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Life After War - Book 5 - From the Ashes

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It’s been 6 months since the end of the world, and Adrian must now discover if the choices he’s made have cost him a son. Even Angie can’t be sure. On the way to Arkansas, the battered refugees face a danger that threatens to destroy all they’ve built.Furious at the latest bloodshed, Nature has declared her own War on the survivors, and she repeatedly unleashes her fury against Safe Haven and its army of violent defenders. The apocalypse has never been more deadly, as the aftermath takes its toll on what remains of the great American herd…. And even Pitcairn Island isn’t safe from her wrath.Release Date: 2/1/2013Length (estimate) – 800 pagesPreorder – now - $4.99www.law-angelawhite.com
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Book 5 Beta Chapters

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Chapter One


7:00 pm

Ellsworth County Rest Stop

Glendale, Kansas


I’ve gotten her killed.

Adrian’s first thought flew through the

Eagles as well. All of them rushed her way.

Angela fought for a breath as the fire hit her

chest and plunged into it. Blood ran down her shirt

and she slumped backwards, head hitting the wet


Hands and feet surrounded her, voices raised

in panic. She gasped as the vest was roughly

ripped away, and then shouted hoarsely as strong

hands touched her shoulder. She clenched her teeth

against the next cry as the agony increased.

“Shit! It went through!”


Angela wanted to help, but the pain was

overwhelming. It lashed brutally over her torso in

breathtaking waves.

“Other side’s pourin’, Boss.”

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“At least it went through there, too.”

“I need heat… lighters! Now!”

Angela tried to get ready, understanding

what the heat was for. She groped out blindly for a

hand, felt one waiting.

“Harder! Make it seal against your palm.”

“Hang on, Baby. Hang on.”

Jeremy’s voice was a comfort, and Angela

managed to open her mouth without screaming.

“Don’t... let them… leave.”


Adrian’s order stopped her from saying

more, but they all understood. If she died, Charlie

and Brady were to be kept at Safe Haven.

Kyle rolled her onto his knee and wrapped

her up tight as Adrian picked up the first red hot


Her scream drew the bugs.


Before the War of 2012, cicadas feasted on

the liquid in plants. The males made noise, the

females clicked their wings, and their weeks of life

were spent in a mating frenzy. Harmless for the

most part, they were ignored.

After the War, their food source dried up,

forcing the emerging insects to consume what was

available... and blood was everywhere.

“Look out!”

“Get down!”

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Standing in a tight circle around their fallen

member, the first wave of cicadas hit the distracted

Eagles on the farthest edges and enveloped them in

a thick cloud. The insects pecked relentlessly,

sharp wings and prickly feet slicing into exposed

skin. Above them, another wave circled hungrily.

“Get inside!”

“Help the others!”

Remembering the birds in Utah, Neil hit the

air horn on his belt, and the closest bugs

immediately flinched away.

The other Eagles did the same, and it

overpowered the chaos. The cicadas reluctantly

retreated under the combined horns of all the


“We need to go!” Seth shouted, dragging

fallen, dazed men toward the rest stop.

“Not done yet!” Kyle answered, hand going

numb from holding pressure on the pulsing wound.

Closing it required shoving the glowing metal over

a small portion at a time, until it burnt it closed.

Angela shuddered under Adrian’s merciless

hands. Her teeth sank into Kyle’s arm, broke the


“How long, Boss?”

“Three more on this side.”

“I’m out!” Neil tossed the empty air horn


“Same here!”

Without enough horns to repel them, the

insects immediately began swarming back down.

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Angela’s fingers dug into Jeremy’s wrist.

“The…. Caller… aahhh!”

Fresh blood pulsed from under Kyle’s hand.

Jeremy cut the caller from Angela’s belt;

thrust it into Neil’s hand as her body arched.

“Pressure!” Adrian snapped, reaching for the

next lighter.

Kyle tightened his hold, and began to pray,

something he hadn’t done in decades.

Neil handled the ornate Caller like he’d seen

her do during the wolf mission, and felt it lunge to

life. He swung it hard and high.

Clearly absorbing Angela’s pain, the Caller

sent out a low base of thundering waves, instead of

the high-pitched howl they were expecting. The

deeper noise rolled upward and slammed into the

oncoming cicadas like a bomb blast.

Stunned, the bugs began to fall, pelting the


The instant Angela stopped transmitting her

pain, the caller vibrating eagerly in Neil’s grip

went dark. He looked down to see Adrian’s hand

moving toward her back again, and forced himself

to watch.

Her teeth snapped together, body arching,

and tears spilled over her cheeks in small waves.

The knuckles on Jeremy’s wrist were white, and

her breath hissed out in a low groan that wanted to

be a scream. Her torment was his at that moment

and Neil knew he’d never forget it.

“Get her bag!” Adrian shouted.

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Her body sagged as Adrian pulled back,

hand throwing the gory lighter away in fury. He

tore another patch from his shirt and helped lean

her against his knee. He nodded at Kyle, cloth


The mobster lifted his hand, and blanched as

fresh blood poured over her chest.

Adrian shoved the material into the hole and

pushing Kyle’s big hand back over it. “I need more


Billy dropped the doctor bag at Adrian’s

feet, and then opened it. “Look, Boss.”

Adrian saw the carefully packaged pouches

of blood and felt a small measure of hope. Each

was labeled with a name.

“Neil has Point!”

Jeremy motioned half a dozen men forward

for guard duty, and then went to tell Neil, who was

gathering lighters.

Adrian slapped the blood bag into Kyle’s

free hand. “Hold it up.”

The liquid was rushing into Angela seconds

later, and Kyle squeezed the middle of the bag to

get it in faster. Their harsh breathing mirrored hers

as they waited in frustration for the lighters,

batting away dying bugs still dropping

occasionally from the sky.

“We need John.”

“Can we roll?” Neil asked, bringing the

glowing lighters in a charred hubcap.

“No.” Adrian grabbed one. “Check in.”

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“All clear.”

“Daniel’s down. Frank, too.” Billy reported

in a carefully controlled voice. Daniel had been

next to him when they started moving in, but not

when they hit the street. Sure he had been heard -

Billy moved to cover a gap in their perimeter

around Angela.

“Bag’s almost empty, Boss.” Kyle felt her

start to shiver. “Someone get us some cover!”

Zack and a few others hurried to help.

Adrian left a small corner of the wound

open. It ran heavily with blood until he dumped a

packet of powder from her bag into it, and then

shoved the gauze back.

He placed Kyle’s hand over the wound

again. “Five minutes for the clotting agent to


Kyle shifted back against the brick wall.

“Slide her over.”

They carefully placed her in Kyle’s arms,

and the closest Eagles covered her with their


Adrian dug through the bag, found more

labeled bottles. He quickly gave her a generous

dose of antibiotics, and hooked up the second bag

of blood with her name on it.

“Boss…” Kyle’s voice was awful.

“Stand your ground.”

The leader’s eyes went over the devastation,

seeing Neil and Jeremy now moving through the

wreckage. They were using silencers on survivors

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to keep from triggering the remaining cicadas

clicking unhappily above them.

Adrian made a curt motion to the trooper.

How many?

It was returned with the same grim

expression. Not enough - short by fifty.

Adrian’s gut twisted. Somewhere along the

way, part of the Slavers had cut off from the main

group. Maybe they’d been deserting, but more

likely, they’d been sent back to attack Safe Haven.

As Adrian had the thought, headlights glared

off the trees, engines swelling…

Catching up, he realized. Overhead, the

storm rumbled once in low warning before it

drenched them again.

“Inside! Get inside!”

There was a fast run to the door, but it was

Kyle, with Angie’s bloody body in his arms, who

went through first. He moved to a back corner,

trying to keep pressure on the wound.

