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Library of Congress · I THE DAILY EVENING STAR...

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I THE DAILY EVENING STAR *!^!=!=!S!SS!S!S==S===S!SSaammm''m^m'mm'''**mmmm^m!''m'mml!'e*!aSa=!===!S===!= TJ1E ^EEKLV DOLLAR STAR. I fObLdHHEP fiPRKY AFTERNOON, / * fyV J WktM " I !* «» « NmJNrMl-«N f «f*'wnAVS EXCEr7iin,» M/M ft . . . . ^A ^ .k. / irhfUTItft ^T^TT ..., J^L... VC/VVlUHM iil;=^===i= or «o«u^moBth. Tom%-J .nbMribm - / 1/ ^ ^ ' » « » tn« >n«e it f3.V» rear. »w advaMtt. 9i tvt aix It lawtikblv oonUm* th« " Wt.tunftoB Now* F^nth.; »1 fw Um aoBUii wd for low «* , U»»t ku made TV s<» cUc«*M. t>-reo macrtiaat tbortte of 12eenU » woek. SiDfl' _., , omcm, ii vnff«ii two am " ....... ' 'tb««o»btr». Aorif tiik)(15T9 F30q!4 boaont to tbo oftof vroi_ %r vivt * « ini/% & »-«n * n * « ___ _ _ _. lo oopim i m vrsypora* ou N yroovfo4 ^or-uo'c,ookm.;oth«wi»-th«jn;*ynotawr V., XVII. WASHINGTON. D. t.. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 8. 1861. N-. 2.488 u lb* omiu», imm*1i»t« y afw tk* inm mt u* flntil thoooxtdnr. J p»»ot. Pno^THiKKrnrr. A LADY'S HEART TO BE LET. fCOSCLCDW). J " Oh. you must leave me now," she said "I see mamma and the children walking on the road They must not see me talking te you till all is settled properly. Oood-bye, dear Mr. Vickory. you do not know how happy you kave made me," and »<T ehe tripped, leaving good old Vickery to pursue his homeward way, alternately upbraiding himself with being a confirmed Don Juan without knowing it, and «xulting in this present happiness. He had hardly disappeared, when Miss Ta bitha Buckram, who, as the judioious reader knows perfectly well, is the real owner of "The He a:«t to be Let," approached the seven firs, and was about to take the seat that Fanny had just vacated, when a tall figure came bounding round an angle in the path, and ran straight into her arm?. It was Jack Vesper ! M Ble« iny soul!" exclaimed Jack, " I beg tou a thousand pardons. I hope I have not r.urt you. Very clumsy cf me, indeed, bat I buve au appointment, and my desire not to keep a lady waiting must plead my excuse for suoh awkwardness. ' " Appointment ?" thonght Miss Buckram. 'Then 'tis he.'tis my 'Theodore,'" (the name that old Vickery had signed in his let* ter to ** Constance.") " Oh, sir," she said, " I can pardon the ex.j. i" « - vt ;uui nmur. j. nose n re ins HT(D Or treti, I believe. This if the little valley.and here.here am I " " Oh, I see," J»ck sai l to himself, " Fanny can't oome, mad this is the old nurse she spoke U " *' Young and handsome," thought Miss Back T#m, gazing fondlj at the stalwart VeBper. * He seem* quite struck, too, with my appearance. It's love at first sight. I feel the soft emotion myself." " Well, my dear madam," said Jack, seating himself beside her, " as you have taken the trouble to meet me here, I mu«t tell you all my intentions." Miss Tabitha Buckram bestowed a languishing look upon the unconscious Jack i am resolved, continued he, "to endure no more delay and concealment, but to be married at once/' ' Ah. the ardor of youth !" sighed the Buckrim, I shall, therefore, confide all to my uncle. and ask his consent to our union; that is. provided that my sweet darling, my best and (iwi tlore!" 'Oh!"* exclaimed Miss Tabith*. closing her yes. " this is exstacy!" Tell »no, then," Jack resumed, "do«s she consent ? Will she let meclaim her at once"' "She will, «he will," murmured the deluded spinster, leaning tenderly against J ack'i shoulder for support. Then I'm thehappiestof men!" exclaimed her companion jumping up; thereby causing poor Miss Buckram to fall full length upon the oench. "Oh, I beg your pardon again," said be, assisting her to rise. "Be composed, pray; remain hrere. cleave. I'll be Wlr K«if - » hoar, and tell ]*>u the result of my conversation with my uncle. '' Then away ran Jack, aa f*gt as ha had come. ' Ha might hare touched my cheek with a chaste salute." thought Mies Tabitha, fondly -watching the retreating figure, "but all in good tiuie. Wny, bless my soul, there's that odious old bachelor." 'Confound it!" cried Mr. Vickery, who. of course, was the new comer, "here's that prying old maid." « Now I tell you what it is, MiseBuckram," he continued aloud, "I'm out going to stand this; I'm not going to be dodged and followed about by you. Wiiat have I done? You ain't a detective officer in disguise, are you?" "Follow retorted the Buckram, indignantly, "the man's out of his senses' and as for your insults, sir, I'd have you know that I am no longer unprotected; mr husband'' " Your irhtU? said Mr. Vickery. ' My intended husband will protect his Kride from your coarse insinuations." " His bride! ha! ha! ha! You will Mcnw inn 1 Miss Buckram, but.his bride, ha! ha! h»"' " Ah. you may laugh!" ejaculated Mis* 13.: there are som* people whom nobody would marry at any price, and who arc naturally spiteful when others enter into the happy state I can make ailowanoes for such people, Mr Jeremiah Vkkery; and as yon are soungentle* manly as to doubt my word, sir, read that. (giving him bis-own letter.) my intended's epistle, sir, inviting me to meet him here, air; and we have met. sir, and he has just left me, the happiest of men. sir." Mr Yickery took the letter, still laughing at the idea of the ancient Tabitha becomiug a bride; but when he opened and saw its contents. his low«r jaw fell, his knees trembled, and he looked the very image of abject, speechless misery. ' Do.do I understand you,"' he gasped out at lasi, "that.that yon have already seen this devoted individual?" "I have, air!" replied the damtel, "and he is now preparing his friends to receive me." I ' Xhen,' thought Mr Vickery, taking boart, | Bomeooaj cue must oe otter tnese dilapidated treatises. "I wish you joy, my dear Mis* uckram,'' said he, aloud. I'll do anything for yon and your beloved Theodore. I'll go and bay the license. I'll give you away in the church. I'll stand the wedding breakfast. I'll propose the health of the bride. I'll.I'll be godfather to all the little Theodores. Only don't lose a day. Never let your beloved out of your right till the ceremony is performed, and send for me when the day is fixed. At present, business of the most urgent importance demands my presence. Good morning." lurnin^ sharp round, he very nearly ran full tilt into Jack Vesper and Fanuy Parker. " My dear uncle." Jack said, "give me joy, I've seen Mr. Parker, he baa been so kind; we are so happy; but, believe me, I shall never forget your kindness to my dear little Fan." "No; and little Fan will not forget it either, Aaar uncle," aaid the young lady indioated. Mr. Vickery covered hia face with his pocket kandkerohief, staggered to the benoh, and feebly requested to know where be was. "Then you.you are not the writer of this?" _V i » »_ .... w>« inqoirea, presenting poor Jeremiah s Utter to his nephew. ' No, he replied, after having looked at the handwriting, " bat I dare uj he will arrive presently. Come, ancle, yoa will be in the wej here. Good,morning, Miss Buokrsm;" so eying he took Mr. Vickery bv the arm, and led him unresistingly away, When they were wall oat of bearing, however, he burst oat into a roar of laaghter, and said, " Oh, ancle t uncle ! What have yoa been about ?" "I did it to get a home, Jaok," replied the penitent Viekery. " I'm a miserable, lonely old fellew, Jack, and ." " Yoa shall not say so any longer," interranted his nephew. "As for this mistaken afltir 1 have here yoar Utter, and there it goee.'' So saying he tore it into minnto fragments, and sowed them broadcast on the hearth. With regard to your being miserable and lonely." he added, "that is eajily settled. C >me and ttay with till I am married, and then if my F.»n does not make you the jollieft old unele in tbe world in oar little home, she is not the girl I take her for." Mrs Fan did not disappoint her husband's expectations. A happier old fellow than ancle Vickery is not to be found on a summer's day lia is devoted to bia nephew's pretty wife and handsome children; but, although be deems it no trouble to ramble with them for miles in other directions, no power on earth will get hia within sight o( Hampatead Heath. Fo«TS«m *ow*o« .Tbla Feet. comman<Mi)(( Notfolk. #r-4 tb# r«tra»<» of Jame« Rteer Is a meat ejteBBlea f«.rt! fl^atlau Tbe walls all are wefv »Weh and Jifeb, sad erwlueeaboiit 75 arreeof Imiil TMW* I M lurrouiMifo Iuon* wdicd li (too ct [f*-t wain r!"'* Affair* m Cmaklktcn .In compliance with an official request, W. F.Colcock, K*q , Collector for the port 01 Charleston, baa furnished the State Department of Sauth Carolina' with the returns, showing the amount of busineas done with hia office *1 nee the passage of the Ordinance of Secession.aa compared with the receipta for the same period of the preceding year. In a communication accompanying the statement, Mr. Colcock offered the following explanation. 4 No record haa oret been kept In th<? office of our lOtstwise exports, and I cannot therefore, give you any official information on thlahead. That information must be sought from the newspapers. As to our foreign exporta you will observe a considerable decrease in the last period This Is owing to several causes, and among them to the fact that an unusually large amount of cotton and other merchandise was shipped just nrevlotilv to thi» ua.nance of decea'.oo', and rlnce tbattlme much of our ezporta bar© gone forward to N orthern port*. to be shipped from there The cotton crop has also been very llow In com'ng forward. In regard to our proapecta of business for the coining season, I would submit the following remark* : Under any circumstance* the business of the approaching season would be comparatively light. In consequence of the short provision crop In several of the States which trade with us. What amount of buainesa we may do, In this state of things, will depend very much upon the question of peace or war If we have j>eace we will have a fair amount of bualnets, but not as much as In the years immediately preceding this The shortness of thf provision crops, to which I have alluded, will be one cause; and in addition to this, the credit of our merchants has no doubt been aflected by the change In our political relatlona I am Informed thitthe orders of merchants have been reduced, and in some cases countermanded, and, aa a general result, we may expect 1 a « ouitauierauie deduction in our business for the coming season. On the other hand, if we establish a new Government, and maintain peaceable relations with ail other State# and nationa, we inay confidently look fo#vard to a very extended increase iu our trade and commerce. Terrible Inundations in Holland.A communication appears in the London News, that several provinces of Holland are threatened with lnu' da ions, arising from the giving way of the dykes under long continued beating of the waves. The lives and property of thous&ndare said to be in Imminent peril. In Guelderland the distress and damage have assumed a foirful aspect The people h.iU battled with all their might against the destroying waves, and had become utterly exhausted. In many places they had abandoned their abodes and In others were huddled together by hundreds in temj>orary sheds, where d;s»asc u'n« ravniltw. l «*" * - * ' * * ucui wituiiiiifxuni. The Government and private bentvolence bad rendered assistance, but the**: were utterly Inadequate to ru^et the distr»*« already existing; and a strong appeal was made to th«- people of Un^land to assst in relieving their Dut' h neighbor* in their calamity. Thk Great "Salvi" Certificate .Dear Doctor. I will be one hundred end seventy-five years old next October. For ninety-four >ears I have been an invalid, unable to move except when stirred with a lnver. but a year ago last Thursday. 