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Life Power lesson Four

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  • 8/3/2019 Life Power lesson Four




    The twelve paragraphs immediately following are a con-densed summary of the teachings of the Sepher Yetzirah andother Kabalistic works as to the esoteric meaning of the twelve_simple letters of the Hebrew alphabet, together with certainother material not generalIy known.

    Each paragraph is headed by the Hebrew character andthe name of one of the simple letters as usually spelled in Eng-lish, followed by a transliteration of the Hebrew spelling of theletter-name, in parenthesis, and the English letter, or letterscommonly employed for transliterating from Hebrew.

    In each paragraph the order of attributions is:

    1. English or Hebrew letter-name;

    2. Faculty or function symbolized by the letter;

    3. Name of the Yetziratic sign;

    4. Name of the Zodiacal Sign and Rulership:

    5. Parts of body ruled by sign;

    6. Color vibrations and musical tone.

    These attributions should be memorized, as should thoseof the mother and double letters already given.

  • 8/3/2019 Life Power lesson Four


    I ~ ITHE LIFE-POWERi1 - Heh (HH); H or E.

    1. Window; 2. Sight; 3. Constituting Intelligence,so called because it constitutes creation on thedarkness of the world; 4. Aries,the Ram, the firstsign of the fiery "triplicity", ruled by Mars, andthe place of the Sun's exaltation; 5. Head, brainand face; 6. Flame-red (C), the color of themother letter Shin, and the double letter Pe (Mars).

    , - Vav (VV); V, U or O.

    1. Nail, or hook; 2. Hearing; 3. Triumphant andeternal Intelligence, the delight of glory, the paradiseof pleasure prepared for the just; 4. Taurus, theBull, the first sign of the earthy triplicity, ruledby Venus, and the place of the Moon's exalta-tion: 5. Throat; 6. Red-orange (C-sharp), blend-ing the rays of Shin and Aleph, with the red rayof Shin predominating.

    r - Za yin (Zin); Z.

    1. Sword, or weaton; 2. Smell; 3. Disposing Inteligence. It disposes the devout to perseverance,and thus prepares them to receive the Holy Spiri

    I(Understand by "devout" all .those who are seldedicated to livirig in harmony with cosmic lawand the "Holy Spirit" the creative energy of thLife-Power. Attach no theological significance tthe words). 4. Gemini, the Twins, first sign of thairy triplicity, ruled by Mercury; 5. Shoulders.armsand lungs; 6. Orange, (D), blending equally thrays of Shin and Aleph.

    n - Cheth (ChITh); CH.I

    1. Field, or fencL 2. Speech; 3. Intelligence, ohouse of Influenbe, thence are drawn the arenand the conceale~ meanings which repose in thshadow thereof. (The "house" is the body, whicis the "field" of the work in practical occultismThe "influence" is the influx of the universal LifPower "into a specialized personal form). 4. Cancer, the Crab, the first sign of the watery triplicity, ruled by the Moon, and the place of Jupiter'sexaltation; 5. Breast, chest and stomach; 6. Yelow-orange. (D-sharp), a blending of the rays oShin and Aleph, with Aleph predominating.

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    THE LIFE -POWER I ~t!) -' Teth (liTh); T.

    Serpent; 2. Digestion: 3. Intelligence of theecret, or of all spiritual activities (this is thenowledge of the Great Arcanum of the directionf the serpent-power); 4. Leo, the Lion, the housef the Sun, second sign of the fiery triplicity; 5.he heart; 6. Bright, pure yellow (E), the sames the ray of Aleph, which is somewhat intensi-ied in the ray of Beth.

    " - Yod (IVD); J , I or Y.

    Hand, (in Oriental languages euphemistic forhe lingam); 2. Coition, (denoting the union ofositive and negative in reciprocal activity on ev-ry plane, particularly "copulation"); 3. In telli-ence of Will, prepares all created beings, eachndividually, for the demonstration of the exist-nce of the primordial glory. (Consider this sen-rice carefully. It reveals an important secret ofhe ancient wisdom); 4. Virgo, the Virgin, ruledy Mercury, and the place of Mercury's exaltationThese astrological attributions are keys to al-hemical secrets). 5. The intestines, particularlyhe small intestine, where Prana in food is trans-itted into bio-chemical energy; 6. Yellowish-greenF), a blending of the rays of Aleph and Mem inhich the ray of Aleph predominates.

