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{LIKE} kick off PPT

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517619-LLP-1-2011-1-GR-GRUNDTVIG-GMP 13-14 December 2011| Athens – Greece Dimitris Raftopoulos Strategic Leadership Unit
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13-14 December 2011| Athens – Greece

Dimitris RaftopoulosStrategic Leadership Unit

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Day 1 - Presentation Outline2

Presentation of partners and their activity Presentation of the Project

Concept of the Project: Background, Aims and Objectives Project Management Administrative Rules, Reporting, Filling System

Financial Management Projects’ Action Plan

Implementation Methodology, Presentation of the Work Packages, Projects’ activities and deadlines, Analysis of Activities per Work Package and PP

Lunch Presentation of the Project (cont.) Dinner

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Presentation of PPs and their activity

3L Research Institute, Greece

University of Strathclyde, UK

Folkuniversitetet, Sweden

University of Social Sciences, Poland

Documenta, Spain


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Aim of GRUNDTVIG Multilateral projects Achieving concrete and innovative results/products with

indisputable European value. In many cases, this will involvepiloting experiences in strategic areas and producingteaching products of high quality (strengthen the Europeandimension in the field of adult learning)


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Lisbon Strategy stated that Europe should “become the most competitive anddynamic knowledge-based economy in the world, capable of sustainableeconomic growth with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion”

The inclusion of the ageing workforce which is an important priority of the European social agenda

Directive 2000/78/EC, which aims at combating discrimination on the grounds of age as regards employment and occupation

Many enterprises, particularly in a time of economic crisis, adopt strategies whichadversely affect older workers, through, for example, early retirement orredundancy programmes

Concretely the challenge consists in making the workplace more suitable for theageing workforce who owns the knowledge and offer them well adapted jobs oractions and training to take advantage of their skills, while putting in placecapitalisation processes and train new comers


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Presentation of the Project



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Main Objective

Study how innovative management approaches,based on ICT, can generate concepts to answer theurgent European situation made out of lowemployment of older workers, shortage of criticalskills and decline of birth rate


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Improve existing age management methods

Introduce new organizational business concepts for the improvement of the employability of the aged workforce within the operational framework of the enterprise

Develop all the necessary tools in order to minimise the impact of age barriers and age discriminatory approaches in job recruitment and training with the development of new business concepts

Identify the most appropriate fields of employment for the aged workforce in order to promote the employability of the aged workforce

Promote the activation and better use of the capacities of aged personnel

Identify new business-oriented qualifications for the aged personnel in order to improve their skills and capacities

Elaborate a Strategy Plan in order to meet future demographic needs

Explore existing practices being used to encourage older worker participation in lifelong learning

Develop innovative ways of encouraging older adult participation and understanding of VET/CVET

Create training programmes that encourages older worker participation and breaks down barriers to learning

Create training programmes for age management concept

Work closely with employers across a range of industry sectors to educate and inform them on age management concept and vocational training for older workers


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Project Management10

Administrative Rules Project Handbook (included in the Booklet) Project and Financial Officers Meeting in Brussels for the Coordinators (19-20/01/2012)

Reporting system Two part process for claiming: Completion of Financial

Claim and Progress Report Quality assurance – will help with providing data for

Interim/Final reports

Filling System

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Financial Management & Reporting

Bilateral agreements sent out – first payment on return of signed copy

*** Project must have demonstrated spend >70% of initial 40% pre-financing to trigger further grant payment ***

Every 6 Month Financial & Progress Report Financial Tool Connected through ICT Excel Files


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Impact 1/2

During the project the following group categories, in each of the participating countries, will be targeted:

Aged workers and aged unemployed (over the age of 50) Employers, SMEs National agencies involved in (VET/CVET) Employment services Social partners Policy makers at a local, regional, national and European level Training providers, Educational institutions and Lifelong Learning Institutes

Aged workers, aged unemployed and employers will be involved in theproject directly by participating in training programmes

The training will be organized in pilot applications, in all participating areas The results will be used for improvement of the methodology and preparing

exploitation path A conference will be organised to introduce to enterprises concepts on age

management, training personnel and business organisation


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Impact 2/213

Five (5) workshops will be held about the benefits of agemanagement concepts addressing to employees, customers, suppliers

Organisation of five study tours aiming at sensitising entrepreneursand introducing them to good applied practices, but also atidentifying and exchanging good practices between partners