1 heard of the Uranlcular Syrup. I bought & bottle, smelt of the cork, and found myself a new inan. I can now run twelve and a half iriWs in hour, and throw nineteen double somersets without stopping P. S .A little of your Alicums'ontem Salve uppuea on u wooden leg, reduced a compound fracture in nineteen minutes, a;:d is now covering the limb with a fresh cuticle of white gum pine birk..Hall's Journal of Htalth. lH/"Tbe Stock Kxrhsage is one of the most remar kble features of the London wealth. The government securities alone, and which constitute the national debt, amount to ®4,5UU,(Ml,OWi, the railway stocks to SI,5U0,((K!.UU0; those of th« Kank of Krigiand to *lj0.lM>,(AMi, to other banks to S3d<i,UU),U0t>; employed in discounting f><u «J«0,WJO; and besides this, there are shares In canals, foreign lands. 4c., to almost unlimited amou.it. Th- stock market Is veiy susceptible of being Influenced by political events. The day that it wa» rumored tu.it Ku»slaa:id France had formed an alliance, bonds. Ac . depreciated f*.UO,<JOO,UUO, and seventy U rn.s nnn«mi«i - -/ r CI/-The military force of Pennsylvania Is about three hundred and flfty-flve thousand men, of which nineteen thousand are uniformed volunteers. The arms of the Sfc-.te are all in pcsstssion of voluuteer wimpanics, and comprise T2 WO muskets. Ac . 4.71)6 rifles. 4tc.. cavalry swords <<nd sa»>»>r*,3.n; pistols, Ac ,W pieces of ordnance, Vieintj ti pound bronze cannon. Th« re are only about 4 »»<j0 of these small arms of the in: proved pa'iem, the others are old flint locks,£ <od for nothing now. i'hit dors not present a very fluttering picture of the etllciency of the militia, suddenly called upon for service. Commissioner* prom the Republic op Georgia.Mr Toombs, Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, reported to the Georgia Convention ttie following gentlemen to fill the offices of Comuii uloners to the states designated : For Virginia, H. L Bennln^; Maryland. a. K Wright; Tennessee, li. F. Bell; Missouri, L. J Glenn: Arkansas, D P. Hill; Delaware. D. C. Campbell; North Carolina, 8. Hull. The Hon. 11 R. Jackson was appointed to Kentucky, but notiflrd the Convention that be could not serve. Mumo or South Cakolimams . Citizens of .Jouih Carolina resident here, held a meeting on Saturday evening, when much diversity of opinion regarding precipitate action in that State was manifest The meeting was very disorderly and closed lobarmonlously. The want uf unanimity was remarkable lu view of the alleged unity of sentiment in Sonth Carolina A Urge property holder at the meeting threatened to return to bis State, sell bis real property/ remove bis slaves, and abandon for ever the Palmetto nation. EyTbc Charleston custom nouse, seized by the South Carolina authorities and surmounted with the Palmetto flag, haa cost the Federal Govern ment 92 000,000. The auin of 1500,000 la now needed for its completion Won't toe rattle-snake state which gives her gracious consent thit the Federal Government shall convey the malls for ber, give her eaually gracious consent that it shall Ifo on and finish the building of ber Custom nouK . Louiivuie Journal HIT'A *1ngular wager wai won lecentlv by a tkaUff ou the Lake of Gtrooaart, near Namur (Belgium). He betted that he would akate for an nour, carrying a buket of egua on hit head without breaking one of them. He accompliahed the feat In flrat-rateatyle, having during.the hour writtea hla nam* In elaborate character* ou the Ice, bealdea tracing an immenae variety of complicated figures, and at Ust aet down the baaket and received hla wager, amid the cheera of ail present. Good Jokk .The city authorltlea of Maryavllle, California, recently paaaed an ordinance for the removal of oatalde atalra In that city While the Council* were In aeaalon a few daya after, the atalra leading to the Council* Chambera were removed. and the dignified member* of that body, according to the Herald, were compelled to "thin" down the pocta of the building. {£TN»l lone since I called udud *om« ladv friend of mto«, w«» ushered into tbe parlor by the wrnntglrl She asked what name she should announce, and I, wishing to take them by surprise, replied Amicus, (a friend.) She seemed at f rat a little pustled, but quickly regaining her composure, she, In tbe blandest manner possible, observed, "What kind of a cuss, sir* 27" At the recent election held In the city of Wheeling for the choice of delegates to the State Convention only thirty-seven votes were cast against a reference of tbe Convention's decision to popular ratification or rejection. The policy ol 'precipitation" would not seem to have many advocates In that city. \rr 'Getting into hot water" is a term in common use, but it Is llkelv to have a special meaning in Hrooklvn. as the Chief Katrine** nf !> «v Yard there b**a number of powerful (team pump* a.ul It-, engine* ready to throw to any part of the yard hundred* of ton* of boiling water upon any reekleea Invader* l£7*Prua*)a i* probably ahead of all the world In regard to the number of tta doctor* In a popuUUou of 17.73tt.913 *uuU there are 3>8 district phvateUn*; 4,35*3 having their gr*dea; 'J06 aur IC»ous, flratcla**, aid 643 **cond claw; l,(rJ6 ve." er.na v turgeon*; I ,529 apothecaries; and 11,411 mMsivfi In the year It'll, during the brief ex f Men oe of the Lotto tar Republic of Tease, a letter aent fr i*» Arkanaa* to Brasorl*. paid the fallowing ,wulia< «l M> Plflv.lWI I*-**"- .. . V. rft vi w- » »v»^i mom uuw ur «nt «v. r lift- (mm rout* for that amount ITT" Tte# l-#«dM rlaimi fur Now York a fTMter Co portion of (mmI# artlata tban any other city In e world Many of ttoem »rr very eood, and fcciue rank with the br«t 117" An olvJ aau who bad GmuUt in tbn war of I8li, committed an!eld« la Hlnda county, MIm. ncmtff, i*cw»? t$« Colon WW IImoItW . CLOTHING, &c. |\| ALERCHANT TAILORING. Hew fall styles of cloths, cassiMERS.AND VEST1NGB. WALL. STEPHKNS A <Jo., 328 PennaylTania Avenue, have jnat received a lar*e ranm of new Fall Gooda, to wmoh they invite tne attention of their frienda and wjogwa an an-ti CiKNTLKMEN'S I RE *DYMADE CLOTHING, Our preaent aaeortment of GENTLEMEN'S REaDY-NAPE CLOTHING f-nera to oitizena and atrancora wiahinc an immediate oat fit auparior induoementa, embracing, at thia tune, all atylee and aualitiea of Dreat and finaineca Garmenu and OverooaU In all vari»tiea. Fine Shirta Sod Under-olothine oi all kmda. Kid and other Hove# of heat qua it;. Soarfa, Tiea, Cravat*, Sto"k«, Hosiery, Ao., Ao. All of whioh we are offering at < nr aaitai low pricea. 117" Clothing made to order in the moat anterior manner. WAl.l.. STF.PIIKN« * Pi> no 16-tf | xag Pa. avenue. W. MERCHANT TAILORING. E Invite oar ouatomera.and oitixecs generally, to an inapeo'ion of our preaeot new, at a* tractive, and elegant assortment nf>®B CLOTHS. CA98IMKRKS, DOESKINS, Wk VK8TINGS, OVERCOATINGS. fto. W which we will make to order in superior"- " stjle at very low priaea. WALL, STEPHRNS ft CO., oo 85-tf 382 Pa. av.. hetw. 9th and 10th ata. GAS FITTING, Ac. pLUMBERS AND GAS FITTERS . , i. W. THOMPSON * CO. w ould oail the attention ol water takera to their tnll assortment of Futures necessary to its introduction,-^ foliowa:-KITC K bN RA*NGES,B A TH TUBS, WATER CUTSETS. HOT WATKR JofLERS. KITCHEN SiNKS, PUMPS, Caat Tr:>n. Wrought IrnN, |,ead ar.d Galvanised \V ASER PIPES, HYDRANTS and PAVE WASHRS. RUBMER HOSE, ftc. flavin* superior advantages, with practical tt' owlndge, wo are prepared to introduce Water into dwellings with all the latest iniproverrents, proirptly, and at prices that oannot rail to satisfy. U69 Penn,avenue, no 24-dtMar 1 bet.rwh and l''th sts . south sule. A" wm. t. dove * co. RE Now prepared to execute any orders witk whioh they may be lavored is the PLUMBING, GAS OR 8TEAM FITTING BUSINESS. Store cn 3tli Btreet, a usw door» north of Pa. avSnue, whore may be 'jund a oomjL'ete aaqortmeat of CHANDELIER*, and othor GAS, STEAM and WATER FIXTURES. UST7-1T WG A S FIXTURES. E Have 111 siore, and are dai y receiving, OAS FIXTVR ES of entirely l\ew Patterns and Dosicne and Finiph. superior in style to anything heretofore . !.; 1. «*> - v..i-i ..1 iu wis mai irn, e uiviieouizens general It to call and **amine our stock of Gas ainT Water Fixturec, lee.ing umthdent that we have the l-est selected stock in Washington. All Work in the at«ive line intrusted to our cara will l>8 prompt y attended to. MYERS k. MoGIIAN. mar 6-tf 37B 1) street. I SNYDER, PLUMPER AND OAS FITTER, Has removed to the oorner of Tw«(fth and F ats. He i* prepared to introduce Water and Has upon the mo«t favorable terma, and guaranties entire satisfaction Hehas on hand a lot of COOKING and other stoves, which h* will soil less than oost. as he wishes to get nd^of them^ no 17 Office of Inspector and sealer OF GAS METERS. WA»Hi?t8Tr"«, July 18,1860, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES. That, agreeably to the provisions of the oidinanoe of the Corporation approved May 1>. 18&\the undersigned is now prepared, "whenever r««uired in writing, and on pre-payment of the fee of fifty cents, to inspeot, examine, test, prove, and ascertain the aoountoy of registration ofany gas m*ter in use in this city." Every meter, if found inoorreot, will be condemned, ftnd &noth<lr MA)oH rrarbaH ass .,h ^ set in place. If proved to be aooorate in iu measurement of gas, it will be sealed accordingly, and again put in p»Bitio* for ub«. Oftce No. & I n ^sventh street, (near Odd Fel.nw' Hall.) Oprn frow 8 a. in., to * p. m. CHARTS W. CUNNINGHAM. Jt tl inspector an'l Sealer of tfaa Meters. IG. O. DF.MUTH 4. CO., MPORTKRS And Wholesale and Retail Dealer* in HAVANA CIGARS, FOREIGN »VISES, BRANDIES, filXS. tc. No. *0 Nohth Cn*mLri> Strkkt, Fire door a nb oi* Ltxintton ft., no22-ly Baltimore. IF YOU WANT TO HAVETHK UNION Call at HARVhY'S, Who has just reo?i ved a la'«e supply of fresh LOBSTERS, I'lSH, and hne OVhTKR:». which lie will surv«: to uuftt< niters *.t shortest not ce au>l on lil-erai tfrni*. P. 8. Oysters servod to families and hotels are not iw4m; tney are only scalded foi persons eat- nig rryjin ai tne isai'wn. <T«8 T. M. HARVEY. /Ov NOTICE. /Ov A A H K M O V A L. A A I# 10 I have removed my I# V PAWN OFFICE to 331 V street, Mtween 4;-* asid streets, immediately in tlio f.n.r of tiie National Hotel, where thebusinoss will be continued as heretofore at the old stand. |nol5 6in| IS^Afi HKK/.HKRB. NEW PAWN OFFICE. 6 y E- W A H D,_Dealer in New© 0 and v,a°t Off ClntliiBg, respectfully inform! the puMio that no lias opened a LICENSED PAWN OFFICE at No. 76 Loumata avenue, between 9'h and 10th sta., a tew doora east of the new Central Guard-house, where hi will I e at all timea prepi'ed to wait on his patrcna witn promptness, attentiwn and tfte strictest justioe. N. 8 .Jowelri, l)ry Goods. Clothing, Mechau iob' Tools, ae., at waya on hand at privale sals. ja 16 lm* THE INSURANCE COMPANY or THE STATE of VIRGINIA. CASH CAPITAL §300,000. Insures Mernhandme, Buildinrs. Household Furniture, 4o , a?a;nst Iom or damage by firts. HEATH A KNOWLES, Agents, Offioe.Rooir. 16 over Bank of Washington. lull) SPECIAL NOTICE. O Thoee of uiir customers and friends who have n' t settled their bills &i presented on the lit January we would respt*)tfnlljr i ot most earnestly request them to m&ke every etfort to do so £>t the first week iu February, a* we are iu want of all the money due as at this time. Our ihanka we tender to thoee who have paid their bills promptly, and ahail be pi aaei to serve them in future uyoa the best terms, and hoes to merit their increased confidence ami l'beral patronage. J. W. OOLLEY A « O., ja30 10t 323 Seventh st.,at>ovq Pa av. T<HP. EUROPEAN HOTEL. KEPT BY P. 1 EMRIOH at the oorner of Penu. A . « A avenue and Eleventh street, has reatly improved recently and now o^riMJU greater inducements for the patronage of aitizt>:.