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Date post: 08-May-2018
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TOWN PLA.N NING REQUIRE i\l IENTS OVERVIEW LAKESIDE DISTRICT T he: Cit\ ,, t Joondalup h.1~ adopt.:d dt:\dt)pm.:m pro, D1u1L, lor LJkt!,1dt: D1,cnu which form pan of chi: Jn,,nd.i.lup Cn\· Centre Dt!velopmem Pbn and :'vlam1.1l. The lollm, mg i::xrracts ;ire c.iken from this documem Lindowner,; .i.nd de,·elopi:rs or'landma.rk sites -,hould rd°er to the .:it\ tor Shenton Avenue Retd P-omenade aoas Avenue Kcncr~w Crescem ~, I II 7,' ~ .. ~ ·l R60 R40 II R15 Public Open Space II .ipprnv.i.l ot tl1e1r build111g pl.i.ns o r co dts..:us,; .1ad1uon.1l dcn:lopmelll requ1n:111cms. u;..o..:,1dt: I!> ..:m 1 ... .ie::ed to be J. uniqui:: res1denua.l J1stnct chat provides a cransn1011 bet\\ e.:n Ydlagonga R1::g1onal Park co the e.ist and Central Busmev, D1s1m., m 1ht: west Lt ,,tfers l 1mxtun: ()I. densme, promoting .1 ,anct\ ,it rcsidem1.1.l ,,pportun1t1e:, A 1.1 LJ..keside Dnve Frontage ( R60 Terrace Lots) Th.: d1ar.1der c>I° lht: lols :ronung L.ike ... 11.ie Dri,,· 1s 1lltt:nd1:'1 to he c1r':-ia11 and 1hc requ1rem1::nt5 J.nd <>pp•>rlll!'l!tle,, pr<>nJed .in: intended 10 exr..-nd tht: urban c.ont..::-.r ,,1 tht: Cr~ Centrt: 1nw the D1stnu. ,.\ I. 2 Yellagonga P;uk Front age l R I 5) Th.: m.11r,r1t)' •>I h>t.., trnnctng Ydlag,mg1 Reg1un.1.I PJ.rk .1rt• ... 1 111;1.:: r1:: ... 1dent1.1l r.1n~111g m \ ILi.! Imm ori0m an,1 t .,.r J1Jm \ 1.3 Landmark . .\parrment Developments .1 ,1~ni.:Llnt landnur ... 1 .. r tllo..: n:~tnLt and .1 p• 1m ,t ,ir.,::11t.i· 1 ,n The .ir.inm.:tH ,1•c,.. dc,..1~11.ued, ,n 1ht: pl.1n .1, ' \' 111.1\ h,· dt:\dc,f1t•d (() llldlldt: ..JSS()( tated ,,..,.,. \I..+ St.1.nd.ud Rc~idenu.11 ( R+n Cocr.i..gc LotsJ J. 1r.1n ... 1uon hct·,..-cn ttrh.1 11 Jlld p.irl.. lrc1ntJ.~ 1 : ,,,i... Residential Density \. L I TI,,· pl.,, ri11 .. n·qu1rt ·111,·11l\ ,L"I 1111l 1 11 d11· :l • · .. dv, ,?,..11! C1 r p.1rk1 n g \ i. I I 1r• 1,11 I ! < 1 1 •11!1' ,I !'I I 11 'I 111



The: Cit\ ,,t Joondalup h.1~ adopt.:d dt:\dt)pm.:m pro, D1u1L,

lor LJkt!,1dt: D1,cnu which for m pan of chi: Jn,,nd.i.lup

Cn\· Centre Dt!velopmem Pbn and :'vlam1.1l.

The lollm, mg i::xrracts ;ire c.iken from this documem Lindowner,;

.i.nd de,·elopi:rs or'landma.rk sites -,hould rd°er to the .:it\ tor

Shenton Avenue

Retd P-omenade

aoas Avenue

Kcncr~w Crescem

~, I

II 7,' ~ .. ~ ~ ·l

R60 R40

II R15 Public

Open Space


.ipprnv.i.l ot tl1e1r build111g pl.i.ns o r co dts..:us,; .1ad1uon.1l

dcn:lopmelll requ1n:111cms. u;..o..:,1dt: I!> ..:m 1 ... .ie::ed to be J.

uniqui:: res1denua.l J1stnct chat provides a cransn1011 bet\\ e.:n

Ydlagonga R1::g1onal Park co the e.ist and Central Busmev,

D1s1m., m 1ht: west Lt ,,tfers l 1mxtun: ()I. densme, promoting .1

,anct\ ,it rcsidem1.1.l ,,pportun1t1e:,

A 1.1 LJ..keside Dnve Frontage ( R60 Terrace Lots)

Th.: d1ar.1der c>I° lht: lols :ronung L.ike ... 11.ie Dri,,· 1s

1lltt:nd1:'1 to he c1r':-ia11 and 1hc requ1rem1::nt5 J.nd <>pp•>rlll!'l!tle,,

pr<>nJed .in: intended 10 exr..-nd tht: urban c.ont..::-.r ,,1 tht: Cr~

Centrt: 1nw the D1stnu.

,.\ I. 2 Yellagonga P;uk Frontage l R I 5)

Th.: m.11r,r1t)' •>I h>t.., trnnctng Ydlag,mg1 Reg1un.1.I PJ.rk

.1rt• ... 1111;1.:: r1:: ... 1dent1.1l r.1n~111g m \ ILi.! Imm ori0m an,1 t .,.rJ1Jm

\ 1.3 Landmark . .\parrment Developments

.1 ,1~ni.:Llnt landnur ... 1 .. r tllo..: n:~tnLt and .1 p• 1m ,t ,ir.,::11t.i· 1 ,n

The .ir.inm.:tH ,1•c,.. dc,..1~11.ued, ,n 1ht: pl.1n .1, ' \ ' 111.1\ h,·

dt:\dc,f1t•d (() llldlldt: ..JSS()( tated ,,..,.,.

\I..+ St.1.nd.ud Rc~idenu.11 ( R+n Cocr.i..gc LotsJ

J. 1r.1n ... 1uon hct·,..-cn ttrh.1 11 Jlld p.irl.. lrc1ntJ.~1: ,,,i...

Residential Density

\.L I TI,,· pl.,, ri11 .. n·qu1rt·111,·11l\ ,L"I 1111l 111 d11· :l • · .. dv, ,?,..11!