A dissemination conference and awareness-raising seminars will beorganised as well in each country to reached

The overall promotion of the project will contribute to reach andinform relevant agencies, policy-makers, education and trainingproviders and any other relevant stakeholder

The success of the involvement of the above mentioned target groupswill be assessed by evaluating the participation rate of each groupcategory in the organised event and the dissemination rate of allproject outputs and results

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Projects’ Action Plan

Implementation Methodology – PMI Project Life Cycle WP1 - Project Management | Lead: 3LRI WP2 - Defining Ageing and Employment Trends in EU |

Lead: Academy of Management WP3 - Developing Business Concepts for Age Management

& Investment in the HR sector | Lead: UoS WP4 - Pilot Projects | Lead: FU-Uppsala WP5 - Quality Assurance | Lead: 3LRI WP6 - Awareness raising activities | Lead: Documenta WP7 - Dissemination of Results | Lead: 3LRI WP8 - Mainstreaming and results exploitation | Lead: 3LRI


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Work Packages Analysis WP.1-2

Work Package / DeliverablesType

Number Title

WP1 Project Management

1.1 Consortium Agreement Other

1.2 Web-based system Service/Product

1.3 Project Partners Meetings Event

1.4 Progress Reports Report

WP2 Defining Ageing and Employment Trends in EU

2.1 Analysing the demographic trends Report

2.2 Analysis of the aged workforce employability Report

2.3 Survey on the aged employed / unemployed workforce Report

2.4 Strategy plan to meet future demographic needs Report

2.5 Exchange information and know-how Report


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Activity 1.1: Consortium Agreement The Consortium Agreement will contain at least the

following: rules defining decision-making process at project level obligations of the LP towards the partners and the Programme obligations of the partners towards the LP and the Programme principles for conflict resolutions rules for protecting Intellectual Property Rights schedule of reporting (technical & financial)


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Activity 1.2: Web-based system The Web based system will be used to manage information flow, which

will be implemented on the LP’s server and accessible for all partners’team, with specific personnel accounts. This collaborative web tool willhelp partners working in common and will be used for projectmanagement, for implementation of activities, researches, reports, etc.

Through this tool, partners will share working documents, drafts, ideas,methodologies and comments useful for the writing of reports, theorganisation of events, and the implementation of all project activities

This will help as well in project management, in order to define dates formeetings or web-conferences, for reminding deadlines and obligationsto partners, for exchanging comments on progress reports, for givingadvices to partners on project implementation and programme rules


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Activity 1.3: PPs’ meetings In sum, 6 meetings will take place, kick-off and closing meetings will be

organised by the LP, the other meetings will be hosted each time by a different partner:

Month 2, kick-off meeting

Month 9, next Meeting M9 (June 2012) – Sweden – 27th – 30th Travelling 28th – 29th

Month 15, 3rd meeting December

Month 21, 4th meeting May 2013 Poland

Month 27, 5th meeting December

Month 34, Closing meeting (in Brussels)


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Activity 1.4: Progress Reports Each partner will have to deliver to the Lead Partner progress reports

on activities and finances every six months (6 reports in total) in order toensure a qualitative and smooth project implementation, in time and tobudget and to be pro-active in case of problems arising or delays inimplementation or budget spending.

These reports will give detailed information of the activitiesimplemented within each Work Package, the objectives achieved, thetargets and indicators reached, for each semester, according to theApplication Form and the project timetable. Furthermore, the reports willcontain information on financial activities and budget reporting by workpackage and budget line.


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Activity 2.1: Analysing the demographic trends Will attempt to analyze the demographic trends regarding ageing workforce at European

level. Using the statistics provided by Eurostat and other sources of data, the report will revealthe situation as it is currently in EU and it will evaluate the impact those trends will have indifferent economic sectors. The specific report will be used as a basis for the furtherimplementation of the project.

Duration: M2-M3, 2 months

Budget: 3.888,00€

Activity 2.2 : Analysis of the aged workforce employability Analysis of the employability of the aged workforce in correlation to specific social

characteristics, such as religion and origin. Through that analysis, the report will demonstrate thedifferences existing due to social characteristics and how those are affecting performance andperception of work issues both in terms of employee as well as employer.

