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Linc Up - August 2011

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North East Lincolnshire Council community newspaper
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BROADWAY IS “OUTSTANDING” at twitter.com/NELincs Edition 45 | August 2011 ALSO INSIDE THIS EDITION Discounted activities for youngsters See page 3 For the latest news, events and job alerts from the council, follow us on Putting best foot forward in walking to school See page 7 Get involved in the local cycling forum See page 6 Beastly machines go on display See page 11 Helping businesses run healthy workplaces See page 9 Sharon Anderson (centre) is handed a bouquet as thanks for volunteering at the centre. She is with former centre coordina- tor Queenie Carrie (left) and current coordi- nator Jacquie Illingworth BROADWAY Children’s Centre has set a shining example by receiving an ‘Outstanding’ rating in their recent Ofsted inspection. The centre is the first in North East Lincolnshire to be inspected by Ofsted. It was given an “outstanding” rating in 16 of the 17 measures included in the inspection criteria. These examine a centre’s ability to help parents and young children access early childhood services, maximise the benefit of those services and improve the health and well-being of young children. In their report the inspectors commented: “Broadway Children’s Centre is at the heart of its community and is extremely successful, providing an outstanding quality of service for all its children and families. “Parents and carers all highly praise the commitment made by the children’s centre staff and their partners, who provide a seamless service. During the inspection, users made exceedingly positive comments. “Each member of staff plays an important part in the children’s centre and its delivery of a wide range of outstanding services. Their enthusiasm, professionalism, commitment and dedication are exemplary.” Centre coordinator Jacquie Illingworth was overjoyed at the news, as were her colleagues. “We were crying with relief, excitement and glee when we found out the result,” she said. “This is such a big achievement from the team, involving parents, partner organisations and the council. “Six years’ work has gone into this achievement. During this time we’ve seen positive results in the community; parents have been able to take on training, and local children are developing a lot quicker.” For more information about children’s centres or to find your local centre, contact the Family Information Service on 0800 18 303 17. Celebrating the Ofsted result with children are: (from left) Maria Perry, Tracey Brooks, chair of parents forum, centre coordinator Jacquie Illingworth, and staff Audrey Campbell, Mel Smith, and Sally Broughton.

August 2011 Page 1 Linc Upwww.nelincs.gov.uk


at twitter.com/NELincs

Edition 45 | August 2011


Discounted activities for youngsters See page 3

For the latest news, events and job alerts from the council, follow us on

Putting best foot forward in walking to school See page 7

Get involved in the local cycling forum See page 6

Beastly machines go on display See page 11

Helping businesses run healthy workplaces See page 9

Sharon Anderson (centre) is handed a bouquet as thanks for volunteering at the centre. She is with former centre coordina-tor Queenie Carrie (left) and current coordi-nator Jacquie Illingworth

BROADWAY Children’s Centre has set a shining example by receiving an ‘Outstanding’ rating in their recent Ofsted inspection.

The centre is the first in North East Lincolnshire to be inspected by Ofsted.

It was given an “outstanding” rating in 16 of the 17 measures included in the inspection criteria. These examine a centre’s ability to help parents and young children access early childhood services, maximise the benefit of those services and improve the health and well-being of young children.

In their report the inspectors commented: “Broadway Children’s Centre is at the heart of its community

and is extremely successful, providing an outstanding quality of service for all its children and families.

“Parents and carers all highly praise the commitment made by the children’s centre staff and their partners, who provide a seamless service. During the inspection, users made exceedingly positive comments.

“Each member of staff plays an important part in the children’s centre and its delivery of a wide range of outstanding services. Their enthusiasm, professionalism, commitment and dedication are exemplary.”

Centre coordinator Jacquie Illingworth was overjoyed at the news,

as were her colleagues. “We were crying with relief,

excitement and glee when we found out the result,” she said.

“This is such a big achievement from the team, involving parents, partner organisations and the council.

“Six years’ work has gone into this achievement. During this time we’ve seen positive results in the community; parents have been able to take on training, and local children are developing a lot quicker.”

For more information about children’s centres or to find your local centre, contact the Family Information Service on 0800 18 303 17.

Celebrating the Ofsted result with children are: (from left) Maria Perry, Tracey Brooks, chair of parents forum, centre coordinator Jacquie Illingworth, and staff Audrey Campbell, Mel Smith, and Sally Broughton.

August 2011Page 2 Linc Up www.nelincs.gov.uk

Funding is available for rural projects via the Leader project

May 2008

Page 1 Linc Up



SCHOOLS Minister Vernon

Coaker has welcomed a substantial

rise in maintained school

pupils getting five A*– C GCSE

grades, including English and

mathematics, with North East

Lincolnshire in the top ten most

improved local authorities.

Significant progress has been

made in the borough, this year

recording a rise well above the

national rate.

Across the country 50.4 per

cent of pupils in the maintained

sector achieved five or more GCSEs

at grade A*– C, including English

and mathematics, an increase of 2.1

percentage points from last year.

Here in North East

Lincolnshire 45.4 per cent achieved

this, an increase of almost six per

cent from last year.

This is just below the Local

Authority’s Local Area Agreement

(LAA) target of 47 per cent of

maintained school pupils reaching

the benchmark by 2009.

Schools Minister Vernon Coaker

said: “Standards have never been

higher - certainly compared to a

decade ago. A huge boost of 90,000

more young people since 1997 have

that ticket of five good GCSEs

including maths and English and

are able to take the baton and move

successfully to further education,

training or work”.

Locally 69.9 per cent of pupils

achieved five GCSEs at grade

A*– C, an increase of 11.3 per cent

compared to last year and for the

first time above the national average

of 69.7 per cent.

In the latest announcement

from the Department for Children,

Schools and Families (DCSF),

North East Lincolnshire has

been ranked in the top ten most

improved authorities this year.

A spokesperson for the DCSF

said: “To our critics I say look at the

statistics and improvements across

the board, with great progress in

areas that face some of the most

challenging circumstances.

“It is time to celebrate

this success while ensuring we

keep investing to maintain the

momentum of progress.”

Councillor Tony McCabe,

portfolio holder for children and

families said: “These are the best

ever GCSE results with the biggest

year-on-year improvement. I want to

congratulate all the pupils and their

teachers for all the hard work.

“I hope this achievement helps

all our young people to enter into

either employment or further

training. As part of our regeneration

strategy I believe this will ensure we

develop a workforce which makes

relocating businesses to the area

more attractive.

“We will work hard to build an

education system which assists us to

build a strong local economy for the


Edition 31 | November 2009

* * * For an update on the swine fl u pandemic see page 4 * * *

by Emmeline Espin

to see Elvis on Tour at the Grimsby Auditorium

See back page

TICKETS71,500 copies

delivered every

month across

North East

LincolnshireLOOK OUT FOR



May 2008

Page 1 Linc Up


Edition 31 | October 2009

* * * Win tickets to this year’s Lit.Com festival - se

e back page for details * * *

Neighbourhood operations staff celebrate their hard work after winning the gold award in the national In Bloom contest

Grimsby Town Centre: Have Your Say

Emerging development plans and options visit www.greatergrimsbyrenaissance.co.uk or the Renaissance Shop - 33 Victoria Street, Grimsby

Have Your Say



staff at North East Lincolnshire

Council have been celebrating

a victory in the national RHS

In Bloom competition after

Cleethorpes won gold in the

contest’s coastal category.

Their work, together with help

from local residents and businesses,

put the resort ahead of six other

candidates including Colywn Bay,

Wales, and St Andrew’s, Scotland.

The results of Britain in Bloom

competition were announced on

September 23 in Torquay, Devon.

Neighbourhood operations

are involved in street cleaning and

maintenance work 52 weeks of the

year across the borough, carrying

out a variety of tasks such as clearing

litter, emptying bins, weeding

flowerbeds and tidying verges and

open spaces.

Summer bedding is planted in

late May and early June providing a

riot of colour in the seafront gardens

and parks, complimented by those

on our roundabouts, lampposts and

barriers along the gateways of North

East Lincolnshire.

During October these plants

are replaced with Spring bedding

which provide colour in the short

colder days of the year along with the

thousands of daffodils planted across

the borough

Councillor Colin Eastwell,

portfolio holder for neighbourhoods

and tourism, was delighted about

the awards. He said: “Words cannot

describe the euphoria of winning

these awards.

