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Library of Congress · HW HOME * WHITE. Male. COACHMAN.— By colored \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0; a?

Date post: 16-Aug-2020
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HW HOME * WHITE. Male. COACHMAN.— By colored \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0; a?<» H. h<*irht 3 f»»t ll«-i; imod city r«f»r«ne«. X . Box 17. 2*53 West 12-Vh-st. I GEOROB LEININGER. ?*<> West 127th-st. Art upholstering, decorating and general repairing. best of references; private Trork dollcited. COACIIMAX.— First clas»; best city refer- ences' city or country: •«• 35; nr»--- -:. no imbran.-". COACHMAN. >»> Lex- in*'-n aye. _^ JANITOR. 4c— By young man. .1. \u25a0* •*• Rant janitor or light porter, in grtrat. house or hotel: references. W. •'• STAB LIN. 21« West 3fith-st. OOYLB. WARDLFJ * CO.. 3fiO W-st 125th St.. steam carpet .-leaner*. Carpets laid. Mattresses renovated and made over DRESSMAKINr.. M ROTHSTBXN, Importer. practical tailor, cutter and fitter for lnc"le«' and gents; altering and repairing neatly done. §01 West 12Sth-st.. corner Tth-ave. M GALLO, 430 West 12i)tr.-st.—l>iidlea' nni vents' fine tailorirg. dyeing, scouring, pressing, repairing. &c. . garments altered l»ftt TRIBUNR. crescents. Featherstones on exhibition. <«reat sacrifice lt>!W models M«st be sold. THOS. WARP. <W Harclay st Birvn.En. BtTHMBM (H4XES. OBESITY. ADDITIONAL CAPITAL PROCURED for merchants, manufacturere and others de- siring to extend their business; stores, bust nets places p.ild quickly. M' DONALD & WHJ.JINS 14" Nassau Ft. t'EAMSTRESB. -Plain sewing, wrappers and children's dresses a specialty; rea- t^nable Mrs. R., .'-.ofl West 27th-st. JANlTOß.— Experienced man as i.-.n::' r three y ears In charge '\u25a0' ''"« vlth present employer; har.l- with t^ls; firs, class references. JANITOR. »i Perry-st. CHARLES 7.EHNER, 2.-4 West 12Cth-st.. art upholstering. mattresßeF made st short notice, fine furniture repaired, etc. FI/ORIST AND GARDENER. By a Swede, aged 32: graduated from horti- cultural school tn Sweden; l*years' «*- nerlence; 3 years m this country. O. 9.. care Mr. Morlln. 32:# Atlantlc-aTe.. \u25a0..-.< lyn. . OBESITY positively, permanently cured: results guaranteed; no drug*; no diet; no exercise; no privation; our treatnifn' brings health and strength In its train, and cannot Injure the m<.pt lellcatp constitution; It has stood the test and stnnds upon the solid rock of public confidence; do not load your system with nostrums advertised aa harm- less Write for particulars. 0 B. <". T. WATER <"0., 107 W. Slth-st. SMART CfTTING and fitting by expert de- signer; price reasonable; will call Mv RILL, ladies' Tailor. 224 Oth-ave FARM HAND. Thoroughly understaassl farming: good" reference. Address MICHAEL NEUNF.Y. \u2666« Swuta B'h-et.. Rr-... - MEYER'S Art Furniture. Upholstery. Cur- tains. Bedding. Polishing. Carpet, Cabinet work, lone shortest notice. 420 Columbus- nve.. Rl«t >( DRUG STORE for sale In Brooklyn; com- plete stock: good nelchborhovl : low ren*.. ei"ti.l)lishe<l seven years, sickness cause of selling; splendid opportunity lor energetic man; in Bedford section; thickly populated residential district; no scents or brokers. S O'NEILL, tZ .lefferson aye.. Hmnklyn. MATTRESSES REMADE at customers residences In three hours a specialty; new tickings and hair supplied: sole users of Awn patented oscillating hair carding ma- nines and collapsible benches. THE MM RORONE METHOD. «4« '->tri-ave. Country orders solicited Telephone 067 Columbus. i tholstiouv si man. L. GOLDSTEIN. 118 East sr»th-st.— linn tapestries), silk goods, fringes, cords, gimps, also hair. moss, springs, ticking?, \u25a0tlln rn\-er llntns. OLD GOLD & SILVER WANTED. MANAGER gentleman* ccuntry place: S3 year* old; single; eiperlenced. cimp't-nt. highest reference*. PHILLIPS. "\u25a0\u25a0 East 132.1 st GAKDnNCR.— Single; thoroughly «P««*- enred In liindacap- gardening. gre«a- hou.*es. graperi*-?. r^e*. ,--?abl»s a»i care of cuntry place; refer»ncns. Ad£r*n GEKMA.V, P-.x 7. Tribune •>ffl--. WORN-OI'T gold and silver hought by R. I/IX(",MAN"S SONS. Cold and Silver Re flners. s John st. WEISS & STI'RM. Ladies' Tailors.—Suits made to order from $1S up; alterat|on». etc. 423 Lenox-ave.. near 131st-i»t. W THITELBAT'M, 4W West 12Mh-st., Merchant Tailor—Ladies' and Rent 3' gar- ment?; cleaning, dyeing nnd repairing. &c. HOTEL. A bargain to a repporslble party; furniture and lease for sale; furniture new; house in first class condition; one hour from New-York; no bar; $3,oih>: easy terms; first class trade. Address ROBERTS, Box 2fi. Tribune Office. wi/\iti) si.% cv( le CAXKaaAS, GARDENER and FLORIST.— yeoa« man on private phfe: first •**• P««>e*- e-ator of twddins: fiants: attend ve^etaM* gnrden; g'>--5 amitle driver. BARRY. i.2«» Broadway. OFFICE wishing good penman; not alr "»' <l nf hard work: best of refereneei _<\u25a0 dres, ENERGETIC. l"» P.fh-ave.. Box 1? I RO3ENTHAL, ladles' Fashlona'ile Tailor Habit Maker, &c, has remo\ ;d from 1 65f> Madlson-avn. to 1,634 Madison- ave between 100th an.l 110 th sts. PATENTS. LATHES' suits ma.ie. silk and foulajdp, *»; jackets. *3; drop skirts, $3 50. misses' suits $3 5": alterations and remodelling. Madan-i- JARDEX, 270 West 123d- St. ft>.oo MODEL 1900; developing and print - ing for amateurs: s*nd for catalogue. G. A v.'AT.TT'R Ontlelsn. 17» Br sdwsT 1IEI.1" WARTKD. PATENTS! "INVENTORS' HAND BOOK" FREE; patents economically secured an.l profitably sold. INVENTORS' COMPANY. 150 Nassau st OARDENEB.— M»rr!«I man. on » **n'le- mar'^ pUc#' *ifv n " ettoawy: coms<c*t, relia^ie and willing. Ad !r»s» F. RUTTEH. Ro^elV. N. J.. care T. C S:arr. PORTER.— It Ml store tm any '\u25a0'Jl'J 1 ' '': business- experienced colored man. .l''.i> E.. care Myers. Monr<w-st. ail Stuyvesant- «-.» Brooklyn. PWWBROKKKS. \mnraßft][E© IDDZ^O3iJ(!DKD[ID^ i JnWLH TAKEBII DM TKAIDIE THIS WEEK I offer the following Watch.« and Diamonds, all In perfect con- dition. Bear In mind I have a large stock of brand-new goods. These bargains are offered at the prices Iallowed for them In trade. They can be relumed within one year if unsatisfactory. $600.00 Striking Watch for $2t>o. Another Striking Watch for Jlort; it cost $275.00. High-grade Wal- tham, #2.'i; must have cost all of 160.00. Lady's Watch and Chain. $10; cost $!!.«. 00 last fall. Gent's Railroad Watch. $8: used 3 months; cost $1.1.00. Another for t'~. and several other watches, both ladles' and Bents' ."ires, at a bargain. Diamond" JJtud, $1.'.; cost $35.00. lady's Solitaire Tiffany Diamond Ring. $2, >; it cost $60.00. Diamond Ear Studs. $luo; cannot be matched at $225.00. Big Diamond Ring. $7. r >. gent's size, cost $200.00; it's an old mine gem. Scarf Pin. $'•; cost $20.00; and numerous other Diamond pieces at a bar- gnln. A written guarantee with every ar- ticle. A deposit will secure them. [VffP'PfMlfpy© (140 ITLTON ST.. IMIGvIvIIEi §> I NEW YORK. Hours 8 a. in. to 6 p. m., ) Near Saturdays Included. i Nassau ft. Also 1.301 Washington St., Boston. PORTER. Ac. young man. m por.er, packer or driver: one •.\u25ba»;'« experience as carpenter's helper; handy with tool*. Address M.. 421 Unlon-st., Brooklyn. EVERYBODY Is talking about the opening 'of the Reliable Plaiting Works, 2,309 2d- ave With the latest and most improved machinery they are enabled to give the best work at prices which speak for them- selves. DBVELOPMENT STOCK In Meritorious Gold" Mine at Idaho S<prln|r?. Col., on*er«l to bsveators; machinery erected; mine In operation; booklet with particulars free; hank references. 810 CHIF-F MININO on., Milwaukee, w Is PAINTING, VARNISHING nnd POUBH- P»Q.— Hlghesl referen.-es and Fatlsfaction guaranteed. SIGNS painte.l .it hnlf price. Call or senl postal EUGENE OOATES. Sitm and Deoorattve Painter. SI E. 128 th st. BARGAINS In unredeemed Diamonds, Watches an.l Jewelry at HAUi.AM's, IS7 Fn«t r.r.th-st.. near 3d-ave. I am truly thankful for your kindness in assisting me to get a good place. I shall always recommend Tribune to all my mends. Yours respect- fully. MrV AXX CAMPBELL. Yonkers, X. V. I spent S3 45 in advertis- ing for a position as a ste- nographer. Fifteen cents of this was in The Tribune, and The Tribune "ad." se- emed me the position. F. S. Brook'yn. May 14. Tribune "Adi." Bring Re- sults. - fflc*. REMUNERATIVE investment offered; rail- road ar.d mountain resort at Hot Spring.". Ark : $2M.000 wanted. WHITING. 171 Broadway. Male. AGENTS, men an.f women, are you willing to work honestly and faithfully for $2ft weekly? If so. write us. Our good* are sold and cosamaed in every family, an.l a permanent l.uslne«s can be established; new goods and neu catalogue. !>ept :t."^t, MUTUAL MFG. CO.. New V.-rk. I BALTZ, 3«> Lenox-ave.. near 12!Hh-st. Iji.lirs' Fashionable Tailoring. Bicycle Suits (iolf Suits. RlTlng Habltg a specialty. P. IRTKR-<Vlored man as pattCC of dr.ver r anything. ALEXANDER HILL. I.?** 3d aye PAWS TKKK.TS IIOKiHT. PAWN TICKETS nought, and old gold and silver. Cull or address 56 W. 2sth. Hell '.' M SPKNADEL, I-tf.fles' and Gents' Tailor. M'> Bast 14th-st. Repairing and remi.l elllnK Of all kinds Tel, call. 2.133 18th st. HO'VIIMAN. »'•>' I'*n-. 2*. on g^n:l«naa'» plire; understand* furnace, rare cf h'r«es; als-> rowing aril -"ailing boars; bast references W. PETERSEN. AH Cat*- «rlne-s". ATTENTION, MJ5N!— $7 .V. and few hours' light work takes you to Kur>pe: no heavy work. Shippini? Oißeee, ."i iTinton-st. and 73 West-st. 111 l II \!tl: AM» POOL TABLES. PARTY, having fine office. •\u25a0 \u25a0 atefi and a few hours' §par» time Ike |o represent responsible parties aa a promoter or any other mer.-ar. tiooa .-eciwed on valuable property, nvi nicipal improvement, etc. THI-J DELA WARE MERCANTILE CO.. Brldgeton, N. J. PIANOS AMD OKiiANS. NJ i:~ Lexing'.n-ave. BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES, new and second hand, lowest prices; easiest terms. MARX BROS.. -4 I'nlon Square. BRILLIANT- OPEXTNO-—Men and women to appoint scents, travelling and local; 575 month, expenses; permanent, genteel work; reference*. STAFFORD I'Rl-JS.-; CO., New-Haven, Cr.nn. ADVERTISEMENTS and sucscrlptlons for The Tribune received at their l'ptown Office. No. 1.242 Broadway. 2d door north of Slst-st.. until 9 o'clock p. m. ; adver- tisements received at the following branch cfflceH at regular office rates until 8 o'clock p. m.. viz . 254 Sth-iive.. s. c. cor. 2Sd-st.; 152 eth-ave.. cor. 12th-st.; Macy's. tlth- ave. an.l 14th-st.; 142 Columbus aye.. near West CCth-^t. ; lOti West 42.1 St.. near Oth- avr.. '.'2 East 14r1i at.. 2r.T West 42.1 st.. between Tth and" Sth ayes. ; !f>f> Kia?t 47th- Bt. 1.33S Sd aye.. between 7«th and 77th sts.; 1.028 3d-a vs., neai -list st. ; I.7<>S lst- ave.. nenr MttJi *t W(l Tic' BV3 . near 41st. Wvn. A. Pond A Co. Pianos for sale and to Stelnway. rent. Pianos rented to Weber. summer <-<-M«ife"« very Baines I'.ros. lieasonabl". If selected n<>w will reserve a short time free of ex pen.-c until shipped. \VM. A POND & CO,. 148 sth- aye. HOARD AM) BOOMS. SECOXP MAN. Ry uiefttl younc 'an. present employer ran If s-en. Call as :.» East •-\u25a0 -st. PRESSMAN.— First 1- and plater steady, sober rell . lie. I* Taisk. an OoW St.. Br OOVBRNMBXT POSITIONS. Don't pre- pare f.ir any civil serTlce or census ex- amlnatlon without ?eelnp our catalogue of Information. Sent free. COLUMBIAN '\u25a0< >H Kbsi-u., !\u25a0..\u25a0\u25a0.-; f-OLLEGB Washington, D. c. THB NBW-YORK MANY FACTI.RHR of ladles' waists and wrappers. I. HBRBH- FNfON*. Prop., 1.929 Second-aye.. bet. 99th arid* luotn »U. UNITBD Sl-ATES SLIT MANFG. CO.. 06 West 16th-st.. near 6th-ave.— Skirt mak- ing. *2 up. Jackets 14: bring your material; alterations In evening Rowns and stag« .^rcpFe» equal to new; skirts rebound and pressed. *1: cleaning and dyeing. SHIPPING CLERK -Bj voutg i>- as shipping '-lerk or any wi rk. wa PASSMAN. SI East 3.1 st WANTED. -To buy secondhand" self playing attachments that will not piny. Call at Piano Warerooma, \. HAFELIN, corner S7th-st. and 3d -ave. AUCTION SALES THIRI I . - . 3iAL SA!LE OF TKIE STAB AUCTIOW ROOMS l<-2 East 124th-«t.. near 3d-ave., Monday. May 21st. at 10:30 .i m. Everything in n ., l i'c«.tT,id roods. ANTILLES, SIIA'KRAVARE AND JEWELRY. 6. WYL.ER. 4 W. 2«th St. (late with J. M. Guggenheim).— Antiques, etc., bought and sold. Highest cash prices paid *r.r nip G->ld and Silver. 1 AMERI C_A_X T-M.P'JJ" !"•—- 50 NOBBY SUITS <.. order; fit guaran- teed: silk serve lined; call or write when «o cull. fC Prince-st. AMERICAN SKIRT REMODKM-ING COMPANY. 256 WEST 37TH-ST. Willis rebound, fponged and pressed. 25; Good's called for and delivered. AKAPSOTIC KIRNACE. BAVES FUEL. Total smoke prevention guaranteed, or no pay D. DE BREMEN*. •7 Tl-TI-ne.: .fit N. Y. imH ETC. F.~ cTl3^A^HFXT?4^«7rB7^sT^ Antique furniture, woodwork, hardwood .floors; varnishing and polishing. J H MAYHEW, Antiques, Bric-a-brac. "Removed May 1 from BOS Amsterdam-«ve. to S4O West 42d'-Ft. \u25a0W « HL'MMELL, 575 Madlscn-«ve.. near s«th-»t. mahogany furniture a spe- clwl'v. Antiques ieftrre<, __^ owjim. ?«\u25a0\u25a0>_\u25a0 SILVER^ AT EBLE-S ART GALLEHT. 105 West 42d- st near flth-ave.— Antiques, curios, old \u25a0sflKsia silverware, rare fans, paintings. miniatures and weapors. Old gold bought. GRAGG ANTIQUES CO.. 11« Wert 42d-et.. buys and fells on mahogany, silver, jew- elry. Colonial china. J LA PLACE & SON. 358 West 42d-st,, "antiaues. old Olon'.al furniture; Empire designs reproduced: polishing; regllding. C LORENZEN. I.<W6 Broadway, repairs antique and modem furniture. Antiques, old silver. bought and Fold. ANTI OIUECTS OF ART. H D GARDINER, importer end dealer In antique objects of art: Louis XIV. XV. XVI and Renaissance periods: paintings, marble*, brocades, embroideries, etc. 422 4th-ave ART EMBROIDERY AND/DESIGN- INITIALS, monograms and crests embroid- ered on linens at moderate prices : indi- vidual attention given each order. RBUCK- MAN l.'C2 Lexlngton-ave. A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY. EI/3IN 14-kt. gold filled watch. 