C1r p.1rk1 ng

\ i. I I 1r• 1,11 I ! < 1

1 •11!1' ,I !'I I 11 'I 111

' ,\ • I (1 llill lH rlliilll'li \ll l)jnl l<1 lli1 Jll"ll'i"ll l,1,1

IIH lr l )Mcl 111111 J llllll llllllill d11ll\' ll ,111111il 4 llll"tn·,

111111111•.,; 1111,.,,- -\ m.1'\1111t1111 lw1gh1 n l 1,11110 liw 1·,1\1·, 1111\·

lllL'J\11rl'd Imm lht h1:,(hL·,1 ~round lt•\'\·l .11 till' Ii, ,u11cl.ir) 011 th1·

prim,H) frontage I\ permllttd An Jdd1uon.1I maza11111t' or J.tllc

Street Frontage

B2. I \II d111:ll111g, mu:-1 addr~,, tilt· pnmaq

fruntagt:: ,,rlln: Im J\ de,1gnJlt'd 011 lht'

plan -\JI \'t'lmul.ir Klt'\\

1,, ht' frnm I l1t Shenton Avenue

i ---.JJ, 11011 prunan ·ro111agl'

\\'ht'ro:•, tlmuiar

Jtti.:,, 111111 prnna.n

1r<Jtuagt:) ul a 1,11

!JLt::' Public Opt:n

Spau: or the pnm.1n

troncagc nf otll\.'.T

lot~. th1, outlook

Reid Promenade

Boas Avenue

\hould he adart:\~l'd through

lllLOrporJtlOl1 qj \\ 111dOI\ '· t:ntrJllLt\

and lan<l~ca pmg

B2.2 Emrantt:' to hl11ld111g, ,hall lidw

.i. do.:ar 1dt!n11t1 and ht Jtll.',,1hle

d1rcctl)' tnim a ,tr1·et or puhl1t

auo.:,~\1 J). :-.1a1or 11pl.'111ng, ,h111tlcJ ht"

82.3 In mult1pl1: <l1H·lli11g

Kendrew Crescent

i I

I ,

/TI,,, dll\'S 11,,1n·,lfl,11111 rwdv,trlJll l' lll r) 1,1.1

<ll\1· 11111~ 111.·111~ 111 IIH "'11 11r It, 1111 J ,1,h h1,u11dJr) J

(I J11d 111.irk ·\11,1r11111·111, .llld \ l 11lupll' 1)11(·1 1111~ :-n1·->

Spl'll,11 n·q111n·1111·111, .,prl) - n·kr lull ~ 11td\' lll11' dt>Ull lll'lll

for dL·t.11k·d 111l11r111,ll11111


B4.2 Pitched Roofs

Whert· plldlt'd. rc,1,f p11Li1e, ,hall lw grt·.11n th.111 ~ '>

84.3 Flat Roofs

Primary Frontage

Non-Primary Frontage

Restricted Frontage

B-+.4 Roof Terraces

Ronf wrrar(:, .irt' pt·rm1111•ci. hrn, t'Ytr

B+.S Plan1 and Equipment

.\II illt'lhJnlLJ.I plant and c-qu1rnlt'nt

,ud1 J, ,PIJ.r hot 11.1tt'r u11111ant-, .• 11r

l11rm and a, far .1, p,,,~1hk· 1r•>m

A+. I L.1kcs1de Drive (R6<1 T.:r racc)

1he pl.111 .n 8!.. I V1·l11<..ul.1r ,H:t1·" ,hJl! lw pro, 1d.-d ,,rt IJlll"\\.l\,

requin:mems of 82. l

fR1 ,rH,E l Om 111111 .1nd

3 Om 111.1x1mum Garage L Site

~ 1-'

coverage 70%

Open space30%

perm 1ued . ..\llow.i.m.c

mmt b.: mad.: for J

2 Storey I l Sm ,1gh1 rruni;a111Jn

and ,e1b.1ck .11 ground

le,·el 10 e1uble vd11rnl.1r

icces, to gange, .1nd

,10E ,En \1' , O.Om permmed ,ubJe<..t 10 ihe provl',1011111 J

i;ounyard with J mmimum d1mens1on ol + mt!m:s.

'>PE'. ,Pll"E Th1:: minimum .1mounr of <>pen ,pace

( as dd1ned under che Res1dcnt1al Plwnmg Code~ I 1~ 30" ,

au11 01·. ,, ,mc;1rr .\ maximum he1gh1 nl bm m rlu.: ea,·1::, lmc

m,·,l\urt:d from the lught:~1 ground 11::vd at th1:: boundan ,,n tht'

,•. '• ~ . . pnmar\ fromag .. 1,

p1::rmmcd \n .1<ld1w m.11 -':·. . ·· ~)~:



l!lt'ZZlllllle or Jill<. ,p.11.c

rnot,pJLI!. \l l .. .1,1 p,lrl

, >I ths: trout vk·,·,111n11

A+.2 Yell.1gonga Lots

(Rl 5)

Thl' le ,1lc1\\ 111\(

prtmJn lro111.II(• · \\ill 111

1h.11 !a, 111·~ Y,·ll.1'.,!• •11•,! 1

11 1 1 1 1• 1 • I I

11 I \

l lt•• --. '" .. rt\ \,, 1•1t l \l\ 1'\ l lt• ,~ .. , ,,1 ,,u1nn1111

\ )

~ Attic or mezzanine permissable

~-~ within roof profile

--=·~~ ~i~

3rd storey permissible

RE·\R , E-.~· · ;; RESTRIC'TED FRO,T\GE +Orn mLn from propcrt\

lint: . .\lts:rnam e ~ctb.icks fo r d1ffen ng g.ir.1g1:: onent.it10n \\ 111

be co1b1dered br Couni;tl on .111 md1v1dual basis

,rnE , .. -, ,,·;; In ai:cor<lani;t: \\ uh 1he Re~1dent1al Planning ( ,ides

, 1 ~. , • • i \" : fn Jccordancc \\lth the Re~1denc1.il PlJru1mg C><lt:s

RIJ t:., :H I ,.- .\ maximum height ol 0111 to the c.1,e, dill'

me.1'11rrd from 1hc h1ghl",t po111t ,m th.: uplull houndar· ,tnl" h

pcrnmtl"d . .\n 1Jd1t1011.1l 1hmJ ,rori 1~ perm1111:d 11 bdo,\ :111,

h1::1ght. .\n addn11>n.1J m.:Lzanme or JltlL \pace•~ permmed 111

A+.3 Landmark Apartmenrs

pr,11111ncm fr, ,magc:

··-~ . 1rn11L.1•41·, l.111dmar,., .1par1111t'?ll\ ,hall h.1,,· .1 111111111111m 1.cr•

· • L.1nd111ark ,1part111c111, ,ha.ll lt.i,c J 111,n1n111111

A+.+ St.1nd.ird Residcnual (Cotcage Lots)

