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LinkedIn Updates 12-Mar-16: New Privacy ... -...

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LinkedIn Updates 12-Mar-16: New Privacy & Settings Interface Introduction: These changes are not yet universal - they were seen when logged in to edit a customer profile and were not visible in four other logged-in sessions for other users. It is likely LinkedIn is testing interaction with these unannounced changes to ensure that the new interface is understood, and fully functional. You may not see these changes yet, but they are likely to appear soon You can always ‘roll back’ to see the original, familiar interface, and then go back to the new interface The new look: This is what appears after clicking to manage ‘Privacy and Settings’. Page of 1 7 https://amazes.me 12-Mar-16
Page 1: LinkedIn Updates 12-Mar-16: New Privacy ... - mzs.esmzs.es/linkedinteam/LinkedIn-Updates-New-Privacy... · Below, I’ve listed all of the new features as they appear and are currently

LinkedIn Updates 12-Mar-16: New Privacy & Settings Interface


These changes are not yet universal - they were seen when logged in to edit a customer profile and were not visible in four other logged-in sessions for other users. It is likely LinkedIn is testing interaction with these unannounced changes to ensure that the new interface is understood, and fully functional.

You may not see these changes yet, but they are likely to appear soon

You can always ‘roll back’ to see the original, familiar interface, and then go back to the new interface

The new look:

This is what appears after clicking to manage ‘Privacy and Settings’.

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Page 2: LinkedIn Updates 12-Mar-16: New Privacy ... - mzs.esmzs.es/linkedinteam/LinkedIn-Updates-New-Privacy... · Below, I’ve listed all of the new features as they appear and are currently

Three main section headings:

1) Account 2) Privacy and 3) Communications

Previously, four tabs showed, grouping Profile, Communications, Groups, Companies and Applications, and Account, so there’s clearly been a rethink to make things simpler

There are sub-sections reached through a tab management system at top left - for Account, as shown above, these subsections are Basics, Third parties and Subscriptions. Clicking on these pull you down the page to focus on the relevant subsection.

You can always ‘roll back’ to the more familiar interface, and return tot he new interface through a simple text link at the bottom of each page

Below, I’ll detail all of the interface options and descriptions.

There are still bugs - the potentially useful ability to see who you have ‘unfollowed’ -

those noisy people who may perhaps insist on over-sharing Maths quizzes, and to re-follow them, fails to work and freezes on the instance I viewed and experimented with today, 12th March 2016.

The current ‘state’ is usually described on the right had side, so you can see you’re logged in to three sessions on LinkedIn, or have a setting switched to Yes or No.

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Page 3: LinkedIn Updates 12-Mar-16: New Privacy ... - mzs.esmzs.es/linkedinteam/LinkedIn-Updates-New-Privacy... · Below, I’ve listed all of the new features as they appear and are currently

Below, I’ve listed all of the new features as they appear and are currently worded.

1: Account Page:


Email addresses - Add or remove email addresses on your account

Phone numbers - Add a phone number in case you have trouble signing in

Change password

Language - Select the language you use on LinkedIn

Name, location, and industry - Choose how your name and other profile fields appear to other members

Where you’re signed in - See your active sessions, and sign out if you’d like

Auto-play videos - Choose if you want videos in your feed to auto-play

Showing profile photos - Choose whether to show or hide profile photos of other members

Getting an archive of your data - Download an archive of your account data, posts, connections, and more

Third parties:

Third party apps - View apps you’ve authorized and manage data sharing

Twitter settings - Manage your Twitter info and activity on your LinkedIn account

WeChat settings - Link, remove, and control visibility of your WeChat account


Try Premium for free - Explore what Premium can do for you

Closing your account - Learn about your options, and close your account if you wish

End of page - link to [Go to previous version of Settings]

2: Privacy Page:

Profile privacy:

Edit your public profile - Choose how your profile appears in search engines

Who can see your connections - Choose who can see your list of connections

How You Rank - Choose whether or not to be included in this feature

Viewers of this profile also viewed - Choose whether or not this feature appears when people view your profile

Sharing profile edits - Choose whether your network is notified about profile changes

Profile viewing options - Choose whether you’re visible or viewing in private mode

Notifying connections when you’re in the news - Choose whether we notify people in your network that you’ve been mentioned in an article or blog post

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Page 4: LinkedIn Updates 12-Mar-16: New Privacy ... - mzs.esmzs.es/linkedinteam/LinkedIn-Updates-New-Privacy... · Below, I’ve listed all of the new features as they appear and are currently