* and ttraugers than any other pnbho house in the oit;, bia priooa being less than those of any other hotel on Penn. avenue, and his aooommodauona lor permanent or transient boarders unexceptionable. The bar and re*raurant arrangements ol the European Hotel have already beooma very popu lar, b«ing all that can be deaired by the most laatidious. The proprietor pledgee unremitted attention and oontiaued liberal exeendituresto give aatiafaoiion to ail, and thus renews hi* invitation ** ail to give the karopeau Hotel a oall. de 4 ti goora and eHow^ to suit the We aje now manufacturing all kinds of BOOTS and SHOES, and constantly reoeivine agtti apply of eastern made work of every de-MI MrvsbAn. ma/i« *Taressl« I *r pr .J r/u.u». .iwri . "1! be aold at a mnoh owersnoethan has been" heretofore oharged in thia oity for maoh inferior artioiea. Persona in want of Boota and Shoe* of eastern or oity made work, will always find a jood wsortraen tn atora and at the lowest prioea Give ua a call. SRIKFIN A UFO., ap t-r 314 Pennsylvania avenaa. GMVE HUNDRED TRAVELING TRUNKS r arrived tale day, erabraoing ail quali arm tiea and sues of Sole Leathar, LAai^'SfcKw Dress and Packing Trunks. Oar trnnV^ ®"* ales room exhibits at thia time the greateet variety or traveling requisites, at madorata pri jes. to be fovnd this aide of New York. Alao. every descnp vauoeITt7"Old Tranks repaired or token ia exchange for Mw ones. WAL|^ 8TwoHkns * CO. margl-tf ^"aifrpL aSSSw. rp CE.MET.RRy NOTICE. DENTISTRY. (If TEETII. 1*1. LOQMIS, M. D., the inventor and pilentee ofth# MINER AL.PLATK TEETH, at-l tand* personal at hi* oflioe Vn thi* oity ftaKSsf Mmt pereotf* can wear these tooth whn^*'fTP oannot wear other*, and no pereon can wear other* who oannot wear these. Person* calling at mj offioecar, be aooommcxtMtyi with any style and prioe of Teeth they may desire; bat to thoce who are particular and wish the purest, cleanest, strongest, and most perfect denture that artoa&prodns-s the MINERAL. fL»ATE will l>e more fully warranted. Room* in this oit».No *3HP« . 9th and 1Mb its. Xiao, 907 Aroh street, I'hiladel phia. -> oc 15 tf VRAV KHARS' DIRECTORY^ OALTIMORK AND OHIO RAILROAD. I> WASHINGTON BRANCH. CHANSK OF HO, On and after SUNDAY, Noremher 25th, I860, the trains will ran as folionrs: LEAVE WASHINGTON: First train at«jn a. ta. Second Train at 7.40 a. m. Third train at 3.10 p. m., Express. Fourth train at 6 p m. LEAVE BALTIMORE: First train at 4.1.S a. m., Express. Second train at S.& a. in. Third at 3.1<> p. m. Fonrth at 4 2" p. m., Express. The first, soofn1 and third trains from Wa*hl^gton oonnect t brought o Philadelphia and New Ti.a »l:.J ^ * ' «iiv wviiu oiu tuiru cmaeoi m »&8niD{lOD Junction with trama for the West, South, and Northwest; aiso, at Annapolia Junction, for An n&polis. For Norfolk take the * 40 a. m. trai . hor the aooommrvtaUon of the way travel between Washington and Laurel, a pa*s»nger "bn.r will bo attached to t'ae ttmn^te train waioh loavea at 11 a m. On Saturday the 3.10 p. m. train goes to Philadelphia only. no 86-a T. H. PARSONS, Agent. THE STEAMER JAS, «UY Will renras hw I trip* 011 TUESDAY, Jlrt of JP» k February. 18«0. Will leave WASH J^SXBSSA. 1N6TON every TUESDAY and^ ^ FRIDAY,atlo'olock a. m..ar.d ALEXANDRIA at half-past 6 o'olrcc. for CURIUOMAN and t&* intermediate Lan'iinip. On h*r return trirn. she will leave OURRIOYiAN every WEDN£ISJ>AY aad SATURDAY, at k o'clock a. m. LUCIAN S. PA6E, Proprietor. NATH'L 1IOUMH. Ag't. Alexandria. fey FRENCH FLOWERSOF THE VERY BKST F mialit). and an extensive variety. ng|. At STEVENS'S IM* Kaiicy Store, VS40 no 22 tf S3fi. h»tw. <Wh wilt lO'b at*. Watch repairing andsilver ware manufactory". I have one of the best e?tal>fi*hmenta, and furnished with a complete net of tools for repair- »x. ine every description of fine Watchea, and f articular attention rive to the same, by &wiak lotoush competent workman.and a work guarantied. AUo, every tleserip ion of standard SI I. VF.R WAR E, plain arid ornamental, manufactured uttler my own supervision. which my oustnmera will find far auperior id quality and finish to northern ware aold Uy dealers in general and represented as their own manufacture. ii. o. hood, he 6 338 Pa. avenue, near 9th at. Best fancy goods, at prices to suit the times, And Okb Prick Ohlt, At STEVENS'S FANCY STORE, no 22-tl 336. betw. 9th and 10th ata. piREMEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY WASHINGTON AND GEORGETOWN. Capital *5*00,000. O&ct torn r C ttrtet and Lovifianm ar. orti Bnnk 0/ Warkinttton. INSl'RE IIOITSEH AND~OTHER PROPERTY AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE. Dt*bctor«. G«o. Shoemaker, Samn«! RHfern, Samuel Cr«pla>, William Wilnon, Richard Jones, Jclin D Barclay, Jaoob Gideon, Andrew Moth well, TUo*. Parker, Riehard Barry, B, B. French. No eharpe for Policies. JAMES ADAMS, President. Abil G. DAVH.Swretary, <»c lit e<i6ni PROF. WOOD'S RESTORATIVE CORDIAL A5D BLOOD HENOVATF.R la preoiaH* iv-hut tta came indicates, for, while plea*ant to tnetaste, it i* rwiv»f»in*, exhilarating, invuoiatinc end *».r«n.thei>in* to th* vita poueie, durt at tr.« time revu ihe#. reinatate*, ard re new* tlie Hiond in k I its ortKioa! purity, end thua tilono* Teftm'r wl ttud'tMh' mrulmrahlt to attack* of It IB th only preparation »ver otffrtvi t<» the world, so chemcally and ekillfal:y cir.biMd aat<»hotne iroat powerful tonic, and at the aau:-« tune »o perfectly &uapt**l to. &a to aot iu perfect aeoortlaaoe with the lawn of Lature, itui hsnoe will tootke the ictalctst ttvmack, and ton* up th« dueative oreana, and thu> alia) all nrrvoua a> d other irritation. It perfect!* exhi ara tin* and at the aaine time it la ooinpcetHl entirely of ecetabk-a, vet ao combing to produce the inoat thorough touic effect, without producing an) lnluriout- cnaequenoen. J-nch % remedy haa lore been felt to be a deaideratuw in the medical w"Wf, for it need* no meuioal ak-ll to aee that debility f ilowa all attaoka of diceaae, and proeeed- a"d in daed lays the system open to tho <iisidioun attacks ot »nf of the most falsi, Juoii,for example, as the following: Consumption, Indigestion, l)»spep» i os*of Appetite, Kaintness, Nervous IrriUl'iiity, Seura gia, Palpitation of the heart. Meianohoi), 11lit bw( ats, f AiiR'tr, Giddiness, Retention ot. as well as 1'ainful otutruoted, too profuse, or too so«nt Menstruation, ai.d Falun; of the Womb Th»s« all depem! upon general debilitf. Tin* pure, healthy tonio Oordiai and H ood Renovator is as sure to oure as the sun is to n«e and set. Tn<*re is no miftak* about it . But this is not all If the system is weakened we are open to bilious attaoks, the hver becomes torpid, or worse diseased, the kidneys refuse to perform their functions, and we are troubled with scalding and inoo&tme' ce of unn«, or involuntary discharge of the name, pain in the back, side and between the shoulders ex oeedmely liable to slight ooids, coughs, mid if an Oiieckea, soon emaciation follows,and the patier.t goes down to a premature grave. Hut space w; i cot allow us to enumerate tlio man* Uis 'o whioh we are liable in a weakened condition ot the srstem. Hut we will say in this <;ordiai and Biood Kfnova- lor you nave » porjeot, we, pieasact and rtTso'iia remedy for lots of App'tit*. Hmouaneaa. Fatuienoe, wait an<l »iok ^tornaoh. Lantour. I.itw Complaint, Chilli and Fever.or ant Bilion attaok Co»tiveneaa, Acidity ofthe N mach, .Nervouaueaa, Neuralxta, Palpitation of the Heart, Depression ufSpi'ita.Sorea. Pimples or the Faoe.orany dueaaearlaing from impure t>iooj, such aa ^orofula, Kryaipela*. Uroushiua, Couiu.diflicuty of Breath inc. and all that olaaa of Jiseaeea cai ed female weakneaa. and enumerated above. We will alto aajr the traveler exposed to epidemioa, oharue of olimata and water, will find it a pleasaM. F<ife*nd anre remedy, and no one ahould ever travei with out. Reader. try it, for we aaaare you *ou will find in It a friend ind--ed,as w-ll aa a friend in need. All peraona of aedeLtary habits will find it a perfeot preventive of, aa well aa a cure for thoxe ail menta whioh thev are nartionlarfv exnoseft Henna ii.miatera, etudents, attornej a, Hterar* gon»l*rr.en, ami ladies who are net acouat med to macli outdoor exeroi»e, wi<l find it to their advantage to keep a bo:tle oon»tantiy on hand; and abtwe a'l moth era or those becoming each, will ro through that most d an z>rous period not only with all their aoous'omed strength, but safe and free from the thousand ailment* so prevalent among the f»iuale portion of the world. In short, is indeed a mother s oordiai. Try it old and young; no lo ger run tl.e risk of delay; it will relieve aud prove it*elf emphatically a Rtstorilirt Cordial and Blood Renovator. U. J, WOOD, proprietor, 444 Broadway, New York, and 114 Market Street. f*t. Ionia, Mo., and so<d by all good Druggists. Prioe One Dollar per Bottle. PROF WOOD'S RESTORATIVE CORDIAL a ten BLOOD RENOVATOR. Sold in this oitjr bj C. STOTT, 375 I'a. avonn*. Ml 2n-Wf>lTt *iw W TRAVELING TRUNKS. R Have jn»t reoeived th-i largest aaaortmeot and now offer th" moat extensive variettaRrcs of SOLE I.EATHKB. LADIES' DRESsRjttffl and PACKING TRUNKS, HAT BOX > S,^®« Vai.ISES, CARpKT BAGS, SATCHELS,fee., in tkia o.ty, wiioh wo are aeikni at vart Tow trioes. WALL. STEPHENS * CO , "0» tf '<39 P^wnn*. f^UPON-rs GUNPOWDER, 1' For «a!e at m*nnlaenirer« priee«, by JOHN J. BOG UK, Sioimtown. D. C.. Sol* Arenry f*r the IHttrtet nf Caimmbia. A larte »u»p.y, enbraetgjr ©very vanetY, alwava on l»aJ, » n«f .ielirerad free to all >arta of the Diet-tat Order* can a!ao be left at the <>®o« of Adama* Exntii Cnm*an*. Waehinctnn. 0. O. fe S lawlv I ADI^S THICK WINTK1 BOOTS of KM o .M°rooou.Ort*t« Skia. l,ubui, Button Ad, Lwed *mI Velvet TrlnnMd. ] AI«o Min*n Boots < f the mom trW'.trtfBI Jf 'iii* from S>o uU to f 1. p*r pur, k>v«r* Hk tntn «lMVtier« in the iti_.it WOOD AND GOAL. Y WOOD AND COAL. OU Will rarely get jour hob«t'i worth h* oalluu it Ue PlOftEbR MlLLS.iotiUieto cm . nrr <J Stvntk ttrttt and Canal, (GEO. PAtsK, Aicnt ) The» tell cheaper and aire hett»r measure thin tor otheri in the citjr.out. vplit, ar.d delivered fieeof ohfcrc*. If t«mi don't believe it. |in the Pioneer Mills a trial, and he satisisd. ja 17-ly.r WOOD. '' a n d C O A k Delivered to all parts of the «ty, at the lowest possible rate*. T. J. k W. M. GALT, Offioe 3SS Pa. » ., between 11th and lJth *U.. ma 17 tf north tide. CARRIAGE FACTORTEST" WASHINGTON CARR1AGK FACTORY, ' " D Strut, r«ee*n 9t* and l<>tA Strut*. We hare ioet finished a number of Srat olaae CA R RIA t> Ktj. nch a* Limht Wtent, Park PkaMomn. Cbr MQKBV rt#fw, *md Butgiti, whioh we wlu .lla»-**- r* < A ver» small profit. B -.r.t practical mechanics in different tranche* of the Enruiess, we Salter otirs«!ves that we know the style* and quality of work that wi!i rive satis faction, combining kfht&eas, oonJort and durabill ty. Reeaiclnc promptly an. I oarefui y attended to the sborte*t nctiee and jpoet reae; cable charjtw. »Itn, HAKRlA.