“Credit is due to everyone

who took a part in achieving this

success – the committee, the council

team, schools and businesses. It was

certainly a joint effort. Cleethorpes is

the pearl of the East Coast and this

will certainly bring the community

together. It’s great for the town,

and the whole area of North East

Lincolnshire. We’re on a roll!”

The judges’ comments were very

approving, noting that the awards

were well deserved. They were

particularly complimentary about the

overall cleanliness of the resort, saying

they hadn’t seen anywhere as clean as


Alan Fletcher, parks and open

spaces manager, attended the

ceremony along with members of

the In Bloom committee. He said:

“Everybody’s absolutely ecstatic! This

reflects so well on the whole area

and on the work of neighbourhood

services in particular, in maintaining

such standards of cleanliness.”

Both Grimsby and Cleethorpes

were also successful in their categories

at the regional level in East Midlands,

winning Gold Awards, at the

ceremony hosted by Cleethorpes

earlier in the month.

DRIVERS are being offered

free advice on how to drive

in a more efficient manner,

helping to cut costs and

carbon emissions.

The public are invited

along to two drop-in sessions

this month, at which

individuals can put their

driving skills to the test.

By making simple

changes to the way we drive,

we can improve your fuel

consumption by up to 15 per

cent. All drivers can drive

smarter, whether for business

or personal reasons.

The Energy Saving Trust

will be hosting the sessions

with North East Lincolnshire

Council, on Thursday,

October 15 and Friday,

October 16.

Those who go along will

have the chance to take the

smarter driving challenge on

a driving simulator.

The sessions are open

to the general public as well

as employees of the council.

They are informal and there

will a prize draw for all who

take part.

The event on October 15

will take place at the Civic

Offices, Cleethorpes, from

9.30am to 5pm.

The session on October

16 is at the Municipal Offices

reception, Town Hall Square,

Grimsby, from 9.30am to


Drive smart

- save up to

15 per cent

in fuel costs

by Marta Nadgrabska

Edition 31 | November 2009

See back

Riverhead Square regeneration beckons thanks to new plan

Riverhead Square, Grimsby, will be

one of the fi rst areas to be radically

changed as part of the Greater

Grimsby Renaissance Project. See

page two for the full story

May 2008

Page 1 Linc Up


Edition 28 | July 2009

** Apply for council jobs online at www.nelincs.gov.uk/jobscareers **

WILL YOU BENEFIT?ARE you eligible for help from the Quids In team? That’s the question North East Lincolnshire Council is asking its residents as it continues its major campaign to make sure that everyone in the borough receives the benefits they are entitled to. The Quids In campaign launched last month and aims to provide eligible households with extra cash towards rent and council tax.Cindy Laherty, benefits and payments manager, said: “We realise in this current economic downturn that households need every penny they can get to make ends meet. The sad reality is that many residents are not aware that they are entitled to extra help towards

paying their rent or council tax. The money is there waiting to be claimed.

“Even if you or your partner work you might still be entitled to help.“Although we are in the early stages of the campaign we have already committed almost £100,000 in

extra benefit over the past couple of months, and this is making a real difference to the lives of members of our community. These are benefits that will be paid this year and roll over into future years. “There is potentially hundreds of thousands of pounds which still remain unclaimed, so don’t delay, phone the Quids In

hotline today and find out whether you are eligible for extra cash.”To contact the Quids In team phone the

hotline on (01472) 324999 or email [email protected] Alternatively, you can visit the Quids In stand in Freshney Place on the following dates: Thursday, July 9, Friday, July 17, Monday, July 20, Saturday, August 1, Sunday, August 8. The team will also be visiting children’s centres and supermarkets across the


Cash for carnival

THE Cleethorpes Carnival has been boosted by a cash donation from waste and recycling rm Newlincs.

The rm, which handles and recycles domestic waste on behalf of the council, has handed over a cheque for £500 to the carnival committee, which will put the cash towards providing marching bands and other street entertainment during the event.Sharon Hunt, operations director at Newlincs, said: “Newlincs is only to happy

to give its support to the Cleethorpes Carnival. The parade is a popular attraction for visitors, as well as being an historical and important event enjoyed by the local

community for many years. We are very excited about this year’s event, it looks set to be fabulous.”

Councillor Leanor Pidgen, carnival organiser and secretary, said: “This is a generous gift; it is absolutely tremendous. We’ve really struggled from the outset, nding rms to give us nancial support because of the economic climate, so this is

a big boost to us. All donations of this nature are very important to us.”This year’s parade will run on Saturday July 25, leaving Sidney Sussex at 4.30pm. For more information, visit www.cleethorpescarnival.co.uk

Missing out on extra cash?Ring the QUIDS IN hotline on (01472) 324999

Sharon Hunt (second left) hands the cheque to Councillor Leanor Pidgen at Brighton

Slipway. With them is Nathan Vear, environmental improvement manager (left), and

Councillor Colin Eastwell

THE Linc Up community newspaper is distributed to 71,000 homes in North East Lincolnshire with extra copies available in libraries, council offices, selected supermarkets and other leisure outlets. Linc Up is published bi-monthly by the communications team at North East Lincolnshire Council, Town Hall Square, Grimsby DN31 1HU.It is printed by Newsquest Media Printing Services and distributed by Leaflet Distribution Services Ltd.Reproduction in whole or in part is strictly forbidden without the prior permission of the council.If you would like to receive this information in another language or format, contact the communications team on (01472) 313131 or email [email protected], or write to the address above.

Your community newspaper

HOUSEHOLDS in North East Lincolnshire will this month be sent their electoral registration forms in the post, and as is the case every year, all homes are required to check and confirm their details.

Electoral registration is compulsory but it takes just a brief moment to do.

If there are no changes to the details on the form, residents can confirm this using the simple freephone, internet and text messaging services. It takes just

minutes to confirm your details, and use of electronic services is more cost effective than processing forms.

Full instructions will be on the form for your household, together with its own unique security codes. The service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The freephone telephone service is also available in other languages.

Residents who need to make changes to their details must complete the form and return it by

post to the council offices. Again, a prompt reply helps save money: those who don’t reply must be sent reminders, and if there is no response after that, canvassers are sent in person to chase up responses.

Residents who registered in the run-up to the general election in May must still re-register for the new electoral roll.

Rob Walsh, executive director of business services at North East Lincolnshire Council, said:

“All households are required by law to confirm their electoral roll details, but this doesn’t take long, especially if the automated confirmation services are used.

“If residents respond quickly, the council will not need to send out reminder letters or canvassers to people’s homes.

“So don’t leave your letter unopened – act on it as soon as you receive it to ensure that you can exercise your right to vote.”

Electoral registration forms go out this monthPriorities for young people

DESPITE the funding squeeze currently being felt by many groups and organisations, local rural communities across North and North East Lincolnshire are still able to benefit from the Leader programme.

This funding scheme remains open for applications, with money available until December 2013.

The programme has been operating for more than two years and has seen over £1 million spent across the area. It has helped deliver projects that otherwise may not have gone ahead.

Eligible projects include: improve-ments to community buildings such as village halls and churches; the promotion and development of tourism projects, heritage conservation projects, and sports and leisure projects.

The St Francis Grove Play Area in Laceby, North East Lincolnshire, recently benefited. Laceby Parish Council were awarded £35,000 from Leader.

Harvey Rudkin, chair of the Northern Lincolnshire Rural Local Action Group, which administers the funding, said: “We are lucky enough to still have funding available to distribute to local groups and organisations. At a time when public funds are difficult to come by, we have an opportunity to help make local rural projects happen. We are keen to hear from any project that may have lost funds or is struggling to secure money for their scheme. The Leader funding is there to support and sustain facilities in our rural villages and we invite groups and organisations to come forward to see whether we can help them.”

Applicant groups are asked to complete an initial expression of interest form before filling in a full application form, and the Leader coordinator will assist and support the group through the process. Any organisation that may have a project that will help deliver better services in rural communities

should contact the team as soon as possible to see if they are eligible.

Further information and application forms can be found on the LAG’s website at www.northernlincolnshirelag.org. Or you can contact Shalon Perkins or Philippa Kenyon on (01724) 297781 or at [email protected] or [email protected].

Annual report highlights the ongoing fight against fraud

Fun at the St Francis Grove play area, Laceby, which has benefited from Leader funding

IF you commit fraud you will be caught. This is the message from the council as the third annual fraud report was presented to the Audit Committee.

