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Library of Congresst J J I attg f MEMPHIS. xt BSBA-Y-. : : : : ocxobcix es, isco. Beading Matter oa...

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t J J I attg f MEMPHIS. xt BSBA-Y- . :: : : ocxobcix es, isco. Beading Matter oa Every Page-- Largest Circulation ir the Ci.y DEMOCRATIC TICKET. FOR PRESIDENT, FOR T, DLBCTOriAL TICKET. lis TI TATX AT LAME. Earn. VT. H. POCK, f M. WATTERSON.ei WarrM mMor xuons. C. W. Hall, of Hiwfct 8. VP. E B. Jawa. E)., of OrtrtoD. G. W. Baicoc. of McMlna. L H CAnnrnx. Safc. A town, Caoooh. Y.X. J Ahokch-s- . of Maary. Urom Caosf, of MeNatry. .T JU MoCtNK, of DaOB. Wk. P. Calvweu.. of WrtHey. Boa. W T. B . of SkoJoy. T Fedoral Cbob b rrTd. TV Caaotta'iaa mm b eMBUisd aMtstibr ia all Ita parts. E7 rtrt' graotd by C" titaiM'BNtbaat-ct- by taw.teall ca wbwblilWB taBtcemryto i' tmrmtt-T- b iadWal araorfty prorid- - i in tfc a, mut be aatiM ana ttsAcMaa tmabttUT r 'UWlr TMtraw WadailBlfHrfd. aad tbe eaa-t"- d aatWton apkeU, a aatawfal rnMHCt taofcowtd Styftr -- 1- Bm. THK F(IDTrLL!i OF BKTIJCV. ITI ABK BOFKS TO BXfKKP 4Jf artEAB UK- - nt, m aaeou t bkti OMtrtsawr of tUMkfCA tSCUMNB TJIC AW A BUT AIt HOMI OSS OflSAV BOSSB - TBJ0 I OH DO CABC UHgTBag TOC UH rroKXar; xnc otwot re ! nTsr :Ermn or nonmmsot tsis oooimr w 9TT AMBT AS AK AATUC1C W TBS OP naw or tk ntu woblb. anb as a MntMrratiMHTi akb ihi tbe pi-yi- z xaz ool'-bot- b raoat au. pats of w JT..Bt, AM TACINO SMmLTSB. tTtTMm tec BRAWrS Or T8S SftXAT TOW OT UWTI.-ia- jir j1. iifli. E3-Wk- tU 7.UH ct ta Bracfcmrtfrt aorf X. I& aomam rk j BaiNnarc wotH 3 "rt craw 'Jfpin i, i ,u raot-recro- r thei Kiacrios, uiHiisr ths vtPf.E ea oTHeawif. M Ji i. W HUB HIISX A.NB rtlt'UTll FAUKS. jmcn DOUGLAS AX JACKSON. We team, by a tetarnphle dispatch received at tbto oAce jfter4ar eoiB. that Joope Bonui wal aMrtM the ertia of Jtckioa, Tuhhh. te-a- ar at eleoeB o'clock. Be will reach here tu tim urjODcn dbbc- - T-a- trt at ton oSioek Jadce Deanta m nizseeted to arrive is oar city by the dowa train os the Mesiohif aaelOhaa railroad. Ex- - teavtoe prtMiuiuary preparatioBi bare beea made far Mi reetpstes. wWeh we hare rea- - ua toaxtct, will be tbe aatt iJapoaiag xaaaatrailes ever watseeMd hi MeapMe spoo aav previoei eiattar oceirieB. What a eraed, BMral ipeotacie does sWe teatatanpreiest to the warlel WU tbe lieMiattoe; earfe of abeaWaaton a swept awaylhe aefesdera of the Sooth to afl of the New Bachad States; wb8e SBK.sa.af Peaa ytvioia ; Pvob, of Ohio; Can, of MichagaB sad Bkujhojt, of ftew York, have beea bb- - aWe to wtaaeftad id prMTe, aad Boy a ad FtMH of Mlasa are aoaaortiBe; with oiireaeealet.hestaBdeto tkeSoaato of the Mttoa coutabt aad aijone aa Teoaeeeatoitoe of the Borttni Diiacraey to do battle for the Soa b. S aadiac oojaored aarid ;be atnatt of aoettttooitte aad tbe pmeea- - tioa of a pfoinBBtoa adMaiatrattoa, be ha acWered a Irlaaiali ia hto to the Seoaae, whhh,taea aBother leaf be sot add- - ta the chapter a) bte faatt, wfll eree bim a place oa Wterrs ptfte, for aH tiee to cose as -- Oot At trm HI ao He cones law or at a the def eader of tbe Soo alat the- foal aspersions of abaft too rsaaties he eeai'i aethe dofead rofsheOaB- - rutat ou aestatt those who woaM rethteaeif vi' )' be eoawe as the dtftadtr of the rr, eiaot ska aasaoiU of thoee who are pi 1ng for its dliiai aibiianf Hiatoweriac loMleet, bx aehaowMfad aMteoaiaaobijvbn polil ca . irpriry aod ate JadMoa-lik- e tatre- - pidity, K eeojbiaetojat bTr the vac pojmli ia ti ax- - nr a.aTf(c MAXorTME raorLC,wo -- tMl - d tallod to aWheiai of State ia these " rmr (Jat try ana's soala " by ooe Bni ; .real thaat of aoataatataoB. It ir, traly be said of hte, as Bamas nr TronrV I tit BoifarABTE. that "litTBre ht exhaosted liersett ia the maitoa af the !f Bats Bairn is to be preserved, the groa' D ssor rtttc prtactples which be advocates bais of its peraeBity b' taeaartp'tol power that wM bold tbe taook tfaitorfas; tUn of oar coid'eeVrsey , nto oae aiailayt eoMtetia toe forerer. Then adaptioa eoa ato give aatotade to the eooa try otote be sbn of leciloasl discard io nidc hs bead aad, ta hae, avert the (vthcrtag teespevt, wWeb seeet sarobasfed with aH the rkatoatsof aVrestaMoa. Letssea af all partios g oat to trtet the hero af a total td soathcra rictortef h Lie cunttee;. U' Wai see that at teatt to Teaais rtt, aad faratoakfiy ia ear awa i miwopohs apoa the waters of the Mttiljitopt, there are eaaaWe bearU which possess yield to trae vator aad undaaated ataBbood a aad awr- - ited UStats of i soa a ilaetic weieosaa. SOOTH CABOLIft TO SBOUOS IF t,IISOuI S BLIiCTED. We stake ate of the f ttowtaf extract from a private totter doted Aarata, Georgte, ft. ober It. It is frost a tcavtoe; cit.res of that Sate a 'BaccEHSaiESC attBt Tnhllnl BrospecU forebede aaythtee; bat rood rtiaai. SbKe the receat iiscttoas Mve I imaand. we aoetWer Hw tineOet of Lib. rout a fiztsl fact. Wbit ay be the coaeo- - queaeet of soeb a reeait, aese eoa predict. "Soash Otrowaa wfH eertatory goaat of the C ion. What etber States, If aay, asey foi- - luw, seeau to be aaeerate at preseat; bat that Georgia wW oat K Lucou be sterted ash iDtoeoratrdL I have aa aaat. If Lcecour s'iooH be eieoted, who ia the loath wiH bald See aaalerba?n ' Aa far attard free) there is aa danger t .at Mtasphit wfM be wfcheat Federal oakert u iocs a fearfal cea'tagoacy. We notice thtt seme of the BaEcaur-iudo- e Mpers, and or clever ceteetporary of tbe NarbviUe Dole mi AatrUn amoae; tbest, are atteapttag to shew sbat ia several ulact to OMo aod IcdiiBt where S Peccu.s receattr mide esesehes, the Btact RepabHcaa majorities are sacretstd over what they bid prerteasty beoa. If ther be correct ia aseasaptJoB, th oaty Ieesrtoate deauetsoa frees tbe preaaises woatdbeabatblttaeechetworetoo aooad aad eesatora no east the freesoH taste of the X tie had pasdered to aloBtiupJtai, it woaM eoaroesv to the aatwe of iadaga bare drives ftem.bit taaeort Its advocstes. tS"Kee-- K before the that the Bxxceikusmje party voted the Black-Repo- t) tican ticket in Onto and In diana In the receat eleettoot to note States, end ttraa tcttmpWthfd Jjbettoftaat ot five Pisnsrssy. J5nWe ernsra and Jmtriea thtnkt tbat tt- - Brtt parry are mokiag a "eat's-paty- w ot 'he naiioBsf y in Teaoeesee. Thie charge laolte freoXsl aamiag from a party wtieb ft BteeaT'WeeaC'i eatrof the Black-R- e- P'.blloAflt. j- - Se t o Docctat comes to-n- ig lit at a oei Jc Lt eve y Democrat, who can p iteibh g'i, be out to greet the friend of Iht t inoa and of tie Soath m has eotniiir. Let L s reccpion be so inttotasa af the OBtastoi s.rc of Le honest nsaesee In has bahatf. t7l' - "flitbly ttatod" tbi Be Bseck BS' b is Cndiinati, a- - "raguHy o r- - .( - t.4 eisay t 4trte mm i . lo rrnted eererai si ce ' t ; -- oi. the win? of of Deciscntcy. et JaBBsP&as MR.D0UGMS IN MEMPHIS! RALLY! R1LLT!! RALLY!!! We arentUiaed to aanaaact that St BMX A. BaoeaAt, Mte croat ooamatoB at BcbbK- - I ricT. tbe defender of tbe CraftttstioB aad triboae of the Amerieia peopla, iril addreee tbe citneaa of Mempbls TO-MORRO- W ! Tbe speaking will take place at ob the coraor of Market i A Steaal (Uoatt, ta tfcc nartbora portioB of the cMy, at half pact oae o'clock, p. m. The Meaaphlf aad Cbarieotoaaadthe MbMas topi aad Tmnm rallraadi have eTd to Um Uakt eto atthe aoaal price NwieMb; far the iwiil hat atM Itekeos mntat; firtftt iftmk reMrn. The totter road will raa a ape-et- al ttata oat fraa MeapWe to HotMBde, loar iiar the dtj at 5 o'clock r. m. We prenaM the roede wilt Bake si Hilar arrrai COBMBvB. rojiB o I coie ai.i.t: aedbear rbe prcat AMERICAN STATES MAN. oitiu. Tbe natioaal Deaocracy of Ohio bare sos-- aed thesaaelvos BMiet gsllsail.T ia tbe late State election ajraiaet the meagrel forces of the MmBbWatahaE pasay. Kotwa- -; vtaadias; the defectJoB of the AdauaMtrattoo oaptoyeos ia'o fall feNowsatp with the despite the ri aperatina of th Bocmanax prees, lereled at the hoaest Oeaao crato who are acatia; tbe batUes af the Sorb apoa aorther a soil we base the flettoriat: 'laettoa to baarto oar soassthattkree BKaaers of Coepess have beea reiaed, aad the Repob Kcaa ssajority has beoa redacod ra thie State by Bore tnaa a tbootaad votes. The vote cast for Deknisov, the abtUttoa caadidate for goseraor, last year was 16402 ; the vote for Ramsey, Peraoetat, 17M ton lags aafjor- - ity for the forssor of ISM. la the ruaat eiecttoa BaisgBaiior r's aiaiority over Smith, for jadce of the aaasiaii coart, wM, froeiJ preeeat indicitioes, not be bibber thaa UflOO. Arraaeeeteats are oa foot for a cosspleti fostoa of all the eleawtits re this State (ezclasive of tbe Bcchanak party who, of coarse, ate worfciag foe the elfc action of Lxkcolx) ra view of tbe approachise preeideatial eiecttoa. If the piaa caa be per fected, the defeat of hat Likobc. ticket, even rn Ohio, taiy be imfWallr aaritaBatad Bet withoot reasoe. While la 186C Facjuvt's soa jortty over Boolanabt oajjr rooahed stwlhiBp- over loM, if we isantahsr aarrecUy, the Fiumobc rate wot tasrs Ihsa tMN litriat. a coaservative saajaritr af aaoat 1MP0. All we afc thtt stare ia tae pttaslin, is, that she few eascials aad expectaato ia Ohio, who ate bow aader the thasab of the old faac tiooarr at Waehiagtoa, wiH oaty vote tbeT sirs tfekot, isd not tki tiraajatoW tidcH for Abbakabt Libcou. Till! 3Ili7IlIIIS DliUHCItAT. Tbe above is tbe aaase of the new Deaso- - cratie joaraal pablithed by A. Lakok Dr. H. LAaec, la the OtrassB laagoaf e,the aret Bomber of wbtoh wat tossed in oar city oa Satarday awralar haw. It haa ati'aaaMt bead Uie nsaisi af the aatioaal ntmlansi St t.th bs A. Docolai and Hsbschel V. Johnsos. This ia aaatfeer evidence of the Caat iacroaetar poaalatitr of taw -- Ltttte Giant" to MetapUs, a fact which we have over aad agate asserted throagh those eatoi Tbe Gerssaa portion of oar population are al post ana aha oas la their advocacy of the "peo-ple- 't caadidate," aad beaee thm aaadotelnble aaifestatloB of their tatbootosai io bis They have toar aeeded ac occaa ia tbrr owb aattve tomjue, fronj wbicb they caa at all liases road aod ponder she groat arteci pies of the Dimacratic party ac eanarialad by its great ehiaaayn aad I as dir. Tast was 'csBiammttiaa d tetany to be deseroa,,' aad its toeritaMe aad aeserol effiet wiH hcocaa- - ceatiate the whose Oermaa vote of Wessphlj sad its tatToaaditigt apoa the leaaator asttoaal D lastitlle mssiiim. We 'with oar timpirary aM the saeesss, both poistltsl aad pecoooary, wbicb the projectors to richly de serve, p COMMITTEE OrRUCEPTIO.V The I oitowtog eomsautce of aftyaaa stfD tppoiBted with the view of atteadiag to tbe re ptiaa f Seaator DoastAK I. Khok Walker, S. B. WiNUsmm Hob J no. A. See, X. B. Hatejr, Hoa. W. T. Browa, J. II. Uatheatk. n . Joe. S. Waste, Hob. K W. M. Ktoc, Heerv O. 8ssh a. woiwara, Dr. W K. Rodcers. Jao. Itawitoa, Col jtat. Avdersea, tioa. Sato. Beytoy, Cent. K. Freeh, J no R. McCtoaaaaaa, fsax Caresack-- . Lnke Fnatsy, W. A. avytoe. J no. Gttti, H. 8. xW, Jcub 5tnakabl, G. W. Oitmore, Geo. W. Htoaer, 1nceat Ht ret fi fepo Ceat. Teaatetoa, A. C. Ksrwaa, Hon. w. c Itoaltp, Jas. Wiekeetham, Jao. DoHieager, Btvid S. Greer, A UaraAna, Fraa. Waraef, Dr. A. Tfaaojtl. ObL a B. McLeaa, Josse L. Hrris. ttoatot Kachoa, sVsa. H. ObowHer, Ino. H. Bswea, oaIH.Sbock, Jas. Horhacjr, IJtf lW4djJ)r Osa. Manvaey, CoL P os oa aaatth, Jaasee Taft. 'no. Batier, B. F. Dill. fgU AaoAauus LtsteaLK ai otocted Presi dent eftbeat CsBted atatea, aad fait tore- - ward the papptittii of Joh C. Bbbckiic- - Biaac for the serrate they have reader him to this eaavate, he wfll rxbibi' the frooaeet, baeetaadatost aapirdeaaMe iorratitale. 17 Seaator Subell the knowuig, tbe aacactoBi, the threwd Suskll -- that up ikt to his fttondt la Lo litiana ia a reseat addrtat of poblioaedia the New Manas Mic AltBenamstaaT of oar aaoat s acfll ea'eetain hopes of Mreaoari and Kastocky, by or atos an tVinsf to dtttsastolinsf. Joe Ibhc en Bsmoeracy "ktotkt fmrnB tf me iaetsocrstac aorta. t is Wriwrnn, to tiodrtor; ortocissV, t Mfig me LStiitieina Utdf, (tec hot feses-a- t I irsaale tjaos tae cuUn aad nVe norro. hVaf rzrei-troa- d Joe Lane's speech la the Beanie, Btayzata, low. Otdliae Dtmocratt, wfll you cast your votes is tor tast toadaeer of Tatar party p TICKItTS 1 I ICKtSTs !! TICKIITS ! I We agato eaH the atteattoa of oar frlaaii ererywhere to the necessity at t tppl J tog their tecttoas of eoamtrr with etechtoa ttokeU in due Ufjte. ' It it sow oaty hWee wsoks to tog the election, aad Kb aH import, that hsfe matter be attended to n Wheal deter. sruKMi" at nAso.t's dkpbt. The Hoc. IL & Foots, K. M. Tnaaca, ne lita., aad others, wtn speak at Xatoa'a aspot, os the Msssajsjia aad OMo raleroad, oa Taes day, tkeSd iaet We traet the amttoaal De- mocracy will tare oo to foH fore lapoa this Btt occattoa, as from ta Jtaowa aMMtf of ef speakers we are BtWaed to betrertat; thst the stost seaguiae wtH wot be dieeppeieted. C3TTo show the etSset of political prsacrip- - taon si pfaatacpd by-an- e presestt ttwrrto at Washington, it it only necessary to give the foilowiag extract from the Ctovettad (Ohio) I itoitMWJer regarding that joaraal, whose editor hae beea made aa especial object of Adsatoiavtrattve tKTascstiati- - it Mas tbeir rtorinr site sseeeed dWttroas tohrji ot Jam them aad JMcSasaa, k boo aasre tassa atmasaau ast stjecu- - U is. For its Bdeiitr to the Democratic par ty a adits prt&eaoee, asm eepocieiir sU dooa- - glory ttoa to Doutrtas aad populsr aeiuisttrty, abe foot of thi paper wat asaas ne sattctai Bjt otoert of jwejidenual isoieilptlsu aad perse, csctoa. Be wai fltst Wtut-jet- l of Rxottative rtBCeaace by d'capttatton, aad has sver since been fottowetl ay pers'tuBteas rrom rue mtteg-sa- nt bead of the AiirraYB' ratios, ia Ukinr awty sot only the public pairoaagt lastly be' longing to mis paper, oat ta esuoutsuns: aa naobitioa res by auaue p p, aao cir culated bv Federal ogesBtddffs on purpose to break t stows, and rum ut pecutiitnlv. But of per aeration hallows wbere it hrte " The aoajpie, se-- us a martyr is their cause came soiite rnehiuely to our aid, and we are Afly Uwu-s-tt- d dare sti'senbers Ite'.ie. uff y than We d.nte tier expee'rd " ' - rally out Ice ax Ircb THi.k 1... .fieerttier hvi every tb" ce an inc i thi tt ...a found wi ia two or t ree miiee o M uie s Tu-.i- ay p otniag. Ilie k near icl of the ttncknri. of - quarter tect a ollarwat t en ;n tome pirt nt he city the tame time ""WW -- Tp., a ' 3 - MMrygTappn y WWPTyl ,Hon. 111 III II,.-- . ffHE TSIEKTPHTS RAIIY APPEAL-TUESDA- Y, OCTOBER. S3; I.HXCTSIRVII03I AKKA5. . 1 Fosr 9wtm, October ff.leW, -- Katim ArrsALx KhH leJitom tna xqrtWac t iiUMt to eomyK trm aar "rYtsMler CRy." that a town T tews Burnet w objMttoBiMe to yoor read- ers, MtWCilllf M it pertalni to a subject toe BoMfe bM Is at ttee S"1' ctjaeenied. Latt niasat. Napoleon Bettor" Burro addraaaed bciUa( FrtSttt an,! ihoufh for ..oa best katewn U Mtnl,t,, msay of Uvea 4W Dot M BOMdtobMr We,, be eaeo la"- - Temsrirabo - ib timee. 