^ri « BUrfi CoMhm&kert, suooossors to Wm. T. Hook. fjMft Tcarriaskb. HE BabMriber hir~i r>ad« addiUsasU kl tvjtory, making it now on* oftbe 1 artist lathe Dietriot, where hi* faoiiities W,nutactnnncCAKRIAGE * LIGHTJ^»^ AGON801 all kinds oannot t>« surja»»ed, aad from hit long expeneno* in the buuna, avpos ! *it® gsaeral satieiactior.. Aii kinds of CarriacM u< kl kt Wsjmi kept ob hand. ^ Ai^rit^iPAIg.Bi»Mly 4sas, aidaJ orders yrsapt '8«mi4 UaiCarrikc*"takenInmkui«f«rMV ajidrkwTToVce, 4 «-tl «r«« of litk aad K sta. Dr. J. H McLEAX S STRENGTHENING CORDIAL A Mi BLOOD n Rl) IKK THE GREATEST REMEDY Uu WORLD. tl e bit C«n:poBad,*pf»fiuh, und P<ad(iiK ntara iota iu can- St 3 Tba tntirt ac'jvt ^E] / rtmtilial f mcif li ^ > of tteh injrtditnt la tating. <-*'Jilin», predaciaT * dcxion*. aiMiart'tnf epirtt, ui til* matt infillibla MBlijfM rtritaunf tka <:hih4 araiam, and rtaiarinf it* W*i (ilaring, and dtbiiiuud ioT«.i:d la ktaiifa and su«afta. McLean s str£x(*theninq cordial Will affactaally ear* L»ar Ccmplaint, Dyapapaia, Ja«nlici, Qitnic ar Nir»on Pabllity, Diaa<aaa «rtha Kidaaya, ar d nil diaaaaaa ariaiuf from dirnrdartd Li*artir Stomach, Dyap cpaia, urtbirr,. Inward Pilot, Acidity or Sick naat af lha Slan-.ich, Fallsaaa af Cliod 10 eh* Hand, Dili Fata at wunmirf in lha Hod, Palp-atim of thalfaan, Faiioaaa ar Wt./lj; in tha Stomach, B..»r KraeraUona, Cbokinr at afocaliaf Faalinf whan larinr ittwc,[)rjnin or Valla WQtta of tha Ikia and Eytt, night Swtau, InVUd Farara, Fain in lha Snail af lha Back, Chaat, or Hi da, Svl Jan Flaahta af laat, Dapraaaim of Spirit*, Fnfbtfal Drauu, UufaM, Daaaatxlancy ar u; uaraoaa diaaaaa, Soraa aa Blatchaa an tht Skin, and Ft*ar and A(ca (at CMlla and fim.) _ OVER A MILLION BOTTLES ha»a btan aald darirf tha Uil an meetht, and in aa taataoea bat it failtd ii (irinf antira aariafacuan. ft ha, than, will altar from Wtuniaa ar Dabihty whan McLE&Rf STREN8Tl£WI«q CORDIAL will cart yon 1 a lanyvaf t can canray aa adaqaata idaa af tha immadiala aad *imsat nur&ca'aaa chauft prodaead by taking ihia Cardial In tha diaaaaad, dabilititfl, and thatttrtd naraaaa ayataia, whtthtr broktc down by ateaaa, wank by natara, a* impatrad by dekraaa, ilia raiaiad artd ana ranf arful- t».tia:i li tHlirn l* lit pnauaa Miim >na >i(« -MARRIED PERSONS, tt fjiin, tnuutu «l in»bill!» fr«n lhilaru mm, will tod McWEANt «TltlfGl ;ltN!"«G COROIAk a lb*rat jH .t*f t^ar&car of tha ayatani; and all at ha mar haia In larad tbain«a!»t« by inprapar indtljaccat will iod la Ifcia Cardial a tarWin and apwlj ransady. TO THE LADIES. N4IAII1 STaEMITICfcNINU COR.[!l*W la a aaratt'fn end iftady cart far laeiplant Onaa.-aptira, Whi-.aa, OSatrartad ar Oil-alt Manatraaltna.Incmtieaaca of Urina ar Invalanttrr flank-rfa tharaaf, filling of tka Wrmb, lddmaaa, Faioimf, ai.d all limtiii incidaatts Fanalaa. THERE IS NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT far na lanjar Txka :( »eeardinf ta rtiraebana. It will I alimalata, atianfOian, and ir>*tf»r*ia ?aa aad :aaaa tha blaam af baaltfc ta rnaant J"or chaak ifun. Evtrf kaula ia warruktad ta §i»a aau'faeuoa. FOR CHILDREN If yaar chilrfran art aickly, pan* or aSictad, MCLEAN'S m a i 11 .l. . i i. w. a l-.. n.i VyUKinnu win uiftii uivio uHiuir, i«M uiu rv^MV- L/«iaj hi a mamcnt; uj it, acd j»i will b* caarinctd. It U daIteiMi ta ui*. CA VT10X. linn .f dr*ni»u or Ilwlin vha m«a try ta pi Ira apan yea M>r>( bittar or *ar*apanlla trash, which th#j can baa cbaap, b* *a*inr it >a '. aa food Avoid *aeh m*r. A*l far MrCVAItni ITRESOTHENING CORDIAL, and taki nothing alia. It i* th* only r*rr*dy (bat will rarity tb« Blo»! inoreaf+ilf »nd at th* umi am* *tr«ofib»n lb* *j»;*tn. On* ta«*p~-nftil takto mrj morning lutin| m a etrtata prirtmiii for ChoWra, Chill* and Fmr, Talia* P***r, or *o* pr*T»l«rt di**as* It i* pat ar la larg* bottlaa. Pnc* ar.ly (I p*r beula, ar 6 battlaa far §'i J. H. McLEAK, Ml cr-prutor M thl* Cordial; aI*o, MeLcaa** Voleanie Oil UinlaanL Principal Papot aa tha carntr af Third and Pin* atraau, Bt Uu, Ha. Mclean'i Volcanic Oil Liniment, (TEE BEIT LINIMENT IN THE WORLD.) Th« anly *af* aad eartaia car* for Cancara, Pllu, T». raara, tvailinf* and Brancbil* or Cettra, Paralalia, N*araljia, Waakaaa* af Ui* Muacla*, Chrocic or lalammtiory Rhaarcatiam.Stifna** af th* Jotr.u, Contracted Maaeli* ar Wl(in.»i>u, Earaaba a*Toctbaeha. Dru »i, Sprains, Fr»ah (hu, Woiinda, Clean, Ki'ir Bcraa, Okad lriul, Sora Nipj las, Burnt, Scalds, Bar* Throat, at mmy iolatamauon or pun, ua difarauca haw aa*ara or lot.* tba diasaa* bit E7» niitad, MCLEAN'S CELEBRATED LINIMENT is c. cartaJn rsrnady. Thousands af ha man fcsinfs ha»a baan aarad a Ufa af dta arapitada and miaar? ty tha Baa af thia iaralaabla raaadj. Mt LEAN'S VOLCANIC OIL LINIMENT Will raliava f ain elraeat itxtaaunaaaaly, and H anil claan, parity and baal tba faalaat aoraa u ax lecradibls abort una. JPOR HORSES AND OTHER ANIMALS. CLEAN'S CELEBRATED LINIMENT U tha aalv safa tat raliabla ramtf 7 for tha cnra af Spavia, Ricrboua, Windfalls, Spliau. DnuaiaraJ Larapa, Nodaa ar Swa.lu.rs It aarar failad to cara Big Haad, tVia»il, PiataU, (V.d Ranri ,r R^rti. ar if miurit analiai Vmm tortxii, Emin,(crtuM, Cr»ek«<J Aitii, Cufai, BUdU ar C*llu Ualla, Caw. Boraa, (rWoudi, it la aa infalUbla rama^y. Afp); It u dirtcta* u< a car* la cintu in aaary Than trifla oa lanrar with th« muv af klaia Linitnaau aff«r*d la T»a. Obiaia a aapnl* af MCLEAN'S CELEBRATED LINIMENT, it will can tm. J. H McLEAN, SaU Prapnator. Coraai Tbird utd Km »u., Bl Loan. Ma. CHARLES STOTT, m Pa. a*., aola ar*»t WiAui laa; R.B T.Cl88KL.Ga»«at»«o. ia«-MWIf FREEMAN ftSWROlft The above PURR W H1SKY, Cof Diitillkd *rxon Miltii Gkaih. being ijkru'f and wmfurw in tuality. *"d highly iaprinrmw » preferred by onnmtri to all other Whiafriea. and portion larly r ecu; mended by the boat ph«atc<ara ar.c ohemiata m aooMaoinc oil the reeair»w>«»nta of a TV*a Tcmif Invif orator and K*mr-d-*i Ami*** xne bo. btinu water «>i Philadelphia, umwI ir the dUn-atioc of Una Wkiaky. it arored by a>.aly *i« to be the aoftfat and parrot water in the u mteO fftatea-.anAto thia mar. is a rr**t decree, attributed tiw exoeilenoe of thia W blakr. Por aaleby FRRKMAN 4t t*IJHPffON. Pkerux Distiller?. On the SekaylkiL river, Ptilad-'plr.ia Oftees.96 Wall atreet, New Vo-k : 10V ^.-uth Frost street, Philadelphia. "»' «*-»» Ml I.IT At Y BOOK»-1<t«tra«tMMia for Pt«U Artillery. by a Hoardaf Array Ofboera; I vol., snoe 99 90. Band Hook of Artillery, by Ca»t. labarte. II. *. A . I vol.. priae $\ "«rd«r« Taot oe. I vol.. f l an. Dintinuri rift ha inn« nf IK- ll.l'-J I I ft ' I ~w"* ......... EDUCATIONAL. T FEMALE EDUCATION. HOSE Parent* who wish their <iau|bter« to receive a thorough and ytematie education. where their pn»e»oai tian.injt will r*oeire (tail* and epeaial Uteotion, under the moat approved of-CMietlamc* and r> tmnaaUoa. are ret^eglNii; fc vuit the Union Female Apa.le»y, corner Fourteenth at. and New York ay. -its FEMALE BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL r A rr j vn© f4 r^ Mr*. R. T Me^ffSRMfcfc. T^VutciraL. The thirteenth tmiti mmiob of tfcte laetttatMB Will oomnifDM on Tueeday. IM, >a Um house recently oocupied by Pylraeter Nr.-tt. Km No. IPO Km* itr*t The course of study pursued will eomprlep til the branches requisite to ft thoroafh F.nghsti M '©atioB^aud .Music. French, lAtio and Dnviif, M In addition to day eeholars Mre. MeCoratofc » Prepared to receive* united number of pupils ae i»«a"ders, who. ro:,»titutin« a part of her owe Meily, win be under her immediate eare and superr*eion. !*be will eadenv«r. aa tar ea poeetbie. to ear rowed thorn with the comfort* aad kiadi v laleeeeee of Home. Riftrm***..Rev. Geo. H. Norton, Rer, Dr. Eiiae Harrison, Rer. D F. S*pn«, Wii'iam Jl Fowle. Esq., Edgar Snow den, hs^ , Edmund F W itmer Ee*. Herry Marl ury. I Lewie Mrfe*«to Esq.. Robert H. Ronton. F.m . \V D. « ailaoh Editor Evening Star, Her.iarmn Waters. Ea«..Jae Entwisle Jr.vF,i»^ .Co., J.ftin W.Minor. London* pw. D«onoct ft MtrtlMil, Nwri Cor Brothers. Tnu. Board. with Tuition in ail th* Er.*!i«h Braaohaa, 3>«for the ai.nnai mmiod-payable mu uiiali, ID a^-ano®. Muno and Lta|!ii(N at Profaa*era' ariaaa. IZT No aztra charts*. aa SMf #Curr Ctmtk. CM, Nm'mmi. /».iu-mi nnt Irriiatttm ar Saraof tk' Threat, Ktliorr tk* Hacking Comsk m ('mixma tiim, t*r<mtku%ir, J # Catnrrk, CUmr omd rrr* nrtngtk to tk* rate* vf PUBLIC SPKAKKKft . and SINGERS. Few *re »w*r« of the importance of efceeklnc ft Conch or '-Common Cold*'in ita int fUir, Uiftt which in the begming would yield to ft mild iwni «t, if Deflected, «oon Attack a the Lane*, "fnw1! Brttuktal Troeku." oontaantnc dnrauloent iagrotten U, a. lay Pulmonary and J' onoUift. Irritation. 'That trouble in my Throat, (for BROWN'S which the "Trnk*«" are ft apeeibet TROCHES "-"R",''«7£LA" BROW\'l> "I rooominend thftir nee to Pvmur Bruint." TROCHES* REV. K. H. CH API V "Great eervioeinnMmoi Houn BROWN'S n*«e." REV. DANIUl. WISE. TDnnuvii "Almost inatact relief in the di» IKUtnr^ tresftinc labor of breathing jecftliftr A ... » HKUWN'f K*tV. A. C. EGOLE8TON. TROCHES "Contain so Opium or tnrtjunf injurious." DR. A A HA*ES, BROWN'S, Ckemitt, troche? ..ivsssatf Br" BROWN'S "* 6- * B'CKLg^i.. TROCHES " jTtf.ViNK. brown-? ., ^ ?roM ^Jcz: TROCHES W"lf|^KVr. WARREN. BROWN'S Bortrm " B^nrfjoift.1 wfcfo c<-mp* .»c to TROCHES rpctk, tuffarioc from Col»." BROWN'S! Al'.V.S.Vr.ASDERSJ»N.> TROCHES VSPf&S£ BROWN'S w,th *n<1 8m#* TROCHES "*>ro£ M-8TACY JOJINSON, brown's Tmck^on/v'o, ry;:, ^'«'= sir,^ f»°w_"_? TROCHES naiM« to ine." REV. E. ROWLEY, A. M. BROWN'S President of Athena Collie. Tm. troches 1823" de I ly rpHE ALL SUFFICIENT THREE. TRIESEMAR.1.8 and »-Protected by Royal Lettera Patent oi Enaiand. and .ecured by the Sean of the Eco.e de Ekarmaeie de riKe, and the Imfenat College of Meaisine. Viecna No. 1 la invaluable for e*hauiiiou aad natorrbea, and al1 phyaioa! dieabilrtiee. No. 2 oonipletely eradioatee all traoee of tfcooe (iieoaeee thut have been hitherto treated by the hd aeou* anu oeriuci a* lie of copal va and ovbotie. No. 3 haa entirely supplanted the injunoaa aaaof merourr. therebv lnruriuc to tue sufferer >peed7 relief, aisporsinc all imparities, ud rooting oat the venom ofdieeaee. TRIK.jKvIaR, Nna.!,2aa4 3. are preaared in th« form <»f « lAsenjr*. devmd of taste ana ana!', and can he earned id the waistcoat pocket. |y>id is tin o%«a^and divided intoaeparate dose*, aa ad rnini«tere<Wy Va.peau. L*1 emaml. Roax. Ricord. Ac Pnoa #3 each, or foar oaee« for #9, whi^h naves #3-, and in *27 oases. whereb* taere is a sav inc of $<». To be Bad, wholeaa.e ami retail, of Or. BARROW, of 194 Hteecker street. Naw York. Immediately on reocivlnt a rem.ttanoe. Dr. Basrow Will forwardah* 'I riesenmr to any part of the wor.d, seen re: t packed, and addressee aaoording to the in truotiona 0/ the writer. The Book, of &!1 others, that ahoald be read by men with dalmaaed and broken d^w constitutions 1* "Human Frailtv, or Physiological Keeearehea It is beaatifully illustrated, and treats ""inately of all tns «ytnp on« that invanabit develop them e'vea. sooner cr later, resulting from the rVailtiea and vitiating hablta of early voath, incapacitating tbe victim from sharing the fraition m the matn monia stale, aud. if not ked ia time, Ceceaarating all the functions of manhood, and bringing him, step by stea. to a lingering: »ad u nttassl 1 death Sold by Dr. HAfcROW7l»4 frlaeoker atraat.lonr doors below Maodougal, New Y^rt. Pnoa fe oenta. Sent free every where. _ _ iit k Sold aleo by 8. c. Ford, Jr., uri| rioi\ lDfton, D. C. d/*»*« ............ .1. FOR STAMPING rjL*' A rACKluT OF PAPER S t AND ENVELOPB6 NO TO MATCH. I ttito CHARGE! METROPOLITAN ^ ~~ S BOOKSTORE. PHI LP A SOLOMONS, Altnt$ for L*wrmwft mUbrmtU lAmm Pvpsrt, "Mrcw'UM MUUrTe.. #c. * V ly tH P*. b*..d mu *.I 1861 »«*«/ 1861 C'mmmmi tJU Ytar wtik « Dutry. A Tt'oftbU Pocket Companion Car r*«iatartaf nU ^Mt. j»r«Mnt, Md ftitiry, for erery day in the year, oub Mtoiat for mc)i month, Mont, nummary of Mali wewveet b4 payftbi* knit rooeivabio. !*» * bo without o«o of Ui*»e aaofai littiO ooavooira. TM moot MMtM, ^ ^ <Xleon UuiidiBf, oornor >i-«Mud Diaries: FI A K I EI* I* I A § I It 8U1 . "W,/»3ur ,r»V-' Wo will ta*U01tr«4i>o unt of B por o^ti. of of all IXariM parobaoec f'om for (Mk. W«»f» doairoo; of «l»mof opt tfco r .! < > of oar ivi* toot of Diarioa of all InrxlikM. AT K.kn. tfV RVHSteNV m r SSH&Wtr D"u "* " *""; ,fco Hicoirnev'a illM*mtad Pomm; oloU gilt; fsan All of l<oncf*l!ov'i m4 Ik* Mftrr*!'a Woli Oar mn h.f J fiwiMt oa tfooki ft on Lkr pmo ImImtb' kiom for «uk. F1*N«:H A 1CHSTKIN. j»T - »T« fw» *wm~ CCHOOL AND OOL.i>K«ls OUTKla*. Youtk*' mmd BCUtkinf f»r *# *#W mmd I for tto muh mum. «r« i«vtt«4 ftp WWc«r *. 'I " I £»KrfB.-EHtiSrvm*.«*** 7*i ^ j I ^wnmn. UN DUftCMJtU* {J
Page 1: Library of Congress · I THE DAILY EVENING STAR *!^!=!=!S!SS!S!S==S===S!SSaammm''m^m'mm'''**mmmm^m!''m'mml!'e*!aSa=!===!S===!= TJ1E ^EEKLV DOLLARSTAR. f IfObLdHHEP fiPRKY AFTERNOON,fyV