Duration: Μ4-Μ5, 2 months

Budget: 7.797,00€

The 40 pages reports will be available in English


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Activity 2.3: Survey on the aged employed / unemployed workforce It will be a survey, for the aged employed and unemployed workforce, mainly concerning the

analysis of attitudes, the arisen difficulties, and their awareness on age discrimination issues. Themain issue deriving from the specific report will be how we should examine the above issues inorder to define strong points of aged personnel and how they can be used as an asset withintheir companies.

Duration: M7, 1 month Budget: 6.944,00€

Activity 2.4: Strategy plan to meet future demographic needs The current strategy plan will be examined and worked in combination with the analysis of

demographic trends, in order to see how companies could meet the future demographic. Thefocal point will be how to increase the positive aspects of ageing workforce, while decreasingthe negative ones. That plan will define the steps needed to be followed and will be used as thebasis on which the workshops will be conducted as well as the pilot actions. The analyticalcontent of the report will be decided by the Consortium, setting up the methodology forconducting the research as well as quantitative and qualitative standards.

Duration: M9, 1 month Budget: 7.480,00€ The 40 pages report will be available in English


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Activity 2.5: Exchange information and know-how The report will support the exchange of information and Know-How on

building upon innovative processes in the sector of age managementtowards developing and testing alternative working conditions inenterprises. This will be based on the findings of the reports alreadyconducted in the specific work package.

Duration: M10, 1 month Budget: 4.985,00€


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Work Packages Analysis WP.3-4

WP3Developing Business Concepts for Age Management & Investment in the HR sector

3.1 Designing model for enterprises on age management Report3.2 Guide for management optimisation performance Report3.3 Development of measurable performance indicators Report3.4 Analysis of older workforce work traits Report3.5 Employment opportunities for older workers Report

WP4 Pilot Projects

4.1 Developing training modules for skills upgrading Demonstrator / Prototype

4.2 Training seminars for the employers aged 50+ Demonstrator / Prototype

4.3 Evaluation of the age management concept Demonstrator / Prototype

4.4 Evaluation of the training seminars for the employers aged 50+ Report

4.5 Consultation of the unemployed Demonstrator / Prototype

4.6 Training seminar for the unemployed aged 50+ Demonstrator / Prototype

4.7 Evaluation of the training seminars for the unemployed aged 50+



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Activity 3.1: Designing model for enterprises on age management Focus on the development of innovative business concepts related to age management processes.

To this end, a study will be conducted to design a model for enterprises on introducing agemanagement concepts, flexible working arrangements and succession management, using thefinding of the report already elaborated in WP2.

Duration: M15, 1 month Budget: 13.627,00€ The 40 pages report will be firstly available in English and in electronic version and then

translated in Greek, Spanish, Polish and Swedish

Activity 3.2: Guide for management optimisation performance The above guide will cross examine the management systems currently deployed in the

companies of the EU with those suggested in the first action of WP3 and will lead to thedevelopment of a methodological guide which will point what actions need to be taken in orderto optimize the performance of management systems used in the EU market.

Duration: M17, 1 month Budget: 2.674,00€ The 40 pages report will be available in English


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Activity 3.3: Development of measurable performance indicators In order to examine the effectiveness of the proposed systems, a guide will be elaborated

stating the measurable performance indicators that are needed in order to estimate theeffectiveness of the management concepts. This will offer the opportunity for perfectivemaintenance actions as well as identification of further needed actions that need to be taken.

Duration: M19, 1 month Budget: 7.797,00€ The 40 pages report will be available in English

Activity 3.4: Analysis of older workforce work traits An analysis of the work traits of the aged workforce (strengths and weaknesses) will be

conducted in order to identify the EU labour market employment opportunities for the agedworkforce. The SWOT analysis will be conducted under the perspective of the “new skills fornew jobs report”, thus the findings of it will point the set of questions needed to be asked so tostart transforming older workers to become more productive again for their companies/organizations.

Duration: Μ20, 1 month Budget: 7.785,00€ The 40 pages report will be available in English and then translated in Greek, Spanish, Polish

and Swedish


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Activity 3.5: Employment opportunities for older workers Employment opportunities will be the results of the previous report and will be examined

in relation to the EQF system along with the national qualifications systems. The aim of thereport is to examine how to adapt the approach of potential employment opportunitiesfor aged personnel to the local labour market. The report will examine how the differentlevels of the professional framework systems can become the starting point for changingthe perception towards aged personnel and their skills. It will also demonstrate therequired actions in terms of training issues for older workers.

