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Life cycle of Virus in animal cells. CMV: cytomegalovirus DNA virus capable of incorporating into...

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Life cycle of Virus in animal cells trình sống của virus trong tế
Page 1: Life cycle of Virus in animal cells. CMV: cytomegalovirus DNA virus capable of incorporating into our DNA exp Herpes virus RNA such as rhinovirus usually.

Life cycle of Virus in animal cells

Chu trình sống của virus trong tế bào

Page 2: Life cycle of Virus in animal cells. CMV: cytomegalovirus DNA virus capable of incorporating into our DNA exp Herpes virus RNA such as rhinovirus usually.

CMV: cytomegalovirus DNA virus capable of incorporating into our DNA exp Herpes virusRNA such as rhinovirus usually run their cours then are gone away from our body Retrovirus such as HIV: RNA DNA then able to incorporate to our DNA

Made up of capsomeres

Lipid bilayers

Page 3: Life cycle of Virus in animal cells. CMV: cytomegalovirus DNA virus capable of incorporating into our DNA exp Herpes virus RNA such as rhinovirus usually.

How virus does it works

1-Attache to the receptors on the host cells, very specific involves the match of the protein of receptor and glucoprotein on the surface of virus (antigen)1-Trước hết virus bám vào các thụ thể trên bề mặt của tế bào động vật. Sự kết hợp nầy rất chuyên biệt, chỉ tùy thuộc vào sự tương hợp của các protein của thụ thể và glycoprotein trên bề mặt của virus.

Page 4: Life cycle of Virus in animal cells. CMV: cytomegalovirus DNA virus capable of incorporating into our DNA exp Herpes virus RNA such as rhinovirus usually.

2-Virus enter the cells of animals by a process call endocytosis ( sự thực bào)2- Các virus sẽ vào tế bào chủ bằng quá trình nuốt virus của tế bào chủ hay còn gọi là sự thưc bào của tế bào động vật.

Page 5: Life cycle of Virus in animal cells. CMV: cytomegalovirus DNA virus capable of incorporating into our DNA exp Herpes virus RNA such as rhinovirus usually.

1. Endocytosis: the process by which a living cell takes up molecules or virus bound to its surface by folding the plasma membrane inward to create a sac that has virus or molecule substance in it. Called endosome 2. Sự thực bào: là quá trình của tế bào động vật nuốt lấy phân tử bám vào bề mặt của tế bào bằng cách uống cong màng tế bào vào trong và tạo thành một túi nhỏ chứa phân tử dính ở bề mặt tế bào, hay virus. Túi nấy được gọi là thể nội, hay thể có hạt ở trong.The endosome because it fuse with lysome. The capsid (protein coat of virus) will digest and release the genetic material (RNA,DNA) to enter the cystoplasma. And begin the Lytic cycle and Lysogenic cycle of virus.Thể nội bào là do không bào (vacuole) chứa virus kết hợp với lysosome (tiêu thể). Các enzyme của tiêu thể sẽ tiêu hóa các protein võ bọc của các virus và phóng thích các chất liệu di truyền vào tế bào chất( các lysosome không có enzyme thủy giải RNA và DNA). Các RNA của các virus khi đươc phóng thích sẽ nhân lên và chiếm các ribosome và acid amin của tế bào để chế tạo protein võ bọc và các enzyme riêng của virus. Hay các DNA sẽ xâm nhập nhân xác nhập vào DNA của tế bào chủ và cùng nhân lên với DNA của tế bào chủ khi có sự gián phân đẳng nhiễm.Virus can enter the bacteria by ejecting it genetic materials ( RNA and DNA) into the bacteria. The picture of bacteriophage in the next slide.Virus có thể xâm nhập vi khuẩn bằng cách tiêm chất liệu di truyền vào vi khuân và để các protein vỏ bọc ở ngoài. Các thực khuẩn có hình dạng như sau:

Page 6: Life cycle of Virus in animal cells. CMV: cytomegalovirus DNA virus capable of incorporating into our DNA exp Herpes virus RNA such as rhinovirus usually.
Page 7: Life cycle of Virus in animal cells. CMV: cytomegalovirus DNA virus capable of incorporating into our DNA exp Herpes virus RNA such as rhinovirus usually.


Page 8: Life cycle of Virus in animal cells. CMV: cytomegalovirus DNA virus capable of incorporating into our DNA exp Herpes virus RNA such as rhinovirus usually.