13 ruby iewel'efl, thin model. $1 down and fl •weekly; price $24. \VM. H. SMOCK. 23» Broadway. Room <?. USEFUL MAN. Gertnan. and steady: good vegetable gardener: ta<» care of horseji an«t can m!!k; g<n>> r*ftr- ences. Address J. D.. Station M. city. DANBI XV HATS. THE RICHELIEC BTH-AVE. AND lI4TH- BT.—ONE TWO oR THREE ROOMS. EACH WITH PRIVATE BATH; FULL HO- TEL SERVICE; EVERY MODERN REQ- UISITE FOR COMFORT AND CONVEN- IENCE: ELEVATORS; EVKOPEAN AND AMERICAN PLANS; CONVENIENTLY SITUATED T<> ELEVATE© AND BUR- PACE CARS; ROOMS FROM J4 PF.R WEEK UPWARD. 22 DESBROSSBfV-ST. the place to buy your hate. DANBITtY HAT CO., 22 Desbros- se«-st. STENOGRAPHER and 1 TYPEWRITER.— By young man; general off;.- work; quick and accurate; excellent referen - < HAS. W. pin: ELL, 40>> Washlngton-avr.. Bklyn. USEFUL MAN. Hy young man on gen'l^ man's country or cf.y pla^-e: g^xl hor»«- man, gardener, milker, etc. HANLON. 171 East lllth-st. OTTKTK BOY WANTED.- A bright, smart I'r. trstant American: uocol education and n.ust write s good r-ar. i, address in own handwriting, stating salary expected; must have AI references; chance for promotion. Address CHEMIST, Bos 21. Tribune Office. WATCHMAKER and JEWELER wants position: first class reference. Address 3 West 103d-«it. WANTED. -Two live travelling salesm-n; staple line; must be workers. Address X. Z.. Boa 2. Tribune Office. USEFUL MAN.— Your.g colored man la city or country: priva?* family or boarl- !ng house- 'oe«t rtty references. 124. '.v«»t 4Uth-st. rare Mrs. Th<-.ir.as. rear. WATCHMAN. -Reliable man; -; I •' si—its: nif 1 -.'. or day; i-.nis famished. OOMBERT. l.« 81 Lexington aye DIAMOND SETTING. IiIAMONDS set and reset while you wait in latest style cf mountings; liberal price paid for old gold and silver. H. SBSSLBR. Diamond Setter.32 Maiden Un». usmrr - MAX.— Swede. 3.V lately landed, apeak* n.. English; handy man around farm etc.. at anything; city or country. C ISA \K>ON -.\u25a0:.: St. Mark*-ave.. Eroolr- lyn. WANTED.—Man to deliver and collect In New-York and vicinity; $154tt per week and expenses; p<rmarit>T.t position. Address DBUVSRY DEPARTMENT, 1..T58 Cherrj'- st., Philadelphia. Term. WANT to represent manufacturing or oth^r business concern on cn.mlfslcn basis; have established and equipped office, tech- nical and business ability: highest refer- ence; give bonds. C. L. BURNS. «n Lib- erty St. 1 _KlliST CI^ASS new family hotel; strtct- 1\ lir«proof; all the comforts and con- venlen •• delightful ROOMS for single men WITH IK'T AND COLD WATKR. RTEAM HEAT AXD BLECTRIC LIGHT, for *- r > D'-H WEEK UPWARD; cannot be euuailed; refcreocea required. HOTEL RO- LAND. ."J'th-ft. and Madison-aye.. block fMSB Central I'ark entrance. fOI'PLE desire refined adult boariers; new house; fine bed's; excellent tahli-; home made bread and p:istry; references. X. L.. University Heights. USEFUL, competent HWtt. *>. slr.g'.e; ear* horst-s. cows, garden, farm, home-york; willingand obliging: reference. A. wars- NER. 112 Gre-nwich-st. DRESS A ACCORDIOX PI-EATING. ACCORDION side pleating at POMPA- DOUR'S dyeing and cleaning establish- ment. 2.028 3d-ave. ; 111, 112, 2(W East 12.V. -st. work wanted by a yoossl N rwaskam; city or nuuntry; willingin.l obiistesj Ai.!re.«s N. A HOVERSON, HM Basi •?-\u25a0 '• HELP -WANTED. STH AVI... NUMBER 7. rilnjrle 4 double front room?, with board; transients ac- c--;mm:. dated. CSEFCE oi SECOND MAN.— By a isr- m>in- city or cnunrry; b»»t references. 1 V. II .4i;'4th-ax*. DIAMONDS AND WATCHES. JOHN G. KLEIN & CO.. 247 Qreenwlch- st.. N". V.. dealers !n Watches, Diamonds, eto. ' U.l i;oMKnight. TO-41 WEST 2CTH-ST. Double ar.4 single rooms, with or without boar! summer prices. WORTHY man wants lisW|>lllJHUlU: \u25a0 an\thing: engineer. wSMChsaan \u25a0 r porter, in need BLAKE, -are of Glbba, «71 Her kimer St., Hro<.kl\-n. VAI*ET.— Thorough!? experience!; witU priiatf gentleman or club \alet; first cU«» reference; Scorch, ag^l .~-Y 8.->x 43. Tria- tine Office. 4STH-ST.. 1"9 AND113 WEST.— Large and small handsomely furnished rooms; excel- lent table; choice location; summer rates. DEKTISTRY. PRINTING AND STATIONERY. THOS. HUMPHREY. 368 Canal-st.. oppo- site Wooster. Established 26 years. Quick printing; blank books, stationery Arc. ~ ' EJaERSON PIANOS. " -. and 10 E»«t 17th-st. PRINTING. PRINTING. First class; very low prices. Write for estimates. ASTE PRESS. 210 Canal N. V PIMPLES, I RES GUARANTEED. WRITTEN contract. References all parts city mailed. All blood, skin, hair diseases treated. DR. ALEXANDER WILLIAMS. Astor Court. 2r» West 34th Ft. 11-5. Sun- .lavs 3-5. PHOTOGRAPH SUPPLIES. NI :^V^YORK^CAMERA EXCHANGE. 114 Fulton. Largest supply: lowest prices; Cameras bought, sold, exchanged: send for bargain list. REFRACTION SPECIALIST. "^pbsbsT HTJOHEIi. OPTICA iT^XPERT. f^-—^ corrects all difficult defects of vi- icWj slon. Eyes examined free. Office ~'-*~^ .»,;» Court St.. Brooklyn. N. Y. RHEUMATISM AND GOUT CURED. WE GUARANTEE to cure Rheumatism and Gout. Our method recommended by the most prominent physicians. MF.E RHEU- MATIC INSTITUTE. 310 W. 119th-st. Hours 10 to 4. . REPAIRS. FURNACES. RANGES cleaned and re- paired; roofs and leaders repaired \u25a0 and painted E. A BRIGGP CO.. 141 West 12,'th-st. WU MAKE old plates tit without seelnK mouth: little post; no trouble. BOSTON DENTISTS. 143 West 128 th «t. 106 WEST 731 >-ST.— hall rooms to let: with or without board; gentlemen preferred. YOUNG MAN. colored: thoroughly compe- tent: highest reference: sober and relia- ble. Address JOHN L. WILSON, care of Mi.ss Mary Parsons. Rye N. V YOUNG MAN. 22: re««!s. write- an."! speak* good Italian an.i English; experienced as shipper. stockkeepe* or elevator mn- ner : good reference. J. ZECCA. 22". Sulll van Female. NEW- YORK FREE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, 30 West 21Hh-st. CONDUCTED BY THE STATE OF NEW- YORK FTJEE TO EMPLOYERS AND EM- PLOYEES. Servants are In waiting from 0 a. m. to 2 p. m. References investigated BROOKLYN. Nostraad-ave., 4.'.2. Two large rooms, private bath; couple or gen- tlemen; bre.ikfast ; references exchanged; private family; moderate VALET. COI'RIEB or BUTLER.— By Jap- . anese, to lady or gentleman: Just re- turned from f'ari» aftw six months' trav- elling on iv.ntinent and Egypt: g-'xi pvk- er; best references. A<Mr«*«s TRAVKLr- LER, B.">x 24. Tribune Office. WORK WANTED. YOUNG MAN. experienced on lace taper machines, wishes position. GEORGE FRANZ 520 West 46th-st. AT CARPENTER'B Employment House. 10S 6th-av».. can be found bet-t coachmen, grooms, gnrdeners. farmers; married or sin- gle; all nationalities; well recommended; also female help. WAITER.- FUapoi •• ir. m I house sjsj waiter cltj or innrj . - - .>N 124 •\u25a0 Mrs. M. Mi hael. «"\ST OFF CLOTH INfi. D3o(n)raft[hDs7 IParynDDODQ-Sg It must be a surprise to my customers and the public to know that. I can offer these Inducements. They are sold to-day for $45. 0<> by retail Jewellers. A diamond dealer of Maiden Lane needed a certain amount of money, and sold me a lot of 14 KARAT GOLD DIAMOND RINGS, both ladles' and gentlemen's styles, at less than one-third their actual retail price. Every one is guaranteed. You should make your selection at once. Never sold before for less than $4r>.00 cash. My price. $15. "MONTHLY PAYMENTS," Jl. Tills lot of American 14 -karat gold stiffened watches 1 purchased for spot cash from a manufac- turer who was forced to sell them at a great sacrifice. He had to raise the money at onco and came to me for it. There are Walthatns, Kleins, New-York Standard's and Seth Thomas makes In this lot. both open face and hunting cases, LADIES' AND GENTS' SIZES They are. sold to-day by retail Jewellers for $45.00 cash. MY PRICE. $15; "MONTHLY PAYMENTS," $1.00 down. Igive a written guarantee with all these diamonds and watches that I will allow the price you pay for them (slf>> any lime within one year If you llnd them In any way unsatisfactory. The watches have all been adjusted for carrying. Iam posi- tive that you will never have a chance like this again to buy a 846.00 diamoniT or watch for $15. "MONTHLY payments." $1 no DOWN. Make your selections at once. Address all orders to. or call between 8 h. m. and 6 p. m. fV7fC'rfMlf?!© 140 FULTOX STREET Sro.'C.'C.lfvf IC, NEW-YORK. Also 1.301 Washlngton-st.. Boston. Mass. COMPETENT servants, with references, can be obtained. Mrs. SOUTHWICK'S AGENCY. 335 Ix-nox-ave.. near 127 th st. IMIU MATTRESSES AND nED FEATHERS. Female. AMANUENSIS and cosapaaloa of eacep- tlonal ability an.', refinement will go to Paris with lady for expenses, or to her country home r,n small salary. AdMress I D. C, Box 40, 1.242 Broadway. WAITER. Young, polite and active, la ho- tel, seashore or country; \u25a0«« English* German and Scandinavian languages. HABURTON. 391 Btk-ars 2d floor. YOUNG MAN' 29 uif Ism ail in w - hnnlware business desires position n any line where There is a chance fo* i ment. G I>ONELLY. 4«>7 West 2: 1 ..! St. ASTONISHINGLY hißh prices paid for la- cies', ffents' and children's discarded clothing, fine evening and street cstumes. furs. Jewelry, bric-a-brac, carpets, etc. Call or address Mr. and Mrs. M. NAFTAU 744 <)tb-ave. TOUNG MAN. 20. wants postti.n on a pri- vate yacht rOS t> steamer. J. I'FI'LG. lo.'t Ka«t SOtll Si STAR INTELLIGENCE OFFICE. 691 6tli- ave. Tel. Bf>39— SSth-st. nrst class ser- ranta supplied; city rr eountrj ; references Investigated. I)O<;S AND BIRDS. STEAMED, cleaned, deodorized; hair mat- tresses .steamed, deodorized and made over equal to new: fire smoked bedding cured. GEORGB HEYMAN. 171 Canal si. Estab- lished I*H3. HAIR AND SCALP TREATMENT. DOVBmC SITI \TIONs V.UTIA TOUNG MAX 'Jr.. temperate^ la teW \u25a0 ' cation will work I \u25a0- tn exchange f..r - ::. >r b U!. or both. G T. W., B x 4J», Trlbnne Ofllce. ATTENTION'! Highest prices paid for ladles', (rentlemenp and children's dis carded clothing. Je»*-:ry. bric-a-brac, car pet.». etc. Pi. GORDON, 1.756 2d-ave., forroerly Marks, 101 Hth-ave. Frmait COOK.—First class cook; S-*«de; wages *4O a month. 17 East 4Mh-st. MAISON FRANCHISE.— Highest prices for ladies' cast off clothing; especially even- ing gowns, furs, jewelry, etc. Mme. SIX- DIC. 64 fitfc-ave. ATTENTION: Excellent opportunity for a family in the country or on a farm to secure the services of a refined, cultured Christian lady as governess or companion for pleasant home and moderate salary; am experienced, successful teacher: backward pupils rapidly advanced: thorough English, mathematics. French, music and fancy work; would go anywhere; references ex- changed. Address with full particulars TEACHER. 11 Overlook Place. Newburs. N. Y. SR\Vl\(i MACHINES. COOK. A lady would be glad to find posi- tion for icompetent ok, whom she car, highly recommend. Call Monday morr.tnz. May 21, between * and 12:30. 32 Washing- ton Square West. YOUNG MAN. 18. desires position In of- fice to make himself generally useful: rapid handwriting: a!»o typewriting. AN- THONY G. AMANN. 266 Jefferson Brooklyn. COMPANION. Refined Protestant lady »i compenlon to an Invalid lady, or would take charge of a partly gr.iivn -hlld: refer ence furnished M. V. PREBBS. 729 I.a- fayette-ave., Brooklm, CREDIT TO ALL. SEWING MACHINES of all kinds, cash or cr?dit: also exchanged, rented, re- paired. Favorite drop heads. $20 50. Auto- nratics, 135. RAI'SCH'S. 2.271 3d aye.. near 123d -»t. YOUNG MAN. 20. lately landed, wishes situation at anything. CaM M CONROY. car«» of Mrs Keating. 201 West Bad-atM CENTRAL PARK BOARDING KENNELS. 66th-6t. and Bth-ave. Bull terrier pups by champion parents; imported stock al- ways on hand; dogs boarded by the week or month; poodles clipped; house-breaking dogs a specialty. TWO beautiful Boston terrier puppies, out of Richard W. ex Lulu Mac, will be sold reasonably. We also have all other thor- oughbred dogs. CEDER'S KENNELS, 113 West 37th-st. ; telephone, 2.'.i7S 3Sth-st. Doge expressed everywhere; also board, city, country. ELECTRIC MOTORS, DYNAMOS. ELECTRIC MOTORS, dynamos, new and second hand, bought, sold, ex 'hanged and installed. D. S. HOLCOMB. 51 Dey. ELECTRIC Motors and Dynamos; new and second hand; bought, sold, repaired and Installed. GEORGE BENDER, 153 Cen- tre-st. EYE GLASSES & SPECTACLES. FOR THIS WEEK our opticians will examine your eyes and cell you a pair of our ?2 50 gold" spring eyeglasses for $1, and give you a gold plated eyeglass chain with a safety hook, aleo leather case, "absolutely free." It's as 350 outfit for $1. Spectacles at the same price. KBENE'S OPTICAL CO., 140 Fulton St., New York (near Nassau St.). Hours 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. SECOND HAND SAFES. YOUNG MAN, age 21. experienced, desires situation In any mercantile or bsnking business; can furnish AI references in every respect; als.-> provide guarantee for fidelity, etc. J. R., Box 27. Tribune Office. COOK and LAUNDRESS. By rsspectabla woman, in small i \u25a0-' \u25a0 its family; wcV..l like to go to the country for the summer: wages $1> to $2o a month for city and: country; reference; will not answer postal; expect carfare to be paid Call for two days, 377 Warreiv-st., Brooklyn. COMPANION. A lady, who Is an excellent stenographer, would llk» to accompany a gentlewoman to sfttii" cool resort, as com- panion and amanuensis. Address Q. V.. Box 39. 1.242 Broadway SAFIS removed, bright, and sold. EAGLE SAFE CO.. 2$ ?prlng-8t CARETAKER. By wtdoir for nous* for summer months, with best references. Mrs. SHEA. 89S Greenw lch-st. YOUNG MAN. 20. strong and willing, de- sires position at anything. LOT'lf* HER- BERT. 555 3.1-ave. COMPANION. The widow of a physician deslrea position as companion to Invalid; Is professed ma.«wuw> and pianist; rapid, slßht render; flue-nt linguist, would go to the country. Address M. D. A.. 13S West 14th St. PIANOS AND ORGANS. YOUNG MAN. 21; two years' experience in men's furnishing " store. - HENRY FIELDS. 