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Life Style Disorders

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Dr.Sajitha.K Professor, Dept of Swasthavritta, Sri Sri College of Ayurvedic Sciences and Research,Bangalore
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Dr.Sajitha.K Professor, Dept of Swasthavritta,

Sri Sri College of Ayurvedic Sciences and Research,Bangalore

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What is life style?

The word "lifestyle" was first used in 1939 by Alvin Toffler It ‘includes patterns of social relations,

entertainment, and often dress code’ A lifestyle ‘reflects an individual's attitude,

values or outlook towards life’

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The term life style is a diffused concept often used to denote ‘the way people live’

Lifestyles are ‘learnt through social interaction with parents, peer groups, friends and siblings, school and media’

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Today’s life style has become 'materialistic’ It should be ‘well coordinated with rational

thinking and practical outlook’ for avoidance of ill effects

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A person’s habits, behaviors and practices largely determine if a person develops lifestyle diseases

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habits, practices or behaviors

which can be changed we can control them

smoking, eating habits, exercise, duration of


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factors we cannot change

There are 4 ??

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Uncontrollable factors Age




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Top 10 lifestyle diseases (WHO) Alzheimer's Disease Arteriosclerosis Cancer Chronic Liver Disease/Cirrhosis Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Diabetes Heart Disease Nephritis/CRF Stroke Obesity

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Ayurvedic approach ?

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urÉÉÍkÉ pÉãS 1. lÉæ̹Mü urÉÉÍkÉ- iÉ×whÉÉ qÉÔsÉ ÌlÉSlÉ –Taking birth as a living organism is itself a disease, for that ‘Trushna’ (Wants, greediness, Luster…) is the main cause. And for that ‘Nista’ i.e., ‘Trushna heena sthiti’ is the chikithsa, so that no rebirth and acquire permanent oneness in God 2. sÉÉæÌMüMü urÉÉÍkÉ All diseases that come after birth in this world to both body and mind like jwara, Raktapitt, Unmada…….etc are considered as Loukika vyadhi

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urÉÉÍkÉ pÉãS........

sÉÉæÌMüMü urÉÍkÉ: 1. AɱÉÎiqÉMü urÉÉÍkÉ - Causes are with in human limitations 2. AÉÍkÉSæÌuÉMü urÉÉÍkÉ - Causes are due to Daiva 3. AÉÍkÉpÉÉæÍjÉMü urÉÉÍkÉ - Causes are external factors

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urÉÉÍkÉ pÉãS........

1. AɱÉÎiqÉMü urÉÉÍkÉ Causes are with in human limitations It includes following Sub classification as 1.AÉÌSoÉsÉ mÉëuÉ×¨É urÉÉÍkÉ - Hereditary disorders 2. eÉlqÉoÉsÉ mÉëuÉ×¨É urÉÉÍkÉ - Congenital disorders 3. SÉãwÉoÉsÉ mÉëuÉ×¨É urÉÉÍkÉ - Functional disorders

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urÉÉÍkÉ pÉãS........

AÉÍkÉSæÌuÉMü urÉÉÍkÉ - Causes are due to Daiva: It includes following Sub classification as MüÉsÉoÉsÉ mÉëuÉ×¨É urÉÉÍkÉ-Seasonal disorders SæuÉoÉsÉ mÉëuÉ×¨É urÉÉÍkÉ-Disorders due to Natural calamities xuÉpÉÉuÉ oÉsÉ mÉëuÉ×¨É urÉÉÍkÉ- Natural disorders eg: ¤ÉÑSÉ, ÌmÉmÉÉxÉ, ÌlÉSìÉ, qÉ×irÉÑ,

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Life जीवन,ं जी�वतं , प्राणः, प्राणप�रग्रह, जन्म, सत्ता

Style विृत्तः, र��तः

वॄत्त्युपायािन्नषवेेत ्ये स्युधर्मार्�वरो�धनः I शममध्ययनं चैव सुखमेव समश्नुते II च. सू ५/१०४

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Life expectancy and Health

Depends on §ÉrÉÉåmÉxiÉqpÉÉ cÉrÉÉï §ÉrÉÉ Å xÉÎSèuÉë¨É

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• Ahara (diet) • Nidra (sleep) • Brahmacharya (regulated sex)