Duration: Μ22, 1 month

Budget: 6.944,00€

The 40 pages report will be available in English


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Activity 4.1: Developing training modules for skills upgrading Those aim at applying and adapting the concept on HR development for improving employability of aged

personnel within the specific business practices. The training model will be based on the findings of the project,the “new skills for new jobs reports” and the adults learning concepts of Life Long Learning. P3 will beresponsible for creating the training material, with the support and contribution of all partners.

Duration: M26, 1 month

Budget: 11.436,00€ The training material will be available in English and then translated in Greek, Spanish, Polish and Swedish

Activity 4.2: Training seminars for the employers aged 50+ Will explain how the training material was prepared and the benefits of it, along with its use within a company,

in order to become more attractive and viable. The employers aged 50+ will be targeted by the partnersthrough the general promotion of the project and directly by communicating with enterprises, chambers ofcommerce and network of enterprises through emails and phone calls in order to catch a minimum of 20participants per seminar.

These seminars will last one day and will be organised by each partner in each participating country, adaptingthe training modules to their language, their specific working conditions, market needs and specific enterprisesattending the seminars.

Duration: M27, 1 month

Budget: 25.118,00€


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Activity 4.3: Evaluation of the age management concept After the full model has been applied on 2 companies in Poland, an evaluation will be conducted in

order to find the strong as well as the weak points of the proposed strategy. The evaluation will recordhow the model has been tested, how it has been perceived and accepted both by employers andemployees, and will lead to include the necessary changes in it, and therefore to the creation of asuccessful management concept for aged workforce, applicable in all EU member states.

Duration: M28, 1 month

Budget: (included in 4.2)

The 20 pages report will be available in Polish and in English

Activity 4.4: Evaluation of the training seminars for the employers aged 50+ It will examine the effectiveness of the seminars, the negative issues of them and finally the reasons of

success and failure. The Lead Partner of this Work Package will use each partner’s evaluation to drafta common document summarising all findings and proposing one common approach.

Duration: M29, 1 month

Budget: (included in 4.1, 4.2)

The 10 pages evaluations will be available in each partner’s language with a summary in English andin electronic version, downloadable from the project website for a larger diffusion and use. The commonevaluation will be available in English.


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Activity 4.5: Consultation of the unemployed Five different consultations, one in each participating country, which will focus on the unemployed of 50+. The

participants will discuss on the issues their unemployment creates, how they could gain skills in order to becomeasset again and will try to explain how they should adopt to the changing needs of the labour market. Finally,it will explain to them the benefits of 50+ personnel in terms of skills and in terms of the benefits for thecompany.

Catch a minimum of 20 participants per consultation. Duration: M29, 1 month Budget: (included in 4.1, 4.2)

Activity 4.6: Training seminar for the unemployed aged 50+ Training seminars will be organized focusing on the unemployed 50+, which will use the findings of the previous

consultations. It will address the issues discussed in the consultations, and will suggest strategies for becomingagain competitive for their organizations. More in detail it will provide the participants with guidance ongaining the new skills needed, as well the skills themselves, when and where it is possible.

Catch a minimum of 20 participants per seminar. Duration: M30, 1 month Budget: 1.500,00 € (included in 4.1, 4.2)

Will last half a day and will be organised by each partner in each participating country, directly into the premisesof employment services, adapting the content to their language, their specific working conditions, labour marketneeds and specificities of the attendants.


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Activity 4.7: Evaluation of the training seminars for the unemployed aged 50+ It will examine if the target group has been benefited from them, if the new knowledge

had made them more competitive, problems they had faced during the implementation ofthe strategy and finally the gains of them from such knowledge. The Lead Partner of thisWork Package will use each partner’s evaluation to draft a common documentsummarising all findings and proposing one common approach. Duration:

The 10 pages evaluations will be available in each partner’s language with a summary in English. The common evaluation will be available in English. Duration: M31, 1 month Budget: (included in 4.1, 4.2)


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Work Packages Analysis WP.5-6

WP5 Quality Assurance

5.1 Methodological Guide for WP “Defining Ageing and Employment Trends in EU”


5.2 Methodological Guide for WP “Developing Business Concepts for Age Management & Investment in the HR sector”


5.3 Methodological Guide for Pilot Projects implementation Report

5.4 Methodological Guide for Awareness raising, Dissemination and Exploitation of results activities


5.5 Evaluation of the results of the project Report

WP6 Awareness raising activities

6.1 Workshops for the age management concept benefits Event

6.2 Sensitising entrepreneurs Event

6.3 Seminars addressing HR managers Event

6.4 Sensitising the aged workforce Event


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WP.5-Act.5.1 - 5.5

Activity 5.1: Methodological Guide for WP “Defining Ageing and Employment Trends in EU”