01 hi .unrenee. la a rilr f ihte. ttouUw iD babitaait, Battafre akaa lefty were BrwKi el tvhlcb iW .k .w .hawc eae-Sn- h tineide4 witfa tlx speaker Is paHHM. ii i nut f j inunK b4M' dov.nl witti mw. r tit, aasjtties aJor b orator. Hli Uaceese Sipr" amc aad ornate Us eliettos iDi tie, lad hit demeanor graceful and f,cl" tiac. Pot an Hub In ttours i eKnioe kit small hat Tur.l .adioBce wrth ik. - , . . Ariir uu. It is'ob rsgntted 'v that each a rse4lk productio aiiould be lost to so many ; not a it waoid hare h, mired ana caBse watob he espMited, bat for the good tt mtgbt have f farted nnaa tfe. mm af oar beta Uaioe. I have board of thtraeaaseriat aatosaleaBed are-eat-er, aad bare eo few of that kindred sawetos kaowa at Utaaisillls, bat aeror be- - fate tost eveatof bad aa aooortasfb iaapectiag tbe forsseT, and wateblng the ata rnier actiea of tbe latter. Mr. B. takes Ms cos from Yancey direct; aad with perhaps store daring, bat lest prn-daa- more detrboraHoa hat tost ttotesmaa-shi- p than hk Utaatrtoet chieftain, epooes the tectioatl dooutaee of bis party. Hecsaa-meaee- d Mt speech with aa Boston to the ae-ti- part icii be took to the Clmrieetoa la producing the dtoraattoa wbicb bas dismembered the Dsmocnoc psrtr, aad it Bow the ktoc this Uatoa to Ho very centers aad withoat paliMttog or seek tog to excee bis botdiy aad fraaktr roHowod them eat to their ottimate aad inevitable rosalts. He as- serts that it hi the daty of the Democratic coasoatiaa, as well at Mt usages and easterns, to acaaieacc, withoat beeitattoa, ia the report of tbe coBuaittee oa ntatforaM. That sbeeam- - salt ee was made ap of oae from each State, and to represented tbe States. Aad that be-t- the ease, he strangely deduces tbe argn-mo- at that the Caarteotaa toBeentien worked itt'lf into as irragaitr body bv rtjeoitog tbe staierity aad adoptwg tbe minority repor.. Aa though the cotamiUee lU.lf wat the aa tieatl coaveattoa, aad could, aeeonlmg to Deaiocratic asage, dicUte a pta'Jorso to he conrentioa wtuch appoiotel them. Mr. B. would seesa to mike the iatpreeeion thst be alone kaew the real feels lo the case, and ly to I states that tbe report of tbe commit tee wat oaly made to be adsntot, wheat everr intelltgeBt man kaowa that according to tbe parfiameatary relet of every properly orgaa-ine- d deliberative assembly conventions sot eicrpted all reports are subjected to a test vote of tbe appoia'iag bodv, watcher ther will or will not accept it. It m roe taat geaertlly barnoBy aad uaaBimity of feeling to Demo-crsti- c convratioM bas precladed the Beceeeity of rejecting tbe majority reports of the commit- tee oa platforms; bat he most well know that this doet not dtatarb the principle of sobjeet-B- g tbe report uf every committee to tbe for adaatioa or rejection. Moreover, be is aware that the minority of every com- mittee, it ther tee prosier to preseat a counter report, have also an equal right to hare tbeir report reopectea, aad ir aceeptaMe, aaoptea bv tbe boot which aMwtoted tbem. It is a deeepttoB, ttten, to detode aa uaiaformed peo- ple into a belief that tbe CbarteotoB eoarea-uo- b violated Democratic precedence and usage ib rejecting the majority aad adopting th- - mi- nority report of the committee on platforms, aod Mr. B. wilt had it la vain to shield his prom- inent action in that convention bebted sock a subtle t interface, or to make it a soficient ex cuse for disrupting the Chariestoa eoaveatioii, be cease It did not tec proper to sdi.pt the re- port of that part of the committee to which he belonged. Tbe conreafloa could violate no principle or ua;e of tbe DemocraUc party in foHowing tbe old land marks ana acting la aeeeranc with tbe precedents of the Baltimore eonves iion at 18&2, aad the Ciactoaa i coaveattoa of 1856, aad (boat who vary from those moat take all tbe evH contcqacBcc apoa uveer owa re- - T.e awn vill reuever e tfce LOe, tne aaj tt is, vol tsa. Mr. B's spot eh was eompeied rhlsaVr of a tirade of abuse toward rae ncrta an aeK- - elottoaatoa fee bis own eeettos, tad jet be cusmv. as ne a sstionai man. lie orew an m- - vidtoM tmpsili ss betweea the people of tbe two sections, aad labored to excite hatred be tweea tbem, proclaiming to the world that the desceadaets of the cavaliers and Horueaots who nrst settled m tbis country soutb of ais eon and D'xon'e line, were better aad superior thsa the posterity of the Pilgrim father who came ever ra ne Ma yrwwer ; aeBoaatiag rae latter aa pnuriout aad servile ia their the farmer were thegiary aed pride of the BattoB, forgetful of that cement, tbe blood of toe two race tbat Bowed freely upea tbe heMs of the revoiu'ioa and made tbem oae forever forgetful of tbe noble effort e which made them brothers of oae tennuoa ramify In tbe eoaacil balh ay, forgetful of tbat hal- lowed remonerance against civil disseatieoa, ariJi which the father of bis country adewe-itbe- d oa ia bit fareweH oddrest. To My noth- ing of tbe indelicacy aad iBaapropriateBeas of such aaktnd, ay, suicidal altneioBs, aad the ilettttattoa of ttatetmanthiB in tbe priaetaie. ba iatolltceat portion ef bis aadienee coaM not rail to notice ne owcreptBcy or trie facte, recoMed ta tbe history of tbe country. Aad even if bis remarks were ever so true, it ie a late da v. and apeakt poorly for the Mtriottom of any public man to hold op one section to be derision aa eoaiempt or anotoer, wbos- - blood bat now commingled for more than two ceatarios, and wboee iaeauty is now record rd upon the paget of bhnory. It seems to me that such doe'riaee partake ttraBtily of tbe "IrrfpewtWe cenjuer,'' aad laeteaa of nrooac- - Bg anet aad aarmoBy to a distracted eoaatry teadt oaly ta widen tbe breach which his own .teed bare accoauNitbcd. instead of tootit lie- - be sere or neaHag tae gantBc, nteootag woaad wbicb his own fratricidal band bas made, be it tearia; wider the rent, and plunging deeper in bit Doieoaoot weapon, to pour out the rerv vitais st ants gionoas umoa, ana to oeotroj tbe nroud and sacred fabric of ot.r patriotic ftiatrt. Aad vet Mr. B. says be it a aatioaal : a ve, to nt own expreeeive Magosge, " ne pit or aeapair is paveo tin saco rrieaoa to uaion, peace aod order" tad we may well tremble for tbe honor and perpetuity of our country whoa such seetimea s are eaeoaraeed and die- - mated to dietarb tbe public miad. How diaereat the teatiment ef 'he honrrable ren tlemaa from Illinois in bis late speech in Pe- tersburg, Ta., August 38, I860, when be so happily Uloetrateo ta ties or Bleed betweeB the orth and South, by intermarriage la the westeca States, to wbtch tbe peoule of each sectioB emicrated and held in common, loving roorca aaa soexu niiee. oeeaose eir anceetrr hailed from both sections: tad when he so eo. excsaltted. " There is bo evil tor which 3uentij It a legttimate remedy. The last bepe of freedom in the old world I bow centered in the success of the Amsrsota Republic Tc rants bar- - no hope of faeteaing taeir chains apoa the necks of tbe people longer, aaless tney caa sever mis gienoua union, asking it tekery and a instead af a sheaiBg utar." The uatoa must be preserver). Mr. B wrtaoat the esgaeftY of M. Yan cey, who evaded toe aueouoa or what woald as do it Mr. Lincoln is elected, by deelariag thtt he ireuM do what bit 9tate woerhrde, bat failsd to aay wbat be would odHtt hts Stat to so, paattciy remanes utt ne naa twenty-Be- e iisntsa ttsuars to sspsno in spponai) the nt in getting posseeeion of the Lovernment in otbec word, to defeat the In- - af their Keeideatisl essadidate. Thta ra rotor evea farther thaa aar iathvittoal he South has dared to go, sad it needs but the overt expression of sttcb tea Jmsutt tc eoa- - asxtute toe most venomous rrosaon to tne Fed- - e-- Govern to nt, aod should be reprehend! every citizen iathe lir,d. For hat would be rebellion, and retoflion in as In- - tfcvidast to trceoa. May toe God of ttr fathers protect us from such fcoetrlae. This not even good States lights doc hnc; for I conteaa mat me arar.es are superior to tae gen- eral government, which is but oar a rest, and sur first obedience ts to tbs States; But when 'hey fall to act In any siatrgtatj. the htdi-lido- al ei'izeB matt aetpiitacs bit aliaa-teae- e ts the whole CJsetri tat. Tae iraserent rtght of revototioa caaaot be taecoaxhtrty se- - aaa to a commaaity oi piopat, iMivldua is treaeon, and thtald be ptnishsd a saeh by the laws under which tbey lire, and waucn Hy muse osey. Mr B. bad no suarrel ts make with the BeH party. Tbey agreed with him ia detsaad- - tbe doctrine of congressional pr:tection. uaiifeu ta uk wtscnartoge seattorra. jvr abolrtreclatt that doctrine? Mr. Clay said ia a speech eat esaproutite ma3area ot 1890: "God for- bid thst I should by my vote or votes fsree soy institution unwilHag people. And this was ia refereaee to bt doctriae of intsttsreace by Congress this sentiment been inddliMv eagrsvea unoa the heart every whig frm tbat day lo Tbe wh'g party ss well the Democm tie party it to the priaaple of ia every platform from 1M8 o liteO, and the Principal loaders of the Opaeeiitoa to preeeat Coraireee have aeeerted aad rerterataai their undying ontweltion to eaora'oni legteMtion ror local eoncernt ia the TsrrHory. would to know if ms "Untoa Dnrtr" agree, according to Mr. B-- , with the If they do, let them now, henceforth and forever yield unth rtain ll asarped name of Umoti party.' Let fate forth with with Mr. BrechiiwU.. it the Uaioa is dissolved by their tsel-tane- e, 1st history it tboir'a the thetr'a the bobor of atbmergiag the aoblitet of gorerritseate of trsmpitog under the blood-boug- liberties of their countrv. I am inclined to think "Mr. B. will be mistaken" in regard to this aeaoieseenee ol political opinion lite ateMtfieous tonne and smooth wort's will aval bim aotfaiag is that cause. They will arose "Lit. Deal frail, that toaaot Ike ere. Bat ta-- ts t.kea at tne ass." Tbe conservative nttlooal men of the 'intry who ir Union of States, natoa seBtimrn' a ut on of hearts who de- nounce sectionalism everywhere who wl'l tbe mon'ter dieui.ion wherever H shall to raise ,tt grim, horrrid front, will rt.ni- - tbe tect'onal dorrnne ot Mr. B., airfl in of a ational mtnwbowit'- - prtjaSee pre or etm, win do jastice to part ot Ute iUon, Xorth, Sotst,tet Wee', and sect bim ts preside ever tbe destinies of aar esmmts country, pro its bxaBor and Its perpetatty. Our country, it mutt bp shall be preserred. J. J. D. Tlir STAKE triltCir JJI.-ai-ti- HAS IS TUB lUlKSIUfertrsAA, Kl.l,Cllll. Editosj ArrEAi.: Let our cltlitns think of this, iltrehants, meebatles, property now- - era, pans a raetne&t and ceotlder. Sanwwe Lincoln eleeieJ anil tbs Sontb pre cipitated Into the ptnlc and convultlon which will sorely follow a taccrtiful movement by Sottb Carolina and Mltslulppl to dlstolrt tne Union Bot a new InbiMttnt will be anueu from abroid to Merapblt far a Mot, we know net how lour; net a new buMdtos erected in tbe city tbe coming summer, but a unolrertal storna ton of basinets and enterprise and trads of every kind. Think ot tbis, earpeaters, bricklayers, brkkmtkers, painters, lren workmen. No bufldtog aaatt sum mer, work for you wbere will you gri. bread for your wives and children and yeattelres, mope; for your debts ? TaiEk. er this mertbtnit woo will buy your geogj when fear and convulsion terrify tbe eouatrrf Think of this, owners of real estate. Where the value of ysar Ms and beasts " Stop building, stop Insrease af pofoUtiM, para- lyze trade, all the aearb ef aH men with panic and mI haw stands the vatoe ot real estate In MemBhitf Think of this, yon who keep betel and baeMitc bosses. Who wM sft at your tables aad 'steep to roar beds, and oecapy your rooms, and so enable you to live and to de rive profit from ysar labor and capital In vested,' and par year debts T Consider, we invoke you, what stoke bit Memphis In tbis election t Tbe preeeat value of roil estate hers, Is about $5000,000; drop its vtloe M per ceat, It is $5,000,000 loss fire millions of dollars. Itow mula r M.tsnbis then atserd to give to avert IMa ealaraitv Hew msch. tbe hi4r to ulntaln and elevate tbe raise of his bouses and lets? How much, tbe carpenters, brickmakers, bricklayers, pein'tlf, nlastsrtn, to keep npthe growth of weeKv.to eentjBue the bulMtoc: Here next summer asfor amy past, to earn moaey to pay their debts, and to feed their families and thetatelret? . Rather than disunton, Memphis can tetter pay $3,000,000, and even more. How can ye help to erect taeh a disaster ? We will tell yos. Mr. Dowlas i seen to come here, aad to visit and sneak- - to tbeneonte ot the South, fact to face. No man lives m the conlii-en- t, who can think such vast thoughts as be, or utter words ot such weight as can tie, or sway the hearts ai d minds of men as be strays tfaeta to his will. It is because God made bim a man of vast brain and beg and intense heart, and filled Ms tool with seattments and feeftnzs ina touch aid command tbe best iattiacts and sympathies of bis fellow-me- n. His miesioi, at the fVertb bat been to boat down sec ioaaiism and disunion lem In tbe North, and heavy blows bat he dealt apoa me enemiee ef the eoun ry there. His missies at tbe Soath is to beat down eeettoaalism and difrfuiionism in tbe South, and ponderous blows will be deal rig'.t and left apes those here in tbe South wbodeeire or think evil to the Union. Mr. Douglas may never be President. We think be will. Calboua did Bet attain the presidency, nor did Clav, nor did Webster, nor did many others of the greatest and no- blest men ho adurn tbe galax) of American history, end Douzlas may not. But Mr. Douglas' mission through the Soufh will do i in (sense good. Wherever be goes, be will carry hope and courage and confidence, and will dr&uee through tbe country a sense of safety which no other man can do, or aay other power now apparent. People will tee and bear and feel and know tbe giant letelleet and patriot of the Union. They will see and bear and feel and knew tbat all bis purposes are good and patriotic and safe. Tbey will see aad hear and feel knew the man who breadth and l cope of sooi trig enough to em- brace in hi love the whole country, ant, to think and act fairly to tbe whole country, a fid to stand by and vindicate aad enforce the rights aod safety of every section of it. They will see and bear and feel and know tbe man who in fair fight only three years age was more than master of bim (Lincoln) who Is now tbe high priest of the Black Republican party, and that, too, when Lincoln was backed by the whole power of Bechanan's Administra- tion and minions. They will see and near and feel and know that there is a man, giant in character and roarer, born and residing in the North, wBo bas heretofore vindicated an-- 1 who wiH again vindicate tbe rights of the South In nit owb nor hern country. Citizens ef Memphis, yon who have such vast Interests at state, every one of yoa who tovethit hone and bis whole country, go on lo meet and greet Mr. Doug las Give such a welcome at no man ever before had here. Show bim here at the threshold tbat the peo- ple at tbsSou'.b, the ubote of tbe true people of aW Snath, approve the man whose patriot-fer- n Is broad enough to embrace tbe wboi country, and bid him God speed in hte missies ir spire hope, eeaf-deaee- , and courage, and peace, and safety thfours all oar borders nd among all our peop'e. Rite above party; Mr. Douglas it above the presidential office He coats to v a- -d "stands among at In thst store lofty character, a great aad noble pa- triot. So greet him, and so gve btsi welcome here that he may go forth with hie owb great boait full of fresh strength and power oa tbe new mantes oeiere aim - Docslas tK Memi-hi- s and Mobile The Mssaahis (Toaa.) ArrsutL estimates tbs vote ot una oaty as ronowe : .1, .Last BrecttMtSs..?. SSS We caa do better than that hare. The vote of M. btl couiaty to ovember next wttl stand a front as follows : scim M I - s,tss I I,' Br, caiariese We have already nearly fifteen hundred votes esetnted and Mistered. We have seven Deasie sad Johaeoa eta be, the two largest of which, the " Wotkiag Men's" and the " Young Men's- -' atoae rjaeaber nearly one thousand members Tbe Breckinridge strength at this ta I be coaaty it estimated by the if g ones" at about votes, at least eae-nl- rd of which tbey mast expect to lose between now anu tne txn proximo. ATer 'be last Saturday night's demonstrattoa bets were rreety ostrsd mat uotuias wsuts carry the county bv two hundred majority ever bota the opposition parties, which is 200 roles more thaa in the above estimate. ifeMe Rtcitttr. t7g John Forsyth, tbe Aix Tela bob of Douglas in ibe South, bas torn the sejuatter nag from ats Baasrneoa, as every soutnem edi tor who bas it there sheald do. All right setr, John. .Kt'sjtfa Itdthgttutr. rs- - We aHtrdod tbe other day tbe car- - ren report among rae Breckinttdgetn tbat tbe MoHie Hiiritttrtoa. "laEeBaown toe Douglas liag," and to the many inquiries afloat about it. Os the 6th inat, tbat patvr omitted its uousl cola ma of afasaKsg political mater, In- cluding the Btmes of Dougtes and Johnson and ot the electoral ticket at tbe head of it. This fact was telegraphed to Montgom- ery by the Breckinndgers, and tbey hastened thereupon to circulate tbe report that the Mftititr Dad abandoned Douglas. We have now the Rffitttr of tbe rVh before us, and find it jus as Decidedly for Douglas as ever, not withstanding me omission ; wrjieo raet proves thst those who sent the dispatch from Mobil knew tbat tbe em esiou did sot signify anv change of party relations. Moreover, we have the Moaite -- Wrerffjer er tbe 7 Hi. wbicb ex Dlalat that tbe osusstoo was only aa acciden tal oversight ia tbe foreman in ehangtog ibe matter from ibs weexiv to roe uaiiy esnttos. Tbeir desperate clutching at this little straw proves now uara run tae rweciiDr kns are. at well as their HBscrt.paioos resert to Httte of tricks tad taisreprrtesAatioai. CWsmeua i;7lrrr. Yi - mteuT cup a nair column or saco ex tracts, showing thtt tbe Breckinridge faction todeed made the most of this pitiable Mt He trick. Yet, so far as our observation er tendt, one of the papers who ait erapied to make CApltal oat ef it I at had the heaesty to correct we it e paitwn wen, for ic rae Mre'kiMlaee press bad to correct en bun dredth of tbe witfat misver'resentatioas which they hve eirnitatid, ths eorreettost would take up tbeir commas until Mr. Breckinridc'i is elected President, which is a Ion; time in deed. Why, their readers do not know even yet tbat ne governor rieci or Missouri did set declare for Breekinrlkge. at they all jubilantly rrtofrtod. - .Vtoiir HtfUtrr. Ilorr It trae Done In Indiana and. f fiiilo. Abundance of ervienee is rorrhtamlsg to show that ne Breekinrisgettes deserted nohr Br. earadidates In Indiana and Ohio and voted for tbe nominees or ne abolitionists and Black Republicans. All tbe papers from thai section come to us filled with iadirtdsal Instances of a f treachery bate and dtshosorable. Bright, Fitch, and tbeir deceived deluded tools have Immortalized themselves at last, but tbat immortality will cover uiem wtto lasting dts grace and ceetumely, Instead of shedding lus ter upon tbeir lives. We have still I Bother proof. It cones from one who bas takes noble part in the bitter on tbe other. It may be relied upon with en ut tire ooaMeitce. We give the foHowing ex tract of a private letter to a gentleman resld tkis Ibc in this eity : "The Buchanan-Breckinridg- e party voted tb the ticket In Ohio and Indi- ana. I hate their printed ticket with oar can- didate payer stricken off and the Republican pat on, mt and the ticket headed 'Democratic ticket' In Toledo I got trios tickets frsea their men. The ticket was got uo in the post office by General Hunt. Jodie Pettit. aud Johnson. It wat printed ta ths office ef the Toledo BfseV, (Re- - B. yuunoHt,) aaa votea eerty in ta morning ev- erywhere. Thit It the 'Maine game' played over. I told our friends that this would be the rase, nary bars welched for it, and de- tected the whole thtog. Orders from Wasb-B.to- a did tbe bueiness." IFeuAfscten .Staff, jAaaaai UjrtTS$ar&e. W AtTitta rou t Mtsetseim to Rn.i Dir. Moo The Ticktbtrg r to responsible far Urfs alataral "juening" commentary an the ilwpHcrly of R1 ssase t"ac Anterior resUesU: A twMli'ot emigrant i, westward boatsd-sn- d bailing from Seott coaaty, ia this State, Lave TV TOCK peso "catsped eat" to what it BOwn at the wuk "bottotB," is the lower pert ef the caty, for several dys. A day or two ago one ot tbe Tklrt family approa bad a lady Lving near by, and Boa very innocently lnejaired bow long it would be If: before tue river wctdd rua dry, to 'bit they will could drive ibetr trims over. The- - tody sf Ovettor coarse, replied tbat while leaves were in the tercet or foam on the ocean, there was a prob-ato- ll t j at the MiesUs-po- , still winding it say toward the gulf, which sorpriaed th family vsry mack, and tbey coBcl-jde- it weald be best topaskopand pay tbeirwty orersntbe ferry A. beet VsAtfE? Dltek Uteyestd ther wabrd two daysTor rbtt stream to ran dry, bat at hue ed of tbat Mere they frf-- id ft coatalaed at muen water as ever, am eonehrded to d est on tee frrv, tblaking 'be roads would Se in a bed tonoition f they rem M tbere much longer. certainly his road e record of U--t pary cefttrst between the regular national Derao-w- "" i,d old whig cracy on the one hand, and the psrty. or present Unioa party, enaactote and and Yancey bolters bbob aa tad thm. a com- mitted like so record a a sad support aad no and goes and hat o and B Uu o ve sot error, and a and rnon TTAsinjtcTox. rteaUtt ClDtiansti EnqHirr. WaiHixaToiT. October 17. Since tbt lets elections the Reputllctni have been jubilant ortr their success, and they consider that the election of Lincoln it a fixed fact But to show that tbey reckon without their iiost let me showup their chances. Snppoie we glvstbtm tbe folfowleg States, tome of which tbey will not receive! . Kfeoerai toiw. CaUtarata. - Oanteetlex- - Mttse - - H&Maifcateetl. .......m-.