Virus are jumping species

Virus specific for each specie . But it can cause disease to another specie

Example: avian flu, swine flu, chickenpox, cowpox, monkeypox

Can cause disease to human

Lytic cycle:

Virus can classify by the genetic material it posseded : the RNA virus when enter the host cell can begin the lytic cycle: viral nucleic acid (RNA) begin to replicate itself, then they use our ribosome and our acid amine to make their protein, produce their capsomereAnd assemble new virions New viruses will burst out the host cell and destroy it then travel to the neibour cell to infect them.

Lysogenic cycle:

DNA virus or the Retrovirus when enter the host cells will incorporate to our DNA, and settle down in DNA of the host cells . When our cells body replicate it will replicate with our DNA in mitotic process. If our immune system is compromised it will go out to do transcription and replication the RNAs and go to lytic cycleExample: DNA virus such as herpes virus family include: cold sore, genital STD, chickenpox, shinglesRetrovirus: such as HIVThe DNA virus can cause cancer: when incorporate to our DNA it may turn on the oncogens , that are gens that control the mitotic and the anti angiogenesic process. Example: hepatic cancer for hepatic B virus, cervical cancer with HPV, Leukemia with EBV

Page 9: Life cycle of Virus in animal cells. CMV: cytomegalovirus DNA virus capable of incorporating into our DNA exp Herpes virus RNA such as rhinovirus usually.

Virus là loài gây bệnh có thể nhảy từ loài nầy sang loài khác:Virus có tính chuyên biệt cho mõi loại, do sự tương thích của gluco-protein của các kháng nguyên trên bề mặt của vi rus và các glucoprotein của các thụ thể trên bề mặt của tế bào. Nhưng virus cũng là loài có thể gây bệnh cho các sinh vật loài khác. Các virus của gây bệnh của thú vật có thể biến đổi gây bệnh cho người.Vidu như: virus cúm gà, virus cúm heo có thể gây bệnh dịch cho người. virus đậu gà (chickenpox) có thể gây bệnh thủy đậu cho người. Virus đậu bò (cow pox) có thể gây bệnh đậu mùa cho người.

Chu trình gây bệnh của virus.1-Chu trình Ly giải : các virus RNA khi vào tế bào có thể bắt đầu quá trình phân hũy tế bào: các RNA dương bản là các RNA thông tin (mRNA). Các RNA nầy có thể tự nhân lên và chiếm ribosome và acid amin của tế bào để tổng hợp các protein võ bọc và enzyme của virus. Các chất nầy cùng với các +RNA tạo thành các virus mới, các virus nây khi trưỡng thành sẽ phá hủy tế bào chủ để ra ngoài, đi tới các tế bào kế cận để gay bênh tiếp.Các –RNA là RNA âm bảng, các RNA nầy khi vào tế bào sẽ tái tạo thành các sợi DNA ghép cặp. Các +RNA sẽ có nhiễm vu tổng hợp protein các –RNA sẽ chế tạo chất liệu di truyển –RNA

2-Chu trình sinh ly giải: các DNA virus hay các Retrovirus khi đươc đem vào tế bào động vật sẽ xác nhập DNA của virus vào DNA của tế bào chủ. Các DNA virus sẽ cùng nhân lên với các DNA khi có sự sinh sãn vô tính, hay có sự sinh sãn bằng sự gián phân đẵng nhiễm. Nếu hệ miễn dịch của cơ thể suy yếu các DNA nầy sẽ chế tạo mRNA đưa ra ngoài tế bào và bắt đầu chu trình ly giải tế bàoThí dụ: Các Herpes virus là các DNA virus các virus nầy sống tiềm tang trong cơ thể và thĩnh thoãng khi hệ miễn dịch yếu sẽ phát bệnh ra ngoai , các virus nây gồm. Herpes simples gây bệnh giộp moi, herpes genital gây giộp đườg sinh dục, herpes varicella zoster gây thủy đậu và bệnh giời ăn. Retrovirus như virus HIV gây bênh AIDMột vài DNA virus có thể gây ung thư: các virus nây khi DNA của virus xác nhập vào nhân có thể bật các gen gây ung thư hoạt động . Các gen nầy là các gen điều hòa quá trình gián phân đẵng nhiễm hay điều hòa quá trình sinh mạch. Example: hepatic cancer for hepatic B virus, cervical cancer with HPV, Leukemia with EBV

Page 10: Life cycle of Virus in animal cells. CMV: cytomegalovirus DNA virus capable of incorporating into our DNA exp Herpes virus RNA such as rhinovirus usually.

