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GARKiaOM'3 GREAT RIDING. WINÎ1DÎ0 THE NAVESINK BT A UEJJD. .»ATINO POlfOHC* Bt SOPKaiO* SKILL AT TH» nxisiL It must bow be a<lmltta*»tl that the t-eoeral opinion et turfroea aad ot the preaeat writer that little Dry Monopolo coud aot travel a mile and a half with aeavy weight up was entirely wronf, though every no· he ran last year and nearly all he has taken part in this year up tu yesterday strengthened tbat tmpreealon. He aon the Navealnk Handicap, beating Unden, Eurus, Barnum and Bonanza, and ran a good rae*. The time «aa slow, but the track was ex¬ tremely heavy and slippery on the backstretcb. That Is a sort of going which suits Dry Monopole perfectly- He was always an excellent mud-horse. Garrison waa In the «addle and ? superb rac* he rod»·, keeping a good place, husbanding tbe colt'* strength carefully on the lower turn In the final half tulle and then coining with all tbe reaorves out and In full charge at the furlong po«t. Linden at the weights could have beaten Dry Monopole but tbat jDonohuo is all at sea when riding a finish against QarrtHon. "The verdict of Knglisb. experts on Dotiohue'· «kill as a rider was expressed recently with merclloH« franknee« by ..Kaiiicr," the renowned contributor to the column· of "The Illustrated Sporting- and Dramatic Now»" of London. Linden inlshcd at Dry Monopolen neck, sud with the Jockeys reversed Linden would base taken the prlie without difficulty. It wae a lively betting race, all tho horse» being becked heavily except Euru«, who wn« neglected Bonanza, ridden by McLaughlin, and Barnum, ridden by titepatrl«:*, carried big hea-pe uf public and «table money. Eurus war* ridden most abominably by Hayward, who is alway« wholly out ot place on thi« horse. Ho doesn t «eem to untler- staiiil Mm and never succeed« in doing anything with him- Look at the difference between the perform¬ ance« of Kuril» when ridden by McLaughlin and by Hayward In Eurus'« sartdle McLaughJn at least ten pound» a bettor rider than Hayward. Hayward sllow«M the horse to be Interfered with, though the field was email, oil od on him at the wrong Unir, and when hi« ru-ti at the furlong pott wo» nut Immediately .uccessful fai.ed to persevere to tho end, he often fails on slugbi>»h and «miky bon«es tuat rehuir«· a gnat deal ol hard driving. McLaughlin act out to niaae the pace with Buiiuuxa and »ed lor a mile, when BouaUi.a waa beaten and Barnum went to me Iront aud led to the lurlong post· Tuero liuinuui «ui b««!ru Sud Itrü bao, ss ..ut·, oari'ieou ...an- lu« ????????'· ut rúan ou Dry Aluuopoio. liayssaid haai saut» uoioio tue tuco .nal, ho inougiit t.iiiu« und uo chanco at au. Did any ou« e»er huí McLau¡¿uiiu a»·»·, «um au lUioiiu reman» about luuuui i«.ai>»e a Jáeoo I A jocrny nial mase« up hi« muid uai no iuust loee uuoe not «ji'.iu win. Uay m «id wo» a high cías« joccy unce, but !t John u.ci.ei and Johu li untoti» s·, ou lo win svilii i-.urii- they must ma».·· up Ineiï niiinU to iu.:ibi· .Mclauughliu or uarriaoii. Hay?aid uudenaiei» lue horse, u.-.i,.r- mm,and will ntntr acculili·.i-u any tiling, with nlui rvri.,1 i.u «ii-.s by a lues .ici'-'ifiu- OooifeO I'aibce'a mind seem« to bo growing w«ak. He »aid yoateiday moi'iung thai to* aa« now ¡«s Sood as he esci wa« at hi» best. Eolo eu.i.cd ail to way in tho f mutu race and Barbeo could nut ina»e hau run at all, and he can.e In laut, lu hi» great year wnen Eolo beat iro ,??·.?« and Monitor did any «MM ever «ee mm run so viioiy as be nan ycsiiCi'iLiy He had presiously won two good rac«*, but ss uta Barbee talk- such ai,.«um uuuseneo Uiat he i.o »? as good ill ihe famous irotiuoie Mimuor «· a un he ntH'd.s to put his head m a reiil.ri-.itut· und keep it there to coo. for «n mouth». Kingston was a strong favorite in the race ae be «uould has e been. A go v.as aUowed to lead up to the i*-i halt uuic. Then Barbee tiled to mo\e up with hole, but tho old home would not run a yard. Laggard «Jinposed oi Argo on tho losvcr turn ami mine up the hum·- airvich in the lead. McCarthy ««rose lAggard with all the visor that he coiUd oouitnand. ·.·. ml·· Mc¬ Laughlin »at ea-lly in Kingston"» sadd.e, ties or touihlng the colt. Ftlty yard» from the finish he shook him up a little and ho won tho race with all possible ease by a iieok In fast timo for «uch a trarli .·.·:<>-. 12. With llanos er out of Uie way Kim/hton would be far und assay tho champion of tho tbrce- yeai'-olds ot ie-7 He wa« an amait-ingiy cheap colt at »?'-,.'??, when there are e«> many saluable ptbttm on tho turf in these times. ¡Some people tlilnii that Kingston does not amount to much because llanos er beats him so ca»ily. Such people aro fool«. King¬ ston is as good a colt his «ire Spendthrift scria, while Hanover Is better even than Falsetto, the conqueror of spendthrift. i'.olun í>u.i>e<l at tho post and moved off so slowly that ho was nev«-r in the first raoo at all and came borne lase (.arctev was first off, Chociaw POOOOA |n«l IJltle Mlnch thliil. Caí dey kept tt.o lead »11 the wav easily enough efxeept for a few strides at tho half-mile ? ust, ubera Uttie Mincli headnl him. But ( .aidey had «o huge an ads ant a ¿c In tbe weight«! that iu tho »tlcky, C.ltginK trarli the heavy uoight.-. were sadly at, a los» and both Gante« and Pontiro left them behind at t*M finish. Oarttsy .«?????p«. !>y tsst) Iciigths in extirniely »low time. Politico »cicuiid a length liefore Choctaw. who was four length.« before Litt'e Minch. Has ward svas on Eollan. and .teemed entirely unable t<» handle hlra. Hayward meeds a long vacation. He noser rode «o badly »ß now. Hi» hurs»· man «till» at Munuiouth Is below nrtçhton Bea·*· furin The stnrt for the two-year-old wllinir rare wa« .tia.'üling aad unfair, Th«ora tielng at full apee«! well In front, an«! svlth tl.l« «·???p?"???« adffaata««*· »die led r»«lly all the way. Aura ran v-cond from «tort to finish, Confusion got off s'owly and clumsily and coud never n:a(i0 up the n»t ground. McCarthy, who rode Thoora. feOaSd Iho little lad« aa MM other horses, eiicnurairln? them to lirmk awav and wear the Uves out of their niounts helotv the aetual Start cime. John Daly A Co.. the I/>n«r Kraneti f allibici«*, won ?t sum« by the suce«?«* of th« ir filly, ? wb«i»<e ninning they «fcotved civat otiiifhleiir»·. Theora. thank« to tbe »trirt, won ny a neri;. Aura second. Confusion third, the other» «Irarrsling In. N«) bid for the winner, who was entere»! to bo sold lor *1,75'>. Phil Lee outclassed the oth'T» In the «elllng race and wa* an easy winner, Lancaster second, while tbe steeplechase tell to taVararare. The attent'ane·« was a?aln v«>ry larrre. but only one favorite tKingston» rot home first, tb« liool,- riiakei«« grew fat snd the put.'ir ere·«· li-an. Tbe air wa» hot, but a refrct-bln«» breeze was blossing. Fikut Rack. Ha.m>ioai*. $25 Each, t>750 ?????? 8KVKN FlKI-OMl-t, Fa'rfax etible'e ;h. c. Oanlir, hr I lou<1-Salll*r,ar.lncr, Syr«., (isfh.(An«lrr»on) 1 Ttauont Stable'· I», c Poollco. *. 10? .(McCai tin ? 'i T. «Ice··!!'» b. h. Chix'taw. It, ISO.(MclJolilrli k) 3 (hlnr. 4 Hatiktn«'· h h. Little ?? ich. »«el, l'.U. ..(???t?«) O A. Belmoef» li. f. Tarbonclii·. 3. OJ. ??-...., O A. J. ? »«».it! » l.r. a KollftD. «. 100 «ar 111 v..( llav« al.11 0 ???.:ß-1:??G·ß. Bettln· te win - OhocU«r 2 to 1. Little Mine*. 3 to 1. flanier à io 1, 1.olisti 7 ti) 1, Pout.co 1'.' lo 1, Tarhoaclie 15 te 1. Hcttiii·.' for pl»c·».Choctaw 4 to ft. Little Minch ev>n. Oai'lrv 8 lo 5, Kol.au 11 to d, Politico 4 to 1, Tarbouche b to 1. t'aiiiiiysea, F»ron¡», Eufanla ani! Blu« Lin* were withtlrawn. The »tart «a« prompt, svltli «¡ar.i«v In front, Clioriuw ». c oiu!, I.llll» M ilici· tlilr.l. ? »il...m i.·· tourtli. ««ar.l.v mat!« 11·· runniiiK all the wav. wlnnlii» ea«ilr bv tsro lenoni«, Ion tir.) »r...».I, a Iriijtili ??ß'??c liottaw, ilili.i. four e .??:¦« ?.·, far· l.ll'f Mmtrli. Kuiian »iilkn.l aa«! «out«! not try a v«i.l. Little Miuch closed wllh Uaniey at the half rail· post an 1 ran al hie lif.nl for · lutloiic. >n th« tute (.'artier tlrcw away Irin:» ima aii.l at lh« hi-«<l of the stretch had th« race at Ina .ret rcr. The weia'it ai>peare«l to «top Chuctaw. He raa well ??? «¡? lir tuii.'» ?p.| tlii-n fell onlof the hunt. Pentire wa» Boi prominent until the laatlurlona. wlieo McCarthy hroujEhl hlia op with a runh. tr.« .«M. Kack-Furse, $600. Twd-Year-Olik«. Skll- 1SO. HIX KURLONOS. J. D.ily A Co.'· ch. f. Iheor·*, by V.'co«ilaDil8-Thro4loala, 103 ».(McCarihyi 1 K'.uhiti ? «'u.'* t». f. Aura, 100.(Church) 2 A. Helnioiit'» '·. f. Ceuitumn. 90 (car ii'.'s).(Hyalop) 3 C. T. PeriT'» br. o. Kcgnlii», 103.(Warake) 0 Mra. «4, i.urnUi.l'. I. ar, \ ci. tirila, »4.(New.i.vy.i. 0 a ? Morri«»th. c. Anibaa, 1«10.(Killte) 0 P. Jaoiillaril. ir.'eoh. c. (loMon Kort. Ri).(Kane) o Meltiwuni* fstasle'· tir. e. Praiber, 103.( Douohn») ? Eiueir A Co.'« c. TemntatioB. ¡«7.(An«ter»en) 0 Tlme-1 17«·. Bctttaf to sviu -Coufii«!·)!· ? to 1, Aura 4 te 1, Theora ft to 1, Aoli.m 6 to 1, Prather ß to 1, Vemtatta 10 to 1, liol.leii Ko*t 12 to 1. Tern,.tal ?.·? 12 to I, llcciilu« 15 to L Ilctii·« lor til are. Con.'u»,on ß to a. Aura 3 to I. Theofa 3 to 1. Anils»» 2 to 1 Prather & t«> 2. Vendetta 4 to 1, Lioldeu Ko-t S la» 1, Tt'ii.puilou ? to 1, Rasatila ß tn 1. Th· lockey· lo hfurioa for» «tart can»·«) a loos delay at the p«w»i. r»t !i titling h!« tit., oat to set off In the lead. Mr. Calti »i-li lactui»J .-?? ¡ii»ntlv hnl llr!T»ctiift!lr, lh· bor» he. Ins »inai ailfiil ot lila p«r«ua»!ve Uinea. Io one breacaray Kec-ulu» u«na«.u«»d .«talnsi Thro·» an.! McCartliy calle'l ? iaii.*r JtiiiL. (1 vlaui! l.i are If I.-» uioiiBt «a« Bet aerioody Injured svi »p the tin wa» (.ven 1 Lem« bad · runnius le»«t of a leii-th and a ball. Aura aeconrt, a neck befor· th« ti·-!«!. ¦OeartMtea wa« «low in «-»ttin« under w»r. Tbeer· sever re. Ilaqui«!.'»! Ii«r Ira.l. Aura crowded ber »t tb» lieaal of ilia atretrb aad for nue ·1??1· mo nant looked rtanseron», but «he .led »w»v and Theor· won bya lensth. Anr· »eeond, ti.ree l«ii»ib· liefor« Coula*lon. n. ira. No bid for tlie w.nnir. Third Kacb.Navksi.sk IIandicap. *50 Each, ei.soo ADDi:n. l»2 Milks. Starrr A &*vt b, a Lry Moaopole, by Oleseis Parti, «»re, 11» ».(OarrlaoD) 1 PreakBM« feuhle'a h. e. Lindan, 4, 110.(Donobue) 2 A. J. Caasatt'aa c. Kuru\ 4. 11:4.(Hay ward) 8 M. J. «A oattford'a b. g. Harunm. aarisd 120_(Kltipatrick) 0 ¿. A3. Chrtaiy'ich. g. Boaausa 5. 112.(McLaaahim) 0 Til« 2:42«», Betting to wlB.Rareuni ft !o 2. llor.ani» 7 t'» 2. Linden 4 1, Dry Monopol· 4 io 1, Ku.m e to 1. Brillos IM pia»««-Barnum 4 toft, Boaaaiaß to 6, Linden 7 to ft, Drr Monotajjl· 7 to ft, Kuril» 3 to 1. >'»vor «»« wa:. .Ira wn. Booanrax led by» lensth »ad a half »1 th· alert. It. Monopol» »ecoed, liai ? um th.ra. Linden muriti, ïiiru»la*t Mcl.aiixiilln I'll·!..·! ,,u wltli i.onanf.» am! inali- II.« raunin» tur liner.qmiivr« nf a Bilie. Kama morra up to .ecoad place ob tbe turn, t»ry Monopole failles back lo the rear Amìu·; the »tan,! Bonanza haa! a length aud a half Hi- bv*t of it, k.iru« · lie· I bciore Baro mil. the Itasi« b-»r colt lo»tinjf «iinetlv In the rear two lensth» behind, lionanxa .m·...·! · rapo| three lantlli» on the upper turn and tried to »lip out ot rea»c», bot Burn« lo'l·-.··'.. »n«l at th« quarter po«t had hi« mm at th« haalrr» fl«nk Bmiota erantiailT re- tircal uuder th· whip and wa» »uob oui ni tbe race. Old liar inai look lie leni »t the h»lf. »nd i.»rn«on bexau moving up Will; Dry ????.?,·!·. 1 l.crc wa» » doling up »l tli» he»d oitiie .treten, »nd 1er · moatrnt one e..uld not toll -.huh bSMS la!. But the imi«) w». not Ion» in doiiM «a hen the »niui»l» were well »irai^liirne .ut little Dry Moliofole inoweit hi» way Ihrougli hi» h.rsr» «ud m«in haalainmiuanillng lea.1. O»m»on eti.l rl.iini: linn nnlrra puilanrt h»viug hi» opponent· wlni.p Iurlou«lv "I here wa» gre»t exeteiuent In tii« »lau.l th· :,or,«, »v,«,,¿ .? sud wh»n Dir M .iiopa.l.· ¡.««»et the line winner hr huit » Ivn-tli there »ere thumlr» of »pplsaee. Ltudon wa»'s.>«'oud. loiir l.'iigili» befor· Kura«. thini. Foi-aTM Kace-Mandicai·. $25 Each, »750 added. 1 3-1ß Milks. »»Ter Rrothor·' hr. c Kiagaton, hy Spendtbrlft-Kapanra Ssr«.. 113 m.lMcl.aucl lioi 1 P. D. Wither·» eh. c LaggarA 3, 108....(alcCartl.y 2 *. llebhard« b. h. Loie. ug««l. l'ai.(Barbee) 0 TI liais-2 «ÖV ?»; ties «vlu.Kliigtiou 7 to lo. Hole 2 to 1. L»«rgkrd 8 te .v?nl Anreu'2rtol*C*-K!D<t*t0n ?"GGß?' ¦-*··· ta t\ Lagrard .nr.°i'Ü!.T ,**· w'«,"'r»"n. B·.!· led at tha «tart bnt wa« at fÎni,oi'VîLyvArw.whe,tlh",,'kDd »·*· 'eur l»n»ll«. in ÎÎ." u, G: K:Uf,ton '*·1 ?«·'«''?'??· ">'!« · walling \. on.niw'S·'»':;*,1.1: '"J ,W"E ·*»· '¦·'· ·"«-¦*» bAM f .«f » ?,'ll* . V"r u~ir »"»·· bul iho old rogu. re- lin-uw« t** *u îArt *·» a**« o»'« <»f the hnnt Mit ÄT"«-.^«,"^?' U"M* »(Hlewad «un «ad Argo giailn Ott ?* a !.«><« mi/. /«*«ig«r«l «eeoad, half · ?·?ß??, or· WAoseeeo, »oto mm ot u< race. UmbH aad IKiBjr»ton bad th» «Mt-MBBtw·« tb··» «l SB« fBtteag. formt >*-dlBg ir aleBgtb aad a ball sad Seep lag bis dUt-ac· »trtd» lor a-rWto wltb KIbjumb. UtBMtefc'e keek·*·t trombi· for a brief aoBienL J-elasuglill» shook the roll aud la the teat tea stride·-sea«· awmv, wtaai-f well la baed By _aW» le. g th. I-ggard Battuti, tferee lMg-lbs bstot« Arg·. Loi» beaten oft*. Fir« Bace-Pcue »600. Ekcliko. I-bMil«. a ?. Morris·· cb. e. PbU Lto, by OIsb Athel.V.rbeBB, 4 vr· lue lb .tChursh) 1 Bleu«,.» Ce'·.'-, ._ ÍMtíBSter, 4 11-.~)??EZ_\ \ Paru * Hall's ck. g. NMBten. ß. 8S..............Unwell) . J. R Ferguson» ch. m. Thr«»· nie·.. », 10ß.(?1t·?») 0 ?>. T. M.KÏ*. b?. g. Taxgstherer aged. (Newineyer 0 W. C. Daly.ch.B_ WindsalL b. 9».TS-?????? S J. bl. Paul's b. h. Monocial. ß, 104.¦¦.-/...v,.(-.L*,**é2-1**1 ° C.H.P.ttlBf-1'sb.g. P»t Bbeedy. 4. 101 (<" Hjf*j 0 Kme'ry '* _K b.' c.'s.i.'ir. ï. '?d.'.'? .'..'..V.'.".'.'.".....?.i Eliti e 0 lllvtr.lnePtsble··-.*. Pwasn«. ft. 101.-*?|_?_-. o Georg« Fere·'· br.c. ítlBk.4.80. ^Bsrtoo 0 pTarter·. b. h. Easier Bu »day. ß. 111....C*_SÄ_I r) Charl*»Ocb»'»Ug. MoBograiB. omo, 101.(Per-las) 0 netting to wiB-LBntsaster 3 to 1. Monocrat 4 to 1. Wlndsall 7 to 1 Monogram G?? 1. Phil Lee I kt \, ? »igstherer 10 to 1. (sullor 10 to 1, Faster Sunday 12 to 1, Pers»u» 12 1, VlB. toe 12 to 1, I hree Cheer· 15 1. Mink 20 to 1. Pet Hheedy " Betting for piece- LearasUr ·t·?. Monoerst 8 to 6. «Vied- ¦all 11 to 5, Monogram 3 to 1. Pbll Lee 8 to 1, Tax gatherer 4 to 1. Pnitor 4 to 1. Eaiter «Sunday ß to 1, Pegasus h to 1. Vin ton 5 lo 1. Thre· «.licer» tito 1, Mink 8 to 1, Pat Sbertly 8 There was a delay of ten minutes at th· post. Pat Bheedy w»» first away when tbe flag fell. Suitor second, ? Uli I-ee third. Tassing ibe stand Suitor wrn? into tbe lead tnd made the running totheqnaner where Phil l,eep»»»ed blm. Osr- rl»on worked de»»er»telr to close with Phil Lee hut Lama». l*r did aot have ibe speed. Phil Lee drew »wsy from him without »n effort »nd won by three lenirti s. Lancaster sec¬ ond, six length» otAO*ß VMM. third, the forlorn divisi ? »tmggltng in. Monogram pullimg up lame. No bid tor tbe wlauer. ß??t? Race.Handicap btekh.-chase. Pcrse ÇjOO. .HORT CoUKftR. T. French·» b. c Mentnore, by KisgfUher. Lady MeBt- more, 4 yre., 143 tb. (M«ra. 1 J. II. Mti'isnttl). h t-oiiilm. 4, lui.(Tellman. 2 A. Lakeland·., g. Harry Mann, aged. 147.(Dufrle»! 3 Long Iilaud Stable's h. g. «'¦ · l'.li. age.!. 13"-....'Lock-i»n) 0 J. Eenneys b. g. lAroy, ß. 188.(Eeeney) 0 Heinpeteadritsble» ch. m. Mvslio, ö, 144.(Scaolen) 0 R. McCsnn's b g. Jack. ß. 128.(Whyhurn) 0 N. (J. I-orlUard'» h. g. Ketrll.ution. 5. 130.(Henehall) 0 R. Clare'· br. h. Banelord. »ge.l, 183.«.Greene) 0 Timt*-3:r.. Betting to wln-My»tlr 2. Jack 9 to 1 Mentmor» 0 to 2. Leroy ft to 1. Retribution ti to 1, Harry Mann 7 to i, Bon- dan 10 to 1, Worth 10 to 1, Hsndford 12 to 1. Betting for place.Mystic ? to 6. -ark S to 3. Meetmort» R to 6, l.eii.v 2 io 1. Retribution 11 to 5 Harry Mann 3 to 1, *sou- dan 4 to 1. Worth 4 !.. 