I THE DAILY EVENING STAR *!^!=!=!S!SS!S!S==S===S!SSaammm''m^m'mm'''**mmmm^m!''m'mml!'e*!aSa=!===!S===!= TJ1E ^EEKLV DOLLAR STAR.I fObLdHHEP fiPRKY AFTERNOON, / *fyV J WktM " I !* «» « NmJNrMl-«Nf «f*'wnAVS EXCEr7iin,» M/M ft ....A^ .k. /irhfUTItft ^T^TT

..., J^L... VC/VVlUHM iil;=^===i=or «o«u^moBth. Tom%-J .nbMribm- / 1/ ^ ^ ' » « »tn« >n«e it f3.V» rear. »w advaMtt. 9i tvt aixIt lawtikblv oonUm* th« " Wt.tunftoB Now*F^nth.; »1 fw Um aoBUii wd for low «*


U»»t ku made TV s<» cUc«*M.t>-reo macrtiaat tbortte of 12eenU » woek. SiDfl'_., , omcm,ii vnff«iitwoam " .......''tb««o»btr».Aorif tiik)(15T9 F30q!4 boaont to tbo oftof vroi_ %r vivt * « ini/% & -» .« »-«n *n * « ___ ___. lo oopim i m vrsypora* ou N yroovfo4^or-uo'c,ookm.;oth«wi»-th«jn;*ynotawr V., XVII.WASHINGTON. D. t.. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 8. 1861.N-. 2.488 u lb* omiu», imm*1i»t« y afw tk* inm mt u*flntilthoooxtdnr. J p»»ot. Pno^THiKKrnrr.


" Oh. you must leave me now," she said "Isee mamma and the children walking on theroad They must not see me talking te youtill all is settled properly. Oood-bye, dearMr. Vickory. you do not know how happy youkave made me," and »<T ehe tripped, leavinggood old Vickery to pursue his homeward way,alternately upbraiding himself with being aconfirmed Don Juan without knowing it, and«xulting in this present happiness.He had hardly disappeared, when Miss Ta

bitha Buckram, who, as the judioious readerknows perfectly well, is the real owner of"The He a:«t to be Let," approached the sevenfirs, and was about to take the seat that Fannyhad just vacated, when a tall figure camebounding round an angle in the path, and ranstraight into her arm?. It was Jack Vesper !M Ble« iny soul!" exclaimed Jack, " I beg

tou a thousand pardons. I hope I have notr.urt you. Very clumsy cf me, indeed, bat Ibuve au appointment, and my desire not tokeep a lady waiting must plead my excuse forsuoh awkwardness. '

" Appointment ?" thonght Miss Buckram.'Then 'tis he.'tis my 'Theodore,'" (thename that old Vickery had signed in his let*ter to ** Constance.")" Oh, sir," she said, " I can pardon the ex.j.i" « -

vt ;uui nmur. j. nose n re ins HT(D Ortreti, I believe. This if the little valley.andhere.here am I "

" Oh, I see," J»ck sai l to himself, " Fannycan't oome, mad this is the old nurse she spokeU "

*' Young and handsome," thought Miss BackT#m, gazing fondlj at the stalwart VeBper.* He seem* quite struck, too, with my appearance.It's love at first sight. I feel the softemotion myself."" Well, my dear madam," said Jack, seatinghimself beside her, " as you have taken

the trouble to meet me here, I mu«t tell youall my intentions."Miss Tabitha Buckram bestowed a languishinglook upon the unconscious Jack

i am resolved, continued he, "to endureno more delay and concealment, but to be marriedat once/'

' Ah. the ardor of youth !" sighed the Buckrim,I shall, therefore, confide all to my uncle.and ask his consent to our union; that is.provided that my sweet darling, my best and(iwitlore!"

'Oh!"* exclaimed Miss Tabith*. closing heryes. " this is exstacy!"

Tell »no, then," Jack resumed, "do«s sheconsent ? Will she let meclaim her at once"'"She will, «he will," murmured the deluded

spinster, leaning tenderly against J ack'i shoulderfor support.Then I'm thehappiestof men!" exclaimedher companion jumping up; thereby causingpoor Miss Buckram to fall full length upon theoench. "Oh, I beg your pardon again," saidbe, assisting her to rise. "Be composed, pray;remain hrere. cleave. I'll be Wlr s« K«if - »

hoar, and tell ]*>u the result of my conversationwith my uncle. '' Then away ran Jack, aaf*gt as ha had come.

' Ha might hare touched my cheek with achaste salute." thought Mies Tabitha, fondly-watching the retreating figure, "but all in goodtiuie. Wny, bless my soul, there's that odiousold bachelor."

'Confound it!" cried Mr. Vickery, who. ofcourse, was the new comer, "here's that pryingold maid."

« Now I tell you what it is, MiseBuckram,"he continued aloud, "I'm out going to standthis; I'm not going to be dodged and followedabout by you. Wiiat have I done? You ain'ta detective officer in disguise, are you?""Follow retorted the Buckram, indignantly,"the man's out of his senses' and asfor your insults, sir, I'd have you know that Iam no longer unprotected; mr husband''" Your irhtU? said Mr. Vickery.' My intended husband will protect his

Kride from your coarse insinuations."" His bride! ha! ha! ha! You will Mcnw inn 1

Miss Buckram, but.his bride, ha! ha! h»"'" Ah. you may laugh!" ejaculated Mis* 13.:there are som* people whom nobody would

marry at any price, and who arc naturallyspiteful when others enter into the happy stateI can make ailowanoes for such people, MrJeremiah Vkkery; and as yon are soungentle*manly as to doubt my word, sir, read that.(giving him bis-own letter.) my intended'sepistle, sir, inviting me to meet him here, air;and we have met. sir, and he has just left me,the happiest of men. sir."Mr Yickery took the letter, still laughing at

the idea of the ancient Tabitha becomiug abride; but when he opened and saw its contents.his low«r jaw fell, his knees trembled,and he looked the very image of abject,speechless misery.

' Do.do I understand you,"' he gasped outat lasi, "that.that yon have already seen thisdevoted individual?""I have, air!" replied the damtel, "and he

is now preparing his friends to receive me." I' Xhen,' thought Mr Vickery, taking boart, |

Bomeooaj cue must oe otter tnese dilapidatedtreatises. "I wish you joy, my dear Mis*uckram,'' said he, aloud. I'll do anythingfor yon and your beloved Theodore. I'll goand bay the license. I'll give you away in

the church. I'll stand the wedding breakfast.I'll propose the health of the bride. I'll.I'llbe godfather to all the little Theodores. Onlydon't lose a day. Never let your beloved outof your right till the ceremony is performed,and send for me when the day is fixed. Atpresent, business of the most urgent importancedemands my presence. Good morning."lurnin^ sharp round, he very nearly ran fulltilt into Jack Vesper and Fanuy Parker.

" My dear uncle." Jack said, "give me joy,I've seen Mr. Parker, he baa been so kind; weare so happy; but, believe me, I shall neverforget your kindness to my dear little Fan.""No; and little Fan will not forget it either,Aaar uncle," aaid the young lady indioated.Mr.Vickery covered hia face with his pocketkandkerohief, staggered to the benoh, and

feebly requested to know where be was."Then you.you are not the writer of this?"

_V i » »_ ....

w>« inqoirea, presenting poor Jeremiah s Utterto his nephew.

' No, he replied, after having looked at thehandwriting, " bat I dare uj he will arrivepresently. Come, ancle, yoa will be in thewej here. Good,morning, Miss Buokrsm;" soeying he took Mr. Vickery bv the arm, and

led him unresistingly away, When they werewall oat of bearing, however, he burst oat intoa roar of laaghter, and said, " Oh, ancle tuncle ! What have yoa been about ?""I did it to get a home, Jaok," replied the

penitent Viekery. " I'm a miserable, lonelyold fellew, Jack, and."" Yoa shall not say so any longer," interrantedhis nephew. "As for this mistaken

afltir 1 have here yoar Utter, and there itgoee.''

So saying he tore it into minnto fragments,and sowed them broadcast on the hearth.

With regard to your being miserable andlonely." he added, "that is eajily settled.C >me and ttay with m« till I am married, andthen if my F.»n does not make you the jollieftold unele in tbe world in oar little home, sheis not the girl I take her for."Mrs Fan did not disappoint her husband's

expectations. A happier old fellow than ancleVickery is not to be found on a summer's daylia is devoted to bia nephew's pretty wife andhandsome children; but, although be deems itno trouble to ramble with them for miles inother directions, no power on earth will gethia within sight o( Hampatead Heath.

Fo«TS«m *ow*o« .Tbla Feet. comman<Mi)((Notfolk. #r-4 tb# r«tra»<» of Jame« Rteer Is ameat ejteBBlea f«.rt! fl^atlau Tbe walls all arewefv »Weh and Jifeb, sad erwlueeaboiit 75 arreeofImiil TMW* I M lurrouiMifo Iuon* wdicd

li(too ct [f*-t wain


Affair* m Cmaklktcn .In compliance withan official request, W. F.Colcock, K*q , Collectorfor the port 01 Charleston, baa furnished the StateDepartment of Sauth Carolina' with the returns,showing the amount of busineas done with hiaoffice *1 nee the passage of the Ordinance of Secession.aacompared with the receipta for the sameperiod of the preceding year. In a communicationaccompanying the statement, Mr. Colcockoffered the following explanation. 4No record haa oret been kept In th<? office of ourlOtstwise exports, and I cannot therefore, give youany official information on thlahead. That informationmust be sought from the newspapers.As to our foreign exporta you will observe a considerabledecrease in the last period This Is owingto several causes, and among them to the factthat an unusually large amount ofcotton and othermerchandise was shipped just nrevlotilv to thi»ua.nance of decea'.oo', and rlnce tbattlme muchof our ezporta bar© gone forward to N orthern port*.to be shipped from there The cotton crop hasalso been very llow In com'ng forward.In regard to our proapecta of business for thecoining season, I would submit the following remark*: Under any circumstance* the business ofthe approaching season would be comparativelylight. In consequence of the short provision cropIn several of the States which trade with us.What amount of buainesa we may do, In this stateof things, will depend very much upon the questionof peace or war If we have j>eace we willhave a fair amount of bualnets, but not as much asIn the years immediately preceding this Theshortness of thf provision crops, to which I havealluded, will be one cause; and in addition tothis, the credit of our merchants has no doubtbeen aflected by the change In our political relatlonaI am Informed thitthe orders of merchantshave been reduced, and in some cases countermanded,and, aa a general result, we may expect1 a« ouitauierauie deduction in our business for thecoming season. On the other hand, if we establisha new Government, and maintain peaceablerelations with ail other State# and nationa, weinay confidently look fo#vard to a very extendedincrease iu our trade and commerce.

Terrible Inundations in Holland.A communicationappears in the London News, thatseveral provinces of Holland are threatened withlnu' da ions, arising from the giving way of thedykes under long continued beating of the waves.The lives and property of thous&ndare said to bein Imminent peril. In Guelderland the distressand damage have assumed a foirful aspect Thepeople h.iU battled with all their might againstthe destroying waves, and had become utterly exhausted.In many places they had abandonedtheir abodes and In others were huddled togetherby hundreds in temj>orary sheds, where d;s»ascu'n« ravniltw. l «*" * - * ' * *ucui wituiiiiifxuni. The Governmentand private bentvolence bad renderedassistance, but the**: were utterly Inadequate toru^et the distr»*« already existing; and a strongappeal was made to th«- people of Un^land to assstin relieving their Dut' h neighbor* in theircalamity.