- .' I aiaVitin - UhSeMta Kew nWfMjtrt OhU.., Oreisa Rtwte nuns ejrv Vera Tttiasivetatatalof ft. Wbleb. la 2 short of an eleetlen. To tied him be mast bare both New York and Penntylvt-nl- a, which together jutt cast tbs OS needed. If, then, the Republicans should carry tit the Slates tbey claim, ot course their candidate wtH be elected. But Itt ss look it the Stttet above, and tee wbat Lincoln's chanett art in seme of thtm. In Cslifortrit, unlets the M,31 ef Frement can be made ta overcome in I860 tkt a3,4M for BuehtntB and the 36,186 for Fillmore, or to 1849 tbe 10.110 east for ths Republicans .nJlijal, far rarnar ean bt mlde Ihll TStr to overtop tbe 64,256 given tbe regular Demo- cratic candidate, and tbe 31 393 caat for tbe Irregular Democratic candidate, I don't eeo linu- - Mr m T.lni-ol- n Is to fret the slec terxl vole. Republicans may ses how, but bo one else. Here are four votes gone. Oregon at tbe lale election baa given Democrats ma- jorities ; it may go Republican through the Dimacratic split, but the reasonable calcula- tion is tbat here are four more votes fer the Democracy. In Rhodt Island tbs vote will not be nrtn far Lincoln, if tbe last election proves tnytblng, and this will take tff four more votes. In Connecticut, In the last elec- tion, the Republicans bad but Hills over 500 mauritr. and the Americans helped thtm; now the Americans and old line whlgt art alone, aod will tuppcrt a Union ticket with the Dtm-- o rats ef the remaining States. Iswa and Minnesota areesosldercddeubttBl; but we fall baek upon New York as giving votes enough to dtfeat Lincoln bevond naradventure. But, to calm tbe fears of tome who think the wiH be successful through the divis ion! of the Opposition, the cottervauve vote of the UMsb then Is Us assurance oi an ami RenubHcin. The Republicans have gained one member ia tbe State of Missouri; bet that lest will be more than onset by the gain of two membera of Ibe Baltimore district! in Maryland, In which view of the open affiliation one of tbem in tee existing Uengress win ne an anu-n- e publicaa gain. New York, In November, voted fer Con cressaen. and I have carefully prepared I table of votes to show tbat II Is entirely with- in the power of the consemtivei of the State to add materially to the in ma jority in tne ll.useor rtepresestauves. At tee late election tne jjrmocranc uawii candidate fer secre'arv ef Sue received in the Third distrio, 2960 major! y; Fourth, 4,-- 714 majority; Fifts,2S69 raajo i y; bixtfj, J, 362 rnaioritv : Eirbth. 4367 majority. Tbeie can be no dotnt of these five districts being earriedagainst the Republicans. There are tea other disine s in addition to the above, which, if tney vote at they did for of State last tall, will return to Congress: First, Second, Tenth, Seventh, Ninth, Eleventh, Tweltfi, Tbirteen'b. Fourteenth. Eighteenth, Thirty second. Should tbe same proportionate gains be made on the congressional vote as bas been generally made on the volet in the Statrt of Ohio and Pennsylvania, there can be no doubt of tbe defeat of the Republicans in all the dis tricts mentioned. Tie condition of things, however, in New York, gives assurance of lar ger gains. The diaaster to the Democracy elsewhere hat stimulated the conservative party to renewed exertions. Tbs State Is relied upon mainly to contribute to the defeat of Lincoln, and tbe unity and determination mamfeatsd tt a harbinger ot success. The result of the recent elections In these Stales which for years Dsst have bees almost unlver sally Republican, have not relaxed the eaotts or daraDeed the ardor of the voters ot New York. They will gird on their armor and march on io the fight, determined at least, to earn a victory, even should they fail to secure it I tee that tbe Republicans are raising great crv over toe accession or a few aistppetnira office-seeke- rs is Bal imore. I am reliably in formed tbat tbe parly that bas soM out are only a few, not more than one bubdred, tbs rer.est old HuLkers of the American party, and which corrupted and brought it into tbs conduits which resulted in its defeat last Wednesday. Tbey area good riddance to any party, and every one wishes ths blacks Joy wltb their new aHies. Secretary Cobb bas returned to tbis city. He says he had bo intention of stumping the state, which is all bosh. He did go for tbat purpose, out soon saw the overwneimisg Doug las leeitsg, and came back Is despair. There is good reason to believe that tbe Sec rotary of the Navy will recommend Congress to convert ths sailing vessels of tbe navy, lslely reporied as fit fer the purpose, into steamers. Ubtv tLiAislJ. Washixotox, October 19. We have very dan times at toe capital just now. ine liiaer-e- at disputants are Being engaged in preaching heir reports, and the poktteil a have gone to other fit tot of aetiee, where they wilt remain and puisne neir delectable callug until tae election. A leading and Induential member of Con gress from Virt-iwt- a let there a day or two ago, aad befwe tearing be stated to a trtead that be bad no idea, is the event of Lincoln's election that the delegation from Virginia would take their seat ib the House of Representatires. It Is stated ob tie very best authority that a meeting if tee delegation, Including Scatters aud Representative, hat been called, and will take place several weeks prior to the conven ing of Congress, ltte event of the meeting is only known lo the initiated. Rumors are rife aoout extraordinary over-tor- es irom tbe Republicans to the South, if the leadeia there wilt oaly keen quiet Cerw. writes that Lincoln will execute the taxitite slave law to be very letter; mat De wtn not countetaaskis tbe abolition ot tlavery in tbe Distract of Columbia without the consent ot the HtrMMtents. Report says that combina tion t are fuimng which wilt astound the coun- try. The President bas directed tbat toe name of Lieut Jobs Drysdate, of the third regiment of artillerr. be dressed ftom the roH of the irmy, be having resvatetly urawn bis pay twice for the same months, and havtot; failed to appear before a court martial. It bas been slated that President Bacbanan, at the exptrattea of bia term el omce, would purchase a property near this city, and make it bis permanent residence. Tbis is net se. It Orders have accordingly been leased to fit up and prepare Wheatland for tbe reception ef ha distinguished owner. He no doubi leekt for' ward wits tranquillity to :&t nour teat will rertr close ms connection who puone ata tion. Before the Prince of Wales left Washing ton, be President addressed aa autograph letter, rilled with the warmest ejcarrsalens of regard to me tfeees motaer Vistoru, in which he also spoke is terms of studied, yet sincere compliment of her its, and declared hit tatlt- - factional bis visit Judge Green wood. Commissioner of Indian Affaire, bat iactoted to the Secretary of tbe interior a letter rrem Mr. rtebinson, superin- tendent of IadiaBS, giving Information ef tbe murder of Key. Moms Brangnler, a mission- ary lo the Crow Indians, by a party of Sioux. iitivi: aovrs or suatoii doiic LAS. The feUewiaar a peers ts bv the programme Judxe Docglas' conteraptated appoint- - stents oetireee now ana tne Kovemoer etec- - Usr: Tesn.. Wednetdsv. October 31. Uuntsvllle, Alabama, Thuraday, October S5. iiaanviite, lean., rasr, Uctober &t. ChatiDooca, Tens., Saturdar, October 27. Kines sa, 0s, Moadar, Odober T9. AtlaaU, Ga , Tsesdav, October 30. Mac 'B, Ga., Wedsesdav, October 31. Cohtmbos, Ga., Thursday, November I. Montgomery, Ala., Frldar, November 2. Selma, Ala., Saturdar, November 3. Mobile, Ala , Monday, November 5 TiiiBtrrii uf iiiisi-t;o- r. Purauant to a vaattto aeBoQoclwt tbe Heatb of ur tetitrw.cttaM an Htaeeted krotlier. Dr. Bow- - tu K. BesABBS. a neetlat f ua meSkal prof eta aao UV cltr f Vemsth wat beM t tbe If eSteal Coltei., Ottaker IS, I6SI. Dr. W T. Tarter, St., vu calM M tbs rhalr, to4 B. X. Viatbatl rss4e4 hi Kt at tewetarr f It a ssettiarc Ot aoorion, Drt. :iler, PittM aa Tasdett wire nintej a eamaatttoe t Start 1 tsttil.at eTtrrralv lli u stlMf tf ak.oi.lmMo. ill asprserltle t tb wottloa- - FaM Ksmntttea ttr art t ttet taOtwist rtaatellosa. wwttk rue aaiMMtaili rtoeivto an aoawted - rTHinrat, H eaosetate tbt almiStr StaoM'r of evente to reseaai br Saatk from Mr mUU Mr eateemed Sratkor, Br. BawMI S. Baksrst) tkirerare. Rttrt. Tbat to ta death ef Dr. Rabarot tbt pro-- frMtao ml Xiatsnlt bat Mat aa at lit SMtt tlftei raev. art, ae awr hommmiIIj a rafeakte dtlito. r.uafroa, Tbat we csaStle wilk bU aatttet taoll rrleasa la tttir ttresarto! kali. Jteaoireat, Tbat we win alteal, in a totr, bit t antral afternoon, at laftteck. RtffrtJ, Tkat too Meetkeri of tt prrfeaMM wtar steal wot, of ManK far tklrtr etva AtloftMaT, not ten. retMwliawi b ptMitbol la til. a mt tb. air, and a copr f orniabed tbs fiatltp sf asntMtd. p. vt Eelles, - JO.1 rtTMAS, L. P. TAKDCLX.. OatatHttte. Aad, oa mult . th Mistltf adjjerttd. W. T. TATIAR, bf . D.. St.. Oaalraan. W. atiTOnEU. nt. B., Soeratarv "grto guucrfisenirnts. ' iW MEMPHIS THEATER. Maauor ..Mr Wm 0 Tborartou. Director.... nr. a. at. pawaoa. ottrcter. ....Jtiaor Carlo Petti. BAOIIE MirCHSLU Ua .rasUtil aaj ralranclas 1 TTfatatDAT KSBXIKO. October IS, lfttO. T11B 1 1 nct Prwlrrvei. alut Valfi. Xlltnell.. ..Tj coselodo t rSS BBItAHD qUBES I scaLE or rntcza. Pioh Circle aad Paretttt. Inc. Ti' r ant OaStred Oall.rT, Sta. otn ivtt rrws i tin 1 vtatt ant rrm x tin a M. Ticket. oo4 oeatred Seatt at admiaMkl on), m aisbt br kKb tkr ars aotered AUeailre iHberi aaww rliMatl M tkMr aeaU. Itaart osen at IV 1 I ewsoaowtr tt7u ; OuttotntstHe at 7K. FUENIIURE AT AUCTION, of BY S. LEVY & CO.! 198 Mnin Street. X WILL 5U. THIS MfiRSMHQ. tt 10 Jtiock, Tj. n- T lAloMr.atrra m Hrrs tatl mJ Pirnilare JaP 1.. . x S LETT ortS.It AocUOBrrr. 'm " in ' miMmiWlii' i, liiMliiWii , aBBaaiami.li.( Jtia . ' - TS6Q PBtstOBt.r.TkoPrlrilettloraEiot'lSo- o- New ikrri Veils. OCTOBER 23. 1860. SPEED,DOHOHQ&STB&HGE 314 MAIN STREET, ME5IPIIIS, ATX KOW KlATf AKD C0n.T USES OF H ruer mm, rirsr rrtaca Cstatt, rials Silt,, Broorfa rttst. America rriott, BUCt Sill,. a(i nisi rjpttu, V . Obukuaa, SalM IVUtstl, rutlt V,toi.. SMU AlMut, nr DeuM, Brocade TsUert, Sp. Buvtulaes, BoHi ,rtua. BTesfaKOsoa, 0lere4 Teletta, ItMXtrwM, TrareUas 0la, BUdk Ttirtit, Very Cbolcs Black Velvet Mantles, Very Choice Black Cloth Cloakt, Cloth and Silk Zouave Jackets, UJMi' Skavta, Xesr BUaketa, If ef?o Ktrttya, Oealt ShtwU, B B ant t, Hears taaneya, MUmSluwU, Cnk BlaattU, Nesro elf lota, Brocae scant. Ktc'w Blaattta, riauutHn, silt scam. nea lauiui, Bttvr Sktvitntt, AtesraWt Sktait, Crlk QlllU, Mas gkaetlatt, Strrtatt' Stii, BedTKttstt, OattaaDscX, Ladles' Ready Made Poplin Suits, Carpets for Parlor's Chambers, HaUl, Curtains, Gymps, Tattelt, Corsieet, Of aps S,ta, TetraaB4 Baadt, Xfttoo Trait, Laes self. Tarle Brrtati, at rlMSttita, Breatraa Sett, TaetCarxt, IlMpSttrta, lac Osnalf. UssHsrarr, rrrsds Corattj, Jaoanet QttUrt, ZakU niru, IUa Toena, svim ueaart, Nltbl Oowai, Leanr OkMat. PHseOrflart, XJacnCbaaUe, Irlan Ueeru, Very Choice Linen Table Damask, Napkins and Towels, all varieties. Wool, Cotton, Silk ikd Merino Hose, VerieSlrti GeaPa n:t., Lias Tate, M trio Df avert, llvt,' nf , Roaaia SrtM, Sa-tt- , B Rdtfa . sin riot. OnK't OtaOM. Kim' IMtfl., fpaatstrt. Leolet' mrwtt. Tact Omi a. Date Bruke,, Tllkt ,t Betta. He, ,. Oefaka, Laalfcac Batu, Fine French Cloths and Ctssiaeres, LtJiet' CJotk Cloths, aH colors, Ladies' Cashmere Robe de Chambers, JetM, rraakr' Tarlttaaa, TwfOa. w ta, Ufapoa, SatUoeta, tVtraUt. IH'ataot, FUnatla, Csaarnt, JatMrts. BkndM. SPEEDDOXOHO & STRANGE. L. R0CC0 Pl.tin nnd Fancv Wholesale aad Retail Dealer IN Green and Dry Fruits, PRESERVES, f7&jff?, IPicliles etc., IVO. 220 ITIAItt STREET, UNDER S' HALL, T'EtPSetsftiTillyfrariand a Itrse ,moi Unlet f ruia 1 JX ans raaty ca.ndisj. All lltMrs win ka uid tltAtr wkoittai r rttaH, Is I ssaatHiet ta tattssetaa-.-i- , at Ik. taweat rattt, aa" I m to. ma4 lettatMe Orstrt filled on racaipt I at starlet .races. Jitsf JtrCftrrr. nrtfi for Sale, A LASCZ ASSOKTafSXT Or FANCY CANDIES. ISOkrtf. BrlJt StUi 103 Sett. Peeua; rSSkrU. rawrau; S3 tlrrtea 3rt Skeil AtsMedii CO arltaitlard f kaH AimaJi U onMakeH.d Ahauea I ISO eaiet Lib Uyatera I ISO to aet b Oyaert I lto e.t Aajrted FrBrle, In etst Sleaaca SAlraon aod lbaters, in I s, S caara rreawva naaete aitrt SI etaet J. hto, trwrted tiaoa ; 94 eatt Braaty rrettt Slfotet rlt Freits; Steaal Taw. Fruits; Iw Wieaqr.. kf. a4 jaltaa Putin j S3 kkxet EBflub Pittiet ; lo kM TMiato CatMS. plait ant ajauttt I loin Walamt Ciudb, tall vtawa ant atata S caat Pre-- ti rtst, is tMt aaVntK uaat 60 If all. lUtea i 51 tun Sharer Peetervet J IS eatot Dry Uioree ; lOuO kaxea K. I T.tf Ortrt A latse atMruswM r rat WMtt 1 10 catot setrtee toaa .areiSM ; 109 am kaH Uii.. Saroiac. to uatt Hair a. sou's Xiiukarx Ala J tOfcanftOtlrRtl SOS, (XX) DumealM Ottar Qenwaa Ottai a 1 10) kaiet Otjfea Sum I ailwkol awtkatf k.ieiMtra,oigrreetiTi4aii 20 wbole, kalt awl auarter KM Oaotlet ; 31 nxxei U arret Sawr. la kttttea ; U tuxM CmtH Pwk 3asT. ALSO, Oranges, Lemens, Piceapples & Cocoannts; Reeelred freA kr every packet. Beateroker tbs fiO. 220 JIAIX STREET, rSt-3- FIf DEB. BllX. 1,511116 d 0 DD ill GT Sale! I u u First Package Sale of Gtfods this Season, TO THE TKADH, ST LEVY to CO'. NO. 1.6 MAIN STREET, orrosm olat bcildikg. TTJE ?alia Booma. oa THtmSDAT IT JtOBKlSO, Octcotr , ia, it It a lara lavstroajf Qidi.intt received front a JtkblSf H.Ba tosJiMMS la part or 103 doten If eriao SfelrU tni Drawtra, MO 1 men Wait, as Pancr Meaia saw1 It. 300 nalra Blaaketa. S00 dotea Wool aad Orttaa rioat, t00 taU Ladlet' Ilate, t9 catet lUni aad Sboet, 10 dara S.unat aad ieaat Psatt, IS pieeet Kemp Carpet. SB ewts AtMrted Teitt. Tkere Gail art all fretb aid dealraklt, aaal are wMtkr or it, a atlentiM of altr ant enstrv kuart. Tier unit t. mm, retardl.as of pri... at tb. Hots: aiait do caosta eni. jt. a.i.ovs. otit-- Aocma.tr. CLERK'S SALE or Valuable jFarm lu Sbelbr County, THE LATE tEJIDISCS OP JABSD 3. KDWAEDS, T. Btrtrt, atsloUlrater, ot al ra. SaHIs P. Birwsrdi. In 19 ten laaa ik UTiaion. tb virtMot a decree of tbe Csastr Cart at Shllby BT In abate cave, at October term. ISOLI wld offer at pabilc file t. th. htib.it bidder, oa rednesday, Xort mbcr U, I860, Upon Ibe prtmiMt, tk vtlatMe plutatl.a talosricr lotk.k.irtefj. S. Edwtrdt. deceased, eontaf&tnc KO aem, more or la. tfiac u ut lata eirii diatrlct, oa cb. k.rlb tMe of Wolf river, comfort tkty Improved at a eaUM rartl. and In Eraltat. CMkHllM. aa tb. lata praprl.tor wta wall known to to me or tbe bett mtoa-- I lira tn rat e snirr. balaaco on one and two an craett, oa bond aad tacsrit;, wltb a Ilea retimed snttt flail parmeat. BMO at Uottorl ocU-w- J0BV P TBIZtTAXT, rjort. WHOLESALE AND BETAIL.I lit larteit and belt selected ttaci tbt lattit aad rlcbett itrlts ot Coal Oil I. amps, Wikb Jooet' Btw Palest Barstr, at cnAS. s. ERicn s, 333 MAIN STREET. ALIO A fine stock sf Cblat, Glare and Qeo.as-- waro. acta ar illn Royal Havana Lottery, a xt Ordinary XrtiisS la tit Kofil UtrvtM THS by u spanlil. Ooraraorat,Tui- -; An Ut ip4rriiioa ot Ut C.laVttterl of Cuts, wHl piaVCV fth aiTUti aro. ireclnestlay IVovember T, 1S00. S 36 00 OO I SORTEO NDMERO 645 ORDLNARIQ. Oaxsltrsl Xx-sn- o 8100,000, PrUo ot .tioa o 60 Pnxoscf....... 1,000 Prise ot ....... . 00,000 to prim of (03 Prise of ...... . to.ooe lurniFtar too Prison....... . MOOO m Approziautlaea oSCt Prill of.... .. . 