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Linux Windows wine

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  • 8/13/2019 Linux Windows wine


    Michael Pensini, JasdeepHayer & Mrinal Vora

    Partitioning and


  • 8/13/2019 Linux Windows wine



    How to Partition & format of Disks

    3 Partitions Made Fat32 file sys used

    Installation of Win98 & Linux Mandrake8.0

    Installation of software on thirdpartition

    Implementation of emulator software inLinux

    Implementation of VMware

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    Why partition?

    You may have 2 operating systems and

    want to load them individually.

    File Structure

    Convenience in managing files

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    Why Not?

    Space Wastage

    Bigger partitions not only waste more space

    for the same files, they waste a greaterportion of the space

    Disk compression utilities like DoubleSpace

    are more efficient for space saving ratherthan partitioning

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    Selection of Partition Sizes

    We were allocated a 9.5GB Hard Disk

    Partition with size in mind.

    Obviously Small files for small partitions,Large files for large partitions

    2 x 3.5GB Partitions + 2.5GB Partition.

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    Program used with Microsoft to PartitionDisksUse of FDISK

    3 partitions

    2 Fat32,

    Last partition Done under Linux Mandrake 8.0Installation (EXT2)

    Primary, Extended and Logical DOSpartitions

    Specifying space

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    Always Backup

    . Uncertain about your backup hardware

    and software?

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  • 8/13/2019 Linux Windows wine


    File Systems


    File allocation Table

    Very simple system

    Resides at top of volume

    FAT32 increases the number of bits used toaddress clusters & reduces the size of eachcluster.

    Can support larger disks (up to 2 terabytes) andbetter storage efficiency (less slack space).

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    Fat32 Efficiency

    Disk Size Cluster Size Efficiency

    > 260meg 4K 96.6%> 8gig 8K 92.9%

    > 60gig 16K 85.8%

    > 2tril 32K 73.8%

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    File Systems

    Linux has a very fast file system called

    the Extended File System Version 2(EXT2) More complex system

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    Goals Of EXT2

    The data structure should berecoverable

    Must allow for an efficientimplementation

    Disk layout should minimize seek times

    by clustering data on disk The disk layout should conserve disk


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    Like running a computer without anoperating system.

    An emulator is something thatduplicates the environment that anapplication runs in

    Mimics one OS within another OS

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    WINE (WindowsEmulator)

    Wine is an implementation of theWindows 3.x and Win32 APIs on top of

    X and Unix Think of Wine as a Windows

    compatibility layer

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    How did WINE start?

    Started in 1993.

    Its purpose was for running Windows

    3.1 programs on Linux. Bob Amstadt was the original

    coordinator, but turned it over fairlyearly on to Alexandre Julliard

    Over the years, ports for other Unixeshave been added

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    WINE Features

    Binary Compatibility

    Support for loading DOS, Windows 3.x and Win32binaries

    Support for Win16 and Win32 function calls

    16 and 32 bit x86 code

    Large interrupt library for programs using real-mode INTxx calls

    Advanced thunking capabilities

    Optional use of external vendor DLLs

    Reverse-engineering design assures ``bug-for-bug''compatibility

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    WINE Features Contd

    GraphicsX11-based graphics display

    Remote display to any X terminal

    Supports full GDI and many new features ofGDI32

    Partial DirectX support for games

    Supports native Win16 printer driversInternal PostScript driver printing interface

    Metafile driver

    Desktop-in-a-box or mixable windows

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    WINE Features Contd

    Other Features

    Good support for sound, alternative inputdevices

    Modems, serial devices are supported

    Winsock TCP/IP networking

    ASPI Scanner support

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    WINE Features Contd

    Wine API

    Designed for source compatibility with Win32 code

    Sample programs

    Automatically generated API documentation

    32-bit resource compiler

    Partial Unicode and supportInternationalisation -- Wine supports 16 languages

    Built-in debugger and configurable trace messages

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    WINE is Windows free

    Wine does not require MicrosoftWindows

    Consisting of 100% Microsoft-free code

    Wine comes with complete sources

    Wine consists of over 650K lines of C


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    Requirements for WINE

    Wine is designed to run on any x86Computer.

    A minimum of 32 MB real memory isrecommended

    Wine itself as an unstripped version needs 70MB disk space.

    A minimum of 140 MB free space on harddisk.

    To compile Wine, the minimum you will needis 250 MB.

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    What does WINE consist of?

    It consists of a program loader, which

    loads and executes a Windows binary,

    and a library that implements WindowsAPI calls using their UNIX or X11


    The library may also be used for portingWin32 code into native UNIX


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    Strictly not an emulator

    WINE stands for Wine Is Not an Emulator

    It implements native code to the function calls

    present in the Windows DLL'sWine provides low-level binary compatibility,

    but currently only for OSs running on Intel-compatible chips

    Wine works on most popular Intel Unixes,including Linux, FreeBSD, and Solaris.