Adrian lined them back up at the widows,

getting set to hand out more of what they’d already

delivered. “On my mark…”

The headlights flashed dimly against the

glare of fires… those inside the rest stop held still

as the remaining Mexicans came in on foot to

examine the scene.

“Make them scream.”

The Eagles nodded savagely as they

understood what the order meant. Adrian wanted

them to suffer.

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“Por aquí!”

“It’s Cesar!”

As the Slavers ran to their leader’s body,

Adrian made the call.


Fresh screams sent cicadas exploding from

the trees.

Listening to it was rough for Adrian’s

army… until they swept the back of the room,

where Kyle and Angela were huddled. The look on

their top Eagle’s face was haunted, and it kept

them firing.

Understanding that Adrian was still here, the

few surviving Slavers fled for the trees - only to

meet the same fate on the razor-wire. The Eagles

waited in frustrated revulsion for it to be over.


“We gotta call Brady.” Seth stated as the

noises outside fell to only the occasional cry. The

smell of blood, of death, hung heavily in the room.

“I’m sure he’s already rollin’.”

Adrian moved toward Kyle and Angela.

He’d felt it, the moment her life became a part of

fate’s swinging scales. The sulfur scents, the

vanilla, the feel of the Angie he knew, had been

replaced with a dry heat that was so thin, it was

like a fog in his mind. It was the feel of her life

draining out through her wounds.

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Adrian snapped on his light, and had Kyle

slowly lift his hand.

When no fresh blood appeared, both men

were eased a bit. They carefully added another

layer of gauze, and then only taped it over three

corners of the wound, to allow her body pressure

to adjust and keep her breathing even. As they

finished, Adrian had the restless men make a bed

with dusty cushions from the lounge area, freeing


The mobster joined his team, covered in

Angela’s blood.

Adrian looked around, judging what

remained of his confident army. They were

battered, scarred, with angry looks and unsatisfied

faces that demanded he fix it. He did the best he

could with short words.

“She’s doing her duty, even now. Do yours.”

There was never a doubt for Adrian that

they’d seen, and it flipped them back into his

soldiers. They got to work, and tried not to look at

the woman lying deathly still behind them.

Outside, only the noise of the bugs was heard as

they fed unopposed.

“Can’t say here. It’ll draw predators.”

“We’re not movin’ her.” Kyle wasn’t

willing to take the risk.

“Then we’ll be fighting again, maybe.”

“Ammo count?”

“We went through about half of what we


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“We’ll stay.”

Kyle looked at Zack. “Collect and load.

Take a crew.”

Kyle waved four men to the windows, and

settled to work with Neil, as the trucker went out

to see to their fallen men.

While they were outside, the Eagles swept

the newest battle scene for wounded or hiding

Slavers, and found none. The bugs had done a

good job.

Sitting against the dark marble map display,

Cynthia still had her gun in hand. She didn’t look

up as Zack went out.

Covered in shock and fallout, Cynthia now

looked like an Eagle. Ignored in the chaos, her

recorder had only been off since they came inside.

In her pocket, was the tape that would have given

the fame she’d been seeking so hard in the old

world. Every second of the battle, every word,

every scream, was on it.

Kyle looked to where Adrian was chain-

smoking by the door. “It’ll be days before the

camp gets word. Will they hold?”

Adrian’s voice was hard. “They’ll have to.

It’s not over yet.”

“How long before Cesar’s men realize he

isn’t coming back, before they attack Safe Haven

without him?” Jeremy asked worriedly.

“Two, three days at the most.”

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Neil had been studying the map. “There’s a

warehouse, a country club, and a manufacturing

plant, all within a mile.

“The country club.” Adrian moved toward

the back of the room, unable to stand leaving her

alone even though she was unconscious. “Dope it

out. And someone cover those windows. It’ll get

cold without the glass.”


“Please let her live. Please let her live.”

Hours away, Marc hit the convoy’s back

trail with a skid and recovery that allowed him to

gain speed. He pushed the pedal to the mat, sent

the jeep flying into the damp darkness.

Inside his head, a wall began going up, as he

braced to face his worst fear. Adrian had gotten her


Marc clamped down on the panic, foot

pushing harder. He had to get to her!

“Please let her live. Please let her live.”

Very few people knew Marc was gone. One

of those was Samantha. The Eagles had kept her

under close watch since the mission team left - on

Adrian’s orders, she assumed. After overhearing

Marc and John, Samantha understood Angela was

in serious danger. Tenser than she’d already been,

Sam watched until the truck was out of sight.

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If not for the look on Brady’s face, she

might have asked to go along, but that expression

said pain, heavy and thick, was headed his way

and he knew it. Besides, he’d taken the only set of

hands Angela would need. If John couldn’t save


Samantha turned toward the center of the

much smaller camp, eyes going over the moving

shadows. Back to the waiting zone, she thought,

aware of Kevin trailing her in concerned silence.

The Eagles had run into problems. How many had

they lost?


Angela woke to waves of pain and nausea

that had her jerking back against the cushions, and

then scrambling toward the wall in surprised

misery. Hand covering the bandage, she squeezed

her eyes shut, taking ragged breaths.

When she could, she spoke through gritted

teeth. “My bag!”

Adrian already had it open, and he followed

her curt instructions, pulling the bottle, filling the


“Too much… there.” Angela blanched,


Adrian jabbed the needle into her good arm.

Her face tightened and tears splashed down

her cheeks in torrents.

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“Can’t you give her more?” Kyle demanded


“No. She’s lost too much blood.” Adrian

didn’t tell him it wasn’t a painkiller. The stomach

medicine would keep her from vomiting and

ripping stitches.

Angela sucked in another breath, starting to

shiver without the jackets that had fallen off with

her movement. “Clean…”

She stopped, almost sobbing as the fire sank

deeper into her shoulder and began melting the

bones. “Brady!”

Angela collapsed in a heap, and Adrian

quickly eased her down. She didn’t move as he

pried back the bandage.

Neil was there to assist, and both men

grimaced at the ugly wound. The open area was

oozing tiny, sporadic drops even through the layers

of gauze.

Adrian made a fast choice. “You took her

class. Sew it up.”

Neil didn’t let himself hesitate - very aware

they had no more blood to replace what she was

losing. He got set as he watched Adrian coat the

wound with a spray the trooper hoped was a

painkiller. When Neil threaded the needle, his

hands didn’t shake this time. He was too pissed,

too worried about her dying, to be afraid of hurting


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Angela didn’t react to any of their actions,

breathing shallow and face paler than usual. As

they finished, many of the Eagles again wore

expressions that said he’d been wrong to let her


Adrian flashed a hard reminder of what

they’d signed up for. “She won’t quit over this,

and neither will I.”

As he moved toward the door, Cynthia said

what they were all thinking.

“You’re one cold son of a bitch, Adrian


The leader grunted. “You have no idea.”

He opened the door and did a fast sweep

before turning back. “This is our world now. I

brought her into my army because she belonged


“And if she dies?”

Zack’s question made the other Eagles


“We’ll honor her by remembering that the

freedom to choose this, is what she gave her life


“Mine…to give.”

Angela’s weak voice drew their attention.

“Knew… every time. Gave… anyway. So

do… you,” her tone choked. “Tell them… Cyn.”

All eyes, except Adrian’s, went to the

reporter. He was busy listening for the Witch,

hoping to hear those empty minefields tell him

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Angela would live. He wasn’t worried about

Cynthia’s coming words, despite this being her

first real chance to bring it all down. He cared only

for the Witch’s comfort, and the continued silence

was loud.

Cynthia slowly raised her head, still

splattered in red drops that had dried to her face

and clothes. Her dark eyes held that familiar look

of determination, but the Eagles were unprepared

for the depth of her scorn. Her contemptful words

raked them brutally.

“Did you think he was bluffing when he said

your life for theirs?”