B.!. I '., lw 11IJr .1,~,·" ,hall h..- prm 1dl'd .,If l.111, ... , ,l), , 111 r•·

thn ,.,., 1 111d ,,!cir"" 1111· rnp tn·11w11t, , ,111~ I

1 \ 1' ) ..... 1, . f 0111 111111 111,I i I) 111J'll1111111

11· t., '


Sol.1r \Lu",~

Bo. I St> l.i r \n.:c,,

'\11v plJ11 11 111'c( ,h, •11ld .ill,''" , 1ppon1111111t·, ,.,,. ,u11lt)!III

lll'IH'lf,l l1 t1t1 111cl l 'll l'I"\!} l'ifil ll'IILI

86. l Oversludo," ing


"-.v/ C1>1h1dcraw,n ,hould be g1,e1110 pn:n:nt hnth

~ , 1vl:'rlook1ng .1110 be111g overlooked 111 hoch tndom .ind <111tdoor

n:s1dennal ,paLe

Services and Servicing

C3. I Refuse Disposal

The ,cor.ige of all refuse and recyclablt: matcrials ,hall be

)Lreenec.i rrom the , treec. Ru hb1~h 1..<> lleu1011 ~hall be effeLted

from tht: rt!Jr o t the propert\.

Ancillary Structures

C6.2 ~epar.11c w,rage , heds and ot1t-butldmg, ire m

be 1.on~1ructed of maten.ils comp.iuble w11h the mam hutld1n1s

~ I Fencing l ~

frl1Lll1\!•> t ~ .111 h1>t1111!Jric, h J

•>Ill h,·li>\\

C9. I Front Fence

In nr<lcr to 111.1111t.1111 , 1r,·et 1nc,·rJLll•>11.

fr, ,tll 11:111.,·, Jt1d "all, 111..11 h1· ,olad 10 .1111.ix1mu111

pru11.1n In 11l.1",!1·, ,la..111 Ill' Jl k·..1,1 'ill",, 1\11 .. 111 p• rnw.11>1, 111

1., 1 111 .. ,111111111 h,·1·~111 .,J I S1l11t11111 lrnm p.1•., tlh'lll I,·• ,·I

I r 11111 .111"11 .111.J I, ,r .1ppn ,,un.H, ·II , "" · 1 h m I , ,1 .111) .-1 h, ·r

l1111 11hl.u1 l,1c t11..; .1 ,11,vt ,,r l.1111·\\,I)

C9.! L.111cw.1)·, .rnd Side Fi-11<.:ing

----- ·----- -r-"' ___ ·----

L.1111:1, JI, .111cl ,1d,·

,oltd "r pcrm,·Jhlc ro J

111.i:..1mu111 ltt>1:;:ln of

1800111111 '.\.l.11.:ri.ib .111,J

rnlours , h.111 be

compauble wnh the

num bu1ldmg

C9.3 Materials

Onlr rm~onq. nmber ,x decorJ.ll\ c metal fenung 1s

perm wed forw.ird l)f che hu1ldmg line l)r facmg lanewa1·,.

'v\ 'here hbre Lem.:nc cenung 1, u,ed be1"een properue, 1• mu,1

b.: pamccd


S011a Side Fencing or P?.rmeable Front Fencing


OI J> :: --;:;_ U""; C l> Ill::: u. = u 1> -= c.. 0 -

Cl) 0

I, il...._,....i I Rear Bounda,yl I.Sm

Pnvate Open Space ~ .

I Pnvate

I Ooen ~ Soace ;

II ~

0 (D

t :sm

I l 2m Porn,eablP. Frcnt F?.nc1nq -------

/ Front Boun<Jar/ I P~rmeJbl~ Froni F,•nc1nq

Joondalup City Centre Oevelop111enl Plan and Manual l.ikoslde District

CO lll f lll S


A I Ln11,l ll~O 4 Ch~1ntlcr I\J f!c,u lc111inl Dc11s,1y AJ CarpJ1~111u A4 Stlbac ~sand I leoghls


IJ I Oc\lU11 111 Co11lc>I 02 S1recl rru111aoe OJ Levels u~ noorscapes OS l'~llcs1trn11 Shelter 06 S0IJ1 Acc.css

l)Lf All S

C 1 Ovr,100~1110 C:2 Put.he All (, l Serv,ces and Serv,cu,g C4 Louht,no of Bu,1,hngs anti Open Space CS P111Jhc Solely enll Sct11111y CO A11L1llnry Sllutlurcs C I I :1111fscnp1110 a111J Open Space C:8 1.\Jlc11als ( 9 rc11< 1110

Juo1ulJlus1 ()e,.tlop,11eol Md11uAI SCCIII.A~l llS

I 1&~

S1:T5A",,.::., &- /.{Gl',J.1(5

vec. &"'v

0 L~~B.tc:€ DC..\li~

• .S~~O.,JO t£'..lc:>€1'l,1'°'L

D '-"'ND~<. 4PAi..T~"-)TS

D. P'-'l1L/l Of'€:~ St'4,Lc;

,., 'r'EW~o,va,t, L..oTS .

L A, ~~SJpE


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) € T ~"' l. }<:: ) ~Nb I./ ~ IC, JI T~

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. . . : .

(l:),A<-1. o"' ~" P€f'J.s. >TY . c:;1< ..;rH 1c.s

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)l i;', t o I\J ,t L


Lakeside District

I akeslde Is envisaged l o be a unique residential dlslricl thal provides a tr ansllion belween Yellagonga Regional Park l o tne easl and Cenlral Business Ois\rlct t o the west. II offers a mixture ol densities promoting a varlely ol rosldenllal opportunllles.

An i111por1a.nl role of the Lakeside Ois1ric1 is 10 p10vide an appropriate 1rnnsi1ion of scale, cJcnsiry and use fr om the Central Business Dis1rk 1 through 10 the Ycllagonga Park and Lake Joondalup bc)'ond

Joondalup Developmenl Manual SCO/l.A>.E OS

2 72/0<lW

La k es i de D i stri c t A SITE PLANNING

c o rHEt4 1S

A I Lend Use & Cheracler A2 Residenlial Oensllt A'.l Ca,par~ing A4 SertJacks and Heights

J11011dalup Oovelopmenl Manual !>CO/lAH OS

3 16.U,M)S

61 _ PO! ICIES PI 1 Reinrorce unique l<1cn1,1y or each 01slflc1 PI 4 Encourage galeway bu1ldl11gs to conlribule 10 Ille sense 01 a llut!~hol\/ <lchn,11011 PS 2 Crea le a slgnllicanl res,denllal populallon wilhln lhe Coly. PS 8 Encourage 24 hour use or lhe c,1y