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• आहार • �नद्रा • ब्रह्मचयार् • �दनचयार् • रा�त्रचयार् • ऋतुचयार् • सद्वतृ्त




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आहारकल्पनाहेतून ्स्वभवाद�न ्�वशषेतः I स�म�य �हतमश्नीयाद्देहो आहारसंभवः II कै.�न -�वहार वगर् When diet is wrong medicine is of no use,

When diet is correct, medicine is not needed


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उत्तरोत्तर बलवधर्न by आहार

घतृ मांस दगु्ध �पष्ट अन्न

( कै.�न -�वहारवगर् )

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Rules भोजनागे्र सदा पथ्यं लवणाद्रर्कभ�णम ्I अिग्नसंद�पनं रुच्य िजह्वा कण्ठ �वशोधनम ्II भा.प्र पूव� मधुरमिश्नयान्मध्येऽम्ल लवणौ रसो I पश्चाच्छेषान ्रसान ्वैद्यो भोजनेष्ववचारयेत ्II सु. सू ४६


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• भकु्त्वा राजवदासीत यावदन्नक्लमो गतः I ततः पादशतं गत्वा वामपाश्व� त ुसं�वशते ्II वामपा�वार्श्रयं �पत्तं �पत्तादिग्नः प्रजयते I कै.�न -�वहारवगर् पञ्चभतूात्मके देहे आहारः पाञ्चभौ�तकः I �वपक्वः पञ्चधाः सम्यग्गुणान ्स्वान�भवधर्येत ्II कै.�न -�वहारवगर् अन्नेन कु�ेद्र्वंशौ पानेनकंै प्रपूरयेत ्I आश्रयं पवनाद�नां चतथुर्मवशेषयेत ्II कै.�न -�वहारवगर्

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मात्रयाÅप्यभ्यवहॄत ंपथ्यं चान्नं न जीयर्�त I

�चन्ताशोकभयक्रोधदःुखशय्याप्रजागरैः II च. �व. २/९

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�नद्रायत्तं सुखं दःुखं पुिष्टः काश्य� बलाबलम ्I वषृता क्ल�बता �ानम�ानं जी�वतं न च II अ. हृ. सू-७/५३

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अ�नद्रा Keeping awake at night and such other वातकर �वहार perish the person just as a Lion after vanquishing an Elephant.

�दवा वा य�द रात्रौ सात्म्यीकृता तु यैः I न तेषां स्वपतां दोषो जाग्रतां वा�प जायते II कै.�न -�वहारवगर्


Ill effects of अ�नद्रा

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• कायस्य तजेः परमं �ह शुक्रमाहारसाराद�प सारभूतम ्I

िजतात्मना तत्प�रर�णीयं ततो वपुः संत�तरप्युदारा II

( कै.�न-�वहार वगर् )

• ब्रह्मचय� इिन्द्रयसंयमो वेदाध्ययनं वा डल्हण �टका सु. �च. २९/२८

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अब्रह्मचयार् or वैवा�हक ब्रह्मचयार्

मनःशार�रिस्थ�तमात्रमेव सेव्या व्यवायो न च तत्परः स्यात ्II

कै.�न-�वहार वगर् Monogamous relationship

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cÉrÉÉï §ÉrÉÉ ऋतु चयार् �दन चयार् रा�त्र चयार् यधो�दतम ्आचरन ्पुरुष स्वस्थो तथा �तस्त�त न अन्यथा

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Dietary Principles Consume warm and well cooked food Take unctuous food Food-intake in proper quantities Eat only when the previous food is digested!! Take food that does not have contradictory

properties to your constitution Take food in a good atmosphere/place Take food in relaxed condition, be seated Donot eat too slow or too fast Avoid talking or laughing during a meal Take food in prescribed manner (according to

constitution) Avoid unwholesome combinations

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Rules of Nidra (Sleep) Go to sleep in appropriate time Get up before sunrise Sleep about 6-7 hours, maximum of 8 hours Avoid daytime sleep except in summer

season Nap is permissible for Pitta and Vata


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Rules of Celibacy • Naishitiki Bamhacharya ? • The frequency of sexual act according to

various ritus should be incorporated • Sexual promiscuity destroys ‘Ojus’ • y

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Rules for daily and seasonal regimen • Follow the principle of Dharma (good

conduct) • Daily meditation is recommended • Physical exercise (Vata -light, Pitta -moderate,