11,00 4 ararcilratlont to tb 1100.000 cf 100 tacht t rV m' avM,v'', mvt www aauoil u ttASJ M ISO.. toot tof too u tio.ooo. t3 WBOteTltleUSSO: HalrettlDl OaarUra SS Prices ceabed at tirai at 6 per coat. dJacmat. mini u w Aaaavuj. citr oanxa ioim at war. A drawiax win b fortrardtd a tuonat tb raanttaa-- 1 agtnea aaowc. Oocaacmlcatioat addreatea t DON BODBianss. fear a tbo Citr Pott. CkarlMtaa. a. 0.,) uatll tk tu of AOT7Dr, win i aiixioi ia- - Aarserr. Illinois. OUS boodred tad tweatr arret Pralt, Oraaatatal Xarterr ftucx. cbtaa far caOi Ami. t t a jrara, loxi a to . ima. I rear, l.lead, la 000, ISO Gooeeb-rr-r. rfxexbtoi, atrucx. loo. ti. Kaa- n- wrrr,nuas mu, 100. tt U ft, strawberrr. Wllaon'i, Scmrlat. 0 Coat, Iowa, er Waablatua and stbtrt, , I0U, til 1WJ, St.. touts, joo. or so nasta , Datr tad a'xte, l Boot OrtAa.10000. tMt K , raw upi lum yaja rrr. IB rail pacBM rrco. teSO-w- H ' P. I. PHOEJtlX. I, OF DR. B. W. WARNER, OF BERLIN, PRUSSIA. RESIDENT PHYSICIAN OVEUATIKG SUUGEOK or THE Hands and Feet. reiMisLT r MOBILE, ALABAMA. THE OIVEY PUOFESSOK X 3VT JE O IT. "T JX. XV 1 BUT NBGLECTED BRANCH OF II 111; WHO CHUBS EFFICACIOUSLY anJ PEBMAXESTLY CORNS AND BUNIONS, j SOFT CORNS, JflSCHSCtl JVU i S AND ALL DISEASES OF TOE FEET; WITHOUT IGUTTMG OR CAUSING THE LEAST PAIN, So that the Most Timid Persons may place themselves trffft the Olmoit Confidence under much SAFE TREATMENT. I I )R. B. W. WaSNER, Surgeon Chiropodist, TTTOPLn ts tbs nrtat retetctfal maeaer aastasc to I VY tbe La4let am eeaUrorn f XtttsoU, tbat at I tbt trf rat aHritartas er mar reiftrtaM. faalllet, as bat ktM leasee ts vitU tbeir tttr, aat wis raraaia During- - the Whole TVInterJ Aat mar k taontttu lu arerr dapartneat ac PZSAL I0Z6EET, Mteetartr ta C O IZ jV s w b u rioasrs.i AND BYEKY DISiSE OF TUB FEET, AH ot wkiae, bwsvtr loox ttandlsr or bad, bs suras- - tart to aaertuatfr and ptiaantatlr curs. In a ftw BtsMM, wrtbMt tbe iHiMeit ptla or lnroareiic. tHbtr darsac tbt reoieval or aftorward. Br. WABKEB'SraccttiraaiHara it sasacrturx ia IMa osatelMn tspabl tb tbo blndrodt of laMerlor lta tltaoMtla wbith b bat from ttnUotaea jt lb bitkttt retpectabllrtr, tine bia rMUonc In Jfokllo. Tb.r are hit psaaooaftM, and open to tbt latpeclioa tt all I bat rtf ereMtt bolow ars ft a natar tbat wiB akaa- - eaauj Mturj an wbo win perat uen. MOBILE JtEFEItEAXJEa, T or ram host rjiroofjrrED bbspeotabiutt. DR. J. C. XOTT, Profsssor of Scrperr, Medical ColIe;e. I DR. F. A. ROSS, a Prof titer of Blateria JIedla, Medical CoHere. DR. O. Aa KETCHDSf, Profetaor ot Practice of Medicine, Mtdieal ijoilege. HOX. A. R. MEEK, HOJf. JOHX F0R1TTH, Members of the Legislature. UVGVST.1 TESTTMO.YV: rrom Drt. B T. Caapbtlt, W. S. Jwrt aed J. A. See. Hartas exseileneod tbo beattt ol Dr. WaraaHa m.tbei ot ftEMtlsl Oorss. it arrJa ta strMtra to add leatsnaosr M uui M MB.rs, la rtrara Dots lo tbo to pawfeaaatM or aiiororauona, on w cboor-f- roeenaend bin to IbMt wb but raoalro bia arr. TTt.VKT P. OAITPBEU, If. D. W. S. JOSE3. Jf . , 3. A. EVE, at. D, Aareata, Ot., Aarstt t, 1SS0. Mas- - bt consulted from 9 A. sr. till 5 p. at,, COIVSCIiTIIVe ROO.TtS, I GREENLAWJS BLOCK, I I 329 JUaln Street, I J. nrtm usiqy AjtD'rurrMo; EJ-X- IS WiH bs wiliadsSoolt tiaft riatUiM, saaac acu(M ivim KOCMraiMac.. .cbarat Mlt-ir-a tnd ffiisceUantttts TRANCISCO &C0., .. f. rxAxcuco . rrieaix. , I MANCISC0 & CO., I OZALIKS IX Hats, Gaps I i FURS, AND CHILDREN'S FAA'CY GOODS, SRIXKLEY'S BLOCK, HO. 2S9 MAIN STItEKT. FALL AXD H1STER STILES. W ? BOW " vteeltrar aM tkt new tK b' ' f1 .... "ttiar alylM of BUa tsd Oaro, at tB ttajla 3fft XAIN aTBSa-T- . Ladles' Fancy Dress Fur. r".,11'""1 m t astoWSwto. isaaoati f tt. . fwutr im, rt ttta. w. mm ?"2 riW"w la'X"' a- -t k4 Mloaot mm I fan tvtr "mail tt ts attr M , FUA.VC1SCO 4t CO I Jfo. JCatoatSM I I IVo. 187 o eau sum,' UNDER W0RSH.VM WWeMJ, aXEMPHIIi TEXjrnTgSE.E.I Kannfactorers and Dealers Ia aMsse Utest Foreign tad AmerictB styles of II ! AND Gents' FiimishingGosds, Art now ia receipt of their atSUi !Hji T AND WINTER STOCK! ASavx B8CBC W A BSAJftrS er TOE KaaatMtsltsz Hsaa af BRADY & SPROULE, Uoxv Sorlc I Ott t tk atevt extesatr swMataai: ettaktiaa - In the uotoa and to,,, nnilj aaatoaw Iiainta wraVknsws ktimtit, west sal aaaalk. , SPRODLE & MoCOTTX, MEMPHIS; A. W. SPHOOLE & CO , ST. LOUIS M SPRODLE Ai MAADBTILLE, LOUISVILLE, KY.; R . SPROULE & CO., NEW ORLEANS, LA.; SPRODLE &. CHAPATO.V, CHICAGO, ILL. Aa tkt 0oota arr mtnlallit4kr Mm Xw Tk Sr titrsaajj lar ant east Mty kf tk tkutaaeii I SSMaki i. I Harl( at nuaaaiat aaaote Msira.wlanoreeT taaaatr l avaHMrtrtoes of in pr,t atvaaSaeot m fteetsa Mttett, w arofaMeot t. m lolkwas wBooMlt ta yaufcai. First-clas- s Goods: rrtsn assay yetrt saterlawM, with atotta Seute 1 treci In the art of asaantacmlag, w vrMa umrres ptn ktvlst tkt ktM Mao aaoat Mk. kit to MH, .tut rtt.tr QtrtPtt aaj wi pariSemVuIr kaH. laoa t , easterner, atat aH ttkert lotertnltc, to a related S-a- trectlati, to teat IA. tr r tk. aoove Mta. etent. K aSMta n a pteitare to ttew .nr tttak., awd we pAwtao atfftlmkitltibruiartarriamraaHMM tuiM Seatrar to arttttM rixytt. nil liahi I I860. 1S60. FALL AND WINTER llflllt! J. SPIYEY, (Saeeetaor toaSroTtr'AiQIirkaj) D E A Ii H n XXtT GENTS'. BOYS' & CHILDREN'S Fine Olotlaiag, AND ALL KINDS OF vnmvisffiwn nnnns IX' KJ 111 1 U 11 111 U U UUlUI A.T WHOLESALE AND EETATT, i 243 itlaln Street, (OPPOSITE COURT SQ9JRE,) KTeuiphts, Teaoeiiir, HIVE recoirot and opaaed lb TOAOasT AKD la t- F1XZ3T sreex: or FAIL AXD WINTER GLOTHIiVG, bar ever bad. I aaa or wbsth wM to fBanA an . toTortjea la ttrte asd fabrin. Tbo adrartato I bate in mtnTifirttalaa my owa cook ruaaira n. item Great Isdnceaeats In Triers. l I riwoctrtlfr ooaeit u iamlBttkm .r ,n.t pirurvarir no pric, aorare pnrttMur euowkere. I tbow foods wltk plraiare, aad taaraalao everr la I tin. P. S. Special .rderi Ukea for PIXE SCTT3. rats to Bolters. aXT BOOTS MD SHOES. 1860. Fall Trade. 1860. taa F. G. TERRY & CO., avysMarvrs to Hickwy Turry k Qo) 345 MAIN STREET. ' XEX PEES, TX.VXIMI.r. HAVE RECEIYED A LABGE STOCK OP aj BOOTS AID SHOES, 2NTSa-3Fl- 23XIO A. Hats ana Caps, TRUNKS, VALISES, ETC., wtleb vMbectrered tOW POX' OASB. 1 1 w 3T RIU:: A MTS ar. ,Mrvil.a. i..i,u i. Mw BMa estattas a. ttoct. Tsrsu rtUrtl, and ptites trw kt . wooivin reeas sp suits. tetMata T. O. TtBar 00. H. ECkP-.- -. .....-.PHl- lA fJbABt: tt MrapbTeos. JCinial rJIIT, Ka. J. 51. EvlITlP Sz CO., VY MAX0PA'TaXaU aoJBaaifn to Vtateal trator, At anfrortar. roaatasoa m edr. POPLAB STB SET, btwera Ttord prlraio rteetb itrte's, Xsmpbss, Ttaa. Mlt-t- m i I 3gtogsanat,33ngm & g Shel s of the Ocean. a. ALAKaBaadaMtA. orilottua tk. ol rue tot tnm mrj tjoaer tt BW I fMM.srm somM at atotkan, aaaroiaa u4 evtstM. tneisitSaMf TBSSSaT. at 1 .VI rV - ., taarldlaotu0" ' 3,1 aWMt. I Tkt laotte are erseatMrjr htrttot to astral mo at. tsaot, and inoao to oaotto ta. ka.iiiirts, ....... it at ut aod tee ms eeBtclia. " ha.H tm ITksaaltactUaiwMsaAea-ri(BdrsMt- t Jf r Pathno. Omms, St I CMoru. It Ua rout Skethi, tat ksndrtotef Mkett otw Mot. mm kt total HaB at J Maui Mutt, at Stir aot t'clatk aM at uauasa raraiMr om ns sua t crtl JOBW wifjcsatjQK BUS1HESSPR0PEBTY. Cn Tharsday Miib, OetDber 25tS, rnosalaralttr Piaita i asottt as sfinaii we will A, ton atstjtacBWriaa,as SIX IIOUSES AND LOTS. at Strsef a row. tttnalt as tbe aar tkt at ICaewa kttwun Mat aat Sofjl. TS Mtasut ewitnaali 1 tfcit ikor cm ke aaaiittit tnsskott- - ft. a to,. wwMataotellatrisa..aflmaastsnu aa to. wm aM. m BMial asroas, twa noaajr asn Waaktoau ttrtatt. An M tB bmm ubm StsUSvi M Ut nana atSs m SVaoar ttrott, assaMiac tt ar ftaWtstoM Br. a. e. Btrtae, aat mm I atr art. At (n tat tlaao ItHalsIM lest, ao iIulMtMltm atstatfc law il tHWaMMSAm. aSairnu MaKrit ttrow, aw-- patttt ias Ot.rata kMai tataisittM AU tkt. srrnr wtn k aMS as w wttkiwl Mttot I rraa al a s, To. owoer I m ttet ana total yr aasL aossiaiAT, ptjriszHt a, no. JEFFERSON SHEET PROPERTf! ; On Wedcesday jIoraiD. OcteOer 31, -- AT IO O'CTXeOCatX, txrs wilt. sau. st kvtmo. ts ts--rt o. hk VV . aMawtt ttatmBBm tldaSwo aaV jBttaWaaaaa fc ,al . a. w ttaa tBaBVeaa asaarw aay arwrwrPStaE tuaajsauauL tBUarrv TBt Has teal Soaatd ataoMa. Tata it ta laM rkt.aa aSktmaMrr. urwatMBtuT. BTrwtUlK k OO A SPLENDID RrSSlDiGI FOR SALE! tttv ka, . fr ui. to. at ts ast atatiM (etaaM VY raastrnte. to mm tts. tttawtaw ta seat rat " twoet. ATiHO. aasiUsaar T oto Several Hmm ArumtarBBi iBjrtt Is taw. a lilts. Ttltsi tl toll KOKSAJintT. BtrrttBB II CO. Consignee's fttosice. 1TT3 Bare ta Mr, nwaa V V V rutHUmaaar. otaM, H ool nH tar, win k. aM t. aor ikmil, On .TJomfffy, .VorrBifcr 12. XAKCa. OatoHlaa Oaattl. 1 nu OkaM ; trul BaoetMtt, Twa CkoM ; E. Boreor Sttta. Wkatuji A. C Ra tne Box; I. W. Xer.. I TMt OkoMl Cast. w. T. X traitor, z Xtar,; Bateet JfsCtatry. 1 T.M CVaat Wm. 9. ABM. t las. Mtt astMituaaiat; BtiraBa a, OO. Plantation and Negroes, to be saw am nicAa roa xastm etrr Attw wtarntnut rHorTctTT rpnikftrt it ilmintlj ffaawoooi, rrry pro etT., X Mrenaiaj,, reawi Mat, wir. aoStittli tut atvto. Tkete at Iwott wtttMr Sttatt m faeaiao. (Uurl, I r litaret atat impvi i, aaa Ml tuSal M tkt Aaawr M Ottt JtOWnAtlHAT. BtjrsSS a, CO. . B. . . iiswtu. liBSX E. TATLOK. r. tatiaik. 1 4 y- - 19-- 7 MALV STRSawT, CLAY BUILDING, OFFER TO Cash, and Prompt Time Bayers, ON PLEASING TERMS, FTTH SETS! Lynx, SaMe, Jllnk, PHeei, Stoae SlartlB, StywlrrM. O la O A X5. jgziciz fiiLffrr, BC1CJC OLOXJT, nnun clots, JBISSEtV CLOTIT, CHIHillB.Y'S CLOTH. LADIES' CLOTH WALKING SUITS DRUGS II WH8LESALE I I 4239 .'SAIN' STREET, Nsarlr oppessto to Odd Feaanrs Hail TTATB to lor. a lane afMtueat at Prrata. li kHS. firnaaa awt Aes-rt- Sihi Hlittvs, aaa- - 1 men but reoeaar MUistiit lo tbe Itaoo, aad ae. adewt It teas a, aaeaaMe atw. Oar tkat r SMa aaal PIM VkSaal Bamta aaat AttlT. PftBtttlit ta ueourtaato it Tortotr atat HI 111 oy tar m ins eoaaarj- - rhysIciaHS, It viawof tb fMOMtar wM Sad M totbeW adrawtar tocaBinJtumlat raicn aaa ooobi kMarr aoHSa,- - t oit owbtr. Planters Ooa twoobm baaa na IISSITIKB BBBtM aad If BwUS. XAL PEEPABATlB. mt mm low nrtea aadMto- - sararormpartt7r tto anttlo win war ram. Country merchant! o fraa 5arenas! tbotr Btuss atat Paear Altar, mm at rory Btoxarai prttet. we aa aa rai Builders and Contractors Art iarttad to caJi on aa ttfM pustSAatex vbear WINDOW G.USS.PAISTS.OILS.ITO. Ws fx TrtAsotar attaattM to ts satwbat ot FIELD AXD GARDES SEEDS. IaaH.tb.irrart.tr. aad wtn tell ate tat took a w knew to b freak aed troaioa, and at a baw tolas a b airtrdtd. C?. W. Jones & Co.. WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. 223 MAIS STREET. exit NE BOOKS! TOST S.EGEITKT) CUVILLX. By Alotaaafer naa. THE BUtTC OAVNTLET. Br Mr. Setoawralf. ati"u,aKT voMcaisrrE sow tw. est SSI 3 Bi Itartoa Eartaet Xew Mtftr. WHXIXS TTTUHa. Br alitor. ABT OP DAKCTKO. Br X. 7trr.ro. SAT AKD SiAL XtwMnDlr r&c.vcH. otiJtAS, arsmm asd latij.'. bt 0 Mofmtkb. THE atOTBXB-Iir-LA- Br Mrs. SouraoMwl. m Per aal bv X rovsa sc. bkother, Xo. tit MAIN STBJSKT, ottt Sader iM-rrl- Hail. lfM,U,Taoa. mi JTZJST RECEIVE tract BASKETS PttwrHttdaakOhasaparat; UU ialr. Ittal Chastpataei as kt TMaaor'o sootta Aiet rsl loo utti rata aaa, awr tabrta. Oetae. ALSO Sarar, Tea, OttTtt, Tabaceo, SanHne, Stat Ottari. net, at., te. pr tal by i. r. faaAS, It. SS Print Bow. Gaiety Stable TTra.kar.naw faf ktta A BAO ItoCk of BAD wttl OLE aad TJABMEiS BOBSES, now IBjf4fe3 atoKaaBaOaiES aad BAKSES9. Abo. eritnrw aM ittftxt CABK1A0B3, mat e- r , I pr - famMii. Ttrmi .aat. ecee-i- w mat nrfton gcust. s. urr.. . lit e. raAiuj L 1 i Ell COLUMN. 196 Mnln street, opposite Clay iiiuiuing PROMPT ATTENTION PAID TO AL sT.xn or REAL ESTATE. NEGROES, Aa KWCai.Va WIS!, rUllHITTJEE. GROCBXIia IN CITY OR COt VTRY. plllfillXKT9 aattattit Itttaaat (Ms tesatae. -- f lifiastlj a,a a.aaaM etaawtowaaaaat. trwusiaiMaiiaMMttMwSjiM tstou It toy tova IISrtMSaJlatsrtW LatgeSale of Groceries, B y X. S. It c v y Sc Cf,. 106 Main Street. TT7X WILL BI.L Off WMBBSXtAT XaeJUJtrJ. at X. Jattatata MtoaA, SAO I tltt aft tSaWa i aiasi f rwH. rrettrrta, riMi a. Seaaaly rroaa.Ww.e aw rtnV low Vw, Twk- -, anaklta, t.,as. Aiawt arvatat ho m ntrsasae astssa. rMo la.ttitt, wltkoM riairra. A. S. LaTVIf, w3S A act .watai. Sight Irtra Safee, IIROClil AND BY A. S. L.V.VY afc CO No. W MADrrtOrt STREKT. TIT wttl aMa, M r raws, aa rrowt af atSse, MM't V V aumw, tK w wTwatrtto, iti , flktats, rmli-ir- . tae . ate. atS AS. Violin, ViotlH, YiaIfRei. AT COrri AT COST!! AT COaTTIt 1 J7K BVI Imw seawiwt .' rwttatw Y V attar MM. Tuose a. Cater Oot- - lm Gold Pen. Gold Pens. A Utwt Mtnrt taaat t XLaa w I Baal i. rwto, nmtiairy lalnlmmjikl Plantation Beelft. SwMa f rarry SawanpriMV Recetvers' Stile or (STAPLE AND FANCY Dill GOODS, ear vtaaim: sea SAVOfaM IWWIi a Mtrtoatak a. Sar a taaa ajtK a lisai af t, ,n ,.4 tuwrr aVa mm, tmanMas vvy vwtMy Maa ntaa at n ana Jm asaae, a task ssttas wril ttnare aaawaaata-- s aVJfML CLOTHING, AM jFiiirwish ing Go o dis ytBX, HOYi AAD CIIIL.SKBN. UtSrT PALL iUIV KiaXlatK ItPiA esf Utotitnl ml I Stoyall fe Mitciieirs, 2S5 5IAIN STREET. rvMW t'ttl'i ar mviu mean aa a 1 m rtac ratx axd win ie a OS. n H arM STXB ta fjcaurr to ta ttwk la ana oasatrp. ae wai s tat tortt tbta tkanai, pa ataj kMOVM kaM aMS itt Uaa saarko. OtarattsBaf JSeya nrf CAiftfrvm' Clothing, .tVtaro Clothing, and India Itubtur Ooodg, Wilt Ma. k" nmri ja a.:l br ? ra SM cat a- - tat at wrj mim trar. ar. m w r aaearl aa twaaatao aar aaa. a Ha mom ata iti aao. BVtoMMtai ttaaiaBaataasM tts, aatataoaaof, or a rwfoa the maaas. STOr ALL Jc HrrCassTU. FOR SALE. rohit Pieasat Pjaafattiia. ritWMtan. Miawio aa loo avtaa Tosete.li sv'ik trtaatra an tae Mtaaaatwl rirar. aw to a Ban ot m atasot a raet al,taajs ac tm. ta atl . sawaw. ttaawt tiaMfaa"aaaa' wall tmaaaaaaat. 'twr' MatrJi MaawfM aaMatawrwSl im law aatlaoaM.M S'na Saw Itaa. Ooo oof Bwtwx Jfosrojhtoaat ate. afcsttB a aaSailt TSatrf laiiaa sn an m mmm rr;.r aaM Mao aassntattl as aat trrettt to aas ttuicili u tk BTiaM, I ttrtr. il OM7 ar.fMil kr ler-- m Tk wtja;, pnaetat M atanrMl M srlrat. aaletoBkaab. rat nasi Ii He.lrMO Mt Ir4 aks W iaoaory east TaSta-Jar-s- .tt) nak. kaiae to St- - rami aaataat iMte tainta, t lark lwr .MM 9 aor rnr part itt mi mi tatttta or peaaa ar Mia ttttaSriawMara Bow w oaMk. It t.Jtt. A tts it Btwaawto. wjl ,L ts sn arstt WTrOwis ta c" . St. ArsanMur do'toi Lund. A vsaact r lain aaaaajip ota 2. aavasj Atatoaar .. im, a ttaaS atttaar mow k S ttt taXtok o to rm ,i-- M s . , ti hta a a- . n Aatwaf, l , low IS OBJ atSMtStQ wh cb wtrl So m, tk. S-- star t-- traa OM a aw Mwaas I'TI'VsrUjVl uunaaBBrrfrt rot tttovat, at IM Bta ttoatlira Tirn taoatkMBM, ), gtlSI It -. tat raoV.tBjaatjBBtB anatSBJoaasaAtSamwa aaartnora. aaaSBav Mw latatSajapo S. W aaaBBtVOBo Prar BtaK llloaaa 0DD-PELL0VY- 19lAJLL. TUB IfORLfi Star Jflinstrels ! BRASS BAsTD! For Three Mghts Only! VrtSVISAT, TSSSniT AN'B ysJBBBUtit.T, I roCRTxasT stah rsaiarausftatei, SAJf. aAttONSS, T. I t w ADAMS, J. JianWS XAIBS, B. tt. 3. Nia c. fteeam. t ilaht. nit ease, cvias atnm.. MAwTBrt WtUJB, ntftC CAtarBwaU 13 ta partintart te ptwtriM.ii ot toaast. o3i at Ohifskasa-- Stsam Cotten. Press, OFFtCK, TBNKBSsjBE 3TKB8T, orPOseTB xti CIMHI will sloaai mtbo Still i law ta I O eep niles. aad wi Mr atMi MassaaiZ gwasattMltof taili aaa) m aowMoaot iamt atannaoaK Sflll ltiM,aaSttoaamot- - bjcwars Ba'iasjt af-- o&L,: cojlIjs: EEMOVAL. BATE 1MB I tTttsraaal tt wwa to Stalk lame, aad M. aaetJM 3. B PAttxaa. Wot Sale. TWO HOTfSES AND LOTS atTTTABU mtt man liMn,ad MiMsar4i 9t atataaBVtfl itftrltj ft tfatf&tfb Mac ot rke Catrltttu ftisii. fttw. j Is , ratataw katr arret to ute Saatto I i. ttraiarattMtMtor Mtoatou iMati A. tbrM itMlrab! Solarloc L a, am tbo Bow Stot tine mod, aaBMBirat tne fnlliaie ipiilf mt Me. Ut I'cttn ror 'atsbir Btrtaeular, aaorr to IB 11 mm ml too Arrsos, or to " MtWeUBBAT, BtTPU-- ft at) K. 31. SPICER SON ABBBOwraootororwiaktbapoblMwim bM Mat. atrtttianaSi to b IwaStal risalitty wtlk Ikiln 9Wsr BtTrrajtAsf 11X. Taor are also Ureeetptot Cheese, foantry Batter, ChlcktBs, fc"KS ojsters. etc. If pm wiMtokefutniabft wttn rub. SWaBT MUX, I wer rwerordora. CHANCERY SALE lenCTOF UILT; Shelby County, Tennessee. FBJMJANT to a mtm f II m oMklt. rtaSMot rvtmbrr totaM. ana a--o. oraatlwll w. Hue aot attan v.. JastaojC Wm- - r. 3. T. AoersatS rsw OaHsarta. .irausfaiiSl aaj Moor. ad OalauiM XeCwaoetl tad otteM at . W RdSlAtlySlARt!!! 1 Wananp Oa Tnsiky, INeker 30, Iatrowtr mrmmtm. M ts. atlr af M,molit waaar ' a letke bitwnt biiMer, Valuable Tract or Parcel of Land, totnrnuatatf eDUBaj,Taate, Israst. to-- " mi, antoettettalwe ata tkrro, ainliMMa mo. i ed and aathly-al- x aas . aair mmmm. tlamt tamo at band teevopoit br TSaeiaa K Btoowattto Aatitteu. ia treat for afar; Ate AatMi.o. an.i rroaeSwt tm swt Ko. II, pato Its aed IM BteUC.i t r Sktltjf oamtr, aa wbars U dtiwtrted m i . i a. Mi ..: Bipaam STpolw loSatS, VTSt Brialy'a 1097 Ml tea. I ; lltaart wot1Sp- - M a state, wktlo tot aad aoksoiotora, tawao. aMtbsespaat. to atata. avrtrre aw tn. wqei pMnim; la tnk ill bbSm, fact atal wbUo att ietns.rti tkitM wait Mtixwlrei sboao oorrk tn pott teams; tar aALB lb ao,r reMrioM tract or braoMM credit at tax aaftwr-v- e awmttv. aeONrltr '.,r aad a alM will be r.U:art n o: b .nail saol paymMtof ik. . ai II Vctoct, A. T. iOBTIt C Its 'imil Citrk aad M I I I
Page 1: Library of Congresst J J I attg f MEMPHIS. xt BSBA-Y-. : : : : ocxobcix es, isco. Beading Matter oa Every Page--Largest Circulation ir the Ci.y DEMOCRATIC TICKET. FOR PRESIDENT, FOR