The report highlighted the measures in place to seek out fraud and the actions the council takes when fraud or misconduct is identified.

One of the major issues to combat is benefit fraud. The council uses data matching and shares information with partner organisations to identify potential fraudsters.

In 2010/11, the benefit fraud team completed 460 investigations, with more than £700,000 of benefit identified as being incorrectly paid, including benefits

administered by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). This is an increase of approximately £170,000 on 2009/10.

If you suspect someone is committing benefit or council tax fraud, call the hotline on (01472) 323334. Callers do not have to leave their name and all information received is treated in confidence. In 2010/11 there were 215 referrals to the hotline.

The annual fraud report also highlighted proactive reviews by internal audit into in-house council operations, which are susceptible to fraud. This included telephone usage by council officers, spot checks on portable equipment and the use of petty cash.

THE Children and Young People’s Plan (CYPP) was released last month, explaining the council’s aims around improving life for local young people.

Since the last CYPP was published in 2009, achievement levels have increased at early years foundation stage and at GCSE level. There has also been a significant reduction in the number of young people who are unemployed, not in education or training. Incidents of anti-social behaviour and road accidents involving young people have also fallen.

The CYPP defines six key aims: young people should do their best in school and be ready for adult life; young people should be involved in the decisions that affect them; all young people should grow up healthy, strong and confident; all young people should grow up in a safe environment; looked after children will have the same chances as other young people; and the life chances for children with a disability or special educational need should be improved.l Download the CYPP at www.nelincs.gov.uk.

August 2011 Page 3 Linc Upwww.nelincs.gov.uk

LIBRARIES are helping people to nominate inspirational members of their community to be torch bearers who will carry the Olympic flame through the borough next year.

The London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games (LOCOG) has now closed their nomination process, but the three official sponsors of the Olympic Games are also taking nominations, all of which must be submitted online.

The library service is offering help to people who either do not have their own computers or who would like help with completing the form.

The Coca Cola scheme is called ‘Future Flames’. It is looking for people with a burning passion for topics such as sport, music, art, the environment, or community welfare. There are 500 places up for grabs; nominations are open until Monday, September 5. Visit www.cokezone.co.uk to make a nomination.

The Lloyds TSB competition is called ‘Carry the Flame’. Nominations are being accepted until Monday, September 12. Lloyds are seeking people who have made an outstanding contribution to their community. You can nominate at www.lloydstsb.com/

carrytheflame.The final Olympic sponsor, Samsung, are

asking people to ‘Nominate a torch bearer’ who is a local hero and goes the extra mile for their community. Entries can be made by visiting www.samsung.com/uk/london2012.

The first half hour of internet access in libraries is free of charge. Charges are usually 50p per half an hour thereafter, but the next half hour is free if needed to complete the application process. To find out more about the help available, pop into your nearest library or call (01472) 323600.

Libraries can help you nominate torch bearers

Let’s get moving more!

Helping young people make key career choices

Explore your creative side this summer CHILDREN and young people can get crafty during the summer holidays at the Fishing Heritage Centre’s ‘sizzling summer’ activities.

These will take place Tuesday to Friday, until August 26. Activities include making pop-up puppets, T-shirt printing, top hat decorating, rocket making and kite making.

Workshops last for up to an hour, starting at 11am, 12 noon, 1pm and 2pm each day. Each session costs £1 per child unless otherwise stated.

At 11am and 1pm on Thursday, August 25, there will be showings of Disney’s Finding Nemo instead of a craft activity.

Advance booking is essential. Children must be accompanied by an adult. To book, call (01472) 323345 or pick up a leaflet for full details.

NEARLY a thousand pupils arranged flowers, danced, talked, learnt, engineered and laid bricks last month at the ‘Lincs2 Your Future’ careers fair.

The fair was held at the Grimsby Auditorium, with the main hall, foyer and outside areas all filled with activities, displays and stalls. Jointly organised by Young People’s Support Services (YPSS) in partnership with local colleges and local businesses, the event helped Year Nine and Year Ten pupils explore ideas and try things out to help them plan and make choices about their futures.

An emphasis was placed on providing the pupils with hands-on experiences, giving them a feel for each particular job area.

Franklin College, The Grimsby Institute, YPSS and employers put on special activities, which included: a climbing wall, flower arranging, cooking, childcare, dance performances and other sporting events. There were also talks

from professionals regarding careers in nursing and the police.

Exhibitors also offered advice on education, training, and finance as well as jobs in sectors including engineering, voluntary work, care, hair and beauty, science, law and the media.

Oasis Academy Immingham provided a “motorbike experience” and other sixth forms were present.

A teacher from Cambridge Park School said: “I would like to say a big thank you on behalf of the students and our staff. They totally enjoyed themselves.

“The careers fair was brilliantly organised, with lots going on. Once again, many thanks.”

If you’ve just left school and you’d like some help to find the career path that’s right for you, visit the centre on Queen Street, call (01472) 325000 for an appointment to see a careers adviser, or explore options on to the Lincs2 website at www.lincs2.co.uk.

Ty from Cambridge Park School tries his hand at bricklaying at the event

CHILDREN and young people in the Meridian area of Cleethorpes can access discounted sports and leisure facilities during the summer holidays.

The Move More scheme has been developed by the Meridian Area Action Group, which aims to promote the importance of maintaining a healthy weight.

This is a pilot scheme that will offer all primary school age children from the Meridian area (Croft Baker, Humberston, Haverstoe and New Waltham) a free activity record card, to allow them to access roller skating sessions or swimming activities for £1 instead of the usual £2.75.

Eligible children will have received letters from their school. If the pilot scheme is successful, it could be rolled out to include a wider area.

When a card has been used four times, the child will then get a free session of swimming, roller skating, badminton or table-tennis as an incentive to keep using their card.

The scheme was developed by a health steering group, involving partners from the council, the Care Trust Plus, local residents, Accord members, Cleethorpes Leisure Centre and Neighbourhood Management.

John Manton, area co-ordinator, said: “Using the card system will enable us to monitor how many cards have been activated over the holiday period and to find out how many young people took up the opportunity to take part in discounted activities.”

For more information, call the healthy weight partnership coordinator on (01472) 323536.

Book your activitiesTHIS year’s holiday activity booklets for young people have a new format.

The booklet has been split in half with one side devoted to children up to 12, and the other aimed at those aged 13 to 19.

You can get a copy of the booklet from your local library or at www.nelincsfis.co.uk. Alternatively contact the Family Information Service on 0800 18 303 17.

You can book activities online; visit www.nelincs.gov.uk for details. Families can also book via (01472) 323344. If parents wish to pay by card, they can do so on (01472) 325481 after making their booking, between 10am and 2pm, Monday to Friday.

Primary school children can now swim for £1

August 2011Page 4 Linc Up www.nelincs.gov.uk

EAST Marsh Involve (EMI), the neighbourhood forum for residents in the East Marsh, is bringing a host of activities ranging from Tai Chi to bingo nights to the area’s Foresight building in Newmarket Street, Grimsby.

The activities have been requested by residents, and EMI is working in partnership with Foresight, a disability charity, to provide the activities on evenings and at weekends.

To encourage residents to

attend, EMI has secured funding for a meet and greet scheme, which involves volunteers accompanying residents to and from the venue.

By doing so, Alan Burley, community development worker, hopes that this will provide people with the chance to take part in activities which they might otherwise miss.

Mr Burley said: “The meet and greet scheme will allow residents who may be reluctant to leave

their homes during the evening the opportunity to take part.

“We are developing this scheme in response to what residents have said to us at consultation events in the area. It will be flexible enough to meet local demands and will help to reduce social isolation.”

Activities being developed include Tai Chi, chair based exercise classes, Zumba, tea time meal clubs with bingo, quiz nights and film nights, and adult

education classes, as well as craft activities and computer courses.

It is hoped that local residents may eventually be able to take over the running of some of these activities, with the support of East Marsh Involve.

Breastfeeding champions help others

Contact Alan Burley on 07862 2774345 or (01472) 269666 or visit www.eastmarsh.org.uk.

Help is on hand to heat your home

Could you be a community cancer champion?

New community opportunities in East Marsh

A GROUP of mums are volunteering to support others by offering breastfeeding advice and support.

The mums, who have all breastfed their babies, offer practical advice to support that given by professionals.