The reporter glanced over at Angela’s

bloody face, and then back down to the filthy gun

in her hand that she already knew she would never

part with. “It’s too late to go back now… for all of


There was a stunned silence, where every

man there realized the days of fighting with

Cynthia may finally be over. Her first kill might

have changed everything.

Choice made, Cynthia looked up at the man

she had been determined to destroy. Would he

reward her awful sacrifice?

Adrian nodded, blue eyes glowing for her,

for what she’d done. “Name it.”

Cynthia glanced back down at the murder

weapon she’d grabbed without a thought as they

ran for cover. Cesar’s blood was flecked across the

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muddy barrel, as well as her shoes and hands. “I

want to be her XO.”

Adrian ignored the disbelieving glares and

snorts, giving her a hard smile. “You’ll have to

work for it. Samantha also wants that place.”

Neil opened his mouth, but didn’t follow

through with the protest. He’d already known that,

hadn’t he?

In the far corner, Jeremy stared in shock.

“I’ll earn it.”

“Yes, you will. Welcome to my Army,


Adrian’s eyes went to Jeremy. “Someone

else to set it up?”

“I’ll do it.” Jeremy’s voice was overflowing

with surprise. He’d hadn’t ever thought Cynthia

would become a convert.

“She’s shivering.” Kyle drew attention back

to the other female Eagle. “Do we have a heat


Neil shook his head regretfully, “Didn’t

think we’d need it.”

“We’ll use body heat.” Adrian stated.

Neil waved a hand. “You’re beat. Take the

first or second shift and Kyle can relieve you.”

Adrian’s mind flashed to the man speeding

through the darkness to get here. “I’m good. Kyle

first - you next.”

Kyle moved toward Angela, wondering at

the change. He and Neil had both seen and heard

enough over the last month to know Adrian wanted

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to be the one holding her, no matter the reason.

The fact that he hadn’t, said Brady wouldn’t be

okay with it when he got here. It would take Marc

about seven hours. Adrian had timed it so that his

best friend would be the one doing that duty when

he arrived... which meant the Wolfman had

discovered Adrian’s other secret. He wanted

Angela for more than the safety of his flock. It was

something they’d never discussed, but he and Neil

knew it was coming. Somewhere down the road,

Adrian might become unstable, over a woman.

They would watch closely, and handle it when

they had to. They could only be loyal to him if he

remained worthy. The instant he crossed that line,

Adrian would lose it all. If Angela lived, his

margin for error in the future, especially where she

was concerned, would be zero. If she died, that

would put their fearless leader into the red now,

and banishment seemed unlikely.

Kyle ignored all the eyes that watched him

carefully lay down between Angela and the wall,

and slowly press his warm body close. He tucked

her against his chest, unable to stop a grim smile as

he saw her hand tighten around the butt of her gun.

He adjusted them until she was fully

covered and breathing evenly, then laid his head

next to hers. “Easy, rookie. I’ve got you.”

As if she heard, Angela’s hand slid from the


Kyle took her cold fingers in his warm grip

and closed his eyes. When shit hit the fan, he was

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the one to call, but he also had a soft side that most

of camp would have been surprised to see. Holding

her, so that Adrian could burn her, was a torment,

a bond, which Kyle didn’t think he would ever be

free of.

Jeremy slid down next to Cynthia, seeing

she was still holding her gun. He wrapped his

jacket around her shoulders, but didn’t tell her to

put it away. She was an Eagle now, with her own

choices to make.

“Thanks.” The smell of the jacket was thick

with the battle, but the heat was welcome. She

wasn’t sure she would ever feel warm again.


Jeremy waited to see if she wanted to talk,

but when the reporter only leaned her head back

and closed her eyes, Jeremy did the same. He

wasn’t sure how he felt about her joining, or even

what she’d done, and was glad to not have to face

it yet. Cynthia was now an Eagle… one of them.

That dangerous fact would require some

adjustment, but first, a little sleep. Eager to dream

of Samantha, Jeremy let the darkness take him


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Chapter Two

Moving Along

2:30 AM


The sound of a snarling engine jerked them

all into alertness.

Adrian himself went to open the door, ready

to face whatever was coming. He wouldn’t take it

from any of the others - they didn’t have the right -

but from Brady, he would suck it up.

Walking through the smoldering wreckage

in front of the rest stop, Marc’s heart was frozen

behind that wall of fear, but his mind spun

furiously. The plan had worked - perfectly, it

seemed. The carnage was indescribable, but she’d

been hurt. Where had it gone wrong? What hadn’t

he accounted for?

Marc’s tortured gaze landed on the tacky

puddle of blood near the main door. There was

little doubt who it belonged to, and the fear rose

another notch.

Marc didn’t look at Adrian as he came to the

door, not sure his wall was strong enough to hold.

He was glad when the leader moved out of his

way. Right now, there was no one on the planet

that he wanted dead more than Adrian.

“John’s in the truck, armed.”

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Swallowing the icy chill of being treated

like he was nobody, Adrian went outside to get the


Kyle motioned Seth after him.

The sight of Angela lying there, so bloody

and still, had Marc shoring up the sudden cracks in

his mental defenses. He looked at the tense trooper

keeping her warm, afraid to ask, but unable to keep

from it. “How bad?”

Neil didn’t lie. “Too soon to tell.”

Marc staggered, reaching out for the wall to

brace himself.



“I need more light.” John immediately

barked as he rushed to her side.

The Eagles hurried to assist, and Marc

moved back to watch from along the wall. His face

tightened as John peeled the bandage back.

“There wasn’t time for more.”

Marc gave Kyle’s words a curt nod. He’d

assumed that as soon as he saw the awful lengths

they’d gone to in order to stop the bleeding. He

was sure the other side would be worse.

There was a tense silence while John

worked. The Eagles helped when the elderly man

called for it, and everyone was glad that Angela

didn’t come to when he had them roll her onto her

side. Marc didn’t look away once.

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“I don’t feel any fragments… If her fingers

move we’ll know about nerve damage…” John

was carefully probing the wound.

Cynthia asked what the rest of them were

afraid to. “Will she live?”

“Ask me again in 24 hours.”

Even Adrian winced this time.

“How long before we can move her?”

Adrian’s tone was neutral, but Marc could

feel his self loathing as the leader observed what

he’d let happen.

“Another day would be best. Half that if it’s

not safe here, but slow travel.”

“You’ll stay with her.”

“Of course,” John confirmed.

Anne had wanted to come too, but he’d

refused, left her standing with a scowl. Safe Haven

was well protected right now, and the doctor

wasn’t letting her leave that light. These men may

have to watch their heart be torn up, shot at…

killed, but not him. Because of her age, Anne

couldn’t be an Eagle in Adrian’s…

“Don’t you think… she would… be safer…


None of them had known she was awake,

but Angela’s tightly controlled tone said she had

been for a while.

John’s voice in contrast, was a furious

denial. “I’ll never allow that!”

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Angela’s lashes fluttered, and tears ran

freely from the corners of her lids. “Already…


John’s face was a mask of thunder as he

turned to Adrian.

Before he could shout, Cynthia spoke up,

full of the new, unarguable need to protect and

defend. “It was her idea. She came to his tent

while… I was spying.”

Her admission earned instant forgiveness

with the Eagles, even those who hadn’t known

about her vendetta. Honesty was everything.

“What did she say?” John demanded,

already sure he would hate it.

Adrian brutally spilled the secret John had

tried to keep from everyone. “That you’re dying,

and she won’t take your place unless Angela tries

to help you.”

John was speechless, and the leader finished


“She also said she understood it wasn’t

likely to help, and that she wants to be an Eagle so

she can watch your six as you get sicker.”

Adrian held a hand out. “Her words, not


The doctor turned from them, holding in a

wounded sob.

Angela’s weaker voice came again. “She

had… to hide it… from you.”

“Because I lied when we came.”

“Yes. ...couldn‘t ask… me.”

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“You would have told Adrian.”

