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Library of Congress · TaVfIWDAT ssro_tNINQ....JPLY 2 1863. j/Rj* Ms-sst Bane:l...

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Page 1: Library of Congress · TaVfIWDAT ssro_tNINQ....JPLY 2 1863. j/Rj* Ms-sst Bane:l Baas':'.?Thsbifb««i mutkot prum **1.1 be pmkß at TBtB CFPIfB Ist sllfcts-a cfOLkAB COTTOB ami URBI

TaVfIWDAT ssro_tNINQ....JPLY 2 1863.

j/Rj* Ms-sst Bane:l Baas':'.?Thsbifb««imutkot prum **1.1 be pmkß at TBtB CFPIfB Istsll fcts-a cfOLkAB COTTOB ami URBI EAOt*ta lasice rT "\u25a0ml* aesnUtl*"*l _____ * \u25a0\u25a0' ' ' \u25a0'\u25a0 " 1

LOCAL MATTKRI..Shoe*tng?Sommm Fitsgerald, charged with

?hooting John Tronsr, a city watchman, wastiefore theRecorder yesterday, but owingtothe _. sence of a witness the examination wsbpostponeduntil to day. Mr. Troner wasstitfl?.-ienuy recovered from his very dangerous-wound to walh abont, and will, no doubt, ap-peat to testily.

Sent to thePenitentiary ?\V. K. Thompson,tbey«-ing man convicted* before Judge Haly-bnrton. of the C 8. District Court, of forging?powers of attorney and procuring money.hereon, and who plead guiltywhenarraignedfor trial, has been sentenced to the peniten-tiary for three yearn Yesterday he waatakento tbeStatec prison by Deputy Marshal Myers,bat Superintendent Bus declined to rec* ivehim, having been inatructed aoto do by the-toard of Directors,who had adopted a resolatioa decliciug toreceive Confederateprison-ers, becauseof thecrowded stateoftheprison.Thompson was, therefore, returned to tnecityisil

Breaking upa A.... ? Several negroes, mostBf them oi good character, we/c before theRecorder yesterday, charged with stealingand receiving n large amonnt of groceries,sJbstraetedat various times from tiie familyffTooery or Mr. K. W. Tompkins,on Broad stOne of thenegroes,whowas directed to sellaErtionof tbegoods,offered a lotof tea toMr.

trh Downey, who, suspecting tbat it hadbeen stolen, retained tfas tea, and put Mr.T.on the track of the thisvea. Ascertainingthe locality from which the tea came, officerKelly. On a warrant, searched a cook shopkeptby William, clave toMr. Henry 11. Miller, andttere f.und a trunk filled with valuable groce-ries. Some of Uie negroes, mere visitors tothe house, were punished by orderof the l.e-corder. Tbe principalsin thathefi were, how-ever, remanded for a furtherhearing.

Charged with Felony ?Frank Foushee,awhite man, appeared before the Recorder yes-terday, toanswer thechargeof stealinga goldwatch,worth |1 .-H**_,from L. A. Whiting, and. .jiiantity of military clothing from a Marylai d company. Theprisonerprote* led hie innocence, aud declared tbat he knew nothingt_boutthe clothing, but as the witnesses werenot present totestify inbehalfofthe Common-weal _h, v_a investigation was postponed, andthe at cased remanded for a heating Bt somefuture day.

Committals «ti Castle Thui.der.?Among thesnl jsHLlodi<ed in Castle Thauder ye. terdnywere 80-: Ryan, a deserter from Capt. liar-low's company, sad JamesLogan, a deserterfrom the __>;h (city) Virginia bait ,lion. Theywe,;c captured by two 01 thedetectiveswhilesjralkin-r sLont tbe city aud taking it coolly.Ryan wiil be examined by tbe civil authorities on awarrant charging him with the felony?e*fiAea_ing seme jewelryfrom Mr.Tyler's ree--ICB__M. Logan jumped off the cars while onhis way to be court martialed and escaped.It is likely that he will stand his trial thistime.

_Notvary long since some of the prisoners

nt theCastle dag a bole entirely through analley sixteen feet wide, and were very nearescaping. The hole was filled np, bnt yester-day Jim Doweil, a soldier awaiting conrt-nis'ti-l. was fonnd opening it again, and waspulled ont hy the heels. He was placed inirons.

Yankee Pritonert? At the Libby prison 47Federal prisoners were' received, wbo wereeaptnred Jane 16th in Stafford. A party of294 were rec-ived from Wiuches'er, includingMki-r H. A. White, 13thPa. cavalry,and Capt.I) Sciiortz L*s L Marye, C LEdwards, andKe bt Thompson,eaptnred at Pointof R.-cka,Md., were also brought down. Among thecitissos eaptnredby oar forces iv Maryland?wf reA P Biogle, of Middtetown,and SamuelY. _ag, of Sharpsbarg. There are 2.3U6 pri-?oaeia from W_Bor.bster yet to come.

Arretl of a Burglar ?Yesterday ofß.er?Griffin arrested Dick, a slave of ii. W. Worth-__m, npon the .barge of entering the store-house of £. VV. Tompkins, on Broad, cornerof 81b street, and stealing $I,».hm> worth of.-foods, including $1,500 worth of tea. Thestore was entered by boring into the backdoor until an aperture large enough to inserta hand and raise the bar was made.

Arretl of an Etcaped Convict.?Jno. A."V. hitman, sn ercaped penitentiary convict,who WBB sentenced for threeyears for garrot-ing a manin thecity jnil, v. sa recaptured yes-terday, near Hanover Junction, ana returnedto confinement.

\u25a0NY_\u25a0*_ ov*, in times like these,are toleratedabout hotels and depots as necessary evils.f_oms of tbem are exceedinglysprightly and-intelligent, and a few have resorted to tbatbusiness toaid their parents in the support offamilies \u25a0 bat many of them have taken it npas an easy way ofearning money, which theyas easily getrid of inunnecessary trifles, andsometimes in dissipation and vice. It is nouncommon thing to seea gang of tbeee lads,after tbey have made tbeir morning sales, as-sembled together smoking cigars, concocting"mischief, end swearing worse than troopers.If not at tbe .depot, or hotels,yoa find tbemat the market places annoying the countrysellers stealingfruits, orpelting servants witnwhatever missiles thatchance may throw intotbeir way. Indeed, we know of no moresuccessful school of vice for youth than thatof hawking newspapers around the streets.The temptatione to dowrong areso numerous,and the example of older boys in thesametrade so impressive, that a lad must havestrict moral training and a tight rein at homeif becoming a newsboy does not make him averybad boy.

Pattage ThieveeareBt Work againon board-Sag bouses and private residences, and within»be past few days have been very successful.Many oftbemeater boarding-houses under thepretextof business,bnt finding no one to pre-vent them, appropriate clothes and other arti-«*..__. and harry on tosuch booses as receiveaad conceal stolon goods. Tbeee thieves are\u25a0generally small children, and if detected theCourts have no means of punishing them orcorrecting tbeir morals. Tbecity is greatly inneed of a houseofcorrection, and if one is notestablished we shall soon have in oor midst a/gang of young desperadoesbut little inferiorin darin/to thoseheretofore imported fromthe.'nited StatesandEurope.

Blockuiertare following in thetrack of theISoaihern army, gathering up trinkets andother nseleea articles, and hurrying themBouth to sell atexorbitant prices. Ifblockadegoodswere entirelyprohibited,especially enchIraeh as is daily sent to tbie market, the enor-monepremium on gold would decline,ourownpeople would rely mereonboms industryandLome ingenuity to supply their wants, and8o«t .em Confederacy money would steadilyadvanceinvalue. J

YankeeBacon.?Wm have bad the pleasureof seeing some 0/ the Yankee bacon (eu__arcured bams) tbat'fell into tbe hands of the.-Joulhern foreoe at the capitulation of Win-cheater. Judging from the operationsof Gen.t'Se'a forces in Peunsylvania, Yankee curedu-.onwill aoonbecome a terycommonarticle10 l he gallant army thatsorronnda him.rull hfJt',\vu*tr'la* i9rJ of raq«B« Ib tbew» w J_i** "*Cony, wbo waa beaten by**_£??_______**__ * lrt o'-ione and whS

*^s_WM.i_sr___%___»ia_?ra_r?_h___i^to answerhereafter. r*****um ana others

j?SSfi'SR William.,WF,2^-,lri

Br liL *? iowerrratto"

?'-rfgs tpeaskeU Ua Qovt __________\u25a0 b'_sbed ac ai«___*| V,,,"* e-Sfonfc£__Tfcl__!iJi- ***** "\u2666'??»Wkt*Vs^^



We have received the following extractsfrom a New York paper of the .-.th, receivedat the Signal Corpeoffice 1

IlAßßisirt-'-.Jon - _7.?The rebels occupiedYorkat.'»o clock this alt srnoon. No resistancewss made by our troop*.

A letter from New O leans to the Tribune,dated the IS-i-h. say. : "Yesterday Gen. ll inksIsened an order for 1 MRUvolnnteers to make afinal charge npon tbe en. my . works at PortHudson. The Ith and .th Wisconsin volanleered, and were repulsed, anil afterwards allor nearlyall taken prisoners."

P'-RTLA.e, Jaue "J7?The U S. tatter Ca-leb Cusl'.nX'went to sea last night withont or-ders or 1 tli .er.

[tWNMBB Dl. PATCH.)The cuter Cn._ing left, here Is. t _i*ht be-

fore I/. Merriman arrived, who waa sent totake charge of her. H_ immediately startediv one af the steamers sent in pursuit of her,winch steam-rs are now engagingthe Cushlog? she having fir. d six gnus at the et.amereC_e__.peak_ and Forest City. The engage-ment is still going on, as the guns are distinct-,,ly heard.

[THIRD DISPATI H.)*_ o'clock P. M?A tremendous explosion

hasbeen heard, mid smoke iv.t seen wherethecutter was, and

_h<* has disappeared. It is

thought she has blown up.[KOI'RTH DISPATCH.]

The cntterhas blown up sure. The .team,reisent after her have returned, sud report thatthe boats put ofl' from the cutter before sheblew up, and the Forest City was chasingthem.

[HFTII DISPATCH J 1t". 10 P. M-?The party which cut ont the

Cu. hingwereof the Tacony, (rebel privateer,) jwhich vessel they burned on the *-_\u25a0__.

Lieut. Keid (of Jackson, Miss ,) and partyhavingbeen captured are now uuder guard atPortland City.

North tarolinn LegislatureRai EicsH, Juty 1? B.thllyueesofthe Leg-

islature went into- secret se.siou to dny to re ,ceive a verbal commuuication from ihe Gov-ernor. Committees were appointed on currencv and matter, in the Governor's communioation. BeeetniisM were introduced in theIlonse, approving the cour.e of the NorthCarolina banks in continuing to receive alli.sues of Confederate notes?requiringSheritl's to pay into the Treasury all fund-able notes before the Ist of Angust?the Treasurer ia authorized to fund the sameand sell the bonds ac the tiuauces may require,iustrnctiug the representatives iii Ci>Dgr*_-8 tourge and vote for a r. p-ialof the iuuuing act,expreeeing entirecottid*. nee in the currency ofth« country, and instructing tax collectors toreceive all usu.s fos \&xtn.

Raids iv Mi sissrppi.BBOOS-BAVEB, June "-I'th.?Kumors reached

here last evening that 1 ther raiding partieshave started from Rodney, on a tonr of de-struction The Yankeescay that they will de-stroy the Mobile and Ohio K__.lroad.if it takes30,01)0 men to accomplr_h it.