    '? - Lamed (LMD); L .1. As a noun, :'ox-goad", but the same thletters (LMD) spell a verb meaning "to instruc2. Work, or action (very nearly the same asroot-meaning of the Hindu word Karma, imping that all real knowledge' must be perfectthrough work, or as the Bible says; "Faith withworks is dead"). 3. Faithful Intelligence, becauspiritual virtues (various differentiations ofLife-Power, for strictly speaking the virtue of athing is its ability to effect some specific resuare deposited and augmented therein, until tpass to those who dwell in the shadow thereof;Libra, the Scales, second sign of the airy tripity, ruled by Venus and the seat of Saturn's extation; 5. The kidneys; 6. Pure green, (F-sharthe same as the ray of Venus, a color in whthe rays of Aleph and Mem are equally balance

    J - Nun (NVN); N.

    1. As a noun, "fish", and as a verb, "to sprout",grow; 2. Motion, or change; 3. Imaginative Inligence. The ground of similarity in the likenof beings who are created by agreement afteraspects. (This passage will be explained in a lalesson); 4. Scorpio, the Scorpion ruled by M5. The reproductive organs; 6. Greenish-blue. (a blending of the rays of Aleph and Mem, wMem predominating.

  • 8/3/2019 Life Power lesson Four


    I~ ITHE LIFE-POWERo - Sam ekh (SMK ); S .

    1. Prop, support, (some say "tent-peg") ;2. Wrath,or anger (here referable more particularly to Rajas,and akin to the Greek Trrouoo, desire or appe-tite); 3. Tentative Intelligence, or Intelligence ofProbation or trial, because it is the first tempta-tion by which God tests the devout (Here again,beware of theological interpretations); 4. Sagit-tarius, the Archer, ruled by the planet Jupiter(Kaph); 5. The thigh; 6.. Blue, the same as themother-ray, Mem (G-sharp).

    ,I) - Ayin (OIN); 0, Ng.

    1. Eye, but the same three letters (OIN) spell anoun meaning "a fountain". 2. Laughter, or mirth(usually caused by incongruity); 3, Renewing orRenovating Intelligence, for thereby God renewsall which is capable of renovating in the creationof the world; 4. Capricorn, the Goat, ruled bySaturn, wherein Mars is exaltated; 5. The knees;6. Blue-violet, or "indigo", blending the rays ofMern and Shin, with Mem predominating, (A).

    ~ - Tzaddi (TzDI); Ts, Tz.

    1. Fish-hook; 2. Meditation (which lets downhook in to the sea of subliminal conscousness3. Natural Intelligence, whereby the natureeverything found in the orb of the Sun is copleted and perfected. (Man is the highest of crated beings on earth, summing up the evolutioof all other modes of expression of the LiPower, and throJgh meditation man comes inharmony with t h b intelligence of nature, is thcompleted and trerfected, and in this way copletes and perfects the nature of all things);Aquarius, the Water-bearer, ruled by Saturn;Legs, from knees to ankles; 6. Violet, an equblending of the rays of Mern and Shin (A-sharp

    P - Qoph (QVP); Q.

    L "Back of head", or "knot" (location of tmedulla oblongata, which 'forms a knot on tspinal cord near I the nape of the neck. It coI .trois many functions which make it directly rsponsible for thel maintenance of bodily life; anthese functions, Jaw instinctive, were once wille,so that many are our inheritance from the agof animal evolution); 2. Sleep (during which thbody is repaired 'and the medulla keeps the neessary vital functions going; while in these peods of bodily. rebuilding are brought about thosubtle changes of cell-structure which constituthe physical expression of the "ripening" alread

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    THE LIFE-POWEReferred to in these pages); 3. Corporeal Intelli-

    it informs, (this is an obsolescent usage ofhe verb "inform" meaning "to enter into forms") every body which is incorporated under allrbs and is the growth thereof. Compare thisast phrase with what is said in section 2 of thisaragraph): 4. Pices, the Fishes, ruled by Jupiter,nd the exaltation of Venus; 5. The feet, gov~rned by Pisces, and thus, in the symbolic sense,ll instrumentalities of progress, the means ofollowing the path of evolution; 6. Violet-red (B),mixture of the rays of Mem and Shin, with thed predominating.Get yourself a few horoscope blanks, such as

    re used for casting nativities. Or divide a circlento twelve equal segments. Write the data givenn the twelve preceding paragraphs in these seg~ents, and you will have a valuable diagram ofhe meanings of the simple letters. You willotice that the segments opposite each other al-ays show complementary colors, as Lamed, gre'en,s opposite to Heh, red; Zayin, orange, is oppo~ite to Samekh, blue. and so on. If you knownything about astrology, the study of the coloralues of the various aspects will bring out someteresting details.