Angela’s grip on Neil’s wrist became harsh

as breakers of pain twisted through her shoulder.

“She has a… job to do… let her.”

John’s eyes went over the bloody outline of

Kyle’s fingerprints on Angela’s chest, the tremor

in her pulse, and snapped his mouth shut. Anne

had that type of strength, too.

Angela stiffened as a deeper pain flared,

more tears falling. She was barely aware of a sharp

prick as John set up a fresh IV tap and gave her a

light dose of relief.


Her small moan of gratitude had the mood

of the drafty room improving a little.

Feeling it, that moment of things starting to

come together again, gave Adrian little comfort

this time as he was thrust back into the role that he

feared he was growing weary of. Carrying so much

guilt was staggering. “Get us set for staying a day

here, and a plan in case we can’t.”

Now at her side, Marc watched Angela’s

eyes close. He was glad to see she was already

breathing better than when he’d arrived, and he

allowed himself to hope for the first time since

being knocked down by a blast of incredibly dry

heat. Most people would have ignored the

moment, but Brady would know that sensation

anywhere. He’d left camp ten minutes later.

Marc moved closer and slid down to sit with

his back to her and Neil, watching the room. As he

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and John had arrived, he’d been afraid to go to her,

to listen to the goodbyes she would want to give,

but now, Marc’s inner soldier began taking stock

of her injuries…and estimating her chances of

survival. John’s words had been far from

reassuring, but learning of the doctor’s illness had

helped all of them, as Adrian had known it would.

John would do anything he could to save her.

Content things were as under control as they

could be considering the circumstances, Marc

leaned his head against Angela’s arm, and fell into

a light doze broken by ten minute sweeps of her

and the room.


When Adrian motioned for him to switch

with Neil an hour, Marc realized some of his fury

had faded. The leader had saved her life. There

was no way that any of his Eagles had been

‘around’ enough to think of car lighters.

“I’m sorry.”

Marc knew that too, and found he actually

held a bit of sympathy. Hadn’t he made his own

grave error back in Versailles? He’d been the one

to get this all rolling by leaving her alone and

forcing her to kill.

“Hearing her screams give nightmares.”

“Yes.” Adrian’s face said sleeping was

something he wouldn’t do until he absolutely had


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As Marc slid carefully into Neil’s warm

spot, Adrian moved closer, eyes on her pale face.

“What would she do now… if I pulled it


There was complete silence at his show of

doubt. It was unexpected, especially after his

words to them.

Marc didn’t want to answer, and again, it

was Cynthia who blurted the truth.


Her voice lowered to a mutter as the males

turned to glare at her. “Along with Safe Haven…

and our future.”

There it was, Cynthia declaring her loyalty

to the dream.

Marc closed his eyes in painful resignation.

“Don’t stop now, Adrian. She gets cranky when

you take away something she needs.”

Heart crying behind his wall, Marc fell into

another light doze with Angela tucked safely

against his heat.


Rick stayed high and still as he watched the

rest stop.

When Brady had spun out if camp with the

doctor, Rick had followed in the truck he’d gotten

from McCook. That was just before the Slaver’s

had destroyed it while looking for the radio rigged

to lure them there. Cesar’s men had killed

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everyone they found and Rick hadn’t climbed

down from his water tower vantage point.

Rick watched the battered brick building

through binoculars, trying to determine who was in

such desperate need of a doctor that Angela’s skills

couldn’t handle it. If it was Adrian, there was still

hope despite the carnage. With their leader out of

the way, Rick could take over the remaining

Slavers now waiting for word, and attack Safe

Haven before the mission team could get back.

But it wasn’t. Rick had seen Brady’s face

when he arrived. The woman was down, and that

meant a group of very pissed males who would be

eager to kill anything that moved. Still, if Adrian

didn’t know there was a threat, he wouldn’t rush…

Rick settled against the slimy tree, being

careful not to catch a dim ray of sun and flash it off

his equipment. From what he’d observed so far,

the Eagles were alert, ready for trouble. He had to

assume Adrian was alive.

Rick grinned cruelly. “But not ok,” he

gloated. “Losing Angela won’t be forgotten.”

Cesar would be, Rick thought, happiness

growing. The Slavers was dead, but not all of his

men here were. Once he had seen where the Eagles

moved to, Rick planned to get busy. He’d already

drained a tank of gas from the rear of the

devastation, being ever so quiet. He was sure

Adrian would leave this area as soon as he could.

The cicadas were all over the reeking bodies, birds

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circling overhead… even the big ants were carting

off gory chunks through the bushes.

The thought of that happening to Cesar’s

body had Rick wanting to laugh maniacally. He

didn’t, of course. Unlike Cesar, Rick knew how to

make himself wait for the right time.

Movement near the far edge of the ugly

scene drew Rick’s attention to shadowy forms that

appeared…and then vanished.

Scavengers – the human kind. The few

survivors from Adrian’s trap were also watching

the rest stop. To attack? Considering the lack of

organization in place of his careful stillness, they

were probably just waiting for Adrian’s Eagles to

be gone so they could clean up the scraps.

Plans quickly reshaped with little effort on

his part and Rick closed his eyes for a snooze. The

phone set on vibrate would wake him in a bit and

then he’d get ready. Once the Eagles left, he would

have to… talk with the lurking Mexican survivors.

He expected to kill at least one of them to prove

his point. After that, they would understand

Cesar’s replacement was white, but it didn’t make

the hatred of Safe Haven any weaker.



Marc moved to her side quickly, not looking

at Zack as the tightlipped man took a shift keeping

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her warm. The trucker had insisted on pulling his

weight and after her not moving for almost 12

hours straight, Marc had been ready for the break.

“Hi, Honey!” His relieved tone didn’t match

those intense blue eyes. “How ya feelin’?”

Angela’s head moved slowly until she found

him. “I’m better now… stronger.”

The men around them exchanged looks, as

Marc knelt down by the makeshift bed. She didn’t

sound stronger.

“What day... How long…?”

“It’s midnight, the day after.”

Her face tightened with pain, physical and

memories. Now was the only time she might back

out of the path she’d chosen.

Seeing the V in her chin, Marc forced the

words out. “Say it.”

“I don’t regret…anything.”

Marc leaned down to press a light kiss to her

hot forehead. “Then hurry up and get better, so you

can do it again.”

Angela’s lashes closed. “Love you, Brady.”

Marc drew in air around shrunken lungs.

“Love you too, Baby-cakes.”

She laughed in surprise and immediately

cramped up in pain.

Behind her, Zack’s glare was unexpected.

“Let her rest! …and give her something! She’s

been awake for half an hour, suffering.”

“She’s got a bit to go.” John stated lowly

from across the room. He’d been puffing restlessly

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on his empty pipe for hours. “And she needs to


Zack looked down at the beads of sweat

popping out on Angela’s pale forehead. “No way.

She’s rockin’ rough.”

John hurried to give her a fresh dose of the


Angela found Zack’s eyes in gratitude as her

stomach eased. It should have felt odd, or maybe

even dangerous to be lying in the trucker’s warm

arms, but there was only a sense of being

completely protected. Kenn had another surprise


“Can you eat now?”

Angela closed her heavy lids. “Maybe.”

Surprising those listening, Zack kept the

conversation going.

“We have a wide variety for the patient to

pick from. All canned, though.”

“Applesauce.” John ordered, wishing he had

her back in camp, where all his equipment was.

“Some… variety.” Angela muttered.

Her joke eased Zack’s tense body a bit and

she let herself huddle against his warmth, feeling

Brady’s stare… his thoughts…

“One of them… will tell you.”

“I’ll wait.”


Adrian answered Zack’s question. “He

wants to see what went down.” Adrian gestured

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bitterly toward the door. “With this aftermath,

wouldn’t you?”

For reasons he refused to name, Zack

snarled angrily. “You wanna see her pain, ask one

of us!”