Six mums have been trained and are now giving peer support at the hospital. They can offer advice over the phone, face-to-face on postnatal wards, at clinics, and at drop-in groups.

Two of the peer supporters are also part of the health trainer service, so they can help new mums with other health issues, such as smoking or healthy living.

If you are an enthusiastic person and have successfully breastfed your baby, at present or previously, and you have

some time free to support other mothers, you may want to consider training to offer voluntary peer support.

You can find out more about peer support or becoming a peer supporter by contacting a local children’s centre or the breastfeeding peer support coordinator direct on 07795 318467. Alternatively, call the volunteer peer support line on 07923 226889.

For an up-to-date list of local support groups, ask your midwife, health visitor or local children’s centre, or contact the council’s Family Information Service on 0800 1830317.

Group dates and times do sometimes change, so please call the venue to check before attending.

From left are: (back row) peer supporter Linda Mumby, peer support coordinator Shirley Clarke, peer supporter Kate Crouch, (middle row) new mum Tracey Jackson, midwife Mandy Anderson, (front row) peer supporter Victoria Midgley, and peer supporter Jade Locke

RESIDENTS in North East Lincolnshire are being encouraged to consider becoming community cancer champions to raise the awareness of the help available to people with the illness.

These volunteering roles are for people who are prepared to undertake some short training, after which their role is simply to signpost family, friends, neighbours and work colleagues of those affected to available services.

Volunteers may have friends or relatives suffering from cancer and, from this experience, may be able to give information that

is beneficial to others, motivating people to seek early medical assistance.

Statistics show that more than one in three people in the country will develop cancer in their lifetime. In North East Lincolnshire last year, 459 people died of cancer.

Lung cancer caused the highest mortality rates, with 122 deaths recorded.

Treatment of cancer has improved in recent years, so much so that the early presentation of symptoms is considered to be essential by the Care Trust Plus,

hugely influencing the treatment and outcome of the disease. The government predicts that 10,000 lives could be saved if people who think they have signs of cancer seek early advice from a GP.

To raise the awareness of early diagnosis, a programme of activity has been developed by the Care Trust Plus, and the community cancer champion roles are an element of this work.

Training sessions are planned for September and November. For more information contact Rachael Ogley on (01472) 232265 or email [email protected].

Cancer incidence and mortality rates for North East LincolnshireTumour site New cases (2008) Deaths (2010)All cancers 892 459Lung 124 122Breast (female) 128 31Prostate (male) 78 38ACT now, before

winter arrives. That is the message from the council’s home energy team, to ensure properties have adequate heating and insulation before the cold weather sets in.

Last winter was the coldest in more than 30 years and the council and its partner, Balfour Beatty, are advising residents there may be grants available that can help them keep their homes warmer for less this year.

For example, the government’s Warm Front scheme can offer a grant of up to £3,500 for heating and insulation measures for those who qualify and are in receipt of one of the following benefits: pension credit; income support; income-based jobseeker’s allowance; or income-related employment and support allowance (ESA) which includes a work related activity or support component. Eligible residents must also have any of the following: parental responsibility for a child under five who ordinarily resides with that person; child tax credit, which must include a disability or severe disability element for a child or young person; disabled child premium; disability premium, enhanced disability or severe disability element premium; or pensioner premium, higher pensioner premium or enhanced pensioner premium.

To find out more about this and other grants, contact the home energy team for further advice. They can be contacted on (01472) 324782.

August 2011 Page 5 Linc Upwww.nelincs.gov.uk

Giving local employers a helping hand WOULD an extra pair of hands benefit your business? Do you need another member of staff to develop your company but are you unsure about whether you can afford the extra cost?

If so, the Change-works wage subsidy scheme may be able to help. It is offering half of the wage cost for an employee, in a new role, for the first year of employment.

The innovative scheme has been developed locally by the council and Jobcentre Plus, in response to feedback from employers.

Applying is really straight forward; businesses must meet some basic conditions to be suitable for the scheme. After being accepted, Jobcentre Plus will work with the employer to find them appropriate, eligible candidates with the required skills and attitudes.

The aim of Changeworks is to boost employment opportunities in the borough and create jobs for unemployed residents.

Changeworks will also create employment opportunities for unemployed people in the area who are looking for work in a tough job market.

The next phase of the scheme will look at extending the subsidy to new apprenticeships created for young people struggling to get on the career ladder.

For more information on the Changeworks wage subsidy scheme, visit www.nelincs.gov.uk/changeworks.

Alternatively, call the community investment team on (01472) 326142.

RESIDENTS of the Nunsthorpe, Bradley Park and Grange estates will enjoy their first community fun day in September, thanks to the South Partnership.

The event will be held at Sutcliffe Recreation Ground on Friday, September 2, from 11am to 3pm, providing fun for all the family as well as an opportunity to find out about local services.

Games, activities, stalls and information stands will all be present, with refreshments provided from Nunsthorpe Community Centre.

The council’s community pride and trading standards teams will be there, as will many of the council’s partner organisations including Shoreline, Green Futures, E-Factor, Humberside Police and Humberside Fire and Rescue.

A spokesman for the council said: “It is really exciting that this event is to be held for the first time and we hope that it will demonstrate all that is good about the area as well as providing an opportunity for the community to take part in fun activities.

“If the event is a success it is hoped that it can take place annually so, hopefully, as many people as possible will attend.”

Fun day for Nunsthorpe, Bradley, Park and Grange

THE council’s sports development team and its partners held a programme of fun-filled days during the summer to introduce groups of people from across the borough to new activities.

The team hosted an active seniors’ day at Grimsby Central Library, which was attended by around 40 people.

The event included activities such as: ‘Shall we dance?’, an introduction to the cha cha, waltz and jive; new age kurling; chair-based exercise; Tai Chi; and pilates.

Those who took part also had the chance of taking part in a reading group to discuss their favourite books, plus there were arts and crafts and taster massage sessions.

The event was a great success. Participants said

they particularly enjoyed the kurling and the dancing.

Anyone who wants to get involved in further active seniors’ activities may be interested in finding out more about Bradley Football Development Centre’s new community exercise programme. The centre is running a range of fun, new daytime and evening activities, with most sessions costing just £2. For more information, call reception at Bradley Football Development Centre, on (01472) 325300 or email [email protected].

The sports development team also hosted a fun day out for people with disabilities at Pleasure Island, in Cleethorpes.

Lucy Johnston, sports development officer

(disability), said: “More than 115 people with disabilities and 88 carers attended, which was a fantastic turnout. We were really happy that so many people chose to come along and enjoy the park with us for the day.

“The aim of the event was to offer an inclusive day out with something for everyone,

including hoists for access to rides and extra support from staff. It was great fun and very well received by those who came. They already want to know when the next trip will be!”

For details about sports development events, email [email protected] or call (01472) 323349.

Introducing healthy pastimes

Michael Blythe and his carer enjoy some go-karting excitement at Pleasure Island

THE young people’s support service works closely with many of the students at Linkage College throughout the year, and the end-of-year prom at Clee Young People’s Centre is always a highlight on their social calendar.

Students, staff and volunteers put on their glad rags and danced the night away to popular disco hits in this popular annual celebration.

Cazzie Adams and her team had decorated the building with foil and balloons before preparing hot dogs and puddings for around a hundred guests.

Towards the end of the evening the prom prince and princess were crowned. They were given the honour of releasing the balloons at the end of the event.

Everyone was given a bronze, silver

or gold Mayor’s Award certificate as well as congratulations for their achievements over the past 12 months.

Cazzie Adams, senior neighbourhood youth worker, said: “It was a lovely fun evening and gave all

the staff and volunteers an opportunity to say goodbye to many of the students who have finished their studies and will not be returning in September.

“Many thanks go to everyone who helped to make it a remarkable event.”

A hundred attend Clee Young People’s Prom

The Prom night at Clee Young People’s centre was a popular event, as usual

August 2011Page 6 Linc Up www.nelincs.gov.uk

BUILDING on the popular local walks guide, the council and its partner, Balfour Beatty, has released the Pedal & Stride Guides to North East Lincolnshire.

Less than a quarter of people in the borough are getting the recommended level of exercise each week. Just half an hour on a bike or out walking five times a week can have significant health benefits. It costs nothing to do, and the exercise can be enjoyed with friends and family.

The guides are a great way to get started. Each contains a number of walks and bike rides around North East Lincolnshire, so whether you are looking for walk on your doorstep or a ride out in the country you will be sure to find something suitable.