1.403 Msura. TIH3E ©{PEG^ IPB« O New and elegant designs In different \u25a0woods; also several slightly used. Write for bargain list. WAREROOMS. BROADWAY, car. 47th St. CARETAKERS of private, residence for summer: two capable gentlewomen; ex- perienced housekeepers; referring by ooiv- seat to Rev. Dr. Gre«»r. EXPERIENCED, i'-\ ?0. 1.242 Broadway. CASHIER.— Girl IS. to do tucking, cashiwr or any fine factory work. Miss A. VOGT. L9M Ist aye. DOMESTIC SITI VTIONS WANTED. CHAMBERMAID— COOK WAITRESS.— Lady closing hous<» wishes to place In country. June l. three nice girls. whom sh« can recommend. Call Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday, between 11 and 1. at 130 East 25th-3t. Mule. BUTLER. A lady leaving the city wishes to obtain a situation for her butler. Call at 34 East 36th-st.. between 9 and 11 o'clock. STENOGRAPHERS writing any system fitted for position by expert of over 10 years' experience: busine?*. law an.r court reporting; prlva:e preparation, day. even- Ing; practical work. NO FAILURES: satis- faction guaranteed: moderate terms .V 5 Liber":. St., room rtl4. DIAMONDS. Watches, Jl weekly. Goods guaranteed. Lowest prices. KAUFMAN <- POL.BY. 37 Maiden l«m«. Room 55. CORSETS. CORSETS made to order from $3.00 up; perfect fit guaranteed. Mme. I. SCHA- PJRA. 1,834 Lexingtoc-ave.. near 118th-st. COAL AND WOOD. FINEST^RADEoCed and \u25a0WnTtTABh'CoaT WINTER'S old reliable yards, 2.1 and 3d avi-s. 64th-st. CHIROPODY, MANICURING AND BEAUTIFYING. _^ DR. JESSIE L. LYONS, with skilled, op- erators, performs scientific, painless chi- ropody; also ECZEMA and itching of the Foalp and body. 68 West 22d-et. CHAMBERMAID and LAUNDRESS. Young Canadian woman in small family of adults; excellent city reference. 133 West 23d-st. 1flight up. SCRAP IRON. MACHINERY. ETC. WE BUY SCRAP IRON, metal and ma- chinery, also old buildings and bridges. We always have second hand machinery for sale. ' EMPIRE METAL CO.. 3 Peck Slip. STOK*GE. I>R. JESSIB L. LTONB. -with skilled op- erat-rs, performs scientific, painless chi- ropody: also ecr.ema and Itching of the ecalp and body. 453 West 22d-Ft. AQI ARUMS AXD GOLD FIPH. CHAMBERMAID. 4c- Young girl as chambermaid and plain sewer, wants "> go to Seabriifht for the summer: best city reference. Address DAW 9 '- ' Amster- dam-aye. STENOGRAPHER and TYPEWRITER.— Ry a w-11 trained beginner; capab> at assisting In office w..rk. moderate salary. Addre=s Miss 8.. box 136. Station W. Brooklyn. B'TI.ER. experienced, or yacht steward; pood all round man; open to season's en- gagement- best families only; highest ref- erences. MALING. Box 474. Easthampt->n. Macs. CONTINENTAL Storage Warehouses. 313- 310 W. 43d, Just off gth ay». Tel. 2.597 3Sth-et. GOLD FISH. 50 cents dozen; other fish, 15 cents; Japanese. 3rto. each. BGGELING. Aquarist. 72 Bast 12. r >th-*t. STFNOGRATHFR. T TPIST. Qtdck, BC- curate peglnr.er- s"m» rommerclal ex- perience (2.1i: SS. sr-HAEFER. 81 East 12oth-st. r.T'TLEFt and VALET, where second man or parlormaid Is kept; Englishman, aged S5; ten .I— lS* ctty reference fr.-'m last <>m- plover. J., Bo:c 14. 1.242 Broadway DAY'S WORK. Young woman to go out by the day washing or cleaning. Mrs. LANGGUTH. 221 East SM-afc CITLEHY. CAGNEY'S STORAGE WAREHOUSE. 21R West S7th-»t.. established IMM>. Thi<« old reliable warehouse handles with unsur- passed caie, boxing, shipping. moving; City, country; estimates gKen. (TTIJ3RY cf every deF.-rlptlon on hand. made to order and repaired, at G KNAI'TIi S. 31 John -st and 71 Nassau- st. BtnXER, ssC- TsW) young men as I ut- ler and second man In private house or hotel. CaC or write OTTO OHLSt~>N. ,^r^> Mrs. C G. Anderson, ."ilfl Sd-ave. DAY'S WORK. Young woman to go out •working: by the day. 330 East H7ta-«t. WORK WAXTED. ELDERINE cures dandruff, baldness, etc.; produces growth of hair (natural color) at any age; sample free. Mme. BLDER. 374 Central Park West. 97th-st. HERNIA OR RI'PTi:RR. SUCCESSFUL mechanical treatment; per- fect retention; safety relief or cure; JO years' experience; satisfaction guaranteed. I. P. SEBLEIY'S New-York Establishment, .-i» East 22d-st. LADIES' TAILORS. A. ADLER, 13 East 125th-Bt., Branch, 2.459 Sth-ave. ladles' suits made to order- perfect fit guaranteed; also $10 skirts to order, $8; suits cleaned and pressed. We. ; skilful repairing neatly done. A. J. RORLETO. 104 East Mth -St.— Todies' Tailor and Dressmaker. Ladfps' own ma- terial. Prices reasonable. BENNETT BROS.. C5 l>>nox-ave.. Ladles' and Gents' Fashionable Tailors. Alter- ing, cleaning, etc.: repairing nt moderate prices; suits to order from $ISOO up. JOSEPH FlßE.—Ladies' Tailoring. Dress- making. New orders will receive- old al- terations free of charge. 660 I.*?xlngtr>n-ave. G. MA LI TO. Ladles' Tailor, 171 6th-ave.. corner 12th-st. Suits made to order from «<» .'.O up. IT. FIEDLER, ladies' tailor; suits made from $25.00 up. 2 West 132d-st. LAWN BROS., Ladies' Tailors, 1,4.12 I>>x- Ington-ave. ; a stitch In time saves nine; bear this in mind and save those stitches by having your suits, jackets, top coats made at I/awn Bros.; their prices »re right; a perfect fit guaranteed: best of workmanship: a trial meqns a M"a<ly customer. SAMVEL ZUKERHANDEL. 577 Columbus- ave., Importer and Ladles' Tailor; salts to order. Imported cloth, best silk lined, per- fect St and TToTkn;&iisV:lr. for 14 ijayt, «,15. —^ . '.—. .—.. . , TOMEI A GfRASSOTT, ladles' and gentle- men's custom work; ladles' custom made suits. |6 up. 151 Bleecker Ft. - MAGIC INSECT EXTERMINATOR. BALLADE & CO."8 mosquito bite cure and Insert exterminator never falls; destroys all Insects and cures bites or FWne.-»- all dealers. 1 m-;.-. lt'.v. West \u25a0_\u25a0;{.» st _ N. V.' HOUSEKEEPER.— By Intelligent lady of experience: country. WOMAN'S EX- CHANGE. Mount Vernon. RI'TI.Bi:. A la.iy wishes a situation for a colored butler, whom she confidently reemmends. Apply Boa 22. Rye. N. Y. H4EGER STORAGE WAREHOUSES. Bth-ave., 33d to S4th sts.— Stcrase fir furniture, etc.; padded vans for moving, eitv or country; boxing, packlncr. shipping and insurance; estimate* furnished. Tele- phone call. 3.210— 3Vh-!»t. Mule A TVM. L. HARTTXG. Public Expert Accountant and Auditor. Room S2S. 150 Nassau-st.. N. Y. CARPKT CLEAMVO. CXmiK, waiter and all around general u?e- fnl man. by a col >red man. Address WILLIAM BRYANT. 471 7th aye. A YOUNG MAN. aged 30 years, wants a situation at anything. T. I)., Box 33. Tribune Office. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. STEAMSHIP TICKETS. CARPETS cleaned by steam, by hand or on the floor. Careful Carpet Cleaning Co., 1 563 Broadway, 421 East 48th-st., COB & BRANDT. Tel. 132-3Kth. HOUSEMAID.— lady wishes to secure a place In country fcr summer for compe- tent servant, to do housemaid's wort anJ sewing, cr to tak* car* cf a chili Adr- dress Mrs J. W. PRYOR. Flushing, Ixici Island. CARETAKER. By SveiTlsh couple, with- out children; wife first class cook; will work In small private family for beard of husband (clerk); references. 417 We*t 3!st- st.. basement. FREDERICK ACKERMAN, 133 West S2d- et., near Oth-ave Steam carpet cleaning and feather and hair renovating works. HOUSEWORK. Girl to do housework bi small private family. no washing; good reference; no cards. SHEEHAN. Ms V»»t 4!»th-st. STEAMSHIP TICKETS, all ltnes; also Railroad tickets to all points. A. E. Johnson & CO., 2. Broadway. AT St. Bartholomew's Employment Bureau, ml East 42d-st.. Telephone 2..'it>4. HBth- st. First class servants supplied; houses closed for families who are leaving town; 1aretakers furnisli^d for the summer. A NEAT young man. 23. speaks German, handy with tools, wants position at any- thins anywhere- worked in shops and ho- tels WEGENER, STS HlmM st.. Rrook- lyn. SCIEHTIVIC >I AM< IIUVC. MANHATTAN =team Carpet Cleaning Co.. office ani factory, l.li'il 2d-ave. (near 64th-6t.i. Telephone LS2B-7»th-at. Steam dejiiiini; all kinds, Kc. per yard. i'AR|-;t.\KER. Honest. trustworthy. Strictly sober German small family, be*: Of city reference. H. SAURR. 12> River- st.. Hobokon. N. J. SUMMER RESORTS, BEST HELP FUR- NISHED. BEST SYSTEM AT I RUINS, 77" W. lITH-ST. M"CLOSKEY'R Pteam '"arpet rieanlni? Works, 34S West 87th st ; office, 2<H ?:ast 19th-^t.. 'leaning, all kinds. 4c. per yard; rugs. ».- Wj.y pay n-.. .•\u25a0-.' M &GNETISM. LAUNDRESS.— Washing and Ironing done. 50c. and 75c. per dczen. Addresa lira. M. KING. ssa West 54th-st. a PERFECT COMPLEXION. BY OUR Improved Method in Facial Mas- sage youth Is restored. Manicuring and scalp treatment by experts. Consultation free . Also attendants at patrons' resi- dences. Miss BREWSTER. 12 East 17th st. ATTKNl'ANT— Thoroughly competent In car^ of Insane or invalid patient; Staiw hospital experience; excellent oarsman and driver; Rood character and habits. H. WOODWISS. «1 2.1-ave. ELECTRO (iALVAMMI. CARETAKER.— Man to care for gentle- man's place; 20 years' reference; reliable* B. 131 East 12Mh-st. LAUNDRESS.— First c.ass laundr«»» gees out by the day: understands her business thoroughly, :;••! West Slut-tit., ring 3 Ozaasv n»)«.S AM) C'*T IUJSIMTAL. BAKER, Foreman "n brea.l. or bread and \u25a0 ake wishes p:ea-1y position. Apply or address PH. RILLHARPT. 141 Jefferson- si . Br '• klyn. SIIIF POP IHSBCT I'nWDKK. COACHMAN. Single; aged 25; thoroughly understands his business: first class city personal reference: sober and reliable. 'i.\l^ LOWAY. 620 Amsterdam-ay*.. care Fox. I.AUNDRESS A laly leavln< town deslree sttuatlcß'fcr her IbiiiiiTl saa. whom she can recommend. Call at present emploier*a. £9 Mailson-ave.. between 10 anil 12. en ilsa- (!ay next. NERVOUS diseases. locomotor ataxia paralysis, prostration. Insomnia, headache, rh< m atism. cured by elei:tr"-galvanlTn. HENRY DB KRAFT. M. D , 118 West 4ltth -• Send for pamphlet. CHRISTIAN U JENSEN. 262 W 4.".d-st the most skilful expert In natural heal- ing; favorably mentioned hy the newspapers for his cures of incurable hlindness cures simply by his touch h!1 chronic diseases of Inn* stanilintr. Specisl attention Riven to crippl< d, blind and rieaf mute i-hlMren. N. Y. CANINE INFIRMARY. 148 West 53d-st., telephone 851 Columbus. Treat, board, housebreaking dogs, both city and country. KXPEItIMKNTAL WORK. THE ANALYTICAL SPECIALIST r. r DUMONT C. make. 180 W. tr.th-st cures all chronic complaints when other- methods fall Magnetism scientifically an plied. BAKER.—First lass roremaa, with best of reference; experienced on all kinds of bread, especially French, Vienna bread an.l rolls. !4 Hast 4,'>th-i't. CRESTDXT MACHINE WORK?.— TooI, die anil mode', makers; experimental work; In- ventions perfected. 24 west st., New York. Tel. call, 8.188 Cortlandt. MAID and \MSTKHBH.—WouId assist withother "1-tht duties; country preferrri; good reference. Address or call care of Mrs. QAFFNET, \u25a0\u25a0• West 2tst-st. SIRE TV>P INSECT POWDER IS GUARANTEED To KILL COCK- ROACHBS. WATEU BUGS, KEPRI'OS. ETC. ADOLPH ISAACSON & SON, »U PULTON ST.. N. V COACHMAN.— Aged 36 ; knows his busi- ness; good stylish driver; willing, oblig- ing: city or country; fourteen years' lef- erence; present employer seen. * CI^ARK. 130 West 32 1 st. I'ROSINA. BOOKKEEPER. Eight years' experten-e; aged 20 years; AI reference. For further particulars address 11. S. STEWART. "41 Edgecombe aye. NBW-YORK VETERINARY HOSPITAL. 117 West 25th st.; telephone 4Hl—l*th.— Treatment boarding, clipping ami washing; rr,;<- i'.'-r> <:.:.;n.- i \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0v.j- \>i\ MISCEIXANEOI s. MAIT>. Yoswsj w tt r«f!c«meu: a* ' c .iv permai . e!!'.taV A 887 East 13St» •• TTPKWRITKRS. TYPEWRITF.IIS bought, sold, rented, re- paired; best machines; lowest prices; trial free; telephone. CONSOLIDATED TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, 24] B*wa: WANTHI#- A second hand wall tent, not less than Hx!» feet; must be m pooij con- dition. Address B. T., R«.x 41. Tribune Of- fl'-e. BOOKKEEPER'S ASSISTANT.— By F.ng- lish Episcopalian. 4' years; educated and respectably connected- good writer; quick flgurer: good salesman. GARLAND. DM l^th-st.. Brooklyn. COACHMAN an.l USRFITL MAN.— By younsr Herman on gentleman's country pis •\u25a0 understand* care of horses, harness, carriages etc.- good references from last employer. WILLIAM. 233 lst-avc. nni:ssMAKi.\G. YX>n CHAPPED HASPS, lips or chafin? of any kind. Does not Mick. Irks up immediately; highest healing Bropertlee. METZE'S PHARMACY. 42d-et. and Bth- ave. 26c a bottle, S^.TiO per doz. AT,TMANA BOGEJnONOW Ladles' Fash- ionable Tailors; salts from $3.% up; per- fect fit and workmanship guaranteed. 1114 East 45th-st_. corner Lexinston-Hve. MASS I6E. Till\KS \M> \ XI.ISKS MAlD— Danish, speaking all th« Scandi- navian languages: .-.in ml sr.d St; take care of hair, hands and feel good trav- eller SMITH. I.MO lst-ave. COACHMAN—Aged 95; medium siz# : eight years In tast place; gentleman can be seen at any time; drives four an.i tandem: blows horn; up to date man In all branches of his business. Address .1 IL. 212 West .'>."!.! St. MEDALS \M» BADGES. MASSAGE, physical culture Roman baths specialty; hair tonlo special treatment \u25a0.)..\u25a0-;!•, STKKI.K IJ.; Wf-t \u25a0_;;,, st ACCORDION PLAITING made. 3c. yard. side and box plaiting; also pinking done at short notice. Madame JARDEN 270 West 1231-st. PREKCH KIT< lIK\ TABLE SIM:- CIAI.Tir.S. A FULL LINE of high grade Trunks and Bags, retailed at wholesale prices. BROADWAY TRUNK HOUSE, 4T4 Broad- way, near Grand st. BOOKKEEP BR, ftc. Married m<\n. beat references, last twenty years city; tfv>r ough b.>. .kk-^>pei . stenographer, typewriter; correct h^lii?; fluent writer German, Khb- lls!'. C, P., 1.748 Amsterdam it* ART DEALERS. A. MILLER, 293 r.th-ave.— Paintings. Etch- ings Francs, Mirror*. Gallery of Ameri- can Palctlr.gF. Restoring. tTncllillne: AWXIXCS. SMITHS. SH West 133d--t. AMERICAN Awnliic and Flap Factory-— Canopies. ChaJrs, Tables and Tents to let. F. SKBLTON. 60S Oth-ave.; telephone call ««>— 3Sth. W'BIFSMAS & BALL. 1.131 3d-ave,, corr.er . «V»th-st. OrdrT by mail promptly at- tenoed to. ' AT K. MAHLER. DIAMONDS. Watches. Jewelry; repajrinp fine complicated watches; French and hall clocks a Fpecialty; Id gold bougbt or ex- chanpea: >\u25a0!\u25a0•\u25a0 * I •!. Tvt v <-d Ifis7. 