1, Sandford S to 1 Tweniy-slx l.or»es were named lo »latt. Nine went to the post. I.ert.v anil Mystic made tlie riiumug for a mil«·. Then Worth took"it up, leading into the Hat Mentmere closed with the leaders on the turn »nd wss first over the lest hurdle. Coming on under the whip he won after a hard drive by iwo lengths, «omlan second, ion.· longths beloie Harry Maun, third. MISS FORD SHAMKFULLY BEATEN, MAMIE HUNT DEFEATS THK SPEKDY OVIDK.A DAY OF UHtlt Baratola, Jnly 28,-The great Miss Ford, with whom "Lncky" Baldwin Intended to drive the a ghty Hsnovrr to s run, was disgracefully beaten to.dar br Dnnboyne »nd Carey. She was neTer iu tbe race. Th· course wn go«*d. Tlie Ally seemed tit to run lor a man's life. Mr. Baldwin backed her heavily as he ever backs anything aud has no ex« use to offer. The speedy and gracefal Ovide was beaten Just as easily by Mamie Hunt. Poor Harry Russell was age iu forcrd tt) tako third place. Tins the most nut..minate Imi »e in America. He alway* runs bis best but never win» when ho exprt «1 to du »o. It «vas a day or upsets all al'.ag the line. KiKsr Race.Pi-its- $ltxj. Incut Wninur.*. 6i- cnioNce. D. A. Honig'» b. f. Manne Hunt, by Frogtown.Betty, 4 yre. 10» tb.(\Ve»i) 1 William ?. ? itomons's ch. c. Amalgam, 4, 113.il'iiiini I T. X. Miller's b. g. Hsrrv Ru «sell. 100.(B. l-.vsns) 3 8. Cohens hlk. f. onde,':». 1(14.(Wlnchell) 0 K. < ortigan» eh. m. Modell v, U, 111. (Blaylmk) 11 W. B. Jennings'» b. f. Maggie Mitchell. S. M.(T.vlori 4 P. Corrigan'» ch m. Cuban Queen, 4, 101... (IL «A illiani») 0 J. ParkeCsb. g. Falcuner. age.1, 108. ((;i«1fie»l (I O. Bowie's ch. g. by Ca'esUv M.(Baruea) 0 Timo 1.1 «J »v. Bettlng-Ovlde 1 to ?, II «rry Basarti 6 to 1, Manilt· Hun! (1 to 1. Mvxlesiv Id to 1, Amalgam '.'0 to 1, Hum :;u to bo to 1 against the others. ' Audi«· pools.Dvltle $50, Mamie Hunt $1(1. Modesty $14, Harry Ru«sell $12, Mangle Allu hell $11, field «14. Harry Russell le«l into the ouiestiet« h and I'-oked » »ure winner. At the turlong Mamie Hunt br«.ke inrough the rack and cmuing on won easily ur a ut-t'i. Amaig.tm ¦ ¦< und, a lengtli sud » hall batet*· Ovule, tltlrd. Tbe la« m it« seemed tu have turgotleu lion lo run. BBtVOND RACE-EX« KI-MOU PTAKK«. *?0 KaCH, !?1.1X)0 Alllil.l«. Bl IICIAI. Wl.UiHTS. Willlain Jenning»'» b.c. Dnnboyne. lty luc-s-Krer. IM Ib. . iCImppell) 1 F. Coi rigati'» b. c. Cartv, H»5.lillatlockl 2 E. J. Raldwin'sb. f. M.»« For.l.(W. »t) 3 Tune.'.' i.'1«. Betting.Miss Kord 4 to ft. Dunliovue ß to 5, Carey S to 1. Auct.on i>ovils-M:»s lord tl.^0. Iiiinbovno ***(). Carey $4?. Strathspey anil lituwn Duke wer.· withdrawn. Th«¦··«¦' was pruiupt. < »icy was first sitar, but Munnoyne pa··· him at ? linu.il«! y»r«l» and getting a lea»! of a length ma.t·« the whole ut tue running, winning hr twu leuglh«, ( »rey ».¦comi, a deztsn leuglli* befóle Mis* Kurd. Tlie favorite was a K'uotl last all Ilio wa». 1 here seems to bo no ext ase for her wretchevl periodi..un e. TiiiitD Bui G??-tt ftrTt »racsAL· Wmra Hkats «ti .**i\ trims mm Freestone Stable's br. h. Hlma'ars, by Virg'e-Ken· tuckr Bel.·, Uyr«, l'-'O lb.ill. Evan*) 3 11 W. II. Hsrittl» ch. 1 Nellie ?/ß·, 4, M .(J. Ilirrisi 1 4 2 J. McMub'tn'sb. g. Fraukl« II.. -gad, lull (Chapp·!!) 2 3 John fspelluiau's b. It. istratli«t>oy. axed. Kill. ('.«Ki.lal· I, West I) 4 2 O. M. Ryes ch. c. Or» Friend, ft. Ids. <n«>t'frey) b d Time-1:17*». 1.17«s. 1:20. First heat Betttitg-Siiatusp.-r 3 to !>, Nellie Vsn ß lo 1, Our Erlernt« le 1. Kraukle li. w lo 1, Himalaya Kl t·· 1 Air Itou peale-. *siratb«|«ey $.'>··, mir Kileod »20. Nellie Van »IH, Fraukle 11. »IC. Himalaya $12. Tlieie wa« » bard «truelle between Frank le II »nt! Nellie Van for live I urlungs. ? .en the l*;i«-r drew away an.l wou by a length. Second heat Betllng-B«r»th»iey 1 to?. Hlmnl ira 4 tn 1. Nellie Van 7 to I. Kranklo It. 1·) lu 1. A ??-tluii pool« Mralh· »per $:t.'». the field 9*9· II luiaiara tt«ok the track at the f.i'l nf the tl «g »ml eev«r beln»! In· med won casllr by ttr.i lengths. 'I'liinl lit-at- Betllng-lf nntlav» 1 to 4. Nellie Vau .i to 1. Auen« n pools.Hiiualara sv.'.u. Salle Van 42(1. 11 in-lav- again took ihe track aud led all tbe way, winning the lit al ami r ,i e. FoiKTii Rack.Pi H»K $400. Tiirkk-Ykar-Oi.i».«. ??e¬ ui. Whii.iiis. 1 Mil I 7«> Yahiis. J. O. Green·!'» eh. g. Wyndon, by King Ban-Orphan Flor¬ ence. 88 16. (l»rne*) 1 En el»ior .Stable'» ch. c Bronzomarle. 03.(Wl.llauisi 2 J. Ml MaliOB's .). c. Al lloetl, 111).(»«jdlreTi 3 J. I!. ilaggln'ab. f. Itosallu·). 10..(IVInrlielli u Ott-ner« ramp. »0.(W .ti 0 (JilvB liowit'» br. c. Valiant. IM .(Taylor) 0 Tim·.1 50 V Untine -l:o«tl:itil 1 to '.'. Al 11" I 3 to 1. Wvillon 16 to 1, ? lain«. 1 to 1, Valiant 90 to 1. Rrou7.oui»rl· 40 to 1. Auction ttools. lltisalind »40. held »2ft. Bioiizoiu.irlc made (.lie paw e fur uoarlr a mile, followed br Wvntlvio, I ia:up ani Al II.si In the order u itnetL Al the furloii»-Wrutluii. tvitli a fin» burst nf «?-ß-?. pa»»«»l Rrouzo- marteand won iiv fuur lenglhs, Rronsomarte .e.-ond, two letigths befnre Al l'.ee-i thlr I. Tne lavorìi«, ran utikiintlv, re- fusiug u> try a yard. * FllTH RAI K-Pl'KSK tyillO. SKI.USa SIX FCUIXINGS. Pawnee stable'» br. li., l'Ini Lewis, by Hiawaiha-Emma .stilliti. aged, lim ih.? »Vii am*. 1 W. H. Tliiiui.m*' lu. g. M Her, ft, 115.iDuuni ? J. N. Atktrmin'sch. f. r»n)ue, 4, no.(FUbhura) 3 T. Eller'» ch. »;. Itevnke »g» I. 112 .(Kiley) 0 'Irat-y A- Ia»vv'»b. in. Ulti y Howling, ageI. 112. ?»:?].? (? D. A ilulili; « li. m. l.va ?., agnit, 1 ;.l.I litui«·.ili 0 Exceldor fslable'» ib. g. l'ai Dennis. ag«.d, 1U8_?«'»??μ! 0 «iauley A Cu.'· h. ir. N»t UtKxlwIn, 3, lfie.(«lesllinyi (? J. I«uiin * ( o.ib.y Ed. Me A voy, 3, 1)7. ? Heck) 0 E. Coni.'an'· b. g. bwlner, ß. 107. .tillar w «? J. McMahou'· b. f. Uold Band, 3. HS.(Boden) 0 Time-1: Ifs»,. Belling.Revoke 3 to 1, Swinev 8 lo 1. N«t í.í>t«.win ?! to 1. Eva E. 7 tn 1. liitttlv I'.owllng 7 1. Phil Lewi* s to 1. Miller 8 to 1. Put i.n « .1 to 1. Uold Hand 10 to 1, Lblqu« If) to 1. ? ?(???) :?? ?. Ani'tioii pools-Revoke »10, Biddy Rowling $10, F.ra K. ML Held »'.a. Pat Dennis led for three fnrlonrs, when he was passed by Miller. The latter in mm wa» outrun ny Phil l..wi«, who won by tw«. leiiuth». Miner fluished s.'cond. a leuglh Letter than I oltjue, t-irti. The otlitr» were »iruug on t. No bid fur Uie winner. . - THK KNTRIEH FOR TO-DAY. Thl» Is the first extra day ol tbo season at Barato?·». Tlie entries are glreu below ? Fhust Rack. I'.iisk l?l(»o. Ppecial Wkioiit«. Bi_ Fiki.om.s. A'atru. Age.H'eti/liL Same. Age. Weight Brambleton.4 118Jol>llee.8 04 Alane.3 loo ..larr L'.? W.i Donovan.ü ?ß! Sii'iiliie.8 {4? « oloiiel "iwens.5 101 ? .".«ml .3> ·*'.' c. alitili.4 P.-, ?-lie'taw.8 '.·-' OeorgleC.8 »7 Columbine....«.S .2 EBgin.4 V2| PKC-OND-l'lBSE f400. H'lt «I. WKl'ill r·!. 1 3-1« Mli.F.S. .Vets«. Age.tS'eiqht.'.Kame. Age,Weight. Brail..6 l'-O; Amalgam.4 l«sl Tenfltrik·. o 110 I··! Norte.3 loo Binette.ß llUlLoogilg-t.S 98 bpnogtield.a l"-i, Tiiiiid.l'in-ti. |400. Maiiikn Thd-Yeau-Olds. Five 1 titiaiM.s. A'em«. Ungili \a m.. IIVinAr. Mattle Looram .106 Pe Weep.102 Amanda.10«. ¡lio-prep.IO. Voltigeur.lOftrKam Parker.102 Warren colt.loft oscar.lo-' Fountain.106¡Til Willow.102 Hilbert.loft Irma H.102 Barage.lu_l Manon.Iu2 ForiiTii-SEi.i.iso. l Mii.e. Nrttn«f. Age. Weicht.'Sain*. Age. Weight ila.vstrier.6 1 12 liai ? v Ito«e.ß 102 Buri.m.0 Ilo Maggi· Miti hull.H UNI ..»»?,la Claus..a Ilo l-msdowue.4 94 Doubt.6 110 lielmiint.-...8 »7 Nenie.a 1 Esco.»la.4 86 FH-TH-HAMiIi AI' *-I'.l.l'l .l.t II «-!.. Sam». Age. Weight. Käme. Age. Weight. Wellington.a lftd III iitoii.6 1-? Oeo. MfiCnllongb...a 14 < il n la.ß 128 (ilenarm.«s 142! Maggie Msy.6 12s Vlgllauc·.ß 137 Lljero.4 12» Brey Fogl·.a 1.?·?| Pools were sold last nlj{lil follows : Fir»t Race- llram-.teiou $25, Colonel Owen» (1(1. Alone ?.?, Oef.rgleC.. lileaeed, (J. and li.. Belle Taw and Donovan $5 caci., fiel.! »7. *>,r,,_.| lia. e-Umetti: $7.'.. Am .!/.ns »IO, Brait »3ft. Ten Strike ».io. Springfield $·/?. Del Norte $'.?, laangllghl »15. Tliird Hace. No pool* »old. Fourni Hace Maggie Milc'i«ll -li,, lleliuunt *¦;, Nettle $ß. fiel »2ft. Fifth Rice. Wellington »25, Oi«>B«rm »14. I.ijero $13, (leorge McCutlough »11. Vigilance »lo, llruton »tí, lilaila »ß, field»». SALE OK RAMMAI ASH BROOKDALE COLTI». Colonel S. I). Inn·· Its» been a«lv«rtl«lng for »«une unie » ** great sale of thorouglibrtxl» at Monmonlli i'»rk "- u:i!r:t d young«t>r»ll-ib the Rancocasand RrtNiktiale studs. Ihe ex¬ pected »ale came near Ixin« a gift enterpriae. It look place ye»t«rd»y, sun bids wer· «o few snd fsr between that tlie anctloneer »lylr dod»etl b»lf the catalogue. Mr. Withei« .io«x¡ at hi» elbow snd if the amount often d for une nf ih« Urookdal· pet» were not »atlifsctorr be »hook head, and tb« CoU«uel ««em g it, told the Indiflercnt buyers that the horse wss " reservotl." K/.,._.lU».'rr"»rernv*'" I*! ...', ß » KlB« Erne»! roll »-«I bought him back atan a.HaLCuot fr..-,u p,.,u, lornlard. )7. rcpre«*nt!Bg th. si.iim of lUn.oe,^ »nolle«! among hi» faihet · yearling, smoklns the pipe of pe*«e-»u neirut briar r.«ot with » «hort. stralgbt ?!*«-«-« ? anag.-d to ß-?.·.1 .¦s*,o's5U,tÎl %Uf1··4-'·''··" »?····».»· "Ihe l.ttrsu. .v..,Lge,i ».«liiftHcsch. fh· largest buyer »a. tb· timi·.· yearnid brother o. Jock.y Audj McCsrlby. Tbo l.ny hoise.nau -he ws» noUlterthai, g yard sti. k-·??!?G??*4 iLu octatuoo by ievelBl lilt» wilh C.iluj f Bruce. TheKancecA«yearlings wet« low la _··_, bat ibeU laa-loa tbl· br«edlag shrald hsr· »eeerei Much larrar pricea .«o »¦...mer let at celt« Utas the·» fr»m Breakdale ev«r fell ..der an auctioneer"· hammer. The·· ate Uto »al··, th· buy¬ er« »ad tb« prtee· t KANCI4CA8 8TCD. CbMtnst «aldina by lroqaelaatarr·) (I8H81. Matthaw Brra··.TT. »T240 Cb*4t»ot g«ldlag by Morteaier.il ll.legar.l· (18SA). V. McCarthy. 100 Chaatnat geldug by Duke ef Magenta gueea (1SXC). D. J. Mcl'arhy_. 1G0 Bay gilding by Duke *f M»ge»t.«-W»nrnll» (liVMl), A. lakelsnd..-. 880 Blown geidiag by Irt->qn»H Nettie Hind« (188ß). B. Wetter. 170 Ilrow· oily hr Iroguei«-'.eBdol· (1SH6), D. D. Wither« «2» Chmtaut flllr by Mortemer Zlck» (IS8ë), ? Kilm 620 ( beêtuut Ully by Itoquol» -Kl«ci!»n (lSSd), June« Muiphy. 2*0 Bay Slly by link· ef M.grnta K»»ka*ki» (18MÌ). H. Binary.;».- PH Brown Ally br PliatT· Beula« ?ß?-ß). R. T. Cl»rk..... « 00 Cbeitent Ally hy IruquaU-Mari« (ltWfl), C'tilau A Uaakln·. I tm Chaatnat Ally by Doha of Magenta·Touch Me-Not (1888) B. Blley. ·¦¦ CheatantSIlrby Harrahor Dekeof Maganta I a (Ho- li· (188«>), D. Mr« «rtby . 1*0 Che«iniit Slly by Duke of MagenU «"»ealata (1880), I>. _ McCarthy. 3 10 Total.t*.l«'5 BROOKDALK .«.'IT). . C'heatuut celt by Klag hrneel. Fanfan (188«), Chlnn AlUnkln».»1,010 liar colt by Klag Krne»t Pouch (1884J). offered »'. f 1,00V...No bid Bsy colt by Tom Ochlltre· Abundance <1«?8«>). 140 lud .Not taken Has* flllr hy King rlmest Mlaor.ty (18S8). offered at tbW..7G....Nobul llar iiilv by atoaehengcF.ee·>1· (188(1). rnnnln« iinall- tl«»only.Nohid Bay Ully by Btouthenge A«t»ge (1S8U), 11. KUey. 3 K> ToUl.»1.3-0 MlSC!'LI.AXEO»*a. Red Trine««. rhe*tnat roll bv Klug Alfonao Qunenrraft (lH«l4i, H. Kaliu. S460 Kingijiiil- . l,r»;nut cult by Klag AlfoBio-l'anary flirrt |1.S74), A. hhilich. 200 Bar coll by King Alf«»»»o-Ha«li (1985). D. McCarthr 76 Intereat-clicïtuiit colt by Long Taw-Income (IHM DJ. McCarthy. 160 Foca««etl.I.town celding by l'owhatlan-Nlgl.t it·*· (lXKIl.J. Ilrl.n.l. 220 Tragrili.ii- clir«inut «elding by Marduff-Arlrrea (??8.?), lt. T. Clark. ß·»0 ura« le-bay flllr by Mlilaitha-Kalrwater (1?8.*>), II. Olncy.... . 2«0 B«y Ally by BadenBadeu H»fn» (188S), C. D»lrT"»ple 164) . Anhouraftri lh·· »ale Mr. Wither« Wight thla celt of Mesara. Chino A Henkln» fur SI.2C0. A BEAD HKAT FOit TUE UOODWOOD CL't?. Loxnox, Joly 28.-The rac· for the (¡eodwood cap. 34 mile», wa» run today ·? the Ooodwood meeting. The Luke of We»tniiu»trr'» three-year-old lirown roll Sav.l-- and Doug- la« Ralr.l'a mar-year old bay coll -i. Michael ran a de.id beat. Cotintde llerttu'· louryiar «In theataut colt Cpaa waa tblrd. In the run off tbe betllug wai ß lo ft on bevile. Pavil» won. Tlie lint belting wa· a to 1 nil barile, 5 to 1 against St. Michael »nd '.' to 1 a-.iu«t C,.a«. The Prince of Wal«·'· K'ake·, tor two-vwr-olda, wan won Oy the Duke of I'orllau«!'» bay colt Ayishlis, It. H. Conibe'» brown «oil bt··*·· l'un· nei'uuil «ml Mr. Abingtou'» chestnut «'»It Jaggier a ba«i llilril. Tue Lattina- »loori .', to I on A vr- '.lure. 14 to 1 gain»! -I·« on Ture «nd 7 to 1 agalsit JagrlT. The la«*· Mr MS to»» M «¦.risi Make*, fur twu-jrar old*, waa won br Mr. Manto).'· «I.eilniit tlllv Mini toit hr · lrnrtli: (i*neral Owen \??1??·??«? bay roll Sena nn« came In aecouil. ihr««·, lengrh» »be»d of Lord Hialtord'» bi«>wn rot Mcirr An.'r "-v. 1 ha belling w·» 17 to 1 again»l Men Dtoit, 2 to 1 against eoaiiiisand 4 to 1 agalnat .Sirrry Andrew. ? NKWTOKT YACHT CUI' SUUHCRirTION. NF.wror.r. K. I., July 28..Additional «iili«cri¡.tiun« for th· Cltlxeu» yacht 11 . Inriea·« the luu.t to neaily i I. '.·»>·». about «2110 mure lliau .a«: year. TWO Ho Ml·: ? IS fia BEATEN. JJKOOKI.YX FALLS HKrO.ti. CINCINNATI. CLKY1.I.AND WIV.N A VI( G?.?? oVKIl THK MKIRO" I'nI.IIANS, Costly ertori at critic«I tni.inent· defaate.l the It·, kirn cluD again at Wa»hingtou Park yeata-rday. The Cm, innati nine waa it« opponevi». A bunt '.',.100 spectator« wer« present .nd tl.i-v departed after th· game witb nut extremely high oplulotii ol tlie hone club. Tool· pilcbtxl In g«t»l form anil « h good support would bar· dose even better work. Ii.tn-. i»r lirrne ???» o-·«;, l.i .!?·?!?>: ue hi» player«, and the mo» will probably .I· letter woik irom th:* time out. ielian lia· been Hue I $'.'.'. ami »u»pci..l· .1. and o'Brieu 1* »I» o on· vacation with«,ut » ilari. After the home player« had been retire«! one, two, ll.iee order, the vNitoi» went to tlie b»l »ml ». or«d on·.· run. Ni. ol, tli· tint ballar, wa· «eul to in it baa« on called ba.l» ani, .tralliig to srcuii.l, iiutvl on » lilt to leit Held by Keiin*lly. Tim ciuwit Haa happy to the thud Inning whrn Ilio hum· playera acure·) live ruaa »nd (urged ahead <«f their ppuncnta. Muliane »eeancd I.· lose hi« unuing. I'eupl·« wa« »eut to (list ?.? called balla and Tuole a ul the globe bouu.img alang Ihe left Held funi li «· for twu l.»,.·«. larke thou lui Iho ball «afrly to rtglit tlelit ani G...?'««ml I'iKilr ran hom.·. ? lark· went in »e< un I un a ?»· «? bali .ini Pink ne y wan again «eoi to f r -1 ..? all»! ball« M. Taiinny made a hit and Clark« ? ??ß.1. I'll 111 Im ». ely 1ml «r.-cu right and <*nir.· nani and I'.uku« y ami \i« I ..many »cored, in tha fourth mal.ig I'eople* ai.it ? i»rk» bluiulfi··! »nd the inrlnaal) m«.i «cored two ion» »n«l lr**eu«'d the a«! of the lutai plar-ia. It«.Ik· as·»!· . till, went to »eiuii.l ouapiased hall ami to third on a wild plirh. Carpenter got to tir«! on an error by People» aud Unity «cited. .u p. nur gol around t.· third on a w.ld throw bv Clarke and «ciuol on· hit by .«milan«. Twu Blur« run* went to BiiM.kiyii'a ???. r.l lu th.· tilín Inning oa « two ?«·« Ini by 1'iukiiey. a hit by McTktu»ny, a lurce hy a wart wood auilan error by lial.iwin. In the *!xlh tnn.ng the Clu.-innatl player· acore«! three run· an«! they »eie now i.uly .ue run betnad.au«! ??··»?? 1.hSgS liegan In gr w i.e.»..ii». ? .«? w ·» »eut !.. Ilr«! ,·? Calie«! ball» for the ??.,?? urne, while M. The« gut» " llf.· " ,,?, au error br G·...,.i·«. ?:? error by l'iakui-y let Nicol get !.. lh. 1.1 .ui.I on Kenn-Hr'· llire«-ba«fl hit to left · «titre dell. Nit ul an«l Mi I'll, ß ·. .,!·.!. Kenn· Mr «« oie.I on a bit br Corklilil. In tue »eventi« lui: irik tha incinuall inn· ». or« d twoini.» .ml »eut Ut tlie fi-.ut. Ken nelly mad· · two 0«·· hit and Iteilly loo» one bate «ui an «nor l.y Hwartwnod, Ketiaelly » ..I ug. ?'?????,? r»li..w.d with · two ba«· lilt, «eintlnar ll.-iilv le thinl. Ilaldwiu'i nul a.!u»ed lleiily »cor·. II·· «ui«. w»· If, oe 4 3 1 II ß ol I S.l all Cincinnati, r 1 '.ir.«l. r.f . <i «· Mcli.ce. 21. 1 1 r.ni.-llv, ·· li llji il Illy. Ili. "0. k .«.I. I .' ., . .. 