendllie *-1""u';T'"._',";,.'f't., thn *aid rSaui.ial Cfclliu., L«wl. P**lh*r.t<n .ot Johi.

l),..,buvy, .ou t0u.il^.l«lh*M.ye.UT0( lii* wntuue* ia.-

^r*M- b* B toowa ttat J, Abttaff. UyB,P,*.i..,.,l ol ll.e I'.iittd iiiflaaof AluerieB.il. OolAldeialioii *f. ' '

..i.~i.il._f *.~d aud luBiclaul i**»*u. me

S^1?r___Srfflfe£sS'~fmtCb£." -« »5* "d ." "* ..'.

I" n_li^f7 __?__ _?"*"" *»**»» raraB !. them tbe-,, nalty of deaih. oo co.dltlon thal they aod aaeb of thea 4mn_ "Te" *" la.orl.onrnrnt at haril Ubor In th. Utale Prtaon of*l* or New-Yi

ber, A. D. lHh't, and of the InJejend. n,:e ol tbo ('i.ited Stalaati.eel-bty.iitb. <SI-_'di AlltAHAM I.INCOLN.Uy the i'leiui'V l*lg_ed| P. W. Sbwaku.AMlatnut -ecretary ol htata.

Smiib'a BbaTl Bje View of St. Loni,*. Cairo,t_iBinhfa and tbe ctaintVy adjacent, embracing por*tionsof the 8tatoe of MierA-uri, Arkuneae, Kentueky,TaBOBOOi and Illinoia.m a colored cl_rt oi 24 incbeeby 3!I, giving tle u"rt invporlant poin'a of lan.l andwater iu tbe Weatern aeatoffvitr. It ieavuluaJjleadjunet lo pnpular and arieB'.e readinif* of tlie eub-ject. PaMfahai by J. C- _ Rae binith, No. 1*1Niie.au at reel.

illOYt.eats at tlrraa BBB.BTO DEPART.

8famin-.pt. ItBBB For. JlaMtAr.lra.New-York.T.iYerpool .Nov. IArae">.New-York.Barr*.Not. IC.ily of Baitituoie....N< w York.I.ivrpool..Nov. I(ilaaitow.New-York.Llverpcol.Nov. I.'.,,-._.New-York.N»«auandBar.Nor. IIClty ol Now-Tet-_Ne*. York.Liverpoot.No». IIEdbiuorgb.Nevi York.Liri-rpool.Sov. B

TO ARRIVT.firea' Eartern.l.iYrrponl.New-York.tVrjt Brd.ubiiriih.I.lvrrpoel.New-York.Oct.MCif of Wa*_)nirtoB..Ltverti-ol.New-York.Nuv. 1

BfXUTl'BB AlXABAl'.,in-Ri*ea....6:.*|b>ti.4:M | Mooa-Seta.. »:M

iiii.h -*tbk tbi. nxr.

.ndy Hook..11:14 IOoy. i.land...U 04 Ue'.I Oata. I.B


ClMBB.>fibip*.BbbbB.B, Robln.on, Londoa, T. Danbeaa; Bunna-

.'r.i, BecBwitb, Rotterdain, Wm. Malem A Co.; bla-k Hawa.Doaue, .-au Piai.elaeo, 8uttoo k Co.: Zenobia, Peter., Oei.oa,J l). Baker k Co. \ Eaatern Qaeeu, Uolbrook, Havre, Metcahrk Duncau.Biika.fl. W. Hoiton, MaafBt. Caemartheu. YVal.h, (arearChaBBI Jobn Kafe, Luther. U-eenatown for org.r., Tbo..a

Donhatn D. .lo, floeanian. ilavana, J E. Waid k I'oBii.-..S... Foarn, I'.oneham. Porto Plata. Mai'lAnd Phelp* h

t',> Bavplaeh (ilr. i. Da.ar, St Me.-_ and l.aftl,»r*_a.C_-ar A I'auli; C. B. AUrn. Raa, Marariile*, Moore k He. ry jPrir,C**aRnv»l(Br.), Newbold, liermuda, Siuith, Jonea k Co. ,

I idv Ci,apri;-o (Bt I, Balii J, Jarntll, Kuuuardtk Co. ral-'.r.l, HimrecB, Cadl~. inaiter.

