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Lies and Other Distasters...Like Love

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  • 8/2/2019 Lies and Other Distasters...Like Love


  • 8/2/2019 Lies and Other Distasters...Like Love
















  • 8/2/2019 Lies and Other Distasters...Like Love


    Celinas heart pounded to the same beat as the heavy footfalls of the man no, brute

    who was carrying her.

    Man, talk about being manhandled!

    When did her life turn to disaster of all disasters? At this moment, she should be on her

    way to her long awaited vacation, on the cruise ship Lami, gliding down the smooth waters

    of the Mediterranean. Instead, she was dangling face down with a black cloth sack over her

    head and no idea what or why this was happening.

    Thoughts tumbled and chased each other in her head, as they had been since her


    Who was this man? And what did he want with her? Her breath hitched, ice-cold fear

    slithered along her spine.

    Could it be something to do with her line of work? Or her fathers enemies? Her father

    collected enemies like ants gathering food for winter. Wesfeld Agency, her fathers company

    was one of the best bounty hunters in Europe, housing over two hundred fifty well-trained


    Her heart doubled its wild galloping and a sound escaped her lips involuntarily.

    Calm down, maybe its not anything more than a joke to get my fathers attention.

    Oh, who was she lying to? This seemed worse with every step the heavy footsteps thudded

    on the earth below. Probably hauling me to my own death.

    Panic and desperation washed over her. She began wiggling and flailing her hands and

    legs. But the arm clutching her imprisoned legs tightened.

    Leash it, woman! the voice growled. Or youll get your hands tied.

    She froze. Since this terrifying ordeal had begun, this common criminal hadnt spoken a

    word to her. It had been all caveman grunting and whispering. Hearing that voice- - That

    voice! Although spoken in a low growl, she thought she recognized it.

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    Who the hell was this guy?

    The worst of it was, she couldnt tell where he was taking her. Maybe if she protested a

    little more, the man would drop her. She had enough experience in fighting her way out of

    situations that demanded it.

    Once again, she lifted a fist and pummelled his muscular back. It was like hitting concrete.

    A smack sounded and pain shot from her butt, up her back to her head.

    She gasped.

    Do that again, and youll receive worse.

    She clenched her jaw. When the pain subsided she said, Who are you? And what do you

    want with me?

    Dont worry, Sweetheart. Youll find out in due time.

    Her breath caught in her throat. Could it be him? She knew of no other person who twirled

    the S, just that dark, presence from her past. And if it was him, the past had caught up with


    She squirmed again, and tried to raise her upper body, to throw herself off that hard, broad

    shoulder, to do anything to dislodge the hand that was around her legs. Unfortunately, all she

    managed to do was get herself into a more secure hold. She gave up and decided to save her

    energy. This torturous journey would soon come to an end. And when it did, she would be


    Abruptly, the feet halted. She listened, hoping to have an idea what he was about to do. He

    seemed to fumble with something then the sound of keys?? After that, the sound of the

    door opening. Her heart thudded louder, and she took a deep breath ready to launch herself at

    the man. The door shut behind them with a swish, then the sound of key turning.


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    The footsteps shuffled on what sounded like a wood floor. Abruptly, the strong arm

    loosened. Two hands gripped on her waist, and before she knew it, she was sitting on a soft

    surface. The air whooshed out of her.

    Suddenly the sack was yanked off. She yelped and instinctively scrambled back away

    from the threat before her. She blinked rapidly trying to adjust from the dark of the sack to

    the sudden brightness of her surroundings, then squinted at the form in front of her. Her eyes

    drifted up and up to what she thought was a face, but was unable to make out anything yet.

    Dont show fear. Maybe he wont think youre an easy catch.

    What do you want from me?

    There was a chuckle, and then the form moved, lowering its face closer to hers. She jerked

    back, but not before she caught a scent, a scent so familiar it triggered a gut reaction. Her jaw

    dropped. She blinked rapidly as the form before her took shape, and she found herself staring

    at eyes so green she was drowning in them. Familiar green eyes, but.it couldnt be. Or

    could it? There was only one way to confirm. Her gaze dropped to the mouth, tracing the line

    above the upper lip.


    Those lips stretched in a wide, cocky grin. In the flesh. Hello, darling.

    Celinas heart sped up. With one smooth move, she leaped out of the bed, the panic

    replaced by anger and glared at Abe. What do you want, Abe?