A I.I lakeside Drive Frontage

·11,c charac1er of 1hc lo1s fron1i11g I .nkcsitlc ()rive 1s 1111cmkJ lu i.>c u1ha11 anti 1hc rcc 1u11c111c111s and oppor11111i1ics provukJ arc 1111c111kJ lu c,lcnd 1111: uoli.111 «1111c,1 of Ilic C11y (c111rc i1110 the Dis111c1

A 1.2 Yellagonga Park Frontage

"Ilic 111ajori1y of lot hu11s 111g f10111i11g Ycllagu11ga Par~ is hchHc11 f,110111 1 arnl l -l001111

I aml usc 1s single rcs1dc111ial

i\ I .J Landmark Ap arl1nent Oe11elopments

I he IJ11J11131~ apart111c111 s11cs t,avc 11,c oppu1 t111111r lo 111d1>c h111hh11g lic1gl11 .,s :1 s1i;111lka11t l.111J111a rL for llrc Jrst11 st and poi111 of orrcnlalhlll

·11,c '3mlrna, L apart111c111 silcs dcsig11a1cJ 011 the plan 1113) !Jc 1lc1 d11pctl lu 111cl11dc assoc1JlcJ uses

.\ U Standard Residential

·nu: rc111;111u.kr or the subd1\'ision 1s ICS1tkn1IJ I pn,)\·id111g 3 11:tll$1llt111 hi.:h,ccn ,u h.Ill

a11J par~ fronlagc 101s.

. Juo,u.Jttluf, Oe._ieloprnt:1,1 Manual ~C071 AKE OS

4 16,0IJ!i8

~ v £,, v~

CJ . . - lol\>,. IN

L 1' )::: €~ I P t:

A / l- A. N b V'. E,

} ' (..( ,\ '" ON (

!t f , roN ,\ 1..

P ,1 ~,:



Car Parking Requirements:

Residential Dwelling: 2 bays per dwelling Single Bedroom Dwelling: 1 bay per dwelling Aged/Dependent Persons’ Dwellings: 1 bay per dwelling

A3.2 For landmark sites, carparking shall be provided out of sight of primary frontages. November 2004 - Joondalup City Centre – Development Manual – Lakeside

See supplementary information at end of section A4


A~.2 Yellagonga Lois

n,e following special Setbacks apply Generally, the primary frontage will be from the downhi ll side oflhc 101, facing Ycllagonga Regional Park 11,c primary frontage, as dcs1gna1ed on the plan al 0 2 I, "ill be addressed Vehicular access 10 be provided from tJ,e non·prunary frontage, and address tJ,e rc:(juiremtnls of B2 I

Front Setback· Primary Frontaec 6 0111 n,111

Hu r Setback - SC!. ~ l"'ti F,,CM(-::J<>. ./ Om nun from property /me.

A /1erna11vt setbacks for thjferi11g garage orre111a11a11 will be considered by Councrl ,,11 w, 111d/l'/Jual basis

Side Setback /11 accord,mce 11·11/t the l/eside1111al Pla1111111g Codes.

Site Covtraec /11 accordonce w111t rhe l/esidt1111al Pla1111111g Codrs

Uuild ine ll eieht A 11101111110n lw1gltt of 6111 to the eaves /111e measured from rite highest po111t 011 tlu 1,pl,1/1 bounclory Imo' rs per1111trecl An odd1110110/ 1}11rcl Horey 1s perm11red if " ' ·c.·ommot.1011..•cl be/(hV thtf height An add111011t1/ m,•zzwunt or aft1c SJ)(ILC lJ p,:rmtlft.•d 111 1/re ruufip.:1t'e

Joondalup Devctopmenl Manual SC07lAl<E 0~

0. 16/0,1,'98

• )n-f "'t'I.A4 t 11 .w,,n, .. ur. 1 w1t '4 , . , ,oss.

.1; ~. 1. rm~.r V E")t1 - l~ .,t C."~> I'~

· IU 1.A4 1'"""'"'~••• ...,w& 1 1 •nu. tit • ''' " .... .... . .. ,.., -~ , -M ••'1•· .. ~ -·- r, • • .,.._.,,

A- .If • z. 8 v/ v P 1,v<,r H-T'7 .,,.,-,-


A~.J Landmark apartments

Pruruiry frontages are des1gn3led on the plln al D2. I All primary fronl;Jgcs will be aJJrcssed by the lillldmark apartments.

Where a continuous urban wall cannot be achieved, buildings should occupy the corner and address 1he mosl prominent frontage. Ancillary structures and lo.nJscaping should be used 10 continue the eJge.

UuilJings should be designed 10 art iculate the coiner.

llu: apartment building should seek 10 avoid any adverse ovcrshaduwing clTccrs in acco1d.u1ce "ith D6 2

Sc1back1 Alcmg La/urn.le Vr1ve. Bam Ave11ue 011d Lalcesule Parkfro111ages landmark ap..irtme11rs shall hove a n11mmum zero setback and a nULrtmum setback of 2m. 011 all vrha frv111ag,s a mi111m11111 sttbaclc of O Om and a 111<1.xfmum setback of }111 shall apply (Q twa SIOr~y SCCIIOIIS.

Site Coverage S,u coverag,'u•tll be m accordance w11h the Resldmtlal l'la11111ng Codes.

Uuildini: lleii:hr umdmarlc apartmmls shall have a minimum a/two storeys /1111,ever, as the sues l,m·e Ja,uimorlc stams. II rs expected that bur/Ji11g he1g/11s wr/1 ucced 1/11s m111t111u111.

B11tld111gs (other t/um those along the lakeside Parle fro11111ge) shall 1101 pe11e1ra1e a 60 J,gru receu1a11 plcme rncltlll!d towa,Js the Slli frum II po1111 I J 5111 ubow tit, 1111J-po1111 <Jjtloe srreer boundary al 11ar11ral grou,ul /~wl. <1S 11/ustratcJ

Joondalup Development Manual SC.07L.AKE OS

·r:~l 'rt:"(;! J."-"-'ND I ·~ll\lC1 t(tlll . t u,cu. • !7i',. '1~;!~ IM H.ua.o.o~c

' ~"4 ,C,,& f,t,,;S'\ .,...,_04(t

r-· ----,_....,. ·-A "I . :} <;.,f1,f ,H//c f

See supplementary inform

ation on next page

A4 SETBACKS AND HEIGHTS A4.1 See original document A4.1 Site coverage replaced as follows: A4.1 Open Space The minimum amount of open space (as defined under the Residential Planning Codes) is 30% subject to the provision of a courtyard with

a minimum dimension of 4 metres. CJ262-11/98 (24/11/98) A4.2 See original document A4.3 See original document A4.4 Site coverage replaced as follows: A4.4 Open Space The minimum amount of open space (as defined under the Residential Planning Codes) is 30% subject to the provision of a courtyard with

a minimum dimension of 4 metres. CJ262-11/98 (24/11/98) November 1998 - Joondalup City Centre – Development Manual – Lakeside District

lakeside District 13 UUILDING ENVELOPE

CO/II Ell rs

O 1 Design in Conlcxl U2 S1ree1 F10,11agtl 03 levels ll4 Roofscapes 85 Petlesrna11 Sheller 86 Solar Access