7".:'. <3th-ave.. near 4- i ;\u25a0• BOOKS. SB Anfii^rJlTia'3) ©Mil I? BUILDING TO BE TOKN DOWN. Books for everybody, rich and poor, old and young, at I>overini?'s New-York Book j Exchange. 7^l Broadway, opposite Wana- \u25a0 maker's; books of every description at lower prices than ever before offered In the city; Immense stock of ctandard and mis- cellaneous books, finely bound sets, illus- trated irift books st prices never before approached; encyclopedias (Applttan's, Chambers'. Britanr.lca, People's) at your own prie«; second-hand school hooks, re- view books and books of all kinds bought, sold and exchanged; highest cash prices paid- call* at residence free. LOVER- ING'S NEW YORK HOOK EXCHANGE. 781 Broadway, between Bth and ttth sts.: open evenings. \u25a0 BOOKS BOUGHT for cash; experienced buyers sent everywhere; catalogue free. crrmof: d. smith. 4 Ean 4iM-et. BOOKBINDERS. JL—WE OT'AHANTEE the beet work at tfce .\u25a0•\u25a0».-• prices. Established >S7. B. LOGIN. \u25a0:- Sd-ave-.. near 76th-ei. L sta- tion. NEUMANN BROS., 7 E. leth Street, near sth Aye.—Binding of single volumes or , in quantities In any style. B. J. SCHAEFER. 24 Beekman-st.— Book- j lilcilrr of all kinds neatly done at mod - <>rate prices. m; i/i im,. BELTING, Packing and Mill Supplies, low- est prices. Good goods. Prompt deliv- eries. W. J. SCHAEFER & CO., 33 Bar- cj^y-et. BABY CARRIAGES & GO-CARTS. !>AI^L CARRIAGE CO.. .',«( 3d-a.ve.. Him of Baby Carriages and pat- ent Go-Carts cf the newest and best ttylep; shown at our warerooma; open evenings. L HOEDT, Manufacturer of Baby Car- riages and Go-Oarts. 1,«2»S 2d-«ve. Buy direct of the maier, and save money; re- pairing neatly done at the shortest possible notice; carriages cleared and reupholstered equtl to new; all parts of baby carriages t-old at i! *\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0<\u25a0• \u25a0-\u25a0»-\u25a0\u25a0•' \u25a0\u25a0 prices. P BIRDS AM) i*k;i-:o\s. ' L KG about birds and pigeons, what * the matter with SEGELKKN? He is H.»hi. 243 East tf>th-«t. IIKH.H'I •> DISEASE AM) DIA- BETES. ANEW TKKATMENT fur Bright '> disease and dlabetts; siUve cures. See circu- lar. B. WALTON. 130 West 116tb-st.. A*eot for U. S. ana Canada. . MAlD.— ReflneJ lady afters serrlcas maid or to Haas groin* to Europe, la excliamta for passage: speaks »o»l Q*r- man; city reference. Address A. W., Box 2t>. Tribune 1 i!71.-e. COACHMAN AND GROOM.—By a young married man. Just 'is*n«;i^: .' best refer- ences, covering last 1^ years; country pre- ferred. J. E.. 231» Baal »4th-st. DOYLE'S trunks, bags; beat, cheapest; 1 and 2 Vesey-st.. 27<> tlth are., 82 sth aye.. 1.231 Broadway. BOY. 10. to li-nrn cutter trade. \VAUX).\' 64S Rust Uth-«1. ATHLETIC, bicycle, college and schro!; fine D presentation medals a Fpecialty JOHN D. LKNNOX. 7r> Nassau-st. A. BHUTKUfD, dressmaker and ladies- tailor. 2X'. j:«»t S.*ith S:rcpt. between M and ;ii Area. MATRON or HOUSEKEEPER ta large summer hotel; one In th» mJuntilß* 1 *" ferred; an excellent manager witi -!» fJH CO at \u25a0esj I put house in on!er. live M. \V.. Elisabeth. N. J. BOY, 17. honorable public school graduate; excellent references; has good knowledge of l«iokke»pinp and experienced In. off!.-* duties; salary $6. Address J. s. Tribune Office. DRESSMAKER.— Correct styles; perfect fit; superior work and finish, faultless »kirt droop; responsible; rr-ai*jnable; work shown Mr? COOKE. 2.;.' i We >t 4-Uh-st., near Hroadway. COACHMAN.— SingIe; medium Mljlll . pri- vate family: competent In handling fin* houses; careful sober; host reference. COACHMAN. In) West .">2<l-st G33NTLBMEN*a Dress Suit Case*, brass lr»-k». slightly soiled. 24 Inches Ion?; one dollar. SCHWARTZ. 17 Bible House. \u25a0 I'll I SSES, MIHHOHS \M» PR ABIES. BOY, 18. in wholesale house preferr^.l . best reference. VLBERT WETZEL 11.'. ;\u25a0.:.-• |06tl -i LOOKING GLASSES manufactured here ci.i!n;iK f .i mirrors reallvered; frames an.i >gs. FERRY. 11^ Canal si ' near Hudt « NURSE. En<a»wai»nts want*! by tfcor- oughty experlenceil nurs*; best of ref*»- ence* from Joctrcs ai:«l patient: unilfaM ment cases a specialty. Call or s.iJ.r«ss NURSE, 7*5 East l««2d-st. H. C. BODFTg Tu,.--.- bound to <-ure the worst rupture. Elastic stookinK?. l.wo :(•! are . near BMh st. DRBBSMAKER. First clas* -lressmakinff: n.isses' and ehildren'i lessen, ladles' shirt aj.'i fancy A;.i.~t». reasonable. HOWI s<)X. 1<« West BOth-et. COACHMAN. Thoroughly experienced: single; temperate and reliable- careful city driver; understand! care "furnaces- pener-illy willins and or-lti-ing; personal referen.es. WALL. t:.s :ti , lY e" CARPENTER In shop I steads employment Wdre-ss H HAHMANN l^T 11: t > -1 Br >kljn. MONISOGRAPHS. DRESSMAKER.— AII children's graduating MS one-half price; very Stylish rhl! r.'., r.-w summer dresses v. ry low. LCON 2.600 h'h-avtr. XLRSH, VALET or ATTENDANT.— CIV or country": best references; six r«axw experience massage. T. J. D . 13? S4-s.t»» curt- Larkln. CLERK. By y.->un«: man In office; can operate typewriter: moderate waR?«. \d- Ixess K. WILLIAMS. Tribune Office. MIMEOGRAPHS. nf« nn.l second hard '\u25a0 isrhi and sold. Typewriter snnDlles' PiSRPECT .'lrriX'; elastic stocklnsa, K2. Trujs'-» and supporters Pit Kuaranteed. K. A fASSBBEER. 2fts Columbus-aye. C\">A< HMAN. Single German: stylish careful driver: good rider; competent tak- intr full i'har»;e gentleman's estate; cltv or country; best referencei COACHMAN 'Box v>. \ -VI Broadway. x CARPET SEWER.— Makes rugs. alter irpets; hotel or private families BLOOM 1.073 Lafayette-am.; nr<x.klvn. DRESBIIAKCJR «',,rr«rt e!yl»-p; perfect fit; failtlesM ?klrt droop; superior finish; work orders promptl) executed; reaaon- able: r«sponslb)< Mm. COOKE, 233 West 4-iti. St., DCai J'.r..a.lvia>. _^UJSICAIi _ I \ STH Tm i:\ts. THEODOR I>illl;. 286 \u25a0 Zithers mandolins and guitars; also music for the same: catalogue mailed. NI'RSE.- A reliable Germin-AmertCAa nurse to invalKl or take ch*rj?» Of cMl- <!••-:'. an.l teach them U».m«n I '-\u25a0** *». Koeso 41. Sherman Square Hotel. CANDT MAKER and Br»i laai nfac ttoner, wirii -\u25a0«' jreara' experience dei \u25a0•\u25a0> \u25a0•\u25a0.-i Iv sltiiii-l. n UEO PURPI'RA Oft East 7th Pi DRBSBMAKIBR Artistic dre*smak.-i »«-nch, \y.t. X fr. in I'aris. Mme. u|, LJVIEH. 13-» Weal (ICth'-flt. .N'.m-HMan Bj staacle Hollaaefer: atestds position; anderal tndi re ol .n milk; Ri si VKRBrST, care f n , 4 .! N n . . I stweaa S'-\ and 2i- NURSE.— Good, experience^l nur»« toe t»- vallJ. nervous or mental case: lev* ex- perience; tlrsr class references. Mrs. W«r LAIU>. aiC West 154th-st. MACHINERY. UMBRELLAS AMI CANES. >\u25a0» STEIXSCHNEIDER'S /yj+^f , I'mbrellns are the best. / VSc " a Klrst " •**\u25a0\u25a0 a/ '""'\u25a0 4l1 ' "' ! '"' th * tS ' V ""^^JV/ Umbrellas recovered with '^^^ Imported Bilk, $1.00. All V repairs 15c. AT SPENCER" 144 Oth-ave.. 21st and 22d Ma., umbrella manufnetnrer. recovering repairing, .%U:ihattan Mendini Bureau. We repair everything. MRS Jtc. By redrew American i^rt, *• child's nurse or chambermaid. lE** - v AT REDUCED PRICES. U mtd hand wood and Iron w .rkjiif.- machines; fully teed T.j.t hinery bought and tx- \u25a0 !..- --t^.-.i <;k< >. H EDDY. 398 Madison st ENGINEER. Dynamo repairs: all mund man; reference LESTER. :•.>:•.\u25a0 Warren- V Brooklyn. COACHMAN.—I«>- a youn< mnn; under- stands the care of fine horse* «n.l c«rl ris',-es: honest, --)her; willing an.J oblUrimc- .l.l. SVR3E and CHAMBERMAID. \u25a0•\u25a0»'- »*" tcll'-K^nt and well recomm*n<!««i youa* American girl: fond if and •if* rI Jf?T: with children; wa.es ,*W monthly. Qotl»* »>th-»ve. kni;im:i.!: . itv license; .-:t\ -r cou itry : has h . ' aspertenc* with machlnerj ..f all kln>l»; wafjes moderate, w -v."! Dean— ai B'klyn, B. KOHRMAN. 2.615 Bth-ave., manufac- turer of Umbrellas aril Canes. Umbrel- las covered In Gloria, :**•.. 7.V. $1 <«> up- wards. DRBBSMAKSR Correct styles; superior work and flr.Uh; faultless skirt droop: stylish wraps and iralata; responsible rea- sonable. Mrs. COOKE. 13.'. West 44th-«t.. near Itroaxlway. DAVIS I'EAItLMAN. 2.0.'.:. Madlson-ave.— Ladles' fashionable tailor suits made to order; perfect Jit and ben work only re- pairing of all kinds done. M VT'l'ltKSS MVKIX. iVHi'HMAS.- llv it 1,-.,..,,,, - Js ,n, n „„„ tr>-: II -.! referei if Ust an" d-^\~ ous i-mplovara. Address T. r F \.ZiZ ll P. M. Sawn. -n W«ai S«th-st. ' f ENGINEER an ! MACHINIST.— Steady, a *>- ber- twenty years' experience beat refer- ence«. \VM. l>iNSKrni 310 H'eet BOth at. i iiiiii.viriii . kti . i; k i iaa i 1! KOSINKR. fine ladles' tallorlntf 210 Eatt 106 th «., near .'« v.-. Tailor made *ults from f I.', up. N»'K.-*fc-". H>' thorouKhly competent. raflassl North C.erman. »p«?«kinic kvkxl k*t«nch. »• uut^ k> •<r..«l::^ ch.U!r<-:i; ifood reference*. M M.. tl* Ea»« s3d "• . i<l|; '\u25a0\u25a0*' Uum lira—mijrlii. an: ladies' tail(,!;xiif nil on A MAItMl'i.N 147 West ht.. .ft Tt! av< BEST 11.00 recovering-, usuil $1 25; all stlh >-'»', usual $2.50; umbrrllaw sold and re- '•\u25a0-.1r.-H HAVWAHIi, (11 K,,t 12Sth-st. D. MILLION, '!• Harlem Mattress Maker. Mattreetes made at sh{ •\u25a0! notice; hair mattreßiM-* m:idc over. ! 068 !.\u25a0 x!n« - ton-aye MATTRESSES rated it customer's res- l<len.-» (specialty), full slat . $1 78 hair an"! tli-klnt: at wholesale prices. r. BOIL UER, 14 Amst< rdani ava NTK-5K First etas*. re3n*J Nort!\ Q*r- ' m»n (r->m H».nov«r; ti> ehiMr«o nvm ihrw v*«r» up; t<-:u-h>"» German; best r«f»r- ;'„„,; S. 11.. Kaat at»l. . FOUNDRY !••<>!>: MAN. with 19 >,- Mr!.- ex perlen< \u25a0•. destli - \ \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 w . it. hi ateT highest referaaci - i SMITH. -" « ' -t . Mount Vei non. N V MATTRESSES MADE, full size. $1 7.', ticking. $2 25; upholatarlna;, repairing re* Idence or shop ' . GOOIN, 386 W. r.;t.i si P. SORBNSON, 2,<>Tl 7th ay.v. between 113 d and I^'lth at».. rphnUterer and l>«-c- rator i'arpaii cleaned «nd laid. Awnings «nd shades. Milltl»-M> niade ..\... i I'lini.si ima AMI CAIiI.\KT- MAKER. . and references. M.. care of Almb*rg. Xi Ea»t 23d-sl. , i VITRSE —B» e*verit!v.«-<l nurs*; best •* r«frr»nce» trvm prominent physl'i *•• Mrs. I>H Y»r.\C, C.7T. Ka»t U4;h-st. FRESCH IrcMmakcr perfect Utter; latest w-aUis: ;.<iui.e gowns; work at . mm mod- \u25a0\u25a0''• IKJRB. S3 wvm i;3ili WHITB, brown fireproof china, earthen cooking utensils, all kinds of French cteam coffee pots, Irenes, marmite !':«r'M.'nn« for making essence of beef; best remedy for anaemia, hotel, club, family supplies. BAZAR FRANCAIS. 4SO West l ir ladwijr FACE AND HAIR SPECIALIST. MME. CAROLINE, leading face specialist. Parlors, 213 <ith-ave. Bend for free sealed '\u25a0\v^\\\-\rt aid testimonials. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET. ATTRACTIVE bachelor apartments, newly furnished throjghout; modern Improve- menu; superior service; moderate rates- telephone Madison Square. 11 West 251h-st. 2SD-9T-, 12* EAST, near Madison Square. Large and single rooms, , r r(K- to dally; board optional. 11l EAST aSTH-ST., near Madron Square. Neatly furnished large and small rooms- private house; references. 404 LEXINGTOX-A VE.— class rooms- fine neighborhood; large dressing rooms- all conveniences; near Grand Central transient.* ... \u25a0 i..;. .1.-ti.-.i. GRAY HAIH RESTORED. URUCELINE restore? fraj hair to 'iTKIrmT color; treatise on hair free. Hltrcpi ivi- (X).. 3»il tUh-ave. IS ' ' HYPNOTISM. HYPNOTISM taught Ir. all Iti branches. Ai! nervous ured by simple sug t'e«tmn Free flsilHlllSllall.nl. AMERICAS! BCHOOL OF HYPNOTISM, S! 3ih ay, H. T. FIREMAN or PORTER \u25a0; rman married, sober and Wins;, wish"* »tea,<\ work' good references. ODll > M Pedforil-st GIVE KAI:. iih VB lt:\\v::.w .^tlM - tlon uante.l: <Vav or nl.;.i:. Address 1> C. A.. Dematest. \. j. I. CINNAMON. Merchant Tailor.— made to order; cleaning, dyeing and re- pairing at the lowest prices 187 East 50lr<- tt., between Lexington and Park ayes. MATTRESSES made ovfx at \u25a0.-.:\u25a0;. •• work guaranteed. QUNERMAN 4 BOH \<"HT M Pearl : branch Ih.i New- Vork-ave.. Jersaj City, N. J. SAMUEL HARRIS, 2.255 2d-ave., manu- faeiuiw of mattresses; made up at the shortest notice; prices reasonable. LADIES' and children's orestmaktng. by experienced dressmaker; prices moderate MODES. 1.623 Lexlnston-av*.. Bear 1U2.1 «l ALL NERVOUS, muscular and mental dm eases cured by magnetic nuggi^tlon; m,...,, and reft assured; highest n •:<,ifm- ins i- P. *. VAN U.VPEGHEM, 58 E. C3d-st, ' KURNITITRB made to order; polishing and repnlring. Antique furniture renewed. SAMUEL FERRA.NDI. to* Mil >v«., bet. 4»ui and iDth its. HATS.—Experienced 1 man. stock clerk *il.-.-<nuin, buyer tlmt class leferencva de- sires position with reputable house ' \i dress EXPERIENCED. Box 5, ini.un* Of - Be*. WACHMAJl.— Gentleman wtahaa to - c- his coachman; Mr hi, ircmmen ,„,. £"£' ricd: aged \u25a0' HtVINII T SVit7i . .... nerr«n-»t.: or COACHMAN ror i'n,«n".V,"* ft.. Brooklyn. \u25a0 \u25a0 . i '^Vil i V A «^~^- X-K -^ I1 * :^™« ••»"« wife. referent. V. a. tott , x Wau \u0084../ nVvn" C...\CHMAN. - ny~,~^rr,{~7~~ o . " country; thoicui;hl> undter-tanAi kiS husln.ss In all branch*.; lawn* ch^i, ..! and railklna wife cook rrtaSndE,, r i^- I, sober, honest an.) trustworthy'- Mate *-.«•-« for two. Address WILSON t,« Nlcho!son-*t.. Norfolk. WII^° N» lofl or other narrow w*Mi»r» m*- ..rtlicuiruli see JHUK* 13 XEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUXE. SFXDAY. MAY 20. 1900. LITTLE ADVERTISEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE,— CLASSIFICATIONS ALPHABETICALLY ARRAXGELX fIoMF.'TK SITt ATtOIJ WATTED \NUHK H^TKD. f. 12 JANITOR.-Flat. building, school. a*"*""!a *" *""! or church: 1C yearn" f*-> I T. n< v P r **» n- place. C. LEE, 13 ' sv>!lt 13Vh-st. I PIIOI.HTKRERS * OK«OR\TOHS. EWING MACHINES, new 'Imp head cabi- nets, complete attachments. Sl* and up. \>w and second hand, bought and boM. Cash or Instalments. A. BAUER. 102 lst- ave. •' \u25a0 pou UU.
Page 1: Library of Congress · HW HOME * WHITE. Male. COACHMAN.— By colored \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0; a?