    He straightened, and crossed his arms around his chest. You. I want you, Celina.

    You lost that right five years ago. Quickly she ducked around him, and stalked to the


    Before she had a chance to reach it, an arm caught and whirled her around. She glared at

    her abductor. She turned away from him and clutched at her chest, as pain cut through her.

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    Leave me alone, Abraham. She grabbed the door handle and yanked it inward. It didnt


    I want that right back.

    She swivelled around, her hands clenched to fists.

    We have to talk, Cel, Abe said.

    She shook her head. Unless its to tell me youre taking me back to the ship, no talking.

    Abe slipped an arm around her waist. Her treacherous body responded to him again,

    leaning into him. Taking a deep breath, she tried to move away, but he urged her back to the

    bed, sat her down and lowered himself to the floor and sat on his heels. He braced his elbows

    on his knees, fingers mere inches from her exposed skin. Her eyes travelled from his strong

    hands, down his strong taut thighs that were emphasized by his faded jeans. She swallowed

    and lifted her eyes to meet those eyes that had haunted her for years.

    Take me back to the ship, Abe.

    His lips tightened, but his eyes were conflicted. No. Swiftly, he straightened on his feet,

    and without a word turned and left.

    Before Celina could gather her thoughts on the sudden change, Abe had disappeared. She

    heard the key turn in the lock.Hed locked her in! She hopped from the bed, and dashed to

    the door and began banging on it.

    Twenty minutes later, giving up on any response, she slid to the floor, with her back on the

    door. Her body shook and she fisted her hands on her lap.

    What did he want from her? The last time she had seen him was five years ago. And that

    was when she was handing over the divorce papers. Why was he here now? How had he

    known where to find her? No one knew where she was except for Beth. What if Abe was

    planning on taking revenge for their divorce? And why would he do that, since he was the

    one who left her? Oh God, Beth must be worried about her, wondering what happened.

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    Once more determined to make her ex-husband listen, she sprang to her feet and began

    banging on the door and yelling.

    It felt like shed gone on forever. Exhausted, she dragged her feet back to the bed, and

    dropped on it. All she could do, was wait. Hed be coming back. Her eyes darted tiredly

    around the room taking in the spotless space. It was neat, with nothing out of place. Was this

    his house? His room? Taking a deep breath, she curled into a ball, finally drifting to sleep.


    Abe stood by the window, arms crossed across his chest, his thoughts on the woman in his

    room.Had he done the right thing borrowing her for a little while? It had seemed right at

    the time. He smiled, thinking how shed become more beautiful than he could remember.

    This was going to be a fun two-week leave for him. He chuckled as he remembered how her

    silver eyes flashed once she recognised who her abductor was. The smile vanished, as he

    doubted his plan once again.

    Oh, well. Hed have to prove to her that he had changed.

    The doorbell rang, snapping him out of his thoughts. He strode toward the door and

    yanked it open. After paying the delivery boy and tipping him, he closed the door and briskly

    strode toward his room with the food in his hands. He placed a hand on the door handle,

    paused and listened. Everything seemed quiet. Taking a deep breath, he turned the handle and

    walked in. Celina lay huddled in a tiny ball, one hand cradling her head in sleep. At five foot

    two, she looked like a harmless little thing.

    However, he knew better. She was as harmless as a prowling tiger. She was one of her

    fathers firms best hunters. He rubbed his ribs as a memory of their early practices together

    sauntered across his mind. God, she was the best thing that had ever happened to him. And

    hed stupidly walked away.

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    He sighed, placed the Chinese takeout on the bedside table and took away the chopsticks.

    Who knew what she would do when she was angry. Even simple chopsticks could be lethal in

    her hands.

    He leaned forward and shook her shoulder gently, wishing he would wake her up with a

    kiss instead. Like hed always done.

    Her eyes fluttered open, and his heart picked up an erratic beat. Finally, sleep faded and

    she focused on him.

    He cleared his throat. Hey, darling.

    She scowled, and he bit back a smile. Yep. It was going to be a fantastic two weeks. Her

    eyes shifted to the food in the table, and then turned to look at him suspiciously.

    What game are you playing, Abe?

    He folded his hands across his chest and shrugged. Nothing. She narrowed her eyes.

    Trying to win my wife back. He added.

    She waved a hand. Not interested. And she turned back to the food at her side, hunger

    overriding anything said between them. Then she swung her head back at Abe and her eyes

    widened as the words sunk in. Did you just say wife?