EnPC-i/ißiouj Ha"**** wFeamas wi_.l_g to readah io* pews of .he io »_-iot> and snentloaa of onrarmy in M» :y'-ii>il mat Pe-i.ylvwi'. enn flr.d tbLlaorrlog ail ihe .atMiN.rthern r-\u25a0 <r- <"\u25a0\u25a0_ n* at t.eCcafedc-rsteBsaaßag .| M_. A l»o aoe_r a--dbe 1c-tktut lot of Y_n.*e P.ciul.ls. Also, ail A. citysod Southern p»p*>ri *

OT Thi Wsielt Bicasn.?Tie third namber cf ttii vsJnrt 1. paper wli epa-sr tols sfter-s.oll. and rnu bs bad at tha _r*_*_k*t__ea_ Tbo»ewi.ting to prs-srve It fcr b_B-_eg as arecord ofr»s*«i. gevent, thouid *u_ crib« it i lc», _efora tiiefin nntcbers shsil b ? exhrunt6d ticbicriptionSlO. *_____?_?_?__????

t__TTm iIMT Ct HBETfBB ct tte Youcg\u25a0mi s r.rii.irj. .i_S e'ecoa srk_owt<rdge tit ?receip*. of tbe fi.llc-.ln. c at'l'iuti-'-e st.d rupplea/or t'c. sick iii-i wonxded sol-ii-r. onrlag the ___\u25a0_'.hof _*_ae,\ii: Oha. Frocs, Charlotte Itraaejb W «- :-t*-en, 1naaßSMje b_t'..r; Caoo-rd _ a Society,_leek;-n".--«r Hoett sm« O-tton r«g.; lypic.tt,

can if bi'terml's , Juinejc Kocie.y, l.ajiber'a.o.44 paits sec*" !8 ri»_i-*.! t-iAr.s; a la.'y of V» hin_; a 1)0 7 psirs tozY.;, ba;t.rLili_. by psoktt;loio'birks a_d hsrb*;, froai? ; eititasuofChsrlo;te, throug'i yiol it A Buurs, 17iarr.b ; from4bbli fl-ur i t:__**tr_i ik,'? v ts__>et; Brs Mitotellwool aver h'rt.. 4 p.l-. .ooks t-.-d oie li.:en ; FrseBaton X A hecia y, BB*_B_-___a vaokage cf Hot, 3bble pravir-lotis, Ac; keg l___H f-otn ; Mrtslot books, fits f«r Cacip "Wied*r ncspitsi; onh8i09; So oJ*-V Q Btsnchtp 9, ttrcajb Bey t enrvBn wa S.;; Do-.t t'itm-i-iog r.iiov.r 15; tlSODgbXi .s Jtu .ts.*-cott sea _*i.s HoißeUotti _!- B-nrA-e-7, MrsB H 'icpton. for Ksw F-jt Aid 10-i-t..7; Dsper Sien Church, per J B Wstkirs tr5 50;Faoul" Ore*_how Wulis-pe, proeesds .1 _'air, IS.;B U W. d SO; Mrs J _, P, itntu .als cf arc -i_oe.35); Dost ALB, p.r «. W O-eiter 6J; __'i_baBstts, Hallfix, 30; Mrs tl:ttv H.t-fsx .., DactJBOar.su per W v .Isnrr'g> 30, O *-"- VAs nfcr sale of fl eces, MS: are/t g »\u2666. of Osf.rd, N O5; L Nonnai y -0. J B Kcru.a, 5; Mrs J'u* th AuoHCnrchi-, lU, _tsv O W _t"_...?? ne for _4 1hcrra25; Jihn Jonst, ":0, cash frora snt.lrr pereons, 35,D ''cst-ty, fcr rhitureu Of t a it__ C 11, pro.se.id orMay Festive! 503.

Gontribu ..nsaj-dsripp'ieirrar b* s°r>» to Fr.oiKMai tis r;up t, or to W 1 BOsFOStn, Lb_ir_uan-.fA my Ocmmitw* I M 0 A

|tj B'-QBt M M-Tlfi.Kup't.

* ??. _.-.._.,On Wsdneidsy, Joly Ist, st balf-pest 11 o'clock

A M, aaer a prot-e-ted li'nesi cf coctumptirnwhich she born with Qtetatlen patieace a-d resig-nstion, Mrs LYUIA ABB B0O»_*. sged 55 veir_,e_nsort or* Bsrtlett Mcore, _*cd, formerly of biorfolk. Va

Her facers! will take pises from the res'.dsresof her son in law, A B Ball, oc JioksoD .treet this(thanday) afternoon st 5 o'clock. Ths frier, disad acqatlaUncsa cf ih» family era reeptc'-fnliytavitid to stteud. # *Al Ihe retldenee of Col Thee HB'lls, I. T. __Ricoc maty, on tbe let lust, ia the SI year of II \u25a0 sgi,WM PBAZ 18.only son of Geo B and £1 z ibstbTsylcr.

His funeral will tske p'a*e from St Panl'sChurch this morning at 10 o'eicok. *

la this city,onMonday morning the '_ h ult, at3 o'clock, IDA, onl*, d .ugblerof Bii GaadDorothyT BlekforS, rg .d 18 days. ? .

TBADtBS' BANK ?A csled trreetngof_t-_F the Htockb' Iders of this Bink will b« beldat their Banking House onWIDBBsDAY, tbe sthdsy of Anguitirsxt, tor the purpose of ten derlngth. propriety of taasassiag Its aaaaaaj Btssfc. Afall and piactual atten'lsn*_i of every stcc-holderis aaraestly r.qaestel. The msatlug will takepla_ \u25a0 at 11 o'clock A M.

B, order ol ih. ?. *v_Jy2-a"dtt V, bl-rrnp, C-sthlsr.

Br-5. A PIJBLIO HBSn___te_ hicllaiasof****_» the lower e.:d of H-aover*JoS__tf lr e*lleda*.0o"d Harbor on YHUSSBAY, July 2J 18 3 ariOo'clock, to form ab.etl ..mpsay j» :to - _..?

Ftr I BgBB A*.» AALB ~T7*CB BENT- Hy __\u25a0_\u25a0 IDKNOB, In Sydney, on£- firov*rttert-a large bilk borne, with ue-ee.sary out b-ju-si,pirt:. farni.hed. if d_ilred j sgtrdrn, with every vegetable ol the sesnon ;mygaid-aeraad three bouse s*rvaats; three mllehcows sad so''.'verl-1 to graceon, Inqnreetm.o__-_. .nibs Barln. be'w*-: . .h and 9th streets;cxr, ad-reartue, Biehmou ~ Va.j *?w S_____Ssl __________________RJOSB 808 KtsßY? Oirntiemeo e»n cbistofu.-i,i.!ed Booms r.- _i*.'-iig so;'ie*it_on at1. « BSSaammS oo Mir.Ul h.tw_«*u

__th ir - Q.'tl.

sireeU. first brick bcute. Breasfasi and tea wiilbe fo.nlshed If deslrsd. \y »_i|S

F_»B BBNT?A c m artahis a d eoaveuentBOOM, w.tb ak it. hen, in a ntirel but -o.eemb *part of the elty. Applyat thseoreer of Ostbsnil and Heaty sirrsts, opposite tbe r» s'.dsces ofJ?- L f>»*-|., ¥r-q j? j_ | t»fpKO _n.ua, rost _re.ai--.on 4tb*treev b«1 tw_sn Jscksoa acd Duval, west side, fifthh vis north cf Jack, .-a B'-rset The Booms areSBBf iss with many [\f g- t«>] JQiJ ;VIM.

0« autMT?vwo farolshed Booms s___ useof p-rior aad klteheu with g»a la ?hem, aatta.be for Isdiss or gentleeen. Apply at corner ofM-f-ballaad Ads mi sts, jT t- It*

L~*-'*_ *_ABl*, WliUOUr »v» SLli?ivav rel17 large aad .e'lghtfal furnished B-CBS. witnraiaad servant sattendan-*, forgsntlemenor IsmI'les; also, -.small BOdM. plainly fornathad. ABtern can bt supplied w.tb tbe services cf a goodBook aadpartial nse of a kllefasa. Apply notil\u25a0aterdßF atMrs BBOOB'S, oo Praaklm street 3doorsbsrew 3rl Jy l_-»__*

F.B -SBl'-l wui rant my at'-iBS, oo 13 aattest, b.twesn Matai ardo.ry, by lbs moa'.b,

o__ ll Ist January, IS. 4 I maj e_._o.esd to myboas* Applicants wi.i emu thaie, Broad strset,atatSeerbelow Airless thatea.JN t-St* J VV p iBBIB"C**_t_t eaS'f-A <.*__*_>. t*.u Ri.is, DW|i far-JP atsbed, ('Batpt with Ua Uo usuduw.i. )with waablagend c bag _seilu.ess ftittod, wltta-_a lea ___*ut__' walk of ths Cspttol. sad salt abets* »_rg's gaa'-esseo 1earn r*on tbe pmaaaam, onBy*** s___et, tbl44am (mm Icsi-'h, UsrabU'a Bill.

|y ____-.o \u25a0Vruotf Oitsri-lVe laves lute, -cw.s 4X*yL____»ves fer sate. Blgi ***** Oerrl-ges aai

BTMIAA MUTIBBB. ___ j .CP-UPBCI-L BOTIOB-We ..srpsetfelly caU 'thesttsatlea of ths trade 11 oursale _» Oroeartta ,and B ootids OooSa on 'RIO *T. th* 31 las* at to io'clcok Wa will eo_r_n<___e t_e asla by c ff-rl. a |aalnv ka of son .rlis d'sot f __* Bslt-mors, v a: i i

Lawns and Trees floods, Towala jFa. Prtfits, (.clot is '\u25a0irowa Win's.-r .n 1 Ges'lle R >*p iyoe Tooth, P> e.et an - Dreassna Combs ?B- B-baama. Alps.a, .wise B-.lialib Si ??dPiS'tl _-_*!__SewlDß Bilk, Pins fn _CapeLadles' Oousrsm Oaitsrastisses' C'oosre s tlit'.ciß, Boots, e'e.

?ALRO.? i25000 Cuba Clgsrsit> eves *?__? 1119Vobsceo

AtUi o'elork prsls.tr w 11sell -..oos«k.T_!c .withoutreuivsi _ ssekb Hsit. without reserveSS Ita<*r_. rpf.'-in ,2.% kegi BlCs-bSoda35 sassst-tat h Csrol ds 8 -spIi b ..es Was Osniles.-'. b .xrs Tslow Ca_d!es <It) bits Vintßsr * ,Ail bin. choice Brown tragar

fl. flf.-. Bs-n, ___ls_.es, etc.A ssnsrsl stß-rttosnt of Of-Ctrl**,

tys-ti E. Bi _.<*?.B __-_-___B*Oo,Ase-S.

1-3** DBJIbOI. M-'l-'U-tl- * CO ask the at- j_._rA_. cf s__Bl_fß_e_ba_r_?_*_\u25a0 ssls.f t__vs!ns-Ma aario of DBV O _OD**, Ac, *?-*, I" P-«j«» If*.'.*_? ?l>rs, __i___-t_el_tg a. 13 o'.ook Till?MOB.-_.-_r. Jyl-lt .nrMaOnU-I OI l_- I hsve oa _*v* a s*©.ii

sririTy nf aTsshlnn Oil, by the bar;si er gallon. 11_-_.r*D's_ to »»oTk _n ita. fl real i-schlflsr*. orno 1asle. JA» B <_\u25a0» _,_,??<--KB, Druggist. 1\ft-lwo M-ln st. bet Tth snd _'._.

fCW Bh*_o7al_ KO'II'JE? Oor sals.. To-seeo-Ococsrlea Ao advfrtl*-d I-r ll_-d_y. will takepl_e_ st 10o co - on TIITJRID*tT, 2-1 July.