    To the three fiery signs, Aries, Leo andagittarius are assigned the three primary colors,ed, Yellow and Blue. The three earthy signs,aurus, Virgo and Capricorn, each show a blend-ng of two primary colors, with a predominace ofhe lower vibration in each instance. The threeiry signs, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, show thequal blending of two rays, even as their astro-ogical symbols (II The Twins, the Scales, andhe Waterbearer) are pictures of balanced force.he three watery signs, Cancer, Scorpio and Pi-ees, show a blending of two primary colors, withhe higher rate of vibration predominant. Allhese details are significant, and should be thor-ughly fixed in mind.

    Note also the colors of the planets rulinand exalted in each sign. Aries is ruled by Maand the Sun is exalted there, so that this sigitself Red, is the vehicle of the influence of tRed and the Orange rays. Directly opposed tois Libra, whose rluler, Venus, has the Green racomplementary i o the Red of Mars, while tBlue-Violet of Saturn, exalted in Libra, is cornplmentary to the mingled rays of Mars and the Sin Aries. The Green of Venus, ruling Taurus, hits complement in the red of Mars, ruling Scopio. The yellow of Mercury, ruling Gemini, hits complement in the Jupiterian Violet of Sagtarius.

    The mingled influences of the planets ring and exalted in Cancer produce a Blue-Violwith Blue predominating (since it is the colo:the ruler of the sign). Opposed to it, in Capcorn, is a mingled influence, also combining tfundamental rays of Red and Blue but with Rpredominating, since the Red ray of Mars cobines with the Red in the Blue Violet of SaturThe ruler of Leol is the Sun, with an Orange rato which the Blue-Violet of Saturn, ruling topposite sign, is not the true complement, bthe colors of the Sun and its sign, Orange aYellow, blend in'to Yellow-Orange which is tcomplementary of Saturn and Aquarius. Finalthe yellow of Mercury, ruling Virgo, is exacbalanced by the violet of Jupiter, ruling Pisces

    To read all these details may sound cofusing, but if you will make the diagram I hamentioned, you can follow what I have just givyou more easily.

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    Bear always in mind the fact that you arenot learning these thing just for the sake ofacquiring curious information. Nor is our objectprimarily the formulation of a philosophical sys-tem. As these seed-thoughts germinate in yourconsciousness, they will, to be sure, unfold a phi-losophy, but that is not all. The ultimate goalis application, use, conscious expression ofthe laws of life and light in your every-daythoughts. words and deeds.

    All men are subjects of the Kingdom ofthe Spirit, for the laws of the Life-Power areimmutable, and cannot be broken. A few, inevery generation. are free citizens of the King-dom, who have won the right to that designation,because they know and are able to demonstratethat the Law itself proceeds from THAT which isidentical with the real, most innermost self ofevery human being.

    Not because they accept a creed, not be-cause they believe a dogma, not because theyhave absorbed a mass of facts from books andteachers, are they granted citizenship. Only be-cause they know, and can demonstrate, that aman who has ripened into a true likeness of theONE Source of all things, is truly the depositoryof the power of God.

    To know these laws of light-vibration, andtheir tonal and astrological correspondenses, is topossess means for strengthening those phases ocharacter and temperament, which need buildingup, and a means for toning down 'anything unduly emphasized in your horoscope. One skilledin applying these laws can minimize the so-called"evil" influence of adverse planetary aspects, andstrenghten the good influence of beneficial aspects. Let me caution you, however, againsexperiments of this kind at this stage of youstudies. In due course you will be taught jushow to use these vibratory forces. Your presentask is, so to say, to learn your notes.

    In conclusion, let me remind you againthat the three" primary rays, represented by themother-letters, the seven planetary rays, and thtwelve rays corresponding to the signs of thZodiac, are really the sum total of all thingsvisible and invisible. Vibration is the substance oall things, from "a grain of dust to a chain oworlds.

    Everything has its note. The pitch of thanote may be so low that we" cannot hear it, otoo high for our ears to catch; but there is nobreak anywhere in nature and everything thaexists has a fundamental viration which can braised, octave by octave, until it corresponds tsome note of the scale you have been given ithese lessons.

    Therefore is my title justified by the texfor in these scales of color and sound 'are thkeys to every possible form of manifestation, eveas the Sepher Yetzirah teacher; "The twenty-twletters which form the stamina, after having beenappointed and established by God, Be combinedweighed and changed them, and formed by themall things which larein existence, and all thoswhich will be forrtted in all time to come." (ChapteII. Sect. 2. Kalishch's Translation.)

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