Activity 5.2: Methodological Guide for WP “Developing Business Concepts for Age Management & Investment in the HR sector”

Activity 5.3: Methodological Guide for Pilot Projects implementation

Activity 5.4: Methodological Guide for Awareness raising, Dissemination and Exploitation of results activities

Activity 5.5: Evaluation of the results of the project

A methodological guide will be created that will have examine all factors that are crucial for thesuccessful organization and implementation of each WP. It will analyze each step and each activityand will provide guidance not only for the project partners but for anyone that would like to use thedeliverables. It will be created on high quality standards and by following them, PPs will assure theexpected quality in their deliverables and activities.

The guide will define the methodology to be used for each deliverable and the overall “philosophy” ofthe WP and will define the exact role of each partner for the smooth implementation of the workpackage. Milestones and detailed timetable will be also included in the guide.

The 20 pages guide, after being validated by the Steering Committee, will be available in English and in electronic version

Duration: M2-M36, 35 months

Budget: 29.723,00€


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Activity 6.1: Awareness raising activities The five workshops (one per country) will involve local public and private actors,

enterprises employees, customers, suppliers, employers and the community and will discussas well as examine the benefits enterprises could have from the proposed strategies. It willreveal the strengths of aged work force and at the same time will demonstrate howenterprises can be prepared to face the “demographic bomb issue”. Invited speakers,expert on their fields, will elaborate on Age management concepts.

The target groups will be targeted by the partners through the general promotion of theproject and directly by communicating with national and local stakeholders, throughmeetings, emails and phone calls in order to catch a minimum of 20 participants perworkshop.

These workshops will last half a day and will be organised by each partner in eachparticipating country, adapting the content to their language, their specific workingconditions, labour market needs and specificities of the attendants.

Duration: M10-M12, 3 months

Budget: 29.706,00€


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Activity 6.2: Sensitising entrepreneurs Project partners will visit each other’s area and will visit businesses that operate with aged work force and have

successful results, for exchanging experience. PPs will discuss with the personnel and owners, gaining valuable experienceand know–how that they could bring back to their organizations as well as countries. Local business people will be partas well of the study tours.

These study tours (5 in total, one per country), will last one day and will take place together with the project meetings, inorder to save time and money from travelling.

Duration: M2, M9, M15, M21, M27, 5 months

Budget: 2.500,00€ (included in 6.1)

Activity 6.3: Seminars addressing HR managers There will be organized 5 seminars, one in each different participating country, addressing to Human Resources

Managers for implementing decisions on staff recruitment, retention and redundancy in view of the formulated AgeManagement Concepts. The proposed issues will be deriving from the reports already elaborated in the context of theproject.

Catch a minimum of 20 participants per seminar.

These seminars will last half a day and will be organised by each partner in each participating country, adapting thecontent to their language, their specific labour market needs and conditions and specificities of the attendants.

Duration: M18-M22, 5 months

Budget: 1.700,00€ (included in 6.1)

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Activity 6.4: Sensitising the aged workforce In parallel with the seminars organized focusing in HR managers, another 5 will be

organized, addressing to aged workforce and Unemployed aged 50+, with special focus on sensitive social groups. It will explain the strengths they have as well as the skills that they need to gain, in order to remain competitive in the labour market they operate and even in the EU market.

Catch a minimum of 20 participants per seminar

These seminars will last half a day and will be organised by each partner in eachparticipating country, adapting the content to their language, their specific labour marketneeds and conditions and specificities of the attendants.

Duration: M18-M22, 5 months

Budget: 1.700,00 € (included in 6.1)

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Work Packages Analysis WP.7-8

WP7 Dissemination of Results

7.1 Developing a website Service/Product

7.2 Publicity campaign – Information and sensitisation brochures Other

7.3 Publicity campaign – Dissemination of events Other

7.4 Publicity campaign – Electronic Newsletters Other

7.5 Press campaign Other

7.6 Dissemination conference Event

WP8 Mainstreaming and results exploitation

8.1 Mainstreaming and results exploitation action plan Report

8.2 Developing a business manual Report

8.3 Policies assessment Report


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Activity 7.1: Developing a website The website will give information on the project aims and objectives, the Programme LLL

and Grundtvig, all events organised by the project or by the partners and relevant to theproject theme, all project deliverables and other relevant documentation or research,contact details of partners, general information on the project themes both for enterprisesand the aged workforce. Finally, it will have the communication and working infrastructure(collaboration tools) as well as discussions forums to be used by the local societies.