Additions will b» reoslved ,WM 11 WOWLR. SONS A CO, ,

|« 30-.t twin (At** I» K3- _*Vt 1



WAB -"-LDSTRiTIOBS, -latroduciog _Scene! in New Cr.sat."-

Dspar'.nre of ths Artillery, 116., ILafayette Squa's, Rtilrosd Trip to Pats Mine _ac, ;ramilisrE-oeßSslaVi'g'n'..,

liesuii'ul Koccliih*. Vi'ws,and great \u25a0B4TTLK 07 fc*ti_A.-SAB. 1with thcu__cds sf tlfo*Lka ___?__________.FlQUaifi. t

k'uslo byCmitb's Battel!an Usad.

nrThsßxrlol«s-f the 'ALABAMA, or "ISO."j. a-It* Is near'y ready. .

_.____, r»« fAlfclr, c.a

LCBT?? On Mondiyfvcing at the Carat Tick ;nt landing, s t_c_*kt- FUR&H ?".ntsintag..'.ii'-i-jirwl and fixty one do'i_r-. (f 41 ) Arews d of onehundred fisilsrs will b_ ps.d for thedeilvery of the puree snd contents t\u25a0-

PDROELI.. LADD A 00,ly S-3l» ?Q-r.yfri.ia, 1-- -fsln ft.

IIHfT (.OW.?btisytd l_u:a Oaai.ir's nill, listj Tta Blsy,2j*.h Jme, s ssas'.l red 00W with

o.._h rt born. I -11 give 3 lib-rai reread far jh<r retnr.i to me, irfor aaj in'orm*t'on, so that Icm sa1 _irsg_Ut -OBW MS tl LBB,

iy2-5* Gtmblos mil.O.J_UUM- ;at-_*?<_». L-K_ S»WsHi>.- Toe

ibavo rewtfei rr:l! bsglvtn fir mv Os_ar__S_e_o .BBS, O-st wsro stolen f otrt b'r Kou'cro'sa'stle, m(*r. 0* sirs-t?ods s la; g b<y, ihe othera 'mailer bay wi.h one Liui f_oi T/h'ta.j, t_ gt* WM 'U***-*-" ..

STOLfc^? BIOJ BSTY*Sir * frarn ih. mkmorkberß Bt '._i_ibrr'z> Ho-pitsl. No 5 »n *hs

eight of \u25a0,; c .5 h cf Jr.ce. adcuhlecise BILVIBWA''CB, p.tent l«v*r, ccmpirative'ty n.w. nambtrnotkaown. .h-rnlymarkriniu-bersd wasas__aß--a_b ac '\u25a0?'? the race A.jo, st th* samelitre, s heav7giyl-' hsvii-c. tbe 'ri isls "'MJ R'" Bors'ch'edon th- ci. c Iwi 1 psy 5.5 'or tier.oovery of .__> Won ~:d 8-5 or the Pensß.?Any _B_etaatlon thai may ie*d to the detection ofthe tb ci wili le r._aa_f_i)y receiTrd, ial a liberalregard paid


O - _AYi_.i t_s BTOi aN-f'2. BKWAA-l?Jj P.-0.-i ir-y c_n p 03 ._evfD Pie*. rosS, near__.c_r_._O-. J-*~e-9'-, a. aaaI _'«__ UA-B, 5 or6 yearn _!_ 14.- t__.d* 1 ifrh. j.."** under the _a_d_*.a.msll white »p_>t belind eft ?bo-I.e'-, iv g.nd-..rder. ') Le above rpwar 1 wi;l .c p»ld to- her de:'v.r*. at Jhehiadquaners of Hiij _\u25a0- g--'« artillery,ou . tv-a Pinesrued.

WADBY Ti"POf-,*._-....? Forge a Rrgtg 'a »r*J lare.

SrltAYsi)? fr>ci ruv far; _, la Bawsvec e.ar__*fn*ar Asblan*- on the _4 h alt, s __ . bay

Sana t.OLT sh.nt three yeen old sTee any ioformat', nee-re*.r.lcg eaidO.lt a B*.tisf_. lory re-wußwlt! bspsfd. WMD VI.jy2 -St* Ashland Bast < __'*.\u25a0*. Vs.

Tit- FBJ-Y. - (_*>__ lots my p e_ii es, mjii'ir-da**, on the I srbyT. ? 4 Rosl rear the Wil-

iUm__*_n*_ t_n_pike t-iilßve, two Litre BOWS,oie srjd Badlwbiba, the other tr'tVo ai._ Mask,Tne oro'r tKu gtt '.life: by peeving pr<-per.y:piyin , damages tnd cost tt a_v_rti«icg Ao

j* *__-l -.« CHA CLAY-

E_ _BAY O_W.~-Or._ae to the '-ratof Oijrt .inJohn Grd.io, -tt tea Br ok Turnpike, two

_..i ..-_ f <--i Ei_______& ca __ood_y last, c targe palered COVT, with k*r Hfl Lara b"-kea rfl Theowner on get fasr by piyiug for this acvertise_r.». t " _Jy 2?tt

I~*.-"-'_l * V ?t~'ar_,e to m. fer.n, .-.t ta. Toot of\jFu ton Hill, en lbs 23th alt, . e-nnll red COW,o::o a-rn l-rc-kenrff Thee**__>r wil oa'l, pr.vspenpsrty, aa> c__rg**., and take h_r t w v


T.N D.Lit Asa _-aW..> DA.XI on M.nday .heSri.n in»t, a .n:_ I BBSS FOX answer-

L_. to tbe name cf 'Jtck " . _y eta reiu'ntnghia to ths corner of 7.h tad Gar/ s'.ree'e, will re-cti.-* the above re_»*r_ iv I?2i*

LU»-_ Oi*. *-T'iL_-_l t»_ tea l_ih ,un-. a uoldBu.tl- g Lever WATCH, hard di* . I plale,

4 prs extr* j twels, -V_nl>lx_n,Chronometer makerto the Admiralty. 45 ______\u25a0 .q.are, OnsweU, IdLoad-n. _._ 14 6.8 AUo, a Gold OHAIN acdLOCK&T One hundred dollars is offered for thoreccvtry of '.he abcv.n*med articles. Adores*Men.-: t. OEDIB At AfPKttbON. Blchmoad, Va

}- 1-.'

Lt'-lf? Wo oUoca-je Bi i, ecmewasre betweenFonshee and tib .ts a DLAttONO 818I*,witho__ stone est io bias enamel, with a Btnn'l piece

broken out cftbe rids of lbs ring. A liberal reward will be paid if left at the General Telegraphoffice. Jy 1-2t*


DIBBOLTTIOS.? Tbe co partlership of H-x---sit, Orstuhsw A Co ex i.«s Ibis dsy, Julyl.t, 1863, by limitation Kith.r partner wLI signtha came of ths firm in liquidation


BiAuionl. July 1, 1.63. jy 2?3l*

CO-PABTNIKHUIP-The «ndersl.ned Jointtqual, lad so'e oirr.srs of the H-xall Mills

pr. p«rvy wiU c.nduet the __HLL>BG IJOSIKVB-,fr.m snd after this date, under the style andfirmof IIAXILL * CBSM HAW.

HOUITOBIUZALLLKWIB D OABM-RAW?*»'_-mond. Jg'.v 1 '8-13. ]. 8\u25a0 3f

Dt Bui-UtiUi".- r__B otiic-in a_ *_ilcrsoo-ins - n-inetiß In this c'.'y under the style and

?_.__ of WESTON A WILLTAMS has tbb dayd-solved by lisltatioa. Iboss holding c elmsagainit ,b. concernare request* d t. pre --at themfo'betri.-i a*.; i-cao iadsbtsd are rrqiestadtomake psym-.n*.

Bi. hiaon< Jaly Is*. 18 3. |y *__-_t*


Mr D D Tsllbt are asiociat.ii wl-h thiab ,si frtm this .sts, andwe respeetfoUy solicit ac-atlausnee of Ihe patronage bestowed on lbs oldfirm.

Bank Notea, Gold andSilver, boughtand sold.All kinds of Stocks aad Bonds b- oght aad sold

on eommirri-m 0 W POBObLu it 00.lr t lw m

ClO-PABTHBB. PIP NOTIOB.?The inbeerlberI bsvlsga-aoeUteiwlth

B___,SOHA__T TA'LOB.blB nephew, WiLLIABFBIOQABOBCH. ths business will hereafterbseon-cne_»d"o«sr Ihs Sim of W HOLT BIOfIABB

thanksto h's Wends sadenßtomar;for irsrt favors, he would aolie't aec*nVaaanee of

firm. __romia»n« everirlhlos?hall b_ doss to olssas those who wui giv* tßem aetil! IvJu***? WB HttLT BIOHAIDiOM-_r_________m_-_-45*S* t/iatOi.VBU-'sas osdsr-P alg-is-l beee this d.y.by mutual eroaaenK dls. tvoß tbeir i^bi f̂t WWBS*,AcB.

Blc-mond, Jane 28 __, U63.Ths andsrslaned will etotlarie to carryoa tbe

«u»*>fgarith *on t'? ?*\u25a0 'O-Mrana


L_-i*_' Cou.resa ar.tlers di c -'ored d*,So MnrocoBasklns. uoMoroaco800teer,

P.cket K-ilve- 1 gross Shoe Btriugi.4 uaeksP-n«, 7d dos Paiey Br_**a Saltans*

11 res b*m*b * S-_id s o_erse OombiiFaicrkotp Ac, *«»aa eonslsn meat sad lor *s_e by _

?a M*mtmvmi "7 wiie mnsov,IFS-S/ Hrear'.aisse--

ViUB BUBGI-ABiUtaiy H-pof MtaOsalopl,Va Blvote mm RmßtmAi. F.-ise ? . Jest

pseiknsd, and mmreetoet ?_^»

?*aa.rinrn. . ." MATOB'B OTFIOB JB'r'raotid. Jnly l't '8_» .WA»TS*..? I wiz-hto enlist B F"Y atOOV*1. .tD HUB, between fhe ages of IB aad 4 ', J\u25a0a <? nrr<-s nf th* ell. ; esoh man to furnishhlvown rfcrir-e ftrms **»l BS u*nlabed Llm None can ea- 'list wbo see alrrady attaebed to any orsaeta-sd crmlliisryeo«*PsoT or who Is aeonsclp. on**-* Q«r ih. tioßMuoowealth alone will h- ree-lvoi .* ]r g Ts * J"" MAVQ Bsyrr. *\ij g% r*»_».?a y»ni*a ___yw__< has h«d *«v- f.VV erst yea's' * sp-iieaee ia teschlog __slin, dFtecob, _?oils.snd Bngili_.i..c'u_ln? hlbbcr Mslte- Jni.ics de*lres a litusiic-n tea jo'..!|. or ptivitsB_.</'.. -h* prefers to takea pop'l wltk ter. Rt-forencts givso snd r. qM-eA. Addratarorenc.es Rev J M BItKPATJtirK.

l» a-t*w»w____w» ___________________£__,"*a[% I AtsT-IB ?A Virgioia Isdy, nr__i_-«r or lbs -VV ff-i <*?'\u25a0'-*\u25a0 r ureb, srrd of esporienzs In .t- seti_g. wifcbirs a eli--*.»-i n either a- prss_r.t -r iaUM esriv "*\u25a0 _?'- is q-til fl-'l to isseh Brg'isb, jh'o-10, tnd Krsnoh .