    Abes heart began a drum roll of continuous beating. This was it. He nodded.

    Slowly, Celina recoiled and rose to her feet, her eyes flashing. A storm brewed behind

    those eyes. Her gaze was laced with disbelief. Finally, she stood to her full height, her head

    hardly reaching his shoulders.


    Abe slid a hand on his neck and began rubbing it. His eyes skittered away from her, then

    back. I never signed the papers.

    Its been five years. You mean to say that Im still marriedto you?

    Yep. Saddled fair and square, he said, fighting a smile.

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    Celina stared at him disbelief rolling all over her. Suddenly she lifted her fist and flung it

    at him. He caught it easily in his big, strong one. She tried twisting out of his grasp, and

    stopped, realizing how useless the effort was.

    Why? She hissed, pushing down the urge to scream. Do you enjoy seeing others

    suffer? Is that why youre still holding onto the papers-- to see me suffer?

    The confident look on his face faltered, then vanished, replaced by an expression shed so

    loved six years ago. No, Cel. Thats not my intention.

    Then why?

    Different emotions played across his face. II couldnt let you go. He lowered their

    hands, but held on to her as if afraid to let go.

    You couldntor you didntwant to?

    He glanced at her for a moment.

    What was he thinking about? Certainly not how hed inconvenienced her. This was her

    much needed holiday after working for the last five months overseas. Now it turned out she

    still had a husband!

    I couldnt. he said in a voice so low, so passionate she gaped at him. And Ill prove to

    you that I have changed, even if it kills me.

    She snatched her hand and moved away from him, slumping back on the bed. I cant go

    back to when we were together. Not again.

    Then you leave me no choice. Quickly, he dropped to his knees, grabbed her by the

    shoulders, pulled her to him, and crashed his lips to hers.

    Caught unawares, she froze, and then began to struggle, pushing him away, but he was

    like a rock.

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    Abes heart pounded wildly in his heart. This is what hed dreamed of for the last five

    years. Holding her, kissing her. It would have been better if she werent struggling though.

    He moved his hands and caught hers, holding and applying slight pressure to still them. She

    went limp beneath him. He locked eyes with hers. Anger still ranged in them, which only

    drove him to kiss her more insistently. He needed proof she was over him. Even then he

    wasnt sure hed let her go.

    Wrapping one hand around both of hers, he slid the other around the nape of her neck and

    through her hair, savouring the silkiness of it. He pulled her to him, forcing her unyielding

    lips to respond. Desperation clung to him, shredding the little pride left in him.

    Come on Celina, respond. Please let me know you still feel the same .

    She tried drawing herself away, but he held fast. Suddenly, she groaned, breathed out and

    her lips softened beneath his. And she kissed him.Really kissed him. Shifting his weight, he

    tentatively relaxed the hold of his hand around hers. She pulled her hand away, slipped it over

    his shoulder, and dug into his scalp. He brought his other hand to trail along her jaw and

    grunted in satisfaction.

    Before he knew what was happening, he felt his weight shift and stumbled on the wooden

    floor. A flash of jean-clad legs dashed by him, and even in his passion-induced mind he knew

    hed been duped. Shaking his head, he leapt to his feet and was just in time to grab her by the

    arm before she could dart out the door. He whirled her around and slammed the door shut.

    So, pretty little darling, Cel. Youre good. He chuckled. You even had me fooled. He

    paced her backwards until he had her pinned on the opposite wall. He swooped in and kissed

    her, trapping her hands behind her. Feeling her resistance crumble, he eased off her, trailing

    his lips along her jaw, then bit at her earlobe gently and whispered in her ear. Im not letting

    you go that easily. I did the first time, but now Im here to stay, Celina.

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    He lowered his head quickly and kissed her, then released her and moved away and

    toward the door.


    Four days had passed since she was kidnapped. And in those days, shed hardly slept a

    wink. She kept an eye on Abe, still not trusting him. The last two days were the most

    uncomfortable shed ever experienced in her life.

    Abes determination was wearing on her nerves. If he wasnt trying to romance her to

    smouldering embers, he was tempting her with the finest food on earth. And to top it all off,

    he made sure the book shelves were stocked with books she liked to read: mysteries and

    romances paperbacks. All brand new. Beside the bookshelf was a flat screen TV with more

    channels shed ever thought imaginable.