Dilw nara flnaan Caan-rn Pagr, Rlrer Gainbla. w. C. *_| ,i H ir.. k Co. Sar.ii, York. Portland. Wiu. lugall.i LoaiRoue(rJr.», Kellrr. Na..au, Joh., R. B». on; Argo 'lo^ker.

U.a Kaekett;M*rir_etPowe'i.Penton Hartferd,M bii.raACo.; Otier Each. La..*. i'urUand. 0. L.-...<_,Pilof. ifridr, I oker, Boaton. S. W. LewiiA Co.%. P'rmoatBRaek, B.rii, lloaton. J. C. Uayt.n A Co.; Ileleu M.r. N.,,ker-aoa .St.Jobn'., N. F. b r.S_.ll, Einm* 1-*.-:* vledmora,Na»a.u. N. P., J. II Woodhooae, A. B. 'ierry, Kldridge, Ha»

"Sloer.j!V. 8OT.ent, Nortm.. Brl.leepert. H. B, Rarkett,Hte.sara.Raritaa, 8io»er, rbila.ia.|phia, Loperfc Kukprt-

UbL Cailr,, PhilaJelobia.?

Arrived.Sbip Llliertr, Poat, London S.pt. M, Ib baliMt to J. IJ

Bnltfa a Co. Oct. 10, l*r- 44, lon. _, apoka brix A.i.« KiankeUa Kr., of Yarmoutb, N. 8.1. from Cieufueto. ior Kaln.outh.Bag Wdayaaal io.>hed herwBbprevlal r.; rrb, iat- 4J

I .", pa.ied abip A'Hia U*o|.er. hruc* for 1-uropa.fjb.p Tallan an, Thome.. LondouOcl. i, ln ballaat toCnc_tx

A U ilr.0, Oet 1 :. iat. -b 40,'ioo. Ii J0, |_**eAi th* Bbip KloraMeOaaald (af B.l'lmore), bourd W.. Hfth, ob th. <)ra_lBal k. .p.«e fi.i.iog ariir. Alaiblehi.d (of Marbl'jUead), 0w,.-i.;badtahaa4.0BBB ,

Bhip Y alcntU (ol Batb), Au.tin, Briitol Oct. 4 ria St JoIlB-N b., i'l.t, ml.a .d*l toioaater. O, t. j, lcn. Ii 1 f, -i«nal*4t. Ip Julla Laa renc*, boundE.; tftn, lon. l!> 13, aignalrd a.fli.t.cit, lim.ud B. - ._

Bhlp '11. ,..aa N. Cole (Br.. of Locdon). Magob, LondoaRept- 11, in b.llaat to llanolui* tio.ueg Oet ii, 1*1 *0 'j%>. u. 14 .pokaai ip VI4II.tiof Batb), irom BoiJe*.,xfor haa-Y'oik, Bl dava -._ .....

Ri ip Oli*ul il Uneeu (Swed.l, Prytz. Loadon .VI daya, taKuntb, Meinrk* b YVeuil!. Oct. 18 Iat. 41 B, lo_le b.ik I arLiola, fiom Ueiiierara for I.oudou. aap-

ir.l irr 1- Ib rorlalae* ,siiipl ., ,l.i*r, Swift. UreepeoiadBya, md**. aa-Bpaaa.

,. - ,\. .,,.., 1. ..Nrpi.ew. Exp*rl«nteavery b-avy *r*a'.b*e* Vii'.p'Tlt'Hver.or. L.lh.m. Antwerp H day*. ln ballaet ta

a_b i. o. EApeiiniced v.ry Leavy we.'.ber, »i.

i,| HoT.r, Ar.twrrp T.day.. lu baU.t *nd 10 paaa., B. *Xi~.r,o-c«d »UOi» galeaaud a lougB

'""ip Ki'lYSinip*on, Hepbare, Antwerp 18 daya. mdae. M

La_;V rya-^a-aah-e, Lcid, Lirerpool 34 daya, -it ta

"fc i-_ir»c4_.gta. (Br.. ;";«'«3S»).*J% ';};_pooi 40 d.y.. oai lo o. J-r. Ort. 25, i.t 4fl 40, lon. b. ~, .peBBLiTi,, l.ibartY frcn. Lir.ruo.1 f ,r New-loik. ......J. ti.Z:-.[Edwiii (ef 1-oiU.u.i, Liitlejohn, Card.uaa Idaya. aogar. ".a to ma»t. r

f-.Ut b ( ",.. '>..."; T-'.'lJ, Si. Siephen'a, N. B., « daaab,1.tiii toJed Kiye. _ . _,_-