1 «i d Ha dwin, a u| (.' '( I ! I li I 0 o] i o si o 'I'Cuunor. tf.. ;s,. u Î .( 1 u u :( ? ? ü ill« ii| o ?. I. I ! '. I 1 '«Ipenter, 3 h Mull.u«, ? l'I M 1 7,I'«"JI 7 Total. 8.HU7 ie| s ? o. 0 Rronklpn. I'iiikuey. SS. »many, ci «w»rlw.RMl.rl rblilp«.lb. .-tullí.. ·».. i.reer, If... I'eutile». 2b. Toóle, ( l»rke. c... Terry,·».. T.ila! llroollrn.(I 0 U 2 0 0 ? O.7 (¦»«?· ?.n. .ti .1 ? ? 2 .? o 2 ? ? \ Kirncd run».RrooklvB, li « tiirlnuatl. 2 l*ir»t ba·« l.y 11.1 liiunklvii, m«· ? .»ti. '.' «iru. k nut- Brooklyn. ? 111« .Oliali, o. I'll ou ?·:?««» Hr....kirn, 4. ( incino ill. ft. .trat MM ««Il bails.t'ltlkuef 1. ?.··?«?·? 1. I'vuples 1. Ni.ol.l. H«.·..« .ins- None. I..ieel»aee lilt» Kenuellr 1. I »O «.:.«· I.U« )«·'.:, ·G? 1 ?',?G. nrv 1, TlMll· 1, « ..IkUl.i, 1, (.'.rneai. ? 1. ISrinktlM Swat tw.i-al 1, Moot 2. C'«rp«uter 1. lilt br purl.er Mill arm SS ill pilrhe». 1 mila I, Mullan« 1. I'a.ae.i liai;«-Clar«e 1. Baldwin 1. I niplio-Mr. Mi (jiiade. Tun·. 1 in. Tne Helrupo.liau aud Clevelaud nine» played »rain »t St (liM.rge, H. I.. ye«i. t.lav, Ihe latter club winaing after a .:l«ae »nil hai.! futi«·»,! gSaaa lh·' « levrlan t playera war· fori.mat» in making their lilt» at oppuriuns ino'ueut». 1 »e |oe.t cluli I.·· unearllied anu.'h-r «uil«|iillv iu "Hip'' ?'.»« ??.? a u««. |e»» ..nti'iuity at Inai fia· w«» · g.»«! ?,?···:,..? ??·>p in !!». ?.ili tli.' .? «...n I r aio ?'????? tAtOO peaiple »fai «li.«* io si..! u and will.««* the g ime, and Ihn inajo'ity .11.1 ii'.l aerili !., ar«· m ?. h win«!· nine won the t'a "e- I »«ora »aa: Metrvyetitan ». .1» ilo a. e fitvttand. r. Ab pu, a. e. lU.lfiii.l ··...! 1. \ · 0 ¡Mtrirker, 2b..! |! ?'~5' t 1 ..'Is..... if .11 B, ·} il u .......n » » ? in .,. ,. .. .One man on! in la«t Inning. MetropellUn.0 I) 1 0 0 3 I) 0 0. 8 C'.crelantl.....I 0000100 1.4 l-'.aii.e.l niita-álilmpolitia, 1 Clrvnlaail. 1. Klrat ba*· mi eror« .M»llop<ilil«n, 2: ( leveUud. 0. -truck em.'-lelre. pulita··. 4; Cleveland. 4. ? eft on b»»o» Metropolit·«. 4 ? .rve iu.I, ft. iM tta*· on ballai!· lord, 1: O' Bl leu, J. Ilaiikliixm. 1. Mum.· run Noa«. I In«·».«»« lui«..S-.ue. 1 wo-ua»« «.u« J..I...«. 1 t!eih»r4i I: llktaltng. S Allen. 1. onde play« II..tiling «nd Mirlr.kar, MorriMin >in. k-i aad |'..y, Mtri.krr, Mariaan aud ???, llatikln*on «n«l «lerh.irdt »mi tiirand Ka<Word. «.< ru irtt and «>rr. Illl iiv pitchei-')rr 1. Strlckei 1. Wild pili-h·«-af.irriaon 1. Mar» '.. r.-.e 1 liail* ll'.lbert 1 l.deu l.aae» MrtrapoliUo, 1 Clevel»iid, '?. Cinplrc Mr ? e. i.an I in.· Two lu.ur* The Mriri.|.ul:tan aud Clerelaed clnli* w II pl»y » pSSM «t -ia »n lilaui t,.i»v. while the Brooklyn »ml Ciuciuuau club· no«» lot* In lliooki) n. rnriiri Keaiiu an«l »iiher Klnilow »re In trouble. Both Ih» Detroit »od cincinnai! duba claim lb«tr »errlce·. -«>- A (JOOI) lliOINMMI IN THE WB0T, ???? NKW-YonKS HKAT THK DKTItOII'S IN A WKI.I.- PI.AYKI) eami AT illl. CITY nf 8IRAIT·«. DaTROiT, Jnly 2H.--I,ltrber «Iruber. recently »f Hutford. wa« put Iu lh· box fur Drirult to «I «y «nil pnch.-.l a go«xl game, but hi» »upuort at inn·« wa* poor. II« wa· rather wild. givi.ig eight neu ba··» oa balls, bat at critical time· hr ¦teadled down nicely. With three «ingle« and · tripla D»lr«it «curati tbrlii) to the iltat Coaaor aia·!· a loug home ru» .invelili,':,. nr«l and a bate on balla, three iluglM and Tlmmpeou'· error gare New. Yark two ami lied ihe SMS In niellimi. Detroit to.ik a lead of one In the finti. I.ut the vi», llora, with a ba»e on ha la. a »ingle and «ouïr good baae ?a??- ning In the .evenlh, aga.u lied the «ora Kwliig naad» · triple »nil »cored on » »acritlr« In lh« ninth. Scoro: _Detroit jr. m* a. ,.j si». Verle r.lb pojin. Itich»r.lan,2b 1 Ml 5 2 o Kwtng, 3h....|~l ".i Ô'*l "i lltuuihi-ra, lb| 2 4. 7 1 Ul rt'ard. »a.' o1 0 1, ß· u ll.-ve. ». a... 1 2 1, ft, 0 («nu.ir. lb ...' S 4 13 ? 0 ? honipsoii, r. r ?. 1 11 ti, ? «ii.iacf.? o, si :? 0 2 While. 31* . (I 1 ?1 ? 0, liei nan. r. f.. Il a 10 0 Mainine, 1. f. 0 1 0 ?? 0 «»'.iourke, ?...? o! || ?, 1 llanluii. c. t.. 0 0 ft l! O (lllleapl*·, I. f.. 01 1 4l OÍ 0 nsasel c.| 0 0 Si 1 1 Hi<-h*r.l*'ii.2b 0 G 6 0 '¦»-'ibei.p., 0 1 II 4 Ü keefe, p.loj 2 0 8 0 Tot»L.? 4 12-2S14J '.'[i Tetal_|"p i"f,a!7 fi,*. 'Winning run innde wil.'i one mm ont, Detroit.;4 O 00 1 o 0 0 0-4 New-York.1 0 2 0 0 0 10 1-» ? mied run»-Détruit, 4 N«<v-Yi«rk. 4. Ihrea-b»»· hit«. I owe, 2 ; Ewlng. Hone runa-tonuor. D-iU'ile play« Itiivre and lli,.nih«r»; liroiil'ier« »ud lllrhar ?»·,? 'A'ar.l |{irli«rd«uii at.<i ? unnnr. Kit»! ba»e on lull» Min ???«' l'.ri.iiiher». (»It'.urke, 2, Ke«ie, 2; C'nnm.r :G Kwmg' Hi! by pitched »all-i,«i,i.-l. Kir«t baae on error*-Detroit, 1. «r ... out-ily h. ·:.·. 2: I.Hi Jit, 4. I'..,»e.i ua O'ltourke, 2. ?.???ß-2.1ß. L'mplr·. Mr. Dae»·.her. m . CAM G? IN Oran CITI ?«. BALTiMiial., July 2h -'lb· Baltimore leaiu piare·! inillffer enlly to-day ani dropped another game to the St. I MM Brown· »iu·!.. ? p tihe.1 m g·»·.! (orm and »a« well «up. por.c., «Un« kiiigy w«» bu bard »a«1 tb« aieu Mkuad him made eeetly errer* at cri ttcsl Betete. Berle and rainer were eeeh respeeslt.le for · ma sad Fergnson gar· the rleltore .Bother. Tb· latter wa» roundly hisastl «ever»! times »nd reellr »e»»Mvi to be off ob «ever»i cloee «Uctsiona. Atuai» eaee. 2 .mm·. The ecere anse follow· ? et Lobi·......0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1-f Baltimore...0 0 0 « 0 0 00 1-4 B««el.lU KL ?_?·?!·. 12: Baltimore. 7. Errore.BL Louis, 1: lit.ltla-or·. 4. Pltchers-Csratbersaad Kllroy. Luiuire- Mr. Farcii «on. Pun Ai'ieii'itiA. July 24..I.enlsTtlle won te-day la a rane that was Interesting nntil the le»t mea wae pnt eat. The Athlrcice got only fonr clean hit« off Cham heríala, tli« rest heilig bases on balls. A b««e on balls, a steal an«t a bit gave the Athletic· a mi In the first sad a base oa balls, a three bagger »ad an »nt brought In two lo ti.ß second. LeiitsYtlle made one in tbe third on a muff by Poorman, two (teal· and a bit; another in tb· seventh en a triple end a »ingle aad two In the eighth on three single« and ao out. Laskln. Poorman an. "A «alt made pretty rnnaiag catches The ecore was as follow» LoulSTille.0 0 I 0 0 0 ? ? 0.4 Athletic.I 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-3 B»»ehlU-LouisTllle. 10: Alhlellc. 10. Errors-LoulsTllle, 0; Athletic. 3. Pitcbert-Chsmberbsln and Weyhing. Um¬ pire.Mr. Curry. CiiiCAi.o, July '-'*)- The Huston player· fell easy victims to- the superior plariug ot the Chicago club to-day Tbe home nlae by ire· battlug took a commanding lead in tbo early part of the match and held it eaaily to the end. Ces way pitched poorly and his curve.« were belled in every direction The .curs was as appended ? Boston.0 I. 00100 0-4 Chicago.1 ft 000 3 0 I 0-10 itaselilts-Huston, 11: Chicago, 19 Errors.Boston. 41 « huaico. 6. Pitcher».Con way snd Clsrkson Umpire.Mr Powers. I .f in an Al·«·! is. July 28. Heavy batting was tbe feature la the game to-tlay belwt ea tue Indianapolis and Washington Iu .». "Urasshoppor Jim" pilch·«! ·? poorly that tbe lin isit-r natter« matie » »core of hits The match resulted In a victory fur tbe ho.ue club by the following score t Washington.2 001 1208 0-8 lB.iUiiep.ilis.1 3 3 0 2 0 0 4 2-1S l!.i»ehlts-Washluglon. 12; Indianapolis, 20. Errors. U ««hiliglot·, Oi lti.liaaap.il«, 8. Pitcliers «Mittiiey aud Muins«.u Umpire. Mr. Valoiitlue. PlTTSBlBO, July 28..The Philadelphia club defeated the Pittsburg nine today aller a well played game The visiting platel« hatte.1 fr.-t-ly in tlie »et «tinI and 111" lout IUU» »Cored gave iheni tue victory. Tne »core : Philadelphia.0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-4 PilUiinrg.0 I 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-2 lU-eiiits Philadelphia, f»; Pittsburg. 12. Errors. Phils- de,pina. 2, Pittsburg, 2. Pitcher* -c'asey and Morris, em¬ pire.Mr. -lUlivau. BOMB NU WS. PROMINENT ARRIVALA Ilofman Iftute-ltuu M. In« kins..u. of Detroit.Wind- tor tivlel- Anttew Allan, ol Montreal.tilth dotoo» Umili.James F' Jo·, ol Delrwit ... Urai.d Jlotet-Jaagn E. D. While itud citarle« il. ? liiluey, of New-Uileao» -Mur¬ ray Hill iiutcl- iti» itev. II. llotfuian and Walter Lppm. coti, Ot l'itila lelphia.'.iti'y lltui'-l.. M. .M.tioi·-. of M asii-ugtoB. m WHAT lb QOIBQ ON TO-DAY. Bo.irilnf ElcctrtcalConlr.il. City Hall. RauDi Hiuwiie » «mi beioreludge I'.moline. Ai« irupolitan-Cievelauti baseball match, st. (¡eorgc, 8. L, 4 p. m. Kxamli atlnn ot ex-Postmaster Saiuiaoa befors Commis¬ sioner Mu«.·, Brooklyn. Mu'.i in t.aliery Park hy bSih Kegraienl Band, H p. m. Fiiiieruloi Kt .rjvf -i.ter«, Si rrier « l'hiin.ii, lu a. la. !..« .lee' Club 1er «juidoor .-.»«ori» touuis toni uaiuenu »lateu )·!»_¦' a*-. NEW YORK CITY. «_«tii«-ral Nowioii, Commissioner uf Public Works, returned from th» Adlrona«!«» yesterday. The Employee' ?.»-o· latiti of the lttxluci· BTTJ-MP will bavo a slimmer ni glu's festival at tho Empirò CU)' l «.lussi-uni Iti lllgllL Thomas «-¡iilnn. age six, of 1011 YVa>lilngtiii st., was run ?«er by a traci driven by August Ncike yester¬ day and wa» instantly bill"·!. ????? rsin«*lirlm«*r, of Rabbi Drowne's congi-cg-- Uot), s-i'l ycli-r :ay dial tn« emipioiitlec Itati been lu.id·· w m _M I.alibi lot hi.» lent· in-jiil. \\ 11 lain Dyk.», agv- tt tl, of No. 3-4 F_w«t OB·» liiititlitM Alai sl.lrentli sL, went to bathe In the river al tut- luui uf ihe »inot yesterday and WM di-owiied. The steamer R. V. Mattlu-ws, VklCft ?·??· -* U'lwu'ii till» part üiii Laut luna, broke her sctew-pin «»lille tir tir: ar outward bound je.stci'lay, and lia«l to put Lack fur iri._.i ·. ?¥»\99 llsflii<iiit It. of DlalM Coinily, and l'rrd \\. V. Ilt-eii, of \ f-ic.ie-t«T. w. r«· appointed »toi»_t «fWa Ity ? ? l'i! «r Ma-'«iie )'«.*steislay. 'lls-y will each li¬ cei ve t 1.4·si a «cai'. Tbe sa.es agent- of Ut·« antluaclte coal producing con.paiiles BMI ye-tt-Ma·,- aa«f up|ei»«l an advaneo to M ii.i'le aa August 1 u n ci. U imi- ion on blufcl u. stove and che-tnul pad) ·· Mr. Lltli.inl, of km» Hamburg Une salti yesterday tli.it »?, farà« In· kB·* Unie wan no tiiitli In tli IM d.-p.it« Ii.«. .«in tli·· formation ola «> ?.·. atC lu Uri lin to inu a new li u«· bel» ? ilaiiiburg and New-Volk. !>¦»/·!» of administration ou the r«tate uf Micha··! J. Idioii, tlie Ice-ciraiii ,?·t, Ml granted yoster.iay to hi« *Al«l.i«v, EUllly IXinil, »ho eet forth In her p. ut on Uiat hl* ? i-.tii.il ¡.rnperiy »4* «orili *_,()«». I l'Oman Il< lln-o.l, ? «jer_iaii of mldtle age, who «sas « li· «. «1 to uave becom.* tiemented from over-in- . luig.nco In Ier, kll~i hltu»<lf yesterday by (limiting I««.t-«»ti ui (he liquor sturo al No. ·?·? Kivi.igt.m -t. «c» nina). Ili« ho.no was at No. -CI 1 ??-y Ui-.L The IleaJHi «illi-iil bvBi »botif. :>."«*i of fruit end vrgrta-Vs Uiat vi unfit fnr n-e. Tlìoy also c<i.!_>eatr<l at the OH Dominion Llnr pler lilt.» balio.» ol ion 1.incivili- and a loi ol grein app.«¦». T'hu Ming Mry hao I-*m isiiee, a conviti««·«! ( liln» li _». ?. agi Uilrly «me, ill· il fiotn ??,.?-????????? m tin· Pre«.·) UMlaii Hospital un W ciliu-siay. Ur had lived iti ttil» city fui >eais. \«as inaiil'sl and kept a laiiieiiy a: Nu. Ö 1 >io!t »?. ?!;.·.· a f.iii'Tal In ti«*-· a l «.m tt-eniii *-iit*.l l'rv.-liyleiun ? huich «lay bis body ««ill bo burled lu tiio e tuie ? y of Ilio -.vciKreeu». « ..nt .·! Decker, e^e nliiftfen, wa.« tlrovvnetl while batliim; at East Itfty -Ulli «t. yesteislay. 1,'ic si hádala» In Ibe b»-if-mue.it of Mel« III·« (', 11«? lit«.u an«! Ki.tl.lv W. r-inllli, e'«tnsti111Utitf tbo linn ot huyiiinii «1 siiilüi, ilr>»"od· ileak-rs al llficnlli- . i ai.'l l-ili1.1 a«.-. ?? 1'.??"·??? ?. ? liimiviii, show Ila liliU'-s of ¡fluì ?,.4, iiDii.inai s-set-, »sii,·,l_', and estuai aaaato» ls.7 UBI. William Mai I. B0» ci«;!.te. n. wm sittliifr at a wIikI.i·.«· ot di» home in tlie Ini· ???··??? li«ui»o .No. -lili \«.-.t l'««<iiit> »cv.iilii-l. la'.f oli V\ ?_?ßßß| night. -0 ti;i »truc- t>n D>e hi-ad .«villi |ia«lng «tono by su mirili.«un «neiiiy. Ihe blow fi-ai tupul tils «Unti. li·· v.tv* cairle·] Ins.ii-lbe to tilt· Ko't-'-v. It Hospital, ai,.. bis l'on.iHion ??_? sani to 'K) entnal. I)«>it»< u «. « .«f in·- .-*i «(fenili ?·?.·«·????-?. »ne uyiii»- ?«» asicerla.u .«bat tot.Il« it Ih« ??' WBs Ini the aesaiill, ni Un· nope ol ? alen l..»,' lis.· person »«bo Uirew tin: stone. ( hai I···» Wo -MdL Hie ??p?μ·?1»? uf So. 7<J_ .*<reoiid- a\· ¦., ««bn «il., citai ii'sl on \\e«iuceilay by laide bloiie ??11Is laving performed a criminal operation on in.-, \«a· oiiiiiiltttsl by II·«) t oionei to tlie 'lolubs Jeslerda« to await Uie result of Canta*» comiiuon. John J. O'Connor, another of the persons ac. «?-·- of tubbing aad tt».suit iiig .Mai) llamncsl at their Inni-.· .So. --I* l*_i»t l-'oity sevtnlb st., on July 17, u .in, lit by Dolt-etlvo « uif, of the Twenty-llili«! Pri-elnel, on ,.??-.-?.?> nl^ht ami was sent to the liUtrn At' loriow « otlii·· jfit-rtay inorniug from Hie sOrkvUl« Culi.«· ? ou it b> Ju.-lleo Murray. 11·· b*.« .»eut to in«· .«.nt in ili«· afia-MiiMtn and «vl,1 be eiamiuoa tills inuiii m (?. L>r. ltioiii.»*t ?. irta-»*, of Ko, 174 Clamniotit-avo., who was In ungili to Ucllevuo Hospital on la.-1 hatur- «lay nil'-i iii^ Irniu «???«.??? morphine poisoning, wa» ilet'lansl insane at the i,t,»pii«.l yi-sttirday ami was re¬ moval to the Ward's Insane Asylum. Ills wife, who was r iiin'.fsi to ihe hospiiai on Monnay, sutfurlng D'oui Lite .aun) polfcOil, gteally lmpio«e>l. Little has b«t-n left uml..::·· to make next Mintl.iy's ¦'lligli Jinks liliiii'T of Mohican club at tlie I-ing I;« ««-ii Hotel oik- of tin most remarkable in tbe hist.n y ut th.- U'-iii latl'tn. The CDUimlltOo bits «I. 1.1··.? that Dr. Curinila» M. Richmond the sire of Uio oct'Bnlon. ehal, be jtilrcil in an eleganti·, -lined gisun velvet .limiting jacket, brlgbl rw sliirl, lavein.er iron·« r s sui a puni cap. Hi« whiskies «sill bt filili)' Hu ? w ? over hi» should« rs, and he must minier cat ii"! say anything during Uie rntlre mea,, it is in tat uigvv.in .lining Us· Dig lalk that Uie Dootor Is to illstingiii.-li liimself ts a urciOtnancer. I'barles ??·.,??»?? of No 4ô:i West Hfty sevcnUi-st, »·" suit.slruck in bevenly-suvenUi »L yesterday ami died kWt» at Uie Mnrty-ninlh .-»treet Hospital. A iio.eu other person» weit prostiutod by the beat In ilio city. HROdKLYV. The (tiiie.al of N.T. ¡;.···?« will take place at 4 ? in today ai No. lilt Citrltou-iive. Tbe lourt of Heesions In.- as." ; 1111 until ??????-t i»»»» ????? will «pctud bis vacation oli Naria- guiist't·. I: V. Ililain A. Wroii.i was W'nt ta tbo l'eiiiteutiary' for a >i\»r yoetoivlay for »nlucting Augusta .Merrill, ago til««- n. l'Or, oiallou <'t.un*el .lenlts decido, thai, the new law aw » to th·· d-entiuu of tho Hoard of Ksilm.ilo a In ?-ci tin pa·, ui iiieinen *h;UI b·! Increaseti No a«·! .mi w*a» Imi.cu in ine mattar ibi« | cur. I'ibiis were Hied «uh Hi.· Hulliings Jiepaitiuent je-I« itlay for Uie now Kiislern Distili t Ac.-lwny of Music, to b«· loialol in lii'dlOrtl-aie. at geutb .Nitilb* -i ny tb·· Ami.iiion Draatattc m*Aety. it will bo 76 by 171 lee!, four stones in height, and will cost «.«.-.(HIO TIs« ( isiiiinl-liiiiers of Ch.iritii-s and ror«ei:Uoii ."I ""· Miperv ton y.-l'Tdav (o impro« o the dtv Ictli«'· Ina in. a:u«:iiitiit in n. .««??,?? n-ain A.vlum, «i.t-r.· in the eobl duys last wiut.-r .»Dine ol Uie room« lOilld Inn brtt.ii.,| ,, r,,ik lir.rioa. .???G/?? Clleschiuütin. a clothing ut .«? ,?> s0. HO .Notili l'ir.f st., mjirinsl \||«a l/-»b S'tks, of l..i*t«i ..e«,v-V()ik, finir moiilbs a«o Alter the lionoy- nioon -be ixgaii lo rcn.un away from homo al ilglii. tic Ikii-al« ntvl a ili«,,,,-,., ¡m,! .h«' ?,^,? him tl) fu altea«!, a* -he l ;wl IoiiihI a «hrlatlan who iovod bei bette* ('¡.un In· tli«l. (-lie wont away on Monday alni did ?««! Militi in.HI Tn··.. _f wh«u »he «. inDvl hor . .oll.es. Hnr lltislcintl ? ? usisi to let her have tti«Vi and locked box out. fake Ui··« weut U> a ueifibbor hi fbc aext floor sart let her-eii down ta her aw», nom», ?