Ah >.a »o*__g Udv desire, a B*_B_____a to teach fib« ?nr,i* ,J \u2666'ranches la **onng c_l;d.-«n. Ple*se ,

adtr' sstone- "M a I," f- Btts. P.wiistaa oj.Va. *. |W A -<, _o _» e-?#:sl r-tertor pnnrds ere w___t- sIns: at IheVsnitestisry. D-'.lsj-tt horrs foo sad St _ nrs off, slterust.ly. It sptirlnted be- .f-r*e n-c-tp'ion it f__.r>r>tii from ardlttaqramiy,B'-u-n-eispoiy i.n*. pr.-npt, er-ergelo ned s*-e«men. No loiter will r-_ «_i- r ed r.rlw* -t. rap Is I:ajul ni COLIN B-PS.Supertot.ndsat.

Jyg-»'-* .WAS.t.l>? t_B____tm*__r_r, « _tngie mi.v, tomtu-frsroy es'ste on Jsm*r. -iTer, in the

C'Pnty ot BneklogbßTi I will furrirli ab rse,s a-.«r)t; !?-« v» msta Mm comf<;r*-_ble. For a_v 'sbie, sr ncst_d a.tu rooil wig*" wi Ib«Apply ai my «ffice, ontte B«s'n betw.en 8-b aad .!),ti itwets ; or, address we ni.-fcmon.. Va

IV ?__"_______ ontKLßal V BIRIIBB.

WtlflA- We wish to smpl-y S eemp. sot \u25a0HOCK X _KFB-t One wbo wrlt.s _g olsad rnpld hsud snd csi givo istis'eotory to'sr-ercs, eaa obtain a par____sat tl.a_ti m witb acood **,'\u25a0ary.


W_*.n 1 «v? __ki.__ VVo 0 works, la llie t>*r-

rlsge-mtkingbu lai_d. lur such an \u25a0>_. tteBeit price will be given Also, s.veral Boya tow_rk enharness making and repair eg.

OaO F SMITHif S?tt** 6tb st,bet B'oid and Marth ell.

AMI J-l>-'_"ore_ita loom li._jßdiswiy, Fcr-Dlahed crnnfo-'uiibed, v. t__ b.a-d (or a

g.-ntlemsnsnd **>ife P. i- _- ftmtly preferred.?la arraisll Fouee, with frrm forest., six rooms. ?

A.AV'H. ?'.' \u25a0_?. 'citr* ?_'»\u25a0«*_.'*. l." 2- 1 '*A' _r-V_ll- 4.f._> latC'K OUI ir.fH-K_.iHl?V i..i'iH_.-*o wilt gsvosorraat 'v d. f.-r

Co- _si esU Noiss is_a-d previ"o_ t.. 2d Dcrember,16_2 Mif-FB * 1»_.0,

1.9-4*. 13_fc rt. Bat Mata*a_S OBtp-; .- I

"*t B> Aii'ißO.?- A ißdv wi.t*ss m aatata aatts-*. ?VV Itaa «- MAT-K.N i- a hwi'tl, KksW-Bbe f.uiid t-._pet*.«it t. i_isc_*rg« th. dul s ro- ,cu.re-1 feip.eta.le references _;lven. A«~'-rss? H ct. 'T>'-t_at-h,pfß*o. lv -- 3.»

Ws_ run namafliaiß y, two cr r_,r_- ¥.u_?Ladits to work at ÜB-BS HaKUta A

g?> db_rn* aid coco-tat tin -loyrae..*. given. Calls* X-\u25a0_ I tun si, ever D.u<_*s tta -*"_*e

\u25a0f 2-3" BBS r. POAY TBAVl'j-t'? Iwi or ita.. ft.-._ cJ> "...nurß to» liberal wvgst «-ill be irpplv 'oorner 10 h acd i_a:n ttree.!*, I-Torth ci.c up itarrs.

y_ *_?'' *WjaMU-". Morocco Dr.Hi*r ?nd Tenne. of

Calf and Sheep __'is apply st t._ effi.eof the TB_.DEaA_U._OB WORKS.

t. 2-'W

Wj.ti I » D?._ g _ >?. B »-_.-? r. A___-5 fetesoyetirpli ymcut«ud g_.*d ws»* . _;lv n Apply

«t tlOlbL'Hßstesy,jc-9 _»»*\u2666 Ko 2J3 _.\u25a0\u25a0._.- *t.

ANlK***?TO -il YOR Hidii?A fsmslehe v'« fSeivzat no*. !.r._ t_an .'a'eeoyears

01. SpiUto BHDBBw* J__E_BS-H_B.J / »-3;* Q.-r..er L- gh aad- k s a

"_.A : aNTSU?iI ty goo' size BOT«. st the Gov-%*" er_m--_t Builct Fart r- ca 7r.t*, t .'-weea

Cs-y aid Oeaal sis. C J OA «»»,ly s_ i»« ?.*_p«ii-t»nd»ot.

tl/&[ci.j.-iu hire .arm ..no. <man audVV ew ui_a,) a good ptlco wiil bs sid.iy t- 3t* Opp "**io_i T .n-w. ito.B hI.

a a f A-iBU?Tb* sub.c . roai of pur-

VV sharlTif a F'B-* sautsta _ rem tto to3.0 arr-s, wth cr m''oiia*..'e Improv- ._ut.. Ponees icn .Mattes] ta _n_-> for B_e___g A I'b-nlprice w'H be p»H. - nly tc Jiß ti T-Vt«;SiieA\ __ tAt< Aaetjoaeer. f- 2. -St

WA*. *_rt.» -To pnr-.' «c * *'.-. I-.M ol Mto100.eras. wltß g >.d in;jr..re_aia"B. i»u I

not be BBore ttsu es ea c. firm thsc-tv Trefcrone ir on ".he Ih'.keVmi iy .'iry parson1,-.'.-.:' s i'_r_; i.j- t e.iP, pica., awr_m ""AIIBB*Ba--' _'_--5»

-B____£*_? «._-_?' .*.-. -AC- Bj ~\rOTl__i .?lsm _n__ar_r__d by O* 1 D J OodwldjkH ia rs--s c eompaey o** c_?_i a Jot >*'3 c >__\u25a0

\u25a0Ma**, tocperste ia sh's tieiutt . 850 ben y aid(q__fm_B*_i A'l w'a; wl-r_ tr- j ia «-fi'ap.-iy -i war .Aaa, a tbe fU_t» I cmt .i__Be,c \u25a0?-\u25a0aer cf 12.h and Franklin liree v between ihebtir-- of 9Bad 3 o'i :_tk. J 11 lAKOS._..'-_.*

ATTBST] N _Oimi.-*Jki ib 0 mpscyr.f t_e >?-.__ S-. m-nt .*i*gir_i_ SI his will

Me.; _M drili eveiy EVE ? INj,a> . o'c' eh, oa theMiflM of Ben acd 14b streeta Tfci-ci'.; tueladfi_ I men * ot aataally enrolled *»_ acnaared i_to thaCtmfedUi .'c, c vi:-_ bi'ween tietgmot IS aaatlyear*, _cpia. iatfo b -uu.s oi tbli dtstrlat, te-witr bet_rr.iA.i2 h %"-d 14;h straits, a.d le weenIkond B_r<e'. a._ tha liver. 1-7 or. er.J M P. ICON Jr,jy! -_'.» Ont l.hO', '7. h Brg m*n_ ,

_\u25a0-"*». lOi_.~ _v. Fr'u._ aid It l'au iestdeut. __-c r* q teste l to meet st M O IE_A

I.TJ_.'S oa7.h r'roit, EYi.Bl DtT, _* 4 P U tofo'Ki iat> ca*r-p_-iei fir ? dels*._ cf 11 ti y -Their ptcui-' e__snUea '.. -Xoseted j-.- i- ti *<-T-.i._-_IS-.-_-*_o __.i__Ti_-.? n p ixensi ea

of the published crd re of __e|__ i. Wilii-rp-i, ccmm«a.!:ng, to wcit i reisrtaoe it BBtSs,ah p .r.oa. ?_?:e a <_e_c_!b_J, .__. liviagw1 i_li_ tbt....i_w'-.g bounds. .re herebyordersi u_..r jenal-i-s .h.reiu ce:'*ifed to. t j meet for .n*o'i__,.r*,taud aril; i ex*. Tf.Uit-D._Y _nb 2d at 41 A. InkP ?_ ia froa. cf old Asoory Clistel tfalou .-.il!

BuL'sus ?_,or h ly the O-lc-sacminy,BaaS .yths _'_**- B-ldgeread snd '/ li Creek, 3_ot_ i, IBscorporation bne tad West by'he Moeh_a__B.vl I** 'r-y_rn_ih*. [rSO-Si* 1] W-B *-CB'B-. Cbp_

AIT-'7IH», \tt\Ft V »i.N ;->.'..*-'._ CUr-Pi.'-*Y. -3iPegu,eat TtrginlaH_tttia Jtfam? \u25a0_. .1 M V.v Wet-'i, on Brock road, B_e* Bacon

Bsartsr B such oa FB.D.Y, Joly St, ICS3 atfemo deck, to or gaols*acd dri'S. Puacto&l *itead*ncsIb n q -Irsd, as thsie aril a are or.tei si by the Oov-ecnor at lbs Oc mm-nwealth. All pers->rs bitw.eath* says of 18and 45 (wlether tfcvy havefa-__-heaec ..-titutss or act) are required to at' . dand «!i 11Thebounds of ttl.Uompany ft;. c. ful'cws: PromB.oad street, outside the crporaiontlae, lo Brockroad. t-S-CS to Brock orsek. ard from there to80.dstreet roxd, looladlogtbe carper»tlo*i Hue

l__o-3 \u25a0« H YODaQKR. Cent.-. \u25a0t--.A%fAi.ai

OMB HUXDKSD DOT.LABS SS-fABD.?*.he ab. ye ti wtrd w'ii be paidft r lbs arrest

a.adelivery to me, at dsllverv i*t say Jail sc tbst Imar a*t the"a,of my two a..;.* mea, J »BD 1 Nsad ___M who left efl Snnday night, t.e »8 h ofJune. Jordan bis s a* if l'.i'l» B_£ c oc hi* lefth»nd Barn's rightf.ot Is »ore n»sr the h**'. -or*.si is about 35 years of age,... m about _7 Jr*Sanwas parcbs.ed from Bacssmmd ccooiy, Ys;Him bam N-rthOsrollaa Th*y m y try v matsthan way bsok. Tire above reward will bs paidfor their dsilvery to me

WKE WLKIN3O*-.jr g?3i* - FowhsUo t : Vs.