J uon<Jalup Oevelopmtnl Manual SCO/lAKE OS

f} ! _ pQL.!g! ES Pl 2 t111eg,a1e sepa,ale Disl11c1s 01 e<.Jges I' 1 J Form urban vislas P 1 4 Form 111ban gateways P 1 6 Encouraoe rict111ess ol rorrn. 1'2 7 Fottr1 <.1isti11ct s11ee1 character. 1'2 11 l:nc:0111 aoc visual con11cc:lio11 with Lake Joo11<.lalup P J 1 Form urlJan land,narks P4 1 Ensure form ol street and other public space is conducive to social acllv,ly

1'7 5 Con1ro l parkino acc ess 10 minimise impact on sllecls


The richness and character of the street space should be achieved 1/lrough the variety of the lndlvidual buildings. l he integrity ot tile streetscapa requires some consistency In the for111 and rhythm o l building frontages.

11 1.1 Corners

·11 11.: co rners of ln11ld111gs shouhl l,c Jesignn l lo a, 11c,d.11c the\ 111111·1, 1·,p~, 1.1111 f111 l.,11J111 11 k locatrons as ,ks1i;11:1tcJ 111 A I

ll 1.2 Public Space landscape & Street Furniture (Landmark sites only)

I he ,k"gn of 1he b111l1h11g fac:id.: should 1:1\.c 111111 :i,:,:rn111t 11 11: 1.,, :1111111 :111d l, n 111 .,f ~,1,ll11i; s1rc..:111lanllng and st rccl fomrturc 10 ensure a 1:1111~1,k ,~d .,ml 1111q~ra 1, d

co111pm 11io11 of strcetsp~cc am! building

·11,e rdr.:1111011 of 11a1mal , ci;r:wlion is c11co11rai;cd

II U Staged Development

l'la1111i11g of a staged ,le, clof)mcnl of a silc shu111J c11s11rc 1h:11 c;1L11 ~l:igc 1s 11..:signr.:.I :,~ a cumplclc arcl111cc1111al cornpositron am.I tl,at srlc pla1111111i; r,,, Ilic l'''"'l'kl..: d.:, clupmcnt shoultl rdk( I the req111rc111c11ls of lhoc i;1111kl111cs

On t111J,:1 cl,,pcd SCCIIOIIS o f lhl! SIIC, either n:tllll al \'C!jClatrOII ~h,11 11,1 he rc1:1111cJ or l.111J ,L,1p111g 10 the :ipprul'al of lh..: C'11y sh;dl h,· I"'" 1J,·d

J,,0111J,,l11p Oevtlop,n~nl ,.tanudl !..<.0/1 •"E u~

12 \6,0,L\JO

02 P I 1 P4 I f-'7 5 P7 8

POLICIES Rein force unique ldenlily or each Dislricl. Form sireet spaces conducive 10 social aclivily Conlrof parking access lo minimise impacl on slreels Minimise impact or basement parking on streets


The streets of Lakeside are envisaged to be places conducive to social Interaction. The Incorporation of rear Right or Way for vehicle access and the limited frorit setbacks, encourages active participation In the life and character or the street.

U !. t All dwellings must address the "primary fron1age" of the lot as Jesig11,11c<l 011 1hc plan

All vehicular access 10 be from ll,e non-primary froniage

Where vehicular access (not primary frontage) of a lot foccs Publoc Open Space or U,e primary frontage of o ther luts, I his outlook should be addrcssc.l through incorpo1a1ion of wmdows, entrances and lanJscapmg

Ill .! Entrances 10 buikhngs shall have a clca, ,J~nllty and be ac":ss,bk: d11cc1ty from a street or public access"'ay Major openings shoulJ be loca tcLI u11 1hc p11111:iry fr o111~gc

UZ.J In multiple dwelling developments the boundaries which adJ ,css publrc open space and/or streets must be addressed by the dwellings' fro111agcs (Tins docs not n:s1nc1 th~ pedeslnan entry to a dwellurg bcrng 10 the side or fro111 a ,iJc buund,, ry )

Jcondalup Oevelopme<1l Manual 5C;<lTLA>'E OS

13 l&O•ll!la

T ' )

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.. .. ,


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( /vf'T~ bf 1Y f../0 rt--fJ-r f7 I~ . (1 2 · I )

IU __ POl.lCIE~' P4 1 Ensure form rs conducive lo social activity. P4 3 Optimise lnle raclion between slreel space and building lnlerior and allow lron1 door

access for all users. P4 6 P7 5 P79

Ensure design which lnhibils anli -socfal behaviour al all hours Control p31king access lo minimise lrnpaci on stroels Ml11l111lse Impact ol basemen! carparklng on slreel.


UJ. I Ground Floor Level

11,e habilable ground floor level of tl,e building should be al or near finished pedcS1rian paving level 10 allow case of access and con1ribu1e 10 the animallon of lhe street.

Where paving is incomplete, floor levels should be sel 10 meel a continuous grade from kerb 10 property boundary (usually 2%).

AJJitional grading, where necessary, must occur within the property.

Wl,~re the ground floor of the building is raised above the pavement level, tl,e FinishcJ • , Floor Level (FFL) shall be not more than 0.6rn above the finishcJ grounJ level of the ( property.Front door access for visitors and residents with disabrli tics should be cons,JcrcJ. •

UJ 2 Sloping Sites

For sites \\i lh a sloping fronl.ige, the average height of the FFL above the entry level pavement at tl,e properly line must not exceed 0.6m. No par! of the inlernal FFL shall be more than 1.2m above pavement level .

For comer sites, the average height dilference will be calcularcJ for 11,e c:.ombined fro,11.ige 10 bo1h streets.

Steeply sloping lots shoulJ be terraced.

Joon~alup Development Manual S COl~KE OS

14 22A)4l98

n 1. 1 -rt~ f-7"'/J I~

""""~ f?ftf'V trfvt iA-1) ~

,::,VO ' it ~ f' H ,nA. """ r /J r , . ; ...., 4-!T ~ nnr h....,.,1 11-.0

J\T ~ /~~ C-INE...