attg f

MEMPHIS.xt BSBA-Y- . : : : : ocxobcix es, isco.

Beading Matter oa Every Page--

Largest Circulation ir the Ci.y





lis TI TATX AT LAME.Earn. VT. H. POCK, f

M. WATTERSON.ei WarrMmMor xuons.

C. W. Hall, of Hiwfct 8.VP. E B. Jawa. E)., of OrtrtoD.G. W. Baicoc. of McMlna.L H CAnnrnx. Safc.A town, Caoooh.Y.X. J Ahokch-s- . of Maary.Urom Caosf, of MeNatry.

.T JU MoCtNK, of DaOB.Wk. P. Calvweu.. of WrtHey.Boa. W T. B . of SkoJoy.

T Fedoral Cbob b rrTd. TVCaaotta'iaa mm b eMBUisd aMtstibr ia allIta parts. E7 rtrt' graotd by C"titaiM'BNtbaat-ct- by taw.teall ca

wbwblilWB taBtcemryto i' tmrmtt-T- b

iadWal araorfty prorid- - i in tfc a,

mut be aatiM ana ttsAcMaatmabttUT r 'UWlrTMtraw WadailBlfHrfd. aad tbe eaa-t"- d

aatWton apkeU, a aatawfalrnMHCt taofcowtd Styftr --1- Bm.


nt, m aaeou t bkti OMtrtsawr oftUMkfCA tSCUMNB TJIC AW A BUT


TBJ0 I OH DO CABC UHgTBag TOC UHrroKXar; xnc otwot re ! nTsr:Ermn or nonmmsot tsis oooimr w9TT AMBT AS AK AATUC1C W TBS OP

naw or tk ntu woblb. anb as aMntMrratiMHTi akb ihi tbe pi-yi- z

xaz ool'-bot- b raoat au. pats of wJT..Bt, AM TACINO SMmLTSB. tTtTMm tecBRAWrS Or T8S SftXAT TOW OT UWTI.-ia- jir

j1. iifli.E3-Wk-

tU 7.UH ct ta Bracfcmrtfrt aorf

X. I& aomam rk jBaiNnarc wotH3 "rt craw 'Jfpin i, i ,u

raot-recro- r thei Kiacrios, uiHiisr thsvtPf.E ea oTHeawif. M Ji i. WHUB HIISX A.NB rtlt'UTll FAUKS.

jmcn DOUGLAS AX JACKSON.We team, by a tetarnphle dispatch received

at tbto oAce jfter4ar eoiB. that Joope

Bonui wal aMrtM the ertia of Jtckioa,Tuhhh. te-a- ar at eleoeB o'clock. Be will

reach here

tu tim urjODcn dbbc- -

T-a- trt at ton oSioek Jadce Deanta m

nizseeted to arrive is oar city by the dowa

train os the Mesiohif aaelOhaa railroad. Ex--

teavtoe prtMiuiuary preparatioBi bare beea

made far Mi reetpstes. wWeh we hare rea- -

ua toaxtct, will be tbe aatt iJapoaiag

xaaaatrailes ever watseeMd hi MeapMe spooaav previoei eiattar oceirieB.

What a eraed, BMral ipeotacie does sWe

teatatanpreiest to the warlel WU tbelieMiattoe; earfe of abeaWaaton a sweptawaylhe aefesdera of the Sooth to afl of theNew Bachad States; wb8e SBK.sa.af Peaaytvioia ; Pvob, of Ohio; Can, of MichagaB

sad Bkujhojt, of ftew York, have beea bb--aWe to wtaaeftad id prMTe, aad Boya ad FtMH of Mlasa are aoaaortiBe; with

oiireaeealet.hestaBdeto tkeSoaatoof the Mttoa coutabt aad aijone aaTeoaeeeatoitoe of the Borttni Diiacraey to

do battle for the Soa b. S aadiac oojaored aarid;be atnatt of aoettttooitte aad tbe pmeea- -

tioa of a pfoinBBtoa adMaiatrattoa, be haacWered a Irlaaiali ia hto to theSeoaae, whhh,taea aBother leaf be sot add- -

ta the chapter a) bte faatt, wfll eree bim aplace oa Wterrs ptfte, for aH tiee to cose as

-- Oot At trm HI ao

He cones law or at a the def eader of tbe

Soo alat the- foal aspersions of abaft too

rsaaties he eeai'i aethe dofead rofsheOaB- -

rutat ou aestatt those who woaM rethteaeif

vi' )' be eoawe as the dtftadtr of therr, eiaot ska aasaoiU of thoee who arepi 1ng for its dliiai aibiianf HiatoweriacloMleet, bx aehaowMfad aMteoaiaaobijvbnpolil ca . irpriry aod ate JadMoa-lik- e tatre--

pidity, K eeojbiaetojat bTr the vac pojmli iati ax- - nr a.aTf(c MAXorTME raorLC,wo-- tMl - d tallod to aWheiai of State ia these" rmr (Jat try ana's soala " by ooe Bni

; .real thaat of aoataatataoB.It ir, traly be said of hte, as Bamas

nr TronrV I tit BoifarABTE. that "litTBre

ht exhaosted liersett ia the maitoa af the

!f Bats Bairn is to be preserved, the groa'D ssor rtttc prtactples which be advocates

bais of its peraeBity b'taeaartp'tol power that wM bold

tbe taook tfaitorfas; tUn of oar coid'eeVrsey, nto oae aiailayt eoMtetia toe forerer. Thenadaptioa eoa ato give aatotade to the eooa

try otote be sbn of leciloasl discard ionidc hs bead aad, ta hae, avert the (vthcrtagteespevt, wWeb seeet sarobasfed with aH the

rkatoatsof aVrestaMoa.

Letssea af all partios g oat to trtet the

hero af a total td soathcra rictortef h Lie

cunttee;. U' Wai see that at teatt to Teaaisrtt, aad faratoakfiy ia ear awa imiwopohs apoa the waters of the Mttiljitopt,there are eaaaWe bearU which possess

yield to trae vator aadundaaated ataBbood a aad awr- -

ited UStats of i soa a ilaetic weieosaa.


We stake ate of the f ttowtaf extract from

a private totter doted Aarata, Georgte, ft.ober It. It is frost a tcavtoe; cit.res of that

Sate a 'BaccEHSaiESC attBtTnhllnl BrospecU forebede aaythtee; bat

rood rtiaai. SbKe the receat iiscttoas MveI imaand. we aoetWer Hw tineOet of Lib.rout a fiztsl fact. Wbit ay be the coaeo- -

queaeet of soeb a reeait, aese eoa predict."Soash Otrowaa wfH eertatory goaat of the

C ion. What etber States, If aay, asey foi- -

luw, seeau to be aaeerate at preseat; bat thatGeorgia wW oat K Lucou be sterted ashiDtoeoratrdL I have aa aaat. If Lcecours'iooH be eieoted, who ia the loath wiH bald

See aaalerba?n' Aa far attard free) there is aa danger

t .at Mtasphit wfM be wfcheat Federal oakertu iocs a fearfal cea'tagoacy.

We notice thtt seme of the BaEcaur-iudo- e

Mpers, and or clever ceteetporary of

tbe NarbviUe Dole mi AatrUn amoae;

tbest, are atteapttag to shew sbat ia several

ulact to OMo aod IcdiiBt where SPeccu.s receattr mide esesehes, the BtactRepabHcaa majorities are sacretstd over whatthey bid prerteasty beoa.

If ther be correct ia aseasaptJoB, thoaty Ieesrtoate deauetsoa frees tbe preaaises

woatdbeabatblttaeechetworetoo aooad aadeesatora no east the freesoH taste of the

X tie had pasdered to aloBtiupJtai,it woaM eoaroesv to the aatwe of iadaga baredrives ftem.bit taaeort Its advocstes.

tS"Kee-- K before the that the

Bxxceikusmje party voted the Black-Repo- t)

tican ticket in Onto and Indiana In the receat eleettoot to note States,end ttraa tcttmpWthfd Jjbettoftaat ot five


J5nWe ernsra and Jmtriea thtnkt tbattt- - Brtt parry are mokiag a "eat's-paty- w ot

'he naiioBsf y in Teaoeesee. Thiecharge laolte freoXsl aamiag from a partywtieb ft BteeaT'WeeaC'i eatrof the Black-R- e-


j- - Se t o Docctat comes to-n- ig lit at

a oei Jc Lt eve y Democrat, who can

p iteibh g'i, be out to greet the friend of Iht

t inoa and of tie Soath m has eotniiir. LetL s reccpion be so inttotasa af the OBtastoi

s.rc of Le honest nsaesee In has bahatf.

t7l' - "flitbly ttatod" tbi Be BseckBS' b is Cndiinati, a- - "raguHy or- - .( - t.4 eisay t 4trte mm

i . lo rrnted eererai si ce ' t

; -- oi. the win? of ofDeciscntcy. et




We arentUiaed to aanaaact that St BMXA. BaoeaAt, Mte croat ooamatoB at BcbbK- - I

ricT. tbe defender of tbe CraftttstioB aadtriboae of the Amerieia peopla, iril addreee

tbe citneaa of Mempbls


Tbe speaking will take place at

ob the coraor of Market i A Steaal (Uoatt,ta tfcc nartbora portioB of the cMy, at halfpact oae o'clock, p. m.

The Meaaphlf aad Cbarieotoaaadthe MbMas

topi aad Tmnm rallraadi have eTd to

Um Uakt eto atthe aoaal price NwieMb; farthe iwiil hat atM Itekeos mntat; firtfttiftmk reMrn. The totter road will raa a ape-et- al

ttata oat fraa MeapWe to HotMBde, loariiar the dtj at 5 o'clock r. m. We prenaM the

roede wilt Bake siHilar arrrai COBMBvB.

rojiB o I coie ai.i.t:aedbear rbe prcat AMERICAN STATESMAN.

oitiu.Tbe natioaal Deaocracy of Ohio bare sos--

aed thesaaelvos BMiet gsllsail.T ia tbe lateState election ajraiaet the meagrel forces ofthe MmBbWatahaE pasay. Kotwa- -;

vtaadias; the defectJoB of the AdauaMtrattoooaptoyeos ia'o fall feNowsatp with the

despite the ri aperatina of thBocmanax prees, lereled at the hoaest Oeaaocrato who are acatia; tbe batUes af the Sorbapoa aorthera soil we base the flettoriat:'laettoa to baarto oar soassthattkree BKaaersof Coepess have beea reiaed, aad the RepobKcaa ssajority has beoa redacod ra thie Stateby Bore tnaa a tbootaad votes. The vote castfor Deknisov, the abtUttoa caadidate forgoseraor, last year was 16402 ; the vote forRamsey, Peraoetat, 17M ton lags aafjor- -

ity for the forssor of ISM. la the ruaateiecttoa BaisgBaiior r's aiaiority over Smith,for jadce of the aaasiaii coart, wM, froeiJpreeeat indicitioes, not be bibber thaa UflOO.

Arraaeeeteats are oa foot for a cosspletifostoa of all the eleawtitsre this State (ezclasive of tbe Bcchanakparty who, of coarse, ate worfciag foe the elfcaction of Lxkcolx) ra view of tbe approachisepreeideatial eiecttoa. If the piaa caa be perfected, the defeat of hat Likobc. ticket, evenrn Ohio, taiy be imfWallr aaritaBatad Betwithoot reasoe. While la 186C Facjuvt's soa

jortty over Boolanabt oajjr rooahed stwlhiBp-over loM, if we isantahsr aarrecUy, theFiumobc rate wot tasrs Ihsa tMN litriat.a coaservative saajaritr af aaoat 1MP0.

All we afc thtt stare ia tae pttaslin, is,that she few eascials aad expectaato ia Ohio,who ate bow aader the thasab of the old faactiooarr at Waehiagtoa, wiH oaty vote tbeTsirs tfekot, isd not tki tiraajatoW tidcH forAbbakabt Libcou.

Till! 3Ili7IlIIIS DliUHCItAT.Tbe above is tbe aaase of the new Deaso- -

cratie joaraal pablithed by A. LakokDr. H. LAaec, la the OtrassB laagoaf e,the aretBomber of wbtoh wat tossed in oar city oaSatarday awralar haw. It haa ati'aaaMtbead Uie nsaisi af the aatioaal ntmlansiSt t.thbs A. Docolai and Hsbschel V.

Johnsos. This ia aaatfeer evidence of theCaat iacroaetar poaalatitr of taw -- LtttteGiant" to MetapUs, a fact which we haveover aad agate asserted throagh those eatoiTbe Gerssaa portion of oar population areal post ana aha oas la their advocacy of the "peo-ple- 't

caadidate," aad beaee thm aaadotelnbleaaifestatloB of their tatbootosai io bis

They have toar aeeded ac occaa iatbrr owb aattve tomjue, fronj wbicb they caaat all liases road aod ponder she groat artecipies of the Dimacratic party ac eanarialad byits great ehiaaayn aad I as dir. Tast was'csBiammttiaa d tetany to be deseroa,,' aad

its toeritaMe aad aeserol effiet wiH hcocaa- -ceatiate the whose Oermaa vote of Wessphljsad its tatToaaditigt apoa the leaaator asttoaalD lastitlle mssiiim. We 'with oartimpirary aM the saeesss, both poistltsl aadpecoooary, wbicb the projectors to richly deserve, p

COMMITTEE OrRUCEPTIO.VThe Ioitowtog eomsautce of aftyaaa stfD

tppoiBted with the view of atteadiag to tbe reptiaa f Seaator DoastAK

I. Khok Walker, S. B. WiNUsmmHob J no. A. See, X. B. Hatejr,Hoa. W. T. Browa, J. II. Uatheatk.n . Joe. S. Waste, Hob. K W. M. Ktoc,Heerv O. 8ssh a. woiwara,Dr. W K. Rodcers. Jao. Itawitoa,Col jtat. Avdersea, tioa. Sato. Beytoy,Cent. K. Freeh,Jno R. McCtoaaaaaa, fsax Caresack--.Lnke Fnatsy,W. A. avytoe.J no. Gttti, H. 8. xW,Jcub 5tnakabl, G. W. Oitmore,Geo. W. Htoaer, 1nceat Ht retfifepoCeat. Teaatetoa, A. C. Ksrwaa,Hon. w. c Itoaltp, Jas. Wiekeetham,Jao. DoHieager, Btvid S. Greer,A UaraAna, Fraa. Waraef,Dr. A. Tfaaojtl. ObL a B. McLeaa,Josse L. Hrris. ttoatot Kachoa,sVsa. H. ObowHer, Ino. H. Bswea,

oaIH.Sbock, Jas. Horhacjr,IJtf lW4djJ)r Osa. Manvaey,CoL P os oa aaatth, Jaasee Taft.'no. Batier, B. F. Dill.

fgU AaoAauus LtsteaLK ai otocted President eftbeat CsBted atatea, aad fait tore- -ward the papptittii of Joh C. Bbbckiic- -Biaac for the serrate they have reader himto this eaavate, he wfll rxbibi' the frooaeet,baeetaadatost aapirdeaaMe iorratitale.

17 Seaator Subell the knowuig, tbeaacactoBi, the threwd Suskll --that up iktto his fttondt la Lo litiana ia a reseat addrtat of

poblioaedia the New Manas MicAltBenamstaaT of oar aaoat s

acfll ea'eetain hopes of Mreaoari and Kastocky, byor atos an tVinsf to dtttsastolinsf.

Joe Ibhc en Bsmoeracy"ktotkt fmrnB tf me iaetsocrstac aorta. t is

Wriwrnn, to tiodrtor; ortocissV, t Mfigme LStiitieina Utdf, (tec hot feses-a-t Iirsaale tjaos tae cuUn aad nVe norro. hVaf

rzrei-troa- d Joe Lane's speech la theBeanie, Btayzata, low.

Otdliae Dtmocratt, wfll you cast your votes istor tast toadaeer of Tatar party p

TICKItTS 1 I ICKtSTs ! ! TICKIITS ! IWe agato eaH the atteattoa of oar frlaaii

ererywhere to the necessity at t tpplJ togtheir tecttoas of eoamtrr with etechtoa ttokeUin due Ufjte. ' It it sow oaty hWee wsoks to tog

the election, aad Kb aH import, that hsfematter be attended to n Wheal deter.

sruKMi" at nAso.t's dkpbt.The Hoc. IL & Foots, K. M. Tnaaca, ne

lita., aad others, wtn speak at Xatoa'a aspot,os the Msssajsjia aad OMo raleroad, oa Taesday, tkeSd iaet We traet the amttoaal De-

mocracy will tare oo to foH fore lapoa this Bttoccattoa, as from ta Jtaowa aMMtf of efspeakers we are BtWaed to betrertat; thst thestost seaguiae wtH wot be dieeppeieted.

C3TTo show the etSset of political prsacrip- -taon si pfaatacpd by-an- e presestt ttwrrto atWashington, it it only necessary to give thefoilowiag extract from the Ctovettad (Ohio) I

itoitMWJer regarding that joaraal, whoseeditor hae beea made aa especial object ofAdsatoiavtrattve tKTascstiati- - it Mas tbeir

rtorinr site sseeeed dWttroas tohrji ot Jam themaadJMcSasaa, k boo aasre tassa atmasaau ast stjecu--

U is. For its Bdeiitr to the Democratic party aadits prt&eaoee, asm eepocieiir sU dooa-- glory

ttoa to Doutrtas aad populsr aeiuisttrty, abefoot

of thi paper wat asaas ne sattctai Bjtotoert of jwejidenual isoieilptlsu aad perse,csctoa. Be wai fltst Wtut-jet- l of RxottativertBCeaace by d'capttatton, aad has sver sincebeen fottowetl ay pers'tuBteas rrom rue mtteg-sa- nt

bead of the AiirraYB' ratios, ia Ukinrawty sot only the public pairoaagt lastly be'

longing to mis paper, oat ta esuoutsuns: aanaobitioa res by auaue p p, aao cir

culated bv Federal ogesBtddffs on purpose tobreak t stows, and rum ut pecutiitnlv. But of

peraeration hallows wbere it hrte " Theaoajpie, se-- us a martyr is their cause came soiiternehiuely to our aid, and we are Afly Uwu-s-tt- d dare

sti'senbers Ite'.ie. uff y than We d.nte

tier expee'rd " ' - rallyout

Ice ax Ircb THi.k 1... .fieerttier hvi everytb" ce an inc i thi tt ...a found wi ia two or

t ree miiee o M uie s Tu-.i- ay p otniag.Ilie k near icl of the ttncknri. of - quarter tect

a ollarwat t en ;n tome pirt nt he citythe tame time

""WW --Tp., a ' 3 -MMrygTappn y WWPTyl ,Hon. 111 III

II,.-- .


Fosr 9wtm, October ff.leW,-- Katim ArrsALx KhH leJitom tna

xqrtWac t iiUMt to eomyKtrm aar "rYtsMler CRy." that a town T

tews Burnet w objMttoBiMe to yoor read-

ers, MtWCilllf M it pertalni to a subject

toe BoMfe bM Is at ttee S"1'ctjaeenied. Latt niasat. Napoleon Bettor"Burro addraaaed bciUa( FrtStttan,! ihoufh for ..oa best katewn U

Mtnl,t,, msay of Uvea 4W Dot M

BOMdtobMr We,, be eaeo la"--Temsrirabo - ib timee. 01 hi.unrenee. la a rilr f ihte. ttouUw iD

babitaait, Battafre akaa lefty were BrwKi eltvhlcb iW .k .w .hawc eae-Sn- h

tineide4 witfa tlx speaker Is paHHM.ii i nut f j inunK b4M'

dov.nl witti mw. r tit, aasjttiesaJor b orator. Hli Uaceese Sipr"amc aad ornate Us eliettos iDitie, lad hit demeanor graceful and f,cl"tiac. Pot an Hub In ttours i eKnioekit small hat Tur.l .adioBce wrth

ik. - , . . Ariir uu.It is'ob rsgntted

'vthat each a rse4lk

productio aiiould be lost to so many ; not ait waoid hare h, mired ana caBse watob heespMited, bat for the good tt mtgbt have f

farted nnaa tfe. mm af oar beta Uaioe.