Thk Great "Salvi" Certificate .Dear Doctor.I will be one hundred end seventy-five yearsold next October. For ninety-four >ears I havebeen an invalid, unable to move except whenstirred with a lnver. but a year ago last Thursday.1 heard of the Uranlcular Syrup. I bought &bottle, smelt of the cork, and found myself a newinan. I can now run twelve and a half iriWs inhour, and throw nineteen double somersets withoutstoppingP. S .A little of your Alicums'ontem Salveuppuea on u wooden leg, reduced a compoundfracture in nineteen minutes, a;:d is now coveringthe limb with a fresh cuticle of white gum pinebirk..Hall's Journal of Htalth.

lH/"Tbe Stock Kxrhsage is one of the most remarkble features of the London wealth. The governmentsecurities alone, and which constitutethe national debt, amount to ®4,5UU,(Ml,OWi, therailway stocks to SI,5U0,((K!.UU0; those of th« Kankof Krigiand to *lj0.lM>,(AMi, to other banks toS3d<i,UU),U0t>; employed in discounting f><u «J«0,WJO;and besides this, there are shares In canals,foreign lands. 4c., to almost unlimited amou.it.Th- stock market Is veiy susceptible of beingInfluenced by political events. The day that itwa» rumored tu.it Ku»slaa:id France had formedan alliance, bonds. Ac . depreciated f*.UO,<JOO,UUO,and seventy U rn.s nnn«mi«i

- - / r CI/-The military force of Pennsylvania Is aboutthree hundred and flfty-flve thousand men, ofwhich nineteen thousand are uniformed volunteers.The arms of the Sfc-.te are all in pcsstssionof voluuteer wimpanics, and comprise T2 WO muskets.Ac . 4.71)6 rifles. 4tc.. cavalry swords<<nd sa»>»>r*,3.n; pistols, Ac ,W pieces of ordnance,Vieintj ti pound bronze cannon. Th« re are onlyabout 4 »»<j0 of these small arms of the in: provedpa'iem, the others are old flint locks,£ <od for nothingnow. i'hit dors not present a very flutteringpicture of the etllciency of the militia, suddenlycalled upon for service.

Commissioner* prom the Republic op Georgia.MrToombs, Chairman of the Committeeon Foreign Affairs, reported to the Georgia Conventionttie following gentlemen to fill the officesof Comuii uloners to the states designated : ForVirginia, H. L Bennln^; Maryland. a. KWright; Tennessee, li. F. Bell; Missouri, L. JGlenn: Arkansas, D P. Hill; Delaware. D. C.Campbell; North Carolina, 8. Hull. The Hon.11 R. Jackson was appointed to Kentucky, butnotiflrd the Convention that be could not serve.

Mumo or South Cakolimams .Citizens of.Jouih Carolina resident here, held a meeting onSaturday evening, when much diversity of opinionregarding precipitate action in that State wasmanifest The meeting was very disorderly andclosed lobarmonlously. The want uf unanimitywas remarkable lu view of the alleged unity ofsentiment in Sonth Carolina A Urge propertyholder at the meeting threatened to return to bisState, sell bis real property/ remove bis slaves, andabandon for ever the Palmetto nation.

EyTbc Charleston custom nouse, seized by theSouth Carolina authorities and surmounted withthe Palmetto flag, haa cost the Federal Government 92 000,000. The auin of 1500,000 la nowneeded for its completion Won't toe rattle-snakestate which gives her gracious consent thit theFederal Government shall convey the malls forber, give her eaually gracious consent that it shallIfo on and finish the building of ber CustomnouK .Louiivuie Journal

HIT'A *1ngular wager wai won lecentlv by atkaUff ou the Lake of Gtrooaart, near Namur(Belgium). He betted that he would akate for annour, carrying a buket of egua on hit head withoutbreaking one of them. He accompliahed thefeat In flrat-rateatyle, having during.the hour writteahla nam* In elaborate character* ou the Ice,bealdea tracing an immenae variety of complicatedfigures, and at Ust aet down the baaket and receivedhla wager, amid the cheera of ail present.Good Jokk .The city authorltlea of Maryavllle,California, recently paaaed an ordinance for the

removal of oatalde atalra In that city While theCouncil* were In aeaalon a few daya after, theatalra leading to the Council* Chambera were removed.and the dignified member* of that body,according to the Herald, were compelled to"thin" down the pocta of the building.{£TN»l lone since I called udud *om« ladv

friend of mto«, w«» ushered into tbe parlor bythe wrnntglrl She asked what name she shouldannounce, and I, wishing to take them by surprise,replied Amicus, (a friend.) She seemedat frat a little pustled, but quickly regaining hercomposure, she, In tbe blandest manner possible,observed, "What kind of a cuss, sir*27" At the recent election held In the city of

Wheeling for the choice of delegates to the StateConvention only thirty-seven votes were castagainst a reference of tbe Convention's decisionto popular ratification or rejection. The policyol 'precipitation" would not seem to have manyadvocates In that city.\rr 'Getting into hot water" is a term in commonuse, but it Is llkelv to have a special meaningin Hrooklvn. as the Chief Katrine** nf !> V» «v

Yard there b**a number of powerful (team pump*a.ul It-, engine* ready to throw to any part of theyard hundred* of ton* of boiling water upon anyreekleea Invader*

l£7*Prua*)a i* probably ahead of all the worldIn regard to the number of tta doctor* In a popuUUouof 17.73tt.913 *uuU there are 3>8 districtphvateUn*; 4,35*3 having their gr*dea; 'J06 aurIC»ous, flratcla**, aid 643 **cond claw; l,(rJ6 ve."er.na v turgeon*; I ,529 apothecaries; and 11,411mMsivfi

In the year It'll, during the brief ex fMenoeof the Lotto tar Republic of Tease, a letter aentfr i*» Arkanaa* to Brasorl*. paid the fallowing,wulia< «l M> Plflv.lWI I*-**"- .. . V.rft vi w- » »v»^i mom uuw ur«nt «v. r lift- (mm rout* for that amountITT" Tte# l-#«dM rlaimi fur Now York a fTMter

Coportion of (mmI# artlata tban any other city Ine world Many of ttoem »rr very eood, and

fcciue rank with the br«t117" An olvJ aau who bad GmuUt in tbn war of

I8li, committed an!eld« la Hlnda county, MIm.ncmtff, i*cw»? t$« Colon WW IImoItW .

CLOTHING, &c.|\| ALERCHANT TAILORING.Hew fall styles of cloths, cassiMERS.ANDVEST1NGB.WALL. STEPHKNS A <Jo., 328 PennaylTaniaAvenue, have jnat received a lar*e ranm of

new Fall Gooda, to wmoh they invite tne attentionof their frienda and wjogwa an an-ti

CiKNTLKMEN'SI RE *DYMADE CLOTHING,Our preaent aaeortment of GENTLEMEN'SREaDY-NAPE CLOTHING f-nera to oitizenaand atrancora wiahinc an immediate oat fit aupariorinduoementa, embracing, at thia tune, allatylee and aualitiea of Dreat and finaineca Garmenuand OverooaU In all vari»tiea. Fine ShirtaSod Under-olothine oi all kmda. Kid and otherHove# of heat qua it;. Soarfa, Tiea, Cravat*,Sto"k«, Hosiery, Ao., Ao. All of whioh we areoffering at < nr aaitai low pricea.117" Clothing made to order in the moat anteriormanner. WAl.l.. STF.PIIKN« * Pi>no 16-tf | xag Pa. avenue.

W. MERCHANT TAILORING.E Invite oar ouatomera.and oitixecs generally,to an inapeo'ion of our preaeot new, at a*tractive, and elegant assortment nf>®BCLOTHS. CA98IMKRKS, DOESKINS, WkVK8TINGS, OVERCOATINGS. fto. Wwhich we will make to order in superior"- "

stjle at very low priaea.WALL, STEPHRNS ft CO.,

oo 85-tf 382 Pa. av.. hetw. 9th and 10th ata.


i. W. THOMPSON * CO.w ould oail the attention ol water takera to theirtnll assortment of Futures necessary to its introduction,-^foliowa:-KITC K bN RA*NGES,B A THTUBS, WATER CUTSETS. HOT WATKRJofLERS. KITCHEN SiNKS, PUMPS, CaatTr:>n. Wrought IrnN, |,ead ar.d Galvanised \V ASERPIPES, HYDRANTS and PAVE WASHRS.RUBMER HOSE, ftc.flavin* superior advantages, with practical

tt' owlndge, wo are prepared to introduce Waterinto dwellings with all the latest iniproverrents,proirptly, and at prices that oannot rail to satisfy.

U69 Penn,avenue,no 24-dtMar 1 bet.rwh and l''th sts . south sule.

A" wm. t. dove * co.RE Now prepared to execute any orders witkwhioh they may be lavored is thePLUMBING, GAS OR 8TEAM FITTINGBUSINESS.Store cn 3tli Btreet, a usw door» north of Pa.avSnue, whore may be 'jund a oomjL'ete aaqortmeatof CHANDELIER*, and othor GAS, STEAM andWATER FIXTURES. UST7-1T

WG A S FIXTURES.E Have 111 siore, and are dai y receiving, OASFIXTVR ES ofentirely l\ew Patterns and Dosicneand Finiph. superior in style to anything heretofore. !.; 1. «*> -

v..i-i ..1 iu wis mai irn, >» e uiviieouizens generalIt to call and **amine our stock of Gas ainT WaterFixturec, lee.ing umthdent that we have the l-estselected stock in Washington.All Work in the at«ive line intrusted to our carawill l>8 prompt y attended to.MYERS k. MoGIIAN.

mar 6-tf37B 1) street.

I SNYDER,PLUMPER AND OAS FITTER,Has removed to the oorner of Tw«(fth and F ats.He i* prepared to introduce Water and Has uponthe mo«t favorable terma, and guaranties entiresatisfaction

Hehas on hand a lot of COOKING and otherstoves, which h* will soil less than oost. as hewishes to get nd^of them^ no 17

Office of Inspector and sealerOF GAS METERS.WA»Hi?t8Tr"«, July 18,1860,NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES. That, agreeablyto the provisions of the oidinanoe of the Corporationapproved May 1>. 18&\the undersigned is

now prepared, "whenever r««uired in writing, andon pre-payment of the fee of fifty cents, to inspeot,examine, test, prove, and ascertain the aoountoy ofregistration ofany gas m*ter in use in this city."Every meter, iffound inoorreot, will be condemned,ftnd &noth<lr MA)oH rrarbaH ass .,h ^

set in place. If proved to be aooorate in iumeasurement of gas, it will be sealed accordingly,and again put in p»Bitio* for ub«.Oftce No. & I n ^sventh street, (near Odd Fel.nw'Hall.) Oprn frow 8 a. in., to * p. m.CHARTS W. CUNNINGHAM.Jt tl inspector an'l Sealer of tfaa Meters.

IG. O. DF.MUTH 4. CO.,MPORTKRS And Wholesale and Retail Dealer*inHAVANA CIGARS,FOREIGN »VISES, BRANDIES, filXS. tc.No. *0 Nohth Cn*mLri> Strkkt,Fire door a nb oi* Ltxintton ft.,no22-ly Baltimore.


HARVhY'S,Who has just reo?i ved a la'«e supply of fresh LOBSTERS,I'lSH, and hne OVhTKR:».which lie will surv«: to uuftt< niters *.tshortest not ce au>l on lil-erai tfrni*.P. 8.Oysters servod to families and hotels arenot iw4m; tney are only scalded foi persons eat-nig rryjin ai tne isai'wn.<T«8 T. M. HARVEY./Ov NOTICE. /OvA A H K M O V A L. A AI# 10 I have removed my I# VPAWN OFFICEto 331 V street, Mtween 4;-* asid streets, immediatelyin tlio f.n.r of tiie National Hotel, wherethebusinoss will be continued as heretofore at theold stand. |nol5 6in| IS^Afi HKK/.HKRB.

NEW PAWN OFFICE.6 y E- W A H D,_Dealer in New© 0and v,a°t Off ClntliiBg, respectfully inform! thepuMio that no lias opened a LICENSED PAWNOFFICE at No. 76 Loumata avenue, between9'h and 10th sta., a tew doora east of the new CentralGuard-house, where hi will I e at all timeaprepi'ed to wait on his patrcna witn promptness,attentiwn and tfte strictest justioe.N. 8 .Jowelri, l)ry Goods. Clothing, Mechauiob' Tools, ae., at waya on hand at privale sals.ja 16 lm*






Insures Mernhandme, Buildinrs. HouseholdFurniture, 4o , a?a;nst Iom or damage by firts.


Offioe.Rooir. 16 over Bank of Washington.lull)SPECIAL NOTICE.

O Thoee of uiir customers and friends who haven' t settled their bills &i presented on the lit Januarywe would respt*)tfnlljr i ot most earnestly requestthem to m&ke every etfort to do so £>t the first weekiu February, a* we are iu want of all the money dueas at this time.Our ihanka we tender to thoee who have paidtheir bills promptly, and ahail be pi aaei to serve

them in future uyoa the best terms, and hoes tomerit their increased confidence ami l'beral patronage.J. W. OOLLEY A « O.,ja30 10t 323 Seventh st.,at>ovq Pa av.

T<HP. EUROPEAN HOTEL. KEPT BY P.1 EMRIOH at the oorner of Penu. A . « Aavenue and Eleventh street, hasreatly improved recently and now o^riMJUgreater inducements for the patronage of aitizt>:.*and ttraugers than any other pnbho house in theoit;, bia priooa being less than those of any otherhotel on Penn. avenue, and his aooommodauonalor permanent or transient boarders unexceptionable.The bar and re*raurant arrangements ol theEuropean Hotel have already beooma very popular, b«ing all that can be deaired by the most laatidious.The proprietor pledgee unremitted attentionand oontiaued liberal exeendituresto give aatiafaoiionto ail, and thus renews hi* invitation **

ail to give the karopeau Hotel a oall. de 4 ti

goora and eHow^ to suit theWe aje now manufacturing all kinds of BOOTSand SHOES, and constantly reoeivine agttiapply of eastern made work of every de-MIMrvsbAn. ma/i« *Taressl«

I *r pr .J r/u.u». .iwri . "1!be aold at a mnoh owersnoethan has been"heretofore oharged in thia oity for maoh inferiorartioiea.Persona in want of Boota and Shoe* of eastern oroity made work, will always find ajood wsortraentn atora and at the lowest prioea Give ua a call.

SRIKFIN A UFO.,ap t-r 314 Pennsylvania avenaa.