Anthony Snell, transportation officer, said: “There are rides and walks suitable for all ages and abilities. They are ideal for getting out and about in summer.”

Copies of the Pedal & Stride Guides are available at libraries, council customer access points and tourist information centres. Alternatively contact the Pedal & Stride team on (01472) 324489 or email [email protected].

New guide to help you pedal and stride

THE North East Lincolnshire Cycle Forum is calling all local cyclists, urging them to get involved in the group.

The forum has been pedalling along for nearly three years now. In that time it has been instrumental in helping develop new routes and facilities for cyclists across the borough.

The group is an ideal forum for anyone to discuss their thoughts and concerns about cycling with others, including representatives from the council, its partner Balfour Beatty and local cycling organisations.

Vic Goose, chair of North East Lincolnshire’s Cycle Forum, said: “We are a friendly group who are keen to help bring about improvements to local cycle routes and facilities. Everyone is

welcome to come along and talk about their ideas - I look forward to seeing you there.”

The group is scheduled to meet on the following dates: Thursday, September 8; Tuesday, November 22; Thursday, February 2; Tuesday, March 6; Thursday, May 10; and Tuesday, July 24.

Meetings normally take place in Grimsby Town Hall and start at 5.30pm but may be subject to change. Please check the Pedal and Stride website at www.pedalandstride.com for confirmation.

If you are interested in being involved in North East Lincolnshire’s Cycle Forum then attend one of the meetings or contact the Pedal & Stride team on (01472) 324489 or email [email protected].

Saddle up and join the cycle forum

All cyclists could benefit from getting involved in the forum

Spaces are still available in the Abbey Walk PedalParkA FEW spaces are still available for top town cyclists’ bikes in the Abbey Walk PedalPark.

Each day hundreds of people pedal into the centre of Grimsby and thanks to investment by the council and its partner, Balfour Beatty, there is now a secure cycle park.

The PedalPark is on the ground floor of Abbey Walk multi-story car park and is available for people who regularly cycle to town for work

or shopping. Entry is controlled by a limited number of electronic keys, each registered to an individual user. Keys are free and can be obtained by completing and returning a simple application form.

Anthony Snell, transportation officer, said: “This facility was created in response to local cyclists concerns about cycle security. It provides extra peace of mind for people

who are leaving their bikes for long periods of time while out shopping or at work in the town centre.”

To apply for an electronic key, visit www.pedalandstride.com and follow the links to the Abbey Walk PedalPark.

Alternatively contact the Pedal & Stride team on (01472) 324489 or email [email protected].

YOUNG people will venture out into businesses across North East Lincolnshire on November 11, taking the chance to run things their way as part of national Takeover Day.

The council is urging businesses to take part in the celebration that highlights the contribution young people make to society.

Takeover Day is a national event offering young people across the country the chance to work alongside adults and get involved in decision making at a wide range of organisations.

It provides an opportunity for the views of all young people to be heard, including those from minority, marginalized and vulnerable groups. The day also aims to promote the wider and long term participation of young people in society.

Steve Kay, head of young people’s support services, said: “Young people can, and do, make some superb contributions in our communities.

“However, sometimes this is not recognised or celebrated enough. We’re keen to promote positive images of young peoples’ involvement.

“There is some excellent work going on in the borough and we’re keen to seize upon any opportunity to recognise the success of young people in North East Lincolnshire.”

A national website has been published, containing more information and examples of what organisations did last year: www.childrens commissioner.gov.uk/takeover_day.

The young take over for the day

August 2011 Page 7 Linc Upwww.nelincs.gov.uk

ALMOST 13,000 children from 56 schools and children’s centres recently took part in Walk to School Week.

The theme for the event was Walk Smart, which emphasised the importance of being seen and walking safely.

Some impressive results were achieved, and in recognition of this, the council, in partnership with Balfour Beatty, presented three Stride award plaques.

One went to Coomb Briggs Primary School in Immingham, which had the highest school participation level when it organising a special walk that involved all

the pupils. Waltham Leas Primary School in

Waltham won the award for the highest increase in children walking to school after promoting the events for a month. They increased walking levels from 55.6 per cent to 94.2 per cent.

And Highgate Children’s Centre, Cleethorpes, had the highest participation level for children’s centres. They had organised a special walk for parents and children; 67 children took part, equating to 94.3 per cent of children who attend the centre.

Jason Longhurst, assistant executive director of planning, transportation and housing, said: “Walking your child to school or their children’s centre is a great way for them to start their day.

“It encourages children to get fit and live healthy lifestyles and introduces a bit of light exercise and fresh air before arriving at the classroom.

“It’s fantastic that the council is able to give out these awards to recognise the importance that schools have placed on walking and the hard work they have put in to promoting it to their pupils.”

Coomb Briggs Primary, back row left to right, Tilly Bellamy, Declan Bell, Grace Coupland, headteacher Mrs Day, and Lesley Jamieson. In front are Lauren Carr, Robert Wells, Jazmine Dale, Dylan Howkins and Hollie Earlie.

Thousands put best feet forward in walking to school

Left, Highgate Children’s Centre. At the back holding the certificate is Elaine Norton, community play co-ordinator. With her are Leslie Jamieson, sustainable school travel assistant, and Gill Bell, children’s centre co-ordinator. Waltham Leas School. At the back are teacher

Danielle Censi and Lesley Jamieson. In front are, from left, Lauren Thompson, Harry Brown, William Farrell and Isabelle Ward.

RESIDENTS from Grimsby’s Nunsthorpe estate have thrown themselves into a popular poetry group at their local library, after initially being inspired by the estate’s street names.

The group was set up in 2007 after an exhibition on local poet Tom Wintringham was held at the Fishing Heritage Centre. Staff from Nunsthorpe Library spoke .... to members of the local community

to see if they knew about the poetic origin of many of their street names, including: Shelley Avenue, Byron Grove and Milton Road. This spurred interest in poetry and it was discovered that several popular, published poets live locally.

The group meets on the third Saturday of every month at 1pm.

Phyll Smith, library assistant, said: “The group is fantastic. People from all walks of life attend and

published, award-winning poets sit side-by-side with beginners to read and discuss poetry. It is a really friendly group and is very beneficial to people who are just starting out with their writing or who would like to publish their work, as it gives them the opportunity to get feedback and interact with other creative people.”

For more information, call the library on (01472) 323636.

WILLOWS Library does a lot of work with the children in its community and takes regular visits from local schools to teach children library skills that they can use in everyday life.

The library receives class visits from pupils of all ages from Willows Primary School. It also works with several looked-after children, as well as pupils from Cambridge Park School who have special educational needs.

The library has a popular and well-stocked children’s area, which was refurbished along with the rest of the building in November. It now offers lots of books for children of all ages and reading abilities, as well as arts and crafts materials, CD talking books, playaways and DVDs.

Anne Hatton, library supervisor, said: “The children love their area of the library. It is bright and modern and very user-friendly. Learning how to use and respect a library is valuable for children as it teaches them new skills, helps to develop their social skills and, hopefully, creates a love of books from an early age. Some children have never been around books before and the library visits have created a love of books in them that make them want to visit in their own time, too.”

Word is on the streets at library poetry group

New skills are on offer at Willows

August 2011Page 8 Linc Up www.nelincs.gov.uk

IT seems like there’s a national week for just about everything nowadays, so hopefully you’ll be pleased to hear that National Recycle Week didn’t go uncelebrated in North East Lincolnshire this June.

Our team visited Freeman Street Market, St Peter’s Avenue shoppers’ car park and Immingham Resource Centre to encourage passers-by to recycle as they go, whether at home, at work, while out shopping or on holiday.

We also attended the Community Recycling Centre’s bring-and-buy sale on the Friday.

We ran a prize draw for those who came to visit our stand and offered a chance to win one of three

kitchen recycling bins. These are compartmented bins to help sort recyclables in the kitchen and that can then be emptied out into the triple boxes for collection.

Some entries were also received from promotions printed in the Grimsby Telegraph.

The lucky winners were very pleased to receive their prizes. They were: J. Ward of Cleethorpes; P. Kirk of Grimsby; and S. Miskelly of Immingham.

THREE local schools have been earning money as a reward for encouraging recycling in their local communities.

The pilot scheme ran at Willows Primary, Elliston Primary and South Parade Primary from November. Each time a household in each school’s catchment area put out their recycling triple boxes for collection, the householder received a token. These were then gathered in school and counted.