I have board of thtraeaaseriat aatosaleaBedare-eat-er, aad bare eo few of that kindred

sawetos kaowa at Utaaisillls, bat aeror be- -

fate tost eveatof bad aa aooortasfbiaapectiag tbe forsseT, and wateblng the ata

rnier actiea of tbe latter.Mr. B. takes Ms cos from Yancey direct;

aad with perhaps store daring, bat lest prn-daa-

more detrboraHoa hat tost ttotesmaa-shi- p

than hk Utaatrtoet chieftain, epooesthe tectioatl dooutaee of bis party. Hecsaa-meaee- d

Mt speech with aa Boston to the ae-ti-

part icii be took to the Clmrieetoa

la producing the dtoraattoa wbicb basdismembered the Dsmocnoc psrtr, aad itBow the ktoc this Uatoa to Ho very centers aadwithoat paliMttog or seek tog to excee bis

botdiy aad fraaktr roHowod them eat to

their ottimate aad inevitable rosalts. He as-

serts that it hi the daty of the Democratic

coasoatiaa, as well at Mt usages and easterns,

to acaaieacc, withoat beeitattoa, ia the reportof tbe coBuaittee oa ntatforaM. That sbeeam--

salt ee was made ap of oae from each State,and to represented tbe States. Aad that be-t-

the ease, he strangely deduces tbe argn-mo- at

that the Caarteotaa toBeentien worked

itt'lf into as irragaitr body bv rtjeoitog tbestaierity aad adoptwg tbe minority repor..Aa though the cotamiUee lU.lf wat the aatieatl coaveattoa, aad could, aeeonlmg toDeaiocratic asage, dicUte a pta'Jorso to heconrentioa wtuch appoiotel them. Mr. B.would seesa to mike the iatpreeeion thst bealone kaew the real feels lo the case, and ly

to I states that tbe report of tbe committee wat oaly made to be adsntot, wheat everrintelltgeBt man kaowa that according to tbeparfiameatary relet of every properly orgaa-ine- d

deliberative assembly conventions soteicrpted all reports are subjected to a testvote of tbe appoia'iag bodv, watcher ther willor will not accept it. It m roe taat geaertllybarnoBy aad uaaBimity of feeling to Demo-crsti- c

convratioM bas precladed the Beceeeityof rejecting tbe majority reports of the commit-tee oa platforms; bat he most well know thatthis doet not dtatarb the principle of sobjeet-B- g

tbe report uf every committee to tbefor adaatioa or rejection. Moreover,

be is aware that the minority of every com-mittee, it ther tee prosier to preseat a counterreport, have also an equal right to hare tbeirreport reopectea, aad ir aceeptaMe, aaopteabv tbe boot which aMwtoted tbem. It is adeeepttoB, ttten, to detode aa uaiaformed peo-ple into a belief that tbe CbarteotoB eoarea-uo- b

violated Democratic precedence and usageib rejecting the majority aad adopting th- - mi-

nority report of the committee on platforms,aod Mr. B. wilt had it la vain to shield his prom-inent action in that convention bebted sock asubtle t interface, or to make it a soficient excuse for disrupting the Chariestoa eoaveatioii,be cease It did not tec proper to sdi.pt the re-

port of that part of the committee to which hebelonged.

Tbe conreafloa could violate no principle orua;e of tbe DemocraUc party in foHowingtbe old land marks ana acting la aeeerancwith tbe precedents of the Baltimore eonvesiion at 18&2, aad the Ciactoaa i coaveattoa of1856, aad (boat who vary from those moat takeall tbe evH contcqacBcc apoa uveer owa re--

T.e awn vill reuever e tfce LOe,tne aaj tt is, vol tsa.

Mr. B's spot eh was eompeied rhlsaVr of atirade of abuse toward rae ncrta an aeK--

elottoaatoa fee bis own eeettos, tad jet becusmv. as ne a sstionai man. lie orew an m- -

vidtoM tmpsili ss betweea the people of tbetwo sections, aad labored to excite hatred betweea tbem, proclaiming to the world that thedesceadaets of the cavaliers and Horueaotswho nrst settled m tbis country soutb of aiseon and D'xon'e line, were better aad superiorthsa the posterity of the Pilgrim father whocame ever ra ne Ma yrwwer ; aeBoaatiag raelatter aa pnuriout aad servile ia their

the farmer were thegiary aed prideof the BattoB, forgetful of that cement, tbeblood of toe two race tbat Bowed freely upeatbe heMs of the revoiu'ioa and made tbem oaeforever forgetful of tbe noble effort e whichmade them brothers of oae tennuoa ramify Intbe eoaacil balh ay, forgetful of tbat hal-lowed remonerance against civil disseatieoa,ariJi which the father of bis country adewe-itbe- d

oa ia bit fareweH oddrest. To My noth-ing of tbe indelicacy aad iBaapropriateBeas ofsuch aaktnd, ay, suicidal altneioBs, aad theilettttattoa of ttatetmanthiB in tbe priaetaie.ba iatolltceat portion ef bis aadienee coaM

not rail to notice ne owcreptBcy or trie facte,recoMed ta tbe history of tbe country. Aadeven if bis remarks were ever so true, it ie alate da v. and apeakt poorly for the Mtriottomof any public man to hold op one section tobe derision aa eoaiempt or anotoer, wbos- -

blood bat now commingled for more than twoceatarios, and wboee iaeauty is now record rdupon the paget of bhnory. It seems to methat such doe'riaee partake ttraBtily of tbe"IrrfpewtWe cenjuer,'' aad laeteaa of nrooac- -

Bg anet aad aarmoBy to a distracted eoaatryteadt oaly ta widen tbe breach which his own.teed bare accoauNitbcd. instead of tootit lie--

be sere or neaHag tae gantBc, nteootag woaadwbicb his own fratricidal band bas made, beit tearia; wider the rent, and plunging deeperin bit Doieoaoot weapon, to pour out the rervvitais st ants gionoas umoa, ana to oeotrojtbe nroud and sacred fabric of ot.r patrioticftiatrt.

Aad vet Mr. B. says be it a aatioaal :a ve, to nt own expreeeive Magosge, " ne pitor aeapair is paveo tin saco rrieaoa to uaion,peace aod order" tad we may well tremblefor tbe honor and perpetuity of our countrywhoa such seetimea s are eaeoaraeed and die- -

mated to dietarb tbe public miad. Howdiaereat the teatiment ef 'he honrrable rentlemaa from Illinois in bis late speech in Pe-

tersburg, Ta., August 38, I860, when be sohappily Uloetrateo ta ties or Bleed betweeBthe orth and South, by intermarriage la thewesteca States, to wbtch tbe peoule of eachsectioB emicrated and held in common, lovingroorca aaa soexu niiee. oeeaose eir anceetrrhailed from both sections: tad when he so eo.

excsaltted. " There is bo evil tor which3uentij It a legttimate remedy. The last bepeof freedom in the old world I bow centered inthe success of the Amsrsota Republic Tcrants bar- - no hope of faeteaing taeir chainsapoa the necks of tbe people longer, aalesstney caa sever mis gienoua union, asking it

tekery and a instead af a sheaiBgutar." The uatoa must be preserver).

Mr. B wrtaoat the esgaeftY of M. Yancey, who evaded toe aueouoa or what woaldas do it Mr. Lincoln is elected, by deelariagthtt he ireuM do what bit 9tate woerhrde, batfailsd to aay wbat be would odHtt hts Stat toso, paattciy remanes utt ne naa twenty-Be- e

iisntsa ttsuars to sspsno in spponai) thent in getting posseeeion of the

Lovernment in otbec word, to defeat the In- -af their Keeideatisl essadidate.

Thta ra rotor evea farther thaa aar iathvittoalhe South has dared to go, sad it needs but

the overt expression of sttcb tea Jmsutt tc eoa- -asxtute toe most venomous rrosaon to tne Fed--e-- Govern to nt, aod should be reprehend!

every citizen iathe lir,d. Forhat would be rebellion, and retoflion in as In- -

tfcvidast to trceoa. May toe God of ttrfathers protect us from such fcoetrlae. This

not even good States lights doc hnc; for Iconteaa mat me arar.es are superior to tae gen-eral government, which is but oar a rest, andsur first obedience ts to tbs States; But when'hey fall to act In any siatrgtatj. the htdi-lido- al

ei'izeB matt aetpiitacs bit aliaa-teae- e

ts the whole CJsetri tat. Tae iraserentrtght of revototioa caaaot be taecoaxhtrty se--aaa to a commaaity oi piopat, iMivldua

is treaeon, and thtald be ptnishsd asaeh by the laws under which tbey lire, andwaucn Hy muse osey.

Mr B. bad no suarrel ts make with theBeH party. Tbey agreed with him ia detsaad- -

tbe doctrine of congressional pr:tection.uaiifeu ta uk wtscnartoge seattorra. jvr

abolrtreclattthat doctrine? Mr. Clay said ia a speech eat

esaproutite ma3area ot 1890: "God for-bid thst I should by my vote or votes fsreesoy institution unwilHag people.And this was ia refereaee to bt doctriae ofintsttsreace by Congress this sentiment

been inddliMv eagrsvea unoa the heartevery whig frm tbat day lo Tbe wh'g

party ss well the Democm tie party itto the priaaple of ia

every platform from 1M8 o liteO, and thePrincipal loaders of the Opaeeiitoa topreeeat Coraireee have aeeerted aad rerterataaitheir undying ontweltion to eaora'onilegteMtion ror local eoncernt ia the TsrrHory.

would to know if ms "Untoa Dnrtr"agree, according to Mr. B-- , with the

If they do, let them now,henceforth and forever yield unth rtain ll

asarped name of Umoti party.' Letfate forth with with Mr. BrechiiwU..

it the Uaioa is dissolved by their tsel-tane-e,

1st history it tboir'a thethetr'a the bobor of atbmergiag the

aoblitet of gorerritseate of trsmpitog underthe blood-boug- liberties of their countrv.I am inclined to think "Mr. B. will be

mistaken" in regard to this aeaoieseenee olpolitical opinion lite ateMtfieous tonne andsmooth wort's will aval bim aotfaiag is thatcause. They will arose

"Lit. Deal frail, that toaaot Ike ere.Bat ta-- ts t.kea at tne ass."

Tbe conservative nttlooal men of the'intry who ir Union of States, natoaseBtimrn' a ut on of hearts who de-

nounce sectionalism everywhere who wl'ltbe mon'ter dieui.ion wherever H shall

to raise ,tt grim, horrrid front, will rt.ni- -

tbe tect'onal dorrnne ot Mr. B., airflin of a ational mtnwbowit'- -

prtjaSee pre or etm, win do jastice topart ot Ute iUon, Xorth, Sotst,tet

Wee', and sect bim ts preside ever tbedestinies of aar esmmts country, pro

its bxaBor and Its perpetatty.Our country, it mutt bp shall be preserred.

J. J. D.

Tlir STAKE triltCir JJI.-ai-ti-

HAS IS TUB lUlKSIUfertrsAA,Kl.l,Cllll.Editosj ArrEAi.: Let our cltlitns think of

this, iltrehants, meebatles, property now- -

era, pans a raetne&t and ceotlder.Sanwwe Lincoln eleeieJ anil tbs Sontb pre

cipitated Into the ptnlc and convultlon which

will sorely follow a taccrtiful movement by

Sottb Carolina and Mltslulppl to dlstolrt tne

Union Bot a new InbiMttnt will be anueu

from abroid to Merapblt far a Mot, we know

net how lour; net a new buMdtos erected in

tbe city tbe coming summer, but a unolrertalstorna ton of basinets and enterprise and

trads of every kind.Think ot tbis, earpeaters, bricklayers,

brkkmtkers, painters, lren workmen. No

bufldtog aaatt sum mer, work for you wbere

will you gri. bread for your wives and children

and yeattelres, mope; for your debts ?

TaiEk. er this mertbtnit woo will buy

your geogj when fear and convulsion terrifytbe eouatrrf

Think of this, owners of real estate. Where

the value of ysar Ms and beasts" Stop

building, stop Insrease af pofoUtiM, para-

lyze trade, all the aearb ef aH men with panic

and mI haw stands the vatoe ot realestate In MemBhitf

Think of this, yon who keep betel and

baeMitc bosses. Who wM sft at your tablesaad 'steep to roar beds, and oecapy yourrooms, and so enable you to live and to de

rive profit from ysar labor and capital In

vested,' and par year debts T

Consider, we invoke you, what stoke bitMemphis In tbis election t Tbe preeeat value

of roil estate hers, Is about $5000,000; drop

its vtloe M per ceat, It is $5,000,000 loss fire

millions of dollars.Itow mula r M.tsnbis then atserd to give

to avert IMa ealaraitv Hew msch. tbehi4r to ulntaln and elevate tbe

raise of his bouses and lets? How much,tbe carpenters, brickmakers, bricklayers,pein'tlf, nlastsrtn, to keep npthe growth ofweeKv.to eentjBue the bulMtoc: Here nextsummer asfor amy past, to earn moaey topay their debts, and to feed their families andthetatelret? .

Rather than disunton, Memphis can tetterpay $3,000,000, and even more.

How can ye help to erect taeh a disaster ?We will tell yos.

Mr. Dowlas i seen to come here, aad tovisit and sneak- - to tbeneonte ot the South, factto face. No man lives m the conlii-en- t, whocan think such vast thoughts as be, or utterwords ot such weight as can tie, or sway thehearts ai d minds of men as be strays tfaeta tohis will. It is because God made bim a manof vast brain and beg and intense heart, andfilled Ms tool with seattments and feeftnzs inatouch aid command tbe best iattiacts andsympathies of bis fellow-me- n.

His miesioi, at the fVertb bat been to boatdown sec ioaaiism and disunion lem In tbeNorth, and heavy blows bat he dealt apoa meenemiee ef the eoun ry there. His missies attbe Soath is to beat down eeettoaalism anddifrfuiionism in tbe South, and ponderous blowswill be deal rig'.t and left apes those here intbe South wbodeeire or think evil to the Union.

Mr. Douglas may never be President. Wethink be will. Calboua did Bet attain thepresidency, nor did Clav, nor did Webster,nor did many others of the greatest and no-

blest men ho adurn tbe galax) of Americanhistory, end Douzlas may not. But Mr.Douglas' mission through the Soufh will doi in (sense good. Wherever be goes, be willcarry hope and courage and confidence, andwill dr&uee through tbe country a sense ofsafety which no other man can do, or aay otherpower now apparent. People will tee andbear and feel and know tbe giant letelleet andpatriot of the Union. They will see and bearand feel and knew tbat all bis purposes aregood and patriotic and safe. Tbey will seeaad hear and feel knew the man whobreadth and lcope of sooi trig enough to em-

brace in hi love the whole country, ant, tothink and act fairly to tbe whole country, a fidto stand by and vindicate aad enforce therights aod safety of every section of it. Theywill see and bear and feel and know tbe manwho in fair fight only three years age wasmore than master of bim (Lincoln) who Is nowtbe high priest of the Black Republican party,and that, too, when Lincoln was backed bythe whole power of Bechanan's Administra-tion and minions. They will see and near andfeel and know that there is a man, giant incharacter and roarer, born and residing in theNorth, wBo bas heretofore vindicated an-- 1 whowiH again vindicate tbe rights of the South Innit owb nor hern country.

Citizens ef Memphis, yon who have suchvast Interests at state, every one of yoa whotovethit hone and bis whole country, go onlo meet and greet Mr. Doug las Give such awelcome at no man ever before had here.Show bim here at the threshold tbat the peo-

ple at tbsSou'.b, the ubote of tbe true peopleof aW Snath, approve the man whose patriot-fer- n

Is broad enough to embrace tbe wboicountry, and bid him God speed in hte missies

ir spire hope, eeaf-deaee-, and courage,and peace, and safety thfours all oar borders

nd among all our peop'e. Rite above party;Mr. Douglas it above the presidential officeHe coats to v a- -d "stands among at In thststore lofty character, a great aad noble pa-

triot. So greet him, and so gve btsi welcomehere that he may go forth with hie owb greatboait full of fresh strength and power oa tbenew mantes oeiere aim -

Docslas tK Memi-hi- s and Mobile TheMssaahis (Toaa.) ArrsutL estimates tbs voteot una oaty as ronowe :


.LastBrecttMtSs..?. SSS

We caa do better than that hare. The voteof M. btl couiaty to ovember next wttl standa front as follows :

scim M I - s,tssI I,'

Br, caiarieseWe have already nearly fifteen hundred

votes esetnted and Mistered. We have sevenDeasie sad Johaeoa eta be, the two largest ofwhich, the " Wotkiag Men's" and the " YoungMen's- -' atoae rjaeaber nearly one thousandmembers Tbe Breckinridge strength at this

ta Ibe coaaty it estimated by theif g ones" at about votes, at least

eae-nl- rd of which tbey mast expect to losebetween now anu tne txn proximo. ATer 'belast Saturday night's demonstrattoa bets wererreety ostrsd mat uotuias wsuts carry thecounty bv two hundred majority ever bota theopposition parties, which is 200 roles morethaa in the above estimate. ifeMe Rtcitttr.

t7g John Forsyth, tbe Aix Tela bob ofDouglas in ibe South, bas torn the sejuatternag from ats Baasrneoa, as every soutnem editor who bas it there sheald do. All right setr,John. .Kt'sjtfa Itdthgttutr.

rs-- We aHtrdod tbe other day tbe car- -ren report among rae Breckinttdgetn tbat tbeMoHie Hiiritttrtoa. "laEeBaown toe Douglasliag," and to the many inquiries afloat aboutit. Os the 6th inat, tbat patvr omitted itsuousl cola ma of afasaKsg political mater, In-

cluding the Btmes of Dougtes and Johnsonand ot the electoral ticket at tbe headof it. This fact was telegraphed to Montgom-ery by the Breckinndgers, and tbey hastenedthereupon to circulate tbe report that theMftititr Dad abandoned Douglas. We havenow the Rffitttr of tbe rVh before us, and findit jus as Decidedly for Douglas as ever, notwithstanding me omission ; wrjieo raet provesthst those who sent the dispatch from Mobilknew tbat tbe em esiou did sot signify anvchange of party relations. Moreover, we havethe Moaite --Wrerffjer er tbe 7Hi. wbicb exDlalat that tbe osusstoo was only aa accidental oversight ia tbe foreman in ehangtog ibematter from ibs weexiv to roe uaiiy esnttos.Tbeir desperate clutching at this little strawproves now uara run tae rweciiDr kns are.at well as their HBscrt.paioos resert to Httte oftricks tad taisreprrtesAatioai. CWsmeuai;7lrrr.

Yi - mteuT cup a nair column or saco extracts, showing thtt tbe Breckinridge faction

todeed made the most of this pitiable MtHe trick. Yet, so far as our observation ertendt, one of the papers who ait erapied tomake CApltal oat ef it I at had the heaesty tocorrect we it e paitwn wen, for ic raeMre'kiMlaee press bad to correct en bundredth of tbe witfat misver'resentatioas whichthey hve eirnitatid, ths eorreettost wouldtake up tbeir commas until Mr. Breckinridc'iis elected President, which is a Ion; time indeed. Why, their readers do not know evenyet tbat ne governor rieci or Missouri did setdeclare for Breekinrlkge. at they all jubilantlyrrtofrtod. -.Vtoiir HtfUtrr.

Ilorr It trae Done In Indiana and. ffiiilo.

Abundance of ervienee is rorrhtamlsg toshow that ne Breekinrisgettes deserted nohr Br.earadidates In Indiana and Ohio and voted fortbe nominees or ne abolitionists and BlackRepublicans. All tbe papers from thai sectioncome to us filled with iadirtdsal Instances of a ftreachery bate and dtshosorable. Bright,Fitch, and tbeir deceived deluded toolshave Immortalized themselves at last, but tbatimmortality will cover uiem wtto lasting dtsgrace and ceetumely, Instead of shedding luster upon tbeir lives.

We have still I Bother proof. It cones fromone who bas takes noble part in the bitter

on tbe other. It may be relied upon with en uttire ooaMeitce. We give the foHowing extract of a private letter to a gentleman resld tkisIbc in this eity :

"The Buchanan-Breckinridg- e party voted tbthe ticket In Ohio and Indi-ana. I hate their printed ticket with oar can-didate

payerstricken off and the Republican pat on, mt

and the ticket headed 'Democratic ticket' InToledo I got trios tickets frsea their men. Theticket was got uo in the post office by GeneralHunt. Jodie Pettit. aud Johnson. It watprinted ta ths office ef the Toledo BfseV, (Re- - B.yuunoHt,) aaa votea eerty in ta morning ev-

erywhere. Thit It the 'Maine game' playedover. I told our friends that this would be therase, nary bars welched for it, and de-

tected the whole thtog. Orders from Wasb-B.to- a

did tbe bueiness." IFeuAfscten .Staff,jAaaaai UjrtTS$ar&e.

W AtTitta rou t Mtsetseim to Rn.i Dir. MooThe Ticktbtrg r to responsible far Urfs alataral

"juening" commentary an the ilwpHcrly of R1ssase t"ac Anterior resUesU:

A twMli'ot emigrant i, westward boatsd-sn- d

bailing from Seott coaaty, ia this State, LaveTVTOCK

peso "catsped eat" to what it BOwn at the wuk"bottotB," is the lower pert ef the caty, forseveral dys. A day or two ago one ot tbe Tklrtfamily approa bad a lady Lving near by, and Boa

very innocently lnejaired bow long it would be If:before tue river wctdd rua dry, to 'bit they willcould drive ibetr trims over. The- - tody sf Ovettorcoarse, replied tbat while leaves were in thetercet or foam on the ocean, there was a prob-ato- ll

tj at the MiesUs-po- , still winding it saytoward the gulf, which sorpriaed th familyvsry mack, and tbey coBcl-jde- it weald be besttopaskopand pay tbeirwty orersntbe ferry A.beet VsAtfE? Dltek Uteyestd ther wabrdtwo daysTor rbtt stream to ran dry, bat at hueed of tbat Mere they frf-- id ft coatalaed atmuen water as ever, am eonehrded to d est ontee frrv, tblaking 'be roads would Se in a bedtonoition f they rem M tbere muchlonger.

certainly his road e record of U--t pary cefttrst between the regular national Derao-w- ""i,d old whig cracy on the one hand, and thepsrty. or present Unioa party, enaactote and and Yancey bolters

bbob aa


thm.a com-



so record

a asad






and hat

o and










rnon TTAsinjtcTox.rteaUtt ClDtiansti EnqHirr.