(!~ c. I TY ,-A J.....,-,+ P 1.A'f.- . 1? · 2. )

!H _fQLICIES r2 4 Conlrol adverse envlrorunenlal Impact on s1rec1s fr om b111I\Ji11us P4 4 Conlfol malerials lorr11111g public space encloswe. P 4 12 Conlfol elcmenls requi1111g special localion or visual conlrol


II~ . I Integral Design

·111c roof scape must be treated as an i11tcgral part of the b111h1111g 1lcs1g11 co111plc1111g 1hc ClllllJlllSI IIOII

11.u Pitched Roors

\\'here pilchc,I, rnof p11d1cs shall be grcaler 1ha11 25"

JIU Flat Roofs

l'ro, idc parapels to the perimeter of na1 roofs

ll~A Roof Terraces

Hoof terraces arc pcr1111t1cd, ho11c1 er lhcr should :niml m .-r l,1<,ku,g :i,lt,tl l"III po 11 :t ic space III acco1,IJ11cc 1111h C I

11-1 !'i Plant and Equipment

l\kd1~111c.::il pla11t :uul cqu 11unc11t !,l1011ld he scrct:1h.:LI f1 0111 tl1c !llrcc.·t h)· 1lu.: roof f1,11u

:111J :,s f:or as possil,lc 1'1 0111 surrou11d111i; upper floors

All scn ices such as sob, hol waler unil tanks, air condll ioning con,knser units, clc arc 1101 pcn111t1ed 10 be 111011n1eJ on roofs \\here 1ky a,e v1s1l,lc f,0111 lhc slrccl Sol.or w llcclors 1111151 be flu sh w11h 1hc roof p11d1 and coloured 1u m:11d1

Any I c1111Ja1ion clcviccs shoul,J match the colnur of lhe roof

S.1tclhtc ,hshcs anJ 1de1 osion antennas shall 1101 he 1·1s1lllc l1t>111 1l ic po uu:11)' f, untagc

Jov11J•lup Development f,la nual ~(.0/1 A~E OS


POi IC:ll'S i-(,";~1;-;;,;c:1 spaces co11d11c111e lo social oc111111y Enhance the envl,onmenl at oround level through provision of sl1cllcr



l. :1111l111n1 k a111l /11ultiple lhvclline ,Jtvrlopments should po u, idt 111·1h·s11 ia11 , hdlt l' • I rn lrances. Co111i1111011s fle<lestrian slidtcr is rnco urai:eJ "hr, r 11 , r , o sdhotk ore urs.

IIS I I feight

floe ceil ing clearance of structure for colo1111a,lcs :iml c:mnfiics ,h.111 he~ 111111111111111 nf 2 7~111

115 l WiJlh

I lie hur1zo111JI s tr 11cl11 ra l ck:ir:incc fur colo 11 11:11ks shal l be a 111111 11 1111111 o l 2 \111

,\" 11111gs ,hall be a 111111111111111 wid1h of 2 0111

J,.n,1111,.Jlup 0l'vcloprnenl Man11al ~C.ti/1 .Al' l l>S

/,, ~ 112.,-~

(I e, rFl~"V e 1rn--rtne


POLICIES Conlrol adverse envlronrnenlal impacl upon slreels hom burldrngs Glazing to appeer sel h,10 solid composil ion Encourage passive energy design


Site Planning should allow opportunities tor sunllght penetration and energy efficiency.

U6. I Solar Access

Where possible 1he bui lding should have a northerly aspect. and should incorpora1e glazing lo op11mise "'inicr solar gain.

Glawl areas on easl and wes1 facing fac:idcs should be protcc1cJ fr om diicct summer solar gain ,

U6.2 Overshadowing

TI,e dcsrgn of buildings should minimise rite effecl of overshadowing on tl1e following

AJ;oce111 res11le11110/ dwe//111gs ,e. denying solar occen to gln1111g nnd co//ec1or ptmels

Any rn1de1111al pnvare open space.

}'ubl1c squares and 110r/cs

It 1J t11('1Jmbe111 011 the d~veloper 10 ((Ike occo11111 of ol't·rshodow111g 1swes for Ins ow11 properly 011d mljocent propu/les

U6.3 Orientation

Where possible open space ,particularly in group d,vclopment, should be loca1cd 10 collccl lhe maximum sunlrght allo11ing for yc:i r round use.

116A Energy Efficient Housing Design

1 lousrng des igns incorporaling the principles of energy eflicienct design are encouraged i11dud111g insula11on, air sc:>ls, heal so111cc loca1io11 , building mass anil p~ssivc solar !ll"' Considera11on should be gr"en 10 the policies in section PS

Joo ncJ dlup Oevt:lopmenl Manual SCOII AKE OS

rJ6 · I



L ~~ S' I fJ./t'

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rH~ ~ ,._,~t

• ~ (; 5A-r, 4-IL ,4- C. {/f?7 [

t.ahe side District C DETA ILS

1.<11llf; IIT$

1, I Overlook ing C. 2 Put,lic Ar1 C3 Services and Servicing <.. ~ l10111rr1u ol Buildrngs and Open Space C5 P11lllic Sa fely and Sec11111y Cti Ancrllary $lruch11es L / l anllscapiny ano:J Open Space ea Ma1enals C9 Fencing

l .,v u,J..,111p ( hJ11oloprnoril Manual j t. C>lt,...,t: u~

18 160·M•6

Cl PQ.L!Q~~ f'4 IO Avoid ovcr looklno Indoor 011d 0 111door space or rcslr fc nllal tfCvcl11p1111:11h


Consideration should be given to prevent both overlooking and being overlooked In both Indoor and outdoor residential space.

C 1.1 Scr,-ening mcasmcs should be considered in che form of fixtures (b1111:c, pergolas, )hadeclotlt) and planting (Jcnsc C\'Crgrccn uces) adjacent 10 bound:im:s ,d,crc required

('I . 2 Wmdows and balconies slia ll face Ilic front or rear of the fol un lo:s1 11 can be ,l.:1nuns1ratcJ that O\'Crlool.111g neighbouring private cxlcmal and 111tcr n.1l rc)rdrnt1:1I spacc , .. II 110 1 occm

Joo,d dlup Oe,eloprnent Manua l !,(.(J/1 A>( 115

19 16'0-l:\lfi


C I I )

tA ,"L. r( l f)_ ~

J.,, (~ C I

~£ _ /'Q.IJ~Jf~ P 1 7 Encouraue put,llc a,t to conhibute to District i<Jenlit y. P2 9 Encourage cullu1al expression In streeis and ope n space. P2 10 Encourage public a,t at nodal points. 1-'3 7 Encourage public o,t in creating landmarks. P 4 8 l111~grale public art with rabric and adminislrallon or public space


Cl. I Form

1'11hl11; 311 111ay be of a pcnnancnt or lcmpora ry nature and may 1;1\..e the fur111 of

/-r,','H(lllt/111g (or frv,'flm1•111gJ ohp!cts /11cot~d 011 th,: grormd, 011 Cl rn1•111111 HnH·tr,n•.