COACHMAN.—By colored \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0; a?<» H.h<*irht 3 f»»t ll«-i;imod city r«f»r«ne«.

X . Box 17. 2*53 West 12-Vh-st. I

GEOROB LEININGER. ?*<> West 127th-st.Art upholstering, decorating and general

repairing. best of references; private Trorkdollcited.

COACIIMAX.—First clas»; best city refer-ences' city or country: •«• 35; nr»--- -:.

no imbran.-". COACHMAN. >»> Lex-in*'-naye.


JANITOR. 4c—By young man. .1. \u25a0* •*•Rant janitor or light porter, in grtrat.

house or hotel: references. W. •'• STABLIN. 21« West 3fith-st.

OOYLB. WARDLFJ * CO.. 3fiO W-st 125thSt.. steam carpet .-leaner*. Carpets laid.

Mattresses renovated and made over


M ROTHSTBXN, Importer. practicaltailor, cutter and fitter for lnc"le«' and

gents; altering and repairing neatly done.§01 West 12Sth-st.. corner Tth-ave.

M GALLO, 430 West 12i)tr.-st.—l>iidlea' nni

vents' fine tailorirg. dyeing, scouring,

pressing, repairing. &c.. garments altered

l»ftt TRIBUNR. crescents. Featherstoneson exhibition. <«reat sacrifice lt>!W models

M«st besold. THOS. WARP. <W Harclay st




merchants, manufacturere and others de-siring to extend their business; stores, bustnets places p.ild quickly. M'DONALD &WHJ.JINS 14" Nassau Ft.

t'EAMSTRESB. -Plain sewing, wrappersand children's dresses a specialty; rea-

t^nable Mrs. R., .'-.ofl West 27th-st.

JANlTOß.—Experienced man as i.-.n::'rthree years In charge '\u25a0' ''"« vlth

present employer; har.l- with t^ls; firs,

class references. JANITOR. »i Perry-st.

CHARLES 7.EHNER, 2.-4 West 12Cth-st..art upholstering. mattresßeF made st short

notice, fine furniture repaired, etc.FI/ORIST AND GARDENER.

—By a

Swede, aged 32: graduated from horti-cultural school tn Sweden; l*years' «*-nerlence; 3 years m this country. O. 9..care Mr. Morlln. 32:# Atlantlc-aTe.. \u25a0..-.<

lyn. .

OBESITY positively, permanently cured:results guaranteed; no drug*; no diet; no

exercise; no privation; our treatnifn' bringshealth and strength In its train, and cannotInjure the m<.pt lellcatp constitution; It hasstood the test and stnnds upon the solidrock of public confidence; do not load yoursystem with nostrums advertised aa harm-less Write for particulars. 0 B. <". T.WATER <"0., 107 W. Slth-st.

SMART CfTTING and fitting by expert de-

signer; price reasonable; willcall MvRILL,ladies' Tailor. 224 Oth-ave


Thoroughly understaasslfarming: good" reference. Address

MICHAEL NEUNF.Y. \u2666« Swuta B'h-et..Rr-...


MEYER'S Art Furniture. Upholstery. Cur-tains. Bedding. Polishing. Carpet, Cabinet

work, lone shortest notice. 420 Columbus-nve.. Rl«t >(

DRUG STORE for sale In Brooklyn; com-plete stock: good nelchborhovl : low ren*..

ei"ti.l)lishe<l seven years, sickness cause ofselling; splendid opportunity lor energeticman; in Bedford section; thickly populatedresidential district; no scents or brokers.S O'NEILL, tZ .lefferson aye.. Hmnklyn.

MATTRESSES REMADE at customersresidences In three hours a specialty; new

tickings and hair supplied: sole users of

Awn patented oscillating hair carding ma-nines and collapsible benches. THE MM

RORONE METHOD. «4« '->tri-ave. Country

orders solicited Telephone 067 Columbus.

i tholstiouv si man.L. GOLDSTEIN. 118 East sr»th-st.—

linn tapestries), silk goods, fringes, cords,gimps, also hair. moss, springs, ticking?,\u25a0tlln rn\-er llntns.

OLD GOLD & SILVER WANTED.MANAGER gentleman* ccuntry place: S3

year* old; single; eiperlenced. cimp't-nt.

highest reference*. PHILLIPS. "\u25a0\u25a0 East132.1 st

GAKDnNCR.— Single; thoroughly «P««*-enred In liindacap- gardening. gre«a-

hou.*es. graperi*-?. r^e*. ,--?abl»s a»icare of cuntry place; refer»ncns. Ad£r*nGEKMA.V, P-.x 7. Tribune •>ffl--.

WORN-OI'T gold and silver hought by R.I/IX(",MAN"SSONS. Cold and Silver Re

flners. s John st.

WEISS & STI'RM. Ladies' Tailors.— Suitsmade to order from $1S up; alterat|on».

etc. 423 Lenox-ave.. near 131st-i»t.

W THITELBAT'M, 4W West 12Mh-st.,Merchant Tailor—Ladies' and Rent 3' gar-

ment?; cleaning, dyeing nnd repairing. &c.


A bargain to a repporslble party;furniture and lease for sale; furniture

new; house in first class condition; one hourfrom New-York; no bar; $3,oih>: easy terms;first class trade. Address ROBERTS, Box2fi. Tribune Office. wi/\iti)si.% cv(le CAXKaaAS, GARDENER and FLORIST.— yeoa«

man on private phfe: first •**•P««>e*-e-ator of twddins: fiants: attend ve^etaM*gnrden; g'>--5 amitle driver. BARRY. i.2«»Broadway.

OFFICE wishing good penman; not alr"»'<l

nf hard work: best of refereneei _<\u25a0dres, ENERGETIC. l"» P.fh-ave.. Box 1?

I RO3ENTHAL, ladles' Fashlona'ileTailor Habit Maker, &c, has remo\ ;d

from 165f> Madlson-avn. to 1,634 Madison-ave between 100th an.l 110 th sts. PATENTS.

LATHES' suits ma.ie. silk and foulajdp, *»;jackets. *3; drop skirts, $3 50. misses'

suits $3 5": alterations and remodelling.

Madan-i- JARDEX, 270 West 123d- St.

ft>.oo MODEL 1900; developing and print-

ing for amateurs: s*nd for catalogue. G.A v.'AT.TT'R Ontlelsn. 17» Br sdwsT


PATENTS! "INVENTORS' HAND BOOK"FREE; patents economically secured an.l

profitably sold. INVENTORS' COMPANY.150 Nassau st

OARDENEB.—M»rr!«I man. on » **n'le-mar'^ pUc#' *ifv n" ettoawy: coms<c*t,

relia^ie and willing. Ad!r»s» F. RUTTEH.Ro^elV. N. J.. care T. C S:arr.

PORTER.— It Ml store tm any '\u25a0'Jl'J1'

'':business- experienced colored man. .l''.i>

E.. care Myers. Monr<w-st. ail Stuyvesant-«-.» Brooklyn.




THIS WEEK I offer the followingWatch.« and Diamonds, all In perfect con-dition. Bear In mind Ihave a large stockof brand-new goods. These bargains areoffered at the prices Iallowed for them In

trade. They can be relumed within oneyear if unsatisfactory. $600.00 StrikingWatch for $2t>o. Another Striking Watchfor Jlort; it cost $275.00. High-grade Wal-tham, #2.'i; must have cost all of 160.00.Lady's Watch and Chain. $10; cost $!!.«. 00last fall. Gent's Railroad Watch. $8: used3 months; cost $1.1.00. Another for t'~. andseveral other watches, both ladles' andBents' ."ires, at a bargain.

Diamond" JJtud, $1.'.; cost $35.00. lady'sSolitaire Tiffany Diamond Ring. $2, >; it cost$60.00. Diamond Ear Studs. $luo; cannotbe matched at $225.00. Big Diamond Ring.$7.r>. gent's size, cost $200.00; it's an oldmine gem. Scarf Pin. $'•; cost $20.00; andnumerous other Diamond pieces at a bar-gnln. A written guarantee with every ar-ticle. A deposit will secure them.

[VffP'PfMlfpy© (140 ITLTON ST..IMIGvIvIIEi §> I NEW YORK.

Hours 8a. in. to 6 p. m., ) NearSaturdays Included. i Nassau ft.

Also 1.301 Washington St., Boston. PORTER. Ac.—

young man. m por.er,packer or driver: one •.\u25ba»;'« experience

as carpenter's helper; handy with tool*.Address M.. 421 Unlon-st., Brooklyn.

EVERYBODY Is talking about the opening'of the Reliable Plaiting Works, 2,309 2d-

ave With the latest and most improvedmachinery they are enabled to give thebest work at prices which speak for them-


DBVELOPMENT STOCK In MeritoriousGold" Mine at Idaho S<prln|r?. Col., on*er«l

to bsveators; machinery erected; mine Inoperation; booklet with particulars free;

hank references. 810 CHIF-F MININO on.,Milwaukee, w IsPAINTING, VARNISHING nnd POUBH-

P»Q.— Hlghesl referen.-es and Fatlsfactionguaranteed. SIGNS painte.l .it hnlf price.Call or senl postal EUGENE OOATES.Sitm and Deoorattve Painter. SI E. 128 th st.

BARGAINS In unredeemed Diamonds,Watches an.l Jewelry at HAUi.AM's,

IS7 Fn«t r.r.th-st.. near 3d-ave.

Iam truly thankful foryour kindness in assistingme to get a good place. Ishall always recommend

Tribune to all my

mends. Yours respect-


Yonkers, X. V.

Ispent S3 45 in advertis-ing for a position as a ste-

nographer. Fifteen centsof this was in The Tribune,

and The Tribune "ad." se-emed me the position.

F. S.Brook'yn. May 14.

Tribune "Adi." Bring Re-sults.


REMUNERATIVE investment offered; rail-road ar.d mountain resort at Hot Spring.".

Ark: $2M.000 wanted. WHITING. 171Broadway.

Male.AGENTS, men an.f women, are you willing

to work honestly and faithfully for $2ftweekly? If so. write us. Our good* aresold and cosamaed in every family, an.l apermanent l.uslne«s can be established; newgoods and neu catalogue. !>ept :t."^t,MUTUAL MFG. CO.. New V.-rk.

I BALTZ,3«> Lenox-ave.. near 12!Hh-st.—

Iji.lirs' Fashionable Tailoring. BicycleSuits (iolf Suits. RlTlng Habltg a specialty.

P. IRTKR-<Vlored man as pattCC of dr.verr anything. ALEXANDER HILL. I.?**


PAWN TICKETS nought, and old gold andsilver. Cull or address 56 W. 2sth. Hell '.'M SPKNADEL, I-tf.fles' and Gents' Tailor.

M'> Bast 14th-st.—

Repairing and remi.lelllnK Of all kinds Tel, call. 2.133 18th st.


»'•>' I'*n-.2*. on g^n:l«naa'»

plire; understand* furnace, rare cfh'r«es; als-> rowing aril -"ailing boars; bastreferences W. PETERSEN. AH Cat*-«rlne-s".

ATTENTION,MJ5N!— $7 .V. and few hours'light work takes you to Kur>pe: no heavy

work. Shippini? Oißeee, ."i iTinton-st. and73 West-st.

111 lII\!tl: AM» POOL TABLES.PARTY, having fine office. •\u25a0

\u25a0 atefi and a few hours' §par» timeIke |o represent responsible parties aa apromoter or any other mer.-ar.tiooa .-eciwed on valuable property, nvinicipal improvement, etc. THI-J DELAWARE MERCANTILE CO.. Brldgeton,N. J.



BILLIARDAND POOL TABLES, new andsecond hand, lowest prices; easiest terms.

MARX BROS.. -4 I'nlon Square.BRILLIANT- OPEXTNO-—Men and women

to appoint scents, travelling and local;575 month, expenses; permanent, genteelwork; reference*. STAFFORD I'Rl-JS.-; CO.,New-Haven, Cr.nn.

ADVERTISEMENTS and sucscrlptlons forThe Tribune received at their l'ptown

Office. No. 1.242 Broadway. 2d door northof Slst-st.. until 9 o'clock p. m.; adver-tisements received at the following branchcfflceH at regular office rates until8 o'clock

p. m.. viz. 254 Sth-iive.. s. c. cor. 2Sd-st.;152 eth-ave.. cor. 12th-st.; Macy's. tlth-ave. an.l 14th-st.; 142 Columbus aye.. nearWest CCth-^t. ; lOti West 42.1 St.. near Oth-avr.. '.'2 East 14r1i at.. 2r.T West 42.1 st..between Tth and" Sth ayes. ; !f>f> Kia?t 47th-Bt.

• 1.33S Sd aye.. between 7«th and 77thsts.; 1.028 3d-a vs., neai -list st.; I.7<>S lst-ave.. nenr MttJi *t W(l Tic' BV3 . near 41st.

Wvn. A. Pond A Co. Pianos for sale and toStelnway. rent. Pianos rented toWeber. summer <-<-M«ife"« veryBaines I'.ros. lieasonabl". If selectedn<>w will reserve a short time free of expen.-c until shipped. \VM. A POND &CO,. 148 sth- aye.


—Ry uiefttl younc 'an.

present employer ran If s-en. Call as:.» East •-\u25a0 -st.

PRESSMAN.— First 1- • andplater steady, sober rell. lie. I*

Taisk. an OoW St.. BrOOVBRNMBXT POSITIONS. Don't pre-pare f.ir any civil serTlce or census ex-

amlnatlon without ?eelnp our catalogue ofInformation. Sent free. COLUMBIAN '\u25a0< >HKbsi-u., !\u25a0..\u25a0\u25a0.-; f-OLLEGB Washington,D. c.


ladles' waists and wrappers. I. HBRBH-FNfON*. Prop., 1.929 Second-aye.. bet. 99th

arid* luotn »U.

UNITBD Sl-ATES SLIT MANFG. CO.. 06West 16th-st.. near 6th-ave.— Skirt mak-

ing. *2 up. Jackets 14: bring your material;alterations In evening Rowns and stag«

.^rcpFe» equal to new; skirts rebound andpressed. *1: cleaning and dyeing.

SHIPPING CLERK -Bj voutg i>-as shipping '-lerk or any wirk. wa

PASSMAN. SI East 3.1 stWANTED. -To buy secondhand" self playing

attachments that willnot piny. Call atPiano Warerooma, \. HAFELIN, cornerS7th-st. and 3d -ave.



STAB AUCTIOW ROOMSl<-2 East 124th-«t.. near 3d-ave., Monday.

May 21st. at 10:30 .i m. Everything inn.,li'c«.tT,id roods.


6. WYL.ER. 4 W. 2«th St. (late with J. M.

Guggenheim).— Antiques, etc.,bought and sold. Highest cash prices paid*r.r nip G->ld and Silver. 1

AMERIC_A_X T-M.P'JJ" !"•—-s» 50 NOBBY SUITS <.. order; fit guaran-

teed: silk serve lined; call or write when«o cull. fC Prince-st.


256 WEST 37TH-ST. Willis rebound,fponged and pressed. 25; Good's called

for and delivered.