RUBAWA V- »2-)0 HIWAR. ?Bsaawev fromihe . nbdc.'ibfr,ou the mcrn'ogof tbe tit

_._.«, 1863, m. Biegro Boy _IS. *Ie is sb ut SOyearsof cf a dark g"«_ -thread com-lexion,soont 5 f\u25a0*. t 3 iue'ics lv bel.hi. Be hid onwhe_h*'efta ligbfcolcred jicket, s pair of bine Tsn-k'.f pants, arda biao_ tit, sac*be Is evidently try-leg to make lis waj- to ta. Ysnktei 1 will paythe ib.vereward if delivered t**. me,or one hun-dred snd fitly c*ol srs if secured ia any |tii ao tbat' Imay recover him. Post ( ffi.e "ichmoad.1 81BAB T _Y_»_Ol

Ex'sof W B Sydaor. Aec'd, V a over co. Vs,1 j7I St** One Bajja be ow Mechsn'c.eitt*.I) +_. AWAI ? >'i')ia ii. sut-OitOei', wu (be

I m\ 11.-hi of ths lU.h of Juns, my negro boyVl..K.t abent five feet h'gh blown tx.mpl.x-lon, full hied of bar, ratbar sitni built; bad oaboots, dvk pants,white wo lso cost, sadbst b. uud' with line and tin. strip.** c tion iblrt. *?aid bey

f was boogbtin ibis oitr oa tbs _4vh of Jans. Bs1 ws*i brcogit from Olsrk* oonn.y. la the Valleyof- ! Y.'r_»>nis, end wasformerly ownedby Dr SmUb, cf- tbs ab -.ye namd eoanty. I- IU give fifty delUra

for his dollveraiics to me, orIfplaced lv any placeI where I canget blm JoBB M BIDfB. L.f Weathaia Plankcoad. half mile from Biohmoad.t jv!_? 6t»

TJ DM4WAY-65 BSWABu?Bsnawsy, oa. IV tt« t»th last, my msn WIL: lA*. Ms Is\u25a0 s.tiut _8 yesrs o'd, S test 8 cr 10 incbeahigh,

rs'.bsr iirnder frame. *jft_S*f brsd color, sad la genorallyknown abont thecity aa Wm Tii .ley.

BDMOBD aad QUOBOH left my hoose ab »nt 6o'clnak -esier.sy mornlog. Bdmond is about 15year_ old. qolieblaok.about8 fast3rd iccbeek go,

| well mads and like y. O«orgo la cbont IS jeerseld,I gi_grrbr.d 00l _*, Llok lips acd wall grown

I _ i t pay three____*_> < dollars for the deliviry: cf tf _ threeboys, or one haaIrsI Sottass for thedtileery of eubsr. _» QaBBBNBO **T.

jeao- a .I 'ii*s _,* aY?*.!__. i?__iii.-'_- *»»TIV <rea -Le s**b-<. ibsrs, oa lest bight, a negrobjyasmed Miini, par-bases*, of OrMA An*d-rabd, of L. >_l.« o'-nn*y. tie la about 8 feet Borc laches ta hei.ht, a-ont built, boshy bssd, aadg_od leeth tb-ott. y tars old. Mewas greased tna salt of grey B*.<_-*pa_ ctitbea and is I oa a. b_u__ r_i_ds~Bfaw h«- Be fl «bm*r-sr_e-ilectsd,

L I isiise|> taiaa___l-Sbia way iowar4i L_*lss.it %.» -il giverat abovereward if doI»-r tt 11 Lse

a J me*, ef ai bawai, ar if amSa.4 a Jeu sbtba**-c getMm agate. __

np**_*_B*r* nmssammo sa yvs__B*ss__a*i

APBTieW B____BB_-_rn-are Pays.n>

__By Theaaaa W. Besses, Aactleaaer,

lOfflee eernsr M* MM Gary ats.)

SOU- F3B WHOM IT MtY OCN-\u25a0»..- \Will be s'ld st tbe horse aaetloa on -.?..Tl.. v

VAT Jaly Utb, s« 10o'clock, o-s aorrsl *10«K«, otwhich wsiasat to my stable from tbe Buff fit *b'-scm the 3 st of Mireb la«t. Bald to as ths property ,of one _i*s>tBatae* U8 A. it the owter _oe_ notc mef-twsre. piovs property,p*y bo*-"_.__d takehim away I stall sell him on ths ab >v _.--«_ dsyfor his livery,psy myislf. and dep*__it ths remblb-dsrof pr.e__ds. if suy, b. bank to ths o-etß of OL larnost, former i-perlr.r. -lent of fitft St«h' w.Mec-ia-.c*.lby Taos W Kibsb*b, Auet'r.If* ?

VA I, TJ A*»l_ M UOUSf* _«D UFt ANDBOU'BnOCD A»l> KI.OtfB-l »*_H_l

Tl'SB ABDrOWA?_r______-IBa KOS B*l.l-AT AOOT.t/8.-I will sill, on fBIUAY. Ju'y 31,a' l_.a'c'ork __,__ U_i>u Bfl the ye.-. desirabisMamBS and I.ot on _?"__ s< d P so. Q sYret-, tb'esmnsresbsycmd the L- hjt*_ Bteeet Baftst Übur_*_,f*.>ntuiain BCh_ire.i7l .set, ami rvr.ntng bsce138 fee*, te . IB 'e*t alley. 7ne ao.se contains slfrooms (ilirss of thorooms are pspertd ) with apsassge s'a lest wide; wßbabßabsa In tbe yard,so. apomp of ver?» su-wttor w.isr, itslile, sndfrnlt tress In besrirg The g*_*ds*_ well _et lavegetables. I__>me_i*te poj_-e._..n glvsn.

The Household and Kitc'ien Fornhure. Soßßa_.Ingof?

Carpets. Tab'"-,Ci. a!rs». Scfa, B_d9t*-a-*-.Very sup- l_r 0 >? kind Bt.ve, ko-

***.'_-J l_A<_U)H&One of Btaat-i S-wißg M*.__i_»a. cf superior

q __.li.*.. roeru-ly new.?ALSO,-

('r;e very supsrlir Ayrrhirs Mil.h Cow an- on*flosT-arii-g ?

Tii-M3-At u_s T_ii>6 W KESefcß,i* -j5 S'._tlo_e»r.

By Ke'Uvooil tt Phillips suets,|Na SI M»in sUcet.]

WJIwll! sell -1 ourauction h--__e. on TBIDAYVV rcTni-g. ae_a__a____Mj »* '? B*_BB___. s largeand de.irsbli a__.orimeat of uietsl crLies forhousekeepers.

-ALBO,?L'dies' Drssres sa_ Ti nnets_as__- i_i* UUk aud I.i-a Patterns.

?\u25a0AL*''l* ?

A lot cf good <'_-.-_\u25a0 _g Tcbscco, io Lcxess»-_ ll' .tr»

Bsveral b <x*s ef S_so1 splesilld wrlpleps'ei Fruit Stand, e'o

HjDWd.D A I'__:___.' «\u25a0**?'.. _ci.'. rs,)y 2 51 J* tm »lr»*t.

Cosrsnr. .ats . tate« cr ' mwda, iB__-IC.£ _I'.-V,V)_IS ' -..CB >

-__--.__.o__, Va, Joly 1, lr.*';"». >Will. BE OLD AT t» 'B'Ji ABITIC.V

ou w*K_**_-__3-_*Y t_e..h day of Jsty, _i

11 a B -t tr.*, tcten __ee_n_r_r of 3 land Mar-sh .lis est., ii-gia.nibirbf B0»K. ;belongingto itas 1* ir*..ylod __. parunai t, 0 S Arioy.

Jheaf.eat.on ef Lnmbef dr*.'er_»ni "tbers IsKqn.Btoc.. B W Jem*-',

*-nr(;,oared Mad o_l Parveycr, 0 S Ari_y.Jy 2*-lda f

By ___ S Pleasants, Auci'r ,I~>l -WO, rOIBRf-fBJS TsPB-TSY Otß.

PB ._. _-c, AT aO ifl'.-? ?- y or-'e**of tb«oi.cai.ri I wi l soil, n. ih. icst-eaea t Un JirGray. d*c'd, ou Fee csSld, ieiT-tea l,t :v__ "_1 *?_,ro P_tIDAY ths 31 lasts.."., o-uixea-Lia .t .C__al___k, aportion ot ths Il'u-tho.d aad KiiefcesF_rr-itiire; staors-t vi'l-lc. are

2 elea*SßßJEm es*_T C_r_**_ef-st snd1 ia» ernffB.eeweoel P sno, ct'?s by Wcress-

ter -hsOo. ?Jy*. mn » P PLS .B'»T. . And. *

Bt.Ba.Tnrt'Tß ?"?\u2666_\u25a0_«._._.

RUBSTXJffiPB. V-i_.T_-D.-lhd B_b__r(b«.j w'susseßbiMay two _ab_t_taiea?on* for in_. ~ryT-.d______bo. .*r ior _*v; ry .hi _*_*_e_t?rice wili be p_;._ for two lettable B___j Cmltolev. fr ru9 to ISo'aU____et A 1 6?o_____ A «.-»'?..j \u25a0?---??» , 'L_U_-o'_*i'_,_tTB fi_*ici.'-iVastie, a'-ci-ii5 tntsi ti go la a_y c -txp* ybe m»y desire f r

r, m__, ever f. r'.y file >eaeof »ge, th rty fi. ain-Ir-d dollarswill be paid Applyat the *_!___i U -SlA?»'* for two nars. ]v . - 2.'

ÜBetl I'UTK -.? _.___ be __. by c_ nn. ».nO A! E__ B G-*o_*»_-AN of CartersvAs Cnra,cr"a_d county Vs.* t___l_

P£RS«*.ALrpBI JOBB Mtl»D X r_ ported In last M;n1 day's p»ier sr. bavfarg m_d* hl« eaespe torn

l.t) gv'_- n'be w,y froia ths Oily Hall,is not the.>___. M'-Dl-OX fn-awly if Üba.-it. Oi y, ard!_*e cf I.kbc--'__, aad for ih*» °a_t two _.«rs a_r*r_bcr of t'.pt A . J mam _ romp-ry, P___u_,ieyirti l»ry, ____t_a____l ucwat t___"_._'s Staff< \u25a0 _ . sine*r.ver 1/ --it**

IB_*URBA_rfOM W.- UfS _ .I ._i_ _-___.KBXIBDY. s boy. -..___ Ad. who left bis

_._.-_:er tte _Q._ Jai_e. WL.n te left bar, he worea&.u* Jacket*r,d r-<n!tr, Bads .di.r'n c*»o; hat ftirtisiI*. freckled BttTe 'ulvi'r.r, 8 v;*ry _ai_rt chl.d.Anytafci-Bfti i? f bimwlll _-. tkaskf. y ier.-li.-fdby Us nether. B__J___AB__f BB__BBDY. eoccerof -l a and Main sts sn'.i bin icoatire sb~.nl_:.-nt-'. _ .--. _-*?_ -\u25a0'-*

BJWBMBSM *->«_ SA-___ Ait!) ."?\u25a0\u25a0 *«_!_».