Zack grabbed Marc’s wrist with his free

hand. “Don’t make her relive it!”

Marc froze at the ugly flashes. He knew

Zack could only do it because he was touching her,

but it was a shock to realize the trucker knew he


“Go easy…” Angela moaned.

The angry man didn’t spare Marc at all as he

went through every scream, every gush of blood

he’d witnessed. It went on for a long time and

Marc’s face went steadily paler.

When Zack let go, the tension crackled. He

felt Angela shudder, and realized she had relived it

anyway. He snapped his mouth shut.

“I’m sorry… it was so awful for you.”

Angela gasped out, body alive with torment that

seemed to have no end.

That had Zack snorting in protest and her

face clenching in pain at the movement.


Now guilty of what he’d punished Marc for,

Zack let his head drop, gently. “Someone get the

applesauce already.”


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Under John’s instruction, Marc and Neil

prepped her for the trip as the others got set to

leave. They’d already siphoned gas from the

vehicles that they could and the annoying clicking

of bugs had kept them moving fast. When Marc

carried her out, everyone was very ready to go.

He slid very carefully into the backseat as

Neil climbed in through the cargo hatch to help.

John offered directions from the passenger seat, as

Adrian waited to drive. They rolled out of the

reeking rest stop with her ragged breathing filling

the cabin.

Angela was in too much pain to sleep, and

she struggled to keep from making any noise as

they moved to the new hole up. Cushioned by

pillows and blankets, she clutched Marc’s shirt

with her good hand, and soaked them both with her


It didn’t take long for John to do what the

other three men had wanted all along. He sedated

her - slipping the needle into her arm before she

had a chance to protest.

Marc shifted her to the position John wanted

and dropped his head back against the seat.

Outside, the wind gusted in angry warning.

Her stitches were bleeding by the time they

got her settled into a front room of the Country

Club. John added a few more while she was still

unconscious. When he was satisfied, the doctor

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took a chair on her left. Marc chose the one on her



Adrian and his Eagles gathered on the porch

after setting up the guard. For a moment, they were

silent, listening to Angela’s gasps of pain through

the window as she woke. Each of them hated this

feeling of helplessness.

When Adrian moved them out of earshot,

his men knew he’d made a choice.

“This time tomorrow, John will be escorted

back to spread the word. When they hear us taking

out the rest of the Slaver camp, get them moving

our way.”

Realizing Safe Haven would come to them

this time, the men fell into the details with lighter

hearts. Another road trip might kill her.

“Do you still agree?” Adrian’s question was

for Kyle.

The mobster’s voice wasn’t steady, it was

injured, bleeding. “More now than before.”

Neil nodded, understanding Kyle’s pain.

The need to make Cesar pay hadn’t vanished with

his death. The men now waiting in vain for word

from their evil leader would be the ones to face

this new, harder anger that demanded an outlet.

The sky overhead was moving heavily

behind the grit, but the bite to the wind said nature

wasn’t satisfied with the recent deaths. Thanks to

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Samantha, Adrian had a much better idea of how

to spot rough weather coming, and he pushed his

worry over the camp to the rear of his mind. Kenn

would listen to the Storm Tracker. He’d seen to

that before they left.

Adrian looked at Neil. “Seal her room up.”

He turned toward their vehicles, and Kyle

stayed on his right, waiting for those little details

Adrian usually wouldn’t give anyone else.

Instead, Adrian asked a question that both

men had already answered for themselves.

“Would you do it differently?”

Kyle wanted to say yes, but couldn’t. “No.

They’re dead, she’s not.”

“She feels the same.”

“I know.”


Kyle had been thinking on his purpose in

this new world, and he revealed his fears (sins) in a

low mutter of confusion. “Before the War, I had

killed five men…and one prostitute.”

Adrian waited, finally getting the reason for

almost not welcoming Kyle into his Safe Haven.

His first instinct had said the mobster was a killer,

but that second voice had stated that the man

would now kill for him, and that had been enough

to sway Adrian. It was a role he had needed filled


“Now, I’ve wracked up near a hundred, and

that’s only the ones I’ve done myself, not those

I’ve ordered.”

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Kyle’s voice was flooding with something

they didn’t need right now - guilt.

“I’m damned.”

Adrian’s tone was sympathetic, but his eyes

said the mobster had known what he’d signed up

for after the very first mercy run. “We all are.”

Kyle wanted something Adrian couldn’t

give - absolution - and he turned away with a

feeling of dislike that surprised him. Usually

talking to their leader was a comfort, but this time,

it had drawn anger.

Flashes of holding Angela while Adrian

burned her slapped Kyle repeatedly and he headed

for the other person he’d come to rely on.

Marc and John snapped-to when he opened

the door.

Kyle shook his head. “We’re 5-by.” His

eyes went over her pale face. “What about her?”

“The same.” John’s tone revealed his worry.

“Not…dead yet.”

You sound like it could happen any minute,


As if to back up that thought, Angela turned

her head and threw up.

Kyle backed out of the room as John and

Marc rushed to help her. He closed the door with a

light hand that shook.

This time, he went to the mission team and

got set to do his duty. Damned or not, someone

had to pay for this feeling. A few of the Eagles and

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most of the camp would blame Adrian, but Kyle

was clear on who was responsible.


Rick was the first one to pick through the

remains after the Eagles left, and he did it with one

hand on his gun. Thanks to Safe Haven, he was

very, very good with it.

“You could have been an Eagle,” his demon

taunted. “You were supposed to be one of them.”

Rick swallowed the bitterness and allowed it

to sink into that ball of fury smoldering in his guts.

It wasn’t over yet. Angela’s death wasn’t the only

hell to be paid for this blow.

Movement in the foggy shadows drew his

eye. It was 2AM and the other rats were coming.

Rick waited where he was. He settled onto

the charred hood of Cesar’s once golden car and

smirked openly at them. His days of hiding were


The Slavers slowly moved his way. These

men had been in the rear of the second convoy,

and caught up just in time to watch the slaughter.

Helping their leader hadn’t been an option against

the screams and the bugs. They’d hid until it was

over, were forced to, Rick guessed. Cesar had run

their tanks dry to reach Adrian.

These men had waited for Adrian’s men to

be gone, hoping to strip whatever was left and

head south, for home. They had no intentions of

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going back to Cesar’s camp or even letting them

know what had happened… except there was a

witness to be handled. If the white man the others,

they would be hunted down. Not doing your duty

was unforgivable, even if it meant your life…

Which meant Rick held a small advantage…unless

he was alone. Then, he was a dead man.

Rick knew. It was in their narrowed eyes

and fast, stiff glances around. They’d forgotten

who they were dealing with. Maybe one reminder

wouldn’t be enough.

The traitor grinned disarmingly. “Guess we

all got lucky.”

Not sure what he wanted, the Mexicans

didn’t answer. They still hated Rick as much as

they always had, but now, there was also a layer of

respect. What Safe Haven had done here was the

first defeat they’d encountered, and these men

were reluctant to challenge anyone who had

survived there undercover as long as Rick had.

“So… headed south from here, I’ll bet.”

Rick jerked a thumb toward the rest stop. “Avoid it

when you pick through. He’s got it wired. They

knew there were survivors.”

That had heads turning to sweep the

shadows, as if expecting to see Adrian and his

Eagles surrounding them.

“Now that they’ve moved, he’ll send half of

them back to take care of Cesar’s camp.” Rick’s

voice grew pointed. “Those who haven’t already

deserted, anyway.”

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Tension crackled at his near accusation,

hands tensing, getting set.

Rick slowly stood up and took his smokes

from his front pocket. He inhaled, snapped the

lighter shut. “Be a shame if Cesar’s camp got a call

about you guys not helping him when he needed it

the most. Kinda goes against the code, you know?”

“They won’t survive,” one of the men in the

rear of the group sneered. “And neither will you.”