The website will be available firstly in English, with translations in each partners’ languageand will be continuously updating with new feeds by all partners. The website will bemaintained by the Lead Partner for at least three years after the project end.

Duration: M3, 1 month

Budget: 29.501,00€

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Act.7.1: “website structure”38

Structure Home Project overview

Rationale EU added value Project objectives Deliverables Expected results & outcomes Project Meetings Project Calendar

Media library Project Partners Documentation Center + Forum Online Questionnaire + Sitemap

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Activity 7.2: Publicity campaign – Information and Sensitisation brochuresFour brochures of 4pages will be produced, in the following languages: EN, ES, EL, SE, PL

one presenting the project one sensitising the aged workforce one sensitizing enterprises and one presenting the project results The Lead Partner of the Work Package will create a common layout (with the approbation of all

partners), including a project logo, to be used in all brochures and overall material, and acommon text, but each partner will adapt the text to local conditions, needs and specificities

Each brochure (A5) will be printed in 1000 items per country Duration: M3, M7, M33, 3 months Budget: 11.300,00€

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Activity 7.3: Publicity campaign – Dissemination of events For each event organised (workshops, seminars, conference), each partner will produce and diffuse flyers and posters to

disseminate the event in order to ensure the largest possible participation.

This means that 6 different flyers and 6 different posters will be produced in each language. Each flyer (A5) will beprinted in 200 items, each poster (A3) in 20 items.

The Lead Partner of the Work Package will create a common layout (with the approbation of all partners), to be used infor flyers and posters, and a common text, but each partner will adapt the text to local conditions, needs andspecificities.

This dissemination will be done in an electronic way as well.

Duration: M9, M17, M26, M28-29, 5 months

Budget: 1.900,00€ (included in 7.1)

Activity 7.4: Publicity campaign – Electronic Newsletters 6 newsletters on the employability of the aged workforce and presenting the project evolution and outputs during the

project lifetime will be sent electronically, which will be used to promote the main Project initiatives, to inform theoperators of interested sectors on the project implementation, the activity phases still in progress, the possibilities andmodalities of participation, to sensitize the population towards the thematic at the focus of the debate, to spread theresults obtained by the Project.

The Lead Partner will have the overall coordination of the activity, but all partners will participate in the drafting of thenewsletter and in its dissemination to all relevant EU, national, regional and local actors, not only within the 5participating countries but also in other European countries, to ensure the largest possible dissemination.

Duration: M3, M9, M15, M21, M27, M33, 6 months

Budget: (included in 7.1)

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Activity 7.5: Press campaign The project will be presented to local actors and local press by each partner during a

press-conference presenting the project and addressing specific issues relevant to theproject theme and the local conditions. Each partner will decide on when organising thepress-conference, in order to choose the most appropriate moment for a more effectiveand positive event (e.g. before an important event).

During the press-conferences, folders will be distributed to the journalists with informationabout the project, the programme, the transnational actions and the local actions andadded value of the project.

Regional press-releases will inform target groups about the project and the organisedevents and will be issued after the press-conference and more often if possible.

Project partners will launch a press and radio campaign trying to sensitise as many actorsand target groups as possible.

Duration: M1-M36, 36 months Budget: 250,00 € (included in 7.1)

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Activity 7.6: Dissemination Conference A dissemination conference of the project will be organized in Brussels to present the project results and

disseminate all project products and outputs and to open the ground to new collaborations and partnershipsfor the continuity of the project activities. This conference will have as general objectives:

To assure the largest information and raising awareness for the project by EU actors; To inform the public opinion on the role developed by local institutions, European Union and Project partners

in the realization of the Project; To inform about the project’s outputs and results, the impact of the Project’s interventions, the findings of it. To communicate about age management concept, training of the aged workers and business organization

issues The target groups (EU stakeholders, representatives of regions, lobbies, think tanks, representatives of

enterprises, unions of enterprises, unions of employees, policy makers, social partners, training andeducation providers and agencies…) will be targeted by the partners through the promotion of the projectand through direct communication via the events organised, meetings, emails and phone calls in order tocatch a minimum of 80 participants.