NBOAOBS TO 8188 AND STABLB P»BBBBT.- An ezetileut COdK and *7Ai___lß

bus a DOT, 0 _.etrs old, i Seastemed to wailing ont-.. t_'j> A.-., for rar.t. r. HV Ji. B .ui.tb _ or»t.-) hcrtes aud s btrF-". vri'-i provsader r am *t*taebed Apply to ? ffi'e o_ Ist Aniitarof "ranH-fvBoper.weak i ? \u25a0- 3,*STViJi _.i._.r_-v . vi lbs ti.- it -ii _.'. AS __. inX; _f_rg_B__- god Nurse aaiVY*_j.her_iiJlfo_.r. Ape_3 tJ__\u25a0 J SABPi- _-?,

jy __-lt«* '_\u25a0_\u25a0\u25a0 v.la DSp.'.t.IA-'-. .s.*.___ -__ targe ItkS y _:»c . M_.«, tamerj|j ad brogue in__.-- froia i's to *_?> y-_._ of rgsapplyrt I'or? gt-..-?\u25a0 JIA. jy_2_ ,OA!;~~"

KEALi KSTATE ri>tl *»ALE.IT*-*5' &.\IE--_y Pr.A.W?_T_O . c?Et*M-gf7 BOS acresof___.._, lytautontbe Rfc'imond s_aFeteretnarg rafirmd and tanfpUte, 16 r.r.:_-f en_5.a former place an**! _ix 'r.m tas latter; also,eri.V.l-. three a_t_M of the Jin»_ riy.,r. Ihesoil isa 2-"*<y Icaai, t>s_-d on a r. d clay to. sol., sad haa_e:-n taiprcvedb/ tbi r.-s of tail marl, Ac Pr.i-dir.is wtll whr-a;, c oTf.r com,tjbasßcr. aaSaa_S|tad is -. ___i."_.'>l7 Rcisp'.ei t; purpo-es.1 he's a abou*. ooe bond ci a \u25a0. __ c fr c*> creek !*_.'.aad '?iso one houdr.d sores of or'giosl Ate.'.. Itis divided tato five fle'ds r-_nch are well snoloissd.fas all thanootatrnxy buildings.ez:ept dwsilias;; a

t c i_.e__"_ acd gsrdrn Wet fartbar pirtlcc srs'teres* me at Cbestar, C_« tetfiel. seamtj, Va.I 8-S..C.' E_«i?l\".i:._l...S.

FA _ '?_ o_ SJ J0 j- X _ _ifl I> 4 MitL _IATOP ;*4 SOBBB,-! _' ._lß_,B_.A_*l> Ou.H

ix, F-.it. fe-bk ?Tbe Pi-itj_ coats;n_ 68.cm o.'orlsinal forest growth a __oAsva_ \u25a0 qientityof ridfisld plnee, thebaiamm well imptoved,cultivatedfields, has s good .We Hag With all necessary oat-toaeeß, a _reli of ix.-l.'tat \u25a0oa'.at lo tbe ya.d, a_.t.r«-hoc_'_, s pood car-.r, and a flae youag or-ohsrdi-silniie-ii-g

ThsMILL B*_.T has two cisl cCwslhngs,withnecirs -TV cuthonses, a good i .-._., and a.l thsIrons SDd most rf the urn-era _.< t i*«ry to bnlld aill's: ard saw mi.l. Tt_e nil s bivo recently beenimrned, leavin . ie<*k walls .taucicg.

A bargain vill b - givrnle aay aree wanting aeomf-ruble aud b.aitby oouatry - c i_e_o«

P.* further paric_l_rs spp'ytv U O WiLTSS'Ws'-tca'. Mill Cn-abarian.so, Vi, or to

'p J r-TBaiß,js 16? _:* Sbcckoe .?lip Ri.___-.nd

T__LSCRtFU B'JTlCa?Tbe Til-grsph Oom-lenl-n have iterercvtiii lo sffird to all dts-

au.edorcischarged sa d'ers and youths, properlyre-onui nded, who may dei-irs It, the opportuoltyto scqaaini themselves with lh:. art of Yeirgrstblag, with a view togive tbeia _ . jl.icns as Op ra-tr,npon tbe lines as o_ea_noa may rtqalreservices

Por this purpose estrs l_strnmenU will be patnp st < __'ss most erav#vioct t.> tbe spj-iiosct, s_.dl_sUi c inni will be furnished wlih >ut chorgo

Por frriher |srticuU-B app'y to Br o_o WBAOT D.v'_loaSui.ei_-t6aiient, or to xn.itA stB'a_me_d,Va. IKDiWVII,

Jf2?ts S____-___! !St"!> 'JUSTBB'SlVi-O-A l.t of blocd silk LacesA lot oi F.iaeh O-'giadiesA lot of Jseo.euBemßtllehed Bandksrehtsfa.

Jv s-2V JBt Pal)IH. MR RrooA st.8.-U_ioaair-*-itsru. t yosro ?'_.« ci.itUa itsgeI* BOBSBB, either ot ?.bleb won dda well fora

parade «r cavairy bores, they can be seen at myferni 1 mils from AmsUs C nnCease aed 3J ml isfrom KiO.moad on the I lohmood snd __*nvi:ieB-11-e-d |lv--'w'j li f BRB. Sit

***iaa uobtiau oi_. <u-td_ardi flaeß_.it1 ins Cljth,Bo 10, fcr sals brjvß-Bt BDBBBB A 4BBNTS-

' i 'itra 11 nsaai asrii.außß,_

X 808 JL'LT.? _be Mesaeegar will be issued today, Jmy Ist,

aad will pras-nt a very mtercattog tableot c mtents. ' Tbe li slory of ihe War," by S*t Howlson; ? l'.___Mmi« Sketches" con»a__lr.«-an ace .nutof tbe cattle . f Bethel, a review of Vector Huso aLea Miserable* aad a soarhia_tion of that charmbag __>\u25bc?- "Agate," are among the vb's of coir

te.-U F »r aa'e at th* ll .ofcatores, and at thsiffi is,on Bankand 12ib streeta.

The Meessnger eau sill be farai-bedfromAbaMarch number, lbs o.m__-nssm*at of iaenai-

tlss on***** mt| N aguFRRCV JfiOß.jw i_tt Pr prl-lurs.

s_-r"._.. _. ii_ i v -ei>*v, __oT___ »r _\u25a0> J: y,IV tea*' ali ths RothS and other edic's .fond

Ba-k al tfcat dataw 1_ be

P. ___Li.heel .elder for cash. Amon* the .?_-___!

how BsrrlVtTFtriDfoof SATS, cf th. f_t_.*»losSt."ii__jaVa Web 35 laches *?*._s, sa -*5 inobaiSip i,Ta.lba. J«» MBBfpll.Ht7 8' -O^**-

-IT-er.BI-MsS_.ft DAWS ___.KlB r**r _fcD__'jLy_-__at-__g__b^a!a_!___.-?_*-_-

SSt-tV-l eA__BIO--?SBtSf. mi-My Imniera, Tellessafc Catlstt, iatis.

WI W'LT_ BfLL at tn** w_rehnnss. Bo 9Psarl »t oa WFDBS'*DAY momlng.Joly 1

?t. eommenelogat »i o'-l ?'k, a l--ge assorts sat J*1 bio*ksds goods, e-o-1**« of w«

DtY OOOCBPsecy and Use _ a* d V?blte TrlatsOipcrham., T a*.r.s, OrgandissPri. tee. BrllHsnU __ . I ?Psncy sod Btrh-ed Mo-erlag D*rliß'oaa > AP..».«)-?->? Ms-oanas; LavellaUlotbsP_ney M stuns, I _Pink sad Biua ."I-i.. Sersfie* jIriih Linens. Bleached Fh'rtlngsPAp_r Cembrlcs, Holered Osmbrloß jBllorls, Bed Vtiding i 1trVhito rod Kid timed Flaar.-ilfanion Flsaoel, [Saaa Ososburgs \u25a0 **-Tlia. Dili. HoDorskt'ts I >11..-ni:--r I, I; H . ..frrb-.f*. j \u25a0\u25a0vVi.LoH.te.i_i 11. .tsxnaU-kls I ,Kiigbsh Cotton Hdkfs .siBjaasßJ sad nocu** ntibbons _\u25a0.leaaesa Fir-3>»« B-ts eta. , ""

lO7IOKB.WhLe sud Waasi Hpnel Cotton ] nBlack 1hr»sd, Ie»» is(t fi'.lk ; jGenta**.d Lsd:es' Kid Oauatlsts 01G-ais'K'd aiovss 1 illLsil.3' Litis T:ir»\u2666 I snd TsSeta Gloves ! hBack-Has, Tomb Braekal tlF«.'*y BeiSJS Iv_r<: _ i-* 0.m19 siBa___*M and Hi11 Dtsasaaaj J. v brBtSAtaaj Poe*_et»ol foe- CombiPi-., -rwiogand Ktii.ii'. ?"c»dlsßBcse Hospeoder a*:d F:y Maaoa«I_ss.;_k Coatsod Vaet Hu.t'iosA,,st a B-BttffßO. I*rge sndlsai. II _roekat-Bi oks, tfarm M-..ha : JBank fn*****-. C.iap W«l*da*sj Casts i jjB_t__eaa Ooa*paair_B, M.iui. HooksWrliiog Ps_,ii". Suvel *r.rs PiasV_a *?o!iter-i P_ae__. Bsaom lPio Kuives L-Oi rug ai__«JS jVMm Btnr-Ka aI,a_i.s' »sd _.I.a-_ "v. hits Colt-tD ll'.ge lG->?its' B owa Half _?cse 1BtMM _ bread, Santa' Liaea Ot*lla_s 1I i'lis ___a**B C'ollsrs pL'.dlis' M_ Aa sal B".c t Caps OoQaaa. v

i-808- ABD UATti.Is_iss L-m.irg QsitersKalrr.oral Shoe. *,;1.-.di*. tHnpan Children's Shoes tGels Cxf-rd and s_k_.-r.%! .hr-s dBlack aud OetflteS Belt L:.n a large assort- . a

m. ut. iCI-OT.-CXG

A'psoaOoeti. Mirsc He* Ve-tsSoiamer F»_tl Oa a ' v;co_tj. etc 1

PJ* »_,*.*-, *-. . 1ladigo,Ccrc-tirr-i'-ed i/» lurs- ,M>rjiln«*. Befl ?<1 ;»a.p_or. slci.fd ftts__.s . .A.idli z PowdersSchi.i.sia I chatppsLtcini v ? oruijci (iv, KaStSS-iFr'vn Win-I-o*- fcosn . rsr".ili.aciirg, Osstor tJll. _ ic.h'.l rCoil til, \u25a0'\u25a0o's BmCJeßsa Msichos cGr.-n cod BA. !t Ten Oh-jioisis IB*_-kW____as___k,et_- I50.» b asßß_e__nm Vossssa.LA_._iE_, TOLLBBOB A CATLKTT, f

je_0 -.uo :oa.ersts> Vflll be add--d to cur sals of t_H -_or_.__-r a ltrgsaad via. _ *'8»'-'me_t of Jcweiry, ooinifiiagof

1,-di'_'B.eas'.pi-8: Kar riugs, c__rassia_ri N-csisoe, '?''.\u25a0ld Lock**.H, < 1.8..8,F.nger Bargi SUvst Coo.ba; *o,Uenn tMclildftiJi.\u25a0 eive Bnttrnu, wA'.c_ K-y«.P.09, F.-n_ P_M Is, Mi.-I P r___aSS_S__. Ac.

wl.i bsßot» at 12 o'eloeh o.mi»_iy. jJ7 1 L_ BI A_, Tl ILKh B ACO

.'ihs abeve sals will bs c-etianed nn P-*l_»iY, i,wh-awi.. t-.j ad i <i s Urg: cad desirable a_a.___? Irasat of freih _»-}\u25a0 di. 1LABiaa., ici.r_EF>o__ _. oatlbtt.

jv_ Acr.t. r.eirs. IBy .is-d-ln A Appersen. e*B>

COM_3I-"8I'"»-*'3V.*» -AT K OP V.'LUABt,aU.AI. \u25a0BT.'Ti OH -Tt4 B-S- .IJM

OF 19TH B-.T'*KBSTKi-J*-L!S *-i_> Gt'OS_r*'*_~B-8 tl I> *>B THS Bib-' .IT)B«'P "_t«STUBSf M-*-- 'TO VSB_-!._\u25a0M B'R>Br.-AiCmni's-iou-r ippelnudby s deo «c of the Hast*lin. Court ol -h* crt*. of Hicbtaor.d, pronc-oaccden tte .7 h J__e, 11 ths ts.eof ..resnor ai-dwifu, *o, su-last fawords Ac, i ar.sil proo.ed tosell, at pcbl _ satti no- tbe preaiis-s, ia tte o'd*radver.i-.d oa WZBBBSDA -, tie IJ.h J-Ay, '-.61,ecrs _>'__? grt ? 1 b'ekek PV, (;f fair; if act, thafirst f_ir day tL_.e_Cv»r ) tbe ._.''<. wing va aab;eBssl Mstate aa___JS-Bg tv th. heirs cf tte lategiraoel Ta b-... V*_ :

Ist- Thi* -?-y e_o l.'e-it Tlrl.k Tsr.ement .n theesit »ide of 19.h b-.w.en Pranklla auJ Grace sts,cow occopkit y Br Scarp i'.a.es. Ihs Tenementi- io fcOC"! .:;der, «nl is ao; only weß but t, but -*Bample aec_r___nd*tions f.ra iarge -am- y. Ii -isrosrb » msntem, g-.s. sad Mgtmt, »*-d »» ('f _?»____-co irtrne.i- ti, and ._ rssilyfß rt rate to _ .eaoe.