I'erk S U. M. 'aoi. (Br ef Tarmoi.th, N. -.), Bobblaa,

oalla.t to oidrr.. j

Bark Ari.dne (Br.), Oardner, Antwerp 40 aay., In t allaatt.Fi neb, _l.lL.te k Weiidt.

II, :< . o .*-ar,a (Aoit), -if*nii, I7**-re 4. daya. uid.r. and 7a¦ider Experienerd iravy Yieatbrr »i lit «al,». *r.

li.U M01 arcb llir, of l,urma«y), SuiokUud, Loudtia 41day,.lYl.. I ,ttoH >.' Balley.

Brig la.i.i.elPort.), Ce_ ua, Oporlo40_y.. ln oa_<ttol_K. Am iuik Co.Uiu Ha'.n.li (Br., of Slirlburne, .V. 8 ), A 1*0, Arrceibo, F.

I', Oot 14, .,,ir*r An., to E. I'-vr ,it-dl k ( o.

Brig -BB Hi. (Ut.), lian.iit.j, Sew llaieu, lu b_.aat to F.I N-.i,. it Son.Riigtill^e BellelRr.), M.AIaion, Lingan, C. B., 12 daya,

e. *l 10 P. I. NcyI.i* k _on.

UrigTanreut, Tii.beta, PortEven. coal for Boaton.8 bl. Sia. ll.r.. ef Ani.auolia), I'-.idy. AnsC.ye* r5.pt. *»,

.ia ms.ua O 1. tb, lofwood to Wilaoo k Canimann Ju.y Tt,oa tbe'crtwa.d 0_-0*. B-BBfc H"(.an, theap-k. __f_»__Caaa.. a hUa drawlng . bocket of -at.r. iTl oYrrbo.r.i. ui«_T_ewaad Srnt. IH, ln A.x « ayea, Oecrae fui.ly, BiiBotticer, dled. .a«rl XI, he belonaed to Aonapolt.. Nov I lrt.

'¦' U,u 7.24 i.ad the late galu fiom E. -. E., d'.lo& wbicRi,.< |,..rt ofdrikl. adof logw »..d-about *4 luna.

Bchi il''- J-'ca (of New-Loudoul. t.ardn er St Jego iaCohaO. ll. aiidlilWallth. tobacco to 8. U. C.aue ot boa-

,- 1 Ut rt-, lon. 74, expe irn. rd a gale from E S. K. |!, ,t'oie.a..'n>_«j"b,ei,dipllt_ain.a_."eBr. "i.... :: k i_i ,, ttlr, SadtvUle, N. B., 10d»yi,.tooa

.!. J. Bl.B IB*.), Craive, PaiaLoro, N. 8., 10 day.. plaataa

lrial(Br.), Sbield., Windaor, N. S., lOdiyt plaeler

Bebr' JavuieaBartta, Bar.ag,Beet«aiaBj- jitetoTacAer,Cfro_! A-ii7 Trlce, Bli-ard, Wlluilngton, Del., | day., ootm

V I'.xaoa. ,-, lir*rxe, Uulaa, Baiti.orr - daya, noor to MarrUl a

... r. Bir.na, Jobn.on, L'ttle Rgg Ha*!.or 1 daya,"| v 1. " DaaaMy. Leaia AbaaaaaB 2 d.y* wood.

,(.i__.e. <.*:,dy. PlillaJel| hia'2 daya. coal.s' hr Mi ae. V a'. Naiue. V an Nan.e B_iiinore ililaya. wooa

',,: N, BB rlrl (!"r ). ---, (oruw.liia. N. 8., potatoaa..*.', hr. **a.ieit« liurr, Maod. \l arreo, B. I.- Ll Nrwlll.'oe ("arr. Banger, !>:::iherlo muatar.