    She dug her hands in her hair. She should have been on the ship on her way to Naples,

    relishing the salty sea air. Being caged in a room, and only seeing the sun light through

    windows wasnt fun either. She glanced at the direction of those windows, and scowled. He

    seemed to have thought of every precaution, given that the windows seemed to be glued shut.

    Her skinned knuckles were proof of how much shed tried.

    Why was everything turning out to be a disaster? First there were the lies; Abe lying to her

    that he loved her. Enough to leave her hanging and waiting for his response as he travelled

    around the world bounty hunting. Even love in itself was a disaster. She cringed at that long

    ago memory of her following Abe around like a puppy, begging for attention. Then her life

    became a blow after he left her, trying to pick up the shards of her broken heart. And that was

    the reason shed worked so hard these last few years, purging any thoughts of Abe. Right

    now, men werent up there in her priority meter.


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    However, Abe had changed. It was as though hed undergone a total makeover.

    Everything about him seemed to have doubled in intensity: ; with just a look from those

    panther like eyes, shivers clamoured against each other trying to send the message to her

    brain. With just a touch, even accidental, her body inflamed. Even his voice felt more

    sensual. Or was he pretending so he could have her again?

    Ugh again. Closing her eyes, she threaded her fingers in her hair and tugged it back. Her

    eyes flew open as footsteps sounded in the corridor, drew closer to the door, and then paused.

    They were accompanied by low murmurs of deep voices. Removing the book from her lap,

    she straightened on the bed and cocked her head to one side.

    The door opened. Abe sauntered in, his eyes on her. She looked at him for a moment

    before shifting over his shoulder, ready with a fierce glare. Whoever it was, was working

    with him to keep her here, hed receive the full power of her glare.

    Instead, she squealed and hopped off the bed, threw herself into the open arms waiting for

    her, and wiggled as those arms enveloped her in an embrace.

    Hello Peanut. The voice rumbled, calling her by her affectionate name.

    She leaned back away from him. Sam, its good to see you.

    Good to see you too. He held her at arms length, his eyes raking her from head to toe.

    You look gorgeous, Peanut. Looks like staying away from this idiot was doing you good.

    He jerked a thumb over to Abe. Abe rumbled low in his throat, and Celina glanced at him in


    Since when did he rumble? Yes. Total makeover.

    Doctor says hes bad for my state of mind, Celina said, throwing another glance at Abe.

    Sam roared with laughter.

    Always made me smile. Youre good for my state of mind. He smiled, his brown eyes

    twinkling down at her. So, I hear youve been on lock down.

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    She darted a glance under Sams huge arms.How fast could she dart to the door before

    the two gigantic men descended down on her?

    Someone cleared their throat and she swung her head back and saw Abe shake his head.

    Yes. A lock down. How have you been? she said through gritted teeth.

    Good. Sam moved toward the only chair in the room next to the bed, pulling her with

    him and lowered himself into the chair. It creaked loudly as his full weight finally settled. She

    sat opposite him on the bed, tucking her legs underneath her. Its been a while. Five years,


    She nodded. She could feel Abes eyes on her, urging her to look at him. She focused her

    attention on Sam, Abes childhood and best friend. Shed known him the same amount of

    time shed known Abe.

    From the corner of her eye, she saw Abe stroll out of the room. Once the door closed, she

    breathed out.

    That bad? Sam asked, his eye brows raised over soft chocolate brown eyes.

    She nodded. Im not sure what to think. What does Abe want?

    He raked a hand through his hair and exhaled You. He wants you back, Peanut.

    But why? He left me, Sam. He didnt even attempt to contact me. Even after I sent the

    divorce papers, he never contacted me.

    Sam shifted in the chair, and leaned forward. The creaks in the room heightened and she

    darted a look at the seats wooden legs, holding her breath.

    Its up to Abe to tell you his reasons. If you havent noticed, hes one complicated person

    to get to know.

    Oh yes I noticed. I noticed that seven years ago.

    He took her hands in his and enveloped them. Talk to him.Really talk to him.

    She narrowed her eyes. Did he ask you to talk to me?

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    Sams eyes widened in mock hurt. How dare you say that, Peanut. Youve hurt my

    feelings. He shook his head as a smile spread across his face. Abe told me you were here.

    He told me what hed done, which was insane by the way. But Ive never expected different

    from him. And I wanted to see you, as simple as that.