21 Ih. escnint and nrmvaaian-lji a.isygnJPramed Tens -..-at. wi.ti trick be ra*_t, oa theeast >Ma ot ißt_, neat 11 - aaa s _?«»?., losv seea-irisd b? M .

.d. Tbe vao---t bet rear t-i or \u25a0:_\u25a0!-g the s*l.Teas__.*_t. fr.__.___ -5 feet, nutting bask sb.ai 90fee-.

___*«.- Oce thud cts.l; be'src c* 6 IS, snd 3?__.-_:._ for Bonds t>e_r i g latsraat and khle re-tail.-- till all th? varcb__» _?_.-?_. ey i. (b'-j paid, a. dsoonvfy*cce rd«r._ by t_ \u25a0» Oocct; or sti .i_h: aitte option of ll_ejparot__e_rfl

j? 2 _» S BtcBAB. Ocmm'r.

C~l .KMIgb.O-SKBB 8 ?__? OF TBi T VSBTj -.al__'_:o GranH-front T_**_i_3. oa t_e

fco.'h tl_s of Main, Us w es 9 h aad lOtb sts ?isC.?___-_-i-osr strpol .'<*. r a decreecf tbß tirent.Oonrtof tbe O'tyof Bicbm noccesd on the_9.h .__*. '_'- ia _h_ c_ . i f/octca>silnaiJ »«_t_, lal-__li_\-*??-<' 11 st r. n* ;.. ii._-.ciu 'a JBmp-______te_ en THIS-OAT tbe Tib Jaly, iS__ atllo'o'cc* B (If _B_r; 11 not, the t-rt fir __f there-after,) thai .arge *<_ »siy valaabla Bar-Story g-a-nlia-'roat Teieaaent leeaiad a* abase cvi:e*i i_e

'?_;epii-l I_c._J." tiie lowsa s'orj* of nil h is newoccjfi"l by Mmmtnkst A Brother. T_is te*_e*

rcsnt h_Sßfrr.-tof Sifest, aad a tir.-ih o! Htifestto an s''-r. It wi.i Ay. t . boot ten Iest* ago, Si dla] .*: y regarSed bi on* -\u25a0: n-ttnjb.sueoeatais!u that eeryde-krab s -. di_.pi vias tocalftF. The

| Brc:i«l at.sate .a or,.?{.!_.' * _s. -1 esban is iteie.t-faliy ciile^fc-A.!'' 1'- _ _. »_

AI.. _B_______________*-- -v. ,**\u25a0___] H-_>B \u25a0..caiol e-14.5? b* pu P-SS of di- ._ i_;a.3 *._-'

iiea In tsvor ct __ua'l B J_v',s oi 1-raleMof tbe aavanmataoasy i i*'- ba paid 11 sash _\u25a0_\u25a0?

sacs sti'. aud 18 mW.b . foe r.rg. i-b c notes, la-tinsts-del S-ti-la-torlry acd tluare-taaaet-UI _il;_) pnrcbaienwej U '_> y ?<*?\u25a0\u25a0but with Lbsriy 'o ths par.-b_.-r co pa> lbs w_u.e

cf hispurc.ap.*i_c_._t _ihi "piioc.j? i* TAI-l***- l_tO»J Ornr.

Utf Jns.ti myler.Aae-,

AT*I*BAB__B F-LM OS MaEKBT GtB-BFM on th» Deep Baa Twmplke, 1_ B-n

r.c. -oantr H -_ i!cs Weal of "Ac _r*y ol B-S_-ao.d AT Iwh'.-t t tie KSJBHSt r.f Xr J >?

m.li I w I _ci', op n ta* pramlrts. r.aTOBBDAV JTone-O--, atto'J e_ P M, lbs vsa-able sad Lac <!s. ia.- I _BM, witb *I IBs (rrowiagOr..pi, laeated a. abava eontaJoiai __ scr»», r.fwbleb 4- sorts srs aleareS we., sel ia corn and olo-ver, together wl.b sgirj«n of lbs choicest vegs-Übles ; tte bs'sr.-* is h*>a»r? wotdii wllhcsksnd .me, cf virgia Btosftb. Th.re i» also uponta. tract a very capeHcv »o* t ::** "od Id- pondweil*___l-d, ?_-lib __icro_srd cf ibso_OiC«si

fruli tress sit out in lha pass Svs years. ItsIm-proetm B_ees_Bßt_t _f a eaßsfor-ibta dw»U!_g, con-tsitiics four g-odxoonr t r-__-r wivli ab ths usnsSoat-build..' gi, ui-i s*_ate_B_B -.*BBsatasaaliaat we'.rof wait.' 'a the ysrd. P*r'o__i d3iiri ._\u25a0 to iscareoneo' tbe moo', mm Treble fa. ai_ c ___t|ga__m tiltseiiywou'd tiii It la __*ir iats'est to exanriae thisoneBefore tb* dayof saie. r_._n.io_ «.v.n im-taedisiely-

W LL Bl l»oLP?lmmeitatoly after las ta'.eo» tbe prpjM-rt-,\ a vnlaab.o Irt of -fSBMIM-t IBI'LtM*_-lT_ e_s__a__ng -! *>.-t_., Piowe, UalUvators, Ilariows. Osri, V. _gou, aad Flow Barnasi.Ao

Ali-O?Will be told tw .excellent ycong MilchOawa,aad - ne Eei'er, il o nics old. sit in fineeondttloo, together with an sxeslieot Baggy si dUsmiss Wiil b> i'.ir.d tor the b_ls_.ee of tbey*sr, s -.ood Co.k. _?_r:e, Ws her, snd _~_B__,

TBSMS?Por tbe Iv _. ii.euii cash ~>r t_whole f pre'eirs_;> tbe bakacs si 6Bad 12 mjbics

ere.l.l, f.r Wlgßllabh cotes, with b__SßSat ad tedso t iicared ay a irurt d»e 1. -"Us purcb__er le payth* U*sessod lassSSSHM for 18?*?-. Ftr ths bs!da_e,ca**_ win be rrqiired _>-oa d» v*ry.

jeijr JiS M V-TLOB Aact|3_- CD acc;.u,_t of ilicss .a tte »«-PFJ«B»Bl£_T_i k*mabov.sUeh poeip ned t-.-MOBBAT

next tht I h of Jaly,st I o'tiei m.is 3J JißMtiliol.4_t_

B/ Jja-cuyori A le , Stock Auctrs,t j__u-r C-nr aa- I3__ B-BSSSB.J

WB _________ sell st arcUor, at th* off. i *f theold Do____l>a Iraiorsic* <_o_ psuy eonot

of *_-ry aid 13-h .tree* o- PB DAY. Jaly 31,lgi 3 efm-ieacijg_t 11 o c'oe*. the f -llowisgverydt-sua !. Bonds sad *Jt-cks.

HWOiOSi-bm* d snd Panvl.l* BstVoad « psrcentBselit_rsd Bon.B, 1673

0,030 Virsiula . par era'BsgUtsrsd B mdalongdate

9500 Ooufsdersts 15 m O.npoa Mmd*SOX) Confederate 8 per cent KO m Ooapon

Bondsri star, s Blebmcnd Importing and fast-

lagCos Btcck, fca-.'. 1J hsrdioa, P.est3 abarai Bicbmsud and P. tm iturg Import

log and ffxportißg Co'a Block, tVmBSciun, Prw't40 UteresBsah cf I tn idft-xk.

_?AVIIP*-*I_T A CO,mis fttaeb taaMssamm

By Sere, ftBsl-aeas, Aacts.,1*'_ v .t, Uauvi.:., 7s 1

A UCTIOH Silil-v. t_ 11 .*ti «to « _v:e*JenJ\ toita un Msin «. _*a_s»l»«. Vs. ??wMI»»S___ *4Y. ths ttih Ju'y it-6- eommsac-sg at 8o'sioeb ? la? . _

_747 b-r-csa Maca'aotaredTuftsinoim tt.giß-c-.boy Jnuff

,| ttr Saieini r _tt-_**rt*_g Toseeeo»M eadsies aad 3*. Bbs brncdt _ag Tobseso

B.H) lbs tmgsaHasBBSJaa ails lash BtaaltlNrtise«r__|_y7te avSlbssamlßis ed ear sate.

_$£_«__? -^.ft-aipy8

armrtttm aa_lsca_--tbu »* r ~"

By Wm Wt Fswle, Seas mCs" """l_.olt.a_d US B- -ilrs.tA UOT O*- _AL«BY SKH Ff)v?U .«,._\ * f*o. THIS OAT.- At lOoeiotk :h ,ri**t-s shall,Bit- ' ??*?» <Uy,

2foo pack-Re. M«sa_banara*] ToS«. v,toco ?? fme.:.\u25a0". g Tcbact'.ALBO,Pnrsrs, Tsss, Bmp, .'ac..ei, st»trda lsr_s vsrt.ty? fmt__snamaaanara_i

WM H FCWLH. M**Va\? __ n̂r *'*-**mBy Owena Is WiT-ls-Ti-BM,

l_o*. t-'hi*.r«etl.*7 B,« w'-", **_. »* »*\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 ?«'? Wl3 \u25a0 OBm-.100e1..k, at rur .-.-re a lot cf ?r? °'«ad Ktcb-n Fur. lie-. Croekss*J_l_f_g_*"-__lCorking Bl tr., »*__»_-a .eC.ot._ic_. _v

,"» f *.Jood* etc; Tobstc. C:«ars._tf. S n t * *I**. Or,Ala- , .-vrsl fins Go d 40 1 . ,l*ir as* ,

dry. aad Fanoy Goo**.) OWBBS A w,',, .'?'?a-jy 8 sS_**-Fy James >l Tailsr, AbcTT* *

I?X ICT-TOR'..fe/ r,>l -WiTbs _ol_ . __.L O» T rex' Ibl led Mr. « uf,.?rTH?UHh streets, ..-_?____ ring s*. 10 . o'oclTi.1"- *-_ct_.sh_!_ and kit_*t_a FCFN'TOf _lto-anal v*«rts*ry.tnaiian with ««nd an-iceil-nt Mi.ehCow nP**-cr |^J

TasMS-Cssh J^MTaylo,li'-rrar-r o!W0 _____aV9jilt m i_b_s__.ii soiy F,or **»«i-ALSO.?