Kapha -stronger), best daily or every alternate day

• Avoid alcohol (aggravates Pitta and is harmful in large quantities)

• Avoid smoking (aggravates Vata)

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• Protection of

• Karnapurana • Padabhyanga, Shiroabhyanga • Souviranjana and Rasanjana application • Gandusha, Dhoomapana • Pratimarsha nasya/ Prayogika


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त्यागः प्र�ापराधाना�मिन्द्रयोपशमः स्म�ृतः I देशकालात्म�व�ान ंसद्वतृ्तस्य्यानुवतर्नम ्II ( अ.हृ.स-ू४/३२)

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आद्रर्सन्तानता त्यागः कायवाक्चेतसां दमः I स्वाथर्बुिध्दः पराथ�षु पयार्प्त�म�त सद्वतृ्तम ्II अ. हृ.स-ू२/४६

नक्तं�दना�न मे यािन्त कथम्भतूस्य सम्प्र�त I दःुखभाङ्न भवत्येवं �नत्य ंसिन्न�हतस्म�ृतः II अ.हृ.स-ू२/४७

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Modification levels Aharaniyama Nidra Brahmacharya Dinacharya (Daily regimen) Ritucharya (Seasonal regimen) Vyayama (Exercises) Sadvritta (Good conduct / social behaviour)

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10 golden rules for life style modification

Accept the faults and mistakes Learn to be calm & have peaceful mind. It

helps to control emotions, thoughts and actions

Have a positive out look in style of communication, social relations, clothing, exercise and hobbies etc..

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Organize the work Plan it properly for the whole year,

considering seasonal changes, festivals, holidays and family functions among relatives Derive pleasure and comfort in all activities

music, pleasant fragrance, scents help you to make your moods, temperament and behavior suitable for the environment

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Assess diet in terms of quality and quantity Avoid processed and fast foods. Eat with

pleasant and relaxed mind. A short prayer or a thankful remembrance of the almighty before taking food is always better to cultivate a devotional attitude

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Honesty, mutual trust, loyalty, respect for the elders, affectionate and friendly approach for all

wishing and greeting others on various occasions would improve your interpersonal relationship with others and would bring you more happiness and contentment

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Half an hour morning walk would improve the stamina and would keep one in cheerful and fresh through out the day. It also regulate the level of cholesterol in the blood

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Cultivate the habit of rational thinking (pros and cons before arriving at the

conclusion of the decisions) Compassion and forgiveness would empower

our healing power

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Enjoy the humor and comedy Laughter is the best medicine as it

relaxes quickly and makes us sportive for any kind of situation. It also supports the healing process

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सदातुर स्रो�त्रय राज सेवका तदेवा वेश्या सहा पन्या जी�व�भ://


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Prevention of Life style Diseases at various levels

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Primordial prevention Discouraging Harmful life style

Find out the high risk and target group

population Advocate adoptation of the real principles of

life style modification by following sadvrittapalana, annapana vidhi, prajnaparadha thyagam, indriyopashama,smrithi,desha kala atma vijnanam

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Primary prevention Action taken prior to the manifestation

• Avoid ‘Vega dharana’ and ‘Udeerana’ • Do ‘Ritu anusara shodhana’ • Adopt the principles of ‘Pathya ahara and Vihara’ • Adopt ‘Dinacharya’, ‘Ritu charya’, ‘Ratricharya’ ..

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Secondary prevention Halts the progress of the disease at its early stage

कृत्वा शीतोष्ण व्रुिष्टनाम ्प्र�त कारम ्यथा यथम/्

प्रयोजयेत ्�क्रया प्राप्तम ्�क्रया कालम ्न हापयेत ्//

त्याग: प्रज्नापराधानाम…्…..

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Tertiary prevention To reduce/ limit the impairment and

to help the system to come back to normalcy Therapeutic nutrition Rehabilitation at psychological, Vocational, and Medical components

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To Prevent and Manage the ‘Life Style

Disorders’ adaptation of principles ‘Swasthavritta palana’ is an ideal option.. Stay away from ‘Prajnaparadha’

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Thank you