Total smoke prevention

guaranteed, or no pay D. DE BREMEN*.•7 Tl-TI-ne.: .fit N. Y.

imH ETC.

F.~ cTl3^A^HFXT?4^«7rB7^sT^Antique furniture, woodwork, hardwood

.floors; varnishing and polishing.

J H MAYHEW, Antiques, Bric-a-brac.—

"Removed May1 from BOS Amsterdam-«ve.to S4O West 42d'-Ft.

\u25a0W « HL'MMELL, 575 Madlscn-«ve.. nears«th-»t.

—mahogany furniture a spe-

clwl'v. Antiques ieftrre<,__^

owjim.?«\u25a0\u25a0>_\u25a0 SILVER^ATEBLE-S ARTGALLEHT. 105 West 42d-

st near flth-ave.—Antiques, curios, old\u25a0sflKsia silverware, rare fans, paintings.miniatures and weapors. Old gold bought.

GRAGG ANTIQUES CO.. 11« Wert 42d-et..buys and fells on mahogany, silver, jew-

elry. Colonial china.

J LA PLACE & SON. 358 West 42d-st,,

"antiaues. old Olon'.al furniture; Empiredesigns reproduced: polishing; regllding.

C LORENZEN. I.<W6 Broadway, repairs

antique and modem furniture. Antiques,old silver. bought and Fold.


H D GARDINER, importer end dealer Inantique objects of art: Louis XIV. XV.

XVI and Renaissance periods: paintings,marble*, brocades, embroideries, etc. 4224th-ave


INITIALS, monograms and crests embroid-ered on linens at moderate prices :indi-

vidual attention given each order. RBUCK-MAN l.'C2 Lexlngton-ave.


EI/3IN 14-kt. gold filled watch. 13 rubyiewel'efl, thin model. $1 down and fl

•weekly; price $24. \VM. H. SMOCK. 23»Broadway. Room <?.




steady: good vegetable gardener: ta<»care of horseji an«t can m!!k; g<n>> r*ftr-ences. Address J. D.. Station M. city.




hate. DANBITtY HATCO., 22 Desbros-se«-st.

STENOGRAPHER and1 TYPEWRITER.—By young man; general off;.- work; quick

and accurate; excellent referen- <HAS.

W. pin: ELL, 40>> Washlngton-avr.. Bklyn. USEFUL MAN.—

Hy young man on gen'l^man's country or cf.y pla^-e: g^xl hor»«-

man, gardener, milker, etc. HANLON. 171East lllth-st.

OTTKTK BOY WANTED.- A bright, smartI'r. trstant American: uocol education and

n.ust write s good r-ar. i, address in ownhandwriting, stating salary expected; musthave AI references; chance for promotion.Address CHEMIST, Bos 21. Tribune Office.

WATCHMAKER and JEWELER wantsposition: first class reference. Address

3 West 103d-«it.WANTED. -Two live travelling salesm-n;

staple line; must be workers. AddressX. Z.. Boa 2. Tribune Office.

USEFUL MAN.—Your.g colored man lacity or country: priva?* family or boarl-

!ng house- 'oe«t rtty references. 124. '.v«»t4Uth-st. rare Mrs. Th<-.ir.as. rear.

WATCHMAN. -Reliable man; -; I•'

si—its: nif1-.'. or day; i-.nis famished.OOMBERT. l.«81 Lexington aye


IiIAMONDS set and reset while you waitin latest style cf mountings; liberal price

paid for old gold and silver. H. SBSSLBR.Diamond Setter.32 Maiden Un».

usmrr - MAX.—Swede. 3.V lately landed,apeak* n.. English; handy man around

farm etc.. at anything; city or country.C ISA\K>ON -.\u25a0:.: St. Mark*-ave.. Eroolr-lyn.

WANTED.—Man to deliver and collect InNew-York and vicinity; $154tt per week

and expenses; p<rmarit>T.t position. AddressDBUVSRY DEPARTMENT, 1..T58 Cherrj'-st., Philadelphia. Term.

WANT to represent manufacturing or oth^rbusiness concern on cn.mlfslcn basis;

have established and equipped office, tech-nical and business ability: highest refer-ence; give bonds. C. L. BURNS. «n Lib-erty St.

1 _KlliST CI^ASS new family hotel; strtct-1\ lir«proof; all the comforts and con-

venlen•• delightful ROOMS for single


for *-r> D'-H WEEK UPWARD; cannot beeuuailed; refcreocea required. HOTEL RO-LAND. ."J'th-ft. and Madison-aye.. blockfMSB Central I'ark entrance.

fOI'PLE desire refined adult boariers; newhouse; fine bed's; excellent tahli-; home

made bread and p:istry; references. X. L..University Heights. USEFUL, competent HWtt. *>. slr.g'.e; ear*

horst-s. cows, garden, farm, home-york;willingand obliging: reference. A. wars-NER. 112 Gre-nwich-st.


ACCORDION side pleating at POMPA-DOUR'S dyeing and cleaning establish-

ment. 2.028 3d-ave. ; 111, 112, 2(W East12.V. -st.

work wanted by a yoossl N rwaskam; cityor nuuntry; willingin.l obiistesj Ai.!re.«s


—rilnjrle 4 double

front room?, with board; transients ac-c--;mm:.dated.

CSEFCE oi SECOND MAN.—By a isr-m>in- city or cnunrry; b»»t references. 1

V. II.4i;'4th-ax*.DIAMONDS AND WATCHES.JOHN G. KLEIN & CO.. 247 Qreenwlch-

st.. N". V.. dealers !n Watches, Diamonds,eto.

'U.l i;oMKnight.


Double ar.4 singlerooms, with or without boar! summer


WORTHY man wants lisW|>lllJHUlU: \u25a0an\thing: engineer. wSMChsaan \u25a0 r porter,

in need BLAKE, -are of Glbba, «71 Herkimer St., Hro<.kl\-n.

VAI*ET.—Thorough!? experience!; witUpriiatf gentleman or club \alet; first cU«»

reference; Scorch, ag^l .~-Y 8.->x 43. Tria-tine Office.

4STH-ST.. 1"9 AND113 WEST.— Large andsmall handsomely furnished rooms; excel-

lent table; choice location; summer rates.



THOS. HUMPHREY. 368 Canal-st.. oppo-site Wooster. Established 26 years. Quick

printing;blank books, stationery Arc.~ '


-. and 10 E»«t 17th-st.



First class; very low prices.Write for estimates. ASTE PRESS. 210

Canal N. V


WRITTEN contract. References all partscity mailed. Allblood, skin, hair diseases

treated. DR. ALEXANDER WILLIAMS.Astor Court. 2r» West 34th Ft. 11-5. Sun-.lavs 3-5.



—Largest supply: lowest prices;

Cameras bought, sold, exchanged: send forbargain list.


"^pbsbsT HTJOHEIi. OPTICAiT^XPERT.f^-—^ corrects all difficult defects of vi-icWj slon. Eyes examined free. Office~'-*~^ .»,;» Court St.. Brooklyn. N. Y.


WE GUARANTEE to cure Rheumatism andGout. Our method recommended by the

most prominent physicians. MF.E RHEU-MATIC INSTITUTE. 310 W. 119th-st.

Hours 10 to 4. .REPAIRS.

FURNACES. RANGES cleaned and re-paired; roofs and leaders repaired \u25a0 and

painted E. A BRIGGP CO.. 141 West12,'th-st.

WU MAKE old plates tit without seelnKmouth: little post; no trouble. BOSTON

DENTISTS. 143 West 128 th «t.

106 WEST 731 >-ST.— hall rooms tolet: with or without board; gentlemen


YOUNG MAN. colored: thoroughly compe-tent: highest reference: sober and relia-

ble. Address JOHN L. WILSON, care ofMi.ss Mary Parsons. Rye N. V

YOUNG MAN. 22: re««!s. write- an."! speak*good Italian an.i English; experienced as

shipper. stockkeepe* or elevator mn-ner:good reference. J. ZECCA. 22". Sulllvan






Servants are In waiting from 0 a. m. to2 p. m.

References investigated

BROOKLYN. Nostraad-ave., 4.'.2.—

Twolarge rooms, private bath; couple or gen-

tlemen; bre.ikfast ; references exchanged;private family; moderate

VALET. COI'RIEB or BUTLER.—By Jap-. anese, to lady or gentleman: Just re-turned from f'ari» aftw six months' trav-elling on iv.ntinent and Egypt: g-'xi pvk-er; best references. A<Mr«*«s TRAVKLr-LER, B.">x 24. Tribune Office.

WORK WANTED.YOUNG MAN. experienced on lace taper

machines, wishes position. GEORGEFRANZ 520 West 46th-st.

AT CARPENTER'B Employment House.10S 6th-av».. can be found bet-t coachmen,

grooms, gnrdeners. farmers; married or sin-gle; all nationalities; well recommended;also female help.

WAITER.- FUapoi••

ir. mIhouse sjsj

waiter cltj or innrj . --.>N 124 •\u25a0

• Mrs.M. Mihael.


D3o(n)raft[hDs7 IParynDDODQ-Sg

It must be a surprise to my customersand the public to know that. Ican offerthese Inducements. They are sold to-dayfor $45.0<> by retail Jewellers. A diamonddealer of Maiden Lane needed a certainamount of money, and sold me a lot of14 KARAT GOLD DIAMOND RINGS, bothladles' and gentlemen's styles, at less thanone-third their actual retail price. Everyone is guaranteed. You should make yourselection at once. Never sold before for lessthan $4r>.00 cash. My price. $15."MONTHLY PAYMENTS," Jl. Tills lotof American 14 -karat gold stiffened watches1 purchased for spot cash from a manufac-turer who was forced to sell them at a greatsacrifice. He had to raise the money atonco and came to me for it. There areWalthatns, Kleins, New-York Standard'sand Seth Thomas makes In this lot. bothopen face and hunting cases, LADIES' ANDGENTS' SIZES They are. sold to-day byretail Jewellers for $45.00 cash. MY PRICE.$15; "MONTHLY PAYMENTS," $1.00down. Igive a written guarantee with allthese diamonds and watches that Iwillallow the price you pay for them (slf>> anylime within one year If you llnd them Inany way unsatisfactory. The watches haveall been adjusted for carrying. Iam posi-tive that you will never have a chance likethis again to buy a 846.00 diamoniT orwatch for $15. "MONTHLY payments."$1no DOWN. Make your selections at once.Address all orders to. or call between 8h. m. and 6 p. m.fV7fC'rfMlf?!© 140 FULTOX STREETSro.'C.'C.lfvf IC, r» NEW-YORK.Also 1.301 Washlngton-st.. Boston. Mass.

COMPETENT servants, with references,can be obtained. Mrs. SOUTHWICK'S

AGENCY. 335 Ix-nox-ave.. near 127 th st. IMIU MATTRESSES AND nEDFEATHERS.


AMANUENSIS and cosapaaloa of eacep-tlonal ability an.', refinement willgo to

Paris with lady for expenses, or to hercountry home r,n small salary. AdMress ID. C, Box 40, 1.242 Broadway.


Young, polite and active, la ho-tel, seashore or country; \u25a0«« English*

German and Scandinavian languages.HABURTON. 391 Btk-ars 2d floor.

YOUNG MAN' 29 uifIsm ail in w•-

hnnlware business desires position n anyline where There is a chance fo* iment. G I>ONELLY. 4«>7 West 2:1..! St.

ASTONISHINGLY hißh prices paid for la-cies', ffents' and children's discarded

clothing, fine evening and street cstumes.furs. Jewelry, bric-a-brac, carpets, etc. Callor address Mr. and Mrs. M. NAFTAU 744<)tb-ave.

TOUNG MAN. 20. wants postti.n on a pri-vate yacht rOS t> steamer. J. I'FI'LG.

lo.'t Ka«t SOtll Si

STAR INTELLIGENCE OFFICE. 691 6tli-ave. Tel. Bf>39—SSth-st. nrst class ser-

ranta supplied; city rr eountrj ; referencesInvestigated.


STEAMED, cleaned, deodorized; hair mat-tresses .steamed, deodorized and made over

equal to new: fire smoked bedding cured.GEORGB HEYMAN. 171 Canal si. Estab-lished I*H3.


DOVBmC SITI \TIONs V.UTIATOUNG MAX 'Jr.. temperate^ la teW \u25a0


cation will work I \u25a0- tn exchangef..r

-::. >r b U!. or both. G T. W., B x

4J», Trlbnne Ofllce.


Highest prices paid forladles', (rentlemenp and children's dis

carded clothing. Je»*-:ry. bric-a-brac, carpet.». etc. Pi. GORDON, 1.756 2d-ave.,forroerly Marks, 101 Hth-ave.


COOK.—First class cook; S-*«de; wages *4Oa month. 17 East 4Mh-st.MAISON FRANCHISE.— Highest prices for

ladies' cast off clothing; especially even-ing gowns, furs, jewelry, etc. Mme. SIX-DIC. 64 fitfc-ave.


Excellent opportunity for afamily in the country or on a farm to

secure the services of a refined, culturedChristian lady as governess or companionfor pleasant home and moderate salary; amexperienced, successful teacher: backwardpupils rapidly advanced: thorough English,mathematics. French, music and fancywork; would go anywhere; references ex-changed. Address with full particularsTEACHER. 11 Overlook Place. Newburs.N. Y.


A lady would be glad to find posi-tion for icompetent ok, whom she car,

highly recommend. Call Monday morr.tnz.May 21, between *and 12:30. 32 Washing-ton Square West.

YOUNG MAN. 18. desires position In of-fice to make himself generally useful:

rapid handwriting: a!»o typewriting. AN-THONY G. AMANN. 266 JeffersonBrooklyn.COMPANION.

—Refined Protestant lady »i

compenlon to an Invalid lady, or wouldtake charge of a partly gr.iivn -hlld: reference furnished M. V. PREBBS. 729 I.a-fayette-ave., Brooklm,


or cr?dit: also exchanged, rented, re-paired. Favorite drop heads. $20 50. Auto-nratics, 135. RAI'SCH'S. 2.271 3d aye..near 123d-»t.

YOUNG MAN. 20. lately landed, wishessituation at anything. CaM M CONROY.

car«» of Mrs Keating. 201 West Bad-atM


—Bull terrier pups

by champion parents; imported stock al-ways on hand; dogs boarded by the week ormonth; poodles clipped; house-breakingdogs a specialty.

TWO beautiful Boston terrier puppies, outof Richard W. ex Lulu Mac, will be sold

reasonably. We also have all other thor-oughbred dogs. CEDER'S KENNELS, 113West 37th-st. ; telephone, 2.'.i7S 3Sth-st.Doge expressed everywhere; also board, city,country.


ELECTRIC MOTORS, dynamos, new andsecond hand, bought, sold, ex 'hanged and

installed. D. S. HOLCOMB. 51 Dey.

ELECTRIC Motors and Dynamos; new andsecond hand; bought, sold, repaired and

Installed. GEORGE BENDER, 153 Cen-tre-st.



THIS WEEK our opticians willexamineyour eyes and cell you a pair of our ?2 50gold" spring eyeglasses for $1, and give you

a gold plated eyeglass chain with a safetyhook, aleo leather case, "absolutely free."It's as350 outfit for $1. Spectacles at thesame price. KBENE'S OPTICAL CO., 140

Fulton St., New York (near Nassau St.).

Hours 8 A. M. to 6 P. M.


YOUNG MAN, age 21. experienced, desiressituation In any mercantile or bsnking

business; can furnish AI references inevery respect; als.-> provide guarantee forfidelity, etc. J. R., Box 27. Tribune Office.


By rsspectablawoman, in small i\u25a0-' \u25a0 its family; wcV..l

like to go to the country for the summer:wages $1> to $2o a month for city and:country; reference; willnot answer postal;expect carfare to be paid Call for twodays, 377 Warreiv-st., Brooklyn.


A lady, who Is an excellentstenographer, would llk» to accompany a

gentlewoman to sfttii"cool resort, as com-panion and amanuensis. Address Q. V.. Box39. 1.242 BroadwaySAFIS removed, bright, and sold. EAGLE

SAFE CO.. 2$ ?prlng-8t


By wtdoir for nous* forsummer months, with best references.

Mrs. SHEA. 89S Greenw lch-st.

YOUNG MAN. 20. strong and willing, de-sires position at anything. LOT'lf*HER-

BERT. 555 3.1-ave.


The widow of a physiciandeslrea position as companion to Invalid;

Is professed ma.«wuw> and pianist; rapid,slßht render; flue-nt linguist, would go tothe country. Address M. D. A.. 13S West14th St.


YOUNG MAN. 21; two years' experience inmen's furnishing



FIELDS. 1.403 Msura.TIH3E ©{PEG^ IPB« O

New and elegant designs In different\u25a0woods; also several slightly used. Write forbargain list.WAREROOMS. BROADWAY, car. 47th St.

CARETAKERS of private, residence forsummer: two capable gentlewomen; ex-

perienced housekeepers; referring by ooiv-seat to Rev. Dr. Gre«»r. EXPERIENCED,i'-\ ?0. 1.242 Broadway.