The conference will last half a day and will be organised by P1 in Brussels, for acceding EU decision-makersand for ensuring an easy access to attendants from all over Europe. Each partner will participate in it andbring about 10 national and local stakeholders in order to ensure transnationality to the event.

Duration: M33, 1 month Budget: 37.800,00€

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Activity 8.1: Mainstreaming and results exploitation action plan This action is one of the most important actions since the choice of adequate promotional

channels is of fundamental importance for the success of the whole project and its afterlife.The specific report will be divided in two parts, one stating the action plan needed to befollowed for mainstreaming the results of the project and another plan with the necessaryactions for the project to be exploited after its end by PPs local and national societies. Theanalytical content of the report will be decided by the Consortium, setting up the methodologyfor conducting the research as well as quantitative and qualitative standards.

The Lead Partner will coordinate this action, with the active participation of all partners fromthe choice of the content to the draft of each part.

The 40 pages report, after being validated by the Steering Committee, will be available inEnglish and in electronic version, firstly sent to all partners for direct use, but alsodownloadable from the project website for a larger diffusion and use. The existence of thismaterial will be largely diffused by all partners to their professional networks as well as tonational and EU stakeholders. Duration: M27, 1 month Budget: 14.962,00€

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Activity 8.2: Developing a business manual At the end of the project activities, a business manual will be produced, introducing

perceptions and practices in managing an ageing workforce, as they have been produced bythe project, while at the same time will reveal the experiences gained by the realization of thedifferent actions in terms of the ageing workforce. The analytical content of the report will bedecided by the Consortium, setting up the methodology for conducting the research as well asquantitative and qualitative standards.

Partner 3 will coordinate this action, with the active participation of all partners from thechoice of the content to the draft of each part.

The 40 pages report, after being validated by the Steering Committee, will be available inEnglish and in electronic version, downloadable from the project website for a larger diffusionand use. The existence of this material will be largely diffused by all partners to theirprofessional networks, as well as to national and EU stakeholders. Duration: M30, 1 month Budget: 5.512,00€

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Activity 8.3: Policies assessment The specific report will make a comparison of the EU strategies and the findings of the project,

as they have been transformed with the feedback of all the foreseen actions. This will revealthe crucial points needed to be taken into consideration when designing a policy aiming at theworkforce of 50+. It will include as well perceptions and practices in managing an ageingworkforce and could be used as a point of reference. The analytical content of the report willbe decided by the Consortium, setting up the methodology for conducting the research as wellas quantitative and qualitative standards.

Partner 4 will coordinate this action, with the active participation of all partners from thechoice of the content to the draft of each part.

The 40 pages report, after being validated by the Steering Committee, will be available inEnglish and in electronic version, downloadable from the project website for a larger diffusionand use. The existence of this material will be largely diffused by all partners to theirprofessional networks, as well as to national and EU stakeholders. Duration: M34, 1 month Budget: 5.838,00€

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Dissemination & Valorisation

WP 6, Awareness raising activities As in most cases aged persons are unaware of the fact that they are being discriminated, special activities

aim at sensitizing both employers and aged workforce are planned to be implemented, such as workshopson age management concept benefits, study tours for sensitising entrepreneurs, seminars for HR managersand for aged workforce.

WP7, Dissemination of results Following a methodology to be defined by the consortium, a communication plan will accompany the project

all over its duration, that will include: a publicity campaign (website and discussion forum, brochures, flyers,posters, electronic newsletters, electronic dissemination of outputs) for paper and electronic dissemination ofthe project, a press campaign (press-conferences, press-releases, radio spots) and a DisseminationConference. The Discussion Forum will be used as a tool for transferring outputs at regional, national andEuropean level.

WP8, Mainstreaming and results exploitation This work package will last one year, to prepare the project for its exploitation even after the end of the

project life time. The mainstreaming of the project results and outputs is designed to limit early retirementand encourage the recruitment and retention of older workers. A Mainstreaming Action Plan is plannedwithin the framework of the project in order to support the transfer of practices and methodologiesexperimented to different systems. Furthermore, a Results Exploitation Action Plan will be delivered in orderto identify results to be utilised and transferred. The mainstreaming and exploitation strategy will bemultilevel (from local to European) and multi-actor oriented.


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Time Table47

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To Be Defined


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