    She smiled, leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. Thank you for coming to see me.

    She scooted back on the bed. So, you know where hed been when he left town?

    He glanced at her, as if weighing if he should really tell her or not. Finally, he exhaled.

    Yes. He requested an external hunt.

    Why would he do that?

    He shook his head in disbelief. What have you two been talking about the last four


    Nothing much. She lowered her eyes, heat rising to her face. Other than him feeling the

    need to feed me, and either glare or stare at me, nothing.

    Sam chuckled and her head shot up. Have you tried listening to what he has to say?

    She hadnt. Shed been so hurt, and had been more focused on looking for a way out of the


    You should try it. Im not saying this because hes my best friend. No. Im saying this

    because I saw how he handled himself those years after he left.

    Her heart picked up a beat. Was there still hope? Had he suffered as she had? What do

    you mean?

    Just saying he went through a very rough patch after he left you. Yes. Given he was an

    idiot to leave. But

    The door suddenly flung inward, and Abe stalked in, headed for the wall across from her,

    and leaned on it. His eyes flew to Sam, and then slid over to Celina, then back at Sam.

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    Celina studied Abe. What was it about him that made her stomach fill with butterflies?

    Are you staying the night, Sam?

    No, hes not. Abe replied, peeling himself from the wall. Sam threw him an amused

    glance, then back to Celina.

    Words from the beast itself. Cant stay. Another time maybe? He stood and straightened

    pulling her off the bed. I have to get home to my beloved. His eyes softened as he said

    those words, and her heart squeezed. If only, someone would go all gooey when they referred

    to her as their beloved.

    He walked toward the bedroom door and paused. It was good to see you, Peanut. Hope to

    see you again soon. He wrapped his arms around her and lifted her off her feet, hugging her.

    It was good to see you too. And give your beloved my regards. She said with sincerity

    as Sam left the room.

    As Abe walked past her on his way out, he lifted a hand and gently brushed her cheek.

    Momentarily, she closed her eyes and savoured the feel. And just as soon, his fingers left her

    face. The door slipped shut behind him. She exhaled, backtracked her steps toward the bed,

    and slumped on it.


    Once Sam left, Abe stood in the living room for a long time.

    Hed explained the first time why hed left her. But it wasnt the entire truth. If she knew

    the truth, he sensed it would destroy whatever amount of trust was left in her.

    How could he tell her that, his was a marriage of convenience? Sort of, anyway. Hed

    needed a good job. And hed gotten it.

    Only thing was, hed gotten an extra package in the deal: Protect the bosss daughter, woo

    her and marry her. And hed done the wooing to perfection. Two years later he was married

    to the most beautiful, stubborn, determined woman hed ever met. Then he fell in love with

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    her, hard, which wasnt good for him at that time. Not at the peak of his career. Torn between

    his blossoming love and fully bloomed career, hed left with an idiotic excuse that he

    couldnt stay tied to her. He glanced at the mahogany table where the divorce papers were

    safely hidden.

    He dug a hand in his hair and tugged. During those years hed realized the more he stayed

    away from Celina, the worse his heart bled for her.

    He was roused out of his thoughts as soft footsteps padded on the wooded floor. He stilled

    where he stood, and made no attempt to turn around. The shuffling feet stopped.

    Want to run away from me, darling? he said without turning around. Hed left the door

    open for a purpose. And shed taken the bait. He didnt want to keep her locked in the room

    any more than inside the house.

    Abe heard her clear her throat, as if nervous. Celina wasnt the kind who was stricken by

    nervousness. After a while, he gave her a sidelong glance, taking in her tiny bare feet, her

    tight pair of jeans hugging her hips, in ways he remembered his hands hugging. Not wanting

    to look any further up, he swallowed. He turned his attention back to the unlit fireplace hed

    been standing next to for the last half hour, and waited.

    No. I dont want to run., came a soft answer from behind him. He swung around and

    faced her, bracing a hand on the wall. Why did you leave, Abe? Im here, willing to listen.

    He breathed out, realising how desperately hed wanted to hear those words. He dropped

    his hand from the wall and took a few steps toward her. She took a step back, eyes wide. Was

    she afraid of him?

    No, it wasnt fear, more that she was avoiding being too close to him. He fought a smile.

    There was still time before they parted ways, even though his fingers seemed to acknowledge

    the fact that his touch affected her just the same.

    Come sit with me. He beckoned to her.