H. \ ir v Hab it, I ....i.t .1 for bUadelpl-B.-r... Ai.i.aSb.pi.eid Tn.-krr, Bri.Lrport.s. r Koa. iu-, l.ln.-nh. Tanuto.. 2 daya. naila.- ur. Aii" ti.'a Rayne.e, l'roYid*nce. n.daa..*- br. A. ( I n. .1, S.ii.irr., Oreanport.

I 1,8.01, K*ll KiYer.gehr. J. Y\ l.md »y. Tbouip.n, Fall Rlvec.<: r L llamod. nnlBiTY Naw-Hawaa.; br O.-orge Kale*. Nicket.on. FroYldeuce.*., hr. » iBdereUa. Siern,.. I .ov.u.etowii, bah

Hr. tib, l.ord, r'all lllrer.Bebr. Ma,r Atwat-r, O.u.uu. Prorldenee.Prbr. T1ii.e, UaiutM, Baltimore i day., wood.8te urer Ito.to. .lohimm, Phila.lelphtati!- Cape May m_«.

ai.l ._**. to K 1'rikii.a. Nov. i, on outward |«a^<». pa-i-d aaeha-a.lI aoulh al Ure»t Egg Uaibor, v»Ub only oue uiaaO

"v Jl,lghlBI (U. 8. tranaport), Orainley, U»7uat BBmVbbb.i IVm. ¦ oodward. Cuudlfl, Baltlwore. nidaa to B_.

Data__B V. W. Broom*. Koater, B*l_.>w, mda*. to Wbb.

"ste".Lr Laurel. Cba)e, BaUlniore, mJae. to VVil.u. Dal-

"bteamar \V.alcheit-r, Jonea, PrOTidence. ro... to Eiwar*

".irli-er Coneerd. Norrnan. Pbl'adelpl.i*. mdaa to Laaa** Ste_i!er _l__k Dl.ond, AJlen, Plfl I l|lll mdae. to J. B

HAILED-Kov. S-fihlp. B.Hgawatrr, ItfettM. PoU*..dN..» Uorld, Liieipool. Bcbr. Hj.'.g Mah(UM,.».***¦'rtVr 8-fit.*siu.hlp Afrlca (Br). LlYerpooLAUo .leauiahip __adiu (Br.). ttt Llv.rp>u.WIMU-AI ni.Dot, N Ba, with raln.

Diaaaten, *r.BB.vni.B.I>p*Bay No».». 1*1-

ll,e .obr. J«e. II. blr.np. of WflarfB^l^^^gton foi I'l.llAdillhi. ll, l*_XI-_«. 0-"-^-_ar,* -J-^ OJBbbe.we-n «,r-i» Ifl »«»»' «nd lk,r,0f'._Lr ^

|. , 0 ell up on tbe bt-cb, and mahaa uo «ate |gM_..-_-.- UerrALJ. t*-» >>

BBBB th. hear, N. BfB of rrida, tbe f-Uowlo.are rrporti-J aabara up 10 4 p. '»;^i,^,0t>tAxio: R C_aF"beUia. Mail, nahor. Bt UaaitJteB, t>ala ~w "

Artai;pa,M\. a.hore .1 ll«'»U.»». ^STt-^-talW S**-_...._,rtr.l aunk J W hargent, ou L leYeiano _,-I'rll«.25 .d 1 .1101 u.ter>(Hlole, »»1J5^TOTW-BQi Krte: Nortb Bar. aabor. ne^, PBgJSqu.il. ol Detioii, aaliotaoB Falal F-IU^_ 1M(

___aBa with * -tokaaTt* .le.ni.hln llamnionla arH'"^ ¦ ""«"¦

¦oer. and would rapair. Mai-Ua, Oot ta. I**'. . »._ mil BBitly loadad «itn fruB,

The brig Trad. Ulrul, of Blo. BU ¦P» w,.,.-.. Wy. fiJ« .v.w-York aiul u*BB^_r__i__ ", _ ^ rfu.. b-lil.,verr,i thi. morulug te bave l»»o

^ #( iUe Jtl.a~ij wlil, 1I1- uli..o.t ._'"'"".,_.- "-" !"",,8_, '_^W4^.«-... 1*a O'd-l Oaa«*»IU, l-ti.u vs. tfa-wo*- ***4»°**~*
