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Lionfish presentation final

Date post: 17-Aug-2015
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Invasive Species & The Lionfish Whale Shark and Oceanic Research Centre -Kevin McIntyre
  1. 1. Whale Shark and Oceanic Research Centre -Kevin McIntyre
  2. 2. Overview General Invasive Species Why They are Problematic Lionfish Lionfish Management
  3. 3. Invasive Species What is an Invasive Species? Throughout the Kingdom Class Systems One of the most serious threats to the environment and global economies. According to the US fish and wildlife services - Invasive species cost the US more than $120,000,000,000 a year
  4. 4. Why they are an issue? The environments they invade are often fragile Brought as Biological Control Biologically Superior Unbalanced Food Web Exponential Growth Rate Eventual Economic Effects
  5. 5. Survival of the Fittest Genetically The Best of the Best Capture. 200 Transport to American market. 150 Interim period in tanks awaiting sale 100 Life in aquarium 50 Released Into Wild 25
  6. 6. Map of spread Severity of the Issue
  7. 7. #lionfishperhectare Bahamas Lionfish Densities in the Invaded Range 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 1 Marquesas Red Sea
  8. 8. Physiology
  9. 9. Reproduction Quick to reach sexual maturity Highly fecund with a very fast reproduction cycle A female can produce many eggs as a gelatinous mass which floats Juveniles grow very quickly Exponential population increase
  10. 10. Habitats & Behavior Practically all Habitats Temperature is the Primary Factor Slow Moving Ambush Predators Rapid Growth Larger than Native Relatives Feed on +50 Species
  11. 11. Hunting
  12. 12. Diet
  13. 13. Top Predators Meso Predators Herbivores & Scavengers Producers Impact on Ecosystem
  14. 14. Venomology & Stings Symptoms Sting Protocol First Aid Diminish Pain Seek Advanced Medical Care
  15. 15. Lionfish Management Utila BICA Annual Derby Report Sightings to REEF Biological Controls? Encourage Sustainable Fishing! Get Involved! Spread the word! Take BICDs lionfish program
  16. 16. Lionfish Program BICD Safety Importance of Buoyancy Control Lionfish Spearing Making your Shot Count Containment On Boat Protocol
  17. 17. Lionfishing Shark Encounter Testimonials Jon I always hope to see a shark while lionfishing Tiger or Bull Unscrew the lid and dump lionfish out Albert Chill Out If shark is aggressive - Keep it in front and worst case poke the shark with the lionfish spear. Steve Kill more lionfish to try and get more sharks Louise I would start crying, panic uncontrollably and pray Louises Real Answer If an aggressive shark (Bull or Tiger) was interested in the container, I would place it on the ocean surface and letReal the it investigate it. Then pick up container and leave. If it was a nurse shark, I would push it away Apparently Divers love to see sharks at any time!
  18. 18. Other sources Caribbean invasive alien species network http://www.ciasnet.org/ National geographic, Lionfish http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/fish/lionfish/ US department of state, Invasive species http://www.state.gov/e/oes/ocns/opa/marine/invasive/ REEF.org http://www.reef.org/programs/exotic/lionfish/resources Gulf marine report. http://www.gulfofmaine.org/state-of-the- gulf/docs/marine-invasive-species.pdf Lionfish Expert - John Bodden Local knowledge, DMs and Boat Captains http://lionfish.co/lionfish-faq/