WIS be I tred oui for U-e ?. _ .no, .« ~g_.d Oi-' X WA. Hl_t at.l Uoiip ___! -*____?steal If _.«_r. c '.d, s-.c_.tor.. .-1 is ___2?**° Tbcmm. '*8 h ___v?_s ***jt33-tds Ki'rrfV|,A;*, TL_».»--'_?\u25a0 an/AREAL MTATB FOX U__L_ .?,?.decre. catered la the ttVuSt-!*!sad ethers 1<-___.t Le. *rld trtfa tmt ,v *_bljic-.t_o.id Hu.tl_;iCcnrUoa '.hi ___ _'- ' bT ***?IBM, I shall. ". TS.BIDAY, Ikama2_!-!____iUO, at ii a-steak PM, on Ike ZiH J*''pa*. I-audioa to '.I.c h-gtiest bd'_, ___?______*___-mmj. tie MB ?eut-0,.d _ P,a

Onstl.'.rd e.._cc. third In .a-nibs, __~ ...flhki In l_ woalLs fraa ths __y _f , « . B«*teres', ad'e_ ou the re .err.d _ste ___*_.______" *?*'day of sals the iiur..,,? bWjd; £_??"» *?\u25a0 *_B

sad tte l_tte to to wi;h_ .U UH t", _a!£_* Do***«.money is psi L ?_«* I.r IM la h_ mM T»porrhsaar *****? "BSB

ThSr, Baal F"_-.a'e .* t« n Br'.k par.dL,t,. east of I7t_ ..r.«*. ia iSalSroft?mond, fcr;uetiy ownivd by *-_!-ha.'. W? r._,, kworkhhors of t-eCsnt'Bi hei rot*, memmm*

H0"M1 _.D LOT OB ITTS S-P. ir ».A(* "IH -l wiil M CB Tri'HVTr. a- t: a tad -»y of Joly, .., .|,_ i.r ;£"&ostecft PM l'.-_O--;. aadlOT -_Ttt.W__ljlflecf1-UlsUsst ThaletlnaU. i I*_'._.<]r__jbe y- tbe o.ual _e)ih

VBBH 1.-Onebatf cash , th. bsl j.r. 1 st«. 3n_,_.fjr BswtltWs ao.as. ___ur«.t cdi,,), M=3b7 trnst cer-Ai, <A _ ii i'lT.'^-Ai~* ? t iasßeasailarim-.-ed-ttely s'ur Ikeab era si's Iwill ? < Jccv... ai. raall bote *_j 1sir.g Iks.x.ovt. pr,.D«t»en ilh. South.'r-atinr oil tho - ei,tr«l rili-i ,d 1i- ' J M TA?-. 'i.Avti.

Ity ilnuisp. tlonrnre , le..Ancts

AUOT'OB f-ALA '.-" "fuß LAB-B 4NOY/L-.-ATST.I t~tAB_«J OF BOOM BtP*aTFD KB BTIAMSaiP PL R*.__»MTBUBBOAY, Ike *21 .f i'rily, cor_m«c..,t S c. joci«?k we aHD 'r.l, at ..or *-cilnn »'.or« .ykgne, the eaiaaafe serf, of ?_.;-u h_para_t| asteimir- r'inr. '? c -_.-.r_ii'-g a larsjs aai !____£BSBMtSBaat of tugiiabBt4 Pr«Di_U gooii, euajlivlea ivportal?

ii c_. »i (.Upl-sss) awrtsd __agß___ tr.l Frea..r.--r.'_ end Ua.lns '1 nu itjri pUeaaist:-oj _Stfa*iee_a)__T4i«_B-aßsnt doifiiu a-.*,, Lm»a az-amicia o_n.ru

mMMm -i'-'sts*m p'

* atßß^Ho-):.:-:.*tnPi"opi-ic-s) \u25a0?"?ecitQhighaaa1 eFTcrS r.i-'oes) Drr'.i.gsI d > (I io ptseee) Oi:ic_ Ten-esS cases (9 1 d.s) a*s r'erf Yre.etf3 cs_»s (M-J d s) assort**] -_i .. H-kk I.1 saaa (It. fi*es*_J vThtta Bo*_kß*aa_a *i d> (TBpl_e*re>go,4c_te__4t__a_ta_m V1 do (1441 Oott-o Bitfna m3 0-_fa (.7T» Funry M_-lia i-'.srs*** Bl o**._ .i-O piaeea) Brililaßtaa E1 do tSBp-eaej)DaHOaek I9 aaaaa(ifi Bosj BUM a d 2\nt C.dtan Eon J1 c~AO (.0 p'.e -esj Broaaisa *_|

do (141) Praacb GaaatasraF-alabrntaS Md. .:*-i k cm) _S-ortsd _ cbi Fl(-'-C' !- -ki -iTir-cr-.i! Fi .1

S .re*-. 1,1*..' 1'- .do aaßor.sd Foreslsh _a. lent Sni-ta,nrn an' v-;.«.i COl .-, Tcudt-lnaSmSteal l'r-1 F«-i :; .\u25a0

.i-rcii '..\u25a0'.*. ? ._?..'___? i_rivs.4 esses Browaa-ti '-'I ci. is i ,-. .*?'.??...-. ill I

LIQ-JOS:- -'- CA.;, - - OIL C: Oft i«fcb .-. - \u25a0 sy 1 -'-i.-yi d> -c-.h rTkiakeff_?_» aaaka Y:.e ii*.7 aaaesI ban r "?_' *\u25a0 ?

17c__-.- I-, k Pwklei laasss, Taisß ssam._ I ... . \u25a0 ,'.*rs. ____< . 1 ?

10 Bt eat* mrnpt , ?".-. tu V?*I. boss ...1? qss ?? -.? ud _

\u25a0\u25a0 le --A*i M47 1 . - . I U, A-.

_________(__»_.thoommp^fr- _\3...«.'u5^_...»..'.i

Icases B-ss* Bhseti ll1ti-k liorse _.-'..*? I!,kt I'

laßksspißlOaTbgodJ it10 ov _ reflui I Co: , \u25a0 --'< Iilit i- trees .._' Bet Logwood2 \u25a0.-_?;._ Foi tatoio fI case i'l'w W_ a5 _&__!* ..=__. 1-- > 1

00 r>... I101b-.?--1 *T.*e . xpeo.. J.a uus. 1CstS-Ojrßss.will '.'. resty thi _-y t-At* m

aale laans?Cask _ .JSO DaMi_DF._f9BOnBBBOB.iS_BWill be .d__..l to ;._e sbov. is s?

30 0 It'ChSß* i \u25a0\u25a0;i_o'..«.-_-' pars Jim*.; *i X__iUOksajs sesnrtsd Nills ,? 'BOH__OF. MOIOJIB * CA j

jy I tkmuo*. tV7X%.t.i__san_., aac'l*-**'

MULBS, COWI.OAI.V__S, All? ' t**'**s_i._ at iBOTiOH.- ."':'vUi '!!:r,, _ _ J~.--OiY.-_i lmt,ai A-cioc-, "W**-'oa FrsakUa ?__ \u25a0-* _ppos?*-« 'he __M_aß__*»-

--4 YuUvi BULBITUrii-ui. geatls, large ia -?*_, w '..*.',..-.

aid araßaaisd ifsstlj «ul ia__muakM ***a______ *i*", ~. . __.av.., f.*.ir_w!t_.''.o_iv«,i pah Oi c.I turn ac.,.

__n lut cf fir*t rale Beef Caiw.

T_s abevs _re i_ Ci * «-_-_ *v. ?"?-"*". -Agjsloe's, sti a.a ws* w -t_. tt* rßena. n\u25a0 **MftSSS. f_r,_.r. »__ r

Sale samtsstsl by ISPi.ts?-**-» -B*w*J* l _? : ~,.

Ua "is) \u25a0 pr in l*'.~iVaiP-Ti«*,^^.':!_V_m^lw_l«. Ist r.y a;-.:-.-a .1 '\u25a0*"?*If,*___' 5

s* Me'a b k, anasealleataai i---***-"lO____i :_?-:. e_a_e Isteg ir *."'-~Bs-- . a_.y 'J .0 i'.cK. Man* *??*»

W *.' itae* .JraiyL:a Jar.d 1 tbM Bcd.t«*~l*Ca*? BnaaalimTatf-*fLtir.. StUMtei CurfUs M.;.r ,,_!p.ai!_*-- tciJ »_»-? sa_l I kaoS a*-

ba . eg. B__-t___sy, Blssenare4 .__iptt__> l__»sedOti

5MOlg -rs . ...._,«Oii_»-* uatairoai o'.be- "':'' r̂s SB*-"*"

BVMMIftJ*i^_i>XT,\u25a0 '?

Wl'^ryvzsi'i..'1.1. VOiEh st ctls pi -* \u25a0JM ** F

e*ive aMtsas on KO*Dsl, *_?- J- 1-*' ,b BJX _r_ _*r t-'sy


BssvaaM a__ rh i_r.u ____** -* -v*° jt;c**l i OSH>_ -aihi.escb ..... ;Tl_B i*_*»

?ftJjnv* ao ___-_ii-_, wdi be _-*>*? '*M*Ot

_ ... Tt***Ihe e»r-- leave Ble_-to_ every T_-»*»' * ?.__*dsy, sod 8«-or<_sy, fcr ______**_*>. ft*_ft wi*l*--'?"

tb-re 1* astep* ilce to tbe Bin.fi ~._-,. a.--*Th. P.»; t-C ffi is h.re h-Via* be**** ''ifc,*; __

vUltora will receive ihetr Isttsr* **?*\u25a0? ~*~J _..*»baviogf em _i.---.s_ to "Baib 11. f" aoK_'

Hovel. ' \u25a0 00081 \u25a0 \u25a0£&Met -pin.-, J -_* *_ I-:-' ' ?-r^""Ilirc'lU !«»-». *"**\u25a0 1r> Thli cei-brsied wsierlugsaßßßSrSjas ja.Cribs rec.pti'. of vUiiort oa ?*«**_»preseat uuria, -.J ac. > T_* s___e "i" >Trap, ca us -.savi'le Bil_roa_. SB g=Thu.s_s«". sad *.**_? d»i* Terra--? »moatb; S» per week; gtS Ber dsv. FfC»*_

)« 11 l_a» PlXt-wB AJU-NUAN.r'T^.'

""* omaHi» oitfios 'li.K-au- n -"?'* \u25a0*, u .,iV._»f pHBFJ-B'lD-NT-iM) DI * <-\u25a0! VH.,. .?*I oufteaaaat-afusssaaaa .>

_./ Isslilßd a <_,*? _i»td at sianr ' Mtm -jggicsi-iisl rt c- eai sf .be MBvSy -" c " ~_**I asanaslCgf Ust .<_. __?»?_ ci ??'?,

Lciil_.sc. saS aftert.-r li. '> MJmR m<m___J__J___. S!i!L]_-___£ -\u25a0--'- tCi»*M ?..-_\u25a0 a? F *-X (ta*J I

Bl_B«l___*. **?*?**_!. .£_?*?**\u25a0__TXIYI?>BS D _... 11US-Vhe BmJ\m* *<,**\J baysd.et.r_.iSdivt_ecd'-f ?lt___T«sm*"* »toek sf "*»* t>m-*-T |SgJ?*i*en-Tuie Mib test, to all f*m*J»§ aMblwa..rr. oa that day.or to th-lr\u25a0eys. Teabo_ka of trans..* m t'l H*"rtbe S9Jt to the Mbb ?****£ -jft^gwtt* I

IstS ttaW-tt * vj