Blocking and hiding:

Followers - Choose who can follow you and see your public updates

Blocking - See your list, and make changes if you’d like

Unfollowed - See who you have unfollowed, and follow back if you’d like [Feature not operational on test instance]

Data privacy and advertising:

Suggesting you as a connection based on your email address - Choose who can see you as a suggested connection if they have your email address

Suggesting you as a connection based on your phone number - Choose who can see you as a suggested connection if they have your phone number

Representing your organisation - Choose if we can show your profile information on your employer’s pages [This feature has a tortuous negative-question bias when expanded, so that in effect, Yes means No, and No means Yes in the context of the main heading: “Hide my picture and profile information from showing up in this section of a job detail page?” Quick - do you answer Yes or No?]

Sharing data with third parties - Choose if we can share your basic profile data with third parties

Advertising preferences - Choose whether LinkedIn can use cookies to personalize ads


Two-step verification - Activate this feature for enhanced account security

End of page - link to [Go to previous version of Settings]

3: Communications Page


Email frequency - Choose what types of emails you wish to receive from LinkedIn [This links to a newly designed page with email options - see ‘Email frequency’ section below]

Who can send you invitations - Choose who can send you invitations to connect

Which communications you’re interested in - Help us make sure you get the types of email messages you want


Group invitations - Choose whether you want to receive invitations to join groups

Group notifications - Choose whether we notify your network when you join a group

LinkedIn messages:

Participate in research - Choose whether you’d like to receive invitations to participate in research on LinkedIn

Partner inMail - Choose if LinkedIn partners can send you inMail

End of page - link to [Go to previous version of Settings]

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Page 5: LinkedIn Updates 12-Mar-16: New Privacy ... - mzs.esmzs.es/linkedinteam/LinkedIn-Updates-New-Privacy... · Below, I’ve listed all of the new features as they appear and are currently

Highlights and Improvements

Here are some of the things that caught my eye looking at and using the new interface:

Email Frequency

This section expands to show a new page, designed with a similar aesthetic, and with slider switches and expandable sections. Very useful, and a great way to allow you to manage your mail more efficiently so you only get the messages you want to see, was the frequency you want to see them, or get no messages at all.

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Page 6: LinkedIn Updates 12-Mar-16: New Privacy ... - mzs.esmzs.es/linkedinteam/LinkedIn-Updates-New-Privacy... · Below, I’ve listed all of the new features as they appear and are currently

Visual Feedback and Saving of Settings

Changing a setting will often result in a subtle ‘ticked’ confirmation as seen below. (I highly recommend you switch off ‘People also viewed’ as it’s a distraction from viewing your profile.)

Still some utter stupidity in interface design

How are you supposed to shoehorn up to 120 characters for your “Headline” into a box that only displays around 25 characters? Ridiculous oversight. The length of the example given highlights the absurdity.

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Overall, an improvement in terms of design, function and aesthetics, but with a few issues still to resolve and some annoying hangovers from the past. But it’s looking better, and I feel will allow and encourage more people to take control of their LinkedIn to finesse it to suit their specific needs. 7/10, LinkedIn!

I welcome your feedback and comments about these changes - please add your comments and feedback to my article on the subject published on LinkedIn at http://mzs.es/li12mar so that others can befit from your insight.

David Petherick, Digital Biographer, Edinburgh, 12th March 2016

Why David Petherick amazes.me:

I make you visible, legible and credible online.

I write LinkedIn profiles for a living, and provide training on LinkedIn through public speaking at events and to private customers by phone or Skype.

I work both for individuals and corporate customers.

I was termed the world’s first Digital Biographer by the BBC in 2007.

All my work is covered by a 100%, 1,000 day money back satisfaction guarantee

Details at http://amazes.me

Free resources and tips:

► Ten Tips for a better LinkedIn® Profile http://mzs.es/ttt (Or listen at http://mzs.es/hear)

► How to choose the perfect LinkedIn® Photo http://mzs.es/photo

► How to remove distractions from your LinkedIn® Profile http://mzs.es/distract

► David’s writing on LinkedIn http://mzs.es/linkedinblogs

I have over 30 professional recommendations on my LinkedIn® profile https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidpetherick and am happy to provide you with a ten-minute complimentary profile review by phone or Skype - just book a time in my diary at http://mzs.es/diary

David Petherick | Edinburgh | 12th March 2016

[email protected] 108-114 Dundas Street, Edinburgh EH3 5DQ

amazes.me @petherick 07929 044 759

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