μ? sot the \niLca. lier hu-lAanU tbreateiw a dlMiroe now la carnMt» a NEWS FROM THE SUBURBS: A PERIR« OF BURGLARIES IN NEWARK. Ts«heaaeef D. A Ennin, N*. SOS High »t.. was broken Into by burglar» early ve«t«r.l»y «nnreinr Tha fantly .way In the country, »n«t «wo young nephew··! Mr. Kaaton were»lueplBgln the npper room. They wer· awakened by th« nol«e made by the barglar«. »nd »eltlag their putol«, fired »hot after »hot from ihe window. A gentleman llvlag oppo¬ site al*o tired hi« utitol. 1! rarinr the fnaülade. the barglar· quietly encapad by · hack door ft sot known hew much wa* taken The family »llrer h«a1 been tered. At »boat the .am« tine the hou«e ot MIM Theodore Pn«th, Xo. 7BR High- St.. w»· entei ««! an·I robben. The bon*» of T. W. Urtata. No. 402 ML Frospcct ave., «u ·?·? broken Into. -*> INSECT POWDER AND THE BELLOW«. El»· Vlatt. · yon·» Oerm«n girl, employed for two njon'h· » w«ltre·· »t Ihe hoo·· of Mr William Mchol». ß broker of tin· city, yeetetday afternoon «»p*«red before .»"atice Vaughn at Eilgewater. -laten laland. and made a complaint agalnat heremploy«r. ·1.«>.??·> that whllt »lie Sta in her ????? pi «..»ling lorn aw«y Mr» Nicho!« entered h«r rrota ¦nd attacked hei with a pair el belle·» «, from which «h· blew . considerable quantity ot ln»ect jowder Into her face. Th« girl ¦'.·« alleged that Mr«. N'lrhol* had refnaed to pay h»r two an.nth«' wag·» due her. Jmlr» Vaughn i«»ue.l · anmm*a* for Mr· Nichela wh· appeared kt court la lh« »fternonn Mr» N'lchol» deuled the charca r~h» ».Imiti».! having pa! powder In the girl» room, ·» waa her cn»la.m each time a girl lelt her employment Justice Van /ha ordered Mr· Nlchol· to pay the giri ine money due her and du«ni»»eU the cjh JERSEY G???. Jeanle Ev«*on. age eight, and Ella H»a«on age «er··, wer· ch»rge«t before l'olle· .lueli«·· Htiiaing ye«t*nf»y with burg- l»ry. K.ug.-ue 8ulliv»o. oi l(i(J Mentgomery··« w»» the com pial aau u He »alt! that he caught the girl« In the act of roblilac hi» hou*e on Wednesday erenln« Th«y ha«l forced .n eatrancr tlnough » rear doo» Tbe g.rl« did not den» lh· charge. Thoy »r· held for trial Ex Police Captain FVIwatd I M«norney who, itl»thoaght. ha* become Insane through drink. »»« yeaterday femmine«] bvJnstlr· HllUing to «wen an examlsatlo· by tbe County PhyaicUn Charle» ?. Cinhlng. a letter-carrier, ha» been an»neodert. A few day* ago. isslleged. Cii»hlng appeared lor duty Intox!, rated and aaked tli» |io»tiua»ter for an a«lv»nc· of a l«w dol¬ lar«. The money waa refused, and Cuabasn. ·« Ihe po»t- maeter claim«, intimated that ho would get lh* amount any¬ how. 1 he next day a registered letter «lUappearad, and was fonnd in Cuahlug'i pouch. HTATEN ISLAND. Artici«» of Incorporation of the 8?·?·? Island Belt Railroad Company were filed 7"«ter«iay wllh the County Clerk or It.· h·.1 oiini ? .be proposi«! route la fiora oppuelte I Itzabethpon, N. J., along the north slior« of blaUn I»Uud, .nd on the »a« t ahore to South Beach. The capila! «tuck to be $2uo.b)»(). LONO ISLAND. Thorn»» H. Waner, of Newtown. ha» h«gnn snlt In th« Pu- preme Court again»! tb«Queens Countv I'oaidof enperrinor» to recover «urn* »ggrecatini.' nearly $50tJ 000, whioh. It Slliged. have lieeii »uditeti by the Bo»r«l and order«»«l p»i«J to the Conutr Trea»nrrr »a fee« out «t th« county fund». In direct violation of the law. Mr Was« G lir»t «nal to le«t the «iue»tl«.n of t!·« rlalu of th.i County Treasurer to collect cer> tainfer· on ihe »» «.! land» tor iiniahl lax·*. The »nrt of Appeal» having decided In Mr. Waaer'» f»vor, he now »eck» t.. have the Illegally .paid fee· refunded. Huit· »re valeo m progrès· »gainât several County Treasurer« to reco er me amount« received by them illegally. WKSTCHE8TER «COUNTY. White Plain«.-Mrs. Marr Cerner, a widow. Uve» In a .m»llc>t:age on a lonely road, laìte Wediie«.tay night a étrange man enteied tier lioune aud dem a ? led money, sa hen »lie refiued he «eind !»·»-. ant »tier a brief struggle she lo»l ton«, iou«na-s. Tho robber had used chloroform, aud Mr» Cerner remained iiiieon«ci.iu* fur «-ime »Ime. Ile rau»»cke«l the Solite, but «Itti nut ret anything of vaine. MT. Vkrnoi..A conventioa of l»rohlbitionl«t» wa» held ye»ter.t«,v. The lies·. Mr. butcher pre»ided. Delegai«·« wero elected to attend Ihe «late« nnveution at Syracuse aleo int¬ egama lo nominate candidates for county olllcer· to be vuled for In November. PIPE REPAIRS TUAT SEEM INVOLVED. Dock. Commissioner Matthews bas prep.trid a «tate· ment alunit Ihe l'lielp«« Pier, No. 40, East HI ser, at Mont- Kotiicry-st.. rind tho Dock Hoard decnled yesterday to ae-i* Corporation Counsel O'Hrlen who «hall pay for the ?.-?«.ura of tho pier. It was leased lo Frank Phclps In May, MM, for Use year« at «?!»,0OO, aud renewal at .1 ?,?μ?) a year. A clause in the leane provide» that the Itssre, «hall niulutaln ih«: pier In good repair I'uelpe »ubici Ibir pier to tlie Merchant» und Miner«1 Trnn»p«»rta- tn>ii Company and. eiiu««*i|ucntly. It »ublet it with Uie permission of Phelp« and Ihe Dock Department to Joel li. Erhardt, receiver ««f (he New-Vari and Northern HallroHd. for two years with the renewal. The repairs, il I* »tatet!, will amount to about *»14,(»0O. l'help« rm«l the Tniimpnrtatiun Company have been «lire«·!«·«! by the Dock D. l>art:::rnt to inaWi« the repalts or hIiiiw cause why they do not, but they have done nothing ami the pier is ins: to ruin. The p«»lnts which Mr. M;«t- thew» asks tbe Corporation to puss on are· Whether the Dock Department ha« the rieht to annul the lease to Pbelp·! IMI asa proceed to remove him or his «ucces- ««)!» In title: whether If the Departmeit make« the re· p.iir«lt can maintain aa act!..? agatatSt Pheln« for the smottati whelher tbe expense of repairs can be shared between l'lielp« and the ? its. what obliifatlons have tho sub le.««ee« ae-uii.e.1 In fakitii* the lease: and what Is the l.est action for the Department initier the circumstance». WORK OF THE SINKING FCND COMMISSION. The Sliiitttir; I «mil commissioner· yeater.lay extendeil the I.a«..of a build.ng use·! a ninrtrooni at oaeliundre«! and- fifty elgblli-»t. and Thir.l-i.ve from theec to five years. The lomiiililce appointed {»examine into the a unum' ß? »ei:urttio» t.. the re«1.1 of the Mukln fund imported that »U war· cur reel an that the areouut wa· »4 '.40 «?«:,- ?). A piote»! iv»« mene«! rioni l-etli I-ow, U.C. Parker an«! other «luwutoen m r. liants ««»iu«t leasing auy building at Iluiiiug-slip to »h«· North an«! Ka»l Hiver Kailroad Company lor the plant of ll.ecomp»ny. Lngineer «In-en·. of th· Dock Po«rd, explatoett the pro- po«e.l iinpioveinei.t of tlie ll:itlera Blver fi«'Ui Hue huudrel- an t-Kft.y-niuiii at an«l Kightli-av·. to 11 larri Bridge. An ett<'iior »irret will be built. The i.ier» will ti* 20«» feet in length an«! wl Uli 'be »lip» will lie 10(1 feet wide the matter » reiertad to the «orp·.ration Counsel for hi» oDluion as to the power of the (loan to take the land, which it ciance I ha« »?ready been taken tor park purposes. TAlUATIOWi OB run IQUILLA MD MÉTATE (Omini««!.mei» Luther ?. Marsh and «ieorge W. Qiiin- !»r·!. of tho New Park ( omuiUsiou, llsieued yeetenluy to tsdltiintiy ìelative to the value «>f pruperiy to be appro¬ priated fur the Hronx l'a« k I'n.fe«L«»r W. P. Trowbrldire presented to the roiuiiii««luu an elaborate serle» of flirure«, bv whi. It «itlved at the value of the water- power of th« Hrom Kiser It run» tlirous'h tho l-or- lll»rdc«l»tts. Ile conclu Ini ihat the value of the water¬ course wn« *«?«).(·??, or equal to a rautal vaiue of $t.(KJ«). lVitnes»e« trailtle«! that the house nn 'he l.orillard eetatt wa« wtirih *»·').()"«) Hie i-ili;«im,*s owned or Mr«. Ke.r- nnclian weree«;liii itti at T.l«».ii(M). a id various parcels of real estale in the a.gregale at about $.(i,(H!U. BMLLÎWé A FFHHY TBANOFtnM. The le»«eof the ferry framhl·« from Tnia.j .':!nl«t. in Ihla Ity to l'as onia-avr.. Jer»cy CKy, wm «old »t «action re*t»r«Uy t>> otilroller oew. Ihe lea«· for ten year« fr.iiu May 1, IS·*! The u|.srt price wa» SlO.Oooa vear. The purcha»er arree» lo keen t»ie a.ip in «oad repair »nd to sur- leniler ant pari «d lh·· pruper.v i«<t.iircd i.y th· Dock I»«pai t- m. nt in imp««.*'.!·» 'be waterfront, wllhotu · Ing «lamages from ibeciy. 1'h« aii.tioiicer» were Van Ta»*el ? Kearnor the oi.lv I.Id.1er wa» the New. York. I.ak· G · uni Wiatern ilallr..»d Compas·', repr-a.-iu«.! by i.coig- W. «Juintanl and S, M I-alt»«!, «nd it« bin wa« SIO.OOO. t ne lea»· wa« »ol·» to II.?..!, ,??? in 1K«4. but »«..» never exernte·!. Contro.1·) m r». ant!« ?«' li-ded * (»«mo ?.» ·? ? nt from the Krie Hall- road Con.p.·ny and »gam '¦· r' ' »" for »ale. I wo »tirelle» are e.|illI ed to tile h)I... double tb>. amouut «greed lo he paid l.y the company. dentini; riiAi tue kaaterskill racks. Vice-l'r. «Item íüi-kerson, of the cu:np«oy which own« th·· »?«·«?????:?? Kaater-W:ll, «leni··» (he «taiement n«a«le by a p»*- »enir.r on the City of KtagaSM on S.itur.I.iy tliat tlieie would lie «notili·: ia<e i.etweeu »In« two ¡o.i» to Newborn to nioirmv. lie .1?·.·|..?· s Ilia, there li.·* h···? hoiaciug ImMWMS .hese I«!.· I·..ai«, hui liuti 'he Iv.iatirsUllI run.« on an average h-a. of from thirtr.ttve to (oily pound* of «team, aud that Hi« iplatn and in.l.t hav« cu uu.foriuly lusiru· ted lu uo w.iy ·? gei itilo any rivalry. ????????? JOUMSALXATM TM SESSION. Tho i|ii«rt.'il> uieeliug o tho Iu»uraiice Journalist«' A«so- ciation ot tfc· United si.tes was held at Ihe Aslor Hum- yea- tentay. A. L. J Smith, of the V.-iv.York Spectator, presuled. 1'h· »»cretarv wn» Kranklin Welister, of The Chronicle. 1'ro- fe».|..n»l ani '-e ini.ral »nh|ect» were ?!?»<'??·«?·?1 «n.I »dinner |·? low·«! m tM e< igmi!. Among tho papers represented «aor· Ihe Ameritan Lxrhange and Renew aud The United Staid A'rii't/.. of J»hll:nlil|h a: 77ie .«Mi ,f«rr.f, of Bo»!on, and The Specuttur, Cl.ro.lcie. 7ïi«e«an.l Monitor, of tina my. COMPLAINT OF WALLA HOVT MARKET DEALERS. A iiiimuei of tlie »taii'l-«··'liei» in th·· Wallabout Market in Brooklyn complalneil to Mayor Whitney ye»1er«!ay of the minim.«? or the »ewer· in the ra irket. It w»s showu ihat the city I »tati tati ß net proli t ««f over $15.0 ? from the mat Set last year, ami yrt neglected lo provide proper »ewers. A petition »,«i:·,I bv »ITtv eight of the lea-ttug linns iu th» markkt was laid before the Mayor, »howiug that a micacé to public health wa» eau.« «I l«y t In « lists ? «ffalr». Tho Mayor referred ihe matter to the city Work» Commissioner. JVRORS DRAWN IN THREE MONTHS. Comtnlstloner Of Juror· Ilei ¡? l.n» inaile Ina mat report lo the Mayor, under tho uew law. for ih· quartar ending Juna ,10. During that Unie be ??·» drawn H.470 Jurors Of these ;( <)?«> -ervoil, :i.'.i;t:( were discharged oi excused, su ' 617 dui noi lapin Kb amounting to $7P,S0O were linpoaad on HSÜ Juror«; SlUol these were exiuseil aud +7.'.,«¡?? .n tin. « re¬ am o«!. The receipt· were t."·?6 and the cipease» «/l.Tuu 4M. Annariri-eiaaai«. Dr. R. D. Smith snys : " ' ??«3*?»???? ' was taken bv my wife, who wa· suffering Irom Indlgeailnn Its use haa been benetirl·! to her." At ail Druggist«, $1 bottle, or W. F. kii.l.ler ¿? Co.. SS John at. ? Hknrt A. Daniki.*, M. D. ?·5 Waal eMd-·*. Hoar»-« 12. ? 7. Di-·«»«« .»t th» V»rren* 9y»t» a. ..»tta-Driaary mm lmpot««c«aat «urtlltr· BAK1G POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thla powder never vanea A marvel of purity, atrength and « I.« ui.·.....« More ecunomieal than the ordinary kind«, au I c.im.oi ? e aold in coiupetlilon wilh tha multitiuU of low ?.-»!, si...rl weigh taluni or ptioaphato powder· ,r>,. .4 .nig in cum. BOIA! Bum* roen«· «Jo., loo Wall St., 24 . Y HUIUU rs DISEASE is caused by abuse, ex- ce»»e*. narvou« debility. dUcharg«·. fever«, malarl*. genlln uriniry dina···, »incline·, dl*ea*«d prottal« glaml and bladder, aun tho use of cathoUrs aud aouml·, and .ana..·. lie cured while thay rxisl. Dur leine.lie» cure them, ohronlo diseases aud varicoo·!· without deteiiliju fioin biislu·)»«, and the Asaliel M'iurr«! -S|.rlng Water cur»· lb· Kidney·, l»ia- briei, Drap«/, ?:.1.1.lei-, (ìraval and Mtoae Uverwheliuiug avldal·«· mailed Iree bv ????1, MKD1CAL II Lit LA if I'll Veil lA.S. «ill Uioaalwajr, .News or«. SPEO.AL MENTION, Asts-ers-eeaeea»» màmUtm» lai· iIsbbb nIbbibsbii ¦e tkBi-sssefclf reliable, ssllsiismtsastlssi by a·«il mrìtm ike mérortUor, «rita perle·« e«re4f §r\»tAmtZOitSmt OLD GOLD. If the reader» Of The Triti Bne will get out their eld golii, olf! silver, old ¡ft ry. *-'· seu.t it by Btail or exprès» to me I will «eii-1 there by retare melle certified check for the fall rain» thereof H essi- quarters for Duplicar« Wed ding Present», Diamomi». Watches, vie. A stero fall of bargain» J.H. Johnston, 1?? llewerr. ? V. _S- & 6? Send for Circi·»·,·!· MEMORY. Wholly unlike artificial «T-- teitis.cure ·» mind wandering. Any book learned in ous read¬ ing. Prospeottis, with npln- Ions of Mark T»»aln. Mr. Proof «r. Hen». W. W Ae- 1er. .lud.-ih I* Benjamin, Or. Rrovs'ti, ??t. ri-anele B. llrnio, and others sent post free, ('lasses of 100 Columbi» I.S.W >tii-ients. two rla«se» at Yale of -00 each, 200 In <laes at Merl.len, 4·?) at Wellealey Colie. »ml 400 at L'niroraily of Pennsyltanla. Prof. LOISETTE, 237 Fifth-are.. New York. Hakes a specialty oi «he painless extraction teeth with gaa. -Does no other dental work. 1,218 BROADWAY, Cor. .soth-st.. BL Y. «Dttr. .Vsllsr.'s Theatre Build¡sf. Bicycles & Tricycles lMt;HI('A\ CHAMPION ¦ ß????? - ÜI1ALLKNGB. and IDEAI- -e«-ond Hund BUY« UH at low Brice» E.I. IIOBSMAM, 80 and 82 «? Ul: ani st.. Kew-Yoik, "VIM" FURNACES AND RANGES. BEST US THK ??.???? ëttrtsfartioa t.nsr- Bleed. MA-tUFACTUBBD BY IV. N. HABYKY Ai CO. No. 13-44 H read way. .New-Yuri*. ASIATIC DYES. wash ß??_?-..«. ¿(10 II5tO.4DW.4V. (Ml MAKKKT.fsT.. I*»«»* COLIMBI* BICYCLES and TRICYCLES. CATALOG.ES («ent Free. POPE MTg Co.,; boston, M'H-v. OKK RltANCn. 12 WARREN-ST. beei-iee* ?.?.?.« and Doable Bottom. Yery UaadsuBie your Sisea, ^^M.t«.'i5.r.7e and (8 BO each. PAIaMBKMTGCO.. .«IPO Pearl Ht., -Tear Dee-men, N »w York. ?? ?. ?. Anthony ¿Co. ft« ? ?????????, ? ?. Amateur Photo¬ graphie oiitat. .'»tent Vor»! Deteotl*"-, Fairy ? Ht'on Canerse. Ill netrate« eataloa-nee free. -le.Uon thi» pepe*"· OP OPEN AIR SPORTS. Aa F.arjriopedia of Uhletics. $2.00 p«?r copy. Octavo 600 panes 150 U lnstrattons: a practical, cora- Slete and a.ithorltatlve Man al. Heartily praised oy »11 tbe expert». Tilt TRIBUN«, Kew-Yerk. Crouch 4 ntzgoriM 1 Corua-dt^t. /-.«»Umw«, .66Broa_w»r New· York. Uteelpens /\re tiie Best BOYNTON FURNACES AMD BANGES Plr»t-cUss good* only . lanulnrtured Br Boynton Fnniace Co, '-07 ANO -419 WATCH-ST. NKvY-YOKK. EQMP0ISEWA1ST MR«- A. PI.KTt'HER, ei:>»i ? iih-st., ? ?. n.\.SQ!IRE«-SO\S, mi pvi.TON.yr- s. r,, The best pisce to bay FUI DIAMONDS, WATCHES, ARTIÍITIC JKWEI.RY, Bmgmâk SHvi-rt-ara, etc eilrer Hleled War « »t 40 oti Repairing Pine »VnlcbtM- a -tptclalty. BIIOHViMI ???,??? CUM h r.ANVAl-i 'IK\M"«SH02l. $1.25. ''*.»»«- 130 Fallón«»t..vT ¿? ¿fr £_Vft/> t.<** Estai llshed IS!.«, J. It-tACH, Stationer. Printer aad BLAMR BOOR ???, »ß NAHísAl'.ííT. etsuKUr-, American sal ¦printT Kack D.._¦:.» on beai Bi. the rear -peci-« ituled Mam» noou m-üs u; ui ut-i at short Bollot. ¦ arg«.? .%·»·« imfst, Brei Mlilr» an«! ?.«.»« «-«? Prices« John Moore, ? ?7 ?- ?- »Varrt-n.st. Also Harness * Horse Ooo!«. J.S.CONOV£R&CO«. U»ntif.«ctur<T» ot ?..??-?1- OPEN FfRE PLACES and Parlor Orates, ??????? In Wood. ? ate aud Meta¬ ll. PO.tTKKS OF TI LKS. -8 dt 30 W. ¿3D-!**. NEW YORK. ASK YOUR GROCER FOB OUR Trade Martr" hams: AND BONI. LESS. BACON. Onr fttiKUn! elm is to -nek. them tbe Finest in the Worfr THE GENUA-** lojil Hail, B.CYCU»* end _ T-H'Tl--* with ll«W r.|OVt-e»*w MM dr- m»»»»»»»»»»mW»L·- eÚ*' HENRY C. SQUIRE 1»S BreaJwsy. bole »«ent for «·* *HE TKIHÜNE BOOK or ?G??-AIK SPORTS. Tn· BMk esa delivered to one «aldroaa the v*** ·*· another, if dealr«d. Addr··» THK T«Bl?K*^
Page 1: Library of Congress · GARKiaOM'3 GREAT RIDING. WINÎ1DÎ0THENAVESINKBT AUEJJD..»ATINO POlfOHC* Bt SOPKaiO* SKILL AT TH» nxisiL It must bow be a



