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Life in Medieval Towns

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Life in Medieval Towns
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Life in Medieval Towns

Medieval Towns


This chapter focuses on daily life for people living in towns from 1000 to 1450 C.E.

Towns cropped up around castles and monasteries and along trade routes

Towns became centers of trade and industry

Surrounded by thick stone walls for protection

Visitors entered through gates in the walls

Homes and businesses lined unpaved streets

Businesses and shops hung colorful pictures over their doorways because few people could read

People gathered in front of public buildings like churches

Most streets were very narrow

Second stories of the houses were built projecting out over the first story, so very little daylight filtered down to the streets

Squares and streets were crowded with people, horses, and carts, and cats, dogs, geese and chickens

People threw their garbage into nearby canals and ditches, or simply out the window

Medieval towns did not smell good


The Growth of Medieval Towns

During the Early Middle Ages, most people lived in scattered communities in the countryside

By the High Middle Ages, towns were growing again

Improvements in agriculture

Revival of trade

Merchants and other people practicing various trades became permanent residents

Some towns became wealthier because they made a specific type of good

Towns were generally part of the domain of a feudal lord a monarch, noble, or a high-ranking church official

Town dwellers began to resent the lords feudal rights and his demands for taxes as the town became wealthier

No longer needed the lords protection or his interference

-After the fall of the Roman Empire in the west, trade with the east suffered and town life declined

Farmers were clearing forests and adopting better farming methods

Resulted in a surplus of crops to sell in town markets

Seaport towns like Venice and Genoa in Italy served as trading centers with the east

In Europe, goods traveled by river, and many towns grew up near these waterways

Towns in Flanders (present-day Belgium and the Netherlands) were known for their fine woolen cloth

Italian city of Venice: known for making glass

Other towns built their wealth on the banking industry

Violence broke out as towns struggled to become independent (northern France and Italy)

The change was more peaceful in other places (England and parts of France)


Becoming Independent

Purchased a royal charter to become independent

People had the right to govern themselves, make laws, and raise taxes

Free towns were governed by a mayor and a town council

Power shifted from the feudal lords to the rising class of merchant and craftspeople

- Charter: a written grant of rights and privileges by a ruler or government to a community, class of people or organization



Medieval towns became places where many goods were made

Trade and the production of goods were overseen by organizations called guilds

2 main kinds of guilds: merchant guilds and craft guilds

Provided help and protection for the people doing a certain kind of work

Maintained high standards

Controlled the hours of work and set fair prices

Guild members paid dues to their guild

All types of craftspeople had their own guilds, from cloth makers to cobblers (who made shoes, belts, and other leather goods) to the stonemasons who built the great cathedrals

-Guild dues paid for the construction of guildhalls and for guild fairs and festivals

-Money also used to take care of members and their families who were sick and unable to work


Becoming a Member of a Guild

A boy (sometimes a girl) became an apprentice around the age of 12

After 7 years, apprentices had to prove to the guild that they had mastered their trade by producing a piece of work called a master piece

If guild approved, apprentice was given the right to set up his or her own business

Apprentice: a person who works for an expert in a trade or craft in return for training

-An agreement was signed between the master and the apprentices parents

-Master agreed to house, feed, and train the apprentice

-Sometimes parents paid the master a sum of money

-Apprentices rarely got paid

-Became journeymen instead of setting up a business because it was expensive

-Journeyman: a person who has learned a particular trade or craft but has not become an employer, or master


Trade and Commerce

Luxury goods were mostly traded at the beginning of the Middle Ages

By the High Middle ages, goods included everyday items and specialized goods that different towns were producing (woolen cloth, glass, and silk)

Commerce: the buying and selling of goods

Most towns had a market, where food and local goods were bought and sold

Great merchant fairs were much larger than markets. These attracted merchants from many countries which meant goods came from all over Europe and the east.



Grew increasingly powerful and wealthy as a result of growth in trade and commerce

Ran sizeable businesses

Looked for trading opportunities far from home

Merchant guilds dominated business life of towns and cities

In independent towns, members of merchant guilds often sat on town councils

Jews in Medieval Europe

Sizeable Jewish communities in Medieval towns

Experienced prejudice

Difficult to earn a living due to the hostility of Christians (sometimes backed up by laws)

Jewish property and belongings were taken at will by their lords

Were sometimes targets of violence

One opportunity was to become bankers and moneylenders which was an essential service for the economy

Jews were looked down upon and abused for practicing this wicked trade

Christians were forbidden to be bankers and moneylenders because the church taught that charging money for loans was sinful


Homes and Households

Most built from wood

Narrow and could be up to 4 stories high

Sometimes 2 facing houses would lean so much they touched across the street

Poor Households

Several families might share a house in a poorer neighborhood

Only had one room where they cooked, ate, and slept

Most people worked where they lived

Wealthy Households

Wealthy merchants had splendid homes

First level used for business, including offices and storerooms

Second level might be for the family and included a solar where they gathered to eat and talk

Servants and apprentices might live on an upper level

Rooms were cold, smoky, and dim

Only source of heat and the main source of light were the fireplaces

Windows were small and covered with parchment instead of glass

Growing Up in a Medieval Town

About half of all children died before they became adults

Around the age of seven, children began preparing for adult roles

Some boys and girls attended school, where they learned to read and write

Children from wealthier homes might learn to paint and to play music on a lute (a stringed instrument)

Other children started work as apprentices

Most boys grew up to do the same work as their fathers

Some girls trained for a craft

Most girls married young, some as early as 12, and were soon raising children of their own

At home, many girls learned to cook, make cloth, and other skills necessary to run a home and care for a family

People of the Middle Ages believed in an orderly society in which everyone knew their place.