,,., """" or s11111.:11il,:J 111 r/1,: ,ur

I l,111,·11/S 1,11egr(lled 111 w rht! wr{i,ce of a b111/d111g foct1dt' 1111d 1111anul "' n1a1111/

/ 11 1\'IIIJ:

C:2.2 Context

l'ul,hc 3rt\\01l.s should be sitc·spccific. rdatini: thcrnatically io the use ,rnd 1Jc111ity of 1he l,u1lding or public open space " ithin the broader context of the CH) uf Jound.ilup.

CU Materlals

Wl1cre the artwork is inrcndi:d robe pen11a11c11t, the 111a1cnals used shuulJ be durable .,11d appropnalc for use in ;rn urban public space

Where rhc a!lwork is intended to be of a rc111pura ry nature, the mater 1:ils should be apprupriatt: for rhc anric1parcd life of the artwork in an urban public spa et:

CU Public Safety

·1 he dcs1gn and constmction of the anwork. pcnn,rncul and 1rn1purary. ~hu11hl lit: app1op r1Jtc to the need for public safely

C l .5 Maintenance

l\ laintcnance rcspons,bihty for the artwo,k should be cstal, lishcJ :it the time of cununissioning A conserva tion and mainlcnance r~pair repor t shoulJ be con1plc1cd br 11tc ar11st following the co111plc1ion of the artwork anJ l0<lgt:d with the rcspn11s1blc authurity.

JoorH.ldlup o~velopmenl Manual SCOll AK( 05

20 16 04.118

G:J _ E'.Qll.Q!ES P4 12 Co111rol elements re1111trlno special localloris or vb11a1 curo1ru1 P7 4 Accornmodale loadino bays 011-sile accessed lrorn laneways P 7 5 Conlrol access lo service areas lo miriimlse dlsruplion 10 strl!el fl 0111 ac::liv,ry.


CJ. I Refuse Disposal

·1111, storage of all refuse and rccyclabl~ male, 1als shall be pro\ ,dnl uff th..: ~I red

Rubbish colli.:c1ion shall be effected from the rear of 1hi.: properly llin ~1;1mli11g areas shall be located off the lancways.

\\'her.: 1hc rClkvclopmcnl of an existing property is proposed, the C,1> f'n u111cer sl1011IJ 1,., consuhcJ lo 1k1cm11nc !lac need for wa~lc la:i11dli11i; >)>Cc111s , 11d1 as sl:111..: curnpac1ion and rccycl111g facilities

CJ.2 Loading Zones (Landmark and Multiple Dwelling Siles)

All Loading Zone pa1l.1ng shall be accornmodah:d on-s11e and he accessed frn111 rc:ir or s1Jc bncw:i)'S

CJ.J Emergency Vehicles (Landmark .and Multiple Dwelling Sites)

All vd11ck acccssways shall pro\'idc a mi11i111u111 of 3 .5111 clear c:11,i:igc\\;1) w1d1h for c1m:rgc11cy vd1iclcs

CJ.~ Services

l'O\\ a, \\alcr, sewerage, s101111wa1cr and co1111111111ic:11 1un scr11ces a,c p111\·1dcd ,,11h111 ur 1111111e<l1acdy adpccnl lo c:1ch lul.

Services connections should 1101 protrude from pa\'111g or tl, i,·c\\:I) s or cause anr haurJ 10 pedcs1ri:111s or vehicles.

CJ 5 Screen Fencing

l'rn, ,J..: screen fencing lo scn ice )'art.ls co111p:itil,I.: \\ 11h the 111~i11 h111hl111g

Joondalup Oevelopmenl Manual S C:07l/<, .E 05

21 16,04198

~ -4 _ f?OLICIES 1'2 S E11,11re open space on prlvnlo land forms a coltcrc111 pail nl llu, C1ly Op,·11 ~paro

rJclwork 2~-houis a day. P4 6 c11surll desion lnh,L11s enll,soclal bohavlour al ell hours. P 4 7 Acqulro edequale lllumlnarion of open areas lor public solely P6 3 Pcurnote services desion with hloh love! or operational eflrcrency In enccuy

e,011s11rnpllon P6 5 Em.ouraoe passive eneroy dcsion.


C ~. I A 11 hghtrng 11111s1 bkml wi1h 1hc general amenity of the area

C4. 2 Ambicnl fr a lure hghtmg al ground level should he 1.ksignrd 10 co111plc111rnt c~rstmg Slfld hghling

C'4.) \Vhrn: archirccrural noodhgh1in11 of a buildi11g or spaco.: is lo be p1,wi1.lcJ. 1l11s ~hem hi lie Jchrev(d 1hrough 1hc in1cgra11on of 1hc lumina1res 11110 1hc fobrrc of the h11rld11rg

C4A l.ighllng S)'Slcms should, as far as possible, be designed so as Ill prevc11t d11cct a111.Vor rcncctcJ glare to surrounding areas ·nus applies particularly to pcd1.:s111.1n and vclncular mO\'emcnl, or al entrances. slcps, s1airs and pcdc)lrian p:11hs, or 1es rtlcn11:il de, clopmcnt

('4.5 Spill h11l11 to surrounding pcopcctrcs, roadwa)'S, railwa)'S, pedcsrrr:in paths de should l,c nrinrmrscd

('4.6 All parkmg accas and open space on privalc property \\hich may be suhJCCI lo 111i;hl· 11111c 11sc sl1u11IJ be art1fic1ally illuminated 11,c 111m1mum is tlncc l11x aml 111:i~i111u111 1s 40 "" Greater illnmination may be ccquired for foca l points ur hazards Mrch as steps

('4,7 l 11111111aires classified Type I under AS 1158 I (ie rhosc ,d1id1 ha,c a clear uamluccnl enclosure 1d1id1 dcx:s not disperse the 011l h11c or J111111111h the h11gh111css uf the lamp) should 1101 be uscJ rn carparks or areas 1111n1cd1atcl>• adpcCIII 1n a ,oad"ay a111I or pcJcs1r1a11 poth

( ·.1.H I Ice dlk1cnc)• of energy cons11111p11on 1ho11hl ltc l:i~w mto :1ccu1111t 111 1he 1.k,ri;n uf hi;h111111 S) stems

('4.9 Col,,nr tc111pcra1ure dcsisn for public space lighting shonld be in the \\l111c range (nic1"11y \':lponr, rnc1:1I hahJe) 111 kcqiing 11·11h cxis1111g pnhlic hgl11 111g

JuulllfJlup Ou,olopmonl Ma nual ~C.OIIM EU~

t, I ~/ "'1,r ~ f- f7 VI/... fJ I I\. L,---J

o~ r11 +c,r.

o __ eg11c1f~ J>4 6 Ensure dcsron Inhibits enlf.soclel behaviour ot oil hows P4 6 Provide a safe public space for social activity.