The results of the final collections are now in and the following prizes have been awarded: Willows Primary was awarded

£444.23; South Parade Primary received £479.12; and Elliston Primary was named the winner, having successfully collected enough tokens to be awarded £1,010.52.

Bonus prizes were also awarded along the way to mark schools’ improvements in collections.

Adam Lech, waste strategy manager, said: “The results of the pilot scheme and lessons we have learnt by running the scheme will influence how the council approaches any similar projects in the future. Our thanks go to residents and all three schools for their co-

operation. They made a real effort to promote recycling in their communities and many people got involved with recycling and their local school for the first time.”

Dena Shields, parent support advisor at Elliston, said: “The whole school really enjoyed taking part. We got all of the classes on board by setting up a small competition of our own to see which class could collect the most tokens each month.

“We’re going to use some of our prize money to buy a recycled bench for the playground.”

Nappy champion schemeFOLLOWING the success of Real Nappy Week in May, local woman and ‘real nappy champion’ Tracey Smith has set up an initiative to help parents understand the choices available to them on the market.

Tracey is one of a team of a team who are helping to increase interest in and the use of real nappies.

Tracey is offering support and advice on the Comfybots.co.uk trial scheme, which allows parents to try a variety of brands and styles of real nappies before they commit to making a purchase.

“Using cloth nappies will save you hundreds of pounds, not to mention leaving you with more room in your wheelie bin,” said Tracey.

“These days they are very easy to use – just pop them in the washer rather than the bin. During the trial period I will be on hand to offer advice and support if you need it.”

If you, a friend or family member are interested in using the ComfyBots trial scheme, call Tracey Smith on 07837 562046 or visit www.comfybots.co.uk.

Residents of North East Lincolnshire can obtain £50 cash back from the council for the first £100 spent on real nappy products. For more information about the cash back scheme, visit the council’s website at www.nelincs.gov.uk/nappy or call (01472) 325843.

Families take on the Food Lover’s challengeFOUR local families are saving time, money and have reduced their food waste by embarking on a Food Lover Family challenge.

The project saw the council’s waste and recycling team give tailored support to each family by finding out what they regularly buy but do not eat.

They offered ideas and tips on how food waste and shopping bills could be reduced.

Among the participants were Valerie Footitt and her husband Brian, who spent six weeks learning how to tackle their food waste.

Valerie said: “Taking part in the Food Lover Family Challenge was fantastic. Over the month I calculated that I saved £53 on my shopping bill and both my husband and I lost weight by keeping a closer eye on our portion sizes.

“I also started shopping online to avoid the supermarket offers that can be a great temptation but which we don’t actually need.

“Best of all, my husband has discovered a new-found interest in cooking, which he has never had before. I think it’s been great!”

Jane Burkitt also took part with her husband Martin, and children Nicola, 21, Andrew, 19, and Isobelle 17.

Jane said: “Taking part in the challenge was great, as it was something the whole family could focus on and get involved in. We got loads of tips for things we hadn’t thought about before and now we are saving loads of money just by doing simple things like searching the cupboards before we go shopping to make sure we don’t just buy things every week out of habit.”

For more information about the Food Lover Family

challenge, call the council’s waste and recycling hotline on (01472) 325841 or visit www.nelincs.gov.uk/recycling.

For tips on how to

reduce your food waste, to get tasty recipes to use up your leftovers, food storage solutions and a portion calculator, visit www.lovefoodhatewaste.com.

Schools lead the way in recycling pilot scheme

Brian and Valerie Footitt have enjoyed taking part in the challenge

August 2011 Page 9 Linc Upwww.nelincs.gov.uk

The perfect business solution...The Innovation Centre

Ideal location Easy access to major routes Parking Security Meeting rooms Conference facilities Cafe Photocopying facilities Franking facilities Internet access Welcoming reception Friendly atmosphere

The Innovation Centre provides modern,

easy to understand tenancy agreements. Our serviced reception, on site restaurant and impressive conference and meeting room facilities provide a welcoming and professional environment for your business.

We offer a competitively priced Virtual Business Package which is a means of promoting your business with Europarc Innovation Centre and enables you to take advantage of our business support services, including; a postal address, mail processing, photocopying, facsimile and meeting room facilities.

For more information please telephone:

Humber Seafood Institute

Cleethorpes Business Centre

Grimsby Business Centre

Meridian Point Craft Units

Poplar Road Business Units

South Quay Business Units

Immingham Business Units

Nunsthorpe Business Units

We also have units available at a variety of locations to suit your business needs, including

DO you receive a cheque for housing benefit? Are you a supplier who bills the council for services/goods and receives a cheque as payment?

If the answer to either of the questions above is ‘yes’, then you will be affected by a change being introduced in August 2011.

In February, as part of a number of cost saving initiatives, the decision was made to stop offering cheques as a method for paying benefits or for payment for goods and services provided to the council.

Many retailers have already stopped taking cheques and banks will soon be withdrawing cheques.

If you think this will affect you, please get in touch with us and provide details of a bank account that we can make payments into.

If you want to know more information please contact the council. For benefits enquiries, call (01472) 323710 or email [email protected]; for suppliers, call (01472) 325995 or email [email protected].

Withdrawal of cheque payments

AN INNOVATIVE website that helps to identify and resolve health issues in the workplace is now live at www.nelhwp.co.uk.

The healthy workplace programme, run by the council’s specialist health promotion team, has launched the site to encourage employers and their staff to look at the benefits a healthy workplace can bring.

The project is aimed at all businesses and organisations, whether they employ one person or several thousand. It’s easy to use and free to sign up.

Programme manager for health in the workplace, Dan Pyrah, said: “The initiative embraces a range of issues, from stopping smoking to good eating habits, and from mental well-being to alcohol and other substance misuse.

“There are a whole range of benefits to having a healthy workplace. They include increasing profits by lower absenteeism and increasing

productivity, improving staff moral which in turn increases loyalty and staff retention. The key message is: a happy and healthy workplace is a productive one.”

The council is one of the first employers to sign up, joining existing

organisations who have been involved with the healthy workplace awards scheme for some time.

For more information about the healthy workplace programme, visit www.nelhwp.co.uk, email [email protected] or call (01472) 325454.

Healthy workplace website launched

WITH fuel prices a painful 15 per cent higher than this time last year, drivers in North East Lincolnshire are being encouraged to visit a website which could save them hundreds of pounds a year.

TravelLincs.com is designed to cut travel costs as well as local congestion and pollution. It enables members to share lifts to any destination, for free. The council and its partners Balfour Beatty and Liftshare have just

had the site refreshed, so it is even more user-friendly than before.

Anyone over 18 who lives in the borough can join. Just register yourself and details of any journeys you wish to share. The system will then search for others who are going the same way, leaving it to you to make contact and arrange to travel together.

Jason Longhurst, head of planning, transportation and housing, said: “The new

website is really easy to use and there are hundreds of journeys on there just waiting for you to match with. A typical commuter who car-shares every day saves about £800 a year. You don’t even need a car to join TravelLincs, as you can always search for a lift in exchange for a contribution to the driver’s fuel costs.”

For more information about TravelLincs visit the website at www.travellincs.com or call the team on (01472) 324489.

A car journey shared is a cost halved: save on your fuel bills

Marketing assistant Kelvin Dixon, right, signs up to the Healthy Workplace programme. With him is Mike Mortlock from the specialist health promotion team

August 2011Page 10 Linc Up www.nelincs.gov.uk

AS part of ongoing service monitoring, the council would like to find out from its customers about how it is doing.

So if you have had someone move in or out that has affected your council tax bill, moved address and received a new bill or if you have applied for housing benefit to help pay your rent, or council tax benefit, the council would like to hear from you.

The following survey asks a few questions around how you felt you were treated and how long the council took to resolve your query.

The income and payments section at the council deals with a range of services, including; paying housing and council tax benefit; billing and collecting of council tax; and recovery of unpaid invoices and council tax.

The council has a council tax property base of around 71,500 with a local population of 158,200. The collection rate for council tax due in 2010/11 was 97.82 per cent, and the council will continue to collect outstanding amounts in subsequent years.

The council administers housing and council tax benefits for approximately 21,500 cases, paying out £15-million a year

in council tax benefit and over £50-million a year in housing benefit.