CASHIER.— Girl IS. to do tucking, cashiwror any fine factory work. Miss A.

VOGT. L9M Ist aye.


WAITRESS.—Lady closing hous<» wishes to place In

country. June l. three nice girls. whom sh«can recommend. Call Monday. Tuesday.Wednesday, between 11 and 1. at 130 East25th-3t.

• Mule.


A lady leaving the city wishesto obtain a situation for her butler. Call

at 34 East 36th-st.. between 9 and 11o'clock.

STENOGRAPHERS writing any systemfitted for position by expert of over 10

years' experience: busine?*. law an.r courtreporting; prlva:e preparation, day. even-Ing; practical work. NO FAILURES: satis-faction guaranteed: moderate terms .V5Liber":. St., room rtl4.

DIAMONDS. Watches, Jl weekly. Goodsguaranteed. Lowest prices. KAUFMAN<- POL.BY. 37 Maiden l«m«. Room 55.


CORSETS made to order from $3.00 up;perfect fit guaranteed. Mme. I.SCHA-

PJRA. 1,834 Lexingtoc-ave.. near 118th-st.


FINEST^RADEoCed and \u25a0WnTtTABh'CoaTWINTER'S old reliable yards, 2.1 and 3d

avi-s. 64th-st.



DR. JESSIE L. LYONS, with skilled, op-erators, performs scientific, painless chi-

ropody; also ECZEMA and itching of theFoalp and body. 68 West 22d-et.


Young Canadian woman in small familyof adults; excellent city reference. 133West 23d-st. 1flight up.


WE BUY SCRAP IRON, metal and ma-chinery, also old buildings and bridges.

We always have second hand machineryfor sale.



STOK*GE.I>R. JESSIB L. LTONB. -with skilled op-

erat-rs, performs scientific, painless chi-ropody: also ecr.ema and Itching of theecalp and body. 453 West 22d-Ft.

AQIARUMS AXD GOLD FIPH. CHAMBERMAID. 4c- Young girl aschambermaid and plain sewer, wants ">

go to Seabriifht for the summer: best cityreference. Address DAW 9 '-'Amster-dam-aye.

STENOGRAPHER and TYPEWRITER.—Ry a w-11 trained beginner; capab> at

assisting In office w..rk. moderate salary.Addre=s Miss 8.. box 136. Station W.Brooklyn.

B'TI.ER. experienced, or yacht steward;pood all round man; open to season's en-

gagement- best families only; highest ref-erences. MALING. Box 474. Easthampt->n.Macs.CONTINENTAL Storage Warehouses. 313-

310 W. 43d, Just off gth ay». Tel. 2.5973Sth-et.

GOLD FISH. 50 cents dozen; other fish, 15cents; Japanese. 3rto. each. BGGELING.

Aquarist. 72 Bast 12.r>th-*t.


curate peglnr.er- s"m» rommerclal ex-perience (2.1i: SS. sr-HAEFER. 81 East12oth-st.

r.T'TLEFt and VALET, where second manor parlormaid Is kept; Englishman, aged

S5; ten .I—lS* ctty reference fr.-'m last <>m-plover. J., Bo:c 14. 1.242 Broadway DAY'S WORK.

—Young woman to go out

by the day washing or cleaning. Mrs.LANGGUTH. 221 East SM-afc

CITLEHY. CAGNEY'S STORAGE WAREHOUSE. 21RWest S7th-»t.. established IMM>. Thi<« old

reliable warehouse handles with unsur-passed caie, boxing, shipping. moving;City, country; estimates gKen.

(TTIJ3RY cf every deF.-rlptlon on hand.made to order and repaired, at G

KNAI'TIiS. 31 John -st and 71 Nassau- st.

BtnXER, ssC- TsW) young men as Iut-ler and second man In private house or

hotel. CaC or write OTTO OHLSt~>N. ,^r^>

Mrs. C G. Anderson, ."ilflSd-ave.DAY'S WORK.

—Young woman to go out

•working: by the day. 330 East H7ta-«t.


ELDERINE cures dandruff, baldness, etc.;produces growth of hair (natural color)

at any age; sample free. Mme. BLDER.374 Central Park West. 97th-st.

HERNIA OR RI'PTi:RR.SUCCESSFUL mechanical treatment; per-

fect retention; safety relief or cure; JOyears' experience; satisfaction guaranteed.I. P. SEBLEIY'S New-York Establishment,.-i» East 22d-st.

LADIES' TAILORS.A. ADLER, 13 East 125th-Bt., Branch,

2.459 Sth-ave.—

ladles' suits made toorder- perfect fit guaranteed; also $10 skirtsto order, $8; suits cleaned and pressed. We.;skilful repairing neatly done.

A. J. RORLETO. 104 East Mth-St.—Todies'Tailor and Dressmaker. Ladfps' own ma-

terial. Prices reasonable.

BENNETT BROS.. C5l>>nox-ave.. Ladles'and Gents' Fashionable Tailors.


ing, cleaning, etc.: repairing nt moderateprices; suits to order from $ISOO up.

JOSEPH FlßE.—Ladies' Tailoring. Dress-making. New orders willreceive- old al-terations free of charge. 660 I.*?xlngtr>n-ave.

G. MALITO. Ladles' Tailor, 171 6th-ave..corner 12th-st.

—Suits made to order from

«<» .'.O up.

IT. FIEDLER, ladies' tailor; suits madefrom $25.00 up. 2 West 132d-st.

LAWN BROS., Ladies' Tailors, 1,4.12 I>>x-Ington-ave. ;a stitch In time saves nine;

bear this in mind and save those stitches byhaving your suits, jackets, top coats madeat I/awn Bros.; their prices »re right; aperfect fit guaranteed: best of workmanship:a trial meqns a M"a<ly customer.

SAMVELZUKERHANDEL. 577 Columbus-ave., Importer and Ladles' Tailor; salts to

order. Imported cloth, best silk lined, per-fect St and TToTkn;&iisV:lr. for 14 ijayt, «,15.—

—. '.—.—.—..—. ,

TOMEI A GfRASSOTT, ladles' and gentle-men's custom work; ladles' custom made

suits. |6 up. 151 Bleecker Ft.-MAGIC INSECT EXTERMINATOR.BALLADE & CO."8 mosquito bite cure and

Insert exterminator never falls; destroysall Insects and cures bites or FWne.-»- alldealers. 1 m-;.-. lt'.v. West \u25a0_\u25a0;{.» st

_N. V.'

HOUSEKEEPER.— By Intelligent lady ofexperience: country. WOMAN'S EX-

CHANGE. Mount Vernon.


A la.iy wishes a situation for acolored butler, whom she confidently

reemmends. Apply Boa 22. Rye. N. Y.

H4EGER STORAGE WAREHOUSES.Bth-ave., 33d to S4th sts.— Stcrase fir

furniture, etc.; padded vans for moving,eitv or country; boxing, packlncr. shippingand insurance; estimate* furnished. Tele-phone call. 3.210— 3Vh-!»t.



TVM. L. HARTTXG.Public Expert Accountant and Auditor.

Room S2S. 150 Nassau-st.. N. Y.


CXmiK, waiter and all around general u?e-fnl man. by a col >red man. Address

WILLIAM BRYANT. 471 7th aye.A YOUNG MAN. aged 30 years, wants asituation at anything. T. I)., Box 33.



CARPETS cleaned by steam, by hand or onthe floor. Careful Carpet Cleaning Co.,

1563 Broadway, 421 East 48th-st., COB &BRANDT. Tel. 132-3Kth.

HOUSEMAID.— lady wishes to secure aplace In country fcr summer for compe-

tent servant, to do housemaid's wort anJsewing, cr to tak* car* cf a chili Adr-dress Mrs J. W. PRYOR. Flushing, IxiciIsland.


By SveiTlsh couple, with-out children; wife first class cook; will

work In small private family for beard ofhusband (clerk); references. 417 We*t 3!st-st.. basement.

FREDERICK ACKERMAN, 133 West S2d-et., near Oth-ave

—Steam carpet cleaning

and feather and hair renovating works. HOUSEWORK.—

Girl to do housework bismall private family. no washing; good

reference; no cards. SHEEHAN. Ms V»»t4!»th-st.

STEAMSHIP TICKETS, all ltnes; alsoRailroad tickets to all points. A. E.

Johnson & CO., 2. Broadway.

AT St. Bartholomew's Employment Bureau,ml East 42d-st.. Telephone 2..'it>4. HBth-

st. First class servants supplied; housesclosed for families who are leaving town;

1aretakers furnisli^d for the summer.

A NEAT young man. 23. speaks German,handy with tools, wants position at any-

thins anywhere- worked in shops and ho-tels WEGENER, STS HlmMst.. Rrook-lyn.SCIEHTIVIC >IAM< IIUVC.

MANHATTAN =team Carpet Cleaning Co..office ani factory, l.li'il 2d-ave. (near

64th-6t.i. Telephone LS2B-7»th-at. Steamdejiiiini; all kinds, Kc. per yard.


Honest. trustworthy.

Strictly sober German small family, be*:Of city reference. H. SAURR. 12> River-st.. Hobokon. N. J.


77" W. lITH-ST.M"CLOSKEY'R Pteam '"arpet rieanlni?

Works, 34S West 87th st ;office, 2<H ?:ast19th-^t.. 'leaning, all kinds. 4c. per yard;rugs. ».- Wj.y pay n-.. .•\u25a0-.'


LAUNDRESS.— Washing and Ironing done.50c. and 75c. per dczen. Addresa lira. M.

KING. ssa West 54th-st.

a PERFECT COMPLEXION.BY OUR Improved Method in Facial Mas-

sage youth Is restored. Manicuring andscalp treatment by experts. Consultationfree . Also attendants at patrons' resi-dences. Miss BREWSTER. 12 East 17th st.

ATTKNl'ANT—Thoroughly competent Incar^ of Insane or invalid patient; Staiw

hospital experience; excellent oarsman anddriver; Rood character and habits. H.WOODWISS. «1 2.1-ave.ELECTRO (iALVAMMI. CARETAKER.—Man to care for gentle-

man's place; 20 years' reference; reliable*B. 131 East 12Mh-st.

LAUNDRESS.— First c.ass laundr«»» geesout by the day: understands her business

thoroughly, :;••! West Slut-tit., ring 3 Ozaasv



Foreman "nbrea.l. or bread and\u25a0 ake wishes p:ea-1y position. Apply or

address PH. RILLHARPT. 141 Jefferson-si . Br '• klyn.SIIIF POP IHSBCT I'nWDKK.


Single; aged 25; thoroughlyunderstands his business: first class city

personal reference: sober and reliable. 'i.\l^LOWAY. 620 Amsterdam-ay*.. care Fox.

I.AUNDRESS A lalyleavln< town deslreesttuatlcß'fcr her IbiiiiiTlsaa. whom she can

recommend. Call at present emploier*a. £9Mailson-ave.. between 10 anil 12. en ilsa-(!ay next.

NERVOUS diseases. locomotor ataxiaparalysis, prostration. Insomnia, headache,

rh< matism. cured by elei:tr"-galvanlTn.HENRY DB KRAFT. M. D, 118 West 4ltth-•

Send for pamphlet.

CHRISTIAN U JENSEN. 262 W 4.".d-stthe most skilful expert In natural heal-ing; favorably mentioned hy the newspapersfor his cures of incurable hlindness curessimply by his touch h!1 chronic diseases ofInn* stanilintr. Specisl attention Riven tocrippl< d, blind and rieaf mute i-hlMren.N. Y. CANINE INFIRMARY. 148 West

53d-st., telephone 851 Columbus. Treat,board, housebreaking dogs, both city andcountry. KXPEItIMKNTAL WORK. THE ANALYTICAL SPECIALIST r.rDUMONT C. make. 180 W. tr.th-stcures all chronic complaints when other-

methods fall Magnetism scientifically anplied.

BAKER.—First lass roremaa, with best ofreference; experienced on all kinds of

bread, especially French, Vienna bread an.lrolls.

—!4 Hast 4,'>th-i't.

CRESTDXT MACHINE WORK?.— TooI, dieanil mode', makers; experimental work; In-

ventions perfected. 24 west st., New York.Tel. call, 8.188 Cortlandt.

MAID and \MSTKHBH.—WouId assistwithother "1-tht duties; country preferrri;

good reference. Address or call care of Mrs.QAFFNET, \u25a0\u25a0• West 2tst-st.


COACHMAN.—Aged 36; knows his busi-ness; good stylish driver; willing, oblig-

ing: city or country; fourteen years' lef-erence; present employer seen.


CI^ARK.130 West 32 1 st.



Eight years' experten-e;aged 20 years; AI reference. For further

particulars address 11. S. STEWART. "41Edgecombe aye.

NBW-YORK VETERINARY HOSPITAL.117 West 25th st.; telephone 4Hl—l*th.—

Treatment boarding, clipping ami washing;rr,;<- i'.'-r> <:.:.;n.- i \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0v.j- \>i\


Yoswsj w tt r«f!c«meu: a*'c .iv permai . e!!'.taV

A 887 East 13St» ••


TYPEWRITF.IIS bought, sold, rented, re-paired; best machines; lowest prices;

trial free; telephone. CONSOLIDATEDTYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, 24] B*wa:

WANTHI#- A second hand wall tent, notless than Hx!» feet; must be m pooij con-dition. Address B. T., R«.x 41. Tribune Of-fl'-e.

BOOKKEEPER'S ASSISTANT.— By F.ng-lish Episcopalian. 4' years; educated and

respectably connected- good writer; quickflgurer: good salesman. GARLAND. DMl^th-st.. Brooklyn.

COACHMAN an.l USRFITL MAN.—Byyounsr Herman on gentleman's country

pis •\u25a0 understand* care of horses, harness,carriages etc.- good references from lastemployer. WILLIAM. 233 lst-avc.

nni:ssMAKi.\G.YX>n CHAPPED HASPS, lips or chafin?

of any kind. Does not Mick. Irks upimmediately; highest healing Bropertlee.METZE'S PHARMACY. 42d-et. and Bth-ave. 26c a bottle, S^.TiO per doz.

AT,TMANA BOGEJnONOW Ladles' Fash-ionable Tailors; salts from $3.% up; per-

fect fit and workmanship guaranteed. 1114East 45th-st_. corner Lexinston-Hve. MASS I6E.

Till\KS \M> \ XI.ISKS

MAlD—Danish, speaking all th« Scandi-navian languages: .-.in ml sr.d St; take

care of hair, hands and feel good trav-eller SMITH. I.MO lst-ave.

COACHMAN—Aged 95; medium siz# : eightyears In tast place; gentleman can beseen at any time; drives four an.i tandem:blows horn; up to date man In allbranches of his business. Address .1 IL.

212 West .'>."!.! St.


MASSAGE, physical culture Roman bathsspecialty; hair tonlo special treatment\u25a0.)..\u25a0-;!•, STKKI.K IJ.;Wf-t \u25a0_;;,, st

ACCORDION PLAITING made. 3c. yard.side and box plaiting; also pinking done

at short notice. Madame JARDEN 270West 1231-st.


A FULL LINE of high grade Trunks andBags, retailed at wholesale prices.

BROADWAY TRUNK HOUSE, 4T4 Broad-way, near Grand st.


Married m<\n. beatreferences, last twenty years city; tfv>rough b.>. .kk-^>pei. stenographer, typewriter;correct h^lii?;fluent writer German, Khb-lls!'. C, P., 1.748 Amsterdam it*


A. MILLER, 293 r.th-ave.— Paintings. Etch-ings Francs, Mirror*. Gallery of Ameri-

can Palctlr.gF. Restoring. tTncllillne:


SMITHS. SH West 133d--t.

AMERICAN Awnliic and Flap Factory-—Canopies. ChaJrs, Tables and Tents to let.

F. SKBLTON. 60S Oth-ave.; telephone call««>—3Sth.

W'BIFSMAS & BALL. 1.131 3d-ave,, corr.er. «V»th-st.—

OrdrT by mail promptly at-tenoed to.



DIAMONDS. Watches. Jewelry; repajrinpfine complicated watches; French and hall

clocks a Fpecialty; Id gold bougbt or ex-chanpea: >\u25a0!\u25a0•\u25a0 *I•!.Tvt v <-d Ifis7. 7".:'. <3th-ave..near 4-i ;\u25a0•



Books for everybody, rich and poor, oldand young, at I>overini?'s New-York Book jExchange. 7^l Broadway, opposite Wana- \u25a0

maker's; books of every description atlower prices than ever before offered In thecity; Immense stock of ctandard and mis-cellaneous books, finely bound sets, illus-trated irift books st prices never beforeapproached; encyclopedias (Applttan's,Chambers'. Britanr.lca, People's) at yourown prie«; second-hand school hooks, re-view books and books of all kinds bought,sold and exchanged; highest cash pricespaid- call* at residence free. LOVER-ING'S NEW YORK HOOK EXCHANGE.781 Broadway, between Bth and ttth sts.:open evenings.

\u25a0 BOOKS BOUGHT for cash; experiencedbuyers sent everywhere; catalogue free.

crrmof: d. smith. 4 Ean 4iM-et.