Disease and Medical Treatment

Many illnesses that can be treated and cured today had no cures during medieval times

Common diseases that had no cure included measles, cholera, and scarlet fever

People were treated in their homes by family members, or sometimes, a doctor

Medieval doctors believed in a mixture of prayer and medical treatment which involved herbs

Other treatments were based on less scientific methods such as consulting the positions of the planets and relying on magic charms to heal people

Another common technique was to bleed patients by opening a vein or applying leeches (a type of worm) to the skin to suck out blood

Bloodletting often weakened a patient instead

Towns were very dirty places. Homes had no running water. Instead of bathrooms, people used outdoor privies (shelters used as toilets) or chamber pots that they emptied into nearby streams and canals. Garbage was tossed into streams and canals or into streets. People lived crowded together in small spaces and usually only bathed once a week. Rats and fleas were common and they often carried diseases.

Leprosy: a skin and nerve disease that causes open sores on the body and can lead to serious complications and death

Lepers were ordered to live by themselves in isolated houses. Some towns even passed laws to keep out lepers.

Bubonic plague: a deadly contagious caused by bacteria and spread by fleas

Because no one knew exactly how diseases like these were spread, people looked for someone to blame. Jews were sometimes accused of poisoning wells after an outbreak of illness.

The use of herbs as medicine was based on traditional folk wisdom and knowledge handed down from ancient Greece and Rome.


Crime and Punishment

Medieval towns were noisy, crowded and often unsafe

Dangerous especially at night because there were no streetlights

Night watchmen patrolled the streets with candle lanterns to deter, or discourage, criminals

People accused of crimes were held in dirty, crowded jails

Prisoners relied on friends and family to bring them food or money

Wealthy people sometimes left money in their wills to help prisoners buy food

Wealthy people sometimes left money in their wills to help prisoners buy food.


Trial by Ordeal or Combat

Used to establish an accused persons guilt or innocence

Trial by ordeal: an accused person had to pass a dangerous test

Trial by combat: an accused person had to fight to prove his or her innocence (people believed that God would make sure the right party won); Clergy, women, children, and disabled people could name a champion to fight for them

Example of trial by ordeal: throwing a person into a deep well. If the person floated instead of drowning, he or she was guilty. The reasoning was that he or she was rejected by the water.



For lesser crimes, people were fined or put into stocks

For serious crimes, such as highway robbery, stealing livestock, treason, or murder, could be hanged or burned at the stake

Executions were carried out in public

Being left in the stocks for hours or days was both painful and humiliating.

Stocks: a wooden frame


Royal Courts

Kings and important lords had the power to prosecute major crimes in most parts of Europe

In England, kings in the early 1100s began setting up a nationwide system of royal courts

Decisions of royal judges contributed to a growing body of common law

English common law would become an important safeguard of individual rights

Court inquiries based on written and oral evidence eventually replaced trial by ordeal and combat throughout Europe

Common law: a body of rulings made by judges that become part of a nations legal system

Independent judiciary: court system


Leisure and Entertainment

Children: played with dolls and toys, such as wooden swords and hobbyhorses, rolled hoops and played games like badminton, lawn bowling, and blind mans bluff

Adults: played games such as chess, checkers and backgammon. They also played card games, bet on rolls of dice, or go dancing (the church frowned on these activities)

Time off from work to celebrate special days, such as religious feasts

On Sundays and holidays, animal baiting was a popular, but cruel, amusement

Animal baiting: First a bull or bear was fastened to a stake by a chain around its neck or a back leg, and sometimes by a nose ring. Then specially trained dogs were set loose to torment the captive animal


Fair Days

Very colorful

Jugglers, dancers, clowns, and minstrels provided entertainment

Guild members dressed in special costumes and carried banners while parading through the streets

Guilds put on mystery plays

Mystery plays gave rise to miracle plays, another type of religious drama

The church eventually disapproved of both types of plays, but people still enjoyed seeing them acted out in the streets or the public square

Minstrel: a signer or musician who sang or recited poems to music played on a harp or other instrument

Mystery play: a type of religious drama in the Middle Ages based on stories from the Bible

Miracle play: these plays dramatized the lives of saints


How did towns form?

There were very few large towns in medieval Europe. Most were no bigger than a modern village with a population of between 2000 and 10,000. In the 13th century, the largest cities (Flemish cities and in northern Italy) had populations of as many as 50,000 inhabitants.

How did towns form?

One of the biggest Medieval cities was Bruges

How did towns form?

One of the biggest Medieval cities was Bruges

How did towns form?

Towns grew up for different reasons and had different functions as a consequence.

Some had religious functions. The church or cathedral was usually the most important building.

Other towns had political functions. Towns were freed from the control of feudal lords and gained liberty. The town hall was in charge of the government of each city and its surrounding territory.

Towns also had economic functions. Craft production and commerce was concentrated in cities. The market square was the main point for exchanges.

How did towns form?

Towns had to be safe. Merchants would not come unless they felt sure their goods were safe. So the lords built wooden fences or walls around, them. At night, the gates were locked to stop foreigners (outsiders) from getting in


How did towns form?

As towns grew in size and became prosperous they were able to buy a charter, a document which gave them freedom from the lord of the manor on whose land the town had grown up.

By the 12th century, many lords of the manor were short of money and were glad to sell the rights of the town to pay off their debts.

The town charter allowed the townsfolk to have a mayor, whom they elected, and a law court of their own.

A typical town street

Men of the same craft or trade lived in the same street, and often gave their name to the street.

Look at the plan of the town. What sort of occupations could you find there?

What jobs did people have in the towns?

A medieval town?

A medieval town