nxisiLIt must bow be a<lmltta*»tl that the t-eoeral opinion

et turfroea aad ot the preaeat writer that little Dry

Monopolo coud aot travel a mile and a half with

aeavy weight up was entirely wronf, though every

no· he ran last year and nearly all he has taken

part in this year up tu yesterday strengthened tbat

tmpreealon. He aon the Navealnk Handicap, beating

Unden, Eurus, Barnum and Bonanza, and ran a goodrae*. The time «aa slow, but the track was ex¬

tremely heavy and slippery on the backstretcb.That Is a sort of going which suits Dry Monopoleperfectly- He was always an excellent mud-horse.

Garrison waa In the «addle and ? superb rac* he

rod»·, keeping a good place, husbanding tbe colt'*

strength carefully on the lower turn In the final halftulle and then coining with all tbe reaorves out and

In full charge at the furlong po«t. Linden at the

weights could have beaten Dry Monopole but tbat

jDonohuo is all at sea when riding a finish againstQarrtHon. "The verdict of Knglisb. experts on

Dotiohue'· «kill as a rider was expressed recently

with merclloH« franknee« by ..Kaiiicr," the renownedcontributor to the column· of "The Illustrated

Sporting- and Dramatic Now»" of London. Linden

inlshcd at Dry Monopolen neck, sud with the Jockeysreversed Linden would base taken the prlie without

difficulty. It wae a lively betting race, all tho

horse» being becked heavily except Euru«, who wn«

neglected Bonanza, ridden by McLaughlin, and

Barnum, ridden by titepatrl«:*, carried big hea-pe

uf public and «table money. Eurus war* ridden most

abominably by Hayward, who is alway« wholly out

ot place on thi« horse. Ho doesn t «eem to untler-

staiiil Mm and never succeed« in doing anything with

him- Look at the difference between the perform¬ance« of Kuril» when ridden by McLaughlin and byHayward In Eurus'« sartdle McLaughJn 1« at least

ten pound» a bettor rider than Hayward. Haywardsllow«M the horse to be Interfered with, though the

field was email, oil od on him at the wrong Unir, and

when hi« ru-ti at the furlong pott wo» nut Immediately.uccessful fai.ed to persevere to tho end, a« he often

fails on slugbi>»h and «miky bon«es tuat rehuir«· a

gnat deal ol hard driving. McLaughlin act out to

niaae the pace with Buiiuuxa and »ed lor a mile, when

BouaUi.a waa beaten and Barnum went to me Iront

aud led to the lurlong post· Tuero liuinuui «ui

b««!ru Sud Itrü bao, ss ..ut·, oari'ieou ...an- lu«

????????'· ut rúan ou Dry Aluuopoio. liayssaid haai

saut» uoioio tue tuco .nal, ho inougiit t.iiiu« und uo

chanco at au. Did any ou« e»er huí McLau¡¿uiiua»·»·, «um au lUioiiu reman» about m· luuuui i«.ai>»e

a Jáeoo I A jocrny nial mase« up hi« muid uai no

iuust loee uuoe not «ji'.iu win. Uay m «id wo» a

high cías« joccy unce, but !t John u.ci.ei and Johu

li untoti» s·, ou lo win svilii i-.urii- they must ma».·· upIneiï niiinU to iu.:ibi· .Mclauughliu or uarriaoii.Hay?aid uudenaiei» lue horse, u.-.i,.r- mm,and willntntr acculili·.i-u any tiling, with nlui rvri.,1 i.u «ii-.s

by a lues .ici'-'ifiu-OooifeO I'aibce'a mind seem« to bo growing w«ak.

He »aid yoateiday moi'iung thai to* aa« now ¡«s

Sood as he esci wa« at hi» best. Eolo eu.i.cd ail

to way in tho fmutu race and Barbeo could nut

ina»e hau run at all, and he can.e In laut, lu hi»

great year wnen Eolo beat iro ,??·.?« and Monitor did

any «MM ever «ee mm run so viioiy as be nan

ycsiiCi'iLiy He had presiously won two good rac«*,

but ss uta Barbee talk- such ai,.«um uuuseneo a» Uiathe I· i.o »? as good a« ill ihe famous irotiuoie Mimuor«· a un he ntH'd.s to put his head m a reiil.ri-.itut· undkeep it there to coo. for «n mouth». Kingston was

a strong favorite in the race ae be «uould has e been.

A go v.as aUowed to lead up to the i*-i halt uuic.

Then Barbee tiled to mo\e up with hole, but thoold home would not run a yard. Laggard «Jinposedoi Argo on tho losvcr turn ami mine up the hum·-

airvich in the lead. McCarthy ««rose lAggard withall the visor that he coiUd oouitnand. ·.·. ml·· Mc¬

Laughlin »at ea-lly in Kingston"» sadd.e, ties or

touihlng the colt. Ftlty yard» from the finish heshook him up a little and ho won tho race with all

possible ease by a iieok In fast timo for «uch a trarli.·.·:<>-. 12. With llanos er out of Uie way Kim/htonwould be far und assay tho champion of tho tbrce-

yeai'-olds ot ie-7 He wa« an amait-ingiy cheap coltat »?'-,.'??, when there are e«> many saluable ptbttmon tho turf in these times. ¡Some people tlilnii that

Kingston does not amount to much because llanos er

beats him so ca»ily. Such people aro fool«. King¬ston is as good a colt a» his «ire Spendthrift scria,

while Hanover Is better even than Falsetto, theconqueror of spendthrift.

i'.olun í>u.i>e<l at tho post and moved off so slowlythat ho was nev«-r in the first raoo at all and came

borne lase (.arctev was first off, Chociaw POOOOA|n«l IJltle Mlnch thliil. Caídey kept tt.o lead »11the wav easily enough efxeept for a few strides at

tho half-mile ? ust, ubera Uttie Mincli headnl him.But ( .aidey had «o huge an ads ant a ¿c In tbe

weight«! that iu tho »tlcky, C.ltginK trarli the heavyuoight.-. were sadly at, a los» and both Gante« and

Pontiro left them behind at t*M finish. Oarttsy .«?????p«.

!>y tsst) Iciigths in extirniely »low time. Politico»cicuiid a length liefore Choctaw. who was four length.«before Litt'e Minch. Has ward svas on Eollan. and.teemed entirely unable t<» handle hlra. Haywardmeeds a long vacation. He noser rode «o badly »ß

now. Hi» hurs»· man «till» at Munuiouth Is belownrtçhton Bea·*· furinThe stnrt for the two-year-old wllinir rare wa«

.tia.'üling aad unfair, Th«ora tielng at full apee«! wellIn front, an«! svlth tl.l« «·???p?"???« adffaata««*· »die ledr»«lly all the way. Aura ran v-cond from «tort to

finish, Confusion got off s'owly and clumsily andcoud never n:a(i0 up the n»t ground. McCarthy,who rode Thoora. feOaSd Iho little lad« aa MMother horses, eiicnurairln? them to lirmk awav andwear the Uves out of their niounts helotv the aetualStart cime. John Daly A Co.. the I/>n«r Kraneti

f allibici«*, won ?t sum« by the suce«?«* of th« ir filly,? wb«i»<e ninning they «fcotved civat otiiifhleiir»·.Theora. thank« to tbe »trirt, won ny a neri;. Aurasecond. Confusion third, the other» «Irarrsling In.N«) bid for the winner, who was entere»! to bo soldlor *1,75'>.

Phil Lee outclassed the oth'T» In the «elllng race

and wa* an easy winner, Lancaster second, whiletbe steeplechase tell to taVararare.

The attent'ane·« was a?aln v«>ry larrre. but a« onlyone favorite tKingston» rot home first, tb« liool,-riiakei«« grew fat snd the put.'ir ere·«· li-an. Tbeair wa» hot, but a refrct-bln«» breeze was blossing.Fikut Rack.Ha.m>ioai*. $25 Each, t>750 ??????

8KVKN FlKI-OMl-t,Fa'rfax etible'e ;h. c. Oanlir, hr I lou<1-Salll*r,ar.lncr,Syr«., (isfh.(An«lrr»on) 1

Ttauont Stable'· I», c Poollco. *. 10? .(McCai tin ? 'iT. «Ice··!!'» b. h. Chix'taw. It, ISO.(MclJolilrli k) 3(hlnr. 4 Hatiktn«'· h h. Little ?? ich. »«el, l'.U. ..(???t?«) OA. Belmoef» li. f. Tarbonclii·. 3. OJ. ??-...., OA. J. ? »«».it! » l.r. a KollftD. «. 100 «ar 111 v..( llav« al.11 0

???.:ß-1:??G·ß.Bettln· te win - OhocU«r 2 to 1. Little Mine*. 3 to 1.

flanier à io 1, 1.olisti 7 ti) 1, Pout.co 1'.' lo 1, Tarhoaclie 15te 1.

Hcttiii·.' for pl»c·».Choctaw 4 to ft. Little Minch ev>n.Oai'lrv 8 lo 5, Kol.au 11 to d, Politico 4 to 1, Tarboucheb to 1.t'aiiiiiysea, F»ron¡», Eufanla ani! Blu« Lin* were withtlrawn.

The »tart «a« prompt, svltli «¡ar.i«v In front, Clioriuw ». c

oiu!, I.llll» M ilici· tlilr.l. ? »il...m i.·· tourtli. ««ar.l.v mat!«11·· runniiiK all the wav. wlnnlii» ea«ilr bv tsro lenoni«, Iontir.) »r...».I, a Iriijtili ??ß'??c liottaw, ilili.i. four e .??:¦« ?.·,

far· l.ll'f Mmtrli. Kuiian »iilkn.l aa«! «out«! not try a v«i.l.Little Miuch closed wllh Uaniey at the half rail· post an 1ran al hie lif.nl for · lutloiic. >n th« tute (.'artier tlrcw awayIrin:» ima aii.l at lh« hi-«<l of the stretch had th« race at Ina.ret rcr. The weia'it ai>peare«l to «top Chuctaw. He raa well??? «¡? lir tuii.'» ?p.| tlii-n fell onlof the hunt. Pentire wa»Boi prominent until the laatlurlona. wlieo McCarthy hroujEhlhlia op with a runh.tr.« .«M. Kack-Furse, $600. Twd-Year-Olik«. Skll-

1SO. HIX KURLONOS.J. D.ily A Co.'· ch. f. Iheor·*, by V.'co«ilaDil8-Thro4loala,

103 ».(McCarihyi 1K'.uhiti ? «'u.'* t». f. Aura, 100.(Church) 2A. Helnioiit'» '·. f. Ceuitumn. 90 (car ii'.'s).(Hyalop) 3C. T. PeriT'» br. o. Kcgnlii», 103.(Warake) 0Mra. «4, 1« i.urnUi.l'. I. ar, \ ci. tirila, »4.(New.i.vy.i. 0a ? Morri«»th. c. Anibaa, 1«10.(Killte) 0P. Jaoiillaril. ir.'eoh. c. (loMon Kort. Ri).(Kane) oMeltiwuni* fstasle'· tir. e. Praiber, 103.( Douohn») ?Eiueir A Co.'« t» c. TemntatioB. ¡«7.(An«ter»en) 0

Tlme-1 17«·.Bctttaf to sviu -Coufii«!·)!· ? to 1, Aura 4 te 1, Theora ft to

1, Aoli.m 6 to 1, Prather ß to 1, Vemtatta 10 to 1, liol.leiiKo*t 12 to 1. Tern,.tal ?.·? 12 to I, llcciilu« 15 to LIlctii·« lor til are. Con.'u»,on ß to a. Aura 3 to I. Theofa 3

to 1. Anils»» 2 to 1 Prather & t«> 2. Vendetta 4 to 1, LioldeuKo-t S la» 1, Tt'ii.puilou ? to 1, Rasatila ß tn 1.Th· lockey· lo hfurioa for» «tart can»·«) a loos delay at

the p«w»i. r»t !i titling h!« tit., oat to set off In the lead. Mr.Calti »i-li lactui»J .-?? ¡ii»ntlv hnl llr!T»ctiift!lr, lh· bor» he.Ins »inai ailfiil ot lila p«r«ua»!ve Uinea. Io one breacarayKec-ulu» u«na«.u«»d .«talnsi Thro·» an.! McCartliy calle'l? iaii.*r JtiiiL. (1 vlaui! l.i are If I.-» uioiiBt «a« Bet aerioodyInjured svi »p the tin wa» (.ven 1 Lem« bad · runnius le»«tof a leii-th and a ball. Aura aeconrt, a neck befor· th« ti·-!«!.¦OeartMtea wa« «low in «-»ttin« under w»r. Tbeer· sever re.

Ilaqui«!.'»! Ii«r Ira.l. Aura crowded ber »t tb» lieaal of iliaatretrb aad for nue ·1??1· mo nant looked rtanseron», but «he.led »w»v and Theor· won bya lensth. Anr· »eeond, ti.reel«ii»ib· liefor« Coula*lon. n. ira. No bid for tlie w.nnir.

Third Kacb.Navksi.sk IIandicap. *50 Each, ei.sooADDi:n. l»2 Milks.

Starrr A &*vt b, a Lry Moaopole, by Oleseis Parti,«»re, 11» ».(OarrlaoD) 1

PreakBM« feuhle'a h. e. Lindan, 4, 110.(Donobue) 2A. J. Caasatt'aa c. Kuru\ 4. 11:4.(Hay ward) 8M. J. «A oattford'a b. g. Harunm. aarisd 120_(Kltipatrick) 0¿. A3. Chrtaiy'ich. g. Boaausa 5. 112.(McLaaahim) 0

Til« 2:42«»,Betting to wlB.Rareuni ft !o 2. llor.ani» 7 t'» 2. Linden

4 I« 1, Dry Monopol· 4 io 1, Ku.m e to 1.Brillos IM pia»««-Barnum 4 toft, Boaaaiaß to 6, Linden

7 to ft, Drr Monotajjl· 7 to ft, Kuril» 3 to 1.>'»vor «»« wa:. .Ira wn. Booanrax led by» lensth »ad a half »1

th· alert. It. Monopol» »ecoed, liai ? um th.ra. Linden muriti,ïiiru»la*t Mcl.aiixiilln I'll·!..·! ,,u wltli i.onanf.» am! inali- II.«raunin» tur liner.qmiivr« nf a Bilie. Kama morra up to.ecoad place ob tbe turn, t»ry Monopole failles back lo therear Amìu·; the »tan,! Bonanza haa! a length aud a half Hi-bv*t of it, k.iru« · lie· I bciore Baro mil. the Itasi« b-»r coltlo»tinjf «iinetlv In the rear two lensth» behind, lionanxa.m·...·! · rapo| three lantlli» on the upper turn and tried to»lip out ot rea»c», bot Burn« lo'l·-.··'.. »n«l at th« quarter po«thad hi« mm at th« haalrr» fl«nk Bmiota erantiailT re-tircal uuder th· whip and wa» »uob oui ni tbe race. Old liarinai look lie leni »t the h»lf. »nd i.»rn«on bexau moving upWill; Dry ????.?,·!·. 1 l.crc wa» » doling up »l tli» he»d oitiie.treten, »nd 1er · moatrnt one e..uld not toll-.huh bSMS la!. But the imi«) w». not Ion» indoiiM «a hen the »niui»l» were well »irai^liirne.ut little Dry Moliofole inoweit hi» way Ihrougli hi» h.rsr»«ud m«in haalainmiuanillng lea.1. O»m»on eti.l rl.iini: linnnnlrra puilanrt h»viug hi» opponent· wlni.p n« Iurlou«lv"I here wa» gre»t exeteiuent In tii« »lau.l a« th· :,or,«, »v,«,,¿.? sud wh»n Dir M .iiopa.l.· ¡.««»et the line winner hr huit »Ivn-tli there »ere thumlr» of »pplsaee. Ltudon wa»'s.>«'oud.loiir l.'iigili» befor· Kura«. thini.Foi-aTM Kace-Mandicai·. $25 Each, »750 added.

1 3-1ß Milks.»»Ter Rrothor·' hr. c Kiagaton, hy Spendtbrlft-KapanraSsr«.. 113 m.lMcl.aucl lioi 1

P. D. Wither·» eh. c LaggarA 3, 108....(alcCartl.y 2

*. llebhard« b. h. Loie. ug««l. l'ai.(Barbee) 0TI liais-2 «ÖV

?»; ties t« «vlu.Kliigtiou 7 to lo. Hole 2 to 1. L»«rgkrd 8 te

.v?nl Anreu'2rtol*C*-K!D<t*t0n ?"GGß?' ¦-*··· ta t\ Lagrard

.nr.°i'Ü!.T ,**· w'«,"'r»"n. B·.!· led at tha «tart bnt wa« at

fÎni,oi'VîLyvArw.whe,tlh",,'kDd »·*· 'eur l»n»ll«. in

ÎÎ." u, G: K:Uf,ton '*·1 ?«·'«''?'??· ">'!« · walling

\. on.niw'S·'»':;*,1.1: '"J ,W"E ·*»· '¦·'· ·"«-¦*» bAMf .«f » ?,'ll* . V"r *· u~ir e» »"»·· bul iho old rogu. re-

lin-uw« t** *u îArt "· *·» a**« o»'« <»f the hnnt MitÄT"«-.^«,"^?' U"M* »(Hlewad «un «ad Argo giailnOtt ?* a !.«><« mi/. /«*«ig«r«l «eeoad, half · ?·?ß??, b» or·

WAoseeeo, »otomm ot u< race. UmbH aad IKiBjr»ton badth» «Mt-MBBtw·« tb··» «l SB« fBtteag. U· formt >*-dlBgir aleBgtb aad a ball sad Seep lag bis dUt-ac· »trtd» lor

a-rWto wltb KIbjumb. UtBMtefc'e keek·*·t trombi· for a

brief aoBienL J-elasuglill» shook a» the roll aud la the teattea stride·-sea«· awmv, wtaai-f well la baed By _aW»le. g th. I-ggard Battuti, tferee lMg-lbs bstot« Arg·. Loi»beaten oft*.