The Mexican drew in a blur.

Rick was faster.

His bullet tore into the Mexican’s throat. He

fell, hands clasped around the gushing wound.

Rick immediately gestured with the barrel. “Strip

him and put it in my share.”

The slavers exchanged a look that had Rick

grinning again.

“I see you’ve figured it out. I’ll be calling

the shots now, and you go, when I say so.” His

hard stance dared them to protest the order. He

would kill the first one who did - ever.

The shortest of the remaining men stepped

forward calmly, but despite his mild manner, Rick

knew this was the one among them who had

planned to be their leaser for the trip to Mexico.

“And when will that be, gringo? This land

tastes like death.”

Rick hoped to surprise them with half-truths

and brutal lies. “Two days. Help me with

something and then you can run like the cowards

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you are. When I pick my crew, none of you will be

on it!”

They didn’t like that.

Rick felt it coming and fired as the next

would-be leader drew.

Another body hit the ground with a dull,

final thud.

He looked around angrily, patience gone.

“You will give me what I want!”

None of them were eager to die, and the

smarter among them began to recognize the new

chain of command, bowing to it. Rick’s skill with

the gun made him top dog among them.

“Two days, then we’re gone. You have to


Rick knew better than to put his gun away

until he was sure of control. He delivered that

chain with a sneer. “There were other survivors.”

He gestured arrogantly. “The others joined

me willingly to avenge Cesar’s death… and

they’re waiting one hour for word. After that,

they’ll make the call. You get one chance, and then

you’ll be hunted down by your own kind.”

Caught by their own cowardice, none of the

Mexicans considered that he might be bluffing.

Sensing the victory, Rick lowered his gun.

“Meet us half a mile east of the Ellsworth Country

Club by nightfall. Don’t be late.”

Rick turned toward his truck, hand still

loose, ready. “Without Cesar to hold them

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here…or me, that camp of Mexican’s will hunt

you all the way to hell.”

The traitor picked up the small bag of

treasures he’d looted, swung it over his shoulder

before delivering a last parting blow. “Cesar was

reckless, and it got these men killed. That will

never happen on my watch.”

It was enough to begin a tiny bond, and Rick

kept moving, hearing them start to scavenge. They

would show and be a bit more willing to work,

thanks to the manipulative techniques he’d learned

from studying Adrian. By the time the Slavers

realized he didn’t mean a word of it, the time for

running would be gone.

Aware of his exit being watched, Rick kept

his steps sharp and arrogant. It’s what Adrian

would have done.

Rick grinned at that thought. Yes, it was,

and he had a very good idea of what the blond

leader would do now. For a change, that Eagle had

no idea trouble was so close, not with Angela at

death’s door.

“One mistake, baby.” Rick crooner. “It was

all I needed.”

He moved steadily through the moldy area

to get set for the Mexicans arrival. They thought he

had more men. He would make sure that

impression held long enough to finish what Cesar

had started.

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Chapter Three

Let’s Do That Again…

Ellsworth County Country Club



The temperature had dropped faster than

even Adrian had expected, and the drafty building

gave the Eagles a very welcome shelter once the

windows were covered and doors closed. In the

front room, Angela wasn’t cold. Taking shifts in

two man teams now, she and John were warm

enough to sweat in the small area.

Mattresses and blankets covered the walls,

window, and floors, creating a barrier that held in

the body heat. As long as they kept switching out,

she was afforded a source that didn’t need fuel. At

each change of the guard, John tended her wound

and forced her to eat, drink, and use the bathroom.

It allowed them privacy, but also a fresh room of

air and time for blood to flow through cramped


The couch that they had Angela on was too

narrow for three people, forcing each man to lie

stiffly on his side with an arm above his head.

Sleep during these moments came only in brief

snatches of worried exhaustion.

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All around the door to her room, the Eagles

settled down and tried to escape the silent chaos of


“I want…need something else.”

Sequestered in the small lounge, Adrian

looked up with regretful eyes. “I’m not sure I can.”

Sensing just the opposite, Cynthia moved

slowly into the dimly lit room. “You’ll try?”

Adrian watched her sweep the corners, exits,

still surprised. The reporter was one he hadn’t

expected. “Yes.”

She smiled in a soft, understanding way he

hadn’t thought her capable of.

“Do the best you can, Marine. I know I’m

not her.”

Sure that’s exactly who she would become

for him in a few minutes, Adrian waited for her to

kneel on his bedroll before blowing out the light

and sliding into her hot arms.

On duty inside, Kyle and Neil listened to the

low noises without anger. Cynthia had ended

things publically with Jeremy right before he

started his shift outside in the truck. They also

knew their leader well enough to be sure it hadn’t

been his idea, but there wasn’t anything the blond

would deny the reporter right now…even the truth

of who he’d been if she asked for it openly.

Adrian’s bullet had killed, but without Cynthia’s

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brutal slug to the back, Cesar’s second shot would

have hit Angela in the forehead.


On duty after Kyle, Marc watched Cynthia

leave Adrian’s room. His eyes went over her

satisfied face, the careful steps that spoke of a

deep, close sexual experience.

She flushed under his appraisal.

“Thank you.”

Cynthia flashed a weak smile. “She would

have done it for me.”


Cynthia pulled Adrian’s shirt closer around

her shoulders, flushing darker at the smells. “If I

had to, I’d do it again, only I’d be faster.”

Her voice lowered to a determined, achingly

familiar tone of determination. “Next time, I will

be faster.”

Marc snorted bitterly. “He sure found some

determined women to play these roles.”

Cynthia’s chin went up. “To fight for his


Not letting Brady’s churning emotions rub

off, the reporter stepped around him, moving to

where she had her bedroll wedged between two

long tables. She would be one of them now and

that was enough to ease Cynthia’s fury over the


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Her need to see Adrian hung, had vanished

the instant she’d chosen to save Angela. Unlike the

muttering man now ignoring her, Cynthia already

knew they were a set. You didn’t get Angela

without Adrian, and when that bloody fighter

regained her strength, she’d make it clear.

Content for the first time in her life, Cynthia

drifted to sleep with the magical feeling of

Adrian’s touch lingering on her skin and in her


Marc moved to a different vantage point.

The reporter was an unexpected convert and her

support would mean a lot among everyone in Safe


Troubled eyes went over the door to his

heart. It wasn’t hard to share these hours with the

men that he couldn’t help but partially blame.

Being unable to do anything was a torment they

deserved to feel, too. It was one he himself

welcomed almost any escape from.


Angela shivered despite the baking heat of

the two men holding her. The fever had come

shortly after she’d thrown up, and by midnight, it

had been soaring. Resisting John’s attempts to get

it under control, the sedatives he was forced to use

weren’t weak enough to keep her under as he

operated. She’d woken up to dawn’s light… and


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Angela groaned. “Sorry…” She bit down on

Kyle’s arm to hold in the scream.

Kyle barely noticed, meeting Marc’s

terrified eyes. The look said it wouldn’t be much

longer, and Brady tightened his mental grip.

“Almost there…” John grunted, flipping his

wrist against the pressure and the needle slid

through. A firm tug had the ravaged artery closed.

“Squeeze the bag!” he snapped at Neil.

John removed the packing sponges he’d

inserted while repairing a nick in the artery.



John moved faster, taking the ready sutures

from Adrian’s hand. There was a sense that their

leader might be doing more than just lending a

hand, but the doctor wasn’t going to study it now.



John slid the last of the gauze out and gave a

harsh grunt. “Bingo.”

“Goo...d, right?”

Billy smiled down at her. “You are 5-by.”


“Um..shit! – and dropping!”

Blood sprayed the wall.

“Pack it off!”

“What’s wrong?”

“Blew a stitch, that’s all,” John soothed,

quickly replacing it. “Vitals.”

“--… and holding…”

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John added an extra layer, and while he

worked, there was silent fear under every labored

breath Angela took.