Life cycle of Hepatitis B virusthe genome structure of HBV:The negative-sense, (non-coding) RNA use to make the viral positive sense RNA by using viral polymerase enzyme . The reverse transcriptase use to make DNA from mRNA . The partially double-stranded DNA is rendered fully double-stranded by binding with the DNA generated by viral reverse transcriptase. The life cycle of hepatitis B virus is complex. Hepatitis B is one of a few known non-retroviral viruses which use reverse transcription as a part of its replication process.Attachment The virus gains entry into the cell by binding to a receptor on the surface of the cell and enters it by endocytosis. The cell surface receptor has been identified as the Sodium/Bile acid cotransporters. After endocytosis the vacuole contained virus fuse with lysosome (endosome) of the host cells and releasing the partial double stranded DNA, the negative sense RNA, the viral polymerase and reverse transcriptase and core proteins into the cytoplasm. The viral polymerase will make the positive sense RNA and the reverse transcriptase will reverse transcription mRNA to a complement double stranded DNA. Both DNA will enter the nucleus and incorporate to the DNA of host cells. The fully double stranded DNA will serves as a template for transcription of four viral mRNAs. mRNA for making the new copies of the genome, the capsid core protein, the negative sense RNA and the enzyme viral RNA polymerase, and reverse transcriptase. Assembly These four viral transcripts to form a new progeny virus and begin the lytic cycle or returned to the nucleus to go into the lysogenic cycle to begin chronic infection disease.

Page 11: Life cycle of Virus in animal cells. CMV: cytomegalovirus DNA virus capable of incorporating into our DNA exp Herpes virus RNA such as rhinovirus usually.

Hepatitis B virus

Page 12: Life cycle of Virus in animal cells. CMV: cytomegalovirus DNA virus capable of incorporating into our DNA exp Herpes virus RNA such as rhinovirus usually.

InteferonWhen cells of the body infected by virus the cells will secrete interferon as a signal “SOS” to alert to another cells in the body to shut off the endocytosis process, to inhibit the invading of viruses in our body.

acyclovirAciclovir is a nucleic acid analogue made from guanosine. It works by decreasing the making of the virus's DNA. It also work by blocking virused attach to the host cells.


Antiviral drugs

Page 13: Life cycle of Virus in animal cells. CMV: cytomegalovirus DNA virus capable of incorporating into our DNA exp Herpes virus RNA such as rhinovirus usually.
Page 14: Life cycle of Virus in animal cells. CMV: cytomegalovirus DNA virus capable of incorporating into our DNA exp Herpes virus RNA such as rhinovirus usually.
Page 15: Life cycle of Virus in animal cells. CMV: cytomegalovirus DNA virus capable of incorporating into our DNA exp Herpes virus RNA such as rhinovirus usually.

Meningismus: (hội chứng giống như viêm màng não)A constellation of signs and symptoms (e.g., headache, neck stiffness) suggestive of meningitis, characterised by meningeal irritation without objective findings. Meningismus is more common in young patients with systemic infections (e.g., the flu, pneumonia).Sx: symptoms, Dx: diagnosis, Tx: treatment, Rx: prescription drugs

Oseltamivir marketed under the trade name Tamiflu, is an antiviral drug, that has the formula resemble sialic acid. It inhibit neuraminidase or sialidase to inhibit the new virus release from the infected cells, so it slow down the replicate of virus. The drug is taken orally . It is used to treat influenza A virus and influenza B virus. Oseltamivir is a prodrug, a (relatively) inactive chemical, which is converted into its active form by metabolic process after it is taken into the body. It was the first orally active neuraminidase inhibitor commercially developedZanamivir (Relenza) a inhale form of neuraminidase INH

Sialic acid

Sialic acid is a generic term for the N- or O-substituted derivatives of neuraminic acid, a monosaccharide with a nine-carbon backbone. It is also the name for the most common member of this group, N-acetylneuraminic acid

Neuraminidases, also called sialidases, catalyze the hydrolysis of terminal sialic acid residues from the newly formed virions and from the host cell receptors.[1] Sialidase activities include assistance in the mobility of virus particles through the respiratory tract mucus and in the elution of virion progeny from the infected cell.

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Sialic acid



Page 17: Life cycle of Virus in animal cells. CMV: cytomegalovirus DNA virus capable of incorporating into our DNA exp Herpes virus RNA such as rhinovirus usually.
Page 18: Life cycle of Virus in animal cells. CMV: cytomegalovirus DNA virus capable of incorporating into our DNA exp Herpes virus RNA such as rhinovirus usually.