Please take a few minutes to complete the survey and then either send it back to the following freepost address printed at the bottom of the form. Alternatively, you can hand in the form at one of the following customer access points:l Municipal Offices, Town Hall Square, Grimsby (open

Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm)l Civic Offices, Knoll Street, Cleethorpes (open Monday

to Friday from 9am to 5pm)l Kennedy Way, Immingham (open Monday and Friday

from 9am to 4pm and Wednesday from 10am to 2pm).If you have access to the internet you can complete the

survey on the council’s website, at www.nelincs.gov.uk.As a thank you for taking the time to complete the survey,

respondents will be included in a prize draw, with four prizes up for grabs. These include a £100 Freshney Place voucher and three £50 Freshney Place vouchers. To be included, complete your contact details below and return your form no later than Friday, September 30. Entries received after this date will not be included in the draw.

1 Thinking about your most recent dealings with the council, which service did you contact?

Council tax section Benefits - council tax and housing Both

2 What did you contact the service about? Tick which ever are relevant:

Change of liability - moved address, someone moved in or out Discount or exemption on your council tax Apply for housing and/or council tax benefit Report a change of circumstance, income change, someone moved in or out Appeal against a decision made on housing or council tax benefit Apply for free school meals Apply for discretionary housing payment Make an arrangement to pay Set up a direct debit to pay council tax? Other (please state) ____________________

3. Thinking about this contact what method did you use?

Phone Face to face / at council offices Email Letter

4. Are there any other ways you would like to contact us? Please state:


5 If your contact was by email, letter, or by completing a form, how long was it before you heard from us?

Less than a week 1 - 2 weeks 2 - 3 weeks Longer (please state) ____________________

6. How many times did you have to contact us before your query was resolved?

One Two Three More than three (state how many): __________

7 If you had to contact us more than once why was this? Please explain below.




8 Was the time taken to resolve your enquiry or process your claim:

Very good Good Adequate Fair Poor

9 Overall how would you rate the service you received?

Excellent Good Fair Poor

10 Are you aware of the range of information booklets that we have for council tax, housing benefit and council tax benefit? These are available at all customer access points.

Aware Not aware

11 If you are aware of them how easy are they to understand?

Very easy Easy Hard Very hard

12 Do you find our letters, forms and bills easy to read, clear and easy to complete?

Very easy Easy Hard Very hardLetters: Bills: Forms:

13 If you have access to the internet would you like to receive your council tax bill electronically?

Yes No

14 We are always looking for ways of keeping costs down and improving services, paying your council tax by direct debit is one of them. Do you pay by direct debit?

Yes No

15 If you have answered no, please say why not.

Don’t have a bank account I am paid in cash I prefer to pay at an office Other ________________________________

16 We currently have two instalment dates for paying your council tax, the 1st and 15th of the month. Do you think we should have a wider choice of instalment dates?

Yes No

17 If yes, what would you like? Please tick one box.

Weekly Two weekly Other (please tell us) ___________________

Help improve the local council tax and benefits service

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Please return it to our freepost address (no stamp needed) at: North East Lincolnshire Council, Finance Department, FREEPOST NEA 10366, Cleethorpes DN35 8BR. If you would like to be included in the prize draw, please fill out the following details:

Name:___________________________ Phone number: ______________________

Address: _____________________________________________________________

August 2011 Page 11 Linc Upwww.nelincs.gov.uk

A NEW exhibition has sailed into Grimsby’s Fishing Heritage Centre and has docked in a brand new gallery at the attraction, named after a local man who donated more than 200 items to the council in 1941.

The Doughty Gallery will showcase items left to the authority by Wilfred Vere Doughty. It opens on Saturday, August 6, with an exhibition called At His Majesty’s Pleasure, featuring Napoleonic bone ship models made in the late 18th century by French prisoners of war.

Wilfred Vere Doughty was the son of Sir George Doughty. He replaced his father as director of the Consolidated Steam Fishing and Ice Company. Wilfred bequeathed his huge collection of ship models, marine

paintings and china to the borough of Grimsby. The collection was of such value and importance that it was a catalyst for the forming of a local museum service.

Steve Hipkins, head of cultural services at the council, said: “This new gallery is a welcome addition to the Fishing Heritage Centre. It adds another exciting museum experience for our visitors.

“We are very excited to be able to dedicate an entire gallery to the items donated to us by Wilfred. When we received the collection it was stored away to protect it from the Second World War bombing raids. The ships were eventually moved to secure cases at the Fishing Heritage Centre where they have been conserved and documented.

“This new space will give us the opportunity to display them in their entirety, enabling us to tell the story of the people who made them and the techniques they used.”

The Doughty Gallery has been funded by a grant from the Museums, Libraries and Archives ‘Renaissance Yorkshire’ initiative.

The £10,000 grant, which has been matched by the council, has allowed the employment of conservator Kelvin Thatcher, one of the UK’s foremost model ship experts. He has prepared the collection for exhibition and has undertaken additional research for the design and development of the gallery.

Exhibitions at The Doughty Gallery will rotate on an annual basis and will be free.

Doughty Gallery is showcased this summer

THE new edition of Cultural Quarter, listing events during September, October and November, will be out soon.

Cultural Quarter is a ‘what’s on’ guide, listing exhibitions, workshops, music, rehearsals, courses, films, literature, theatre, talks, children’s activities and dance, taking place in North East Lincolnshire over a three month period.

Copies are sent out through a mailing list, but are also available to pick up from the Fishing Heritage Centre, Discovery Centre, libraries, tourist information centres and local art galleries.

The booklet can also be viewed online at www.nelincs.gov.uk/art-culture-and-leisure/arts-and-entertainment/events-listings.

To join the mailing list, call North East Lincolnshire Council’s arts development team, on (01472) 323004, email [email protected] or write to: Arts Development, The Thrunscoe Centre, Highgate, Cleethorpes, DN35 8NX.

The new Cultural Quarter is out soon

Beastly machinesinvade Grimsby

A NUMBER of beastly machines have made Grimsby’s Fishing Heritage Centre their new temporary home as a new touring exhibition visits the attraction from Tuesday, July 26, to Sunday, October 9.

Beastly machines is a new exhibition by acclaimed mechanical sculpture maker, Johnny White. Mr White received a National Lottery Grant from Arts

Council England of £13,700 enabling him to make an exhibition of never-seen-before sculptures.

This exhibition showcases a set of bizarre and imaginative moving sculptures of animals and mythical beasts with the

highlight of the exhibition being a huge animated whale, ‘Having a Whale of a Time’. Other sculptures in the exhibition include: a centaur pushing a shopping trolley, ‘Shopping Centaur’; a mosquito riding a penny-farthing; and a flying pig.

Mr White’s sculptures are influenced by current affairs, media-stories, plays on words and comic artists such as Gary Larson and Steve Bell. They are lovingly handmade in his workshop in Derbyshire, often using found or salvaged junk.

Like much good humour, there is also a serious side to his work, which often highlights issues such as the

environment and ecological concerns, as well as problems faced by today’s society. ‘Lifecycle of a Mosquito’ makes reference to the fact that this tiny insect is one of the biggest killers of mankind, while ‘Shopping Centaur’ alludes to society’s obsession with shopping and consumerism.

His mechanical artworks have been a huge success across the country. The Fishing Heritage Centre is open from 10am to 5pm, Tuesday

to Sunday and Bank Holiday Monday. The exhibition is free to view.

Paddling pool is now no smoking areaCLEETHORPES paddling pool and sandpit have been designated no smoking zones, making the resort’s outdoor play areas healthier places for children.

The new signs request that smokers consider other visitors by asking them to refrain from smoking in the best interests of children.

Glenn Greetham, interim deputy director of neighbourhood services,

said: “Parents whose children visit these areas have raised concerns about the number of people smoking around the sandpit and paddling pool.

“We’ve listened to them and acted on their concerns. Adults should be setting a good example and children should not be subjected to second hand smoke. By introducing these signs we are putting the health of children first and these areas will now be a more pleasant place

for families.”The paddling pool is open for

the summer season until Sunday, September 4, 2011. It is free to use and is open seven days a week between 10am and 5pm, closing for an hour between 1pm and 2pm daily for cleaning. Qualified attendants patrol the paddling pool offering first aid and pool safety advice. A toilet and baby changing facilities are available on site.