WaiHixaToiT. October 17. Since tbt letselections the Reputllctni have been jubilantortr their success, and they consider that theelection of Lincoln it a fixed fact But to showthat tbey reckon without their iiost let meshowup their chances. Snppoie we glvstbtmtbe folfowleg States, tome of which tbey willnot receive! .

Kfeoerai toiw.CaUtarata. -Oanteetlex- -

Mttse - -H&Maifcateetl. .......m-.- .' I

aiaVitin -UhSeMtaKew nWfMjtrtOhU..,OreisaRtwte nuns ejrvVera

Tttiasivetatatalof ft.Wbleb. la 2 short of an eleetlen. To tied himbe mast bare both New York and Penntylvt-nl- a,

which together jutt cast tbs OS needed.If, then, the Republicans should carry tit theSlates tbey claim, ot course their candidatewtH be elected.

But Itt ss look it the Stttet above, and teewbat Lincoln's chanett art in seme of thtm.In Cslifortrit, unlets the M,31 ef Frementcan be made ta overcome in I860 tkt a3,4Mfor BuehtntB and the 36,186 for Fillmore, orto 1849 tbe 10.110 east for ths Republicans.nJlijal, far rarnar ean bt mlde Ihll TStrto overtop tbe 64,256 given tbe regular Demo-

cratic candidate, and tbe 31 393 caat for tbeIrregular Democratic candidate, I don't eeolinu-- Mr m T.lni-ol- n Is to fret the slecterxl vole. Republicans may ses how, but boone else. Here are four votes gone. Oregonat tbe lale election baa given Democrats ma-

jorities ; it may go Republican through theDimacratic split, but the reasonable calcula-tion is tbat here are four more votes fer theDemocracy. In Rhodt Island tbs vote willnot be nrtn far Lincoln, if tbe last electionproves tnytblng, and this will take tff fourmore votes. In Connecticut, In the last elec-

tion, the Republicans bad but Hills over 500mauritr. and the Americans helped thtm; nowthe Americans and old line whlgt art alone,aod will tuppcrt a Union ticket with the Dtm-- o

rats ef the remaining States. Iswa andMinnesota areesosldercddeubttBl; but we fallbaek upon New York as giving votes enoughto dtfeat Lincoln bevond naradventure. But,to calm tbe fears of tome who think the

wiH be successful through the division! of the Opposition, the cottervauve voteof the UMsb then Is Us assurance oi an amiRenubHcin.

The Republicans have gained one memberia tbe State of Missouri; bet that lest will bemore than onset by the gain of two memberaof Ibe Baltimore district! in Maryland, Inwhich view of the open affiliation one of tbemin tee existing Uengress win ne an anu-n- e

publicaa gain.New York, In November, voted fer Con

cressaen. and I have carefully prepared Itable of votes to show tbat II Is entirely with-

in the power of the consemtivei of the Stateto add materially to the in majority in tne ll.useor rtepresestauves.

At tee late election tne jjrmocranc uawiicandidate fer secre'arv ef Sue received inthe Third distrio, 2960 major! y; Fourth, 4,--714 majority; Fifts,2S69 raajo i y; bixtfj, J,362 rnaioritv : Eirbth. 4367 majority. Tbeiecan be no dotnt of these five districts beingearriedagainst the Republicans.

There are tea other disine s in addition tothe above, which, if tney vote at they did for

of State last tall, will returnto Congress: First, Second,

Tenth, Seventh, Ninth, Eleventh, Tweltfi,Tbirteen'b. Fourteenth. Eighteenth, Thirtysecond. Should tbe same proportionate gainsbe made on the congressional vote as bas beengenerally made on the volet in the Statrt ofOhio and Pennsylvania, there can be no doubtof tbe defeat of the Republicans in all the districts mentioned. Tie condition of things,however, in New York, gives assurance of larger gains. The diaaster to the Democracyelsewhere hat stimulated the conservativeparty to renewed exertions. Tbs State Is reliedupon mainly to contribute to the defeat ofLincoln, and tbe unity and determinationmamfeatsd tt a harbinger ot success. Theresult of the recent elections In these Staleswhich for years Dsst have bees almost unlversally Republican, have not relaxed the eaottsor daraDeed the ardor of the voters ot NewYork. They will gird on their armor andmarch on io the fight, determined at least, toearn a victory, even should they fail tosecure it

I tee that tbe Republicans are raising greatcrv over toe accession or a few aistppetniraoffice-seeke- rs is Bal imore. I am reliably informed tbat tbe parly that bas soM out areonly a few, not more than one bubdred, tbsrer.est old HuLkers of the American party,and which corrupted and brought it into tbsconduits which resulted in its defeat lastWednesday. Tbey area good riddance to anyparty, and every one wishes ths blacks Joywltb their new aHies.

Secretary Cobb bas returned to tbis city.He says he had bo intention of stumping thestate, which is all bosh. He did go for tbatpurpose, out soon saw the overwneimisg Douglas leeitsg, and came back Is despair.

There is good reason to believe that tbe Secrotary of the Navy will recommend Congressto convert ths sailing vessels of tbe navy,lslely reporied as fit fer the purpose, intosteamers. Ubtv tLiAislJ.

Washixotox, October 19. We have verydan times at toe capital just now. ine liiaer-e- at

disputants are Being engaged in preachingheir reports, and the poktteil a

have gone to other fittot of aetiee, where theywilt remain and puisne neir delectable calluguntil tae election.

A leading and Induential member of Congress from Virt-iwt- a let there a day or two ago,aad befwe tearing be stated to a trtead that bebad no idea, is the event of Lincoln's electionthat the delegation from Virginia would taketheir seat ib the House of Representatires. ItIs stated ob tie very best authority that ameeting if tee delegation, Including Scattersaud Representative, hat been called, and willtake place several weeks prior to the convening of Congress, ltte event of the meeting isonly known lo the initiated.

Rumors are rife aoout extraordinary over-tor- es

irom tbe Republicans to the South, if theleadeia there wilt oaly keen quiet Cerw.writes that Lincoln will execute the taxititeslave law to be very letter; mat De wtn notcountetaaskis tbe abolition ot tlavery in tbeDistract of Columbia without the consent otthe HtrMMtents. Report says that combination t are fuimng which wilt astound the coun-try.

The President bas directed tbat toe name ofLieut Jobs Drysdate, of the third regimentof artillerr. be dressed ftom the roH of theirmy, be having resvatetly urawn bis paytwice for the same months, and havtot; failedto appear before a court martial.

It bas been slated that President Bacbanan,at the exptrattea of bia term el omce, wouldpurchase a property near this city, and makeit bis permanent residence. Tbis is net se. It

Orders have accordingly been leased to fit upand prepare Wheatland for tbe reception ef hadistinguished owner. He no doubi leekt for'ward wits tranquillity to :&t nour teat will

rertr close ms connection who puone atation.

Before the Prince of Wales left Washington, be President addressed aa autographletter, rilled with the warmest ejcarrsalens ofregard to me tfeees motaer Vistoru, in whichhe also spoke is terms of studied, yet sincerecompliment of her its, and declared hit tatlt- -factional bis visit

Judge Green wood. Commissioner of IndianAffaire, bat iactoted to the Secretary of tbeinterior a letter rrem Mr. rtebinson, superin-tendent of IadiaBS, giving Information ef tbemurder of Key. Moms Brangnler, a mission-ary lo the Crow Indians, by a party of Sioux.

iitivi: aovrs or suatoii doiicLAS.

The feUewiaar a peers ts bv the programmeJudxe Docglas' conteraptated appoint- -

stents oetireee now ana tne Kovemoer etec--Usr:

Tesn.. Wednetdsv. October 31.Uuntsvllle, Alabama, Thuraday, October S5.iiaanviite, lean., rasr, Uctober &t.ChatiDooca, Tens., Saturdar, October 27.Kines sa, 0s, Moadar, Odober T9.AtlaaU, Ga , Tsesdav, October 30.Mac 'B, Ga., Wedsesdav, October 31.Cohtmbos, Ga., Thursday, November I.Montgomery, Ala., Frldar, November 2.Selma, Ala., Saturdar, November 3.Mobile, Ala , Monday, November 5

TiiiBtrrii uf iiiisi-t;o- r.

Purauant to a vaattto aeBoQoclwt tbe Heatb of urtetitrw.cttaM an Htaeeted krotlier. Dr. Bow--

tu K. BesABBS. a neetlat f ua meSkal prof eta aao

UV cltr f Vemsth wat beM t tbe If eSteal Coltei.,Ottaker IS, I6SI.

Dr. W T. Tarter, St., vu calM M tbs rhalr, to4B. X. Viatbatl rss4e4 hi Kt at tewetarr f It a

ssettiarcOt aoorion, Drt. :iler, PittM aa Tasdett wirenintej a eamaatttoe t Start 1 tsttil.at eTtrrralvlli u stlMf tf ak.oi.lmMo. ill asprserltle t tb

wottloa- -FaM Ksmntttea ttr art t ttet taOtwist rtaatellosa.

wwttk rue aaiMMtaili rtoeivto an aoawted -

rTHinrat, H eaosetate tbt almiStr StaoM'r ofevente to reseaai br Saatk from Mr mUU Mr eateemedSratkor, Br. BawMI S. Baksrst) tkirerare.Rttrt. Tbat to ta death ef Dr. Rabarot tbt pro--

frMtao ml Xiatsnlt bat Mat aa at lit SMtt tlftei raev.art, ae awr hommmiIIj a rafeakte dtlito.r.uafroa, Tbat we csaStle wilk bU aatttet taoll

rrleasa la tttir ttresarto! kali.Jteaoireat, Tbat we win alteal, in a totr, bit tantral

afternoon, at laftteck.RtffrtJ, Tkat too Meetkeri of tt prrfeaMM wtar

steal wot, of ManK far tklrtr etvaAtloftMaT, not ten. retMwliawi b ptMitbol la til.

a mt tb. air, and a copr f orniabed tbs fiatltp sfasntMtd. p. vt Eelles, -


OatatHttte.Aad, oa mult . th Mistltf adjjerttd.

W. T. TATIAR, bf . D.. St.. Oaalraan.W. atiTOnEU. nt. B., Soeratarv

"grto guucrfisenirnts.'

iW MEMPHIS THEATER.Maauor ..Mr Wm 0 Tborartou.

Director.... nr. a. at. pawaoa.ottrcter. ....Jtiaor Carlo Petti.

BAOIIE MirCHSLU Ua .rasUtil aaj ralranclas1

TTfatatDAT KSBXIKO. October IS, lfttO. T11B 11

nct Prwlrrvei. alut Valfi. Xlltnell.. ..Tj coselodo trSS BBItAHD qUBES I

scaLE or rntcza. Pioh Circle aad Paretttt. Inc.Ti' r ant OaStred Oall.rT, Sta.otn ivtt rrws i tin 1 vtatt ant rrm x tin a

M. Ticket. oo4 oeatred Seatt at admiaMkl on), maisbt br kKb tkr ars aotered AUeailre iHberiaaww rliMatl M tkMr aeaU. Itaart osen at IV 1

I ewsoaowtr tt7u ; OuttotntstHe at 7K.



S. LEVY & CO.!198 Mnin Street.

X WILL 5U. THIS MfiRSMHQ. tt 10 Jtiock, Tj.n- T lAloMr.atrra m Hrrs tatl mJ Pirnilare JaP1.. . x S LETT

ortS.It AocUOBrrr.

'm "


miMmiWlii' i, liiMliiWii , aBBaaiami.li.( Jtia . '-


PBtstOBt.r.TkoPrlrilettloraEiot'lSo- o-

New ikrriVeils.

OCTOBER 23. 1860.



ATX KOW KlATf AKD C0n.T USES OFHruer mm, rirsr rrtaca Cstatt,rials Silt,, Broorfa rttst. America rriott,BUCt Sill,. a(i nisi rjpttu, V . Obukuaa,SalM IVUtstl, rutlt V,toi.. SMU AlMut,nr DeuM, Brocade TsUert, Sp. Buvtulaes,BoHi ,rtua. BTesfaKOsoa, 0lere4 Teletta,

ItMXtrwM, TrareUas 0la, BUdk Ttirtit,

Very Cbolcs Black Velvet Mantles,

Very Choice Black Cloth Cloakt,Cloth and Silk Zouave Jackets,

UJMi' Skavta, Xesr BUaketa, If ef?o Ktrttya,Oealt ShtwU, B B ant t, Hears taaneya,MUmSluwU, Cnk BlaattU, Nesro elf lota,Brocae scant. Ktc'w Blaattta, riauutHn,silt scam. nea lauiui, Bttvr Sktvitntt,AtesraWt Sktait, Crlk QlllU, Mas gkaetlatt,Strrtatt' Stii, BedTKttstt, OattaaDscX,

Ladles' Ready Made Poplin Suits,Carpets for Parlor's Chambers, HaUl,Curtains, Gymps, Tattelt, Corsieet,

Of aps S,ta, TetraaB4 Baadt, Xfttoo Trait,Laes self. Tarle Brrtati, at rlMSttita,Breatraa Sett, TaetCarxt, IlMpSttrta,lac Osnalf. UssHsrarr, rrrsds Corattj,Jaoanet QttUrt, ZakU niru, IUa Toena,svim ueaart, Nltbl Oowai, Leanr OkMat.PHseOrflart, XJacnCbaaUe, Irlan Ueeru,

Very Choice Linen Table Damask,Napkins and Towels, all varieties.Wool, Cotton, Silk ikd Merino Hose,

VerieSlrti GeaPa n:t., Lias Tate,M trio Dfavert, llvt,' nf , Roaaia SrtM,

Sa-tt-, B Rdtfa . sin riot.

OnK't OtaOM. Kim' IMtfl., fpaatstrt.Leolet' mrwtt. Tact Omi a.

Date Bruke,, Tllkt ,t Betta.He, ,. Oefaka, Laalfcac Batu,

Fine French Cloths and Ctssiaeres,LtJiet' CJotk Cloths, aH colors,

Ladies' Cashmere Robe de Chambers,

JetM, rraakr' Tarlttaaa,TwfOa. w ta, Ufapoa,SatUoeta, tVtraUt. IH'ataot,FUnatla, Csaarnt, JatMrts. BkndM.


L. R0CC0Pl.tin nnd Fancv

Wholesale aad Retail Dealer


Green and Dry Fruits,

PRESERVES,f7&jff?, IPicliles etc.,



T'EtPSetsftiTillyfrariand a Itrse ,moi Unlet f ruia 1

JX ans raaty ca.ndisj.All lltMrs win ka uid tltAtr wkoittai r rttaH, Is I

ssaatHiet ta tattssetaa-.-i- , at Ik. taweat rattt, aa" I

m to. ma4 lettatMe Orstrt filled on racaipt I

at starlet .races.

Jitsf JtrCftrrr. nrtfi for Sale,A LASCZ ASSOKTafSXT Or

FANCY CANDIES.ISOkrtf. BrlJt StUi103 Sett. Peeua;rSSkrU. rawrau;S3 tlrrtea 3rt Skeil AtsMediiCO arltaitlard f kaH AimaJiU onMakeH.d Ahauea I

ISO eaiet Lib Uyatera IISO to aet b Oyaert I

lto e.t Aajrted FrBrle, In etstSleaaca SAlraon aod lbaters, in I s,

S caara rreawva naaete aitrtSI etaet J. hto, trwrted tiaoa ;94 eatt Braaty rretttSlfotet rlt Freits;Steaal Taw. Fruits;

Iw Wieaqr.. kf. a4 jaltaa Putin jS3 kkxet EBflub Pittiet ;

lo kM TMiato CatMS. plait ant ajauttt Iloin Walamt Ciudb, tall vtawa ant atata

S caat Pre-- ti rtst, is tMt aaVntK uaat60 If all. lUtea i51 tun Sharer Peetervet JIS eatot Dry Uioree ;

lOuO kaxea K. I T.tf OrtrtA latse atMruswM r rat WMtt 1

10 catot setrtee toaa .areiSM ;109 am kaH Uii.. Saroiac.to uatt Hair a. sou's Xiiukarx Ala JtOfcanftOtlrRtl

SOS, (XX) DumealM OttarQenwaa Ottai a 1

10) kaiet Otjfea Sum Iailwkol awtkatf k.ieiMtra,oigrreetiTi4aii20 wbole, kalt awl auarter KM Oaotlet ;

31 nxxei U arret Sawr. la kttttea ;U tuxM CmtH Pwk 3asT.


Oranges, Lemens, Piceapples & Cocoannts;

Reeelred freA kr every packet. Beateroker tbs

fiO. 220 JIAIX STREET,rSt-3- FIf DEB. BllX.

1,511116 d 0 D D ill GT Sale!I u u

First Package Sale of Gtfods this Season,



orrosm olat bcildikg.

TTJE ?alia Booma. oa THtmSDATIT JtOBKlSO, Octcotr , ia, it It a lara

lavstroajf Qidi.intt received front a JtkblSf H.BatosJiMMS la part or

103 doten Iferiao SfelrU tni Drawtra,MO 1 men Wait, as Pancr Meaia saw1 It.300 nalra Blaaketa.S00 dotea Wool aad Orttaa rioat,t00 taU Ladlet' Ilate,t9 catet lUni aad Sboet,

10 dara S.unat aad ieaat Psatt,IS pieeet Kemp Carpet.SB ewts AtMrted Teitt.

Tkere Gail art all fretb aid dealraklt, aaal arewMtkr or it, a atlentiM of altr ant enstrv kuart.Tier unit t. mm, retardl.as of pri... at tb. Hots:aiait do caosta eni. jt. a.i.ovs.

otit-- Aocma.tr.


Valuable jFarmlu Sbelbr County,


T. Btrtrt, atsloUlrater, ot al ra. SaHIs P. Birwsrdi. In19 ten laaa ik UTiaion. tb

virtMot a decree of tbe Csastr Cart at ShllbyBT In abate cave, at October term. ISOLI wldoffer at pabilc file t. th. htib.it bidder, oa

rednesday, Xort mbcr U, I860,Upon Ibe prtmiMt, tk vtlatMe plutatl.a talosricrlotk.k.irtefj. S. Edwtrdt. deceased, eontaf&tnc KOaem, more or la. tfiac u ut lata eirii diatrlct, oacb. k.rlb tMe of Wolf river, comfort tkty Improved ata eaUM rartl. and In Eraltat. CMkHllM. aa tb. latapraprl.tor wta wall known to to me or tbe bett mtoa-- I

lira tn rat e snirr.balaaco on one and two

an craett, oa bond aad tacsrit;, wltb a Ilea retimedsnttt flail parmeat.

BMO at UottorlocU-w- J0BV P TBIZtTAXT, rjort.


lit larteit and belt selected ttaci tbt lattit aadrlcbett itrlts ot

Coal Oil I.amps,Wikb Jooet' Btw Palest Barstr, at

cnAS. s. ERicn s,333 MAIN STREET.

ALIO A fine stock sf Cblat, Glare and Qeo.as--waro. acta ar


Royal Havana Lottery,a xt Ordinary XrtiisS la tit Kofil UtrvtMTHS by u spanlil. Ooraraorat,Tui- -;

An Ut ip4rriiioa ot Ut C.laVttterl of Cuts, wHlpiaVCV fth aiTUti aro.

ireclnestlay IVovember T, 1S00.

S 3 6 00 O O I


Oaxsltrsl Xx-sn- o 8100,000,PrUo ot .tioa o 60 Pnxoscf....... 1,000Prise ot ....... . 00,000 to prim of (03Prise of ...... . to.ooe lurniFtar tooPrison....... . MOOO m Approziautlaea oSCtPrill of.... .. . 11,004 ararcilratlont to tb 1100.000 cf 100 tacht t rV

m' avM,v'', mvt www aauoil u ttASJ M ISO..toot tof too u tio.ooo.t3 WBOteTltleUSSO: HalrettlDl OaarUra SSPrices ceabed at tirai at 6 per coat. dJacmat.mini u w Aaaavuj. citr oanxa ioim at war.A drawiax win b fortrardtd a tuonat tb raanttaa--1

agtnea aaowc.Oocaacmlcatioat addreatea t DON BODBianss. fear a

tbo Citr Pott. CkarlMtaa. a. 0.,) uatll tk tu ofAOT7Dr, win i aiixioi ia--

Aarserr. Illinois.OUS boodred tad tweatr arret Pralt, Oraaatatal

Xarterr ftucx. cbtaa far caOi Ami. t t ajrara, loxi a to . ima. I rear, l.lead, la 000,ISO Gooeeb-rr-r. rfxexbtoi, atrucx. loo. ti. Kaa- n-

wrrr,nuas mu, 100. tt U ft, strawberrr. Wllaon'i,Scmrlat. 0 Coat, Iowa, er Waablatua and stbtrt,, I0U, til 1WJ, St.. touts, joo. or so nasta, Datr tad a'xte, l Boot OrtAa.10000. tMt

K , raw upi lum yaja rrr. IB rail pacBM rrco.teSO-w- H ' P. I. PHOEJtlX. I,







or THE

Hands and Feet.reiMisLT r



X 3VT JE O IT. "T JX. XV 1












So that the Most Timid Personsmay place themselves trffft

the Olmoit Confidenceunder much




)R. B. W. WaSNER,

Surgeon Chiropodist,

TTTOPLn ts tbs nrtat retetctfal maeaer aastasc to I

VY tbe La4let am eeaUrorn f XtttsoU, tbat at I

tbt trf rat aHritartas er mar reiftrtaM. faalllet, asbat ktM leasee ts vitU tbeir tttr, aat wis raraaia

During- - the Whole TVInterJAat mar k taontttu lu arerr dapartneat ac PZSALI0Z6EET, Mteetartr ta

C O IZ jV s w

b u rioasrs.iAND BYEKY


AH ot wkiae, bwsvtr loox ttandlsr or bad, bs suras- -tart to aaertuatfr and ptiaantatlr curs. In a ftwBtsMM, wrtbMt tbe iHiMeit ptla or lnroareiic.tHbtr darsac tbt reoieval or aftorward.