In order to encourage activity throughout the public space network of the city, the maintenance of public safel y through the following design consideration Is a high priority.

C5. l Ensure all public areas arc ovcrloo~cd from intern.ii and ci r"il .1111111 :11c:1s

CS.J D~sign buildings 10 overlook public spaces "hcrcvcr possrhlc

C'S . .i Avoid landscaping and planting 11hich obscures public areas f10111 general 11cw

CS.S Securi ty and safety ligh ting must be provided throughout

C'S 6 Security grills and gliltcs slra ll be dcsignc,I ns an in1cg1,1I p;111 of1hc a1d11L.:,111rc

( ·s. 7 ('ons1ckra11on shoulJ be gil'cn 10 np1uop11:11e hgl11111g of c:11 p:11k111g areas al niglil for pulihc safety Refer C4 6

Jov11<lalup Oevelopmenl Manual SC:.OllAVE OS

23 16,0.\l<J6

(h., (l l IC <; A P'rt'r

:J .. , .,.. .~~~ ·:}J ·~ .'.;-.

I . . . ' ' -f

p J.4-6;- ,

C6 POLICIES 1'4 12 Conlrol elements requiring special location and visual control f->7 4 Accommodale loading bays on sile accesstld twm laneways


( '6. 1 A II ;111cilbry sln,clurcs ",II he cirl,cr concealed from •·•cw al gro1111d le, d m dc~•t:nc,I ~, an 1111c111al pa, I of 1111: l1111IJi11g

C6. 2 Scpara1c sloragc sheds nnJ 0111 • buildings nrc 10 be co11sl111c1cd .,r 111a1c11:1ls cw11pa11blc w11h thi: main b111IJ111g as rccornmrnJcJ III scr11011 C:8

JoomJdlup Oevclopmenl Manual SCOII AKE US

24 16104198

C 1, • I A '- 1. ~ c..11.- 1.-,rfV( r n----v vr v11...£! ..., , VL rr r (,,u '\.-~ ,ft_, £'7) ~ V1 p--- A-f J,-,L.-4 V"-{J ~

1 /l ~ I~ 1"-f ;t-' /'VT"~/C.,f1., f ,1~ /F

nrr ,.,, ~1'1/Q

l A~ t!Yr

& " ,1-vv-r..-1 v(. ...('>'VY C ~,i,,, vr"vp"f;J.

PI 5 P2 5

P2 6

P2 7 P2 I I


Ensure landscaplno and s lreel furn11ure conlril>ule lo Oislrtcl 1dcntily P11vale space as part or public open space nelwork to I.le con~r~ttJnl w111r desiun of Ille nclwork space Furnilure and paving on µrl11a1e land forming a pa,1 of open space ne1wo1k 10 be consislenf wilh public space. Promole 11islas lo poinls of orienlalion. Mallirnise accessibility on both public and private land


The landscape, the street and the property are fundamental to the quality of the street and the efficient use of the lot. Buildings, landscape, structures and planting need l o be carefully Integrated. The retention or natural vegetation is encouraged . .

C7. I Where natural vegct:ition remains on site, clearing should nut occur untrl i111111c,hatd) I" rur to J.;\ d opnrerrt Special r.:quirernerrts will .ippl)' lo pa111c11l;11 lots 1l11011gl, ci,11Jr11011s of sale

Ci.2 Existirrg vcgelation anJ local species shou1J be intcgratcJ '"tit tire 1bdop1nc11I :,s far ~s poss,lilc

( ·1.J In staged dcvclopmerrls arr y undeveloped areas of a s11c slt,,uld l,c l.ualscapcd lo lhc ~.,mfactron of the City or ldl as natural \·cgel.illun

('7..1 Where landscaped public pbzas o r couns arc p1ov11kJ tl1<·,c sho11ltl be ;,cccss,hlc fw111

1111 hlre tho1011ghfarcs

(.'7 .5 Access pro\'rsions fur those "rlh disabilities a11d l11111t cd 111uhr l11y sl,.1111,c 111 accorda11cc 1111h the rckv:1111 Auslralian Standards (AS I 42X I)

C7.6 Where Public Acccssways, l'la1aas and courls arc pruvidcd \11thi11 lhc srte :111d hn~ \\ilh lhc CII)' pc..kslria1111ct1\0r~s. 1hc design ~ho11IJ 111ec1 lhc fullull'tng cri1cr 1a ( l'a rllcula ily rdcvanl to larger muhiple dll'dl ing and 1.andmark Apar1111c111 dcvdopmcnls)

·11 .. · tl.·~ r,;11 11/1/r,: prrblrc llCCt'SSlt'll)'I OIi p111•e1/,: 1>r<1pa1_v ~/111r,/d ht• Ill !t'L'/11111: ,..,,,,

,,,,. /,,,,.,,. ' '/'<' d,·1,11/ u/ tht· 1111b/1c S/IIIC't'

I ht S/hlt't' >< tll be r//rrmrnmc'd after dmlc tn n /.,1·1·/ o,kq11111t· (or v111h rl111· a11d 111,hltt'


( ·7. 7 Where ever possihlc corrrrcciivil)' bctwc.:n pat ~l.111d arrd 1hc pctlof, 1:111 111:t\\01 ~ sht>11J.t be e11cour:1i;cJ from larger mul11-d11cllirri; dcl'clup11 1c11ts

Joo11dJlup Oevelopmenl Manual ~COil At,..l: I 1~

25 ldt0-1,~t,

~~- POllClf§ P 4 4 Conlrol malerials forming public space c11dosure. I-'~ 9 lrrlegrolo colours and male1lals lrom Ille landsc:upe I ' tl 1 E11<.0111auo use of low energy malerials. PB 4 Promote lhe use of loca11y.p1oduced marerlals


( ·11.1 tdatcrials used on lhe cxlerior of 1hc b11ilJ1.11g 311J 111 1hc puhl1c 11;a l111 shall lie uf a rubu~I nalurc. durable aud rcsisranc lu va11J~hs111

( ll .2 MJlcrials shall be approprialc fur use in a11111La11 cily cc11tr c

( ·11.3 M•11:1ials anJ colm11s a,c encouraged 10 1ecog111se 1husc of Ille l,,cal c,1, u,1,~mc111

C KA t\lJlcria l sclcc1io11 ~hould be 111adt.: w11h co11mkra1io11 lu Ilic po l1c11:s in ~cc111111 I'll

Juut1t..ldl11p r>cv-.lop,ne,1f M .:tnual ~tO/l A Kl IJ~