JL—WE OT'AHANTEE the beet work attfce .\u25a0•\u25a0».-• prices. Established >S7. B.

LOGIN. \u25a0:- Sd-ave-.. near 76th-ei. L sta-tion.

NEUMANN BROS., 7 E. leth Street, nearsth Aye.— Binding of single volumes or, in quantities In any style.

B. J. SCHAEFER. 24 Beekman-st.— Book-jlilcilrrof allkinds neatly done at mod

-<>rate prices.


BELTING,Packing and MillSupplies, low-est prices. Good goods. Prompt deliv-

eries. W. J. SCHAEFER & CO., 33 Bar-cj^y-et.


—Him of Baby Carriages and pat-

ent Go-Carts cf the newest and best ttylep;shown at our warerooma; open evenings.

L HOEDT, Manufacturer of Baby Car-riages and Go-Oarts. 1,«2»S 2d-«ve. Buy

direct of the maier, and save money; re-pairing neatly done at the shortest possiblenotice; carriages cleared and reupholsteredequtl to new; all parts of baby carriagest-old at i!• *\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0<\u25a0• \u25a0-\u25a0»-\u25a0\u25a0•' \u25a0\u25a0 prices.

P BIRDS AM) i*k;i-:o\s.'

L KG about birds and pigeons, what* the matter with SEGELKKN? He isH.»hi. 243 East tf>th-«t.


ANEW TKKATMENT fur Bright '> diseaseand dlabetts; siUve cures. See circu-

lar. B. WALTON. 130 West 116tb-st..A*eot for U. S. ana Canada. .

MAlD.—ReflneJ lady afters serrlcas S»maid or to Haas groin* to Europe, la

excliamta for passage: speaks »o»l Q*r-man; city reference. Address A. W., Box2t>. Tribune 1 i!71.-e.COACHMAN AND GROOM.—By a young

married man. Just 'is*n«;i^:.' best refer-ences, covering last 1^ years; country pre-ferred. J. E.. 231» Baal »4th-st.

DOYLE'S trunks, bags; beat, cheapest; 1and 2 Vesey-st.. 27<> tlth are., 82 sth aye..

1.231 Broadway.

BOY. 10. to li-nrn cutter trade. \VAUX).\'64S Rust Uth-«1.

ATHLETIC, bicycle, college and schro!; fine

Dpresentation medals a Fpecialty JOHND. LKNNOX. 7r> Nassau-st.

A. BHUTKUfD, dressmaker and ladies-tailor. 2X'. j:«»t S.*ith S:rcpt. between Mand ;iiArea.

MATRON or HOUSEKEEPER ta largesummer hotel; one In th» mJuntilß* 1*"

ferred; an excellent manager witi -!» fJHCO at \u25a0esj I• put house in on!er. live

—M. \V.. Elisabeth. N. J.

BOY, 17. honorable public school graduate;excellent references; has good knowledge

of l«iokke»pinp and experienced In. off!.-*duties; salary $6. Address J. s. TribuneOffice.

DRESSMAKER.— Correct styles; perfect fit;superior work and finish, faultless »kirt

droop; responsible; rr-ai*jnable; work shownMr? COOKE. 2.;.'iWe>t 4-Uh-st., nearHroadway.

COACHMAN.—SingIe; medium Mljlll. pri-vate family: competent In handling fin*

houses; careful sober; host reference.COACHMAN. In)West .">2<l-st

G33NTLBMEN*a Dress Suit Case*, brasslr»-k». slightly soiled. 24 Inches Ion?; one

dollar. SCHWARTZ. 17 Bible House. \u25a0


BOY, 18. in wholesale house preferr^.l.best reference. VLBERT WETZEL 11.'.

;\u25a0.:.-• |06tl -i

LOOKING GLASSES manufactured hereci.i!n;iKf.i mirrors reallvered; frames an.i

>gs. FERRY. 11^ Canal si'

nearHudt «


En<a»wai»nts want*! by tfcor-oughty experlenceil nurs*; best of ref*»-

ence* from Joctrcs ai:«l patient: unilfaMment cases a specialty. Call or s.iJ.r«ssNURSE, 7*5 East l««2d-st.

H. C. BODFTg Tu,.--.- bound to <-ure theworst rupture. Elastic stookinK?. l.wo

:(•! are . near BMh st.


First clas* -lressmakinff:n.isses' and ehildren'i lessen, ladles'shirt aj.'i fancy A;.i.~t». reasonable. HOWIs<)X. 1<« West BOth-et.


Thoroughly experienced:single; temperate and reliable- carefulcity driver; understand! care "furnaces-pener-illy willins and or-lti-ing; personalreferen.es. WALL. t:.s :ti,lYe"

CARPENTER In shop I steadsemployment Wdre-ss H HAHMANNl^T 11:t > -1 Br >kljn.MONISOGRAPHS.DRESSMAKER.— AII children's graduating

MS one-half price; very Stylish rhl!r.'.,r.-w summer dresses v.ry low. LCON2.600 h'h-avtr.

XLRSH, VALET or ATTENDANT.—CIVor country": best references; six r«axw

experience • massage. T. J. D.13? S4-s.t»»curt- Larkln.


By y.->un«: man In office; canoperate typewriter: moderate waR?«. \d-

Ixess K. WILLIAMS. Tribune Office.

MIMEOGRAPHS. nf« nn.l second hard'\u25a0 isrhi and sold. Typewriter snnDlles'

PiSRPECT .'lrriX';elastic stocklnsa, K2.Trujs'-» and supporters Pit Kuaranteed.

K. A fASSBBEER. 2fts Columbus-aye. C\">A< HMAN. Single German: stylishcareful driver: good rider; competent tak-

intr full i'har»;e gentleman's estate; cltv orcountry; best referencei COACHMAN 'Boxv>. \ -VI Broadway. xCARPET SEWER.— Makes rugs. alter• irpets; hotel or private familiesBLOOM 1.073 Lafayette-am.; nr<x.klvn.

DRESBIIAKCJR «',,rr«rt e!yl»-p; perfect fit;failtlesM ?klrt droop; superior finish; work

orders promptl) executed; reaaon-able: r«sponslb)< Mm. COOKE, 233 West4-iti. St., DCai J'.r..a.lvia>.

_^UJSICAIi_I\STHTmi:\ts.THEODOR I>illl;.286 \u25a0 • Zithersmandolins and guitars; also music forthe same: catalogue mailed.

NI'RSE.- A reliable Germin-AmertCAa a»nurse to invalKl or take ch*rj?» Of cMl-

<!••-:'. an.l teach them U».m«n I '-\u25a0** *».Koeso 41. Sherman Square Hotel.

CANDT MAKER and Br»i laai • nfacttoner, wirii -\u25a0«' jreara' experience dei \u25a0•\u25a0>

\u25a0•\u25a0.-i Iv sltiiii-l.n UEO PURPI'RA Oft East7th PiDRBSBMAKIBR

—Artistic dre*smak.-i

»«-nch, \y.t.X fr. in I'aris. Mme. u|,LJVIEH. 13-» Weal (ICth'-flt.

.N'.m-HMan Bj staacle Hollaaefer: atestdsposition; anderal tndi re ol.n milk; Risi

VKRBrST, care f n ,4.!N

n. . Istweaa S'-\ and 2i-

NURSE.— Good, experience^l nur»« toe t»-vallJ. nervous or mental case: lev* ex-

perience; tlrsr class references. Mrs. W«rLAIU>. aiC West 154th-st.



>\u25a0» STEIXSCHNEIDER'S/yj+^f , I'mbrellns are the best.

/ VSc "a Klrst"•**\u25a0\u25a0

a/ '""'\u25a0 4l1' "'!

'"'th *tS'

V ""^^JV/ Umbrellas recovered with'^^^ Imported Bilk, $1.00. AllV repairs 15c.AT SPENCER" 144 Oth-ave.. 21st and 22d

Ma., umbrella manufnetnrer. recoveringrepairing, .%U:ihattan Mendini Bureau. Werepair everything.

MRS Jtc.—

By redrew American i^rt, *•child's nurse or chambermaid. lE**-


wood and Iron w .rkjiif.- machines; fullyteed T.j.t hinery bought and tx-

\u25a0 !..- --t^.-.i <;k< >. H EDDY. 398 Madison st


Dynamo repairs: all mundman; reference LESTER. :•.>:•.\u25a0 Warren-

V Brooklyn.

COACHMAN.—I«>- a youn< mnn; under-stands the care of fine horse* «n.l c«rlris',-es: honest, --)her; willingan.J oblUrimc-.l.l.

SVR3E and CHAMBERMAID. \u25a0•\u25a0»'- »*"

tcll'-K^nt and well recomm*n<!««i youa*

American girl: fond if and •if*rIJf?T:with children; wa.es ,*W monthly. Qotl»*»>th-»ve.

kni;im:i.!: •. itv license; .-:t\ -r cou itry: has h. 'aspertenc* with machlnerj ..f all kln>l»;wafjes moderate, w -v."! Dean— ai B'klyn,

B. KOHRMAN. 2.615 Bth-ave., manufac-turer of Umbrellas aril Canes. Umbrel-las covered In Gloria, :**•.. 7.V. $1 <«> up-


DRBBSMAKSR Correct styles; superiorwork and flr.Uh; faultless skirt droop:

stylish wraps and iralata; responsible rea-sonable. Mrs. COOKE. 13.'. West 44th-«t..near Itroaxlway.

DAVIS I'EAItLMAN.2.0.'.:. Madlson-ave.—Ladles' fashionable tailor suits made to

order; perfect Jit and ben work only re-pairing of all kinds done.


iVHi'HMAS.-llv it1,-.,..,,,,-Js ,n,n „„„

tr>-: II -.! referei if Ust an" d-^\~ous i-mplovara. Address T. r F \.ZiZllP. M. Sawn. -n W«ai S«th-st.' f

ENGINEER an !MACHINIST.—Steady, a*>-ber- twenty years' experience beat refer-

ence«. \VM. l>iNSKrni 310 H'eet BOth at.

iiiiiii.viriii. kti.

—i; k iiaa i

1! KOSINKR. fine ladles' tallorlntf 210Eatt 106 th «., near .'« v.-. Tailor made*ults from fI.', up.


H>' thorouKhly competent. raflasslNorth C.erman. »p«?«kinic kvkxl k*t«nch. »•

uut^ k> •<r..«l::^ ch.U!r<-:i; ifood reference*.

M M.. tl*Ea»« s3d "• .i<l|; '\u25a0\u25a0*' Uum lira—mijrlii. an: ladies'tail(,!;xiif nil on A MAItMl'i.N 147 Westht.. .ft Tt! av<

BEST 11.00 recovering-, usuil $1 25; all stlh>-'»', usual $2.50; umbrrllaw sold and re-'•\u25a0-.1r.-H HAVWAHIi,(11 K,,t 12Sth-st.

D. MILLION, '!• Harlem Mattress Maker.—Mattreetes made at sh{ •\u25a0! notice;

hair mattreßiM-* m:idc over. !068 !.\u25a0 x!n«-


MATTRESSES rated it customer's res-l<len.-» (specialty), full slat . $1 78 hairan"! tli-klnt: at wholesale prices. r. BOILUER, 14 Amst< rdani ava

NTK-5K First etas*. re3n*J Nort!\ Q*r-'

m»n (r->m H».nov«r; ti> ehiMr«o nvmihrw v*«r»up; t<-:u-h>"» German; best r«f»r-;'„„,;S. 11.. Kaat at»l. .

FOUNDRY !••<>!>: MAN. with 19 >,-Mr!.- experlen< \u25a0•. destli • -

\ \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 w . it.

hi ateT highest referaaci -i

SMITH. -" «'

-t . Mount Veinon. N V

MATTRESSES MADE, full size. $1 7.',ticking. $2 25; upholatarlna;, repairing re*

Idence or shop ' . GOOIN, 386 W. r.;t.i si

P. SORBNSON, 2,<>Tl 7th ay.v. between113dand I^'lthat».. rphnUterer and l>«-c-

rator i'arpaii cleaned «nd laid. Awnings«nd shades. Milltl»-M>niade ..\...

iI'lini.siima AMI CAIiI.\KT-MAKER. .

and references. M.. care of Almb*rg. XiEa»t 23d-sl. , i

VITRSE —B» e*verit!v.«-<l nurs*; best •*•r«frr»nce» trvm prominent physl'i*••

Mrs. I>H Y»r.\C, C.7T. Ka»t U4;h-st.

FRESCH IrcMmakcr perfect Utter; latestw-aUis: ;.<iui.e gowns; work at . mm mod-\u25a0\u25a0''• IKJRB. S3 wvm i;3ili

WHITB, brown fireproof china, earthencooking utensils, all kinds of French

cteam coffee pots, Irenes, marmite!':«r'M.'nn« for making essence of beef; bestremedy for anaemia, hotel, club, familysupplies. BAZAR FRANCAIS. 4SO Westlir ladwijr

FACE AND HAIR SPECIALIST.MME. CAROLINE, leading face specialist.

Parlors, 213 <ith-ave. Bend for free sealed'\u25a0\v^\\\-\rt aid testimonials.


ATTRACTIVE bachelor apartments, newlyfurnished throjghout; modern Improve-menu; superior service; moderate rates-

telephone Madison Square. 11 West 251h-st.2SD-9T-, 12* EAST, near Madison Square.—

Large and single rooms, ,rr(K- to S°dally; board optional.

11l EAST aSTH-ST., near Madron Square.—Neatly furnished large and small rooms-private house; references.

404 LEXINGTOX-AVE.— class rooms-fine neighborhood; large dressing rooms-all conveniences; near Grand Centraltransient.* ... \u25a0 i..;. .1.-ti.-.i.

GRAY HAIH RESTORED.URUCELINE restore? fraj hair to 'iTKIrmTcolor; treatise on hair free. Hltrcpi ivi-(X).. 3»il tUh-ave. IS


HYPNOTISM taught Ir. allIti branches. Ai! nervous

• ured by simple sug

t'e«tmn Free flsilHlllSllall.nl.AMERICAS! BCHOOL OFHYPNOTISM, S! 3ih ay,H. T.

FIREMAN or PORTER \u25a0; rman married,sober and Wins;, wish"* »tea,<\ work'good references. ODll > M Pedforil-st

GIVE KAI:. iih VB lt:\\v::.w . tlM

-tlon uante.l: <Vav or nl.;.i:. Address 1>C. A.. Dematest. \. j.

I. CINNAMON. Merchant Tailor.—made to order; cleaning, dyeing and re-

pairing at the lowest prices 187 East 50lr<-tt., between Lexington and Park ayes.

MATTRESSES made ovfx at \u25a0.-.:\u25a0;. ••work guaranteed. QUNERMAN 4

BOH \<"HT M Pearl : branch Ih.i New-Vork-ave.. Jersaj City, N. J.

SAMUEL HARRIS, 2.255 2d-ave., manu-faeiuiw of mattresses; made up at the

shortest notice; prices reasonable.

LADIES' and children's orestmaktng. byexperienced dressmaker; prices moderateMODES. 1.623 Lexlnston-av*.. Bear 1U2.1 «l

ALLNERVOUS, muscular and mental dmeases cured by magnetic nuggi^tlon; m,...,,

and reft assured; highest n •:<,ifm- ins i-P. *.VAN U.VPEGHEM, 58 E. C3d-st,

'KURNITITRBmade to order; polishing and

repnlring. Antique furniture renewed.SAMUEL FERRA.NDI. to* Mil >v«., bet.4»ui and iDth its.

HATS.— Experienced 1 man. stock clerk*il.-.-<nuin, buyer tlmt class leferencva de-

sires position with reputable house'\idress EXPERIENCED. Box 5, ini.un* Of


WACHMAJl.—Gentleman wtahaa to m»-

c-his coachman; Mrhi, ircmmen ,„,. £"£'ricd: aged \u25a0' HtVINIIT SVit7i .....nerr«n-»t.: or COACHMAN ror i'n,«n".V,"*ft.. Brooklyn. \u25a0 \u25a0 . i

'^ViliV A«^~^- X-K- I1*:^™« ••»"« wife.

referent. V. a. tott,xWau \u0084../ nVvn"C...\CHMAN.

- ny~,~^rr,{~7~~o. "

country; thoicui;hl> undter-tanAi kiShusln.ss In all branch*.; lawn* ch^i, ..!and railklna wife cook rrtaSndE,, r i^-I, sober, honest an.) trustworthy'- Mate*-.«•-« for two. Address WILSON t,«Nlcho!son-*t.. Norfolk. v£ WII^°N» lofl or other narrow w*Mi»r»m*-

..rtlicuirulisee JHUK* 13



f. 12

JANITOR.-Flat. building, school. a*"*""!a*" *""!or church: 1C yearn" f*->IT.n<v Pr **»n-

place. C. LEE, 13'sv>!lt 13Vh-st.


EWING MACHINES, new 'Imp head cabi-nets, complete attachments. Sl* and up.

\>w and second hand, bought and boM.Cash or Instalments. A. BAUER. 102 lst-ave. •' \u25a0

pou UU.