Sculptor Johnny White with one of his mechanical creations

One of the model ships, made from bone by prisoners of war

August 2011Page 12 Linc Up www.nelincs.gov.uk

Now until Sat Sept 3Head and Whole – an international group exhibition on the human form, with accompanying workshops. At the Abbey Walk Gallery, Grimsby, 9am to 5pm. Free entry. All ages welcome. Call (01472) 241007.

Fri Aug 12Mezzo-soprano Sue Gladding and pianist Joan Date perform at St Peter’s Church, Cleethorpes, as part of the ‘Music While You Eat’ summer concert series. From 12 noon to 1pm. Free entry, light refreshments on sale. Call (01472) 231198.

Sat Aug 13Johnnie O’ Boogie presents Hit Parade Heroes, starring Mike Berry, John Leyton, Craig Douglas, and The Flames. At Grimsby Central Hall, Duncombe Street, 7.30pm. Tickets £15 circle, £10 stalls. Book via the Caxton ticket office on (01472) 346251.Tickets are also obtainable from the Central Hall on the night of the concert.

Thurs Aug 18Live band at Grimsby Jazz, Stamford Club, Clee Road,

Grimsby, 8.30pm to 11pm. Tickets £10 adv, £12 door. Visit www.grimsbyjazz.com for details.

Fri Aug 19The Grimsby Male Orpheus Choir will perform at St Peter’s Church, Cleethorpes, as part of the ‘Music While You Eat’ summer concert series. From 12 noon to 1pm. Entry is free, just turn up. Call (01472) 231198.

Fri Aug 19The Meniscus Community Film Society presents Broken Embraces (2009). A blind writer reaches a moment in time when he has to heal his wounds from 14 years back. At the Skills Centre, Freeman Street Market, Grimsby, 7.30pm. Visit www.meniscusfilms.com.

Sat Aug 20As part of their 25th anniversary tour, the James Taylor Quartet will be performing at Meridian Park in Cleethorpes. Gates open 6.30pm. Audiences are welcome to bring their ‘hampers and champers’ to make a night of it. Advance tickets are available

from Cleethorpes Tourist Information Centre on (01472) 323111.

Sat Aug 20I’m Not Pink – live tribute band performing the hits of Pink. Playing at the Yardbirds Club, Grimsby, 8pm. Tickets £4 adv, £5 door. Book on (01472) 351125.

Mon Aug 22 to Fri Aug 26Circus Skills with Merlin: have a go at juggling, plate spinning and more in these workshops which are suitable for children up to the age of 16 and their families. No previous experience necessary. Workshops take place at various libraries across the borough. For venues and booking, call (01472) 323344 or email [email protected].

Tues Aug 23 to Fri Aug 26Pendle Theatre Company presents a live production of Peter Pan at various venues in the borough. Suitable for children aged up to 16 and their families. Free entry. For information and bookings, call (01472) 323344.

Fri Aug 26Folk singer John Conolly performs in a ‘Music While You Eat’ summer concert at St Peter’s Church, Cleethorpes.John’s finely-crafted songs are performed with warmth and good humour; many of his songs have a tang of the sea, inherited from his upbringing on the east coast of England.From 12 noon to 1pm. Free entry. Call (01472) 231198.

Sat Aug 27Bank Holiday Burlesque, presented by The Cats Pyjamas at The Yardbirds Club, Church Street, Grimsby.Back with their August bank holiday show, this popular club event promises to be a night to remember, with live burlesque from the resident troupe and performers from further afield, as well as audience games, live DJ, stalls, candy vendors and prizes for the best dressed attendees. Doors 8pm, show 8.45pm. Tickets £9 adv, £10 door. Ages 18+. Tickets from Beorc, Yardbirds, or via (01472) 351125.

Sun Aug 28Five Star Swing performing a night of hits at the Parkway Cinema, Cleethorpes, from 8pm. Tickets cost £13 or £11 for concessions. Visit www.fivestarswing.co.uk.

Thur Sept 1The John Law Trio at the Stamford Cub, Clee Road, Grimsby. Doors open 7.30pm, music starts 8.30pm to 11pm. Tickets £10 in advance, £12 on the door, students half price. Call (01472) 873730. Visit www.johnlaw.org.uk.

Sat Sept 3 to Sat Sept 10Murder by Natural Causes, at the Caxton Theatre, Cleethorpes Road, Grimsby. Doors open 6.45pm, performance starts at 7.30pm. Tickets: £7.50 Saturday; £7 Monday to Friday; Monday concessions £6. Book at the Caxton Ticket Office in Grimsby Central Library, on (01472) 346251.

Sat Sept 3The Grimsby Central Hall Trust presents the finale of North East Lincolnshire’s Got Talent show. Featuring some of the area’s most talented young musicians, including Cameron Richardson-Eames, Thomas Drew, Rebecca Williams, Rae Todd, Matthew James and Alice Spiers. At Grimsby Central Hall, Duncombe Street, 7.30pm. Tickets £8; book at the Caxton Ticket Office at Grimsby Central Library on (01472) 346251.

Sat Sept 3, 10, 17 & 24 Asian Film Festival, presented by the Meniscus Film Society over four Saturdays in September. At the Skills Centre, Freeman Street Market, Grimsby, 7pm. Visit www.meniscusfilms.com.

Sun Sept 4Mercury – The Best Queen Show Ever. This authentic tribute to Freddie Mercury and Queen includes a dynamic stage show that fully emulates the true charismatic appeal of rock’s most flamboyant front man. At Parkway Cinema, Cleethorpes, 8pm. Tickets £13, concs £11. Visit www.parkwaycinemas.co.uk.

Thur Sept 8 to Sat Sept 10It will be time to shake, rattle and roll all the way back to the fantastic Fifties when Rock Around the Clock brings a parade of rock ‘n’ roll classics to the Grimsby Auditorium. 7.30pm daily, plus a Saturday matinee at 2.30pm. Book on (01472) 323111.

Sat Sept 10Pride Fun Day at Meridian Park, Cleethorpes, 11am to 7pm. Featuring Kevin Cruise, Britain’s Got Talent finalist, plus Bears Aloud, Erased, Haus of Gaga, Simply Pink and Kylie Monique. £3 entry, under-12s go free.

Sun Sept 11The Comedy Store at Parkway Cinema, Cleethorpes. Four great stand-ups, one great night, provided by London and Manchester’s Comedy Store.Starts at 8pm, tickets £12. Visit www.parkwaycinemas.co.uk.

Thurs Sept 15Studio 1 film showings: Made in Dagenham (2010) at Immage Studios, Immingham Resource Centre, Margaret Street, 7.30pm. Tickets £3.

Sat Sept 17The Bootleg Beatles will bring the sights and sounds of the sixties to the Grimsby Auditorium for this two-hour multi-media stage production, featuring all the classic Beatles hits. Book on 0844 847 2426.

Sat Sept 17 to Sun Sept 25The North Lincs Art Society presents its annual exhibition at Grimsby Minster. From 10am to 4pm, free entry. Call (01472) 816141.

Wed Sept 21 An evening with Jethro Tull’s Ian Anderson. Playing Tull acoustic classics, less well-known songs and other re-arranged Tull rock material. The most intimate tour that Anderson has ever undertaken; the audience can expect anecdotes and musical surprises to keep them intrigued. At Grimsby Central Hall, Duncombe Street, 7.30pm. Tickets circle £25, stalls £22.50. Book at the Caxton Ticket Office on (01472) 346251.

If you are organising an event, we may be

able to include it in the What’s On section. Send the details to

communications@ nelincs.gov.uk

Tell us about your


2011 Summer Season

Classic Movies


£3Available in advance from Immingham Library or on

the door subject to availability

7.30pm, 18th August 2011Immage Studios, Margaret St Immingham



August22nd Community protection committee, 6pm24th Planning committee, 9am

September5th Cabinet, 2pm7th Regeneration, housing and environment scrutiny panel, 6.30pm8th Policy, performance and resources scrutiny panel, 10am8th Children and young people scrutiny panel, 3pm13th Portfolio holder for environment, 9.30am (at Grimsby Central Library)13th Tourism, leisure and culture scrutiny panel, 11am (at Cleethorpes Discovery Centre)14th Health and well-being scrutiny panel, 4.30pm15th Full council, 7pm19th Licensing committee, 7pm21st Planning committee, 9.30am22nd Safer, stronger communities scrutiny panel, 2pm26th Community protection committee, 7pm

All meetings are held in Grimsby Town Hall

unless otherwise stated