“Okay. Get ready.”

Neil grabbed another wad of gauze and

squeezed the bag faster. When it was empty, Zack,

who John had known was the same blood type,

was already hooked up to her.



The stitch held this time, and John sprinkled

on another layer of the battlefield clotting agent

Adrian had used.

“Roll now, slowly, towards the wall… there.

Hold it.”

John nodded at Marc, who stepped closer

and delivered a shot of calmative, and a gentle

swipe of the sweat from her brow.

“Half way there…” John sliced into the

infected scabs on her back…


Jeremy and Cynthia had moved outside the

Country Club to help with the watch, unable to

keep listening to the sounds. That was hours ago,

and a light layer of frost had fallen since his last

words telling her where to stand and what to look


The main door opening had them turning in


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The sight of the tired, relieved faces had

them both feeling better.

“Must have gone well.”

Billy‘s nod confirmed it, but the trio didn’t

stop to talk. Their clothes were blood splattered,

eyes haunted. In the wee hours, the second half of

the fight would happen. The mission team was all

set to go, just waiting for word on Angie.

“She’ll live.”

Noise filled the chilly lounge at John’s call,

pulling Angela from the light sleep the sedatives

were keeping her in. She opened her eyes to see

Marc watching over her. Few things had ever

looked so good to her. “Hi.”

Marc smiled. “They just heard the good


Angela listened to the happy sounds with a

slight smile of her own. “Shoulda asked me.”

Hard to talk to the dead. Marc swallowed

the thought. “We’ll remember that.”

Angela knew there would only be a few

minutes of alertness before the drugs yanked her

back under. “Now, for the truth…”

She touched her other hand slowly, clearly

scared of what she’d find.

Marc saw the relief fill her face as she

clasped her own hand, and realized she hadn’t

known if it was still there.

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“The infection lines were spreading… and I

couldn’t feel it.” She explained hoarsely, trying

unsuccessfully to hold back more tears. “I didn’t

know what I’d do.”

Marc dropped his forehead to hers, unable to


Angela rubbed at her cold fingers restlessly.

She didn’t even feel the pressure when she

squeezed. Hot pricks stung the back of her eyes.

Without her gun hand, she wasn’t an Eagle

anymore. Maybe that’s why Adrian hadn’t spoken

a single word to her during the surgery.

Marc made the connection at the first sense

of loss to sweep over her, but not the violent anger

that had him drawing back to look at her face.

When her chin folded into that unforgivable V, he

raised a brow. What choice had she made?

“This won’t stop me. I’ll learn to be good

with my left.”

Marc’s reluctant grin at her strength had her

allowing him a glimpse of how far ahead she had

planned out her future as an Eagle.

“I’ve done a little practice. I made level one

with the left. I might be okay.”

Marc pressed a soft kiss to her forehead,

very glad to not feel the dry heat that had gotten

John so worried. “I think so, too.”

Under the full edge of the painkillers now,

Angela carefully lifted her good hand and guided

his head down to hers.

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Ever so gently, Marc kissed her back…and

felt his rage at Adrian fade another notch. It really

was her life to give and he respected that more

now than he ever had. Her love was smothering his

resentment and he was glad.

The drugs pulled, and Angela let them carry

her away with the taste and smell of Brady to light

the way.

Marc covered her, adjusting tubes like he’d

been shown. His eyes went over her injured

arm…gun hand. He’d felt her panic, her pain, over

not being an Eagle. She hadn’t heard Adrian’s

words to the men.

Before he could change his mind, Marc

waved a man in to keep her warm. She needed to

know the truth about the future… but only some of



The Mexicans had shown up. His bluff had


Rick waited in the shadows of the horse

farm, ignoring the huge, frost-covered skeletons

that littered the edges of the fence. Unlike normal

frost, this seemed to be a layer of frozen white

slime that stuck like ice chips.

The ten?? men came in a hostile group that

had the traitor letting out a deceptively defeated


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“There are two things you should know.

First, we’ve decided we only want willing men for

the rush.”

Rick’s tone said he knew what they’d agreed

on. “No back shooting that way.”

Watching their faces, the traitor saw he’d

been right to handle it this way.

“The second is that if you at least cover us

from outside and pick off anyone we miss, we’ll

cut you in for part of Safe Haven’s supplies.”

There were surprised mutters at the boldness

of his plans, and quick looks around the frosty

dimness - maybe to verify this wasn’t a trap.

Rick shrugged cruelly. “We’ll only be

giving back the bodies of Adrian and his Eagles,

but the camp won’t know that til it’s too late.”

He could have given the Mexicans time to

consider it all, but Rick didn’t think Adrian would

have, and he acted accordingly. “So, fall into the

plan or get lost. You’re not really needed.”

“Maybe we will…”

“Kill me and do it yourself?” Rick sneered

“There are men all around us. You may get me, but

they’ll get all of you.”

That was something they hadn’t paid any

attention to, but now that they were, each of them

felt their respect for Rick increase.

There were shadowy forms in trees, glints

from pistols behind an overturned tractor, the edge

of a sombrero showing from next to a chicken

coop. It was very convincing.

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One of the Slavers spoke up. “A fair cut?”

Rick snorted, even as he hid the triumph.

“Not if you don’t take half the risk.” His grin

widened, cool as the wind. “I’m first man in.

Biggest share.”

Rick’s lies came easily, and let their greed

seal their fates.

“I will fight.”


“And I.”

Rick studied them before nodding

reluctantly. “A provision. If I die during the run,

you get nothing. If I’m still alive, you can split my


They all scowled at the unexpected


“Why would you do that?”

Rick allowed small amounts of the truth to

slip out, and added an impossible to resist lure.

Because I want them dead, and because

Cesar gave me a new life, but mostly... I still want

the woman. No one touches her. Ever.”

There were evil leers amid the plans now

being discussed, and Rick was aware that they

thought he meant Angela. They didn’t know it was

Samantha… always Samantha’s cornflower blue

eyes that haunted him.


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“She’s wondering why you haven’t taken a

shift. Worrying over it.”

Adrian didn’t turn from his post in the


Marc moved to the leader’s right, the place

he was more worthy of then Kenn, but didn’t want.

“She thinks it’s because she can’t be an Eagle for a


“She’s always an Eagle.”


Marc waited, needing to be sure he was

okay with what he was about to do. He wouldn’t

go against himself again, but this was one need he

could give her. “I know why. I always have.”


Marc lit a smoke, heart grateful she hadn’t

been taken - so much that the jealousy wasn’t

there. “What matters, is does Angie know?”

“No. That was never my reason.”

Marc blew out a stream of smoke, no longer

surprised to be giving Adrian his trust after all this

time. The blond leader would try harder to keep

her alive. “You should go take a shift.”

Only waiting for permission, Adrian left

Marc to take his post. Without being spoken, both

men understood the battle line. As long as she was

happy, Adrian would stay back. If she called for

him, all hell would break loose again.

It was a feeling Marc understood all too

well. Hadn’t he said something similar to Neil

when they’d first joined Safe Haven? Knowing the

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depth of their love let Marc give this without


“And later?” Marc pushed the thought away

with a grunt. It was her choice in the end anyway.

For this moment, she wanted him and no one else,

and that was enough.

Adrian had it all sealed up behind his usual

walls before he got to the door. He swept her

current heater and then the fresh bandage. Good.

John had been in recently. She wasn’t in pain.

“Thank you.”

Billy didn’t censor his answer. “I enjoyed it.

Even covered in blood, you still smell like


Her careful chuckle was a wonderful sound,

and the Eagle slowly untangled himself. He waved

a hand. “She’s all yours boss.”

Adrian’s words to Marc flashed and he

slammed down on the memory as her eyes flew to

his face. Before either of them could break the

moment, Billy‘s words drove it in.