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    Slowly, she lowered herself on the sofa and scooted away from him, keeping a distance as

    far as her petite body would allow.

    Once she settled down, he sat opposite her. Without wasting time, she started shooting

    questions at him. Hed have preferred some time to just look at her but she had other ideas.

    Talk, Abe.

    He leaned forward, bracing his elbows on his knees. First, Im really, really sorry that I

    left you like I did, Celina.

    She blinked at him, probably not expecting an apology. She took a deep breath and

    seemed to recover. I want to know why.

    Her eyes darkened as she continued to stare at him. He heard the underlying hurt laced in

    her words. His insides twisted.

    Theres no other way I can explain it. I was an idiot. I regret the pain I caused you.

    He thought about her father, and shook his head. He didnt want to make things worse.

    That would be a bad move, selfish even. Shed feel betrayed by her parents. So, he kept that

    truth to himself.

    All Im asking isplease give me another chance. I wont give up, and Im willing to try.

    We have ten days before your leave is over. Cant we try?

    I needed this time away, Abe. And what about Beth?

    He rubbed a hand on his neck and readied himself. Er...she knows. She was part of the


    Celina shot up. She what? She narrowed her eyes. You mean to tell me Beth knows

    about this? You two planned this?

    Her breathing was becoming rapid now, and Abe worried shed hyperventilate. He

    moved closer, nodding.

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    She took a step back, whirled and dashed to the door. Before he could reach her, she

    turned the handle and darted outside into the summer night. Abe cursed under his breath as he

    sprinted to catch up with her. He snaked a hand around her waist and pulled her to him. She


    A couple of people poked their heads out of their windows. Not knowing what to do, he

    swooped down and claimed her lips with his to silence her. She squirmed and struggled. He

    caught her arms easily within his.

    Without breaking a step, he scooped her into his arms, ignored the hands pummelling his

    shoulders and strode briskly inside the house, and kicked the door shut. He dropped her on

    the sofa without breaking the kiss. Her struggles ceased, and he felt her hands slide up and

    rest on his shoulder. This was the missing puzzle piece in his life. Holding her this way felt as

    if everything was perfect.

    Breaking the kiss to come up for air, he leaned back and stared down at her, and smiled.

    She blinked up at him. Suddenly she pushed away from him and with one swift motion stood

    up, locking her eyes with his. Whatever little emotion had been in their kiss, had faded. She

    shook her head, stalked toward the bedroom, and slipped in. The door clicked shut.


    It had been days since Celina discovered her best friend, Beth, was an accomplice to her

    kidnapping. After her attempt of escaping from him, shed realized how impossible itd be to

    even try again. He was still faster than her, stronger than her, and never seemed to sleep at

    night. Four nights ago, unable to sleep, shed tiptoed out of the room and into the living

    room. Abe had been up sitting on the couch, reading one of those huge horror novels he loved

    so much. She pretended she was looking for a midnight snack, and had retraced her steps

    back to the room.

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    Abe hadnt attempted to kiss her again. And he kept his hands to himself most of the time.

    Every day, he made every attempt to make it as romantic as possible: candles on the table,

    fresh roses or tulips, even when they were having pizza for dinner.

    He seemed more attentive to her. At first, it was a one-sided conversation with him doing

    all the talking. Stories about hunts hed done the last five years. Some were hilarious, and

    some were downright scary and dangerous. Finally, she found herself responding with a

    chuckle and sometimes a laugh. The coming days, it had gotten better, and his mood seemed

    to brighten.

    He worked hard to gain her trust back. Well, hed have to work harder.She still had a few

    days before her holiday was over and done with.Better make the most of it. She smiled and

    focused her mind back on the TV. She couldnt remember what the movie was all about. Her

    mind had drifted to Abe at the beginning of the movie.


    The phone rang, startling Abe out of his thoughts. His thoughts about Celina, and how

    well things seemed to be moving. At least he hoped they were moving in the right direction.

    He knew it would take time. Hed hurt her bad and felt angry at himself for what hed done.

    He snatched the mobile from the table, glanced at the screen, and groaned. What would they

    want from him now? He pressed the answer button. He listened to the instructions, his

    thoughts turning darker, the more the automated message babbled in his ear.

    Finally, he pressed the end button and fisted it in his hands. He closed his eyes, debating

    if he should ignore those set of instructions, which usually wouldve been welcome, but not

    today. Not when he was trying to make amends.