Drugs for DNA virus: these drugs inhibit viral DNA polymerases, they are foscanet, acyclovir, gancyclovirHerpes virus family (virus gây ra bệnh giộp) include: Herpes varicella-zoster cause varicella and zoster disease, herpes simplex 1 cause cold sore, Herpes simplex 2 cause STD , Eptein Barr virus or Herpesvirus 4 cause infectious mononucleosis or Kissing disease.Monucleosis: The presence of an abnormally large number of white blood cells with single nuclei in the bloodstream. (leukemia). Bệnh tăng bạch cầu đơn nhânCytomegalovirus:( virus làm cho biễu mô to ra) member of Herpesvirus family. It can attack and enlarge epithelial cells. CMV rare cause disease in healthy person, but in weaked immune person it can infect the intestines, and colon causing fever, pain, blood in stool. Inflammation of liver (hepatitis), lung (pneumonitis), and brain (encephalitis). Infection in the eye (retinitis) can cause the blindness. Such viruses also cause a disease of Newborns with congenital CMV infection causes circulatory dysfunction and can develop to hearing and vision loss, mental disability, and seizures.

Page 19: Life cycle of Virus in animal cells. CMV: cytomegalovirus DNA virus capable of incorporating into our DNA exp Herpes virus RNA such as rhinovirus usually.

Gancyclovir is a synthetic analogue of 2 -deoxy-′ guanosine. Ganciclovir triphosphate is a competitive inhibitor of deoxyguanosine triphosphate (dGTP) incorporation into DNA and preferentially inhibits viral DNA polymerases more than cellular DNA polymerases. In addition, ganciclovir triphosphate serves as a poor substrate for chain elongation, thereby disrupting viral DNA synthesis by a second route. The drug of choice for treating CMVAcyclovir: so known as aciclovir and acycloguanosine, is an antiviral medication.[3] It is primarily used for the treatment of herpes simplex virus infections, chickenpox, and shingles

Foscanet: Foscarnet is a structural mimic of the anion pyrophosphate that selectively inhibits the pyrophosphate binding site on viral DNA polymerases at concentrations that do not affect human DNA polymerases.In individuals treated with the DNA polymerase inhibitors aciclovir or ganciclovir, HSV or CMV particles can develop mutant protein kinases (thymidine kinase or UL97 protein kinase, respectively) that make them resistant to these antiviral drugs. However, unlike aciclovir and ganciclovir, foscarnet is not activated by viral protein kinases, making it useful in aciclovir- or ganciclovir-resistant HSV and CMV infections.

Page 20: Life cycle of Virus in animal cells. CMV: cytomegalovirus DNA virus capable of incorporating into our DNA exp Herpes virus RNA such as rhinovirus usually.
Page 21: Life cycle of Virus in animal cells. CMV: cytomegalovirus DNA virus capable of incorporating into our DNA exp Herpes virus RNA such as rhinovirus usually.

Tenofovir: The drug is classified as an adenosine nucleotide analogue that inhibit reverse transcriptase (NRTI:nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors of viral reverse transcriptase. Reverse transcriptase is a crucial viral enzyme in human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) and hepatitis B virus infections. Tenofovir weekly interfere with the host cell DNA polymerase and the mitochondria DNA polymeraseEntecavir:(ETC) is a deoxyguanosine analogue, that inhibits reverse transcription, DNA replication and transcription in the viral replication process.

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Adefovir : It is an orally administered nucleotide analog reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NRTI). It is analogue with adenosine

Lamivudine:It is of the nucleoside analog reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NRTI) class. It is a nucleoside analogue with cytidine. (2 ,3 -dideoxy-3 -thia′ ′ ′ cytidine, commonly called 3TC)

PEG-interferon alfa-2a:Is Interferon pegylated with a branched 40 kDa PEG chain; it is a cytokine secrete by the infected cells to inhibit the process endocytosis of other cells that are not infected yes. Add a polyethylene glycol (PEG) to the interferon, through a process known as pegylation, enhances the half-life of the interferon when c.ompared to its native form.

Page 23: Life cycle of Virus in animal cells. CMV: cytomegalovirus DNA virus capable of incorporating into our DNA exp Herpes virus RNA such as rhinovirus usually.
Page 24: Life cycle of Virus in animal cells. CMV: cytomegalovirus DNA virus capable of incorporating into our DNA exp Herpes virus RNA such as rhinovirus usually.

Ribavirin : is a purine nucleoside analog used to stop viral RNA synthesis and viral mRNA capping, thus, it is a nucleoside inhibitor

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Treating HIV

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Page 27: Life cycle of Virus in animal cells. CMV: cytomegalovirus DNA virus capable of incorporating into our DNA exp Herpes virus RNA such as rhinovirus usually.
Page 28: Life cycle of Virus in animal cells. CMV: cytomegalovirus DNA virus capable of incorporating into our DNA exp Herpes virus RNA such as rhinovirus usually.
Page 29: Life cycle of Virus in animal cells. CMV: cytomegalovirus DNA virus capable of incorporating into our DNA exp Herpes virus RNA such as rhinovirus usually.