GMVE HUNDRED TRAVELING TRUNKSr arrived tale day, erabraoing ail quali armtiea and sues of Sole Leathar, LAai^'SfcKwDress and Packing Trunks. Oar trnnV^ ®"*ales room exhibits at thia time the greateet varietyor traveling requisites, at madorata pri jes. to befovnd this aide of New York. Alao. every descnpvauoeITt7"OldTranks repaired or token ia exchangefor Mw ones.

WAL|^ 8TwoHkns * CO.margl-tf ^"aifrpL aSSSw.


DENTISTRY.(If TEETII.1*1. LOQMIS, M. D., the inventor and pilenteeofth# MINERAL.PLATK TEETH, at-ltand* personal at hi* oflioe Vn thi* oity ftaKSsfMmt pereotf* can wear these tooth whn^*'fTPoannot wear other*, and no pereon can wear other*who oannot wear these.Person* calling at mj offioecar, be aooommcxtMtyiwith any style and prioe of Teeth they may desire;bat to thoce who are particular and wish the purest,cleanest, strongest, and most perfect denture thatartoa&prodns-s the MINERAL. fL»ATE will l>emore fully warranted.Room* in this oit».No *3HP« .

9th and 1Mb its. Xiao, 907 Aroh street, I'hiladelphia.-> oc 15 tf


CHANSK OF HO,On and after SUNDAY, Noremher 25th, I860, thetrains will ran as folionrs:

LEAVE WASHINGTON:First train at«jn a. ta.Second Train at 7.40 a. m.Third train at 3.10 p. m., Express.Fourth train at 6 p m.

LEAVE BALTIMORE:First train at 4.1.S a. m., Express.Second train at S.& a. in.Third at 3.1<> p. m.Fonrth at 4 2" p. m., Express.The first, soofn1 and third trains from Wa*hl^gtonoonnect tbrought o Philadelphia and New

Ti.a »l:.J ^ -« * '

«iiv wviiu oiu tuiru cmaeoi m »&8niD{lODJunction with trama for the West, South, andNorthwest; aiso, at Annapolia Junction, for Ann&polis. For Norfolk take the * 40 a. m. trai .

hor the aooommrvtaUon of the way travel betweenWashington and Laurel, a pa*s»nger "bn.rwill bo attached to t'ae ttmn^te train waioh loaveaat 11 a m.On Saturday the 3.10 p. m. train goes to Philadelphiaonly.no 86-a T. H. PARSONS, Agent.THE STEAMER JAS, «UY Will renras hwI trip* 011 TUESDAY, Jlrt of JP» kFebruary. 18«0. Will leave WASH J^SXBSSA.1N6TON every TUESDAY and^ "® ^FRIDAY,atlo'olock a. m..ar.d ALEXANDRIAat half-past 6 o'olrcc. for CURIUOMAN and t&*intermediate Lan'iinip. On h*r return trirn. shewill leave OURRIOYiAN every WEDN£ISJ>AYaad SATURDAY, at k o'clock a. m.

LUCIAN S. PA6E, Proprietor.NATH'L 1IOUMH. Ag't. Alexandria. fey

FRENCH FLOWERSOF THE VERY BKSTF mialit). and an extensive variety. ng|.At STEVENS'S IM*Kaiicy Store, VS40no 22 tf S3fi. h»tw. <Wh wilt lO'b at*.

Watch repairing andsilver waremanufactory".I have one of the best e?tal>fi*hmenta, and furnishedwith a complete net of tools for repair- »x.

ine every description of fine Watchea, andfarticular attention rive to the same, by &wiaklotoush competent workman.and a work guarantied.AUo, every tleserip ion of standard SI I. VF.RWAR E, plain arid ornamental, manufactured uttlermy own supervision. which my oustnmera will findfar auperior id quality and finish to northern wareaold Uy dealers in general and represented as theirown manufacture. ii. o. hood,he 6 338 Pa. avenue, near 9th at.

Best fancy goods,at pricesto suit the times,

And Okb Prick Ohlt,At STEVENS'S FANCY STORE,no 22-tl 336. betw. 9th and 10th ata.


Capital *5*00,000.O&ct torn r C ttrtet and Lovifianm ar. orti Bnnk


AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE.Dt*bctor«.G«o. Shoemaker, Samn«! RHfern,Samuel Cr«pla>, William Wilnon,Richard Jones, Jclin D Barclay,Jaoob Gideon, Andrew Moth well,TUo*. Parker, Riehard Barry,B, B. French.No eharpe for Policies.JAMES ADAMS, President.Abil G. DAVH.Swretary, <»c lit e<i6ni



BLOOD HENOVATF.Rla preoiaH* iv-hut tta came indicates, for, whileplea*ant to tnetaste, it i* rwiv»f»in*, exhilarating,invuoiatinc end *».r«n.thei>in* to th* vita poueie,durt at tr.« time revu ihe#. reinatate*, ard re

new* tlie Hiond in k I its ortKioa! purity, end thuatilono* Teftm'rwl ttud'tMh' mrulmrahltto attack* of It IB th only preparation»ver otffrtvi t<» the world, so chemcally and ekillfal:ycir.biMd aat<»hotne iroat powerful tonic,and at the aau:-« tune »o perfectly &uapt**l to. &a toaot iu perfect aeoortlaaoe with the lawn of Lature,itui hsnoe will tootke the ictalctst ttvmack, andton* up th« dueative oreana, and thu> alia) all nrrvouaa> d other irritation. It i« perfect!* exhi aratin* and at the aaine time it la ooinpcetHl entirely ofecetabk-a, vet ao combing a» to produce the inoatthorough touic effect, without producing an) lnluriout-cnaequenoen. J-nch % remedy haa lorebeen felt to be a deaideratuw in the medical w"Wf,for it need* no meuioal ak-ll to aee that debilityf ilowa all attaoka of diceaae, and proeeed- a"d indaed lays the system open to tho <iisidioun attacksot »nf of the most falsi, Juoii,for example, as thefollowing: Consumption, Indigestion, l)»spep»i os*of Appetite, Kaintness, Nervous IrriUl'iiity,Seura gia, Palpitation of the heart. Meianohoi),11lit bw( ats, fAiiR'tr, Giddiness, Retention ot. aswell as 1'ainful otutruoted, too profuse, or tooso«nt Menstruation, ai.d Falun; of the WombTh»s« all depem! upon general debilitf. Tin* pure,healthy tonio Oordiai and H ood Renovator is assure to oure as the sun is to n«e and set. Tn<*re isno miftak* about it . But this is not all If thesystem is weakened we are open to bilious attaoks,the hver becomes torpid, or worse diseased,the kidneys refuse to perform their functions, andwe are troubled with scalding and inoo&tme' ce ofunn«, or involuntary discharge of the name, painin the back, side and between the shoulders exoeedmely liable to slight ooids, coughs, mid if anOiieckea, soon emaciation follows,and the patier.tgoes down to a premature grave. Hut space w; icot allow us to enumerate tlio man* Uis 'o whioh weare liable in a weakened condition ot the srstem.Hut we will say in this <;ordiai and Biood Kfnova-lor you nave » porjeot, we, pieasact and rtTso'iiaremedy for lots of App'tit*. Hmouaneaa. Fatuienoe,wait an<l »iok ^tornaoh. Lantour. I.itwComplaint, Chilli and Fever.or ant Bilion attaokCo»tiveneaa, Acidity oftheN mach, .Nervouaueaa,Neuralxta, Palpitation of the Heart, DepressionufSpi'ita.Sorea. Pimples or the Faoe.orany dueaaearlaingfrom impure t>iooj, such aa ^orofula,Kryaipela*. Uroushiua, Couiu.diflicuty of Breathinc. and all that olaaa of Jiseaeea cai ed femaleweakneaa. and enumerated above. We will altoaajr the traveler exposed to epidemioa, oharue ofolimata and water, will find it a pleasaM. F<ife*ndanre remedy, and no one ahould ever travei without. Reader. try it, for we aaaare you *ou willfind in It a friend ind--ed,as w-ll aa a friend in need.All peraona of aedeLtary habits will find it a perfeotpreventive of, aa well aa a cure for thoxe ail

mentawhioh thev are nartionlarfv exnoseft Hennaii.miatera, etudents, attornej a, Hterar* gon»l*rr.en,ami ladies who are net acouat med to macli outdoorexeroi»e, wi<l find it to their advantage tokeep a bo:tle oon»tantiy on hand; and abtwe a'lmothera or those becoming each, will ro throughthat most d an z>rous period not only with all theiraoous'omed strength, but safe and free from thethousand ailment* so prevalent among the f»iualeportion of the world. In short, is indeed a mother soordiai. Try it old and young; no lo ger run tl.erisk of delay; it will relieve aud prove it*elfemphaticallya Rtstorilirt Cordial and Blood Renovator.U. J, WOOD, proprietor, 444 Broadway, NewYork, and 114 Market Street. f*t. Ionia, Mo., andso<d by all good Druggists. Prioe One Dollar perBottle.


a ten

BLOOD RENOVATOR.Sold in this oitjr bj C. STOTT, 375 I'a. avonn*.Ml 2n-Wf>lTt *iw

W TRAVELING TRUNKS.R Have jn»t reoeived th-i largest aaaortmeotand now offer th" moat extensive variettaRrcsofSOLE I.EATHKB. LADIES' DRESsRjttffland PACKING TRUNKS, HAT BOX > S,^®«Vai.ISES, CARpKT BAGS, SATCHELS,fee.,in tkia o.ty, wiioh wo are aeikni at vart Towtrioes. WALL. STEPHENS * CO ,"0» tf '<39 P^wnn*.f^UPON-rs GUNPOWDER,1' For «a!e at m*nnlaenirer« priee«, byJOHN J. BOG UK, Sioimtown. D. C..Sol* Arenry f*r the IHttrtet nf Caimmbia.A larte »u»p.y, enbraetgjr ©very vanetY, alwavaon l»aJ, » n«f .ielirerad free to all >arta of the Diet-tatOrder* can a!ao be left at the <>®o« of Adama*Exntii Cnm*an*. Waehinctnn. 0. O. fe S lawlvI ADI^S THICK WINTK1 BOOTS of KMo .M°rooou.Ort*t« Skia. l,ubui,ButtonAd, Lwed *mI Velvet TrlnnMd. ]AI«o Min*n Boots < f the mom trW'.trtfBIJf 'iii* from S>o uU to f 1. p*r pur, k>v«r* Hktntn «lMVtier« in the iti_.it


OU Will rarely get jour hob«t'i worth h*oalluu it Ue PlOftEbR MlLLS.iotiUieto cm .

nrr <J Stvntk ttrttt and Canal, (GEO. PAtsK,Aicnt ) The» tell cheaper and aire hett»r measurethin tor otheri in the citjr.out. vplit, ar.d deliveredfieeof ohfcrc*. If t«mi don't believe it. |inthe Pioneer Mills a trial, and he satisisd.ja 17-ly.rWOOD.'' a n d

C O A kDelivered to all parts of the «ty, at the lowestpossible rate*.T. J. k W. M. GALT,Offioe 3SS Pa. » ., between 11th and lJth *U..

ma 17 tf north tide.

CARRIAGE FACTORTEST"WASHINGTON CARR1AGK FACTORY,' "D Strut, r«ee*n 9t* and l<>tA Strut*.We hare ioet finished a number of Srat olaaeCA R RIA t> Ktj. nch a* LimhtWtent, Park PkaMomn. Cbr MQKBV

rt#fw, *md Butgiti, whioh we wlu .lla»-**- r* <

A ver» small profit.B -.r.t practical mechanics in different tranche*of the Enruiess, we Salter otirs«!ves that we knowthe style* and quality ofwork that wi!i rive satisfaction, combining kfht&eas, oonJort and durabillty.Reeaiclnc promptly an. I oarefui y attended tothe sborte*t nctiee and jpoet reae; cable charjtw.

»Itn, HAKRlA.^ri « BUrfiCoMhm&kert, suooossors to Wm. T. Hook.fjMftTcarriaskb.HE BabMriber hir~i r>ad« addiUsasU kltvjtory, making it now on* oftbe 1 artistlathe Dietriot, where hi* faoiiities

W,nutactnnncCAKRIAGE * LIGHTJ^»^AGON801 all kinds oannot t>« surja»»ed, aadfrom hit long expeneno* in the buuna, k« avpos! *it® gsaeral satieiactior..

Aii kinds of CarriacM u< kl kt Wsjmi kept obhand.

^ Ai^rit^iPAIg.Bi»Mly 4sas, aid aJ orders yrsapt'8«mi4 UaiCarrikc*"takenInmkui«f«rMVajidrkwTToVce,4 «-tl«r«« of litk aad K sta.



tlebit C«n:poBad,*pf»fiuh,

und P<ad(iiKntara iota iu can- St 3Tba tntirt ac'jvt ^E] /

rtmtilial fmcifli^>of tteh injrtditnt la

tating.<-*'Jilin», predaciaT * dcxion*. aiMiart'tnf epirtt, ui til*matt infillibla MBlijfM rtritaunf tka <:hih4 araiam,and rtaiarinf it* W*i (ilaring, and dtbiiiuud ioT«.i:d laktaiifa and su«afta.McLean s str£x(*theninq cordial

Will affactaally ear* L»ar Ccmplaint, Dyapapaia, Ja«nlici,Qitnic ar Nir»on Pabllity, Diaa<aaa «rtha Kidaaya,ar d nil diaaaaaa ariaiuf from dirnrdartd Li*artir Stomach,Dyap cpaia, urtbirr,. Inward Pilot, Acidity or Sick naat aflha Slan-.ich, Fallsaaa af Cliod 10 eh* Hand, Dili Fata atwunmirf in lha Hod, Palp-atim of thalfaan, Faiioaaa

ar Wt./lj; in tha Stomach, B..»r KraeraUona, Cbokinr at

afocaliaf Faalinf whan larinr ittwc,[)rjnin or VallaWQttaof tha Ikia and Eytt, night Swtau, InVUd Farara,Fain in lha Snail af lha Back, Chaat, or Hida, Svl JanFlaahta af laat, Dapraaaim of Spirit*, Fnfbtfal Drauu,UufaM, Daaaatxlancy ar u; uaraoaa diaaaaa, Soraa aaBlatchaa an tht Skin, and Ft*ar and A(ca (at CMlla andfim.) _OVER A MILLION BOTTLESha»a btan aald darirf tha Uil an meetht, and in aa taataoeabat it failtd ii (irinf antira aariafacuan. ft ha, than,will altar from Wtuniaa ar Dabihty whan McLE&RfSTREN8Tl£WI«q CORDIAL will cart yon 1

a lanyvaf t can canray aa adaqaata idaa af tha immadialaaad *imsat nur&ca'aaa chauft prodaead by taking ihiaCardial In tha diaaaaad, dabilititfl, and thatttrtd naraaaaayataia, whtthtr broktc down by ateaaa, wank by natara,a* impatrad by dekraaa, ilia raiaiad artd ana ranf arful-t».tia:i li tHlirn l* lit pnauaa Miim >na >i(«

-MARRIED PERSONS,tt fjiin, tnuutu «l in»bill!» fr«n lhilaru mm, willtod McWEANt «TltlfGl ;ltN!"«G COROIAk a lb*ratjH .t*ft^ar&car of tha ayatani; and all at ha mar haia Inlarad tbain«a!»t« by inprapar indtljaccat will iod la IfciaCardial a tarWin and apwlj ransady.