    He had no choice. Instructions were instructions.

    He pressed speed dial on the mobile and waited. The call was picked on the third ring.

    Sam, can you spare a few days?

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    Sure. What do you need? Sam breathed out on the phone as if he had been in the middle

    of an exhausting exercise. Abe knew not to ask. Sam and his wife, Mirri, were the most

    active people Abe had encountered. Not to mention the most adventurous. His memories of

    catching them countless times, in the most inappropriate places making out, were proof


    Watch over Celina for a day or two. Got assigned to a case.

    You mean theres no one else to work on the assignment? Youre on leave, man. You

    need to seduce your woman until she succumbs to your brooding charm.

    Abe raked a hand in his hair and scowled. You dont need to tell me, he said frustrated,

    and grew more irritated as Sam chuckled on the other end of the line. Apparently they need

    someone with my expertise. A group of prisoners broke out of a hold up in Warsaw.

    Abe heard Sam blow out a breath.

    Talk about excellent timing, Sam murmured. Alright. Give me twenty minutes.


    Abe knocked on Celinas door. After a few seconds, he turned the door handle and

    entered. Celina lay on her stomach, her eyes glued on the television screen.

    Hey, darling.

    She swung her head towards him, and scrambled to sit up. He tried ignoring that part of

    him that had been urging him to kiss her since his last kiss. He cleared his throat.

    Im leaving for a day or two an assignment. Apparently your father needs my help.

    For just a second, her expression altered. She frowned, and then smoothed it so fast; hed

    have missed it if he wasnt looking for some sort of reaction from her. Was that

    disappointment? He bit back a smile.

    Sam will be staying with you while Im gone.

    My holiday is almost up. Might as well go home. She said.

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    Abe shook his head. Ill be back tomorrow. Stay another day, darling. Stay another day

    with me.

    She glanced away from him, seeming to contemplate. The doorbell rang. He didnt move.

    Moments later, she turned and looked at him, and nodded. He exhaled as relief rushed

    through his body.

    He took a step forward, dropped to his knees in front of her, and grasped her hand in his.

    Thank you. He lifted it to his lips and brushed a kiss on her palm. She drew in a deep

    breath. He could feel the erratic beat of the pulse beneath his thumb on her wrist. He gazed at

    her lips, and quickly flicked back to her eyes. He caught her staring at his mouth as well.

    The doorbell rang a second time.

    He leaned forward, his own heart pounding in his chest and brushed his lips against hers.

    The bell rang again, the third time.

    He rolled his eyes and sighed. He traced his lips along her jaw, and finally placed a kiss on

    her forehead. Her eyes were trained on him, and she raised her free hand. She cupped his

    face, and rubbed a thumb across his lips. She seemed as if she wanted to say something.

    Say it, darling, he urged her silently.

    She shook her head and breathed out. See you tomorrow then.

    He rose to his feet, and with one last look, walked out of the door.

    Sam stood on the door, grinning back at him. How did the farewell go? Hope it was

    worth me standing here more than five minutes, waiting.

    None of your business. Abe grabbed his rucksack and swung it over his shoulder.

    Sam howled a laugh, and slapped him on the back. Itll be good to see you two together


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    Well see, was all Abe murmured as he stepped out of the door. He wanted to hurry and

    come back to his Celina. He smiled as the parting scene of a few minutes ago flashed in his


    She hadreally touched him. It was the first time shed touched him since he brought her



    Have you heard anything from the firm, Sam? Celina asked, gnawing on the nail on her

    thumb. It had been two days and no word had come through about Abes whereabouts.

    Sam shook his head. He said hed call. He is Abe after all. Not many people can slip past

    him. And not so many can take him down. The man is a descendant of a panther for all I

    know. He chuckled at his own joke.

    Celina grumbled, and continued chewing on the nail. She knew how dangerous the

    hunting missions were. What if a bunch of prisoners got him and his group and overpowered

    them? There had been such cases in the past.

    Ill make a call to the office and check. Sam said cutting through her thoughts. He

    pulled his mobile from his pocket.

    She glanced up at him, and nodded thankfully. Shed thought about making the call

    herself, but how would she explain herself?

    Hey Dad, Im just calling to ask about Abes mission. You see, he kidnapped me, locked

    me up in his flat and now I think my feelings for him have revived? That would really go well

    with her over-protective father.