Br. WABKEB'SraccttiraaiHara it sasacrturx iaIMa osatelMn tspabl tb tbo blndrodt of laMerlor ltatltaoMtla wbith b bat from ttnUotaea jt lb bitktttretpectabllrtr, tine bia rMUonc In Jfokllo. Tb.r are

hit psaaooaftM, and open to tbt latpeclioa tt all I batrtf ereMtt bolow ars ft a natar tbat wiB akaa- -

eaauj Mturj an wbo win perat uen.


or ram host rjiroofjrrED bbspeotabiutt.

DR. J. C. XOTT,Profsssor of Scrperr, Medical ColIe;e. I

DR. F. A. ROSS,a

Prof titer of Blateria JIedla, Medical CoHere.

DR. O. Aa KETCHDSf,Profetaor ot Practice of Medicine, Mtdieal



Members of the Legislature.

UVGVST.1 TESTTMO.YV:rrom Drt. B T. Caapbtlt, W. S. Jwrt aed J. A. See.

Hartas exseileneod tbo beattt ol Dr. WaraaHam.tbei ot ftEMtlsl Oorss. it arrJa ta strMtra to add

leatsnaosr M uui M MB.rs, la rtrara Dots lo tboto pawfeaaatM or aiiororauona, on w cboor-f-

roeenaend bin to IbMt wb but raoalro bia arr.TTt.VKT P. OAITPBEU, If. D.W. S. JOSE3. Jf . ,3. A. EVE, at. D,

Aareata, Ot., Aarstt t, 1SS0.

Mas- - bt consulted from 9 A. sr. till 5 p. at,,




329 JUaln Street, I J.

nrtm usiqyAjtD'rurrMo;

EJ-X- IS WiH bs wiliadsSoolt tiaft riatUiM,saaac acu(M ivim KOCMraiMac.. .cbarat

Mlt-ir-a tnd


TRANCISCO &C0.,.. f. rxAxcuco . rrieaix.




Hats, Gaps I





W ? BOW " vteeltrar aM tkt new tKb' ' f1...."ttiar alylM of BUa tsd Oaro, at tB ttajla

3fft XAIN aTBSa-T-.

Ladles' Fancy Dress Fur.r".,11'""1 m t astoWSwto. isaaoatif tt. . fwutr im, rt ttta. w. mm?"2 riW"w la'X"' a--t k4 Mloaot mm I

fan tvtr "mail tt ts attrM , FUA.VC1SCO 4t CO I

Jfo. JCatoatSM I


IVo. 187 o

eau sum,'UNDER W0RSH.VM WWeMJ,


Kannfactorers and Dealers

Ia aMsse Utest Foreign tad AmerictB styles of

II !


Gents' FiimishingGosds,

Art now ia receipt of their

atSUi !Hji TAND


ASavx B8CBC W A BSAJftrS er TOEKaaatMtsltsz Hsaa af


I Ott t tk atevt extesatr swMataai: ettaktiaa -In the uotoa and to,,, nnilj aaatoaw

Iiainta wraVknsws ktimtit, west sal aaaalk. ,







Aa tkt 0oota arr mtnlallit4kr Mm Xw Tk Srtitrsaajj lar ant east Mty kf tk tkutaaeii I SSMaki i. I

Harl( at nuaaaiat aaaote Msira.wlanoreeT taaaatr l

avaHMrtrtoes of in pr,t atvaaSaeot mfteetsa Mttett, w arofaMeot t. mlolkwas wBooMlt ta yaufcai.

First-clas- s Goods:rrtsn assay yetrt saterlawM, with atotta Seute 1

treci In the art of asaantacmlag, w vrMa umrresptn ktvlst tkt ktM Mao aaoat Mk. kit to MH, .tut

rtt.tr QtrtPtt aaj wi pariSemVuIr kaH. laoa t ,

easterner, atat aH ttkert lotertnltc, to a related S-a-

trectlati, to teat IA. tr r tk. aoove Mta. etent.K aSMta n a pteitare to ttew .nr tttak., awd we pAwtao

atfftlmkitltibruiartarriamraaHMMtuiM Seatrar to arttttM rixytt. nil liahi I

I860. 1S60.


llflllt!J. SPIYEY,

(Saeeetaor toaSroTtr'AiQIirkaj)

D E A Ii H n XXtT


Fine Olotlaiag,AND ALL KINDS OF

vnmvisffiwn nnnnsIX' KJ 111 1 U 11 111 U U UUlUI



243 itlaln Street,(OPPOSITE COURT SQ9JRE,)

KTeuiphts, Teaoeiiir,

HIVE recoirot and opaaed lb TOAOasT AKD lat- F1XZ3T sreex: or


bar ever bad. I aaa or wbsth wM to fBanA an .toTortjea la ttrte asd fabrin.

Tbo adrartato I bate in mtnTifirttalaa my owa cookruaaira n. item

Great Isdnceaeats In Triers. l

I riwoctrtlfr ooaeit u iamlBttkm .r ,n.tpirurvarir no pric, aorare pnrttMur euowkere.

I tbow foods wltk plraiare, aad taaraalao everr la

I tin.

P. S. Special .rderi Ukea for PIXE SCTT3. rats toBolters. aXT


1860. Fall Trade. 1860. taa

F. G. TERRY & CO.,avysMarvrs to Hickwy Turry k Qo)




Hats ana Caps,TRUNKS, VALISES, ETC.,

wtleb vMbectrered tOW POX' OASB. 11w 3T RIU:: A MTS ar. ,Mrvil.a. i..i,u i. Mw BMa

estattas a. ttoct. Tsrsu rtUrtl, and ptites trw kt.

wooivin reeas sp suits.tetMata T. O. TtBar 00.

H. ECkP-.- -. .....-.PHl- lA fJbABt: ttMrapbTeos. JCinial rJIIT, Ka.

J. 51. EvlITlP Sz CO., VY

MAX0PA'TaXaU aoJBaaifn to Vtateal trator,At anfrortar. roaatasoa

m edr. POPLAB STB SET, btwera Ttord prlraiorteetb itrte's, Xsmpbss, Ttaa. Mlt-t- m

i I

3gtogsanat,33ngm & g

Shel s of the Ocean. a.

ALAKaBaadaMtA. orilottua tk. ol rue tottnm mrj tjoaer tt BW I

fMM.srm somM at atotkan, aaaroiaa u4 evtstM.tneisitSaMf TBSSSaT. at 1 .VI rV - .,taarldlaotu0" ' 3,1 aWMt. I

Tkt laotte are erseatMrjr htrttot to astral mo at.tsaot, and inoao to oaotto ta. ka.iiiirts,.......it at utaod tee ms eeBtclia. "ha.H tm

ITksaaltactUaiwMsaAea-ri(BdrsMt-tJf r Pathno. Omms, St

I CMoru. It Ua routSkethi, tat ksndrtotef Mkett otw Mot. mm kt total

HaB at J Maui Mutt, at Stir aot t'clatk aM atuauasa raraiMr om ns sua t

crtl JOBW wifjcsatjQK


Cn Tharsday Miib, OetDber 25tS,

rnosalaralttr Piaita i asottt as sfinaii we willA, ton atstjtacBWriaa,as

SIX IIOUSES AND LOTS.at Strsef a row. tttnalt as tbe aar tkt at

ICaewa kttwun Mat aat Sofjl. TS Mtasutewitnaali 1 tfcit ikor cm ke aaaiittit tnsskott- -

ft. a to,.wwMataotellatrisa..aflmaastsnu

aa to. wm aM. m BMial asroas, twa noaajr asnWaaktoau ttrtatt. An M tB bmm ubm StsUSvi

M Ut nana atSs m SVaoar ttrott, assaMiac ttar ftaWtstoM Br. a. e. Btrtae, aat mmI atr art.

At (n tat tlaao ItHalsIM lest, aoiIulMtMltm atstatfc law iltHWaMMSAm. aSairnu MaKrit ttrow, aw--

patttt ias Ot.rata kMai tataisittMAU tkt. srrnr wtn k aMS as w

wttkiwl Mttot I rraa al a s, To. owoer I mttet ana total yr aasL

aossiaiAT, ptjriszHt a, no.


On Wedcesday jIoraiD. OcteOer 31,

--AT IO O'CTXeOCatX,txrs wilt. sau. st kvtmo. ts ts--rt o. hkVV .aMawtt ttatmBBm tldaSwo aaV jBttaWaaaaa fc ,al . a.w ttaa tBaBVeaa asaarw aay arwrwrPStaE tuaajsauauL tBUarrv TBtHas teal Soaatd ataoMa.

Tata it ta laM rkt.aa

aSktmaMrr.urwatMBtuT. BTrwtUlK k OO



tttv ka, . fr ui. to. at ts ast atatiM (etaaMVY raastrnte. to mm tts. tttawtaw ta seat rat"twoet.

ATiHO.aasiUsaar T otoSeveral Hmm ArumtarBBi iBjrtt

Is taw. a lilts. Ttltsi tltoll KOKSAJintT. BtrrttBB II CO.

Consignee's fttosice.1TT3 Bare ta Mr, nwaa V

V V rutHUmaaar.otaM, H ool nH tar, win k. aM t. aor ikmil,

On .TJomfffy, .VorrBifcr 12.XAKCa.

OatoHlaa Oaattl. 1 nu OkaM ;trul BaoetMtt, Twa CkoM ;E. Boreor Sttta. WkatujiA. C Ra tne Box;I. W. Xer.. I TMt OkoMlCast. w. T. X traitor, z

Xtar,;Bateet JfsCtatry. 1 T.M CVaatWm. 9. ABM. t las.Mtt astMituaaiat; BtiraBa a, OO.

Plantation and Negroes,to be saw am nicAa roa xastmetrr Attw wtarntnut rHorTctTTrpnikftrt it ilmintlj ffaawoooi, rrry pro etT.,X Mrenaiaj,, reawi Mat, wir. aoStittli tut atvto.

Tkete at Iwott wtttMr Sttatt m faeaiao. (Uurl,I r litaret atat impvi i, aaa Ml tuSal M tkt

Aaawr MOttt JtOWnAtlHAT. BtjrsSS a, CO.

. B. . . iiswtu.liBSX E. TATLOK. r. tatiaik.1

4 y- -19-- 7




Cash, and Prompt Time Bayers,



Jllnk, PHeei,

Stoae SlartlB, StywlrrM.

O la O A

X5. jgziciz fiiLffrr,BC1CJC OLOXJT,

nnun clots,JBISSEtV CLOTIT,





4239 .'SAIN' STREET,

Nsarlr oppessto to Odd Feaanrs Hail

TTATB to lor. a lane afMtueat at Prrata.li kHS. firnaaa awt Aes-rt- Sihi Hlittvs, aaa- -

1 men but reoeaar MUistiit lo tbe Itaoo, aad ae.adewt It teas a, aaeaaMe atw.

Oar tkat r SMa aaal PIM VkSaal Bamta aaatAttlT. PftBtttlit ta ueourtaato it Tortotr atat HI 111oy tar m ins eoaaarj- -

rhysIciaHS,It viawof tb fMOMtar wM Sad M totbeW adrawtartocaBinJtumlat raicn aaa ooobi kMarr aoHSa,--

t oit owbtr.Planters

Ooa twoobm baaa na IISSITIKB BBBtM aad IfBwUS.XAL PEEPABATlB. mt mm low nrtea aadMto- -sararormpartt7r tto anttlo win war ram.

Country merchant!o

fraa 5arenas! tbotr Btuss atat Paear Altar, mm atrory Btoxarai prttet. we aa aa rai

Builders and ContractorsArt iarttad to caJi on aa ttfM pustSAatex vbear


Ws fx TrtAsotar attaattM to ts satwbat ot

FIELD AXD GARDES SEEDS.IaaH.tb.irrart.tr. aad wtn tell ate tat took a wknew to b freak aed troaioa, and at a baw tolas a

b airtrdtd.


223 MAIS STREET.exit


naa.THE BUtTC OAVNTLET. Br Mr. Setoawralf.ati"u,aKT voMcaisrrE sow tw.est SSI 3 Bi Itartoa Eartaet Xew Mtftr.WHXIXS TTTUHa. Br alitor.ABT OP DAKCTKO. Br X. 7trr.ro.SAT AKD SiAL XtwMnDlrr&c.vcH. otiJtAS, arsmm asd latij.'. bt0 Mofmtkb.

THE atOTBXB-Iir-LA- Br Mrs. SouraoMwl. m

Per aal bv Xrovsa sc. bkother,Xo. tit MAIN STBJSKT,

ottt Sader iM-rrl- Hail. lfM,U,Taoa.mi

JTZJST RECEIVE tractBASKETS PttwrHttdaakOhasaparat;

U U ialr. Ittal Chastpataeias kt TMaaor'o sootta Aiet rslloo utti rata aaa, awrtabrta. Oetae.

ALSO Sarar, Tea, OttTtt, Tabaceo, SanHne, StatOttari. net, at., te. pr tal by

i. r. faaAS,It. SS Print Bow.

Gaiety StableTTra.kar.naw faf ktta A BAO ItoCk of BAD wttl

OLE aad TJABMEiS BOBSES, now IBjf4fe3atoKaaBaOaiES aad BAKSES9. Abo.eritnrw aM ittftxt CABK1A0B3, mat e- r , I pr -

famMii. Ttrmi .aat.ecee-i- w mat

nrfton gcust.s. urr.. . lit e. raAiuj


196 Mnln street, opposite Clayiiiuiuing




IN CITY OR COt VTRY.plllfillXKT9 aattattit Itttaaat (Ms tesatae.

--f lifiastlj a,a a.aaaM etaawtowaaaaat.trwusiaiMaiiaMMttMwSjiM tstou It toy tova


LatgeSale of Groceries,B y X. S. It c v y Sc Cf,.

106 Main Street.TT7X WILL BI.L Off WMBBSXtAT XaeJUJtrJ. atX. Jattatata MtoaA, SAO I tltt aft tSaWa i aiasi frwH. rrettrrta, riMi a. Seaaaly rroaa.Ww.e aw rtnVlow Vw, Twk- -, anaklta, t.,as.

Aiawt arvatat ho m ntrsasae astssa.rMo la.ttitt, wltkoM riairra. A. S. LaTVIf,w3S A act .watai.

Sight Irtra Safee,


BY A. S. L.V.VY afc CONo. W MADrrtOrt STREKT.

TIT wttl aMa, M r raws, aa rrowt af atSse, MM'tV V aumw, tK w wTwatrtto,

iti , flktats, rmli-ir- . tae . ate.atS AS.

Violin, ViotlH, YiaIfRei.AT COrri AT COST!! AT COaTTIt

1 J7K BVI Imw seawiwt .' rwttatwY V attar MM. Tuose a.

Cater Oot- - lm

Gold Pen. Gold Pens.A Utwt Mtnrt taaat t XLaa w I Baali. rwto, nmtiairy lalnlmmjikl

Plantation Beelft.SwMa f rarry SawanpriMV

Recetvers' Stileor(STAPLE AND FANCY

Dill GOODS,ear vtaaim: sea


IWWIi a Mtrtoataka. Sar a taaa ajtK a lisaiaf t, ,n ,.4 tuwrr aVa

mm, tmanMas vvy vwtMy Maa ntaa at n anaJm asaae, a task ssttas wril ttnare aaawaaata-- s



jFiiirwish ing Goodis



esf Utotitnl ml

I Stoyall fe Mitciieirs,2S5 5IAIN STREET.

rvMW t'ttl'i ar mviu mean aa a1 m rtac ratx axd winiea

OS. n H arMSTXB ta fjcaurr to ta ttwk la anaoasatrp. ae wai s tat tortt tbta tkanai, pa atajkMOVM kaM aMS itt Uaa saarko. OtarattsBafJSeya nrf CAiftfrvm' Clothing,

.tVtaro Clothing, andIndia Itubtur Ooodg,

Wilt Ma. k" nmri ja a.:l br ? ra SM cata- - tat at wrj mim trar. ar. m

w r aaearl aa twaaatao aar aaa. a Hamom ata iti aao. BVtoMMtai ttaaiaBaataasMtts, aatataoaaof, or a rwfoa the maaas.

STOr ALL Jc HrrCassTU.

FOR SALE.rohit Pieasat Pjaafattiia.

ritWMtan. Miawio aa loo avtaa Tosete.li sv'iktrtaatra an tae Mtaaaatwl rirar. aw

to a Ban ot m atasota raet al,taajs ac tm. ta atl . sawaw. ttaawt

tiaMfaa"aaaa' wall tmaaaaaaat. 'twr' MatrJi MaawfMaaMatawrwSl im law aatlaoaM.M S'na Saw Itaa.Ooo oof Bwtwx Jfosrojhtoaat ate. afcsttB a

aaSailtTSatrf laiiaa sn an m mmm rr;.r aaM Mao

aassntattl as aat trrettt to aas ttuicili u tk BTiaM,I ttrtr. il OM7 ar.fMil kr ler-- m

Tk wtja;, pnaetat M atanrMl M srlrat. aaletoBkaab.rat nasi Ii He.lrMO Mt Ir4 aks W iaoaory east

TaSta-Jar-s- .tt) nak. kaiae to St- - rami aaataatiMte tainta, t lark lwr .MM 9 aor rnr part

itt mi mi tatttta or peaaa arMia ttttaSriawMara Bow w oaMk. Itt.Jtt.

A tts it Btwaawto. wjl ,L ts sn arsttWTrOwis ta c" .


ArsanMur do'toi Lund.A vsaact r lain aaaaajip ota2. aavasj Atatoaar .. im, a

ttaaS atttaar mow k S ttt taXtok oto rm ,i-- M s . , ti hta a a- . nAatwaf, l , low IS OBJ atSMtStQ wh cb wtrlSo m, tk. S-- star

t-- traa OM a aw Mwaas I'TI'VsrUjVl uunaaBBrrfrt

rot tttovat, at IM Bta ttoatliraTirn taoatkMBM, ), gtlSI It -.

tat raoV.tBjaatjBBtBanatSBJoaasaAtSamwaaaartnora.

aaaSBav Mw latatSajapoS. W aaaBBtVOBo

Prar BtaK llloaaa0DD-PELL0VY- 19lAJLL.


Star Jflinstrels !

BRASS BAsTD!For Three Mghts Only!


roCRTxasT stah rsaiarausftatei,SAJf. aAttONSS, T. I

t w ADAMS, J.JianWS XAIBS, B. tt.

3.Nia c. fteeam. t ilaht.nit ease, cvias atnm..MAwTBrt WtUJB, ntftC CAtarBwaU13 ta partintart te ptwtriM.ii ot toaast.o3i at

Ohifskasa-- Stsam Cotten. Press,OFFtCK, TBNKBSsjBE 3TKB8T,

orPOseTB xtiCIMHI will sloaai mtbo Still i law ta IO eep niles. aad wi Mr atMi MassaaiZgwasattMltof taili aaa)

m aowMoaot iamt atannaoaKSflll ltiM,aaSttoaamot- -

bjcwars Ba'iasjt

af-- o&L,: cojlIjs:EEMOVAL.

BATE 1MBI tTttsraaaltt wwa to Stalk lame, aad

M.aaetJM 3. B PAttxaa.


atTTTABU mtt man liMn,adMiMsar4i 9t atataaBVtfl itftrltj ft tfatf&tfbMac ot rke Catrltttu ftisii. fttw. jIs

, ratataw katr arret to ute Saatto Ii. ttraiarattMtMtor Mtoatou iMatiA. tbrM itMlrab! Solarloc L a, am tbo Bow Stot

tine mod, aaBMBirat tne fnlliaie ipiilf mt Me. UtI'cttn

ror 'atsbir Btrtaeular, aaorr to IB 11 mm ml tooArrsos, or to

" MtWeUBBAT, BtTPU-- ft at)


ABBBOwraootororwiaktbapoblMwimbM Mat. atrtttianaSi to b IwaStalrisalitty wtlk Ikiln 9WsrBtTrrajtAsf 11X. Taor are also Ureeetptot

Cheese, foantry Batter, ChlcktBs,fc"KS ojsters. etc.

If pm wiMtokefutniabft wttn rub. SWaBT MUX,I wer rwerordora.



Shelby County, Tennessee.FBJMJANT to a mtm f IIm oMklt. rtaSMot rvtmbrr totaM. ana a--o.

oraatlwll w. Hue aot attan v.. JastaojC Wm- -r. 3. T. AoersatS rsw OaHsarta. .irausfaiiSl aaj

Moor. ad OalauiM XeCwaoetl tad otteM at . WRdSlAtlySlARt!!! 1 Wananp

Oa Tnsiky, INeker 30,Iatrowtr mrmmtm. M ts. atlr af M,molit waaar ' a

letke bitwnt biiMer,

Valuable Tract or Parcelof Land,

totnrnuatatf eDUBaj,Taate, Israst. to-- "mi, antoettettalwe ata tkrro, ainliMMa mo. i

ed and aathly-al- x aas . aair mmmm. tlamt tamoat band teevopoit br TSaeiaa K Btoowattto

Aatitteu. ia treat for afar; Ate AatMi.o. an.irroaeSwt tm swt Ko. II, pato Its aed IM BteUC.i tr Sktltjf oamtr, aa wbars U dtiwtrted m i . i

a. Mi ..: Bipaam STpolw loSatS,VTSt Brialy'a 1097 Ml tea. I ; lltaart

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aeONrltr '.,raad a alM will be r.U:art n

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