Fir« Bace-Pcue »600. Ekcliko. I-bMil«.a ?. Morris·· cb. e. PbU Lto, by OIsb Athel.V.rbeBB,4 vr· lue lb .tChursh) 1

Bleu«,.» Ce'·.'-, ._ ÍMtíBSter, 4 11-.~)??EZ_\ \Paru * Hall's ck. g. NMBten. ß. 8S..............Unwell) .

J. R Ferguson» ch. m. Thr«»· nie·.. », 10ß.(?1t·?») 0?>. T. M.KÏ*. b?. g. Taxgstherer aged. 8« (Newineyer 0W. C. Daly.ch.B_ WindsalL b.9».TS-?????? SJ. bl. Paul's b. h. Monocial. ß, 104.¦¦.-/...v,.(-.L*,**é2-1**1 °

C.H.P.ttlBf-1'sb.g. P»t Bbeedy. 4. 101 (<" Hjf*j 0

Kme'ry '* _K b.' c.'s.i.'ir. ï. '?d.'.'? .'..'..V.'.".'.'.".....?.i Elitie 0

lllvtr.lnePtsble··-.*. Pwasn«. ft. 101.-*?|_?_-. oGeorg« Fere·'· br.c. ítlBk.4.80. ^Bsrtoo 0

pTarter·. b. h. Easier Bu »day. ß. 111....C*_SÄ_I r)Charl*»Ocb»'»Ug. MoBograiB. omo, 101.(Per-las) 0

netting to wiB-LBntsaster 3 to 1. Monocrat 4 to 1. Wlndsall7 to 1 Monogram G?? 1. Phil Lee I kt \, ? »igstherer 10 to 1.(sullor 10 to 1, Faster Sunday 12 to 1, Pers»u» 12 t· 1, VlB.toe 12 to 1, I hree Cheer· 15 I· 1. Mink 20 to 1. Pet Hheedy" Betting for piece- LearasUr ·t·?. Monoerst 8 to 6. «Vied-¦all 11 to 5, Monogram 3 to 1. Pbll Lee 8 to 1, Tax gatherer 4to 1. Pnitor 4 to 1. Eaiter «Sunday ß to 1, Pegasus h to 1. Vinton 5 lo 1. Thre· «.licer» tito 1, Mink 8 to 1, Pat Sbertly 8

There was a delay of ten minutes at th· post. Pat Bheedyw»» first away when tbe flag fell. Suitor second, ? Uli I-eethird. Tassing ibe stand Suitor wrn? into tbe lead tnd madethe running totheqnaner where Phil l,eep»»»ed blm. Osr-rl»on worked de»»er»telr to close with Phil Lee hut Lama».l*r did aot have ibe speed. Phil Lee drew »wsy from himwithout »n effort »nd won by three lenirti s. Lancaster sec¬

ond, six length» otAO*ß VMM. third, the forlorn divisi ?

»tmggltng in. Monogram pullimg up lame. No bid tor tbewlauer.ß??t? Race.Handicap btekh.-chase. Pcrse ÇjOO.

.HORT CoUKftR.T. French·» b. c Mentnore, by KisgfUher.Lady MeBt-more, 4 yre., 143 tb. (M«ra. 1

J. II. Mti'isnttl). h t-oiiilm. 4, lui.(Tellman. 2

A. Lakeland·., g. Harry Mann, aged. 147.(Dufrle»! 3Long Iilaud Stable's h. g. «'¦ · l'.li. age.!. 13"-....'Lock-i»n) 0J. Eenneys b. g. lAroy, ß. 188.(Eeeney) 0Heinpeteadritsble» ch. m. Mvslio, ö, 144.(Scaolen) 0R. McCsnn's b g. Jack. ß. 128.(Whyhurn) 0N. (J. I-orlUard'» h. g. Ketrll.ution. 5. 130.(Henehall) 0R. Clare'· br. h. Banelord. »ge.l, 183.«.Greene) 0

Timt*-3:r..Betting to wln-My»tlr !· ?ß 2. Jack 9 to 1 Mentmor» 0 to

2. Leroy ft to 1. Retribution ti to 1, Harry Mann 7 to i, Bon-dan 10 to 1, Worth 10 to 1, Hsndford 12 to 1.Betting for place.Mystic ? to 6. -ark S to 3. Meetmort» R to

6, l.eii.v 2 io 1. Retribution 11 to 5 Harry Mann 3 to 1, *sou-

dan 4 to 1. Worth 4 !.. 1, Sandford S to 1Tweniy-slx l.or»es were named lo »latt. Nine went to the

post. I.ert.v anil Mystic made tlie riiumug for a mil«·. ThenWorth took"it up, leading into the Hat Mentmere closed withthe leaders on the turn »nd wss first over the lest hurdle.Coming on under the whip he won after a hard drive by iwo

lengths, «omlan second, ion.· longths beloie Harry Maun,third.


OF UHtltBaratola, Jnly 28,-The great Miss Ford, with whom

"Lncky" Baldwin Intended to drive the a ghty Hsnovrr to

s run, was disgracefully beaten to.dar br Dnnboyne »nd

Carey. She was neTer iu tbe race. Th· course wn go«*d. Tlie

Ally seemed tit to run lor a man's life. Mr. Baldwin backedher a» heavily as he ever backs anything aud has no ex« use

to offer.The speedy and gracefal Ovide was beaten Just as easily by

Mamie Hunt. Poor Harry Russell was age iu forcrd tt) tako

third place. Tins i» the most nut..minate Imi »e in America.He alway* runs bis best but never win» when ho I» exprt t« «1

to du »o. It «vas a day or upsets all al'.ag the line.

KiKsr Race.Pi-its- $ltxj. Incut Wninur.*. 6i-cnioNce.

D. A. Honig'» b. f. Manne Hunt, by Frogtown.Betty,4 yre. 10» tb.(\Ve»i) 1

William ?. ? itomons's ch. c. Amalgam, 4, 113.il'iiiini IT. X. Miller's b. g. Hsrrv Ru «sell. 100.(B. l-.vsns) 38. Cohens hlk. f. onde,':». 1(14.(Wlnchell) 0K. < ortigan» eh. m. Modell v, U, 111. (Blaylmk) 11

W. B. Jennings'» b. f. Maggie Mitchell. S. M.(T.vlori 4P. Corrigan'» ch m. Cuban Queen, 4, 101... (IL «A illiani») 0J. ParkeCsb. g. Falcuner. age.1, 108. ((;i«1fie»l (IO. Bowie's ch. g. by Ca'esUv M.(Baruea) 0

Timo 1.1 «J »v.Bettlng-Ovlde 1 to ?, II «rry Basarti 6 to 1, Manilt· Hun! (1

to 1. Mvxlesiv Id to 1, Amalgam '.'0 to 1, Hum :;u to bo to 1against the others.' Audi«· pools.Dvltle $50, Mamie Hunt $1(1. Modesty $14,Harry Ru«sell $12, Mangle Allu hell $11, field «14.Harry Russell le«l into the ouiestiet« h and I'-oked » »ure

winner. At the turlong Mamie Hunt br«.ke inrough therack and cmuing on won easily ur a I« ut-t'i. Amaig.tm ¦ ¦< und,a lengtli sud » hall batet*· Ovule, tltlrd. Tbe la«m it« seemedtu have turgotleu lion lo run.

BBtVOND RACE-EX« KI-MOU PTAKK«. *?0 KaCH, !?1.1X)0Alllil.l«. Bl IICIAI. Wl.UiHTS.

Willlain Jenning»'» b.c. Dnnboyne. lty luc-s-Krer. IM Ib.. iCImppell) 1

F. Coi rigati'» b. c. Cartv, H»5.lillatlockl 2E. J. Raldwin'sb. f. M.»« For.l.(W. »t) 3

Tune.'.' i.'1«.Betting.Miss Kord 4 to ft. Dunliovue ß to 5, Carey S to 1.Auct.on i>ovils-M:»s lord tl.^0. Iiiinbovno ***(). Carey $4?.Strathspey anil lituwn Duke wer.· withdrawn. Th«¦··«¦'

was pruiupt. < »icy was first sitar, but Munnoyne pa···him at ? linu.il«! y»r«l» and getting a lea»! of a length ma.t·«the whole ut tue running, winning hr twu leuglh«, ( »rey».¦comi, a deztsn leuglli* befóle Mis* Kurd. Tlie favorite was

a K'uotl last all Ilio wa». 1 here seems to bo no ext ase for herwretchevl periodi..un e.

TiiiitD Bui G??-tt ftrTt »racsAL· Wmra Hkats«ti .**i\ trimsmm

Freestone Stable's br. h. Hlma'ars, by Virg'e-Ken·tuckr Bel.·, Uyr«, l'-'O lb.ill. Evan*) 3 11

W. II. Hsrittl» ch. 1 Nellie ?/ß·, 4, M .(J. Ilirrisi 1 4 2J. McMub'tn'sb. g. Fraukl« II.. -gad, lull (Chapp·!!) 2 3John fspelluiau's b. It. istratli«t>oy. axed. Kill.

('.«Ki.lal· I, West I) 4 2O. M. Ryes ch. c. Or» Friend, ft. Ids. <n«>t'frey) b d

Time-1:17*». 1.17«s. 1:20.First heat Betttitg-Siiatusp.-r 3 to !>, Nellie Vsn ß lo 1,

Our Erlernt« le 1. Kraukle li. w lo 1, Himalaya Kl t·· 1 AirItou peale-. *siratb«|«ey $.'>··, mir Kileod »20. Nellie Van »IH,Fraukle 11. »IC. Himalaya $12.Tlieie wa« » bard «truelle between Frank le II »nt! Nellie

Van for live I urlungs. ? .en the l*;i«-r drew away an.l wou

by a length.Second heat Betllng-B«r»th»iey 1 to?. Hlmnl ira 4 tn 1.

Nellie Van 7 to I. Kranklo It. 1·) lu 1. A ??-tluii pool« Mralh·»per $:t.'». the field 9*9·

II luiaiara tt«ok the track at the f.i'l nf the tl «g »ml eev«rbeln»! In· med won casllr by ttr.i lengths.

'I'liinl lit-at- Betllng-lf nntlav» 1 to 4. Nellie Vau .i to 1.Auen« n pools.Hiiualara sv.'.u. Salle Van 42(1.

11 in-lav- again took ihe track aud led all tbe way, winningthe lit al ami r ,i e.

FoiKTii Rack.Pi H»K $400. Tiirkk-Ykar-Oi.i».«. ??e¬ui. Whii.iiis. 1 Mil I 7«> Yahiis.

J. O. Green·!'» eh. g. Wyndon, by King Ban-Orphan Flor¬ence. 88 16. (l»rne*) 1En el»ior .Stable'» ch. c Bronzomarle. 03.(Wl.llauisi 2J. Ml MaliOB's .). c. Al lloetl, 111).(»«jdlreTi 3J. I!. ilaggln'ab. f. Itosallu·). 10..(IVInrlielli u

Ott-ner« ramp. »0.(W .ti 0(JilvB liowit'» br. c. Valiant. IM .(Taylor) 0

Tim·.1 50VUntine -l:o«tl:itil 1 to '.'. Al 11" I 3 to 1. Wvillon 16 to 1,

? lain«. 1 .· to 1, Valiant 90 to 1. Rrou7.oui»rl· 40 to 1.Auction ttools. lltisalind »40. held »2ft.Bioiizoiu.irlc made (.lie paw e fur uoarlr a mile, followed br

Wvntlvio, I ia:up ani Al II.si In the order u itnetL Al thefurloii»-Wrutluii. tvitli a fin» burst nf «?-ß-?. pa»»«»l Rrouzo-marteand won iiv fuur lenglhs, Rronsomarte .e.-ond, twoletigths befnre Al l'.ee-i thlr I. Tne lavorìi«, ran utikiintlv, re-

fusiug u> try a yard. *

FllTH RAI K-Pl'KSK tyillO. SKI.USa SIX FCUIXINGS.Pawnee stable'» br. li., l'Ini Lewis, by Hiawaiha-Emma

.stilliti. aged, lim ih.? »Vii am*. 1W. H. Tliiiui.m*' lu. g. M Her, ft, 115.iDuuni ?J. N. Atktrmin'sch. f. r»n)ue, 4, no.(FUbhura) 3T. Eller'» ch. »;. Itevnke »g» I. 112 .(Kiley) 0'Irat-y A- Ia»vv'»b. in. Ulti y Howling, ageI. 112. ?»:?].? (?D. A ilulili; « li. m. l.va ?., agnit, 1 ;.l.I litui«·.ili 0Exceldor fslable'» ib. g. l'ai Dennis. ag«.d, 1U8_?«'»??µ! 0«iauley A Cu.'· h. ir. N»t UtKxlwIn, 3, lfie.(«lesllinyi (?J. I«uiin * ( o.ib.y Ed. Me A voy, 3, 1)7. ? Heck) 0E. Coni.'an'· b. g. bwlner, ß. 107. .tillar w «?

J. McMahou'· b. f. Uold Band, 3. HS.(Boden) 0Time-1: Ifs»,.

Belling.Revoke 3 to 1, Swinev 8 lo 1. N«t í.í>t«.win ?! to 1.Eva E. 7 tn 1. liitttlv I'.owllng 7 ?« 1. Phil Lewi* s to 1. Miller8 to 1. Put D« i.n « .1 to 1. Uold Hand 10 to 1, Lblqu« If) to 1.? ?(???) :?? ?« ?.

Ani'tioii pools-Revoke »10, Biddy Rowling $10, F.ra K. MLHeld »'.a.Pat Dennis led for three fnrlonrs, when he was passed by

Miller. The latter in mm wa» outrun ny Phil l..wi«, whowon by tw«. leiiuth». Miner fluished s.'cond. a leuglh Letterthan I oltjue, t-irti. The otlitr» were »iruug on t. No bid furUie winner.

. -

THK KNTRIEH FOR TO-DAY.Thl» Is the first extra day ol tbo season at Barato?·». Tlie

entries are glreu below ?

Fhust Rack.I'.iisk l?l(»o. Ppecial Wkioiit«. Bi_Fiki.om.s.

A'atru. Age.H'eti/liL Same. Age. WeightBrambleton.4 118Jol>llee.8 04Alane.3 loo ..larr L'.? W.iDonovan.ü ?ß! Sii'iiliie.8 {4?« oloiiel "iwens.5 101 ? .".«ml .3> ·*'.'c. alitili.4 P.-, ?-lie'taw.8 '.·-'OeorgleC.8 »7 Columbine....«.S .2EBgin.4 V2|PKC-OND-l'lBSE f400. H'lt «I. WKl'ill r·!. 1 3-1« Mli.F.S..Vets«. Age.tS'eiqht.'.Kame. Age,Weight.Brail..6 l'-O;Amalgam.4l«slTenfltrik·. o 110 I··! Norte.3 looBinette.ß llUlLoogilg-t.S98bpnogtield.a l"-i,

Tiiiiid.l'in-ti. |400. Maiiikn Thd-Yeau-Olds. Five1 titiaiM.s.

A'em«.Ungili \a m.. IIVinAr.Mattle Looram .106 Pe Weep.102Amanda.10«. ¡lio-prep.IO.Voltigeur.lOftrKam Parker.102Warren colt.loft oscar.lo-'Fountain.106¡Til Willow.102Hilbert.loft Irma H.102Barage.lu_l Manon.Iu2

ForiiTii-SEi.i.iso. l Mii.e.Nrttn«f. Age. Weicht.'Sain*. Age. Weightila.vstrier.6 1 12 liai ? v Ito«e.ß102Buri.m.0 Ilo Maggi· Miti hull.H UNI..»»?,la Claus..a Ilo l-msdowue.494Doubt.6 110 lielmiint.-...8 »7Nenie.a 1Où Esco.»la.486

FH-TH-HAMiIi AI' *-I'.l.l'l .l.t II «-!..

Sam». Age. Weight. Käme. Age. Weight.Wellington.a lftd III iitoii.6 1-?Oeo. MfiCnllongb...a 14 < il n la.ß 128(ilenarm.«s 142! MaggieMsy.6 12sVlgllauc·.ß 137 Lljero.4 12»Brey Fogl·.a 1.?·?|Pools were sold last nlj{lil a» follows :

Fir»t Race- llram-.teiou $25, Colonel Owen» (1(1. Alone ?.?,Oef.rgleC.. lileaeed, (J. and li.. Belle Taw and Donovan $5caci., fiel.! »7.

*>,r,,_.| lia. e-Umetti: $7.'.. Am .!/.ns »IO, Brait »3ft. TenStrike ».io. Springfield $·/?. Del Norte $'.?, laangllghl »15.Tliird Hace.No pool* »old.Fourni Hace Maggie Milc'i«ll -li,, lleliuunt *¦;, Nettle $ß.

fiel »2ft.Fifth Rice. Wellington »25, Oi«>B«rm »14. I.ijero $13,

(leorge McCutlough »11. Vigilance »lo, llruton »tí, lilaila»ß, field»».

SALE OK RAMMAI ASH BROOKDALE COLTI».Colonel S. I). Inn·· Its» been a«lv«rtl«lng for »«une unie »

** great sale of thorouglibrtxl» at Monmonlli i'»rk "- u:i!r:t dyoung«t>r»ll-ib the Rancocasand RrtNiktiale studs. Ihe ex¬

pected »ale came near Ixin« a gift enterpriae. It look placeye»t«rd»y, sun bids wer· «o few snd fsr between that tlieanctloneer »lylr dod»etl b»lf the catalogue. Mr. Withei«.io«x¡ at hi» elbow snd if the amount often d for une nf ih«Urookdal· pet» were not »atlifsctorr be »hook h»head, and tb« CoU«uel ««em g it, told theIndiflercnt buyers that the horse wss " reservotl."

K/.,._.lU».'rr"»rernv*'" I*! ...', ß » KlB« Erne»! roll »-«Ibought him back atan a.HaLCuot fr..-,u p,.,u, lornlard. )7.rcpre«*nt!Bg th. si.iim of lUn.oe,^ »nolle«! among hi»faihet · yearling, smoklns the pipe of pe*«e-»u neirutbriar r.«ot with » «hort. stralgbt ?!*«-«-« ? anag.-d to ß-?.·.1.¦s*,o's5U,tÎl %Uf1··4-'·''··" »?····».»· "Ihe l.ttrsu. .v..,Lge,i».«liiftHcsch. fh· largest buyer »a. tb· timi·.· yearnidbrother o. Jock.y Audj '· McCsrlby. Tbo l.ny hoise.nau-he ws» noUlterthai, g yard sti. k-·??!?G??*4 iLu octatuooby ievelBl lilt» wilh C.iluj f Bruce.TheKancecA«yearlings wet« low la _··_, bat ibeU laa-loa

tbl· br«edlag shrald hsr· »eeerei Much larrar pricea .«o

»¦...mer let at celt« Utas the·» fr»m Breakdale ev«r fell..der an auctioneer"· hammer. The·· ate Uto »al··, th· buy¬er« »ad tb« prtee· t


CbMtnst «aldina by lroqaelaatarr·) (I8H81. MatthawBrra··.TT. »T240

Cb*4t»ot g«ldlag by Morteaier.il ll.legar.l· (18SA). V.McCarthy. 100

Chaatnat geldug by Duke ef Magenta gueea (1SXC).D. J. Mcl'arhy_. 1G0

Bay gilding by Duke *f M»ge»t.«-W»nrnll» (liVMl), A.lakelsnd..-. 880

Blown geidiag by Irt->qn»H Nettie Hind« (188ß). B.Wetter. 170

Ilrow· oily hr Iroguei«-'.eBdol· (1SH6), D. D. Wither« «2»Chmtaut flllr by Mortemer Zlck» (IS8ë), ? Kilm 620( beêtuut Ully by Itoquol»-Kl«ci!»n (lSSd), June«

Muiphy. 2*0Bay Slly by link· ef M.grnta K»»ka*ki» (18MÌ). H.Binary.;».- PH

Brown Ally br PliatT· Beula« ?ß?-ß). R. T. Cl»rk..... « 00Cbeitent Ally hy IruquaU-Mari« (ltWfl), C'tilau A

Uaakln·. I tmChaatnat Ally by Doha of Magenta·Touch Me-Not

(1888) B. Blley. ·¦¦CheatantSIlrby Harrahor Dekeof Maganta I a (Ho-

li· (188«>), D. Mr« «rtby . 1*0Che«iniit Slly by Duke of MagenU «"»ealata (1880), I>.


McCarthy. 3 10

Total.t*.l«'5BROOKDALK .«.'IT).

. C'heatuut celt by Klag hrneel. Fanfan (188«), ChlnnAlUnkln».»1,010

liar colt by Klag Krne»t Pouch (1884J). offered »'.f 1,00V...No bid

Bsy colt by Tom Ochlltre· Abundance <1«?8«>). 140 lud.Not taken

Has* flllr hy King rlmest Mlaor.ty (18S8). offered attbW..7G....Nobul

llar iiilv by atoaehengcF.ee·>1· (188(1). rnnnln« iinall-tl«»only.Nohid

Bay Ully by Btouthenge A«t»ge (1S8U), 11. KUey. 3 K>


Red Trine««. rhe*tnat roll bv Klug Alfonao Qunenrraft(lH«l4i, H. Kaliu. S460

Kingijiiil- . l,r»;nut cult by Klag AlfoBio-l'anaryflirrt |1.S74), A. hhilich. 200

Bar coll by King Alf«»»»o-Ha«li (1985). D. McCarthr 76Intereat-clicïtuiit colt by Long Taw-Income (IHM

DJ. McCarthy. 160Foca««etl.I.town celding by l'owhatlan-Nlgl.t it·*·

(lXKIl.J. Ilrl.n.l. 220Tragrili.ii- clir«inut «elding by Marduff-Arlrrea

(??8.?), lt. T. Clark. ß·»0ura« le-bay flllr by Mlilaitha-Kalrwater (1?8.*>), II.

Olncy.... . 2«0B«y Ally by BadenBadeu H»fn» (188S), C. D»lrT"»ple 164)

. Anhouraftri lh·· »ale Mr. Wither« Wight thla celt ofMesara. Chino A Henkln» fur SI.2C0.