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    Emulators vs. WINE

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    Emulators vs. WINE

  • 8/13/2019 Linux Windows wine


    Why use WINE?

    Most application software is stilldeveloped to run on Windows

    It helps a smooth transition for peopleswitching from Windows to Linux.

    Wine can use almost any filesystem thatLinux can mount

    Makes extensive gaming possible inlinux

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    WINE Status

    As of mid 2000, Wine consists of over650K lines of C code

    written by more than 300 developersfrom dozens of countries around theworld

    Wine is in active use by an estimated90K people

    Wine implements more than 90% of the

    calls in popular Windows specifications-

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    Still Under Development

    WINE has been released but is stillincomplete.

    Because Wine is being developed by

    volunteers, it is difficult to predict when it willbe ready for general release.

    But due to the much increased interest bycompanies in porting apps via Wine, Wine

    development is constantly getting more andmore active.

    Expected to run more than 85% of all windowsapps in 2 years time.

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    Our WINE experience!

    We had problems configuring WINE

    Only managed to make WINE run

    simple windows applications WINE run Notepad, Windows CD Player,

    Calculator and other such smallprograms

    Gave configuration errors when tryingto run bigger Windows programs

  • 8/13/2019 Linux Windows wine


    VMware Family Overview

    4 Main products:



    ESX Server

    GSX Server

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    ESX Server

    Server for web serving, database,exchange, streaming media

    Installs without host OS, uses ownkernel

    Supports up to 8 processors

    Supports 420 simultaneous virtualmachines

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    GSX Server

    Server for Intranet use, Exchange,Application Servers

    Installs on top of Linux/Windows2000/NT

    Supports up to 4 processors

    Supports 28 virtual machines

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    VMware Express Features

    Run Windows 95/98 in Linux

    Eliminate dual booting and partitioning

    Use printers, scanners, modems anddevices

    Networking, dial-up access capability

    Support for multiple processors

    Full sound capability

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    Example Screenshot

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    How VMware Express Works

    MultipleWorlds Technology Software layer between Intel architecture

    & OS Manages resources

    Completely independent PC

    File sharing SAMBA on Linux host

    Each PC has own network address

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    Completely Independent PC

    Virtual computer does not affect thehost

    Although using same devices, accesseswithout going through host

    If application of OS error in guest and

    crash occurs, host continues withouterror

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    Using SAMBA, able to share files between OS

    Files transferred between applications and

    guest/host through SAMBA protocol providingtotal compatibility

    Able to use applications such as WindowsExplorer to drag/drop to Linux desktop

    Microsoft Word can seamlessly save to Linuxpartition

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    As independent PC, provides fullnetworking support with own network

    address, as on a real machine Supports Dial-Up Networking and LANs

    providing access to systems running

    TCP/IP, Microsoft Networking, NovellNetWare, Samba and NFS

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    Installation Process

    Install VMware Express on PC runningLinux

    Install Windows 95/95 onto VMwaresVirtual PC

    Run both OS simultaneously

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    VMware Workstation Features

    Run multiple OS simultaneously on 1machine

    Eliminate dual booting/partitioning Run applications from different OS

    Full networking, dial-up access and file

    sharing support Window and full-screen operation of OS

    Suspend and resume virtual machines

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    VMware WorkstationScreenshot

  • 8/13/2019 Linux Windows wine


    VMware Screenshot


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    How VMware WorkstationWorks

    MultipleWorlds Technology

    After VMware Installation, configure other OS

    Virtual Disks

    Undoable Disks

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    Configuring Guest OS

    Assign memory, disks, ports andnetworking for guest

    Power on virtual machine from withinhost

    Insert boot disk for desired OS to beinstalled on guest

    Continue installing OS through normalprocedure

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    Virtual Disks

    Disk partitions of virtual machines

    Stored as file on file system of host

    operating systemAs entire partition is 1 file, manipulation

    such as copy, move and backup ispossible

    Also enables virtual disks to be sharedfrom a file server

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    Undoable Disks

    Decide whether to save or discard changesmade to disk during session

    Appear as though written to disk, howeverstored in temporary file until saved

    When shutting down, 3 options available:

    Keep changes permanently

    Ignore changes

    Keep changes in temporary file

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    Possible Drawbacks

    Requires powerful hardware

    Fast processorat least 500 MHz for 2

    virtual machines Large amount of RAMat least 192 MB for

    2 virtual machines

    Large amount of HDD space

    Different HDD for guest OS

    No 3D graphics support

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    Good solution for Intel based systemrequiring multiple OS to be runsimultaneously

    VMware express cheaper solution, morelimited but still useful for running Windows 9xin Linux

    VMware workstation extensive capabilities formultiple applications includingsoftware/network testing across multipleplatforms

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    support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/Q154/9/97.Asp www.easytweak.com/fat32/fat32.htm