TO THE LADIES.N4IAII1 STaEMITICfcNINU COR.[!l*W la a aaratt'fnend iftady cart far laeiplant Onaa.-aptira, Whi-.aa,

OSatrartad ar Oil-alt Manatraaltna.Incmtieaaca of Urinaar Invalanttrr flank-rfa tharaaf, filling of tka Wrmb,lddmaaa, Faioimf, ai.d all limtiii incidaatts Fanalaa.THERE IS NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT

far na lanjar Txka :( »eeardinf ta rtiraebana. It will Ialimalata, atianfOian, and ir>*tf»r*ia ?aa aad :aaaa thablaam af baaltfc ta rnaant J"or chaak ifun. Evtrf kaula iawarruktad ta §i»a aau'faeuoa.

FOR CHILDRENIf yaar chilrfran art aickly, pan* or aSictad, MCLEAN'Sm a i 11 .l. . i i. w. a l-.. n.i

VyUKinnu win uiftii uivio uHiuir, i«M uiu rv^MV- L/«iajhi a mamcnt; uj it, acd j»i will b* caarinctd. It U daIteiMita ui*.

CA VT10X.linn .fdr*ni»u or Ilwlin vha m«a try ta pi Ira apan

yea M>r>( bittar or *ar*apanlla trash, which th#j can baacbaap, b* *a*inr it >a ]« '. aa food Avoid *aeh m*r. A*lfar MrCVAItni ITRESOTHENING CORDIAL, and takinothing alia. It i* th* only r*rr*dy (bat will rarity tb«Blo»! inoreaf+ilf »nd at th* umi am* *tr«ofib»n lb* *j»;*tn.On* ta«*p~-nftil takto mrj morning lutin| m a etrtata

prirtmiii for ChoWra, Chill* and Fmr, Talia* P***r, or*o* pr*T»l«rt di**as* It i* pat ar la larg* bottlaa. Pnc*ar.ly (I p*r beula, ar 6 battlaa far §'i J. H. McLEAK,Ml cr-prutor M thl* Cordial; aI*o, MeLcaa** Voleanie OilUinlaanL Principal Papot aa tha carntr af Third andPin* atraau, Bt Uu, Ha.

Mclean'i Volcanic Oil Liniment,(TEE BEIT LINIMENT IN THE WORLD.)

Th« anly *af* aad eartaia car* for Cancara, Pllu, T».raara, tvailinf* and Brancbil* or Cettra, Paralalia, N*araljia,Waakaaa* af Ui* Muacla*, Chrocic or lalammtioryRhaarcatiam.Stifna** af th* Jotr.u, Contracted Maaeli* arWl(in.»i>u, Earaaba a*Toctbaeha. Dru »i, Sprains, Fr»ah(hu, Woiinda, Clean, Ki'ir Bcraa, Okad lriul, SoraNipj las, Burnt, Scalds, Bar* Throat, at mmy iolatamauon orpun, ua difarauca haw aa*ara or lot.* tba diasaa* bitE7» niitad, MCLEAN'S CELEBRATED LINIMENT isc. cartaJn rsrnady.Thousands af haman fcsinfs ha»a baan aarad a Ufa af dta

arapitada and miaar? ty tha Baa af thia iaralaabla raaadj.MtLEAN'S VOLCANIC OIL LINIMENT

Will raliava f ain elraeat itxtaaunaaaaly, and H anil claan,parity and baal tba faalaat aoraa u ax lecradibls abort una.


tat raliabla ramtf 7 for tha cnra af Spavia, Ricrboua,Windfalls, Spliau. DnuaiaraJ Larapa, Nodaa ar Swa.lu.rsIt aarar failad to cara Big Haad, tVia»il, PiataU, (V.dRanri ,r R^rti. ar if miurit analiai Vmmtortxii, Emin,(crtuM, Cr»ek«<J Aitii, Cufai, BUdUar C*llu Ualla, Caw. Boraa, (rWoudi, it la aa infalUblarama^y. Afp); It u dirtcta* u< a car* la cintu in aaaryThan trifla oa lanrar with th« muv afklaia Linitnaau

aff«r*d la T»a. Obiaia a aapnl* af D« MCLEAN'S CELEBRATEDLINIMENT, it will can tm.J. H McLEAN, SaU Prapnator.

Coraai Tbird utd Km »u., Bl Loan. Ma.CHARLES STOTT, m Pa. a*., aola ar*»t i« WiAui

laa; R.B T.Cl88KL.Ga»«at»«o. ia«-MWIf


The above PURR W H1SKY, Cofr« Diitillkd*rxon Miltii Gkaih. being ijkru'f and wmfurwin tuality. *"d highly iaprinrmw » preferredby onnmtri to all other Whiafriea. and portionlarly recu;mended by the boat ph«atc<ara ar.cohemiata m aooMaoinc oil the reeair»w>«»nta of aTV*a Tcmif Inviforator and K*mr-d-*i Ami***xne bo. btinu water «>i Philadelphia, umwI ir

the dUn-atioc of Una Wkiaky. it arored by a>.aly*i« to be the aoftfat and parrot water in the u mteOfftatea-.anAto thia mar. is a rr**t decree, b« attributedtiw exoeilenoe of thia W blakr.Por aaleby FRRKMAN 4t t*IJHPffON.Pkerux Distiller?.

On the SekaylkiL river, Ptilad-'plr.iaOftees.96 Wall atreet, New Vo-k : 10V ^.-uthFrost street, Philadelphia. "»' «*-»»

Ml I.ITAt Y BOOK»-1<t«tra«tMMia for Pt«UArtillery. by a Hoardaf Array Ofboera; I vol.,snoe 99 90.Band Hook of Artillery, by Ca»t. labarte. II. *.A . I vol.. priae $\"«rd«r« Taot oe. I vol.. f l an.

Dintinuri riftha inn« nf IK- ll.l'-J I

I ft' I



EDUCATIONAL.T FEMALE EDUCATION.HOSE Parent* who wish their <iau|bter« to receivea thorough and ytematie education. wheretheir pn»e»oai tian.injt will r*oeire (tail* and epeaialUteotion, under the moat approved of-CMietlamc*and r> tmnaaUoa. are ret^eglNii; fcvuit the Union Female Apa.le»y, corner Fourteenthat. and New York ay.-itsFEMALE BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOLr A rr j vn© f4 r^

Mr*. R.T Me^ffSRMfcfc. T^VutciraL.The thirteenth tmiti mmiob of tfcte laetttatMBWill oomnifDM on Tueeday. IM, >a Umhouse recently oocupied by Pylraeter Nr.-tt. KmNo. IPO Km* itr*tThe course of study pursued will eomprlep tilthe branches requisite to ft thoroafh F.nghsti M'©atioB^aud .Music. French, lAtio and Dnviif, M

In addition to day eeholars Mre. MeCoratofc »Prepared to receive* united number of pupils aei»«a"ders, who. ro:,»titutin« a part of her owe Meily,win be under her immediate eare and superr*eion.!*be will eadenv«r. aa tar ea poeetbie. to earrowed thorn with the comfort* aad kiadi v laleeeeeeof Home.Riftrm***..Rev. Geo. H. Norton, Rer, Dr. EiiaeHarrison, Rer. D F. S*pn«, Wii'iam Jl Fowle.Esq., Edgar Snowden, hs^ , Edmund F W itmerEe*. Herry Marl ury. I Lewie Mrfe*«toEsq.. Robert H. Ronton. F.m . \V D. « ailaohEditor Evening Star, Her.iarmn Waters. Ea«..JaeEntwisle Jr.vF,i»^ .Co., J.ftin W.Minor. London*pw. D«onoct ft MtrtlMil, Nwri CorBrothers.

Tnu.Board. with Tuition in ail th* Er.*!i«h Braaohaa,3>«for the ai.nnai mmiod-payable mu uiiali,ID a^-ano®.Muno and Lta|!ii(N at Profaa*era' ariaaa.IZT No aztra charts*. aa SMf

#Curr Ctmtk. CM, Nm'mmi./».iu-minnt Irriiatttm ar Saraoftk' Threat, Ktliorr tk*Hacking Comsk m ('mixmatiim, t*r<mtku%ir, J# Catnrrk, CUmr omd rrr*nrtngtk to tk* rate* vf


Few *re »w*r« of the importance of efceeklnc ftConch or '-Common Cold*'in ita int fUir, Uifttwhich in the begming would yield to ft mild iwni«t, if Deflected, «oon Attack a the Lane*, "fnw1!Brttuktal Troeku." oontaantnc dnrauloent iagrottenU, a. lay Pulmonary and J' onoUift. Irritation.'That trouble in my Throat, (forBROWN'S which the "Trnk*«" are ft apeeibet

TROCHES "-"R",''«7£LA"BROW\'l> "I rooominend thftir nee to PvmurBruint."TROCHES* REV. K. H. CH APIV

"Great eervioeinnMmoi HounBROWN'S n*«e." REV. DANIUl. WISE.TDnnuvii "Almost inatact relief in the di»IKUtnr^ tresftinc labor of breathing jecftliftrA ... »HKUWN'f K*tV. A. C. EGOLE8TON.TROCHES "Contain so Opium or tnrtjunfinjurious." DR. A A HA*ES,BROWN'S, Ckemitt,troche? ..ivsssatfBr"BROWN'S "* 6- * B'CKLg^i..TROCHES " jTtf.ViNK.brown-?

.,^ ?roM ^Jcz:TROCHES W"lf|^KVr. WARREN.BROWN'S Bortrm

" B^nrfjoift.1 wfcfo c<-mp* .»c toTROCHES rpctk, tuffarioc from Col»."BROWN'S! Al'.V.S.Vr.ASDERSJ»N.>TROCHES VSPf&S£BROWN'S w,th *n<1 8m#*

TROCHES "*>ro£ M-8TACY JOJINSON,brown's Tmck^on/v'o, ry;:,

^'«'= sir,^f»°w_"_?TROCHES naiM« to ine."REV. E. ROWLEY, A. M.

BROWN'S President of Athena Collie. Tm.troches 1823"de I ly


TRIESEMAR.1.8 and »-Protected by RoyalLettera Patent oi Enaiand. and .ecured by theSean of the Eco.e de Ekarmaeie de riKe, and theImfenat College of Meaisine. ViecnaNo. 1 la invaluable for e*hauiiiou aad natorrbea,

and al1 phyaioa! dieabilrtiee.No. 2 oonipletely eradioatee all traoee of tfcooe

(iieoaeee thut have been hitherto treated by the hdaeou* anu oeriuci a* lie of copal va and ovbotie.No. 3 haa entirely supplanted the injunoaa aaaof

merourr. therebv lnruriuc to tue sufferer >peed7relief, aisporsinc all imparities, ud rooting oatthe venom ofdieeaee.TRIK.jKvIaR, Nna.!,2aa4 3. are preaared in

th« form <»f « lAsenjr*. devmd of taste ana ana!',and can he earned id the waistcoat pocket. |y>idis tin o%«a^and divided intoaeparate dose*, aa adrnini«tere<Wy Va.peau. L*1 emaml. Roax. Ricord.Ac Pnoa #3 each, or foar oaee« for #9, whi^hnaves #3-, and in *27 oases. whereb* taere is a savinc of $<». To be Bad, wholeaa.e ami retail, of Or.BARROW, of 194 Hteecker street. Naw York.Immediately on reocivlnt a rem.ttanoe. Dr. BasrowWill forwardah* 'I riesenmr to any part of the wor.d,seen re: t packed, and addressee aaoording to the intruotiona 0/ the writer.The Book, of &!1 others, that ahoald be read by

men with dalmaaed and broken d^w constitutions1* "Human Frailtv, or Physiological KeeeareheaIt is beaatifully illustrated, and treats ""inately ofall tns «ytnp on« that invanabit develop theme'vea. sooner cr later, resulting from the rVailtieaand vitiating hablta of early voath, incapacitatingtbe victim from sharing the fraition m the matnmonia stale, aud. if not ked ia time, Ceceaaratingall the functions of manhood, and bringinghim, step by stea. to a lingering: »ad u nttassl 1 deathSold by Dr. HAfcROW7l»4 frlaeoker atraat.lonrdoors below Maodougal, New Y^rt. Pnoa feoenta. Sent free every where.

_ _ iit kSold aleo by 8. c. Ford, Jr., uri| rioi\

lDfton, D. C. d/*»*«.............1.





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