A BEAD HKAT FOit TUE UOODWOOD CL't?.Loxnox, Joly 28.-The rac· for the (¡eodwood cap. 34

mile», wa» run today ·? the Ooodwood meeting. The Lukeof We»tniiu»trr'» three-year-old lirown roll Sav.l-- and Doug-la« Ralr.l'a mar-year old bay coll -i. Michael ran a de.id beat.Cotintde llerttu'· louryiar «In theataut colt Cpaa waa

tblrd. In the run off tbe betllug wai ß lo ft on bevile. Pavil»won. Tlie lint belting wa· a to 1 a» nil barile, 5 to 1

against St. Michael »nd '.' to 1 a-.iu«t C,.a«.The Prince of Wal«·'· K'ake·, tor two-vwr-olda, wan won

Oy the Duke of I'orllau«!'» bay colt Ayishlis, It. H. Conibe'»brown «oil bt··*·· l'un· nei'uuil «ml Mr. Abingtou'» chestnut«'»It Jaggier a ba«i llilril. Tue Lattina- »loori .', to I on A vr-'.lure. 14 to 1 gain»! -I·« on Ture «nd 7 to 1 agalsit JagrlT.The la«*· Mr MS to»» M «¦.risi Make*, fur twu-jrar old*,

waa won br Mr. Manto).'· «I.eilniit tlllv Mini toit hr ·

lrnrtli: (i*neral Owen \??1??·??«? bay roll Sena nn« came Inaecouil. ihr««·, lengrh» »be»d of Lord Hialtord'» bi«>wn rotMcirr An.'r "-v. 1 ha belling w·» 17 to 1 again»l Men Dtoit,2 to 1 against eoaiiiisand 4 to 1 agalnat .Sirrry Andrew.


NF.wror.r. K. I., July 28..Additional «iili«cri¡.tiun« for th·Cltlxeu» yacht 11 . Inriea·« the luu.t to neaily i I. '.·»>·». about«2110 mure lliau .a«: year.



Costly ertori at critic«I tni.inent· defaate.l the It·, kirncluD again at Wa»hingtou Park yeata-rday. The Cm, innatinine waa it« opponevi». A bunt '.',.100 spectator« wer« present.nd tl.i-v departed after th· game witb nut extremely highoplulotii ol tlie hone club. Tool· pilcbtxl In g«t»l form anil« h good support would bar· dose even better work. Ii.tn-.i»r lirrne ???» o-·«;, l.i .!?·?!?>: ue hi» player«, and the mo»

will probably .I· letter woik irom th:* time out. M· ielianlia· been Hue I $'.'.'. ami »u»pci..l· .1. and o'Brieu 1* »I»o on·

vacation with«,ut » ilari.After the home player« had been retire«! I· one, two, ll.iee

order, the vNitoi» went to tlie b»l »ml ». or«d on·.· run. Ni. ol,tli· tint ballar, wa· «eul to in it baa« on called ba.l» ani,.tralliig to srcuii.l, iiutvl on » lilt to leit Held by Keiin*lly.Tim ciuwit Haa happy to the thud Inning whrn Ilio hum·playera acure·) live ruaa »nd (urged ahead <«f their ppuncnta.Muliane »eeancd I.· lose hi« unuing. I'eupl·« wa« »eut to

(list ?.? called balla and Tuole a ul the globe bouu.img alangIhe left Held funi li «· for twu l.»,.·«. larke thou lui Iho ball«afrly to rtglit tlelit ani G...?'««ml I'iKilr ran hom.·. ? lark·went in »e< un I un a ?»· «? bali .ini Pink ne y wan again «eoito f r -1 ..? all»! ball« M. Taiinny made a hit and Clark«? ??ß.1. I'll 111 ?« Im ». ely 1ml «r.-cu right and <*nir.· nani andI'.uku« y ami \i« I ..many »cored, in tha fourth mal.ig I'eople*ai.it ? i»rk» bluiulfi··! »nd the inrlnaal) m«.i «cored two

ion» »n«l lr**eu«'d the a«! of the lutai plar-ia. It«.Ik· as·»!·. till, went to »eiuii.l ouapiased hall ami to third on a wild

plirh. Carpenter got to tir«! on an error by People» audUnity «cited. .u p.nur gol around t.· third on a w.ld throwbv Clarke and «ciuol on· hit by .«milan«. Twu Blur« run*

went to BiiM.kiyii'a ???. r.l lu th.· tilín Inning oa « two ?«·«

Ini by 1'iukiiey. a hit by McTktu»ny, a lurce hy a wartwoodauilan error by lial.iwin.In the *!xlh tnn.ng the Clu.-innatl player· acore«! three

run· an«! they »eie now i.uly .ue run betnad.au«! ??··»??1.hSgS liegan In gr w i.e.»..ii». ? ?« .«? w ·» »eut !.. Ilr«! ,·?

Calie«! ball» for the ??.,?? urne, while M. The« gut» " llf.· "

,,?, au error br G·...,.i·«. ?:? error by l'iakui-y let Nicol get!.. lh. 1.1 .ui.I on Kenn-Hr'· llire«-ba«fl hit to left · «titre dell.Nit ul an«l Mi I'll, ß ·. .,!·.!. Kenn· Mr «« oie.I on a bit br Corklilil.In tue »eventi« lui: irik tha incinuall inn· ». or« d twoini.».ml »eut Ut tlie fi-.ut. Ken nelly mad· · two 0«·· hit andIteilly loo» one bate «ui an «nor l.y Hwartwnod, Ketiaelly» ..I ug. ?'?????,? r»li..w.d with · two ba«· lilt, «eintlnarll.-iilv le thinl. Ilaldwiu'i nul a.!u»ed lleiily t· »cor·. II··«ui«. w»·

If, oe


IIßol I

S.l all Cincinnati, r


'.ir.«l. r.f .

<i «· Mcli.ce. 21.1 1 r.ni.-llv, · ·

li llji il Illy. Ili."0. k .«.I. I .' ., . ..

1 «i d Ha dwin, a '» u| (.' '( I! I li I 0o] i o si o

'I'Cuunor. tf..

;s,. u Î.( 1 u u

:( ? ? üill« ii| o

?. I.

I ! '. I 1 '«Ipenter, 3 hMull.u«, ?

l'I M 1

7,I'«"JI Iß 7 Total. 8.HU7 ie| s

? o. 0

Rronklpn.I'iiikuey. SS.M« »many, ci«w»rlw.RMl.rlrblilp«.lb..-tullí.. ·»..i.reer, If...I'eutile». 2b.Toóle, i«( l»rke. c...Terry,·»..


llroollrn.(I 0 L· U 2 0 0 ? O.7(¦»«?· ?.n. .ti .1 ? ? 2 .? o 2 ? ? \Kirncd run».RrooklvB, li « tiirlnuatl. 2 l*ir»t ba·« l.y11.1 liiunklvii, m«· ? .»ti. '.' «iru. k nut- Brooklyn. ?111« .Oliali, o. I'll ou ?·:?««» Hr....kirn, 4. ( incino ill. ft.

.trat MM ««Il bails.t'ltlkuef 1. ?.··?«?·? 1. I'vuples 1.Ni.ol.l. H«.·..« .ins- None. I..ieel»aee lilt» Kenuellr 1.I »O «.:.«· I.U« )«·'.:, ·G? 1 ?',?G. nrv 1, TlMll· 1, « ..IkUl.i, 1,(.'.rneai. ? 1. ISrinktlM Swat tw.i-al 1, Moot 2. C'«rp«uter1. lilt br purl.er Mill arm SS ill pilrhe». 1 mila I,Mullan« 1. I'a.ae.i liai;«-Clar«e 1. Baldwin 1. I niplio-Mr.Mi (jiiade. Tun·. 1 in.Tne Helrupo.liau aud Clevelaud nine» played »rain »t St

(liM.rge, H. I.. ye«i. t.lav, Ihe latter club winaing after a .:l«ae»nil hai.! futi«·»,! gSaaa lh·' « levrlan t playera war· fori.mat»in making their lilt» at oppuriuns ino'ueut». 1 »e |oe.t cluliI.·· unearllied anu.'h-r «uil«|iillv iu "Hip'' ?'.»« ??.? a u««.|e»» ..nti'iuity at Inai fia· w«» · g.»«! ?,?···:,..? ??·>p in!!». ?.ili tli.' .? .« «...n I r aio ?'????? tAtOO peaiple »fai

«li.«* io si..! u I» and t» will.««* the g ime, and Ihn inajo'ity.11.1 ii'.l aerili !., ar«· m ?. h win«!· nine won the t'a "e- I "¦

»«ora »aa:

Metrvyetitan ». .1» ilo a. e fitvttand. r. Ab pu, a. e.

lU.lfiii.l ··...! U« 1. \ · 0 ¡Mtrirker, 2b..! |! ?'~5' t 1..'Is..... if .11 B, ·} il u .......n » » ? in .,. ,. ..

.One man on! in la«t Inning.MetropellUn.0 I) 1 0 0 3 I) 0 0. 8C'.crelantl.....I 0000100 1.4

l-'.aii.e.l niita-álilmpolitia, 1 Clrvnlaail. 1. Klrat ba*· mieror« .M»llop<ilil«n, 2: ( leveUud. 0. -truck em.'-lelre.pulita··. 4; Cleveland. 4. ? eft on b»»o» Metropolit·«. 4 ?.rve iu.I, ft. iM tta*· on ballai!· lord, 1: O' Bl leu, J.

Ilaiikliixm. 1. Mum.· run Noa«. I In«·».«»« lui«..S-.ue.1 wo-ua»« «.u« J..I...«. 1 t!eih»r4i I: llktaltng. S Allen. 1.onde play« II..tiling «nd Mirlr.kar, MorriMin >in. k-i aad|'..y, Mtri.krr, Mariaan aud ???, llatikln*on «n«l «lerh.irdt»mi tiirand Ka<Word. «.< ru irtt and «>rr. Illl iiv pitchei-')rr1. Strlckei 1. Wild pili-h·«-af.irriaon 1. Mar» '.. r.-.e 1liail* ll'.lbert 1 l.deu l.aae» MrtrapoliUo, 1 Clevel»iid,'?. Cinplrc Mr ? e. i.an I in.· Two lu.ur*The Mriri.|.ul:tan aud Clerelaed clnli* w II pl»y » pSSM «t

-ia »n lilaui t,.i»v. while the Brooklyn »ml Ciuciuuauclub· no«» lot* In lliooki) n.

rnriiri Keaiiu an«l »iiher Klnilow »re In trouble. BothIh» Detroit »od cincinnai! duba claim lb«tr »errlce·.



DaTROiT, Jnly 2H.--I,ltrber «Iruber. recently »f Hutford.wa« put Iu lh· box fur Drirult to «I «y «nil pnch.-.l a go«xlgame, but hi» »upuort at inn·« wa* poor. II« wa· ratherwild. givi.ig eight neu ba··» oa balls, bat at critical time· hr¦teadled down nicely. With three «ingle« and · tripla D»lr«it«curati tbrlii) to the iltat Coaaor aia·!· a loug home ru».invelili,':,. nr«l and a bate on balla, three iluglM andTlmmpeou'· error gare New. Yark two ami lied ihe SMS Inniellimi. Detroit to.ik a lead of one In the finti. I.ut the vi»,llora, with a ba»e on ha la. a »ingle and «ouïr good baae ?a??-ning In the .evenlh, aga.u lied the «ora Kwliig naad» ·triple »nil »cored on » »acritlr« In lh« ninth. Scoro:

_Detroit jr. 1« m* a. ,.j si». Verle r.lb pojin.Itich»r.lan,2b 1 Ml 5 2 o Kwtng, 3h....|~l ".i Ô'*l "illtuuihi-ra, lb| 2 4. 7 1 Ul rt'ard. »a.' o1 0 1, ß· ull.-ve. ». a... 1 2 1, ft, 0 («nu.ir. lb ...' S 4 13 ? 0? honipsoii, r. r ?. 1 11 ti, ? «ii.iacf.? o, si :? 0 2While. 31*. (I 1 ?1 ? 0, liei nan. r. f.. Il a 10 0Mainine, 1. f. 0 1 0 ?? 0 «»'.iourke, ?...? o! 5« || ?, 1llanluii. c. t.. 0 0 ft l! O (lllleapl*·, I. f.. 01 1 4l OÍ 0nsasel c.| 0 0 Si 1 1 Hi<-h*r.l*'ii.2b 0 G 2« 6 0'¦»-'ibei.p., 0 1 II 4 Ü keefe, p.loj 2 0 8 0

Tot»L.? 4 12-2S14J '.'[i Tetal_|"p i"f,a!7 fi,*.'Winning run innde wil.'i one mm ont,Detroit.;4 O 0 0 1 o 0 0 0-4New-York.1 0 2 0 0 0 10 1-»? mied run»-Détruit, 4 N«<v-Yi«rk. 4. Ihrea-b»»· hit«.

I owe, 2 ; Ewlng. Hone runa-tonuor. D-iU'ile play«Itiivre and lli,.nih«r»; liroiil'ier« »ud lllrhar ?»·,? 'A'ar.l|{irli«rd«uii at.<i ? unnnr. Kit»! ba»e on lull» Min ???«'l'.ri.iiiher». (»It'.urke, 2, Ke«ie, 2; C'nnm.r :G Kwmg'Hi! by pitched »all-i,«i,i.-l. Kir«t baae on error*-Detroit,1. «r ... out-ily h. ·:.·. 2: I.Hi Jit, 4. I'..,»e.i ua ?«O'ltourke, 2. ?.???ß-2.1ß. L'mplr·. Mr. Dae»·.her.

m .

CAM G? IN Oran CITI ?«.BALTiMiial., July 2h -'lb· Baltimore leaiu piare·! inillffer

enlly to-day ani dropped another game to the St. I MMBrown· »iu·!.. ? p tihe.1 m g·»·.! (orm and »a« well «up.por.c., «Un« kiiigy w«» bu bard »a«1 tb« aieu Mkuad him

made eeetly errer* at cri ttcsl Betete. Berle and rainer were

eeeh respeeslt.le for · ma sad Fergnson gar· the rleltore

.Bother. Tb· latter wa» roundly hisastl «ever»! times »nd

reellr »e»»Mvi to be off ob «ever»i cloee «Uctsiona. Atuai»eaee. 2 .mm·. The ecere anse a« follow· ?

et Lobi·......0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1-fBaltimore...0 0 0 « 0 0 0 0 1-4B««el.lU KL ?_?·?!·. 12: Baltimore. 7. Errore.BL Louis,

1: lit.ltla-or·. 4. Pltchers-Csratbersaad Kllroy. Luiuire-Mr. Farcii «on.Pun Ai'ieii'itiA. July 24..I.enlsTtlle won te-day la a rane

that was Interesting nntil the le»t mea wae pnt eat. The

Athlrcice got only fonr clean hit« off Cham heríala, tli« rest

heilig bases on balls. A b««e on balls, a steal an«t a bit gave

the Athletic· a mi In the first sad a base oa balls, a three

bagger »ad an »nt brought In two lo ti.ß second. LeiitsYtllemade one in tbe third on a muff by Poorman, two (teal· and a

bit; another in tb· seventh en a triple end a »ingle aad two

In the eighth on three single« and ao out. Laskln. Poorman

an. "A «alt made pretty rnnaiag catches The ecore was as

follow»LoulSTille.0 0 I 0 0 0 ? ? 0.4Athletic.I 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-3B»»ehlU-LouisTllle. 10: Alhlellc. 10. Errors-LoulsTllle,

0; Athletic. 3. Pitcbert-Chsmberbsln and Weyhing. Um¬pire.Mr. Curry.

CiiiCAi.o, July '-'*)- The Huston player· fell easy victims to-

the superior plariug ot the Chicago club to-day Tbe home

nlae by ire· battlug took a commanding lead in tbo early partof the match and held it eaaily to the end. Ces way pitchedpoorly and his curve.« were belled in every direction The.curs was as appended ?

Boston.0 I. 00100 0-4Chicago.1 ft 0 0 0 3 0 I 0-10

itaselilts-Huston, 11: Chicago, 19 Errors.Boston. 41« huaico. 6. Pitcher».Conway snd Clsrkson Umpire.MrPowers.

I .f in an Al·«·! is. July 28. Heavy batting was tbe feature la

the game to-tlay belwt ea tue Indianapolis and WashingtonIu .». "Urasshoppor Jim" pilch·«! ·? poorly that tbe

lin isit-r natter« matie » »core of hits The match resulted In

a victory fur tbe ho.ue club by the following score t

Washington.2 001 1208 0-8lB.iUiiep.ilis.1 3 3 0 2 0 0 4 2-1Sl!.i»ehlts-Washluglon. 12; Indianapolis, 20. Errors.

U ««hiliglot·, Oi lti.liaaap.il«, 8. Pitcliers «Mittiiey audMuins«.u Umpire. Mr. Valoiitlue.PlTTSBlBO, July 28..The Philadelphia club defeated the

Pittsburg nine today aller a well played game The visitingplatel« hatte.1 fr.-t-ly in tlie »et «tinI and 111" lout IUU» »Coredgave iheni tue victory. Tne »core :

Philadelphia.0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-4PilUiinrg.0 I 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-2

lU-eiiits Philadelphia, f»; Pittsburg. 12. Errors.Phils-de,pina. 2, Pittsburg, 2. Pitcher* -c'asey and Morris, em¬pire.Mr. -lUlivau.


PROMINENT ARRIVALAIlofman Iftute-ltuu M. In« kins..u. of Detroit.Wind-

tor tivlel- Anttew Allan, ol Montreal.tilth dotoo»Umili.James F' Jo·, ol Delrwit ... Urai.d Jlotet-Jaagn E.D. While itud citarle« il. ? liiluey, of New-Uileao» -Mur¬ray Hill iiutcl- iti» itev. II. B» llotfuian and Walter Lppm.coti, Ot l'itila lelphia.'.iti'y lltui'-l.. M. .M.tioi·-. ofM asii-ugtoB.


WHAT lb QOIBQ ON TO-DAY.Bo.irilnf ElcctrtcalConlr.il. City Hall.RauDi Hiuwiie » «mi beioreludge I'.moline.Ai« irupolitan-Cievelauti baseball match, st. (¡eorgc, 8. L,

4 p. m.Kxamli atlnn ot ex-Postmaster Saiuiaoa befors Commis¬

sioner Mu«.·, Brooklyn.Mu'.i in t.aliery Park hy bSih Kegraienl Band, H p. m.Fiiiieruloi Kt .rjvf -i.ter«, Si rrier « l'hiin.ii, lu a. la.!..« .lee' Club 1er «juidoor .-.»«ori» touuis toni uaiuenu »lateu


NEW YORK CITY.«_«tii«-ral Nowioii, Commissioner uf Public Works,

returned from th» Adlrona«!«» yesterday.The Employee' ?.»-o· latiti of the lttxluci· BTTJ-MP

will bavo a slimmer ni glu's festival at tho EmpiròCU)' l «.lussi-uni Iti lllgllL

Thomas «-¡iilnn. age six, of 1011 YVa>lilngtiii st., was

run ?«er by a traci driven by August Ncike yester¬day and wa» instantly bill"·!.

????? rsin«*lirlm«*r, of Rabbi Drowne's congi-cg--Uot), s-i'l ycli-r :ay dial tn« emipioiitlec Itati been lu.id··wm _M I.alibi lot hi.» lent· in-jiil.

\\ 11 lain Dyk.», agv- tt tl, of No. 3-4 F_w«t OB·»liiititlitM Alai sl.lrentli sL, went to bathe In the riveral tut- luui uf ihe »inot yesterday and WM di-owiied.

The steamer R. V. Mattlu-ws, VklCft ?·??· -* U'lwu'ii

till» part üiii Laut luna, broke her sctew-pin «»lille

tir tir: ar outward bound je.stci'lay, and lia«l to putLack fur iri._.i ·.

?¥»\99 llsflii<iiit It. of DlalM Coinily, and l'rrd \\.

V. Ilt-eii, of \ f-ic.ie-t«T. w. r«· appointed »toi»_t«fWaIty ? ? l'i! «r Ma-'«iie )'«.*steislay. 'lls-y will each li¬

cei ve t 1.4·si a «cai'.

Tbe sa.es agent- of Ut·« antluaclte coal producingcon.paiiles BMI ye-tt-Ma·,- aa«f up|ei»«l an advaneo to

M ii.i'le aa August 1 oí u n ci.U imi- ion on blufcl u.

stove and che-tnul pad) ··

Mr. Lltli.inl, of km» Hamburg Une salti yesterdaytli.it »?, farà« In· kB·* Unie wan no tiiitli In tli IMd.-p.it« Ii.«. .«in tli·· formation ola «> ?.·. atC lu Uri linto inu a new li u«· bel» e« ? ilaiiiburg and New-Volk.

!>¦»/·!» of administration ou the r«tate uf Micha··!

J. Idioii, tlie Ice-ciraiii d« ,?·t, Ml granted yoster.iayto hi« *Al«l.i«v, EUllly IXinil, »ho eet forth In herp. ut on Uiat hl* ? i-.tii.il ¡.rnperiy »4* «orili *_,()«».

I l'Oman Il< lln-o.l, ? «jer_iaii of mldtle age, who

«sas « li· «. «1 to uave becom.* tiemented from over-in-

.luig.nco In Ier, kll~i hltu»<lf yesterday by (limitingI««.t-«»ti ui (he liquor sturo al No. ·?·? Kivi.igt.m -t. «c»

nina). Ili« ho.no was at No. -CI 1 ??-y Ui-.L

The IleaJHi «illi-iil bvBi »botif. :>."«*iof fruit end vrgrta-Vs Uiat vi unfit fnr n-e.

Tlìoy also c<i.!_>eatr<l at the OH Dominion Llnr pler

lilt.» balio.» ol ion 1.incivili- and a loi ol grein app.«¦».