    She listened as Sam spoke low in the mobile. His usual cheerful expression seemed to

    darken the more he listened. She wiped her hands on her jeans. The more she watched Sams

    face, the more the room seemed to shrink.

    Finally, he pressed the end button, and took a deep breath.

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    What? What did they say, Sam? She heard the trembling of her own voice.

    Sam shifted his body, turned around and took both her hands in his, his troubled brown

    eyes locked on hers. Abe Abes group hunted the escapees to a run-down warehouse.

    Unfortunately, the total number of the prisoners reported was wrong. There were twenty-four.

    And Abes groupwere only ten hunters. He paused and dropped his eyes to their joined

    hands. She felt his hands shaking and she gripped them tightly in hers.

    Celina felt nausea rise from within her. The air around her thickened and she struggled for

    breath. She waited. Finally, he looked at her, tears rimming the edges of his eyes.

    Six hunters were found dead. The bodies have yet to be identified. Abe as well as other

    hunters have been reported missing.

    Celinas body slumped forward, and she rested her head on Sams shoulder. Pain slashed

    through her chest, and she clutched his hands tighter. Finally, she let everything go. Sam

    pulled her in a tight embrace and she felt his body shudder.

    Let Abe be safe. No matter what little chance there is, let him be safe.


    Celina stirred awake to find that the room was completely dark. Her eyes felt swollen. She

    felt the heavy weight around her shoulder. When she titled her head, she saw Sam with his

    eyes closed in sleep, on the sofa next to her.

    Abe. Was there any news? She had to find out. She extricated herself from his arms and

    stood up. Immediately, Sams eyes snapped open.

    Any news? he asked, sounding alert.

    Just woke up a minute ago and wanted to make some calls. She stumbled her way

    toward the opposite wall, arms extended in front of her in search of a light.

    Tracing her hands, she found it and flipped the switch on. She blinked rapidly as her eyes

    adjusted to the sudden flare of light. As she turned toward where Sam sat on the couch, her

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    eyes zeroed in on something huddled on the chair at the far corner of the room, and she


    Hello, darling, Abe drawled, his voice sleepy. She opened her mouth and shut it, her feet

    slabs of lead. She watched as his gaze flitted to where Sam sat with his mouth gaping, and

    then back at her. Found you two cuddled up really sweet and thought Id let you alone.

    Finally, Celina unglued her feet and flew to where Abe sat. She threw herself at him,

    hugging him.

    What happened, man? Sam had shuffled his way toward them, and stood hovering

    above them, We thoughtwe thought

    Long story. But the short version, I was lucky. We got back up from the local authorities.

    Id be dead if it wasnt for them.

    Celina cupped his face in her hands, and stared deep into those green eyes. He lifted a

    hand and brushed a thumb across her face, and laughed weakly.

    If I knew Id be receiving such a reception, Id have made this move days ago.

    Celina glared at him. Dont joke about it. She shifted so she could position herself on his

    lap properly, and he winced. Youre hurt. Without waiting for his confirmation, she began

    inspecting his upper body. His pullover and t-shirt were splashed with blood. Quickly, she

    lifted them, and gasped, horrified at the sight before her. A long slash of red ran from just

    above his ribcage and down to his hip. Blood had already dried around it.

    Hospital. Now. She jumped to her feet and waited for him to stand.

    He shook his head. Get the first aid box in the bathroom. Itll do until I get there.

    Sam cleared his throat. I think you two have everything under control. He turned to

    leave, then halted. Well talk on the phone, once you twoerr ...talk. he grinned


    Celina took a step and quickly hugged him. Thank you, Sam.

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    Anytime, Peanut. He kissed her on the cheek.

    Abe growled. Leave, Sam. You are stealing my thunder.

    Sam laughed, evidently relieved as she was. Good to see you too, Abe, he said and

    sauntered towards the door, letting himself out.

    Once she had cleaned and bandaged Abes wound, Celina put everything away and

    returned to his side.

    We need to go to the hospital now, Abe. You need stitches, and probably a shot against


    He waved a hand and motioned her to sit next to him. Come here, Celina.

    Not needing any further invitation, she lowered herself at his side and turned to face him.

    I dont ever want to feel like I did those two days, Abe. So Im going to ask you. Are you

    in this for real?

    Never been more sure of what I want. I want you.

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    More Stories By Cecilia Robert

    Just when she thought she had lost love, she found her heart and soul.

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