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Linguistics & Politics Y1 CATALAN LANGUAGE Dr Elisenda Marcer.

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Linguistics & Politics Y1 CATALAN LANGUAGE Dr Elisenda Marcer

Session 1

• Historical perspective

- Origins of Catalan Language

- Catalan Golden Age

- ‘Decadència’

- Modern times

- 20th century

Origins of Catalan

• 10th century. First written document in Catalan is found

• 10th – 15th century. Expansion of Catalan territories and language towards Valencia, Balearic Islands and across the Mediterranean to Sicily, Sardinia and Greece

• Catalan literature flourished during these years: – Ramon Llull (c1232-1315)– Ausiàs March (c1397-1459)– Joanot Martorell (c1414-1468)


• Spanish Succession (1705-1715) the use of Catalan was actively discouraged by an increasingly centralised Spanish state

• 1714 – The king Felip V abolished all Catalan institutions and prohibited the use of Catalan by imposing Spanish

Catalan language under dictatorships

• Primo de Rivera coup (1923)

• II Republic (1931-1933) Generalitat promoted the use of Catalan for education, administration, communications and culture

• 1936-1939 Spanish Civil War. Repression of Catalan language and culture

Repression of Catalan language since 18th century

• 1716 prohibition of the use of Catalan in the administration of justice

• 1768 prohibition of the use of Catalan in public education• 1772 prohibition of the use of Catalan in theatrical

performances• 1801 prohibition of the use of Catalan in documents

drawn up by notaries• 1896 prohibition of the use of Catalan in telephone

conversations• 1923 prohibition of the teaching of Catalan as an

optional subject

Session 2

• Linguistic perspective

- Diglossia

- Principle of Language accommodation

- Language Rights and Duties

- Linguistic policy

- Linguistic campaigns

Linguistic perspective

‘It is vital to make a serious assessment of the impact of the Franco regime on the Catalan cultural tradition because it remains at the root of the greatest problems we face’

(Joan Manuel Tresserras 1999:712)

Principle of language accommodation

• There is a tendency for Catalans to respond in Castilian when addressed by a person speaking Catalan with a non-Catalan accent.

• Such response was termed by Miquel Strubell ‘ethnolinguistic accommodation’

(Strubell: 23)

Language Rights and Duties

• In order to achieve full equality between the two languages, in Catalonia everyone has the right:– to know both official languages– to express themselves in either of the two

language– to receive attention in either of the official


Does equality between the two languages exist?

An important note from these definitions: while knowledge and use of both Spanish and Catalan are rights, only knowledge of Spanish is a duty.

Linguistic Policy• According to the Catalan Statute of

Autonomy (1979), the Generalitat will guarantee the normal and official use of both languages and it will take steps to achieve full equality between them.

• The Law for the Linguistic Normalization of Catalan (Law 7/ 1983, of 18 April 1983)

• The Law of Linguistic Policy (Law 1/1998, of 7 January 1998)

La Norma• Norma es un homenaje a miles de niños de toda Cataluña que

ya han podido aprender el catalán en la escuela y que, haciendo

de “Norma” cada día, hacen que nos demos cuenta de que no

conocemos suficientemente nuestra lengua y, nos enseñan a amarla.

• Esta nueva generación de catalanes, que nos corrige y nos motiva

a hablar mejor, ha despertado ya nuestra conciencia colectiva.• Este sentimiento se da en las casas, en la calle, en las tiendas, en

el trabajo... En todas partes hay una “Norma” o alguien que parte• de una “Norma” nos recordará que “El catalán es cosa de todos ”

y nos dará la oportunidad de explicarnos mejor y de recuperar, al mismo tiempo, una parte de nuestra propia identidad.


Slogans (1980-2008)

• 1980 – ‘El català és cosa de tots’

(Catalan is everyone’s business)

• 1990 – ‘Treu la llengua’

(Stick out your tongue)

• 2006 – ‘El català va amb tu’ (Catalan suits you)

• 2008 – ‘El català, llengua d’acollida’ (Catalan is a welcoming language)

Linguistic campaigns

Bibliography• BALCELLS, A. (1996) Catalan Nationalism. Past and Present.

London, Macmillan Press.• BASTARDAS, J. (2007) Multilingualism, Language Ecology, and

Language Sustainability. University of Barcelona. Available online: http://albertbastardas.googlepages.com/multilingualism,languageecology,&languag

• HALL J. (1990) Knowledge of Catalan languae (1975-1986). Barcelona, Generalitat de Catalunya, Departament de Cultura.

• ________ (2001) Convivència In Catalonia: Languages Living Together. Barcelona: Fundació Jaume Bofill.

• HOFFMAN, C. (2006), Balancing Language Planning and Language Rights. Catalonia’s uneasy juggling act, University of Salford, UK, (available online:http://www.multilingual-matters.net/jmmd/021/0425/jmmd0210425.pdf)

• WEBBER, J. and STRUBELL, M (1991) The Catalan Language Progress Towards Normalisation, núm. 7. Sheffield: The Anglo-Catalan Society Occasional Publications, [pdf copy on: www.anglocatalan.org]

Internet resources• Revista de sociolingüíscia (with articles in English available online:

http://www6.gencat.net/llengcat/noves/index.htm)• General • http:// www.gencat.es (Catalan autonomous government)• http://www.llull.cat (Institute Ramon Llull from la Generalitat)• http:// www.cultura.cat (Catalan Culture)• http://www.idescat (Catalan Institute of Statistics)• http://www.iec.es (Institute of Catalan Studies)• http://www.cpnl.org (Consortium of Linguistic Normalization)• Newspapers• http://www.avui.com• http://vilaweb• http://www.eltemps.com• http://www.diaridegirona.es• http://www.regio 7.com• Television and radio• http://www.tvcatalunya.com (Catalan public television –TV3-Canal 33)• http://www.barcelonatv.com (Barcelona local television)• http://www.catradio.es (Catalan public radio-Catalunya Ràdio)• http://www.comradio.com (Catalan public municipal radio network)