T'hu Ming Mry hao I-*m isiiee, a conviti««·«! ( liln»li _». ?. agi Uilrly «me, ill· il fiotn ??,.?-????????? m tin·

Pre«.·) UMlaii Hospital un W ciliu-siay. Ur had livediti ttil» city fui >eais. \«as inaiil'sl and kept a laiiieiiya: Nu. Ö 1 >io!t »?. ?!;.·.· a f.iii'Tal In ti«*-· a

l «.m tt-eniii *-iit*.l l'rv.-liyleiun ? huich t» «lay bis body««ill bo burled lu tiio e tuie ?« ? y of Ilio -.vciKreeu».

« ..nt .·! Decker, e^e nliiftfen, wa.« tlrovvnetl while

batliim; at East Itfty -Ulli «t. yesteislay.1,'ic si hádala» In Ibe b»-if-mue.it of Mel« III·« (',

11«? lit«.u an«! Ki.tl.lv W. r-inllli, e'«tnsti111Utitf tbo linnot huyiiinii «1 siiilüi, ilr>»"od· ileak-rs al llficnlli-. i ai.'l l-ili1.1 a«.-. ?? 1'.??"·??? ?. ? liimiviii, show IlaliliU'-s of ¡fluì ?,.4, iiDii.inai s-set-, »sii,·,l_', andestuai aaaato» ls.7 UBI.

?« William Mai I. B0» ci«;!.te. n. wm sittliifr at a

wIikI.i·.«· ot di» home in tlie Ini· ???··??? li«ui»o .No. -lili

\«.-.t l'««<iiit> »cv.iilii-l. la'.f oli V\ ?_?ßßß| night. -0

ti;i »truc- t>n D>e hi-ad .«villi .« |ia«lng «tono by su

mirili.«un «neiiiy. Ihe blow fi-ai tupul tils «Unti. li··

v.tv* cairle·] Ins.ii-lbe to tilt· Ko't-'-v. It Hospital, ai,..

bis l'on.iHion ??_? sani to 'K) entnal. I)«>it»< u «. « .«fin·- .-*i «(fenili ?·?.·«·????-?. »ne uyiii»- ?«» asicerla.u .«battot.Il« it Ih« ??' WBs Ini the aesaiill, ni Un· nope ol ? alen

l..»,' lis.· person »«bo Uirew tin: stone.

( hai I···» Wo -MdL Hie ??p?µ·?1»? uf So. 7<J_ .*<reoiid-a\· ¦., ««bn «il., citai ii'sl on \\e«iuceilay by laide bloiie

??11Is laving performed a criminal operation on in.-,\«a· oiiiiiiltttsl by II·«) t oionei to tlie 'lolubs Jeslerda«to await Uie result of Canta*» comiiuon.

John J. O'Connor, another of the persons ac. «?-·-

of tubbing aad tt».suit iiig .Mai) llamncsl at their Inni-.·

.So. --I* l*_i»t l-'oity sevtnlb st., on July 17, u .in, lit

by Dolt-etlvo « uif, of the Twenty-llili«! Pri-elnel, on

,.??-.-?.?> nl^ht ami was sent to the liUtrn At'loriow « otlii·· jfit-rtay inorniug from Hie sOrkvUl«Culi.«· ? ou it b> Ju.-lleo Murray. 11·· b*.« .»eut a« i«to in«· .«.nt in ili«· afia-MiiMtn and «vl,1 be eiamiuoa tillsinuiiim (?.

L>r. ltioiii.»*t ?. irta-»*, of Ko, 174 Clamniotit-avo.,who was In ungili to Ucllevuo Hospital on la.-1 hatur-

«lay nil'-i iii^ Irniu «???«.??? morphine poisoning, wa»

ilet'lansl insane at the i,t,»pii«.l yi-sttirday ami was re¬

moval to the Ward's Insane Asylum. Ills wife, whowas r iiin'.fsi to ihe hospiiai on Monnay, sutfurlngD'oui Lite .aun) polfcOil, I« gteally lmpio«e>l.

Little has b«t-n left uml..::·· to make next Mintl.iy's¦'lligli Jinks liliiii'T of n« Mohican club at tlie I-ingI;« ««-ii Hotel oik- of tin most remarkable in tbe hist.n yut th.- U'-iii latl'tn. The CDUimlltOo bits «I. 1.1··.? thatDr. Curinila» M. Richmond the sire of Uio oct'Bnlon.ehal, be jtilrcil in an eleganti·, -lined gisun velvet.limiting jacket, brlgbl rw sliirl, lavein.er iron·« r ssui a puni cap. Hi« whiskies «sill bt gì a« filili)'Hu ? w ? over hi» should« rs, and he must minier catii"! say anything during Uie rntlre mea,, it is in tatuigvv.in .lining Us· Dig lalk that Uie Dootor Is toillstingiii.-li liimself ts a urciOtnancer.

I'barles ??·.,??»?? of No 4ô:i West Hfty sevcnUi-st,»·" suit.slruck in bevenly-suvenUi »L yesterday amidied kWt» at Uie Mnrty-ninlh .-»treet Hospital. Aiio.eu other person» weit prostiutod by the beat Inilio city.

HROdKLYV.The (tiiie.al of N.T. ¡;.···?« will take place at 4 ?

in today ai No. lilt Citrltou-iive.Tbe lourt of Heesions In.- as." ; 1111 until ??????-t

i»»»» ????? will «pctud bis vacation oli Naria-guiist't·. I: m¦

V. Ililain A. Wroii.i was W'nt ta tbo l'eiiiteutiary'for a >i\»r yoetoivlay for »nlucting Augusta .Merrill,ago til««- n.

l'Or, oiallou <'t.un*el .lenlts decido, thai, the newlaw I« aw » to th·· d-entiuu of tho Hoard of Ksilm.iloa In ?-ci tin pa·, ui iiieinen *h;UI b·! Increaseti Noa«·! .mi w*a» Imi.cu in ine mattar ibi« | cur.

I'ibiis were Hied «uh Hi.· Hulliings Jiepaitiuentje-I« itlay for Uie now Kiislern Distili t Ac.-lwny ofMusic, to b«· loialol in lii'dlOrtl-aie. at geutb .Nitilb*-i ny tb·· Ami.iiion Draatattc m*Aety. it will bo76 by 171 lee!, four stones in height, and will cost«.«.-.(HIO

TIs« ( isiiiinl-liiiiers of Ch.iritii-s and ror«ei:Uoii."I ""· Miperv ton y.-l'Tdav (o impro« o the dtvIctli«'· Ina in. a:u«:iiitiit in n. .««??,?? n-ain A.vlum,«i.t-r.· in the eobl duys last wiut.-r .»Dine ol Uie room«lOilld Inn brtt.ii.,| ,, ,· r,,ik lir.rioa.

.???G/?? Clleschiuütin. a clothing ut .«? ,?> s0. HO.Notili l'ir.f st., mjirinsl \||«a l/-»b S'tks, of l..i*t«i

..e«,v-V()ik, finir moiilbs a«o Alter the lionoy-nioon -be ixgaii lo rcn.un away from homo al ilglii.tic Ikii-al« ntvl a ili«,,,,-,., ¡m,! .h«' ?,^,? him tl) fualtea«!, a* -he l ;wl IoiiihI a «hrlatlan who iovod beibette* ('¡.un In· tli«l. (-lie wont away on Monday alnidid ?««! Militi in.HI Tn··.. _f wh«u »he «. inDvl hor. .oll.es. Hnr lltislcintl ? ?usisi to let her have tti«Viand locked box out. fake Ui··« weut U> a ueifibbor hi

fbc aext floor sart let her-eii down ta her aw», nom»,?µ? sot the \niLca. lier hu-lAanU tbreateiw a dlMiroenow la carnMt»



Ts«heaaeef D. A Ennin, N*. SOS High »t.. was brokenInto by burglar» early ve«t«r.l»y «nnreinr Tha fantly 1·.way In the country, »n«t «wo young nephew··! Mr. Kaatonwere»lueplBgln the npper room. They wer· awakened byth« nol«e made by the barglar«. »nd »eltlag their putol«, fired»hot after »hot from ihe window. A gentleman llvlag oppo¬site al*o tired hi« utitol. 1! rarinr the fnaülade. the barglar·quietly encapad by · hack door ft I» sot known hew muchwa* taken The family »llrer h«a1 been tered. At »boat the.am« tine the hou«e ot MIM Theodore Pn«th, Xo. 7BR High-St.. w»· entei ««! an·I robben. The bon*» of T. W. Urtata. No.402 ML Frospcct ave., «u ·?·? broken Into.


El»· Vlatt. · yon·» Oerm«n girl, employed for two njon'h·a« » w«ltre·· »t Ihe hoo·· of Mr William Mchol». ß brokerof tin· city, yeetetday afternoon «»p*«red before .»"aticeVaughn at Eilgewater. -laten laland. and made a complaintagalnat heremploy«r. ·1.«>.??·> that whllt »lie Sta in her????? pi «..»ling lorn aw«y Mr» Nicho!« entered h«r rrota¦nd attacked hei with a pair el belle·» «, from which «h· blew. considerable quantity ot ln»ect jowder Into her face. Th«girl ¦'.·« alleged that Mr«. N'lrhol* had refnaed to pay h»rtwo an.nth«' wag·» due her. Jmlr» Vaughn i«»ue.l · anmm*a*for Mr· Nichela wh· appeared kt court la lh« »fternonnMr» N'lchol» deuled the charca r~h» ».Imiti».! having pa!powder In the girl» room, ·» waa her cn»la.m each time a girllelt her employment Justice Van /ha ordered Mr· Nlchol·to pay the giri ine money due her and du«ni»»eU the cjh

JERSEY G???.Jeanle Ev«*on. age eight, and Ella H»a«on age «er··, wer·

ch»rge«t before l'olle· .lueli«·· Htiiaing ye«t*nf»y with burg-l»ry. K.ug.-ue 8ulliv»o. oi N· l(i(J Mentgomery··« w»» thecom pial aau u He »alt! that he caught the girl« In the act ofroblilac hi» hou*e on Wednesday erenln« Th«y ha«l forced.n eatrancr tlnough » rear doo» Tbe g.rl« did not den» lh·charge. Thoy »r· held for trialEx Police Captain FVIwatd I M«norney who, itl»thoaght.

ha* become Insane through drink. »»« yeaterday femmine«]bvJnstlr· HllUing to «wen an examlsatlo· by tbe CountyPhyaicUnCharle» ?. Cinhlng. a letter-carrier, ha» been an»neodert. A

few day* ago. a» isslleged. Cii»hlng appeared lor duty Intox!,rated and aaked tli» |io»tiua»ter for an a«lv»nc· of a l«w dol¬lar«. The money waa refused, and Cuabasn. ·« Ihe po»t-maeter claim«, intimated that ho would get lh* amount any¬how. 1 he next day a registered letter «lUappearad, and wasfonnd in Cuahlug'i pouch.

HTATEN ISLAND.Artici«» of Incorporation of the 8?·?·? Island Belt Railroad

Company were filed 7"«ter«iay wllh the County Clerk orIt.· h·.1 oiini ? .be proposi«! route la fiora oppuelteI Itzabethpon, N. J., along the north slior« of blaUn I»Uud,.nd on the »a« t ahore to South Beach. The capila! «tuck 1»to be $2uo.b)»().

LONO ISLAND.Thorn»» H. Waner, of Newtown. ha» h«gnn snlt In th« Pu-

preme Court again»! tb«Queens Countv I'oaidof enperrinor»to recover «urn* »ggrecatini.' nearly $50tJ 000, whioh. It I«Slliged. have lieeii »uditeti by the Bo»r«l and order«»«l p»i«J tothe Conutr Trea»nrrr »a fee« out «t th« county fund». Indirect violation of the law. Mr Was« G lir»t «nal to le«t the«iue»tl«.n of t!·« rlalu of th.i County Treasurer to collect cer>

tainfer· on ihe »» e» «.! land» tor iiniahl lax·*. The »nrt of

Appeal» having decided In Mr. Waaer'» f»vor, he now »eck»t.. have the Illegally .paid fee· refunded. Huit· »re valeo mprogrès· »gainât several County Treasurer« to reco er me

amount« received by them illegally.

WKSTCHE8TER «COUNTY.White Plain«.-Mrs. Marr Cerner, a widow. Uve» In a

.m»llc>t:age on a lonely road, laìte Wediie«.tay night a

étrange man enteied tier lioune aud dem a ? led money, sa hen»lie refiued he «eind !»·»-. ant »tier a brief struggle she lo»lton«, iou«na-s. Tho robber had used chloroform, aud Mr»Cerner remained iiiieon«ci.iu* fur «-ime »Ime. Ile rau»»cke«lthe Solite, but «Itti nut ret anything of vaine.MT. Vkrnoi..A conventioa of l»rohlbitionl«t» wa» held

ye»ter.t«,v. The lies·. Mr. butcher pre»ided. Delegai«·« wero

elected to attend Ihe «late« nnveution at Syracuse aleo int¬egama lo nominate candidates for county olllcer· to be vuledfor In November.

PIPE REPAIRS TUAT SEEM INVOLVED.Dock. Commissioner Matthews bas prep.trid a «tate·

ment alunit Ihe l'lielp«« Pier, No. 40, East HI ser, at Mont-Kotiicry-st.. rind tho Dock Hoard decnled yesterday to

ae-i* Corporation Counsel O'Hrlen who «hall pay for the?.-?«.ura of tho pier. It was leased lo Frank Phclps In

May, MM, for Use year« at «?!»,0OO, aud renewal at

.1 ?,?µ?) a year. A clause in the leane provide» that theItssre, «hall niulutaln ih«: pier In good repair I'uelpe»ubici Ibir pier to tlie Merchant» und Miner«1 Trnn»p«»rta-tn>ii Company and. eiiu««*i|ucntly. It »ublet it with Uiepermission of Phelp« and Ihe Dock Department to Joelli. Erhardt, receiver ««f (he New-Vari and NorthernHallroHd. for two years with the renewal.The repairs, il I* »tatet!, will amount to about *»14,(»0O.

l'help« rm«l the Tniimpnrtatiun Company have been«lire«·!«·«! by the Dock D. l>art:::rnt to inaWi« the repalts or

hIiiiw cause why they do not, but they have done nothingami the pier is ?« ins: to ruin. The p«»lnts which Mr. M;«t-thew» asks tbe Corporation to puss on are· Whether theDock Department ha« the rieht to annul the lease to

Pbelp·! IMI asa proceed to remove him or his «ucces-««)!» In title: whether If the Departmeit make« the re·

p.iir«lt can maintain aa act!..? agatatSt Pheln« for thesmottati whelher tbe expense of repairs can be sharedbetween l'lielp« and the ? its. what obliifatlons have thosub le.««ee« ae-uii.e.1 In fakitii* the lease: and what Is thel.est action for the Department initier the circumstance».

WORK OF THE SINKING FCND COMMISSION.The Sliiitttir; I «mil commissioner· yeater.lay extendeil the

I.a«..of a build.ng use·! a« a ninrtrooni at oaeliundre«! and-

fifty elgblli-»t. and Thir.l-i.ve from theec to five years. Thelomiiililce appointed {»examine into the a unum' ß? »ei:urttio»t.. the re«1.1 of the Mukln fund imported that »U war· cur

reel an that the areouut wa· »4 '.40 «?«:,- ?).A piote»! iv»« mene«! rioni l-etli I-ow, U.C. Parker an«!

other «luwutoen m r. liants ««»iu«t leasing auy building at

Iluiiiug-slip to »h«· North an«! Ka»l Hiver Kailroad Companylor the plant of ll.ecomp»ny.Lngineer «In-en·. of th· Dock Po«rd, explatoett the pro-

po«e.l iinpioveinei.t of tlie ll:itlera Blver fi«'Ui Hue huudrel-an t-Kft.y-niuiii at an«l Kightli-av·. to 11 larri Bridge. Anett<'iior »irret will be built. The i.ier» will ti* 20«» feet in

length an«! wl Uli 'be »lip» will lie 10(1 feet wide the matter» a» reiertad to the «orp·.ration Counsel for hi» oDluion as tothe power of the (loan to take the land, which it 1» ciance Iha« »?ready been taken tor park purposes.

TAlUATIOWi OB run IQUILLAMDMÉTATE(Omini««!.mei» Luther ?. Marsh and «ieorge W. Qiiin-

!»r·!. of tho New Park ( omuiUsiou, llsieued yeetenluy to

tsdltiintiy ìelative to the value «>f pruperiy to be appro¬

priated fur the Hronx l'a« k I'n.fe«L«»r W. P. Trowbrldirepresented to the roiuiiii««luu an elaborate serle» offlirure«, bv whi. It h· «itlved at the value of the water-

power of th« Hrom Kiser a» It run» tlirous'h tho l-or-lll»rdc«l»tts. Ile conclu Ini ihat the value of the water¬course wn« *«?«).(·??, or equal to a rautal vaiue of $t.(KJ«).lVitnes»e« trailtle«! that the house nn 'he l.orillard eetattwa« wtirih *»·').()"«) Hie i-ili;«im,*s owned or Mr«. Ke.r-nnclian weree«;liii itti at T.l«».ii(M). a id various parcelsof real estale in the a.gregale at about $.(i,(H!U.

BMLLÎWé A FFHHY TBANOFtnM.The le»«eof the ferry framhl·« from Tnia.j .':!nl«t. in

Ihla Ity to l'as onia-avr.. Jer»cy CKy, wm «old »t «action

re*t»r«Uy t>> otilroller oew. Ihe lea«· I« for ten year«fr.iiu May 1, IS·*! The u|.srt price wa» SlO.Oooa vear. Thepurcha»er arree» lo keen t»ie a.ip in «oad repair »nd to sur-

leniler ant pari «d lh·· pruper.v i«<t.iircd i.y th· Dock I»«pai t-m. nt in imp««.*'.!·» 'be waterfront, wllhotu · u» Ing «lamagesfrom ibeciy. 1'h« aii.tioiicer» were Van Ta»*el ? Kearnorthe oi.lv I.Id.1er wa» the New. York. I.ak· G · uni Wiaternilallr..»d Compas·', repr-a.-iu«.! by i.coig- W. «Juintanl andS, M I-alt»«!, «nd it« bin wa« SIO.OOO. t ne lea»· wa« »ol·» to

II.?..!, ,??? in 1K«4. but »«..» never exernte·!. Contro.1·)m r». ant!« ?«' li-ded * (»«mo ?.» ·? ? nt from the Krie Hall-

road Con.p.·ny and »gam '¦· r' u« ' »" for »ale. I wo»tirelle» are e.|illI ed to tile h)I... double tb>. amouut «greedlo he paid l.y the company.

dentini; riiAi tue kaaterskill racks.Vice-l'r. «Item íüi-kerson, of the cu:np«oy which own« th··

»?«·«?????:?? Kaater-W:ll, «leni··» (he «taiement n«a«le by a p»*-»enir.r on the City of KtagaSM on S.itur.I.iy tliat tlieie wouldlie «notili·: ia<e i.etweeu »In« two ¡o.i» to Newborn tonioirmv. lie .1?·.·|..?· s Ilia, there li.·* h···? hoiaciug ImMWMS.hese I«!.· I·..ai«, hui liuti 'he Iv.iatirsUllI run.« on an averageh-a. of from thirtr.ttve to (oily pound* of «team, aud thatHi« iplatn and in.l.t hav« b« cu uu.foriuly lusiru· ted luuo w.iy ·? gei itilo any rivalry.

????????? JOUMSALXATM TM SESSION.Tho i|ii«rt.'il> uieeliug o tho Iu»uraiice Journalist«' A«so-

ciation ot tfc· United si.tes was held at Ihe Aslor Hum- yea-tentay. A. L. J Smith, of the V.-iv.York Spectator, presuled.1'h· »»cretarv wn» Kranklin Welister, of The Chronicle. 1'ro-fe».|..n»l ani '-e ini.ral »nh|ect» were ?!?»<'??·«?·?1 «n.I »dinner|·? low·«! m tM e< igmi!. Among tho papers represented «aor·Ihe Ameritan Lxrhange and Renew aud The United StaidA'rii't/.. of J»hll:nlil|h a: 77ie .«Mi ,f«rr.f, of Bo»!on, and TheSpecuttur, Cl.ro.lcie. 7ïi«e«an.l Monitor, of tina my.

COMPLAINT OF WALLA HOVT MARKET DEALERS.A iiiimuei of tlie »taii'l-«··'liei» in th·· Wallabout Market in

Brooklyn complalneil to Mayor Whitney ye»1er«!ay of theminim.«? or the »ewer· in the ra irket. It w»s showu ihat the

city I »tati tati ß net proli t ««f over $15.0 ? from the mat Set lastyear, ami yrt neglected lo provide proper »ewers. A petition»,«i:·,I bv »ITtv eight of the lea-ttug linns iu th» markkt waslaid before the Mayor, »howiug that a micacé to publichealth wa» eau.« «I l«y t In « lists ? «ffalr». Tho Mayor referredihe matter to the city Work» Commissioner.

JVRORS DRAWN IN THREE MONTHS.Comtnlstloner Of Juror· Ilei ¡? l.n» inaile Ina mat report lo

the Mayor, under tho uew law. for ih· quartar ending Juna,10. During that Unie be ??·» drawn H.470 Jurors Of these;( <)?«> -ervoil, :i.'.i;t:( were discharged oi excused, su ' 617 duinoi lapin Kb e« amounting to $7P,S0O were linpoaad on HSÜJuror«; SlUol these were exiuseil aud +7.'.,«¡?? .n tin. « re¬

am o«!. The receipt· were t."·?6 and the cipease» «/l.Tuu 4M.


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HUIUU rs DISEASE is caused by abuse, ex-ce»»e*. narvou« debility. dUcharg«·. fever«, malarl*.

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SPEO.AL MENTION,Asts-ers-eeaeea»» màmUtm» lai· iIsbbb nIbbibsbii

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