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Linux Shell Scripts

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  • 8/10/2019 Linux Shell Scripts


    Linux Shell Scripts

  • 8/10/2019 Linux Shell Scripts


    Road Map

    To understand the types of shell.

    To understand Shell variables.

    To understand the programming constructs.

    To understand the System Variables.

    To customize the shell.

  • 8/10/2019 Linux Shell Scripts



    UNIX Bourne Shell Scriptinghttp://www.esscc.uq.edu.au/~ksteube/Bshell/

  • 8/10/2019 Linux Shell Scripts


    What is Shell.

    A program that interprets users requests to runprograms.Provides environment for user programs. A command line interpreter that

    Reads user inputs.Executes commands.

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    Types of ShellShell Name Developed By Remark

    BASH ( Bourne- Again SHell )

    Brian Fox andChet Ramey

    Most common shell inLinux. It's Freeware shell.

    CSH (C SHell) Bill Joy The C shell's syntax andusage are very similar tothe C programminglanguage.

    KSH (KornSHell)

    David Korn

    TCSH See the manpage.Type $ man tcsh

    TCSH is an enhanced butcompletely compatibleversion of the BerkeleyUNIX C shell (CSH).

    Tip: To find all available shells in your system type following command:$ cat /etc/shells

    To find your current shell type following command

    $ echo $SHELL

  • 8/10/2019 Linux Shell Scripts


    What Shell Does ?

    Shell allows three types of commands: An internal command.


    An executable file that contains a sequence of shellcommand lines..sh file

    An executable file that contains object code produced bycompilation.

    .o file generated from a c file

  • 8/10/2019 Linux Shell Scripts


    Why to Write Shell Script ?

    Shell script can take input from user, file andoutput them on screen.

    Useful to create our own commands.Save lots of time.To automate some task of day today life.

    System Administration part can be alsoautomated.

  • 8/10/2019 Linux Shell Scripts


    Shell Variables.

    Positional Parameters Acquire values from the position of argumentsin command line

    Special ParametersCreated and maintained by Linux itself.

    Named variablesCreated and maintained by user.

  • 8/10/2019 Linux Shell Scripts


    Positional Parameters Examples.

    Acquire values from the position of argumentsin command line.

    $1, $2, $3,..$9

    sh file1 10 20 30

    $1 $2 $3

  • 8/10/2019 Linux Shell Scripts


    Special Parameters.

    SpecialParameter Meaning Usage$$ PID number of the current shell echo $$ , Then type tcsh and echo $$

    $#Number of Command Line

    Arguments Run Special.sh in the example$* Displays all command line option Run Special.sh in the example

    $? Exit statusecho $? If command is successfullyrun then it will give 0 else 1. try to copya non existant file and echo $?

    $! Process number of the lastbackground command

    sleep 3000 & , echo $!

  • 8/10/2019 Linux Shell Scripts


    Named Variables.

    User-defined variablethat can be assigneda value.Used extensively in

    shell-scripts. Used for readingdata, storing anddisplaying it.

    Example 1 Example 2

    $> a=10 , echo $a $> name=Binaya $> echo$name

  • 8/10/2019 Linux Shell Scripts


    The read/display Statement

    Use to get input (data from user) from keyboard andstore (data) to variable.Syntax : read variable_name.

    Example : read sname


  • 8/10/2019 Linux Shell Scripts


    Program Execution.

    shCommand to execute program in Unix.Syntax : sh Example : sh file1

  • 8/10/2019 Linux Shell Scripts


    Test or [expr] command.

    Test command or [ expr ] is used to see if anexpression is true,If it is true it return zero(0), otherwise returns

    nonzero for false.In place of writing test explicitly, the user could alsouse [ ].test or [ expr ] works with1.Integer ( Number without decimal point)2.File types3.Character strings

  • 8/10/2019 Linux Shell Scripts


    Test or [expr] command for Integers

    Using Test Using [ expr]

    5 == 6 is equal to if test 5 -eq 6 if [ 5 -eq 6 ]5 != 6 is not equal to if test 5 -ne 6 if [ 5 -ne 6 ]5 < 6 is less than if test 5 -lt 6 if [ 5 -lt 6 ]5 6 is greater than if test 5 -gt 6 if [ 5 -gt 6 ]

    5 >= 6 is greater than or equalto

    if test 5 -ge 6 if [ 5 -ge 6 ]

    In ShellNormal ArithmeticalStatement


    Tip: Make sure that there is a space when you use [].

  • 8/10/2019 Linux Shell Scripts


    Test or [expr] command for Strings

    string1 = string2 string1 is equal to string2string1 != string2 string1 is NOT equal to string2string1 string1 is NOT NULL or not defined-n string1 string1 is NOT NULL and does exist

    -z string1 string1 is NULL and does exist

    Operator Meaning

  • 8/10/2019 Linux Shell Scripts


    Test or [expr] command for files

    -s file Non empty file -f file Is File exist or normal file and not a directory-d dir Is Directory exist and not a file

    -w file Is writeable file-r file Is read-only file -x file Is file is executable

    Operator Meaning

  • 8/10/2019 Linux Shell Scripts


    Logical Operators

    ! expression Logical NOTexpression1 -a expression2 Logical ANDexpression1 -o expression2 Logical OR

    Operator Meaning

  • 8/10/2019 Linux Shell Scripts


    expr command.

    Used for evaluating shell expressions.Used for arithmetic and string operations.

    Example : expr 7 + 3 would give an output 10.

    When used with variables, back quotes needto be used.

    Operator has to be preceded and followed by a space.

  • 8/10/2019 Linux Shell Scripts


    Shell Quotes

    Case Answer Single-Quote (' ') Takes Literally x=10; echo 'echo $x' echo $xSingle- Back Quote (``) Interpret the result X=`expr $x + $y`Double Quote ("") Evaluate the variables ($) x=10; echo 'echo $x' echo 10

    Quote Type Usage

    Tip 1: Make sure that single command work on command line.

    Tip 2 : Be careful about the space.

    y =`expr $x+$x` Not OKy =`expr $x + $x` OK

  • 8/10/2019 Linux Shell Scripts


    Program Constructs

    iffor while


  • 8/10/2019 Linux Shell Scripts


    if statement.


    i f con t ro l comm and




  • 8/10/2019 Linux Shell Scripts


    for statement.


    for variable-name in value1 value2 .. .. valueN

    d o

    < c o m m a n d s >


  • 8/10/2019 Linux Shell Scripts


    while statement.


    w h i l e c o n t ro l c o m m a n d

    d o

    < c o m m a n d s >

    d o n e

  • 8/10/2019 Linux Shell Scripts


    until statement.


    unt i l control command

    d o

    d o n e

  • 8/10/2019 Linux Shell Scripts


    case statement.


    case value in

    cho ice1) com m ands ; ;

    cho ice2) com m ands ; ;



    The symbols ;; are used as option terminators.

  • 8/10/2019 Linux Shell Scripts


    Useful Shell Scripting commands.

    breakTo come out of a loop.


    To jump to the start of loop.exit

    To prematurely terminate a program.

    : or #

    To interpret the rest of line as comments.

  • 8/10/2019 Linux Shell Scripts


    export command.

    exportTo make a variable a part of environment and also beaccessible to the child process (or shell)

    Give an Example of Oracle ENV variable

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