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LinkedIn basics 2014

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LinkedIn Basics 2014 Everything a SME should know
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LinkedIn Basics 2014

Everything a SME should know

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What will we cover?

LinkedIn Statistics 2014 LinkedIn 101 Who is your Ideal Customer? Optimise your Profile What to do with Groups? Status Updates – Why? Privacy Settings

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LinkedIn Statistics

There are over 300 million LinkedIn Users

48% state they are on LinkedIn 2 hrs a week

53% of B2B have acquired a customer via LinkedIn

Posting status updates is rose by 10% to 39%

70% of users state LinkedIn is Important

Information sourced from : http://www.forbes.com/sites/cherylsnappconner/2014/05/04/new-research-2014-linkedin-user-trends-and-10-top-surprises/

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LinkedIn is a powerful tool that generates leads

LinkedIn is not a resume

LinkedIn reflects your business & career future

LinkedIn shares your story and why you are unique

LinkedIn sells your services, product and expertise

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LinkedIn Basics 101

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LinkedIn Basics 101

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Who is your ideal client?

Before you even begin your LinkedIn Profile Who is your ideal client?Design your Profile with them in mind!

Do you know their age, gender or nationality? Who do you like to work with? Do you know what they need to earn to pay for you? What are their interests? What do they do in their leisure or recreational time? Are they single, married, family or grandparents?

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Your LinkedIn Profile

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Step One

Your LinkedIn Photo

Do you use a professional current photo?

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Step Two

Does your headline grab the viewer’s


Be creative

Use keywords that apply to your profession

Add some "bling", make sure your profile

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Stunning Headlines

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Be "found" on LinkedIn.

Research your keywords

Check out your competitors

Write your summary with keywords

Fill in your experience in your keywords

Tip #1 : Use Google Keyword Tool to find keywords you should use

on your profile!

Step Three

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Customise your LinkedIn Profile



Your LinkedIn Profile will be one of the very first listings found

when “googled”

Make it your personal name so that it is optimised for search


Tip #2 : You should also include this link in your email signature,

presentation decks, business cards and any other material that

Step Four

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Click Edit &


to your name

Customise your URL

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Your Summary – Your Story

Your have one chance for a first impression and why your summary is

extremely important!

Tell “your story”

Write as though you are talking to your “ideal client”

Less is more – Write about you in 10 seconds

Include a “Call to Action” at the end of your summary

Include a video link of your written summary

People these days don’t like to read, give them a easy way out!

Allows the view to like, know and help them to trust you

Talk personally to your ideal client and touch on their pain points and how you can solve


Step Five

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Your Experience

Be relevant with writing your past & existing


SEO (Search Engine Optimization) sensitive

Each individual position listed is keyword rich

Optimise your descriptions to be found in

LinkedIn’s “search”

Step Six

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Personalise your information to stand out!

Go to your profile : on the right hand side of your photo is a blue

“Edit” button

Edit Contact info : personalise your webpage information with a “call

to action”

Customise your Profile

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Customise your Profile

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Five clever ways to use visuals

1. Photo that is professionally taken

2. Use your skills & endorsements section

3. Use your corporate logos

4. Rich Media | Publisher Rights

5. Be active in Groups

Customise your ProfileUse Visuals

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Only endorse a person for a real ability you know of Endorse your work associates and clients Choose what you want to be endorsed for People will reciprocate If you make a recommendation, ensure that it is factual

and genuine. You do not have to accept an endorsement or a

recommendation. You can remove a endorsement Remember perception .... Quantity = Credibility

Endorse & Recommend

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What to do with Groups?

Join Groups where your ideal client would choose Start a topic that is a pain point Ask a question Lurk to find out what they worry about Respond on subjects you know

Join Groups that include fellow professionals Great B2B opportunities Keep up to date with industry updates Network & Communication Share ideas & helpful information Gain valuable new connections

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Privacy Settings

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Control what people can see!

Your LinkedIn Control Page

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Untick to keep out of activity feed

Save Changes

Activity Broadcasts

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If you’ve found this LinkedIn Basics 2014 workshop useful and

would like to stay in touch, or would like to receive more

information on how best to utilise social media, contact me at:


Stay in touch