Zidovudine (ADV): also known as azidothymidine (AZT), is an antiretroviral medication used to prevent and treat HIV/AIDS. It is of the nucleoside analog reverse-transcriptase inhibitor (NRTI) class. AZT inhibits the enzyme (reverse transcriptase) that HIV uses to synthesize DNA, thus preventing viral DNA from forming.Abacavir- (ABC) is an antiretrovirus of the class nucleoside analog reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NRTI) that is an analogue with adeninosine. It is well tolerated: the main side effect is hypersensitivity.

Lamivudine -(2 ,3 -dideoxy-3 -thia′ ′ ′ cytidine, commonly called 3TC) it is a NRTI drug that is an analogue with cytidine. It is used to treat HIV and HPBEmtricitabine (FTC)- It is an NRTI which is an analog with uracidine. Truvada: FTC+ tenofovir ; Sustiva: FTC+tenofovir+efivarenz; Stribild:Elvitegravir/cobicistat/emtricitabine/tenofovir : elvitegravir is an intergrase inhibition, emtricitabine+tenofovir: are NRTIs, cobicistat: inhibit the hepatic enzyme metabolized elvitegravir.

Page 30: Life cycle of Virus in animal cells. CMV: cytomegalovirus DNA virus capable of incorporating into our DNA exp Herpes virus RNA such as rhinovirus usually.
Page 31: Life cycle of Virus in animal cells. CMV: cytomegalovirus DNA virus capable of incorporating into our DNA exp Herpes virus RNA such as rhinovirus usually.
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Protease inhibitorsBlock viral enzymes protease used to cut and release the new progeny HIVs

General adverse effects is lipodistribution, GI upsetsThe names of this type of drug have the suffix -NAVIRRitonavir:



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Page 34: Life cycle of Virus in animal cells. CMV: cytomegalovirus DNA virus capable of incorporating into our DNA exp Herpes virus RNA such as rhinovirus usually.

Regiment (cách dung thuốc)Phác đồ điều trị phải với 3 hay 4 thứ thuốc: a) cocktail gồm 3 thuốc: luôn luôn phải có 2 loại thuốc thuộc nhóm NRTI (nucleotide Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor) Thuốc thứ ba có thể là PI (protease inhibitor) hay một loại NNRTI (non nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitor) Efavirenz (NNRTI) không được dung cho phụ nữ mang thai. b) Ta có thể dung 2 NRTI và 2 PIPhác đồ điều trị nầy có tính chống retrovirus cao, được gọi tên dễ nhớ như HAART (highly active retroviral therapy)Với phác đồ nây trong tháng đầu số lượng virus có giãm phân nữa, và có thể giãm tới mức thể có thể đếm được, Và tế bào bạch cầu CD4 có thể lên cao trở lại.

Phải theo dõi các triệu chứng do sự biến dưỡng HIV. Nhất là sự rối loạn lipid máu

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IN strand transfer inhibitors (INSTIs)[or integrase inhibitors

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Zidovudine (ADV): also known as azidothymidine (AZT), is an antiretroviral medication used to prevent and treat HIV/AIDS. It is of the nucleoside analog reverse-transcriptase inhibitor (NRTI) class. AZT inhibits the enzyme (reverse transcriptase) that HIV uses to synthesize DNA, thus preventing viral DNA from forming.Abacavir- (ABC) is an antiretrovirus of the class nucleoside analog reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NRTI) that is an analogue with adeninosine. It is well tolerated: the main side effect is hypersensitivity.

Lamivudine -(2 ,3 -dideoxy-3 -thia′ ′ ′ cytidine, commonly called 3TC) it is a NRTI drug that is an analogue with cytidine. It is used to treat HIV and HPBEmtricitabine (FTC)- It is an NRTI which is an analog with uracidine. Truvada: FTC+ tenofovir ; Sustiva: FTC+tenofovir+efivarenz; Stribild:Elvitegravir/cobicistat/emtricitabine/tenofovir : elvitegravir is an intergrase inhibition, emtricitabine+tenofovir: are NRTIs, cobicistat: inhibit the hepatic enzyme metabolized elvitegravir.Tenofovir disoproxil as a salt with difumarate (TDF) is an NRTI analog with adenosine used to prevent and treat HIV/AIDS and to treat chronic hepatitis B.

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Page 39: Life cycle of Virus in animal cells. CMV: cytomegalovirus DNA virus capable of incorporating into our DNA exp Herpes virus RNA such as rhinovirus usually.
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