“Until she calls out for Brady in her sleep


Angela dropped her eyes. “It’ll always be

that way.”

Adrian moved to fill Billy‘s place. “He’s a

lucky man.”

Like the others, it was heaven and hell to

perform this duty for her, and Adrian did it the

same as the others. He reminded himself

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repeatedly that she was an Eagle, not the woman of

his dreams.

Billy stopped on his way out, the sight of

them together striking. One vivid blond, the other

deep ebony, their heads were resting close, lips

almost smiling.

Like lovers who’ve been kept apart for a

tormenting amount of time, Billy thought, closing

the door. What a pair they would have made.


It was a dream.

They knew it when the bomb exploded and

neither of them flinched from their cliff-side view.

The shockwaves pushed against them violently.

Safe Haven appeared in the aftermath, a

burning light of hope in the darkness. Except

something was wrong… missing.

“Unprotected.” The Witch warned.

Angela snapped awake, grunting in pain.

Full of joy at hearing the Witch through her

thoughts, Adrian let himself offer comfort before

the next blow came. “We’ll be back together in

another day.”

Angela relaxed against him, grateful the

painkillers were keeping the agony back. “They’re

calling for you.”


“Go now. Please.”

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“Can’t. The fog moved in…”

Despite the haze of drugs, Angela picked up

on his tension. “Something’s happening.”


“In camp?” she panicked, trying to sit up.

“No.” Adrian placed a hand on her wrist,

and a bolt of vivid gold energy sank into her skin.

It merged with her panic…calmed it.

“That wasn’t necessary!”

Adrian’s voice was even. “I’m not done.”

Angela tensed for it, but didn’t protest.

Adrian tightened his grip. His own gifts

were much like hers, but he couldn’t heal. He

could share his strength, though, and he did, still

longing to hear conformation from the Witch.

Angela tried to keep her walls in place, but

the feel of that golden light sank into her like it

belonged there. It rattled doors to every place in

her heart, including those already marked with

Brady’s name. She didn’t open any of them.

Adrian concentrated only on the energy,

refusing to feel the pain of her choice. He’d known

it would eventually be this way from the minute

he’d realized he couldn’t have her.

After a minute, Angela realized she

recognized the tension in the air. It was just like

when the Slaver’s headlights flashed over the rest


“No.” She shook her head. “We’re done…”

Adrian pushed another blast of golden calm

and Angela stiffened.

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“Stop that!” She hissed angrily, fighting the


“I can call Brady in…”

Angela’s eyes narrowed. “When I


Adrian grinned, body tensing, getting set.

“I’ll keep an eye out for it.”

Angela locked eyes with him, meaning to

ask the plan…


Her body went rigid. “My gun!”

Adrian nudged her hand, saw her fingers

curl awkwardly around the butt. He drew his own,

sitting up.” “Front or back?”


The door slammed open, and Brady flew

into take up a set position in front of them. Adrian

stayed where he was.

Bang! Bang!

“Gunfire in the perimeter! Shots fired!”


“Look out!”


“Fall back!”

“Get her outta there!”



Angela grunted as Adrian swung her up into

his arms. She painfully molded herself into his


“Rollin’ boss.” Their radios crackled.

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Marc shoved a vest over her head as Adrian

headed for the window. He flipped the mattresses

out of the way and they waited restlessly for their

rescue, listening to the gunfire…

“Here, Boss!”

Angela tried to help as she was lowered out

the window between vested Eagles. Her single

shot, aimed at a Mexican head, went wild and

plunged into side of the vehicle that had pulled up.

She was shoved inside the truck that the

Eagles had surrounded. When the door slammed,

but her driver didn’t move, Angela realized Adrian

was making a stand… with her in the center.

Adrian’s words were cold. “Open fire!”

A large volley of gunfire lit up the night,

sharp and loud. Men screamed and shadow flew

through the darkness to force their attackers into

the light of the burning Country Club.

Behind Angela’s transportation, another rig

pulled up and a group of people ducked inside the

open back door and out of the line of fire as their

attackers rushed them.

“Kill them all!”

Adrian felt time slip for an awful instant as

he recognized the voice. Then he was emptying his

clip toward where Rick’s order had come from.

Marc also knew who her latest would-be

assassin was and spun into the shadows. His fury

was a hot laser, picking out Slaver footsteps.

Two on his right. Marc went left.

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Three more there… and one up high. The

rustle of branches told Marc someone was about to

die. Knowing it wasn’t Angela that the sniper was

now aiming at, allowed Marc to wait until the

bushes stilled, showing just enough to aim by…

“Move in Eagles!”

Adrian’s roar had the outer guards freeing

their trigger fingers. More gunfire filled the night.

Marc felt the training mode settle over his

mind. Inhale… Exhale and hold… let go.

Marc pulled the trigger.

Rick jerked at the impact, breath suddenly

gone in a powerful blast of pain. He slid from his

hiding place in dazed shock.

Marc watched the body hit the ground with a

heavy thump and lowered the smoking rifle.

Following his instinct, the sniper moved closer.

Now, one to the head, just to be sure…

Around him, the Eagles were taking care of

the few shadows trying to flee. Again, Adrian’s

men had been more than a match, and Marc was

sure the remaining men would be about the same.

He had thought to help Kyle go over the plan

before they left but really, there was no need.

His radio crackled.

“Headin’ out, Boss.”

“No mercy.”

Kyle’s tone was just as set. “You know it.”

Marc stayed in the shadows, moving closer to

Rick’s body. He saw the blood, the open, glazing


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Instantly distracted, Marc keyed the mic

before she could become more upset. “5-by and


“Now, Marc.”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

He glanced back at his kill, satisfied with

what he saw. The cicadas were already swarming


A minute later, Marc joined Angela inside

the cool vehicle, seeing how her face instantly

softened, warmed, when he took her hand. They

would be close. He would see to that.

Marc lowered his eyes, not wanting her to

read his determination. He remembered so many of

the things she needed, wanted, and he had every

intentions of using them. Angie would want to be

with him as much as she wanted to be an Eagle. He

wouldn’t give up until that was so.


Rick waited until there was only the sound of

the fire before moving. He’d known there would

be a gunfight with the sharp-shooting Eagles, but

he’d thought the vest would protect him.


Rick clutched at the neck wound, grateful of

the last second flinch that had allowed him to

avoid the intended kill shot.

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Rage swelled to its limits as he limped toward

his hidden truck, groaning as he tightened his

bandana over the wound. Blood ran down his arm,

making his clothes sticky.

Rick pulled himself up behind the wheel with

a growl of insane fury. This wasn’t over!

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Hello, LAW reader!

Hope you enjoyed this. As I was reading

over it, I had a case of the Shakes, but I assured

myself that the fans of the LAW series know

there’s more to the story than just what is here. All

those other people (Kendle, Sam, Doug, Kenn,

Luke) you’re looking for, are in this book, along

with more action, apocalypse challenges to

overcome, and survival scenes. We’re also getting

new characters! Some of them you’ll like, a couple

you may adore, and at least one, you’ll loathe - I

promise. The Major is from Adrian’s past, and he’s

no push-over.

Please keep in mind that every word of these

Beta chapters is subject to change. Unlikely,

though. It has a good flow for only being a draft

copy. I can’t wait to tighten it up. Feel free to use

the comment section to let me know what you

think! I love hearing from the readers.

Yes, I know there were all sorts of editing

issues. It has not seen the hands of my wonderful

ladies yet. Rest assured, it will.

So, when will From The Ashes be released,


2/1/2013. It can be preordered now on my

website, in PDF and EPUB formats.

In the meantime...

Have you read my Alexa’s Travels series? It

connects to LAW in a number of ways. I also have

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an apocalypse adventure romance out, called the

Bachelor Battles.

(Both series have free 100 page previews, so

you can see if you like it, before you buy.)

Waving at you as I head back to the files,

Angela White
